for hey I'm going out my back door trying to scare us he didn't see you oh how did you move go ahead sorry just some background noise I I have you muted okay John didn't hear you John I can hear you oh okay I had a heart attack last week I'd use it as an excuse for at least the month [Music] jove pardon me I said if I had a heart attack last week I'd use it for an excuse for at least a month well it's my excuse to be on Zoom rather than being there but fortunately it was a very minor heart attack so Michael's the only one is John not making it oh I see John yeah I don't see I see a John and I see the name of another John yeah glad you could switch your schedule y y I appreciate it I apologize for my mistake everyone so but thank you for I take guitar list that was my guitar listen I got to switch other sound awesome yeah are we muted or can they hear us they can hear us oh good want me to M every everyone knows rh's guitar is that a new thing yeah nice but did you play as a kid never oh this is good something I wanted to learn yeah so oh I thought about that long time never too late never too late well since arthritis has already begun fingers I think it's that's Tak a little late we're just missing Michael right Michael yeah I just give him one more minute you think he says let us know he was hey you one more minute don't run don't trip did you attend the Beatles thing today no I did the chair volleyball oh yeah I was there but I didn't oh want to [Laughter] tell this a good event though people are really happy said it was really really good what was the beetle event there's a guy who did the history of The Beatles and he did it was interactive you know did music and got people to sing and everything very good event I remember when they first appeared on the it salivan show way back I remember that yeah was young did they come to Cann they did they they play yeah we can relate it didn't have C doing exhibition so yeah okay I'll call the meeting to order and we'll take it roll call so nor bucko here John pin here John Sasso present Rini here Michael Colman here M doer here John oal here all present okay so we have minutes of the May 8th meeting out today hopefully people had a chance to take a look at them so I'll entertain a motion to accept minutes of the May 8th meeting to accept second okay any yes I have one comment it um it talked about the U who was gonna work on sorry let me just open it who's gonna work on it and I think it said it didn't say you and I it said me and John sassel they was the wrong John ah okay shipped it to the okay because when I didn't back part yes okay yeah because originally it was going to be I I agree that was a mistake on the minute okay sorry I any other additions Corrections the minutes didn't say that I was going to work on the pros and cons but didn't do much work on it so I don't know whether we want a document that to this all right if there are nothing else then we'll entertain that way we vote vote we call Nora Bako this is to approve the that yeah proove John pins yes John Sasso yes Rini yes Michael Colman yes M doer yes J O'Neal yes so all in favor discussion of presentation I guess the what the upcoming presentation or do you want to relay a little bit about the fincom one um can do them both together if you want yeah so first of all thank you very much you're welcome you're welcome so there was a fin Forum held on Tuesday night and its goal was to start sharing in more explicit terms what's happening with the big projects that the town's going to be considering so the Kellum School presented um the recal presented and there was a presentation on the CPA potentially the community preservation act and talking about those just so that this discussion is in the community and it's clear and everybody knows what's going on and and what and why and gives background so I U I checked in with John just to make sure I was asked by the the town manager and the chair of fincom if I would present the this side so all good I did I took some of the slides and used the format that that Chris and Jenna had put together and tried to create a streamline presentation for their use which focused more on how long have we been talking about this what have we been talking about how did recal move things ahead where are we and what's the plan and so that's that's really what got presented um and I did that was 22 slides including whoops oh that had some endes to it shorter than that um that was a dozen slides oh I have it if you want me to share it I don't know if um I think I think that that kind of leads into the the big piece of our discussion here which is okay so what is it that we want to be sharing with the select board and I tried not to make it identical at all because I thought our missions were very different that mission was to share with the community here's the background here's where we are here's what's next I think much more broadly for the select board we need to kind of talk about why to some extent did the select board form us what did we work on what are the things that we learned what are the updates from the last presentation we made to them where are we now and we'll see whether or not by June 18th we're able to make a recommendation with feedback from the permanent building committee so the permanent building committee is meeting next Monday um and they will be this is one of the agenda items yeah there are a number of related agenda items to it but in thinking about the the recal um they are going to talk about what they've learned what their thoughts are things that should happen and and John Sasso to your point if there are activities that they would recommend for any of the sites that should be coming up as well and I don't know whether or not they'll be ready to make a recommendation I don't I don't know the answer to that the other thing that we found out is that there really should be an owner's project manager already involved but because our process was different there wasn't one already put into place typically take the school as an example before they did the feasibility study they hired an owner's project manager the owner's project manager actually hired the architect and that's how the process went that way but because of how we were funded and how we were structured we didn't we didn't go in that direction but also didn't this state regulations govern each step along the way for the killing very much so state regulations from the school building assistance Bureau right so they have this real benefit that there's a specific process already in place you know each step is clearly laid out and they have to achieve each thing um we didn't quite have that benefit but we're we're finding our way and bringing the permanent building Committee in next is exactly the right step um all that said it may make sense to have someone or some group act as that project manager owners project manager even during the design phase here so the PBC is going to have a little bit more of that discussion um we talked to town managers involved um checked in with town Council to see kind of what what might happen and so Monday night they'll talk a little bit more about that they may have some ideas on how to do it it might be that it's a it could be a town employee potentially or it could be a firm that we already do some work with potentially there are different ways that it might it might happen um the other thing is that we had talked a little bit about doing some kind of testing at Simon's way and so at this point that's really kind of for the PBC to give some feedback on when in the process might that happen I think I think it's clear that if the town's going to do anything on that site we need to do some testing but when how who who pays for it things like that a little bit TBD right but TimeWise if they're gonna what they have a recommendation they're probably going to want to have results of anything like that they may okay they may and you know if they do then there's a question of is there a way to fund that um and kind of what's the what's the approach that it maybe typically we go to town meeting um it maybe and we should explore it maybe that it could be something under the contract with theh plusa I don't know it hasn't been discussed um and or maybe there's another way to to allocate some of the arpa funds that exist toward that toward that activity I'm not projecting anything forward other than I would hate to see things have to stop until November that's not a great outcome so PBC I think needs to weigh in on on some of these things as the next step so that's Monday for us and the reason one of the reasons why we're here tonight is we right now are on the agenda for June 18 to the select board whoops let me step back June 4th the next select board meeting is coming Tuesday there are two items related to us that are are currently on the agenda they could could move um one is whether or not to extend the life of this committee for a short period of time kind of pending pbc's recommendation so if PBC says yeah gez we could use another month and maybe it makes sense to move this a month um don't know that's an agenda item the second agenda item is to have the board discuss forming a recal building committee um as a recommendation to the PBC and then the PBC would then expand excuse me the the recal project with the PBC expand in terms of membership and the subboard may have thoughts on who to bring on to to that group there's a special group that would do the appointing and that group consists of I believe the chair of the permanent building committee the chair of the select board and I think the town moderator I think those are the three people that would be U selecting people to to join and it would be a very modest number of people I think typically it's two usually the sponsoring agency or agencies um in the case of the schools I think they've got um member of the select board a member of the school committee um I think a member of the finance committee and I think that there may be one other that I'm not thinking of right now but that's