right recording in progress okay it being 6:30 we call the meeting order um this meeting of the read Municipal light department Board of Commissioners is being audio recorded and um held remotely on zoom and live streamed on rctv uh we'll wave the reading of the code of conduct um we'll just ask any members uh High Pam um any uh no remote participants um but if anybody's participating please state your name um so that we know who's speaking uh so with that let's move right into the agenda okay so first um do we have any public comment today back can you hear us okay while while while she's getting sorted out why don't we take care of um any any reports uh cab report or Liaisons we don't have any Liaisons here but do we have a cab report um sorry uh it kep it got hung up on the recording business uh I'm here now if can you hear me yes thank you just address for the record sure Rebecca liberman 50 Pratt Street I just wanted to follow up on a letter I sent you about um uh the uh proposal to give instant rebates at the time of purchase of efficient heat systems appliances and that kind of thing and I sent two links in that letter to a um a main program where they give instant rebates at the time of purchase for efficient appliances and um they also have one for electric vehicles and um I just wanted to add one additional point to my letter um not to repeat what I said because you can obviously read it but um uh this is also an equity issue because the people who would most need to lower their electric bills for affordability are the ones who can least afford to buy things like induction stoves and efficient heating systems and things like that because they cost a lot so uh this would be a really good way and also um it's I would think it would be in rld's financial interest um to encourage people to go for electric appliances instead of gas anyway because every new gas stove purchase is not electric so um I just hope that we can get some movement there because we really need to uh up our game in in reducing our emissions I'm a member of The Net Zero group here and we have a long way to go thank you thank you very much thank you and we'll maybe we'll talk about that and if there's anything to say if the next meeting we can address that yep okay my time thank you very much um so we'll go through and uh we now thank you we have with us vcci of energy New England do the minutes first oh Excuse me yes let so you move the rmld Board of Commissioners approved the December 13 2023 Open session meeting minutes at present a recommendation of the general manager and the great board secretary we have a second got okay Pam seconds any discussion all in favor thank you very much and thank you V VCI please please uh introduce yourself and explain who you are what I is we have a couple of new members although one is is uh diving at the moment sure and what you'll be talking about tonight thank you sure um Vincent Ruchi um I'm a reading Electric customer uh have been for 25 years I live in North Reading um I'm with energy New England and we're the largest provider of wholesale services in New England um to Municipal Light uh utilities we also so we purchase power um predominantly and you'll see in my slides Renewable Power um we also provide all of the energy audits um that are done in the communities we uh provide electric vehicle uh programs for uh utilities all across uh New England and um some of the outside of Public Power things that we do um we're the energy advisers for the MBTA um we uh also for Boston Water and Sewer um we've also helped them to purchase uh 50 electric vehicles over the past uh couple of months and make sure that they have the appropriate electrical services to to provide for them and Aral is a Cooperative owner of energy doing yes and customer as well and customer thank you and you'll give a presentation yes please do thank you so you can advance or I can advance for you yeah you wanna let me know when you're ready for next slide right it was try again is uh as I said we do this throughout New England but um I strategies um I lobby at the State House on behalf of 31 of the Municipal Utilities and and one Private Client First Light um and that's anything from what goes on at the State House primarily in the Telecommunications utilities uh and energy committee um but it does go into other committees uh as well with energy issues um and also very heavily on the regulatory side uh EA do D um um and I'll talk a little bit more about those a little bit further on thanks just to give you an idea of uh so far we're in the beginning of year two of the two-year session um pretty much everything has doubled um and the reason why is even though the the House and Senate combin a joint committee on uh Tue uh they've been acting separate right from the beginning of the session they weren't able to agree on a set of rules so they decided to meet separately so literally we had double the amount of hearings this past year very challenging especially with time at the state house and uh time monitoring what's going on and both chairs you know wanted to hear the testimony and ask questions so you couldn't just go to one and skip the other so very challenging but we were able to to work our way through um lots of one-on-one meetings with elected officials and lots of meetings with regulatory officials so as most of you know uh the last session Senate bill nine which is now the climate law uh passed setting the road map um for 50% 75% and 100% um in in the last session and um I wanted to give you a a a quick peek at what en uh has been doing since um the the passage of this next slide so if you take a peak um might be a little bit hard to read but um you know we we have put 12 new renewable projects uh from renewable resources online um 540,000 close to uh megawatt hours online to add to the 1.2 million megawatt hours we we've already had online between nuke Hydro solar and wind uh resources we're also looking at some creative ones um right now I'm working um on actually regulations to change right now you can't put uh floating solar on pable water uh there's a committee at uh the regulatory uh level right now with EA and d and do to look at that um it offers a great opportunity to expand solar uh where you don't have to take any trees down you don't you know it's much easier for an installation um and at the time I I've been looking at this since 2018 um with a couple of CLI at the time there wasn't any installation anywhere in the world now there's 30 different projects including major cities like London that have it on their drinking water reservoir so this could be a game Cher because they produce much more electricity uh because they're cooler on the water uh they have better uh reflectivity and the way that they're designed works better so just a another unique way to add to water supplies that are out there and you know taking a a small piece of that next slide um on that point is there is what's needed to to change is it a regulatory is it a law yeah so no it's it's funny um so article 97 would need to which is you know what you can do or can't do on a water body it's not a approved use so right now it would require uh the secretary's approval to do any type of project of do yeah of uh of EA okay that's about yes and as well there's no drinking water so the drinking water people at at the state level um you know really want to make sure that there's checks and balances you know that not every you know this this isn't for everyone to go do you know there's a lot of safeguards that are required to make sure that the installation is safe um and and nothing goes wrong because obviously it's public water supply so also lakes that aren't Water Supplies right non nonpotable you could do it right now um long as you don't have a boat no boat no boat so uh so uh one of the requirements that came out of the the climate there were a lot of things in the climate law that have now force their way forward and uh I would say that the doar is very active at taking um the pieces that said to implement by doar and getting them done and one of them is to take an account of every large building in excess of 20,000 square feet and what they're trying to do is get a you know a hand on the larger buildings and trying to work you know work with them once they get their accounting together on you know which fuel sources they have what rates they're paying um to try to you know formulate that into future policy so that's one of the things that we're working hand inand with do we had a meeting um on the 26th and we're going to continue to work with the commissioner and staff on implementation this is something that um does not apply to Municipal Light plants by law but in a spirit of cooperation you know we're we're trying to figure out the best way for us to make that implementation happen uh bills on the Move uh in in the session uh these are two refiles from um Meme and Municipal Light plant both of them deal with um with um Mutual Aid um I think they have both have a terrific chance of passing session um you know one deals with uh assuring that uh linemen are you know when when they're working at either I I know when I don't know if reading has gone to the tribal locations a lot of tribal so there's once you're outside of your jurisdiction that could mean just outside of the reading territ rmld territory could mean another state or it could me in one of the tribal territories it's to make sure that they they are treated insurance-wise retirement wise the same way that they're treated working here the other is to make sure that um you can do Services outside of the rmld territory and it will codify both of those um it's been favorable there's been no opposition uh any of the legislative hearings for so the question I have is you know Mutual a has been going on forever at this point I mean you know when wer had that big ice storm back in the wer area reading was instrumental in getting crews out there I mean why why is it something different now we did we miss something is something missed or is this just it isn't that it's different it's that it's been questioned um by one of the Municipal Light plant boards as to and and it was regarding the the tribal visits so they're going out of state to you know bringing uh in some cases bringing the equipment from U the utility and it it put up more questions than there were solid answers for so they dealt with the state uh Retirement Board the insurance board and they made the decision that it was in everyone's best interest to file legislation so that God forbid somebody got seriously hurt and then denied coverage or you know worst case passed away you know what happens and and so that that burden doesn't come back and and that it's part of the insurance system so this is more to do with TR going on tribal Lanes you're saying tribal and and even outside outside of the state outside of State for years yeah but it sounds like a some kind of insurance indentification yes yes so so okay but it doesn't state that so it doesn't State you could do it and it doesn't state that you're indemnified this clarifies that well then if it doesn't State either what's the point of the legislation because that if it's going to cost you money for more Insurance to go out of state right that threatens Mutual Aid that's that to me that's a oh this won't change it this will just allow it not to be questioned right now if something happened and and that was the hypothetical it was asked at the meeting with the insurance commission was if this happened what and they didn't know how they would act on so rather than leave those questions out it's in the best interest to protect lineman and and file legislation last session um it was not admitted because it was there was a conference committee called and both of the bills were filed late and they didn't take any late bills into conference committee so uh these were fi refiled on time and um I think we'll end up in the final so way back in the history because there was a big storm Cru AC from Mar to gu this this covers them to do that too outside of the we go to Guan wherever they go I know that uh was it two years ago they went to uh St Thomas and St John for they were totally wiped out yeah we went to during the Hurricanes we our crews went to Florida there were some Crews that went to the islands it's true not armal okay the other regulatory uh as far as an update for what's going on and as I said it's it's been a busy uh year so far um the her and here program uh the her is the Home Efficiency rebate program the here is the home electrification and appliance rebate program you could see the the amount of dollars and what's allotted to Municipal Light plans uh we've been meeting weekly with uh doe staff to make sure that um the program parameters are set um to things that that we can deal with um we we think that this will uh you know this should take place in the next two months um because they're finalizing we have another meeting next week with with staff at doar um the unassigned funding is with the here program and in our meeting upcoming meeting we have with uh commissioner Mahan we'll we'll take we'll be taking this up um because we believe that some of those rebates should be going to uh municipal life plants as well interesting with the the public comment we just heard that this could be something that could fit into that the funding The Loan program um I've been working on that for