for a partial contribution to some conceptual Design Services and furtherance of a u some kind of planning of the rmld campus and surrounding areas it's very important to the future of the town and to the and to the rmld so Greg are we gonna go right to Andrew or how how do we proceed um I'll bring up the slides do you want to read the motion first and then we can make the edit that discussion have all this be the discussion sure yeah so you want to go first to back on the motion yeah yeah here's what happened is like we actually passed a motion but the language slightly different we have to thank uh Phil for catching read the motion I'll explain what Chang yeah no no I realized what the changes but yeah so you I'll read the motion the suggested motion is move that the citizens Advisory Board under recommendation of the general manager approve $50,000 payment from a preliminary investigation account to the town of reading specifically and for partial contribution for conceptual Design Services to be Eastern Gateway project that includes the rmld 20 230 Ash Street campus execution of anou between rmad and the comp reading the prerequisite for any payment to the town of reading for this purpose second motion second thank you iess we're do the Pres plan now you do you want to read the motion let me just explain what what change in the original motion you had that the 50,000 was going to come from the below the line payment that's the return to town so when we set the uh formula that the town gets paid the argument was we need to set that formula so because the rest of that money was used for the reliability of the system capital projects Capital funds Capital funds which liability system um and so basically to take that 50,000 we're taking away that that money from the reliability system U this was also since I was around and I negotiated the 20 year agreement this is also a big big item with the town of Wilmington because at the time that uh the board sent money open to the town already uh the Wilmington U the folks in Wilmington got upset because they determined that you know they're paying into the system and that money usually for the benefit of the Town ready and so therefore you know to take that money in kind of reach sets a baz precedent it relives some of those items so that's why it's been changed from the below the line payment to from investigation fund is why the line great above the line it's coming the regular expense thanks for the catch though you want read the yes I've lived long enough here all right so I'll move the board of commissioner the recommendation of the general manager and continuing recommendation of the city Advisory Board approve 50,000 a 50,000 payment from a preliminary investigation account to the town of Renning specifically for partial contributions for conceptual Design Services of of by AB that's a word ab ab we got the word be here of the Eastern Gateway project that includes the rmld 230 Ash Street campus execution of a memorandum standing between armal and the town of reading is a prerequisite of any payment to the town of reading for this purpose any second second okay great well with that we have some discussion and hand it to Andrew yeah so Andrew do you go two of us so um Andrew these are the slides you I um reviewed before I we could bring them up quickly maybe I'll just walk to them fast just to set the stage and then Andrew I'll let you kind of uh give an update in terms of where we are today how's that sound sounds good to me great all right so um as you guys know um the town of reading and rmld um has been looking at for a couple decades now but um the interest has been renewed in the past couple of years to look at um the 230 um I say 230 the whole a street canus so there 230 we'll see on a diagram here in the very last slide but it's basically the three buildings that represent rmld so it's the building you're sitting in station one which is one that you guys parked in front of and then the building that's just north of that which is the Operation Center which is 218 so we think about this as the 230 Ash Street campus um our ownership excludes the building behind us which is the barbas building which owns the majority of the prop behind property behind us and also excludes two other smaller properties um and I think as I've mentioned to you guys in previous discussions last year we had a chance to meet with all three of those owners and they're open to some sort of transaction um in the not too distant future the big the big piece and you can see on this diagram here we're in a in kind of the center lower area is our is our uh 230 a Street campus um on the the north side the Northeast so in the north on the upper right hand corner the northeast corner of that diagram um is the Market Street and the liquor Junction and um uh you know one General way I'm sorry Market Basket you have to get a Market Basket um but the overall view is not only our campus but also on the other side of the MV tracks um the town of reading and rmld both have an interest in we're open to doing something different with the property um the building 28 283 218 Ash Street um is getting near a point where it needs it's not near it is near a point where it needs a renovation rebuild so that's a prompt for us station one which is the one again between the two buildings is a historic building um it ran as the primary generation station from 1896 until 1924 for um it needs investment before reuse but it is it is a historic building um so that's a quick update in terms of where we are in terms of of uh uh strategy um I'll let in just a few minutes I'll just give a quick highlight and then I'll let Andrew jump in here the town has secured a $100,000 grants um they've asked us to contribute $50,000 so the total would be about $150,000 I'll let them talk a little bit