##VIDEO ID:0T-Pc5NQAeE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e the decision not to go with fossil fuels does not have to be done later that was a guidance that we've already issued from the sustainability committee and a preliminary design has already been done for showing that the non-carbon options are a better life cycle benefit so carrying carbon based heating and cooling systems forward is not my understanding of the recommendations from this committee nor is it sustainable in any reasonable way when the gas bill comes in to the residents of reading there is no state or federal offset for that that's going to go right to the rate payer and if the rate payer has to pay for energy cost I'd rather put that money toward books and supplies for the school put solar on the roof and have that provide the energy to the system much more sustainable much more uh futur looking and provide better value to the town so I don't know how this committee can emphasize the need that carbon based options is not necessary even the need for a generator is not necessary with a solar roof you would have a battery backup battery backup would be used regularly to transfer power generated during the peak part of the day to the late afternoon and evening and then could provide Power whenever the outside access to the outside grid was not available so however this committee can voice its recommendation to look toward the ground Source heat pump or the ground Source heat pump with air source heat pump uh combined um I think that ought to be a clear definition and I think we've got enough information on the footprint the energy lost through the walls using conventional engineering design to reach that decision ground Source heat pumps are not new this is a design Manual of ground Source heat pump I have two wells in my yard and they've been operating for over 12 years it's wellestablished technology it is a 6-in hole in the ground which has a 2-in pipe two 2in pipes which go down and come back you move a fluid through it that fluid transfers heat from the ground to the space it's driven by a small water pump that's how heat is transferred from the ground to the building um it is more efficient than air source heat pumps but I get in the tight sight that there might be a need for a certain time times where that would have to be but the design of the wells should be a directive that we begin to get um ground depth profiles so that we could begin to design a ground Source heat pump system and a priority done that a priority directive done to do that now you want to know what's in the ground that's also available this is a pamphlet of Maps which covers reading they are geologic Maps they'll tell you what's under the ground not precisely which is the same reason why you do test pits when you do surface conditions you do a well when you want ground level conditions what you're testing for with a well is the ability for that vertical profile to conduct heat and that helps you in the design that I'll tell you whether you need to go 300 ft 500t or 600t down into the ground to put the wells give that there is established guidance for ground Source heat pumps there's information to base that design on and uh plenty of operational experience in the town is supported by msba please my question is how does this group convey the message that responsible sustainability includes an all electric building fully or partially funded by ground Source heat pump I'm be glad to answer any questions based on experience of my system but quite that's that recommendation needs to come from this group Jenny the select Board needs to call themselves to work I'd like to call the select board to order is there somebody online Chris Mark here thank you um thank you uh do I need to also have that okay thank you Raymond for um your well informed and and um spirited advocacy and comments I I fully agree um we are uh moving forward with all DU speed um to continue to investigate the geothermal option and answer some of the questions that we have about logistics cost and schedule so we're working with a geothermal well driller Bri core um we've gotten a test well proposal um we are um waiting to get some information back from them about uh kind of site planning Logistics schedules and and things like that so um we are certainly moving um with all du haste um to get all the information that the school building committee feels that they need in order to make an informed decision and we're not there yet um I yeah I guess that's um that's all so so we're still gathering information in order to enable them to make an informed decision do you want to add anything Mike I think that that's just what we're doing over I I think you you that very well there Jenny I think just the only thing I would say is that's what's happening over the next 30 to 60 days that's that's what we're doing is we're making sure that the committee has the information so they can make a proper informed decision to your point the the the the community has weighed in on on your desire and that has been heard we've got to do our due diligence to be able to provide confirmation of that basically so my only point of order is not just my desire I think this is the desire that's come out of the sustainability committee it's not just my desire it's the desire that this sustainability committee as a group that's participated in this process from the start has expressed from the very beginning so it's it's a community value it it's not about me I I said the community's desire um this is a plant question I was wondering if the superintendent could talk to us about um how this might meet the needs of um centralized prek can I just say the mic situation is a little awkward all right here we go um uh Karen so was the question referring to like this design and how me the need I think something that um the Educators were really excited about with design B1 was the idea of having all 12 of the prek classroom sort of in one level and kind of all around all the services that students will need so if you look closely on the uh on that map not only is all the 12 classrooms kind of go around in a circle but also all the services speech language pathologist uh OT PT uh director all kind of in that Hub so they feel that builds what is it kind of a you know um a community right there where all the students will see each other the staff will be close with each other and all the services will be right there particularly as we have some students with some you know Med you know are fragile with some medical needs to have access to servic in close proximity will be really helpful um they think also