##VIDEO ID:HbatQIELOa0## e all right good evening everyone I'm calling the select to order it's 7 o' go over the agenda being broadcast on rctv and all the fun channels and tonight's agenda is uhw meeting public comment uh Leon and tomandre reports Haven Street Cape discussion uh approval of shared services intermunicipal agreement S6 Public Health collaborative MBTA communi discussion from Andrew uh presentation from Town Forest on proposed Town meting warrant article and amend General bylaw whatever whatever approval of land damage agreement with mot involving mot's acquisition of countable property at 435 Min Street wimington discuss parking kiosk update uh appoint associate member Kevin Lee alar Nunan to recation committee he full member review and vote Town Council exemption pursuant to uh chapter VI Mass General law something and future of meeting sorry future meeting agendas and approval of minutes so we will start with public comment and if anyone is going to speak they don't have to but if you can sign in that'd be great uh but you don't have to so anyone public comment oh Chris go ahead thank you Carla hi there Christopher Haley 71 Tennison Road speaking as a resident and not as a member of the select board I'm unable to give my opinions tonight on anything pertaining to NBTA community or the Haven Street skate project because I own a commercial condo uh from my company overlooking the train depot I first want to start off and thank G man janello for filing the section 19 waiver to this board last meeting so that he could participate in the MB ta zoning discussion something I am ultimately not allowed to seek myself Mr Man janello followed the process precisely how it supposed to go but unfortunately he was attacked both in this room and online by members of the public one individual went as far to say that Mr manginello sued the town previously over a zoning decision what that person conveniently omitted to disclose as they also sued the town as well the select board decision to appoint Mr manginello was also questioned claiming they were deeply concerned about him being excused from the alleged conflicts of interest that this was uh the beginning of a slippery slope where rules can be broken or altered by Mr botchy Mr Haley and Miss Murphy and just like that on the agenda tonight is another section 19 exemption this time for Town Council I saw no deep concern about the waiver no letters to the editor nothing which reminds me back in 2021 when four members of this board granted Brian Bowie of the Conservation Commission a section 19 waiver that discussion took all of three seconds as it should have Mr manganella was on the cpdc and within his first month of being appointed did the appropriate thing in sought a waiver to participate something four other members of cpdc did not ever do including the individual that was very concerned with Mr manganello in the first place four members of cpdc have residents residing in the MBTA maps at the start of the entire process none of them saw a section 19 waiver in direct conflict with the ethics law but if they did I know this board would have unanimously approved their waivers because MBTA communities affects the entire town not a half mile uh within the train Depot in terms of the Haven Street improvements ironically I would actually benefit from it being done uh it would beautify the area right outside my window and Spruce up uh the whole downtown area in that section I could indeed financially benefit because of the work and I am uh yet I am completely against it from being done in the first place I will not support losing parking spots in Haven Street at all I will not support patio uh brick work that aesthetically looks incredible if it was in your backyard we live in New England and the snow completely destroys everything around here look at the existing brick work that's all disjointed and out of place already while I do like that we would be eligible that we're already eligible for 2 and a half million in grant money we also have to extend out at least 5 A5 million unless we get the other 2 and a half million uh part of the Federal grant perhaps at that time with the Kellum Senior Center and trash proposals closely res Ling NFL contracts this feels more like a luxury project than when the town has significant expenses and other priorities lastly did you know that the best way to conserve water in Reading Mark how about the best way to uh Shred the peak and meet the 2050 energy goal Karen it just so happens to be also the best way to reduce our trash dunnage as well and the answer is not to force the potential for, 1500 new units in reading by way of mvta communities now scale that out across all of Eastern Massachusetts it's unfortunate when someone can finally push back on this but then they're forced to just give public comment instead thank you excuse me anyone else in the room public comment seeing none Caitlyn anyone on Zoom no one raising their hand nope okie dokie um these are reports I'll start with Melissa um at the August 22nd meeting the school committee um voted to approve updates to the reading Memorial High School student handbook um they also approve voted on and improved updates to their districtwide student handbook um they did some introductions on new leadership within the um District uh we there is a new interim principal at Parker for the 2425 school year Dr Jill story there's also a new inim assistant principal at Parker um Beth Simpson Elena Shon is on as a new rise director um she had worked at um rise before as a team chair um they also approved a one-year position for a met co-coordinator for the Parker Middle School um just an update on cpdc uh MBTA communities they are going to host some public hearings that will are coming up on Monday September 16th and Thursday SE September 19th both at 700 p.m. and they will be here in the select boardroom at Town Hall Karen thank you so um I had the opportunity to attend one of the pleasantry Center's lunch and learns and um it was a packed audience as usual and they invited in a bootmaker who is a resident of Wakefield and also member or maybe a past member of the cpdc and it was amazing um so she brought the leather she talked about the historical aspects of um these 10f footer structures that still exist in knowing on towns including writing and pointed out that there's one at the corner of Wakefield in hail on a private property and you can just kind of slow down and see it and so this was the final location where these boots and shoes were made and talked about how a lot of the piece work and the leather um components were were created by women in homes and then in these 10 Footers they were finally ascendable Vol so um they were able to bring in lens from fat Larry's as well it was fabulous I recommend everyone to go to these lend LS great great job and also um continuing I believe to be funded by the arpa arpa funds um so I was able to attend the first hour of the most recent Rec committee and the first hour or so of the most recent cpdc meeting where options one through four were presented um to the four members that were present I was disappointed that the two newest appointees um did not attend um but they do have two more hearings to to catch up um I attended the foral street fair at the end yesterday I was able to stop by the Meco booth and um catch up with the number of residents um in the streets and uh one resident remarked to me that how wonderful it was that thousands of people visited the Fall Street fair and took up a lot of parking and everyone still made and it was still a fantastic event um so when people are motivated and they need to get somewhere um they're not very worried about the temporary loss of parking um last night the library trustees met um they did discuss their ongoing Landscaping plans and there were some policy updates including uh a tutoring update that is a location where a lot of students and adults go for tutoring um and then so I have not been able to participate in the armest naming committee yet it's been delayed a couple of times I'm going to assume that had to do with covid the start of school so hopefully by the next time um we meet we will have actually managed to get together and um and then I also understand from talking to a resident that um commercial property owners in Reading may have a higher threshold from recusing themselves from certain topics because the town is predominantly resident presential and what I was told by this person who I believe is a state employee as well and has to take a double dose of the state ethics twice a year and um has been notified that you know if it was like a 50-50 mix it may not be such a big deal but because only 10% of our commercial properties um our commercial properties are not residential um you know I could see that that is why we're going to have more of these waiver requests and and to my to the public comment that was made earlier and my colleague um you know I I appreciate that and um I don't know why he didn't go to the NBTA meeting um cpdc he may have been you know following up on um following up with the state ethics board and I think again that would be the right thing to do so that's all I got thank you Chris if I could respond to that uh both members were at the last cpdc meeting on Zoom no they weren't and that's not how we run these meetings but I'll let the chair tell you that that's fine I I I watched the cpdc meeting and I saw both members uh that you just mentioned were on Zoom last night he's referring to last night so you're mistaken again I wasn't talking about last night so it would be wonderful if you could not be so quick to jump down your colleagues throats and that's how we get along and we that's how we get along I agree that the feeling is mutual care did you want to apologize apologize for a while let's do a Le on reports nice seg way thank you car um yes so the Kellum School building committee uh hasn't met since our last select board meeting um that's some of those meetings are already scheduled for later on in the fall uh but the town Charter committee meeting did meet um this a week ago in the library not heavily attended but we went over the entire Charter and all of our changes um that are uh currently not voted on but a majority of it is uh for the most part all done with the exception of a couple of things here and there um uh we were supposed to have a meeting yesterday but Town Council had to move it to September 23rd so that's the next meeting for that where we'll be going over some parts uh in the charter uh heavily regarding rld's participation in it um as well as a couple other small spots which is why that's on the agenda tonight as well um but that's available on rctv and anyone can watch that back I try to keep it as brief as possible but we did go over every single change and kind of the Rhyme or Reason why we did or did not do what um what was somewhat changed and that's all I got thanks thanks Carlo excuse me so um recal has now now uh gone off into the sunset we had our final meeting to approve the minutes and again want to thank all the folks who were involved in that process and town staff who've had a big role in in talking through the activities on site selection and other things the permanent building committee um the subgroup that is working on the uh Reading Center for active living is now uh driving I guess the right term and um the next step is to hire an owner's project manager and the interviews have taken place the discussion on that is at our meeting next Monday um from there um they should be this the owner project owners project manager will be doing some site review and kind of getting up to speed on the project and then I hope that they're able to finalize the recommendation back to the select board in the town the Council on Aging um the number of attendees going to the Pleasant Street Center continues to grow which is fantastic more and more people are getting engaged in in those activities um and the big events continue to have weight lists and obviously the problem with that is we want to be able to serve all the folks that want to go there and we're not able to currently due to lack of space um they were at the Fall Street Fair which was great had a booth spoke with lots of people um a lot of interest in the 60 plus Community not just for members who are 60 plus um which was great to see there is a new group that presented at the Council on Aging meeting a new um not for-profit group called friends of reading senior 60 plus f rs60 I don't know if it's PL us or not 60 plus just the plus signcom just the plus sign thank you um and so they are going out to support the 60 plus Community part of that certainly relates to the the uh the new reading Center for active living but also other activities to support members of this community that are age 60 plus and that's it's great to see lots more folks getting engaged uh in these activities and taking leadership roles it was wonderful to see those folks come the Town Forest committee will be making a presentation tonight um about a request to town meeting and also a bylaw change uh request more specifically as well and last but not least the Fall Street Fair as as some folks have mentioned lots of fun lots of activity still some dunking that went on um but it was really nice to see all the folks coming out and uh despite it being a little cool if you were wet early on it was really great so thanks thanks um yeah I want to start off by thanking the Runing rotary who did another fantastic job for all their volunteers Town staff DBW another great event I walked around twice and uh again Kudos it was another another great event um I attended similar to camera part of the rec committee and part of cpdc a few weeks ago and um that was that CPA uh committee will be on the next agenda uh to adjust the charge I think I mentioned that last week and just want wanted to mention if Matt doesn't um hopefully he will tomorrow is 911 and hopefully we never forget thanks Matt yes I second that Carlo thank you and also thanks to the reading rotary and all that helped out with the Fall Street fear Fair it was another great event this year thousands of people showing up as they do every year and we look forward to it next year um there's also a financial Forum coming up that September 18th at 700 p.m. in the select board room um the second Financial Forum I guess will be at the Library um but it wasn't available for this financial form um so that will be run byom and that'll sort of kick off the budget season a little bit for us in terms of implo updates we've hired a public health SL nurse Advocate she started this month her name is Olivia um and is already off to a great start we also hired um we're in the process of hiring she hasn't started yet but a health inspector as well so we will be fully staffed in the health department I know the day is here tonight and is very happy about that um we'll have a fully staffed health department and we haven't had that in a long time and as the as the select board knows and maybe some U members of the public know as well our fire chief um Greg Burns has announced that he will retire in May after nearly 40 years of service uh to the community which is amazing um he's been an amazing Chief most of that time at least 25 years of that time he served as Chief so I wanted to say a big thank you to Chief burn service to the town um wish him the best of luck in retirement he still is a reading resident and I'm sure we'll be contacting him for advice periodically as well and I'll have some information regarding the search process in the coming the coming weeks uh so thank you to Chief burs that's my report yes big thank you thank you um I I'll be just filling in questions on stuff on the agenda okay the false was fantastic great yeah thank you another amazing event all right thank you and now we are to Haven streetscape [Applause] discussion uh Ryan pille Town engineer um happy to give this presentation Andrew tried to on wrestle me for it but um before we get into the presentation we have our consultant that's going to join us virtually and give us a very short presentation and then we'll follow up with some questions and answers I would like to just get through the presentation and then we can ask the questions and answers through there we can stop on any slide um that seems to be working with the last two or three uh forums we've had uh so we've had a business Forum that went really well we got maybe uh some email feedback we had a couple people show up we had a really great public engagement process which we got some great feedbacks things that we already thought about that they came back with questions anyway so that's really we we thought that was very successful um couple things that I want everyone to think about as we go through this 75% design that's what we're calling it might be a little bit more progressed than that um but what we thought about when we were doing this project is we we focused on engaging Haven Street opening that up making more placemaking making it safer for pedestrians making it accessible um also having a little bit more green space softening up the area a little bit um for Fall Street Fair we want to engage that maybe a little bit more make make an area down at the the depot a little bit more engaging um adding some more Street trees but also balancing that with parking so we know that's a Hot Topic down there um so the parking we did lose parking but the parking that we did lose we did take into account for accessibility and pedestrian safety and things of that nature um so I'm joined on the town staff side with Andrew McNichol from planning so planning and Engineering have really been spare heading this the last few years we also have a member of the police department here Lieutenant Jones and um Chris is here as well with DPW who's been part of that as well um so I I'd like to kick it off to Beta group and they can