sorry calling to order the Zoning Board of adjustment Maran Township New Jersey regular meeting August 1st 2024 notice of meeting the notice requirements of the open public meetings act has been satisfied by the placing of a notice of this meeting on the Bolton board at the municipal building filing same with the Township Clerk and transmitting same to the County Democrat The Courier News The Star Ledger and the Trenton Times Roll Call please chairwoman Miss Cynthia schaer here Vice chair Mr rul dami here Mr Steve fario here Mr Randy block here Mr Jim Ferrero here miss Lindsay Kel here miss Lorette ktina here Miss Donna Drews she's asked to be excused Mr James Miller here for professionals board attorney Mr John drill here Township planner Mr Jeffrey ferella here on behalf of board engineer Mr aesh Dari we have Mr Ryan McCarthy here you got to talk loud around here Ryan here traffic consultant Mr J Troutman here Township landscape architect Mr John Morgan Thomas here for sonographer Miss Jackie clap here and board secretary Taylor vaugh here can I get in a motion to excuse Donna Drew I'll make a motion second roll call [Music] please chairwoman Miss Cynthia schaer yes Vice chair mrul DOI yes Mr Randy block yes Mr C fario yes Mr Jim Ferrero yes Miss Lindy kol brankel yes Miss ltina yes okay moving on to comments announcements hearing none moving to distribution correspondence having none moving to minutes we have minutes from the Zoning Board of adjustment R and Township New Jersey regular meeting June 6 2024 does anybody have any comments or Corrections or additions hearing none can I get a motion to approve so moved I'll second can I get a roll call please chairwoman Miss Cynthia schaer yes Vice chair m r DOI yes Mr Randy block yes Mr Steve fario yes Miss Lindy K brel yes Miss ltina yes Mr James Miller yes okay moving on to meeting minutes from the Zoning Board of adjustment R in Township regular meeting June 20th 2024 any corrections additions or comments hearing none can I get a motion to approve it was just you and so that meaning was just you and R I'll second it all in favor yes okay moving on to the resolutions we have one resolution for this evening Ren Township Board of adjustment Carlo Vali block 4 4.04 lot 15 15 panan way application number bo- 18- 2023 resolution memorializing approval of a C2 hard surface coverage variance to allow a hard surface coverage of 39.2% on the property resolution number 20 24-5 version 20 24-7 -30 DV3 anyone having any additional Corrections or additions Taylor can can I vote on that no I don't think so okay can I get a motion to approve make a motion a second can I get a vote please I'm sorry roll call uh chairwoman Miss Cynthia schaer yes byce shair mrul DJI yes Mr Faria yes Miss ly Co bral yes Miss Lor ktina yes Mr James Miller yes okay moving on to the applications for this evening I'm going to go to the second one first okay boa case number 13-22 applicant is RA Rafael and Alicia bodus uh location is block 71. 20 Lot 25 11 fips Court applications for a c variance for proposing a deck in the rear yard setback and exceeding 40% maximum impervious coverage surface I see I have a letter here from the attorney the attorney's here so why don't we ask Mr drberg to enter his appearance and then read his letter the record said if anyone has any questions I can't hear you John oh sorry got to speak up even though microphone just hold the button until it's green about now Jackie better what I said was that Mr gromberg had sent the letter in today but since he's here I suggest that he enter his appearance he read his letter because in his letter he offered to answer any questions and he's here so maybe people have questions good evening Steven grunberg grunberg law office on behalf of of the applicants uh Alicia and rapael Bustos I'll just read my August 1 letter dear Taylor this office represents Alicia and Raphael buos in connection with the above application after due consideration the applicants respectfully withdraw their application without prejudice that is pending before the board of adjustment this evening and will not be proceeding to public hearing as you know I will be in attendance on another matter should the board have any questions very truly s me anyone want to know why they're withdrawing it you can ask them sure the HOA objected to the variant request and had indicated that they were going to appear this evening I can't the HOA withdrew uh had indicated that they were going to object to the variance application this evening through Council and in light of that my client has decided to withdraw the application without prejudice in order to be able to see what they can do to make the HOA happy but we didn't want to waste the board's time on that so in other words you're going to try to get things settled or get an approval from the HOA and then come back and not vice versa correct okay and we we realized that even if the board um would Grant an approval it would have been conditioned upon satisfying the HOA and if it can't satisfy the ho away in one way or another then we're wasting everybody's time here but we want to reserve our right to potentially come back if if variance relief is still required that's great because that's the one question I did have open and so I want to ask generally going forward if this situation comes again can we well put it this way under the municipal land use law the board cannot say we're not going to hear a variance unless the HOA approves it okay but board can say if we Grant the variance it's going to be subject to HOA you gave me this microphone on purpose to have it cut off to see how many times Jackie could get mad at me tonight gotta keep it short so that's that's true so I this applicant's making a smart decision okay but he would have had the right to eventally waste his money okay leave that there she'll she'll get me a new mic yeah is there anyone from the public on for this application okay so we can move forward there's nothing we have to vote on or anything no because because the hearing hasn't started under the board rules they can unilaterally withdraw okay and it is without prejudice they can re reapply okay moving to the other application for this evening boa case number 08 d202 3 applicant is Hun storage Inc location is block 63.0 lot 13 177 Highway 20231 South applications for a d variance for outdoor vehicle storage at existing storage facility good evening good evening Steven Gruenberg Gruenberg law office on behalf