that's kind of how that that might work so that's June 4th June 18th is when we're on the agenda to present kind of where we are our assumption head that we'd be able to make a recommendation at that point we'll know more on the 3D of June whether or not that's possible or not um but in any event we talked about building a presentation that kind of frames all these things that we're working on shares with the select board all the work that we've done why we formed the recommendations we've formed and either goes all the way to making a site recommendation or just short of it so that's kind of why we're here and then today um Chris was able to send out the two presentations so one is what actually was presented to the in the financial for and the other is kind of where we started what Chris and Jenna had worked on that we talked about at our last meeting um and then John and I had agreed John O'Neal and I had agreed we' kind of take a look at kind of the um making sure that we're communicating what we want to communicate so kind of the the high level Mission kinds of stuff to make sure that that was in there so I took a shot at that after John and I met and now it's kind of ready I think for massaging for adding different pieces to it to seeing what we like what we don't like you can look at the financial Forum one too to see if there are things there that you know were better than kind of what's in here too I kind of I did the first my notes and then I did the financial Forum one so that's that's kind of how it went question first uh the report in the chronicle today about the financial Forum indicated that it wasn't one PRI of the other killing or Center but it was both now how do they was that stated I mean indiv was there any kind of was there a consensus How would how did they come so I think that this was maybe you give your your your thought on it so it was stated as stated by several people at different times but it was also clearly stated that it it's going to be two votes so it has to be two vote because of the way not 100% that's not what do you mean if it's one vote how does that work so so the Poss could it be that the the voters get to see one thing that says we're going to do both a killum school and rating Center for active living the total is that you need right yes no so you the it was brazed as an issue there was no decision or anything like that taken at all or nor a recommendation other than so to me it was a discussion of and I brought it up and others did too these are the two top projects that need to get done it shouldn't be a competition between one or the other it's both it's and not right John Sasso did you have a take on that yeah I was gonna say that um there was no to John O'Neal's question there was no official statement from that meeting if you will that said this is this is what we've all agreed on um I think Mark's characterization is correct that it was brought up a number of times we we certainly made the let say the collective we made the presentation that it should be both because these are the priorities um the details of how we get there is still completely muddy um but um there story is that the the presentations at the meeting were focused on these are the two top priority projects and we want to figure out how we can present them appropriately and and get them whether they're whether they're separate votes whether they're how they're financed I mean that is still there's still pieces of that that are obviously unknown um but relative to the desires of the folks in the room I think there was you know enough folks communicating about that's what we expect that's what we want to see happen whether that'll happen is a separate question right okay think answ my question yeah just thinking about it it's like okay we'll vote on killum this year and vote on the active sending next year I couldn't do that what's the difference 30y year period it's yeah no you you'd be dead a water there's no way you'd be able but that that that was kind of it's whether or not you have I'm assuming the two on the ballot but separate or one to so if you look at the timelines they look pretty similar yeah in terms of when things could go to town meeting and could go to a townwide vote that's kind of as far as it went and then people started asking questions about yeah the one that I got I heard was will msba allow it to be a combined vote based on some of their rules like that and I thought that was interest I think we we probably would need to get a legal opinion if that was going to be considered before saying yes or no even for consideration but it did seem like really quickly both would be voted at the same time that was quite interesting to hear they're on the same timeline pretty close whatever and I think the purpose of the financial Forum was regardless of when the exact timing of the vote is they're in front of the vot they're going to be in front of the voters in short order and people need to know what's going on be able to ask questions understand what's there and why and the third item that that was brought up was the community preservation act because right now basically if you put in what would be a new tax amount the state matches it last year they matched it 21% so um and it ends up being for projects and arguably some of the things that we're doing might be part of that certainly recreational fields are part of that certainly affordable housing is part of that certainly open land kinds of things are part of that so when do you do that so again that was the reason why they were all brought out do no the point wasn't to make determinations on on kind of where people are yet it was more to share the information and and start it questions and and I thought an important point that I think you made was that the town can have more than one big project at at a time that this is not anything that we I've never done before and or won't do again traditionally we always have a number of big capital projects going on at the same time and I don't other than at the end of next year and it won't hold true for long in my time in town I don't remember any time when we didn't have a big Capital project that was based on some exclusion going on I'm I'm not positive of that but I don't remember it and we also found out that I think the number is $277 is the kind of net tax relief that that people would be getting not a a lesser increase of [Music] $277 I'm glad it was presented that way too and said because it's not like taxes aren't going up and so we you wouldn't want people to say oh yeah you almost want them to go up more and then have everybody get a check all right could you would it be helpful to have the uh up there in the screen so I just want to add one thing that I sent Chris a a presentation where I I modified the pros and cons and that slide I didn't go very far but there's some little nuances in the wording of pros and cons that think are that we could that I tried to do clear that's great and and Chris sent out a a note to us today also saying that the less than 4,000 square feet available in the current Pleasant Street Center is a way over statement I you know I it's been fascinating because this came up at the financial meeting when he was talking about rmld and he was saying 6,000 square feet and I was like that's the same square footage that we currently have and and I went I went through and usable Square usable program space we're only at just 2549 I think it was um we're only at 2500 usable program space that we use and if you think about that I mean and then I talked to the assessor today because I was trying to compare it to something and I was like most new houses going into reading are 3,000 plus square feet and it's amazing like we we don't have much I mean that's not including the office space I mean but usable program space and it's a little bit less than that if you exclude the 250 square feet for the kitchen that's I go back I went back and forth on whether I should include that or not but I'm like it's kind of a program but kind of not so I added it but if you don't it's 200 2500 minus 250 sare feet like it's it's amazing how little space we have um so I wait and I was thinking from from the your presentation I I really like Mark's presentation on Monday uh or FR whatever day it's all blending together sorry um but something I that I thought in that presentation I was like I want to make sure we get this those details like that out especially to like the select board and then to the voters of okay yeah our total building space is 6,000 some odd square feet but this is you know the smaller details I think matter um and I think are very important to try to pull those out you know and the reason you know and I added to that meal you know email I sent today you know yes 25 200ish um usable program space that we have but this is this year we're going to end up almost 38,000 interactions and just under 20,000 of that is events so we have I think I I still have a month so I estimated but it's going to be probably right around 181 19,000 you know with events 18,000 people in a year that we've used um serviced um with 2500 square feet I mean that's I mean to me I think those matters those numbers matter and it's important to get those across clearly you don't need anymore that's not if it goes down I just want to door from my office so do you wanna um as you said put up the presentation and maybe work through a little bit um and then that there are pieces that I think each of us have have worked on and we can make comments on and stuff Chris you just mentioned also make sure we're doing it right okay I so then you people had different pieces and then when that comes up everybody can chime in on every pod but that that would be the time rather than separate y presentation Mark let's bring that up June 4th is what's happening June 4th next oh the two things that are happening that meeting yeah um discussion about extending the date of recal the Sunset date is one and the second is a discussion about um who who should be on the a recal building recommending it