introduce themselves they're great team they worked in the downtown on the original streetscape design and so we're on phase two of the streetcape and Daran it's off to you and you can introduce your team and I'll just sit down and it'll go smooth thank you Andrew and good evening I'm D Jai from beta group I'm a project manager uh for the streetcape project with me we have a squad reader uh he's our landscape architect and he's going to be doing the most of the presentation for now and then I'll go what to Scott can go and introduce him continue great thank you I'm Scott r landscape architect from beta group um can I share my screen is that okay yeah okay can you see that yes yes y great very good thank you Mo next sheet so we've done the introductions already Daron and myself here from beta um we'll go over the project area we'll talk about some of the benefits and goals of the project that we're trying to hit um examples of how we're going to achieve those goals and then some next steps in the design and some discussion afterwards project teams we've already we mentioned a couple times here and then here is the product location um the areas in green is the U Phase 2 scope includes obviously Haven street that runs at an angle from the top to the bottom and then High Street which is horizontal along the bottom as well um and it connects up to Washington Street includes the Wen Street intersection on the left hand side the areas in blue are scope work to be determined as we go through the project and what's available for funding and timing um that includes the CVS parking lot sandborn and lynen streets so now we'll start to go over some of the the main goals that we've talked about um in our meetings and with the town so one is to maximize the landscape by reducing impervious cover uh another is to improve pedestrian walk and make crosswalk safer uh we'll also improve vehicular and traffic conditions and then we'll talk about improving lighting for both V vehicle travel and pedestrian travel and then providing places for people so this first slide is um one way in which we're going to maximize the landscape by we using impervious you can see that we've got uh an expanded train depot Plaza uh with with additional trees we're proposing trees along the MBTA parking so we'll you know lose a couple spaces but we'll grain we'll gain a very needed Green Space and try to get a little cooling effect coming in and then here is a blow up um of the wub and High Street intersection uh one of the the corners near the track the track runs along right on the bottom of the screen here but you can see we have an expanded um area of green uh tree planting and and low ground cover planting seating and benches and an improved intersection which we'll get to uh talk about a little bit more as we go on this um view rotates is rotated a little bit so what was High Street along the bottom is now kind of at this angle uh but it's the main intersection with Haven Street and this is kind of the key area of the of the project um bringing together a lot of pedestrians a lot of activity Vehicles Etc so um you can see we're thinking of using pavers we've got P crosswalks um p through the intersection and different pavers we're looking at at this expanded Plaza and seating area um at the train depot um you can see slightly if I were to zoom in we've got some bump outs and what we're calling bump outs is we're taking the curve that's right in this area and bumping it out into the street so making the the curves a little larger providing seating space on The Pedestrian side but also helping slow and direct traffic as someone drives from High Street onto Haven you know they have to go a little slower around these Corners um and there's a lot of other benefits to pedestrian safety that we'll um talk about as well too um you're going to see a lot more trees and vegetation here um that was one of the again one of the goals to reduce the amount of impervious but also gain some green cover so we're doing that in a lot of different areas around seating areas uh Street trees um the seating area up here as well so now if we start to talk about um some of the f estrian walkway improvements you can see here in blue um these are the existing crosswalks um at the Haven and High Street intersection and also at Green Street you can see um also that we have the proposed which are in this pinkish red color you can see by this that they're they're shorter but they're more direct so that provides additional pedestrian safety because they're not in the roadway for as long um instead of going across from the plaza all the way over to sh Street it's a two-legged crosswalk so pedestrian would would Cross High Street they have a safe waiting area here then they can cross shoot so it's ultimately um shorter and safer and the drivers the vehicles can see the pedestrians more clearly as well moving up Haven towards the ghoul Street intersection we can see the same type of thing going on where we have this really large long pedestrian Crossing just in the middle of the road so it's it's very difficult for some drivers to see if you're coming down Haven and someone's just at this beginning point it's difficult to see so now again we're making shorter legs crossing which again provides pedestrian safety and vehicular Clarity with watching the pedestrians um and we're also doing a rais crosswalk here which simply means that the pedestrian doesn't have to step down into the street there they would uh the sidewalk and the crosswalk are at the same elevation so you know they feel they uh again that's a safer condition as well as we move to our third goal of trying to uh improve the vehicle and traffic improvements we move back towards the High Street M Street intersection again you can see um the blue existing crosswalks the reddish color proposed um so the pedestrians are are more coordinated their Crossings are more coordinated and safer and shorter um and we're also upgrading the traffic signal there as well so it'll have full pedestrian control so pedestrians can stop the floor traffic and move across the intersection safely and then traffic can resume so um that's a very nice Improvement there at that intersection at the opposite end of of High Street at Washington Street um there isn't an opportunity to clear signal it doesn't meet warrants and it's just it's not feasible to do that between the MBTA and everything so we're trying to improve um this this uh intersection by moving The Pedestrian Crossing back um away from the edge of the street and having a nice straight shot um over from the walkway at the MBTA straight across High Street and then they can move down towards Washington Street in intersection further on so um we have flush medians we have a raised Island um we'll use a a rapid um being Beacon there so um pet can activate that button and they'll be the drivers will be alerted that someone's in that crosswalk so they'll be a little slower um traveling on that and you can also see again we have a bump out here um again that'll slow traffic that's on Washington heading to high excuse me um they won't just slip in they have to actually make more of a turn um which will help slow them down and make that safer and we've closed one of the driveways to the residential units here um there's an in and out but there's plenty of room to have this one driveway um serve both functions so again that adds a little bit of the green space and makes things safer as well uh now we have a short discussion on on the goal of improving lighting so you can see you've taken examp photograph examples of the Main Street lighting which is a simple posttop light um with a nice base and Foundation uh High Street is mainly the the shepherd's crook that are part of the mvta station and then obviously on Haven um we have the coverhead is mostly the existing lighting so the town asks us to look at other products we've done and give them a good idea of what's kind of current in in lighning design on streets so uh Dar and I had the opportunity of working in Leon recently and improving their streetcape and part of it included the lighting so uh working with the lighting designers and vendors we came up with a two tiered system we've got a large um tall street light that can throw light across multiple Lanes of traffic and then we have post stops on this other side which give a nice uh more of a pedestrian scale uh lighting there as well so we'd like to carry something like that on to the breing in this area so we've asked our um lighning vendors to help us come up with some design and we we've really picked U this these two fixtures here one's a tall Shepherd's crook it's a it's a modern take on the old Shepherd's crook that's you know by the train station it's similar in height but it's a much simpler pole and it's a brand new you know upto-date luminar it's um dark sky compliant and it has houseside cut offs both fixtures do so it's it's taking the very best advantage of the of the technology and lighting quality so one of the benefits of doing this is that we can light the intersections more safe safely with these tall Poles get coverage so drivers don't have the glare but have enough um view of the pedestrians and the crosswalks and then we have the Lower posttop Lights along the sidewalk which will help drivers in parking and pedestrians again we we're showing The Pedestrian scale Lighting on this posttop light on the left and then its simple base and then the roadway Shepherd's cook light which will have this again this rounded fixture that'll kind of coordinate with with each one of them um these bases won't be silver they'll be black or whatever color we end up going with for the for the lights and there are you know multiple options we can we can look at but this is what we like to do and finally the final goal is you know to try to make some places where uh pedestrians can engage one another there can be lots of different activities places for activities Gathering um and really making an impact so we have created a number of um three-dimensional views here we built a SketchUp model of the downtown in uh Haven and High Street Haven mostly um so we're looking here at uh if you're up above Haven Street looking down towards the trading station in the back we've got this really iconic wall and Plaza that we've created to kind of give a really strong end and emphasis visual emphasis to Haven Street it's a big paved intersection there's pavement on the Plaza uh tree plantings bike racks the clock is right where it is is we've relocated the monument to a planting bed on the side there's some standing rails and we're considering Planters so you can see that there's a lot of um things going on here but there's enough space for tents and other things to happen as well um you can see the tall lighting at the intersection and these Lower Lights um you'll see along the streets as well again these bump outs where we've moveed the curb out into the existing roadway to create some nice pedestrian in greine space where there can be benches there can be other seaing planting and so forth um along the roadway this is an opposite view looking up um Haven Street so you see a little bit more detail in the back side um and how I think this really helps showing the The Pedestrian Crossings which are safer and and shorter and provide nice waiting areas on either side and you can see the diagonal parking maybe we can do some pavers here we've got street lights and um trees going up along the sides and the brick ribbon as well this is moving up a little bit um to Gold Street and this is the existing U seating area that's there which is really nice because it has a lot of spont an8 to because you can move the tables and chairs and we'd like to really expand that if we could add a couple trees make the planting area a little bit larger providing a nice brick uh area for which to sit and gather maybe there's a a a granite bench on I'm sorry a granite bench on one side still keep the movable chairs have an option for a bench with a back and um armrest and things um this is the the crosswalk which is at grade so there's a slight ramp you it might only be 4 in or so it's just enough for the drivers to need to slow down there'll be visual Clues extra lighting and so forth there so this is a you know a cleaner neater design here for pedestrians and and drivers again this is looking at that same same space again it it's can function in a lot of different ways because you know the the furnit is removable here again we're showing a Haven running up up the street and this is High Street so you can see the the shorter cross the crosswalks uh the p uh intersection ballards lighting benches Green Space so it really um really has a nice feel and look to it and then this is the other side uh street street looking looking towards Haven and over here is high so again we've got a curved bench which reflects the curved bench uh at the train Plaza and some different seating and vegetation here so that's a very quick run through um of what we have um Ryan I don't know if you want to step in and talk about this but or Dar but um we've had a lot of stakehold meeting um over the summer uh we fine- tuned based on uh those discussions and improvements that we could make that made sense um I'm going to secure the funding hopefully this fall and then bid in the winter and start construction hopefully 2025 so that is our presentation thank you Scott I'm happy to go over a few more things if you want me to touch on a couple points I think they Scott might have went over something a couple quick spots um down at the intersection of high and Haven um that major intersection we're looking at that to be a raised level area that that's also a nice traffic calming area because that doesn't that also does not meet a warrant for traffic signal so we wanted to slow the traffic down but we also wanted to make it so you could have this free movement of people down there when we say we Clos Haven Street for Fall Street Fair and that can be maybe an area where you have a you know a band or or whatever you want down there um so we've engaged that era as much as we can um we've also made some improvements on on upper Haven Street which I I don't think we really showed um we had a crosswalk that went on the upper end of Haven Street closer towards sandborn um I don't know if you had that in this set of plans but um much needed crosswalk across the street there also accessible parking up there so we lost some spaces due to accessible parking on Haven Street which has been an issue um that we've received at pttf over the years um and then I really yeah go ahead Brian I can bring it up that plan to show you on yeah I I I think that'd be helpful and then we can just point that out and then um as you're doing that Daran I also wanted just focus again back on uh Washington and High Street um anyone who's been in that era there's nothing there now there's no Crossing it's not it's really not that safe it's a really trumpeted intersection so a lot of the improvements that we did again bump outs things that change the curve line slows people down the we have a RFB out there um so do you see this one or um the no we're still on your presid presentation yeah okay that's how I sorry so I think I stopped sharing so yeah it's see okay okay so see it now this is a really important this is a really important plan and I think you're going to ask this question so I'll just skip right to it um overall on the whole entire project on what you're looking at for the core of Haven Street and High Street all together there's a loss of 27 spaces um a majority of those are on High Street and that really lends itself to we have additional we have additional accessible parking and we have we're breaking that up for um more green space for cooling um for all those reasons on why that we have the loss of space the the larger loss is space down on High Street on Haven Street I don't remember what the total is it's it's smaller than 27 but again on on Haven Street in general when we add accessible parking and things like that in crosswalks we know that we're going to lose spaces two or three spaces just by doing that um so we have losses due to that as well overall I think um it wasn't a loss of parking spaces we I think the gain was was well worth it in this in this aspect but those were just the things that I just wanted to touch on that um we might have glazed over over a little bit uh and we're happy to take any questions at this point I can answer them we have the consultant here as well uh police is here as well to chime in if you have any questions for them what I have some comments and questions is it okay to okay um I love the proposed um raised area to slow the traffic down I think that's a great idea I am a little um concerned about the proposed brick crosswalks um just with wheelchairs carriages over time those become uneven I think that's an issue that is of big concern especially when you're spending that money to do those um I don't know that we need brick areas for people to park on either again I know those are a lot of money I'm just not sure that that's well spent money um I am really worried about the loss of any parking spots on Haven Street do we know how many we will lose on on Haven Street yes we have that total and we can we can share that total okay I mean we I believe we have won maybe two empty vacant commercial spaces that was parking was a huge issue for Camp huge and I think to get someone else in there we we can't lose parking down there that's not ideal our commercial businesses I can I can answer some of those or if you have any more I do um do you know how many we're losing on so I can we can go on this plan here um just to start off with the with the brick crosswalks yeah so we basically took the design from the from from downtown and we implemented it down and then on Haven Street the surface treatments that's what we call them for the