of the applicant uh who was Jessica Nicholson of 100 and storage um this matter had previously been scheduled before the board a couple of times the last time it was put off because I was sick and I apologize for that um the board had previously confirmed jurisdiction and trans so that uh notice was previously accepted by the board um this is our application for an amended approval in order to um have one of the concrete pads that was supposed to have a self- storage building on it converted to outdoor storage um we still want to develop the other concrete pad as a self- storage building and and that's the problem right now because the application as submitted in the notice talks about the amended site plan approve amended site plan approval to take out part of that part of one of the concrete pads and and put in the outdoor storage with the D1 variants but the application as I read it and the notice as I read it does not talk about seeking an amended site plan approval to again apply for the buildings on the other pad because the approval for that other pad with the buildings on it expired over 10 years ago and while I I understand what Mr drill is saying um I think the intent of the application was to amend the prior approval which included all of the buildings that we are still seeking to do except for the one concrete pad and in fact your own professionals when they reviewed the application had questions about the timing of the construction of the other self- storage building and made and reflected it in their review reports right just not to interrupt but that was all their reports came in prior to Jeff's March 20th report I don't think they were aware of the fact that the other approvals expired because what you attached to your application were the resolutions that granted up to the two stories you didn't attach any other resolutions Jeff then went into the file and found out that there were three additional resolutions which he notes in his March 20th memo and that clearly indicate that those prior approvals expired so the board experts were not aware of this because other than myself none of these board experts were around maybe except for John Thomas at the time of the underlying approvals how many board members I know Cynthia was here how many board members were here at the time of the underlying approval that's it I looked at the members so maybe in in good faith in your mind this was a a phase one and a phase two development but even the plans don't say phase one phase two I'm looking at sheet four of six of weite circulation Plan and there's a note I'm sorry and there's a note batter's dead got hold it there's note on sheet four of six with an arrow to the long pad to remain that says existing future building concrete pad site it doesn't say phase two it doesn't reference this amended approval so again the board experts at the time they did reports had no idea that the underlying approvals expired you know approvals run with a land except if there's a Express provis Vision that they expire and we're we're seeking an amendment of the prior approvals and and Jeff's March 20th report where he does indic forward that resolution 2013-05 resolution indicated in paragraph six the applicant shall testify to the phased approach to the additional pad a new D4 variance will be required for expanding the regulated F of 15% which is not appable because we're not going over the 15% then when I saw that on March 20th on March 21st I sent you an email and I copied Jeff and Rakesh and John Thomas and I said Steve I know that the attached memo with attachments was email to you yesterday but please make sure to read it especially resolution number 201305 which gives a very good and short summary of the history of the approvals and makes it clear that the extension of the approvals ran out on December 31 2014 as such I will be suggesting at this evening's meeting which was back on March 21st that the additional concrete pad that is proposed to remain be removed as a condition of any other appr of any approval the other pad is proposed to be removed to make way for the paved outdoor storage I will also be suggesting at this evening's meeting that a condition be imposed on any approval that the enhanced St Water Management regulations be applied in this application even though they are technically not required if the application would for permitted use before The planning board so again I gave you my legal opinion on March 21 that they had expired you but but again that was with respect to also your email was the d4 variant issue and whether we needed you at the let let me finish John I'd like to be able to talk go ahead it was with respect to the D4 variance issue and whether we needed a D4 variance or whether um jurisdiction could be transferred to the planning board when we have I I have your letter but it doesn't mention d4 variant in yeah all the approvals from that resolution expired that would include site plan approval I don't mention the D4 but that's what Jeff's memo mentions and that and that's what the import of all his memo was that's why I sent an email the next day all I can say is Steve I have no problem if you start the D1 use variants tonight but to me you you don't have a notice that you want to reinstate so to speak or apply again to put buildings on that other pad there's there's no no there's no one here in the public that's one of two reasons either really they don't care about the site at all which is possible or they don't care about the outdoor storage but if they knew that additional buildings were going up maybe they would care I don't know we we we need to have the additional building on that conrete pad um we need to be able to maintain that approval that ability to pursue that approval and as well as the outdoor storage on that concrete pad so if there's a determination that we need to notice for that issue I don't feel comfortable going forward on just a D1 aspect because we're not abandoning this self I'm saying you could start the D1 tonight and then Ren notice and and continue at the next hearing session because you're the only one up and it you know it's just bad luck when you get the home night you haven't taken them lately so maybe just take this one and start it but in my opinion there's no notice for the for the board granting an amended site plan approval to put buildings back on those pads when the underlying site plan approval expired by the terms of the variance over 10 years ago