more about the process and and the intention for those funds I'll go to the very last slide we um the previous Town manager and Andrew and I had developed um these Milestones just to keep us on track um time keeps moving on quickly but Our intention is to reconfigure what is our Ash Street campus by the end of the decade 2030 seems like a long time from now but it really is in the time in the context of construction so we need to keep moving the ball forward now hence the work that Andrew and been before him and RL are working on together so that's big picture um Andrew you want to add and I'll go back you can see the slides right I can go to any one of those three slides but if you want to talk a little bit more about where you guys are on the towns side um and where we are on theou Etc um Jump Right In yep so good evening everybody I'm Andrew mnel the community development director for the town of reading just a little bit of History beforehand and so the town has been looking at the what we call the industrial Zone which is the Walkers book drive Corridor and some adjacent areas for a number of years now in 2019 we received a grant to um put some conceptual ideas out there on what we call the Eastern Gateway which is really that the rmld area on the south side of the tracks there of that image of of course the pandemic happened priorities kind of shifted from there for a number of years but we we're in interested now in reing that back to the table so we submitted another Grant application we awarded $100,000 to push these conceptual designs that much further and those conceptual designs are looking at potential buildout scenarios and what best uses could look like there of desired uses whether that's commercial housing mixed use or any combination of that across that area but now we're also expanding towards that one General way in Market Basket area for um potential conceptual ideas of what zoning and policy could look to promote there so despite Market Basket being as utilized as it is in um a wonderful benefit I think many agree that it's just an underutilized area um and could use some sprucing up in terms of growth and connectivity so really what we're looking at from a bird's eye view is not just zoning policy and desired uses and how reg could allow for them but also the transportation connections of it um so right now we are under going through a different Grant a total conceptual design of Walker Brook Drive and what that may look like um to increase pedestrian safety as well as vehicular turning movement safety um and also connections through General way Pond Meadow and other to try to get to Ash Street and of course then the answered question from there right is Bolton Street Ash Street Main Street Washington and that area is the third leg but that in a nutshell is really what we're looking to start pushing forward in this area and how we were able to tie rmld into this is right we're looking for ideas of what this area could look like rmld seems to be looking for what are our true needs how can we start this process in terms of our future needs um building wise storage wise truck wise what truck parking wise and Access wise and so it was really a natural good timing to start pairing the piece together so the Grant on our end is really to look at the transportation and Zoning policy and conceptual ideas of what buildings may look like in and around this area and we're able to tie that with rmld through this mou so that you could get some conceptuals of what an rld campus may or may not look like and then again does zoning policy and other need to start reflecting that based on need that we find so it's a nice dovetail for a partnership in this effort to revitalize this area and improve connectivity to downtown and to Walker Brook I hope that was a good synopsis but I'm happy to answer any questions here um thank you Andrew so from the town writing side this really helps with the MBTA mandate of you know building apartments and um units of Apartments so many miles from the train station so I have to assume that's a big push on um Town reading side that's a good question I think it's going to come down to the conversation of you know I think housing in this area to unlock development is a need but I think when we look at the NBTA communities law we have to look at the the idea of is it it to limiting in any capacity and whether that's affordable unit development or the idea that we would have to allow multif family only by right at a capacity rather than mixed use and Commercial um separately and we can incentivize those latter uses certainly through more allowances and lesser controls but would we rather do that on our own Merit rather than under the strict um requirements of the law so it'll be an open conversation of if this area is right for MBTA communities or if it is not um hi Andrew um Pam GAC is here so just following on that how do we think about the timeline that was laid out here in connection with the timeline that the town's going through to determine what the the right solution options are are we are we uh conflicting it all are we getting ahead of that do we want to keep it separate how are we thinking about that um in my opinion trying to maintain a separation here is the ideal again if we use it for MBTA communities we can stop short at housing and just get that bylaw passed and then what we find through this process this grant process could be quickly subsequent thereafter for future Town meetings and that way we can look to kind of say housing and compliance yes but then true needs and desire very shortly after that but this process is going to take us well beyond what is the MBTA Community schedule in terms of the schedule on the screen I think it's pretty realistic to try start moving forward again in the policy sense and what we can allow through