e let me make sure and we have a quum yeah we're not ready to elevate anyone um we have more than a COR can folks online hear me we can yes thank you all right I'll set daning all right it is 6:30 I called the Council on Aging June 10th meeting to order I am going to attendance Jean prto here John Parsons is not here Rose Marie present Debbie small Joan Coco is not coming Karen janowsky here Aon fontino here Marilyn here Nancy T here and nany's in Black uh and Jackie um bahina here great uh Linda Connor um Sally Hoy is she well anybody she's supposed to come on Wednesday I think L to H you the H last time did you anybody yes no yes oh k p usually I'm on Zoom yeah well you know I had already checked you off there um all right so shall we take a look at the minutes of what are the minutes for what are the dates um May 13th May 13th um you have a motion to accept the minutes I'll make the motion to accept the minute second NCT are you being secretary tonight yes okay great um any discussion hi Mark Mark um all right all those in favor of accepting the minutes Jean prto yes um rosem Marie yes and Karen J yes Karen f um I wasn't here so I wasn't here yeah I feel like I do you want yeah I don't think it manag I was I wasn't here yeah whatever yeah whatever you want to do I'm approving um Marilyn chapley yes and Nancy T yeah no yeah oh yeah and that's it did I get everybody God Karen P Debbie Debbie small is on now oh hi Debbie iPhone 9 hi we were just accepting the minutes from the last meeting on the 13th great yeah right okay all right great so we can um get on with the agenda it's a fairly kind of short agenda the last little bit of it might promote some discussion and some of the updates but um let's start with the um select board update mark hello hello so maybe I can um if it's okay kind of combine a little bit of recal with select board would that be all right yes because John Parsons is not here got it okay so um let's start kind of with the the big things the we submitted an application for the reading Center for active living to the permanent building committee um in the name of the select board uh which will be the basic basically the sponsoring Agency for the town and they at meeting number two agreed to accept the project which is great so now the there is a permanent building committee for this project that will be forming and it's going to be made up of all the members of the current permanent building committee plus um what probably is two other voting members and then also some non- voting members beyond that the specifics of that there's actually an appointment committee that works together on on doing exactly that um I don't know what their schedule is it's the chair of the select board the chair of the school committee and the town moderator that are on that committee and so they'll be kind of deciding who all um should be involved on the voting side um and that that should be you know forthcoming the other big couple of other big activities one is that um given that the permanent building committee is evaluating the different sites and spending some time looking at them they did hire highlight the soil as a question at Simon's way and they may have some other questions that come up also but one of the things that recal wanted to do was to bring them into the process now before a site is selected get their input concerns whatever they have and use that as part of the final recommendation so from from my perspective I think that the COA pretty much has has voted and said that hey we like Simon's way as the number one I believe recal has done the same thing before there's a formal recommendation going forward from recel to the select board we wanted to get the pbc's input they have not yet done that um exactly how long that's going to take how much how many other things they want to do before that is unclear but the select board had a discussion to um allow recal to not sunset on June 30th but instead probably get another 60 days that'll actually be voted on at the next select board meeting but probably get a 60-day extension and the purpose of that is to allow them to get more feedback from the permanent building committee if there are particular tasks I mean we're not going to be testing the soil but if there particular tasks that recal can help with um to engage in those activities and then bring things forward to the select board probably in August or I'd say late I guess August because before things sunset from there so the hope is that with a few more meetings of the permanent building committee um they can be either satisfied in making a recommend ation or highlight any concerns that they may have and then what we'd like to do is have recal go forward in conjunction with the COA make a recommendation to the select board ask the select board to accept that recommendation so that we can tell BH plusa the architect to go do schematic drawings and that's their process that'll be at least a couple of months uh time so that's that's kind of where all the different pieces are um the town is exploring what would be involved in doing this soil testing um when how things like that um there are a lot of discussions going on with Town Council and Matt chronalis is is leading those activities uh to kind of see where we are and how we can take things forward um what was very very encouraging and folks who were at the PBC meeting last week you can you can highlight this as well is that everybody appreciates that there's there's momentum going forward and wants to keep it that way so in other words we don't want to kind of come into a a grinding sty and then have to do a couple of things and then try to pick up the pieces I think there's a notion of moving things ahead getting these drawings done and bring it forward to the community so that's that's kind of where we are um Nancy Z did a nice job putting together a summary that I think was sent out to everybody of kind of different different pieces and steps not everything is is 100% clear at this point it kind of a lot of things depend on on what what we get back from Town Council and a few other things um so the the one other the thing that does have to happen um is that we're going to need a um an owner's project manager an OPM typically there would be an owner's project manager for this project already um and usually when you go through funding of town meeting to go through designs you would have hiring an an owner's project manager first because we had received arpa funds and had received kind of the goal of you know go ahead get to the drawings we didn't do that step um and we're going to need to and so um they the permanent building committee is exploring how we might be able to do that on a on a basis just to get through the schematic drawings and then we could do a more traditional hiring of an OPM at the next step after town meeting um would approve some money so I think I've covered most everything n Nancy see anything I missed or Marilyn I I have a a question um in greal last time actually compiled a a report now is the presentation going to take place of a report or are they going to do both I believe the presentation will be the final report okay and sorry so so the when recal is about to Sunrise there will be a final presentation given to the select board which our our hope is will include the site recommendation so that's the reason why things aren't we're going to have this meeting next week June 18th but we will not have um enough feedback from the PBC the permanent building committee at that point so um the select board at our last meeting agreed to not have reel present at the June 18th but to move things out probably a couple of months can I just yeah just one question just a logistics I know we all want to have everyone in concert and I believe we're headed a path that way but I I don't know when you're and to share the draft of that PowerPoint with the Council on Aging I know you're still working on it I'm not criticizing I'm just wondering where in the path it would be helpful for us to see it so with knowledge we can say yes we agree that's all yeah so um so some of you have have seen it it's in um pretty good form right now I think some tweaks just being added to it it'll have everything kind of accept the final recommendation slide um and I think that that should get shared uh you know if not this week then then the start of next but the part I saw you had two decks and you were integrating them when I left the meeting the other night so and I I understand you you made huge progress just I don't think that version of it's available yet whenever again I'm not criticizing just reminding we all expect to agree but it's helpful to have seen what we agree to yeah that's the plan that's absolutely the plan and I would say you know certainly in a week or less it's ready for that okay thanks question yeah mark thank you I have a question um what is Town Council involved with so two things one is um how we might be able to get an owner's project manager in place temporarily um there's an idea we have a u a house doctor contract we have we have a an architectural firm that could do this job that already is being paid by the town for certain other things and maybe that they could serve as an OPM for this piece so that's being explored to see if that's a possibility or if not we'll have to find a different Arrangement so that's part one part two would relate to the um the testing the soil testing and what we what does the town need to do if anything in preparation for that other than find a way to pay for it and is it also