##VIDEO ID:5Nk5AHJlu20## you didn't hear me you do it again I didn't hear it calling to order the Zoning Board of adjustment Ren Township New Jersey regular meeting October 3rd 20124 is uh Jackie on the phone on the line Jackie no unfortunately she's not gonna be in she's not feeling well oh so I can talk fast you could but you're still going to have to hear this okay there we go the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied by the placing of a notice of this meeting on the bulletin board of the municipal building filing same with the Township Clerk and transmitting same to the hunting County Democrat The Courier News The Star Ledger and the Trenton Times Roll Call please chairwoman Miss Cynthia Schaefer here Vice chair Mr rul dami he has asked to be excused Mr Steve fario has also asked to be excused Mr Randy block here Mr Jim Ferrero here miss Lindsay KBR here miss Lor cretina she is asked to be excused Miss Donna Drew here Mr James Miller here board professionals on behalf of board attorney Mr John drill we have Mr Joe toriello here Township planner Mr Jeffrey Vella here and all other board professionals have asked to be excused great can I have a motion to accept the um absence of our board members so I second roll call please chairwoman Miss Cynthia schaer yes Mr Randy block yes Mr Jim Ferrero yes Miss lindsy Co brel yes Miss Donna Drews yes Mr James Miller yes okay moving on to comments and announcements having none moving on to distribution and correspondence having none moving on to meeting minutes we have two meeting minutes we have August 15th 2024 any change es or additions hearing none can I get a vote to approve so move I'll second vote please R call chair person chairperson on chairwoman Miss Cynthia Sher moving too fast yes Mr Randy block yes Mr Jim Ferrero yes Miss Donna Drew yes Mr James Miller yes okay moving on to the September 5th 2024 minute meeting anyone have any updates or additions yes I do um page four of five the third paragraph when it mentions that myself and Steve reviewed the previous it's not it's the trans oh no I'm sorry yeah recording we watched the previous hearing on the RAR Township YouTube channel Prov [Music] okay okay okay I I'll let Jackie know as well okay can I get a motion to approve I'll make a motion second roll call please chairwoman Miss Cynthia Schaefer yes Mr Randy block yes Miss Lindsay KBR gal yes Miss Donna Drew yes Mr James Miller yes okay moving on to the applications for this evening boa case number 19- 2024 applicant is Fieldstone at Flemington LLC location is block 40 lot 3 57-59 Boris Corner Road applications time extension request for obtaining final approval site plan signatures good evening evening from Matthew tonight representing we submitted this request for extension and this letter is September 26 I can tell you all tonight that all the finance matters have been addressed actually this letter so it's really a formality that okay Joe anything we need to okay so we're just granting approval for the extension yes do we need to vote I would okay do I get a mo do I have to do a motion I would yes can I get a motion to approve the time extension so move I'll second I'll second can I have a vote sorry Jim but had second it so I'll be putting Lindsay actually actually before we go should we point out that they're asking for 90 days do we want to put that on the record yeah that should be part of the motion extension for 90 days I just want to make sure that was said yeah thank you sorry a chairwoman Miss Cynthia Schaefer yes Mr Randy block yes Mr Jim Ferrero yes Miss Lindy K bral yes Miss Donna Drew yes Mr James Miller yes okay thank you very much thank you have a good evening that was simple moving on to the second application boa case number 08223 hun and storage Inc block 63.0 one lot 13 177 Highway 202 applications to reschedule request we have a letter here do you want me to read it yes please read the letter there's three of them right you have three from different applications I would read them all into the record yes okay all right this uh letter is dated September 27 2024 dear Taylor my client's application is scheduled for a continued public hearing on October 17th subject to the submission of revised plans 21 days prior to that date the purpose of this letter is to advise the board that my client is in the process of investigating the redesigning of the plans to eliminate the previously proposed outdoor storage use and instead proposing the construction of the two previously approved storage buildings accordingly we would request the application not be scheduled for October 17 and rescheduled for future date once revised plans are submitted please be advised the applicant hereby extends the time period for the board to act on this applicant through January 31st 2025 Steve grinberg okay so I mean after reading it it Steve is pretty much basing it on whenever they can supply the revised plans then we'll be able to give them a date I did also speak with John beforehand just to be sure because if you remember at their first hearing they had Jeff if you could back just give more clarification but they also had that other variance where John said not to speak on because they would have to Ren notice for it MH so in that motion I would recommend based on talking with John that they be rescheduled with the need for further notice 100% yeah they have to you I mean if it was scheduled for tonight and they were wanted to carry it for a date certain they wouldn't have to but the way that that letter says we don't have a date so they would have to re they would have to Ren notice for sure and they would have would have to include the construction of the new the new buildings this this is a whole new application I mean more or less yes yes okay all right so we're just going to we're not carrying this correct yeah and I mean if it's if you would like I will just write a corresponds to Steve agreeing that we'll accept the time extension but upon him or send in revised plans he will have to re notice okay so there's no voting or anything no motion to pass okay I would say no not on this one okay all right moving on to the next application for this evening boa case number 17-22 applicant is Robert Reese location is block 40 Lot 8 address 44 Highway 202 applicant is for certificate of non-conform pering use of light industrial and residential uses and we have a letter here wrong one hold on sorry okay uh a letter from uh Steve gromberg dated October 2nd 2024 dear Taylor pursuant