regulations um based on the findings here and then dependent on how our serious rmld gets into pushing the next steps is really the question from there so I have a question for Greg Greg here like we are allocating ,000 for project that if we just had to do the design of the campus for you is to redesign the offices here or whatever you need how much cost that's good question I'm gonna say somewhere in the range of 30 to $60,000 Dee I just want to be sensitive to others I tighten up that number yeah I I you're you're typically five to 10% in engineering on any project roughly right if this if this yeah if this you would you would be AO this right so no when we when we design anything it's about a 10% of our budget oh so Concepts versus design right so the campus redesign it would be roughly $30 million roughly and so if you know design is3 million I think right now we're just doing conceptual configur so okay half a million dollars conceptuals I mean it's not it's G to be it's more than 50,000 I'm trying to understand you know that 50k you know if you had to do it yourself it cost you 50k yeah you know it probably cost us more I guess so what I'm hearing it will cost us more than 50k the the challenge so what we need to do as Rod is look at two the properties in adjacent to us and as Andrew mentioned there's Pond View which is right behind us so we're we are outgrowing the space we have and we need to figure out what to do with station one and so part of this goal might suggest that we go somewhere else in ready now there's not a lot of places to go and ready um so right now is what can we do with the space well space we currently have and if we acquire specifically 232 if we acquire 232 then we'll acquire the small property in in the far corner and then the last piece is um property that abuts on view that particular group would like to stay in this area but they're more than happy to relocate somewhere in the campus so there's a whole at the end of the day our focus is on that Trend what to do with it and who owns 218 again at the Town um so we own so we own 23 so there's two we own 218 and we own 230 is the garage this the garage now the land underneath it is recorded as a town of reading but it's under the care of in custody so we have a financial interest in the as opposed to 230 which is different it's in rl's name out the land and the building itself for all intensive purpose from a te I mean yeah so so right there you could see why we would want to there's a there's a town and rald kind of co-ownership on 218 but 230 straight up rmld so there's some things to untangle there with the town to make sure we're all yeah I going back to it too I I really think this is more NBTA thing because you're changing you don't you have to rezone everything to meet their need you don't have to build right away so rezoning to multi use opens up the possibility but if there's no place for runting light to move there's no place for to meet the mbta's requirements without getting that land for both both purposes so I think they're hand inand I don't think they run separ they they run separate but they have to run consecutively as far as timelines because you've got to meet the mbta's thing but that's really a resoning not a completion so which is what I think Andrew has mentioned before in terms of the Tim so Andrew just just one note on that I I would ask a consideration on the on the conceptual side when if if there is a a reconfiguration of an industrial Zone and if if the concept is uh NBTA communities Housing Development that the height whatever your conceptual is the height becomes critical because it's a There's an opportunity to go very high there right you could just see because if you get close to the track you could probably go whatever the town would allow you probably go six seven eight Stories the problem with the height of that is the you down noise I I would where was doing the conceptual design I would avoid it very high building resal as as a residential right yeah yeah no it's a unique area in its relation especially this side that we're looking at the as Street side with a single family neighborhood um but yeah dependent on the desired uses and scales right can you parse down subdistricts and have one Higher Heights or density than others and it's a unique area in terms of zoning allowances and what you can try to promote right now it's only a small number of parcels which you have to consider as well right if that parcel alone gets redeveloped or could it be subdivided into a more campus or Courtyard or separate style of development so all under consideration for sure um but height will certainly be a lead of conversation on dimensional controls right oh great please um a couple things and when we talk about multi-use we're generally talking about retail commercial and residential if this being looked at as an industrial Zone that usually isn't quite compatible with residential use you cannot not easy to throw residential over a commercial right Bas um trucks are bigger you know it's not an easy SP for families so I do see a split between the MBTA issues and this site where I see the while I do think of it in terms of being compatible I I think of it slightly differently in the sense that if we're going to develop the downtown area to be a residential commercial space attracted to nighttime activity and and residents having a way to connect to Market Basket and the retail in that that space is hampered by getting through this Industrial Area getting over the railroad tracks and whatever it only allows kind of that brief connection um which is behind the right a wherever that there's the Pond View connection which is you can't really see it right that's or right so so thinking of this area not only as how to develop the industrial area but how to indel the industrial area