##VIDEO ID:h2lMah1d_Ws## e e e e e e recording in only rctv so okay here we go hello this is Chuck teron readings conservation administrator this meeting is being conducted in person and remote format consistent with chapter 2 of the acts 2023 which further extends certain provisions of covid-19 measures regarding remote participation in a public meeting until March 31st 2025 please note not all items listed may be in fact discussed and other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law this agenda includes those matters which can be reasonably anticipated be discussed at tonight's meeting please note this meeting is being recorded and all material are available at the following link which I'll provide as soon as I'm finished uh Brian Bo the Conservation Commission chair will facilitate this meeting please note that there will be public comment period at the end of each hearing each vote taken during tonight's meeting Al here each vote during course of tonight's meeting uh will have a public comment period and each vote taken during tonight's meeting we'll also have a roll call vote we'll begin with roll call attendance ran can you please um go over tonight's agenda and take the commission's uh attendance okay um to order at 702 uh first go over the agenda it's a light one tonight um first we'll be starting with a discussion with the town clerk uh with ticketing procedures that we can use in the future uh then we move to a continuation hearing for zero Cedar Swamp and that is it for our hearings tonight and then we get the old new business starting with violation notices and then discussion items land use Summit let sums and Morgan rules conservation DPW monthly coordination meeting administrators report and then approval of any minutes uh and with that we'll Now set up the uh order for the roll votes Walter can we start with you sure good evening Walter talber commissioner presid member present Tony Tony rakis member present Martha Martha Moore Vice chair present ran bro chair present okay without further Ado if we can jump to um Laura town clerk to talk to us about ticketing procedures and again thank you for coming down and doing this to educate us people happy too so um up on the screen shows a copy of the ticket and I'm assuming you want to just talk a little bit about filling this out what your procedures would be um so th this ticket is actually designed for all by Town bylaw violations and regulations so there might be some parts on here that may not necessarily pertain to you um the date that you're issuing the ticket and when you issue this you're stating that you took uh that you witnessed the violation um so it says date of notice that's the date that you witnessed the violation who you're issuing it issuing it to is the name of the offender the address is is the address of which that person lives at um uh and city state and zip and then date of birth if you don't get that information because a lot of people may not be willing to give it to you that's fine you can just leave that information blank the part that you do need though is the name um and then you're going to put where it says you have been observed violating specific bylaw or regulation and that's where you're going to put the Conservation Commission regulation that you've put in place for if for example no dogs in in bare Mead so you have to actually specifically put um put the regulation where it falls under and we'll be using article 97 of the regulation article 97 of of conservation commission's regulations State regulation state regulations okay so you want to make sure you identify that where it says the the um specific bylaw of Regulation um the by act Consulting violation um basically what did you witness the date and the time is important that you witnessed it and the place of violation which in this case would most likely be bare Meadow um your signature and then the signature of the offender now if you can't get their signature because they refuse to sign it that's fine just underneath it it says unable to obtain signature of offender you're just going to check that because some may refuse to sign it for how about the name some might just just refuse to give you that then there's no way to unforce it and you know unless you can do some investigating and try to figure it out but okay is it possible if we had to because I anticipate that issue also at least in some cases to follow them to a car and take a license plate that would be between you and the police I'm willing to bet that the police are not going to be very Cooperative in providing information from running a license plate unless there's a a law law broken not a regulation um you'd have to talk to the police chief on that one he may be willing to work with you but I don't know um the fine for this offense is there a fine that was put in place in the regulation $100 okay so you're going to make sure that you list at $100 um and then at that point you stop there's nothing more that you're going to put in yep can I can do we have to find them the full $100 or is do we do you I don't even know if you know could we say it was $50 or we decide a different amount so that totally depends on how the article is written in the state law okay we should check into that I think it does give some flexibility but we could check into that we should check because I didn't think it did but yeah I I would say if we're finding people we certainly need to be consistent we can't find my friend 50 and my anemy 100 that's extremely important it'll come back if you're not consistent and the the thing that might be a little bit difficult there is you need to be consistent amongst each other you know amongst the whole commission you know not just one member issuing 50 and another and member issuing 75 I take that back it's $100 is fine yeah and you know consistent it may be too you'd have to go back and read article it may in a lot of times with a lot of these types of um fines