e e e e e e I'll call this meeting of the rml Board of Commissioners to order at this point are the rml Board of Commissioners recognizes uh the importance of uh hearing public comment discretion of the chair but items of agenda once recognized by the chair all persons addressing the board shall State their name address prior to speaking it is a role of the chair to maintain order in all public and so discussion uh this meeting is being audio audio recorded remotely on zoom and live streamed on rctv um we have two members participating um remotely so we ask that uh we State their if they State their name now at this point I don't mind we have to take all votes by roll call because of the two members in so the two members why don't you state state your names for the record we're on we're on the zoom Robert go ahead Dave Dave talot is here okay Robert cter Is Here okay very good for the record all right so um we got the reorganization I think we pretty much discussed this last meeting so I know there any more anybody got any questions at this point if not we'll just move into the nomination so I'm looking for a nomination for the chair for the armold board for the next year Bob I'd like to nominate I'd like to nominate Dave Cal as the chair and Phil Casino as the vice chair take one motion at a time first motion is to nominate Dave as the uh the new chair is that second it question poliy it says that whoever is in an election year up election cannot serve as chair so Dave you're up in 2025 and so is right so at the last time at the last me me we ascended that well can I just make a clarification that we we didn't resend it we we said that it actually wasn't written in policy 19 so it actually is so if we are going to make the choice to do that then I think we need to agree that's what we're doing yeah I I have a thought on that uh because I saw the email um which is it it says in the election year which is 2 I know what the meaning of it is so if you went forward with this you could either we could if we want to we could change the policy or just you could reorganize in December so that it wouldn't be in the year of the election I'm just suggesting a way to do it in the spirit of what the conversation was last meeting if if my colleagues agree can uh being new what was the intent behind that rule can anybody speak intent was it was copied from the board of selected the intent was is that U should the person who shair not either seek re-election or not win re-election that would not be a v in leadership that was 10 in in that event let's say somebody was not reelected uh at the reorganization meeting wouldn't the vice chair just take that role that's right okay so there wouldn't really need it would be avoided necessarily y okay all right do we want to go forward or we want to do go forward at this point because we have a nomination on Flor for da Deb be the new chair I haven't anybody second that I'll second okay the second moved um so the motion is move to elect Dave talet as new chair of the Board of Commissioners to be affective immediately after the vote okay um okay so discussion see none we're not going to call Dave a bad guy all those in favor please raise your hand we go roll call we do by Dave we go first Sor uh sure I I'll go with a yes on that okay Bob yes Bob you're next yes bam yes Porter yes and Phil Pino yes so Dave you are now the chair okay well thanks everybody and we and if there's anything that we want to um neaten up as to the policy you know let's you know bring it forward to uh to Greg and we can get it on the agenda for the next meeting so that because it rais some good points there we want to make sure everything is everybody's happy with it um also we're look at policy 19 probably two maybe either in the May or June meeting because so we'll add it we'll add this to it okay so if there's something to clean up or if any of the members of the public want to weigh in that would be great um so now um we will move to open up nominations for vice chair are there are there any nominations there will be no Vice chair I will appoint myself Vice chair and general manager no I thought I thought we did just elect a no I'm I'm kidding Bob no technically way we do it is we do the chair then the chair now I'm chair now I open up Vice chair so yeah I'm kidding but you want to go ahead I I nominate Phil Cino for vice chair and do we do we have a second seconded bill has seconded that um any any discussion on on that role or any discussion on the nomination you have couple of new members would new to this so um you're not up in 2025 right so if 2025 so if Dave didn't succeed you would still be available as Vice chair and could fil there would be no Gap okay so sorry you're both up in 20 so technically both who knows then there'd be a reor yeah right in theory there would be there could be no chair or vice chair that that was where my question was going okay so but I think don't potentially Bob potentially be the one to step up in that case f the void I mean we that it is it would flow to the most senior person the most Junior person there there'd be there'd be a reorganization vote of the new members there'd be two new members that' be five and those new members would would choose among themselves uh the new and vice chair and the meeting that meeting could take place right after the election need to be delayed you know you be take it once the UN is certified you could do it the next day so well after the election certified yes so uh just to clarify though because last we did have one meeting after the election this year where and we did we chose not to reorganize in that meeting yeah because I chose not because we want I want to discuss the policy were we changing the policy I didn't want to go in and you know we're kind of an EU unique position because you got two new members basically two new members two members who are up for reelection we got one member you know one continuing member so I just felt the discussion should be and while the the poop went on went downtown I think we needed to make sure that we got we're firm Poli firm ground firm ground that was the int I mean had I known we weren't going to have so much discussion you know I probably would have reorganized it the next at that me I put that I guess my my question around this is just you know we haven't fully we haven't changed the policy we're choosing the way of the policy for the purposes of the chair yeah well we could we I'm sure of course anybody would do a great job I'm just thinking in terms of the consistency against the policy or or the policy pertain I'm sorry pen go finish what you were saying I didn't mean didn't mean would it be worthwhile for us to nominate someone like Bob to be the vice chair because Bob is not up for reelection and so there would be no risk to not have a chair or a vice chair well I I I think my quick reaction to that is that there the policy pertains to who the chair is the policy is silent as to the vice chair right so the policy of the chair in the understanding that a vice chair could step in if the chair was not reelected and has a leadership void but then there's the risk that we also then have a vice chair who is not available yeah but and when that happens if it happens it's not like the the it is possible for five new members to choose among themselves a chair even if none of them are currently in that position that does happen from time to time on elected boards