such that it is compatible with the use that we want the downtown area to be which is your residential commercial so be you know what walkways what bikeways what Pathways do we want to go through this area that is safe for for that sort of foot or bike traffic without impeding the our ability right the trucks and the industrial activity that would happen there you know for that reason I very much support doing this with Andrew and his team and hi Andrew another meeting I we we've got a lot of climate committee work together um in order to allow that connection to be developed so that's how I see the comparison more than meeting a zoning requirement for the NBTA thing y the talk of housing here I only mentioned because of MB it's really the lead question of do we want this to be more of an economy and commercial driver rde and bring jobs to reading or do we want to use it for housing and that's kind of the first question that will likely start at right between our staff and the community and select board and you guys Al likea um that's that's the beginning step of understanding what do we truly desire down here yeah to me this this whole effort allows us to Leverage The expertise of Andrew and his team which we other otherwise might have don't have inhouse exactly right it's it's right there across the street and it's great and we thank you Andrew looking forward to this um Bob you move the question Ian do we want to is there anything more or do are we ready to I just have one quick question um is is the Assumption for all of the concepts that rmd will stay in this location there will likely be Concepts if there if rmld does not stay and we have to just Envision what zoning in policy and certain allowances could be if it's not rml right is that townhouse or commercial or other so to a degree I think there will be Concepts out there um just like that exists on 2019 of if rmld doesn't stay what does it end up looking like okay thank you and on that note the Mi specifically focuses just on this project Sy this planning conceptualized drawing typ stuff um anything any sort of transaction associated with the value of the land it has we located somewhere else with a different agreement and so that's some ideas that Council made on that is to make the that delineation clear otherwise we're hopeful to establish the m and the RFP is releasing any day now um and that way we can start bringing a consultant on by end of May early summer and get this ball rolling so the grant has certain fiscal timelines constraints schedules um that we just need to make sure we're on top of Timothy had his hands up I just had a question about 232 and the people and the vendors and owner there are they open to there's very limited space for anybody to go anywhere where would they go um so we're actually leasing a portion of that space already and then the primary owner um runs um a trucking operation and he is um getting to a point where he's ready to close down his business that makes it easy and then there's some other smaller businesses built in there as well and so to be honest we really haven't talked to where they would go there's some there's five different businesses in there but the priv owner has a good relationship with rmld um and we've had discussions in terms of some mechanism to buy the property out yeah pretty similar here we haven't talked to them in a while on the to side but when we engaged in 2019 I think they all Express pretty good interest in uh revitalization of the area in whatever capacity that might look like um great uh correct me if I'm wrong station one is like the biggest issue on the site right what to do with station one because the this 232 is basically commercial or it's pretty pretty straight a pretty clean it's what known as a butler building it's a it's a frame metal shell any yeah the key is station one is the critical piece because that's got to remain right and there's investment that needs to be made to turn that into something 230 is a well cared for building doesn't you know doesn't really suit how we're trying to operate 218 is near the end of life and we're kind of out growing that 232 um is probably near end of life end of life as well um then there's two small buildings there's there's a lot any there's a nice big triangle here um the one piece that can't move under I would say under almost any one that's really the uh Cornerstone of the whole property in station one given its historic distri I mean it literally is it's in the hisor registry so that's the maybe all in and on the the board side all in favor y motion passes 5 thanks very much Andrew thank you Greg thank you Andrew all right thank you Greg and all I'm very much looking forward to this one and working with you all likewise have a good day yeah I know and the next agenda item is something um at some discussions with Greg and there's so many ambitious things that are being proposed that un in my my 10 years or 11 years now or you know maybe even on three decades of the magnitude of power supply and storage things that perhaps without encumbering the department it there could be value in having a committee that could help you know do the do the close in look and then make the recommendation back to the full board which is something we have had in the past in terms of a power and rate committee and other committees so um I'm proposing uh that um we create a a committee called strategic power supply and load management committee uh and that we appoint two members of our board and one from the cab to to sit on that board and then they would organize themselves and I propose that our our board uh appoint Bob and Pam who who have long experience in relevant disciplines obviously Bob uh in his utility background p with procurement and supply chain um a lot of a lot of great experience we all bring something