to the PBC the PBC has yet to accept our application I submitted an application on behalf of sorry just just it yeah think one that ends in MD and this is the June you want the June presentation right not all right there you go cool so maybe if so this was so cover Slide the next slide I think is an rview and then again we'll do that b not sorry it's big it's slow on it oh it's PDF sorry PDF I have to scroll you have to scroll oh um sorry I'm trying to get this people online out of the way so actually let's not do the PDF let's do the PPT because we can modify it while we're work oh okay um so I can't send it to you it's too big I can join the zoom reject how's that I'll make you HST great oh did you get my file that was I think I think I think I did I yeah this thing is actually I couldn't anything over 20 stop sharing I couldn't send it um okay let me just to do you want to just log in through our account um um and just join that way no I can just join as Pro shouldn't be a problem just I need to find the invitation so you sent it Chris right out of curiosity anybody walked the SES yeah I walked Open Road the day after that that meeting way extensively wife and I had done it when there was up for whether or not pound should purchase it but we we're intending to go back I'm gonna send Micha with his presentation forward your email s [Music] me I said to Mike after I walked Oakland Road uh I was just surprised by how big it was it is big and there's a sorry I got get none of the sites that we're looking at are appropriate for their thing Edge it's a big S I'm going to make you co-host it is crazy the way it's Notting one way or the other something should be done with it I mean if it was going to be Rec open Recreation should do something to make it make a new host well why that because it really isn't pedestrian friendly right now it took a while to walk up and down yeah you don't need a j good exercise for getting ready for pickup don't close out because you're host why don't you take the host back I walk to Street Center just so you guys know that I walk Pleasant Street thousand I posted yet post allowing me to take a back are you under my session I pred a bunch of sessions on Friday morning except when I forget and then I do it Saturday morning see people show up any okay you're the host again right yes it's 30 people sign up for it let me there's only 10 places [Music] so so um hang on I know what it is like today the courts will try at 5 o' yeah the to ourselves was nice a mother and her fater pickall they built a beautiful at the building the office campus that I work at just one single Court where's this don't you work from home you building your back yeah I thought I do but I go to the office the old Oracle Sun campus in Burlington oh yeah the back there it's like out there like beautiful fenced in the C you know all nicely done the right surface and everything like they do they do have showers there oh nice that'll get people there yeah that's the next thing we're going to do is a thumb drive so what I was bringing it to is putting it on to this um c. rting server let me see if I can then share it with you show you one second okay just downloaded to there are we playing music in the backround elevator music Ron you should have brought your guitar okay you see if you okay you should have been invited to it email email yeah should have just invited you to this file can you one guitar tabs your it is that's all I have to you give instruction on theing yeah I'm picking yeah you can play for bre Community singer somay someday yeah yeah that is a goal tell the truth I would mind playing yeah like the Christmas porch Fest you got a porch yeah no no I'm not but they do have like a open mic I heard at the church at the church my instructor runes that he does just give me a second are you guys trying to you guys trying to give me another heart attack yes yeah first progression yes no they had a big right up yes they did is your picture in there I don't know I know I I haven't seen the magazine but he told me that they would do like a two he played at the same oh oh there got it got it got let me yeah got it all right send front page a couple of times me senor sent me the front page of the the 60 plus I hope in there friend up you're on that huh uh that's the financial form one you got open the financial form one there are two files there do you see two files so one file um was already one the there committee MD some great ideas by the way I like that I just see the financial [Music] form check your email one more time new email I sent you the wrong one but I just sent you the right one all right go thank you and I see you in there now to us we're both in there okay can share that we're good yep okay drive to slide two okay yeah so again we can we can do the Overview at the end um members okay next slide please so Mission so the first part here is what John and I talked a little bit about explore the current future needs of the community initiate planning for a potential new senior community center in town the focus on res 60 plus sorry this is the charter that we had possibly other members of the community that's the exact Charter for the select board um the updated Charter is not here yet but I can bring that in gra go to the next slide please so how we moved ahead so this is what I shared Tuesday night engage the community in the need for vision and plan to better S of the 60 plus community in running through information gathering the current center community views of need benchmarking other communities feasibility study theh plusa Architects deep experience Center for active living senior centers community centers and sight evaluation engaging with the community best practices bringing recommendation of the select next slide please so so that is a lot of the change that was made from before it kind of started out his Rec's history but instead I thought we thought it would be good to frame this as here's what our mission was here's how we took on that task and keeping it clear that this is the mission is to take the vision and bring it to reality hey Mark yep um I I have some feedback and I'm not sure how to to share this I think the the the content and the slides you put together are really good um I'm I'm trying to think about the story and so um let me just I guess if it's okay can I give you some feedback about how I view the way that you've started this out and and kind of how I might maybe reorganize it a little bit you okay so what I what I actually thought um so go a slide or two I think one or two slides in the in the future keep going seven has a lot of words on it yeah keep going right there so I thought this this is almost like the one of the first slides that I think needs to be put forward because this is like after you talk about who we are in our Charter I think we want to hit them right up front and say before we even get into anything else let's be clear about what it is we're why we're doing this this was this was kind of my fir when I looked at this slide I said is this if there's anything I want people to walk away from this presentation I want them to see and understand this slide that's my perspective or it shows our needs yeah yeah totally agree John it's a very clear clear need statement and then the the next thing I would um after that I would kind of I I wouldn't mind putting the recal timeline but I have actually one addition to the recal timeline that I think is important and you brought it up during the presentation on the financial forum and let's not forget that this actually effort has really been going a lot longer than recal there was this the gentology uh report done back in 2016 2017 and I think it actually made people I'm not sure people understood that this has been going on for eight years this is not a yes you know we started yesterday um so I I think it would be two things I think it would be good to include that on the on the timeline even though it's not recal say it's it's a it's another stake in the ground for when we actually started to look at our needs and why and where we're not meeting them right but it also John that recal did start off by looking at that yes you know so you're right I mean that informed our discussion y that's a good way to think about it John yeah and and I think there there's two parts to it one that it took us we we did spend some time getting to this and really defining the need and the programs and a lot of that stuff and visiting other sites and and it wasn't until I'm not sure exactly when but then we started thinking about site selection and site selection was a was a step after many step many steps after we determined that we really need something yeah so I'm sorry go ahead John I I I was just saying that what I and and and and please I I I love the fact that you guys put this together because I I always like I don't mind throwing stuff out there and having people tear it apart because that's the way we get to better things and so I was looking at this TR okay what's the story and the story in my mind that we want to present in is that this is not something that happened overnight because I keep hearing that oh you know you guys just did this yesterday and whatever and I really think it's important that we lay this out and and it still doesn't have to be long but we have to lay it out that here was our mission these are the priorities here's the timeline which by the way started back in 2015 2016 2017 this was the first phase was that results of that effort that to to to Michael's Point really started us to think about it was our starting point we then did um our phase one which consisted of basically uh the the visits to local centers and the feedback from that which we can summarize and then the survey and then the output of that were the priorities the recommendations and priorities and those those um you had two slides on that one of the recommendations and one of the priorities those were the two core things that came out of that phas phase one and then phase two where we went into the you know we the