##VIDEO ID:vcSD7MZayKw## e e e e e e e e e e 75 I'm going to search for the uh recording in progress all right until bill is uh connected looks like Gary everyone else is here hello everyone this is Chuck teron reading's conservation administrator this meeting is being conducted in person and remote in a remote format consistent with chapter two of the acts of 20123 which further extend the covid-19 measures regarding remote participation and public meetings until March 31st 2025 please note that all not all items listed may be in fact discussed and other items not listed may be brought up for discussion to the extent permitted by law this agenda includes those matters which can be reasonably anticipated to be discussed at this meeting please note that this meeting is being recorded and all of the material is available at the following link which I'll be provide as soon as I'm finished with this script and um Brian Bo the commission chair will facilitate this meeting please note there will be a public comment period at the end of each hearing each vote taken during this meeting will be conducted by roll call and we will begin with a roll call attendance ran can you please review tonight's agenda and take the attendance uh sure um so we have a couple of hearings today where we are going to have to adjust things to make sure the full team is available but what we have on to is a hearing uh continuation for zero seedar swamp we have a continuation of an noi hearing for 555 West Street then we'll have some old new business and get on to our discussion items um having said that um I'll call this meeting at 7:07 um and we'll do the roll call now and this is the order people will vote in can we start with you Walter talet commissioner present Tony Tony Rak is commissioner presenter member present Mara Martha Moore Vice chair present ran bro chair present with that I think we can jump right into the first hearing on our agenda this is zero Ceder swamp zero Cedar Swamp their request has asked to continue through October 9th um given that can I have a motion to that effect please this Tony I move that we continue zero Cedar Swamp to October 9th I'll second that Martha Moore talit in favor loas in favor J in favor Martha Moore in favor Brian B in favor okay um the next one was supposed to be 555 West Street we are waiting for the applicant representative to make it to the meeting so we can move forward to um well we can ask to see if the membership from 87 Walkers Brook are available can you see them check um I don't know who's here from that group I don't recognize well except for Bill Bill uh Camu I don't know if I got that right cam use Uso uh bill can you tell us if everybody you need to be here is here yet we're obviously running ahead of schedule uh yes uh Gary Magnuson I believe is also on the call and he is our representative uh along with Peter V is uh the attorney okay okay see that I I'm giving them all permissions right now so that's just three bill right as far was I no actually my brother Rick is also on also yeah I see Rick okay I'm gonna get him in yeah so what we're doing here is uh we have a light agenda but our second agenda first agenda item was continue the second item um not available for an hour so we're moving you up on the schedule uh or at least on the agenda and if that's okay we'll we'll uh move forward and and so do we have your permission to do that yes okay um do you have the plans is someone presenting the plans or is that something you want me to do um just I'm just wondering because sometimes uh the applicants Consultants uh show the plans and talk about them yes I believe Gary Magnuson will handle that okay great so you're all set uh just int uce yourself and your team for the record and take it away and and bring the commission up to date on your project with the changes that you're proposing uh good evening uh Commissioners uh my name is Peter vtii I'm an attorney with the law firmer veral Dana in Boston um representing the applicant uh Lee Enterprises um I'm going to run through just a brief sort of rundown of uh the history of this matter and why we're here tonight and then I'll hand it over to Gary Magneton from CMG environmental to go over the uh technical details of the plan um in uh January 30th 2024 uh the commission entered or issued an order of conditions for 87 Walkers Brook Drive um the parcel is a is a gas station with a convenience store attached to it um the uh application or the notice tent was for work to uh upgrade sort of the infrastructure around the gas tanks um as part of the order of conditions there was a condition uh to resolve a um uh what was termed an illicit discharge into uh the Wetland resource area adjacent to the property um uh the applicant uh filed an appeal with the DP seeking a superseding order of conditions and uh in March at the end of March also filed an appeal uh to the superior Court um over the last few months we've had conversations with Town Council uh and we've uh come to um sort of in an attempt to resolve the issues um we've developed a the applicant has developed a a new plan that hopefully addresses the concern over the um elicit discharge and the uh into the Whitland area um and that's what we're here for tonight uh this is a a request for plan change under Section 7 D of the uh of the commission's Wetland regulations um so I'll hand it over to Gary Magnuson he'll run through uh what's new what's on the new plan uh what the features are and he'll he'll be available to address any uh technical questions that the commission might have I'm available to address any sort of uh other questions relating to kind of the history procedure and any legal issues or anything like that so um right now I'll hand it over to Gary thank you thank you good evening commission members can you hear me yes excellent I do apologize I don't have the technology where I am today to put the plan up so if someone would be kind enough to put up um sheet one of one the drainage Improvement plan for the everybody to see we can we can speak to that um I'm assuming this is sheet one of one yeah we're going to look for Sheet one of one uh titled drainage improvements thanks for putting that up there you go all right so this is it uh oh sorry that didn't uh let me uh let me go back and uh make sure that that's on sharing and uh here we go it should work there you go excellent thank you uh so in in simple terms what we've done here is added the uh catch Basin gutter drain uh in place of the current or the existing um proposed illicit discharge area and the concept of that drain was uh was discussed at a meeting with the board um and the applicant and D where we talked about um controlling the off-site discharge from the driveway to the West toward the Wetland so the way that meeting went and the discussion was they wanted you got the commission wanted that discharge blocked off wanted to capture the water runoff that would end up in that driveway uh move it to the east to the detention Basin in the center of the property and then allow it to flow back through the pipe that exists after it got treated or infiltrated into the Wetland so this plan does doeses that the other it's not a major change but uh we added the um Wetland spe Wetland plants and vegetation on the western side of the parking lot as discussed at that meeting so essentially those are the changes from the plan that was approved to this current plan we have in front of you I can answer any questions but that's the general gist of it sure and you might have mentioned this but I just wanted to make sure that uh and part of this is that missing curving will be replaced so so yes in this on that plan it does show replacement of that Curbing and then we did recently receive I think today um the town of reading engineering division comments on the plan um and thank the engineering division for doing that um all the comments seem appropriate the third bullet talks about um if the entire site is proposed to be repaved might want to direct water um toward catch in one there is no intent to to repave the entire site so that bullet is Moot and then the fourth bullet um the engineering division suggested a solid Granite curb behind catch Basin one uh that's absolutely appropriate we do show a curb in there but no problem with granite so we accept that uh recommendation from the engineering division okay anything else you want to add I have nothing else to add I can answer any questions though or I'll do my best okay there anybody the commission who has questions about this uh land changea the drain that goes across and empties into the center catch Basin is that um uh something where there's uh grill across the entire length of it so water can flow in at any point or does the water all flow in in one spot that's a good question so when we were out there we talked about the possibility of putting a trench drain which is a drain that would allow water to flow in at all locations upon further engineering review and looking at do specs and requirements we changed that trench drain to a gutter drain which is a do approved um shallow catch Basin essentially so the water will Shed from the the um left and right in that driveway into that catch Basin and then it will move to the east into the detention Basin and the other water will shed easterly through that um rip wrap sale into the detention Basin so gets there the same same concept but it is not a trench drain trench drain might have been a little harder to approve with this with the DOT definitely harder to maintain um and probably would not have worked really well because of the pitches that are there the slopes and topography so this takes into account better engineering so those arrows on the plan are showing which direction the water flows that is correct and the opening to The Gutter drain is off to the left bear kind of a square is that correct that is also correct I'm looking at the other side yeah there that's the opening to the drain yes water will enter there and then we'll move to the right to the east across that pipe into the detention Basin as the commission had asked yeah um this