four years and um pretty proud of the progress we made and the the funding was the major issue now that we have federal dollars uh they've made a commitment to put those doar into a loan program so you can see the almost two $2 million um that the does provided and then the doar is matching um even more with 8.8 million what we've designed a program uh with Eastern Bank that mirrors the program with Mass Save so that you apply for a heat loan and you'd be able to follow the same parameters the monies from this this will allow pay pay down of any interest so that um you would apply get the the Monies to do a heat pump to do your insulation all the all the things that are required um and and especially for people that have um whether it's propane or u oil that that want to switch over um it's it's a great opportunity for them so is this uh available uh to customers now or do we need to wait for the prog program has not yet been funded so this is part of the discussions that we're having and we're hoping to make an announcement as soon as we have a piece of paper that says it's G to happen we've done fair amount a couple of the larger MLPs have done quite a bit of work with been in the IND group a couple years ago to get set up because it was imminent at that point in time and then it had a couple stumbles so we're ready for this and then we'll talk probably in the June July got another program similar to this that would be additive to this as well maybe it's too specific on this particular particular item but is there any type of income qualifications that limit it because typically MLPs are suburbs suburbs are going to have a much higher income than City so you know this thing is limited to somebody who's under $100,000 this is it's a it's a laided program Municipal electric there's a sailing um to the income so so um the the idea and and this is being pushed very hard by do um is the lower income has a higher chance or a first grab at the dollars yeah it just I guess that lower income understanding where you're applying this money whatever that ceiling is I think it has to be relative to to mean average incomes to to a lot of people because there's a lot of homes in suburbs that do not have insulation still they're just you know under 50 80 year old homes so I think that's a a big element of of this build because I I don't think it'd be it posa could start not not be utilized um this has become that's a great point I mean like how do we get it that we can get our houses insulated and get this applying to more people how I mean is there what is there a tweak that we need to suggest to not have such strict income limits so that more people can use this so again this is what we're fighting yeah for right now is you know make it available to everyone um but make a priority on how how many how many will be allotted for each year and uh prioritizing the folks that need help in getting this you know it's sort of like giving people that were buying a Tesla anyway a rebate that they didn't need right um I mean everyone will take the money but um I you know we'd much rather see people that need it tr get the services as mentioned we'll as this becomes more real and tangible again then the teams and working out for a while we'll give you guys an update but also we've got cups I mentioned earlier update on the overall incentive program we'll talk about a loan program that that the IR team is working on as well so the uh in your package you saw a a letter from meme to um to the Commonwealth uh D the um they have put a proposed um heat standard uh put a draft framework together and in a lot of cases it does not apply to Municipal Light plants and that was pretty much laid out in the in the letter that was submitted to uh to DP that said you know in the meeting we said we want you know we as MLPs want to be helpful um you know want to do what you know continue doing what we're doing to decarbonize and um Electrify and do the right things um but you know some of the and I'll just some of the things that were in that letter the RPS the a APS the CPS the CES all don't apply to Municipal Light plants yet it refers to that in the draft framework of the regulations so what it what it in essence would be doing is setting up a okay just for argument sake reading needs to put 500 heat pumps in a year or you you'll have to hit this penalty well that subverts the um the powers that you have as a board to set rates so you know that's one of the arguments that we're making you know with with the folks at the end of the day we we're we're trying to work together we obviously want and and I'm one of the beneficiaries of installing a heat pump and um in using the rebate um I think everyone should um you know compared to the volatility of gas um I know what my um I know what my rate is and Greg and his team have actually shown me that I could do better if I went on a time of use rate they proved it still haven't got I still haven't done it yet but there we go that's a negotiation at home you Tred telling your wife what time can do the LA because I would be crazy if that happened but um do just so again we've got a pretty we have one of the more active air source heat pun programs among the MLP so we're going to continue doing what we're doing but we we're trying to keep an eye on this to make sure that some reason we don't get backhanded yeah yeah you don't you don't want to do positive and then turn out a negative because what what's the then you'll resend it I mean we yeah so we our MLD is in a great spot because is uh the way that even the Draft rules were written um you would get credit for what's already been installed and you've had an ongoing program again I think their intent is to get to the the folks that haven't there are some MLPs that don't offer any rebates for heat pumps and that's discouraging so I I think um we'll find a happy medium and we'll be able to work together to you know help them achieve the goals um also wanted to let you know that as I said in addition to to what we do for Municipal Light plans we're we're using our expertise for instance in electric vehicles um you know we we proposed to the mass do and we were selected to help them um set up the Statewide nevi program for uh locations of uh fast charges throughout the Commonwealth um the law requires that uh they're installed every 50 miles and uh part of our interview we we talked about the fact that you know don't overlook the value of Municipal Light plants because uh the rates are so much lower and residents would benefit from charging in MLP areas and the state likes that so we've been working with them on that and um and obviously trying to increase their um the success of their program um also that's my boss John Zimmer Angus uh we were able to get John appointed to the uh the commission for clean energy infrastructure sighting and permitting and um they had uh completed 14 meetings um say since uh he was sworn in uh in September a very active commission uh there were 28 me members from all sectors including uh John that represented Public Power and uh the utility sector um he was there with uh grid and eversource representatives from that sector and uh the recommendations of that commission to and and basically it was set up to expedite permitting uh that you know typically in some cases could take up to 10 years to get a a project through or speeding up interconnections and you know things like that recommendations are sitting on the governor's desk and we're waiting for Bill to be filed hopefully that will timing wise work with um you know the end of session um mention the Transformer issue um recently the um the U uh us doe secretary grolm she testified um our education you know when when uh general manager fips goes down to DC and and uh we're meeting with the delegation we're meeting with folks from doe and letting them know about problems like getting Transformers um finally the information that we provided the the survey that we did of all the Municipal Light plants and how long the lead times were we gave them factual information and they listen so uh there's there's two issues with this one is the uh the efficiency that's supposed to increase uh it was supposed to happen this year they've now uh put a two-year uh delay on it that's going to help us because now you'll be able to take delivery and get between now and 2027 whatever Transformers you have you'll be able to use those in the systems and then see what they do after that um for for getting uh you know for for getting Transformers hopefully uh by that time the you know the the the supply chain has caught up with the demand could we just explain for the people in the cheap seats like me what what the efficiency gain can be from a tradition Transformer versus the new generation and how yeah sure so Transformers now are in the 99.1 99.2% efficiency range and this was proposing going to 99.3 to 99.4 kiding we no and the reason they're in this is that way back when they were so this was part of a broader package to primarily Drive efficiency of appliances and Transformers were included in the list of appliances so there's been a lot of improvement on appliances but where Transformers are already inherently so that's part of the reason why we either either pull pull Transformers out of it or I mean make make some adjustments for it literally point and we're already we're already 29 I we're already 99.1 so it's it's two deal out and and the issue to transition requires a different core material which is much more expensive so it will only for for minuscule efficiency Improvement of an already very efficient piece of equipment it will significantly increase the cost so this is worth I mean we I thought it was much more than that nope okay so expectations for you know between now and the end of the legislative session um good news the house and the Senate are talking to each other um that's great because it also means that things will hopefully come back to normal uh because they do have to meet and they do have to pass in each body for the build to become uh a law I expect the same that's happened the past four sessions uh some type of an Omnibus Bill to be created they'll probably look for more offshore wind um and and a future procurement in that um more more climate type of uh pieces will be attached to that and other pieces uh regarding electrification um they they'll probably be more funding or or at least the equivalent amount of funding for uh electric vehicles that we've seen in the past and um and then also looking for both uh do and D to continue uh with their regulatory roll outs and their goals are by uh the beginning of 2025 to have these regulations out and U and and become rules and again thank you for for being a a client for this long and and also being my utility anybody have any questions for uh for v um just a question is this a particularly active or inactive for those who are new is this a typical kind of besides meetings which I understand were uh very heavy given the circumstances the types of bills that we're seeing go through is this is it increased because of the IRA is it about the same do we expect more to come in the future yeah that's a great question um because you would expect with all the funds that more activity would happen the the the state from from the doar uh their budget EA um had 1% increases it's the first time and this is the second year that it's been approved at least in the governor's budget last year it was approved and and they're spending it um they have been much more thoughtful at putting bills in that would do all kinds of things getting creating programs to encourage El ification getting dollars back to homeowners um I would say maybe 10 or 15% increase in in those type of bills and then a lot of uh you know there there's still a lot of folks that don't understand the complications of upgrading the electrical system uh the the Transformer you know the the Transformer issue um you know what you do with your own system the upgrades to distri dist bution system substation uh new substations that are needed for power um transmission that needs to be upgraded and yet I would say there were close to a hundred bills that had something to bring back the 2050 into 2045 or 2040 it's great to want to you know achieve goals quicker but at the same time the systems just not built for it right now to to continue on pen that that I hope that that messaging comes from em as much as possible because you know we're looking at a tenold increase but you want 100% of renewable you know or at 10 you know it so log logarithmically I can say that you know we have to get there and how we get there in in a responsible manner that doesn't put our Network in Jeopardy and I think that that that's the fear people that work in this business that legislatively we pushing ourselves to a Brink for you know it's it's it's not good news to be out of power in New England in the winter right and I I I hope that I is a strong voice that tells people and educates people that yeah we all go breing we all do but it has to come in a in a responsible Mee it's the majority of my meetings and I I I have to say because they're both on the Telecommunications um utilities and energy committee Senator tar and representative Jones um as well actually the uh Vice chair U is also a reading representative uh representative hagy they do a tremendous job um and you know I I get calls when they get so regulatory