##VIDEO ID:U## e [Music] I'd like to call the um August 5th killum School committee to order and we will take a roll call vote um her here Sean here here John two John oh sorry Sean and John yep uh Chris yes Ed yes Greg um no egg no Greg no bre no yes and they'll probably be coming along so just a quick review of the agenda um we're going to have we'll have public comment we'll have um leaon reports we're going to have a special we have special guests tonight for a kilum student introduction we're going to have reports from the designer about the preferred option and a sustainability update on OPM report of financials and total project budget um along with warrants and invoices we'll have a vote with that and we will approve prior meeting minutes and then talk about future agenda items and next meeting dates so we will start with public comment do we have anybody who'd like to make public comment Jackie anybody online for public comment um Kellum leaon reports Kirk any reports Kirk no thank you okay um the only report we have is tomorrow's visit do you want to just quickly sure great uh hi everyone tomorrow we'll be taking a some be going up to oer high school to see uh some of the space that they built out in alignment with their Innovation Pathways which should see kind of uh more Hands-On learning opportunities within uh especially the space we're most excited to see their engineering lab they have a couple of spaces that we think they've use really creatively so uh group of us be there at 1M at XB High we also Chris is coming to take also be taking some V videos and some photos so those who can't come will then be able to kind of get an idea of what we are then trying to uh build and replicate in some ways at the or we could replicate in the base from high school so uh very excited to kind of open everyone's eyes to what the world uh for like high school Innovation may be for us and hopefully we'll walk away with some ideas and oxfords just one example of the many that are out there we thought it was a good spot to kind of get startu and I'm driving if anybody like ride happy to pick up anybody great anybody else no okay one thing on that to our high school principal will be joining I should mention too so if you have ideas of things you want to like make sure she's aware of it's a good time sh just add up for thanks Tom um kill him we have special guest from kilum today who's they're going to talk to us about their school over here hi everyone um you don't know me my name is Lindsay Fulton I'm the principal at kilum tomorrow is my first official day back off Atty leave I'm super excited I feel like it's only fitting to get to see some of our Rockstar students to welcome me back um I asked them to come and just kind of briefly talk about what they love about Kum and then something maybe about the building that we like or that we're hoping can change we've asked students along the way during our Ed visioning process it's been very interesting to see what aligns with what the Educators say but our students have a lot of great ideas that I know as we keep going we put into the process us too so you guys want to say who you are and what grade you're going into my name is Juliet mados and I'm going in fifth grade my name is Amelia mados and I'm going into third grade what's something you currently love about killum I love that when you go into the cafeteria there's this um painting in it and it says be the I am kind great s would you like to see more murals and paintings still in our new school anything that you love what I love about Kum is wherever you walk there's like paintings of koalas everywhere koala is our school mascot we're very into being the kilum koala family with onesies and our shirts every Fridays show our spirit okay what's one thing if you could add or do for a new building that you would change or create cre I think for the new building to add like stairs to like make it taller I didn't any of the plants I think that when you go in the library there's this koala carpet okay something like that to add to the new building okay with the stairs I didn't even tell you part of our maybe our new plan do you think that different grade levels on different floors would be still okay for our community yeah where would we see everyone all together still where do you think like where do we currently see everyone together C do you like sliding down the the railings and the stairs we don't have any currently any we don't have any cently we going to have some in the new especially anything else you want to share about or want for our new school any questions does anybody on the committee have any questions great job great job great job I I agree with you that we need a lot of murals and colors up on the walls and the people who are designing the building are sitting right behind you and I saw them listening taking notes about all the koalas right that's a great idea and I love the idea having a taller building we didn't think we were going to like that idea and I think we all have really liked that idea of having a taller building and as the kids get older you go up on higher fls on third FL and having your own separate playgrounds too was something else that was really important to here you think two separate playgrounds sure they're flexible all right thank you very much thank [Music] you we we did have um students on in our visioning meetings which was really awesome um because they they just they give you the information and important stuff and just brings you back to thank you girls Carl Qui in addition to my showing up a little late I think Greg stepler has joined for the uh thank she's got it mat just wanted someone on record that was later maybe and we'll go to um Jenny for the designer reports Jenny and Lee um design first oh actually I'll just start I'm just upate hello hello see you um so just oh stand by this is sharing in a funny way Jenny if you're more comfortable sitting feel free to sit thank you thanks Sean no just can't hear it um so just this is just trying to figure out why it's showing that black bar you artifact yeah it's just it's like my control bar but I don't know you want Jack to present it yeah Jackie can show it uh no she doesn't have the the most updated ones but it's okay presented it's okay we'll just manage um okay so um the tasks completed um we have done the PSR cost estimate um and we'll share the kind of Topline information with you um tonight um we've been refining and developing the B1 and E2 plans um for our earlier conversation and we're also ing the um A1 addition renovation scheme and the code upgrades only but those are kind of proforma um as required by the msba and we have been doing a lot of work to advance um the geothermal option um we had a great meeting with um Pat and Greg to give us um I call them the Geo the kilum geothermal Brain Trust um to give the the construction manager um Viewpoint um and we've also connected with BR bour who is a who are a um geothermal um contractor and also consultant um so uh they are putting together a uh proposal to drill a test well and also working on some plans to um answer a lot of the questions that the team has about the viability Logistics um and cost of um implementing geothermal on the site um and then G's Lee's going to talk about the preferred option so there must be some way to get rid of that baruh okay I'll try I'll try Mo them I feel like I know how but it's just okay application window I do want to say one thing um I was I saw Pat at swamp got the other day um since he's building it we designed it is it okay if I sit here abolutely I'll do this so that nobody thinks I'm that person um and uh I wanted to say something about the geothermal um in the end uh it was uh swam Scott was a a hybrid system which really just means that it has mostly geothermal for actually it has geothermal for all of the heating and cooling that part of it which is what geothermal does best and then it had certain units air air source pumps on the on the roof for ventilation and stuff it's a kind of hybrid and um we got there because it was the most efficient and we had to save a lot of costs and was during the pandemic and all that we had to go back and forth lot I will say in the end so I walked in and it was 90° outside and that building is cool as school I mean it is really nice it was it's very it's very comfortable it's totally air conditioned everywhere and that was on a real hot day and it just made me realize it just it just hit me you know all of this cold is you know it's coming from the ground doesn't have big other systems or you know and I just wanted to say that was a Wonder just kind of a wonderful U moment for me for all of those who Wonder that's is that good filled with enough things you you have no idea what you did do so hi um see this this able to advance with the ars no fiddled with and so I'm here tonight to tell you what to do forward forward and back okay thank you um so uh tonight what we're doing is we are um following our very linear process and as you can see we've been unveiling this over a long period of time keep coming back to it talk about different aspects of it we started with traffic we started we went on visits we talked about education we've talked multiple times with the Educators and we've always told you the things that we've been hearing so that you don't all of a sudden say you never told us that and um tonight the idea is that uh last week or two weeks ago I know that you voted to sue the larger um prek option uh so these six were the um six options for the larger pre a uh school that we looked at and as Jenny said we're we're looking at code upgrade a and A1 which is a renovation but we know and we've kind of proven that A1 um makes the site just about unusable as an elementary school in terms of square footage in size you have a fairly tight site and doing that would not really work very well but with looked at it you instructed us a couple weeks ago to continue looking at B1 which is a three-story school and E2 which is also a three-story school just a little bit different configuration and uh all the other ones greatly impacted the existing building on the site during construction and all of that so that's what we did now what we've done over the last couple of weeks is really look at these two these two plants and they were diagrammatic and not necessarily accurate all accurate we really spent time laying out the plants to a point where we felt like both of them were truly feasible and to scale so actually this this footprint right here is more realistic than it was two weeks ago it represents a real building that at least I believe um uh can be built and this is B1 couple of if you can see this pretty well uh we were pretty careful to show a few things one uh you can really see the footprint you can see how simple it is uh you will see in the floor plans again that the gym and and uh and Cafeteria on the upper part and the whole lower part on this facing south are the uh classrooms if you look over to the right you see the street which is hail and we are no more we are no closer than 40 ft away from havil it sounds arbitrary but to me it was an important spot because it is a it is a taller building and um and proportionally it was good to stay away from the street a certain amount this is not because of setbacks on the left if you really look you'll see its proximity or even actually the distance away from the dotted line which is the existing building do you see that pretty clearly we're actually a solid 30 40 ft 40 ft away from the existing building in this layout which is uh more than I thought we'd be and we could always push the building over a little bit more but what we're trying to show on this scheme is that you can have some space from the existing building because you might have access construction and all of that and that's another reason why this one's not so bad you know and it will be a good comparison with the other scheme at the top of the site well we have good we have good um access but at the top is all of the play areas and that is actually substantial amount of very safe isolated play areas and we have this wonderful Loop which we can talk about later with drop off and a separated Bus drop off on the side and all of the parking and that um has been vetted with traffic and also with fire and all them now if you look at this for a second we're going to show you the other the next one so you can see it's just a little different back and forth Dink and really the U the area where the gym is is almost identical the Cent where you enter is about identical but the wing is different and we'll look at the floor plans to understand and this is the wing that is a little longer and the building and the and the and the rooms are a little more linear um you actually it pushes it pushes a little closer to the road on the right and a little closer to the to the parking on the left um and you can see if you look at the dotted line there's kind of a corner right there where that where that lower wing kind of Nestles into where the existing building is you can see that we do have a little bit it can be built we've all built worse or better but um but that is one of the factors here is that it'll be trickier to build trickier for Access and all of that uh so I just wanted to point out other than that there's not a huge differences a little closer to the road cool so those are the two um how close approximately how close is that to the existing building that's the same thing um you know it's about 15 ft and then 20 to 25 ft so yeah that into that corner it gets pretty and that's the tightest we could get that Wing is the tightest I could get it to get all the things to function properly and then what's what's the offset to to where um closer it's a little closer it's 30 ft at the bottom and 40t at the top so let's if you go B you see it's a just a little more breathing room but it's a longer you know just a a different building and then you see here I I like the way that it it's in l-shape but the truth is with our constraints it has it's constraining um other than that they're the sites are fairly similar I think we can do well on any of them personally good for that for you get the sense they're not very different so then we we show this and uh we're trying to show things side by side a little bit both of these buildings are 3ot full rise 635 students Al together um they're the same size in terms of gross square footage by the msba program and what you've decided on uh about 123 about 123,000 