things that um if you did notice or didn't notice I took um vote to reorganize off the agenda and I think after last week's meeting it was clear that we need to move on and I just agree to disagree civil and try to function better as a board so I hope we can all do that as best we can and um we need to put the pass behind us and work together as best we can and get Town's business done so with that I'll just start with Karen on Zoom uh L on reports public comment oh public comment sorry going out of order uh any any public comment Angela um before I begin because of the air conditioners it's a little hard to hear you so if you could just project a little more it would be better thank you should I time you I'll be with under two minutes as you please okay Angela binda uh orcher Park Drive um first during the S agenda item on the discussion to remove select board Vice chair Karen harck from her position select board member Chris Haley called on her to be accountable for her words and comments I completely disagree with that Mr Haley has accused fellow board member Mark doxer of criminal activity when he was called on this he backpedal and said no no it was town meeting members I was referring to well that has proven has proven to be false also with the town moderator weighing in and saying that he saw nothing inappropriate with the emails that were sent so Mr Haley you now owe Mr doxer and town meeting members a sincere apology be accountable for your words not holding my breath second no Town business was accomplished last week the meeting was an embarrassment and a hateful waste and wasteful display the the whole town was pickle balled being pickle balled is a phrase coined at a public meeting by a fellow swek Committee Member who was tired of Mr Carlo bot once again trying to push his personal pickle ball agenda on the committee Mr botch is a paid pickle ball instructor and in a little while we will hear Mr Bachi discuss why the town needs to negotiate with the ice authority to open the lease to build courts it was an open joke among SWAT members how Mr bot is chair was promoting pickall above other purpose proposed uses the town should be concerned by such blatant self-dealing by a select board chair I ask Mr baji to recuse himself from any Town pickleball votes going forward and lastly if Mr bot is not able to attend nighttime meetings due to his pickall obligations I think he should re re rethink his priorities holding important board meetings at 9:30 in the morning is just unfair to Residents who wish to participate in town government thank you anyone else for public comment Dan my name is Dan D I'm at 519 Main Street town meeting member I um you know in the past I've heard Mark quite often say we got to find a way to get along I do agree with that but comments like this every week week in and week out is not going to get us where we need to be so you guys got to call on your base to tone it down let's get along and do the business of reading please thank you any other public comment in the room uh Caitlyn anyone on Zoom uh no one raising their hand NOP all right now to uh Le on point sorry about that Karen thank you um so a couple of weeks ago we had a km sustainability working group um and our designers provided an amazing analysis of the various um HVAC energy options um costs some of the reimbursements um and really line them up for the committee members and and kudos for our permanent building committee members in attendance and there're also Kum School build members um Greg steppler Nancy Tumi and John cot and also we had um um GNA from the clim advisory committee you know this was really a topic that they were able to shine and um we are very lucky to have them to be able to contribute in this process I'm I'm really excited the results of this working group will be brought to the main committee and then um to the public um in a few weeks so that's very exciting and um last week I also attended the um perh perhaps the sixth kilum Community update um where the focus was on narrowing the preferred design Solutions and again I just have to say um the Educators have really done an amazing job of of sorting through issues like two stories versus three stories and always keeping in the back of their minds you know what do the kids need what's good for the community and everybody knows this is a tight tight um lot tight space to rebuild the school so um I just have to say it's really exciting to see this project coming along and um we'll be moving forward to a preferred option um in August so thank you that's it um a couple weeks ago at the school committee meeting on June 22nd um they had an update on their new Ela curriculum for Parker and coolage uh they uh the they picked a new curriculum which will be amplifi Amplified I Ela um the Middle School literacy leadership team started back in 2022 and they recommended this Amplified program um the school committee also approved um to a five- z vote for super to um amend the superintendent's contract and granted a 3% raise for the 2425 school year um school choice program there were 35 applicants that were submitted 31 students were selected but they're going to do a second Lottery on July 5th to fill additional seats um the most recent school committee meeting on July 11th um they announced the new principal for Parker meddle school which will be Dr story who was the former assistant principal um listened in on to uh cpdc meeting last night um we had a various things but the biggest thing is that uh President should be aware of the July 31st um community meeting for um refined and narrowing concepts for MBTA communities which will be 700 p.m. at the library it's going to be at the library yes at the library that's it Chris thanks Carlo um to piggy back on Melissa's comments on the school committee um Sean Brandt was appointed to take Sarah mcgloin's place on the Kellum School building committee um and previously Tom wise was elected chair and then at this last meeting Aaron Gaffin was reelected uh Vice chair of the school commit um in terms of the uh kilum School building committee uh we've had one meeting and then one public forum that took place last night um kind of the presentation was the same that was given at the previous killum meeting compared to what was last night uh but there was more additional comments from the public so people should really watch last night's meeting um it was recorded and it had uh the new cartoon thing that's coming out as well did that get posted anywhere that actual video itself um so that is uh provided by cartoon in edu Dave cartoon k a r tuu n um cartoon n is uh the designer and he did an excellent job those are four videos put together so they'll be split up and then they'll be posted on the kilum page I don't think they've been put up yet today but I will check on that but yeah it was really really well done the one that we were shown last night um so uh to Briefly summarize uh the started off with 10 different options um for uh replacing kilum