changes it's interesting um The Regulators do their thing they make a draft regulation it becomes final but it still needs legislative approval and I get a call every time there's a new proposed regulatory change to ask it to negatively impacts Public Power so they're willing to do whatever it is to to help us out and but they're proactive and instead of reactive it's it's way in advance of you know hey this is coming or when we change the green communities um to allow you know communities like reading to apply in the Rome um same thing they wanted to make sure that the regulations that matched the change in law were agreeable with us so we're we're lucky to have such a great delegation and we're being more proactive again with help from from been in the group but us as an MLP like specifically me as the GM we've done a lot of presentations over the past six months so our they know that we're trying to do the right thing we're trying to be supportive we're trying to be very proactive um and we have a history many of them mention that we have a history of being Innovative and and thinking out of the box so that's also helpful absolutely absolutely it's said two quick questions that we I briefly flag before the meeting is what's your best guess to what load growth will be in five years or 10 years well Greg has a better idea than I I I think it's anyone's guess um on on load growth um I I think you have indicators you have a pretty solid number for instance of it's funny you put a program in place you offer dollars to help people put in things like heat pumps and um it's a great indicator of you you know what that puts on the load and the work that puts on the system and it lets you put those upgrades in you know you know the addresses it's a great program um un you know unlike electric vehicles which um you have a program but the people it it's up to people to be proactive to sign up and let you know that they're going here rather than you finding out that's why we got that'll be one of the discussions we have the June July discussion we're going to change the EV program so sounds like 10% is your prediction well I just I would if I had a guess i' I'd say close to that in five or 10 years um I would say five years I think you know the incentives and the programs are going to be for the people who are early in and I think a lot of people in the demographics in rmld you know I I don't think some some of the other MLPs um meet the demographics but I I think here you know you have a solid track record of um you put programs in place and people you know take advantage of that and then the other question that that I briefly touched on before the meeting is so this is going to cost us a lot to build new facilities and build out our system and then part of mitigating that can be demand side management so is there anything in the agenda or that whether now or in the fure future we could be thinking about in terms of what do we promote in Boston to advance demand side management to the same scale of what we're looking at in terms of L growth know I I I think one of the things that I I know that Greg has talked to ver for instance um there are companies that have new technologies that I think if rmld is willing to Pilot um that there's opportunities to to get some funding to to look at doing projects like that that you know doing something like that that potentially increases the uh the capacity of of the lines by 15% uh you know is when you look at the cost benefit it's it's huge a whole bunch of lots of different but there's um I I guess my advice is the state doesn't have a lot of um new programs um and just like the utilities put threeyear plans to the you know to the dpu we don't have to but I I think in similar fashion if we put ideas in front of doar or D and we can have the conversations I mean Greg's had a number of those conversations yeah with staff um they're willing to listen electric water heaters I mean some UTI that we used to have you know timers and that we controlled I mean I don't know if there's a opportunity there Statewide or just food for thought Food For Thought next okay thank you thank you thank you everybody thank you Ben so number five uh is one that we actually want to um well you why don't you lead it up I'll do kind of a quick update um and then you can yeah I'll do a quick update all right so um many of us over the well so over the past couple decades the town of reading has an interest in the area around our campus and potentially our campus as well and over the past couple years we've participated um in hosting events here also we've met collectively a subset of our group um of water Commissioners have met with the select board um just in terms of how to move the ball forward so there's been work that we've been doing um behind the scenes I'll walk through that in just a second to where we are but um as you guys know we are open to to reconfiguring our campus we need to do something we're going to outgrow the capabilities of of this site we've got Building Maintenance to do we're doing some maintenance right now but we need some more significant rebuild or major renovation um it anyways I go into the details you can read the slides a little bit later um obviously station one which is in the center of our campus um fun fact right it was uh it was operational in 1896 it was actually a Generation Plant through 1924 literally 100 years ago at that point in time it was a coal Coal Fire plant I think you guys all know that where we are sitting right now is a Turn Style for the trains to drop coal into the plant um but it was decommissioned in 1924 because load outstripped the capability of that plant so since so we used to be in the generation business um anyways more details on station one it's a historic building um that's got a whole bunch of uh it needs a lot of investment before reuse Etc um so we and the other El that very very last bullet so last fall I had a chance to meet with the owners of the other three um uh Property Owners um that are on this particular property there's three there's there's multiple buildings but there's three owners um all three of them are open to selling or some or reconfiguring of the campus two of them are open to sell the third one would like to stay here but are open to being moving somewhere else so we've got flexibility in our little area right here um but big picture the the town and between our office rmld and the town planning office we've been working over the past six plus months trying to make progress um they actually applied for with support from us for a grant for $100,000 it is it is um if I go to to this chart just from in on the right side well actually let me go back on probably bigger picture it would include the area on the other side of the tracks so they're they're looking at this broader Eastern Gateway development we're only a piece of it um uh there's work so we are only part of a bigger puzzle we are not fully aligned yet in terms of goals again we're very supportive but we've got to run and operations and more important not more importantly but equally importantly we support four towns of which reading is less than 30% of our total loans so we have to think about a little bit differently but we're we want to collaborate and make progress um you'll see I'll let Dave talked a little about in terms of next steps but we are we are open to contribute what we want to propose and approve formally but to contribute a portion to $150,000 expense to do area Concepts Brier area Concepts to dust off some of the stuff that's already been done um that because this is bigger than us the inclusion was let's let the town drive this we'll be a contributor to it there's a particular process we have to work through there's anou that uh the Town Council drafted um our Council has reviewed I will share that between us in the next meeting um at the end of the day just Big Picture This is a milestone that we had presented um a year ago the clock is ticking our goal is to basically be reconfigured by the end of the decade now the end of the decade is only six years away that's seems like a long time but for doing any sort of construction the clock's ticking fast so we want to we've we've done the first couple of items um you know the outside event um but we're trying to get the concepts done this year um confirm what we want to do with the partners we're open to actually purchasing you know buying out the partners behind us um we had talked about potentially moving somewhere else there's really no place else in read to go right now legislation doesn't really allow us to relocate in any one of the other towns that's a whole another topic that we'll talk about with with the in terms of making the flexibility to do that but anyways just quick update um we need to keep this ball moving forward we've made some progress um we'll talk a little bit more detail with the town um at a subsequent meeting in a week or two that's a quick update yeah go ahead so um obviously if the clock is ticking how much time do we expect the town to take to do the study these are two separate paths essentially talking about right no no the idea is so we basic so the town wants to so what we concluded is that the next step would be to so big picture that would be to do some Concepts because this I'm sorry is this concept just rld oh this is the it would we are we are a smaller portion of a larger concept we are an important for a whole bunch of geographic reasons we are an important piece of the puzzle very important piece of the puzzle um and we want to we want to be part of the solution not a stick you know so so any but it's a it's a town issue more I mean it's a it's important to us but it's a bigger Town issue which is why we need to make sure we align the goals and objectives Etc but the next step would be to create some Concepts so we're willing to contribute to that but not totally funded because it's you know for two reasons one it's more than us it's the whole reg it's on both sides of the MBTA tracks and the fact that we have a constituency that's broader than just the town of already so the next step would be for that study to get done it's got to go through an RP process before they do the RP process have to make sure the funds same thing that we sometimes have to do with RFQ type stuff and rfps um so we we the next couple of weeks need to make a formal decision so I'll send some additional information but I want to give you heads up that it's it's it continues to have motion go ahead sorry I have one question if you go back to that first slide go back to that first slide go back two slides that's the first that's up there okay okay that's that's that's is the plan to connect this and property this the the new crossing road comes across and connects is the plan to come across and connect to that at which point we would close off these entrances on as so I I have an answer to that which is that there's not any one plan at the at this point right but that you know we're saying it's GNA be looking at both sides I mean I would hope that we consider that to cut out this close off the as Street side so I spoke I spoke with Andrew McNiel today and and this is really exciting not not because if you walk from here at a Market Basket you know things haven't changed since 1950 basically you know it's it's this is exciting to get this part of the town revitalized right and so the first step is the town uh Andrew wants to issue the RFP from the towns side in May and you know we want to contribute to it for our purposes and also for the greater you know the greater good of this whole area and see what these moving Parts can be so um since we don't have theou in front of us and I don't think we've seen the draft RFP well since Greg mentioned before the meeting we he needs to have an executive session on another Topic in in before the May meeting we'll have a quick short meeting in like two weeks we can deal with quick short meeting I know well we we really will it'll be a one item to to do this and then vote on the 50 Grand that that would be our contribution and then the executive session on another topic that Greg wants just just something I'd like to consider that you know cut these cut these paway on and so and in the and in the we that's something we can talk about and I'd like to have Angel come to the meeting in two weeks and like talk a little bit about it ask that question and but I think it's very exciting to to do this for ourselves then for the downtown I mean to buy those three buildings up back what you got any idea what that would cost I do I won't share that right now but I do okay it's single million of dollar okay it's it's doable it's a seven figure number period oh it's definitely a seven figure number yeah yeah leave it at that we'll leave it at that a seven yeah long not eight right right you're right yeah just quick for pimp we do not own the entire campus we own a portion that's great there a whole that's a whole another set of issues as well if very complicated we own a piece private ownership so this multi multi it's it's a puzzle so it's not one owner so it makes it complicating yeah even the site so it's complicated but do all doable right so there's no right now there's no conflict um with the town on this we jointly would like to move the ball forward they have a goal and we have a goal and they can be aligned so and it's and we have that you know there's been attempts to