e after e hi everyone we're just waiting just a minute for a few more folks that are just coming in and then we'll get started e e e e e all right everyone I'd like to call meeting to the Border our special COA meeting on Monday nights um I'm going to take attendance I'm going to borrow Rose Marie's pen okay deie small Joan coko she was gonna she thought she'd come but she might be late okay Karen Fatina and here yes you and the team stay safe watching first thing in the morning on G we're also tracking at this hour the NY T is not making it tonight I'm here um Jackie bahina is not making it tonight Ros Marie is here and Jean PR is here all right um oh and I see we have some here tonight the National Weather Service issuing their highest warning a particular situation for large long [Music] tornado I just M Small [Music] here iPhone um you go to the first page and um we do have guests it looks like Mike Lacy and Mark yeah Mike Lacy and Mark Delaney I don't think there's anybody else I dinner so hello hello you want me to share that screen yes okay yeah so on our agenda tonight we have four items and and if anybody else has any and they're in keeping with this topic we can probably talk about them so um um the four topics are um what are the four topics is someone taking notes oh yeah yeah I have to anybody volunteer Karen did last time anybody I'm all right F yeah yeah yeah perfect um the first topic I can I can give you [Music] attendance so we are going to um I am going to do an update on the Spring financial Forum that's being planned I'm going to do an update on the permanent building committee and what's happening with that um I'm going to well we all can do an update and talk a little bit about the open house and um if we think we want to do it again or I think we have anyways we'll talk about it and then the uh last item is to begin to talk about the schematic design so um the first thing and that's kind of hard to read and for those of you here I know you don't like the I can yeah that's no thank you all right is this up there too yeah [Music] yeah so the first item is um about a Spring financial form this is something that Mark has been working on with the chair of the penom committee he ALS and also it was brought up in an instructional motion at town meeting and um as a result there is a tentative date out there May 28th for a financial Forum it's in the planning stages there's nothing definite um what you what you see in front of you and on the screen is a letter that I am going to send to the chair of the uh fcom and I'd like to be able to sign it um with support from all COA so if everybody can take a couple minutes to read it or do you want me to read it out loud or okay this way yeah and the people who are online can't see this they can't see this yeah can they can oh okay okay um uh I am in full support and I would change this to say you know the Council on Aging is in full support of the spring Forum I'm very grateful that this is going to happen and I'm free on May 28 I know that all the numbers won't be available but I truly want the town to support all three of these projects I think that if this forum can put the current finances as we know them on the table so that the rooma mill has at least some basic facts to start with and then we continue to provide information as it becomes available through the summer and fall I think it will be important that the kilum building committee and the community preservation committee agreed to work alongside the recal members so that all these projects can fit within the town budget I'm sure that you know what the over 608e residents have been waiting since 2015 some say earlier for a building that can meet our current needs as chair of the Council on Aging this is my goal and I'm going to work very hard to engage the community in this discussion I think the town can put I think the town can put together a well plan strategy to make this happen if you have a minute the I have two th the COA put together this video which highlights our issues scroll all the way through the bot thank you very much let your support so are you saying that this is coming from the CE or from you as chair the CE well if it comes from me as chair of the COA I have to have the support of all the COA members so I can't just a couple things this is not on the agenda to vote right just so um General support I think uh correct me if I'm wrong Jenna but General support is okay but we cannot vote on this because it's not on the agenda got it all right but are there any comments as to the letter yeah the third sentence is is hanging I I think that if this forum and then it doesn't f it go anywhere I think also um I would take out Rumor Mill yeah I think that's very subjective I think we want to be factual and not um imply anything um let me tell you why I put the written bill in there because it's already have all the social media so yes it is subjective you know what I might read I think is misinformation what someone else reads what we can say is so that we can clarify information I don't think and the other thing too is there are many people still don't even know about this stuff so we just want to be factual yeah we want to be you know want to clear we want to just clarify the information that is available to all and this is you know we definitely want to be want to be part of this are you saying that we'll be part of it as well well yeah well we we are listed as one of the stakeholders Council on a recal school committee fincom um it in the budget no a stakeholder in this discussion what actually do they want to present like who finances it's the town so that we are starting now to look at these three big projects and figure out how everything can happen within this fisal year killing project is huge it is very efficient it has a predefined formula it has a lot of local support and we need to be um uh at the table when all this is being discussed what's the third project