uh the only other thing is there's somebody's face there but for some reason um when we went through and got the pricing done um the the option B1 was turned out about a million dollar less 135 versus 136 I think and you know there's somebody's facing but it's okay about a million dollars less we asked the we asked the um at this point it's hard to know know but actually the uh the E2 had more surface area to the exterior envelope cuz the the one on the left B1 is so darn um compact so kind of stuff costs money exterior envelope cost money insulation waterproofing brick whatever it is and um other than that uh you can see how they are they they're a certain building nice so now that those are in your head we actually do these by floors uh we decided to say what is the first floor of each one next side by side to to the same scale and I want you to know that again the gymnasium or the cafeteria part and all that stuff up top and mostly the middle section where you enter they're almost identical and we did that on purpose because it was very much as as we went along the most efficient approach to this building and efficiency is important here because of your limited land use um so on the first floor you come in they both work really well with the admin um they have wonderful um kind of Lobby areas at a scale like this it's hard to tell but see that that yellow lobby area in the middle that kind of up the page you know where you first enter that is 30 ft wide so in real life with a big stair and opening in it that's pretty big so if you've been to you know different schools and you see a big Lobby that's pretty open 30 ft by like say 70 ft long that's not a small thing and there's light coming down and it's open stairs and all of that so we do have a good sense of scale of it but sometimes it's really hard to determine in your head like wow that's plenty of room didn't know that um but here's where it changes if you were to walk in from the left side and enter and do the whole vestibule area and stuff you walk in both schools you would turn to the right on the first floor and all of the green is essentially the pre the prek center it's its own School its own world it has its own um off the vestibule it has its own admin safety everything um and so you would turn in through and it again it could all be closed off on weeks and and weekends and at night so that the public can use the rest of the building and the academic areas can be closed off which is wonderful so you would enter that and um after you've been greeted uh all the kids there are 12 prek classrooms very strategically be um uh placed around the building and in the very middle is the big room which could be a glass kind of room uh for play and for other um stuff and Conference and and all of the stuff that the teachers need for the prek but also for testing and for all the all the things that prek which is scattered around the town right now bringing them all together into a place and the difference between these two two is that one is on the left of B1 is ranged in the Don the famous donut um which I like to actually think of it a little more like a courtyard but it's interior we'll call it a pazo it's very Italian but anyway um the idea here is that you know you can see different areas that are kind of made with the different uh different um classrooms at this point we're showing the toilet rooms the Cubbies and the classrooms we're really laying out diagrammatically so that we know that it works very important to me anyway that worked and to Jenny it has the it seems to have the stairs that we need to get out and to go to play areas um on the left on the right though when you turn in it's a little different you come in and the and the big room is right in front of you but it has some outside window and that's really the essential difference this is more of a wing and as you walk down this Corridor because it doesn't have big breakout spaces and stuff you have little areas that open up um for four classrooms four classrooms and four classrooms you can see how they're a little bit clustered so that's just a little bit different um both of them would be uh any town would be happy to have either one of them um I will I won't dwell on what I've heard so far because I'll wait for comments so that's the first floor and that's how they're arranged any comments about it all the spaces are there you know what we even put in data rooms and janitors and stuff like that CU we know they're going to be there and we might as well start to count for Le can you remind me again between B1 and E2 which one and I know you mentioned this um in one of the last meetings which one has more uh natural uh sunlight is it is it the E2 one that's the way that it's sh that's facing that that's got more sunlight so that's the big difference between these in terms of sighting and orientation E2 all those classrooms there are facing north and facing south and in a perfect world we would do that uh just cuz it's it's ideal uh on the other hand on the on B1 all the classrooms are facing out and have east west south and we put as many as we could on the south most of them and uh the way I look at it is I don't I'm not a big fan of Western light for teaching and we'd want to make sure that we shade well for the Western low light for glare and stuff like that and so that is a real thing I would say at this point that and the middle space um doesn't get natural light on this floor although when we start go up it does and the the uh big room does have a window at the end of it but it's a pretty long room anyway but um so uh in a vacuum um I would love all my classrooms to be North and South just for kind of heating cooling and stuff like that but they all get good views and we can try to control that stuff is that fair it's a fair balanced pretty good answer I mean I think that either one will do you I just want to make sure I I had it clear my head yeah well pass passive solar heating there's nothing more efficient than that in terms of cost it costs nothing to run and to install so I think having south facing classrooms is a big plus not not just in terms of heating but psychologically as well people like sunlight in the winter so the more sunlight we can get into the school classrooms I think better and I think there's a distinct advantage to e to in that regard um maybe other disadvantages but it's it's such a funny B so for light and view I would say for view they are the same for light um having all having more south and then North is more even lighting North is pretty good lighting when it comes to the actual Energy Efficiency the thicker building will probably perform better for energy um that's been in my learning is that when I do a building that you have many layers and it's a little fatter it actually perform it has less surface area and it performs better it's kind of a give and take on that we'll see so let's look at the next floor and and continue on so you can see the upper parts of these two uh this is the second floor are are identical where we have the gymnasium on the second floor and I think that we've all decided that that was really clever because the pre- kids barely use the gy or may never use the gymnasium and all the kindergarten and everybody else use as in it's on this floor but when you come in and in the evening or on a weekend you just go up some big Grand stair and you're at the gymnasium and of course there's a a um so getting it up in the air like that is actually pretty and the only thing under it believe it or not are it's the uh service stuff so we're not worried too much about sound although we will insul insulated to get sound um but having the gym on the second floor does require the at least the lobby part of the school to be open during any gym activity is that correct yeah I mean if you were if you were um yes and and the lobby would be open for the gym oh you're saying how do you get into the gym yes how'd you get into the gym or how do you get out of the gym more important right you would go you would go into the building um to get into the gym gym you know I haven't done a lot of elementary schools recently where the gym has a has a night inside outside entrance and it's kind of a security thing um so you so I understand what you're saying yes you would go through the the secure vestibule even at night and all that into the lobby like you to go to the gym that's a good one does that have Staffing implications in terms of weekend Staffing if there's an event on in the gym I think we could close everything off and that you could get in um but that's really a question how do people use the gym you know now I mean so right now they'll they'll have to reserve it and then there's certain things that we know that we have to you know staff and we have a custodian on site things like that too so um so you you always have somebody in the School Janitor or something right there whenever there's an event in the gy is that correct correct so that's standard procedure correct we're not inventing something here that don't need to have correct I just ke what I'm trying to visualize in my head now is what the lobby would look like and is that an additional you know unsupervised space where someone could sort of you know find things to get themselves in trouble there I don't think so if I so I think block being able to block everything off and just really being able to limit it to just the lobby as a passing space and get up the stairs would be important I think I think to compare it to coolage that'd be a good comparison it would be significantly less than coolage coolage you go in and it's you go to the gym in the back there it's everything's wide open you're into the calf you could lose a kid there um when you go and this would be this would be designed such that you'd be you could limit to the lobby you and then upstairs same thing to the lobby and then access to the gym yeah I mean would probably be an improvement over any anything an improvement or even even money with anything that we have now yeah I think that step one is that we we have we can close off all of the academic Wings completely and then you just kind of pick away at what you want open and what you want closed from there and we can we can do any kinds of um uh as we move forward we can do any kinds of uh barriers or or changes that way that's a very good question thank you we did talk about also having the exits right so you can go from the gym right outside yeah so on from the gym there's a stair that takes you on the very top there there's a there's a second stair like an uh so if you were having fed and you wanted to take them out to the pl they could literally go down that stair and on the very first floor you'll see it there's on that left side that's a whole kind of covered um outdoor area like a whole shirt like like a arcade like thing but it's right open to the so you have Outdoor Classroom there outdoor area covered to the play areas so um at least in this design right now and that's the idea is that and then from the play they could go even slide right back up um into the gym I think also if if if there were issues with the lobby area that this is set up so it could be closed off so that there's you know there's toilets upstairs as well um so if there needed to be just access from outside of the building and not through the lobby it still could be a rentable space now it could be but you wouldn't have an elevator access and I don't think that so maybe it can't be like second and you me to me to so no the lobby the lobby and the stair work in conjunction to provide a safe gymnasium space one one um thing just one point of clarification on preschool because I think it's important that uh we're sharing we're adding spaces for them so for PE for preschool the multi-purpose space that glass middle part that Lee talked about would be a special space for preschool so they would have access to some of the equipment there um that's more suitable for the sizing and developmental needs so they wouldn't have to use that gym but they would still have a different space right they have a we call it a big room it's a Romus room as well as a lot of things multi-purpose yes good one one thing that I think we we haven't looked at yet is the uh the Topography of the site this is we don't have a level site by any means we have a something like a 15t difference between high and low points we have a sloping site the B the B1 runs along the Contours which is always good rather than against the Contour which is what the Wi on E2 does um so it's much easier to set a uniform level for the first floor entrance from all parts of the building if you're running along the contins um if we take the elevation of the existing School relative to haval Street for example there's about a five about a 6ot drop there so it slopes slopes down quite significantly it slopes it's interesting um where the existing school is well first of all we know that Charles is way up high just to get into this for a second and then slopes down um when you get to the existing school it's fairly flat and then when you get to the Playfield it burns down the Playfield is almost like a little Valley or little I'm going to call it a pit but it's not a pit it's lower uh it does slope in the opposite direction a little bit it does and then there's a little bit of a burm um up again a little bit back up again to the side walk of havil we have put in money to actually raise we I believe that we'll want to raise the the the level of the new building up a little bit anyway for some structural fill to get it to a level where we can build it it's out of it's not too low and we can have the existing building there and usable as they're both happening so we actually put in in money to raise that a little bit so we're trying to counteract some of that we're not just building you know in the exact uh uh slope I think the elevation of the first floor of the new school needs to be lower than the existing it'll probably be a little bit lower couple feet or a couple of feet but it won't be 5 you know what I'm saying is yeah so I just wanted you to know that it is something we've talked to the civil and and uh actually priced so that because we have so much experience with this kind of stuff but it's a very good you're right that that the Contours are kind of slided in that direction and that building kind of fits the existing grading um Let me let me go back and and explain a little more about the two things so thank you for talking about those things um in this