pursue this um we're now the Catalyst because we need to do some some decisions on our end and depending upon what the town does will influence what we do you know the town is also Catalyst because between Market Basket and Main Street is is a zone that the town wants to exactly it's it's it all can be done of a piece and it's so if you go into that from that you know go past the Wallgreens you come in that that area the building you look right ahead that's vacant been thinking for a long time so this yeah a whole bunch of scenarios so we'll have a in about two weeks we'll have Andrew here hopefully get more detail so that's that one quickly yeah y okay quick update so I'm sorry you want to introduce oh no you you go ahead in item six sure so um I'm gonna just my apologies for not being more specific at the discussion we had last meeting I'm committed to just giving you guys a quick summary I will walk through this fairly quickly but what um I think the appropriate thing to do is at the intermediate meeting during the executive summary because there's a lot of details that we would like to share um we'll do that the executive session so I'll just quickly quick summary one two three and then we'll we'll save the meat of it for the subsequent meeting so so real quick um context right we've got momentum we need we need to keep moving forward on some solution relative to both both in territory generation and in territory storage the storage thing continue to move forward um I put this slide in the lower right hand corner the right hand corner this is a presentation that came out of last year's NEPA meeting um at the end of the day the context really hasn't improved right the challenges are still in front of us um Bob mentioned some of the the challenges that continue to be in front of us we're in a TR the whole region is in a transition mode and specifically Massachusetts du the 2021 climate bill um as Vin mentioned right that top item the Commonwealth from the legislative and Regulatory perspective the goals and the laws um we continue to ask this question um you know Vin Pursuits this as well they're unlikely to soften so they're going to be where they are or they might intensify and you mentioned he mentioned in the meeting that there's a lot of pressure to intensify which means to to shorten the window so regul the Regulatory and legislative environment is what's is what the Catalyst was back in 2021 to drive the change that we're feeling now now there are things happening on our on a federal level as well um but that's a that's a that's the catalyst so the question is can that change back and soften that's why we always ask that question over and over again as a result of that you know we've talked about before the past past six months we continue to update the load forecast um but it's you know it's 2x by 2050 is it is it 90% larger 110% larger I don't know right you know nobody can predict the future that well but it is you know it's going to grow at two to two and a half to 3% per year which over 10 to 15 20 years becomes 2x so that's credible and as we mentioned before it matches ISO New England's forecast as well um we we will you know the wave in 202 to 2012 through 2020 which was the major efficiency of U replacing incandescent lights lights used to be 28% of the total energy load they're now less than eight so there's no other major opportunities in terms of equipment changes you can do there's a lot of small stuff and we'll continue to provide incentives for those but the the the you know what the comments that you guys have been prompting Us in terms of the demand side whether it's time shifting or or reducing total load that's the next wave it's not a big wave but we're gonna continue to chase that um wholesale cost I'm going to run through these real quickly because the context is important wholesale cost in fact we had another discussion this this afternoon um with uh with some external people including the en team team but the the wholesale costs are continue the combination of capacity transmission certificates and energy you combine all those it's roughly a 4% compound annual growth rate that's a big number um and so everything we do is in the context of everything we do remember our our mission reliable low cost noncarbon we're trying to do a lot of pieces to minimize the impact um of that 4% we've said pretty clearly that energy bills will increase but that next bullet in there is really important and we will put a little bit more detailed behind us and it's going to become part of our education program our view is that total energy spend will be we believe it to be likely less so a a larger portion as people go from to Electrify or go to fully electrified homes um some of the initial analysis it could be as little as half of what they're spending today in terms of total energy spend where total energy spend is a combination of electricity gasoline or diesel for their vehicle and oil so we're running that analysis but that becomes very important for people to understand net energy spend so we before we make that public we're going to continue to push on that it's really important in territory assets check all three boxes um we we're doing a lot of work with partners and vendors you know as as we've kind of as I shared with some of you individually there's a lot of work that we do behind the scenes to pursue and Chase and encourage vendors to be interested in us um we've we've created a lot of interest um last meeting we talked about two specific projects um they're interested because they want to have reference accounts um we're we're close um we're we become a good reference accounts so there's in fact well um so early discounts but those early discounts will disappear after it's become more common place so want to be very careful not being the bleeding edge but want to be the Leading Edge in terms of being Innovative the new asset funding sources um this is the IRA 22 eventually those funds will dry up while they're supposed to go out to 2030 um we're not going to wait until 2029 to take access to those grant opportunities um investment tax credits Etc um in fact on this particular project I was made aware that the ITC the tax credit for fuel cells actually expires at the end of this year so part of the reason for us to to either you know decide what we're going to do sooner rather than later is the clock scking um we recognize based on the meetings that we've had with with The Regulators Etc the Commonwealth is cautious on new long-term fossil fuel projects so we take that into consideration and then the last element there natural gas will have a reduced role within ISO New England but it's not going to zero um we talked about power supply the key message of these next two slides is that in territory generation and in territory storage are part of a larger risk management strategy right keep in mind that the mission keep the lights on it's all about risk management there's a bunch of elements I won't bother watch through those elements in the lower portion of that but we look at all of the different projects and the portfolio reflects that if something doesn't work in one piece we don't shoot ourselves in the foot not all eggs in one basket the key piece is that in territory is a smaller piece the project we're talking about right now is less than 18% of our total spend or our total uh power supply today and as load goes up it'll get smaller um last uh yeah just um second to last slide back to the other elements we're doing right we watch like today was a good example like literally each week we're looking at Power you know forward price curves Etc um we on you guys know we have a passion like you guys know we have a passion for power supply we just think it's the coolest thing ever but we look at that always and try and find new opportunities and we've been very aggressive some of the projects we do with the inie some of the projects we do ourselves we've already talked about we're doing more storage significant storage um the project we talked about uh last week the 10 megawatt under hours system there's a unique opportunity for us to be aggressive in that that actually came out of the NEPA 2022 meeting there was a presentation that that vendor made at that meeting um I went up and met afterwards and then for literally for 10 months we pursued them to engage them to get more detailed discussion so that's that's an example of us being aggressive um we've already laid out plans to add 30 more megawatts of in territory Generation by the way the Lindfield water project uh so we're we've got meetings um next week and then on May 6th um we'll have to do some approvals for you guys we we talked about putting the budget item in at the last meeting but as that gains some traction down the road we're going to do that as well I told you before Maple Meadows is still active we're trying to do title clearance um so we're doing as much PV as we possibly can but we're goingon to max out at four times the size we are right now or at 10 megawatts there'll be no more um uh the you'll hear about in briefly in a few minutes but the Ami MDM P piece is another part of it so these these are all different pieces that are designed to manage the risk of our power supply portfolio the the last piece because we I think the biggest issue we had last week was understanding risk we'll get into more details we basically looked at the carbon capture fuel cell four major blocks of risk we'll talk about this in more detail but there's Financial fuel supply technology and what I called external opinion right we do care I mean we're here to serve our customers um we care about their opinion but if you not if you don't play these if you don't position these right they can and we talked about last week we don't want to have another um wood burning bio Fiasco in front of so we're being very careful in terms of how we do this and cautious um but we're so we'll I'll walk you through more details here but we I think we have done a very good job in terms of managing the risk in all these categories we'll talk about them in more detail in executive session this we can be happy to do for public but it makes sense for us to look seriously at an in territory generation project in addition to the inter territory storage so I'll I'll leave it there unless you guys have any additional questions there's a lot of stuff in these slides I would encourage you to take a look at them I'll probably bring them back as a starting point for our executive session and then we can get into the detail elements particularly of the financials um the CO2 Pro portfolio the key things that I think are important for all of us questions yeah um I like the term net energy spend um when you're talking about a customer right you're this one you're talking about everything but I think that that's a cautionary thing because you're talking about their total consumption correct people care about their bill they do not care about their total consumption when and you start talking about gas and other things that are spent on their electric pill so I I that would require a significant amount of education and I I agree completely and and that so I it's interesting concept but more than a concept it's not us so we're we're we're not the we're not the spearhead on that one no no I know but it's it's it's it's something that I I to introduce that concept when we're talking about your bill I think we have to that's a very F you have your bill in front of you and then there's other things so I I I just think that yeah we be careful it's but so exactly right so at the end of the day people care a lot about I mean they care about all the dollars they spend right and so you know as you look at again you know we don't take the political positioning on on any of this stuff it's what are the rules and how do we how do we fulfill the core Mission keep the lights on make the bills affordable and be compliant so we're going to continue to do that but if you look at the the total cost of electrification electrification is going end up being less so literally we've done the initial analysis it's less expensive total energy spin how we position it's going to be very important that's why this is this is I'm introducing the concept right now but it's going to be part of the bigger pack we're trying to leverage things that are being done on at the Commonwealth level you know back to again our goal is to educate the customers um we're going to we're going to provide the incentives it's up to them to make the decision in terms of how they're going to vote with their pocketbooks we aren't going to force them but we're going to encourage them I I just I would like to just jump ahead to one item that's related to sure yeah yeah yeah just because I you want to go down to yeah on item 12 you know we at at one time we would have committees that would take a deep dive on 11 yeah yeah certain items excuse me item 11 Y and it it seemed like a good time to perhaps reinstate a committee there used to be one called power and rate where power supply contracts would be looked at and recommended up to the full board that this might be a good time which we do do still right right but we don't have a committee we don't corre we we go direct yeah and I know it's good to also not have too many committees but so much is going on and it's all very exciting stuff that it's probably I think a good time to have another one so I