that are issued it it gives you a little bit of leeway to say that the first fine is 50 and then the second fine is 100 you may want to take a look at that and see if you have that kind of leway but whatever you decide as as a commission you definitely want to be consistent do we have leeway to have the first time we meet somebody to give them a warning a verbal warning or do we have to do the ticket um it's my understanding that that would be up to you as a commission but again being consistent right yeah so I mean you could say that the first one could be a verbal the the issue with that is you're going to have to be very good at communicating with each other you know I just issued so and so a verbal warning the next one is a ticket uh one other question Springs to mind which is in the beginning you were saying um not everything pertains to us so how do we know which does and which doesn't besides the things you actually spoke to directly so the the one that says act um cons constituting the violation that I'm not TW quite sure would pertain to you um the other part is at the very bottom of the ticket um it says that you have the following options with regard to disposition of this matter one is you may elect to pay the above find either by appearing in person during normal hours by before the town clerk so everything all these findes would go through us um and then the second is that you can contest the matter at with wbon District Court I'm not real sure that this is something that can be contested through wbon District Court um I do know that when we issue these tickets to to for dog violations um if somebody tries to contest it through the court the court tosses it they don't want to have they don't want to take the time to deal with unlicensed dogs wub District Court is the only Court in the state that does that so um you know I'm not sure how they're going to handle it if for something like dogs in bare Meadow that's the part that I really question and then at the very bottom is where the the um person the offender would be signing the ticket once they submit it to me for payment so what happens this is a three-part form uh after you issue the ticket part one the blue the white goes to the offender the yellow goes to the town clerk's office and then the cardboard copy the FL bottom one you keep um this is something that you're going to be keeping you're going to have to keep track of everyone that you issue now we at the clerk's office keep track of everyone that we that is submitted to us and we keep track of whether or not they're paid we do not actively let you know of which ones are not paid or paid we do have the ability though to answer your question if you ask who's been who hasn't paid their fine is there some automatic followup if somebody hasn't paid not from our department any department so some of them it depends on the department itself like the Board of Health follows up with anything that's not paid um the uh the police department follows up with any of the tickets that they issue that we have that we're responsible for um so anything that's issued by the police department of any type of B bylaw or regulation also goes through us if it's anything to do with tr traffic that goes through the state so you know but they follow up on those and I get calls from them saying who's paid and who hasn't but uh we don't have a mechanism in place at the moment so automatically it let you know who's paid and who hasn't but if we kept running into the same person in B bare Meadow and giving them another ticket a week later another ticket a week later another ticket and we'd say hm this person doesn't seem to be getting the message and we contacted you you You' be able to tell us yeah they have five outstanding tickets at this point corre yeah so okay is a difficult question in the case of someone who doesn't give us their name what are your thoughts on taking a picture of them be careful with that but you legally have a right to but I mean as a citizen you have anybody is open to having their picture taken you can videotape you cannot record uh record volume um like I said what does that mean you can video tape but not record volume oh go I mean that's in Massachusetts law yeah but obviously we hope none of these extremes are required but it's someone that you recognize you know who they are they still need to provide identification um that's up to you you're the one issuing the ticket so if you feel comfortable and confident that you know who it is that's up to you I can tell you that you're going to get a problem just from knowing how people are when I issue tickets for dogs going to get not licensing them get a problem just giving a ticket period no particular problem talking about here I'm sorry so you said we're going to get a problem is that just in general or in situation Tony was just asking about if I know who it is I can fill in their name so um the way that the so in my experience um we the town clerk's office is responsible for licensing of dogs um if a dog is not licensed by March 31st on April 1st we put a late fee in place on uh May 1st we issue tickets um which is a $50 fine uh when people receive these tickets they get very defensive and D very upset with the fact that they had a ticket issued so I can't see them being any different with this that's my point yeah okay all right anything else any other questions yeah so um just one other quick comment you are legally responsible for these you are signing these out when you're done if you are no longer on the commission and no longer issuing tickets you need to turn them into the clerk's office if you issue one you need to make sure that you um get the yellow copy to us as ASAP uh because if you hold on to it for a couple of days and then they come in to pay it and we don't have it we send them away and you have no recourse after that okay so do you want to issue them now yeah okay so what you're going to do is just take a book