yeah no um the third project isation which is what CPX the town There's a state fund that um if the town puts Town residents put X number of dollars into a fund then we will get X number of dollars more B and it funds five different um activities one I know is historical buildings um yeah okay but it also has tax applications so aren't they negotiating now what percentage just start well that the select board just put together a committee so they're discussing that now can I just ask what's point of this letter to let fincom know because fincom um sent the letter out asking about the DAT so I could very easily have written back saying yes the 28th works for me but I wanted to put some words behind it to say it's the idea I'm not getting down to the nitty-gritty of it it's simply the the idea that we support this and it's going to be to our benefit absolutely to be part of it so was it just was it to the whole COA or just to you as the chair it was just me okay Wonder okay we should see correspondence like that so you receive notice from K and this for a meeting they want to with you about your availability to disc possible we can get if we put money into something how much no no no you're talking about CPA now this is simply maybe there's too many words in here but it's simply that thank you for inviting us to the table and um we support this that's exact what I would okay especially do we need to vote on it because you say was letter address to you only you're letting us know about it seems like just you should respond my suggestion would be that that two sentence responds forward to participating okay and if you end up having any need to have the whole Council vote we could do that at the next meeting make sure we get vote on every item on the agenda on the [Music] agenda to you it was address to me exactly I think [Music] so to say yeah I I want I I want to advertise it and and I want people to know it and you going to find me even probably more obnoxious we could write up a different letter to address it to them which so it could come from the whole Council next Monday or Tuesday whichever day it is okay but but I I think it's important that the fin and all the stakeholders in this issue understand how important this is and how important it is to work together and we are not competing projects we are negotiating and coming to terms so that all three projects or at least two of them come to fruition so I don't see any harm in having the extra material in here um and and I see where you're going with it Nancy um I don't think it's necessary getting to the point of their email to you but I don't see any harm in it either this it's a letter from you it's your stating why you're happy that's all it's a joint but if you that you attend then if you want the whole COA behind you then I would I would this and say we could youbody let them know true [Music] yeah let's then is it Monday or Tuesday next week sometime next week I know same no but I think but I think it's on Tuesday tonight was V if we needed a 4 night tonight Monday May 13th is our next regular meeting okay so update on the permanent building this is really good news um uh uh he Mark did talk with Pat the chair pat Tomkins the chair of the um uh permanent building committee and um they have agreed to review all free sites which is fabulous and um they they plan to have two meetings around this and they're going to try to get back to us around June 10th so that means that um recal and the COA can vote on a single site to recommend to the select court on June 18th and there's an application Mark is filling it out for to become to for a project to be reviewed by the permanent building committee um and he is talking at the next select board meeting to give an overview to the other select board members that that this is in the works and this is going to happen and the dates have originally the dates were sometime here in May 21st or something to get a decision so now it's it's moved back so what is the permanent building committee I'm sorry I don't if a project is over X number of dollars and it's in the millions I don't know if it's 1 million or 1.5 million one something but it's a large it's a large amount of money and that's what this would follow so the permanent building committee um um is is um responsible for reviewing those like for example um permanent building a permanent building Committee Member sits on the kilum building committee um and eventually it might be that a permanent building Committee Member would sit on a building committee that will be formed for this project and um um so they they they have to review they have other responsibilities too like they look at they look at Town um properties the municipalities they um do a Rie of the buildings but this is a building project um from the bottom up so one of the things so the architect came to us with three building plans they all had like the same face tag on them would the permanent building committee be the ones to say like oh like look at other contractors to see if there's a they could different option C permanent building committee can call in experts they have that they have that right to to do that so if no one in their uh committee for example has any experience with parking and um traffic studies or um you know pedestrian safety studies they could bring something in to look at it it's part of a question when we would when we had the table at town meeting um what was it spoke with that stopped by from building committee who was it that you and I spoke to stopped by or table oh yeah and I had asked is said do they even have the ability to suggest some entirely different site that we're just not aware of and she said it's feasible it's not that she knows anything that it is feasible so they have a lot of scope no no I said if if they were aware something but but if if there were something they would not necessar they be dismissing it because it haven't been brought they haven't