would like to form such a subcommittee or a committee that we could call like the Strategic Power Solutions and load management committee to look at all of this and um with the basic goal Al the committee could could decide what its own scope is but to recommend review and recommend this and other proposals for inter teritary generation with all the pros and cons also look for and recommend up uh best-in-class demand side management and efficiency measures to limit the need for these expenditures um again making recommendations up um potentially refie and recommend procurement design and finally recommend any necessary local or state policy changes and you know Vin's expertise would be you know appreciated with as part of that you know what can we help with um so I'd like to form this committee and ask if um if Pam Bob could could serve on it and and then like vivec from the cat so I would like to do that I think that's something I can do with chair you propose absolutely so then let me ask is this gonna this going to slow the department down well I don't I don't think so I think I'm asking the department I'm not asking you I'm asking I'm asking well why don't I tell you what I'm proposing first and and okay we have monthly meetings we only meet every month and this is something where um we can we I don't think it would but yeah Greg can tell me if it slows it down yeah yeah I see so um at the end of the day um you know one of the things I you learned over the past couple of months is um how do we figure out a better mechanism to educate the whole both the cab and the Bo and so I'm gonna I'm going to work on some elements to do that um there's also some significantly significantly new strategic pieces that we're looking at in territory generation and in territory storage in territory storage is pretty much in that's in play like we're executing that now we we talked about that last year and year before um I think power supply by itself contracts we our power supply portfolio is well managed and in good shape I think the focus of the group is to look at things like you know Carbon capture fuel cell um I'm open to the support and the additional help um to look at that piece I don't think we need to do it for power supply itself because I think we do a really good job I mean really I think we do a good job but this new crazy stuff um you again if it if it comes to slow us down then we'll re then we'll regroup so I think for for for in territory Jin I'm open to the help in the input I'll just say I think uh thinking about the title of the the committee and the focus on Solutions you know thinking ahead to what are those solutions that are going to help solve I think what you're probably hearing is support for additional like you said education and momentum on getting those Solutions vetted and and getting those forward um but then the demand management side I think is going to be critical because that allows us to hopefully mitigate the need for investment in some of those it'll put downward pressure it will never mitigate I'm just it would be very important to manage but this is this is down pressure and this is how do we kind of continue to balance age and I think you're hearing again as you know some some interest in in pursuing that I think the objective to your to your concern fill if we're going to form this committee is that needs to be one of our kind of uh goals is we're actually helping to move faster versus I think that's right you know waiting for once a month and then at that point trying to get educated on yeah as Pam said you know waiting once a month and then we have all this lots of other things these are things we haven't seen I mean 30 years think this magnitude being done by RL and um you know to have this and then with a packed agenda with the usual procurement things and presentation on insurance and whatever else might up this this this deserves more attention and more frequency that the committee can uh I think provide so so with that um I believe the committee is so formed and the three can you know we'll check with BC but the three come on yeah okay okay so we'll do that and yeah we that out tomorrow but I guess the default could be that these that the two are on it um did Phil would you know from history did the power rate was that did it include a cab member don't remember I don't think it did I don't think it did there was only members of commission right Commission because I mean the thinking right or wrong is we have expertise in three domains you know Bob with all his utility practical all the things we hear from Bob every meeting and thec with the emerging Technologies of what's going on in power supply Pam with procurement and supply chain and all that I mean this is a this is a great group and I think um would be the the right three people to really and leave to you guys you know how you you feel you can best that value yeah so one more one more administrative thing just want to be sure everyone commit to doing that time so it would be one their meeting a month so it would be two meetings a month and then probably someone from the committee with work to be done appreciate yeah and if if if it turns out it's just a drag on the system and an anchor on on on Greg's leg We Will We Will rethink it Phil okay yeah because that's the thing I mean if two members don't see any object so I have some reservations about forming another committee but I'm going to go forward and see how it works yeah no there's pros and cons yeah it just feels like we have more we have bigger things than we've ever had last meeting we we were halfway into the meeting being asked to approve an additional $140 million in capital spending to a budget sure but I to a budget right right all difference I don't think that's still gonna change the discussion when it comes to this that's I'm let just try okay okay all right very good so um onward and upward um back to the administrative back to going back to uh we're buying some what are we buying buy stuff we're buying some office equipment now so we'll spend half an hour discussing no that long buying security ergonomic ergonomic so um so this is the motion first Mr chair please do that okay so move the Board of Commissioners on the recommendation of the general manager and continued on the recommendation of the city Advisory Board approve 135,000 160 one 160 yes I got one of 35 it's been changed I apolog that was yeah because there was for the month for the math to work it's got to be 160 but anyway keep going 160 is the number my apologies so question is that in what's been public informed of this as the public inform it's going to be 160 we're making the change in this me you're doing a real time Red Line you know what maybe it's better if we I don't know it do I think it's fine I'm fine with it go ahead certain with the public perception but will go forward approve 160,000 increase to the 2024 capital budget is the 650 the same is that going to change too no that's that was that was the same the only change no 650 is the right it's the current increase to the capital budget of 650,000 project uh project number 119 on page 37 of the 20124 capital budget for the purchase of security access controlled and upgrades I'm going to going to add the word for the Department substation and I'm going to add the word the Ash Street campus have a second second okay um any questions or can we just any any questions yes or no no okay all in favor I motion carries 40 I ham did the next one motion please okay move the ifb 2024 d24 office Renovations including supporting work for other trads be awarded to paid building construction company Inc for $253,200 res to Mass General laws chapter 49 par section 44A through 44h as amended as the lowest responsible and eligible bidder on the recommendation of general manager second second explanation what's what's being done sure yeah so we sent out a bid um this is basically some interior um office additions office upgrades and and removal of partitions the goal is to allow us to have a little more room in the building um I view it as um an interim solution that'll continue it's it's money worth spent to allow us to use the space that we have we had uh five bids um all responsive um all with no exceptions um uh the numbers ranged from um five uh 253,000 to $533,000 to do it it was a combination of electrical HVAC General Contractors those are the to the total numbers it's in the package um the recommendation for policy is to select paage building construction company as the uh the lowest uh responsive and responsible bidder to the program so as I walk down the gentleman there like an open area now is that what this take place that's part of it there's there there's the whole there's there's that piece that wall will come down and we'll reconfigure to add more cubicles there there's um construction been going back in the meter Department there's space that's going to be done in the engineering space and then also space done in customer service engineering so it's throughout the building where's the commissioner Cube uh near the GM office nothing you can really yeah thanks I ass we have drawing done all this already oh we yeah we have drawings yeah we there's drawing yeah so this is like the drawings were done like this is literally we're Waring the construction we did the drawing package last year right would have been nice to have the drawings in the in the package but you know at this point time I'm sorry yeah would have been nice to see those good good good guidance yeah okay go ahead I'm ready for the okay everybody uh ready for the right all in favor yeah all Boro thank you is the next one I moved at ifb 2024 D3 for video surveillance and Access Control System project be awarded to signate electrical Systems LLC a cent 782,000 on the recommendation general manager good second second you want to explain this one Greg yeah this one's a little bit a little bit more involved yeah um at the end of the day the bottom line is um we have a a control access and video system um that needs to be replaced um the project was started back in 2020 um for a whole bunch of reasons it uh kept if progress was was um slow um uh we engaged back in uh 2020 anyways bottom line um there's a lot of work done by a lot of people um one of the things that we ended up adding to the program back in summer of last year where combination of video and audio systems at our substation there are video and audio audio systems out there but the decision was made to not only have cameras facing inside the perimeter but also cameras facing outside the perimeter this is in response to a increasing trend of uh uh attacks on our physical so our our substations are not manned so this is a way for us to inexpensively man and try and provide additional security to our our substations which are critical parts of our infrastructure and then it's the basic keypads and door you probably notice that the the door well you probably didn't notice but one of the the door systems um as of to today is not working properly um so anyways these are long overdue programs um at the end of the day there were two people that bid on it one that actually didn't qualify um for it so there was really only one uh responsive bidder um the dollar ticket item um ended up being more expensive than we had expected and budgeted um it's a it's an expense that we need to do from a security perspective um and we have one bit that is capable and responsible any other discussion you want to talk about no sir we're good yes sir one L U so it's a replacement for existing equipment an upgrade or a combination of multiple because I know some of the stuff is fairly newer that that I thought some no not our stuff no so so it's basically the replacement of everything the the only addition is that the substation additional cameras that are facing outside the perimeter and additional audio system to so those that's the that's the incremental beside just replacing the existing stuff and what will be inside the building uh so we have card access to a variety of office in the external doors and then at the entrances we also we have keypads so existing keypads will be the same existing keypads the video system will be the same I don't think we're at any video cameras internally there at the door entrances yeah at the doors like we have right now it's pretty much a similar system with the exception of En to the substations which are not Bann it does seem like a lot of money yes it does but what you got to have video we need we need a security so Y and is it monitored video yeah we we actually it all feeds into our um we monitor it we feed it into our Operation Center so we we so we also did look last year at the idea of Outsourcing the monitoring Etc um for cost reasons and security reasons and since we already have a people here we have people here we did look at that though we thought creatively in terms of how to you minimize the total cost it's they only I know we had talked a while ago about this door ACC access to this portion of the building for Public Access when we talked about opening we'll be talking about that in a few moments okay and and but that's was that is that combined with this effort I don't we uh did we put a no I don't think we we didn't combine we did not make any provisions for making this a public space with this bid we didn't I'm I'm 90% sure we didn't um would it be possible to ask that an additional item what it would