to our telephone conversation on Monday kindly accept this correspondence at the applicant's request for continuation of the public hearing scheduled for tomorrow evening in order to be able to address the comments and issues raised by Mr vella's correspondents dated September 27 2024 I understand that the board's next available hearing date is November 7th 2024 we would respectfully request that the matter be adjourned to that date without the need for further notice of hearing the applicant hereby extends the time period for the board to act through the end of January 2025 thank you for your courtesies please advise if you need anything else from my office sign Steve Gruenberg okay that's good because there's a date certain that's been announced tonight which was advertised so there's no need to further advertise okay so we don't have to carry no you're you're good okay and just everybody understands the reason that we have that the applicant had to re notice on the other one was there was a notice for a public hearing tonight so if an interested party came tonight all they would know is that it's going to be scheduled on a future date but they don't know when that date is so that's why there has to be a Reen notice but on this yes the theory is anybody who was noticed to come here tonight as an intered party they would know it's now going to be no November 7th so you don't have to Ren notice okay I want to talk after the applications about this thing that's occurring but we'll wait till the next application okay okay final application for this evening boa case number 09- 2024 how you say that coka thank you Flemington realy LLC loc uh location block 63.4 lot 31.0 219 Highway 20231 application for preliminary and final site plan with a d variant and bulk variances for a proposed car dealership okay we have an a letter uh dated October 2nd 2024 Dear Miss Bor as you are aware this office represents the applicant in in connection with its application to the township of ran Zoning Board of adjustment the board relative to the above caption property this shall confirm that the applicant hereby requests that the hearing currently scheduled for October 3rd 2024 be adjourned to the board's next available meeting in order to afford the applicant the opportunity to address the questions and comments noted in the review letters of the board professionals kindly confirmed that the application will be carried to the next available meeting of the board without further notice and or excuse me further publication and or notice thank you in advance for your assistance and please feel free to contact me with any questions carara carara a kazinski so for this application I can offer them December mber 19th um and then if they're unable to do that I would have to look into next year's schedule just because the rest of the Year is already booked okay um and I also just wanted to discuss with you guys because they will be revising their plans if you guys wanted to keep the 21 um submission date the board submission rule in place okay so so I want to talk this because I think some of the issues we're having is we wave the 21 Day the reports the information comes in with shorter time the professionals respond in as as quick as they can they have a lot of material in their responses and here we sit because I think Jeff's particular response to this was it this one that was quite lengthly you see this one had a this one had a lot of information that the applicant was not aware of or didn't present the board um with resolutions in past history um okay engineering the engineering review also was was rather long okay so let me ask you this I am thinking that we wav the 21 days we're causing our own problems we're allowing them to to file later the professionals are are doing their best but they are responding within a day or two then the applicant this happens now I could be wrong so just let me know so I don't know if there's a fix but Jeff these two tonight I think are that but if you're saying they're not let me know what are your thoughts are we causing our own Problem by waving it by waving the days and then here we sit with everything coming in at the last minute I know I'm not getting to as much as I should yeah it's it's always how it's it's helpful to to have the 21 Day rule but then it doesn't it doesn't prevent a professional from waiting until the last minute to do the review which has happened in the past yeah so but right but it's more likely we'll get the all the reports earlier which then gives them time to to respond which gives us time to review and in this specific inst I it come yeah I think I think what Don is saying for this one for this one I would say yes but I think we need to be more considerate when we cavalierly say okay we'll wave the 21 days because I think we have to think about it more because I you know I think we're getting more and more applicants pulling out at the last minute could it be Case by case yeah well that's what I'm saying yeah yeah so this one we won't allow it but then we have to be more prudent in our review do ourselves I I would respectfully suggest consistency in handling applications with the board so there's no suggestion that people are getting favoritism where there's an application that's Prejudice because you don't really support the requested relief um okay sometimes that's where the old saying you know uh no good deed goes unpunished I would rather see the board just be a little bit I hate to say it Draconian on this it's like we have a 21 day rule like you didn't make you didn't make it so it's GNA have to be pushed to the next hearing or you know provide flexibility of all but I think if you're treating applicants differently or on a Case by case or at hoc basis that can present problems is there an issue do the it's 21 days [Music] first usually once they come and present it and we ask Visions are we putting ourselves in Jey day well it sounds like sounds like you are because you're having these these problems right yeah I mean I'm just that's what I'm just asking yeah I like that I mean based on tonight these would have been the first hearings for both applications that's the thing so we I you know we tried to fix the issue that we had so many applications you know we had we had a backlog at one point of 19 or something and so we tried to be flexible and now I don't know if we're causing yeah more issues but I do like I do like Donna thought us first time 21 days flexibility with the second time they need to