so as as long as we feel comfortable knowing that we're going to Ren notice and come back at another meeting in order to be able to present testimony as to that Self Storage on the other pad then we'll proceed forward with our testimony tonight at least to get started for the use variance only for the outdoor storage of vehicles yeah but we're going to present site testimony with respect to the site right site testimony that's shown on these plans but not mentioning any thing that hasn't been noticed for because if you do that that will be a problem okay John so then talk about anything about the Other Self Storage I'd like to call Mr [Music] Hansen is the board all right with with proceeding in this fashion letting them start up on the D1 yes well I shouldn't I shouldn't just answer for everybody I think we have enough applications on on the plate that anything we can get through tonight you should I agree y so do I okay yes Hansen needs to be sworn and all the board experts have to be sworn so let's have all the board experts raise their right hand the ones that are here can stand up so Jeff John Thomas okay those everyone swear or affirm the testimony they're giving this matter will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and let's start with the zoom people so John yes yes Jeff yes yes yes yes yes okay Mr Hansen can you give the board the benefit of your qualifications sure uh my name is John Hansen last name is hn senen um with engineering and land planning we're at division of akrf um with our main offices in Manhattan our local office here at 140 West Main Street Highbridge New Jersey um I'm the vice president uh give you a little of my qualifications I've been here many times in the past but I've been licensed as a professional engineer New Jersey since 1999 my license is in good standing I've also been licensed as a professional planner since 2000 again my license is in good standing and I've been before this board and I've testified both as an engineer and a planner on a number of cases probably last 20 years and I offer Mr Hansen as an expert in both the fields of I'm having trouble hearing I offer Mr Hansen as an expert in the fields of engineering and planning we'll accept thank Mr Mr Hansen if you could just put that mic a little up how was that anybody hear me yeah hold on something I know Taylor went running out real quick good luck Steve Taylor ran out there doing well she she just went to get batteries oh okay I think it's airing Ducks I guess we got a little with it got a cat in the uh fence okay let's keep on going just try to ignore it the best of our ability yeah Mr Hansen if you could speak a little bit louder no one's worried okay should we start oh there we go [Music] no thanks James it was a mouse if you could Orient the board to the site okay uh so I have just marked an exhibit uh A1 is called aerial imagery exhibit it's dated March 19th of this year and essentially it's a uh an aerial photograph of the subject site in the surrounding area north is to the top of the page South is to the bottom and so the point of this is to show hold up hold up one sec is this Steve sent in no that was on the other application that he sent in the exhibites okay you have small copies of these to pass out to the board or not I I do with it in packets with other stuff so why don't I just do that I do have the digital copy so just give me a minute can you right give us the whole packet right and have him go in order of the packet where is A1 this is A1 a the top one is A1 I understand but if you're going to show all the photographs then we'll just start marking A1 A2 Etc right through gonna that A1 and the whole packet is A2 maybe more difficult to do that maybe we just go one at a time is what you have up there this what I have up there is this first page right okay that's demonstrative you don't if you submit this you don't have to I understand this whole thing is A1 that's what I'm saying this is A1 that thing up on the board is nothing that's just a big picture of the of the the title sheet okay the packet that he's going to hand out is A1 thank you he's got a large copy of the first sheet of the packet up on the board A1 is the aerial imagery exhibit with attached pictures how's that Jackie did you hear that yes I did Taylor do you have a digital copy of this whole packet [Music] everybody good [Music] [Music] okay Jackie can you hear me yes okay Steve great so John why don't you take the board through the site okay so again we've got A1 up here um this is block 63.1 lot 13 uh this property front on Route 20231 southbound uh the track consists of one tax slot and it's about 6.8 Acres it's been developed for about the last 20 years uh the property is located in the B5 low intensity highway district so um what I wanted to do here is just show and take give a little bit of note on the surrounding area you have to the north of the site adjacent is the DMV site uh to the South adjacent to the site is the marvec building materials and then up and down the corridor here um are different C dealerships which I'm sure the board is aware of if you if you travel that area so what you'll see in the aerial photograph here is that particularly on the marvex site here there's significant outdoor storage uh during the photograph here which was uh back in 2020 you can see there's also Avis trucks that were stored here in the front of the property the dealerships all have some level of outdoor storage and the outdoor storage is the cars for display so I just think that's an important Point as we move forward here that that kind of establishes what's on the corridor what's adjacent to our site and um what you see as you drive down so a couple of things about our site I think it's important to show that you know since it's been around for 20 years the Landscaping is mature landscaping's grown in uh um it's a very well-maintained site frankly uh we have a lot of clients we look at the sites and they're not as in good shape this client has maintained the site they've done crack filling on the pavement they maintained the fence they maintain their buildings and the buildings are you know constructed of metal and they're also colored brown so it's a light brown storage and then the doors are brown so that's that's kind of important because it you know is a Earth Tone type structure that kind of Blends into the uh uh the background so that's A1 um what I also want to do is Mark another exhibit it's not part of the stuff