e e e e e e e emailed me to ask if we were having a meeting and I said yes I'm letting people in sorry I thought you said go ahead okay okay so why don't we uh get started hopefully recording in progress hopefully Jerry will join us um so I'd like to uh call the meeting to order and uh we'll do attendance roll call um Paula present Carrie here and Kevin here and Rick Lopez here uh so in terms of tonight's agenda uh welcome everyone a large crew there that's good um we're gonna approve the minutes and public comment um and then we have several uh topics to go over one is uh reviewing a request to extend uh the compliance time for 601 havil um a second is to do a formal administrative hearing for 110 Main Street regarding a tobacco violation we'll also hear from um Martin Busby regarding nicotine free generation policy um we'll have a discussion about the ban uh on animals um or birds at 166 High Street uh we'll we'll sort of come down the final stretch with a summary by Jamie um our consultant regarding our community health needs assessment um who will go over um sort of the progress year to date and where we are and and next steps um and then we'll wrap up with a day uh doing the monthly report so that's pretty U solid agenda and um why don't we just get right into it uh in terms of the minutes from um our last meeting on February 8th hi Paula yes are you surprised I'm sorry just just a couple of in in the paragraph um on the bottom of page two regarding during the discussion of the yangs yes um just how it uh red was a little awkward to me um where it says ad solarin proceeds to announce the process that needs to be followed by the yangs they will come in front of the board and March to lift the ban and if that's granted apply for new a new permit and then it period and then says follow those instructions give site plans list all mat being used and then inspection just just um it's sort of a yeah a broken up sentence there yeah um so for a suggestion they need to follow these instructions give site plans list all materials being used pay and and then have an exp then have an ex an inspection does that make more sense okay yes I believe it does that's all that was it just a little rephrasing do you have that Cassidy you thank you Cassidy as always you do a great job so I'll make a motion to approve the minutes with the edits uh that we've just reviewed with Paula do I have a second second Carrie roll call Paula yes Carrie you're on mute you're on mute Carrie I'm sorry yes my cat was screaming I was trying to spare apologies Yes Yes Rick yes so the minutes are approved now in terms of public comment I know we have a number of people but I think and I I kind of asked a day about this I think all the individuals are here oh and there's Jerry uh welcome Jerry hi sorry I'm getting home late from work sorry okay hi Jerry hi Jerry um it looks like the the individuals here are all related to um uh various agenda items and not sort of open public comments so um if I'm wrong if any of the individuals uh can raise their hand by clicking at the bottom of the screen on reactions and um and clicking raiseed hand you can do that otherwise uh we will call on you as those agenda items uh come up okay so seeing no hands up I think we can move on to um agenda number five on the Cal uh Street issue and maybe um a day you can kind of introduce the topic and we could certainly hear from uh Mr mallister as well all right so um as you all know there was a fire at 601 hav Street last October uh we conducted an inspection and we found multiple violations that needed to be corrected um Mr mallister appeared before the board during the November Board of Heth meeting to request a modification of compliance time due to insurance reasons and also the inability to secure contractors in a timely manner um the board granted an extension of of compliance time until May 1st 2024 Mr mallister I believe is here tonight to provide an update and also to request additional time for compliance okay am I am I on yes yes okay first of all thank you for putting me on the agenda and I am here to request an extension and I'd like to give you a little update on what's Happening uh we finally reached a end end agreement with the insurance company on what's they're responsible and what I'm responsible for probably a week ago in the interim while we been negotiating back and forth we've had uh a a a company come in with Hazmat uniforms and everything and clean out everything that's not secured to the house so like all the appliances are gone uh any furniture that were there is gone all the junk and everything else is gone so it's standing building right now so now I need to now it's my responsibility to get the contractor to come in and do the Demolition and then do the Reconstruction and I'm working to try to get contractors but to be honest with you it's a slow process so I assume it's going to take me probably two months to get the contractor on board and all the contractors I'm talking to are telling me it's going to be a minimum of six months to break it down make sure it's okay to build back in again you know no mold and all that stuff and then reconstruct so basically we're talking a minimum of eight months um in the meantime nobody's living in the house the house is is vacant we're living off somewhere else and uh you know basically I'm thinking for for ease of ability and not revisiting it December would be a good time frame but if you want to me come back and update you earlier you just let me know [Music] when so ad day what are your thoughts on this I think um I recommend the board you know granting additional um you know time for compliance okay you know hi go ahead Paula I was just gonna say I'd like to see uh an update at some point yeah just just say when y maybe uh six months some point like in if we if we were to Grant an extension let's say uh to December 31st um with the an update in September uh to kind of see where things are at that point that would that would make sense I mean there's no immediate um danger to the public um you know things have been removed no one's living there um and so I feel comfortable uh you know granting the extension because I don't think there's any harm or danger uh to that so should I make move to Grant to accept the extension with an update at in September and Grant the extension to December December December 31st okay I would second that motion okay roll call Carrie yes Paula Yes Rick yes okay Mr McAlister you have the extension to December 31st we will see you in September as the song goes um to uh hear where things are at that point hey thank you very much appreciate it great thank you good night byee okay uh moving on to um 110 Main Street so um so turns out that um our parliamentarian Kevin sexon was correct around how we managed the meeting last time last month um sorry we got our hands uh our wrist slapped uh by the uh Town Council so basically I'm just mad I didn't think of it sooner Rick that's it so basically we were gonna have an administrative hearing and our notion at that time was that um since the uh the gentleman from 110 Main Street um wasn't there that um we could just make a decision and move on and in fact uh what we were advised was that we really need to have a formal administrative hearing call one to order um give the gentleman an opportunity to talk if he's uh present and then um make a decision vote on that and then um formally adjourn the administrative meeting so um so that's a good lesson for the future and um so that's what we're gonna we're going to do and so I would uh like to um make a motion to call to order an administrative hearing regarding the issue 110 Main Street uh do I have a second okay we go Paula Paul Carrie yes Paula Yes Rick yes okay so we are now in an administrative hearing um ad day do you want to just kind of review where things were on this um and for the for the board so um a tobacco product was sold to a minor at ring shell on January 6 2024 at approximately 11:00 a.m. our regional tobacco coordinator Morin she's here tonight and her team conducted a tobacco compliance check during which one of the clerks sold a pack of maros to an underaged buyer the viation comes with a $1,000 fine and a three-day suspension of the store's tobacco license uh we issued an order to comply with the tobacco regulations and find the establishment $1,000 for their first offense um The Establishment paid the fine and they here tonight before the board to determine the status of their suspension I think um Randy is here from Reading shell I believe Randy laflor yes yes all right um Randy you can go ahead and I just want to first of all thank you guys um we had retrained all our employees we have signed um mentation stating that all employees have been retrained um we have a bars program which we use as a Mystery Shop program we've had 14 straight months of 100% in compliance um we also just had an upgrade on our POS system which uses scanners um for any all tobacco products um so anyone