selectboard wanted to add to the Charter we looked at um transportation finance and programs and there's I have some questions on that but we looked at Transportation programs and finance and then we did the we we took arper money and we did the feas did the first two stages of the feasibility study which at this point we're now you know looking at the site selection piece and then in and amongst all that we've been considering other inputs these are other Town priorities these are other activities that are going on whether it be SWAT or you know health related issues for seniors and and or or the financial piece of how this um melds in so it's a it the story kind of Builds on itself is what I'm thinking is that that the the information is there just to kind of present it in a way that people can digest it and we can kind of walk them through this is what we did this was the results of that that led us to this next stage this it led us to get this information and it ended us at this point where we're now saying you know I'll I'll I'll pull ahead here's our recommendation on a site and this is what we want to do next so I I I that's kind of what I'm thinking awesome awesome sorry I had just to lay it out on the table no no no that's great Chris can you um on your computer go to the other presentation Financial Forum one copy slides 2 through S just copy them and throw them over here into this one because I think John what you laid out I think the financial form slides do it better and we can order them exactly as we want but it's nice and clear and this slide I found kind of it it does it but it's busy and I broke it into two and I made one really simple slide and then one it had more detail it is busy yeah I mean the challenge is that you're never going to fit everything you want into the slide presentation hey I got it down to 12 I thought that was pretty good it's it's busy give me just a give me just a second I'm gonna stop Shar for a second and bring up two through seven while you're doing that I do want to ask a quick question before I forget so I I did get Jenna did send me Needum and Burlington um part excuse me partial surveys and Norah sent me one from I think it was yeah did anybody else have any other data to send I'm just curious so Chris and I probably could put our heads together and do Randolph yeah and I have a I I think I also have some other stuff that I've researched around surrounding towns and stuff that I could probably also told you I would send you yeah if you can do because I've started I I went through those three I looked at it and my first reaction was ug there's not much here and then I looked at it again and said wait a minute I think I have an idea how I can pull some some things out that would be useful to add to the to the discussion so um please if you do have that uh send it along and and and I have a and I know exactly where I would put it in this kind of story if you will you know what Chris yeah I can do it because we're life right yeah I I almost have it I just um go this one where do you want me to put it in um put it in position two three sorry three there awesome okay now I go back okay great great great okay so John you're the um the slide the number four can you go to number four just for a [Music] second so this is kind of the 20 17 so again we can rework this but that's the 2017 point if you go down um another slide two more slides to six and seven here please let's try six uh yeah down one more by the way just as a just as a slid saer that's Slide Five um can I suggest we push that off I'm not sure we actually need it to be honest with you um but I understand the purpose of it but um you guys can consider that later anything can go anywhere I'm I'm I'm with you we GNA make the best presentation that's almost at the end so if you go to number six here please yeah so this is kind of breaking that very busy slide into two yeah this notion of the need the impact and the space and then just to show The Following slide just for a second that so number seven the headline of this is the PSC is not meeting current needs I I I I I I I I don't care how many times we present on this I think these are the most important slides to present every time yeah bathroom on the second floor to seniors bathroom on the second floor by the way the one that you're missing the bullet that you're missing on this is the the a nonfunctioning kitchen yeah you're right I I when I saw that I was like where's the nonfunctioning kitchen [Music] bathroom doesn't need to be twice it's on there twice it's in a bullet by itself oh yeah yeah down there so it's no bathroom in the main I think if we want to highlight it leave it as it's on point right Point John sorry John Parsons has a his hand up he has a question yep go ahead John you're muted John John you're muted John you're H still muted I'm sorry I thought I took it off um I could have sworn there was something before 2017 even going back and some of Jane Burns old notes and um I wish we had pictures of things like the nurse practitioner or the the nurse Advocate taking blood pressure or or other health or uh you know something besides the uh the activities in in the uh in the uh in the main room something that shows that there's much more that goes on down there than these activities those are just two points I'd like to bring out do we have some other pictures maybe I think we yeah we probably do have to find them I agree that that do we want to put in any place that this the Pleasant Street Center is the Human Services Center as well as the Elder Center is it yes there isn't separate Elder Elder and Human Services we are technically both that's yeah uh which bathroom you want take out not that the individual one is good yeah that I did you who's the fastest well I forgot I can actually controller it's hard for me because I have a row of like video screens on the bottom and it covers up part we going see who's the teacher thank you so but we don't have the non-functioning kitchen in there I think you have to be careful with that because it is function I I think you have to word it differently when we first presented to select wood that was that was a question what does that kitchen non capable of producing food it is it's just not a full it can be better um very small it's never been it's never been a kitchen that provided food it's not a commercial kitchen it's there's no my the gas gas service doesn't work right so there's no stove and there's no they got a new they got a new stove works now right yeah new stove new dishwasher so our appliances are commercial and everything thing and that's why I'm just saying just be careful with your wording because I don't want somebody to come in and be like well it's still kind of usable right and we have used it and we you know we have been using it now can it be better of course I mean definitely need more space space constraint that's a good way to put it um because you can do a you know you can have a small cooking class of like six people and an instructor really easily but if you want to hold 20 people that's not if you want to provide meals for 50 people it's not capable of doing that yeah I meaning War out CH yeah I mean everything's warming up I mean it's hard because like the Lions Club came in a week ago and did a full dinner for 60 people with ravioli and pasta and they cooked it there so that's why I'm saying you got to be okay you got to be kind of all I yeah okay so let's make sure we got the order correct here so um let kind of um I can't control which slider on I can the changes how about John Parson's suggestion as far as like showing the blood pressure or something you know yeah we can I wrote that down I'll find some photos of of the Human Services side if not well health services just use yeah which SL do you need Mark now so let's let's kind of go back to John Sasso to your kind of the overview here so we start out and and kind of we start with kind of hey this is a situation that's been documented since 2017 if not earlier I thought it was earlier actually I know there remember 2014 [Music] something what was the first UMass thing done I just remember 20 2016 or 17 because I actually wrote a report in college about the Pleasant Street Center in that report I did it was a final assignment and I happened to write it on the pleasant streets so to 20 we start with 2017 if we find an earlier day we use it that well I wish you know where I don't know if we could find it the architect who worked on CH turning it into the pleasant treat Center he said he identified at that point in time and presented that it wasn't to meet the needs when was that though 92 93 yeah like 30 years AG he said it wasn't adequate at that time yeah that really struck me when he said that you know when he was live so so the the actual report has a letter from Bob lesser and it saying that it actually was in December of 2015 that as part of the uh economic development plan they identified the trend in senior population and as a result of that this is the this is Bob's words exactly the town immediately began to work on solutions to some obvious issues um uh things like accessory apartment senior tax relief etc etc and then they engage the services of UMass jelly issue to to look at the needs assessment so this is I mean I would say you probably 2015 2016 the report didn't come out till June 2017 so I'm sure that's good point seem to remember 2014 2015 so let's why don't we start with a slide can you jump to slide three so this isn't quite this sounds kind of like a uh a liquor documented needs back to 2015 um so I think what we want to do is talk about um how do we take these words and make them much stronger and much clearer so Pleasant Street Center identified issues might I don't know how you would find it but I I don't know who just said that but it might be might be worth trying to spend a little time trying to to get the original architect back in put the quote in there yeah just to and that gives us a full timeline of you know this is not just 2024 it's 1993 it's 19 or 202 John do you have