##VIDEO ID:LIrfbND0tpc## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e um but I would ask the same questions does any feed we're good we're good to go okay same question for sept September 25th meeting minutes does anybody have any suggestions or questions there being none can I have a motion to approve so moved thank you Dennis second okay Vice chairwoman Miss Donna Drew yes Mr Scott McDade yes Mr Dennis quanan yes Miss Michelle cafer yes Mr James Miller yes Mr Glenn Sosi yes okay great and the last of the evening the last of the minutes the evening uh is from the October 4th 2024 meeting uh same question as with the others does anybody have any questions or comments about this I do not looks good anybody else okay motion to approve motion second chairman Mr Edward gings yes Vice chair Miss Donna Drews yes Miss Robin Fu yes Mr Scott McDade yes Miss Michelle kakiri yes Mr Dennis conanan yes Mr James Miller yes okay thank you we do not have any resolutions to act on this evening uh citizens privileg is up next if we have anybody in the room here with us this evening or we have several people online with us we can't we can't have them participate unfortunately okay so I can't ask you the question if you have anything you wish to address to the board now would be a good time anybody in the room okay so we're through with that are we good to go okay Jo good evening Mr chairman members of the board Ron shanowitz for the applicant Flemington Junction Associates Roman numeral 3 uh we uh have a issue that I'd like to discuss with you uh my firm as we always do ordered a court stenographer as I'm called as required by your ordinance I'm informed as I walk in the door today that a court stenographer was not sent to the hearing room tonight a gentleman was sent who was planning on doing a um uh recording of the hearing not by way of a court stenographer so the chairman advised me that that is contrary to your ordinance requirement uh our request would be to go forward with just an audio recording as is uh provided for in the land use law that of course is up to the board if the board does not allow us to go forward and we certainly wish that you would we prepared for this hearing we brought all our Witnesses it's a great EXP to the applicant and we're ready to go but if that is not the case and we can't go forward tonight then we'd like to discuss scheduling okay I had explained to Mr schanowitz I hope I pronounced no you did perfectly um but that's our practice that's why it's in there and we like to be consistent I understand so but I we are a board we are not just me if anybody else has any thoughts on that or suggestions but I I personally think this should be adjourned and you come back with the courts tonight anybody else feel differently please speak up we are consistent on this aren't we yes yeah I don't know if allowing it once would open us up to anything not with a we've but with no court there there is an option to uh video the hearing if that makes the board feels feel any more comfortable gentleman who's here that was going to record just the audio does have the capability of videotaping the hearing so you'll have an actual video of of the hearing if that makes the board feel any more comfortable I don't think so I think I'd like to stick with go ahead Mich if we've been sticklers about the stenographer so far I think if we start now I think we should be consistent yeah I think so what we've required not that I don't think it would be just as good but consistency is key here yeah and and as you and I discussed there's a lot of detail in this a lot of testimony with a lot of different people had it does that get picked up as well as with the court stenographer I I don't know but I yeah I don't know if one's better than the other but this is the one that is required by our ordinance So to that to deviate from that right now I think would be problematic I mean and I think the the other Advantage is um you might be able to come back with an application that's addressed the overwhelming majority of the comments and so we'll speed right through that next hearing hopefully so that could be an advantage understand um you know I think that might be another you know as much as we hate to to to say that we would prefer and it's our policy to require the stenographer um you know it might be best to just um move forward to another hearing date ex so so you can reach out to tellor and you can reschedule if it's possible to talk about it you would not have to re notice yes um and I know we're getting a couple things going on here we're getting towards the end of the year which puts pressure on everyone we have the holidays going into a you know a new year you have to wait for your reor um I my apologies with regard to the court stenographer I've been doing this for 41 years this has never happened to me before this is a first my office is very very good I have great staff and something got messed up along the way but even with that I would respectfully ask is there any way we could squeeze a special meeting in you were going to hear just this application tonight uh we we' really like to get it rolling so I'll leave it to you as to what dates are available so we have if you would like to have a special meeting I just want to remind you of the requirement of $1,000 deposit um it may be a little tricky because this application requires conflict professionals so I can't necessarily speak on behalf of Mr toriello or if uh Mr dar's office well well you go then so I'm not going to necessarily speak on behalf of them and who can from the board is available for the next month and a half um we do have a meeting in December scheduled but unfortunately that is fully booked so then our next regular meeting the reorg would be on uh I apologize would be on January 8th but we have have already looked to schedule an application for that time not I don't necessarily want to speak if you would like to be the only applicant that night the following meeting would be January 22nd but these have not been officially set in stone because that would be the re plotting over there correct and if we wanted to go about a special meeting I mean what doality of doing a special can you just we're trying to check some schedu trying to come another answer I'm and then my only other thing wron is I would just have to check with other um committees within the township just to be sure if the courtroom would be available are you good on the 18 are professionals available December 18th okay I was open I can do do you have well but there's a lot a lot of open items right so but hopefully that time gives I think between December 18 Mr Ford and I can probably get get a few things cleaned up I would just also be mindful when they would have to resubmit if they wanted to which would be what date you guys we have the 21 Day rule but you guys can wave it for the 10 [Music] mL W for we wa for 10 well first of all yeah are you guys okay with the 18 can you guys days it's up it's up to you guys if you as the board want to wave the 21-day rule you guys have and have for the 10 days by the ml December 6 December 6 yeah get by well we're willing to work with you on that submitt date so you good with [Laughter] that okay wait I'm sorry what so what day are we M the six no but what day are we actually do 18 right okay I will have to notice for it and I Joe would with the have to noce as well for a special meeting or would it just be my responsibility announce we're announcing it tonight right that's so another words this meeting was properly noticed so we're now saying what the next meeting is so that should be good without without the further no but I will have to notice for a special meeting of the planning board okay okay Mr we're okay no I just want to be's obligation yes he's good okay weine it's very hard Jeff can you just make sure their extension is okay their time they're fine but it's it ends uh January 29th do you want are we going to do a Time extension for them as you know I don't a couple that are kind of just came up lat Ron you said extension's okay right yes okay for 30 days thank you Ron okay we'll see you December we'll see you just one more time for the staying of record you guys are move to December 18th have the resubmitted Plans by December 6 and there'll be no further notice correct than the announcement yes and a court stenographer sorry Ron Ron thank you sorry about that thank you thank okay thank you have a Happy Thanksgiving see you have a good Thanksgiving okay normally I would adjourn at this point but we are not going to adjourn we're going to go into an executive session so all of you folks are excused and you need to turn you would just make a motion to go into close session I'm making a motion to go into executive [Music] okay for everybody online the planning board is going to go into Clos session so unfortunately the recording is going to end just because this is not for the public to be attending so thank you that was all in favor right all in favor I I