it's my understanding that if they find something then we have to address it is that accurate so I think that that's true I think that depending on what the intention is there it could have different requirements for example if you were just going to pave over it if that was the plan um that as I understand it involves a lot less than saying oh we're going to build on this and and we're going to dig um so um that's that is exactly one of the things that's being explored to understand what that means um but I think the essence of it is yeah if you if you dig and you find something or if you even do the soil test and you find something you do have to address it somehow thanks I one other question sure sorry the gun I would say recently and I heard the gunshots I'd never heard them before oh yeah I couldn't believe how I mean has that been considered at all like what impact there are only certain times that the guns are used I was shocked at how loud it is right there so as a not a butter but a neighbor um I I hear shots on a pretty regular basis from there I mean not all night long just to be clear but you know during the day yeah no that's an issue um in a lot of different ways we do have the rank there we do have the field there my husband's a m yeah other people in the room Mark are saying that they've they've also heard um the so Karen P I mean and you know you must hear it too yeah yeah there are certain times there that they allow the shooting down there they also have indoor right and then there's indoor ranches as well as the outside ranches but you can also hear Camp Curtis skill too because they have ex c as well that sort of backs up to the Runing rifle okay thank you thanks Mark Mark I think there was also one other thing that that the select board talked about which was um bhna um since both Simon Simon's way and um Oakland Road are similar buildings that once BH plusa uh completes and does presentation on their feasibility study they may be able to move into the schematic design and that's all tied up with the OPM and the legal opinion and the whole thing but that was one other piece of the puzzle yeah so that's I think that's um it is Select board but it's also I think town in general thinking about in the spirit of keeping the momentum moving if it's going to be several weeks before you know things are going to move ahead and who knows how many several weeks really is does BH plus a need to kind of sit quietly and wait and not do anything or is the possibility as Nancy just brought up that they could start some of their activities that would relate to schematic design although not quite a site specific but start talking about u space and and and and rooms and things like that and and I think the point Nancy you're making is that what BH plusa has laid out is that whether it's Simon way or Oakland Road the building footprint is the same so if those were the top two choices you know working on one basically would be very useful for the other so the Hope was just to figure out is there a way to keep things moving if it's going to be several weeks before uh we're able to move forward on site selection great J so there they're going to be test in s way and I understand but if there is an issue with that for building purposes is the second choice Oakland Ro so we don't lose time I don't want to lose time so does Oakland Road need to be tested also is my question because my understanding there were Springs Etc that are going through the Oakland roads so so this is exactly why the PBC is involved now so now you've got experts who can work on this they can evaluate what they already have versus what else they might need and that's that's exactly what we want them to be doing that's our hope is they'll come back and say well you really should do X um before you you know say this and it may be that they also say hey from a timing point of view it's that's an issue but it's not an issue you need to deal with yet so we want both we want to know what do you have what do you really need to do before you pick something and then what other things should we be thinking about even if you pick a place what does that mean thank you you're welcome great thank you anything else that was a lot thank you that was a lot of movement forward so everybody should Pat themselves on the p on the back for uh getting us to at this point you know what Nancy can I add one more thing too so um a number of you attended the financial Forum the first of the financial forums um which is great and I think it was an opportunity to be sharing with the community all the the priorities that the community has what the implications of those priorities are allow for more questions and and as you all know we've had a number of forums already where we we've um had the charettes we've done surveys there have been the open houses that are being sponsored over at Pleasant Street there there are many many opportunities but one of the things that this community demands is lots of exposure to that and even if we do a 100 we still will unfortunately not be able to hit all the folks in the community that at some point or we hope are going to be placing a vote in favor of this and and in order for them to place that vote in favor we want to make sure that they have all the information that they need that they know what's going on today that they know what we're talking about in this proposal they know what that means to the community and therefore that they'll vote in favor of it so the more we're able to do that the better I think having other Financial forum is one of those formats to share and what did come out of that meeting from my perspective is what I call the end of priorities and the end of priorities is that we need a a new center for active living and a new killum school those are the that's the end and they it could be in a very very s timeline in terms of when these things come to the community and you know whether they're exactly the same or or close the community needs to know what the implications of each of these things are not just the financial implications but what it means to the community what it means to the the constituents the 60 plus Community the students all those different pieces so I think the more what you folks are already doing in terms of communication um and all those pieces are really critical so that the community knows what what we need to do what those priorities are they mean and and how to take it forward thank you Mark I I was so glad to see that fincom Forum myself I I just that's all I'm gonna say it was just it was perfect I thought no answers but it certainly laid everything out on the table in a factual manner that people could respond to um it was very very well done hudos to fincom all right wow so that we can check two off there recal and select Bo let me ask one more time Mark anything [Laughter] else you folks have been great is there anything I I forgot that has been going I mean there s lots of little things happening in the background but I think those are the big ones yeah yeah we'll talk about some of the things that we've done later on in the agenda but um um oh and actually we can check the third one off too it says it actually should say recal workg group update and the retal workg group has not been meeting because everything's in the state of flux um which is one of the reasons why I thought it was worthwhile to put this on paper so that everybody could kind of see where we are and how all the moving pieces were moving um so we can check that one off unless anybody has any questions um and once again I wrote this wrong Karen um it's not the service if you just put mves you'll never have to think about it again and that's the act any uh update you'd like to share with um they were really talking a lot about their budget process um and I'm sorry I'm coughing a little bit it's just the allergies oh the P was terrible um and just their redesignation process um so I really don't have anything um pertinent to bring back to this team today we have another meeting th um the next item on the agenda is COA board vacancies sad to say Nancy Tadros is leaving [Music] us who approved that I literally this meeting for like the whole month honestly no honestly this has been such a great experience for me I enjoyed working with all of you so much everyone is awesome and so passionate about the senior community as am I I've just made the very difficult decision to try to focus a little bit more on what I'm passionate about which is Hands-On serving the seniors and so I want to start volunteering a little bit more and being a little bit more involved in that way and with the limited time I have I'm just being very kind of mindful of that so that's the only reason but I really enjoyed my time and thank you so much for having me for the last two years were your ears ringing today your name your your name was taken in vain at the uh friends of read 60 plus meeting today as someone that uh is very knowledgeable on um Google Docs and Gmail and all that kind of stuff you know help with that I mean yeah anything went off I'm happy to help anytime easy okay great you know that nany we talked about it so and Jackie BNA is also um uh leaving us um Jackie has I don't know if you're there Jackie if you want to say a few words here we'll miss you yeah unfortunately my job has has gotten a little too uh a little a little too um demanding so unfortunately I just can't devote as much time as I would like to this committee um but hopefully in the future that will change I'm actually doing work as we are meeting now