that was brought in there this A2 hold on for a second was that submitted in to the board before or not okay call A2 or A3 well no we're going to call it A2 but when are you going to go through the photos in A1 later yes okay so do you have copies of a too to hand out no just just give me a minute I will take a picture and I'll put it up on the screen okay can you move that there's no one in the public can you move the whole easel after Taylor takes the picture to the center here so we can see it and the board members on the far and like Mr Miller who was straining even to see t gets to see the exhibit yeah I had to turn this way so I can see at least I get the TV yeah what is exhibit A2 okay exhibit a2one you have a microphone right up [Music] on leave the microphone alone you have a microphone right there to make all sorts of noise when you move your hand so A2 okay is the prior approved site plan that was approved by this board uh 20 years ago what's the date of that and this is by Golden bound Bale this is sheet three of 14 it's called site plan and it's last revised 125 2003 so the reason I brought this up is a couple things um what's noted in the reports um is that the the parking doesn't match what's required in the in the zone and that the imperious coverage of the property as it exists now doesn't comply with the Zone but what you'll see here is essentially this is the um the standards at the time so at the time that this was approved the site had 40% imp impious coverage was permitted and they built 39.8 which is exact what exists now also on the approved plan was four parking spaces and so they built four four parking spaces that was approved so I think it's important that the board understands that when you read the reports you might think that maybe they either built more than they should have or they didn't build it the way it was supposed to be built I don't think anyone thought that but they did okay exactly the way it was supposed what's the resolution number that approved this site plan that I don't have it's got to be 200 3 something what Jeff 2003-10 yes you okay to move forward yep okay so any questions on A2 and two resolution 2003-10 is attached to the application Mr gromberg attach that to the application can you take that out Mr broomberg and just read the uh the heading on that resolution 2003-10 wait wait wait before you do that can you guys even see that on the screen I can well those on Zoom so yes like is it it's clear yes okay Tor you know what if it's clear enough let's print out a copy of your picture tomorrow stick it in the file for them A2 and also put it in the uh Google Drive would wouldn't I be taking that yeah you're going to take that but I want to have a digital copy also yeah I I don't have a copy of that resolution with me you grab the application file get the variance application Steve attached to the variance application three resolutions 2003-10 is attached to it I just want to see what the heading on that one is you have it here okay I got it right here 2003-10 pull it down so I this was the preliminary and final site plan for construction of the mini warehouses after the bifurcated D variant this is before the second story is that correct Mr Hansen I'm sorry can you say that again it appears to me that resolution 2003-10 which would have approved but you sure Cod on exhibit A2 was the the bifurcated preliminary and final site plan for construction of the mini warehouses prior to the application for the fa the F variants to put the second floor on does that show single story or double story double story that's double story two of the buildings two of the six are shown as two building I didn't get that scroll down to the next [Music] resolution right here it could be so so it's not 2003-10 that approved that it's resolution 2003-2 3 that approved that resolution 23-23 that one granted the D4 floor area variance and amended preliminary and final site plan approval to permit the addition of second store to certain of the previously approved Warehouse buildings I don't believe anything 2003 you said 23 2003 d23 this 23 just something it's not 2003-10 it's 2003 d23 is the resolution that would have approved exhibit A2 is that correct Mr Hansen that's correct okay keep on going then okay so our proposal I have the plans that have been submitted to the board up before you so you can um see sheet three which is the site plan um so what we're proposing to do is demolish 10,846 square feet of one of the concrete pads for which was intended to build a building but was not built it's been sitting there since for 20 years uh so that's less than one quarter acre um we're proposing to remove that portion of concrete and con and uh construct pavement uh in its place keep the remaining 1,00 square feet of concrete there and use that paved area we want to stripe it number it and use that as another uh offering for the facility for outdoor storage take just quickly why do you have to remove the concrete why can't you just stripe the concrete why you spend all the money to remove that concrete and then put black top down well the concrete's been built in stages so it steps so it's not it's raised it's raised and Ste the units were constructed out there so that there's a few inches of depth between okay I get it multiple units so could it be done and could you coordin it off maybe you could but uh we felt that it's a safer alternative to remove the concrete and construct the p in fact is that shown on one of the photographs attached to A1 the step yeah yeah can you direct the board to it's the seventh sheet of exhibit A1 it looked like a shadow to me but it's not it's it's steps in the concrete that's correct should be the seventh sheet of a [Music] one so the proposal is to have a maximum vehicle length of 35 fet or angled parking you may notice also on the sheet that we had an alternative viewport for parking cars of smaller size and they would be at a 90 Dee angle um so after further consideration our clients's you know not pursuing that Flex ible striping we just want to stripe it in an angled space we can have you know larger Vehicles such as recreational vehicles or boats so there going to be no no parking on the remaining concrete slabs as I said um we're not proposing any additional lighting and for now as reflected on sheet 30 of6 for this evening's purposes the other concrete pad existing concrete is proposed to remain that's correct and that's all we're going to say say about that