um and the designers have whittled it down and then a straw pole was kind of Taken where everyone is feeling um with the project moving forward um so one of the options is going to be an addition plus renovation which is the most expensive one but that has to be provided uh as part of the msba process um but it looks as if we're going the other route which is um two variations of three story buildings um with rise being fully housed um over there and with that because rise is at um three different sites housing it all Under One Roof it frees up availability at um at the other schools especially the high school where they have various Innovation Pathways that they'll be able to um to go out more for the grants that are available there so this way here they can bring in more programs on site just by housing everything over at killum uh so the vote is coming at the next uh August meeting um so nothing is really official till then and uh that's it okay Mark thanks Carlo so um first thank you for your comments I think that they are spot on in terms of us moving forward so thank you very much for making those comments sorry I'm going to project more Angel is all right yeah sorry apologies my wife has been telling me this also so I'll work harder um so let me talk about two two meetings have taken place since our last meeting believe it or not so both U recal met and the permanent building committee um met and they're very related in terms of what's going on recal uh is preparing to make its recommendation and final presentation to the select board um at that August meeting um assuming that that works in the agenda and then we will be finishing at end of August that that group should be sunsetting unless the board has other other things at that point permanent building committee met um the two new members for the reading Center for active living are Nancy zimac representing the Council on Aging myself representing the select board uh we met last night with the full committee we are temporary members for that project the project is moving along nicely the next step is the hiring of an owner's project manager an RFQ um was already issued it's dub back this week Thursday Thursday by one Thursday by 1:00 um and then a subcommittee was formed to review um the proposals that come in with the goal of selecting a a project manager and then um similar to the structure for other building projects that are $4 million or higher number one it's a requirement and number two that'll help guide the process going forward also so that's kind of the next big step that's going to take place the recommendation that will come from recal um is based on on its its meetings as well as the Council on Aging um the caveat will be that we won't yet have direct feedback from the permanent building Committee in terms of I I call it um their site recommendation or potentially site condemnation I be gentle with that word but saying hey you don't want to do this one so um I think that we're in a position to make that recommendation I think the permanent building committee will then with the owner's project manager be able to review the materials and kind of decide the flow from there so that that's kind of the progression the permanent building committee is going to have a whole number of meetings going on the next several weeks to to accomplish those tasks um and let's see is there anything else oh so one of the thing one uh sorry I'm going to save it for a discussion later on on U on Simmon's way okay uh and I think that's it thank you thanks um so Mark mentioned that uh himself and Nancy we did that appointment yesterday yeah yesterday uh and Allan myself and Mr wise and then unfortunately for me the CPA rcpa meeting was last week at the same time as this meeting and I was unal till 10 so I have to get caught up on that um we had um Chase I think his last name from the from the CPA Coalition came and so I'm sure that was a really informative meeting and that's it that's all I have and um leave them m y and that's recorded I sent the zoom link out so we can watch that yeah um a couple couple of events happened since our last regular scheduled meeting that I wanted to just mention um the Boston 25 zip trip went off without a hitch um thanks to Camp Curtis to Boston 25 and everybody that participated it was a really great event a lot of people saw us on TV and I think it was great for reading in general to be highlighted like that um also porchfest was an excellent event this year had a little rain towards the end but a lot of great talented musicians so I wanted to thank the committee this year uh for their hard work and I hope it's a yearly event I think it will be and look forward to it again next year so that concludes all of the events that we've had for like seems like every weekend in June we had something going on um but it was a really great time and reading so I was happy about that and um for a little bit of a Personnel update I'm going to turn it over to Jane if that's okay to announce a Personnel so it is my distinct pleasure that after um a comprehensive search we have um filled the director of operations position um with Katie gabriello Katie Gabrielle has been working in the office for the last year um she has her Masters in public administration she got her mcppo which is the state certification for procurement within five months of being hired she likes procurement which if you've played in the procurement space that's not for everyone um and she's also got uh a professional background in educational higher education and Tech uh public relations Communications and marketing so she can do all of the pieces of this Franken job that we like so she um her hiring is effective into this role on Monday um yesterday and um she's just a fantastic fit we had a lot of excellent candidates we did a thorough search with a number of departments involved in that search um so it was it was really comprehensive um and we will be looking to fill her position and then um operations will be fully staffed for the first time in four months so yes be good five months six months she replaces Jane Jan's oh this Jane this this J this Jane yes so so I have one job now right which I'm really excited about right and we I've been doing the two jobs for a month I had three jobs you had three jobs you do so so any other announcements or not yet not yet the we we will we have made an offer um and it has been accepted by somebody for the economic development planning position um so once we have him fully onboarded we'll have an announcement I'll have him here got um really great hire um and I'm really looking forward to it so that'd be sort of the missing piece of the puzzle that we have that fills Ben Care's position effectively can can you give us in the public because we discussed it a brief update on the kiosks can yeah that to Jane so this is this never-ending conversation um our vendor IPS has been a little bit uh challenging to work with to find tune the policy related to the programming