so yeah just a little little more than I expected um because I moved into a new position so um but hopefully in the future that will change and I will there will be a position open and I will be back great we will all remember that I think there's a secretary needed right now oh no I know so everybody really needs to think about that we're not gonna make an a um an a nomination today but it's something we do need one so actually all the positions are only for one year is 25 we start with an nice meeting go through the exercise but hopefully we'll have reappointments people who continue to be interested yeah everybody everybody who is up for um who's whose term was up because you were an incumbent right you would just automatically put back into it has to go to SL board to be approved yeah yeah well they just are you didn't have to interview but I interviewed today because I am interviewed for Nancy T's position um secretary I can do that from wants to be um uh um which then puts me back into a voting position as opposed to an associate if you remember I V to an associate when I was on the board of regist I'm no longer on the board of regist so I'm going to go back as a voting member so that means we will have um three associate positions open I think it's three or or Linda oconor is one so I think we have we'll have two um associate positions so if anybody knows any any bu um there's a fellow who replied A while back John and he hasn't heard anything for an interview no he pulled out he was offered an interview and he said he changed his mind while I was still chairing with him today that's what he directly told me so if he's changed his mind it's been two years now so but back then I follow yes he has reapplied oh okay he's reapplied within the last three weeks or so okay so he's starting a starting a whole new one yeah no back then he had app pull out well they were interviewing so a cut off date maybe he missed it um yeah subm an application that's up to June 15 yeah May May 15 um because we have I thought you meant the guy but that's because at the time we kept hearing they never called me they never call me so I call asked you okay I believe you this I'm thinking back so um but we do have we will well I if I'm appointed um yeah unless he's appointed um voting member but anyways we'll find out um do we make the general public or even the 60 plus seniors aware of positions that are open if they have an interest to do this volunteer select board made an announcement it's been in the chronicle has it been in pleasantries I was thinking about that the pleases but we can put it in the E blast that be great someone write something up I can put in E on Thursday morning great yeah so Chris you're up all right um start with the report um we had another really good month as you can see up until May um I don't know what to say the team at the Pres Center has been doing amazing as you can see at the top the highlights May highlights we had a great Mother's Day tea um thanks to Anna um Storyteller we had a Jeopardy night with bridging Generations which was a good event lunch and learn birthday lunch Lions Club had their annual dinner on May 16th in the evening which is always nice thank you to the Lions Club putting that on again um it's a great event good turnout everyone seems to like it um what was actually really nice is we had birthday lunch and Lions Club dinner on the same day um so it was really nice because we had I think 50 people for birthday lunch and we had 60 people or right around 60 people for Lions Club dinner so it's nice that we can they show we can kind of do two large events um on the same day I don't want to do it every day but we can do it um which is nice um we had our um health fair on May 15th um I want to say thank you to Elise um at least Warren who started off getting the health fair organized and then I had taken it over but it was a really good event and thank you to Elise for getting that started before she had um before she left so thank you Elise really appreciate um her efforts in that but we had a great health fair this year I'm forgetting the number off the top of my head a really good turnout people like the flow we kind of changed up the setup a little bit but it ran really smoothly and it was a really good day so I'll was really good and then we had a mental health presentation on May 29th with Tanya over from the police department um which was really nice so um you know thank you to the staff for you know what they're doing and bringing into the center as you can see the numbers are great we were at 3280 um duplicated um and what's even more exciting was well two things I'm really excited about is you know my average like I've said before was 3,000 a month um and right now we just ticked up to just over 31 to 3107 per month the duplicated interactions which is really good um and I didn't think we'd get to this point this year but uh we're on if project if I project correctly at the end of this fiscal year at the end of June uh may we were at 3 34320 interactions um and we will not I don't think we'll get over 38,000 but we will get probably 37,500 right around that ballpark which is really really good so um kudos to the staff um and all their efforts and everything they do um uh as you can see something that I did not add which actually shifts the numbers a little bit but I do have them in the tally on the duplicated side is um you can start seeing thanks to Janet our volunteer coordinator I put in the number of volunteers that have been coming to the center now um she started in December we so we just started um I started we started getting numbers just from January um we did have some volunteers before then but we just decided to start in January so you can see you know she's bringing in at least around 40 volunteers a month which is great and um in the past how many about 40 about 40 volunteers um and we're up to almost just uh 199 volunteers for five months which is really good so thank you to Janet and her efforts and bringing out a lot of volunteers it's been really good how is she reaching out to people to volunteer um we put it in I think we had it in the pleasantries we had an eblast all our normal avenues that we've done I think the town's put in the paper um people are seeing it so um you know all the normal avenues that we use to get the word out I would think Word of Mouth must really work well on it's fun come with me next time yeah um PSD updates is um we hopefully this month maybe next month we'll get the AV system installed which is good that'll be like I said before new projector screen mics uh being able to conferencing u in the great room um new speakers and a hearing system um for the in the gray room which would be really nice so I'm excited we're just waiting for the equipment to arrive and then we have to just find a time where they can have a couple days to get it installed um so really uh the projector will be brighter so we can see it better in the daylight um with a better screen which is also nice um because of that I want to say thank you to the library we've been using their portable sound system because our current system is down at the moment and since we have one coming in we're we're just close that we're just going to wait until we get the new system in to get it Port Port portable systems working well memory Cafe um we're going to take a break for the summer um re-evaluate it and then bring it back in the fall um we're going to bring it back to the Pleasant Street Center and host it at the Pleasant Street Center but we're just going to take a couple months off of it um and um see bit of our some of the challenges um all towns are doing it um you know stonum has one I think Wakefield starting one so it makes it a little bit hard so really you're it's either people from other towns or you know because everyone else is doing it you kind of have to grab people from within your town and it's always hard to say what'll happen with that so um or working on the memory Cafe um I think I had mentioned thank you to Carrie she we' officially transferred all the lifeline participants to Winchester Lifeline which has been great they've been a great company um and it's been working really well um we have a new printing company for the pleasantries um I didn't realize well I I didn't realize but also I wasn't told that the company we were using got bought out by another company well sold to another company um so it's why the pleasantries has been kind of late um because I didn't know so and then we had some snafus when last month our the first month I'm giving this company a couple more months but they shipped our newsletters to I don't know some other some other Senior Center out west nice I was like that's not us so hopefully um we will have that back up and running for the next round of and trees I can expect to see people from Wisconsin coming to our events I was only Massachusetts it was like an hour away west of here okay but I'm like that's not us let's try a little bit harder folks um a lot of great things in June you can kind of go down through we started chair volleyball on Thursdays it's been pretty fun which is great um nany's doing Let's Get Digital the kiosks um presentation in June here coming up birthday lunch lunch and learn another intergenerational program Father's Day lunch this week we have a big Hillview lunch in this Wednesday um at Hillview Country Club in North Reading pizza was last week and we have an Al Alzheimer's we had an Alzheimer's presentation on June 10th so our numbers are really good I'm really excited