##VIDEO ID:O2K-7qQbCRI## e e mayor are we ready B administor yes okay we're good okay good evening everyone today is the work session the mayor and Council on Wednesday hold on more time good evening everyone tonight is the work session of the mayor and Council for Wednesday September 11th 2024 this meeting is also being conducted tonically the dial in number is 425-436 6365 the access code is 213 563 pound the meeting may also be viewed on the Ramsey YouTube chel channel that you can access by going to the burrow website and you can see the entry point may we have roll call please mayor Dylan here councilwoman cusk here councilman gutwetter here councilman kilman here councilman Papo here councilwoman poppy here councilwoman Woods here thank you flag I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of all citizens to have advanced notice of and to attend all meetings of public bodies at which which any business affecting the public is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act notice of this meeting mayor and councel was published in the Bergen Record and the Ridgewood news on Friday January 19th 2024 do we have approval of minutes yes council president kilman this is councilwoman cusk and I make a motion to approve the minutes from the August 28th 2024 meeting thank you and I second thank you councilwoman any comments on the minutes not seeing any may we have a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy abstain as I was not present councilwoman Woods yes thank you do we have approval of the communications make a motion to accept the communications listed on tonight's agenda and I will second that any comments on the communications we received not hearing any um may we have a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you we come to public comment anyone wishing to address the governing body please give your name spelling the last name and provide your address please speak in an audible tone and address your comments to the chair there will be a five minute time limit per speaker unless reduced because of the volume of business on the agenda please note public comment is your time out of respect and fairness to all there will be no interruptions or questions answered during your time no time shall be seated to anyone else and no time shall be saved for later use any responses may be given during the governing body's comments later in the meeting or as directed by the chair the burough clerk is the official timekeeper do we have anyone in the audience or anyone on the phone who wants to provide public comments not seeing or hearing anyone I'll ask a second time do we have anyone who would like to provide public comment this evening and one last third time anyone want to provide any public comment either in the audience or on the telephone not seeing or hearing any we'll close public condiment at this time and we will oh sure that to we have no consideration final consideration of ordinances but we do have appointments Madam mayor thank you I hereby appoint Connor Beerman to the Ramsey fire department John forsche to the municipal Alliance and Tony forche to the municipal Alliance thank Conor I'll swear you in after the consent resolutions because that will confirm your appointment all right okay moving on consent resolutions councilman Michael gut wer uh thank you council president kilman be it resolved that resolutions 180 2024 through and including 184 2024 having been considered by the governing body of the burough of Ramsey B and are hereby passed and approved is a special permit request that Ramsey public Education Foundation is requesting permission to hold their annual Sprint for our school's 5K family fund run on Saturday May 10th 2025 beginning at 8:30 a.m. and a block party request from L guile of Nottingham Road is requesting permission to hold a block party on September 22nd 2024 from 12: noon to 5:00 p.m. I'll second that thank you any comments not hearing any um may we have a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman po councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes at this time Madam mayor do you want to make that presentation absolutely wait should we do sure yeah sure before it's just before the haircut that better stes per conratulations [Applause] camera right watch the whole time all right ready all right one two there you take a screen there you go beautiful yeah he's a yeah he was crying the whole time are you there want to see your son are you crying you crying no crying he's crying we'll send you the pictures after a haircut all right take care have a good night night gentlemen thank you bye guys guys thank you all right okay not much left okay you like having somebody in the audience thank you okay thank you um we move on from presentations to the committee and leaz on reports first up finance and administration councilman Michael gotw let me pass down the microphone sure okay uh first let start off with a little thank you for the appointments of Connor John and Tony their appointment to uh Barrow and thank them for their service bar secondly I'd like to thank mayor Dylan for being the master ceremon if you want to call that 911 ceremony and Council president's kilman's very eloquent words U 911 is a tough day and do any easier as the years go by I noticed this morning um interestingly enough I'm sure we've all