crosswalks or whatever there's multiple things we can do we can do stamped concrete we can do stamped asphalt we can do colored asphalt we can do an application um of sort of like this micr surfacing uh paint uh we just kept it standard to what we did in the downtown these things are up for discussion obviously the Bricker is for the for the parking those would more than likely be um the same as say in front of the CVS parking lot so that stamp concrete so it's not really it's not a brick it's just a different surface texture to say this is parking and it kind of just offsets something it's more visually appealing same thing goes for that Plaza area got it but again the surface treatments these are things that we can change they're up for discussion we can also Stamp Those in a different type of material like asfa um for the parking most of the parking that gets altered on Haven Street is in the upper section so the area where pample moose is that nothing changes in that area as far as the parking go is considered okay we may have one space that might be lost due to a bump out but then we also gain um D shot I don't know if that goes all the way to the left anymore but that the plaza where we have the current seating area where you have the hand the yes you want to look at that cor if we can yes I just want to just show some of the improvements on maybe where some of the parking and how it got lost okay great thank you so the accessible parking so we we have we have a one space that was lost I believe down in the bottom just to for the to make the bump out for the Turning for vehicular movements to slow them down make the crossing safer that's a loss due to pedestrian safety and vehicular safety on the upper end we modified in the upper end of the parking Daran yeah where the accessible parking is right there we modifi that anyone who's been down there there's sort of like a little there's a strange ramp with a guard rail like a rail down there we're altering and that's part of raising that crosswalk that we we can raise that grade a little bit have more flush grade and not have that ramp that that's really awkward and there's really a a stepping Hazard there with a fall so there we aled that a little bit we added some accessible parking um I think that's that one loss of parking down in that area if you go to the upper end so not much has Chang in that area all right yeah what about by what about by the post office so that's where we're getting to so in the post office area you might as well go right over the the upper end first Aran that's where we lost yeah so we're still working this out here this piece um we had some great feedback from um the owner of fat Larry's and a few other residents from uh our open meeting that we had so we're working that area a little bit there where we might be able to adjust that and add another space back in and move that accessible parking and and this is the adjustment that we're looking at you can see that we flip that accessible parking we put it to the front makes that a little bit different they can pull in so we're just working those nuances out to see if we can squeeze another space out of it but we do lose spaces there okay and the reason we lose spaces is because we don't have a crosswalk Crossing that street we have a lot of people asking us for crosswalks matter of fact they want crosswalks closer down to the post office but we don't really generally do mid block crosswalks or near driveways it's not safe and then we also have a really big call for more accessible parking on street and so we added that space in doing that you do lose um did what was our loss on Haven Street was it another one we lost one total or maybe two minus two yeah minus two so it's not a it's not a big loss in that whole quarter your biggest loss is on High Street which High Street also has the parking down the other end that High Street also has a parking closer to Vine Street you have that um if you've been down there we're not back to 100% utilization down there I'm not sure we're going to get back there um we're not projecting to be back there and it's also a sea of ass down there and so what comes with the grant money that we also get because we're going to have to talk about this at some point later um in the discussion is that with the massw works money um and any ear Mark money that we have we have to look at all these things we have to look at sustainability we have to look at uh more green space more sha public shade trees safer Crossings these are things that we have to try to implement as prop project um and again like I said in the beginning of the before we started we were looking at all this stuff and we're trying to balance it with parking um because that that's always a big discussion in the town at least and it's not as I I thought we were losing more spaces right in this no and you can as you looking down at the bottom there now you're seeing how we're breaking up all those spaces with the trees and so every place that there's a tree that's a spot that's missing every place that you have more accessible I don't think that's as much of a concern as I was thinking that we were loing losing spots on that Haven Street area I mean that biggest change on Haven Street in ly is up at the fat leries area right and and we did hear back from the own our fat l so we were looking to modify that out but there's such a beautiful tree that's there Street tree we're trying to maintain that give it some room for growth um we know we're not going to be able to take that down so we bumped out and in doing so we created some parking over there we moved we already anticipated that happening so we moved the hydrant across the street dur on the infrastructure project and so we're reworking that area to try to squeeze another space out I think we might be able to do it but we want to make sure that we're meeting requirements for accessibility uh we're meeting requirements just for safe Crossing standards and things of that nature so sort of where you you know lose your parking uh but what you're really gaining I think is a tremendous uh gain in that area as far as walkability we didn't move the um the uh mailboxes Everyone likes the mailboxes there so those aren't moved Everyone likes them ey them too what about the parking in front of last Corner the parking in front of last corner I don't believe was altered uh last Corner Daran is um right next to High Street on sorry I mean right next to wuber Street on High Street Street stre okay right next to so right where you have that uh parking space count the blue and the orange on the north side of High Street right there so so that that would be the last Corner area um 12 and 12 we don't yeah we don't have a net we have we're zero there n zero so most of the spots L on the depot side correct correct which is our property we do own that property that's cor okay we're not uh a limit of work stop to it at that um right at that curving the curtain yeah um and then you know we have to meet with MBTA we're hopefully that'll be happening sooner than what they say but um we will be meeting with MBTA to have that discussion they they're also planning um I'm not really sure if you've heard any of this but they're also planning on some improvements on their of their own on the Depot at some point I don't know if that's just um something they're planning 10 or 15 years down the road or relatively assume thanks car um so this looks great there's a lot of really cool stuff here and I um I happen to be talking with a a business downtown this evening he said give Ryan everything he wants it looks great so that's it um couple of questions accessibility in particular so I know um great adding more accessible spots um and I'm sure you're making sure that from there to the crosswalk um there are Cuts in the curb they're easy to access the crosswalks are all set I love the notion that you're going to be at the same level so you don't have to go up and down ramps that sounds wonderful um just kind of making sure that that that's happening and I guess even if we didn't do a lot of these changes we really don't have enough accessible parking downtown currently correct we do we are compliant so um all of our basically when we did our improvements in the downtown we're compliant when we make any new improvements we have to meet the current standards so we're compliant in that sense if we want to add more we can add more at any point um all of our parking lots were compliant in those so all of our spacing our our parking lots are compliant um that's not to say that we shouldn't be reaching out and bringing these up and having more than what we should um I don't think we necessarily put more than what we should have out here but we added an appropriate amount for sure I I hear a lot of complaints about Haven Street even if we we have we have two um and that's why it was really important for us to really try to focus on where can we get that that accessible spot in the safe area so as we talk about walkable the other piece I think goes with this is bike friendly mhm is there any consideration for bike stands on we've we wrestled with that um mainly on bike routes um shearing the roads it's a really narrow car on on Haven Street um again even if we were to put something on Haven Street we would move some parking on one side I'm actually less bike lane and more bike parking so bike parking yes um they be a bunch of amenities scattered around this project benches you know more more um bike stands bike stands racks we have we have a great bike uh shed storage shed shelter oh yeah shelter that's full all time it's full all the time full all the time it's great um so yes we'll be adding all those amenities in that's part of the pro sorry that I missed that sorry um the plaza um are there considerations for enough space to have potentially little carts at different points in time is it big enough in some of those spots that that could exist a little push cart or whatever yes great question that's why I wanted to focus on that um yes that's we wanted to make the end of Haven Street a focal point because anyone who's been out there for false Street Fair um it feels like a focal point when you get down there it feels like um we could do more down there we could maybe do farmers market or what we just wanted to open up the the the space to have the opportunity to do these things um that's part of why we're thinking about having a different surface treatment down there to give it a different feel um also raising it up so we have um those cars slowing down as you're coming up in that area but mainly when you get down to closing that area down for Fall Street F or whatever we want to do you have that Plaza feel where you just can walk around and not have to walk up and over and down uh curbing so you just you can move around as you please and sort of enjoy the space down there so that's that's the plan that's why we we really focused on that area awesome um are you going to talk about or were you just about to talk about kind of where we are on funding and where I am happy to talk about that as we're leading into town meeting can we do that at the end like let us all yeah Karen sure great appreciate the comments so far um I I too love the raised um area I like the raised parking uh sorry the raised crosswalks the additional crosswalks um I'm glad you mentioned that the mvt is considering improvements because what I see I hate the project is what it is but we're ignoring the other side of the depot and that is where people from those communities are walking to the train and ways has got traffic flying through there and and then this would be a great time for the nvta to say oh you know here here are what we're doing how about a raised cross or two on the other side and it would tie it all together and that would be the next area that we need to look at safety um but I think it would just um tie it all together nicely so I just wanted to I could I couldn't disagree with you more I mean I couldn't agree with you more um the that section of of lincol street we do own um the MBTA own is a small portion and around the depot area uh so I think you know if this project does go through and it gets funded and we we go through and we we're we're going to have a successful project I feel you know that is going to be the next step okay I I think we're going to need to look at that at some point and just sort of holistically finish that yeara off but um again it's a lot it's a lot of money when you're doing streetcape so we have to kind of just chew this off as we go through um and try to just look for more funding more Grant opportunity and things like that I appreciate after attending the forum for the residents I appreciate the additional safety um safety emphasis on safety emphasis on more green space as you as you have said correctly it's an expansive really hot um pement down there so this is going to be good um Mark came up the idea of um carts and I was thinking I wanted to ask you this reminds me of a college campus um I'm thinking food truck because we set up that lovely little pocket park on Haven Street and there's no restaurants down there feries kind of down the street we might have our economic development director here so if we could you know think about bringing in a food truck on a Friday or a couple days a week I would go down there and have lunch and I would be sitting in those chairs and that would be a wonderful way to bring more people down to Haven Street too and a kind of a and I saw have certain members of this s Bo love food trucks too but um so one of the things I should have mentioned that all the street lighting that we're putting is also going to have convenience outlets on them right so we can for lighting for you know maybe maybe Christmas lighting down there or holiday lighting um but more importantly for the Fall Street Fair we have lack of outlets down there so that will be helpful for that so we did take into account that type of stuff too and planning is great to work with and um we've we've melded a lot of these ideas together we've heard them over the years Andrew and I and we've really tried to put an effort in and try to get this in so okay and um just uh I rode my bike to Fall Street Fair parked at Town Hall and walked down it was a beautiful day in no deal but I think it's great thank you for asking about the bike stands just allow making it easy for people to do that and um you know the owner of fat Larry's and and to some extent the owner of pamp Mo as well um you know we didn't have a traffic enforcement officer and that's what you know they were if traffic was enforced if the turnover was happening you know I think both of those business owners felt well P us especially because we were digging up in front of the store so it was tough but far Larry is the that conversations with that owner on multiple occasions it it's been about enforcement because if people are parking there all day long there are no spots on Haven Street so all right well this looks great thank you thanks K uh you mentioned a I don't if I heard it right a taking or a closing of a driveway did I hear that right yes we have been our driveways no um did you go over that we can at High Street um and Andrew has spoken to the owner of this property and they're they're fine with the closing okay um there's two closings right next there's two openings right next to each other on this on this plan it's hard to see you try to focus on that cyan color that's the existing um that's sort of the existing area the what business is this so you can just let me reference real all right so we're at Washington and High Street yeah okay and those are the apartment buildings that are right on the corner yeah and so there's two Drive way openings one particularly right at the corner okay um those generally are not really a good place to have a yeah right right right um so we've we've spoken to okay to this owner and we're going to propose to take one of those and close them and leave just one of them open okay there's enough room to to go in and out I know what you're talking about now okay all right and that allows us to bump that out and slow everyone down right stop talking it's good y I wasn't sure it was a business that's the apartment complex yes that's okay that's all no we didn't close any business yeah yeah yeah all I heard was driveway earlier um all right we're all done one quick thr what's the chance of public Wi-Fi um I think the chance of public Wi-Fi in the downtown area I don't know down in this area um is actually hopefully will be realized soon I know Kevin F is working on something with that for a grant and so um again we've been working with him as well um we work we're working on other projects in the in the downtown with the corridor so I know he's working on that and I know that's his goal as well so we might have the ability to do that if they sync up um but otherwise I think we'd have the ability to expand that down sure can you talk about the funding that I interrupted sure can I'll keep it brief um so we we were going to be on April town meeting um we weren't ready uh as we're going through the pricing everything Skyrock we didn't want to approach town meeting without the correct numbers we just don't like doing that so we we're going to be on subsequent town meeting uh just the project Daran can you go to the plan that just shows the phase the blue and the the yellow so they know what I'm talking about yeah the green and the blue there you go so the the core of the project High Street all in the green High Street Haven Street and hopefully a piece of Washington Street we definitely want High Street we definitely want Haven Street we definitely want the intersection of wub Street for that signal upgrade because it needs to be upgraded altogether the total cost of that project that we're projecting out right now is about 8 million we've already secured 2.6 million in Mass