brought school to do good things yeah so that is really good news that and the fact that there's going to be a sprad financial forum is really good news for us so I'm pleased hope you are too if you pleased and then I have um the open is on here we had one on um April 11th only 10 people came but they were 10 very important they were um and then we had the second one on Saturday April 27th from 9 to 11 and that one had about 25 people3 was around 30 all right I actually all of the stuff for that is out in my garage and I didn't check so 33 and there and there might even be a couple of people that came in and didn't sign in some com oh really wow I didn't those were even unlock a good turn there's a lot of good questions yeah um for both both open houses there were good questions um and a lot of good conversation which was nice so um I I think that was good and I thought it was great having the um architect ples there it was a lot of interest to see that were they there the first time no no they didn't exist Jenna Jenna facilitated was able to get yeah the building DPW or somebody to uh to to do big the big posters we had those at town meeting too and they gathered a so it was really good anybody online um who was there want to make any comments but the um the uh planning committee did an excellent job the donuts were to dive for the coffee was good yes it was it was really well done so I think we have another date saved in June do we do so subcommittee did a debrief after the first one to talk about um what went well and what we could do better in the future um so after the first one we said the attendance was low um and it was a concern about the tax increase um and so there was like a dead exclusion that's supposed to be done in 2025 so um we were thinking that maybe if we knew more information about that it might be helpful um moving forward because we really need to think about moving forward with a strategy because yes this building is old and yes it's not large enough but what does that mean if you have an old house and think you want it to be bigger it doesn't mean you necessarily get a bigger more modern house so I feel like any of or I should say our team feels like as we move forward our message needs to be very clear and very directed um and to think about things like the dead exclusion um to think about perhaps doing something professional like a press release with some of the um like the talking point how we've been waiting for so long for this how we haven't been meeting the needs of our seniors for many many years um we had talked about making even like a fact sheet from the 2017 uh us Boston um survey that they did um and talk about the action items from that and what we've worked on and what hasn't been um as well as a maybe a fact sheet about the Pleasant Street Center I feel like it was a great addition that you had done that Nancy to include the the the data from the last counc agent meeting in there how many people were attending um the different programming how many people are seen by the case manager and the nurse that was good data and I think that hard data will be really helpful moving forward um and then the other note I have here and I can't remember exactly what I was what the discussion point was but maybe J remembers for Karen um I wrote Mark with design redo the current Center well that was because when we first started the project remember Fidel and mo came to the senior center and presented everything up on a screen and giving estimate of cost and then 2025 again the time would not be carrying some of the building previous building expenses so we thought that needs to be stressed more and how do you do that maybe we have a similar coffee session again on a Saturday but have people represented from select board come and speak to the residents well that's what's going to happen at the same but how do we do this from the council and agent even to make the present clientele that comes with PC aware of it I think that's what we have to really yeah and it's important to understand that as a result of the Forum that happens in May um that it will not be firm numbers because I I think it's May 22nd that um Kelling school has to get their first application out to the state so the numbers are going to be all estimates so I I agree we're going to have to be careful how we craft that so people don't read it and say oh this is the bottom line it's it will be a moving Target but the other thing also we need to have our own Marketing Group is my thought the COA needs to Market why we strong we feel there needs to be a new Senior Center I mean we have this wonderful video and there were a lot of people even touring on the Saturday oh I didn't even know the needs were here so do we start putting into the local newspaper articles that are you're invited as a town resident to come to a coffee are we mentioned with rctv I I was surprised that Council on Aging has not been an organization supporting and donating to rctv because if we do that then we could have a permanent time frame to show our video am I correct on that Nancy when you spoke on it you were talking think I think so I think to get a video out there somehow can I um Jenna I I don't know if if um you want to speak to this I'm going to put it out there but you had mentioned to me that um Jane Wellman you were having you may have a discussion with Jane Wellman to kind of talk about how we push this how we push these messages out the kilum building committee is very organized very professional they've got a lot of Staff um that can that can do that so am I putting you on the spot nope not at all so yeah I have been talking to Jane she's on vacation right now but when she gets back she is more than willing to meet with me um and I I think that a member from recal and a member from COA if that's okay um should come to that meeting with me and obviously Chris and um you know any other relevant staff that we think might be a good addition