seen that the children or let's say grade school age who years ago were acknowledging the passing of a parent but now really acknowledging the passing of a grandparent in a lot of cases or aunts and uncles that they never met so it struck me as as the years go on I guess that's what we'll be seeing um from my report uh under the library board the library has made changes to the laptop lending program in order to maximize the programming grades five and six the staff training day was successful and included some special therapy dogs for the staff's enjoyment as part of the service contract the liary page with buckles for computer and technology management buckles provided desktop computers for all staff as well as public computers as these get updated or replaced every few years a door counting system with sent Source has been implemented as of late July and I bet you can't guess the number of visits in the month of August it was almost 10,000 the library will be looking to replace two of their crayon kiosk desk tablets which are very popular with kids and families the library is working with the F Friends of the Ramsey library and have rolled out some BR newly gred items including a t-shirt that was on display during Ramsey day library is also in a process of creating spaces in the library and services for people with special needs and will work with R in this area and the library board is in process of reviewing a resolution to make the library of book Sanctuary I'll present this to the mayor and councel at a future meeting when more information is available for the Recreation Commission the ramsy run is set for Saturday September 21st 2024 8: a.m is the kickoff time for the 10k race and 945 for the 5K race races start on East oat street at the pool Center complex full sports are underway and winter sports registration will be following Ramsey Farmers Market is open Sundays from 9:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Women's Club of Ramsey are hosting the farmers market and Apple fest on September 22nd and there also will be a Touch a Truck Event on October 27th there were various children's activities from May through October and this past Sunday it was a program presented by the Freda stair Dance Academy that's all I have for this evening thank you thank you councilman next public safety that would be my report thank you first I would like to congratulate Connor Beerman on his appointment to the Ramsey fire department and also John forsche and Tony forche on their appointments to the municipal Alliance and thank them for their service my first report is for VFW post 12148 from former councilman and M milary veteran Joe verdoni on Saturday September 5th the VFW members proudly March in the Ramsey Day Parade they truly appreciated and are thankful for the community's cheers and recognition along with the many other not for-profit groups the VFW had a very successful day selling patriotic shirts and getting poppy donations in their Ramsey day Booth several VFW members attended the mayor and council's 911 memorial service today and on a on a and on to be a deter U let me just say that one more time on a date to be determined in October the VFW plans to conduct its annual hot dog chips and soft drinks for the young people participating in football and other sports at Pence Park Public Safety um the Ramsey Emergency Services complex development committee and the Netta Architects continue to address issues that need to be resolved in order to replace the outdated 70-year-old building and infrastructure on South Island Road currently we don't expect the emergency service complex to go out for bid until the fourth quarter or the first quarter of 2025 when the design plan for the complex is ready and outstanding issues are resolved a date will be set to be presented to the mayor and councel which will be open to the public in the meantime we have set up a page on the buau website for this project under the Community heading on the landing page and plans and pertinent information are posted as they become finalized and that is my report this evening utilities buildings I'm sorry building Planning and Zoning zoning a councilwoman Jane Woods thank you council president first of all I'd like to thank the Bureau for coordinating a heartfelt 9911 ceremony it never gets easier and I'm so glad that we um honor them uh September is a busy time in Ramsay bag hunger event at ShopRite the senior picnic start of school and Sports Fire Department pancake breakfast the parade and then Ramsey day Ramsey day what a great event it was a wonder it was wonderful despite the threatening weather thank you to the Bur administrator um I'm sorry bur administrator Vose Jake Englishman the DPW all Ramsey Emergency Services uh Chamber of Commerce and all the volunteers and organizations that make this town such a wonderful place to live I would like to congratulate Connor bman John forch and Tony forch on their appointments thank you for your service the design review board will meet Tuesday September 24th the senior trustees board held their picnic on September 4th in the community center it was very well attended and very much enjoyed author Tim Driscoll will visit October 4th to share his book Ramsey Golf and Country Club memories I encourage you to attend if you can uh lastly they are looking to start football Sunday