Y and that's in the policy page three I I think we have uh um a general consensus and maybe if we discuss policy 19 at our next meeting would would that be satisfactory to um you Pam that we we change it immediately you know upon our next meeting yeah I I think we have a path forward if in the unlikely or you know who knows if it's un likely or not but we have a path so that there isn't a leadership void um I think we probably it warrants more discussion on whether it does make sense to permanently resend the policy or not but I would moving forward with the nomination as presented okay all right are we uh with that are we are we ready for a vote yeah yep okay um all all is this a roll call somebody Mr col should go next Bob um you're voting yes Bob yes and then Dave flash I rayter I uh Dave tet I so that motion carries five Zer um so that was it that's it for what's on the agenda correct no we got the appointment to the uh the audit committee oh right excuse me basically um Mr chair can I speak please okay gotta get used to be young chair so basically I've served on the counter rting audit committee for a long time so I'd like to continue to serve on that committee and really the subcommittee for the board is usually two members two members others side of myself who serve on that that uh that committee and basically what they what that board what that that does is the Auditors come in and make a presentation each year and basically the the presentation is made to the subcommittee first and the subcommittee makes a recommendation to the board to either accept or not just that perit changes to the the audit as presented and that then goes up to the the board itself and and the board hears that pretty much the same presentation and the board accepts either accepts or does not accept the udit this point and the town of reading the one difference in the town of reading is that that audit covers the entire town the town records I think with being CPA and being an auditor I'm probably best to serve in that g yeah uh Dave question um for the group the audit what is the role of the sub audit audit committee boed commissioner sub audit yeah so that that basically is when the presentation is made is made to the the the sub audit committee okay that's the one who makes original presentation and that committee makes a Rec here this the presentation and makes a recommendation to the full board to accept the audit or make changes okay or not accept the to that's always an option too okay done that but MERS you guys vot and is there any communication between the sub audit Committee Member and the yes primary audit committee person yeah usually what happens usually the entire board usually sits in on the subcommittee presentation yeah okay okay we're all there we're all there so got it okay that's how it's going in the years so seems redundant so uh do we need a motion to appoint Phil to the audit committee yes move move that okay Pam moves that we appoint Phil to the audit committee do we have a second second okay ray seconds it any any further discussion I think other other members other members can be on the committee correct Phil well you're just one member you usually one member okay the way that the audit committee for the town side is as a representative from each of the Departments the school department is representative the different departments have representative the finance committee chair is actually the chair of the Town reading audit committee because they represent no they represent everybody but there are two other we will do a separate motion there are two other members that will be on the sub audit committee okay so there's one on the audit committee and we have a motion in a second ready for a vote on that roll call I cter Mr cter I Ray pam pam dakis I Ray Porter I uh Dave talet I so that's 5 motion passes uh carries so now we want a two two members for the sub audit committee who wants to be on that oh I I was just saying if anybody else wants to be on it not me but um if anybody else wanted to be on it that it they feel free if anybody would like to be nominated I will nominate them gladly now well you make it sound so exciting hey put me in coach put me in yeah right yeah um I I mean I'd be happy to to have an opportunity to serve on that I think it' be uh the reason I asked about the communication is it would be great to yeah kind of learn your process still as as you represent y um as the audit chair so or sorry the member of the audit committee so I can nominate myself I guess nominate yourself I'll nominate myself I'll second that if I'm allowed to am I allowed to Second nomination still I'll I'll nominate Pam Des alasas to be she nominated herself so you're seconding her nomin second I second her motion how about how about Ray can we uh you wanna you want to be the other one Ray uh I will be the second sure so you're nominating yourself nominating myself to join the esteemed sub audit committee yes the vote for the esteemed audit committee is is our next item on the agenda now we're just doing the sorry okay so Ry has nominated himself to join Pam on the sub audit committee we have a second second second from I thought I saw Phil okay any further discussion no seeing none uh ready for a vote who are we voting on both we Phil says yes to oh we already voted on Pam right um oh sorry okay so we're gonna we're voting on both Pam and Ray for sub audit committee apologies I saw Phil vote Yes okay Bob m c pamai reporter I Dave toadi that's 5 okay so that's the end of our agenda correct okay thank you and uh and also just wanted to note before we uh were you gonna say something Greg no let me just take one moment first chair of this Committee in 1988 if you had told me that 30 30 it 3 five years later I'd be chair of this committee one more time at the time I would told you you were crazy well I'm going to tell you that you're still going to be the chair 35 years from now well you know we got curtains back here maybe you just set up a bed can I also ask how many years have you been Auto Committee Member uh it's been about 11 at this point so it's it's you know it's my business it's account I hit them with things I'm like what about this yeah it's good it's good you know we have good subject matter a distribution of subject matter knowledge on our board you know it's a it's a really good board I think so um yeah so all right so I guess that's that's about it I think uh just to note that Erica had sent around an email earlier today just kind of reminding us of the different um the different committees that have existed in the past and so maybe for the next meeting we can take look at whether given all the all the interesting things going on there you know whether or not there's a need to maybe think about having a a committee to kind of look at some things so we'll we'll we'll I'll talk to Greg and put something on the agenda for next time to kind of we can get into that all right anything else or we're all set right sure anybody else yep I'm second was that a motion to adjourn yes he was I didn't hear okay we have a motion in a second to adjourn all in favor of adjourning y m repor tal okay thanks everybody that concludes the meeting uh 5 and um we'll see you in uh in a week and a half or two weeks y thank you thanks everybody congratulations congratulations all yep we all got a job except Bob all right I'll get a job I'll get a job all right good night all night e e e e e