##VIDEO ID:CAiUspdDZJE## 24th 2024 we call this meeting of the armor Board of commissions to order uh the meeting is being audio recorded held remotely on zoom and on rctv and um we will have public comment in a second first of all I wanted to make a quick statement and ask my colleagues if they want to do something similar which is that um you know at the outset there's there's nothing in the agenda tonight about personnel and there's nothing about feedback or action items involving the general manager I want to make clear that um you that Greg is our general manager and regarding up upcoming Union negotiations he has my full support and he has my full support um more generally as long as he is a general manager and I think I speak generally for my colleagues in that you know that that's important and uh just ask my colleagues if they have anything to add to that yeah so I have a very short statement uh basically um I want to State for the record that uh the G the general manager has my full full support and that I have full confidence in the continuing management of the rmld department as by the by the the manager so thing do we need to um call order before we do this uh we just did call our meeting to order but if you guys want to get to I just wanted to make sure did uh you want to call yours to order I apologize okay yeah so we call it citizens Advisory board meeting to yeah so um with with that do we want to move to public comment or is I just want to go the the comments of both um both my colleagues and support a Greg okay you I'll just say not only support Greg but also had the interest of Aral employees um as in mind uh our our responsibility as Commissioners is to the town of breing and all the citizens within the service District uh so as we play that oversight role it's uh only to ensure that we get the information we need to make sure we good decisions so that this is a a place where people want to come to work and and are valued so that's that's where my perspective comes um and value the people that here um and to make sure that you have a good working environment and you're respected in your role and I I think we're all interested in also costs make sure we keep an eye on costs and that the cost structure is low and that we that's that's what we're here for so with sorry I apologize no that's okay I just wanted to second I think Ray said it very well so I'll just agree with um what Ray said and be very explicit that right okay so we good um so we do allow public comment it's the discuss of the chair it says here on items on the official agenda happy to wave that and have it be on do Ken first not on the official agenda yeah oh I'm sorry Ken yeah big night important so please let's uh go ahead did you yeah thank you yeah so I mean we've been very fortunate that you know Ken has been a cab member representing Lindfield for few years now and um he had to move from lynfield and so he's very grudgingly leaving yes the absolutely this has been a very rewarding experience and change for my retirement ambition of doing nothing so I no no and we really appreciate all your contributions and I think rmld yeah very much yeah so in terms of you know there's a lot of benefits in the different meetings the subcommittees all the different stuff that you've done you bring a perspective that uh terms of thinking about particular um but also from a ray perspective a lot of feedback that you gave us me individually but also in terms of watching out for your neighborhood as well um as you guys know right behind you it's actually plugged in so normally we'd lift it up but in this case it's plugged in and illuminated um but that is a actual functioning meter lamp um I think that one looks more incandescent than LED given the color but nevertheless um you we wanted to make sure that uh as you continue in your retirement um that you somehow are going to get involved in in uh in your new place but that you think of us uh with fond memories in terms of all the stuff we greatly appreciate all you've done for us absolutely you know the rmld team and and everybody on the both the Commissioners and The Advisory Board is it's been a great Association for me again it's I'm sorry to be cutting it short only the the move out of town is is what yeah move out lenfield was willing to accept the names veryy resident as their representative I sopie Eric yeah yeah I just want to say that you having been worked with Ken on going to the Lindfield water department exactly which is in a very interesting place um it was a pleasure to work with him on that on that project thank you much very much appreciate it all thank you it's been a pleasure being on the board with you you brought a lot of um good insight to the group which is great and the good news is you'll know how much it cost you in your new town yeah it'll spin the same rate same speed it'll spin but it'll be a different dollar run 240 can I plug it into the main line you know better than that but thank you all thank you we should do a round of and as we open up public comment I just want to note the um going forward so the the zoom link was not on the agenda and until two hours ago uh that's a little bit of a concern of mine that unlike past meetings all year I understand it this one was changed requiring people to send in their name address and phone number before they they could even get the link to the meeting we did Phil and I had some emails today so that was changed at four o'clock it was finally posted on the agenda I think it's with select board and others it's always on the agenda the zoom participation is a function of of hand raising and unmuting but to not have a zoom link on a on an agenda until two hours before is is a bit of a concern um Erica you mentioned it was to limit uh chaos but uh I don't know what that means but uh I don't know how limited that was for anybody else who's not happening to be able to go to 230 as Street um but I see there's a lot of people who are a 230 a street who would not have faced a similar uh you know constraint on participating that may have been created by that uh so with that I would like to open up public comment we have we have a lot of people thank you for coming thank you for working at rld and we'll start this with what two minutes each I think there's a a shot clock coming up so would anybody like to make public comment please and just keep it respectful keep it so what you know firsthand and thank you very much please do and and please State your your your we we don't require you to identify yourself to come into the meeting but we do ask that you state your name and address when speaking but thank you oh sorry sorry um do you want me to the other public members on the zoom uh yeah yeah yes we would like anybody who wants to be in the you they haven't been in until now okay again a little a little bit problematic but yeah okay um hi my name is Sarah Harington from a over um I am a former R uh HR director of the rmld um I have 25 years of HR experience I am very familiar with state fedal law I also an Adjunct professor um of HR at a local community college I'm the rooll at rld in December 2022 and on January 19th 2024 I was wrongfully terminated by the rld during my termination meeting I was acknowledged for the great work that I had done including implementing several beneficial initiatives for the department and its employees who I cared very much about however I was informed that my termination was due to the conflict with the in-house Council despite my contributions to the organization during my employment I raised concerns to the general manager regarding improper prac practices and violations of state federal law by by the in-house Council rather than addressing the issues I was instructed to remain silent and not discuss the information the inhouse council along with the general manager were also engaging in unfair labor practices by deliberately violating the ibw CBA my efforts to rectify these violations and ensure compliance with state and federal laws as well as the agreed upon CBA ultimately led to my termination in addition to my wrongful termination armold violated Mass wage and hour law during my departure it took four days and several emails from my lawyer that I had to hire to get my final pay on on January 23rd AR Aral DET attempted to change my termination date to avoid the imposition of triple damages and action that is illegal on January 19th the general manager sent an email to the entire rld staff saying that I no longer worked at the organization um out of concern for the current employees I reached out to Pam do lakus and she did not return my phone call unfortunately um if for the current leadership is team is permitted to continue uh excuse me uh operating unchecked it will grant them card blodge to continue targeting and mistreating employees they they're per they perceive it as Unstoppable particularly those at odds with the in-house Council and with the general manager five seconds uh the toxic distrustful and vindictive culture will persist and it's hard to imagine it wors seeing any further than it's likely if no action is thank you for your comments I think we uh we ready for the next speaker my name is Robert Galo I'm both an employee and a rayer here um I disagree wholeheartly with uh that statement that this is a great place to work and we feel comfortable coming to work every day um little disappointed the way the board has been treating Mr fips the last few meetings um another thing that's kind of bothering me is the fact that uh reliability is being you know chucked up for just luck that's an insult to all of us that work here and I don't know if an apology is going to come from the board for that I doubt it but um it's something that we'd like to hear we put a lot of work into the reliability and to say that the weather just miraculously changed when a couple over our territory I've had some property damage at my house in the last couple of years so I don't know where that came from either and secondly thirdly I'd just like to let everybody in this room know that I have unwavering support for Mr Greg F thanks thank you very much other comments hi there my name is Andrew Bara former arml employee as well um I was hired back in uh last year November 2023 under a four 10 work schedule four days 10 10 hours however by the time I signed all my paper workor started working here I found out that that schedule had changed um long story short Janet Walsh got involved in my divorce case and went to my trial and this was paid I'm assuming the the city's paying for her a day's wage to go out through my trial and misrepresent uh the actual facts she sent in unexecuted documents to uh the opposing Council which made my life uh turned my life upside down a little bit so that being said I let Greg know at that time and um he pretty much I seems like emails were sent back and forth between him and I and and Janet and um and uh terara here and long story short I was terminated just a few months later they were telling me it's due to my CDL that was expired however when I got my letter it said through my performance and behavior when when she went to my jna went to my trial the other day it was because I was now it was a different story now that I was late not getting along with employees so none of the stories that they said had added up at all um pretty upset about it and I've had a lot of years with you know being a linan um so I know that it was not due to Performance behavior my CDL was because I went against Janet Walsh oh and I can tell you about the whole uh discrepancies what you see of where's overtime going and and uh where is this money going I can just being alignment I can tell you where the money is actually really going so that says a lot too hi John here I'm a rmld employee I live in Salem New Hampshire uh I've been here since well for two a little over two years so as part of the senior management team I've been in involved in the meetings I've seen that you know the goings on um you hear all the rumors rumors are just rumors right so uh no one is a crystal ball no one's perfect right everybody makes mistakes but a lot of this stuff apparently we have more lawyers in the room than than I realized but to accuse someone of breaking the law is a pretty strong pretty strong statement you know you can you can say whatever you'd like to say but I think that the number of people here and suppored Greg should speak volumes of why we're here I I've worked all over the world I've been in the Middle East and Europe I've worked for federal government the state government before here and I came here and you know I there's so many good things about our mldb we try to emphasize that with with people it's you're not going to make everybody happy it's just not it's just not going to happen right there's a lot of people here uh in support of Greg and I would just ask people that are here that support Greg just raise your hand and these these are some of these employees who been here since just about they got out of high school many of them soon after college they stayed here for a reason they don't have to stay here they have a lot of other options you have some people that maybe they were not a good fit they like to scapegoat someone who's not here to defend themselves well I think the number speak for themselves and I I'm glad to see that the board um has come to the conclusion to support Greg just as we do that's it thank you my name's Ryan Kylie I've been here I'm a employee here I've been here for 17 years um I've been through three general managers so far uh and I think Greg is as the short term he's been here he's he's done wonders for this place the the the morale in this place has completely turned around there were times four or five years ago none of the lineman wanted to come to work they they hated it every day it was a grind it was torture blah blah blah but we did our job we did what we needed to do it's completely turned around like we we we love Greg he he's doing everything he needs to do for for the lineman he's doing everything for all his other employees all the groups he's he's going leaps and Beyonds and he talks about transparency I know that was a big big part of his his Spiel when he came here he's been so transparent you can walk right in his door like he's always said his door is always open his door door is always open I don't think I've ever seen that thing closed you drive I drive by here all hours of the night I see that light on 10 12 hours a day sometimes I pull in here and knock on the door and say do you want me to go get you a pizza or something because you haven't left this place I go I I don't