that quote someplace John Sasso yeah it's right in the report um that's the let you that's Bob it's Bob's Bob's letter at the front of the front of the report um you know I I I mean I I mean John Parson raises a good point there's there's a lot of history perhaps beyond the 2017 report um I'm not I guess I'm saying I'm not necessarily sure we need to say much about it perhaps um other than to say you know we we're we're going to pick the starting point of the of the 2017 as as our stake in the ground because that's a clearcut start but the impetus for that report and all of the other activities that had gone on predated that and I and I think that's adequate i i i because we don't really have enough knowledge to say exactly what the thought processes were back then but I think we have enough to say we know that that report was was actually generated as a result of these of these unknown because it didn't we didn't know at the time that the answer was going to be we needed to revamp the Pleasant Street Center maybe they did but it really it really was the generation of that effort came out of this um came out of this needs assessment I I guess I'm just saying that um I would relegate one slide to this issue in general and and not worry about um trying to to go too far back at this point okay that's my thought yeah also I would want to make the case that let's not have a predetermined number of slides let's try to be the your story in the most effective way without being too busy on any one slide because think presentation wise if it's not too busy you get away with a couple more slides it's it'll go it go faster like can tell the story yeah okay I mean I mean we have to keep in mind the slides are going to tell a story but the presenter is also going to tell a story you know and that can be include some things that aren't necessarily on the slides right right notes you have to be careful with that yeah that's why in most presentations to capture the audience you have a lot of visuals and you have a lot of people talking to them with key points on there but not all the details details yeah afterwards but GNA be able to tell the story okay we we'll clean them up um can you go to slide four yeah you can see where I am yeah so again between three and four we'll make that point right we'll clean them up we'll talk about it's been documented basically since it was turned into a a center in the first place and then a study was done and we have the June 17th study with the key recommendations that good I like it then do we want to go right to the timeline but now we'll take the timeline we'll make it less yep that one um less bullet points but more you know in other words now put in 2017 right this should be a great visal slides do you want to based on lasher's think uh need identified a concern expressed in 2015 led to 2017 201 I think is enough just that was a report seven years ago okay although you could say in 2017 uh it was published in 2017 right so you could say the report was published in 2017 which indicates that yep it it's talk to slide it's a talk to point yeah yeah so that indicates long yeah long as we know that began early you can say it you don't have to put it on the [Music] okay so highlights um increasing population increasing 60 plus inadequacy just too bold no all right I think that's f adequacy shortcomings deficiency deficiency now if you spread this over two slides can you make them bigger than yeah or or maybe we just take out a bunch you want see if we want to take out a bunch of the bullets maybe we don't need as much can you make it a timeline slide you know what I mean by that the yeah yeah um the words going to need to be are you thinking literally a line with points above and below it I'm thinking a line with points above and below it and we don't you know we just talked to the to to Ron's point just talk to the pieces of it along the line almost all of that can be put in the notes file and just small little of bullet points for each timeline to talk to okay make it line so 27 is the kind of the first study uh 2021 recal formed that 2022 you could explain the gap between 2017 and 2021 with Co I guess right that was a nothing was done during that time were came in in 21 we don't know why it's stalled well Co stalled a lot St so didn't stop us towards the end though right not was1 that was 2020 the right but then the the next two winches there okay so this be turned into a a timeline just the um you'll have to say Okay so maybe this just gets shrunk down to a lot fewer points somehow so this was kind of do trying to do two things one is the whole timeline thing in in chronology but the other was talking about the concrete steps so um so you know 2017 2021 are easy 2022 3 and four are the ones where there's really the juice yeah um I can or someone else can we'll have it in a form that that is usable okay so we do that this how we move ahead can you go to slide six why we slide that like deep I'm just G put that way down right boom just stick it somewhere else you do it or do I need to I just did it um just create a new slide at the Bottom insert index uh oh did that show up disaar this okay I moved it to the bottom all right we're back all right you are at how we moved ahead so John sounds like you were saying no on this slide not needed yeah I I say put it as side for now I don't think we're going to need it it depends on how the story develops but for the moment um I'd like to just put it you know hold off on it and and move to kind of walking through because we just talk about the timeline just let's walk through the the different phases of recal and the different pieces that we presented and provided okay so um how about the the can you go to the next slide please Chris how about the the the top two slides prioritizing the population of 60 plus and not meaning needs yeah those are those we need those I think actually belong even well you can make a argument I almost think they need to go right after the mission right way up front you know I mean you can you could put them here um but um the Miss we haven't even done the mission yet that's hiding at slide 10 no no no didn't you is Mission scroll like slide too I'm sorry I'm I can't really tell on this can you put this in slide s of um mode just for a minute do you have that ability four dots four squares Sor sorry I just gota move everyone Zoom there you go oh okay it's not letting me do it unable to paste mission mission disappeared mission is slide 10 it's slide 10 so move slide 10 to I'd make slide 10 slide three yeah three and then there right Y and then what I was going to suggest is slides eight and nine follow the mission y yeah and nine yeah yes and then um so I was actually think the timeline slide would come next okay so that's slide eight you want that right after five yes and we do have two time uh timeline slides on this just toast right you copied them in that's fine so and then the next the next then we walk through the steps right so we got the Pleasant Street Center unable so we got the 2017 you got two two slides on that and then the next thing would be so that that how to move ahead slide um again we got that copy but so you have a slide that that H I'm suggesting um that how we move a head slide gets broken into two slides and it becomes Rec it becomes recal phase phase one we make we we use one of them to kind of Summer up the visit feedback and then we use the second one to sum up the study and Survey results so do you want it kind of an overview of what we did and then kind of delivering on each one yes yes and then that actually then actually leads to the [Music] um where did that go we had a we had a slide oh there it is so the recommendations from recal delivered to the select board and then 11 that that leave that there and see the project priorities for recal slide um 15 19 19 19 can you move that after slide 11 slide 19 alignment of Rec no no slide what slide 18 slide 18 now 18 to slide 11 okay so slides 11 and 12 really capture I'm sorry what Happ scroll back up again okay all right so slide slide the current slide 11 um that can get moved somewhere else put it at the end or something for now you want me to move it or you want to move it I got it GNA move it down the line okay all right so the current slide nine um in that in that space we need to put a couple of slides that basically say recal did phase one and here are the things we did and here were the results and the end of recal was we presented to the select board and here were the recommendations and here were the priorities that that came out of that uh effort which is slides 10 and 11 so actually 10 11 are going to follow already ready right 10 and 11 are in the right place okay it's just slide slide nine you're going to break that into probably at least two slides I would expect you g to add a slide after one and and these are slides that I actually have um I think we actually have existing slides that we can we can kind of slide in there from from our prior work uh on phase one but again it's just to remind people these are the centers we surveyed this was the the key feedback this was the work we did to survey the community and stakeholders and this was their feedback and as a result here were the recommendations and the priorities that came out of that so that's what that's what slide nine that that placeholder would be okay okay that gets played with all right and then slide 12 is in the right place that's the additions to the Charter yep so after after recal phase one we created recal phase 2 and then we need a couple slides um well we need at least one slide in my mind which I have to work on to take some of the results of the of the few site surveys that we did do and put some input in there and I'm still thinking about exactly how to do that so let's just say there's a placeholder slide there for some of the recal um work done outside of the feasibility study I guess is what I would say this is right after slide 12 right after slide 12 correct so it's a it's a placeholder sorry for phase two work John that was phase