Works grant that mass Works Grant is particular to uh High Street with a portion of Haven Street so if we were just to do the massworks project we would focus on High Street for the with the MS now we really would love to do the Haven Street that and the High Street that's really the core of what we want to do $8 million on top of the 2.6 we've already secured we've already put in an application for an air mark for another 2.5 Federal air mark that sits right now in the house they're debating that they feel confident they can get it through the house I'm not sure for the same amount but they also feel very confident if it gets to the Senate that it you said Federal Federal Federal okay I think I saw that on Seth Molt's um website it did go right through set love it it sounds better than when you describe it or was I was reading I was like that sounds boring I love it I got it um they're great he's he's wonderful he loves these projects um they're having a tough time getting it through um right now I'd have to suggest as we go to town meeting we have to prepare ourselves that we're not going to get that Federal R Mark um and that's how I would currently right now if this was to me that's how I would present so the difference that we'd be looking to borrow at at this point would be 5.4 so that's currently when we go the article will look for 8 million we're going to show where're how we're going to try to get that down um and we're really going to try to reduce that b ring amount as much as we can so if we do get that 2.5 in its entirety I mean we're looking at less than a $4 million ask which is less than what we were asking for in April so I think we're getting more of a project at this point $3 million ask yeah around there yeah um you said four that's a big difference I said a little less than for the town meeting warrant why would you ask for eight if we know we already have we have to authorize a full project even with the original when you see the article go through you'll see the wording and the full for us to borrow accept grants air marks all that fun stuff got it and the reason we do that is because we do sometimes have to borrow in order to get reimbursed from the grant yeah we ran into this problem with mlet and not going to bore you with the details but we do need that fluctuation as sometimes borrow fair I just wanted to understand why you said that than all right we good yes yes thank you very appreciate thank you very thank you beta thank you thanks folks thank you good night thank you all right next on the agenda is a day all right thank you for having me good evening everybody my name is AD the public health director for the town of Bren I would like to recognize the presence of our Board of Health chair Dr Lopez and um anet shared services coordinator thank you both for being here I will give a brief uh overview of the shared services um collaborative and then invite Anette to elaborate on some sections of the IMA that um you know that we sent to the board so on April 29th 2020 an act relative to strengthening the local and Regional public health system was approved by the Senate and House of Representatives um according to this act the Department of Public Health in consultation with municipalities and other stakeholders shall establish a State action for public health Excellence program the purpose of this program is to encourage Boards of Health to adopt practices that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of local public health services the program shall promote and provide resources for broads of Health resulting in four major outcomes one elevating performance standards to improve the municipal and Regional Public Health System two increasing cross jurisdictional sharing of Public Health Services to strengthen the service delivery capabilities across the municipal and Regional Public Health System three improving planning and system accountability of the municipal and Regional public health system and four establishing Workforce standards for municipal and Regional Public Health officials and staff so as a result we formed the middle sex Essex Public Health collaborative which includes six municipalities um they are not Andover Andover readen not readen heril and Linfield with North Andover being the host municipality so this grant program program requires that each collaborative execute an intermunicipal agreement IMA for continued grant funding so we got um $532,000 last year and in order to get the $532,000 for this fiscal year we need to have an IM in place executed IMA in place the IMA intermunicipal agreement is before you tonight for your review and approval it outlines the governance structure and establishes clear responsibilities for the host agency which is nor anov and participating municipalities which are reading not reading Hil Linfield and and over so this agreement has been thoroughly vetted it's been reviewed by attorneys for participating municipalities and approved by multiple Boards of health and select boards across the region and um I would like to introduce Anette who is our shared services coordinator um to elaborate on some of the sections of the IMA and answer any questions you may have thank you thank you thank you so nice to meet you all um so like a day said I'm just going to review a couple of the sections that I think might be of most interest um but I'm happy to answer questions about any of the sections or just our uh collaborative in general um so the first that I just wanted to touch on is section five of the agreement this talks about the governance structure um so our we're governed by an Advisory board so they vote on all of our um budgeting appointments um hiring and oversight of any of our um shared staff and this Advisory Board consists of one representative and one alternative from each community that are appointed by their local Board of Health um and then all of our decisions are made by a majority vote because we do have six communities if we ever come across a tie myself as the shared service coordinator would be the tiebreaking vote the second section is section seven this regards payment and funding um so like a day said we're funded through a state Grant we just entered a three-year contract that promises that $532,000 for the next three years we wrote this Ima to correspond so this IMA goes for that three years saying that we're fully funded um and our budget aligns with that so we're not overspending however in section 7 just as a contingency plan we do include some Provisions if there were to be made assessments to individual municipalities we put in some deadlines about when those anticipated assessments would need to go before the town so it could be included in any town meeting um and those assessments do not mean that the town is required to pay it it still has to go through all funding approval processes um and that leads into section 12 which covers withdrawal so this is um you know an optional collaborative for all the municipalities to participate in and section 12 just enumerates what are the timelines if the municipality did want to withdraw from the collaborative what type of notification do they need to be um making to the other advisory boards um so there are clear outlines if at any time a community doesn't wish to participate any further so I think those are the main three sections that I wanted to call out but happy to answer any questions mark so two questions one could you talk welcome first of all um could you talk a little bit about what um what services are available and because the community that are part of the collaborative are of different sizes one would assume they're pulling differently on the services yeah definitely um and in actually the IMA um in exhibit B we do outline some of the shared positions that we have and what their possible responsibilities are so currently we have myself the shared service coordinator I fill more of the administrative rle so I'm managing the grant um managing all of our shared staff and then working directly with the health directors to figure out what are their individual Municipal needs we have a shared health inspector who helps with any type of um you know inspections that need to take place they're also thinking of comprehensive projects about how we can pull our resources um to come up with some Regional approaches to reduce redundancies across the community so really being effective in our time um and we also have a part-time public health nurse um who works uh she's assisting with a bunch of flu clinics this fall she's been helping with blood pressure clinics um and then doing disease investigation so I know that she's been a huge asset here um while that position has been vacant and helping make sure that you know disease followup is still happening um and she's working with Olivia as well to help train her um so those are main priorities we're really focusing on those core functions of what a public health department does and helping make sure that each of our communities are meeting those standards um so there are a few different ways that we're looking at how we're equitably allocating our resources to all the communities because you're very right they're different sizes they have different needs um and so the state has gone through a couple of different capacity assessments to really identify what areas each health department needs assistance within Meeting those State performance standards so we're able to use that data they provided us to see where each Community needs are support as the regional staff to meet those minimum standards of what a health department does and then move Beyond them so it's been a great starting point to really see all of our health departments are operating a little bit differently um and bringing everybody up to that same level um so far you know we're pretty lucky we're well staffed and we we've been able to support all of the different requests from our communities so we haven't made to had to make any of those tough decisions um but we certainly have the mechanisms in place to make sure that we're being Equitable about the time and resource sharing one other uh question all the other communities the signatories are the select board and Board of Health except Randy do you know why that is it's the town manager of the board of comp um I think that was a decision made by the legal department that the town manager was going to sign off on it I believe so I was wondering that myself because it seems to be board Board of Health Board of selecting but if the board gives me authority to sign I assume that would be yeah that was a and I know so like um in havil their mayor signed off on it for example so I believe that was a legal decision on who had the authority but we certainly wanted to still bring It Forward for your approval and input okay thank you anyone else um yeah um this this sounds great this is amazing I I never thought wouldd be doing anything Regional with havil like that's awesome um and this grant so it's it'll be funded for three years is that for fiscal uh 25 26 27 correct okay thanks any else Chris thanks Carlin um to Karen's Point why havil you mean writing lynfield North writing makes sense but hail is on the border of New Hampshire how do we end up with them yeah so all these groups across the state and there are about 51 other collaboratives similar to this they're all a self- selection so it wasn't the state saying you have to work with these folks it really came about of communities that were already doing different projects together and in some cases like us it um you have some communities that already worked really close together um and because of the geography North Andover and ail had a close working relation they kind of already you know met frequently as the Director um and so it was easy to be able to get the Buy in from hail to participate in this grant um and I think it's a really great asset because they actually have a really wonderfully saff health department and they've been able to provide a lot of assistance in some of our regional groups we have several subcommittees um that work on different projects and their staff have been able to really help bolster that when some of the other communities are very um small staffs so we have some like here in reading or North Reading where it's only three or four folks in the in the department so it's been a great asset to kind of have that different view um and there's actually more crossover and priorities than I anticipated when I took the position as well so it's been interesting to see that even havil and running as different as they are are still working on a lot of the same priorities when it comes to bolstering Public Health Services and the 532 Grand that was mentioned is that reading share or is that split between everyone or that's the full region so that's split between everybody towns correct all six towns yep so all of the funds are split across six towns so we have shared staff um we are able to pay for conferences and travel for our different municipalities um but the funds are shared across the the entire region okay so it's not like 15% of reading or it so it could be 30% for reading for some random reason this year because of certain programs whatever in ail gets less yeah it could be yeah and and similar to like how we're allocating what services we're offering when it comes to things like funding for conferences training um we have some for um like public literature health communication literature that we can print um you know we would also look if there was a strain on the resources to make sure that we're being Equitable for our communities to help fill their needs um we've been lucky that we haven't had to do that so far all the training Quest and anything like that has been able to be funded with the regional funds but um it is true that it could happen that way thank you much M anything no questions thank you very much no I'm good thank you my colleagues addressed some of my questions so thank you thank you day Lopez and was here but thank you very much and I think yes y oh yeah approve yeah sorry uh move to approve the intermunicipal agreement for the public health Excellence for shared services Grant between the towns of North Andover Andover reading North Reading Linfield in the city of a ail as present second sorry that Hur Max first second any discussion seeing none all those in favor 5 Z thank you very much thank you and would I be able to get a signature while I'm here yes I'm just happy yes yeah good yeah so next on the agenda is an item that my Chris or myself cannot be part of so I'm gonna have Karen run this next agenda item and uh we'll come back after that somehow we've already given Matt The Authority it's like one of those things administrator anyway administrat than different different responsibilities smaller town than you iiz loose and fast with the terminology in my impression when I talk to people about you know how to actually Implement in different communities like you really need to ask in every town you just assume you might realize like oh it's not exactly that I would have just assumed they were using a different name butar so hi Andrew so we are moving on to the MBTA communties discussion in including review of potential resoning proposal thank you that would be I good evening select board I'm Andrew mchn community development director joined with me tonight is cpdc chair John Weston and in the back is senior planner Olivia nightly as well all been extensive all and many others been extensively helpful on this effort so if we wanted to bring up the presentation we wanted to just help set the stage as we continue this process forward to the public hearings with cpdc of where we've been but mostly where we're at and where we're going so it'll probably be the lowest number of slides you'll ever see on MBA communities um but we really just want to hear from you too in terms of confidence building where we're at how we can get there with the public and with you guys in town meeting and the many others involved in this effort to make sure that we are continuing on the right path so we can head to the next slide please um it's a little zoomed in there I always just like to start here just in terms of timeline and process of NBTA communities so this started when we get towards the end of this process nearly two years ago this is a two-year planning effort we started with General Outreach and survey on preferen for design we use that to build a knowledge Series in terms of what this law is how it works and how we can best fit in what we heard at the time into some models and then we prepared for public hearings to try to get to April town meeting of this year what we learned through that process was there was a lot of questions there was even some angst that came up in that process is is this the right decision let's vent some other areas can we take a look at more commercial areas can we take a look at more unique combinations that's what we've been working towards over May to present so um we started exploring the commercial districts in their entirety I think what we found is that singling on one finite area isn't necessarily best practice for MBTA communities and where We've Ended up was with four Concepts in the middle of summer that tried to combine everything we've heard to date in a more unique creative fashion to reach compliance without being um overly Bountiful in their allowances I would say so we feel like what we crafted in that mid summer presentation all of those areas were reasonable practical and could had their different merits and their different considerations of course but all of them could be utilized in a manageable fashion for MBTA communities what we've done since then is speak with the cpdc digest all of the public comment we've heard to date and choose what we found was the uh best two concepts to try to utilize going forward either in their individual fashions