take if you're wiring you're physically setting more basic so yes we could certainly ask there's a more basic premise so we will do that with Personnel for The Limited times that we have external people in the building we are literally um we are as you can see behind us um that cube is actually occupied the other one is going to be occupied as well um we're trying to be creative in terms of how we're using the space we have in this building um a recommendation um is not to make any changes well there's a couple of small changes we'll talk about from the policy um we will support um town uh groups that want to come in here but on a very limited basis and we will charge them to have it and and facilities and everybody else in here it's not a self serve kind of building we literally look at this as being a secure facility from the perspective of the reliability of our Network and based on experience in the past and we don't have space experience in the past was it was open it was Clos it was open and we had we had trouble it was closed me it was closed it wasn't trouble it was closed it was closed off well we end up closing I mean before my time it was off yeah yeah it was for reasons of not for reasons of damaged and not being able to support it we'll talk about that at the policy totally fine was yeah um yeah okay um do you have a sense of why we we sent the bid to 25 companies we only got two responses and only responses and only one was complient what what made it thank not attractive I I don't have the what made it not attractive like why was it super specialized what we were asking for did we what it's just surprising to me that we had 25 that went out and only one that came back um so we we we do have a higher level of standard because we're in electric utility it is a combination of video in inside and out and external including the substations um it is not a home alarm system by any stretch of the imagination and is monitored in a control system so there is a higher level of sophistication in the system um I don't know why that and I I will suggest that some of the ones this was a bigger project than they were able to handle and we also because of the nature of security we at the recommendation of the adviser um a a a level of sophistication in terms of be able to to there's different levels in terms of this is these are all dcam or state because we are a municipal entity we have to run through the state regulatory perspective and so they have different levels of security capability so this one's not the highest but it's a higher one given the nature of the business so we're we are we did have more stringent pieces and it's a more complicated system why why five didn't out of that present I don't know there's a there's a there is a I did I did happen to see an article today not it happened to be on my desk today but it was uh it was about uh uh security um any it was the security systems and the lead article was how come we can't recruit more people to uh to be in this industry and then the article behind it was um in INB building drones as opposed to fixed cameras anyways so I I don't have the answer to your question but like other Industries I think this challenging to have people actually do the work I wonder if there's opportunity for us as we look at situations like this where we go out to a large number and we get essentially only one option Soul Source option just to um I don't know if it's a justification or if it's an assessment of what led this or if it's an interview with a couple of the key vendors we thought we were going to respond just what you know just so we can learn if it was truly very unique if it was a industry situ what we what can we do better next time just just to help us feel confident that the the amount that we're being asked for here is um because it is over the budget I know we allocated it in the prior motion but um that it is a competitive price um I think the question is a good enough one that um why don't why don't we since we're going to meet in two weeks no what I'm sorry please go ahead we we've kicked this down the road for four years we have systems that aren't working I'm sorry forgive me oh it's okay no I mean it's it's a legitimate point but I mean I actually I have to say I hadn't read the part where there was it was sent to 25 and we have a soul Source bid for three4 of a million dollars for a security system you know I I hearing that I'm I'm you know what do we do up here you know but but it went to the state bidding yeah for it went through a process it went to the state yeah I mean we didn't only go to one yeah yeah so we did everything right process was right it was to me it's the question is just what do we do differently next time yeah exactly I I think if if this was office chairs maybe we would wait this clearly is a business need um just running just just floating the idea question two weeks but if you're all ready to go fine it is a common problem unfort we don't have enough biders on many of the bids yeah but has come up about for years yeah and yeah I think we need to form process to learn from why and and determine if we need to make some changes in our even if it meets regulation we just want to get more want to be competitive and we want to yes weage every make it easier to do business with us yeah okay so you're all you're comfortable voting okay you are okay then we've had a motion in a second all in favor I I we have a 40 vote approving that motion with with the ask with the ask that an additional no's additional line item on top not to interfere with the bid you have a separate separate might be a separate bid to put to isolate this area as as public use additional what tell me tell me I have I have reported the action item I will duly respond back maybe they can throw it yeah maybe yes we will ask the question we're good at negoti you know security Julie requested security systems we have ceras in the building where I live in you know and we're we're talking about we have to cover the doors and one of the hallways we're talking about having them the outside yeah because we're getting people who Circle the building beeping their horn is that you yeah looking looking for you sing their in the middle of the night you know we' like to catch them okay okay all right well we did that okay for the next one we are RFQ 2024 d24 for one electric vehicle DC fast charger bcfc be awarded to Vol Trek LLC in the amount of $4,825 pursuant to Mass General laws chapter 30b second paragraph 22 as the lowest responsible bid on the recommendation of general manager second second okay any discussion where's this gonna go it's gonna go so it's going to um it's going to go next to station one and it'll be the DC fast charger to power the electric vehicles that we're adding to our Fleet so it's basically for our internal use station one is which which St it's the middle building like it's going to be it's going to be for our tracks our tracks yeah it's it's an internal infrastructure build voltrex so this is this is the same unit that we installed at the library um it that we bid or that bid that we awarded was two years ago um it was $98,000 so the incremental so it's a lot of money but it um unlike most of other things the incremental price is not significant relative to what it was back on the bid so this won't be open to the public not be open to the public we'll end up using this one and you need to have a fast charge or you can't charge overnight with a level two no and the reason being is that um this is some discussion we've had before in terms of how we yep and that we do a lot of traveling um yeah so and this this is so this is part of our learning process and again we're we're not you know we're not in electrifying the whole Fleet we're trying to figure out like how it really works in terms of our operations so Electric we got now we have the bolt right now and and then we're taking delivery of two Lightnings one that will so one will be uh line uh assistant general line Foreman yeah and the other one will be either grid assets or facilities well then why do you need this if it's just for a couple of pickup trucks um because we won't be the use case won't work where we have to charge them overnight we we need we literally need to be able to charge these unless than an hour if we're going to if we're going to make the transition to electric vehicles away from gas we have to learn how to do it and we have to get started it's a big ticket item I get it but it's like these are pretty bullish this like this is not a throw away device this this level one level two level three right this is level three this DEC everything you see out pretty much in most places is a fast charger out the level twos are are their home use two 240 home use in in well we and and we have out front like yeah they have they we have and that's and those are the ones we've installed and then we've got one DC fast think commercial is is DC fast DC fast so you're you're saying you're gonna have many more electric vehicles than the two pickup trucks eventually yeah we we're going to try it see how it works and then we will we'll make an internal decision in terms of you know what's the appropriate level of internal electrification but this is partially for us to you know we're trying to encourage electrification we're trying to be respons responsive to the state mandate um and we need to get ready so we can't not do anything so if if it turns out you don't use many electric vehicles will you have the option of making this something you can charge for yeah absolutely okay yeah yeah we can we can put it out in the public site or we can move it to the front absolutely I would feel better knowing that this could be used subject to you yeah it it so as a it it doesn't I mean it's a it's a solid bulletproof piece of equipment no no crap yeah right I mean literally it's um it's designed for heavy duty use I mean well it's a DC fast charger so yes if we just if we just determined in two years that electrification of our trucks isn't working and we and we want to put it up in front of the building or put it somewhere else easily done now we got to do site prep for it Etc but the unit itself it's got a long life These are these this is a this is an AB piece of equipment it's good quality stuff and it's consistent with the one we already have which was also vetted by the state that's whole another topic it's not crazy why it just install it out front to begin with um we're gonna put we're gonna put a by Dire DC fast charger up front as well we could we could turn it into Revenue generating you two fast Chargers then well the other one will be a a smaller version of it and one quarter of the price then you get into vendor management right you a whole it's a whole another level of how you sell it how you purchase it you're buying your own you know it's not just a plugging in using power rting like now it's a commercially oh in terms being able to charge people charge people yeah and it's now you have a full management system that gets associated with the where it just goes there you plug in you charge you're done it's just I I don't know you want to introduce that for right now I think back today's Point having the option like if if we find that we don't use it very much or it's not it's not earning its keep then we'll reevaluate it but we need to put this is part of the electrification piece how will we know that it's earning gets keep what the utilization is does it have a self- reporting oh we can check it we can check everything on it but the question you know the real question is going to be um is how well do the electric vehicles work for us and our service territory and again we're a little bit different than the larger utilities and that we're 51 square miles uh our average vehicles um are roughly 7,000 miles a year so it's a very different use case than us trying to cover from here to New York state or New Hampshire whatever so we're trying to learn but we're going to learn by doing and we're going to we're going to set the example so we have one bolt um there's there's uh five of us right now that drive electric vehicles um as well and we've learned a lot um we will we will bring to you a DC fast charger rate because we have uh we have a customer that wants to we have two customers actually but one that's um hot to trot to put um DC fast chargers at one of our locations up in Wilmington um so we'll walk you and we are finishing that rate stuff which you guys have to approve we'll bring that to you on the main meeting as well but it's let rication so again we are trying to be responsive to the state requirements and we are we are trying to learn as we go ready for a vote in favor why we're on electric vehicles I noticed that the electric vehicle seems to be losing momentum these days when I can see push the electric field seem to be losing momentum um mean something we need can we do anything on that do you mean in our you I look I look at things like you know the value of a company like charge point which makes these things is now $2 a share you know where was used to be 10 you know another company U the company out of Florida they would $10 a share they're now down to $150 so I am wondering and I'm reading in the newspaper that there's somebody who says you know electri FS have been pushed too far too F too soon and too fast you will see a lot of people write a lot of things about them yeah and at the end of