who comes to purchase needs to show an ID and get scanned or the sale will not go through so we just wanted to let you guys know what we're trying to get done um to solve these problems excellent that's that's very good to hear Mr lefl um and very reassuring for the future um you know the the issue at hand is that our tobacco regulations call for even on the first offense $1,000 fine which you have graciously paid and um a three-day suspension of tobacco sales um you know I the way that I read the regulations is although the board can always vote for um A Change Is that the suspension is um automatic and what we have to think about as a board is um the the whole idea of uh setting precedent um you know know if there's an extenuating circumstance um or some some circumstance that warrants a a change from the regulation then we can certainly consider that um if not uh I think we need to be you know fairly consistent on that so I'd be interested on you know thoughts from board members in terms of this situation uh it sounds like going forward you know sounds like uh Mr Leo has done a lot of good work in preventing this from happening again but it it certainly doesn't negate um you know what happened in January and potentially what's been happening in the past year or two which you know we haven't been aware of so any thoughts or comments uh regarding this from the board members or any questions from Miss to the floor yeah so I do have a actually have a question if you would like for me to wait no okay so what my question would be is um on January 6 I think when the infraction happened um my owner wants to understand um he's concerned that we are not there's no if once someone tries to buy cigarettes and they fail at that point is there anyone that would hand them a card or a failure or something so that they know at that point that this actually happened he uh is concerned that someone could come in and just say that you failed a month ago and our our videos only last for 30 days so we can't even go back and for as a training aspect to find out who it was what we can do to fix the problem is there a a way that whoever is doing doing the inspection could let them know that they did not pass I I might ask Meen uh who over sees our tobacco inspections uh to answer that what the process is and how that works um sure we actually used to have a protocol or rather rather I did um in my region where if there was a when I did a compliance check and um the store failed it after the youth got into the car and I had um tagged and bagged the evidence which would be the product that the youth bought then I would go into the store put my business card on the counter and say hi Morin Busby tobacco program doing compliance checks and reading today um if if it was one clerk in the store I would say you sold a pack of maros or whatever it was to an underage youth violation of Board of Health um regulations and back in the day you know four years ago we actually I used to actually write the tickets but when the fines were increased I didn't write the tickets anymore now what I do is at the end of the day at the end of a round of compliance checks I write immediately to the health director in this case it's a day and say you know at 11:07 on Sunday January whatever it was 17 year old male youth you know description of exactly what happened um clerk at uh Shell station at 110 Main Street sold without checking ID um and you know just give him that information in the email um I used to go into the store tell the clerk what happened but the state program has um actually doesn't allow us to do that any anymore and for two reasons one um safety so my safety and the safety of the youth and two identification of the youth so what I have seen with my own eyes in some stores when I've done an inspection where I'm in the store behind the counter I've actually seen a photograph of my youth compliance check on the cash register that the clerk can see so that the clerk will then know not to sell to that youth because that youth is is doing this um you know youth buyer check so for those reasons we don't do that anymore um but we do try to notify immediately I'll always write my email generally you know sometimes it's in the evening so a day won't be working on it until the next day but we do recognize In fairness that we want to get that information to the store immediately so they can one you know let their clerk know and two that they can um do retraining check their security cameras what whatever it is they feel they need to do and by the way I do want to say thank you very much for all the seriousness with which you took this violation and the work that you have done to try to ensure that it doesn't happen again I appreciate that thank you a day um generally how soon do you get out the um your letter after Meen has informed you within a week or within a week within a week and I and I guess I would say since the letter is is very precise of in this case January 6 at 1107 am uh it would be I would think fairly easy for the uh business or the retailer to be able to know exactly who was in the shop um at that moment in time and presumably the person so um you know getting back to uh the issue of um the suspension um you know I again I I'm concerned about President setting and unusual circumstances in terms of decision making and I in this case although I appreciate going forward the work that's being done I'm not sure I see any particular reason we should um vote for a waiver um for the three-day suspension any other thoughts on this by any of the board members no I agree with you Rick yeah I certainly appreciate what the the business has done to to mitigate but that as you said that doesn't um it doesn't um take away the the fact of the of the violation violation I agree um if we have to um give enough lead time for both uh you know Moren and aday as well as obviously the business um uh I would make a motion to um uh suspend the tobacco selling license for uh 110 Main Street Reading shell perhap on March 25th 6th and 7th those three days that's in a week and a half um and um so I would make that motion do I have a second um yeah I can second that roll call uh Carrie you're on mute you're mute yes Paula Yes Rick yes um thank you uh Mr laflora you know I appreciate the work that you've done um we need to follow through in this and be consistent um as the case may be with that um I make a motion to uh close the ad administrative hearing um do I have a second second Harry second roll call Paula yes Harry yes and Rick yes um thank you again Mr the floor have a good evening okay um next on the topic is uh a topic we've discussed before which is uh nicotine free uh generation policy which is um something that uh Brookline has done and several other towns are considering um and we were waiting for the Supreme Judicial Court to make a decision on this so Marine you want to update us on where things are with respect to this sure um so as I'm sure you're aware Friday morning the decision came from the Supreme Judicial Court that um they upheld unanimous vote uh to uphold the brookln policy and furthermore they um they they really um emphasize the importance of the right of local public health to um adopt regulations that protect and improve the safety of the residents but furthermore really point I'm paraphrasing but pointed out the importance of local public health playing a leadership historically uh playing a leadership role in important um Public Health policy um so anyway that was an important decision um Greatful to the to the uh SJC and um now for the let me see I have four four of my seven communities have already held the public hearing and didn't vote at those public hearings because they wanted to hear what the SJC would would um decide and then three of my seven communities voted when I did um make a presentation presentation to them about this policy voted to wait until that SJC um decision came down before deciding whether or not to um hold a public hearing so um I think that's probably what you want to discuss tonight is whether you want to go ahead and um hold a public hearing and then set a date for that public hearing and then once if you do that and once that data is set then we have some work to do relative to communication and uh for the community so everybody knows there's a public and especially of course communication to the stores that have a tobacco permit um and I'm ready to you know hopefully can answer any questions you might have about a public hearing process if you if you wish be before you um before you vote um one thought I had was that in order for the public to be able to comment on a potential new regulation um I would think that we would need to uh have the regulation uh written up um or the you know the amendment to our current tobacco regulations um so that the public knows what the issue is and those who are interested could come to a meeting um and speak uh to it so we all kind of know um you know what this is about but we don't