for what we're doing in the space we have and with the staff we have I mean the staff is great so that is my report um I apologize I do not have financials or arpa um yes Jenna told me how to grab them um but I I quickly learned in the past month with been out for a couple weeks and everything and something had to give if you want to know about him please please let me know and we'll show them to you but we'll get them to you next month that's I um all I could do question yes what is Winchester Lifeline I thought the hospital I'd seen earlier was taking yeah win Lifeline is that little um help I can't get up button no I know what the button is but what's the company uh out of Winchester Hospital so it is well yeah always it's always been Winchester Hospital has their yeah their own um I have to double check I think Winchester is part of part of Le now so yeah it's part of Ley but it's money that's our old hospital trust yeah give it to like I just trying to understand they bill us they bill us they bill us for the number of participants and screen people and say yes you're eligible yes there's an application process that um Carry does you have to be a writing resident okay you know and you need a Buton for safety based on need financial need uh I think it's medical I think it's medical I think it's actually both maybe a little bit both ATS both ATS transportation is um um Financial although with ATS um yes there's a limit but people who are over that Financial limit can also get a ride they just have to pay a little bit they pay more um but yes it's out of that hospital fund okay that so they're just billing and we pay out of the F we didn't give money to Lady no we don't give them money we we must be paying lady to do that's what the billing is to do the screening well Carri does the application process and then we give them Winchester Hospital the application to say look you need to set them up with a okay button then they go out and set set the system up and then once the system set up they start billing us um and then if something happens and the person doesn't need it or passes away okay um they go off okay so I have no issue I just want to understand what the new Dynamic is y it hasn't changed um from the previous company previous company did the same thing okay um uh that was I think originally was Philips Lifeline then just Lifeline okay but Winchester Lifeline has they have been so much CER to work with they've been amazing especially even with their billing it's just been great so um and they've been really responsive really nice I have a question yeah thank you so I know reading wreck did a program for um pickle ball that they did you know anything about it through R W uh yeah you had told me about the um for older adults right it was for 60 plus so Jack drink water did do it through Reading wreck and you signed up and so eight people I mean it could take eight so both sessions signed up and it was only an hour and I'm wondering if there's any way that that can be extended uh well I had asked I was in one of the classes and it was fabulous yes but he said one hour is not enough because he did he because we had so many questions and what we did go over but I think it's something that I said okay when's the next one I thought I was going to go again this week or something but there are going to be classes coming up uh I think six classes but not until July yeah I I they working funding for this for the 60 plus Community we the next one you're going to have to pay for which is going to be minimum but so what we've been doing is we've because Recreation was handling pickle ball and doing the registration we just decided that it would just be easier to keep it on their end I don't see why it can't be extended um I'm not sure about the fundings part of it um that's something that we can discuss um you know don't see any reason to discuss it um who would discuss you Jenna Jenna and then yeah um because I you know you told me about it I didn't then we just decided we'll just let Let It Go on wreck because they're the ones that have you know organized what the courts they have you know they know the cords they didn't have the system so um but it would be nice to see a partnership like yeah I went today I was in the building today for the Bingo and the lunch for the lunch totally nude faces I'd never seen you know there's just so we just want to make sure we're including all different types of active people so like there's different faces for 60 plus pick yeah we have no problem in trying to push pickle ball there's no issue um I thought it was a good idea and it worked out really well it filled up really quickly um and because it filled up really quickly we you know I mean if you want to extend it happy to they did they did we did go to Parker yeah indoors and there is a portable tent I mean a tent um which you wonder if we could get volunteers or maybe if they said have a couple of knowledgeable tickle ball people that would volunteer and then bring the seniors in or even find another location to say okay we can purchase this net and have volunteers who are experiencing this they can't do that because they needed to have insurance coverage and that's why it has to be somebody who's a town employee or has to be a town it has to be someone covered by insurance and the volunteers are not oh okay just something else to think about yeah definitely a side note I would encourage everybody here if you haven't put your name on the wreck um mailing list to do so because um I thought I had put my name but I wasn't get anything and on another matter I was talking to um can't remember his name the head of wreck what's his name Jim I was talking to Jim and he said no you're not on my mailing list and I said oh that's why I'm not getting them but anyways I I would encourage and I would encourage any other seniors that it might be worthwhile to put in the pleasantries because there are activities there that they could sign up I've also noticed the school has been upping their programming and activities um and I've been getting the emails it's Community Education like kind of like Arlington but I've been some of it's geared towards kids but I think I've noticed some of it is for adults too um and it's been I think I've seen like Financial things and just a different array I can't keep track of it all but you know that might be also be something else to I think those come out with the wreck um on the wreck email do activities yeah because i' I've seen the I the couple that I've gotten now w.gov I don't know you just need to Google go to the go to the town website yeah go to the rec department and it's going to direct you to a different site okay all right I also checked Nancy to make sure and I spoke with Sue and she's confirmed yeah my email yeah the DCR I keep forgetting that this is the senior parking task has that been ever put in the pleasantries because you know you pay one time and then you get into any of the DCR locations in the in the state anyone 62 and over and I could have done this years ago and I haven't so okay um the DC yes Parks definely did that last year time we could definitely put on the E blast um my problem is right now is um we're gonna have to expand our the pleasantries we we're working on that because we're we're just out of space um which which is a good thing to have it's a great but we're going to have to add probably you add four more pages um so we're no it doesn't cost us anything the pleasantries uh we don't pay for anything with pleasantries the print or anything they get ads that's why we have ads in the the newsletter that the ads that the company gets covers the cost of the printing and getting them to us um but we just because we're so busy the staff only has so much time so we're we're working on that um I know Janet and Anna's been working on it I think they they've been working on a little bit of a redesign of the pleasantries too with another um volunteer intern student well that is something Chris yeah um but I know we have another one on our side so I know we have one you still have St John's um I think we have someone maybe from Austin okay um so anyhow we just have to watch because I am every time Anna gives me the newsletter at the end of the month I have to I am tweaking and finding space so bear with us um with our we will get there what about just doing the basic U 8 by10 flyer we could yeah we could having to keep on going in and tweaking that yeah and we might we might do that so anyhow we're exploring that just bear with us because we we're trying to get all the programs that we want to promote out and then more things keep coming in and we just don't have enough time so bear with us as we get there well that might be a good spot for another volunteer yeah um so as we get further along with the um permanent building committee and focus on us if once we get more focused I think it's too early to do it it if you're looking for stuff to fill the whole for patience because I know suddenly you got too much room it might be just a monthly sort of flowchart maybe where doesn't require much work to update it once we get it designed just to keep people aware gets a lot of visibility so anyhow it's really four months for the town meeting but the weekly e blast is a good place to yeah because that goes out to everyone that gets the newsletter anyway same mailing list to the pleasantries then then beyond so yeah cool thank you excellent report just want to add that the friends probably will be asking for space yes I did we um well they had an ad but um they're gonna