particular both schemes there's some shared things that happened in the middle very middle above where the um entrance is and that little lobby area that becomes more of a gallery with light coming in and um they're shared things that everybody in different grades would use then when you get down to the two um uh the two layouts the on the on the left in B1 there's the dut now the interesting thing about this is that you have the F the way this the way it's all set up has everything to do with education so this is clearly the layout that the Educators like it's still like they're shaking their heads like crazy because this is the diagram that really describes their educational approach the second floor on the left on B1 has the first floor all in a row I sorry the SEC first grade the second grade on the other side and the kindergarten K1 and two perfect smaller community area and what happens is the media center and the the stem lab which is the same person who runs the media center runs the Innovation lab so it has to be adjacent it's really think of it as one space with glass that's at the center but there's a lot of glass say h you go up a couple of a few feet and then you have all glass and you're sharing light and openness and so there is a acoustic separation to where all the kids are around the donut but um there's a lot lot of still connection because they see that as the community center and they see this as being about Community when you look at this plan and you see the yellow hallways but then you see those FL blue FL things those are Flex spaces those are actually open they're just areas called front doors or Flex spaces that we saw at other schools outside of each of the classrooms and what's nice about this again is that each of the classrooms if you just look at like first grade and that it's Flex space and all that the relationship for little kids is that they can be you can have some kids or some other activity there but they can see them and they're right there and to have a flex face down the hall a little bit or out of view is not good is not going to get used by little kids Pat asked me that middle school maybe little kids that relationship or those front yards that seemed very functional so we're trying in this scheme if you were to go to one of those sides that hallway is actually 20 ft wide it's quite it's very wide and it has lots of stuff going on and it's Flex so don't be fooled by the little bit of yellow of hallway there it's it's very open and that Center space that Media Center when we get to the third you'll see it's actually a twostory opening and we have light flooding in in a clear story not a skylight coming down the Center into that middle Courtyard so we're actually have an interior Courtyard and Shar the light out as we take the light in so we think it's like a very traditional approach and I'm when I say traditional I'm going back 2,000 years um about how to bring light and air and and energy into a building and how to create Community um and uh so that is this is the scheme that I know the uh that the Educators like the most in terms of its layout the other scheme I personally think would be fine for lots of people you go in on the right side you see E2 and that's all that whole Center area is quite open when you see those Flex areas they're they're combined they're not those front doors they're areas I suppose we could redesign it and make them front you know door areas but that's the kind of space you have so it's actually quite a large lot of space there in the middle of the building and hopefully we could figure out some way to bring light down into those a little bit from above um other than that uh it's essentially quite similar and uh it's really all about the layout and it's fit on the site just so you know every single one of these has um those SG those yellow rooms every single one has small group rooms which are flex but also so special education pull pull in push out um teacher conference anything you want and you see how they're very carefully paired up each time and the Learning Centers you have four Learning Centers around the corners kind of at the Junctions between grades so we really took uh into account how they talked about grade autonomy how they talked about special education inclusivity and trying to get everything to work as a community donut if the kids were here I'd say how do you like the the library at the existing school they have a library right in the middle it just is a little noisy and we had to you know redesign it in a different way um if I go to the next floor it's really essentially the same except on the left you have on both of them you have K you have three four and five so as you graduate to bigger kids and that's another Learning Community we broke down the learning communities to reasonable sizes where everybody knows your name and that's really important in um in elementary school and the bigger kids go up a little more but you can see that the library is actually kind of this open it might have glass around it we're not sure yet but it is kind of this open thing and even has its own little stair and a little balcony area for the kids at that age who are reading and they can they love to instead of the pit will'll have a balcony um elevated rather than depressed oh we don't like the word toess so um very well said I know it just came out right that was awesome every once in a while I get lucky so um but and the one on the other side you can see uh on the on the right side it's just the other layout you kind of pass around or through and uh you'd be able to see out in a slightly different way um so those are the floor plans and I I want to go back here and I just want to see if anybody has any more do the Educators want to say anything because I I personally thought it was important or we did to take E2 and to bring it to a certain level where it could compete and now now that you see them I want you to please react if that if that's okay for me to ask yeah so we spent both of uh Lindsay and I spent time working with uh various groups of Educators myself with a lot of members of our central office leadership team District leadership Wy spill time with her leadership team uh a couple of Staff members and teachers uh the thing that kept coming through through of the entire ADV visioning process was like the sense of community that people feel make kilum really special some of the quotes that were shared of like a student is like I love walking down the hallway and seeing like my friend or my sibling or my old teacher and they feel it feels like a very familiar communitybased field for a lot of different reasons the staff feel that the the structure on the Le the B1 format is a better sort of layout for people to feel like they're part of a group part of a team part of a um kind of a pod than down a long hallway they say they also felt that when we did the school visits which a lot of us went on and the schools that had sort of that pod feeling they thought better captured that sense of community than maybe the hallways that were really long all the way down as well uh they thought also just the access of services sort of being able to put in kind of a tighter grid than maybe down the longer hallway was easier to access uh more quickly again they liked both models I think I credit lva for you know building out refining the second model that made it I think more compelling but I think at the end of the day the teachers continue to come back to the staff uh and the prek staff continue to come back to the one on the left really building what they want the new school tensive Community yeah Will said I agree I think also for be one I was counting the other night when I stand in the media center right now there's eight different exits or entrances that I can go to to immediately get to different parts of the building and see different grade levels so they still want that access but so like in that model you really still can see the grade that's vertical to you but the access to your colleagues is just right there and the collaboration access to small group space flex space I think is really conducive to our model A lot of the teachers also and the younger grades were talking about being able to when when the students are out in that you know neighborhood area the community they wanted to be able to see them and there are better visuals with that doughnut shape than there are um with the more elongated because the the the rooms in the corners they're you know the visibility is cut because of stairwells so that was really important for them to be able to see students right outside their doors as well because that's still considered part of their markeing space um any let's hear from a different side I mean um John brought up you know just the north south thing which this building this building wants to run east you know East West so um I don't think it's a deal breaker personally cuz I understand it it's pretty nice um the having the space in the middle I wouldn't have liked that library in the middle except that we're we have all that light it's it's essentially a two-story place in the center of it all so actually it it's funny you look at this and you don't get the sense that if we showed if we did um renderings of this all of a sudden you'd see oh my goodness there's this place in the middle of the building you know in the middle of the academic building and that was an interesting thing because we talked at one point about putting the media center off to the side more but every time we took put it off to the side didn't feel right so any other but any yes I I so with the media center are you thinking that it's all glass so that you can see through cuz I guess I'm reading this is a solid and so that Community part of it that we see it when you're walking through the media center right now CU it's not separated but this is going to be glass you think from a noise perspective or is it completely open let me say it this way um one of the problems with the kilum library is that everybody's walking through it right and it's actually a disruption as well so we're trying to do we're trying to make it put it in the middle but also make it less disruptive and more straightforward so um if you can imagine that it looks so solid in the middle there cuz it's a dark color but the walls around it say it was solid up to about four or 5 ft to the all those wide Flex hallways and then it was glass above that for until about 10 ft or whatever right the kids there would be no disruption cuz kids are little if they're walking along they actually don't even see it they just look looking up a little bit there's no disruption and if it's glass around that then all the light is being shared and you get the openness so you're actually looking through when you're out there looking through looking through all these layers so I'm thinking of it in terms of community I think the teachers want it to be a community so that when you walk you can see your siblings or others so I'm I'm reading this as being a little tighter with that in the center that you're not going to be able to the kids aren't going to necessarily be able to see AC cross to two or to grade two or to gr unless we open the whole thing up I think that's I'm a little worried about that their desire to have it as a community and I agree that having it in the center makes sense because now people can kind of see it just like killings it's really quite extraordinary but I'm reading this is now being I like the light don't get me wrong I really think this is a nice plan I just am not so sure it's what you think it's going to be that's my concern I wonder too if we have pictures of daners where the media center was in the Middle with the glass like somewhat similar was it's I know that that was downstairs but I think that that's similar to this plane yeah there was a a media center in the middle that was glass but it was but it had both when it was GL with glass it helped with Acoustics yeah but it was still open to everything on the other hand we can go back and forth depending on what you choose um we can try it just a low wall without glass and see if how it looks and how it works yeah sure and I I like both plans a lot I just want to make sure that what the teachers are visioning are what is actually being shown here because I'm I'm not completely I think on that second one where it's the long one and you've got the flex SP spaces in the center um that's probably a little bit more open for that particular grade because they can see each other on either side notwithstanding all the other issues that we're talking about um but from yeah that's the benefit of the second one of of E2 is that you know it has little real pods for each for each grade yeah so I don't I just want to make sure that that's what's what the teachers see is what is actually I think we've we we've already talked um with the educational group quite a bit about what that line is like between the C between the yellow space and the dark blue space and with this plan there's a whole range of possibilities right it could be just furniture and there just a a different kind of carpet you're like in the corridor or you're just in the library and it's all just open right um we talked about that and I think the sense was we probably want a little bit more definition a little bit more acoustic control so then maybe it's glass maybe it's a not a 48 in high Le but a 40 in high so the kids can see over it as well which is what Nancy was saying right or maybe some of it tall glass some of it is a little bit higher I mean it could be a whole picture of it I just want to make sure that the teachers are are seeing it clearly I think that's an area for us to continue to work and refine and figure out exactly what that looks like but I think we've talked about it and yeah honestly too for E2 the management piece that I forget who just said it but the visibility and being able to know what everyone in your class is doing is a huge piece of hallway yeah that's right I can see a free-for-all the big ones in the center yeah I'm not saying that that's a good thing I just from a visual standpoint I want to make sure that they're looking for because I I like both I I do like the B one a lot um far as sufficient but I really appreciate you raising that I think that's a really good point and I think um something that we've like talked a lot about too is that you know the the having an totally open feel is more of a community feel but there's obviously major drawbacks to having