soon the next senior trustee meeting will be tomorrow September 12th the Zoning Board of adjustment meeting is September 18th and that is all I have thank you thank you councilwoman Woods utilities buildings and grounds councilwoman Judy cuser thank you very much council president friends on the solemn day of the tragic events of September 11th maybe honor the lives lost in the massacre may we fill our hearts with respect and love for America and resilient people may we never forget the bravery and unity that emerged from such terrible events please never forget I attended the 911 ceremony for our buau this evening Madame mayor and council president kilman my heartfelt gratitude for your compassion thank you for sharing your Reflections and for honoring the memory of those we lost on a joyful note I attended Ramsey day on September 7th and thank you to burough administrator Bose our DPW Ram M police and councilwoman Poppy and all those participants and attendees it was a beautiful day and it was wonderful to connect with so many neighbors from our fantastic burough and also to meet their dogs I thank shopright for their let's bag hunger event this past Monday as well my report will provide an update regarding our planning board shade tree commission and the buau of public works for the planning board the next meeting is September 17th for the shade tree commission the next meeting will will be September 19th 2024 there is information on our bureau's website regarding shade tree commission for the buau of Public Works the next meeting is 16th of September 2024 Pur and pollinated substances posos are a group of chemicals used to make fluoropolymer Coatings and products that resist oil stains grease and water and heat the United States Environmental Protection Agency has posos water qual quality limits which impact our water supply h2m our architectural and engineering firm is working with the Ramsey water department regarding treatment approaches the lead service line replacement is also a program that the Board of Public Works continues planning and executing regarding the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protections lead service line replacement legislation the project requires that all Le service lines served by the water system be replaced by the year 2031 I want to congratulate Connor Beerman for his appointment to John and Tony f for the Ramsey Municipal Alliance thank you very much council president kman thank you councilwoman K public and governmental relations councilwoman Sarah fiser poy thank you council president kilman thank you to the buau of Ramsey for continuing to organize a very thoughtful 911 ceremony each year thank you to council president kilman and mayor Dylan for your touching words um and to the wind syphony for their beautiful uh beautiful music um I would like to congratulate Connor Beerman on his appointment to Ramsey fire department it was very touching to see him step up in his Father's Footsteps um here and I would like to congratulate John and Tony forsche on their appointment to the Ramsey Municipal Alliance as I've stated we really need volunteers on that organization they came to Ramsey day they helped the chair all day long and it was great to meet them and they're very passionate about the cause so I thank them for stepping up to help out on Monday I had your input is invalid sorry I think it's valid it's very valid extremely valid talking to Alexa over here um I'd like to mention that uh bag H hunger on Monday was fantastic it was great to see so many emergency services personnel there and the BFW I actually went twice I went on my lunch break and then I went back after work um because I had so much fun and it was just so nice to be able to take care of the community and help people you know bag their groceries load their cart and kind of give them that break um and those extra Smiles Chris Haron will be presenting on um October 9th at the Ramsey High School for the Ramsey Municipal Alliance he is a celebrity speaker um who is coming down from Rhode Island to uh give a presentation on his experience with substance abuse I really encourage everyone to attend especially athletes coaches and the like um the ramsy journal we're working on the Ramsey Journal again I can't believe it I feel like we just finished um all of the articles are due on September 18th no late submissions is invalid again didn't like the deadline this time it didn't like the deadline okay no lead submissions will be accepted okay the um Journal will come out mid October so we have plenty of time for spooky events and all the holiday happenings to get into that issue which is perfect uh the Ramsey Municipal Alliance will meet on September 23rd and the pool commission will meet on September member 18th are you back at the pool Kathleen or are you here no we're here and they will meet at bur Hall thank you thank you councilwoman poppy health education and Social Services councilman Glenn Papo thank you council president kilman uh congratulations to Connor John and Tony for their appointments and uh thank you for their service again big congratulations to burrow administrative Jose and Ram successful ramsy day I know the weather wasn't so cooperating but I thought the the day was a a huge success and congratulations mayor Dylan council president kilman on on just memorial service uh