you're going to find the first one in this column here right there so you're just going to put in your first name last name Department which you'll put Conservation Commission and then your signature okay and I bought an actual so Walter could get his book of tickets when he comes into the town hall sometime and go to the town clerk's office to ask yep Walter what we doing this you have your hand up I do hi Laura you've not met but I thank you very much for your service to the town my question is are these tickets individually numbered yes okay so they can be traced fair enough thank you yeah on the screen Walter um in red you'll see number and then a couple of hash marks that's those that's where the number is here's one Ates yeah so Walter just byy anytime um when the town clerk's office is open and um let them know that and I'll tell my staff so they're prepared let them know that we here with Conservation Commission thank you I'll do that is there a reason we have to do this serially or can you pass one books uh well because there's only one paper to fill out fair enough there's the paper and you can see if you can make one of these books match a line on that sheet so while you're Juna has any questions no I think I would choose to wear my conservation best if I'm going to be trying to offer people tickets make me look a little more official wise so you said that the uh first copy is for the Violator um if they refuse us to take it do we just keep that also or turn that in to you um if you turn it into me I'm just going to get rid of it so I would suggest you you hang on to it so that way you you can keep track of who doesn't have a copy of it I just need the yellow one so that we can make sure that we have proof that one ticket was issued and two that they paid it or okay uh Walter why don't you just go ahead Brian uh filling out the form finished yeah um I I don't want to sound power hungry but do these entitles to give tickets for other reasons I mean for example if I'm in the town forest and somebody has four dogs I would say we should just just bare Meadow yeah our conservation land and for us that's just bare Meadow but we have any dog resp restrictions other than off leas gotcha I'm on board good are we good thank you and f one out2 what one join the pack spread the blame how often do you have those dog hearings sorry how often do we what have dog hearings here yeah hearings dog hearings oh is that a frequent for some reason I'm having a hard time hearing tonight what um at the last one we had was in 2012 okay wow and I've been here 15 years and that was the first one so this is the second since I've been here yeah not very often at all so you're an expert what's that so you're an expert yeah yeah you don't even know you're so right okay super expert um did you find the right row to put your number in there yeah did I being last has its advantages all right as as always anytime you have any questions comments concerns please stop by give us a call all right thank apprciate it all thank you y have a great night me too okay so that brings us to Zer zero Cedar Swamp um the applicant has asked for continuation to October 23rd Excuse me yes welcome since we're still on the tickets are we dividing up any respons responsibility to certain days certain times if somebody's there or is it just when we go there it may happen so I would say when we go there it may happen because the other unknown is which way you go in um and so I think that's a lot to coordinate number of volunteers so just if you're going to walk in there yeah thr in your back pocket and um yeah I think the I think the plan my plan um is that we're not we're not policing the area we can use that term if you happen to be in there and you see someone then you know it's time for a warning I've been doing that I go to the trails Committee Member Trails committee meetings they're at um Mata and I get there about an hour early because that's exactly when Town Hall closes and I talk to everybody who's walking in and walking out I've been doing that for a couple of weeks now um if I recognize them as someone who's keeps doing it I could uh you know give them a ticket at this point and that's how I would approach the situation and from my own perspective I plan on going in different entrances uh partly for my own reasons and partly because we know different entrances are being used I do hope hope that having some attention to this in the early days will have an effect and we won't have to be doing this on a frequent basis going forward I I I don't want to appear to be hunting but I was just curious if there are any specific times or days where we may encounter more problems and therefore we should be more alert I had a comment from someone that um Franklin Street cemetery is an entrance where everyone is using early in the morning so I went there one morning early and I only saw one gentleman walking a dog and uh came up to my truck I don't think I'm well known but he came up to my truck and turned around and walked back out of the out of the cemetery so so to answer your question more broadly people tend to walk their dogs mostly in the the morning or in the evening there's some traffic throughout the day but the early morning and after 4 o'clock are the most popular times to go okay good anything else on that or can we SE back to a zero seedar can go back to Z okay so we're looking for a vote to continue this of OCT October 23rd can I have a motion to the effect and move that we continue the hearing for zero Cedar Swamp to October 23rd this is Tony I second uh Walt topits in favor in favor Tony Rus in favor Mar Moore in favor rinbo in favor is there a hockey game tonight football game anything people want to get out in time for you might be out by call okay and what help okay that brings us to old new business violation notices um is have we heard anything from 445 Pearl Street no and we don't expect to yet we gave him another meeting correct