have it in black and white and we don't have a particular date um I think I think Brook line had January 1 uh 2000 as as a date which kind of makes it easy for people uh to look at uh and to you know the people who are selling products uh to be able to recognize um but isn't it the case Marin or a day that we should have some written language that the board has tentatively agree to um before we call a public hearing publish that language and then have the hearing to hear comments um is that is would that be the process um I can try to start to answer that if you want a day absolutely so what we've done in other communities it there there are several things that typically we do one we publish a notice in the local newspaper um now of course many households don't get a local printed newspaper anymore so so um it can be social Med the newspaper social media the town website physically in the town hall so we'd follow all those regular things that we would do the notice would contain the the two paragraphs that you would add into your amend if you um are considering this you'd be considering amending your current tobacco sales regs by adding inserting these two paragraphs and they don't have them in front of me but basically they say um no one born after the data blah blah blah shall be able to purchase tobacco products in the town of reading um and and then the second paragraph is is you know basically and anyone who does so is subject to this you know these penalties um and that's what was done in the other communities um I I have that language I can send a day a copy of a notice that um the last Community to do it was Malden had a public Hearing in January and I can certainly share that notice with you um and then the health department so in this case a day I would assume would send a notice to every retailer who has a tobacco permit in um in Malden in most communities they did that electronically because they have an email address for each of those um in the communities where there's been a public hearing so far I also hand delivered a a paper copy of that notice to every single store and um mailed in the US public uh US postage service mail a hard copy of that um because we do know that some stores are good about checking the the physical mail some aren't some are about checking email some aren't so we really went out of our way to make sure the stores knew about this store owners knew about this and then um the um and then we generally we've started to get some comments from the public um the sometimes comments to the um Health director sometimes comments to the board chair sometimes comments to all um board members and in the three um for public hearings we've had so far those comments U might be from Tobacco Control Advocates uh or they might be from retailers tobacco Distributors uh tobacco lobbyists um so anyway that's been the experience we've had had so far and then when there is that that public hearing um it's it's you know it's it's a public hearing so it's a one-way um presentation of of comments the board as you know it do a say anything but they listen to all the comments and then when everybody has had a chance to speak generally the everyone is offered the opportunity to provide additional written testimony whether they were there at the meeting or not um but uh some period of time I think mostly it's been 30 days so um from the date of the meeting people would have an additional and this is something that you folks can decide but would have an additional 30 days to have um to provide additional comments because in a public hearing someone might go first and then they hear people you know 10 people speak after them then they wish they had said something else so this gives that and because every person gets a chance to speak once they can't get back in line and speak again this gives them that opportunity to add some comments that they wish they had said after they heard everybody else speak so it seems like a very fair way to collect um information comments opinions uh about an important Public Health policy that's good great so so I would I mean I I think that's a great process um you know I I feel like um if you could the this is gonna take some time but if you could provide the language that one or two towns the the language you think is the best uh that one one or two of these towns have you know proposed as a change in their regulations you can provide that for a day and share it with us what I it would seem like at our next meeting we could review it discuss it and if we're in agreement with that language we don't want to tweak it at all we could then vote to have a a public hearing based on the language we agree to um and then you know that notification process that you discussed uh could happen so it might be that we agree on the language and and vote to have a public Hearing in in April and then um you know have a public hearing subsequently uh and then you know maybe a 30-day followup from that so I seems like that would be would make the most sense but I'm open to any other suggestions and thoughts so from my standing um we can combine both so um you can vote to have a public hearing tonight you don't have to pick a date you're just V in to have a public he and then I can work with Morin to get the language get everything ready um if the board wants to see it I can always email it to the board you know I don't think we need to wait till the next meeting and then wait another you know drag it out um but yeah we can combine everything and um make it happen well we don't um we could do that and the one caveat to that is we we can't deliberate outside the meeting on the language so I think if you worked with Meen uh came up with proposed language sent it out to board members and we could give our feedback directly to you um and if if uh you know it appears it appears that there's consensus looks fine yes exactly what you we could follow the process you said if um people have different thoughts about the language the date or how you know something in in that language what we might do is we could call a brief you know half hour meeting before our next meeting just to kind of ion out any details uh but if there's consensus that you get back then we can go with that do board members feel comfortable with that or um yes yeah uh Kevin yeah yeah I just had a few questions while we have Moren here nice to see you as always Moren um thank you nice to see all of you so I I always um my brain always works towards implementation right so I what have you seen so far as far as how it how it all works we have pretty hefty finds on the books right and this is really going to drastically incre increase those finds potential to happen if somebody doesn't have a scanner like the uh the last manager who was just speaking so what have you seen so far from that standpoint what are you hearing at the state level because these are always breeding grounds for the state to just come in and do it's all 351 right and so that's you know is there talks timelines and stuff like that I'm just curious about the implementation part of it yeah no those are those are great questions so um I'll answer the last question first um Senator state senator Jason Lewis Lewis's legislative um director um has already reached out to me to meet to talk about this and by the way um Senator Lewis had already asked for draft language and had indicated a willingness to file um this in the state senate and then also Mike dayve from um stonum had asked for the language because he'd be willing to sponsor a bill in the in the state house so you're absolutely right the state is looking at this watching this and I had a lot of people reach out to me you know because they knew I was working on this in my communities right after that decision came out so there a lot of interest for sure so that's that part of it um so the the other part in in terms of imple implementation um in the other communities where we were just one step ahead ahead of you that's all there there's been a public hearing um the the um kind of consensus was that these cities and towns would like to if possible if it works out this isn't necessary um but if possible have the same effective they vote to adopt the policy then have the same effective date so we have talked with those communities about what that would look like and in terms of the the the birth date because right now we have the age restriction now we're going to introduce a birth date restriction that birth date restriction you're right wouldn't be 11 2000 which was in Brooklyn because that was four years ago so it would be uh one uh one one through 2004 I think I always have to write this down on paper to get the math right 112 2004 so no one born after 11 2004 would be able to buy tobacco and and our definition of tobacco includes all nicotine delivery products from Massachusetts so if we say tobacco we mean all nicotine products um so no one would be able to buy tobacco products if they were born after that date um so