they're going to I did just get approval I I always double check to make sure everything I do is good to go um I um the friends group had a meeting today at uh meeting today and I did tell them that they can put in a lot of the local like a lot of towns in their senior news newsletter like ours um they have a little piece that says you know hey we're here um so that we're going to try to fit that in probably on the back of the insert this I mean they have a nice letter that Norah wrote um and they're thinking that would be a because it it really lays out the mission and what they're going to do and um they got should we just talk about sorry it's on the agenda should we just talk about the friends and oh that's friends and family sorry yeah um no but what I did send out to everybody but I said we Wen talk about it on the agenda was I sent out to everybody kind of all the materials that were used in today's meeting discussion um I mean excellent excellent progress there I want I have to say I want to thank the friends group they they have been an amazing bunch and and I have I'm just amazed at what they've been able to accomplish in 12 months you know they went from Nancy making one talk like have we we went from like absolutely nothing and Nancy making one announcement to having any friends group in less than 12 months and you know they're getting some donations in and they have done an amazing job so kudos to the I think it's up to, 1400 there was a $1,000 donation from the um rotary and then there were a couple that there's a 500 donation and a 200 donation and then um at friends and family day Nora and Barbara had a bowl there and I forget what she 47 something like that still yeah what yeah excellent excellent group good um good shall we move on to um the projects we've been working on uh newspaper Outreach I've reworked the letter to the editor that we all worked on last month it went well over 250 words once I had everyone's input so I've got done the last thing I just need to do oh Mark disappeared um Chris at the meeting of Rec help when you were merging the two things there was discussion going on on what the official cers are that we want to consistently site for square footage of what we have and the other I want to make sure it aligns because I've got those numbers with what you guys are also going to say because it depends we all know if you say program room is this you say the whole building is that if usable and they were trying to get consistent numbers so I want our letter to say the same thing so they went back to the 4,000 some square footage okay great what what had happened just to give everyone a quick update on that is I actually calculated our usable program space and if you add depending on if you add the kitchen on the first floor or not that's 250 square feet if you add that it's 2549 is our total usable program space that we have 25 if you take out the kitchen 2549 minus 250 is 2249 I think it is um usable program space that's I mean okay so if I say but anyhow what we did is we went to four I'll get it to you in a second I'll get you okay it was up to 6,000 at one time and I like I'm going to wait till they settle because we want to be aligned because we don't disagree we just don't want to throw out numbers that someone's um yeah and comparing it to in the letter I talk about other towns and I did my homework and double checked the new one being built in Wilmington they're describing that and I believe that's footprint of the building so it's not just program spaces 18,000 square feet I believe from what I've seen and again that it includes administrative and everything else the one in North Andover is 12,000 and the one in Andover is about 15,000 so the letter is going to say 12,000 to 18,000 but that's whole that's big picture fo I just want to make sure we're doing Apples to Apples and being cons consist and then that letter can go I'll run it by you once more but now less what they what they're saying right now is less than 4,550 square feet less than 4,550 square feet and there of what usable total um of usable space usable okay more words going into that 250 I'll carve something else it's a challenge writing these things staying under 250 all right so that letter to the editor I can get out this week and I'll charge into the next one good um the rolling screen um has anybody had did anybody go out and take a look at it I think I did I was trying to figure out when I was writing the minutes I was remembering supposed to do all this one of the things that I did was I set my iPad up in front of it so I took a movie of it but it is really big file so I was trying to figure out how to share my go my file on Google and you all and give you all permission to access it um and it would be for Mae rolling screen um but just so that people if you haven't actually gone out to rctv to look at it just so you could see it so talking about the loop yes yeah where you mean the loop at the building itself no no this is the pleasantries we're right right okay yeah why do we have to go Ash TV to see it isn't it on isn't it it's not pleasantries it's the it's the guide to TV program no no no no all right this this is what we did with the internship ready Memorial High School student he took the pleasantry Chris sends the student uh the final copy and the student takes it and prepares it for rctv viewing oh so we've have this on rctv for April and May so we want to get music so Nancy's grandson nicely developed some background music so Nancy was doing a trial of a May um with so we're sending it to us I have to figure out Nancy I have to figure out how I can put it on put it on Google and and I know I can do this because I've done it before but I did it 50 billion years ago um so I just need to figure out how to use my Google account and then I can make a file I can send you all a link and all you have to do is press the link that way you don't have to go out and find the schedule on rctv to view it yeah so maybe that's something where we are we on this topic now yes okay yeah so uh as of the end of May our assign intern uh from the high school Audrey graduated so we were in search of a hopefully what do we do now with the summertime so one of the um guidance administration had told me months ago there was a possibility of a junior who was a graphic designer uh that's his uh technology knowledgeable and interest so so we did meet with him and he is volunteering for the balce till the school year begins again and um not necessarily getting any credits but we did um state to him to please check with the guidance counsel perhaps you might get community service credits so Brandon um we met with Brandon last week we invited Chris we met at the PSC and Brandon uh just received I think on Thursday or Friday of last Thursday the final copy of the June newsletter so I had informed him and contacted him this morning waited toar back because he will send Nara and myself A draft copy before we proceed to rctv did mention to him that we would like to have music in the background of this so he's also going to be working on that and um I did send email to Angela and Rob at rctv giving them the update of our new intern and his email and going back and forth on that so I'm waiting to hear from um Brandon I sent this this morning so hopefully I'll hear soon uh of the update that he just received last week and Brandon will glad L and we sat with him uh because it was a carryover from our first intern doing a logo First Council on Aging we have four draft copies but Brandon is going to work on that to with his thoughts being a graphic designer and present them and then we will pass them on for your view if this is something you want to go forward with but he is willing to assist nice so I uh at the finance Forum I did speak with the superintendent of schools and he wanted to know what our thoughts was on the intern I said it's a fabulous fabulous program I said my only thing is I would love to see them start November or beginning of January because I personally found uh and I think Nara and agrees to the the end of the year these are seniors that are into testing they're going to visit school so more stress on them but our intern Audrey was fabulous did she start we didn't start this until mid ail okay so this is much earlier be better and they will be having and this is only the second year that the high school is doing this um they will be having another vendor feir I found out the before there was a vendor fear and that's when I met Janet and Janet volunteer coordinator found out I mean there are 20 to 25 actually businesses there that these students and vendors each other so I think this is something going forward uh whether someone want to come and volunteer and see what happens but it's very exciting to see the creative ity that these students have so that's where we're at we're waiting to hear back from Brandon again being in the end of the year and finals and the whole thing so we'll go the June newsletter will not since it was late not be out on time go on the loop try put it on the right so we will go forward with that but Brandon is willing to help out with graphic designs again for flyers or whatever so that's where we're at um moving on to open houses kudos to Karen F Karen P and Jean um for and everybody else who is there to volunteer uh um and work uh Karen you want to say a few words I mean they were fabulous wasn't at the last one wasn't at the last sent out the wonderful instructions it's like I won't be there sorry I know I being like micromanaging I just wanted to make sure every