it's always a great service to have and and thank you for for having it each year um in terms of uh the the r we have Challenger soccer which begins Saturday this Saturday at 3M at D school and that'll continue through through November if I remember to look to see if I have the soccer balls I'll let Judy know but I will do that Judy tonight when I get home to kind of do that but that kicks off uh That season environmental commission we met last night November 10th there is the toy collection uh and the other big event was just something that Reva Kilmer would must be must be me I don't know uh in terms of just hang it up yeah hang it up um plans to draft one pager on options for styrofoam she did meet with uh richill Park and has a lot of details so I did ask her at the meeting to let's prepare options of what we have and we'll go we'll go through that uh for for look for that and then uh Board of Education we will meet 924 so that's later this month that's all I have thank you councilman thank you Council now it's time for a report from mayor dearo you're right I'll eat it okay there we go sorry that's easy it's like a prop all right so where to begin um thank you to everyone for making Ramsey day such a success especially burough administrator Bose the DPW the Ramsey PD the fire department breakfast OEM sir Ramsey rescue squad it's it certainly is an effort by many many people to pull it off and I'm glad that despite the weather we were able to have it so thanks to everybody who participated and supported it congratulations to Connor Beerman on joining the fire fire department um I see him everywhere he's always volunteering for something or learning something so I admire that so that's great um let's see for the 911 service thank you to everybody who attended unfortunately less and less people attend every year I remember when we first started doing it it was standing room only in the back um so I wish more people to attend but thank you to councilman council president kilman for your very eloquent remarks thank you to the wind Symphony um let us never forget that horrible horrible dark dark day and people are still struggling with the after effects of it horrible um and also let's remember Greg Walker Don Gregory and John vender in a very special way you know three people from Ramsey who were lost on that day thank you to John and Tony forsche for joining the IAL Alliance um one of the things we're going to be focusing on the municipal Alliance is getting R back up back I'm sorry Ramsey is Sigma free back up and running because that's kind of Fallen by the wayside so I discussed with um Shauna laurella the head of the RMA about doing the subcommittee to get um stigma free up and running again and I believe um John and Tony for are actually very interested in that subcommittee in doing that um what else do we have okay bag out hunger was fun it's always successful it's always nice it's amazing how many people we have turn out for it because like people are jocking to bag people's groceries we have so many volunteers which is really great I'm not sure how many other towns have that many volunteers um and then the one thing I just want to let everybody know last week um bur administrator Jose and I along with Chief lineman and um Captain perzy and detective sabatelli had a conversation with the St from a company called a RVE and what they do they partner with the burough to provide mental health and other resources so that way it takes the pressure off the law enforcement officers to handle this stuff because that's not really what they're supposed to be doing they're law enforcement so this is to help them Reach Out to different resources and what the nice thing about it it's free the Attorney General's office pays for it so the goal is to have a memorandum of understanding in place with the r we'll be joining in a pod with if it all goes through we'll be joining a pod with Park Ridge Waldwick upper cth river in MAA and the goal is to have a coun a licensed clinical social worker counselor here from arrive at least one day a week we'd set them up in the front um conference room of the burrow Hall they they wanted to have the PD but we don't have the room with the PD and also I think people that's not the best place for people to go you know it's in the interview rooms are just not that comfortable so it's better here at burall nicer space more privacy so that's something that we're working on and I'm supposed to be meeting with Dr mattio to talk about more coordination with the Board of Ed on mental health for the kids um so Dr mattio and I have been texting each other about trying to set up a date in time so we'll be working on that and of course for administrator Vos will be invited to that as as he reminds me we make a donation to westbr and mental health so you want to get our money's worth out of that donation right other than that I have nothing else and I'm just sorry to say Summer's over so sad thank you Madame Mary um Madam mayor I was I was stumbling over that final comment made um burough administrator Mr Bruce Vose uh thank you council president I'll comment on a couple things that are on the agenda and a couple other items tonight uh resolutions we had resolution 182 uh the burough has agreed to settle a claim and reimburse the party for expenses incurred up to $3500 and has received a