it's pretty you know pretty simple language and also um Brooklyn which is as we know is the only community in Massachusetts actually in the United States that has done this um it makes the work of the clerk actually easier because they only have one date they look at a license and that license just has to say the birth date is before 112000 they don't have to worry about what today's date is they just look at that license person was either born before 112000 or born after 112000 so they can buy or they can't by um so that's pretty you know pretty clear and pretty simple okay um I I would recommend you know a 6mon out effective date we there has been a lot of publicity around this um there you know newspaper TV news on National publicity and so on so people are pretty aware especially retailers are pretty aware of the policy but I would recommend you know an effective date six months out so depending on how all these communities fall it might look like some something like 1125 so effective 1125 no one born after 11 2004 would be able to buy tobacco and in terms of the language um all four communities that have had a public hearing and provided a notice to everyone they've all used the same language because it's it's really really simple it doesn't mean you can't tweak it but just to you know if you if you decide to have a separate meeting I think it'll probably take you five minutes because it's literally two paragraphs okay date and and P and making sure it says and if somebody violates this there's a penalty right so in regard thank you very much for that that's actually um really useful information I think the one point I got from what you said was the way you structure it is you can't buy it right now right so you're putting the date effective data on for somebody that currently cannot go out and buy product in our town right now we're not changing that part of it right because you can just go back to basically 20 years back and so you're only 20 years old you can't purchase the tobacco product in our town currently right part of it that I'm so glad you said that that's really important for and we try to make sure from an understanding standpoint so it's like we're not restricting it for you you can't have it right now exactly this this policy does not affect anyone who already has we'll call it a right privilege whatever you want to call it to buy tobacco it doesn't penalize anybody who already no one gets a privilege taken away it only affects people who have not yet reached the age of 21 and have not gained you know gained that privilege to be able to buy tobacco products absolutely correct like for the Public's sake I think really point and I think it's I think it's one of the beauties of this particular policy is it's not snatching something away from someone who just earned the you know the privilege of buying and now we're telling them they can't buy you are correct the the funny thing in regards to that when this when this all comes around because I I I I do have a feeling that it's going to go to the state level if if we start to adopt it you're actually going to create a Chasm of people that now can that couldn't right it's like three years from now there there's like that which is I I know it's like semantic but I just find that's that's right right um the one thing I would um tell the board is you know once it does get implemented um if that's the route that that the board ends up going with it that you know maybe not so heavy on the findes or maybe a little more leniency and obviously you have the right for some to come back to and you can kind of adjust those a little bit for a grace period of time just because I know you know it'd be great six months to get people up to speed but then it's it's different when you're telling people this is what you need to do and then they have to do it so once they have actually have to do it that's when you I you know things tend to fall through the cracks maybe I'm maybe not but um I would just be wary of that not wey but just cognizant of it you know moving forward if violations do occur after that period and for a small period right you know talking years here but you know let him get a run through on it thank um Kevin if I could comment on that um I think that's an excellent suggestion and if you don't mind I'd like to share it with my other communities because that it hasn't come up before but I actually like that approach it we're not we're not trying to we're not trying to penalize we're trying to make sure people don't you're trying to educate trying to educate these store owners and these and these managers and the and the and the clerks right that's that's kind of the goal here and give them a chance it it kind of reminds me of the flavor band when the flavor band happened 1120 the state Statewide flavor band 1120 and for months I went into those stores and all I said was you can't carry that no one got a fine for it we spent a lot of time making sure people understood no that's a flavor clove is a flavor or what you know whatever it might be and with no fines because we wanted to educate them and get them into voluntary compliance not penalize them so heavily with the with the fines selling to a minor is a whole different story under state law that's state law that's done but yep yeah implementation is always you know on like I said it's just it never works out the way you think it will on paper that's all I got thank you so is the board going to vote to um you know have a public public hearing or do you want to do this at a subsequent meeting sure I would be comfortable making a motion that um you know I would comfortable making a motion that um that we hold a public hearing on the nicotine free generation policy um contingent upon um board members offline without discussion and without change um approve whatever language a day you send out to us in the next week or two um if and uh and that if there is um if there is disagreement then we would have a short board meeting before the next one just to uh clarify um but if there 's total consensus on it uh you know we can you you'll let us know and we can plan on scheduling the uh public hearing sometime I guess it would probably be in April sometime so I would make that motion do I have a second Paula second roll call Carrie you muted mute the cat is so fussy tonight I just so sorry yes Paula yes Rick yes okay so that's the plan I look forward to uh hearing from hearing uh seeing this language going forward so that'll be good thanks Mor great thank you all very much have a have a good night you too take care talk soon okay bye bye bye okay um uh we're moving now to um agenda item eight which is the ban on animals at 166 High Street and so ad day do you and I I think we have a couple um people here who would like to speak to this issue um but day do you want to just kind of capsulize it for us absolutely so I'll just make this brief um the occupants of 166 I Street are here tonight to ask the board to resend the ceas and deist order and allow them to keep birds on their property I believe um Mrs Yang and um Lena Yang is here also the um colen colon is here as well um The Neighbors at 172 High Street okay so um uh not sure where we should start um can and one of the yangs or Lena or um want to speak first and speak to you know your thoughts on this issue of the question at hand is whether to um lift the ban on animals at 166 uh High Street yes thanks so much hi everyone thank you for taking the time and uh happy almost Friday um really appreciate the time on the agenda today um you know so I've taken the time to you know really review all of the rules and regulations in detail you know as we said the you know biggest change is that um you know I'm now stepping in to help and be responsible for adherence to all the Town rules and regulations um you know really stemming from once I got involved we were able to fully comply with the cease and assist letter um as you know you know since the last meeting there's been no animals on the premises everything has been removed and we've been in full compliance um and so you know taking this time and reviewing the rules and regulations in depth um you know I have a clear understanding of all the necessary steps that are needed going forward um you know so mainly those that were listed in the letter one you know limiting the number of poultry to six um you know so we would absolutely adhere to that there's um just three ducks and three chickens that we would like to bring back um so we would absolutely adhere to that limit um you know I think the second piece that was noted was of course the license piece so I'm very clear on you know that application process um and as mentioned happy to work through the details of the plot measurements um you know ensuring everything is up to standard and then working with a um you know to ensure that and and having that inspection as was mentioned earlier in the meeting notes um also you know understanding the regulation around each poultry