okay yeah so no all right and I haven't been by any particular reason so I think that was all we had to discuss there so then we get to discussion items the first item is the land use Summit scheduled here for October 19th Chuck has an update to that yeah the landu summit's been cancelled uh it seemed to be one member from the trails committee going Bill Sullivan was the only one going from the Town Forest committee and he could only make it for an hour I'm not sure how many conservation members were going but it was it wasn't a full Full House no no I think it's a I think it's a it's something that you know should be part of a yearly conference especially if you want to know these other committees although it seems like we have been working together a lot better than we have in the past me office started going to the town Forest committee meetings several years ago I still go Walter goes um the Le's on now for the trails committee ever since uh Kim honish logger left the town um so things have helped but it would be great to meet to talk about things for I told Bill Sullivan it's too bad because he needed to gain support for is um not that he could discuss it in any way because this is coming in front of the commission he needed to gain support with some of the uh speakers that we had for his Forest cutting plan and uh it would have been a great opportunity and then to promote some of the events that they do which they seem to do every year so uh this is not a conservation item this was a kind of a Chuck item but again I think it's too bad that we didn't continue it it may come up again but uh so far no I will cancel I will say though in section 8C which is the Clause that establishes conservation commissions one of the responsibilities one of the authorities we have is to coordinate coordinate among like-minded groups in the town and I certainly consider Trails Town forest climate advis is likeminded climate advisory he never got back to me interesting yeah have to mention that when he comes by for support on his town white tree par bug in somebody's here anyway so uh we actually have a reason to be doing it above and beyond because Chuck thinks was a good idea so that's we'll see if it can happen again the beginning of the year maybe uh yeah we'll see when is uh town meeting November 12th or 14th or something like that in November so so without putting people on the spot um was it I know people have busy Saturdays and what have you was Saturday the biggest problem was it because it's a sports season and that may change in a different time of year I don't know what sports your kids play do they play m in Spring okay and what about your situation Saturdays are generally difficult difficult yeah okay Walter what about you I know you were out of town for this one or something right we're going to be out of town so is there is there a problem with Saturdays in general or no I I'm usually around on the weekend but this particular one we have friends we're going to meet who were from Dallas and we're going to Boston and spend the day with them now I know you're exaggerating you have no friends you want to get my my op since you're talking candidly about this sure I sent an email out to the chairs and asked them to do this exact survey which Brian just went through I suspect it never happened and then to not only find out when people were available to find out what date the most of their most of the people on their committee was available and I you know it seemed like some of them were like oh I checked again and only one person was available but that was that was I was trying to team up with the chairs I was trying to only talk to the chairs and that that didn't happen and and I think I would say that I need to get more Buy in from each chair to you know poll their committee and to find out what date works and to push this to say you know hey it's needed it's an important you know important part of what we do each year okay so Ryan did send an email to us I'm not blaming Brian at all other thaning Brian no but in all fairness I mean I sent an email it wasn't like I was pushing hard to say well could you be there at 3 or something I wasn't twisting arm so that's coming in beginning of the year but uh you want you want everyone there I think it's it's the best possible and we were gonna have uh Andrew McNichol who's community development director and a select board member and I just stopped just before I sent out my email to the select board to and I had talked to a couple of them personally and uh kind of n they helped me narrow it down to who could make it but then I I wanted to check one more time and that's when I found out there was really I mean they would have shown up and there would have been four people there and it's their satday also yeah's got his head W yeah I I'd like to make a generic unscientific comment uh I've only been involved with volunteer work here for the last couple years my wife as well it just seems that any event that occurs on the weekend the the Committees the commissions whatever don't have the availability to sit at the C Town Fair or do this or do that if if we're going to get together it seems the best times unfor unfortunately are week nights that's my opinion unscientific action what do you guys think about that I would think so week even week nights are worse for me than weekends I think I will volunteer to make a Google poll and put a variety of dates down and see if we can send it out to all the groups and see whether we can come up with something that has at least a few MERS so targeting around mid January give a take um or broader than that I could Target mid January if that's what you're looking for what Chuck suggested next year early next year that you know we don't want to do it right after the turn of the of the year the only reason to do it this year would be to help Bill Sullivan out with his uh warrant article and to have that because it's not just that you