or in again creative combinations with them so this is all setting us up for a November town meeting vote we're heading towards the public hearing process next week which gets a little black and white in the bylaw text I love it some people don't some people do um but we'll be there for that so we can go to the next slide um just again to quickly reiterate that all in June and July in the public forum presentations I think we started at six in June came down to four in July we've worked to summarize in a workshop that we held around those four Concepts um draft a memo summarizing those discussions and the community comments which of course vary on every concept uh took that discussion to cpdc and staff summarizing the two remaining recommended Concepts that we'll discuss briefly tonight and ultimately leading towards that final concept for the November town meeting warrant head to the next slide please this is one Concept in its individual stake that we presented in July so what we're considering this as now as we've workshopped it towards an actual bylaw is an a80 expansion that's short for apartment 80 that's an existing zoning District over by Summit Towers just in the southeast part of town it's our only a80 zoning District what we've found is that by looking to expand that underlying a80 zoning District it gives us some creative allowances to either place in different areas in on the map and use our existing bylaw structure to our benefit with it so what this concept again in its individual stake presents is that looking to maintain the downtown controls as it is to try to meet the uh station area requirements as the law calls it that's within the half mile radius and then fill in the rest with an a80 expansion those two areas on the opposite side of the southern part of town um our existing multif family developments um that we would look to provide the new Zoning for to not just mimic what is there today but also look to potentially one day creatively allow additional units there so if we want to go to the next slide we'll briefly show how that can happen and basically when we're looking at zoning we're looking at dimensional controls so by keeping the downtown which is the top row it's a little hard to read but those are the existing controls in the bylaw today we'd look to try to keep those and the a80 expansion keeping is in terms of the minimum square footage and style of development that those areas maintain and that we would look to promote that 880,000 foot lot minimum some higher Frontage what do come back in this compliance sake is some setbacks to allow potentially create a building placement on the lot um and a higher lot coverage as well so the buildings are maintained at four stories in height we added some Landscaping requirements for softening and things you might expect in developments of that size in nature a bit higher parking given their locations um but the important elements in most of these cases is the maximum density on a lot in this case almost all three of those development areas that we be targeting in that a80 expansion exists near 18 units an acre for compliance sake we'd be looking at 30 units an acre in the to maximize the opportunity of their um compliance allowances so that's where you see the additional units um by right being included and that's where then the lock coverage and the setbacks all play a role so that those units if ever built could fit on the site creatively but also safely so so it's a um it's a model just based around maintaining downtown controls and looking to allow allowances elsewhere where we've already built it and could continue to build we can probably go to the next concept thank you this was the second Concept in its individual stake that we presented to the public and to cpdc this concept looks to utilize the downtown again for that station area in add different fashion this time but then also Main Street both pieces of South Main and areas on North Main Street we'll start at the downtown um what we heard a lot from the community was the need and desire to maximize affordable units in MBTA communities and the downtown district is the absolute best way to do it there's no doubt about it we are allowed to keep our 20 to 25% affordability requirements which is nearly double what the law allows us to do and also double even some additional allowances that we've received but because it's existing we're able to maintain that high affordability rate and we want to keep the promotion in the STA station area I think we heard a lot of that that that area does make sense for housing the transit the commercial support um pedestrian as we heard from Ryan today about to continuing to enhance the area with pedestrian activities so it's a natural fit for both the law and for reading and then what we'd look to do is look at Main Street as we've seen a number of housing developments decades old and in recently and upcoming um of housing developments built on that portion of South Main Street and up and around North Main Street as well so it's another Natural Area where we said this development is already happening has happened and is happening again how can we utilize it for our compliance sake that again achieves what reading has already accomplished in the housing World while still having allowances for new development and new growth and new Housing Opportunity so those would be the two areas if you're not familiar with that Northern piece at the top there that's uh it's rather known as the HomeGoods area for better and dandelion across the street so there's a series of commercial plots there um it helped us reach the compliance metrics as well and has some Redevelopment opportunity all of these Concepts do include affordable units we can chat about that tonight if you would like um but mostly going towards the controls if we can get to the next slide just to highlight some of the important areas here what we'd be looking to do in this what was this individual concept is go back to the downtown controls that we have again to maximize opportunity for the laws sake and compliance sake we look to reduce the minimum lot size square footage reset the stepback conversation start to figure out where our priorities are for setbacks what makes sense for setbacks um same thing for the height we said we don't want to go above three stories because for commercial incentives and what exists today for allowances three is the right number we want to try to add some landscape downtown I think that's an important element that we've heard in many development projects and across the years in many planning efforts so writing that in for the Law's compliance sake but also reset the parking conversation figure out what that right number is as we move forward towards a bylaw most importantly in this case um again in most cases is some density allowances on paper um what the by ride density today is is 20 units per acre what we found was a reasonable number to for compliance sake if we're looking to what's called up Zone Downtown was 35 units per acre uh I don't believe there's only been one project built less than that number and only two total including that one built less than 50 units an acre so 35 units an acre was a number that allowed us to maximize the compliance metrics without being overreaching and allowances in terms of Buri development but also might help you get more affordable development Buri development or waiver process for uh more affordable units and mixed use development so that was the number we settled on so those are the ranges we're talking about 20 units an acre to 35 units an acre across all of these Concepts in this case to fill in the rest of the compliance needs with Main Street we set to mimic as close as we can what is a mixed use by law that we have already in town um but we did establish a minimum lot size to promote consistency down the corridor in terms of development form same thing with Frontage some setbacks that mimic that mixed use by law the law coverage as well similar for what you might expect in a commercial area in the same Essence we said three stories multif family housing limitation as we try to maximize that three story build on Main Street so that should we wish to incentivize commercial Andor other uses or more affordability for story in a waiver process or a mixed use building could still be considered as an incentive landscape too I think we saw in some projects is an important element in Main Street helping pedestrianized whether that's Street trees screening and softening of the fronts that's an important element that as we look to write a bylaw how we write that in not just the percentage but how we write that in to make sure it's effective and quality area that we would like to see for the area uh we set that parking at the 1.25 in its initial proposal again that was a mixed use bylaw that exists at that rate already and we've seen used effectively so we wanted to start the conversation there these can all fluctuate in the hearing process um but starting the conversation and working to meet in the middle with everybody um as we move forward and the max density at 20 units an acre on the Main Street developments there's a variable number of lot sizes there some are in the middle to low range of lot sizes but there are some outlying larger lot sizes so 20 units per acre in and around that range felt reasonable in terms of allowances mixed in with these other controls and gets us the compliance metrics that are necessary uh to submit so there's a few number of key notes in all of these to try to take away from and be cognizant of as we move forward but importantly I think based on the conversation with cpdc and please jump in after if I'm mistaken is that all these areas have practicality and reasons to utilize them for compli sence what we'd like to work towards in the public hearing is what numbers make sense what areas make sense especially downtown likely Main Street but then these other outlying areas as well how they can fill the gaps and keep things in a practical manner as we piece together the actual bylaw so as we work through the public hearing um both in the language itself but we want to try to provide some resources for consideration as these density numbers if we want to fluctuate them say downtown if we say we want to drop this down what does that mean for Main Street what does that mean to use a piece of the a80 or both pieces so we're trying to be creative here in our allowances and our combinations of these efforts we just want to be cognizant of the public hearing and the actual bylaw needs that will promote successful pleasing development in the town going forward so if we just want to quickly jump to the next slide I think this will be it the public hearings are scheduled for next week um as we try to hold them prior to the warrant closing on Tuesday the 24th so that will be specific to the actual bylaws themselves in the text what we'd like to do from there on the staff side is look to offer daytime open Office hours for residents and town meeting members and others to come learn about the concept that is being finalized um and is being brought to town meeting and we'd look to do similar to Precinct and town meeting member meetings we did that last year um for our concept and we found them very effective so that way as we approach town meeting almost everybody or as many people as we can are familiar with the concept have confidence in the concept and are just aware in nature of where we're at so to help ease the discussions hopefully so we wanted to bring it to you tonight to hear from you in terms of process confidence again building where you're at where you might find that we could improve upon going forward or in these Concepts and go from there if you want to add yeah so I think it's important right to understand where cpdc ended up right um Andrew presented two different concepts that that they had worked out um we want to get to one right we W would really like to just take one to to to town meeting or recommend one to town meeting um there were um positives and negatives about both of those Alternatives and so what we want to do in the beginning part of our our public hearing is is work towards that that one alternative the things that we heard I'm going to focus on the negatives here for a second the things that we heard um about the one focused on on Main Street on South Main Street um is that right in in order to just do that the we're looking at increasing the um the the density up to the 35 uh uh dwelling units per acre that um Andrew mentioned I I will say right that's still under what the zoning that we had back in 2018 right so it's not a dramatic change for reading but it's you know right we've heard right we've heard that we you know we we as a town we don't don't want it that high so what we in and on the the the other one the a80 the concern is that we know that self mainstream's going to develop whether we do anything or not so what we want to do is use that to come into compliance because it's going to it's going to develop it's been developing it's going to continue to develop and see if we can take some of the a80 area so that we can reduce the density in the downtown that that density allowance so that it's not at the 35 as was presented in that concept but CL you know somewhere lower than that right probably not the 20 it is now but right that's we work out those um and so in the beginning of our meeting we really right want to try and get down to one alternative and then right and then it's the the fun stuff of crafting the work to the zoning which puts everyone to sleep so just calling it what it is I've done enough of these so but what we want to do is bring this to you to you all get your feedback specifically we really haven't had that chance to through this process it's you know been a little bit crazy um and before we delve into um into the public meetings so can what does duac mean do in units per acre per acre okay thank you that that was my one quick question mark thanks Ken um so thanks HKS for bringing these forward um couple of questions and then some comments first so um in in concept two where you have some of the setbacks set at zero asterisk that means solicit input right it's not you're going to propose zero so the asteris was actually a pre-existing Asis and what we had was Stronger setbacks at District Edge that we called it where you're budding a residential Zone and we also have setbacks now that are required or prescribed that if you're budding residential property so yes that asteris is for discussion in terms of appropriate allowances either from the district Edge or property I think right now when you're budding a property it says that we may prescribe up to a 30 foot plus setback but we just want to be cognizant right that means Green Street residence too it's not always your mixed use development that if you wish to rebuild a house on Green Street because you're likely to AB but another smaller residential use you're facing harsher setbacks or more required setbacks because you're directly abing your neighbor who's a resident as well that that 30 foot on a 6,000 square foot lot 7,000 foot lot might not be practical for Lots like that so we just want to keep keep that in mind as we talk setbacks going forward so yes that asteris is for conversation but also that the bulaw right now has asteris for different setbacks at different areas okay so it it is unlikely to actually be zeros right if you're particularly if you're buting let's say a residence I would say so okay that's one um you mentioned on the affordable housing question um does concept 2 help us in in that opportunity more so than than concept one concept two helps you again in the downtown allowances helping facilitate development to meet affordable units but also Main Street likely does have more opportunity than the a80 areas in terms of shorter term um affordable units that might be developed the cogniz in part of where I'm at with a80 is Right some of those are 40 BS and that's a 25% affordability where now we're saying it's 12 and a half 10 to 122% and so if there is Redevelopment there how do those numbers work out um in terms of the affordable units and are we losing affordable units um there's some quick mouth there but I won't jump to it so okay and then um so the is the current regulation that um if you're below 13 units you don't have to have any affordable is that or is that a proposal the downtown regulations were set at 13 by the state that's the state 40R bylaw trigger I do believe I believe we locally move that to eight units above eight units in our downtown 40R um our downtown or our South Main and mixed use allowances are currently set at 10 units or more we would have to up that one to 13 but the difference is that it's set at 10% for 10 units or more now we're looking towards 12 1 12% of 13 units or more so facilitating the numbers a little bit but there's not local control on that there's not we had to seek approval for the 12 a half% and set that unit trigger based on the research um we're continuing conversations to explore lowering that trigger to 12 but that two can impact density allowances Andor um your actual affordability rate that you can set so and then on the Main Street area you've got a note in there that talks about it's already multi-family zoned I did I read that part correctly there is existing a 40 we call it apartment 40 area on that piece of South Main Street and we've seen new development in that A40 Zone and then business A2 does allow multif family already it's just has a higher lot size minimum than most Lots in the area can meet right now because those that did have that allowance and met the minimum criteria um are multif family sporadic in the corridor okay so I think from my perspective um making sure that part of what we're trying to do is to allow for more folks to afford to live in this community having to buy a Million