to help us um maybe even like Caitlyn Noella in the town manager's office because she does the town man Town manager newsletter and things like that so if that comes back into play maybe we can get her in on the conversation so Jane actually does all the social media and a majority of the press releases with her and her assistant Katie her executive assistant Katie so she's going to um come up with a whole communication plan for us and um she's been going to the kilum building committee meetings um and things like that but just even like simple things like all the postings that I see on the town of reading Facebook page and on the main web page those are just like simple things that when she gets back we can just really start pushing out so maybe coming up with um a cohesive um flyer that has all these different colors on it and a nice graphic picture um could be the Pleasant Street logo whatever anyone decides that would be eye-catching so every time communication goes out it's consistent and people know what it is um the Kil and building committee has um that really cute koala at the top and um you know what it is every time you see it so yeah we're we definitely want to get something going and have this be on an equal playing field as Kellum because it is one thing I want to mention I think it is good to try to get people into the center even though the video is really great I heard numerous times over the past two open houses that they've heard about our challenges but they once they got here and saw it it it it registered differently um and I think that's important I also think that's something that kilum has been doing really well with they've been really well but they also have a lot of students and families that go there every day like it's a little bit of a different Beast um which you know is going to be a little bit harder for us to P but I think it's really good because if we get more people into this building to show them look this is the space this is how tight it is they understand more than you know the video is great but I can watch it but I really don't get an idea of how tight it is until tell you're in I think I think a Saturday is the way to go the next meeting is set for uh June 12th by the way it's a Wednesday June 12th is the next that's that's the evening yeah evening did we decide not to do on May 15 down I think did change that that was across oh I still have it on there so yeah we push everything okay what do you think about a Saturday do you think we should have one in May I mean keep keep the momentum going I think so even though we had 25 people maybe they go back and sa their friends g i i i once Center and I was surprised how small it is maybe people will talk it up and I would change the time I would do 10 to 12 rather than 9 give people a little break on Saturday morning come a little later CL your Don for us to just be here it's it's fine also I don't think the last two open houses I don't think I E blast those out on my end because we were restrict restricting it to the first one to um to and the second one we opened up late so we actually didn't actually get the word out there like we do with a lot of our things so which is kind of good because we got to Pilot and see how it worked worked but didn't work I think you know when I was speaking about um you know the 2017 um um gerentology think from UMass people were oh I didn't know about that were not meeting the needs and almost 30% of our you know population can utilize this Center and and then half the people left saying I'm coming back I want to like do some of this stuff which brings me to I think the other thing that would be really helpful to help get the um the center up and about like in people's faces more I wonder is it possible to take like the pleasantries and put it like a link to it like on the reding community site like once a month or you know put that out there and I think that that would hit more people more people in here too they talk about the actual presentes lenting all the activities yeah so you can do like a link to like open it up and just thinking about how many people said that they wish that they they knew about you know manag minut can you link there it's on the town website so it's already on you have to did you Google to know name but I wonder social minut thing is great you get it is to there are those that don't know it exists so they won't be on the computer maybe we do a news release the town of reading Council and aging invites a t residents for a tour to view why we need a new sen this is something J certainly help I think just an open house probably on a Saturday and we just I really think if we just blast it out you know I think that's a good Next Step you know especially in J gets back and we continue that but you know I have an email list of about 800 people you know that we haven't even been tapped so the simple things no not because we restricted it to town no no the second one wasn't opened up until later it was still and I thought it was still closed so we haven't open it up to the general is that 800 M primarily 60 plus older adults current but it's also there's also some parents on to so yeah we can use the wre um the recre website too the rec database over 6,000 families on that and Jane again has really great connections with the schools um in the superintendent's office so I know that the schools also send out some type of communication so if we can collaborate with the schools so they're sending out messages because we're sending out messages as the town on behalf of the schools so if the school can do the same for us and we kind of look like a cohesive unit that might be great too we've been next week next um no the 20th Monday the 20th uh two weeks from today the they'll be here doing a presentation for kill oh right right um and I've been promoting that on for them on our end so I think it's you know I'm I think it's really good like Jenna just said you know