was really helpful have a little guidance how many people ended up coming 20 I think I don't think it was that many they spent a long time and asked lots of I mean they were the kind of people that really wanted to learn and they got to learn a lot we had ziml out on the sidewalk with her we have to realize this was the day after graduation Friday night was graduation yeah it was a beautiful dayb you know so all of that working against us but there's always gonna be something gentle came in with his son yes son got him signed up up for all sorts of stuff and good good I have to say like I know the turnouts like we're getting maybe 15 20 I think one one we had got up to 30 but regardless of that I have to say like the conversations alone I know I have and I believe you all have as well like I've had really good conversations that I normally would not have with any other time um with people I know the one guy from fincom came this on this past open house and I had a 20 30 minute conversation um which I never would have um so regardless of how many people are come there is very valuable conversation going on there's also so much to say for they can read about it they can watch our video but seeing it I was escorting someone around and we were in our so-called Lounge which I explain is called the lounge because it has a coffee pot and they chuckle but I said you know it's about a dozen R you know people fit and he saw the closed doors the other oh but I bet you can open these and he did and there were all the desks and oh just quietly closed the do but you know until you see it it's hard to really understand and he did and he really appreciated was like I'm getting it you actually open those do I know I explained that to him and I said then you can't see thect hear and was sitting right next to Janet y I explained that to him he got it he really appreciated it but one of those things we could have written about it for five pages and he probably said pictures worth a thousand yes and hopefully he goes back to he's on the fincom I think so yeah hopefully he goes back and he talks about it um to other folks and that right there is yeah we're reaching let's say 15 to 30 yeah but who knows how many more we're reaching outside when we talk to folks exactly it's really good it was it was really good it was good but while we were on that note um something that we should probably check into even though we had voted on trust money to purchase Refreshments oh that's right okay um we need to look have someone look into that uh the first time around we had my expense was like 200 some odd and of course I paid for the sandwiches with a credit card because I didn't have 170 in cash but we were told that they would I was reimbursed but if I were to submit another expense report I'm going to get a W9 we need to check into that if we need to go out and purchase items no you're you're not doing it providing a service you're getting reimbursed for expenses that's different plan Department doesn't want to do it they want us to go through Jenna and through Chris's my understanding so what happened the last tour I met Chris at 8:00 water P 8 at Market Basket he hands me his credit card M day Okay so that's not right no that doesn't make sense that's not um it doesn't so are for services provided yeah you'll totally mess up your income tax if you're suddenly a W9 and you'll be playing self-employment tax which you don't want to be doing I can I can bring that up with Jenna I just made a note of it I think I I'll I think she gets back tomorrow so okay this week I'll talk to her about it just and we'll clarify just make sure this is not new it goes back a couple years it goes way back I cuz I was on cea back in I think 2010 and if we were having birthday bodies was a marcket basket credit card gift card that was passed on okay I'll pick up the birthday P that is not the way it needs to be done right well we can't even do that anymore I asked about that and Jenna said I don't think they're G to want to do that even is it because they do not want to set up a different Ledger on the accounting system I think so I think they don't want to have each of us separate people that they're paying to is my understanding but but if we're taking and voting on funds I understand this is just me out so why don't we have our own separate little accounts we don't have any operating funds why can't take them from the trust well it sounds it sounds like right now we don't have an answer right we have a lot of suggestions Chris Chris is going to go have a conversation with Jenna and then we will all have a conversation again yeah um and of course if you have any little suggestions just email Chris he'll love to get them over the other thing we should do my memory but I don't know that I ever saw it in writing it should be in one of the minutes um was how much money we did approve we approved a chunk of money for this 1500 1500 I think okay we just need I don't know if we someone's keeping aali have money left over Jenna Jenna put one together and that's part of my that's part of my Note too is just to see when she gets back here um I'm gonna my note is to see how much we've spent out of that 1500 okay that's not our money bank it's coming out of when Jenner and I spoke before um her nutal she had mentioned at that time we had about I think 400 or 500 left okay out of that 1500 so if we wanted to do something additional other than the to promote we possibly could I think the last tour I think we only spent about 20 some odd dollars right so we were around all right so Chris will get back to us on exactly what the reimbursement process soon or will be all right and last but not least friends and family day that we had on Saturday um thank you to marn for picking up the ball um and uh getting everything there and Taran Janowski was there and rosem Marie was there and John was there John was there you were there and Chris was there chis Chris came by and said hello as I was chasing my child all all of the tents because it was so wind the tents were blowing up off the ground you had to hold the PO and one lady got um they took her out in an ambulance like she was moving around but still yeah they're not St into the ground well apparently they can't they're weighted I don't know why they can't stake them they can't stake them because of the irrigation system in the field so uh they they have to use weights so I think they'll probably be heavier weights wasn't particularly windy that day it was I have to say I I was leaving right when all the tents were starting to fly and I was like all it's just we took our stand just about 1:00 and called it a day I drove through there around two and 3/4 of them were gone there maybe half a dozen tents left up they probably put all the weights on those six t whatever to hold them down and there were no fireworks this weekend for some reason they postponed them can can I ask did you pass out all of the um um gyro the gyro we still have some jar we have a pile of Jar openers that are just jar openers and not attached to anything we've got a small pile of ones that you stapled to the materials oh good just a small pile I think so oh so we had to have given out at least a hundred oh yeah we did we had a lot of we were working the crowd we weren't it doesn't work you you go out there and you're like someone older in your family then there's probably a couple 100 that blew around to people's houses on they probably just took flight back on the topic of we really have lots of basic education to do about what senior centers are and what the Pleasant Street Center is and one guy this very nice gentleman who was very interested but I started the conversation with you are you familiar with it with yeah it's a nursing home right yeah it's it's amazing they don't know we really need to do aside from the we need bigger we need to start with we have a senior center they don't know we have a senior Cent I I know and it's on Pleasant Street and that's where this is this is what this gets us to our okay kind of into the next topic okay um and I put three things on here one was to talk a little bit about the schematic design process um do you remember when you we were all here and I passed out the tracing paper with all the things and um Pro um promotional materials and um we needed a 24 mailing list and the request is in for that so um but basically what this topic is for the promotional materials is what what do what do we want to do next what do we want to someone talked about um lawn signs we talked about lawn signs I think personally those are pretty effective if you can get enough of them out there um we talked about um you know those lightweight that nylon plastic yeah um so we talk you know promotional materials and um a uh you know we want to be able to put together some kind of calendar um I don't know this just an open discussion right here um I personally think the LA Signs would be very effective because there are people like I just mentioned don't know we have a senior center they think it's a nursing home and a lot of them don't even know a new one is needed and we need to promote coun on and aging is advocates for the seniors who need us new seniors we're going to be in competition and I'm sorry I say this very with a good heart we need a new school but we also need a senior center so as the school killum is building their marketing we need to build ours I really like the idea of lwn size I think backpacks I think you take them home they stay in the door and no one really sees um I don't I don't want another one I