looks like it solves the problem as far as I'm concerned I'm I'm pleased with this plan had a question uh this is Tony rockus um it looks like the slope of the 8 in pipe um going from the the catch Bas over to the infiltration base and the slope is uh 0.006 um feet per foot sorry foot per feet um did the engineering department comment on that slope there is no comment from the engineering department uh on the memo that we received dated the 19th okay thank you typically I I see a little bit of a of a steeper slope is 0.008 I can add that the reason for the the gutter drain is there is no topography on this site to make that work so that is pretty much the shallowest we could possibly make it work to get that water into that detention Basin on the on the right hand side that you guys Le side that you're asking for so be steeper but it's not the danger is that if it's not steep enough it it could back up and and flood but it's not a long distance so it may not be an issue that alter I can't see if your hands is up or not do you have anything you want to ask yes yes please uh is there a maintenance plan to make sure that that the grilling on that drain catch drain doesn't clog yes there's an operation and maintenance plan to uh maintain all of these improvements Alor anything else should do it Ro you have anything I only have one question and it's actually a broadening of Walter's question he was asking about the grill and your answer was that there's a maintenance plan for all these improvements does that include that retention area in front of the gas station uh in its totality I me we all observed that that was um had pretty well filled in to a great extent over the years so it's that part of what you're planning on for maintenance that is is correct to maintain all of the inlets and Outlets um properly yes so let me just explain um and I unless this has happened I think we still need Mass Do's approval but it is on the plan and once they approve it that part about maintaining the detention Basin was part of the old order of conditions so they've already agreed to that they'll just be adding this new section to it but if I'm if I'm AK Aken about U waiting for Mass Do's approval please correct okay it's just something I I know that um the current owners were not the owners when this was done it wasn't clear uh just how well understood that responsibility was which I want to be sure that it's on the record today um that's there any question I have are there any other questions okay uh then it seems like uh the decision we have to make oh hang on I skipped Chuck do you want me that you want me to get that question want me to ask that question that's a good idea sure Peter this question is for you um and I appreciate you uh coming to tonight's meeting so the commission um was wondering if they approved a minor project permit it's unlike a amended notice of intent a notice of uh uh a notice of order of conditions order of order of conditions yeah it's unlike an order of because they're not recorded there I got it I finally got it out sorry it's unre so they don't so they want to know the assurances that can happen with just an you know having a minor project permit change and and let's say they approve that and they have a few conditions how do we make sure that's incorporated into the existing recorded order of conditions or if it's not recorded when it gets recorded well I'm assuming you when by minor you mean the insignificant uh which is the the term that's used in the regulations um which requires no amendment I I would think that the regulation says if the determination is that it's insignificant then no amendment is required and I would think that the original order of conditions would uh still stand there would be no further document issued and so no further document in my mind would uh be available to be recorded so I would think that um probably the determination would be significant um um to have an amendment issued so there's an amended order conditions that incorporates this plan change and any additional conditions that might be um imposed by the commission tonight so that that amended order of conditions gets reported I probably the only way to um ensure that you know a new document that reflects anything that's added tonight gets gets on record exactly that was what we were talking about just um okay okay so then thank you yes thank you so the decision we have to make about this has to do with with whether or not we think is it uh an insignificant change and therefore requires uh no Amendment of the order of conditions is it significant enough that we would want an amended order of condition I conditions is it so uh large a change that require a whole new noi so uh that's what we're going to come down to um I guess U you know Martha's already said that uh she's um she thinks it's a it's a good plan change that's out there questions have been relatively uh minor at this point from my perspective um I'm thinking that it is most likely uh option A which is insignificant not requireing even an amended order of conditions um the way we should do this is somebody can offer a motion and in that motion they could uh suggest which one of the three options we would vote on and then if necessary we would have further motion um but having said that I think at this point I can take a motion for how to proceed on that choice of the three options can we discuss the options sure Walter has his hand up AL C can we discuss for one second the definition of significant because this particular issue is what's held up this whole thing for months to me that makes it significant and I wanted to make sure that it was clear uh what Peter let the commission know that in order to incorporate this new set of plans and any new conditions into the order of conditions it would have to be in his opinion I think in our opinion but attorneys um that it would need to be an amended order of conditions so that's that's what I heard I just wanted to make sure that's clear you certainly welcome to make any motion you want I just wanted to make sure that that was I'm leading toward option b I think in amended order of conditions this is I think it's a large enough change and it's a very positive change right it's blocking off that elicit discharge and it's redirecting the storm water away from the drinking water Zone a to a infiltration Basin where it at least is going to get some level of pre-treatment yeah so for that reason I think it's and there doesn't seem to be any way to like record another document that's I don't know notorized or something like that because we could certainly make up a document and sign it but if it can't be recorded and we can't get that plan as part of the order of conditions that seems to be something that we can't overcome and I would argue against a a new notice an amended notice of intent because it's not an adverse change so um Walter we kind of uh took your question and then kept on going with it was that description of of significant sufficient to you yeah I like Tony's description okay and I I don't want to put any more burden on the applicant than necessary but I think I agree that an amended order of conditions would be the way to go so that a future commission would see this plan with the catch Basin and the pipe going toward the center the gutter drain and the pipe going towards the catch Basin would be recorded along with this plan I think it's important to have that um Design Incorporated into this order of conditions is there any more discussion from the members do you have anything to add to that no then we've had a discussion we're ready for a motion if somebody wants to offer one do you want to take um general public yeah maybe well I can ask if does anybody in the video audience or anybody here who has comments to make on 87 Walker Brook please raise your hand I would be surprised okay all right in that case I would like to move for that we approve an amended order of conditions for 87 Walkers Brook Drive this is Tony I second that Talbots in favor Tony rakus in favor J in favor Mar Moore in favor Brian bro in favor okay um we're um so the commission has uh made a vote and they I guess they they like the plan from what I from what I heard but wanted incorporated into the original order of conditions so they're asking for an amendment to the uh order of conditions which is you know is uh yeah I think it's simple simple enough um it's a request letter um the plans and um hopefully the amendment needs a notification to a Putters so we'll check into that but that's what they they've agreed to and uh that's I guess that's all we have to say about this tonight and I appreciate everyone coming here any final thoughts from uh the 87 Walkers BG uh Team could you describe in a little detail the planting step that you referenced sure I I'll refer that question to to Gary I I um I guess I have a question for the the commission is is is the amended oration is that motion been approved tonight or does that have to be um taken up at another hearing no that was approved so in in regards to the question regarding the plantings um I'm going to punt because that's out of my Lane I'm not a landscape architect we had a landscape architect do that work so I don't want to misspeak are those in one of the drawings yeah oh I missed it yeah I think it was sheet one of one we were looking at them it was listed on the side yeah the planting schedule is on the right hand side of the sheet and then the codes and everything are on the left hand side and they Arrow to where everything goes I apologize not my expertise don't want to misspeak thank you we're ready to okay now we're ready to move on thank you all for coming thank you virtually okay um is your uh everybody you need here as is Meen she gonna be onl right but not not yet right yeah she hasn't uh she hasn't it's really yet I'll see okay um in that case while we uh wait a little bit longer um Martha do you want to we're going to look at some uh violation notices um we had a site visit to uh 51 cross street you want to talk about our visit there um sure um the reason for that visit was because