know what you do here all day but he stares at that computer all day you drive by that window he's in it all you to do is take a look this guy's given Blood Sweat and Tears for this for this place and I think it's just a privacy of what you guys have said done about this guy so that's all I have to say hi I'm Susan in I'm the current HR director um Mr fips obviously has my full support I think all of you are clear on that I've met with each one of you um I'd also like to just say a few words about Janet Walsh she is singularly the smartest person that I've worked with I've learned a ton from her she is wholeheartedly behind rmlb I've reviewed all the documents I've talked to lawyers I've done all of it and this is not the Forum to talk about it and defend it but I will tell you I'm very comfortable with where rmld is in that process thank you thank you anybody else is there anybody in the zoom call I can't is there any where is the zoom call so there are people in the zoom call I don't know if you can hear us but we're having public comment now if you if you have anything to say or meantime if there's anybody else in the room who has anything to say we're you know I know we have a bunch of people here Dave I'd like to say something on because we wer cab wasn't our asked to say something but I've been on the board close to 10 years I've been a rayer for you know 30 years my my all like dependability of our electric systems in town speak to the linemen and the people that work at rmld and I always say to people that when we're never down for more than an hour there's a storm that we're back up and running they do a great job taking care of things and that's all the people that work here as far as general managers I think this is my third general manager since being on the board um we vote as committees to say if Greg comes up with an idea whether it's generating power or doing things he come before the board and we may think it's farfetched at time or it's you know he's he's reaching for the stars but we vote as a board to approve that money to allow him to do those things and then he goes out and investigates it and then we have to vote as a board of boards to um approve him to keep moving forward um I don't know I don't get involved in the HR stuff we don't as a citizen advisor board we don't um but as a person and working with Greg he's been supportive to the town of Wilmington um he's been supported to the cab so I just wanted to throw that out there I wasn't there at the last meeting when everything happened um but I just felt I should honor the people that work for the company as well as Greg thank you thanks Dennis and I would Echo your point also that I I've been an rmd customer for a long time I was in Linfield and now in reading and so I've been a customer for a very long time time and I know we've had very reliable service so that's so thank you all for that and in terms of dealing as a cab member I I've dealt with the prior general manager and now with Greg and I think as far as the cab is concerned I think Greg has been very transparent and very engaging I think more engaging than others in terms of uh providing us information and seeking our input so thank you anything further I don't know people anybody else we have a lot of people in the room please feel free to come forward or anybody who's on oh yeah go ahead sir microphone hi um chrisner I employee also a rayer um echoing the sentence of all the employees here uh we support Greg wholeheartedly um and you know it bothers me deeply that we look to the board as um you know a strong unit that we can all get behind and that was severely damaged last month for whatever reason and to take the word of a couple of disgruntled former employees over the masses to me very disrespectful to Greg to the current employees to the tap thank you anything further no anybody online anybody online no raised No Hands raised okay all right is that does that include the public hearing then public comment I'm sorry public comment we don't have public hearings per second we're not public hearing okay so move on with the agenda okay make a statement yeah Robert I I um I think you're referring to something that I said in one of the meetings um for National Grid and when we get storms right the context of that statement was somehow the the the reading area right doesn't seem to get hit as as often I was meant as a a joke I apologize if it was Mr Co but that was not the time that you make jokes I mean I I wasn't given an opportunity to speak and and you know you guys were piling on Mr fs and it's he's talking about the liability and your statement was it just magically microphone disappears when it comes over the service territory like we're lucky that we keep the lights on yep I couldn't disagree more no understand your point of view and again you know and and you know I absolutely respect the work that you guys do understand it completely you know and I think the context of what I was was saying re relative just so let let you know when it it's sometimes I see a greater area other than your territory here so I to like I said I've had property damage so I don't know where that statement came from that we don't have weather events that's all I'm saying okay this yet you know Tre and St yet I stop all right thanks for the dialogue appreciate it everybody thank you very much for coming um so any further comments yeah any further comments or otherwise we have a full agenda we get move on the rest of the agenda thank you all for coming yeah thank you very much appreciate it I just want to thank you all for coming thanks for coming I was not at the last meeting so you know it may have been different okay so comments from liaison I don't know that we have no le okay okay so move on with um minutes I'll move that the citizen love those I move that the rmld citizens Advisory board approved the May 23 2024 joint Open session meeting as presented on the recommendation of the general manager and the board secretary any on a second second thanks hi hi okay that's my turn move the imld board of commissions approved the May 23rd 2024 joint Open session meeting minutes as present in the recommendation and the esteemed board secretary see that you have a motion at second okay including the word motion carries 50 thank you y okay Mike no no sorry move that the rml citizen Advisory Board recommend oops I'm sorry we got a presentation first no you do do the motion you do the motion okay uh move to the rmld citizens Advisory Board recommend that the rmld Board of Commissioners vote to approve the reallocation of $400,000 for forestry tree truck to the purchase of Line Truck originally approved as project 118 page 35 current year 24 capital budget uh on the recommendation of the general manager second okay all right good let's get okay get a presentation okay so now is there a presentation from yeah it's a slide so basically uh we allocated $600,000 for farry track a chippa so we're not going to go that route so we're going to keep the in-house contract approved for uh the tree triming so uh I mean not in-house the contractors that we use y so we wanted to reallocate $400,000 of that 600,000 that was in the budget for purchase of a new line truck and now you know we go to bid and you take probably a year and a half two years before we got the truck okay so ready for the motion let them vote first okay get we read the motion you read the motion yeah so second so any questions any questions I just want to say t woman and S to truck for our department for the things we do and it took three years to get it so way out work in the industry and I'll say 400,000 is accurate we to same for the same thank you so any any more discussion okay all in favor I I read a motion move the rld Board of Commissioners and recommendation the city advisory board approved the reallocation of 400,000 for the forestry tree truck to the purchase of the of Line Truck originally approved as project 118 page 35 of the uh cy24 capital budget on the recommendation of general manager second Pam can do that one second by Pam okay any discussion fa vote in favor motion carries 5 thank you thank you thank you Mike keep going now the next one for you guys okay you want you want me to move the motion sure okay move to RFQ 2024 d37 for 2024 stake body truck dump truck with trading be awarded to Liberty Chevrolet for a net delivered price of 98,000 $ 68980 presant to the town of reings membership with the Greater Boston police Council on the recommendation of general manager second okay any discussion presentation that's our president R 1998 replace him explain a little more it's a very succinct presentation yeah basically we had $100,000 budgeted for it you know and we had the opportunity to um uh to purchase through a program with the state the Greater Boston police Council contract and it's all within the rules of uh the bidding process so we were able to um get a a replacement for this one rack body would body that dumps as well and within budget okay then ready for a vote all in favor y okay motion carries five thank you again Mike than you do the next one moved at ifp 224-232 16,5 188 presant to mat general laws chapter 164 paragraph 57 56d on the recommendation general manager okay okay favor how many cabinets I think it was six six did we just vote yeah we just favor thank you thank you great thanks M thank you no not yet not yet they went home to watch it on TV log into Zoom so um all of the Board of Commissioners attended with me the NEPA 2024 conference um one of the things that we want we try and do is bring back Lessons Learned um there were several presentations these aren't all the presentations but these are some of the critical ones um I'll walk through some key points from each one of them and then we can have a brief discussion in terms of observations that you guys saw as well glad you guys could all come um the first one's the keynote um ISO New England um Al McBride well any uh well known in the uh in our industry um his Focus was on transmission planning his key points the key things there are ones that we heard a year ago at the um from Gordon van wheelie but a shift from natural gas to storage and Renewables um I won't read all these just a couple of key points from each one of these as we know right trans uh transmission infrastructure is going to be required as part of that transition to Renewables and storage part of that uh transmission infrastructure requirement is due to increased load due to electrification but also due to a more distributed configuration of those storage and renewable assets um there'll be more of them spread um throughout the the territory so we need transmission systems to connect to it the other element is thatc the capacity um reform that basically is focused on the capacity Market um there a four-year planning uh inace right now the former auction um program has deemed to be uh less um responsive to a much more volatile and quick moving Market um and so that's likely to be 2028 so he spent oops sorry he spent some time walking through those pieces he walked quickly through um so so the other key points third bullet down offshore wind now pushed out to the mid 2030s um he mentioned that specifically you guys remember we talked briefly about this but about six weeks ago now one of a blades from the offshore um system that that's it's a big system so these are the first um set of uh turbines that are being installed offshore one of them broke ended up uh uh washing onto the shores of Martha vard and and Tucket there's a onee more Tor him in terms of any additional progress um and then there's a whole bunch of other issues tied to the new bidding um of the programs anyways all said and done that the majority of that infrastructure is probably now pushed out to the mid 2030s originally it was meant to be late 2020s and then early 2030s that has an implication we'll talk about in just a minute in terms of how we think about our power supply um the thing that he did talk about Al talk about was is our way to slow down retirements retirements are moving pretty aggressively um the other key topic that is we've heard it over and over again but the very last bullet their transmission capacity and energy cost are increasing they're also very volatile but he focused on the increasing part in terms of implications from rmld um and that was just one of the slides from his presentation um all of the for those of you guys who are there the app has the presentation slid if you want to look at them more detail we have a copy of them as well but in terms of implications for us um a b and c but a you know the theme that we've talked about before he mentioned basically the concept of distributed or in territory assets um and then the other element on C you know as we think about our power supply think about that in the context of of this onshore wind delay I'll walk through all these slides real quick and then one quick question if you don't I think last year he talked about gas being really critical going forward right yes and so is the message different here no no so what just to for the rest of you what Gordon mentioned is that um Gordon vany who's the president of is New England um he reinforced that gas will always be a critical part of the infrastructure to support the electric generation inside of is the territory what he mentioned at that point in time is that it will never go away completely but the capacity utilization um or the or the percent well actually the capacity utilization which is in the in the 50% range will probably drop to 15% range5 so which is part of the capacity reform so so Al focused on the transmission network but the implication of the transmission system um and the and the fact that offshore winds being pushed down is how to slow down the retirements of the natural gas but the core comment that Gordon mentioned last year that natural gas is not going to go away it'll just be less utilized and hence that capacity um Market reform is going to be more and more important going forward because we'll have the active renewable and storage assets and we also need to have a good chunk of the current natural gas INF my question was more for the next five years that's not good oh next five years uh he did so Al didn't talk so no right um that was not so Gordon's comments have not changed um he hasn't retracted any of those um it remains important given the fact that the Renewables are being pushed out all the Renewables are pushed out we might talk about that in power supply later on any other com any other takeaways from the Commissioners on on McBride's Al R's comments I mean those are those are the core themes