needing 2.5 square feet so would Absol ensure that we would have 15 square fet or more for the six um animals and then that would all be part of the plot plan you know that we would review um with a and have the inspection on before bringing any animals back to the premises um you know and then if there's any other pieces we need to discuss here happy to incorporate that into the plan and make sure that we have you know everything in place and agreed upon um you know before taking any steps so you know that's what I wanted to share you I know there was confusion and um a lot of uh you know just a lot of confusion leading up to this but I think now that I've stepped in um and can personally help make sure that everything is kept responsibly um you know I'm at the property weekly and can ensure everything is always in compliance um you know wanted to take this as you know a new slate and having these new processes and understanding in place to move forward um so that ask is for the board to consider lifting the ban and again um you know would follow all the steps required to get the license back in place um or the license in place before taking any steps in terms of bringing back any animals and um you know very clear that it's six poultry total so it be three ducks and three chickens thank you Lena I appreciate your comments and your thoughtfulness and your uh intent to follow the you know the regulations in the town um I see Mr Mrs de there as well welcome um do you have any comments you'd like to make as neighbors of 16 6 high uh yes um my name is Chris by the way I know it's not listed there um under I didn't think you were calling thank you um so yeah I I did want to just um take a few minutes to try to speak in favor of maintaining the cease and desist order and our reasoning behind that is um you know one of the principal issues that we've had over the past couple years that the birds have been on the property in in the past was that there was never really adequate maintenance performed on the area where the birds are and also that the birds are often allowed to leave the pen leave the the caged area and roam around the yard and what that translates to is that the birds often poop everywhere and there's bird feces throughout the property and that's what really drives the smell and makes it you know a bad situation for us as neighbors so while I appreciate you know the neighbors uh or the homeowners attempt to follow the regulations and to do you know a better job of keeping the numbers within the permitted allowed amount um I I'm wondering if maybe um a day could speak towards whether there's any um language in the regulation or the permit that requires things like proper maintenance and keeping the birds from roaming around where it's harder to keep proper maintenance because they're now not restricted to a pen but they're allowed to roam around a much bigger area making it hard to to clean up after them is is that anything that's covered in the permitting process or is that left up to the uh homeowner's discretion it is covered in the permitting process the the the birds are not allowed to roam around um from my understanding uh prior to me uh you know starting um a read in I heard that um like three sumers ago the birds were like on the sidewalk they were on the streets and they had to call the police department and things like that I'm not sure how you know the accuracy of the statement but that was what I heard um and that would be a violation of the regulation okay what about in the pen is is there um is there requirements for like say putting down wood chips and then and then cleaning those up or throwing them away and replacing them with fresh wood chips in an effort to minimize bird feces which often is what's the cause of the smell that fls around is is there anything like that or is that up to the owner's discretion as well so prior to um keeping animals on your property at all you know you you're supposed to turn in a plan to us for review um okay matter of fact I don't think having boot chips uh is uh I don't think U those are absorbent uh materials that you can use for a pen so if they had turned in an application and we had reviewed it we would have denied the application based on the wood chips there's are not materials to be used in in a cage or you know a pen okay so there are certain substances that you can put down to absorb absorb absolutely okay all right um well I mean I think you know in in light of the homeowners efforts to follow the regulations and and to provide a plan I mean we're not opposed to to moving forward that so long as you know things like the maintenance at because obviously the permit can be issued and then things can go AR after the fact so if there are you know if there's a a good faith effort to keep the property clean and to and to minimize the impact of having the birds on the property then you know we're okay with going forward with allowing them to resubmit for a permit and and and submit the plan then have it fall under your jurisdiction and your watchful eyes I I would be against the variance if they even if against more than six if that's an attempt later down the road because I had heard that that was what they were hoping for later no I think there was a confusion last time um you know again where the representative you know misspoke and said nine so we're absolutely committed to six there's only um three ducks in chickens that are actually in my care right now and those are the only ones that would be coming back to 166 High Street upon full approval of the plans and securement of the license and you know once we've assured everything is being followed okay um there are other measures we can put in place as well um so we can maybe increase the frequency of inspection of the location um I think that would be very helpful we can do that um I'm not sure how the board feels about this but instead of having I mean instead of denying them the you know the ability to have Birds uh the board can maybe allow three birds or two instead of you know completely denying them um you know there there other various things the can do so I I'll just leave it up to the board to make a decision okay I just have sorry could I could I add one more to that consideration sure so I did just want to um add that like these the three ducks and three chickens that have been kept um they're really bonded though I know that's like you know um you know I would just ask for there to be um a consideration of that I don't know if it would cause a lot of stress to the animals you know they've um you know they've gone through a lot with the changes so um you know again I'll give 110% effort to keep everything exactly to the regulations um you know totally open to multiple inspections if it needs to be weekly um you know you have my full commitment to that I would just ask for um leniency on being able to keep the six animals together since um you know again they're really bonded like those three Ducks were born together and I just I'm worried about like stressing them out as well um you know I understand that again it's six and it's absolutely that is the number um so you have my full commitment to that I would just ask that um you know the consideration be to keep them together if possible uh board members any comments thoughts suggestions Kevin um yeah so personally I think this this whole process went as prob as good as we could have planned it to go um it's not U this board never wants to do um a a a strict ban but you know when there's no non-compliance it's there you really leave left with nothing else but to do that from that it seems like the compliance has gone through the roof um that you have now a family member that's that's going to be involved with it you you had complete compliance of what what you were looking for the regulations that or the um you know Town meetings set this regulation at six um that they allow for six that's it was it was a town meeting decision to come up with that number I was there I I remember that night it was a long discussion surprisingly right but so I mean once somebody gets into compliance I really don't personally I don't have any issue with it I think that's that was always the goal right so that's the way I would feel if it's their prerogative It's their right by our bylaws to have six you know I wouldn't have any issue with it now I would caution the the homeowners you know moving forward we are stickers for compliance so great job um coming into it great job right now and you know you'll submit your plan to a day and and a day will take it from there but I you know I'd say six is six it's not 12 right so that if it happens again then it becomes a real issue but you can't get somebody in trouble for something they haven't done that's always my feeling on this they've done a really good job um with ping compliance and I I see no reason why they shouldn't allow allowed to have all six back through the proper process again which which didn't happen in the