when we went out in the winter there was ice on the pond so we couldn't see whether there was filling in the pond we went out last week and there was a lot of um Wetland vegetation and basically no water left in the pond and we did see some cinder blocks in the bottom of the pond but no significant filling and I believe the home owner agreed to remove the cinder blocks from the pond um anything else you can remember from that I just want to give some of the new members uh a quick backstory um essentially that's a situation where de had dropped a note to Chuck uh concerned that there may be some filling of the that um body of water back there which is what caused there initially um Mar the description of it was good and the home wanted did say he would do his best um so I may for that a little bit differently than you but uh essentially but that's all we were focused on was the pond itself because we looked at the rest of the property when we're there and um is he going to uh give you any noic when he has finished his task no The Next Step would be that whatever the commission wishes after we uh talk about it tonight yeah to send him out a letter with time frames probably um from my perspective in that letter I would like us to to say that he has to do it it's not just do his best the six or items we pointed out that's in the blocks plastic on the other side of the pond you know we have the list I would like him to be required to take those out especially now when it's still dry so it won't be there when it freezes over again so that's really the only tiny thing I'd focus is on I would focus on is that change in Tone If you will must be completed by our well October 23rd is what our our second meeting in October it might be a good yeah meeting to have that again there's only six items so six or so and then we would have to do a site visit okay I think that covers that no Vote or anything required um let's see so um B en chance are you Mr Foster okay so while we're waiting to move on to this one do you want to up to the podium sure introduce you in your address sure Mr Foster you need my address yes please sure 33 John Street that why you guys can snoop on me and see if I'm throwing cinder blocks my need to put a record but 33 John Street uh I just want to know why there is a dog no dogs allowed at bar meta and I've looked online I don't I just want to find out what led to it who decided I assume you guys why you decided that okay that go to any kind of Vote or get sent out to the other people in town or is it strictly you need to be in the no here so um I will take you through it from my perspective and others can fill in around the sure that's required but um the commission has been considering for some time uh the effect of dogs on and how long is that how long um I've been here 10 years I haven't seen tell you more than a hundred people in that Park I tell you what let me finish sure my story and then we can back to you sure um so we've been we've been Cons considering it talking about it um we've had some concerns then we fairly recently um engaged Mass autobond to do a study of bare Meadow uh to give us some uh evaluation of what's there some suggestions for how to try and uh bring it back to the uh the way it was before um more of an Upland Meadow we got that report from them in it uh there was a piece of it uh concerning dogs in uh a natural area uh that prompted our conversation further we did have at least two open public meetings where people came uh to give their opinions and to talk about it um so I will try and encapsulate the issues we had uh and this is both well actually from talking with the uh person who did the study doing research on her own but the issue is that dogs to a lot of the wildlife in a place like that inherently is a natural predator dogs on a leash dogs and on a leash walking down the path we agreed that I would I would finish I just think you're wrong but okay so um a bird won't know if your dog is friendly they won't know if your dog is on a Le bird is in a tree that's an example actually and there are ground birds for example there are sure there are there's ground Birds everywhere which is one of the species we're trying to uh protect and there's other Wildlife there that we want to protect dogs leave a scent so you have a certain number of cases where a dog can actually catch wild life it's relatively small but it's not zero you have a much greater extent where dog scent um is interpreted um as a predator it causes things like uh a breakup of the habitat it causes populations to break up it affects the uh mating habits it affects where they go for food uh the animals will naturally avoid a predator so they won't necessarily be in the best places for food they won't be in the best place to have cover from other predators and so it all has a negative effect um in some cases some of the studies it's as much as 40% of the loss of species we don't have that documented here in bare Meadow that's from some new research done so a dog on a leash is still a problem because a still Le scent it still marks its territory which has the same effect a dog off leash is worse as you can imagine not all dogs puppies some some breeds are more rambunctious they go off and so we decided for all these reasons that we needed to limit not just dogs not just dogs on leashes but dogs now we decided to do this only in this one area all the other conservation why this one area this one area because this is a place that um well there's a number of reasons it has uh different accessibility points because Mata cabin and what have you it has some unique species like it has the uh meting pairs of the of the of the grous the Woodcock sorry that that I I mentioned earlier now is that mostly in the Meadow or deep in the woods wh everybody walks their dog well they actually walk it all over the place but that particular if you just said hey no dogs in the meadow no problem with that I mean you guys destroyed it with fire and all that gravel why don't you hang on okay and so the the Spees just as mentioned is in the grass but there are other species throughout all the woods and they see dogs as Predators so it's not just a grassland situation although that one is particularly egregious and so dogs off leashes are a bigger problem dogs on leashes with people are a problem so what we decided is that the other conservation areas would be kept available to dogs we want them on leash es and up to only two uh in this this particular area we're protecting more because we're also trying to uh as I said bring it back somewhat to maintain it as a more natural place uh we are we are looking at recommendations in that plan for dealing with some of the encroachment of trees that happened over the years so this is the full thought process that brought us to the point where dogs are banned from bare metal now my guest you said you want to bring it back to a natural more natural place so you go and dump two tons of gravel to make a accessible walkway when there's a handicap accessible parking lot which they can wield right to the stand that's there so you had to cut down all those trees dump All That Rock they get from the other parking lot seems like you're just destroying the land can you tell me what you mean by cutting down all those trees oh you made a huge path trees came down you're talking about okay yep the New Path this this so you thought let's keep it more natural but let's take down some stuff and dump a bunch of rock we want the area in a up clined slope where you'd have to push a handicap person up there they're not getting up there theirselves I believe that the purpose of that path around the Edge was to destroy nature reduce the encroachment of trees into the meadow it's in the why don't you guys just cut the trees up fell though and leave the trails so what Marthur referring to is in the plan we got for Mass Autobon what it recommends is that Trails go on the outside because having a trail there uh makes it less likely that they'll be you didn't need a trail we want Trails we want people to enjoy it uh we just want to minimize the impact and so having a trail that people can use that also doubles as a mitigation for encroachment of trees it was a recommend I me I'd love to bring my dogs there and use that trail I've been going there for 10 years I'm not going to stop going there okay so is it a bylaw in the town no it doesn't have to be a by sign up and who paid for the sign cons conservation you guys chipped in no taxpayer money no this is not taxpayer money this is money that's uh allocated to us well there is some that we get through budgets there some that we get through other means the other means doesn't matter hang on a second so um this doesn't go to a bylaw decision because it's a conservation land so conservation for all town employees for all residents of the town for conservation land for all Town residents to enjoy by conservation right by volunteer committee that wants to make the decisions that I can't bring my dog into the woods for my dog to enjoy nature I supposed to walk my dog down Main Street Pine Veil how about a dog park in this town which I've asked for for six years others have asked for a dog park that's a that's a different topic that's not a I know it's not but when you tell me I can't bring my dog to the woods but telling you you can't bring it to that one one was the one that I go to every year every day for 10 years and I barely see anybody I believe I might have saw this gentleman there the other day I don't see anybody there me and my my daughter go there every day and walk our so we've given you a fair amount of time the bottom line is I will not stop going there okay so hope to see all you there let me address that so what will happen is if by breaking a law yes what law the uh what law so you will get a ticket for how much uh $100 it's a fine it all day and that's fine it will then go to Superior Court and that's where you will have to deal with uh whatever disagreements you have excellent I look forward to you know waste the police time to come down here and tell people they can't walk the dogs so