I think we captured pretty well um is England is real critical I'm just off with that all right um Comm Fusion was another topic um as you remember conell Fusion they're they're basically a small modular reactor um this is a fusion reactor as opposed to a fision reactor um and the challenge for this reactor is how do you maintain the plasma how do you keep it contained and and this is the company that's operating out of devans and their focus is they have a a novel and patented um magnetic capability magnetic uh field that basically keeps the plasma um it is it is still early in development he walked through um a couple of different there two primary systems that are operational or not quite operational and tend to be operational there's one in U in devans that they're trying to make operational theoretically the next year or two and then there's one in France um all s done the the uh the key points that came out of that discussion I mean it's it's fascinating interesting stuff um ultimately when it works um it will be uh a game Cher for electricity not only in Massachusetts not only in arm territory but around the world but realistically as they talked about it when our lot discussions after that particular session um it's 240 2050 and later so from our perspective um you know what lessons can we learned that lesson B is you know they're they talked a lot about distributed generation Concepts and more importantly business models so as we think about our distributed generation and storage assets they might be some lessons we could learn from their business models for our time Horizon over the next 20 30 years these systems are not likely to be a big piece of it um so yeah go ahead oh that's how small is small like so is this too big for us or would this be no they are a bunch of different sizes but they you know typically less than 75 megawatts is a it's a standard standard is a common size that they're thinking about um so that would not be too big for us remember our our thought process that we've talked about about before and we put it into the Linfield water presentation as well but three maybe four 20 megawatt um configurations you know in some sort of a ring configuration on our Network um so it's a little bit bigger but no it's not too big for us but again it's exting it's a 20 it's a it's a0 it's a 2040 at the earliest any other comments you guys are all there still might be on the cab though yeah sorry yes I think we can y go yeah uh uh Morgan Scott ERI um uh key points on this one again these are all you know there's a common theme about volatility um in the marketplace um key points that he he was making um uh acceler that first bullet right accelerate Innovation Supply you know accelerate the Innovation right the stuff we're trying to do think out of the box um third bullet down um advanced technology is going to be required for the network systems not just the generation assets but how we manage those um the last bullet incorporate customer owned equipment uh where it's HVAC EVS water heater smart panels we'll talk about in the general manager update some work that we're doing on that side of the equation as well um we're actually we looking at some rate stuff um a year ago relative to letting the customers actually bid their their um EVS as an example as a storage unit into the into our portfolio again early concept type stuff but uh you know stuff we're trying to look at implications for rmld uh the first bullet there data analytics the second one in territory storage and gen assets and then last uh load Management systems and programs so there's a lot of stuff in his presentation but those are some key pieces he also talked about a a Ai and the effect is going to have a greater use of power because of AI yes he did yes he did right he talked about 0 you talked about data centers yep um and that the 80% of the data centers are in 15 states it's not much here in the Northeast yeah yeah that's that that's that second to the last bullet right um in terms of modeling the electrication but data centers was something he spent a lot of time talking about we've been having a lot in fact we had another discussion today with a customer who's potentially interested in coming into our territory small scale data small there's the hyperscale data centers which are you know a 100 megawatts to you know a thousand me he massive and you guys saw the three mile is Three Mile Island article um last week with Microsoft I mean there's the the the data center demand for electricity is massive it's not going to be massive here but there might be opportunities for us to have smaller 10 megawatts or something like that but yeah that was a good point Phil moving on um uh Maguire Whitney this was a legislative update um you there was a there was there's stating the obvious right we are affected by legislative um actions at the state level as well as at the federal level um they uh you know Joy had she brought up a she she tried to give a quick summary um but I think the key things that came out of it um you know a right there's going to be new electric utility legislation regarding greenhouse gases reliability and and affordability those are all going to those are in the process of changing um that bullet be right um the presidential election is going to have a significant impact on it and then the other element that she mentioned there was a whole presentation on that third element cyber security vigilance now you know we we do a lot of that we we did a presentation so John and his it team um besides making sure the infrastructure works a lot of focus on cyber security for us and you heard that theme over and over again it wasn't the primary discussion um but that was a key thing so there's a you know it was stay tuned to this channel um particularly as we get to the end of the year um so I don't any other things you guys want to mention but um it her stuff was more volatile than normal and not volatile but there's a lot of change that's about to happen Okay um the uh uh this one uh this one was focused more um Dan's presentation new uh New England Public Power update you know at the end of the day he was is focused there there were a couple interesting there's a lot of interesting points each one of these speakers made um I tried to capture some of them um the one thing that I that kind of stood out was that second bullet down EVS are going to move the responsibility for um transportation to the electric utilities um because right now it's it's focused on the oil companies primarily it was you know we think about reliability Etc um but but we I haven't been thinking about EVS in terms of that being a responsibility of us as a utility it was just interesting perspective to keep in mind second third bullet down there again common theme you heard it over and over again natural gas is increasingly volatile and uncertain especially in New England and there's a whole bunch of reasons for that um and then the the last bullet from the very bottom um a Mis clean transition reliability and resiliency must remain Paramount and you guys all know we talked about on a regular basis you know the core mission for us but um reliability is there first and foremost and you know prob I know you knows when your work I mean whatever utility it is Paramount right and I explained to some of the new people that come into the organization you know there's three elements of our mission but reliability gets multiplied by five I mean it's reliable reliable reliable and the team does a good job with that um the takeaways you know uh Pam this is the discussion we had earlier in the year but you know Financial metrics so a better dashboard and not just for us to uh to operate the business but also one to publish to our customers um and then you know um so that you You' mentioned this before and I know that uh Megan and her team was looking at you know other elements in environmental reporting as well and then the last bullet there is establish risk management metrics um the concept of volatility not the concept the reality of volatility is becoming more and so what metrics do we need to look at there're the basic you know we look at cash on every week we look at load forecast every week but we need to dig a little bit deeper in terms of those metrics we don't have those all figured out but that's a key takeaway in terms of we needed going forward the one thing I would just add to your implication here around deck um and utilizing that responsibly as the recommendation was every um organization should have a leverage policy yeah what their what the requirement is I don't know that we have what I know we don't have that at this point so I don't think about invest territory we should probably have that next year yeah yeah the one thing that we started putting in place is um days Days of catch on hand um metric is typically 90 to 120 and we're averaging even though we have a very strong balance sheet we're ravaging in the little 90s so that's another thing we probably look at as well but you're exactly right even though we have no debt at some point we will good right and then uh the last one that just real quick summary again um you know key points and takeaways I'll go through the key points move kind of quickly through this but implications for rmld um be down there right uncover and consider distrib um distribution support projects with other MLPs um we've got some uh we've got a project that we're looking at as you guys remember we have a joint Grant application with py but there's also a joint distribution project that we're looking at with pey to help us basically support each other in terms of supporting customers that are that are along um on the that are on the uh the area between our two two territories so that's going to be kind of interesting the other thing that came out of uh Ariel's presentation this presentation was more focused on a national focus it wasn't so much us but the other takeaway was um in terms of rideways she made a big point of talking about rideways um we have been doing a diligent job over the past two years of documenting our easements more specifically um we're gonna and I think we're going to continue to do that so um the easements and the rights of ways um they're going to be harder to come by and harder to document so just because we're there doesn't mean anyways um that's that's a second takeaway so those are those are kind of the big takeaways in terms of the different presentations there's a lot there obviously you guys were there um I think the key the key issues that we heard about is we're in a massive transition period um you know we need during that transition period need to think about reliability um and um you know maintain the flexibility that we can so there's a lot of things we have to do any a lot of takeaways for me any other comments nope thank you for doing this yeah yeah it's um it's it's it's a I mean it's good to hear we again know you guys um have a chance to see this little snapshots but you know for all of us um we work with other people in the industry not just within the people in ird and uh we're trying to learn from each other because we're it's it's it's Dynamic so I think we're ready to move on okay so just comments from the Commissioners um Mr talin got recognized for his 12 of service we won an award and and I actually also got recognized in my 38 years you're right yeah and I announced at that time and I'm announcing again today that I will not be running for reelection come a I'll be stepping down at that point after 38 years it's time to let somebody else sit in this chair let me just say it the entire room gave him the standing ovation with his commitment both to rmld and to uh industry to the industry so it was recognized not only by us and the contribution to this board but by everyone in the room so it really stand really took me very much by surprise I just couldn't believe it there was a tear in your eye yeah pH there is a request though we're going to ask before your last meeting that you have to reveal some of the secrets in the csil only one year I believe there's a pair of sunglasses Sally I just want to offer the perspective from someone who hasn't even quite finished a year um this is like I mean I've go to conferences i e conferences I do presentations at conferences conference in and of itself is not new to me but walking into there was like drinking from a fire hose that was just a word of information and you come on the board there's no training you you get elected you show up they you say I do and and then you're done and it's like then you start TR and then it here here here's a couple million dollars to spend it oh goody um so learning learning what why how uh really a chance to meet other Commissioners there's actually other Commissioners and other rlds I mean I knew in concept that was true sit down and chat with them and talk about what they're doing and the decisions we're making and talk about what what they made um it was uh it it was very good and and really essential I think for my understanding what's going on um there is another conference that Nea will be having in October in Wester and I'll be attending that also just because there's just so much stuff to learn so um that uh yeah good good stuff it is that's good one quick thing F Phil you've brought a lot of stability and knowledge this the both committees um I've been on it for 10 years and I learned a lot from you for these 10 years thank you um and there's a lot of information that will um leave with you that no one else is gonna know but um know what I've witnessed is uh true professionalism as a possible I may move to Wilmington oh and another thing is that I think um when Phil was sharing his meetings he was he paid particular attention to cam involvement so I think so and when you would so that's that's good thank you yeah another note about Phil Phil's just been a complete public servant whether it's ring light it's also town and also um his church he's just been non-stop just an outstanding uh person volunteering this time constantly so thank you thank you very much appreciate it though y I'll miss it when I'm when I'm gone you move to lynfield there's an opening right now to move on yeah Ahad great yep but why you come to join me I'll do the presentation but you can you can answer questions from there so okay okay perfect good good good very perfect okay all right yep I got it okay so um you know couple we there's some questions about uh power supply and we talk a lot about power supply um you guys know that uh we work very closely with energy New England um Bob Castle is here Ken stambler are here um I'll walk through a