first place but I'm sure it's going to happen now yes yes absolutely thank you I would agree with that Kevin thank you so I I'm you know in that in the case of the tobacco violation I mentioned um you know mitigating circumstances and to create to-do a waiver um or uh you know setting precedent and you know in this situation um and and I totally appreciate both uh the deon's you know their concerns what they've had to live through but and their openness to going forward uh based on Lena's comments of you know commitment to compliance to the uh regulation so um you know this is this is I wish the whole town could come together like this in in other situations um but I won't go there uh but terms of um muting in terms of going forward I mean another possibility to I mean clearly um the yangs would need to apply for a permit they would have the appropriate inspections and the plan to a day and and and so forth and I agree with Kevin that they do have you know um ultimately a right to uh six Birds um on the other hand uh you know the town has delegated to the Board of Health the authority to manage this regulation and with that the authority to create um you know conditions and potential waivers and and so forth um that in its best interest um so it's you know it's hard to completely forget the last 12 months um where there was a lot of difficulties going on and sounds like it's been going on for maybe even longer than that but the board has only been aware since last summer um so a sort of compromise um Poss ility I'll just throw this out and i' I'd really like to hear uh whether this makes sense or not um might be to approve Three Birds um at the moment um and uh and then in six months um if uh whatever inspections the health department does and everything seems to be you know compliant then the board can you know can consider going to the full six birds at that point uh Lena you can keep you know it could be the three Ducks who uh are bonded uh that stick together either at your place or at at your parents um but I think this would be a kind of stepwise approach that ensures and and the only reason to do this in my mind and other board members may feel differently that's fine um the only reason to do this is that you know there's this history that's hard to you know totally forget and so I'd like to be a little cautious about moving forward um with you know potentially three birds now six months reassess if things have been going well um birds are in their pen and things are uh you know from a public health safety things are are fine then we can you know uh proceed to the six birth limit but that would be that would be my thought on this but I'm open to other considerations yeah I can speak to that a bit more and you know I totally hear you I think um you know I I think it's more of a privilege than than a outright right you know and and totally understand um you know that the board has seen the history on this um you know again I think the biggest change is my involvement um and you know helping to take personal responsibility and committing to to this um you know so I think if it makes you and the other board members more comfortable um you know if we need to take a phased approach you know if the board would be amenable to you know for starting with um you know either the three ducks or the three chickens and just maybe shortening that you know I guess probationary period to like one month um you know that way we can really you know demonstrate and prove that the setup um you know is compliant and you know if there's any feedback or um if a day has any other suggestions or requirements we can fulfill those um you know I I think it it you know that would just be something I would propose and hope um can be taken into consideration um so maybe that's an alternative approach that could be a compromise thank you uh Kevin thanks um you know I don't disagree with you Rick um I I don't qualify this one as setting a precedent so so much though but where this is you know the it was a um it was a penal um approach towards compliance and that was done and and now um you know at that point somebody should have the ability to apply back for it and I think you know once you've kind of you've paid the the penalty youve paid the the time and um for the infraction um I I just don't see this a difference between uh one bird and six bird if it's going to go wrong it's going to go wrong you know I don't see a big distinction between the two of them um personally that that's that's me but I I don't disagree with you in your approach either um certainly you know to ease back into it but you know six is actually going to be easy for them because of what they did have on there originally they had a lot more than six on there so this is actually reducing the number that they're um used to taking care of should make it easier um in that regard so again I I don't disagree with you but I also three and six to me is the same number if it's going to go wrong it's going to go wrong I don't think there's a a difference there you know I think the intent from the homeowner from um Lena I I think is um is compliance and I think they should be allowed to have that opportunity that's all okay thank you other thoughts Carrie Paula Jerry I I would agree with Kevin I I mean let's just they've done everything they can to prepare for this and now there's more people involved to help with oversight um and I think um having had to get rid of all of the animals was a penalty in itself um but now that they have the extra support I think uh if everything's in compliance with a written plan um uh approved by a day um then go ahead and more compliance checks yes right I I um I agree yeah I was just looking back at the the complaints and and trying to to see and and what I note is that it was there was an excess of so there was an excess be well beyond the level of what would be permitted and there was um you you know disorder um so I was looking to see you know you was there anything that that might warrant one way or the other in terms of um do we go with three do we go with four um and and I and I don't see that and I I'm I'm I'm I'm sensitive to the um you know concerns and the burden on staff of you know additional compliance and checks and um um additional time and you know that it has been a challenging history but I'm also um I'm I'm I'm actually quite impressed by what Lena has presented to us I think that um she demonstrates a a clear understanding of the requirements and of the steps that need to be taken and I'm inclined to um say that you know as we say with full clearance from a day of the plan is exactly as it should be it includes all of the factors that we need and that there's some you know success in you know agreement with um spot checks um I guess I call them um then I think that um I don't I don't see I I agree that I don't see the difference um I'm not sure what would G we would gain by changing from changing the number so okay thank you um yes Paula go ahead was this supposed to be a hearing no I don't okay think that was just want to make sure we didn't miss no I think this was a discussion on and we do need to take a vote um on the next steps Jerry do you what are your thoughts on this I think I'm pretty swayed by both Kevin and Paula I think you know we have to trust and Lena seems to be very involved now so trust but verify can I just ask one other question sure um just um I think for the most part I I think my wife and I are okay with with the six birds as long as they're in compliance uh but there's one issue you know the two principal issues that we faced were the smell from a lack of Maintenance and the other one was and I believe I sent a video of it which was was the rooster crowing and I know that roosters are explicitly forbidden in the regulations but I think I read that it is possible for hens to actually behave like a rooster sometimes dominant hens can crow like a rooster that's what was happening like in the fall so I'm a little concerned that they may be fully incompliant but we still have you know 4:00 in the morning crowing from a dominant hen and and is there a way to address that if it's not technically a rooster um you know so I don't want to I don't want to bring up anything to to you know muck up the waters but um but is you know if if that happens and and we brought that to the attention of the animal control officer or a day you know is there a way to address that without like sort of telling them they they have violated their permit um so just just a concern that we have over over that aspect of it so a day wouldn't that wouldn't that fall under the um you know we have regulations around noise um wouldn't that fall into that and the way I would address that is uh you know if we get calls about uh you know growing um if it's a hand or a rooster as long as it's growing you know okay to be removed yeah okay okay okay that's just what I needed to hear yeah anything to just offer further reassurance and first of all thank