for tonight right that's correct so you know we're here for a use Varian because outdoor storage is technically not permitted in the B5 Zone um before you get to do you want to go through the photos of A1 and explain the the site the way it looks okay the second photo of one is the sign it's an existing freestanding pil second sheet you mean the second sheet correct uh shows the signed 100 and storage 2 Flemington that's the uh the site identification sign that's not changing that's staying the same you see on the the next page or sheet uh you see the reserve parking sign which was intended as part of the approved project underneath it is a a 2X two private property no parking sign um so that's part of our application technically that was not part of the original application so we'd like to include that in any approval the board I don't understand what what does that mean well it's a sign it wasn't approved as part of the original site it shown on the site plans you submitted the sign I don't no I don't think it is okay so listen going to revise the plan you submited next time because you're asking them to approve the sign and not showing where the sign's going what's the square footage what's the square footage sign it's 2 by two it's four square feet where is it okay the next sheet uh in our photographs there's another sign that's on the fence the fences on the entrance to the property this is the the movable fence that let you in and out of the facility and basically it's a safety sign uh just to make sure that people don't touch the fence or get in the way did you answer John's question about where the sign where the sign is on the property yeah yeah the sign's right under the handicap sign and where's the handicap sign right behind the handicap space where's the handicap that are right in theeast corner of the site thank you thank you so back to this uh photo here the warning sign in the emergency phone number signs um that's the warning signs 1.5 Square ft emergency phone number number sign is one square ft they're both Lo located on the sliding gate are these signs like they're not allowed so you want them to approve them or is this something you can go to the zoning officer and get an approval The Zone the zoning officer raised the issue of the signs on site so where we provided information with respect to the location and where the signs were and and we're providing testimony in terms of the size of the sign this shows the signs on the fence where is that on the site show us on sheet what you have sheet four up there it's at the entrance of the site where the gate ISE cor site again entrance to the site I can't hear the entrance to the site's in the northeast corner can you hear me yes and the gate the gate is about 20 feet in from the edge of Route 202 this is on the gate that moves that's correct uh just to address that um signs on fences or I guess the gate is not permitted understood you can you can put it on a post right next to it make yourself a note because when you're coming back just revise it and show where thing's going to go if you're going to propose it I think it's we'll we'll talk about it at the next meeting but I think it's most most appropriate on the moving gate right so then you need some sort of variance you figure it out it sounds like it's some sort of C variance probably if it's more visible or whatever I assume you're going to have a C2 argument but figure it all out bring it back so you know what you're doing with it okay the next the next photograph shows a walk-in gate and that's on on the walkin gate which is directly to the left of the gate I just mentioned just south of the gate I just mentioned that's 1.5 Square ft again that's located on the fence the next photograph the next sheet is a view of the site from Route 202 generally the center of the site and the purpose of this is you can see the expans of lawn in front of it you can see the column they Landscaping it's in the distance and then you see the units uh behind that so the units that you're seeing are the ones that are currently built closest to the road is that correct that's correct and so what you don't see obviously there's a another pad that we're talking about you want to leave it there for now and that's between the units that we see and those trees that's correct you know how many feet from the trees that pad you want to leave is you don't have a landscape plan here right I'd say it's approximately 60 feet and how many feet from the trees to the existing building that you see in the picture about 80 feet that doesn't seem right if the pad is 24 feet 8 Ines wide and there's an aisle if the existing building is 80 feet away from the trees the pads got to be closer than 60 ft to the trees FR of the pad that's existing is about 60 ft and the front of the the units from the vegetation is approximately 100 ft as scaled on the uh A1 so the next photograph is the one that we started talking about this is the existing concrete pad uh that's to the west of the units that are closest to Route 202 and what you see here is a photograph looking South along the concrete pad that shows the steps in the pad be clear this is the pad in between the two built units correct that's correct you can see the two build rows of units in the picture right you can the next photograph is taken from Route 202 at the northeast corner of the site looking into the entrance of the site and so what you see there is not only the entrance uh the the pin pad that gets you into the entrance the parking spaces on the right hand side and then the units in the background so I see in that picture the walkin gate sign on the walkin gate I don't see the warning in the emergency phone number sign on the gate do you that's because the gate is open and the gate is pulled to the right when the gate opens it moves to the right okay so it's not on the left hand side of the thing it's on the right hand side of the gate it's on the gate and the gate moves to the right so just for uh clarification uh there is a car there where the moving is and I see something little that is that the sign I think well what you're seeing is the walkin gate sign that's basically over the footprint of that existing vehicle so the next photograph is is at the southeast corner of the site looking at the site what you notice here is that it's a significant grade uphill from Route 202 you see the uh mature landscaping and you'll notice that you don't see from this angle point you don't see