that just so like I still look at this I these hallways are still pretty wide right so I think you know like it looks tight up with this diagram right here but if you actually you know measure those out it's still a pretty wide space and there's still a lot of traffic of kids coming from you know the K students having to go in and out down the hallways to get where they're going one and two going so they I guess they're envisioning is feeling like that that pod EXC me but I I I hear you that there's this in the middle that we have to be thoughtful about what that looks like in a way that still feels like there's some like control in there but doesn't take away from what we're actually trying to get at I think that's really good point um it's interesting I I came in this evening with a preference for E2 actually and um and Tom were you know you were making the comments about teachers preferred not having the you know long hallways and then the conclusion was the linear layout is the one to go with it was it surprised me I guess I thought you were saying e to was where we were headed so that caught me off guard I think that the one you know the one thing I would say or two things I would say one is you know if I think about the school I think woodend is probably the school that has the most similar layout to this from in terms of the Wings and and the structure here you know would and they've chosen to put the classrooms across from each other versus versus lined up linearly and you know it seems to work I don't know if you know I don't know who made that decision when or how intentional it was but see it seems to work um the other thing about the E2 that I liked and it goes to ny's comments about the media center you know if you think about the way that this one in E2 is structured where you know say 2/3 of it is surrounded by you know by other spaces that presumably would have solid walls that outer third could be glass could be sort of you know could be open so that you still get that sense of you know every everybody can see what's going on in there everybody can walk by everybody can can appreciate it but it gives you the ability to create spaces towards the back of the room that are you know a little bit more closed off a little bit more protected when the media specialist wants to have you know a small group or you know whatever they might be doing in there right and and again I'll use wood end as an example you know it's glass all in the front but all the spaces where you know they really engage kids happen in the places away from the glass um and so you know I I liked E2 for those reasons I thought you know thought that the um sort of the PODS of four made a lot of sense um particularly knowing that the flex spaces are open you know is are open spaces and not you know not walled off in any way um you know that being said I'm going to default to what our Educators think is the right answer but it surprised it surprised me and again I mean even the even the comment you were making Tom I thought it was going to a different conclusion I I would also say that's a good point Sean and I think the other one the I also felt when we were the school visits the ones that had the long like this E2 more model and the flex Spaceball they they just they felt huge like the hallways like when you had that Flex space it it felt like it was just like a you know I felt like you could fit a little mini basketball court like in the middle like it just felt really big and I that it was a school in um what was the one that had the geothermal Wells up at the back actum no Ashley no going Water Town Water Town ding ding ding the water toown I went up to that second floor I just didn't feel like it felt like in elementary school like it felt it was so long and wide and again like it is hard for me to like translate some of these exactly what it will look like and or maybe my own argument is you know doesn't always add up here I just feel that that that sense of you know kind of community didn't feel like with the the long kind of rectangular shape it was is achieved as well as when you were in a you know kind of more boxed in group but again I I also to be fair our Educators I think have a great like their vision for the shared workspaces for the small group rooms like that's what they know and that's what they do you're asking all of us to go out of our comfort zone to like visualize you know new spaces so I think that I don't think the educators are going to be offended too if that people are helping us to see things a little bit differently than maybe we are visioning them now either yeah the flex space the one in Danver I really loved because it had a purpose there was a Smartboard out on the wall where you could have the whole first grade come sit here I'm going to talk quickly about bus expectations or we're going to talk about the word of the week then you can go right back into your classrooms they could they had Windows where they could send buddies out to read right in front and they could still be teaching a small group at the Horseshoe table and seeing that Johnny still working so I think the flex spaces how Nancy to your point how we craft that middle part is really crucial to that vision and if we can do that in either model it's you can't go wrong yeah I the way I look at it is every place is different um this seem to be the diagram the one on the left of B1 is more like the Danver school where you go down a wide Hall and they have these front doors and these smaller areas where the kids can come out in smaller groups it's less about when you're in first grade you already have a classroom it's not like you have to go spill out and be in another room if you were doing lots of project work out there like if you were saying we have a big stem program and and we're going to this was at Swampscott swamp Scott they have this those Flex spacers are going to be project lab spaces but that's not what you're talking about you have a a stem area there're more like smaller little front door and they kept calling them front yards so that's what that one does the other one is a little more Middle School like where you have a bigger space in there where you're Gathering a whole bunch of kids if your goal was to take the whole grade and bring them out into that space but are you really going I don't think you're going to take you know 100 second graders and put them in little you know why it would be chaos I'm surprised but any but it's just something to think about is very different approach and the the way that you interact with the library is very different here too this is much more of a it's a central place the library in the library at killum is kind of like it is this weird pass through place where if you if you have enough eyes on you you can send kids there to behave so it's like a community um watching place but if it's off to the side you only have one person in the library they can't watch everybody so that's why they like that a lot I think is because think about it everybody's kind of looking at it they're all watching it that's I think why they they like that kind of concept but you're right it has to be done nicely but one thing that struck me Tom that you said is that that Community is not necessarily that everybody is there the community is that people pass by each other so that does push me back to be one because now you've got more confined spaces where people have to pass by each other see each other so like I'll Stand in the media center of the library right now with my computer and I can see almost every class pass at some point really like pinpoint what's happening going through there I we help from um from E2 that um flat space from you know across the hall how long is that space like from um like if you take the second grade for example just Flex space so including the yellow coll hallways are about six six8 the the flex space is about 20 ft 24 ft about 24 ft wide by like 30 40 fet wide that's a big room those are big that's yeah they're big spaces and there's something kind of like now we can always arrange them differently we can always put a hall down the middle and try to put them on the sides we can do different things a lot of you know but it's it's just a different Arrangement one has these layer that's the center space and then which is like total public and then there's public private which is the flex of the zones and then there's private like it has these weird lay these interesting layers this one has more like you everybody's walking by it we can figure out how to make those smaller if we want to I have the similar we in Watertown like I felt like I think the hooks threw us off too the hooks were really inefficient so they tried to do like work pro project space and all that kind of stuff up there and maybe it was just like what is all this empty space there a lot of one of the things that that Pat asked me when we're at at Swampscott was these breakout spaces so they get used and I said they get used if you when you have little kids they get used if there's really really good supervision and the teachers feel comfortable cuz you can't send kids out on their own when they're really little you have to be able to see them or there has to be another somebody working with them an aid or something or whatever it is and to keep them tied up like right out in your little front yard with a little feny EV if you had to like that is how people deal in the family with their little kids and I and I just kind of see it that way um but so it can be one you'd probably have the teacher wall on the side next to the flex space be there'd be Windows there there' be glass there yeah there would be glass well and the teacher is moving all over the place but and but the but the um and the flex spaces are actually also where in these upper grades where the um Cubbies are so they're act they're where everybody gathers to because they didn't want them in the classrooms in this age and uh so it's it's actually where the Cubbies are right there the kids use the Cubbies so it is a kind of a a working space y um anyway that's the difference I've liked I've liked B1 since since before B1 was B1 you know I like I like the efficiency of the of the design um you know you get a little more a little less footprint so that gives you a little more sight area if we're doing geothermal gives a little more access for that the at the end of the day long term it gives you a little little bit more space for um for play area or parking or bus drive-thru um in the back of my mind I've always had the question of the Interior layout and you know if if if you'd be sacrificing and it really doesn't sound like we're sacrificing and I really like the especially at the um at the prek level I like the I I love the concept of the big room in the middle there with a lot of glass as opposed to the E2 the big room is you get you get an exterior window so you get some natural light into the big room but otherwise it's shut off and I don't know from an educational standpoint it's where I check out if that's a good thing or a bad thing but just the you know the the concept of that room being right in the middle of the dut I think the the the prek I really like the layout of the prek um the B1 over the E2 what's also interesting about that is one of the things that we were told that we were at going to kill them in the first groups was they liked they actually liked the layout of killum there was a an intuitive wayf finding and kill them where you do like you walked and then there was this thing you kind of looped around so this thing about looping around was more intuitive and being able to see things was more intuitive than going down on hallway and going okay now I have to turn around and go back and I think that's one of the things I keep hearing is just kind of like intuitive so these a scheme like this when you're walking around that Center glass box in the bottom you see all the front doors but there's that middle part that's the that's the Town Center you know what I mean and you know where all the front doors are and it's very different than a than a longer thing and I don't really so um on the very first floor the layout of the prek it ain't my favorite because it is a corridor and we don't have breakout spaces so you don't have a lot of give but it it'll probably work just fine for them but it is kind of nice to walk around that Center space and everybody kind of goes to it equally you know and there's some kind of thing there so it's very interesting and uh also the well so um I could you know we would build either one of these you know that be happy to can ask another question about the um the B1 site plan forgive me if this has been discussed already I don't recall seeing it on a previous version um that pre- space the pre play space that's outside of four the classrooms how do we feel about that well it it's interesting um on this one we were starting to mess around with the idea of having the prek play Space well first of all the prek play Space is separate than the other play areas I appreciate that aspect I'm more thinking is that a massive distraction to those four classrooms that would have a play Space right outside their windows be okay I don't know like we could move it but I'm just that's a good question Le can you Circle where it is uh oh I didn't do that oh so what right now in this in this drawing we're showing a prek uh a play Space right out in front like literally like kickballs are hitting the windows well wouldn't be kickballs doesn't do that see that's the thing is that kick the ball like that though at preschool okay so they can't though seriously um currently our small preschool Playard which won't be anything compared to what the new one is it's right outside a couple classrooms and the only time that it's an issue is like State Testing where we ask them to go somewhere else otherwise it's usually small enough classes and yeah but you only have a few classrooms using it now versus 12 right so with 12 classrooms you're going to have somebody out there much of the day if not most of it right so let me let me just say what the reasoning here is and how it can change first of all that's a 40 foot wide area right there by say 10 something so it's actually quite large and there would be a fence obviously and the kids could play their they there we w't have to do it that way one we didn't want to put it on the street side but you can as long as it's fenced in um so we put it there um in other places we you can put play anywhere or