know it's just not the Comm it's open to any town uh resident H well the last time we go so you'd want to have that before the November 14th C no I'm I'm okay whenever it happens okay uh but I'm just saying there's another thing to think about uh I have to go back to my desk for a second and uh grab a piece of paper do you want to continue this and I I can take off now for a second yeah sure go ahead so Martha will send something out and we'll look for something at least first blush somewhere around mid January on weekend on Saturday well on the weekend I don't know which is better I'll do some of everything I'll do some weekday I'll see do some week nights and I'll do some weekends if nothing else being a few months in advance will allow it to essentially act as a save the date which might make things better because it would have been embarrassing to have celebrities show up and have no showing up and by the way I will be asking people um if they have any ideas of what we as a commission should be presenting the way it was going to be set up is each group was going to have 20 minutes between a presentation and then conversation questions and answers so if you have any thoughts on kind of things that we want to present to uh different like-minded groups that would be a good idea whether something to help coordinate things or some issue of particular interest that they may be able to help with or may have interest in interest in now again we have we'll have time now to uh arrive at that so I'm be making up something myself over and do we W to have this fully in person and not hybrid guess we can't be hybrid if we're at Mata cabin Mata does seem a good place to meet how many people were there last time we filed that table yeah we had people around the table we have people on the sofas 14 15 more than that wasn't that close to 1820 maybe yeah okay I don't know how we got that date to work but we did yeah was first time no um and I think on that date we picked October 19th as our next time we get together I know we picked at least around there I don't remember we picked the exact date but okay um so if you could you know answer Martha's poll when it comes out and any ideas that you have all means forward them okay so next item let SS and Morgan rules suggested by MSM stack discussion yeah so we have um we so the Andrew Andrew McNichol and Alex Riki two uh two staff people suggested some rules that we change for mlet SS and Morgan of course we can't just do it here tonight so I thought we would just review our rules and go over the rules that they want uh they wanted at U mlet THS and Morgan so it you know the rules seem to be uh you know pretty obvious but let's uh let's see where this goes so the first thing I want to do is get back to the screen going to go with the rules and regulations first have I just want to talk about the new ones talk about the new ones I think people would remember to some extent the ones we have in place already all right so here we go where we at so uh some new rules fromet SS and Morgan no skating those pawns are probably going to stay pretty warm there's going to always be a flow of water just underneath the ice and if people think that the ice is safe and walk out there in the winter time um they're gonna fall in and there there could be a problem so thinking about this it could be a rule or the Conservation Commission could just get some signs and put them around the ponds so right now I think there's some money left and uh not only do I think I know there's some money left and we could get the signs not coming out of our budget but coming out of the uh the grant that we got for this project but that's just one to think about so as far as that goes it would seem to me that it's a two PR reason for that proposed rule one is actual safety of individuals and one is liability with the town Conservation Commission so I would think putting changing the adding the rule but also post and signs it probably covers both of those yeah more completely think so it say something like keep off the ice and that would also apply to um pets and people who are chasing their pets onto the ice to rescue their pets dogs shouldn't be in the ponds yeah so we uh veg we put uh plugs in the bottom of the pond 10,000 plugs what the Ducks swans and other flying varmints didn't eat are are growing in so um yeah it would be nice to see those get vegetated I mean it's a very uh sensitive time right now I mean they can mess up everything there's a lot of mud exposed if dogs start going in there um so keep off the ice yeah could be a problem because that way is people just walking as well skating either way they're at risk so I would say keep off the ice is probably preferable no swimming is the next one makes sense uh to us because we understand that these are uh storm water features but uh and they're not very deep so again another sign maybe liability maybe just educating people yeah so I would say again a rule change and a sign and I'm GNA say again should we broaden that to say like no swimming or waiting because I could see people might think it would be fun to walk around in the mud and say well I'm not swimming I'm just walking around walking for tadp so whatever and uh we have two kiosks to post the rules on we couldn't just do them here at town hall because the kiosks we received have no weather barrier no window there's no door it's so it's like something a scout made so I'm not going to last long in other words the rules oh no it's whated is good and permanent but there's no place to put more signs right we actually made it that big because um for a lot of reasons but we were really not that wasn't what we wanted we wanted something like the trails committee always gets what you're going to see at lot five at kiosk comes in and so yeah um we'll just live with this for a while and then switch it out at some point and uh let's see H my my screen there we go my screen froze again sorry about that