two work you're thinking that goes there yes yeah yeah so phase phase two but not the feasibility study so basically anything that we may have done uh a couple of the site visits and and some of our um some of the work that we did before we dove in headlong to feasibility yeah we did a lot of internal evaluation stuff yeah we did we did some stuff that I think is worth you know highlighting and you know that's something that I I need to continue to put together but I think that's that's what would that's what would go there okay and then so the next thing is up to you so the next piece that I was going to put or suggest that goes here would be the the feasibility study piece which is kind of part of the recal phase 2 um but I'm wondering whether instead because we kind of I think we kind of want to end with that um is um maybe some of these other slides that you have alignment with the other community priorities um maybe that still fits here uh what do you guys think about that so those other things would be um the community health Improvement plan which is 17 the EI assessment which is 18 and and 20 yeah 19 is a is a dup there it is and 20 no 19 yeah okay um so um just um I think so 15 you can get rid of or at least move it away because we've already decided to break that into two slides and have it earlier so I think that can go away is that oh maybe wait I'm sorry don't do that yet I can't see it from here guys I'm sorry hang I'm bringing it back where was it it was at about 15 right yeah I think it's a dup y it's a dup of five is it the same no it's a little different sorry different can you open it up just I'm sorry I got you in screenshot but can you open 15 up for a minute isn't I have to release it sorry uh click on 18 18 is what it is now oh okay so this is Youth Study okay so um all right can we go back to slideshow can you move 18 up to the pl up up after 13 so it's it's kind of it's kind of the placeholder part of the placeholder after it's fine yeah that's fine yeah okay all right so that ask what's 13 what's 13 so so 13 and 13 and 14 that those slides are where we talk about the work that was done during phase one I'm sorry I'm sorry take take take that back scroll back up a little bit 14 isn't that phase two John yeah no I'm sorry I'm so start can you move 14 up next to slide nine make a slide 10 sorry you're right that that's that's okay perfect all right so so careful this one it's its title is misleading this is the slide that kind of introduces the concept of um broader constituency than just seniors slide 10 SL yeah open 10 for minut so slide slide 10 if I if I read slide 10 correctly it was the it was a bit of a summary of the survey result uh yes and specifically it deals with senior center versus community center right that's okay that's fine it's okay just just just I'm just trying right now to help organize this a bit yeah and that was definitely phase one so yes yeah that's in fact that should go yeah with the recommendation so 10 11 go together okay so um you know what I can I suggest move put 13 ahead of 12 in other words go to the additions to the Charter and then now we get into project priorities right so that kind of follows now because we're talking about programming we're talking about kind of more more the pieces that allow us to to complete our task did I get that R right yes I think got right can I see 11 and then 12 11 so you to be switched those got to be S up 12 goes after 10 uh that additions to Charter y additions to Charter and then that's 12 and then priorities I think it's right now and priorities good yeah just spell out SB instead of on 12 I think it is like you want to go back to full SED going try I think we roll forward Slide by slide yeah I'd like to go in the beginning and roll for see see what it start to look like you move the lot of slides around start at the beginning yeah put actually in presentation just got any builds in here Mark uh in the financial Forum I had a bunch of builds yeah yeah at updated y i do there you go was that what you meant by builds yeah build yeah [Music] that that's a good way to present it I guess yeah we're going to timeline it we're going to stretch it on the line yeah that need to be spaced correctly okay okay then here we're going to go to the right hand side basically so we're g to do the that phase one can you go back to that what's JS thinks for already John [Laughter] Sasso okay this needs to be cleaned up but this is getting into the findings that relate to um kind of basically what we shared in the phase one report right Y and there it is um so this one here um belongs I think with the phase one stuff correct yes um W it's from the visits in in the survey it's from some of it's phase one and some of it's pH two yeah okay well let's figure out how to incorporate can we can play with this too here I was TR I was looking for brevity yeah no I I I understand the point of this slide and that's fine but let's leave it here for now this the one that gets a little bit of controversy though right yes and no it gets some controversy from some but it also broadens the the idea to others and it gets to what's it mean to be 60 plus right right right so what I'm I'm I'm I'm not sure what this particular slide was intended was this intended to be the an output from phase one or was this intended to be a new slide where we we put a Consolidated recalc and Senior and COA you know statement about where we think we are I think it should be the lad okay it should be us aligning okay and driving this forward so then I think this slide goes a little later yeah and I think it gets re I think the words aren't right here yeah yeah no the words aren't no the words are definitely not right that's why I asked um I I think this I think that that's true that this should be let's we let's make that statement here mark this should be the a Consolidated statement of of agreement between recalc and COA as to what our perspectives are on this on on how we've been moving this along and what we feel to be appropriate and we'll have to we'll have to get some feedback from COA but I I think I think that needs to be kind of more towards the end of this I don't know what impact it has really we work together that's not there's a recal presentation we see yes but I think what we want to do is make sure we've answered the question that we don't want to have asked because we've already answered it meaning that is this just you guys or is this the the COA and recal work at I think that's a really important point for the select board to to have and the community to have so so Mark here's another option what if we put this slide right after the recal um team and and and have it be a you know other stakeholders that have been involved intimately involved in this process yeah it's a talk to point joint meetings yeah there was a lot of time spent yeah and I mean I mean obviously recognize not just not just COA but you know Town staff and you you know uh community members that have provided input throughout the process and yep or other stakeholders that are now engaged or stared to engage y okay sorry there's a delay from when I type to when it shows up here there it is that's good around the world okay okay next and then we have the next pieces which are so that's these are some of the other stakeholders and some of the other kind of town initiatives the words here can get cleaned up and I did you chime in on this ready I did and I was a little confused because this wasn't part of our world this whole um initiative this yeah so so yeah so this is not work that we did this is more commenting that this coordinates with all these other things at the same time yeah and back to the notion of you know one team right we're all working on stuff and this all works together and I think that's important to select board okay yeah you almost it it just in describing it that way it should be a circle and it shows all the all the different kind of pieces that are all working together on town meeting same thing they're going to want to make sure that you just isn't an outlier that it's integral part of the whole whole plan yeah can almost use that the visual puzzle visual that comes together pie that come come together Circle puzzle yeah done ready uh as long as the pieces fit I have to fit's see it says DM you DM it's St Mark oh that explains it yeah and and your your KC okay I don't know why it's so fuzzy angry that I'm using red that's okay okay and then is it next three slides or next two slides 17 18 next three because it has swack there too I think that it hit the right cord and talking about swack also because people certainly R have questions saying well have you talk to them and even saying that you know hey it is it was one of the suggested possibilities that they talked about yeah this is that's too much the one thing on the on the swack thing that they say the other locations that SW was just focused on S play yeah I don't know what that second bullet Point's doing here is that what you're saying yes yeah I don't know what it's doing there so so that's the implication is that the things that like we're talking about couldn't go at Oakland Road and couldn't go on Pleasant Street certainly agree that it couldn't go on the Pleasant Street but I don't think there's anybody that's really determined that you can't do some of what SW was talking about open I think this might have been their slide might have because because I'm reading it now it's almost like they're saying well here's what's going on with the Centerra of living two locations are under consideration I think this is their SL that's where it came from yeah and I disagree with their conclusion it's out of context here I mean I think the point on swack really is is going to be I don't think that this can completely disappear the point is consistent with what I call it a suggest with um potential of multi function use something like and that that's sort of the main point is that SW said recal could go here yeah I don't think we need the other stuff about SP you okay yeah a little better than this