it could be the wow Center and you can put the have the kids but it would it would be nice for the prek since they're on the first floor to be able to go right outside those hallways to play and then come right back in because they're very small they're really small kids and then for the bigger kids to go through maybe the lobby and the cafeteria and do that whole te PR kids don't go to the cafet I'm thinking about though who would that affect because on the first floor it would just be preschool right there so it would really be the second floor is third grade I think it would be the preschoolers on that Wing wouldn't it yeah just be thems the one affecting preschoolers opposed to or we just move it and don't put it there I don't want to make a big deal out of it there just is space there and it could be like it could be the wild Center it could be the wild Center so I don't want to get too wrapped up in in that other than there is a little more space there we could also pull it push it farther from the street try to do something along there could I just jump in there I'm thinking of been thinking all the time about the street Scapes and paper and the height of the building how high is this building going to be off hav street it's probably going to be 45 ft or something like that range so so here here is here is um very now these are not designed buildings they don't have fenestration they don't have openings they don't have materials but this is a uh a a building from Charles Street looking across and seeing the gym on the left up high the arcade the the front door and then what starts to be the the One Wing going this way One Wing going that way so you get a sense of the scale although obviously where we where it's scary to show you things like this because it's not designed but it is kind of the right scale and and it's in the computer but in terms of height from hav Street the the first the ground floor of the building is going to be higher than haval Street by several feet I think right maybe four or five ft no I don't agree with that the um haval we will either be level with Hao Street or lower than h if you're level with hav Street you're going to be 5 to 6 feet lower than the existing school that's that's the difference in elevation between the existing first floor school and ha street is about 5 ft it it there's a burm that comes back up again back up it's still about 5T though it's still something like that help me I mean I've I've talked this I've studied John you're right tell me tell me what usually is iow building so the building height um we're thinking 14t floor to floor so that would be like a 43t 42t um the actual height building itself so if it's a couple feet above roll Street then yeah 45 42 to 45 this is a reasonable range and I think that's probably not good for the hav street gate um to have what is a monolith somewhat close by I I know you you're selling back for 30 fet but it's way above zoning requirements in readying for that area um and I'm wondering why can't we Slide the classroom wing on B1 leftwards so and put put that that play base on the street side I so this is good um so here on this scheme we have room I tried to say it we have room see the dotted line of the existing building yes we could move it quite a bit to the left to the West further and further away from the street and the the thing about the street is like you're going to have fencing anyway and kids do actually play along the street there's a fence you I mean they that's where their field is um if if we did what John was just saying you have a a little a little has a little stylus and I have toys right right on it y okay so if we moved it even this much you'd still be a solid 25 ft away even this much and then you'd be moving this stuff over this much and you'd be upwards of 60 ft away I'm not suggesting moving the cafeteria and the I think it goes with it well not necessarily you why not just slide the classroom if we can if we can I know it it interrupts your nicely thought out connection between John it interrupts her nicely thought out no it's okay don't let's not get bogged down in that it's okay we can do anything the um I'm just wondering how important is it to if you did if you did this if you did that you could get away from Hail Street more and you could put areas all along here which I don't think with trees and with a fence and all of that they're safe it's not like they're noisy kids play there they're and they're actually good areas for little kids and they can be safe and then you just have pushed this over and so when you go and I'm going a so you get a sense of that right right cuz that's what you said and then when you go over to something like this which we show you because we want you to know that no matter what you do it's pretty big and the one so the one that we're talking about while it has some stepping going on on the on B1 if you push it over another 20 ft it just helps even more and it gets it away and it you know and it just and they're we're not showing Street trees and things like that yet and we haven't designed it but um I don't have any problem with that at all it's a wonderful to Sean's original point that just shifted from four classrooms on the left to four classrooms right yeah but there's probably enough space on the right to not have it like adjacent to the windows right to have it be oh we can know yeah I mean we have to instead of do going right up the middle here you're pushing it to one side a little bit still staying away but you're making a choice to create more space on one side and it's actually a way from the drop off and stuff cuz putting ex to the drop off it ain't perfect I know that when we drew it uh I think something to think about I mean oh it's definitely it might be better we don't want to design this building by committee by any chance means we you know no we don't we don't do that that's a cam do you think also though that would alleviate the comments about uh Spectators on the playground because there is qu quite a few people who wait in the parking lot or in that area and are seeing everything there but on the other side it's a little more private and conducive to Social Development it actually would be pretty pretty cozy back I mean the street is there but then there's the sidewalk there is some bming going on and there's some trees and then we can and we can adjust and put even more yeah and then we'll have fencing and the especially the little kids that pre- that will have and I like that it also connects to where the center of the building is and maybe even to so I'll just show you another idea I think we're doing okay here uh an advantage of that also is that by having a little bit more space on the haal street side um during the in in room phase after the building is built and open but before the old building and site work is torn down on the trell street side like school is going to open and then that whole side from the new building to Charles Street is going to be under construction so there's going to be a real challenge Mike Carol keeps bringing up you're going to have a challenge with drop off playgrounds yeah and parking during that interim year 9 months to a year space having a little space gives I don't know what the solution is but there's a little bit more to play with in terms of of um Site Area to work with here's another reason why got's idea is so good if you look at that first floor plan up and see those orange spaces that is the cafer the cafet cafeteria with lots of glass and it could open right out to that area for intermediate play for some of the kids and then like we wanted to create some kind of patio or you know area in that little Notch and stuff like that so now if you think about all that happening then you've got that and that whole area you can slide right out and that whole strip there can be used for certain kinds of play after cafetoria cafer be used for geothermal Wells much more effici ah geothermal Wells somebody say I said that not that no I I note that John I don't like them he doesn't even like them I don't even like them but I I think that I think what we were trying to do is whenever we show something like this we're like oh don't show it too close to the existing building because it's construction but I think there's a a place yeah maybe 20 25 ft away from the existing building where actually it's so much better than the other one but 20 that's pretty good this room in this direction 22 ft is 22 ft imagine having that much room not terrible i've been counting ceiling tiles this week now I've been putting on my structural engineer net and I can't see any good place to put columns in this building you're kidding I'm not kidding you you look you look at this thing is try to find a place this plan is beautifully no it's not I see mechanical CH either oh burn okay moving on I see them I see them Le it's fairly organized um but for this stage so um I agree that when we show a drawing like this and we show abil it's not that we're showing that it works it's showing that it could be it needs to get better and I agree with your your assessment because I don't I'm uncomfortable with that closeness right there and it'd be nicer if it was push back a little more and you can use that space I agree something um and something maybe Colliers could look at in between now and our next meeting would be how much space we need um we've got a couple of different things going on during construction one is egress out of that building so maintaining a certain amount of space which we may not need to maintain much at all but you can look at the existing building and figure out what we need there and then you know some rough idea of grade differences if we're going to be 5T below our New Foundation is 5T below the existing Foundation you know we got to be we should be we should be plenty far away from that but we also need to have a safe area so yeah it's kind of like a a preliminary construction sequencing Logistics plan definitely no back filling and what happens going to be the other build building if you're already if the if the you know and I don't know if that's probably already being you know considered but like if the existing building is so much higher than the fields are today where the new building is going to be what happens when the old building goes away and you know that's why the new building will be raised up a little bit Yeah because it needs to be closer to that when you I totally agree with you to we haven't figured out exactly where the what the elevation is we wouldn't do that yet but we can start to gauge if it's 2T you know what does it mean if it's 2T what does it mean if it's 5T below and you know 5T below we're going to want to stay 10 ft a minimum of 10t away from that from the existing building just for underpinning and undermining then and then to Y point during the demolition of the the existing building so this is our this is our quick um you know back and forth and almost all of them do both things but I think you understand what the differences are at this point um between about Windows and daylight for a second sorry I had my hand up here for about 20 minutes now oh well we can't see you sorry sorry Mike yeah no worries um just just to maybe touch B work my way back just briefly um what what Pat was mentioning on the end um we can certainly look into that I think the fact that the existing building is mostly a slab on raade will help us with that a little bit um um I I do have the gis map I'd be happy to share it but I don't know if it really needs to be that a little detail here but I think we are a little bit lower in the field not quite as much as you think and I think we talked about this with the estimators last week about bringing in some fil because we don't want to have to do a lot of additional earth work and a lot of extra work after that old building came down so I think try to find that balance there is important um the other thing I did want to just touch base on real quick if you could maybe flip back one of those um floor plans like the second floor the first floor floor plan um just to kind of hit on with Kathy sorry Nancy was talking about earlier just the I do feel that the the uh E2 might actually be a little bit more open than people are understanding and actually contributed to that that openness that that neighborhood field they're talking about I I know there's a lot of concern that these are long hallways and things of that nature I just want to kind of put in perspective if I look at B1 that red room that says stwr from there down to the kindergarten area is about 120 ft and if I look in E2 from the media center going left to the T by by the second is about 120 ft so these aren't that much different it's not like these hallway are like what people are saying we're worried about the long hallways there is a longer hallway on the upper side of that that that E2 but with media center breaking it up everything it's always a really relatively equal way yeah and um we really worked on E2 to scrunch it up to you know make it more Compact and I think that's when when we so it is different than it was a few weeks ago yeah and I I I do really appreciate all the extras that you have but in here with showing the tail datting rooms and all these other things the toilet rooms and things like that because it really does help to start understand it at least from my perspective a lot better so I do appreciate that again I just I just wanted to I guess give the counter point to that the the donut if you will is very inviting but I don't know that the the Kella is that much different inviting but I think they're relatively simar size you know Dunkin Donuts changed the name to glazed stick I think they want it to be less French but go ahead Joe thank you then that's all I just wanted to hit that on I appreciate that I think Joe hugin also had his hand up uh good job thank you um I just going back and forth with Kevin um on the first floor plane could you switch to that the mechanical room is there's only one mechanical room in both of these drawings is that how it's going I know we haven't picked the final hbac design but that seems like awful small for the size building well the answer is that we don't have a size of a mechanical room the mechanical room will be the size that it needs to be and the location it needs to be when we work through this with the mechanical system and the MEP so please don't worry about that because it will be the right size and we placed it in the location where it is the