but I have to pick two or otherwise you have a quorum and then it would be up to the cab to choose um to choose their own member so that that if somebody's open to reading that motion we can then second it and discuss CH can I speak yes please I actually oppose Theo appointment of this committee okay because I feel it would slow down the whole process of the department quite frankly I really don't see the need for this committee I just think it's going to slower be down department needs to move fast you got to have a meeting you got to get the people together you know so I I had I and I fed at the last meeting too okay you did you expressed concerns and I appreciate that you bring a lot of experience you know we we'll see I think we have some very talented people and if uh we'd like to move quickly uh we'd like to get some meetings on the books and and move quickly on these things and and not be necessarily uh have to have meetings like this with 10 people um to to review all these things so if somebody's will to read the motion um then we can we can take a vote on it it's the Cap's motion I think the first one is our motion to to establish it and then the cab would appoint their member am I allowed to read the motion or no no some you want to read it yeah I can read the all right U Move the um which one bot board commission suggest move that the rmld Board of Commissioners Lish the rmld Strategic power supply and load management committee and appoint Robert fter Pam dascal and one cab member as appointed by the assistant Advisory Board second um well I I've s given the outline to it if you want to address it Greg or anybody else has questions from our board right well um contract in in oppos position to the position from our our board member here bill um there's a lot going on yes to do this and if not this committee it would mean the whole uh board would have to meet more times than it does that would be we can't we can't do this with one meeting a month Greg's got too much to do too fast uh and and the issues that we have to address it too broad uh it's not just pick a station where do you put it and we're done it's pick a station where do you do it how does that station bring value how do we tie it in how do we leverage other load management practices and Community incentives into the things such that it's not just the power we generate but it's also the savings we get and the reductions that we get there's really a lot that has to be discussed and that have pointing people who will make the time to have frequent meetings and it it's it's not going to be just one more meeting a month it could be several um I think will help Greg frame the questions and present it to us in a way that that can advance things more quickly than if we Tred to get up to speed each month on a critical issue because anything we don't understand or needs feedback it's another month so I think it will is speed up the system not slower and I think it'll allow us to explore Energy Efficiency uh as well as power generation um and I endorse the two candidates that are put forward I think they have the right pair of skills to to kind of do it um if if Greg thinks that having a couple of board members on to help promote the project is is helpful to him then then absolutely I'm I'm for the for the creation of the committee and appointment of these members and I know I just want to add quickly and thank you Ray for that is you're absolutely right if we weren't doing this we would definitely have to double up on our meetings easily because the magnitude is just way beyond anything we've we've looked at in a couple of decades so that's I just wanted to Echo that who wanted to go next just one question um I we said one cab member um open to okay we did two it's up it's up to you guys I I we could amend it I went with it at a frankly at a precedent from the um from the general manag sech where it was two of us and one cab we if we do four then it's then usually you have odd numbers so that was kind of the thinking is then you'd have to have two or then we have three of us then we have four them so it's it is no disrespect to uh my colleagues from on the cab but we do want to have the cab represented and anybody can come to these meetings and if if a third if a third armal D board member comes obviously has to be called public meeting just in case well this has to be and then if any any of you can come too um and if two come then you'd have to call it as a public so no I'm saying if two additional came meaning if one additional of us came it would be long two additional of you guys came so um I I don't see the requirement for it being a odd M you're not really making a decision viewing issues and you're presenting that information back to our respective committees having having two perspectives coming back to the cap I think would be more robust than Simply Having one perspective so you're not you're not voting to approve or accept you're you're processing and recommending and then okay well okay with the GM search committee we were like voting candidates to bring in or big CS to bring forward to Theiss we had voting so you probably wanted an odd person because you're making recommendations but this is more for informational purposes and to speed up decision making that I actually did think of it as that there would there would be votes I mean there there was a power R committee and they would vote and recommend up to the full board I think you'd vote to make a recommendation to the board right that's the they recommend something and that is done by a vote of the committee so that was sub committee would bring it back to the boards correct for final vote that's right I guess the wor thing you could say it was a split vote right Fox SPL this pretty is it the sense of everybody that you'd like to have two c members