we can I can I'm happy to reach out or Jenna and be like look here's our next open house do you mind throwing this out there for us and I think that's a really good first step as we continue to you know plan yeah and and to the point of a committee for the open house on Saturday I spent a lot of hours posting it on Facebook uh contacting town meeting members again getting all the board information out to the boards it takes a long time to do that so if there to I was actually talking to Nancy T about this saying we need a we need a a press person someone whose job it is to facilitate that you know they might not actually write it but they're going to facilitate it and get it out there and figure out how to get it on the post how to get it on the corner how to get it on isn't that Jan Ran's part of Jane Ran's rle is clarify J you because I put in the notes you reported that Jane Wellman will work with the COA on a social media campaign at Accurate okay because I yeah that we want that in the minutes yeah so okay and the other thing is I think a Saturday would be good yeah um and we should try to you know take just a before you select a Saturday because I know one of our open houses K and had an open house too at the same time um in the evening so we should try to pick up Saturday I think in the morning is um and and but take a look at what's house is going on in town such as does a school have something what activities are going on to see if we can't find something that is fairly open so they can focus on well being the season that it is we're going to have difficulty anyways with baseball and all sports but do we want one in May if we were to do one in May the only weekend probably available is 18 is Saturday and it's hazardous waste day yeah I think May would be great too because June there's um Town day then there's juneth in the fireworks then there's porch Fest so there and then like whoever just said this I don't know with the sporting events and things like that um it could get a little hairy so having one in May would be awesome great if you're looking at a Saturday I think you'd be looking at the 18th yeah um is because you don't want to do the 25th over weekend um and I think this coming Saturday is just way too so you're you're just pigeon toed into the 18th on that now when is is the um media person back on vacation to get this out well if we do it on the 18th we can just start blasting it out what I would say is I blast it on my end j can blast on her end if Jane when Jane gets back if she has any ideas we could just from now until the 18 just blasted out there um you know it's I mean I'm sure there's a better strategy out there but since we had tight time you know what good Stu just blasted what are your thoughts Kon so I I love that idea um I'm a little concerned with how many people would show up do we want to have any type of RSVP or anything like that or I would keep it simple I would just leave it open so people can come in um don't mean maybe just go down to coffee and and stuff because you can't tell you don't want to go out and buy a hundred sandwiches and 20 people show up just keep it open coffee maybe some granola bars or something just because what I don't want is for people to come in walk around go this is fun and then leave so we need to really make sure that we're able to have targeted messages yeah and and in in that case also I also noticed this at um church this weekend what they started doing is they have people at entrances greeting people as they come and go so when someone comes in there's automatically someone there to say hi how are you also that person or another person's there like hey you know as they leave to make sure you you know have someone on the patio doors have someone at the main door there or outside to be able to have that interaction with them you know um to make sure you can say hi welcome have any questions question you'd like you to stay have some coffee that's a good point Chris because with the warm weather coming and if it's a good day you might find people just standing on the patio yeah yep and if there's a few of us out there in chat and keep the conversation going yeah that just helps and time frame I personally think I still like the 9 to 11 if we have overflow then we know we're going to be there at 12 because I think it gives people more of a window for baseball or who needs to do grocery shopping or run here so your thoughts you said mention to go some specific what if you put the difference in M 9:30 to 11:30 there you go you know I think that and then pretty close to 12 um and if you need to just go until 123 yeah can I can I just I think that this is a wonderful idea does everybody realize there's only 11 days to this oh we ion be able to be here I'll be in a parade so what what what are the other it's just about that glass but it was only like a week beforehand and we got 25 people what if we do a gigantic class we're going to get a lot more people and let have yeah and how many people can be there I the M the building how about anybody that's online um available on the 18 of May for an open house in the morning Cofe donut [Music] johnon I think I can make it here Johns do you think we should maybe just do June 1st to answer your question I'm going to be in Boston electing a bishop so he can't do how about how about June 1st is that graduation [Music] open be in Italy sorry youe June 1 I am available I should be available June 1st and that would give us the um Financial Forum information that we might be able to share right sounds like Jun what about in this group herecy if Taylor Swift can get back 9:30 to 1130 open we should have a hand for people coming in absolutely we need something really good this I felt like was good and then but I feel like we need um like I I think this is of course I thought it was great because I but um because I feel like this gives us the facts about you know it's not just a place where people come to