most accessible to service and everything else understood and I also just want to make sure that I that it's right size and when I say that I want to make sure that um the equipment is serviceable in there because we've run into this before where um the equipment is not serviceable easily um and I appreciate the fact that it's near an outside door and everything like that um and then I do see storage over there also um is the int I know we might be having a rooftop pen house so we'll wait we'll wait to see that looks like the other thing um we want to make sure we do have good roof access I know it's early I know I'm probably pushing it a little bit with asking that but we had talked about that previously that we can you know serve as anything that's on the roof of the building of yes and but not like an elevator a um good roof access so if you look at these roofs right here you can see this right Joe yeah we would get you to the roof um safely and uh we could talk about that right and then the last thing I just wanted to make sure is that there is an allowance for a generator correct yes we we definitely so if I look at this floor this site plan right here any of these see where it says Service up top and that's actually a huge area but it's for like the loading dock and all that see where it says Mech yep that's actually like going to be that's where we put in enclosure for generator Transformer all that stuff because we know better right and the only reason I'm mentioning this to you is because we deal with this at all the buildings that we do have backup power at that's very close to the neighbors I just want you to keep that in mind on that side of the building yeah and the idea is that we we would build an enclosure about it and when we go on a visit or two maybe to go to swamp Scott we'll see a good example of that for sound you know we do acoustic studies from experience we've run into you know how close it is to the neighbors that you do we do end up getting a lot of complaints about noise and things like that just something to think about that's all agreed that's all I had okay thanks Joe thanks Joe go ahead Craig yeah I was just going to chime in a little bit offer a couple thoughts um I think obviously being a school building I think the the most most weight should be put on the school performing the way that the Educators need it to um and I'm not an educator so I'll defer to them in terms of which which layout which model works the best for their program and how they go about their business um veering a little bit into more of what I do and what I know um I I would make a couple arguments um for the B1 model just from a compactness um construction Logistics um available area for geothermal um a smaller all ratio makes the building more efficient less wall equals um less energy to heat and cool um I will also maybe take a different Vantage pointment than my uh than than my esteemed colleague the Gentleman of Leisure um I think the South orientation of E2 in my experience is is not ideal I understand and agree that solar heating is the best and it's free and it's cheap and it's easy I think conversely though it's very very hard to condition of building with so much Southern Exposure and if you think about it in the in the summer months and the shoulders of the school year care so call it you know may to May to September where the sun's more overhead all of the classrooms on the exterior are going to get about the same amount of indirect sunlight in the winter time October through March you're going to get low altitude direct sunlight light coming in through trees with no leaves so you're going to get direct Su light in through the Blazing on on all of those elevations and I think in in B1 in my mind you end up with kind of three even sides of daylight exposure direct sunlight you'll get Morning Sun on the East Elevation you'll get midday sun in South elevation and you'll get the West Setting Sun in the afternoon and of course in the winter time afternoon ends at 4: but um that's when the kids are you know in school while the sun is still up I think in in E too what I've experienced is that those classrooms on the South Side are going to be extraordinarily difficult to maintain conditioning during the winter time and I've seen South South elevation buildings like that where we're cooling year round on the south elevation while we're Heating in the winter time on the North elevation and it's a notoriously difficult balance to strike both from a design perspective and an operations perspective I think B1 you end up with no classrooms on the north of elevation so everyone will have a a equal piece of the pie um during the school whole year for both direct and indirect sunlight um and then just generally from from a sustainability perspective less wall equals less energy to keep it cool I think the the I know windows are great natural light is great but also the less blazing makes the wall more efficient um I think from a organization of mechanical systems and distribution I think the the con B1 is a concept in my mind provides a little better layout or simplification of those MVP systems um in terms of the overhead rough and distribution um so generally speaking I I would be in favor of B1 especially where the Educators seem to be gravitating towards it that Mak me feel better about the light situation that was great right thanks Greg CHR thanks Carla it's hard to follow up on that um that's way above my pig right um but yeah for me the option so B1 is a million cheaper in the end it's not going to be we all know that prices are always going to change so it is at least you have a little bit of a cushion there um I do like the layout better the parking layout that's better um it's also safer because of the proximity to the existing building it's further away so we have more room to play with um and then future 50-year killum Etc from now it seems like it'd be easier to Rena or build something differently using the B1 layout um as opposed to E2 if that gets done we might not be around to see it but um but yeah it's it's I mean obviously the Educators uh I would go with whatever they would want when things are on par price-wise you know if one if B1 was 50 million more than E2 uh that might not be the case but where it's so close um you know I think it's best to go with whatever they're wanting and it's a little cheaper allegedly does anybody else have any thoughts is there anyone else online no no no hands great thank you the presentation was excellent and the layout of the presentation was really helpful um we don't but well here's the thing we we do have a little update on sustainability but what um hold on that for one minute yeah um do we need a vote to for them to proceed with B1 yeah so with the preferred option well you just said what it was you can't do Way vote to go with B1 I hav't did I say that alloud N N's the the motion for option B1 second second with um but the architect is going to uh look at things in terms of absolutely getting it away from havil Street and correct all that kind of stuff we talked about with John's fingerprints yeah be one with John's fingerprints how does that how does that work how does that work with the submission can you give them a submission looking like this but then kind of slide it a little bit of course yeah we have time there's a significant uh you know there's a significant amount of design left to be done signific and there will be there will be more than minor tweaks along the way as as they dive into the all the minutia and details so there'll be a lot of just wanted to make sure like that shifting was problem okay Tom sorry to inter and the answer may be no but knowing that they're free particular about other things is there specific language you have to use in this motion when you recommend B1 that complies with msba rules we're our official vote is actually next week so this is just um for the week where we're going to ask the designer to to um formally put together plans too for that but that's a good thought and I will check into that thank you what what you're saying is that for the msba and the submission option B1 is your at at this point is your preferred solution and this is our discussion any other discussion and seeing none and then online okay we're going to the vote Pat yes Sean yes John that was me that was you sorry Sean Sean yes John hi thank you Chris yes KK yes Ed yes Greg yes Nancy yes and Carla yes the motion passes thank you everyone yep that was excellent sustainability there's an update um do you guys have 10 minutes for a sustainability update but not a huge discussion we're just trying to show you where're what we're doing and where we are and to to let you know that it's a there's a long process okay you Wen oh I am you said you were going to do it I'll do it if you want okay I need you to do this for it okay here's the deal we the sustainability committee has been meeting um they're all really smart and there's been a lot of discussion this is not where we're describing all these systems what we're telling you right now are what these systems are that we are currently still looking at and they are still AR range but we've kind of gotten rid of um a um a vrv system for certain reasons that people talked about which had to do with refrigerants and stuff and we're kind of while we need it as a base option a gas fired Chiller and boiler old school gas f um it it really just doesn't meet the MSP or IA incentives anymore and won't in the future so I'm just going to go back to where we are on the left of this is a full geothermal system all water source it would have a whole bunch of wells and it's actually maybe not something you would ever in the end totally do full you know like because it's actually not the most efficient thing to have de3 um during the whole year it doesn't really matter on the total right side of this is still an all electric building but a full air source building in other words it's air source heat pumps um and we're still looking at that it has cooling tower electric boiler for heat and cold but that's how it makes its it generates we have shared um some operating costs and all that stuff but we won't get into and then we have two hybrid systems that are partially geothermal by partially geal we mean more than 50% because we want to get the IRA uh benefit that's what we heard but also we want to get enough geothermal to do what it really wants to do in the building and then have other things be able to be used in swing you know different times plant system number two is kind of a hyper geothermal and I'm again not to get into it too much but the idea is that you have some geothermal Wells but you also have a cooling tower and electric boiler for hot and cold so both of them can generate heat and cold and there's kind of like two systems that are literally hybrid you know like a you know creating the same thing it has its pros and cons but the but we're looking at that the the plant system three that we're showing is half geotherm meaning that meaning that hopefully all of the heat and cold is coming from the ground that's the geothermal part that's what geothermal does best and then the other half the the air the ventilation air is air source on the roof and stuff like that it's exactly what we did at swamp Scott in the end so and it's and all of it's coming from the ground so I just want you to know we're looking at a couple different ways of doing Geo of doing hybrid system those two middle you know combo systems so that we have something to really really look at price and talk about these are the kinds of really pragmatic ways of approaching it is everybody okay that we're looking at those things well if I can I would suggest that we we have had some discussions with the sustainability committee for various reasons they have concerns about the the next two that you have there but they have not been off the table at this point there has not been a a request from this committee to do that I think we're a little premature in in discussing that today I think we need to continue to evaluate the geothermal options right now worst case scenario is if we can't do geothermal you basically said we have one option here because the other three all have geothermal so I I I would strongly suggest that we're continue through evaluate all six we still have to come back with the uh long-term operational costs and well on all of these and bring that to this committee at a later date so that they can fully understand it and they can vote on it we fully understand that the room level design options as John said a couple weeks ago um can go with any of these four systems that we just talked about whether it's displacement chill beams there's been a lot of love for chill beam but that's okay we haven't decided yet and it is interchangeable but that's in the future so we want you to know that they're all on the table and should I just um the idea here is that we're not going to decide on a system until schematic design we have time Jenny's going to tell us how much time we have but there but our decision Al together is going to be based on three factors one is first cost and that's one of the reasons why we're looking talking to Bright core geothermal consult well and why we will be looking at the idea of a test well and but they're also looking at SK at options that have to do with schedule and Logistics time because time is a you know like is it going to push things or can they do them before or after you know how are we going to do this so it's all about logistics and schedule and cost First cost the second one is incentives we have a fairly good idea about incentives now um but if we're going to do geothermal it's pretty clear that we want to at least have 50% of the energy load from there so that we can get the IRA as as currently defined um because it just makes sense and that all of those four systems not um that we had listed do qualify for the maximum msba reimbursement um so incentives kind of will go along with it and we'll look at it as we go and then operational costs we started to show within the sustainability committee operational C cost charts but now that we're looking at other hybrid options and all of that and we want to really understand them um we need to just do it again over time over the next couple of months and then really integrate it with first cost incentive operational cost to get total decision cost and we can't do any of the decision unless we understand whether we can do geothermal or how much we can do