having some of those kind of shared spaces will allow like flexible groupings with students and they also think having their own space in the basement of the building not like first floor of the of the building well they give them sort of a separate feel for them which is court for prek but not too isolated that there can't be opportuni for integration when they feel like they want that as well um so they felt that this model was probably the most conducive to that type of community that we think is really important in the uh at that level L there anything else that you wanted to sh with model the only thing I would add to is that in the next 50 years preschool is going to continue to expand and Universal preschool continues to be a conversation so I think really strategically planning this now is going to benefit the community long term and it is really choppy with preschool currently while we love having them there's two classrooms kind of in the back of our building there's two at wood end there's constantly people coming in and out trying to rush 10 minutes across town to make the next service so it really having everyone right there I think would extremely benefit our students and really be a draw for our community thank you so just a followup question and it's been discussed in other meetings so will we be be able to meet all of the demand for centralized prek with this design sorry a second can you turn off the slide so people can see uh great great question so I think there's uh right now we have about 60 students on our wait list for next year and we have about 180 students enrolled uh and this right now we have that's our 180 students rolls across 10 classrooms so uh this model also now includes two additional classrooms so if you kind of run the numbers of about you know 15 to 18 students per there's still we're still expecting that there'll be a little bit of a weight list in the community this will not fully meet the demand of what we know is for for prek as we wait that out uh we just didn't think we'd be able to build 14 16 classrooms in a way that would make sense for the building um so we thought that this was sort of the biggest that we could do on that space in a way that was still you know uh to keep the cost as low as we we could the other challenge that we're facing is we've seen the last couple of years a significant increase in the amount of special education referrals and as you know we are required to provide special education programming for students 3 four and 5 years old in the in the community who are not yet kindergarten aged so we think that this will as we're expecting an uptick over the next you know decade we expect this structure will allow us to at a minimum ensure that we can meet the needs of all of our students with disabilities that are required services but also as you know you know in terms of the ratio having to have classrooms that are also you know within compliance of 50% of students who are not on IEPs you can kind of see how we have to make sure we can match sort of the need for our students to disabilities and also um our students who are not on IEP so I unfortunately I think we'll still continue to have a wait list for you know the foreseeable future but I'm not quite sure that there's a way around that with uh through this this project unfortunately thank you um can you speak to um school safety as far as like active Shooters and whatnot and how plans address that and what the plan is for that thanks absolutely great question um so uh school safety is um obviously super important um we've learned um we have a kind of set of best practices that we've learned over the last couple decades of Designing schools in this environment with um active shooter incidents in schools and um some of those are things like um having a controlled so limiting the number of exterior doors um because the biggest challenge with school safety is the human factor so people leave doors propped open they leave doors unlocked so um the more we can do to control um entry to just um one or a few Central points and then there's certain strategies that we have around designing the entrance um so that staff have good visibility and good controls to be able to to evaluate um visitors um at actually a few different levels before they're able to enter into the school um I'm sure you've seen setups like that in like your high school or maybe in some different schools um and we are now at a point that over the next couple of months we'll be setting up um a security meeting to meet with our security consultant um with police in town um to kind of review those um approaches and make sure that um the strategies that we're implementing are the right ones yeah I appreciate that question too something I want to add is that the um we were able to do a bunch of school visits and tours uh over the past couple of months and I think something I really appreciated was seeing in a lot of the new buildings being able to hear about some of the like the technology features of a new of lot of the new buildings too that would allow certain parts of the building to be you know locked off or have doors locked off with the Press of a button and and to be honest those are not things that we have in all of our building right now remember being at a school in a neighboring District where after the main lobby sort of the doors that entered into the main like academic Corridor they were able to shut down and lock and with just one press of a button so I think I'm eager to also be able to hear more about sort of all of those features as we go through the next phases of the process but I think at at a minimum we saw that there was a lot of different options we would have to ensure that the buildings are as safe as they can could be the you you learn something else they also have some really cool vestibules that instead of just walking right into the building you come in you're almost in a small foyer that you could still talk with the secretary and then there's another door that they would have to also let you in to access any academic space exactly uh I just like to add I actually worked on a number of schools that you guys um toward I work as a code consultant so I review these types of build buildings for compliance and accessibility and one of the things that is coming out is an NFPA standard specifically about uh school shootings and preparing schools to be in the best position while also maintaining Life Safety thank you oh yeah I I do acknowledge this comment is something that we'll be dealing with downline but I do want to make it um solar panels and solar arrays um I I think this point