play cards [Music] um know many or they refer to that yeah maybe because it was only 30 people town meeting they T we said would you like it I think they had this giant thing they had to W through they didn't need more do you think June 1st would be a better date yeah and would you like me to reserve that day I am just questioning when the high school graduation I think it might be that week ask right this is a Saturday did they change it to well they update usually in the past was always like the second week in June well that's the first week no well they didn't have any snow days this year I don't think so happened earlier and the other thing I was thinking was that if we can Target more older adults with um the pleasantries it's May 31st gradu May 31st is graduation a Friday y oh this would be this would be the day after so [Music] the but how many people be and the further we get into the summer the more start vacations as graduation isn't you know Jenna do you think that's okay I didn't hear that last thing you said sorry do you think that's okay what what did you say before that June 1st um yeah I mean it's the day after graduation so maybe some folks are planning some gra graduation parties and whatnot but you know there's always going to be something going on so when is Town day we should do a big table at Town day we should be really prepared Jen and I have been talking about that okay um last last year I think we I don't know do we want to talk about it now we we just finalized yeah first sounds good to me I can do that when you send out an email glass to the people who reive Pleasant trees how many people are on that list can we send one out specifically to them and tell them to bring a friend or neighbor my list is everyone they get anyone who gets the evil or the pantries gets the same including caregivers or something yeah whoever signs up to be put on that list so I think it's right around 00 maybe if I if you give me some information or a little right WR up slurp I can have it out either tomorrow or could and I know Karen made a good point too about maybe having a link or something that people can click on that they're coming just to give you a rough idea of how many sandwiches or granola bars or whatever to get or print outs I thought that might be a good idea no I don't I don't think we need an RSVP because people they can they can respond and then they don't show basic one of the things I wantes is to have it clear to anyone who's coming over the age of 60 like they should come here look at all the resources here for them remember we don't want it just to be a negative thing this is a very positive place um and if we're thinking almost 30% of our population is over the age of0 just getting their vote alone should very beneficial get a little right John the only thing I would like to suggest um if it's a nice day I don't think it would be a bad idea to have somebody out on the sidewalk and if you got people strolling by encourage them to come in good idea yeah we have a sandwich board out there I'll bring a gr my next question is is the openhouse committee organizing this and getting all the ducks in order and and if not who's going to who's going to be the yeah me Ken anden [Music] [Music] so I feel like a lot of heavy been done made those very quick hug and those were very well received we just have to have them out your office right um we already have like some handouts I'd like to have something more also why we have a poster in every saying what takes place this should we do worry a little bit about and then I feel like you know I can make up like a little stri of some talking points because if we're going to have a lot more people here um if someone hasn't done the open house before I think that's good um I thought it was great like John just stayed upstairs during the last one so he was really able to speak too he did an awesome job up here um so if we can have people strategic um but yeah so Gina and Karen and I we can will we be meeting again before um what we meet on our monthly meeting is the 13th and then we have Monday scheduled um all the other Mondays are scheduled as special meetings with the discussion just recap okay so no other if you can put us on for the next the 13th the 13th and then we can can meet like this week or next week before then um and then we can come with the basic idea and thought and then hopefully not a lot will need to be done on the day of um speaking of the day of so for those of us who purchased items how do we get reimbursed for what's that need form a form oh yeah if you uh cover the form you have it filled out and you have the uh receipts attached um you can either drop them off here with me and I can take them to town hall or you can drop them off at Town Hall with Jenna and we can get them in for you one thing I realized I didn't do when I did this is I forgot that we were tax exempt so I didn't have a little thing to show the Staples saying we're tax exempt so I just submitted the thing for the cost not for the taxes my eror to I should J Jenna had mentioned to me today my right Jenna that what I submitted the taxes I would not get reimbursed on right yeah but there is a tax exempt form that you can present prior to purchasing in the future that will allow you to not be taxed if you just show them the town exemption card they'll take off the tax Jenna I tried using that down at professor's Market whatever this was maybe six months ago the SP of coffee and they wouldn't take it is right oh okay um well now that we've been using them for a long time they'll know that the town of reading um and actually if you get anything from professor's Market you could just tell them to invoice us you don't even have to pay for it up front an invoice to me um was1 milon and um if uh if he put taxes on it I can probably go back and ask him to produce a new invoice without the taxes too late I you already submitted it oh yeah it's fine I just take it I just I