who enforced the fine police just to comment we actually had three public hearings before we took the final vote to make this decision and those were open public hearings people did come aare about it just aware of it came the first one I could there are a lot of people who walked their dogs in bare Meadow regularly who came to the first public hearing that's there the only people at that place I've seen one person with binoculars the only people I've seen there are people walking their dogs you missed me to see I walk there I know and the people are great and the Park's Great the trails are great Mr thank you sir thank you committee have a great night thanks for coming good love these guys Mar on yet uh let's check waiting to is she she's on she's TR waiting for you to let you in let her in okay yeah no I see uh I see Jack and I see Mor so they yep so Jack and Mar right here now this is 555 West Street are both Jack and morine here for you for for this one just okay okay so get [Music] M all right Morin um I just uh let you into the meeting and uh there you go okay so this is a continuation of the uh notice of intent hearing for 555 West Street thank you Meen for coming thank you for being flexible and uh working with me on the time on the project I appreciate that um so at the last hearing Kevin the design engineer was present I watched the hearing that I missed um I produced a supplemental package to the commission um trying to address all of the concerns I am more than happy to go through the package uh I know the commission has probably reviewed it I don't know if you have any questions but um would you like me to go through it or do you have any particular questions um if you could go through it but briefly that would be helpful I just be sure everybody's on the same page sure so I'll try and be quick um so the items regarding the leaves the laundry the laund debris potted plants and the trash all of those items will be removed by hand uh we're requesting the commission to make this as special conditions in the permit um regarding the invasive species glossy buckon those will also be hand removed and managed again we're requesting the commission to in make this a special condition um the burning bush we have a burning bush shrub on the southernly side of the dwelling that will be removed um the erosion concerns were in item of concern so um I think we originally showed a waddle we are replacing that with a 12 inch mulch sock with a silk B um we show a stock tile area that will be surrounded by erosion controls um one of the items of concern was the shed at the rear of the property um that was proposed to be taken down um the erosion controls were a little bit too close to the shred so those have been adjusted we added a silk sack into the catch Basin on West Street um the infiltration trench so the original proposal showed the infiltration trench um just adjacent to the driveway that has been relocated onto the existing driveway so that no work is any closer to the riverfront area um the driveway is proposed to be repaved within the existing footprint and all of the material will be removed off site the same day no stock piling is allowed that note has been added to the plan we show a construction access route on the plan um the table's been updated on the plan for the commission's request the existing and proposed deck are modeled as impervious the mitigation area or proposed no disturb has increased from 5 to 7 feet along the Wetland boundary so the project incorporates 1140 ft of mitigation the plantings have increased from One Tree and nine shrubs to one tree and 14 shrubs the plantings shall be placed 10 feet apart the riverfront standards so I addressed the riverfront standards okay so this project is considered a Redevelopment um because we have an existing home and driveway and impervious area that is what's actually considered degraded which is impervious uh lawn area is not considered degraded um at a minimum the proposed work shall result in an improvement over the existing conditions of the riverfront area we are improving the existing conditions by providing 1140 square feet of mitigation we're managing invasive species we're restoring the BBW by removing lawn debris leaves trash we're replacing the concrete walkway and patio with perious pavers we're providing rooftop and driveway infiltration storm water management um is required to be is required storm water management is provided according to the standards established by the department the single family dwelling is technically exempt from storm water management but we are providing rooftop and driveway infiltration um let's see within 200 foot Riverfront area the work shall not be closer to the river than the existing conditions we are not proposing the work closer than the existing conditions proposed work include an expansion of existing structur shall be located outside the riverfront or towards the riverfront area boundary and away from the river the proposed addition dacking walkway are not closer than the existing conditions and as I've stated we're improving the overall Riverfront the area of proposed work shall not exceed the amount of degraded area provided that the proposed work May alter up to 10% if the degraded area is less than 10 10% so the total lot area is 1547 square feet the existing impervious area is 2855 or 18.5% of the riverfront area the project proposes an additional 441 Square F feet of impervious area and we show that on the plan the work within the 200 foot Riverfront area is proposed within the area of lawn I provided that calculation so um a small portion of the addition deck front porch and pervious pavers are proposed within an area of lawn so that comes out to 521 square feet in order for this to be allowed and possibly approved within the riverfront area area we are required to provide two: one mitigation mitigation includes eliminating the maintained lawn um providing 1040 square feet of mitigation by incorporating native plants this area will be protected in perpetuity in addition we're proposing to manage the invasive species incorporating prus pavers restoring the BBW incorporating rooftop and driveway infiltration um all of this that um I submitted to the commission was submitted to DP the reviewer is Tyler fck I had emailed him and asked him if he reviewed the supplemental information and if he if he was all set had any questions and he was satisfied with it he said that he was all set um so I can open it up to the commission with any questions okay thank you do anybody have any questions on the commission does anybody else want to go first um all right I just have two minor questions um at another site recently we were very distressed to find that construction vehicles had scraped the bark of some of the trees that were remaining do you expect the construction vehicles to go anywhere near the trees that are on the um edge of the property furthest from the river or are those not going to be in any danger of damage by the vehicles so the Construction route is shown to the right of the house if you're looking at the house from the street um so we try to put it as far away from the river and protect the resource areas as much as possible I don't suspect that they will damage anything I know there is one tree on the right hand side that we were asked to trim um the limbs are over topping near the house um so that should be taken down but and we're removing that burning bush I'm I'm looking more behind the house um sort of between the place where the play area is going to be taken down and the shed on the right hand side of the plan there's two trees existing trees to be trimmed and I'm just hoping that they will also be protected from construction vehicles during the pl project so if the vehicles were going to be getting anywhere near those trees I'd like to see orange fencing put up around them or something like that so that the drivers don't um crash into them and I apologize for not saying that sooner but I only recently saw this other site where it um was clear we should have done more to protect the trees from damage so that's that's not a problem we can incorporate some fencing in fact I think it's a very good idea thank you and then my only other question and again I apologize for not letting you know sooner but I'm looking at the um plantings along the edge of the 7 foot um zone of natural vegetation and they seem to be all in a completely straight line all at the farthest edge of that zone and I wonder if it would fill that area better if they were staggered a little bit some closer to the river some further away rather than all at the far Edge um and maybe other you know if you have a thought on that I'd appreciate that answer so we can certainly stagger the shrubs that's not a problem I think the the initial thought was to kind of the shrubs would help demarcate that seven foot no disturb um so that was the thought but if the commission pre preference is to stagger them we're happy to do that that as well Oren what's the sunlight over there if they do get staggered and put get pushed closer to um to the wetlands a little more shady do these plants have a decent chance of survival yeah I think so I mean the plants were're proposing at blueberries winter berries and red maple I mean the red maple will grow anywhere uh the blueberry and the winter berries grow fine and forested Wetland I think it's just a matter of um you know getting the the shrubs in tree established and watering and you know taking the first year the initial care of them so that they don't die okay and and I I'm sure we had mentioned it in previous meetings but we would expect the red maple to be a native variety and not a Horticultural variety absolutely do anybody else think one way or the other I'm looking at there's um one red maple yes and seven each of winterberries and blueberries and just my sense is we have an area we want to fill and we're making a line around the edge and I would rather see it more filled but if other people think that it's better this way I'm willing to take other people's input well that was part of what I was going to