that everybody guy Timothy you're up I'd be willing to assist in the effort just my last thing is it's going to have to come back to the board anyway yeah exactly that's why I see it being slowed down because we as a board is going to have to get up to speed and you're going to know something in that committee and you're G have to get me up to date I'm G learn it all over again so that's why I think it's just going to slow the process down and that it's an unnecessary commitment okay and that's and that's all a say part of this part I think part of our commitment there is going to be some homework now I I I think it's not just ear as we go I think we're we're going to have homework you're going to have to absorb things and I think you know when you have questions we could bring them but I I I think that that's there's going to be a lot of conceptual stuff a lot of information we're gonna have to absorb you know there a lot PRI meetings so yeah and I mean the way I thought of it and I did speak to vivc is thinking of Vic but as a member and if you guys would like to appoint a second then F me then I guess sign ch second I think I would recommend the second you would only because the board Commissioners are going to have two representes that living writing if our recomendation we have no representation with any there you go okay I feel actually I'm actually I would actually changeed by I would like to have a second then let's do it uh unless consider it a friendly uh sound good I think friendly Amendment to the I suggest Ken because he actually has has experience with okay with the boom system oh okay there you go okay so then couple more questions or at least one is the primary responsibility Community is it around the carbon capture stuff or is it going to be more than just that yeah no I I was very careful like when I told I said I'm very careful about the scope and timing and my my concern is timing okay and scope all right so I said the scope and also the work right how much work this means for all of so so I think we have to be respectful for so one of the things we really need to do is understand what are the constraints around tax benefits and all that right so that's something that we need to understand and then work the committee into the board process so so so a little bit more work you buil to figure out what is the schedule for overall project Bo process but the scope should be tight scope should be tight so so I think the the title of the committee is the Strategic power supply which I and load management so I think that the concept is around certainly what's in front of us right now is this the carbon capture Blom Etc solution as a key piece of our Solutions or Supply Solutions I think the load management side of things is also important for us to to think about and explore further um so I think you're right we don't want to we're not trying to boil the whole ocean here um but we should think about both those both solutions to support the capacity growth that we're trying to achieve while meeting the requirements of the um the recent laws but also how do we manage demand within our territory I think the Strategic piece talks about being so that this is not regular business for rmld and the GM right so it has to be very focused on a very narrow thing it's the big expenses but also the fact that to be sensitive to point the gr pointed in the past is about you know we see load going up but what can we do to reduce the load through non like you know some yeah and it's it's it's useful to say this t i I went back and increase efficiency to reduce load yeah thank you mitigate how much how much new generation you need to bring in um Can Can I can I just reread what I said at the last meeting of like how this was framed that it would review and recommend to the full board in territory generation and Storage Solutions while understanding all options and risks which could be operational cost beat stocks Supply I.E gas supply environmental and then the second part would be review and recommend best-in-class demand side management and efficiency measures to limit the need for new facilities uh cost effectively and make recommendations to the full board on uh perhaps a procurement design along these things first of all on those items also a procurement design and any necessary local or state policy uh that would help that was what I said last um two things yeah um the rmld staff is fully supportive Road management and we are actively working on that that is not a short-term decision that's an ongoing process that is what I call regular business um we present regularly to that we will continue to do that the the challenge here and I think what you guys are reacting and and to the extent that we can reduce there's two factors when you think about load there's load in terms of megawatt hours and then there's demand which is megawatts and both of those contribute to the cost structure of the network that we need to build including generation storage Etc um my suggestion and recommendation is that we focus on the Gen the big ticket item here is is the generation the massive strategic decision is Generation whether the load is 2x 1 1.7 1.9 n whatever it is um we still need to add generation so I I you know we are very supportive of efficiency but to it would be it is not realistic to think that we can drop efficiency we can improve efficiency to an extent that we don't need any additional Assets in in oh no no nobody thinks that but I so you know we can we can leave load Management in there but we are so the clock is ticking y relative to because there are some things that we we get done deeper and deeper into this um the ITC associated with fuel cells expires at the end of 2024 there's a chance that it might be extended but there's a lot of reasons to move so there's a lot of trade-offs