little bit of background of who they are we'll talk just very briefly about the cost components but there was a question relative to Spring 2024 so we're going to talk about spring 2024 there's a lot of data in here I'm not going to walk through all the data I'll go you know as far as you guys want to go um uh but I think that market context um which is the fifth bullet down there on the agenda um power supply and the energy Market in New England is complex um it is volatile and it is while there a lot of data analytics that we're trying to apply to it um we're always looking into the future it's an art not a science we'll talk in a few minutes that weather affects both the load side but weather also affects the supply side so we have we have a I'll call unpredictable weather weather um I know Ray he's got meteorologist so it's but it it it affects both sides of the equation so um I won't spend a lot of time on this but these gentlemen and the rest of the organization um of which we were co-founders of back in 1998 but you know they serve the majority of the other MLPs um these guys are credible um the the depth of experience and the responsibility they have is significant and they do a lot so there's a lot here but I I want you guys I want to impress upon you the expertise that they bring to the work that we do in terms of our power supply um to components we' this before but just I want to focus on that blue box there net cost of purchase energy with certificate sales and what's important we'll talk about this in the next slide um but we buy energy with Associated certificates we don't trade in the certificate markets at least not now and we don't need to for quite some time if ever um but that's going to become important in terms of how we think about the cost of energy as you can see there that's 2024 um just illustration but energy is roughly 30% of our costs like Transmissions another 20% capacity 14% And The certificates that we purchase um and retire is less than half a percent right now and I will I will jump really quickly just to remind you guys um oops of this slide that we did back in January but our certificate portfolio which is linked to our power supply portfolio allowed us basically to go to 55% by adding only roughly an estimated 69 cents per month per um per account so there's a certificates is you know energy is a key piece of it and when I say certificate across the top it's behind there but um over the past 30 months our certificate sales have yield at rmld rate payers a benefit of 8.6 million so we'll talk about energy and energy is very important but certificates is part of that I won't spend more time I want to drive that point home with this slide now there was a question in terms of the cost of being lawn um in in the spring of 2024 and the assertion was you know we lost $1.4 million because we were hedged we were long um in that time period um so we went so energy New England went back and they looked at those that analysis um they made their adjustments their adjustments you can see there in the leand corner um there were um we have uh a presence in Stonybrook and Watson um those are not part of our power supply portfolio so they are removed um there was you can see the different adjustments there was uh applying the proper um pricing to the different generation units um that was corrected again made those Corrections there was making the correct Nema prices for the various hours that was corrected and then there was also correcting for the intermittent um variance in terms of load to generation so all set down out of that $1.4 million 1.1 $1.2 million would be adjustments which mean the corrected estimate um would be closer to you know just under $300,000 on the right hand side and again this is Just Energy only this analysis here is Just Energy only and I'll talk about certificates in just a second on the right hand side we ran through a similar analysis um and we looked at the different months but all said and done um um in the springtime of 2024 um we would estimate roughly the cost of being long it be about $300,000 now the reason for that um is weather related it was a mild so there's a lot of weather factors um Hydro was running stronger than historic way stronger than historic and also the weather forecast U made it lower or it was a milder winter last year than forecasted so load was lower Supply was higher which moved us into a long position um so all said and done we're roughly $300,000 if you look at energy only for that period of time now if you take certificate sales and you put it into it those certificate sales would basically it would it would neutralize that it would bring us down to a zero basis so that's I could just ask a question when energy New England made their first pass of of that $1.4 million loss if I recall the statement you said it was not off by all that much so second pass evaluation change that opinion U not really I mean it's like even if the initial sorry even if the initial estimate provided by the chair was correct uh which it isn't but even if it is if it were correct that's less than 5% of your $32 million well I understand but I guess the question is it you know the 1.4 the statement made that it was not substantially wrong that's sign well I think just in K fairness the 1.4 number came in after that meeting at that point in time that meeting was $1 million or $1.1 million so another analysis was presented and that's the analysis that they that they worked on which was more extreme so just just to play it and and to balance there was a lot of work that they needed to do to look at to try and rationalize all those numbers they didn't have a chance to look at that when it was first presented they didn't do any of this analysis at the last meeting I think the Assumption he was trying to make was um you know there will be periods you know if as you get to be in a higher heads position there's potential periods where you will be long now we're working on other programs in terms of how to manage that down because we're also short in the summertime so one of the things that we're working on right now is a program to reduce our long position in the spring and improve our short position short being or lower hge in the summertime um so I want to have anything else from no and I think that that my my concern out of all this is not specifics of these particular numbers um but they illustrate a point that you know when we contract with energy suppliers we contract at sort of an overall position is the price for megawatt favorable but then as you mentioned there's going to be times where Supply is high and load is low and Supply is high and demand is whatever the opposite of that is so so as Pam was mentioning about risk management we need to have in place an understanding of where those risks are and how we're going to respond to them so my question is more of do we have that in place how is that how are we dealing with those variances internally um I mean we this discussion has gone on several weeks if not a couple of months I mean that seems a long time to kind of manage adjust and understand what these these numbers are so yeah how to me the real question is this isn't going to be new this is going to when you have variable Supply and variable demand you're going to have variable matches so this is going to be Life as we know it um so how does how does rmld managing that what how how what's in place well so we're in a transition mode in terms of how we manage our power supply and we're going to continue to be in a transition mode and historically we basically purchase power under blocks um on Peak off peak and weekends and with the new intermittent stuff we're now and that was basically firm block so they would deliver no matter what um we started two years ago in the context of looking at more intermittent is is it more appropriate to start well we want to do the analysis associated with our so so we still have a lot of work to do in terms of looking at the hourly forecast of a load and the hourly forecast of supply and one of you you haven't been here but for the past two years I've been push not pushing we have been recruiting data analyst that looking at this now this is there's a This is complicated stuff and and this snapshot in terms of where we are right now is is the beginning of a more volatile period um what we're going to try and do is create went back to some of the lessons we learned some the so we don't in terms of the we haven't had this problem historically because historically the market has not been very volatile it's been very stable and we've taken a position of being 60% h I'm just you're asking what I think the market has has probably been volatile but you've been able to modulate supply because you've been able to draw against energy or fossil fuel sources as we move to renewable sources that's not going to be the case they're going to be wind sun and water Rel absolutely and so so you're matching a variable Supply with a variable demand that's really where the conflict comes in and and so so yeah I guess what I'm hearing is that change is something everyone's dealing with and that's a change that and I see Megan wants to jump in and I broke up her yeah because I think maybe it was two years ago when there was the war and the price went up and our Hing helped protected us so we can do the math and say hey we saved this much money and then this year hey we you know we settled at a loss because Hydro production was really high that's exactly why we had like you know it it can go up really high it can go low really really low and then when we hedge it's stay it stays at a certain price and and all I'm really asking is how we understanding that how we dealing with that going forward I mean yes you know right so one internally so one one strategy we can think about is we can have a team actually doing energy trading if that's the way we want to go to actually watch the market every day every hour and trade energy and maybe we we'll make money off it maybe we'll lose money off of it if that's the direction is Bor and for for the for ourl to go we can try that to manage that variable Supply and variable demand so the overall strategy when you see both sides are variable it's actually you still want the H and then the key question we have this conversation offline before the key question is how much do we hedge that's why and then and also as GRE just mentioned as high as we had in the summer we're still short and in the summer if there's an outage that one transmission line is off the the the the price of power will be $2,000 per kilowatt hour it happened it happened before so so how do we manage that yes I think it's a constant question that we have to answer so but there's no one correct answer it's an in process answer to you that's what I want it's in process we're learning as we go here and and it's find it's in process I'm just think this this is highlighted that this this is the need going forward and and yes trading power is is one answer and then the other is Hardware battery storage you know being able to move that Peak between that's a whole other side that there's Hardware Hardware to this also and what can we do internally so has described um the the challenges with purchasing power on demand you I believe you explained that the last meeting how how difficult that could be and why it was spaced out if you could just repeat that instead of doing it on a hourly basis I think he provided a good explanation of that come on on the brains and the smokes you just repeat the I couldn't hear all the questions um I I believe the last time we met you you as to raise point you know why aren't we trading per the minute and you gave an explanation explanation of why we kind of space we space that out a little bit longer so it's not so volatile of a of a TR you explain why you have contract in place we don't do trading because it was yeah yeah so so oh thank you thank you po okay so we look out you know we look at like 20 years or so when we're trying to do some these contracts but near term we try to be more hedged than we are as uh far away because we don't know what's going to happen in the marketplace so near term we try to stay more heavily hedged and then layer in additional Hedges as time goes on and bring in more power supply so we bring in at Market related prices so so rmld will always have competitive rates and we'll have a power supply Supply that that is car as carbon free as possible just one thing if I may U Back on the slide go back and a couple more please one more the one where it says that one so it says it's provided by chair that's me it's actually wasn't by me you you clarified a minute later that it was Bill I didn't use his name but go ahead okay well it's yeah the former ird that that gave the analysis and that he give it to me okay well he gave it to the board keep going keep he gave it to the board and he gave it to iie and I remember at the last meeting at August 22 and and to Ken's point you know there was these numbers of of that are shown there and we heard we heard you say Bob yeah that's what happened that there were these overages meaning it wasn't just hedging it was well was over Supply and those were amounts that had to be sold back and there's reasons why it happened but we just wanted to confirm that these were the numbers and why and how to how to avoid in the future um at the meeting I remember Vice chair Pino was suggesting because there was this dialogue and bill came into the meeting and I'm not going to do that again but hey why don't you and you know Phil said why don't you and Bob get together and work it out and I I don't see that that happened because just today Bill emails he he took this off the board book and has a big critique of this very slide Deck with points that I are too much for us to get into here but I don't know you know it's here we are a month later the dialogue didn't happen I guess so now we're just that we get the we get the thing in the board book three days ago and new critiques and it just feels like we're where we were a month ago of I I think the where we are a month ago is we keep asking the same question from an individual that we hired here for his expertise other than power supply the reason I put the e& piece up there there's a team of a dozen people that have more expertise than we do at rmld for sure so so what I'm trying to tell you is you we have work to do going forward and we treat going over the past power supply is a forward looking right it's a and you know we want to try and learn you know raise points is correct that you know what do we learn and how do we adjust and that's what we