let me see if I can get back to back to carry in carry out as you can see it makes everybody who does that really happy can we spell it right is that Carrie Grant carry in carry out yeah that's Carri Tim Walls up there carrying his garbage out just not going thank you so um that's I think that's the last one so who whose artwork is this uh the artwork was borrowed I was just curious yeah so does this sort of that because there's no trash cans or anything out there so is this so that we don't have to put in trash trash cans so that's a great Point uh we had uh our favorite um our favorite pick picker up guy coming to town John Oliver and some other complaints but one of them he said was uh we really wna and I've noticed it too there's a lot of dog waste bags all over the place um at both ends and the DPW said on the the opening that they weren't going to provide um trash barrels I think we need to bring that up again at the at the next meeting and then if it's still no just keep bringing it up the food chain until we get some trash barrels it doesn't make any sense not to have them there I like the I just never went there once but you could see water bottles already some of the water bottles are from the storm water going some of it are from the from the land itself because that area had been had been filled with a lot of trash kind seen anything new that looked like it was out deposited recently yeah but when we were when we were at the grand opening one of the I think it was a Mystic Wyer Watershed person stepped down the slope and picked a glass bottle full half full of water off the surface of the pond where it had floated down but then there was no place for him to put this yucky old glass bottle half full of water um it would have been nice to have trash at the very least carry in carry out is a good blanket statement now whether you carry it as far as a trash can or further that depends I've heard argument both ways even when it came to town Forest conversations about does having the barrels encourage people to actually use them or does encourage them to bring more things in um and I don't know I've never seen a scientific study of that but there's not there's no Barrel there used to be a barrel leave at lobs P now there's there's not hasn't been a barrel for a couple of years I don't understand I mean it just makes so much sense is there a board that we go to I mean I should know but I think it's just up to the DPW to put these these in place yeah I don't I don't think they ever had a problem putting something in Place their concern was always yet another place to add to their schedule to do pickup not the barrel itself it's adding it to they said was people were putting food waste in the barrel and then squirrels and stuff were messing up and throwing it around before they picked it up some place like lob spawn Mill doesn't really get that much activity so they wouldn't have to pick up the barrel that of often and there'd be plenty of time for the although strange you say that because what I saw from when we placed our device there was a lot of people lunch there oh a lot it's relative term but um that seemed to be uh constant traffic on most days okay I'm just gonna say maybe that's why they don't want people putting their lunch trash in that barel can I also propose no fishing fishing well you would think you wouldn't have to propose that but Mak sense okay good one we can talk this again this is just kind of information session and we can talk about the rules we'd have to go through that process again about putting it in uh on the agenda as a rule change discussing it you know there might be some other rules also that need to be discussed so let me ask this oh I want to ask that I do want to bring up that we already have a rule that is in conservation land the dogs need to be on leash and on the trail so that assumes that the dogs are not going for a swim in the water either um and that's already covered by that rule but I think just like there's Watering Hole number one and Watering Hole number two in the Town Forest these Street runoff water retention areas might be very tempting for dogs so I think it's important for that to be clear that the no waiting and swimming applies to dogs and people I don't have a sense yet of how much water is going to be in them in the summertime and Walter has his hand up Walter your hand is right in the glare from the light so please go ahead I I do well at glare um this whole project originally stemmed as an engineering project to prevent flooding to get better drainage Etc and now it's turning into a conservation project if we're going to have signs oh by the way I hate signs if you want to have signs we should have three signs in each of the three entrances with a whole list of what they can't do having a sign next to the pond don't go swimming to me ruins the whole effect what sure he did he did purchase those swans so that's right should listen that's right um we should check this need the rules posted at at the kiosk we we could make some room um and the in those luckily those kiosks are made out of wood so we could just attach it to the 4x4 so one thing I'd like to know though from somebody console perhaps is just posting them at the entrances cover us from a liability perspective or do you need the sign right at the water we're not we're the conservation is not worried about liability that's the town needs to be worried about but I'll R I'm assuming that's part of the reason why Alex is suggesting it isn't that also because of liability that he didn't mention it okay but I think it does does cover it um because I agree with Walter in general better to not you know PL cloudy up the uh the view but okay if we're going to make it o'clock we've got 10 minutes okay yeah um so this is our first discussion of these rules do we need to announce it as a public hearing and have a second hearing so people know about it uh I can I'll put it on the next agenda um