Dollar Plus home and figuring out how to make sure that NBTA communities is going to help us to do that particularly you know inside the the Zone zone of discussion whatever it is um so to me it strikes me that that concept two maybe with a little bit of tweaking is going to better accomplish that allow more flexibility allow and you did in some of the earlier presentations you talked about what you thought might actually get developed so yeah there's the regulation but what might actually get developed what seems feasible do you have a handle on what that looks like um in con one and two here yeah um in concept to there's a handful of lots in terms of the Main Street allowances that you might say are Redevelopment opportunity I can't guess the time frame as to that with commercial ownership and the turnover for it but um South Main Street in particular seems to have a handful of lots of moderate size that could be redeveloped to try to trigger that 10 or 13 unit affordability and get to that scale uh downtown I'm sure there's a handful of parcels they're getting harder to determine which ones are Redevelopment opportunity but it is a downtown area there is turnover there is demand there so I would expect that you could see Downtown Development continuing in the next few years in those outlying a80 areas um with unit increases and density increases allowed I it's a little harder probably to squeeze them in on site but I would never Say Never and whether that's a complete Redevelopment of one of those sites or just additional structures and units somewhere onto those sites um is plausible but Main Street in particular seems to have a number of parcels that you might say a Redevelopment opportunity so I mean it strikes me that having that opportunity with Main Street being part of the area allows us to help make MBTA communities do what we wanted to do exactly in terms of affordability in the commun and the kinds of of development that's going to take place without making it this vast expanse and it's in an area that's being redeveloped and needs desperately to be redeveloped sorry folks but it does um and and that sounds like it's accomplishing kind of what we want we the community want and meeting the the requirements of what MBTA communities will set up to do yes and I think that's been the goal all along let's use this as an opportunity and find out what will fit best with what has been happening and how we can use this to our advantage to continue on that Trend that we're already seeing super I I would hope that we can find a way to get onto that that path um you know listening to everything you have which is fantastic how much uh feedback there's been how much you've listened to and how you've worked with it I think it's great so I I to me I think concept two makes sense the ability to do some tweaking with it um certainly the understanding the setback opportunities whenever I see Zero I get really worried right um but I like it yeah great thank you thanks um so I I I my ears pricked up when you talked about being able to with um the second concept being able to stick with a 25% affordability because that to me is one of the great faults of this legislation they're not putting that requirement in there and I can go back to town meeting where we spent a good hour talking about the dire dire need for that in our community um I'm looking at the map too and just being uh thinking further down the town hall is located in an area that could be redeveloped um but it looks like Pleasant Street Center actually isn't um so that's kind of interesting um is it in the 40R District the pleasantry Center believe it's just on the outskirts CER yeah I can check real quick I feel like it is I think it is yeah it is because again this is this is zoning that allows for the possibility so um I I love um I was going to ask you sorry I put you on the spot so I I'm not an expert on the difference between business A1 and business A2 so I'd love for you to talk about like what business A1 allows because you commented on business a 2 a little bit Yeah so business A1 and so business a is business a in town There's bless you um one two three there's four individual pieces of business a maybe even five um on the Southwest but there's a handful of IND individual pieces on business a we craftly tried to select a few that might make sense both in terms of the compliance need for minimum District size and opportunity business A1 is located at the north end of town at that HomeGoods Dandy Lion's area it encompasses a number of parcels in that commercial area uh we utilize that based on its scale both in terms of the acreage to try to get unit capacity out of it and that that area has a number of large redevelopments in terms of some of the senior living facilities or assisted living facilities in the area that if you saw Redevelopment of the homood site or some of those commercial Parcels that may be of size or scale that they would be somewhat fitting into the corridor and so it's opportunity with again trying not to overreach on the allowances and area so what so what is allowed there you mentioned multif family development is allowed in business in business A and B and B yep so that business A1 and three um which is the South Main Street porush and would have the same controls and same allowances of the 20 units per acre 10,000 ft minimum lot size same controls um just different lots and lot sizes okay um and then the only other comment I've heard you say um and I've heard a number of people take about the wiggle rum when we have the conversation we present a solution to the state we want to have some wiggle room to talk um so is there wiggle rum in the initial concept where we're talking about an overlay of two already built out already planned um 8 or a80s areas there's not as much wiggle room in terms of the minimum unit capacity needs but again as we work through the public hearing and we try to identify some right numbers if we could try to increase that a little bit if we talk setbacks lot coverage Building height um I think right now it actually a80 exists at 60 feet height allowances we are saying 45 so like if we play in there through the public hearing to try to gain some potential Breathing Room it would be a benefit to that specific concept um there's not a lot of breathing room that if we F if the state found reason to um reduce unit capacity by just a dozen units or two um we'd probably fall below the minimum unit capacity and be out of compliance so but only just to add to that concept because I did here um utilizing the downtown no matter what for compliance whether that's in concept one two or a combination all of that keeps the 20 to 25% affordability in the downtown I guess one of my concerns with um concept 2 is losing all of the setbacks and part requirements at town meeting set just last spring um I think we heard from residents that they don't they weren't looking for the buildings to be on top of each other essentially anymore as I think the easiest way to put it so I am concerned that we do lose that in concept too um I also with I feel like we should feel a little bit better about concept one and using existing um developments because they just accepted Winchester plan which I believe they used three existing developments yep so Winchester had a pretty holistic plan in terms of commercial Corridor another area allowances and I guess that's what we're getting at in terms of not only are we capturing downtown allowances that we've gone above and beyond even 35 units an acre same with Main Street that we're getting that development that's above the 20 units per acre proposed um but we too could use the existing developments I do think Winchester had a number of those sites individual sites as well so as we look to if there's room for combination of these two concepts we feel a bit more confident through that like the Northern end of town like I mean that's got to be a plug and play that you I would think that we can use as a tool if you need it and then the other question I do have is that I understand by developing South Main Street we can you know like Mark set it needs to be redeveloped it would be a good spot to do it why do we lose control if we don't put it in the MBTA plan don't we already have our zoning laws set for that area I don't think it's about losing control for um MBTA communities I think it's about utilizing MBTA communities in that sense to keep control of what we want which is mixed use and by having in most cases we don't have control to say it could has to be mixed use if we don't add it here that it could just be residential is that what you're saying it could be just residential as it's written now it's a little more unlikely given the minimum lot sizes but to use it for compliance sake without losing what we want is the benefit I believe so by having that 20 units an acre set and then looking at mixed use incentives it does strike the opportunity for mixed use I think so you want to add yeah I think right I think that it's not necessarily that we lose control but let's let's take that opportunity and let's use that opportunity because we we know that it's going to develop right that stretch is developing we so let's use that to our advantage to come into compliance right so it's not necessarily losing I don't think we lose any opportunity I mean any control if we don't include it it's still going to get developed and and we won't be able to count it as part of our compliance okay so and if Parcels were to get developed on South Main Street currently and they were not part of our MBTA plan would they be higher could they be higher density or lower density there is no density restriction on mixed use or multif family in the corridor right now so it could be either or okay yeah it's because it's based more on height and setbacks so it all depends on the partial size and location so would individualized if I'm wrong is that the very scenario that you just went through with pine V and me exactly okay all right thank you very much I appreciate all the you guys have done on this all right thank you all very much for doing this thank you so much someone like Carlo and Chris know that I'll [Applause] you need to call to do you have a great job Kevin um Karen I looked up the Pleasant Street Center and that is in the apartment 40 District it's right on the edge of the sorry apartment yeah technically it's in A40 right there it's right on the edge you watching oh nothing gu's going to continue longer is that that start [Music] okay you can use mine what's next yeah next uh on the agenda is presentation from town farest committee y for Town Force committee hello everyone thank you very much for for having us uh in tonight um if we could advance to the first slide please I'm Bill Sullivan Blueberry Lane and chair of the Town Forest commission we can jump to the next slide so the purpose of our coming in tonight was to talk about really to give you an update on the status of a number of things that we've been working on and then some things that we would like to take to town meeting for November versus the report of dead uh pine tree removal which we've had some discussions with you all in the past and also invasive plants and also to discuss the the time request for funding to continue that work on both of those also to talk about to uh a request to modify the uh one of the general bylaws Animal Control to address public safety concerns regarding the number of of off of these dogs per handl in the time so next slide please so that's an aerial view of a part of the Town Forest and the green trees that you see are white pines and the dead trees are red Pines so they're they're dying as a result to climate change and invasive plants are widespread next slide so the the Dead uh I'm sorry yeah the red Pines were planted in the 1930s and were periodically harvested they're not to Massachusetts so they're more to more Northern latitudes the result is that as the climate is warmed it is stressed the Pines making them vulnerable to pathogens and insects and and uh and other things so we need to remove those so that they're not a hazard to users of the Town Forest and also they a potential fire risk next slide so this map shows the phases of the Red Pine uh removal that we have done to date the yellow is the first phase was January 2020 that's zero and four areas uh the phase two was in February of 2022 and you can see the I can't quite read those myself and 1 three and six so um that was done in February 2022 and the the purple was phase three which is 7 8 N9 and 10 so that's all been done was all been carried out what we're going to be asking for for at the November town meeting is for funding to complete this work which would be under phase four and that would be done next winter this work has to be done in the winter because uh you know to minimize the environmental impact so the timing works out well forting approv the funding for this work to complete that in in this coming winter uh next slide so the work to date phase one in 2020 was 4 and a. half acres was $28,400 in town funds phase two four and a half acres uh was split between uh town and DCR funding got a $10,000 Grant of that 22,000 phase three was 4.8 acres cost 36,400 in November of 20122 that used ARA funds plus another $10,000 Grant from thecr the projects were bid and managed by reading DPW we're very grateful for the work that they did Chris Co and his team has been really great to work with them and these projects went really very smoothly we're also grateful to the scouts uh we've had a couple of Eagle projects in the last uh within the last year that has planted hundreds of trees so if you're in the town forest and you see the the mesh tubes inside those are the saplings that were planted and so you we want to thank troop 72 for that so that's the photos on the right those those mesh baskets uh next slide please the ex issue with the invasive plants so we've got Buckthorn Japanese naweed um swallow or they're pretty firmly established in the Town Forest also in the adjacent compost center you know these these things were primarily brought in as you know for landscaping purposes and they you know as people pull them out or cut them cut them back they end up in the compost and so then they they are then uh can Reed themselves in the Town Forest so that's why we want to control these now because this is the last best chance right the longer we wait the more difficult it's going to be so we've gotten a good start on it and we want to continue that next slide work to date we've had a lot of volunteers helping us with this uh we've had the the scouts Town residents and then others such as Amazon robotics uh we did we hired a a a firm Horticultural firm for phase one in June 2022 at $99,500 phase two in November last year was 44,000 uh that was all ARA funds phase three in May of this year 9,200 we got a $ 6,930 Grant from DCR and then the balance was was Town funds phase four uh August of this year 9800 was aror funds uh next slide slide please this map shows the the Town Forest and you can see the areas in beige the the darker the color the greater the density of the invasives so this shows that the the invasives as result that was found as part of this inventory are pretty much along the the walking trails and along the access roads which makes sense because that's where the sunlight is that's what the invasiv need to grow so the work that been done to date uh prettyy much completed all the work on the walking trails that was the the 44,000 plus some of the other work that was done and so I want to continue that and the next slide please with the next steps with the town meting funding uh we' like to get funding seeking funding for phase four of the areas 5 12 and 13 the cost estimate is about $60,000 this should be the last major phase you know we've been doing this now for a number of years and we've made great strides and there's still a bit more to go we've already got been notified from DCR that they will provide another $10,000 grant for this work which would then reduce the 60 down to 50 for for Town funding and phase five of the invasive control cost estimate is about $100,000 that would then finish up um it's the first pass of you know the rest of the Town Forest now I want to be clear to everybody that it's not this is not just a oneandone type of thing that the first pass is the most expensive but there will be some additional work down the road that'll be required to keep the invas is under control because you know these these plants like the buck phone they drop their seeds they're they're in the soil bank and the little ones pop up now they're also easy to pull because they're so small so we'll do as much as we can with volunteers but there will be some need for uh for additional work by others so the total that we're going to be requesting in the town meting warrant is $150,000 for this work next slide so then the summary of this for the dead trees 13.8 acres cleared to date cost 87,000 about 41,000 in town funds and 46,000 in arpa and DCR and the remaining work is the 5.1 Acres reason why this is more expensive on a dollar per acre basis is that this some of this work is in very difficult access areas uh one of which is one of the most popular trails in town is the Pine Ridge Trail which is currently closed because of the concern about the dentes falling on people so we'd like to you know finish that work in this last phase here and uh to reopen that that trail invasive plants we got about 40% done that was in that invasive management plan and that that was a cost of 72,000 to date 11,800 in town funds and 6,700 and arpa and DCR the remaining 60% is estimated to cost about $100,000 we will be seeking grants for that uh but uh and and again there will be some some future mandates required so the next item pertains to this item three is the the goes to the concern of the number of off dogs for handling on that slide