rely upon these people for having somebody I'll I'll stop right there I think the question should be why do we keep asking the same question over and over again when we keep going through detailed analysis these guys are the experts not okay that's enough all right well I'm just saying that we got a critique of it we this presentation came to us two or three days ago Friday Friday and today we you know I guess there are questions about it that could have been resolved had the dialogue suggested by Phil occurred and we're it feels like we're sort of where we were a month ago a little bit to me and if you look at all the slides we not where were a month ago no disrespect move on move on if for those that would like to get deeper into these um I would be more than happy or with the and you guys to walk you guys through it this is I personally find this stuff fascinating and um between en and our internal I'll leave it right there okay I I'll just add one thing I think whatever number you presented at last meeting there was no supporting uh uh like calculation behind it you just throw out a number I think it was a $1 million and for you need to make a quick assessment whether that amount is accurate was not fair so whatever you know Bob said at the meeting I don't think this is not a hearing I guess I I've been had eviden hearing for eight years so I can say that you know I don't think that's fair to kind of accuse the I for making inconsistent comments I don't think they are and also um uh uh employees they spend days doing the analysis because of this you know this issue that was raised so I think maybe off you know offline if you want because these all confidential information and there are pages and Pages tabs line rols and rols of data that you know uh Ken has to kind of go through to do the analysis he can walk through you know the entire calculation process with you that's how we want to be transparent he can walk through the entire thing with you and then maybe you can you can judge um whether you know that's a reasonable analysis I will make one last Point these slides six and seven talk about the benefit of our hedging strategy and if we were to be lower hedge the numbers are there they are in the million ions of dollars 2024 as we talked about before is a neutral status because of the nature of the weather the level of our hedging and the weather conditions um these are powerful analyses I just make one comment I think when it comes to the board and all this discussion around what percent hedging we should be at it really comes down to how risk averse as a board are you our riskus is rld you want to have you want to have some risk then you lower hedge you got to live the results go the other direction or if you don't want to have a lot of risk you hedge higher and then you run into something like this and this happens time too so it really comes down to how risk Revere are we and what position do we want to take right right all the other stuff's really complicated but really comes down to how much risk you are you willing to accept and I think that's raise Point too what's the risk assessment yeah like for example when we were at NEPA we had this conversation in the hallway in fact I asked the question of one of the presenters it's like how do you how do you know where to position yourself and um his answer was uh that's a good question um well you know um it depends how risk averse you are and thank you for asking that question because that's a really good question and it wasn't until we got to speak to other Commissioners did we kind of get a sense of where other people are and what their value is and and one commissioner uh in Connecticut uh connectic utility he said well we're at 90% hedged but in doing our analysis we found that the times the low times versus the high times we still come out ahead that tells me a couple things right they do the analysis they know where the lows and the highs are coming out and so my question is we do that analysis too so we'll show you that so so that that are we doing that do do we understand that position so we do I think the way is is that we're moving from block analysis to hourly analysis and that's the transition whatever that means I mean yeah that one went about here more kind deceptive to see just one year yeah well hedging one you see you know hedging for one year that's that's decep to see it over period I mean you know that's why something like financial statement hedging on interest people who borrow money and they they have a rate so they get a they get a flat rate across now the way these the way the the bank set them up the bank always going to make money in that case what I've always experienced on that but you know with when an interest rate went up I'd actually saw somebody who got money back from the bank you know and that's and but it's a long-term thing it's not something you just should look at for one year or six months again you look at anything that you take a risk on you're looking at a one year three year five year 10 year yeah because you're not always going to hit it's a risk so I always look at it you're gonna you'll hit more often than you miss that's right but that's your plan and you do take those risks to to stay ahead or to be competitive I I think Dennis if I may so this this is this chart right here is actually this chart on the left is basically prices and that gray bar across the middle is our contracted price so if the if the area above is where we've avoided risk and the area below that line that blue is areas where we There's an opportunity cost now we can work through how to how to minimize that blue area but if you look at the magnitude of the area above versus the area below we our portfolio has looked pretty good historically like I mean my full-time job I buy oil for the following year and I'm buying it now yeah so I'm taking a risk that it could go lower and now you know presidential election prices are going down and I bought in eight months ago but I'm taking the RIS but if you look over the last five years I've I've been it's been profitable yeah and now this year here it could come close I may not lose but I'll be breaking but I I had to make my decision a year ago based on what information I had and moving ahead right I went to ground Source heat pumps so I don't worry about [Laughter] that he'll just savings 30% savings on my economic you're doing well the school going and build will have it bill just chided me for looking at my phone which is fair but I was doing it because I bill marked up a bunch of these slides with comments about things and so I it's too much for me to understand of what the critique is and what the response to the critique might be to me okay oh he didn't see he sent it to the seven hours ago to all of us thought okay anyway okay y Peter thank you man actually I just say you're saying Bill bu is no longer here there any other employees for for reding light that have looked at the same slideshow and have a different opinion like I not that Bill's no no no I'm just saying I'm just like there might be somebody that studies this every day here as well that may have a different op and I'm not trying to pick sides or get involved I'm just I haven't seen bill I didn't get a slide just way um oh so I mean who I mean I Megan yeah Megan Megan's team but these together yeah yeah right so there's more than yeah there's a team effort and I want to say again that this is confidential information I think we really need to be very careful about this and and also be careful about how we're handling the the conversation I don't think it's appropriate to have that conversation uh on confidential information that one party should not be having right now that that being the price of that underpins the calculation here nothing in this is so wait wait wait Megan no no okay just keep it we Anze the data how we come to the conclusion we can spend hours with you we are willing to do all that to explain to to you how we do it but to pitch us against an individual on a topic that has very confidential information I don't think it's appropriate should okay nobody's pitting anybody you know we're we're trying to get answers to information we get and get them in a timely way as well so thank you on so this so one of the the requests came to talk about projects um we're so this was just to give you guys a little snapshot of what's coming there'll be some more detailed discussion into the capital piece but just this is just kind of a big picture four five minutes overview some of the you know the magnitude of the projects the area of the projects um Peter and his team um the engineering team are are basically doing the structure and the design the capital budgets and of course the line team executes highlights go ahead I'll push the buttons say next slide please on all right so uh this first sheet here is a bunch of projects that we've completed this year in 2020 before um starting in Reading we just completed the McDonald's they just did a rebuild there uh Theresa's Prime up in North Reading up on Elm Street we rebuilt the pole line going in upgraded the Transformers uh one of the bigger projects was the mass do project at low in wuben streets that was a for count project with the state uh involved U 25 polls all together uh to be replaced uh I Cruz did 17 veren did eight uh we did 17 because of the uh the taller poles and 55 footer is pretty good siiz project involved transferring three spacer cable circuits two aerial cable circuits and open wire circuit secondaries street lights all that uh to widen up the intersection that's a project that they need to widen up the intersection before they start doing the there's two other projects that they're in the process of doing uh the buts Road Bridge and the Main Street bridge on Route 38 uh another big project that got done by the crews was uh forom road all the poles on forom road were replaced and upgraded uh straight transfers on that but that was 30 plus polls um that area was uh really in need of a rebuild uh we have some new customers up on forom Road North Point realy 100 forom Road large building that went in uh no customer yet but it's a large space um W Solutions in Wilmington uh as another new service Stafford manufacturing and existing customer up on Andover Street that upgrade the service required new Transformer new poles um Chase Bank uh right at the corner there of uh main Washington new building there new service new polls uh we did a bunch of area rebuilds Cold Spring Road and reading Forest Street in Wilmington uh Forest Glen and Wakefield Street and reading and we got a couple EV charges in at the Huckleberry School in Lindfield and the Summer Street School in Lindfield get a quarter pounder out of McDonald's what's that you least get a quarter pounder out of McDonald's weren't giving up there's a huge um site that's been developed off on in wilington off of 129 I think past the rap Solutions yeah what is that I mean that seems like potential for heavy load right is that no I should say yeah he's a he's a guy that does all the wraps well I think he did something solution Distribution Center OH text yeah it's 300,000 square foot empty building they sold the property 90 million or something and I don't know if anyone's it's still a ghost so it's a ghost down yeah good with the um Road not widen yet yeah no but but what's the expected load there that guess that's it's all over the place they have a 2500 kba Transformer there right now one one 3,000 Amp Service uh they don't have any ten it yet so they have no plans to do anything with it one one of the there's three areas similar to that um that particular site one on Salem Street and then another one on Upton road so those are three 200 to 300,000 square foot facilities that they're also looking at from a potential small data center so the fact that they exist and there's and you know we've got good power to all of them yeah the likelihood so we'll see what I mean again we want to try and our goal is to be as accommodating as possible um and fast but it's going to be depend upon who decides you know what kind of business they want to put in there I mean I say industrial business but the load could be big um with with data centers is their the way of peak shaving or or are they able to accommodate um load cut back on on high service or they they pretty much flat demand um there's actually they're learning there's a different tiers the hyper centers there they're all on all the time um the smaller ones that would be us there's a there's different patterns to them um there's a potential for that pattern to be shifted back to your other point um one of the things that was in the other presentation and our you know as we thought of as we look at what's going on from a legislative perspective and we look at potentially increasing amounts of negative power from some of the intermittent resources your point of storage so we've got a lot of storage programs going forward we won't talk about it tonight but we're continuing to move forward with the form um that's a 10 hour but 100 10 me 100 hour system to to do more of the Arbitrage stuff so that's going to be that's going to be a key modeling piece I know over a two or three day period there technology but hard to put things in a bucket for a couple of months well there's a lot of I guess my question really came down to what I I started with the question was that um half of our power servic is to Commercial and so they're are big commercial end cni right right so too much but the eyes all right so um the ey sorry okay so um makes big chunk of what we deliver yeah and so if if that if as those spaces fill we can find a way through their power requirements to be able to modulate that whether that's a storage through them or onsite or whatever um that the other the residents don't get hit because the eye was and and and that can be rate managed two there two point your first point is very valid and the second point is that's why we do the rate structure right but but so we always want we want to make sure that that's balanced properly but your bigger point is is there ways our goal to the extent we can is to make our curve um as flat as we can to the extent we can and we'll talk a little about some of the demand management programs in the general manager update yeah so so that's as we try to fill those voids we want to yeah both from an economic standpoint and then as our delivering power um but we don't want to hit our over hit our Peaks either so expensive this big picture all right we got a lot of uh moving on to the active projects uh like I said we have a couple mass do projects but as Road