and again if this was easy and simple we would have decided this back in January all I'm suggesting is that I would keep it focused very much on strategic power you can leave load management and you can make a committee and all that kind of stuff it's what we normally do anyways I don't that is we can talk about it and you know we can talk a little bit more but that's a that that moves the needle 10% I don't want the load management to prevent us from making a timely decision whether we decide to do it or not on in territory generation make sense it does we really want to be sensitive to we want to be sensitive to the there's a whole bunch of factors but that's one that's that's A40 million so so is not to to further prolong this meeting so that we can get on with the actual work do we want to now vote on the the motion on well I think before we do that we determine had two people say they want to step up hang identify where one or two people right hang on first this is the vote just to create the committee with our two people then it would go to VC to run your vote on your two people that's that's the sequence and yes I think we've agreed already friendly Amendment to the motion is now2 cab is that's going to be Ved so now we vote on our motion so all in favor four and all against we have four in favor and one opposed will well I think my only question here is um I don't know if Jason has any interest at all but um we've assumed right now um it's you and Ken and Jason brings a lot of knowledge as well in the field he did bring up a good point that that puts three people from readying on it I I don't think it really matters in the big picture we I have a lot of respect for vex's ability and um he brought a lot of tech technical advice and opinions to this to our board so I think he's a great candidate but I never thought about the three writing but I don't know if Jason has any interest um or has time for that's I sit on Seven boards am definitely interested but I do not have the time that's all right so that's what I want and um I don't know if Tim would have any interest in it but being new to the board I I don't know how much I don't think I'm qualified just yet to sit on something like this so my my poil would be the TW no I I really appreciate the process I mean last time I actually brought discussion here I think that good form it has thank you thank you for doing that so Jason do you have any comments no I just like um I know I mentioned all and I do fully respect because you fullly support you on this committee I just wanted to make sure that we're stive to the Comm and if we could add a for to do that and make that easier we should I think much better yeah I think hen brings a level of expertise as well so I think that's a great addition yes and another representation of another town so I'd be willing to read them motion so um move to the citizen Advisory Board appoint um in Ken Walter uh to serve on the rmld Strategic power of supply and load management committees thanks very much thank you everybody one other quick thing um just at Phil's point I know you voted against Phil I have a lot of respect you have a lot of experience you bring and you'll always bring something um from history that really helps us understand what we're doing so I do have a lot of respect for your opinion and I it did make me think for a minute because um in the nine years or whatever I've been on the board you've always stepped up and had some great Insight on things we made not have looked at and thank you for that thought thank you very much I I agree with that actually we can go too far in One Direction and too far in the other I agree with that I also would say that I guess if um over time we find that it is hindering I guess we could always we exactly I was just GNA say terms of how this commit needs to work is to allow us to go faster thank you everybody who's G be SCH for this meeting that's a good point we gonna go fast schedu do we want to do this all together the four of us um okay do after do the rest of the meeting right now we have one item before item six okay okay uh we have one motion on uh Greg traveling to the uh apaa conference would you like to read the motion move the Board of Commissioners approve Greg fips travel to and attendance at the 2024 American Public Power Association AA National ACC should take place on June 7th to 12th 2024 San Diego California thank you move the question can I ask a question about that but I know that there's August is August okay do we know what those dates are yet it's the 23r 27 it's the last last that's when schools are going back I think um I don't think we have anything discussed about the schedule so um I guess we can move to Executive move to the rld Board of Commissioners go executive SE to master general laws chapter 164 section 47d exemptive public record that open Med inance to discuss Trade Secrets or confidential competitive sensitive or other proprietory information provide relative to carbon capture fuel cells for the approval and release of executive session minutes and return to regular session for the so purpose of a joury second all in favor M guess you have to say your say your name yeah the BR yes quter okay car we now move that the arm the assistant Advisory Board session pursuant to Massachusetts general laws chapter 164 section 37d exemption from public records and hold meeting requirements in certain instances to discuss Trade Secrets of confidential ctively sensitive for other proprietary information provided relative to carbon to capture fuel cells for the approval and release of EX session minutes and return to regular session for the sole purpose of adjournment that is required say your name and I oh ktim Woods hi small Dennis Kelly ey we stay we moving yeah e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for