general release of all claims resolution 183 is the cancellation of unused Improvement authorizations from previous Bond ordinances when the burrow adopts a bond ordinance it's authorizing a dollar amount to be used for that Improvement specified in the ordinance it is not the actual spend of a money of that time subsequent these improvements are then publicly bid contracts are set in place and the cost charge to funds authorized as projects are completed this resolution is cancelling impr proven authorizations that were never used as the projects came in under the amounts budgeted and authorized for the projects the cumulative amount of under budget Improvement authorizations to be canceled is $390,000 made up with the following projects from ordinance 21 2018 Main Street streetscape 40,000 ordinance 6 of 2019 the resurfacing of Island Road 80,000 ordinance 5 of 2020 the resurfacing of Prospect Street 15,000 ordinance 17 of 2021 the municipal building bathrooms $80,000 ordinance four of 2023 $ 105,000 for the 2023 Road resurfacing program and ordinance 4 of 2023 uh 70,000 resurfacing of D and Williams Drive we have an ordinance for introduction uh tonight later on the agenda I'll just make a couple comments this ordinance uh was previously adopted earlier this year it's based off the current recommended storm water control measures from the New Jersey D in their new storm waterer guidelines and the model ordinance which they provided to all M municipalities for adoption in Bergen County's review of the ordinance they've asked us to make what amount to some formatting page number numbering and spacing changes to the state ordinance we received with one section re reference modified from the state version of the ordinance while these changes do not impact the meaning objective or enforcement of the ordinance we are reintroducing the ordinance at the County's request uh with the model State ordinance and these edits a couple other items uh not on the agenda that I'll just comment I would U thank everyone for their comments regarding Ramsey day as you know was held on Saturday I'd like to thank everyone involved from our nonprofit and service organizations or Chamber of Commerce for their help and cooperation the weather did cooperate with us for the majority of the day until late in the event a big thank you to the mayor and Council for all their support with the event especially councilwoman poy as the liais on for Ramsey day also thank you to all our volunteer emergency services and the Ramsey Police Department for their work that day and leading up to the event and special thank you to the Ramsey DPW who they're preparing the site days ahead early that morning before everyone arrives and they're late into the evening after everyone leaves the other last item I'd like to comment on tonight is the electrical vehicle charging stations and you may have already seen it but as we've discussed at prior meetings the burough had applied for and received a grant to help fund the installation of vehicle charging stations in the burrow parking lot on North Central across bur Hall we had contracted for the purchase of chargers and installation a while back but have been waiting due to supply chain delays in the backlog of charging stations and the ancillary equipment however installation has now started uh you'll see all the work going on across the street and we expect the contractors work to be complete about a week from now at that point Rockland electric will need to do their final work and energize the charging stations these will be available to the public with charging fees similar to other in installations in the area to cover the Burrow's cost of the electric usage and an anciliary cost and that would conclude my comments thank you Mr Vose counselor any question any comments no comments thank you sir thank you a bur clerk Miss bendian nothing thank you no okay we now look at an introduction of ordinances and I turn it to councilwoman Judy thank you council president k be resolved at an ordinance entitled an ordinance amending chapter 19 of the code of the burough of Ramsey Bergen County New Jersey and more particularly section 19-5 thereof entitled storm water control pass the first reading by title and that said ordinance be further considered for final passage and adoption at a regular meeting of the mayor and Council to be held on the 25th day of September 2024 7 p.m. prevailing time or as soon after as the matter can be reached at the municipal bill building in said buau and be a further resolve that the buau clerk be and she hereby is instructed to publish in an official newspaper of the buau in the manner provided by law a copy of set ordinance together with notice of introduction thereof and notice when the same will be considered for a final passage and adoption so this is the intro to Ordinance 12-22 do we have a second I will second that any further comments on that councilwoman Council uh um B administrator Rose handled that okay just let just just check in may we have a roll call please councilwoman cusk yes councilman gutwetter yes councilman kilman yes councilman Papo yes councilwoman poppy yes councilwoman Woods yes thank you do we have any unfinished business do we have any new business not hearing any do I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second thank you all in favor I I