Bridges uh shut down now they're going to rebuild that bridge 38 bridge over uh on Main Street over the road tracks uh we have a bunch of conversion areas to do um that they're working on currently now Edwards have South and whiteall with getting some paperwork done on the poles to get a horizon to replace the poles uh Cross Street in Wilmington has a new apartment building going in uh we have a couple of new residential subdivision we're contining with a transfer uh uh live front padmount uh switch Gear replacement program we still have a two two to do there we're waiting for the units to come in uh they gave us a long lead times on those and it's gotten longer so yeah um we have the Wilmington Senior Center we're working on and the Wilmington Town Hall so a lot of projects in Wilmington projects proposed for next year and Beyond um looking to put in charges in the uh high school middle school and North ring the Town Hall in North spreading the cage and Citizens Energy uh storage The Battery Systems uh one's going to River Park one's going to Station 3 massot is looking at the Route 129 bridge over i93 rebuilding that bridge that's another project coming down the road shoot Street Redevelopment couple other buildings on Main Street uh uh town hall is looking to get a I believe a charg and Lindfield and in ready and we have the Lindfield PV form energy and maple Metals down the road how are we determining how many easy Chargers and where are going by the customer location request or we it's it's more by request as a primary piece right now we we had a we put together kind of I think we it's by request really we're not our goal is to be responsive we're not driving them there is there's still an opportunity which will change that model but there's a um we did a Grant application for a $5.1 million which is all EV related but it's hide closer to the highway system so if we actually get that Grant then we're going to have to rethink our strategy but we're g to we still appli for the grant we were asked to apply to the grant because of the previous work we'd done so right now it's it's mainly in response mode but if that Grant comes in then we're going to probably rethink how we do that one yeah because it'd be nice to get something near in South Main Street would be an ideal location one of those one of those gas stations down there yeah absolute ideal location so near the highway pet question for you what are the typical challenges for RM rmd to do these projects the high level to do what what are the most typical challenges that you deal with in getting these projects done you listed a lot of projects well it used to be supply chain uh we're catching up on Transformers uh single phase p mounts three phase single phase pole mounts three pad pad mounts are still a little behind we're waiting on what is there but uh that was the hottest thing with supply chain issues but now we're catching up on all that we just got another load of uh 52 Transformers today we're supposed to get another 50 something tomorrow okay so but just in terms of Staffing you have enough staff to do what you need to do I'm just I think we're getting there yeah we got line Crews we we're going to build yeah we have a lot of line guys yeah but the engineer is where we need support any he has a big I mean just we want to give you a flavor we we'll we'll go into a snapshot of you know Milestones key risk and financial we'll try and put that standard piece and then have details behind it um so that's we just want to give you a sense that there's a lot percolating and we'll make it a part of the regular agenda item going forward we'll pick a project and dig into it as much as you want to what might be helpful for me is just thinking about it in terms of like different what are the big three buckets of projects it's you know new development it's upgrades of existing it's like ongoing maintenance and what are the number of projects each of those just so we think about yeah categorizing it's good yeah year over year too right so plan for the unplanned but that would be helpful just in terms of am activ we'll add that to the categorization Lots going on thank you for sharing it thank no NOP no good we're GNA keep moving well just me yeah I got take you out yeah please thank you very much I'm Susan and Men You're HR director for those of you might not know me I have just a quick couple of slides okay that I'll just run through with you I know it's been a long night so we're going to make this has weend uh we just broke down the uh General the rml workforce by generation and this is just a snapshot of rmlb today but in terms of today's Workforce in general I looked up some numbers you know online and saw that Harvard Business Review had similar numbers just for the overall work Force so their numbers were like 19% Baby Boomers 35.5% gen xers 39.4% Millennials and their projection was that in 230 um it 230 excuse me it would be about 30% gen Z and if you look at the number of um in this next Slide the number of people that we have that in 225 in 2025 will be over the age of 60 um 60 or over that's about 19 employees and if you kind of do the math here we're right in line with Harvard um Harvard Business reviews sort of numbers on the overall Workforce ours is kind of mirroring theirs quite quite well um I think what we're looking here at here is rmld has a lot of long-term commitment people over you know under a little under half whatever is um are people that have been here at least over five years and many over you know 30 years we have some over 30 years and over you can see our numbers 25 to 30 years for employees that you anyone longer than Phil no and he will tell you that and so you know what are we doing to retain institutional knowledge we're creating standard operating procedures if you're Janet Walsh we already have about 35 those in HR which she sends me daily so some some are a little ahead of the game they've been here longer to do it but we're doing that both written and in video and we're working with the office to just train and transfer knowledge as much as we can um obviously those days of having 30% gen gen generation uh xers or these excuse me thesee are is going to come quickly um and all those lucky people will get to retire so but we do love our employees and in 224 rld hired 12 employees not including internal promotions and hires um I hate to underestimate internal promotions and hires because Dennis will tell you when we were in Wilmington I think we had 60 the first year I was there and like 35 of them were transitioning from job to job and that just still created the same amount of work as you do when you're when you hire somebody so even though we've only had 12 hires it might feel like more than that to us because we do we have had people move internally around and Greg's going to talk a little more about that in the executive session currently we have about seven open positions we have three candidates at the present time maybe even four who are in the process of being hired and um we're having a few a smaller intern season this fall and winter so we don't expect you know that to be too much to fill the room in terms of our interance why is that intentionally it's kind of seasonal for them you know like seasonally we just get a lot more interest I think in the summertime with it's not fewer versus last year it's fewer versus Summer it's just fewer versus yeah we have a we have a big load of kids you know I don't want to call them kids young people that are in here they're certainly professional so so just quick question what are the most important open positions right now the most the most what important positions that are open which which they're all you've got seven open position most critical open positions well right now I would say critical in terms of just numbers of filling ird we have to we we need to support our ID highd Department right now so we have a couple of Specialists right now that are being you know in the in the works of being hired and we are filling our final analyst role this week and so that will be nice to have that staffed again the way it should be I think it just by the nature of the number of openings we had that became front and center but our systems engineer position too is very important for us to fill quickly and we do have somebody that's why I asked Peter the question because we do have somebody interested in that position right now and there's been a lot going on here and you know these things that we have been going through cause us to it creates a little bit of a hurdle when you're recruiting and you have to be very mindful to be very honest with people and communicate and tell them where where things are at and I've been really trying to do that as you know Greg I've passed everything by Greg but it's hard when you're recruiting people they want to know who they're working for and why they're coming to rmld and you know and they want stability and um and and it's a sector that's attracting positions right we're doing well to attract positions and actually I'm pretty proud of the fact that these few hires that we've had lately we have not paid any fees on people are coming to us and I think that we it's an exciting you know thing that we're talking about what's happening in rmlb um I think that the difficult stuff is the recent hurdles that you know we all know about and we don't need to go into that but those put us in a position when we're recruiting that it makes it a little more difficult you know just because people want to be stable they want to be going someplace and knowing that you told me everything and and quite frankly I'm very honest upfront and Dennis has worked with me and I I just tell the truth and if PE you know I'm going to tell it the way it is and people I'm going to say hold on if if you're not comfortable wait a couple weeks let this shake out and we're going in this direction and I've told the truth thanks to you all tonight but uh I think you'll see me hiring a couple people real quickly because I think there's a couple here that are waiting in the wings now question are there defined training routines for new people coming into the organization I would say yeah you're probably more than one to speak to this Megan want to say this but now you ask question I have to say what I'm left with um is there's a huge lack there's a huge lack of standard operating procedures I've been working for the past seven eight weeks for about 45 to 50 hours a week just to really clean up uh contracts were not renewed um invoices are not paid rat are not processed back even before all the staff turn over before I want to emphasize that so yes that's the goal I want to by the end of the Fall to have all the procedures in place and to train all the team members on those and it's not only just to deal with turnover but rather um you know people may want to do new things and if there's a standard there then they can always you know step into new things or someone is sick has to be out and another person can easily come in and help right now I'm literally spending a lot of time um just dealing with all these um procedure and and administrative uh issues not to complain but ask a question and I would add to that obviously as far as our alignment and control room positions those are very safety centered in that though those training manuals are very specific they move along they have to be evaluated from a safety perspective and so that is very tun tuned in to a certain frequency and we follow that frequency you know so they have documentation every time I get a jump to a step there's validation of skills um so that that's very clear-cut it's really more the professional positions that we're looking at trying to shore up the institutional knowledge and make sure that it's being carried over it's being shared it's being it's being able to be backed up even just to be able to be backed up you know Janet or I go on vacation either one of us can do something you know I'm not I'm not a lawyer can't do it all but but I can do quite a bit to keep things moving and at least have hands on something and identify something if it comes across our desks so just for every position to have you know another person to be able to step in and do that is is really important Susan one quick thing how many total employees are there around the right now it's about 86 I expect it to be over 90 in a week I think it would be a nice slide you talk about how long people have been here on when you do these presentations you know there's seven people that been 30 is six people I think that'd be a great slide to show longevity with the crew I got it right here oh but thank you for the entry and so I've got three over over 30 years four over you know 25 years six over 20 years five over 15 years 10 over 10 years and 10 over five years so we do have 48 new employees um but again that's not uncommon in looking at what our Workforce snapshot for the rest of the world is that is what it is right now but they may only be here five to 10 years but those employees may come in with multiple years experience absolutely um the the I'm not speaking to the age groups here uh we have a varied age group you know and this is an attractive place to come into I mean I I entered the municipal sector later I did 20 years in the private sector and I came enter the municipal sector later so it does Happ yeah um and then I want to just state that um from the point of view of turnover I know there's been so much brought up about this and there's been so much and I want to say HP because I don't want anything negative this I just want to talk about when we look at these numbers the biggest concern we have is looking at ird you know we have you know some would say wow that's a huge number and I I went back because I heard this board mention that I didn't have any exit interviews that isn't true I have exit interviews on everybody who will give me one sometimes I run into things like where the lineman has vacation and he takes his two weeks of vacation when he gives his notice and I don't see him again so I don't get to get an exit inter viiew those circumstances do come up and some people refuse exit interview they don't want to why they're going and they don't want to share but I did want to share some of ird because there's a number seven sticking up there like glaring at all of us and I wanted to go through some sentiments and I'm gonna leave these Anonymous but I'm happy to share names just in another time I'm not going to do that in public meeting um we have an ird engineer she was not looking to leave she felt valued supported she really liked her manager she would have