the day um the state is the one that's mandating the adoption of EVS our goal is to make it as easy as possible um our experience our personal experience depending upon your use case is that EVS are less expensive to operate than traditional gas and I'll speak from personal experience um the the the feedback you're seeing more feedback in terms of um this is the the adoption of a new industry the automobile industry is going undergoing a massive change buts are going to become the dominant this is this is not me speaking this is public speaking that that in the next three four five six years there'll be a dominant people are going to vote with their pocketbooks at the end of the day and the pocketbooks are going to be EV as the least expensive way to go and so is it going as fast was there a lot of hype absolutely yeah um but you know the data point that we picked up again we do a lot of you know in the ird team we uh we'll talk a little about very briefly but you know we have turns and co-ops in here um partially to help them learn partially for us to get value partially for for us to get um new people excited about joining the the electric utility space um they do a lot of research like this um but the data that we have right now is that um in 2023 from 2022 while it's not 35% the EV Market grew in the United States at 17% that's a pretty still pretty big it's not like it may not not be going to 25% but it's still growing so again we're we want to make it as easy as possible for customers in our territory to own EVS we're an electric business we want to sell electricity it's good for all of our rate payers the more we sell again balancing the time back to the time shifting so you're going to see more stuff on on vehicle to grid and um you know rates for times Etc but we want the load so that's the big picture and we can do you know a market study in the August I don't August but maybe September August that' be a good feedback for one of the interns any so Toyota Toyota went to the hybrid B yes they did so to Phil's Point Market's going to dictate which way we go certainly you know and then there's a lot of concerns about where the batteries come from the raw materials how they produce right a lot of exactly right so it's it's a lot a lot of supply chain issues with the batter there's a lot of people try you know there's a lot of proponents that wanted to succeed and a lot of people that don't at the end of the day our goal our goal is to be able and ready um again yeah so we're we are not in the car business no and we are not in the charging you know we we will buy Chargers and you know our goal whether we're whether we're selling electricity through a home meter or a charger at the home or a public charger we're neutral the doors lock at 830 is security system is gonna 8:30 let's let's move on okay um so what we doing item nine nine yeah nine okay I'm looking at you four years four years but waiting for this one big stock and you have five minutes apparently minut okay property use so we spoke back in December um you asked us to um consider opening the building up um we yeah if you want to bring that up that's fine okay so same thing so as you guys know um you know every three years we're supposed to review all the policies this one we reviewed um last fall um I committed to reviewing it again in April um we make we made a few small changes to it um at the end of the day um we are not closing the building but we want to make it available to town or town boards or town committees um in our service territory so that includes Willington North Reading and lynfield Center not just reading whether it's the indoor facility or outdoor facility it'll be very limited in terms of what we do um but we also um again because we need because we serve a variety of towns and the goal for us is to provide electricity and not and not be intended to be a a public building um the support cost we will you know as appropriate if there's support cost associated with facility or IT personnel we will before we have a form we have a process already in place um so we'll follow that process process um the only other two changes we made to it so this is not you can see in the red line here very small changes what we did back in policy 13 we made some small changes to um item three drugs and alcohol beverag is prohibited smoking prohibited um and then we also additional restrictions um you know it deemed necessary for safety system reliability because that's part of our our key Mission anyway those are the changes we made um we are not closed but we are not promoting to be blunt and yes we will look at the we made the commitment on the previous thing we will look at different configurations so that this building can come and go if appropriate and as needed back to you the next one's more important they're all important but questions motion I I you know again like I think the the goal would be understanding that there's cubes in here right now and there's going to be a timeline hopefully they'll be removed at some point couple at some point yeah at some point at some point you know if someone wants to use the room I this don't want to feel like that that this room is closed right and there there's some wording in there that makes it feel open I'm not looking to put out full rent sign out in front of the building but at the same time if someone wants to use the space it it is smaller but know there's a mechanism to do it and someone ask I that that's all I was looking for I just didn't want to have the word no it's not no it's not no are you happy with this yeah I'm okay with it with as presented as presented Okay then if you you're happy with it I'm happy with it yeah um I actually I'm I'm more in the favor of like why don't we let this be used but I get it about nerk and all that so um so I mean it's a great space and the town needs space and yep it's underutilized except by us well no it's not underutilized it's fully utilized when I said underutilized what I meant to say was fully utilized continue I'm quiet okay did we already motion second or no no move to the arml board commission approve policy 13 facility of property use revision 8 as present recommendation general manager second okay all in favor I that passes okay what we got next okay policy 19 so we talked about this uh back in January and February when we're talking about policy 30 um what we concluded and what we have successfully done we committed to at the April meeting um take the responsib of the Board of Commissioners you and as opposed to being spread across 31 now 32 different policies to combine it all into one so that was what you have in front of you um uh so we we literally stripped it out of out of all of the other policies um and put it into one location um there's a there's not a straight Red Line because there's a lot of moves okay this is just consolidating there's no changes well there's not so so there's a table of Chang changes um so there were there were several you know no politically charged changes but there but we we went through with with Council okay in terms of of trying to update all the different pieces but there's literally oh I 16 pages of Chang can I suggest something yeah sure because the doors closed in 14 minutes that was we're doing a meeting in two weeks I would like a chance to look at this more carefully plus we did something last meeting where we we had a policy about who can be chair and when I don't know if that's been reflected here um as far as what year election years was that dealt with in this it was it was okay yeah I mean I mean you could digest a little bit mean there's a lot here there is I I guess since there's so much yeah why don't we just do this at this quick meeting we're doing in two weeks okay all right then we can read it sleep on Plenty yeah there's there's a lot of I read it all on analy okay I don't I didn't even link okay meaning you didn't read it I didn't read it I have to admit although I am technically the chair I did not read every word of it most of it so I did think postpone to the next meeting let's postpone to next meeting all right policy 32 um policy 32 um so we actually stri in terms of restructuring policy 19 yep we basically took a lot of items um out of it and made them the public comment policy yep um you know that one that one should be non just for that's that's pretty black and white pretty simple pretty clean just I just try interrupt but on on the 19 there a table toward the end all the and all the and all the changes are detailed so just to point that out yeah 16 pages of PES all the more reason we can do this offline no now so just so so back to 19 the structure quick summary page and then um the the clean copy and then instead of a Redline copy because it would have been all Redline the table was basically a way to look at what the changes were so take so anyways read you should read the clean copy because it'll make it like we all learn things when we read it because again and the intention was to make it clear in one location because there's a lot of stuff there so just okay policy 32 policy 32 is one page it's pretty straight forward well page and a half um but we basically so we're trying to simplify and streamline the number of policies but in this case um it seemed more clear because it was a very specific Standalone piece to basically put Public public comment policy as its own we basically stripped stuff out of the other policies and put it in one place um I don't think there's anything new in terms of the content new that we added to a public comment all [Music] right yeah that's specific we never had that's you could that's a law that passed okay decision yeahum five but you can but you can have a a basic policy in place that says no you cannot well no is that what saying no just let me let me read it five for you item yeah read item five yeah so members of the public are encouraged to keep their comments respectful despite any differences of opinion on the matters discussed however the board cannot demand that persons attending meetings or participating in public comment be civil to one another the rmld or the members of the board but then item six disrupt o conduit and engaging another unprotected speech including but not limited to are you setting maybe may be grounds for the chair to curtail read seven seven what's the what's with the 1115 where's 11:15 yeah no Phil I hate to do this again but I would like to just read this and sleep on it before we vote on it Phil I know you're I know you're upset I know but yeah question is this in line with what other boards are doing or are we leading okay I mean if it gets upup you got seven you can issue one warning continues then you can cut them off S so this is not a confrontational this is not there's nothing yeah but it's it's the how you deal was compation right this is this is something this is this is intended to give the board the tools to manage the meetings if they get unruly the mid L that's what it's designed to do look at this crowd lab hey we have so many I guess my question is what's what's the difference between we can't tell you to be civil but we can tell you not to be disruptive what's the difference between like where's that line can't control the words that come out of the mouth but we can tell you that your time is up right and disruptive would be sorry I talked over you that's probably disruptive okay right hopefully they do this Uptown this is preemptive um so looking at this I think it's great there are some tweaks I can see making like we're saying categorically that people can't speak a second time I mean to me like if we talked and then we had one speaker and and she wanted to say something else I wouldn't it wouldn't bother me so I can see why it's in there but to say categorically you can't speak a second time and this 11:15 there's some things I just want to think about a little bit and again I would like to just have the opportunity to policy for the board yeah right it's meant to give you tools so you we don't have a crisis on this let's I'd like this in two weeks the reason it came about just so you know is that came out of the context of making the revs the 19 so instead of leaving it buried in there we thought it' be appropriate so you want you want to just yeah I just want to do this in two weeks I want to read it carefully there might be a couple tweaks we'd make I I personally don't care if somebody speaks a second time things like that so the public comment policy takes the place basically of the code of conduct and in 19 we also said that you don't have to leave the code of conduct anymore before the meeting okay that's good because I didn't this time oh well that is why I yeah so but this is actually but just from Wilmington yeah you make you make a good point on yeah who made a good point yeah okay you made a good point about the second time maybe you should say that yeah once the speakers off and you know in order to speak a second time we'll be at the discretion things like that so I just want to have a chance to read it let it let's make that to the chair to go a second time Phil and I are in Harmony on this which is good scary be it is scary it happens every once in a while it happens okay so much for the 20 minute we got nine nine left we have nine left okay so we're gonna do 19 nine minutes we're gonna wave the general managers St I'm just kidding go ahead I'll do it in three minutes no really I'll go