##VIDEO ID:w8KaLbpNuIA## good evening the r Township planning board is now in session uh call to order the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied by the placing of a notice of this meeting on the bulletin board at the municipal building filing the notice with the Township Clerk and transmiss transmitting the notice to the Hun County Democrat The Courier News The Star Ledger and the Trenton Times I have a roll call please chairman Mr Edward gettings here Vice chair Miss Donna Drew here miss Robin Fatu here Mr Scott MCD here Miss Michelle kavaki here Mr Dennis quinannan here Mr James Miller here Mr Glenn sokowski here board professionals on behalf of board attorney Mr John Bardo we have conflict board attorney Mr Jo Joe toriello here Township planner Mr Jeffrey Vella here and all other board professionals have asked to be excused okay thank you I'm going to ask everybody to please join me and rise and say the pledge of allegiance to our flag and remain standing for a moment of silence to remember men and women in the armed services I pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America to the for it stands na indivisible andice thank you what I should have said we should all be keeping in mind the people who have been harmed by the recent hurricane and what's going on in Florida this evening which I can't even imagine what those people are deing okay in terms of comments and reports I do not have any reports this evening anybody on the board want to offer any comments this evening just a brief reminder October 20th is coming up that is the DAT to which we will be provided by the state number great thank you Engineers comments planers comments have one comment I just got uh correspondents today from the huning County Economic Development and Tourism for an an invite for a VIP train ride on the black Western uh the invitations offered any of the planning board members it's next Thursday October 17th um starting at 10: during the day 10 AM yeah so I'll I'll provide I just got the invite today I'll pass that along tonight uh so if anybody's interested please let me know and we'll forward it to the county okay so thank you oh I'm sorry um Jeff there was also um something I think I had forwarded from the county regarding their efforts around a Transportation safety plan oh really that they're working on and they're trying to conduct some surveys it maybe you could send that out send that in theing one of those they evidently they've solicited input a few different times which I was surprised they hadn't asked our we had heard anything yeah so anyway but they still mainly at this point what they it seemed like what they were looking for is areas where there's traffic concerns with pedestrian and U walking safety issues oh yeah yeah and then also just general congestion kind of issues and then they're supposed to they got a big Grant from um ntpa for it so yeah it'd be nice if they this that was the first I I heard of they just I happen to see it on a Facebook post yeah yeah yeah that'd be great how's this tied to the approval we had last time on the two traffic studies I mean it you would think that it would to the other the circulation work would be a part next year of that that would be part of the circulation plan it it could have what what separate study that the county does could be incorporated with this but it would be separate and suppos they they've pulled traffic and accident reports from all the townships in the county and like yeah okay Jeff you have it to do one more for the list and then when anybody sees a Freeholder we need to absolutely okay uh there is no correspondence that I'm aware of to discuss this evening no minutes to approve Jeff you wanted to address the agenda item on the resolution yes so the the township insurance through the GIF will be providing an attorney for representation for the township and for the planning board and board of adjustment there's no no further discussion this this evening don't okay no that's all okay I'll you okay okay citizens privilege I don't know Taylor do we have anybody no online this evening we do not not if we have somebody here in the audience this evening who is with us and would like to address the board on anything other than the next item that's on the list now would be the time to do so no okay so we're going to move to the public hearing for lar and Associates [Music] LLC good evening good evening good evening Mr chairman members of the board Ron Shimano it's here on behalf of the applicant Flemington Junction Associates which is the successor and interest to L and Associates uh the application uh before you tonight in very simple terms is as follows this board granted an approval back in 2021 for a a warehouse use at that time the approval resolution had a finding effect fact which which is effectively a condition that says there shall be only one use at the property uh back more recently in 2024 the township governing body adopted a revised ordinance that in the I2 Zone where this property is located you're now permitted to have multiple uses on one property so we are requesting that the 2021 resolution of approval be modified to comport with the change in in the ordinance and that very simply is the the request and the presentation uh it's a little more formally set forth in my letter of August 21224 which is effectively the application and Mr Vella summarized the request as well in his review letter of October 3rd 2024 unless the board has questions or comments that I I don't want to belor it it's pretty straightforward and Cloud straight forward Jeff we have the benefit of your letter as Mr Shimano just said anything I think it's pretty straightforward but is there anything open from your perspective or anything we should seek some I mean the only item is is just the parking of whether or not there with the different uses there's there's just a different calculation involved um I know I've been on site multiple times and there's an issue um but just again if there's any any change of of use there's there's always um various components that are reviewed for zoning standards and parking is parking is one of them but right and we recognize as a tenant comes in we have to pursue a zoning permit so we'll be seeing Mr Barella and if there is a use that triggers some kind of parking issue we'll have to deal with it through the zoning permit process and you could only deal with it at that time and we would only know at that time Mr chairman that's exactly right otherwise we'd be guessing Okay to yes yes definitely y okay Mr torello anything else we should be discussing here from a legal standpoint um there's a showing of uh you know chain of circumstances which in this case there is the law says this is something it is as the St straightforward okay board members any questions I see it the same way we were talking early this is very straightforward okay so I'd like to have a motion to approve the Lin Associates LLC elimination of a condition of approval and specifically the motion is to move from the prior ofle the quoted language as set forth in the applicat later letter dated August 21st 20124 starting and thank you so you gonna say something oh sove second second oh got I know you meant chairman Mr Edward gettings yes Vice chairwoman Miss Don Drews yes Miss Robin Fu yes Mr Scott mcde yes Mr Dennis panan yes Miss Michelle kafiri yes Mr James Miller yes thank you thank [Music] you okay in terms of the upcoming hearings items that are on here I think the only one that is a possibility Jeff Taylor is is the European homes that we had a TRC on the other day the next meeting the 23rd no my apologies um the 23rd we likely won't have a meeting okay the following meeting would be November 13th which will be Flemington Junction Associates 3 which is essentially who we have here tonight but for a different site on uh mini aining road okay thank you all right thank you everybody with that we're adjourned thanks for you good and we actually got business done