and may then it sounds like this is going going to be a discussion with others anyway so I don't think this is a vote on it kind of situation tonight this would be something that we would let people know when we were going to vote yeah right exactly well I'm just gonna suggest that um we are getting a lot of positive feedback for this lovely Mallette SS Morgan project and it would be a good thing to put in the newspaper that we're going to be discussing safety rules at the mlet songs Morgan project so that people who are concerned about safety rules know to come makes sense okay so we can put that aside for now uh the next conservation DPW meeting is November 5th your short that election date so that may be moved as well but the one in October was already moved because that's when we had the opening of it was cancelled and that so we wouldn't have them cancel this I mean there's there's a couple things we want to talk about so we would have it regardless it would be an election day yeah yeah I think so does that affect your availability um I'm not working the election that on that day so I could zoom in so I think that would be fine and coincidentally I'm not working it either so I could uh I could be there I can zoom in okay uh Chuck administrator's report sure so um we finally uh so so lot five needed a set of stairs and the DPW put them in over the last week uh Jeff and myself came up with the design a lot of it was I guess the steps were made at the DPW Yard uh but the design out in the field which had to happen because no one knew what we were to expect um was was was great so they actually graded out some of the top so there was less stairs needed and it's flatter and I don't think anyone's G to have a problem so I have a couple pictures uh this one's with your with the chair checking uh you can't believe how many times may be posed for that picture that's that's the chair checking the stairs out they're really nice um no railing will go up because they're wide and um it seemed like no in no railing was needed railing someone's convinced somebody of the railing then uh it's really the Town Forest that would have to take something like that on also so uh as soon as they were done Chris Cole reached out to me and said who's paying for these so my my reply was well yeah you know we don't have a problem but this is uh this is not conservation only situation as a matter of fact it's actually mostly Town Forest and I said have you asked the Town Forest committee and he said he would so I think if the town Force pitches in I'll bring this back to the conservation commission but the trails committee already said no I do think it's worth mentioning at our next coordination meeting not so much that we're being asked to pay but the fact that they asked that question after the stairs have been built rather than in any of the previous months and months where they've been discussed so essentially it's a a and switch I guess is the way to look at it so I think that's worth bringing up so we get on the same page especially as far as H future projects but um I think it makes sense for us to chip in something and are we talking about the cost of the supplies or also the cost of the time of the people who built them you only mentioned the stock right so the wood and the gravel and stuff like that so the newspaper notice to talk about rules at at Mallette it's SP 500 bucks this is going to be about if all three committees chip in is is going to be $500 if less it's going to be more um I don't think this would be the one that they would ask us to pay for they said our budget's pretty low uh we have it we already have what we're going to purchase this year already kind of set up uh and we had talked about it for a year and only now is it is it being discussed I think that we should accommodate let's let's see what the let's see what the town force does and uh that would that would in my opinion would be best all right I wasn't thinking of an official notice where you pay $500 I was thinking of sending a press release to announce something about the mlet SS Morgan property being open and by the way it's going to be on the agenda for the conservation commission yeah newspaper often has articles about what the select board talked about and what the fincom talked about at their hearings and those are not Public Notices that you pay money for they're just news um great suggestion I don't know if it meets the criteria of what what the town wants if we're putting a newspaper notice in well I think I could check into that we still have to post it with all the restrictions associated with that I'll I'll look into it before we just start guessing on what what to do saying you know a reporter comes to the select board meeting but no reporter comes to our meeting so it doesn't get reported in the newspaper what we talked about most of the time so before we leave this I just want to say that I've heard it already if anybody talks to you about these stairs being difficult for their dogs like it is for my dog um off to the left where the hill slopes up there's a leftover path from before that goes up the side of that hill and it comes up to the top of the landing if you will from the side so it's an easier approach for dogs who need an easier approach in case anybody brings it up with all right I'm Gonna Leave You with this one uh so quick question on the slide is um the ground on on either side is that going to be receded it looks kind of bare and Disturbed at the moment on the right in particular it's uh so what was it before it was probably Lea litter and we're getting into the leaf litter season so it probably looks a lot different today than it did two weeks ago it was mostly Pine and leaf litter there was some grass at the top of the hill which isn't there now because of the grading but there wasn't a lot of vegetation on that slope because it from from this picture it looks like the the soil isn't stabilized and there's there's