liked a bit more Direction and the new assistant manager f is was filling in the Gap she didn't feel she needed she she didn't feel she had complete training and wanted to be clearer on goals she noted she would recommend the company to others for employment and she would have liked to do some r alongs with other departments she was leaving for her dream job in underwater exploration and we could not compete with that so there's one ird specialist one he was leaving now because it was his time he said to work crazy hours and learn as much as he could new position offered him fast learning and growth opportunity he felt valued and appreciated at rmld the director was not a hight touch manager and what he liked about transitioning to reporting to the assistant director was more High touch interaction in weekly one-on-one meetings he felt he received proper training he appreciated the support in pursuing his MBA he did not know that what would have made him stay as he was offered the position for a particular person who he knew who was senior and offered to Mentor him in the regulatory interface and power supply workspace he recommended more structure better better goal followup and feedback more often we had a customer support specialist now we're up to out of the so she was not looking to leave her past employer called and offered her her previous position with more money than she made before she felt valued and appreciated at rmld she could not say enough about her manager great person always willing to help she felt things ran smoothly here at rmld she commented it was great to see the gamm walk through and check on them and the customers again he also was always going to help her last day was emotional she enjoyed her co-workers she varied back and forth on whether to take that job and let me tell you I tried hard to come in and say this is your pension you know what I mean let me teach you everything about you know why you should stay here but in the end you know people have families sometimes they have aging parents sometimes they have reasons that they need five weeks of vacation a year you know and it's really hard to talk people out of that and so you know some people you leave an open door policy and you say a job opens up and later you want to come back call us um we had another ird specialist in the group of seven that retired um and so needless to say he was happy to be on his way we had a nice chat most of the questions in an exit interview don't apply when you're retired you know what can we do to make you stay nothing so um I'm looking at that and I've got four out of the seven and then you're left with the director and two other people the director left hardly any notice um you know not the greatest of situations and the two people that left behind him Rel you know one gave notice and then ended up walking out and the other no notice at all and neither would do an exit interview um in the whole scheme of things that's not an exodus three people does not an exodus make and I have their sheets I mean I do fill them out typing in front of them and I'm talking to them you know but these are their cheets and um so I just want to say that because I just think it's important to really give you the and all the other numbers I know you've all sat with me and I showed you what the wise of the other departments you know people didn't make it through probation okay can we do a better job identifying that out front you can certainly try I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement these people gave some good feedback you know we want to pay attention to that feedback but I do think you know if you look at the early people leaving on this and saying I'm happy but I need a little more you oversight or I didn't know what I was doing in the beginning I looked back at these people's previous evaluations that they did on themselves and their evaluations they did on themselves they said I didn't know what to do right when I got here and I didn't have a high touch manager so I really was kind of like liling and I figured some stuff out on my own and I got better and my performance improved well we did something about that we built structure underneath the director with another assistant director so that we could touch those employees more so I I don't like or or you know the the idea that we're sitting around and we have no idea what's going on that's not it It's just sometimes people don't tell you everything they're feeling all the time as Lord knows we have found that out and if these people that I'm talking about are talking to anyone here but what are they saying today I don't know but this is what they said to me when they left you know and and we have to believe them I I don't know what else to do with that so I'll leave you with that I really sincerely appreciate all of you this evening and the professionalism that we conducted this meeting with and I I just want to say thank you for that thank you Su yeah sus one quick thing um from working with you in wimington you brought the exit interview into wimington that didn't happen a lot and you brought a lot of good value out of them while you were there things that we hadn't talked about and people would come and go and you never talked about it so it's important to collect that data when people will give it to you and then apply that data you are very much around process control training um those with experience I had with you yeah and um the time we work together so I see that you brought the same thing here which is the value you've added here and that's you know what I would have assumed you would do and well I don't want to steal anyone's Thunder because I'm never want to undercut somebody before me's process this process what was here when I got here and I just picked up on doing it danet has a lot of processes and she shares them all with me so so Susan thank you I I think one thing I've heard and recognized is that a lot of times people come to a company an organization for the the overall uh image of the organization but if they leave it's because of a bad experience with a boss yeah okay A lot of times people leave jobs because they don't like that they're not comfortable with the boss and not so you seem to have a lot of experience in this matter but as you interact with supervisors within rmld you know I hope you're you know helping reinforce that you know people need to be good in their jobs yeah but being a boss is it's a separate skill it is and people need to work at it I mean sometimes you know you promote people for their Technical and operational skills and not necessarily people skills and I do feel like that's something that we I I know Greg and I have had a lot of conversations about this some people should be individual contributors some people should be managers and and sometimes we get that right and sometimes we get that wrong and I do believe that us building structure under somebody is is identifying where we can help them be successful and not to take it to a negative turn we don't need to take it to a negative turn if they have some good value to offer we turn that towards how do we build structure underneath that to move forward in a positive way for the employees so so if you can evaluate you know if you have people some people may be good mentors they could be a good Mentor but don't have to be a boss so so that's very true yeah yes that's very true and I can tell you too I mean if you you all know you've been in the workforce a long time I've worked places where I matched with that boss and stayed 10 years and I've worked places where I was counting the days after one you know what I mean sometimes you don't get the right match and sometimes it takes you know whether you want High touch low touch it doesn't make either of them bad it's just some people want the independence and they can flourish in the independence and other people want you know more teaching and handholding and and I think it's our job to identify that early and try to assimilate to that and give them what they need to be successful here so I I'm not missing that at all I just there's a way to communicate you know and and and this is one thing we really have to teach our staff there's a professional way to communicate writing Anonymous letters writing letters to your board isn't it as Dennis will tell you I was a employee person all the way I had six unions and I think I I had more friends than not you know I mean and I I really try to support the employee because I've been a union employee and I started out as a secretary and I'm not ashamed of that at all I think it's taught me everything so so so last question is there anything different that you think you and the leadership team needs to do in terms of just being just promoting how people are managed is so I'm not saying it's required I'm just saying is there a need to do something different if there is please do it but I don't know if you want to comment on that yeah you know I think it's a I think we're always trying to be our best right we're always going to educate we're always going to keep on going and learning new skills I I don't have them all I learned part of the reason I came here was Janet Walsh because I felt like this is someone that can take to the next level you know yeah answer yes absolutely we can always learn learn and we we do have strategies going forward we're going to continue to learn we're going to continue to make recommendations that help our employees be the best employees they can be and part of that is going to be some professionalism training too along the way how to get to us how to be heard and how to not worry about being heard because I can I'm supposed to be a hub for for confidentiality you know I'm supposed to take you in when you don't feel good about your boss and work that out right and so I I'm hoping that we can move in that direction more so yeah I do want to add a couple things um yeah my my focus is forward you know whatever whatever the numbers are showed how what can we learn from that how can we move forward and the two things that I saw is project management there's a lot of things coming through here what are the project management skills how do we lay out a project how do we communicate a project to the teams where does that fit on competing time lines to me um what I learned or got from people uh although I didn't interview as many as as close as you did but I hope you got this message also that there was a lot of competing requirements of people and i' got them overloaded and I couldn't do other things so learning project management skills being able to set priorities to me that was that was one of the things um that I hope we can do better and then communication up and down through the organization that that whatever message mes I know Greg wants to try to send down to the organization but we also hear it coming up U through the directors of each of the various departments there seem to be a lack of communication so those are the two areas I see as improvements uh across the organization not not just the people coming in but the managers and and leaders of the organization the core team and I hope we can strengthen those skills develop those skills there are resources available to do that um I think we should be a learning organiz gation I think that is supportive of people if we could say something wasn't achieved to the degree that we wanted to maybe this skill needs to be developed let's work on that let's not I want to build people up not throw people away I understand and but part of that too there has to be trust and you guys just as I have to Foster trust with the employees you are also a body that has to Foster trust with us and we have to Foster trust with you and going forward in the best way we can we need to be able to trust each other you need to you know we need to believe each other when we you know are faced with information that we have to share and and I I pledge to give you the truth we good thank you so much how many slides you got three minutes auction put the clock on that's for two all right general manager update thank you guys all um so real quick couple of key things here um new team member e e for us um so she's actually in the process of making some improvements to it okay but the out in terms of what the outage situation is there's a whole bunch of reasons why you want to do that outage and and um well when that comes in I mean the larger IUS have very good outage maps and we're trying to get to that stage and we're trying to do it in an economical absolutely the right thing to do absolutely short term yeah so there there's some changes that she's already yeah thousand yeah the site says go to Twitter you go to Twitter and it's there so just little things like that um well accepted feedback um can you advance my slide just go okay great great um load management um you guys saw in my between meeting updates um uh so the connected home programs um that uh is in process right now it'll be rolled out formally in November but um we're contracted with them we kickoff meeting next week um so that's just on the residential side primarily thermostat um and EVs and water heaters um we working with en on a cni program um they gave us some feedback in or we gave them some feedback in late August so that's in process as well next item down there real quick um again a novel uh load management system stepwise it's a startup company that's that we did a joint Grant application last year um but it basically it's a customer we'll give you a little more details behind it but it's basically a load limiting system during PE hours or if the electric panel is exceeding safe loading so there's a whole bunch of neat stuff there that we're doing and then the drive EV program that I talked about um in those different updates uh it's it's going to come forward as well so in terms of load management and demand response we talked about it back in the summertime um we're actually moving that forward and getting stuff done last slide last slide okay so um we talked so the annual report we for a whole bunch of reasons um and so Dave asked us the chair asked us to move it out we put it it it was in the package earlier I'm not sure if you guys had a chance earlier it was in the package was the package I'm sorry I didn't think it was yeah it was it was in the package that went out on Friday oh yeah yeah on Friday I thought you said last month it in Friday no no no it was no yeah I think the request was I think you said hey let's just hold off and it so anyways we do we do need to publish the annual report for 2023 and it is um um so I put a suggested motion up there we could