we can only just ask that the roof design be structurally designed to be able to handle panels I know rmld has been working with the town manager on the Parker school and have been discussing various mechanisms for doing solar arrays there whether it's Town own utility own power purchase agreement roof rental there's a lot of different strategies there I I think just understanding that solar power um is a part of the program and that as you get into structural design um understand the roof would would be having that load and and design that that's obviously down the road it's not not a point but um parking lot also is a place it's a lot of area um creates shade for cars rain protection um but it is also a a structural element and will take up um land area when you count uh car spaces so um again understand it's not going to show up yet but it should be part of the cons overall configuration thank you also great comments um and those are some of the comments we got at the last meeting of the sustainability working group and in response to that we did get some preliminary pricing um in the last round of costs estimating for solar on the roof and also solar canopies over the um parking lot which which will um be uh Vital Information to play into that um decision-making process as we get there um I'll also add that um having the be solar ready um we will definitely uh believe that that is a requirement yeah it's a requirement so we're going to do that thank you anyone else really great questions tonight anybody on in not right now I ask the group okay okay sorry I'm environmental guy what can I say um again more of a general question this is really I agree it's down the road but um water water use water quality heating and cooling water um are there are there thoughts is that anything about that evolved um there are things solar roof panels which can provide hot water there's one such panel on my house um you might have guessed that um you know water efficiency is also an Energy Efficiency aspect um on the other hand you've got a lot of kids who probably will use water a lot at one time during periods so you have to account for that Peak demand uh where does that stand and how does that go in and and how will water efficiency and water heating and cooling be uh factored in um we have not considered um solar hot water um we might look into it I think we can continue to talk about it with the sustainability working group um definitely in terms of um uh high efficiency fixtures and um lowf flow fixtures and all of that we'll definitely Implement all of those approaches um kind of tuning Our sustainability strategy to the place where we live we know it's not water is not our most urgent concern here in wet Northeast um so I think the guidance that we have from the sustainability working group is um you know do the low hanging fruit on water conservation sustainability uh that's not the place to go crazy let's really focus our efforts on um decarbonizing that's the priority hi my um husband just texted me a question to ask he's home with the kids um he was at an earlier meeting and there was a lot of talk about traffic and road safety and it had come up that there was the possibility of putting in a farway stop at the intersection of Charles Street and Wakefield Street which we live near there it's pretty dangerous and just wondering if there was any decisions made on that um great question so um two answers we will be having another um traffic um and site planning U meeting I think it will be in October or November so um we'll we we'll talk more about that then um also um so as part of our um traffic analysis we made some recommendations for what we call off-site improvements so those are improvements like off the property line of the kilum school and those are recommendations that we've made to the town I see Matt is here maybe he can speak to what's going on with those thank you very much yeah that is something we're currently looking at and already have made a lot of improvements down there the police department is well aware um so it's something we have an eye on and we know it's a really important issue to a lot of people in the neighborhood so um like we said we're going to be working on it more more going forward but the police department is um keeping an active look down there even currently so great thank you Lindsay said they added a speed sign this week this morning thank you I know I asked about the modular last time but what I was wondering even more specific specifically is the killum modu modular modulars plural will those still be there during con after construction um they will be there during construction um after construction of the new building once we start to demolish the old building then something else will happen to them and I don't know what that what that is might it move to another school it might move elsewhere that's a possibility I just I don't know um how much life those have in them is a question we've thought 20 years Linda I think you you might remember that better than I do but I think it was around 20 years was the number that was given that's what I remember up until then they would be actually salable to recoup some of the funding invest and as you know we're kind of in getting closer to that now probably by the end of the project and uh I think my thought it would be we'd have to look at where we are with enrollment Trends I think the hope is that we wouldn't necessarily need to move them elsewhere but I think it would be tely to say um since we're a couple of years out okay any other questions um I'm going to um put my presentation back up because I didn't show the last slide which was the next steps okay so um we will submit that um PSR report next Wednesday um to the msba um then there's a review process they review then we review their review and they review our review a their review um and then eventually goes to um the msba board we'll meet on October 30th and at that meeting they will um approve the pro project to proceed to SD the next schematic design which is the next phas and then um we will already after August 21st we'll already be working on schematic design because we can't really wait um but we will have uh our next community meeting will be in mid October and then we'll have one in um November as well and one of those will be focused the the topics of those we don't know which one will be which yet one topic will be um side and traffic and then the other topic will be um Community use so like playgrounds gym issues like that um that's all unless there any more questions we um that's all we have thank you for coming [Applause] [Laughter]