an open cut on the left side looking at the picture I just want to make sure we're not going to get a lot of erosion as we head into a a rainy fall so it's it's uh so in um article 14 and this upcoming conservation this upcoming town meeting that it is going to be transferred to the Conservation Commission but I think it's um you know it's really thought of as the Town Forest um so I think I wasn't going to actively manage this place and it's inside of the jurisdictional area so I'll will bring that up at the Town Force meeting the very least when I use it I can look for I I'd love to actively manage it but I think that since they have the entire town Forest it's this one little spot I think it makes sense to let them do it can bring it up somehow to Town Forest right so I'm going to leave you with this uh so as you can see from this picture that old man walking down the stairs wanted I wanted to I wanted to get a good picture of him and uh there you go g me ey time tell me how much I was out the stairs and you see that them carrying a 70 year old entrenching tool there's nobody holding his arm to get him down the stairs w well not I yeah well I had to put the camera down to help him but uh so I didn't get any of those shots it was there but Photoshopped it out a 70y old entrenching tool from my voice Scout days which we bent up we meaning one person here anyone sees this grumpy old man on the trail be careful he's GNA booking tickets you entrenching with it uh at the top of the landing that where that slope comes up that needed um adjustments yeah so put something like like water bars in there and it was too the soil was too loose and I'm G to I'll look at it again on Friday but um it was uh we did our best did our best I think it definitely came out better okay uh minutes for approval okay first one 828 everybody read them I have one more thing so don't close me okay I haven't ient my Ed yeah did not or you I haven't I have not Walter have you read 828 yes I have I've also submitted my comments okay so we can go ahead and vote then we have a quorum so um I move that we accept the minutes for 828 24 Tony I second that Walter toets in favor in favor orus in favor Mar Mo in favor in favor just a note I wasn't able to track changes or review anything I I had to manually make changes that it's a little bit of effort on Chuck when he's um incorporating the edits I don't I don't know I've never done track changes on them either I tend to have an email and just say in this section this line change it to this but chuck would rather the other yeah but I don't have the capability of doing that happy you're reviewing so can get to try I mean really people haven't been you know I haven't got many comments so it's fine you know we'll do do what we do what we can if it gets worse then we can Recons that there only three little changes 911 did anyone read those did those get finished they were not mailed out to us okay 828 and 814 were mailed out okay 911 is the one that I did I sent that out right I looked today at the mail from Chuck about this meeting and attached to that mail I'm pretty sure it was 814 and 828 and nothing was just so I believe I sent them directly to you guys forie I could be wrong in that regard no did not back you I only dug back for mail from Chuck okay so I did not read the 911 all right so we went to 9911 tonight but so 911 in this meeting at the next one who's gonna do the minutes for this meeting is a pretty short meeting yeah that's what I'm gonna do you're gonna do it all right I and I still have to send out the ones for 9:25 yeah okay done so can we vote on 8:14 I think that one was done I think we already did 84 yeah thought we did oh y we did so why were they attached to this agenda again just being cautious was just checking to see if you're paying attention yeah you weren't at the uh review meeting so I couldn't catch you on that sorry okay so so that's it for a minute so Chuck is one more thing before we adjourn I just wanted to let the uh any we got was there a vote on that way to UPS the minutes on the one that we did yes okay so I just wanted to let you know that um we have a firm under contract to test the soil at Simon's way they intend to be out there on October 23rd and they should have the results in early uh November those results will be going right to the engineering department and and select board for their review and myself um hopefully we're not finding any major problems because the town would own it at that so um obviously once we know what's in the soil they can start doing some design I didn't get to see this part of this last night's select board meeting but also at Simon's way they're talking about there's a skating rank and then there's a pretty rough uh parking area in back of that they want to review that area or pickle ball that's outside of our jurisdiction but I just thought you might like to know have they settled on decision as to what's going to go on the uh the land and what came out of the committee yeah so I think several options came out of the committee I don't know if they settled on anything um okay so I remember the options because Andy talked about that I didn't know if they had gone further I think they're just looking for I I did see um yeah I did see a couple and I don't know what they're planning on but certainly going to be a building and it's going to be some sport area with a with a path and they had to asked about having a path out into the wetlands and I said as long as it's done professionally that they could probably present it with a notice of intent along with all the rest of it because it's all going to be in the 100 foot buffer zone so that's that's what I have okay then I believe we are done for the evening anyone want make a motion to adjourn to adjourn the meeting at 5 after 8 o'clock I that all in favor thank you everybody all right good night everyone wasn't no record but it was a good night good night good night e e for