you thank you both um you know really appreciate um you know you both being here and understand that um you know we definitely want to work to make sure that everything is in compliance and that um you know not not a disturbance to you and so just as reassurance you know I've had the three chickens and the three ducks and um I also have dogs so if there was any crowing it would wake up the dog which would wake me up at 400 a.m. and none of that has happened um they're very docile and um you know I think the um you know I think you know there's just no there's no roosters and no dominant no dominance that I've observed and the last month that they've been with me um and so we would expect that would persist and it would be the the same and same behavior um you know but certainly if there was any noise issue we would address that um but just you know to offer another level of reassurance from the behavior observed from them in the last month um you know none of the the the chickens are dominant or um you know no crowing Behavior okay so sorry how often would you propose the checks to be because I think currently they're now every six months a day do you have that will be up to the board um I can recommend uh three times a year so there would be okay yeah I mean I think that's okay I don't necessarily want to add work to the health inspector or the Animal control officer um we myself and my wife will certainly be paying attention and we'll be happy to offer up any uh you know any insights that we think might be applicable so um that's that's acceptable to me so I guess I would um based on this conversation um I'd make a motion that we um approve the yangs to uh a apply for a permit um and then um secondly that they can uh presuming they get a um a full permit granted by the health department and the Board of Health that um they can return you know six bir to their property um I would um I I would also include in this vote that there be at least in addition to the inspection obviously a permit is contingent on an inspection um but in addition to that there'd be at least um two other inspections over the course of this calendar year um unannounced um to to check on things um and so that would be a motion could you please add that you know you want to resend the CIS and theis yes right I don't think you have to tell them um add in the um that they can apply you just need to resend the cease and assist and then they're able to apply okay by by facto so yeah so I would amend my motion to re in the season disas and I would second and roll call um har on mute yes Paula Yes Rick yes okay the other thing I would like to say is um in terms of U variances um is there if they want to apply for a variance um what do we do is there a restrict on applying for a variance uh if if they want to if they want a variance they need to come back to the board you know if you're saying they want more than six Birds um variance and they need to come back we would need to talk about that okay so this has nothing the permit you know the permit based on that motion is is the standard six bir per permit that's it um and the only addition Is Res sending the ban and uh two additional inspections this calendar year okay thank you very much Lena Mr Mrs de appreciate your time thank you yes thanks for your time thank you have a good night good night thank you have a great night good night okay um I got a last minute message around the next agenda item that uh Jamie had a conflict and won't be able to um uh present to us um and so we're uh based on our last planning meeting um the next steps in this process is to um have a a larger meeting public meeting um to begin the discussion of a community health Improvement plan um I feel a little bit like um I know that Jamie sent out dates for that um for the first week in April and um I don't know what you think a day whether we should move that towards the end of April so that Jamie could come on uh our April meeting and and do this presentation I feel like there hasn't been a board presentation brief summary and and a sort of uh summary of what those those three goals are um at a standard board presentation we' we've talked a lot in planning meetings uh but I feel like there needs to be some coalesence around um conclusion of the community health needs assessment before we go ahead and have a you know a public meeting on a chip the beginning of a chip what do you what do you think about that so um is it possible to maybe have a another but ofel mid in like in two weeks to get this done so we don't have to wait for you know four weeks and then wait again I just just want to get this more in sure I mean it it would only it would only need to be maybe a 30 minute meeting but I kind of would like to see even if it's in a PowerPoint that later is produced as a document I kind of like to see the community health needs assessment you know in a package so that you could W your hands because it's been it's been a moving Target you know over the last few weeks and months and um so before going into a chip I think I think we do need um a report you know a document um and maybe she could come in just do a PowerPoint sort of summary if she sends us the report in advance and then we can go ahead and and and do the chip so I would be open to a 30 minute meeting um sometime in the next couple weeks to do that yes would it be possible to um to do it during um staff hours rather than outside staff hours just for that meaning it's just a half an hour how's the board feel about that I I don't I don't want to tell you what you're doing during the day and sure all you're swamped but just a just a throwing out their thought I could make it work as long as it's not a Tuesday or a Thursday um but um and um yeah stop at that yeah most of the meetings have been during the day anyway plan meetings yes planning meetings yeah so this would be a board a board meeting and I was thinking one that Jamie could I don't know what her thoughts were about a report on the on the um Community Health needs assessment component um you know something that if someone said something you could post on uh our website if people wanted to know uh what it's about um I we just don't you know because we've been building it we just don't have it um you know finalized yeah you can put it up there and just write draft across you know all the pages so everyone understands that it's in I mean ultimately for her assignment um you know it in includes a chip and a one-year plan for a chip but that could be added at the end of this report in in a month or two or three when we're ready to do that but the community health needs assessment should stand alone as the evaluation that was done y oh I see what you say yeah yeah so I I think that for tonight the board can still vote to have a public hearing um we don't have to wait till the April meeting to vote to have a public hearing if you vote to have a public hearing we can do you know we can start working on that and then we can wait till the next meeting for Jamie to show up and give a presentation and by that time we have more information about the public hearing and uh we can just you know pick a date at that meeting and and move forward so you know what I think I can't remember which conversation we had this with whether it was at the planning meeting or not um you know we had talked about launching the community health Improvement plan process um in a public forum with the board members and with um other uh people in the community leaders government and non-governmental um to have a discussion about how to approach the chip the community health and we we said we could do that in a public forum um but I don't think the idea is in that Forum that correct me if I'm wrong that it's it's I'm not sure it's a public hearing because that would say that um individuals in the public can come forward and speak their minds and I don't know how they can do that if they haven't seen the community health needs assessment plan and the proposed uh chip nor have they heard um what some of the ideas are about um action plans in a chip and so in my thinking yes we would have a public meeting not a public hearing a public meeting where the Planning Group plus others would um in in a public forum you know walk through a process to get some ideas about how to approach a chip um and and then subsequently um we would have a formal public hearing where um the public interested public who has now seen a document draft of what the community health needs assessment is and they've heard some of the initial ideas about a chip now they're educated to be able to come forward at a public hearing and you know give input and comments on on all that so I think you know I don't want to drag this out but I Al I also don't think uh we can have a formal public hearing when there's been nothing out there in the public around the community health needs assessment and we haven't even had the discussion about a chip I'm not sure what value that would be okay I yes