so and I think we've talked about to some of you about this in the past and the problem persists continuing complaints about conflict between commercial dog walkers with multiple offleash dogs in the public currently the bylaw is written allows dogs to be off leash when under voice control with no limit on the number of dogs per handling uh this this Facebook post was really very telling from a commercial dog walker that said I'm a dog walker there and I bring in eight off leash and they are all under voice control there are a lot of people in the trail who are very mean will treat you this way I deal with it every day just do your own thing and ignore them so what that tells me is that we have almost according to this almost daily conflicts between commercial dog walkers in the public and you know resident safety concerns should not be ignored this the Town Forest is for everybody you know it's for cyclists for cross country skiers for hikers for dog walkers for for everybody it's not and so anyone everyone should be feel safe when they go in but certain certainly members of the of the public feel unsafe when they're uh and feel threatened by large groups of Unleashed dogs and the key thing here is that this is not a dog park if someone is in a dog walking in a dog park they would have every expectation that there will be dogs there all around them and that's to be expected but again this is It's A Town Forest uh so with the committee to committee investigated policies and other towns next slide please to see what our neighboring towns do um so this is a list of 15 communities the the next slide if you would is kind of a summary of all of that of the 15 neighboring towns 11 require dogs to be leashed in public except in a dog park uh four allow dogs to be offleash in public spaces obedient to command so we're you know in the minority I mean you know most towns don't have areas in public that allow off dos we're not suggesting and we're not proposing to change that we're not composed to you know to join the other 11 but we're what we're looking for is to reduce the the number of dogs off leash are handling next next slide so the the proposed bylaw amendment has two parts to it one is the current uh definition of effective voice control pretty much says the dog has to be within sight and the owner has to have a leash and it says that you know the animal cannot do anything illegal it's very vague so what we've come up with is a language after a number of of meetings that says that an animal shall be deemed to be under self under sorry effective voice control if it is within the Handler's site refrains from aggressive behavior comes immediately when called by its Handler and the Handler is carrying a leash per dog aggressive behavior is is any behavior that would cause a reasonable person to believe the dog poses an an unjustified imminent threat of physical injury to a person or another dog including but not limited to jumping on repeatedly barking at or approaching any person without their consent so then the next part of that would be the control of offleash dogs the maximum number of offleash dogs shall not exceed two per Handler in the town forest and a dog that is not remain under effective voice control as defined in 88 813 must be placed on a leash or removed from the Town Forest immediately dog waste must be removed dogs must be leashed when entering or exiting the Town Forest visitors do not abide by these rules may be required to leave the Town Forest in addition to other other items actions um next slide please so in summary for these you know for the for the November town meeting um you know we're to build on the uh work that has been done to date of removing the dead trees from 13.8 acres we're seeking $50,000 for phase four the dead tree removal uh the reading fire department supports our effort that's a recent letter from the fire department because they're concerned about the fire risk with the dead trees uh invasive plant control for the Town Forest on the trails was substantially complete following the invasive plant management plan uh at the November town meeting funding we requesting $100,000 for phase five to Ingress uh to address invasive plants on the Town Forest AC access roads so remember that the management plan talked about trails and access roads we've pretty much done Trails now the rest is is for the access roads and then also with the November time meeting is a request to amend the general bylaw on Animal Control to improve Public Safety and reduce negative interactions between dogs and residents uh this uh change to the animal control law was reviewed by Town Council uh was approved by the bylaw committee and is supported by Reading Public Health Department L is here uh and and uh and also the Animal control officer next slide so we'd like to you know certainly welcome any questions that you may have and uh on on any of these three items thank you any questions from the board and we also would like your support on on thanks Carlo uh and thank you Bill um yeah I'm uh definitely in favor of finishing up the dead Pine removal I know I've said it a dozen times hopefully I don't say it anymore is I don't use the Town Forest as much as everybody else does but I know that it's something that we should definitely be taking care of um so in the spirit of that I guess uh I'm also for the invasive plant removal but what is the ongoing maintenance cost after the 100,000 do you have an estimate is a 10 grand a year 50 Grand like what do do you have yeah if if if we did I would estimate around 20 because you know once it's you know once the first pass is done and they go in and they'll you know this has to be done by the the larger plants that can't be pulled the little ones can be pulled and volunteers can pull them but the larger uh Buck ones some of them are you know two inches in diameter those have to be cut and dabbed with a with a nerv asde it's all been you know we do all this work in conjunction with with the Conservation Commission and it's all done according to to protocols so once this first pass is done the rest of the maintenance I'm I'm estimating would be the order about 20 grand a year and then that's you know maybe maybe for the first year might be a little more might be 30 and then after that as these things start to die out then that will diminish also the maintenance will just diminish yeah because that's my biggest thing is if we don't actually maintain this I don't want to be in this position 5 10 years from now I couldn't agree more and and also why it's important is that as we're taking out the the dead trees we're getting sunlight so this is going to be a battle for control do we we want the natives that's why Scouts planted all those trees that we want native plants to take over where the dead Pines were not foxthorn and otheris and because I'm not a a plant expert Etc what is the downside to actually leaving them there I like are we talking they're going to just take over the Town Forest and you can't even walk in anymore or like what is the actual downside it's going to kill all the trees or it will displace all it will displace eventually it will displace the native plants and there'll be nothing left but invasiv because they're very hearty that's why people planted them you know for for landscaping because they grew so quickly um and then pivoting to the dog leash scenario I guess where I fall on that how did you come up with the number of two that was a recommendation of the animal control officer the town's Animal control officer because seeing like you mentioned we don't want to become the 11 kind of scenario that's kind of uh where I would fall on it's more of do I know I said it maybe a year or two ago I don't trust like someone to be able to take care of eight fish let alone eight dogs and I still stand by that I still don't think that you know you can their animals they're going to do whatever they want during whatever scenario um but at the same time there are people with single dogs that are also a problem as well yes and I've heard multiple reports regarding that and this is going to do nothing to curve that that's and I I hate to remove because One Bad Apple ruins the bunch kind of scenario but that's kind of where I lean on this is that you're still gonna have people being jerks in there who have single dogs or two dogs and uh I was bit by a dog when I was a kid so believe me I have the whole I don't want to be near dogs thing I had a Chihuahua myself after the fact but uh that's a different conversation so I still remember where I was when I got bit Etc so I know what that can do to people but I don't think this is going to solve that I I I think you're right in fact I I can give you an example I was in the Town Forest this when we had that that one snowstorm this year with with my wife and we were snow and these people came up with a dog and and uh and the dog started barking at my wife in a very aggressive manner right at her feet and I said something to the to the person you know get your dog under control and she said well the the town you know this town the dogs can be off leash in the Town Forest so basically know I'm not going to not going to bother and I said yes if it's under voice control clearly that dog was not so I I agree with you that it's not going to guarantee anything the one thing that we're how we got to this point was that by um if we can change the bylaw in sight the bylaw in a sign so that there's an expectation when people go in they don't view it as a as a dog park if you Google the Reading Town Forest you know what you get it's a dog park and it's not so what we're trying to do is to trying to you know bring public awareness that it's not okay to have your dog jump on people I mean that has happened to I know at least two people in this room and so it's uh and and I know that uh you know we this happened to one of the police officer sons and he told me about it he said it was because it can be traumatic so was this a compromise to settle on two instead of going right nothing yes because the you know when when police were I mean when the Animal control officer was still under the police um you know they they generally feel that as you do that having dogs off leash in a public space is not desirable but at least this is maybe an improvement and then this would if this gets approved at town meeting as is then to change it from two to zero or 2 to four it's just a bylaw change and doesn't have to go in front of town meeting meaning reducing it from two dogs on leash to zero does any bylaw change have to go to Tommy sorry I so it still would have to okay well I wish you the best of luck on this I I know there's going to be probably a very spirited debate regarding this but I mean I it it I don't know I just wish that people would take care of their dogs around other people because it's not a good scenario all the time and it's only a matter of time before something bad happens and hopefully this is going to somewhat prevent that but I don't sort of kind of think so but now one thing if I could add that that the Animal control officer did recommend that if if there are two dogs off leash per hand when they approach another person with or without dogs doesn't matter that they leash their dog so and who's going to enforce this well see and that's where you know the idea being that on this sign as you walk in there will be a line that says report any violations of this to the Animal control officer so you know it's it's no guarantee we're not going to be having you know public health or or the police monitoring this but sometimes that that threat that something bad might happen to them does spur people to do the right thing I hope so but I appreciate it thank you anyone else y I just want to thank you and the rest of the Town Forest committee um it's great to see the summary the past four years Kudos thank you and um hopefully I don't know that we have any red Pines in the rest of the town but I can tell you I know we have the conservation administrator here I'm in kchan woods the Buckthorn is out of control there is a beautiful stand of um well at bare Meadow there's huge stands of Japanese naweed along Arthur bord Drive Maine and Arthur bord drive right now there's a huge stand in the wetlands of Japanese not weed it smells lovely it's in blue it's it's huge and it's so to your point Chris I think um I think we need to realize as a community that you're to some extent we're so this is a battle that should be fought I I agree but um the these things are so invasive that we're going to have to start looking at other Open Spaces as well because I don't they get around Birds animals the wind apparently we go under four lanes of Highway and come up the other side I mean so so it's a good question I think it's going to have to be a a larger probably a larger expense that we have going forward to protect our Open Spaces but this is a good start that's a it's a massive piece of property it's the town Jewel thank you thanks all right doing the [Music] paring but I will do Park okay damn it trying to get home approval of the land damage to go yeah 9: come on up are you ran any questions um I arm wrestle Andrew again for this how did Andrew get out of here you're really good at arm wrestling no I'm not I lost we you got five minutes um two minutes I don't have the language but yeah it a request from the state um Mass do apparently we own some land in Wilmington on 38 and this I think it might have to do with rmld or something but um and there is a project going to be going on there and they've done they're in the process or they've done a taking and then this land damage agreement is is part of it I'm told it's fairly standard um Ryan may know more about the specifics there's a map in there if you're interested in the project so the state has asked me to present it to you um for approval um I I guess it's pretty Pro per former but you know first time I've seen it I don't know if Ryan knows anymore we have no need for the land nor do we know what it was for it's along the railroad portion the state's taking it as part of a road project in in Wilmington so I mean I advise that we just but it's deed to us is deed to us but um I mean council did a review on it yeah we did run up by time Council you know it's it's probably a leftover for whatever reason when when the railroad you know we just don't know what it's for I mean I don't think there's any need for us to hold on to us okay approved okay we have a motion have before the motion before the motion so um do we did we ask rmld and make sure that they don't have some incredible plan I say rmld but I think I metant NBTA right it looked like it was wasn't NBTA well there was an original discussion that it may be rmld but that was I think when they when um Jenny did her research I it was just something that had to do with a rail I don't you know it was just something that was a SLI sliver of land I think we really know what it was for Bill Brown probably might know but yeah I just wanted to make sure there's not like oh my God that was going to be the site no and and again to Mast you know to their credit too they also did some research and there's no reason we have nothing there no fence nothing so it's not even close to the Town Line deep in there it looks like it's almost on the Burlington line oh no Burlington AB yeah like 62 area doing is it contiguous with the tower riding or okay it may have been in the past though so that might be how it got to that point but I doubt it it's up by Church Street in in wimington it's it's way up yeah that's like that's not even contigous like it's on the corner of 62 that's right way up so they don't have to give us a million dollars for it no Milli it's called a friendly taking a friendly a motion I was going to just propose that we build pickle B come on not enough you a couple come on double deck uh move to approve the mot land damages agreement relative to 435 Main Street Wilmington and authorize the town manager to execute said document on behalf of the town second second thank you any discussion seeing none all those in favor thank you someone have to sign or go good I can sign it on the okay you guys want to take a five minute break anyone anyone no I mind standing for a couple minutes I can do that stand on y par yep um really quickly all of the parking is working so all of the kiosks work all of the pay by phone works one of the kiosks stops working without warning over the summer and so it had to have um a before it went live yeah before it went live yep and had to have a chip replaced so we were reviewing it with parking enforcement and we're like this one that's not even like the screen wasn't coming on WE rebooted it we did all the things and then we had to have a a part replaced and the technician come out and install it and get it so everything works okay all of it now works it's not on oh it's not on that okay it's well let me rephrase it it's on they're covered not got they're covered we're not enforcing the payment everything works so um on September 23rd we will take the signs off the do not use signs we will turn the signs around in the parking lot we will take off non-conforming signs and on September 23rd parking enforcement will begin it'll be very gentle at first and we'll be down there helping people use it we'll be doing um public information campaign starting tomorrow the business is going to get notified all that yeah there all that um all of that will happen and um but yeah everything's working we changed some the language we we since one thing wasn't working we dug in a little bit more but it's all ready to go everything works what's that warranty on these things uh a year I think more than that actually but yeah all of it was under warranty cost anything yeah but was it from a year of when they were installed or from a year of when we go live from a year year yeah probably we didn't even turn it on and so we're