take it off and they're fine with it so you don't need to redo anything you just don't get reimbursed for the tax I can get you a copy of the form should we all have a copy of the Tex except to show if we need it yeah I can send that out to the whole Council on Aging great I had it when I did the postcard two years ago and I forgot about it well I just feel bad that now you guys are out of M I mean I just bought a so but was about 200 oh close to 300 can I can I bring everybody what we need to do too is put together a spreadsheet of everything we spent on these open houses so that we can for the dollar amount we voted on we're below right now no but I know but we need to we need to have a record a [Music] spreadsheets show up on the Burbank report just purchas I know the line by line details in the Burbank report there'll be that amount to Marilyn and there'll be that amount to Jean whatever we'll sort of that but but that doesn't get I'm I'm talking about a an accounting of what we've spend line by line much like the arpa funds right you know we've gotten to the point where we say well who's that yeah how did this happen and where did this go so we need to know you know the posters cost x amount of dollars the donuts cost x amount of dollars we we need to know all of of what we've spent I mean do your best your yeah I think marn right should be on the report I'm gonna show up and so is G well you'll show up but it's a total dollar amount yes no for posters you have to know the reason I'm getting paid is because I did posters it's true won't say that well you could say posters for Co it does it does but anyway anyway I guess if I were Al also we know like if Staples comes up I know I haven't bought any Staples so we're gonna have an idea when we see it on the next financial C it'll say staples and we're going to know Maryland or someone went the stapes B some stuff forms I'm so sorry I believe you can go online the reimbursement form is online correct Jenna um the tax exempt form or the I don't I don't know if you know they're online anywhere but I can just resend them to the whole committee excuse me Jenna my form that I submitted today is different than what Marilyn has here that's because we didn't want to give you money back oh good we just gave you the weird just kidding okay long as I'm yeah I mean as long as it says like reimbursement form there could be an older version that one of you has used but should be fine I'll let you know tomorrow if it isn't but I'm sure it's fine all right all right can we move on can I just confirm it's June 1 9:30 to 1130 I just put it in the system it's on the calendar and I just my probably appr by fac tomor all right um the next topic on the agenda is um schematic design I want people to start thinking about the interior of the building that's going to be a big discussion and if you um look at your packet here um you'll see that there are pictures of both the Pleasant Street and the Simon's way um two do I have these on the yes well then it's just a word document so you can scroll down okay um and this was a layout that was suggested but it was never meant to be the be all end all um what it does incorporate is some of the research that heed in terms of Need for rooms and people served and that kind of thing so what we need to do now is pull this back out and um look at it and say is this the is this what we want are these the rooms we need is this the space we need and let me show you what I did and why you have all these um pieces there so I took the Simon Way um exterior lines and that's what this blank sheet is wherever it is here right then what I did was I took my scissors and I cut up pieces of this so that I ended up with what I how I feel that the rooms should be and what rooms maybe could go away like I there's this thing um on the second floor and it's an open to the great room down below and um my thing is get rid of that we can use a space for for rooms it might be pretty but is it what we want so before we have a discussion about this I want everybody to seriously look at these room layouts seriously think about the need and you know if you're into moving rooms around this this was a fairly easy way to do it you just cut up the picture that's why there too I actually did not draw the exterior of Pleasant Street one so if you want to do the Pleasant Street one you can um figure out what the exterior line but um it's an opportunity to really get a sense of the flow in these buildings and how we think it best serves the 60s over 60 population is this going to be perfect no does it fit with inside the lines no but you can kind of get a rough estimate of you know really should the uh arts and crafts room be there or should it be upstairs should you know and in terms of what makes mess what makes it best for senior programming I know that it's a community center too but in terms of senior programing a quick thing on the uh Oakland Road Simon Way site there is a dotted line am I correct when I see that dotted line that it was brought up that that is going to be a doorway that's going to be locked after hour that no one can get into the senior center are you talking about these I'm sorry sorry right there yes you're right in the B off the lob correct am I right on there CH so we so we dealing with well this is a blank this is a blank slate which is is why I gave everybody this yeah it's a blank slate and if you think that something that's on here is not necessary or you would like to see it changed or you'd like to suggest something else this is an opportunity to do that am I understanding I I was just going to ask yeah does it make sense to hold off on conversation because other people are weighing in on what the final site will be and for example you know you have an update on perent building so they're going to be making recation June 18 what is the advantage of doing it for all three sites now when we know only one site Simon Way Road are the same building