fast okay got a draft King bet going right now three minutes okay minutes okay so we talked about we talked about this before but we're actually moving forward in terms of we're probably going to call the marketing marketing Outreach again the goal is education there's we talked before a lot of Education to do for our external people um we had six interns and co-ops last year 2023 we're going to do um another six this year the goal is for them to learn contribute to the organization and also spread the word that electric industry is exciting as is rld U the program's been very good we've got some returning students um that next bullet down data load Center so we we put together a um we we have been open and proactive in terms of attracting additional load to our territory um data centers are an interesting load um we think our our what we offer in terms of reliability low cost and non-carbon as well as geography is going to be attractive so we're going to chase that see if we can get some additional load um uh audits wrapping up 2023 outs wrapping up presentation in May um nothing significant um the other element is you know we've been doing a little bit of Exploration with AI and our utility um we're trying to do that thoughtfully and with caution um but we think there's probably a roll over time for AI to be part of our our process and platform um other quick pieces uh infrastructure um the Ami bid so four so four responses we have four responses for this uh significant project that came in it's not going to be a one bit piece um bit analysis will be do or finished uh in June we'll come back to you in either July or September to do the award um there's a lot of customer Outreach um this is smart meter stuff it's going to come back up again um so again this is this this this communication piece comes up over and over again and all sorts of pieces um we anticipate meter replacement starting in 2025 and hopefully complete by 2026 but potentially 2027 depend on WE a couple options in terms of how we do that um that as you remember Ami is a pre prerequisite to more toou time of use rates we've talked about this several times um but as you know we're also implementing MDM and MDM might be an an inrim step for more toou but that's coming um we you guys know based on the capital projects that we've been doing over the past couple of years um you know we continue we've moved out of maintenance mode to build mode to accommodate the load growth but we will present probably in the July meeting an update in terms of what the network looks like um in 2050 be we'll give you a high level view but the engineering team is working aggressively on that next bullet um rp3 we talked about this a couple years back before well not quite before my time but before my role here um we were at the Platinum level we actually are one of three MLPs that made it to the diamond level um that's 98 out of 100 points um it's part of AA um the evaluation criteria reliability safety Workforce Development and system Improvement um this is a nice to have there's also a book that there's an article that talks about system savings you guys should read the last article that's a that's a marketing piece for Caterpillar um but it's a nice write up um but the point being is that that uh again we have a good reputation in the industry and we're trying to to talk about it the last piece is um you guys know from the 20-year agreement um we have been you know for since 1992 we have got an above the line payment that we do to all four towns um there's been a question with Wilmington in terms of of uh our 326 um Ballard Veil so we are um trying to be very open-minded but we have to resolve that as we continue to acquire more land in other territories or other municipalities besides so anyway that's in process I'll give you more update that was part of my intermediate updates I think back in December um but that's in process any questions there's a lot there like that three minutes it was good it was four but that's all right four minutes yeah okay so let so purchasing more land absolutely and so the detriment is without depreciation is is that what that's saying you know land is included the calculation price so um when you buy land that's they're G to hit you on your your your payment how long is that going to last a single year or is it continuous continuous so so so we currently pay a pilot we pay a pilot payment right which is part of the 20 year agreement on net plant right so it's all plant net appreciation in the case of land all land that we own it is it is recorded at whatever the payment price not not the appraise value but whatever we paid for it and that continues as long as a 20- year agreement is in place now so that that's significant all it's it's well it's not it's the reality So currently so I'll walk you through more analysis on it something to think about how you P how you purchase it do you purchase that land or do we 100 year lease it um I hear you we want to so I hear you yeah okay yeah just yeah just thought yeah it it's it's in terms of dollars it's not a significant piece of our C structure but it's important dollars to each of the town the whole pilot payments so that's part of a you know it's that land right now and land going forward will not be a big part of our Capital assets our net plant it's going to be a small portion and then it's 2% on that so at the end of the day the numbers are not significant but we have to address the issue yeah okay so I I guess what I'm saying to you Bob is that I don't think we should change our strategy in terms what we're trying to do um but we need to make sure that everybody is on the same page okay and and and so there's just there's some clarification that we need to do with the town of Wilmington which you'll also have in plate everywhere else point Thank you for that's good good question okay five minutes very good um and we have good news uh item 12 so this is about where we post our meeting notices and when we have to post and as you know is a 48 hour rule and we've but yet because we've had to post through the town of reading it can take it it sometimes makes six days because we have to do it on the Thursday before the Wednesday meeting because of if there's a Friday closing and the Monday Day holiday so I check with the AG's office and there's a way to do it where we can uh post on the reading website and then what's on the rld website excuse me the rmld website if if we vote to say we we would like to do so as a board then the towns can cross poost on their websites that means we can do it on the Monday before the Wednesday meeting instead of four earlier days if if needed if we have a short-term meeting because right right now it's if anybody wanted to know yeah it's it's an this is an option or yeah it just means it just means by taking this vote we say that the posting on the rmld website shall be the posting and that and then that gets told to the AG's office that this is the official place where it's posted on the arold website and then the towns can simply cross post well so my recommendation is that we actually have a link on the so you people who can who are currently going to the town website to find over to go it'll click the link it'll take them over to the rml website and that that's that's what the word and provide directions to the rmld website so it it will be there will always be that it says D the way the language is from the AG it talks about directions too but it will be the equivalent of a has to be a link yeah it will be a link okay it goes home it goes not to the AR home page to the page to the page exactly to the and and the benefits is okay we'd like to always have an agenda posted a week ahead but when there's things that are fast moving or they are continuing to move and there's so much going on that having the flexibility to to meet the 48 hours without having it to be six days all the time is is useful so will we still be posting by the time already yeah well they'll just where they where they post now it will just link over to the rld website but we to meet the law we we don't have to post it six days ahead me sending the agenda to each Town um cling them stamping it and them posting it and then me posting it I would just post it and they would just point it always points to it it's also less work for all of them because their link never changes correct yeah I still like to see us post with the town ready well we will I mean that but you know to do it on a Monday you know I I don't I don't like that idea quite Fruth I'd rather do it on the following Thursday so there's plenty of notice well we can still strive for that but not strive but I like see us do it okay well I think it's part of transparency well then you can vote against it and and say that we always have to do it six day in advance um so can somebody read the motion uh I can do that move to the Board of Commissioners in recognition that rml is defined as a regional public body under 940 CMR 29.00 and the Massachusetts open meeting law mglc 30A post meeting notices and Associated documents on the rml website and arrange for the websites of the four towns in the rmld service territory to provide directions to the rmld website for such notices effected May 1st 2024 second a second okay um I guess my only suggested edit to this it's um to include a live link so be after directions comma to include a live link we literally took this from the ag office oh okay this is make sure it's not like please go find it at the rlz website no no no I mean we're gonna make it as easy as possible but we literally took this language I would accept Okay Ham's uh language just to say link as instead of directions like to provide a we put link behind in parenthesis yeah because I I want to when you go back to the because we're you're the part of the traic this is their language I just want to make sure they recognize their language y we can put Link in parentheses afterwards if that's I'm happy with that and this is not an unusual thing to do and um again we may need to have this kind of flexibility that you know that it allows and I think it's pretty common for the other a other public bodies to post 48 Hours not six days ahead I may be wrong we'll do as early as we possibly can p the agenda is pretty easy it's getting the documents out but we you I think we've been really disciplined right in terms of getting the documents out earlier yeah not only for you but also for the citizens Advisory board so we got this out Friday for a Wednesday meeting so we we'll try and be as early as we can but given the pace of stuff it's not going to be two weeks ahe of time but it'll be we want to give you the weekend to look at stuff that's our they can link directly to it but I don't see why they wouldn't be able to and once we vote to go this way we can't go back to the other way unless we vote again sure well that's the the web works that links work from website to website that's how it works so there's not it's not going to be there not going to be a technical reason that they can okay we have a motion in a second what Bob no no I just I seconded I don't know if you that then are we ready for a vote Yes okay all favor I and Miss P vot's present why don't you just vote no vot present okayo is presid at the meeting okay don't mock me don't mock me don't mock me so Philipino is present and three are in favor okay scheduling all right scheduling all right so we want we we want to have this meeting in a couple weeks so let's find a time when we could do it would you guys like to do it next Thursday the 25th that would be fine with me uh that is meeting yeah you're right sorry I I Cann 30 or it would be Monday the 29th it was it'll be it'll be two topics on regular but executive we'll keep it short but it will be executive so what do we de say the the 30th or the seventh your choice is executive session is zoom allowed we could do the zoom yes are we doing the first or the seventh your choice Sor 30th the 30th 30 both what what time on the 30th 6:30 7 seven seven would be seven seven work okay on which dat no what yeah I'm zoom on the 30th yeah 30th Zoom at 7 30th I'm okay 30th at 7even it is okay thank you everybody okay then we have other two May and June so the only proposed change from the ones you guys have talked about already is Thursday June 20th and that's just a week earlier than what we originally proposed those are fine with me anybody for the May 23rd and June 20th okay um yeah May 23rd we're already on the calendar June what's the other one June 20th June 20th yeah that's fine yep fine okay um just okay okay C are we okay with the c coverage as written here um that's me uh tomorrow I can do it remotely though be in a car can I do it remotely what time is the meeting 6:30 6:30 here your choice we could do it okay unless you wants to switch with you want to switch pan I would also be Zoom I can oh I'm on and I'm I'm up so I'll do we'll figure we'll figure out okay I just did okay uh okay so then oh I just invited you guys to a zoom meeting Bill's Bill's inviting the people now I mean Bob's invied people uh are we good now I think we can adjourn right yes okay minutes over I know I know we can't we're stuck here have to stay here together for the next week all right lock the doors move at the board of okay anybody second it roll call sorry thank you very much thank you for your assistance procedural and other matters thank you all thank you br