the units although they're in the background behind that Landscaping the next photograph is Slightly North looking in the same direction approximately 30t to the north and you again you you can see uh the Landscaping in the front but you don't see the units in the back although they're there when you come back to talk about the other thing that we're not talking about tonight can you do these two photographs in some sort of simulation or whether or not you would see any structures if they were on that front B and if so what type of landscaping you would propose because that's what John Thomas is going to ask okay also those long narrow High trees is this just out of season and they don't have leaves on them or are those dead yeah this is taken in March when we were originally planning on being before the board so those trees if you go by today they have vegetation they're green so the last photo is about another 30 feet up Route 202 same perspective you're looking West into the site uh the units are behind and so the important Point here is that you don't see the units want you talk a little bit about the site operation of what type of vehicles are going to be stored on site so we would anticipate is you know your your type of vehicles that um are recreational type vehicles home um camper a small boat those types of things there'll be no U mechanical fixing of of vehicles on site there'll be no work on the bodies of the vehicles they're there just to be stored primarily by private residences um so you know the the idea is that if you have this taking up space in your driveway you could rent a space here pull it in and store it here and the vehicles will be required to be registered and that's correct I can hear you Steve the vehicles would be required to be registered and insured that's correct there will be no washing of the vehicles or maintenance or working on the vehicles on site correct that's correct will there be any contractor vehicles or this is just you know residential homeowner type Vehicles meaning you Plumbing trucks electrician trucks in other words a place for a contractor to park their vehicles um we would anticipate the option of of having some commercial uh Vehicles being on site like Landscaping vehicles with trailers those type of things right small vehicles uh you know nothing with hydraulic lifts or anything like that but small contractor type Vehicles similar similar situation is you know things that um wouldn't be normally permitted in a residential Zone um but be better served in a location like this but other than the outdoor parking of vehicles there's not going to be any outdoor storage and if the board granted this use variants I assume you would accept the condition no outdoor storage just overnight parking of vehicles correct correct to your point there would be no materials you know sand bricks anything that a contractor would use plumbing supplies but could be on a trailer as long as it's not on the ground correct that's correct so uh question about the size and I'm more interested in the height uh compared to the existing storage facilities how can I visualize that from a height in other words what he's asking when you drive 202 South to get to the building from Somerset County you pass that equipment storage yard with the cranes and the you have a limit what maximum height limit of a vehicle would you agree to here so no one could see them over the top of any of the storage buildings we'd agree to a height of 14 feet how high are the buildings the buildings are about 9 feet so why wouldn't you agree to a a height limitation of 9 feet because the buildings and the angle of Route 202 um give you a perspective that blocks more than just n so when you come back next time can you bring a site drawing to show that show a driver Pro whatever the engineering standard is 3 ft High looking up at the site and then figure out how high a vehicle could be and not be seen we will and if I this is John Thomas if if I could add to that uh I think the view you going northbound on 202 further down the road looking up toward the site because there's a there's a bend in the road where you're looking basically straight at the site and I think that's I think if you could bring something that would demonstrate the visibility from from that point would be helpful can you be more descriptive because the uh the property obviously as any property does changes with grade throughout the traveled Frontage so would you like the position from the North Frontage or from the South Frontage or from the middle I'd like the position from from the northbound lane of Route 202 South of the site looking toward the site because okay because of the bend in the road There's A View to the site that's I'll call it an extended view if you're going northbound you're you're not looking quite straight at it but it's it's the most it's the most um visible that's where the site's the most visible and when you do the site drawing the site drawing you want to use the existing building as your barrier not a proposed building because when you come in next month or whenever for the proposed building who knows when it's going to be built understood so I think really that's unless you have questions um since we're not going to get into the D variance testimony or anything else no you're G to get into the D one use variance testimony absolutely I think we got to get the whole thing together before we present any planning T do we want to talk about Jay the traffic or the movement of those Vehicles yeah yeah we can discuss that uh I did put that in my memo uh I see that there's a revised drawing with onsite uh vehicle circulation now shown unfortunately I I had the the prior plan for some reason I I'm going to get a copy of that before the next meeting the only reason I have the I have a question on that is because it was the revised one was sent digitally the board members don't have the revised paper either I don't know why no that could be my fault I I misplaced all my I didn't see oh okay but I and that's my question because what I heard today was say if I recall what was in the plan is the size of the cars and there was some issue about how do you get in you have to back up on 202 and all that was in his record so I was a little confused yeah it wasn't 202 it was internal to the site and they're already inside the site and it's actually just one of the deepest spaces at the very south end you're not left with much room to make a a one