geothermal how it affects the project and um what the capacity of a test ball is and uh those are the things that we're looking at and the truth is that um we will be going in and just talk about that here no this is um related yes go back to is there a oh say something about so um with respect to um if the committee decides um or thinks that geothermal is is a very viable option um we've kind of taken a look at the schedule of when we want to finish SD when we need to finalize the decisions and if we wanted to get a test well done in order for in time to inform that decision um then like within August we would want to be um releasing a geothermal contractor to begin um drilling a test well and um if anybody and then the decision would be finalized in like November but that time yeah behind behind the scenes we all about you know we really need around the beginning of November to make a decision on the system which gives us a solid three months um and we have been hitting it earlier and I'm glad we did because it seems quite complicated especially with the site so we really have to hit it from all these sides in order to get there and stay on that schedule to get that uh I think we have a smart group and and we can get there does that all make sense we're trying to let you know that you do have time but we we have to we do have to do work doable is that August you know if how is that feasible to be able to do in August what are you talking about the test W oh so the test wall doesn't have to be done in August um we would recommend that we engage the testwell contractor by the end of a August and then they'll have um like eight it gives them eight weeks basically to do their everything they need to do I thought we had to do it so so we talked a lot about this behind the scenes and and everybody has a slightly different thing but the truth is that you need to do all these three areas the reason the test well comes up is because it measures the capacity on your site of a well and if if you end up doing geothermal you're going to want that information uh to to help make a decision to know the number of Wells to know the time it takes to drill those Wells and to know what the energy capacity is um and all that right so with all due respect at this point it's very premature to be talking about t well in this meeting have any I I have I kind of disagree with I I know you're on the line and we shouldn't fight like like brothers but I'm bringing it up because it is a very important pinch point in the process of making a decision and I feel it is responsible to at least let everybody know that it is a very important point of reference when we had all the experts on the line they told us very clearly decide if you're doing geothermal first and if you are then you do a test well you don't do it the other way around good um that is your job to inform the client of your opinion that that was not my opinion that was the opinion of of the experts that you had on okay y thank you um I just wanted to bring up in addition to these um important items the sustainability working group also discussed we've left solar off of this and when calculating costs of various systems um we have an opportunity to work with our local Municipal I plant to design solar into this and so our discussion cycled around the feasibility of being able to roughly calculate how much solar we could get on the top of whatever the preferred solution is as well as potentially considering we've kind of got a great parking area laid on there we saw some very nice parking structures at the Watertown school so um I'm not sure on the timing but again at the the big ballpark level at the same time that we're talking about potential generator sites you know this would be something that I just want to make sure that we have to in order to work with our local mici life plant we have to stay ahead of this and and keep them in so thanks Carla um guess my two things I I don't think the layout is conducive to solar if we end up going with the B1 option which I think we did I'm not a a solar expert so um see how that goes are you saying the roof yes oh you can just turn them it doesn't matter which way it's not a pitch roof it's all flat so it doesn't matter which way the building is running you just turn them that way no I meant of the orientation compared to the other option that we could have picked solar panels are just what I'm trying to help is with is that when you lay out solar panels on a flat surface on the roof M they just turn them the right way okay know I I'm aware of that I'm just also going by Page 17 in the packet that shows the optimal solar orientation is the other building and not this one which is what you but that's for that was for the windows I'm sorry that was for the windows and it's just a funny thing when you look at a roof you can put the solar panels any Direction that's all we're getting at so she's talking about those panels on the yeah and then the 136 hypothetically million that didn't include any of the heating and cooling kind of options or did you build in a buffer for that or yeah so the base estimate includes we included the most expensive for first cost option which would be the full geothermal in order to be conservative so if we select any other HVAC option it's just less money we're being the most concern so we've talked about other budgets we've start we've compared we we had a full geothermal system in there so now we're just we're just going to keep comparing the same thing until we make the decision so it wasn't going to get added on to the 136 and become one 70 or so that's even better there no there was no money in the budget for um solar B right that does not include solar panels we did um estimate solar PV as part of this round of estimating and it was we put myself on the line I think it was an additional 175,000 for solar panels on the roof and then about 2.5 million for the um uh solar canopies over the parking because it includes more site utilities structure roof foundations just a lot more I to suggest that it does not make sense to put solar panels in anywhere that you don't get free structure in other words the roof is free structure to put canopies in the parking lot does not make sense MoneyWise so that's that's not included in that budget um and uh and we will Design no matter what the building will be designed with roof loads and everything that can handle solar panels I think that's actually required by the building right make no sense would anymore yeah and and the the 136 that we're talking about includes the full geothermal with the best under best estimates we have right now but again we have a lot of questions that are outstanding that may actually potentially impact that cost just from a decision-making stand Point um solar would be behind the the geothermal wells in the HVAC system yeah so not no test well required for the geothermal I mean for the PV there's no analog of a test well that's required for the solar PB so the presentation tonight with geothermal Wells and sustainability wasn't meant to exclude PV from the design it's just it's just I want to say back burner but it's it's further down the line schedule was when we talk about doing a musly or all electric building the reason to do it and then have PVS is that you're adding re renewable resources on site if you can wherever you can and I don't know if we do any buildings that don't put put PBS on the roof anymore I was like why not you know you can always get somebody paid for you do it you know you just do it the right way so yes uh I I I think I I I know I mentioned in the the project because we have I think at swum got they're actually using their contingency some of their contingency to to left because it must have been under budget well it was it was it was within the contingency to do the PBS on the roof yeah yes so you can wait till the end of the build to see where you stand and then maybe oh let now we can do this but we've already set it up so we can be designed we designed it and all that so still good massive construction aspect which I didn't know of of solar in the parking lot so it makes no sense to think about that later not it is that is something that is ex it yeah it really takes a a real effort to do those canopies um and they are quite expensive but keep an open mind you never know what's going to happen coming back to your consultant for the test World Bright score um do they not have I don't know who they are but do they not have kind of historical data on the geothermal conditions in Massachusetts East in Massachusetts I mean we we're on a we know we're in a low enthropy Zone here you know we're not I've said before this is not New Zealand or Iceland um so they must have some background data and do they do they think they need more to predict no um Mike is Mike is right again that that Bri core um they they can guess based on all the jobs that they do around here what the capacity and the well you know what a good number is to use for all of their assumptions um and they do have data as to our mechanical engineers and and others have data of this area it's not specific but and you don't have to do it to that you can have allowances you know it's just not it's ever perfect um so uh we will use them for that information you're right the one thing we don't know is how deep Bedrock is right that that has a big influence on it we never we never went down to rock without geotechnical inations yeah no now what kind of influence well the taking heat out of rocks is much more efficient than taking it out of Sandy soils so if if if the rock is 200 feet down if we hit rock it's actually a good thing if we it's a good thing yes yeah 200 ft down forget GM you know it just doesn't work so let's let that play out everybody must be tired this I'm starting to get gler here so yeah the final piece was just a quick um look at what what we're doing next so um we have a community we're meeting again in a week to um vote on the PSR preferred schematic report which we'll provide on Thursday um all the sections of it except the um preferred option which we vot on tonight we'll have a community meeting um also next week Wednesday um to present this the preferred option um we will be submitting the PSR to the msba on August 21st then the msba will review it for unknown period of time but presumably not more than 30 days because then they need to give us 10 days to respond to their comments before the um sorry before this we have a conference call to review the PSR comments we'll also be preparing for a u meeting of the msba facilities assessment subcommittee FAS um there's two potential dates that we're holding both as options those are September 11th or September 25th and then um that all Ates in on October 30th there's the msba board um meeting where they will approve um the project to proceed to SD however in the interim we've already started working on SD because we can't actually wait until October 30th to um to move ahead so we're going to we're going to uh bo ahead the FAS is its own kind of msba committee it's kind of design oriented and education their primary purpose I believe is to understand why you selected your chosen scheme and to offer confidence besides LBA call yours who else does this whole committee meet with them no um but call well I I don't we'll have to find a little more who should be there but typically you know the three people who showed up in the very in the like the super Tom and Carla Tom and and and it's usually something like that but I think because it's a zoom it's probably a zoom now and and I'm sure that you could have a number of people there okay that's what I think thank you right thank you sorry that for all that information um OPM reports about financials and total project budget might put up on the scen yeah all right can everybody see my screen yes so this is our planed budget we Prov every monik can you make it a little bigger please I can just start cutting off thank you what in the packet yeah this is in the packet that is correct yes so um we have several items in here but we really have about a half not even a half a dozen items that are specifically um items that we're using within the budget right now the A&E feasibility study line the OPM feasibility study line environmental on sight and other costs that we have in there and then we have our contingency line right here which brings us to our two .2 million total um currently what we've committed today is basically 1.3 of that 2.2 million um and those that are on the contracts uh I can show you those on the selling page um if there are any specific questions on this I'm happy to answer them if not I will probably dive into the details on the next few pages uh which supports this y thank you so first and foremost is looking at budget adjustments this is any adjust we need to go from the original budget to where we are today all of these are gr out we brought this forward previously what we've always said is anything new will not be grade out anything that we've already talked about in the past will be gred out so the the good news is we haven't had any need for any budget adjustments since since we last met uh back in June so I'm again happy to answer any questions but uh I believe this is mostly information that everybody has seen before not mostly this is information people have seen before um that brings us to the next section which is our commitments which is any contracts POS change orders things of that nature um again everything is braided out there there's nothing new the last new one we had was uh the cartoon that we talked back in June and we that at the last meeting um and other than that we have nothing new to report moving forward into the next section this is our invoices I'm just going to zoom out just for a second so you can see what we're probably start doing it's okay with the committee is we're going to try to keep this to a onepage summary so as as we add newer ones we're probably going to start hiding some of the older ones they're always going to be there they'll always be there if people need it but just trying to U be efficient with with our review but really focusing in on things that aren't gray because again we've already previously reviewed those gray ones uh the ones that we're looking at tonight there's two rounds of of invoicing from uh L Val brener and that's because I think we we got their invoices I think the day of the meeting last night and we didn't have a chance to get them over um but those were gotten over for for June