come back because we've seen that information usually it's it's revision or or things we've asked for I agree with that would it be best no we're not changing this we're not changing it okay I carry this with me okay do you want to come no they're not changing I'm only kidding the other thing that I'm beginning to notice is that even if the reviews are done let's say a week or even a little bit more or earlier it the applicant is then deciding not to proceed based on so they're not addressing some some of the comments they could they could proceed and address some of them they're just choosing to just not proceed at all which then creates more of a backlog on application but but then they're able to then address it in a more clean and efficient way so it's kind of I don't know which way is well let me ask you let me ask you this question I know one of the applicants that we were talking about um one of their professionals was was taking an extremely long time and through what we had heard that particular person was taking on a lot of work and his the backlog was for him was crazy so I'm just asking are you seeing that are you seeing them delaying it are you seeing them not not supporting their applicant quick enough I just I'm seeing that on their end they're they're too busy on their end to then address it so you're saying we responded and then they don't have enough time or correct whatever it is to change to then efficiently prepare for this Hearing in response to some of the comments some of them mainly it's it's more the engineering aspect of it yeah but some sometimes it's just it's it's everything okay so it's not just what we're trying to do it's it's just accumulation of a lot of things that's what I'm saying yes yeah okay all right so so we'll stay with the 21 days the first time and we'll be flexible the second time they come but then maybe we have more conversations with the applicants when we say to things you know can you get it by this date maybe we say you've got to go out further because we're not going to let just come in two nights submit your information two days before and it depends on exactly what it is too like some of them they just have to revise something simple where others they have to go do actual reports and things like that so yeah okay I I I like what you said in terms of you give a date for the submission and then Taylor schedules it far enough in advance that assuming they create a fire drill and they drop it off on that last date the scheduling will cure that because it'll be it'll be further enough down as opposed to right up against that that date yeah that that will probably help yeah I I think we have to I know I'm not getting to it and that's my own workload so so so I mean for this applicant if they were able to do December 19th the 21 day would do we count because it would land on Thanksgiving would that that day actually count or would be the following bus it's not supposed to um it's business days is it business days no it's C it's calendar day typically under the Court rule if if if a Day falls on a holiday it's the next day okay that's that's how the Court's calculated so I would use that as are we open on Black Friday no we're Clos we're Clos you can go by your holiday if you're closed you could do that if it's a holiday yeah I guess you gotta give them till Monday so then they would happen till December 2nd is what you're saying 20 21 days of the hearing I mean that's what we put in our thing but um well if the office is closed Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday you're not going to work on it anyway yeah well I mean at least the professionals aren't I may be soon right but then but then if you you can work on it Saturday night you don't want to read that I mean I'm gonna work on it on Saturday night obviously but then but then let's get down to the technical if we say the next open day and they don't do it till the end of that day we've now lost I mean if they submitted it and it was sitting here I mean can we just say that given the holiday they have to do it that Wednesday say and can we then say that's if they want the 19th and if they don't want the 19th and they need more time the only problem is if we have a discussion with the applicant as to what day they're going to have to read advertise so the way that I interpreted the letter written by carara is schedule it for the next available date I know if I if I was well I wouldn't have written a letter that way I would have spoken to Taylor I would have said what's the next date and my letter would have said for that date yeah but that's not what the letter says but I think a fair interpretation of that letter and a fair interpretation of the applicant's expectation is they asked it to be scheduled for the next available date I don't think the board should have a convers in other words if the next available date is December what 19th that's when it should be scheduled and then it should be read into the record that the matter of such and such that was scheduled for tonight is carried to December 19th without need for further advertisement and then if she doesn't like that date she can ask for another adjournment and do the same thing so I would I would reach out to her tomorrow and then see what she can do and then based on whatever her response is our next meeting have that under right applications or announcements but at least you can say pursuant your request the next available date was December 19th that's what we read in the record with no further advertisement I could tell you if I was the applicant I'd rather have that than have to start writing all those green cards again and mailing out that's a pain in the nck you know okay so so I'm going to read into the record we're carrying this to December 19th without without without meaning to Ren notice yes okay and then Taylor's going to speak to yep okay yeah can we do that a and if they can't then right yeah the 21 Jim the 21 day is the board's rule mlul is 10 notifying the public 10 days prior here would you like one of these I have two already here here wait I thought this is the the AO what what are we doing okay I think that's everything for this evening I don't desert something else Taylor okay if that's on the record we did a lot of important administrative stuff what did you is that going on the record I didn't even hear what he said good okay all right can I get a motion Jour second all in favor anyone want to stick around post no thank you nice to see everyone