talk about when when it was my okay that's all I have I can do something I can talk now I don't know yeah so uh Morin I see that you're taking uh credit for restoration and not mitigation at 2:1 so at 1:1 uh restoration means to restore the area back to its natural condition and I think that was that's what MOA is talking about do you meet the mitigation 2: one uh over that um that number I I think I have it here you hold on a second these things get way yes so we're proposing an additional 521 square feet of alteration within an area of lawn and we're providing the um 10 no I'm Excuse me 1140 square feet so it's actually a little bit more than two to one that we're providing but you're not well okay yeah so you're Pro you're so you're set aside an area that is that is to remain um unmowed and and but but maintain so that things don't get choked out uh and that meets the two: one so it's it's it's a mitigation right is that right so it's it's the plants but it's also that area even it doesn't have like a like a ground cover layer and a shrub layer and a tree layer right I mean the thought is we'd like this area to naturalize naturalize and come back as forested it's not going to be landscaped it's not going to have landscape beds it's going to look like the forested Wetland or or something of that nature so that we essentially improved the buffer right now it's a lawn area um and in addition to this mitigation we're also providing the rooftop infiltration driveway infiltration the perious walkway the perious patio um we're removing the clippings from the Wetland um when I think oh and the invasive plant species management of the buckon so I think we really tried to make an effort even though this is a sensitive area and we're within the 200 foot Riverfront area we recognize that so we want to improve it so that area where the planting is going is is is more than 242 ft or uh a, um 42 1140 square feet Yes three 1140 square feet and I believe it's on the plan on one of the pages oh yeah that's what I was looking for okay so it's on the plan somewhere um and I did see this right here there it is yeah well there's the math right there it's actually two foot shy yes I was going to point that out but that would be a bit much even for me can we get an extra two feet on that there Morin so you can meet the standards what standards we meet the standards I was just saying two to one at um those calculations come out to 1,40 oh you have 44 what did it say 1, 140 so the minimum we're required to uh provide is 1044 square feet and we're providing 1140 square feet so it's almost an additional 100 square feet so we're over I know I should have uh blown it up a little bit okay okay I I will say in defense of Chuck when I first readit I had the same reaction and then my intense Math training came through and I figured out you were about 100 yeah any Mar college grad out there you know so we had Brian here to help question we've got a line of shrubs at the edge of that area rather than filling that area with shrubs and that's why I'm thinking if some of the shrubs are three feet from the river and some or seven feet from the river then they it looks unnatural already yeah right but I'm I'm thinking it would be um filling the area rather than outlining the area if you spread the shrubs out a little bit more but it would be hard to maintain that line um also I mean the shrubs actually kind of create a barrier okay so you prefer no I don't I think something has if you're going to spread them out and they're not using the shrubs as a barer you got to come up with something else to kind of like maintain that line that's that's what I'm thinking I'm sorry putting in some some steaks until it till it grows in yeah is it what's what do you expect to grow what's there now grass or yes it's it's lawn area right now one of the thoughts that the homeowners had was to um line the area with stones so no not Boulders two or three feet but just kind of nice stones to line it to line the area that was one of the suggestions the homeowners had and regarding the shrubs and the placement if if this is appropriate this is something we could possibly work with with Chuck if if he was available on the placement of shrubs where it is in the field if if lining this doesn't work so um could I jump in for a second so Chuck the question that I think Chuck asked which was going to be mine is so in that new seven foot area where you're going to have it be natural what's the ground cover there so I know outside of it towards the property is grass it's lawn or what are you going do around the trees and shrubs in that s foot wide barrier the thought was to let it naturalize so obviously no mowing but just let it come up as natural if the commission wanted to do a seed mix that's something we could incorporate but keep in mind we would have to rip up the lawn area expose the top soil um you know and and then put the seed mix down the seed mix won't take in an area of one okay is so I was trying to minimize impact but you know if you want to seed mix we can do that we just we got to rip the lawn area up where is the 25 foot znv on this is that the line we're talking about because I Chuck go up behind the house and zoom in it's where that triangle is what's that say so it's that's the 35 so that's the 35 so this is 7even feet zone of natural vegetation well with inside the zone of natural vegetation that has lawn on it that you're just going to dig up areas and and put some plants in there and then hope that the lawn that's been there for years or decades is going to somehow naturalize into something else well it's it's pretty Mossy there and it's Mossy it's Mossy it's very shady and and it was so Mossy that when I was there with Moren we we Advanced a couple of augers to confirm that the soil was in fact Upland soil because it's it's past the the the Wetland line and we went down what two 20 inches to two feet and it it wasn't Wetland soil but we we looked at the vegetation they're on the ground it's what do you expect this the uh ground cover to be not grass for years um I just well Moran said it was grass but it's Moss well it's yeah most of what's to that to what's in that planting area from my recollection is is moss and it's some M over so I think you would get your typical Wetland Edge vegetation you get some nicer Bas I can't think of any plant names off the top of my head but um I think the ferns are gonna creep in the cinnamon ferns are gonna creep in once you stop mowing anything it comes back um again if the commission is uncomfortable we're happy to put a seed mix down um the problem with the seed mix is it takes a while to Pop um this way the area is stabilized with the existing lawn just putting the shrubs in but either works we're happy to do either one thing to bear in mind Morin is that obviously there's a lot of invasives in the area so when you when you stop mowing it and you're waiting for uh natural veget chasing to come back you may very well get invasives so if we were going to take the path of Let It Grow I think the homeowners would have to commit to staying on top of invasives in that in that strip right and and I spoke to the homeowners about it and um the glossy buckon was identified as an invasive the commission requests that it be removed and managed and they're happy to do that um in in a like you said this would apply to the new proposed non-disturbed Zone yeah um I don't feel that you need to dig up the grass and put in a seed mix I think that seed mix will just compete with the shrubs um but I think not just removing the existing glossy Buckthorn but keeping an eye out for things like Bittersweet and garlic mustard and Buckthorn that might come in as the place is naturalizing so often when you leave something to naturalize what you get is invasives and that's what we're concerned about I think that's what Brian is talking about not just taking away the invasiv that are there but uh over time as we're not mowing that grass also pulling new buckthorns that come up Etc and that's what I me that that's what I meant by saying the owners would need to commit to standing on top of that as I said it you couldn't see but they were nodding so I think we have a general agreement if I read your head motions correct can I can you come up to the U to the podium and introduce yourself this is pile Patel from 555 West Street we're happy to continue to help maintain the space we're not experts at this so there would have to be a plan where maybe we get help from the Conservation Commission maybe um conservation comes out every few months and helps us with that we really don't know much about these things right we happen to play along but not our area of expertise at all good thank you right yeah I'd be happy to come out and identify what's the invasives and teach you what they look like exactly yeah and we've been living here for 12 years we've seen plants grow in and become bigger so if we leave it at untouch and unmount I I imagine plants start becoming more natural it has been doing it since we've been here I think the trees have become bigger the shrubs have become bigger so I don't imagine it would you know as long as it's the right things they're growing and get right which is a concern yeah right and do you have a preference whether the shrubs are all in a straight line like that or more stag our thinking was that um if then the the the Landscaping a companies would come in would it be more clear for them we wouldn't have to be out there flagging them down if we say just don't follow the line don't go beyond that line it would be easier to communicate so what do you think about Tony's idea that perhaps you leave Stakes until yeah that that seems reason chance to grow so it's a clear that seems yeah once this establish out it seems reasonable or plant tomatoes next to them right that that's a good idea also we do get um the only other thing I was going to say we do get deers who come in and have their dinner by our house do these plant seem appropriate for them um you said that blueberries is included do you love to eat blueberries great so you may want to protect