but I believe um the last minute we had um so we're supposed to have a public meeting but it's not going to be open to public participation right that's the difference between a public meeting and a public hearing heing corre it's going to talk about the community health needs assment assessment yeah how we got to the three um Improvement um the three statements and then it's going to talk about the chip at the public meeting yes okay so by doing that we're opening it up to the public they can see what we've done from last year up to that date and then we said set up a public hearing about maybe 3 or 4 weeks later that gives the community the time to go back to that Forum or the meeting and read up on everything again read up on it over and over and then attend the public hearing right exactly so um I think the board can still vote to have a public hearing you don't have to have a date on it you know you don't have to have a specific date at this point but we can stop planning for both okay s so you're you're saying we should vote on having a public hearing which is the second meeting you just described three or four after the uh meeting that we start talking about the chip so you're talking about that I agree that that's a public hearing we don't have to vote on having a public meeting correct right okay um so I would I would make that motion that um that once we have um you know fairly com finalized the ca the community health needs assessment and we've had a public meeting around um early ideas about a community health Improvement plan I would make a motion that we then subsequently three or four weeks later or at some point later have a public hearing to give the public an opportunity to give input into both um you know the goals as well as uh some early ideas about um uh a one-year implementation plan for an improvement so that would be my motion second Carrie second roll call Paula yes Carrie yes and Rick yes yes Paula just one question um if we're talking public meeting and I I presume this is I'm sorry public hearing and I assume this is why you're wanting to get the vote a day is because it would have to be a town hall well part of it it will be a town hall and and then it gives us time to prepare for for the hearing have to wait till April to get the votes then you know we don't want to keep waiting and waiting we we want get you don't want to drag out the process I get it yep well there's also a posting that you have to do too a day right yes newspapers and stuff like that it's gonna be like a week or two in advance correct correct y thing behind it yeah yeah so a day um let's just just to recap and wrap this up so um can you work with Jamie to get us a 30 minute meeting and I'm fine during the day um and maybe you can give a range of of times but 30 minutes sometime in the next two weeks or so where Jamie would um in advance send us a draft of the completed Community Health needs assessment uh plan that concludes with the three goals and uh and then at that meeting she could do a brief overview and we could do any final comments and we've kind of capsulize we would then use that final that document for you know a public meeting and then obviously for the public hearing subsequently cor right great that was easy all right um monthly report all right I'm gonna make this uh in a brief so we can all get out of here it's winter fest come on all right uh so uh uh the health department will be hosting a vision clinic in conjunction with the 2020 onsite um this will take place on March 25th at the Town Hall parking lot that's much better yeah from I guess you need to go wck I yeah 8: am to 4 pm we only have uh 10 spots left so uh if you need to sign up you need to do it now so all major health and vision insurance plans are accept um again the registration link is right in front of you all you have to do is scan the QR code and register that's it for that um the uh Dana Faba mamography van is coming back to Raiden um you know it took us a while to get the appointment but um we finally did and I'm very excited about that um the van will be here on Thursday April 18th from 7:30 a.m. to 4: p.m. the van offers 3D mamography screenings U pre-registration is required and most forms of insurance are accepted um can you put up the other one with the QR code please Cassidy and this is the flyer we made so that people can just scan it and um you know pre-register for the event so if you're watching us right now again all you have to do is scan this with your cell phone and pre-register for this event um yeah this this right here is um you know people people love this and uh the earlier you sign up for it the better they might not be available in two weeks so if you need to sign up just go ahead and do it now all right Cassidy thanks help numbers uh in February we conducted 12 food inspections one food reinspection one food complaint inspection one housing complaint and one solid waste complaint inspection let's put up the graph please in terms of disease surveillance from February 8th to March 14th uh we had four probable cases of tuberculosis um 47 confirmed and probable cases of influenza and 33 confirmed and probable cases of Corona virus so again if you compare it to the last time this is uh a huge uh decrease in the infection rate um I mean same recommendations to the community you know we urge you all to continue taking precautions get vaccinated if you haven't um wash your hands regularly cover your cough coughs and sneezes uh keep your distance if you're around someone who's sick wear a mask if needed and uh stay home when you're sick um yeah that's pretty much it for the monthly report what can I ask about the uh four cases of tuberculosis was that a cluster I mean it's very unusual we don't typically they're probable cases they're not confirmed they're not confirmed right probable okay but were they from an epidemiologic point of view were they clustered around a particular family or a particular SP I mean was there some relationship because again it would be very unusual to have have those cases in ready I'm not sure I can disclose that information okay but there's nothing that the public needs to be concerned about correct they're probable cases they're not uh they're not confirmed so okay all right all right um any other questions otherwise uh any final thoughts comments one one thing I would just mention is that um I did sign up for this uh opioid Conference next week where hopefully um different towns who have actually used the funds available um find what what they did and um hopefully we'll get some ideas that we can bring back to one of our meetings uh to use that those unused $70,000 of of funds yes Carrie um that's that's great to hear Rick I I'll be there as well um for my day job um and um um I so I have two things one I wanted to the the the opioid funds are under the direction of whom in the town at this point so who's responsible for the um decision-making about how they're allocated it was Fidel and now we have um we have Matt so automatically mat so it so it remains at the Town manager level it's not it's not to at a department level because that was that's one of the things that you know we're consider we're told to consider so okay good to know thank you um and then just a a plug um the mass Association of Health boards is hosting their annual um conference which is uh both a introduction for new members and also um a useful um review and and I don't have the agenda but I was just listening to one of the chairs kind of run through um they're very excited about it and um it really is a very worthwhile thing I know it's a Saturday I know it's hard to give up the time um I also know that um shared services is is able to pay for it and that I believe you can just register yourself and then direct that it be build to your shared services Arrangement so they made it really pretty easy and um I'm planning to attend I'm not sure if I'm going to be in Marboro or Taunton but that's what I'm doing so just a plugs if anybody else wants to join me and we should probably think about it too so that if we have to post ourselves along with all the other communities there that will be doing that so that's all good thank you y and uh just regarding the opioid um statement you made earlier I can have um I can talk to Erica from the coalition to see if um you know she has anything to say about it um if she does I can have a attend one of the meetings just to give us a a brief update yeah that would be good great thank you thank you I say one more thing sure it's a pleasure to work with you all I really I mean I know they're long nights but you know but I just really appreciate um yeah it's a pleasure to work through all these things I second I third it I fourth it roll [Laughter] call and with that um do a motion to adjourn I have a second sure Paula roll call Carrie yes Paula Yes Rick yes have a good evening everybody everybody bye everybody recording stopped e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for