don't want I don't want another bag in my house like it's amazing how many you've collected so I think Karen has some information I did so I talked to someone who was doing the political sence and they go through uh sign 360 or something but I also went on for imprint is what they use the town so it would make it an easy way one of them that I pulled up was just a double-sided you know the 26 you know that you see all over the place and they for 100 it's about6 $615 a sign so and there's no setup charge and you know that's two color white background but you can go a million different directions bigger signs or whatever I checked with the town uh website and there shouldn't be any it's not really a political sign so there aren't any reason that you can't stick it on your front lawn and keep it there I mean if it's political it has to go 60 days before the election and remove two days after but this isn't necessarily political so there's no reason that we couldn't put pants on the wording yeah well there's a lot that would go into it I mean they'd have to be a design and whatever um but it seems a lot of bang for You Buck because one sign on one street can hit you know I live on Colonial Drive and it goes right to killum so people are up and down my street all the time whereas you know other people maybe summer ra you know you put them on havil Street you know people you know going by so I think that gives us a lot of exposure for a little bit of money and you can put them all over town and what is the cost I mean we probably get a discount the more you purchase right as you go up in um quantity the price goes down and then again it'll depend on the design and the you know this was just a quick how long do it take for them to do seven days I mean it's a quick turnaround that they talk about um they're ready to ship in seven days this one here that I was looking at you could do two different colors you know the background would be white and then whatever but you'd have to you know come up with your design or whatever so that was one and I thought if we went with that one at least it's through the town it's easier to pay for you know than you putting it on your credit card the other thing I I recall was the um jaar Rens we could give them the text that we want on it and then they have their own graphic Department who will give you a couple of options for you to approve so there's a graphic person right there and the text type of text and the size of the text I think timing is a really big issue yeah when do you think I continue to feel that I I I'm all for keeping up the momentum but I continue to feel we're a little early on in this um that it would make to me more sense once we at least are down to the point of which option are we asking select board to approve U because right now there's no action for anyone to take just awareness they depends on what what the message is corre so if we just want to as ad vertise the senior center like oh what is a senior center if we had like a website on there like you know that you can go to help promote just the senior center no other reason so if we promote it enough then it's in people's minds people start going more people are aware we'll automatically generate more support for the project see I I'm thinking if I to do the sign I would just say new Senior Center needed are we definitely calling this a senior Cent we don't know that yet well we don't know that but we're concerned about right here so I almost feel like there's two things so like right now it is too early to say we need a new Senior Center but it's not too early to say we have a out I don't think it's even to say we need one political we can't say vote for anything support support I think if you say support that can also a voting voting I don't know so we'll have to um like support new Senior Center maybe we get themed one side says around andp them thata more but it's not a lot of space so we just have to be very clear with what we want the message why don't we put our 1880 building needs to be replaced have you been to the building or it's too much that's too much right so they're driving my house on Hail Street right what is gonna catch their eye what are we gonna what's how we going to draw them in put it's gonna be easier once you know what what you're that's the problem ahead of the game but like a we should CU one say if there's a fight and then there's a name you can put the name you can put vote for or you can you know I think I I this is my vision is we um get these signs ready for have them ready by August and start getting them out there so that they're in lawns by September right and then we have something on it that says reading supports active living senior SLC Community Center too much too much well what Chris was just saying is you know as the time gets closer there's going to be some slang onewed word for you know Simon's way or you know they the this going to be a a little word that's that people will know what it means I don't I don't think there is and I think that what we've been using is active Living Center what is missing from there is the word senior and we need to include the word senior in there for our own benefit but personally um if if if we aren't putting this in place if we don't have the signs and we're not putting it in place and we don't have it in in September I I just think I agree I agree a waste of money because then you're going to run against political signs yeah right but there's nothing to do in September I'm all for building awar it's GNA snow we're we are going to need signs when the vote comes up we're gonna need signs everywhere too late that's too late you may have to do you may have to do two batches but you could and but Nancy was just saying you could do something like active Living Center for seniors or something we just say Senior Community Center needed or support seniors we can't say well support well they'll think graduation is yeah I personally think we should get one section one particular sign out now I put it out by the beginning of August ncy are we meeting in well ju I yeah so that was you just read mind what if we formed a small little group to design design some things and then bring it back in July so we can take a look at it and then that gives us time like you were saying ancy is if we like it we could get them printed in seven days towards the end of July August and we it be a good timeline what did you just say we should put on the sign because I think active active Living Center for seniors I like I yeah that's notal at all be too small no have you seen all the P ones that are out there that's about how many actually active Living Center is not just for seniors that's sort of whole I know it's Senor yeah but it says seniors active living I I personally for me Senior Community Center needed people don't like the senior people are not going to support seniors that's why Mark's whole thing in the very beginning was let's add Community Center to it because that a big go to a senior center I I talk to people all the time they don't want to go to a senior center they think a senior center is see then more the perception it's a so I think this is why we need the little committee to bring up some ideas because we're going to we're going to be here until midnight we can have five people on the committee how many people want to be on this committee sign committee sorry I like that oh just sign design Comm no we can't do because that's a you should be I the next couple of months I have a really inspection at work and okay two actually okay so who else would want to be able to 1 two three four I would like to see someone from Rec help join us actually as well because they've got more of that perspective wow why this is our but it's not the point is that the sign is got to support whatever we're aiming for and we're going to aim for something that's got some building that that was built in the 1800s I think we should just but the question is what we well I I think it goes back to what said that's okay so we've got we've got Karen I will will one two all right but we should be thinking about f going to need to do this all over again we're going to talk about the other thing to think about is it could be a political message in September year towards town meeting which is in November that's another thing to think about right but it can't be a political message from us which goes to something else that I've been thinking about do we need a nonca committee to begin to do the Outreach this I don't know somethings support that Library did theys I'm not sure about the friends because the friends they have a lot on their plate right now well a smaller we talked about that today yeah and there was concern that by advocating for the uh Sen Community Center it could impact who is going to give money exactly and I said well maybe what we we do is have a separate fund aside like you know you can donate just to the uh Furnishings for a new Senor for the library they're friends of the library they they have a therometer with the dollar amount going up yeah and that was that wasn't just referring there were strong things from friends in the library we need to expand the library yeah friends in the library is they've been difficult to get a hold of at least that's with Joan and okay the crew had been telling me but um let's start with this suppl and figure out what the needs are and let's want us to figure that out clearly we were restricted and we want to not be yeah the stonum thing um I'll ask relatives that still live in stonum I'll ask stonum did an