the blueberry bushes they get established yeah they sell um deer netting at like Lowe's and Home Depot and stuff that you can wrap around your bush in the winter time okay sure thank you that's they might see that across the street yes yeah so it sounds like uh we're going to go with we're we're not going to restore we're going to just have these plants sure in the line and with the mossy ground it's all right with me okay Moran my next question was I asked that the uh driveway uh the extent of the driveway remain the same and that the infiltration trench would be brought into the existing Disturbed area of the driveway did that did that happen I looked at that quickly I it did so if you zoom in Chuck you can see where the driveway enters off of West Street and he holds that line can you see it coming in off of West Street yeah the edge of the infiltration trench it's that line right there so yes it did come in okay thank you and Marvin one thing I want to add um we I'm not sure you were here when I brought up the point about the storm drain out front that's been clogged and lot exposion out front I just want you to know that I did submit a uh C click C click fix ticket to uh the town uh hopefully they'll address that I did get an acknowledgement that they've received it nothing beyond that yet but that's great thank you because if you look out there you'll see that the drain is very much blocked the water backs up it runs through a crack in the curbing there that's what's going across your property and down to the stream bringing all that sediment with it so hopefully that'll be thank you somebody from town was there to put soil down but they just put soil down so that could still erode oh yeah hopefully that did something on top to stabilize it you know I'll swing by and take a PE gu okay um are there any other questions from commission members Walter anything from you I'm good thank you Chuck anym sure I did have another question this is for the commission so as uh Moren correctly pointed out the 25 foot znv where we usually put our Granite bounds in is almost in the middle of the uh yard how is that going to be handled with this uh project sometimes you've had the granite bound be flush on the ground when it's in the middle of the lawn is that an option for this property yeah it is an option I just don't know if you know it's usually a discussion with the homeowners um the granite pound is a 4 in by4 4 inch uh Granite bound that usually sticks up above the ground a foot and two feet in the ground and if uh you P playing something out out there you may fall on it's just like a rock buried in the ground so we've been putting them flush so people could mow over them but it doesn't work if this is the play area because it could hurt somebody right it's still there to fall on so typically we ask for one to be at normal installation height two inches two feet in the ground one foot above the ground at the property lines that would be back here somewhere on the 25 foot which would need to be surveyed in because it's not on this plan um and then one at this property line and then in between which is the lawn area what would the commission like to do I'd like to see it flush as we've done at other places so it's there but it's flat now it is a valid point are you think I don't even know do you have do you have kids school kids and they're running around they certainly can't stick up above the ground no no so certainly not above the ground Yeah question in this case what purpose would that serve because the the 25t zone comes pretty far up um we've already established a s foot Zone that's going to be maintained um under what circumstances would that 25 foot line become important or a limiting factor for some other type of activity so you know I agree with what you're saying hope I was hoping the the conversation would turn that way but I'll let you know what it helps me out with is anytime I go to any house that has these things in you kind of get an understanding that a it has an order of conditions and B this is where the 25 foot line is so at the least we should put one at the property lines but maybe instead of in the center they could DeMark they could demarcate that 7 foot restoration area or mitigation area by maybe a couple of signs that say that you know mitigation area or habitat mitigation something like that so you know how we occasionally will ask for a commitment that when the kids age out of a play structure for example that a baby moved what do you think about when the kids age out when they're not grar School running around about adding one at that point I I think one at both ends of the property line it's not like out in the out in the woods uh would you would just I think someone could figure it out and they they're tall enough to see that and the homeowners could help out also would would they be they'd be flush mou though wouldn't they not at the not at the property line I don't not at the front there's going to be a a monument sticking out right right at the edge of the street I don't know where it's going to go but my my idea is to to spot it not to not to have it flush with the ground because it would be lost I don't know what's out there I yeah I mean they don't mow out there at least not currently so I don't think it would in inhibit that kind of landscaping or anything seems like one would be right here where this shed is somewhere in this area yeah and the other one would be probably right here and how high up would that come off the ground if it's in the front yard typically they're foot above the ground at the property line is is this something that we could possibly meet with cheuck out in the field and kind of take a look at the big picture as to you know an appropriate location and I mean we're I think we're more than happy to incorporate bounds um just I mean I've got five or six bounds in my yard and and none of them are more than this far off the ground are they conservation bounds no property B property bounce I still hit them with the lawn mower um yeah if they were taller you wouldn't you'd have to go over I'm just letting you know um I think it says it somewhere like on the order of conditions uh which was from past commissions and past commission agents um that it was two feet in the ground one foot above the ground so you're gonna see a lot of them yeah I don't know I think I think in this case like one foot above the ground in an area demarcating a 25 foot boundary which isn't going to be maintained um it's a little bit of a hazard I don't see it I think one's at the end of the property ones I mean if a tree a car could hit one of them yeah you're right about that plow not really it's actually off the road but why don't we do it Morin said I I mean I get what you're saying and and we've come up with some interesting ideas uh before so why don't I go out there and check it out come back to the commission tell them what this creative idea we came up with is I mean we could forego them all together but I would like to get some habitat restoration sign so the lawnmower and landscapers don't run into the uh newly planted area and then put the money into that instead and just you know if this isn't going to work with the 25 foot line let's let's do something else yeah I don't I think we can deemphasize the 25 foot line I I think we are talking about that but not totally deemphasizing it yeah um I just want to point out that the river is pretty straight along that edge so the 25 foot line would be reasonably straight so having one at each end you could pretty much site between one to the other pretty easily to um to figure out where it crosses the property so I I agree we don't need to have them every 40 feet the length of the property I think we pretty well conceded that the question is whether to have one in the front or not yeah so let's look I'll be happy to tag along there CH because have to keep an eye on Granite bounds uh can the granite bounds be put on the um street because their property boundary is several feet in from the bituminous SPM edge of pavement so are we allowed to put a Bound in the right of way I think you run the plow problems then no I mean not in the street but in the if you if you look at their lawn they have some lawn they're maintaining a famous for Wonder so no let's not continue on that yeah we couldn't do that okay just checking so it's either no bounds at all or two bounds well one at the back to remind the future conservation agency commission that need to put three more bounds in at least that it's there and and to trigger to trigger the thought that oh yeah this is approximately where it is the river's straight we can eyeball it but it's something in the future we at least need to consider sure so we're gonna figure this all out yes we'll just take the step of action leave it up to me I'm gonna I'm gonna add in uh have a chat restoration sign do we have any signs like that already no but we have bought them in the past so the templates all made up if someone do you talking about that provide the signs not we wouldn't provide the signs but we would provide the template so for you to not have to design it no we don't we don't provide the signs and could we leave it up to the homeowner to figure out the most effective way to communicate the landscapers not to not to Mo the the no MO area sure but on the other hand this is mitigation you're approving this project you have to protect your investment in this project so I'm just saying maybe this is something to think about so um this is supposed to be something in perpetuity it's not hey it worked and that was five years ago that's supposed to be there when I bring my grandchildren around so that's why we use Grand bounds and that's why we use habit T restoration signs so that's that's all I'm saying the other side what's that there's a new development across the street did they put signage they put in the grite pounds yeah and they didn't have them flush they're raised yeah um the question came up whether the homeowner homeowners could put a row of small stones marking the edge of that um and we've had people putting in a row