yeah so they're the same building and then we have to think about what is the likelihood notice I didn't even make an outline yet was so we're really doing that one option well it's up to it's up to you know it's up to you and how much time you want to spend but let me let me let me just say is it too early it's never too early because things will pop up faster and you know I could say okay two weeks we've got to get together decide the L L out um so there's nothing wrong with looking at it now and thinking about you do that with your house you know you putting in a new bathroom or you putting in a porch and I don't know about you but it takes me several months to figure out what I want to do so what I would like people to do is come to when we have the discussion which may be later or or there may be a preliminary one but when we come to the table to have a discussion I want people to be well vered and what was what was laid out as possible and then what they are an individual thinks is very important because we haven't really talked about that so we're not saying we're doing it right now we're just thinking about it no I'm saying take this home do it for homeor not for next not actually I actually um I think the elevator is I no I think that's it but we can ask we meet with the planning a question on the planning committee because is the plan still that the consultant is going to take one site and flush this out or not because so once the site is selected is that expected still to happen before it goes to the building committee no so everything is moved back so that they won't do that until a site has been selected and we're leaving it to the building committee to no build with input to select so that's probably at least a couple of months or more away June June June 10th all right the permanent building committee expects to have something back to reach out and um Mark is thinking June 18th we may be ready to make a decision to select the site all right and then states are in the yeah no it's connecting my brain now um so I'm just thinking in terms of whatever input we all come up with and this I love this past and the same way over um but I just it would be helpful to them I think to have the input for us before they design something oh yeah yeah okay I'm just making sure that link is there because I haven't heard it that's why saying let's start this discussion sooner I agree I just want to make sure that plan is because we've had situations with them when we have been thinking things through and like they came out with their own form like the 12 questions which was fine we went with it but I want us in sync so that if we have inut it's beforehand instead of after the fact it did it did fit nicely yeah so um so if you don't want to do this exercise you don't want to do the exercise but I would say if you want a voice in the discussion of what the interior of the building looks like it behoves you now to start doing the research because it's it's going to be a huge discussion yeah huge dis and we should assume that it is going to be an all ages setting or not um I would say yes but um just sort of reading the writing on the wall of theage or the gym would that be I think that would just be a super well Rec no but anyway let's let's let's come to the table when everybody's had a chance to look at this and um this will be fun [Music] yeah this is a terrific idea yeah good job we just got to think we got to be on top of the game because we don't want to be behind the eightball when someone says well you know we've got that and yeah you know and and we don't have our act together to say this is what I think and we don't want to just be reacting to what they proposed we want to think about what do we know we mean get it into the discussion at the beginning doesn't mean we'll get it but we can to ask something like this for the center right now so we have some type of reference I'm not good with like spal Dimensions not my thing so if when I look at the sides of these rooms and they say game room is 600 square feet do we have something that says like how big is this room would you like there is a chart has current okay oh that'd be awesome yeah that would or I don't it might it's not in a four format but it will say that the um this room is 400 square feet this 2800 open is 24 the kitchen is 1600 600 on Oakland Road and it's 700 on Pleasant Street these are things that we can use as opportunity to PR we're not restricted to what they have including those other [Music] doors I'll send you I think we send it out somewhere in Europe oh okay yeah if we already have it place but I'll send it out to make sure you spend good consider time on the office for J and [Music] [Music] we're getting Jenna out of the basement and we're getting you out of the um restrooms all right so um that's your homework okay Do With It Whatever and however you want that was suggested to me you can but we need to start thinking otherwise we're not going to be happy when the discussion com on y I will that you all dinner on um so um I will put on the next agenda I am going to the 13th I will put both the open house on June 1st and I will put June 8th friends and family day so if you're around on june8 june8 and you might be able to work the booth at friends and family day up by coolage that would be great this this is typically the time John Parson chimes in need to be paying attention watching watching second no we have a can we put on that agenda also um donation to RCT oh yeah and make sure that it's the sentence saying possible vote on any item on the agenda onor open yeah in FA yesj yes and John Carson's Jour yes Ken P yes and I think that's it Debbie small yes oh I'm so sorry Deb your name up there okay not to worry all right so we are adjourned thank you all thank you thank you bye bye you anybody online wants to of this I will leave them at senior thank you [Music] tomor e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e