we've also got their July invoices you col your's uh project leaders July invoice and you have the cartoon invoice for the first um four of six pillars and that should be consistent with what you see on the warrant tonight we get to the warant just a little bit um going on from there we have worked on our cash flows looking at our actual cumulative versus our estimated cumulative we're actually uh projecting under and and you can actually see that graphically here a little bit easier maybe than than the numbers themselves um the reality is what we're looking at is um I I think the OPM is is slightly under on our budgeting on our billing um we've also forecasted the potential to start spending contingency as early as March we really have not spent a lot of that other than the $6,000 for carto recently so you you can see that that that Delta there if we add that up that's about $350,000 that's uh more than half of the the difference here between what we're thinking we might spend by now which is 1,34 and what we've actually spent which is 585,000 so from that perspective the design teams contract is is basically 11 time contract that's all going eventually got up ours is a Cost Plus not to exceed and we're hoping that we we have a a lot of that continues to like to uh which is again a good thing any questions nope right so that's just the graph that we were showing there so we don't have any more questions I was going to jump into total project budget and and review that uh one thing I did notice and I will uh resend this to to Jackie tomorrow to send out I I think when we had the print um set up here we actually cut off a couple lines on the bottom of this um on the pack that you if people got through live XEL file it's actually in there they just were outside of the printable area so if you look here the last line we have here is the diesel generator I redid a new version of it with everything in there you can see how we have about six more lines that are added in there um each of these options that we have here listed option A A1 B1 and E2 are all backed up by the 31 form we actually went through and completed the 31 form to review those to try and estimate not only toal project budget but but also see what the eligibility may be um again that was included in your package I'm happy to go into that detail but the summary level here I think what we talked about previously is that the option a code updates and repairs really doesn't satisfy the needs of the district but it's a requirement for the msba for them to for us to show that so that would be a $61 million uh potential cost but that really doesn't address any of the the shortcomings of the current building especially the enrollment uh the size of building versus the home when you're looking at um option 1 a was the additional Innovation option again we do have to do that with the MBA I think on this project not only is the most expensive option it's also the the option that takes up the most land and takes the lot you know a longer time period to do it and I think that we were we were sticking away from that that the two options that we will really focus on tonight is the B1 and the E2 options which are 35.5 and 36.5 respectively so about a million difference uh and the town share is keeping that ratio over about a million um did talk earlier about some alternates I think wee mentioned that the the numbers that we're showing here actually include full geothermal if we would go to go to a hybrid geothermal we could say 1.9 million if we would to go to the heat pump Chiller an electric boiler it would be Savings of 7.7 7.27 million on that air source heat pumps with BRS would be 6.5 again none of these would be they're not concurrent you can't have multiple options there but we we were talking about various different options in there we have the solar in there we have the diesel generator in there we have uh increasing the the size of the switchboards for the Electrical uh which which may be required depending on U which system we have to pick and then um there was a question on battery storage at this time we didn't really price that I think Leo Jenny maybe if you can correct me I think just we didn't have enough information way to do an accurate price on thator we don't know anything about the batteries we don't know enough sure um so it's not something that we could price and5 but we could certainly continue to evaluate that as we we go down the line offside improvements um this was based off of a a a high Lev best estimate based off of the traffic studies and different discussions we had as far as crosswalks and and adjusting intersections and maybe sidewalks and and redoing the parking and stuff like that um what this doesn't really take into account is all the potential um expansion of that scope we put a sidewalk in and it needs to be Ada compatible how do we have to address that with the The Yards adjacent to it things of that nature so trying to uh get a better understanding of that um that $2 million is is something that could be included into the project if you wanted to often times you see districts doing that outside of the project because it can be done often more cost effectively without having a general contract to managing that where it's outside of the uh project and it's going to be an ineligible cost uh typically anyway because you're going to be exceeding your site allowance just with what we're doing with the site this would be all site work that would be in an excluded value and then last but not least uh the current budget was assuming uh check 149 design bid build uh rather than 149a uh cing at risk and we we were putting about $5 million premium if we were to go to that um I think we talked at the last meeting about having a longer discussion on design Bild versus CM at risk but uh in talking with car I think we decided with everything else going on with the PSR we were going to hold off and do that probably right after we get the PSR completed that was okay with everything um last but not least we did have some some qualifiers here just so that people have an understanding of some of the assumptions made to uh to tie up to these numbers uh again I'm happy to go into any of the details here or any uh any detailed explanation or questions if anybody has them uh but I just I didn't want to dive too deep into it this time if we don't have to I have a question um I see that there's a diesel generator on here is it is it my understanding that natural gas fire generators we lose points for why a diesel generator I don't believe so and actually that was a question we we actually asked and I think the design team was going to look into that because our comment was typically we find the initial cost from a gas generator even the operational cost long term can often be be less and um you don't go through the hassle of having to fill that diesel fuel tank all the time so typically you default the diesel uh if gas is not available or if it's an emergency shelter um we don't have either of those so that is something that again maybe Le Jenny and know uh we had talked with them last last week and they were going to be doing some research on that but uh we didn't have the price of the gas but I would say the gas for the same size would be approximately the same value maybe a little bit less the it hasn't been decided it's usually a tank that's held underneath the the generator and in general it doesn't affect like for example it's it's not calculated and Lead because it never comes on uh and so in general it's not considered part of the energy usage of the building because it's it doesn't it's not used do you know what I mean just saying cuz you cuz you're saying we don't lose power too terribly often right well the the it's an emergency generator it's not a it's not a functioning part of the building so now there might be other caveats to that but that's generally how it's looked at so but we haven't decided what the what the stuff is just think that with with a natural gas fire generator you're not storing uh fuel on site you know it's just kind of piped in and with more so I do risk have a risk management role and when we look at more convective storms and the future of climate change the op you know in an infinite mindset the idea of being able to have a you know an emergency shelter there is is useful and not relying on a finite supply of diesel okay I don't know that that that setup I my much that set up if I can actually interject a little bit if it was to be an emergency shelter I think the design criteria is different than for a standard school and one of those design is that it has to be diesel because in in the event of a natural disaster the natural gas may be shut off sure in the street and okay okay all right thank you I ask question thank you very much no questions Mike excellent have got a great job presenting excellent thank you so uh so I'll look to Nancy for um make a motion to accept the minutes as yet yet okay for the um sorry yes approve the warrant warrant make motion to uh approve the payment of the warrant is that right of the invoices sub the invoices submitted okay second seconded by Ed any discussion seeing none we'll go to the vote Pat yes Sean yes John yes Chris yes Kirk yes Ed yes Greg yes Nancy yes and Carla yes and the motion passes than thank you now we can go to the minutes accept them make a motion to accept the minutes as presented submitted the 722 or 722 second seconded by that any discussion time for the vote Pat yes Sean yes John yes Chris yes Kirk yes Ed yes Greg yes Nancy yes car yes motion passes thank you um future agenda items we have a meeting next Monday um ksbc meeting we have a community meeting on the 14th at 7 p.m. in the ring Public Library um anybody going to xxbridge tomorrow me Nancy Pat Chris anybody need a ride I'm G take together yeah and then if anybody else would like to come and would like a ride happy to bring you any other future agenda items quick question so um and and not to step on the uh beef between Lee and uh and uh and Mike um do we need to give um what's the process for us to give geothermal guidance like is there a process that we have to go through is that done in the sustainability committee like so they they the sustainability committee will meet and discuss and come back to this board with information and recommendation that's that's that that's be taken care of there not here right and it'll come back here and we will vote perfect um and I would think that we would probably review with them first but you're going be getting your presentation as well perfect thanks M appreciate it I think just to um piggy back on that a little bit I think if you want to just think of uh big picture decisions we need to make um given guidance on the preferred schematic the um solution is a big thing that we're getting through we pretty much just got through for August maybe one of the next big decisions we'll have maybe the shapes up to be in September is design bid build versus see at risk and then maybe that's September and then maybe in October with um you know Jenny's guideline of November one you can imagine October we're going to be spending a lot of time talking about about geothermal in the HVAC system so PR mentally I think I think Le are sort of the big decisions we need to make coming up I believe so can I ask a question um do you feel today when we talked about those two options that I pushed one of the options or not or that you really thought about it to sign it on the one you like the best do you feel like I was I was very I think you were F I was looking at what the Educators were looking for primarily CU when I came in I was looking at the longer one because of the light so so was I yeah okay but I think hearing with the Educators were looking for an understanding of better what it is that they like about community help me and understanding that you're going to make that Center space obviously something that is open and visible it it may may change my mind but you didn't push one of the other thank you I'm I'm asking just to make sure yeah I don't know if others felt that way I thought it was I thought it was a fair presentation okay thank you I was sold on B1 before you walked in the door so maybe I was tunnel vision all right I just wanted to know just a couple of quick things um I know we had talked about Pat specifically requested the schedule for ksbc meetings and I think it's done I think it might be with you guys um just to give us out like okay it's it's good so if we can just close close that Loop so he can schedule all of his other Peril committee meetings that would be great um I know John asked some questions do do you do you I know um maybe a month ago you asked a bunch of questions a few weeks did you get answers to those no that was on geotechnical yeah no didn't get any answers okay so they're not they're not vital there they're just you know comments on the um geotechnical report it was a good report it was fine report but it had some gaps in it that's really okay so if we can get well we did get a we got an eal back with answers to those questions we did but I I didn't see it way way oh um well Jenny's not here right now but I'll remind um the team yeah just send it off so that everybody can see those answers great thank you thank for reminding us and then um it's it you had it um lb's presentation was different from what was in the packet and um and Mike your presentation was different so if you could get that to um Jackie so we could get that in the final packet that would be great um and after this meeting or tomorrow Jackie is going to send out a campaign Finance document that our attor that Town Council came up with to help guide us in what we can or can't do or say as whatever our positions are so if people could just as a little bit of homework for next meeting if you could just take a look at that document uh try and figure out maybe where you fall within it um Town Council is going to talk to us in general terms but if you have like very very specific it's it's almost like we have to um like even being like a public official if I have an issue that's an ethical issue I can go to our Council or I can go to state ethics board so but we want to talk in more general terms of of things we can or can't do so if you could just take a look at it and in case we can kind of put that just go from there I'll entertain a motion motion to adjourn second yes Sean yes John John Chris yes Kirk yes Ed yes Greg yes Nancy yes Carla yes thanks everyone Orin thank you e for