of stones as they are 25 foot bound and we had a decision that that wasn't really appropriate what do people feel about Stones marking the edge of the zone of so I would say no in the middle of this zone of natural vegetation I would say no because Stones can move I think let's just go look see make a decision on the one by the front of the property and then count on two points making a straight line yeah I would I I think I also would prefer not to make a row of stones at the seven foot line I mean Chuck makes a good point this is supposed to be a forever thing and as it is we're backing off and only made a good argument for that so this is just maintaining the ends we there's been uh yeah there's a whole lot bu we don't have to go down the road let just just decide to figure it out later and bring it back to the commission with whatever we decide okay so having beaten that around um will that prevent us from moving forward tonight I would say not that's just it's a placement or no placement but we can decide on the uh the rest of it right yeah so we'll just talk about how to phrase that when we do our conditions okay so I haven't said that are there any other comments from Commissioners he says looking to the right oh and nothing from you Walter I don't see a hand nothing more Chuck I don't see public comments yeah you folks have anything you'd like to add we're just happy that it we live right next door and we're we neighbors we just yeah okay we need their names now they've spoken oh can you introduce yourselves Grace MCG and what's your address please what's your address 16 C oh okay I park in front of your house I think I park in front of your house when I go in that area so don't Stone my car please okay uh in that case um so we should have a motion to close the hearing Tony I move to close the hearing for 555 West Street J second Walter talts in favor in favor Jer in favor Marth Moore in favor Brian B in favor so now we can list conditions what do you have as a starting point ch I have three things written down there was a discussion about tree protection so I didn't know if you would say tree protection within 25 fet of the project the work Zone that would capture any tree that was in that area say five feet you could say 10 feet but a but a number and then it would capture the trees that you want to uh be protected yeah we've had some problems lately with trees being whacked that were almost at the edge of the erosion control so and then I have H stake Stakes um along the mitigation area I wrote down an operation and maintenance plan and I'm not sure where that ended up if there was one or if there wasn't one I thought Marin said there was one and then the granite bounds Marin did you start start to say something no she's uh I don't think she's I thought I heard the sound was that Walter not sure what I'm looking at here there any other conditions that people can think that talked about yeah it looks like Morin wants to say something no I don't I'm all set thank you oh she doesn't want to say anything um my mistake wait a minute I do so in the notice of intent submitt check Kevin provided an onm plan okay and with that um um mtha what was your question about the what is it the the driveway drip trench was one of them you have an plan questions okay that was last one trees yeah the last one you had an omm question I don't I don't remember one on this one I'm not sure you what okay so the omm's checked off uh and we're going to do the grite bounds and a site visit during the preactivity meeting how's that that's good and and I would say Mark with orange fencing any trees less than 25 ft from the area where the construction is going on I think that'll do it so limit of work 25 feet from the construction area you don't want uh like 2x4s around them you don't think it's close enough to have them whacked with anything I think the only trees if you look at your plot plan are way up at the top Edge can you scroll your picture so we can see Okay so we've got a tree on the left but that's outside the erosion control so hopefully they won't be so stupid as to hit that one and then up at the top right there's two more trees keep going up yeah that tree and the one one further down that one and that one those are the ones I'm concerned about so and the one down low is the one they're going to trim to some extent right they're G to trim both of those okay they seem I think uh I think construction fence would be fine or even Sil fence would be fine around that just something to mark it off right just so somebody's backing up their back ho they don't whack into it because the it's fairly narrow construction entrance going in there so okay I haven't conditioned this kind of thing before so if you think we should put some boards around and strap them onto the tree to protect the bark I think they're pretty far away okay so just some orange fencing to to make them visible or or some I'm gonna leave it as something to mark them off because they it could be it could be anything Sil fence or even straw waddle they're pretty far away um Tony I was going to ask you your condition about cultiva could you tell me uh should we say true native is that the term that we use non true native non cultiv so we are going to talk about the bounds do you want to have a separate condition at least leaving open the idea of signs um I don't think that went over I don't think anyone really latched on to the signs so I'm good with it I just wanted to bring it up okay any other conditions anybody wants to go in the mix no okay having that having done that then can I have motion um to issue for 555 West Street T I move that we issue an order of conditions is discussed for 555 West Street I the Lakers second that Walter tab votes in favor Tony rakus in favor J in favor Moore in favor Brian B in favor okay thank you thanks all for coming thank you for coming thank you so much have a good night thank you Morin thank you Mor okay um so we had made it yes approved yeah that was approved to issue means approve yeah issue issue the order of conditions and then I think Chuck has three weeks to get it written up 21 days but you'll get it next week I I'll be all set um we usually allow there's a 10-day appeal period and typically we um that depends but typically that STS Monday on site as well well I wait to be honest with you I wait until the uh building department that's St close to getting issued so when they're just about ready to issue it seems like all um any changes that may happen anything that I may need to check out has has happened and we're reviewing so at that point that's when I go out so I'm the last person to sign the building permit before you get that and I've done my site physic basically within the last three days yeah so um yeah so I'm not sure how how far away you are with building permits but no sense putting erosion control out or anything like that until you're really close to that that time the process try to do theu of this spring yeah yeah so um you could reach back out in the springtime but typically it's the Builder or architect submits all the plans you get all the feedback from the engineering department building department do all that then you then people start signing off Department starts signing off and you'll see that on the last one you'll reach out and say look we need to do a uh you know a reactivity meeting or I'll reach out to you at that point okay thank you so much yeah you're welcome thanks for the project yes nice enjoy I know okay all righty so we had gotten into the discussion items so the next item is item five which is the second one in discussion items and this is the land use Summit which is scheduled for October 19th it's our second annual L use Summit second annual should be added to the title and we're do it at Mata cabin I've talked to the trails committee I've talked to the town Force committee October 19th seems to be the date that works although people are like Kathy Kelly can't go on that date now um so but right now that's the date that we're trying it's going to be a three-hour event this year we're hoping to have Andrew mcnick and a select board member as speakers and then we were thinking of having each committee uh talk about something that they're interested in for uh 20 minutes to a half hour and that would be broken up into discussion and then Q&A committee he means any Committee in town who has a relatively similar Mission so Trail the ones we invited uh I don't I I don't know that be those people yeah yeah any community in town no Town Force committee Trails Trails conservation and then we're going to do open land trust and we're also going to do climate advisory yeah climate advisory I thought it was a sustainability climate advisory we're gonna invite this established the tree preservation Community preservation still in well no there's a committee there's a study group but but we're not having vote to go before the town soon that's in progress so I'm not sure the climate advisory is is like an every year thing because they have a tree issue this year and maybe that's something they'll talk about but it's land B land use Summit I know what's going on these three years because I went to their summer event and they had been established at that no no I'm not saying they're not established I'm just saying they're not a based okay I thought you would think and you said this is a thre hour thing what three hours are we talking about exactly that's why it's on the on the we wanted to find out that's still the point that's up in the air like when is everyone available you know 10 to1 11 to 2 you know when when's it pass in the morning or in the afternoon what's the Thought I just need some feedback on that what day is that again that Saturday or Sunday that's a Sunday no it's October 19th is a Saturday maybe it was more that I mean it's working for me go one to four would work for me but I had assumed it was going to be 9 to 12 well I don't have a calendar so know why anyone can check that it' be great it is or Saturday yeah I I could do 10 or 11 as well but I I would happily go afternoon if we start at 10: or 11 