but yes that's the point okay um um I think we should have a breakup slide at this point and just say now we're going to talk about the feasibility study because I know I know it's still part of recal phase 2 but I think just to be you know just to give the audience you know okay we've just obviously we've talked about all these other things now I think we want to have okay we're now we're going to talk about where we are with regards to the feasibility study um and um kind of dive into that but I think it's good just to have a little break in the in the presentation so it's clear yep sounds good and what do you guys think of this background well does every slide have to they all sort of blend so it's kind it's dark don't like the F draggy the color of the Fone yeah so so I was looking at some of the work that bhna did in some of their slides um and it's a ni it's a light background and certainly when we get into site selection I think it works better um but even in these other ones it was kind of I don't know it just kind of feels dark and I think I'm not a big fan of the dark background yeah okay so we'll change that we should look at also St away from blue lettering y yeah tends to be very hard the lettering is the the blue is very tough on this on this um color Okay background dark leard yeah that's your goto okay um so nor was there anything else that you wanted to talk about no I just was somewhat confused with the other initiatives but I understand so we we'll puzzle them in kind of show the different pieces all and maybe we do a circle for um Center active living and then the other pieces surrounding it Circle and puzzle okay great um okay pros and cons oh sorry so this sorry evaluated so narrowing down so we went from site selection valuation of best so there's one one piece that I forget where you talked about it that there was um that we did consider all the places that were possible in town y um presentation yeah like rocket basket area gold gy tpw I think was brought up dollar dollar store yeah they talked about that on Tuesday the other right I heard I was a little bit surprised but they were talking about potential other sites like the rmld building some of these people come in late right so that yeah they're saying so um it's just people will ask about that it will always it will always come up yeah it always needs to be reinforced I think I think Mark brought up the fact that the town put out two rfps or RPS and and um that we did also look at some of these other sites and had conversations so I I think it's it's certainly worth saying if if not including a bullet or point two somewhere but but yeah I I I definitely think because it's come up a couple times and it's definitely worth repeating and Walgreens kind of delayed us a little bit some ways right when that came out know dollar I know is never se sound kind of is meeting certain means I thought it was a teenage hang that's what I've been reading I really that was going on really they got kicked out of the store oh in the store in this there was some report about that chronic all right so I'm trying to add it in um just write this I almost like this slide before the picture slide before 23 before 22 you want me to move it I know just think about it just right because you're kind of showing the sites and then you're talking about the evaluation versus talking about the evaluation then show sites that one and then that one yeah that Mak sense not sure kind of like so what are you so here you're evaluating but what are you evaluating I liked it in the other order yeah I think you show the sites and then say okay how did we how did we come up with a recommendation yeah that's how we looked at it can you click on 22 again we did actually we do actually have a bullet at the top of this the town reading explor other opportunities and put out RS for ntown land which with and so that's that's there I think it's you just talk to it I I I would yeah you're right you're good it's there I forgot about that point do we need to take that yeah take it out out then you have long as you don't get what a PL he did that with you know delete delete PA not like [Laughter] that like he likes so there were a few others from the bhna presentation that were good so for example you can look at at each of the three in a bit more depth so I mean these are kind of you know little Snippets we could show kind of you know blown up versions too because people are certainly going to have questions so you know what what's now why didn't you think about more at at uh at Pleasant Street now is there a possibility we're not going to have a recommendation for the select boy presentation because yes there's definitely that possibility all right and then we have to decide do we want to present nonetheless or are we asking them to delay our Sunset short period of time then do the whole thing at once which I think probably makes sense but that would be earliest July let's let's let's belay that discussion yeah we we'll know a lot more on Monday night so I I worked on these pros and cons and some of the word and I tried to you know to align the the thing so you know close to downtown and then Oakland Road I put in that there's somewhere where it says it's still it's reasonably close to downtown I changed that to saying the big Pro about Oakland Road is it's at the geographic center of the town you look at equidistance from every everywhere do you think we should have that slide where there is the the picture of the locations and the circles and how far out they are oh remember that slide that's in the BD I do I mean and that's where I was coming from thinking how do we do this instead of a big long list of all this stuff you know how do you really talk about it U and I is is it a talk why I didn't get to yet is it a talk to thing you can almost have those all in notes right you read and you talk to it and you have the big circle slide just one issue though the location I think I think the map slide helps I think people like to see that just to give context I I think it's fine so um and I can't remember all the the other little things that I did but uh the you know historical Integrity uh I I took that out because it's a historically interesting building whether it's I wasn't sure what historical integrity and we doing such a modification to it it would remain well that's the historical right Association do we have it in there basically what do we have what the historical commission said yes it's in there something 5 23 I think it I I started to think about this slide too and actually try to to say what they said and it's like yeah yeah the result have the memo it says that they don't like it I think it says that later on um that's do say it there right six or something okay but anyway I I didn't you know so this is you know additional considerations and I think all of these things should have a a conclusion of what happened based on or not no I think that I think that makes sense Michael yeah Express you know serious reservations or concerns about doing thing you know the modifying the this the scale of um and I tried to include that in the pros and cons discussion and I'm not sure I I accomplished it but um and in the and in the in the Pro discussion I I got GED to take out a green light or something that was under buzzen street that it looked like buzzen Street was the preferred location and I would say take out the yellow light too because it it just adds where are these light words it's almost like a color coating kind of thing is it was going on yeah but we already call it a con slide so yeah color Co I think can you go back to 23 the last bullet what's that mean known Community yeah yeah anybody want to keep it sound like Words delete oh where you want to go now I so um so you were lobbying to get rid of the yellow light y yeah I what you could do is just send my look at that get dueling fingers and um the font in this has to be yeah yeah right and and that's really where I started you know fix doing words and then it's like this is just difficult to yeah to read and um I think if you include a lot of it in the notes and just have bullets that you can talk to see if you do too much to the to the notes then you're gonna be doing a lot of reading and you want to capture some of this stuff somebody who looks at it afterwards remember what what they said about it um I tell my students you get you're using both right the you have two media that you can have what you show and what you say and there'll be people who only look at the slides so they should be able to get it there'll be people who don't bother with the slides they need to be able to get it so if there are enough words on the slides to get kind of the general point you can add color to it great that's awesome there are audio people and there are visual people we should go back and make sure all the font sizes are I think once we're yeah once it's done yeah yeah yeah in the color background and other things problem with verbal presentations is that people won't remember they remember if you made a connection with them right but they won on that slide with the three sites I would recommend taking out the pickleball courts because it's they're not would never cost it in and I don't want oh on the yeah that's that's that kind of like makes people anxious because we're only really there it's only really considered at one one of the three locations right and I got an email the other day there was you know not you can put like outdoor activities nurse and considering building picks are you talking on the pros Pros slide you're talking on the site selection slide right this the site selection slide where there's three Graphics of thees 21 and um yeah that one yeah on the far right corner where you see the the eight pickle ball cards oh do we have a version that doesn't show the if not we can ask I can say that's part of swick so the pro and con here so I I hear you the pro is to show hey I'm not taking all the space and there's an opportunity and it works well with the center it doesn't do that in the other