move yeah so given the description of the types of vehicles which are going to be that would that be an issue no I let's here here's how these places work um for any of you who own a boat or wreck vehicle and you you store it somewhere you probably know this you wouldn't sign up and buy one of these at least one of these places until you're sure that your vehicle is going to fit in there and that you can get in and out the way this is designed it's angled parking and it's pull through yes okay so you would come you would make an appointment you would check out the place you would say okay well I've got a 15 foot wide or 15 foot long camper I'm going to come in before I I rent this place for a year I'll make sure it works and you're going to you're going to circulate the site and you're going to do it so that's how it would work and and I wouldn't anticipate that you're going to have any situation where somebody is going to be essentially caught in a spot and can't get out okay it just doesn't happen in places like this well here's here's a question and I don't know if it's a question because I don't have a large vehicle and I don't rent these places if it was completely full and there was a fire do we need need to be concerned about um a fire truck getting in and out and I don't know so I'm just asking can I ask a question then is the width right is the width of the parking slots as proposed any wider than the building would have been no it's under the footprint of the of the footprint of the building so okay so then that means presumably that was reviewed for the fire right so that means you would have had the previous review from the fire Marshall exactly okay thank you and and the Fire Marshall had no comments in connection with our application as part of this review underst understand and it's not a matter of somebody not being able to get in or out it's just a multipoint turn for a certain space that I was pointing out so you would just have to do a three-point turn instead of just one maneuver and I can impose a condition that says shall not extend over the striped parking spaces that's acceptable that that would ensure that they W interfere with emergency vehicles right okay yes that's a good idea all right thank you so is Jay is there any other uh comments in your report that you'd like to discuss no I have a question but I don't know again I don't know if it's a question um if I had a camper and I was parking there how secure is it I mean you have I mean let's think the worst case scenario like I go down that route um and somebody comes in next to me I mean will somebody that's storing in the facilities obviously see these things is there a risk is there I mean do you have cameras I mean I'm just asking there is security cameras all over this place okay thank you and and it's a keyed access well key pad access so no one can just get into the site you have to have the key code in order to be okay thank you list someone could cut old Cutters through the fence but or climb the fence yeah correct really wants to get in you got cameras all over the place yes yes I just have one question for the people so you said it could be commercial vehicles so it could be someone who goes there daily gets in vehicle and goes out rather than someone who's leaving longterm for like a motor home yes okay anything else um go ahead Ryan sure so uh just a few questions based off of our letter just looking for some additional testimony loud all right let me try again looking for some additional testimony based off of our uh review letter dated March 14th uh first one being item number eight I think you alluded to some of the condition of the site but just looking particular I think it was your testimony that fencing the gate signage payment condition all those things are generally acceptable um the one condition and I guess I could ask a question more so were there was there anything in our letter that you had an issue with as far as conditions where this one in particular would be if there was any issues with the site as far as Paving pavement condition concrete fencing things of that nature that it would be replaced uh at the discretion of the township engineer well we're we're not proposing we W won't agree to replacing anything uh everything's in good shape there um if we go through your does his memo say that anything got to be replaced what he's asking is that what he just said replace where does it say that well reped he just said repaired not not necessarily repl I want to convert his question into is there anything in his memo that you would object to becoming a condition if the board wanted to Grant approval we're going to have to go through item by item which I think we should we should probably do that the next uh the next hearing okay there may be issues in there that are tied to the other issue well put it this way when you amend the application you're going to amend the plan and these guys are going to do a new review because the new plan is going to show two-phase construction unless you want to do it all at the same time phase one being the outdoor door parking of vehicles in phase two being the construction of the building closest to the road correct correct so there there going to be new review memers so for for that point also uh Mark had a review on October 27th which that was the former engineer so the way what we which you have just mentioned as supplement but you didn't bring it up and he had lot of issues here too yes so I just want to be complete that everything is going to get addressed understood good point go through rees's report was a supplement to the prior report we go through that other memo also thank you okay anybody else have any questions online professionals the board members I just have one question um is there a refuge ction bin on site and will this affect it there there is a a place for refug storage between the um the on-site office and the most Northerly building I can't recall if there's actually a refuge container in there yeah the Northerly portion of the site sheet four sheet four between the office the existing office in the northeast corner and the Northerly building that's a storage building that was reserved in the prior approval correct it's the dimension of it is he asked the question of whether there's a dumpster there or not I don't know if there's 20 fo1 by 20 too corre yes I'm asking I think we're good for tonight well my question was if if this if this use will further intens