we're sort of going right through lunchtime well we provided some lunch last time right some pizza snacks I don't remember we should upgrade that a little bit this year but that's more in the discussion Point that's not what so you what were you thinking between 11 and two seems good or does that kill the day um theum is um Tony asked to check sport schedule um I am trying to work something else into the same time to the same day um so I would just ass soon go in the afternoon but I could do 11 to two if that works for other people shog is there I don't have a preference you have no preference well do you have a preference unfortunately I'm not available that day okay so then you have no preference and what if it was in the afternoon when when would that be for you one to four one to four okay do you think that would work for the other groups or do we just set it I just need some numbers so I can get it back to the other groups and figure out what's going on it's going to be bad for me no matter whether it's 9 to 12 or 12 to three got to go to chelsford that day it's time for your kids to quit their sports activities would would later be better or are you going to be in Chelmsford from 9 to 3 I gotta get to CH to be there two but 35 minutes to drive there and then you got to get there half an hour so the game and that back starts on time so would 9 to 12 be better for you and you could at least come to the beginning of for a little bit Yeah n too early in the morning Chuck um maybe that's um I doesn't yeah it doesn't matter I'll put those I'll put those out to people and see what the other committees think okay moving on um so next one is item six mlet SS and Morgan site visit we did but U what's rules suggested by just the discussion about the site visit was there anything I see yeah all right so this is the update on that um no one no one added to my list maybe I it was complete people thought it was pretty complete sure I I looked at it I didn't have time to study it I was look I was doing other things so I thought your list was good they were things that we would like to see um completed in this project um a lot of debris still outside the um erosion control line it's mostly housekeeping yeah most of the issues right I mean I'm presuming that the big issue of how water flows through the cells is presuming that works as designed at this point that's still an assumption but yeah yeah I lose Walter Walter you still there yeah yeah I'm here I'm awake yeah seems like um having a hard time with this computer so I will look at your list in more detail there were some of the trees and shrubs that were planted that looked like they might not make it to the onee mark but they assured us that they would be replanted if yeah I mean they will have a a contract warranty contracts up and there's a lovely Maiden pair of swans swimming in one of the ponds I yeah they got Nam one is Chuck and one is Alex right oh no we've already told several people W there's two swans out there they're decoys um I thought I bought them on Monday wait a minute is it it's Walter is that one of them or is it is it Maur and Brian I'm not sure Walter wanted to pay some money oh yeah Walter's got to come up with the money fundraising opportunity it's so Pink Flamingos to put there so Walter they'll remain unnamed until we see the check book no until it cashes I said good luck okay anything else on that topic okay uh next is a vote to accept lot five off of Up of Grove Street um I have a motion I can read that would be good okay motion says motion to accept the transfer of care custody management and control of the property known as Grove Street Lot five Assessor's map 4 4 lot 136 as shown on a plan of land entitled Grove Street Lot 5 parking prepared by Weston and Samson Engineers Inc date January 23rd 2023 AKA 371 Grove Street acting by and through mgl chapter 40 Section 8 C for the sole purpose of passive Recreation and Open Space Management including the install ation maintenance and repair of a passive Trail network with Associated signage provided however that reading Department of Public Works shall have the right to replace repair maintain and make necessary improvements to the existing parking area on the property can you pass it over to so he has the langage yeah right anybody want to second that motion I can take a picture of this you didn't take the paper home oh I'll take a picture I will lose it any I one a second Mar motion it's now been seconded do you want to start the voting Walter I do I Walter Tabet agrees and vote Yes lock this in favor Cher in favor Martha Moore in favor bbo in favor okay right so we have another piece of property moving right along okay let me and let me let you know that I brought this to this uh Town Force committee let them know all about it and they unanimously voted to be in favor of this article which um gives the conservation care and custody of block five so okay no issues oh next item the uh monthly Nation meeting with DPW October 1st so that's a big day right I was wondering are they GNA be available at 1 to2 if they're doing the grand opening at 3:45 doing like setup or something yeah probably not but we'll we'll see I can go if if it happens okay I will also I'm practicing okay that Tak care of that uh Chuck administer report yeah so I just wanted to let you know at Grove Street today we had uh some tree cutting so the for certain period of time it was supposed to be all day but um you know DPW day isn't like you know the regular day I think it's over around 2 or 230 and so for all that time they were trimming trees at lot five so lot five was closed we also have a schedule to put the stairs in at lot five um that will uh at the edge or the end of lot five um the path that goes up and then crosses the gas line they're gonna we've Designed Stairs And The DPW will be implementing their their um building of those stairs in the next couple of weeks I keep saying that it was supposed to be this Wednesday but Mike Hanford wanted to do the trimming this Wednesday so it's been pushed out so it's probably going to be next Wednesday uh lastly there was a little bit of erosion control put in down there so they added us some more Stone in the forest area for a p and they built it up and they put a couple of pipes underneath it and hopefully that captured the water and directed it underneath the path um instead of over the path and and just bleeding out all place going down a slope down the slope heading towards uh yeah yeah okay yep tree work and stair workor and that's that's really all it was the had an electronic board up people that uh it was going to be closed for today um so I didn't hear any blowback okay and last is minutes for approval um let's start with uh June 26 of 1912 I think it was no uh 2024 assume by nowbody had a chance to review it I have not reviewed any this time uh unfortunately I've reviewed them but I was not at the meeting I did watch it it's an administrative action to do these um I did sent out um a document from Mass law saying that I can send it out again I can find it and send it again but this is considered administrative so you don't need to be at that meeting okay yeah so um I think that we need to even though if we have a quorum we should approve some of these minutes I agree we got have at least four of us read the June 26 minutes so I submitted some comments so from my perspective a motion um to accept it as approve as amended would be good for my S anybody care to make that motion I move to ccept the June 26 minutes as amended anybody want to Second it this is Tony I second Walter toots in favor in favor in faor Marth Moore in favor Brian B in favor okay that's accepted so next is July 14th sorry well put my glasses back on um August July 10th no no August 14th sorry I was corrected by somebody in the room well I'm to approve the minutes on August 14 uh anybody want to second that Walter like he has something to say any i' mentioned at the last meeting a couple corrections I don't know if they made it or so that would be um motion to approve it as amended then with your amendments from last meeting okay I will I will change my motion to approve the minutes as amended I Jer second Walter toits in favor in favor Jer in favor Marth Moore in favor Brian B in favor okay next one is August 28th same questions has everybody read it or have enough of us read it I didn't read yet I haven't read even if all three of us have been on a so we can't do off on August 28th any chance anybody get to 911 can we do amendments to August 28th then um it hasn't been read um so um why don't you submit your amendments to Chuck by email and he can incorporate them in and same thing for Tony and sherro once you read it if you have any and send them to Chuck okay yeah so I think we're not ready for September 11th I didn't think so but in case anybody read it out of order so all right having said that the last two we cannot approve that is the last of our agenda any last topics before we Jour any last topic uh Walter you want a last topic you yeah um we tally have a date for a week from Friday at my house to get together to not discuss business and I would appreciate if people could get back and say yay or nay make it or not which is which is fine because we can always be scheduled for some other time did you say yes my wife and I will be there with Bellon yes I will be there but I will let you send an email as he did send an email sogg just respond to okay I put it in my calendar so I think I did respond yes as well Walter is that true so far it's the three retirees are here okay and now sharro so we're making great progress did you actually invite Chuck or is this top secret Chuck Chuck's invited Chuck responded not yet I think you wanted to get the minutes done first Friday night driving back to really okay he's gonna he's gonna consider it okay anything else to chat about are we done thank you Walter okay so we adjourn at nine o'clock on the notes sorry I need a motion second everybody in favor at nine o'clock okay good all right good night everyone good night Walter good night good night where the 911 minutes sent out e