two and so I would you know I I'm not a strong believer in this I I definitely wanted them out of the Oakland Road Site because they shouldn't go there and um and this is okay is that image um is that image um a separate image on the slide I don't is not it's it's not no no I know been in the original no no that's fine I was gonna click on it again real quick can you umrp crop it can you crop it just that just that image no I think you don't want to crop it I just want I would leave it there let let it be what if it we added to it um potential question mark something like that just to to to lighten it up but also show it's possible and yeah that's fine something like that that's good because I think in the in the in the pros we talk about it as you can put other things there plus that's what I was just going to say that you know one of the it's consistent with swc that swc of saying you could have possible multiple uses right at the okay and it's interesting that the that the Oakland Road site is is actually at least as large as the Simon's way yes yes I I think it's actually bigger the building's the same and all that stuff but no I hear what you're say I want use blue I'll figure some out that so maybe Chris you can you could forward the the pros and cons the two slides that I sent you I already sent them to mark good so you should have them in your email or okay but it is not a done I think we really need to to think about those slides we on much time I do we have most of the content at this point you think I I think the outline is good um we still have some things to fill in but I even even the things we need to fill in I think we have other s ources and information it's just a matter of kind of putting it and collecting it together y you're going to need one or two slides John sass for the uh the additional information as far as the the sites that were visit were that you do have some information on yeah know so there's there's there's two there's two sets of slides that I've written down on my side that I want to look into one is the the phase one site selection and um and study results I'm sorry not site selection um site visits and and study results so there's a couple slides there that I'm pretty confident we have um from prior presentations that I can massage into something that would go here okay and then the second set is the information on phase two other than the feasibility stud um the kind of the discussion we've had about how we think these things these different proced these different pieces that we were charted to look at as well as a few of the the handful of four or five sites that we actually did visit what what other nuggets of information can we glean that we could include in the you know in our in our presentation so I I think there's two sets of slides there that I need to pull together cool now is that about what we can do tonight yeah maybe we figure out who should play with these next and when we should meet again and um and I would suggest it's probably right after the third for the weekend of June um and who all do we want to have present this like wor when it's done I I I won't be here on the 18th um but um and I don't think I'll even be able to to dial in but um so um I if can someone send these back out um just so that I have whatever um you've done we've done tonight and then I'm just going to work on those couple slides I mentioned separately how long do we have on the agenda for select board this is going to be at least an hour presentation um I can tell the the chair but I think I think an hour including discussion is perfect I think an hour of presentation's not a good no I don't I don't think this will be an hour presentation yeah yeah I think 30 minutes it's I mean so I mean 12 slides last Tuesday night was probably an hour right is that about how long it went really when people talked how much feedback was there I mean the presentation didn't take hour it was less than an hour was much less than an hour it was like 40 it was like 40 minutes not even okay and I probably spoke for maybe you know 10 to 15 for 30 4 you get a lot of interruptions and things that that's all right and there needs to be time for the board to ask questions yeah and again depending on the outome from June 3r gives us a lot more June 4th June 4th 4th right 4th and 18th sorry 4th yeah third is the PBC and then fourth is there the questions could potentially sell it Sor this answering the question could potentially sell it you know in a way um yeah well I think the board is going to be satisfied with the recommendation and accepts it or they'll have a question questions you we'll try to answer if we can great if we can't then more to do so should we plan on meeting Wednesday June 5th June what five 10 next Wednesday that's next W well because I mean this is targeted for the 18th of June correct yes yes I think that's perfect I'm I'm pre the 5ifth is what w say the 5ifth 6:30 again okay p on traffic I'll be back oh that's a tough who wants to work more on this I I I would be happy to continue or I would be happy to pass it off well my my plan is to to put together slides kind of independently that can get slotted in so um but that that that's that's all I'm going to be able to do in the meantime um this saved it saves itself wna I'm St I don't I don't mind um playing around with this as well too and helping out um you know I've done it before so okay and maybe U we could also talk about cleaning it up and lightening it up yeah great yeah Ron's an Ron's an expert at that right yeah awesome super all in can you get me you give me Wednesday's agenda tomorrow morning have it now no basically we're going to yeah preparations for the select board presentation Mark do we have a I'll get it drive or something send it over tomorrow to make sure we're set for next week also the share Drive is a town drive I will not make my mistake a town email address to get actuallya for June yeah I struggle so they can post it on M um you send that to me and I'll get it submitted this one doesn't have the videos in it so it might be so by the way I don't care if you guys just PDF and send it out I just I just want to basically have the outline and the slides just so I can remind myself where everything is because I know you can't send out the full presentation because it's probably too big to email that's that's why we're trying to figure out if we can share dri our stuff yeah let me let's we'll figure something out to do it and again um so Chris or or whoever else has got any more feedback or input on any of the other sites that we visited please send that along as soon as you can um John I found my my worksheets on Bedford and Winchester are they any help to you uh the old ones or new ones the old ones um if you want to send them along that would be great sure okay I will thank you um so I think that hang on I tell you right now Chris you going to participate in some in what some of the presentations oh Mark you mean when we give it no just as a working group I got CH a 19.6 Meg it will send it'll email [Laughter] yeah well done on your deletes that's getting rid of the yellow light I didn't understand yellow light at all I didn't even notice it do you want me to send it to you to share with everybody or I mean I do notice it when I'm out driv good no it rejected it last second I can send PD PDF PF you know nobody want that wouldn't help you so we have to figure it out where's cases we might have to share take a a stick Drive can you do it in two parts yeah yeah no zip it we'll figure it out those kind of things Mark the picture of the Pleasant Street Center sign yeah I'm sure that several make there's a mark there's a compress when you do a file save there's like a compress option that works I would say say for the moment just delete that picture and it'll it'll reduce the size of it a lot this will a placeholder pick for yeah I I don't see pictures out back me finalize um so I think what we do is we make op first go we're not able to sit up not able to mark I'm able to if I have like a Google Drive I can't share that with you uh no it's a problem of going across security from everybody so in other words when I try to share it it'll only accept ci. ring addresses everything else if iot on private D once you have it on a private drive you can do it so what we can do right now is you got to stick with you I do pry sure I do I think I just saw it yeah I do so this silly as far as the agenda for next there's no possibility of us making a recommendation on site right because I don't want to Wi next week next week um because I don't want to if there were we couldn't put it on as a as a potential um vote on site selection okay the only issue with that is well a lot more people may want to attend that's right that word um you could say potential but unlikely put it on so that there's a possibility but we could do is um if on June 3rd at the PBC meeting it's a no that not ready then you can update the posting to remove that from the agenda okay and take stuff off it's harder to put stuff on that's yeah that's what I say we couldn't discuss it even if we wanted to if unless it's on there in the first place okay yeah and Ron what were you saying a few minutes ago with my participation is it just John and I have been participate on the contributions to the presentation I I think I have some stuff I'm going to try to get over okay and you yeah yeah and J and that's it three okay I'll stop three all right so that's what I3 then then we can bring it back to you to share out yeah yeah perfect but no comments All right we be okay entertain a motion to adjourn just before we do um just to confirm next meeting is um Wednesday May 5th 6:30 June 5th yes pardon June 5th you said may I apologize June Wednesday Wednesday June 5th yes okay thank you sorry I'll let everyone know um probably on Monday with room and everything okay so okay motion to adjourn okay seconds second so uh M alexer yes Michael yes hman Nora bucko Rini yes joh Sasso yes and John passons yes John O'Neal yes unanimous I'll send all right thank you e