like you guys can't even believe this thing's already broken so um I will reserve my opinion of our vendor um but um it's all it's all good now Andrew's been and um deputy chief amandola have been persistent uh as have I to uh bring it all and are we are we paying like a monthly fee for support like what are we we pay yeah we pay monthly fee and we pay a fee on every Zer transaction so right now you can go uh somebody go down to the um upper Court lot put in and for 20 minutes or 45 minutes or whatever they want and not pay anything right to the kiosk right theing control person knows but we pay a fee on those transactions yeah what do we pay it's a DI Minimus but it's I it yeah sents it's like 15 cents or something like that but you have to you have to assume that most people are going to use it under the time limit so we're actually going to lose money I don't know that we'll lose money based on how much parking we'll actually get over but we'll see we're people are already paying the on the pay by phone app so yeah because that's been live for a while it's been alive since June don't say anything all right and uh no we're not enforcing it but I think people are coming to town and looking for parking find it they're all set and off they go and they're not necessarily okay residents no that's good SE SE September 23rd that's correct that's when the balloons will go out okay that is correct all right thank you any questions any questions no I think we're good all right long time coming so next we have um appoint uh two Associates uh sorry we have two applicants sorry back up we have two members of the recreation committee that are Associates with one full member slot so they both sent us emails um Caitlyn is either one on Zoom right now yes Laura Newton's on okay so Laura Newton's available so I'm guessing we have one motion Chris for this right not two or we have one motion just move to a point move to a point okay so yeah so we can have some if anyone wants to discuss it I you know I think this is a pretty straightforward vote but you know obviously if anyone wants to make any comments or do anything quick question so did um did Recreation come to us and say hey can you appoint a member for us yes okay they did they went to town sta they call all the time yep all the time any other questions y more of a comment on why I'd be voting for somebody or someone else um as I promised I I wouldn't explain myself on why I vote for people anymore but uh I'll make my own exception um got a chuckle out of Mark um no for uh for me I I don't know if anyone remembers the last year when it was Jackie and I on the Vass committee I mentioned that a member uh uh was one of the best interviews that you know we had during that season of of interviews uh and I don't believe I ever said it was Kevin Lee but it was Kevin Lee who uh was part of uh who I felt was one of the stronger interviews back then um obviously I didn't interview Laura Nunan that was Karen and and um Melissa uh this time around um but for me I stumbled upon a random um Rec committee meeting uh because you know who has time to do anything in the world but stumbled upon Rec commmittee meeetings on YouTube um and it just so happens that it was uh John feudo was in regarding the arpa money that we gave for the Adaptive swim adaptive swim program Etc um he was just giving an update on that and I believe they were talking about maybe somehow getting the money from Burbank or something like that but anyway um he was just giving an update on that and uh just going over things and mentioned that you know it was RPS students that were participating Etc and as he was talking I said to myself that's not what we approved because we approved on this board that it would be reading residents and then perhaps sprinkle in some non-residents if the classes weren't filled because we don't want kids to be left um alone you know what I mean not with not with a full class kind of thing so as he was explaining it I was like this isn't what we approved going back then and you know I'm like talking to myself uh reiterating this but then Laura Nunan started speaking up regarding and just asking why it was being done this way why are we doing this why are we isolating a part of the population because her son I believe goes to school out of district and uh therefore is Exempted from actually participating in the program that we approved that he could have been in um so just seeing the way that she was questioning things um had me just thinking that I would be in the same position as her arguing these can I have a point of order can I talk yeah go ahead so um iair said about like my kid where he goes and he can't participate in things I don't even know about like I I'm not even going to comment on any of that I don't even know like I'm just please don't talk about where my kids go to school or anything like that just um none of my kids go to school and reading um and I was just asking for for purposes of of people that don't go to RPS but it had nothing to do with my kid or where he goes or what he can or cannot be a part of so I just wanted to clarify that and thank thank you Laura thank you all right but yeah my main point of that is is essentially that uh just seeing the the way that she stood up now is is the same way that I would have stood up as well um so that's why I would be voting for her to be a full member any of the comments or so okay so um it's a little bit harder to I mean I think vast is a really good purpose and it's kind of a pre-screen if you will and a chance to really talk to people and meet them so um I happen to know one of these candidates and not the other um and I I feel kind of in a it's a hard thing to do not having more information and not just information that would come through with the emails that were sent to us because we saw two emails but I think we we would be better off even if vasque is asked to meet just briefly even if it's for one appointment only I think that's the process that we ought to use I don't think that it's that we've been trying to do that to get vas to meet yeah to meet vas met multiple times the spring yeah someone resigned as soon as we wrapped up and that can happen with any Board of committee I think the Town Forest also had a resignation so the vas doesn't meet monthly last year the vas meant for one period and then never again so I I I really resent the pressure being put on vas to get together monthly weekly and that's the pressure that's being put on it the vasque was put together to do the the boatload of the work which it is doing which it does so these folks have nine full members they are fortunate enough to have three associates they are not in any danger I respect any committee that is really passionate about this and I respect the chair for putting it on the and and I'll just say these are they're great candidates one has a little more seniority so I'm going to vote for the one with more seniority and the next opening that comes up could be like the next one this doesn't have to be a big deal they're they're serving they're both great Associates there isn't even like a huge need for this to happen right now yeah that's where I got confused and and I think we all got a note from the chair of recck saying that there's no pressure to do this which is why I was surprised but he's the one who advocated for us to do this yeah well so I didn't know that and then I got a note that says there's no pressure so I was confused so I have a recommendation to to move forward uh we'll go on alphabetical order and we'll have a motion unless we want the pulse to the board first I mean we could do that for what it doesn't make a difference to me anyone do two motions see what passes or pulse to the board just oh whatever doesn't matter either way yeah because alphabetical we'll do Kevin first ready please uh move to appoint Kevin Lee to a full membership on the recreation committee with the term expiring June 30th 202 second second thank you any discussion none all those in favor two all those opposed three second motion I guess we don't need it but we'll do it move to approve move to appoint Lauren nunin to a full membership on the recreation committee with the term expiring June 30th 2026 second thank you Mark any discussion see none all those in favor four all opposed one thank you all right thanks laara there okay all right next on the agenda we so I don't skip over again review and vote Town Council exemption pursuant to something something yeah town council's on Zoom okay hi thank you so much for um meeting with us I um provided a letter to the board that is also in the board packet explaining the rationale for the exemption um just a very brief history here um we were asked to advise generally the town on how um it could amend its Charter we provided that advice the CRC was created went off and started doing their work came back and made some changes to the Town Council um provision of the charter we recused ourselves and um and didn't give any advice on the town Council provision um at this point we are being asked now to give advice on how do we adopt the package that the CRC is putting forward we spoke with the commission and they advised that we seek approval of this board um to provide that advice in the case that we may be deemed to have a financial interest in how the charter is adopted um we will continue to recuse ourselves from any discussion substantively related to the Town Council provision but we firmly believe that we can provide legal guidance and advice on the entire Charter um without whatever minimal financial interest we would be deemed to have in that one provision uh we don't believe it would taint our ability to provide guidance on how the whole Charter should be amended um but because the commission has given us this advice we are here before you tonight uh respectfully requesting um this exemption I'm happy to answer any questions thank you any questions from the board I think it pretty simple Chris thanks Carlo um yeah no i' just like to comment that I and Ethan have been super responsive uh to everything over the the course of the year they did um exclude themselves from the Town Council sh section which I think has a little tiny changes um Jesse Arnold is a lawyer or practices or some legal background so she kind of uh helped us in that section but no I and Ethan have been uh great as always um so no I don't see any reason not to Grant the exemption we've granted almost every single exemption here going back to the fire chief before Chief Burns needed an exemption for something uh the former Town manager not Fidel or Bob the one before that heck and Blacker needed an exemption on stuff uh We've routinely approved section 9 waivers um uh as well as conservation members two of them over the years so it's nothing different thanks Carl thanks for just a comment I think that um from a process point of view they have and are recusing themselves from the element that has a direct Financial uh impact um but providing the service to the town that we hire them to do um so I think that this instance is exactly right they got the advice to go through this process process to me it seems very straightforward that we would Grant this no problems okay a motion y move to approve the section 19 B1 exemption request file by Town Council on September 4th 2024 and authorized lank is it you I think it would [Music] be all right chair of the select board authorize uh carachi chair of the select board to sign the agreement on behalf of the board second second any discussion seeing none all those in favor I zavo thank you guys thank you you so much next is future agendas I raise my hand on your left um one of the things that I think we should do is have a discussion about uh either forming a committee or how the select board would like to go about discussing the Pleasant Street Center in in the event that a new center Frac of living is developed then the Pleasant Street Center would be available for other potential uses I think that as recal comes forward to the community and then to town meeting I think there's an expectation of understanding what we might do with the other building if there's a new building that's going to be built and I think we ought to have the discuss we ought to get that discussion going so I'd like to propose an agenda item to talk about that okay and it might it could be who knows what that would be have the agenda item got it did you have yeah um I don't know if this needs to be a select board agenda item or not and maybe Jane and Matt can um let me know but do do we need to have a discussion about the issues um the continued complaints that we' have seen Recycling and trash yeah um I don't think it's an agenda item but I think it's it's not something I just want to know we are not ignoring them and we have to do something like this is getting out of control I I don't disagree my understanding Matt do you want to speak to that yeah so we you know we obviously know the issues out there we've been getting the calls um it's unfortunate that this is happening uh it has been you know improving on a week- toe basis but then all of a sudden gets worse um there are there are options in the contract I don't want to get into them now in an open Forum that we can explore and we're looking at um and we're watching you know very closely on the service end of things how things are going uh especially Chris Cole and his group in DPW so it's not falling on deaf ears at all and there just seems to be no consistency in their service and we're paying them but they're really not being consistent with the service that they're offering presid so yeah that's what it seems my is getting pick up the next day every week not a big deal but it's the next day daily yeah right can I make a possible suggestion and just ask that at kind of all the board meetings going forward until really there's an improvement yeah you folks share an update with us hopefully add a little bit of of push on you guys that we're we're watching oh no we're hearing and watching it's h no trouble whatsoever apprciate we spend quite a bit of time staff time sure sure and they were at your past meeting too in person you know so try our best so somebody was really mean to them so maybe they skipped a few more trash barrels anyone else not being in their best I think someone went very easy on them I I yeah I don't know about that aren't they like the teamsters I don't know anyway there pretty big Corporation so but we are putting out an RFP and hopefully there are we you know oh yes good we are making everybody sharpen their yeah good so I have the 24th late out and um I know uh Victor's on there twice but we confirmed that we're going to go the eighth on the tax classification because I knew Karen was going to be out of town and um so I just wanted to make sure Victor was good for another day cuzz I I thought today was way too early and um so that's confirmed that Victor can do the eth yeah yep so that'll be that so that'll be taken off the 24th um obviously we have a a little bit of room you know to add some minor things but I'm probably not going to change it much and then we have uh the town meeting and then you know only one meeting in October so that that agenda will get bigger obviously but I you know if anyone else has anything to add I ask for the 24th maybe slot in the um the discussion of Pleasant Street Center not not yet may I problem if we don't have a discussion and then a subsequent vote and then we decide to form a committee you're going to give them can I slot in the eth how about I'll I'll I'll host trade you for the eth because right now the eth's looking pretty light right the eth okay do you have have um we skipped over the um water rates discussion due to time constraints um I don't want to let that go water rates or water second meters no not second meters definitely not second meters um the discussion of multi-unit potentially oh that that was a Sharon thing yes thank you that was a sh yeah that was too far no no you're right you're right the multi multi uh multi-unit multi-unit yes yes that was a number number crunching with the Community thing and all that stuff yeah all right so would that be an update or an agenda item but probably an agenda item I think we're looking for a solution from you guys a proposal or two bring in the water folks yeah I'll see if uh okay yeah I I'll get that on soon I'm not gonna push it off but I'll get that on soon uh Mr chairman that's a good reminder yes I have one item you may want to add into list it's not an official meeting but you may want to post for those who are available October 1st is the ribbon cutting for the Mallette sums and Morgan project at 400 PM you don't usually post for ribbon cuttings I'm just saying it's I'm just reminding you it's a good thing I for thank you wait I'm sorry what time 4 oh I had on three it Chang we had to move we changed so that we could have better parking yeah thanks for the update but we don't yeah we definitely want to Poe for the hearings please 16 19 yes definit post for those to um please I'll be gone for one but I'll be here for the other so I might even attend on Zoom um but yeah they'll be hybrid so yeah yeah I'll be in I'll be in New York but that might not be possible anyway uh yeah please post us for those two meetings um and we good on future dentist for now obviously other stuff will come up and that will relay that to us or Jane in the meantime and then I think we do have minutes correct I didn't see it no no minutes tonight oh I thought it was did I see approved meeting minutes but it's not we don't have any right correct yeah it was on the agenda but I didn't quite get them finished up no worries no worries we're pretty caught up aren't we yeah we're pretty caught up yeah yeah we're doing well yeah you did a bunch last meeting um anything else that no good motion motion toour second second all those in favor thanks guys thank you e