amazing job for the new high school and it was close to the time of the vote suddenly I'd say within 30 days of the vote in the town every other yard in stonem had a big signed vote for the new high school and they did we're going to see with killum we should be ready but it's close to the vote to the action time but a school is different than a new senior sentor I don't think so oh yeah the support is completely different I got a different audience but it's the same group of Voters will will be not only that but the high school's almost done this is all the last 12 months so things just Wilmington how quick they have you seen it drive over there your jaw will drop in Wilmington or ston Wilmington the new senior side of the building 18,000 where is it the framing is up if you go all the way to 29 and turn right onto Main Street it's about three miles down the road on the right you'll see it this this vast thing going up 18,000 okay tonight so so the five of us are G to meet uh we're GNA have to figure out a date um I I think what I'm hearing is that we have a meeting in July maybe we make this the only agenda item sorry Chris you can still do your report really okay with even showing up I'm really okay if we short the meetings for love you guys but it's really nice to have one be you could be on zoom on vacation land some places no I think that's actually I really do think it's a really good idea though just make that the only agenda item and and give everyone a voice yeah yeah and we can send out things before my other thought so we can think about this if we have funds left over or balance from our tour $1,500 expense can we take from there I don't know but that's a good question lotion for new purpose no I think Jenna said we could take it if it's something promoting like we did with the open house it's easy enough we just okay so so um oh and I I just want to put a bug in people's ear pull all that stuff out that I handed out at whatever meeting that was the 13th of May oh the schematics and it's not going to fit when you cut it up it's not going to fit but when I did it I discovered something and it opened my eyes so I'm really curious you know for people here to take a look at the way that the rooms are currently laid out and see if you think that's the way it should go do we want to schedule a meeting time to talk about that I'm I'm deadline driven myself are you expanding the July meeting already no it might be August Al it's probably too late but um I'm deadlined on the signage and no but I what I think is if everybody just finds an hour might take you an hour because you have to cut up the little pieces um and just try doing that it really opened my eyes um and I think it might open other people's eyes in terms of the layout and you know I want I won't go to how it opened my eyes but um it it really did and I be curious to see so I would encourage you we won't have a meeting about it we all won't sit here with scissors but at some point we need to have a discussion about that and we don't want to have it when they T start talking about the schematic designs we want to be able to have some preon conversations prior to that so we know we're going into the conver ation with a um with with a uh background background thank you I would think we may also want to I know there's at least one thing I'd like to see on there that was not in the original schematic a very systematic way um that I would like to see added and as I've said and you've said those were just a starting point to give us a what might be but I think as we start to think about what really we must have if you see something needing me Miss it we should voice it before they put the work into do exactly that's exactly what I'm saying that probably needs a meeting for us to put and when you start cutting up the little rooms you're G to see oh they don't even have any room that would allow this to happen right um I saw a lot of holes yeah and some of the spaces I think are actually too big but it gets into that divider thing and it just spe anyway another working group yeah it needs some sort of me both people's ideas together into a document you could all come to my house with your scissors okay I have glue okay childproof maybe the overall uh square footage was too small I found that the the I didn't too much deal with the existing rooms but I thought that where the rooms were placed was not it didn't flow it didn't flow and there wasn't enough space for the SC yes and you you've got this shared concept and we've got to think about that have a discussion can we ask everybody within the next two weeks we need some deadline to pull it together so that it doesn't just go off into the ozone you know within the next two three weeks or by next month's meeting everyone done well so we need structure July it is July if we were to have a um all group meeting our monthly meeting it would be on July 8th first no second Monday okay everybody I wasn't able to get on the first week well yes and no can we do it or how about we we just maybe make it the 15 all right I don't know what if what people's calendars my calendar says COA special meeting because I put them in every take those all out okay thank thank you I well let's just keep one for the 15 yeah that's what yeah keep it for the make that the monthly meeting and we're gonna focus on posters at that yeah okay sence La sence all right so Monday the 15th is the next monthly meeting when we talk about the in June today is June's meeting you might want to on that meeting if we're going to do signage you put vot in parentheses in case we need to vote for funds yep y okay and when would you like to talk about the schematic stuff after all our cut and past well wait a minute wait minut so what about this group small planning group of five okay how about I'm just going to randomly um what about um the last the last week either the either the the week of the 17th or the week of the 24th which month are you in June which month yeah June oh because we would want to meet before the 15th and before PBC makes any decisions and we start getting people activated doing schematics again yeah the week of the 17th is pretty flexible for me actually both we PR B at random appointments but we have a meeting on the 15th so why don't you make the other one couple of weeks later 15th is a Saturday June yeah monthly meeting July how about the 20th of June yes I can't I can't do goe when can no are you w when are you here 20th I've got several things already are the days that you know you can do what about the 21st 21st what's the date when uh when's the 24th a Monday yeah would you the 24 yeah I've got to seea meeting down there from that list you I've also going to open Pleasant Street Center open house at pleas Street center from 6:00 to 8 on the 12th that way that okay good why you do the um the 24th it's my cousin's birth okay we can't do that no no I just have I have an appointment from 10 to 11 in Charlestown on the 24th but other than that don't you do the 24th and then the 15th the 24th that gives us a week to do our cut and past we're doing signs oh this is the sign meeting that's right gives us two weeks signs what do you think I'm free you're free school out okay what time um can we make it in the afternoon yeah what day of the week is that that's Monday we the same what's the day 24 e that be good me interesting sign let's toast to the sing it would be the best meeting you you like at 3 o' [Music] um how about we make it 2 o'clock okay can we do well wait a minute can Karen Jay can you do okay two o'clock Lawns um I don't know we'll have to go to the library my house is clean you can come to my we can go to the senior yeah so where we at now Nancy we are at the small work group meeting on June 24th at 2 pm right don't call it a work Group H don't call it a work group why why well just small group July non qual yeah June 24th except it's a uh let's not I don't even want to have it's just a conversation and then you have these serial cards Gathering how about signage Gathering brainstorm bring you a sign July 15th we have a monthly meeting yes and um and at that monthly meeting everybody play around with the schematics we it's long science and schematics at that meeting be a shorter there could be a shorter I I think I think once you do it you're going to see you're going to see the holes yeah and I have a feeling we're all going to see the same holes might take on it so July 15th soon enough to get it to I don't know who knows but you know when you look at this I mean there's no way that that the June I I think it'll be fine all right yeah we gotta make sure we don't we're pushing really hard and I think a lot of people are getting tired so AG I want us to miss the boat because boom planning permanent building goes into gear and suddenly go into gear and we're all sort of but if we're schematics we didn't get to tell you permanent building committee is going to I mean they just started they just put this on they're they said that they needed to it didn't sound like they were going to take the ball and run they had a lot of my gut says July they're GNA be working on it and if they have an answer by August okay we're gonna be luy okay that's the impression I got from that meeting okay that sounds good all right are we done do you anybody make a motion move to aour Second all in favor hi Who's online Jackie she's muted Nancy are you favor yes adjourning yes oh Jackie can't sorry KY right jaie will miss you thank you Nancy will miss you thank you thank you both everyone thank you good meeting meeting e e e