intensify any need for collection bin I didn't hear the question for what my question is with outdoor storage of commercial vehicles coming in will there be any um disposal increased okay he wants to know if there's an increased need for uh a dumpster debris or whatever no there the the people who are going to be parking there are not going to be able to drop any kind of Refuge there and just the fact that they're overnight parking that won't generate any additional garbage or ref or recyclables he's figuring if someone pulls in from a trip with their camper they're not going to be the G out and stick it in or is this going to be if you have a a dumpster there is going to be a Lock Fence yeah they're not going to be that's for for the the people who own the place that's not for residents that's not for tenants correct is it a locked fence around it so the people can't put stuff in the dumpster we'll have to get back to you I don't know if it's a locked fence okay thank you okay um do we want to just to clarify that that hatched area is actually the the on story masonry building isn't that where the office is that 20.1 by 20.2 hatch therea has a note says one story masonry building so I think that's the office is the is the refuse area more towards the back where it says Gate Post building that was the intended area for the dumpster sh on he in correct there's a gap that's the Gap got it on the revise submission let's make it clear okay whatever you're going to do let's put it on there all right Tor do we want to try and figure out a DAT let's just ask one more time anybody else have any questions and how much time do you need to make the revisions on the plans because Steve if you don't want to actually first off hold up on that we don't have any openings until October that gives them enough time because the board has the 21 Day rule so that experts can get reports in not the day of October or October about [Music] October we could do that that would be October 17th and while I'm already looking at it your current time for the application for the board to act is Halloween October 31st so John what would you recommend let's get December 31 extend to December 31 we'll extend to December 31 and I'll forward correspond okay continue to October 17 now let's talk about Mr Hansen when can you get the sooner you can get this stuff in then the sooner we can get board reports on so technically you have a lot of time but you don't want to use all that time yeah so I'll have to talk to our uh our client and let her know what's involved with the additional work then we'll have to get approval for that if we do get that then I would expect we could get it in within three weeks okay because the the board rules say got to be submitted 21 days before the meeting that's September 26 yeah okay plenty of time that's the drop dead date drop dead submission now while we're on that issue I believe we have another of Mr renberg's applications where I think Taylor got an email today from a board engineer saying they were submitting revisions and what we want to find out is if you don't want to get the board towards the day of the meeting then you're going to have to extend the hearing because uh Kayla can you put on the record what we're talking about yes so earlier this afternoon I received an email from the applicant engineer for just finish this hearing first so that right why don't we an announcement just in case I don't Ren notice and then I probably will reot bottom line is the hearing in this matter is going to be continued to October 17 they've extended the time to decid to December 31 the drop dead date for resubmissions is September 26th if they want to be heard in October 17 but if they want this phase two if they want this amended site plan approval to reapprovals that were on that slab closest to the highway they're going to have to Ren notice if they don't want to do that then they don't have to Ren notice but then there's going to be a discussion about what should happen to that concrete slab if there's not going to be a building on understood okay okay so that closes that can we move on to the next thing that's not on the agenda but we have Mr here two good luck all right make sure you save that exhibit John for me okay so earlier this afternoon I received an email correspondence from the executive snow application their engineer had reached out to me saying that they have revised their plans to all the board professionals reports and he wanted to know if he could submit them to us that's a good by the way that's a very good thing and so this right the issue is the application is scheduled for our next meeting August 15th so that's way past our the board's 21-day rule so right so if you want the board you want to ask to wave the rule then you can't complain if you get the reports the day of the hearing what what we won't complain is that a promise I I never complain on the and you won't ask that night to have the thing continue correct no we'll proceed forward um because what we've tried to do is address all of the reports professionals reports to try and streamline I understand which is a really good thing yeah so we wouldn't and we wouldn't ask for a continu we just wanted to nail that down on the record yeah resp email what's that Jeff what will there be response letters as well will there be response are you gonna respond to each and every professional report words um he wants response letters to make their job easier so they don't have to look through and figure out what's been changed he wants a letter to explain what the the answer is yes I've already seen them and I told Rob to send them today they said get them in as soon as possible okay well I didn't tell how many I haven't read the response letters to see whether they go per item but I've seen that there were response letters to engineer response letter to planner have him go per item he did I just didn't go through each item myself okay so will the board wave the 21-day rule hearing that Mr gromberg is not going to complain if he gets the reports the day of the hearing and he's not going to seek an adjournment because the reports came in the day of the hearing John we have that in writing no we got it on tape you got it on the record we got it on tape we good we're good thank you all okay can I get a can I get a motion to adjourn so move second all in favor anybody want to hang around [Music] okay Jackie have a nice night thank you everyone good night it's only :3