wait a little longer um but it does need to be approved by the bo Commissioners um it's in the it's in our policy and it's historically the way we've done it um it it's pretty it's relatively simple straightforward the key piece of it are the financial obviously we did the financial um audit report back in uh in June um and then we put all the front- end stuff in it so it's not fancy um it's pretty straightforward but technically we do need to approve it to get it done so usually we have the annual report veil with the annual the November town meeting yes us we have it available the November town the November town meeting is when it's when it us available then now is a great time to so it's ready to go no ready to go it's ready to go do the motion on the board on the so no we didn't put yeah we did I didn't put it on there it's just it's literally the one we did last year oh the suggest so go and read it and then got a comment all right yeah oh yeah please go ahead for no good read the read the motion both right caban no just just the BCS to approve it okay um move that the rld Board of Commissioners approved the annual report for calendar year 2023 as presented on the recommendations of the general manager so second that oh second sorry okay so this is a comment I had even from last year yes and there's two things I I I I like the business of doing a report and having like a dashboard so two things one is you talk about 95% positive customer feedback from a survey oh yeah yeah so I think the best way of talking about that is something called a net promoter score NPS NPS NPS net promoter score that's a standard terminology used across all kinds of organizations so it's comparing Apples to Apples because when you're talking about your organization so so I I'd encourage you to think about it it's a pretty simple metric but do it okay so the same thing for carbon metrics uh I know we talk about you know how much is carbon free and how much is not carbon free but the best way to do is scope one scope two and scope three missions so then you're talking the same language for everyone and I know I've looked at reports from other utilities and I've shared this with you great y they are doing it okay so like National Grid is doing it and so it's something that you know you don't have to reinvent anything you you talk the language other know and then everyone Compares you and I think you've got a good story so that's what I'm saying yeah that's a good story I think so Megan Megan actually has quite a bit of experience on that and so um and it will come out of the ird group um so she's driving so we'll definitely make sure it's in next the 2024 annual report because I hoping I was hoping it would have been here at this yeah well we so it won't be in this one but we do want to get it so going back to Pam's comment in terms of website updates in the not too distant future when we get it we'll actually add it to the website as well so there'll be a couple of metrics but that will be one of them okay so so I think both the metrics the feedback the customer metric use NPS NPS yeah and and carbon yeah thank you y thank you so I just have one comment I think it's page 17 where we do talk about the compliance with climate law um the chart seems to indicate that our Target is not to change our non-carbon from between this year and 2032 we have not we have not yeah we not determined that right so it feels to me like it's I mean it's more of a TVD in the future years not a clear hard line of no oh just delet it yeah I mean I might well we can delete we from 2020 well actually have to vote we go2 okay we can change that you say non-carbon act tools or something like that on that line and it's just 23 and 24 I just don't want that message to be shared that not doing anything yeah so one we we could um we could do one of two things we can basically end it at the end of 2024 um and and just as you say actual actual yeah okay great we can do that um I understand exactly what you're saying okay and we can if you want to do the motion we can do it with that edit I have no problem with that okay with others any concerns page 17 yes exactly so just that line goes across yeah just stop it asarp Target so it makes it seem like our Target is not change it between now and 2032 and that may that may change our Target was uh 3% per year correct yeah but remember in January we ended up moving it from it was going to be 32% for 2024 we moved it up to 55% I think what Pam saying is that's great but uh from 25 onward we haven't defined because we're going to talk about that in January we'll make a decision we haven't so instead of kind of suggesting that that's what we're going to do just don't put it on and then make the the line from 23 24 make a note that it's actuals I think is great yeah that's that's that's a great idea I didn't think about that yeah we actually talked about what to do like we Haven made a change so but I think delet a better okay we um have to amend the with the requested as amended on on page 17 just have one comment I noticed that in the financials they in here Markham Markham has is been bought by cbid which is a private Equity Firm it's a accounting firm is backed by private Equity so God knows what's going to happen the next the audit next year where where are you looking B I'm looking the financials are in toward the back the audit report and you got the audit report it's Markham because it was it was milans malanson merged with Markham your comment is not so much this report just you're making a point going forward Point going forward and Markham is now sold out to uh cbiz which is backed by private Equity Firm so just yeah something to watch a lot of merges going on the account going for you know due to due to the fact is it is a dir of people in the accounting World these days a serious dir in accounting firms you know so one one comment I have this has come up before is so page 18 um and this this this is why I wanted to just maybe have us have one more cycle or more time look at it before voting but I understand as a deadline is so it's the same conversation we've had a few times but saying we have 31% nuclear 30 nuclear and 31 Hydro that's this that's not the the wreck situation means we we can only take credit for the greenness if you will of some of the hydro right because we don't have 31% of hydro whip wrecks correct that we've retired yeah so so that's why as we as we've done the past two years yeah we put we put your point which is what's the retirement but I as we had touched before it's important to let let the people know what the sources is so there's a there's a reporting requirement on page 17 and then just so people have a sense of what the you know what the mix looks like from a physical perspective that 18 I know and this is it is the same discussion we've had in previous years I just I feel like when we're saying to the reader at a simple that circular one oh it looks like 61% of our load if you count the wind is that is sorry the wind is wind's small as green yeah so it looks like we're 65% or so of non-carbon energy just looking at that Circle but but it's what's our actual with re sale I know but it's 55% oh in in in in I'm sorry in 2023 29% 20 it was 29 29% because it in terms of of retiring certificates as opposed to it's it's a prenal discussion but to me the circle you can't say electricity is hydroelectric unless you've retired the Rex you can't say it's Hydro but you can't say that it's compliance not yeah page 17 is the compliance page 18 is what physically is happening I just feel like if it would be nice if on page 18 there's no text on it if it could say a little just two sentences that and just leave it to you to add it before you publish it that just says this is the source but the the quote unquote the wreck or the greenness of it is is is different because we don't say C page 17 C page 17 yeah whatever you whatever whatever you think would do that it's a complicated thing it took me a while to figure this out right it took me 10 years be clear on one page took me 10 years and then in the 11th year I started to understand I'm sure this is not a bestseller we we will we will make a we'll make a sentence or two on the bottom of 18 to reflect that term comp Point yeah actually we don't have we don't have anything to comply with in 20130 corre so even compliances you know we don't have to comply with anything in 2024 but yeah okay enough said discre thank you for the discretion yeah Point made y be second Ed on page 18 and just on that point because you're talking about Rex and you know whether you're recognizing a recck or not but when we talk about actually scope one and two you're talking about actual carbon intensity because even if you have solar there's some embedded carbon in that so so so so I think the best way is actually looking at scope one and two emissions I mean scope three is going to be a nightmare but scope so it's not in here no it's not in here so that goes back to I think your Point's well taken in terms of that this is purely from um a certificate management perspective but you're right that's what you're trying to say is what is the carbon what is the true carbon impact of the energy that we are using and selling right so so capturing it as scope one and two is is the best way to do it because you may have two things that are you can call carbon free but they don't have the same carbon intensity okay so so so so I think that's I I've got that action from you but not for the 2023 report different point than the one I'm making yeah different point you're making but I think the spirit of what you're trying to communicate is what is the true carbon impact it's it's you know that that's what I'm getting anybody want to spend another 20 minutes line it in theual report that was not Cy again stealing candy from anyone my candy SP my dick the motion did we move did we move in second it already yeah we did did I okay and then with those edits as discussed to the discretion of the general manager all all in favor all okay thank you I vot me what do I gotta do now your journey we continuing with joint meetings into December or we think yeah do we actually it's a good question do we what do we all think about the joint meetings I mean they been great in some ways and yeah I I like them what is the St what would be the cons like a lot a lot great I think there's a lot of Pros by Sharon what would be the negatives Maybe not maybe there aren't any coordinating schedule you I think everybody two meetings I think a lot of information we wouldn't get as a board that you guys get and then being out multiple nights when you guys trying to coordinate schedules for coverage I really think this works from my side or the rest of the board thinks yeah the pro is too you the cab members do raise raise points that we wouldn't we wouldn't know about if we read separately yeah so if we can keep keep it going keep it so those those me those dates are fine with me anybody else I I do have a change in my availability for the 26th I can try to be remote but I may not on sorry November 26 okay then I don't I don't think we should change just for me but the is okay I mean like some of us have been oh we're going to Wilmington next month okay yeah so no no disrespect intended okay I forgot is there's a Nea conference in Worcester I should be back okay all right so no change needed get okay all right made a meeting I want you to know I have the minutes to be signed already in my email you will be receiving the budget book um Monday and that's the topic of the October meeting town hall and see yes yeah I think last time we did the um High School had just opened so um we can see what I have available and building great and this is the this is the audience are we are weting a December dat oh great idea anybody else want to come to wimington to H somewhere else he's saying something different I got you B I got you um yeah you want to try the December the 17th Tuesday or the 20 no 17 no still we don't want Thursdays and we don't want Wednesdays Wednesday's top me everything in the world's on a Wednesday work yeah Tuesday Yeah Tuesday 17th 17th is good 17th you're December 17 December 17 yeah I'll be I'll be REM any other Town Halls we want to visit besides what L well again we if we bump to someone else this year next year we'll have a brand new town hall and we could do one me to next year rep I don't that's proba too late coordinate but osed to open to us I mean requ agreement the requirement is the cab has to review the budget at least one budget meeting each year and another now that we do one night for the budget that is the night that we're yeah if you guys want to I mean we can take a look at it but if you want to do a different town I'm just saying because next year would be in the brand new town hall that's supposed to open in October next year so so just I so you guys you guys get to decide yeah um the cab specifically get to decide I don't have a problem because I can definitely coordinate it w we I just so just do it just do it in Reading then no we have to do it Choice North readings so because we did lynfield last year so do go back to lynfield it won't be there oh it's it's being built Wilmington do that beautiful thank de 17 yeah I'll send okay December 17th yeah yeah thank you all right so have a motion yes the last one Ken yeah moveed at the citizens Advisory Board adjourn regular session okay all Jason small Sony that's a w a WRA I have a question on the executive session motion y it's got the word to discuss a discipline or dismissal why is that in there can we take it out I think part of the standard I think it's part of the standard we're not in we're not intending to discipline anybody it's I think it's the unless correct or wrong but it's always I just want to confirm yes I want to confirm that only topsar the standard bucket talk about transparency I will move to the arml the Board of Commissioners go ex presing to m general laws chapter 164 section 47d exempt from public records and open meeting requirements in certain instances in certain instances likewise discuss app bargaining or litigating position of the public party and the chair so declares to discuss the reputation character physical condition mental health rather than professional competency individual or discuss the discipline or dismiss l or complaints of charge against brought against a public officer employee staff member or individual or for the approval of of meeting minutes and return to second okay recording stopped right at the beginning of the meeting more proced than anything um in our executive session I'll mention it in there e e e e for