of the um of the kiosks and so that's been kind of the issue we um have gone back and forth with them we're pretty close we're at the 98% we went over and checked it today and some of the the screens need to go away the first hour is going to be free that's what has to happen um um so this you know one minut one minute to 59 minutes and then this the 60th minute you get charged for the first hour that's that's the problem they can't seem to solve so we're it's going to be the first hour is always free and then you know then the the the fee schedule comes into effect um we checked it today it seems it's set up correctly we have to make sure pay by phone which they have no problems with any of the programming at all and they've been ready to go since May um so that sure that they're aligned with that same first hour free which will be a little bit easier um focusing the way it is you just go down it's not on yet but you go down you put in your license plate and the first screen is incorrect so we need them to take that down um it says you have to have a two hour minimum that's not true you can put in for one hour and it's zero dollar and you have your time that you're supposed to leave and it's fine so the intention at this point is to um confirm all of the programming and then we've been working with the deputy chief at the police department to make sure everything's aligned and then we'll give a two-e notice to the public that it'll officially turn on but we'll already know it works the way you want it to and then um police and planning myself will be down there to help folks you know guide yeah most people know how to do this anyway because so many other communities Do It um but we'll be there to help people with that um and then um enforcement will begin at some point after that so but we'll make an effort to make sure everybody knows we'll have the lighted sign boards up and so forth so I'd love to say it'll be on in the middle of August ready to go before your next meeting it should be on and that that grace period will have passed okay all right thanks it's a big help I no I actually had I forgot something okay okay um Tom Forest committee um would like to come forward um and meet with the board and also put on a couple of Warrant articles I think is is what it's going to be um one we talked about when we were discussing the funds that we had available to allocate to the different committees and um they put together a proposal presentation both on the phase four clearing of trees and also invasives so that is something that um that it's the dollars are more than we can handle with our 15 or $20,000 whatever it was so needs to go to town meeting so they'd like to bring that to us town meeting the second item um the uh discussion related to regulations about dogs in the town forest was going to be at the last town meeting um it was decided to defer that um because we thought there'd be a lot of other things going on um so that should come back so um they'll the far top farest committee can present to us and share all that information as well but those would be two different Warren articles they'd like to bring forward to town meeting okay can I place those there those I did talk to Bill about those so awesome so we'll have more information soon okay thank you yep good all right and we're good we're good all right thank you uh motion to go yeah move to enter into executive session under purpose three for the purpose of discussing strategy with respect to the following Li litigation matters Katherine rosson as personal representative of the estate of alen greo and Anthony bro V the town of breing Officer druki L and poti litigation pertaining to unpaid police detail invoices and involving beanie Services Halen development Champlin Excavating and Deli construction because the chair finds that an open meeting have may have a detrimental effect on the board's litigating positions and invite into the executive session um well I should probably change this uh because we're combining them right yeah you can invite them oh it it will say that for just one matter only so it's it's IA you Jane Caitlyn and that's it right um oh Chief Clark so it would be well Chief Clark and then the others for the droski hearing so if you wanted to it says Maya Senor have you see that part of it Maya Senor oh oh yes yep all right so I would state that um all right and to invite into the executive session Maya Senor claims represent representative Luise Saunders and attorney Doug lisen from MIAA for the druski matter only police chief David Clark for both matters and Town Council IA freed Town manager M corelis EST Town manager Jane mman and executive assistant Caitlyn Ella for all matters and return to open session to continue on with the meeting second M second by Mark any discussion Karen all right so I'll take a roll call vote this is to go into executive session Karen yes Melissa yes Chris yes Mark yes Carlo yes sorry folks we're in executive session you have to clear the room please e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Open session next item on our agenda is discuss uh and potential vote to wave attorney client privilege on the legal memo discussing the kilum SCH building committee dat July 5th now I just want to make clear that this is just a discussion in potential vote to wave the attorney CL just not to discuss the memo just want to make that clear um receive the memo we all read it um uh it seems like it needs to go public because it's been requested by multiple people but that's why it's on the agenda so um if anyone wants to start the discussion I I'll read it several times but yeah so I I think my thought it generally this is not something that we should be doing we shouldn't generally be waving attorney ciment privilege it's privileged for a particular reason correct however in this circumstance given the interest in it and um with the Proviso that it relates really just to this matter specifically it does yes yeah then I I think it's very reasonable to release yeah I I agree well said um and that's how without voting that's how I am going to um pursue this any any other discussion I agree with Mark you good Chris thanks car um are we able to do anything with the word document version that we received today on the other thing no nothing n so just this one yep and I'm in favor like Market mentioned it's not detrimental to our bargaining Etc I am in favor of releasing Karen any questions or comments no all right do we have a motion yep move to wave the attorney client privilege relative to a letter dated July 5th 2024 from town council's office that pertains to the kilum school building committee membership second Melissa any discussion question just make sure we're talking about the Donna Brewer is um yes yes thank you sorry yes than yes okay um we had a second any discussion seeing none all right roll call vote Karen yes Mark yes Melissa yes Chris yes Carlo yes okay oh boy we're way ahead I don't see any police here yeah was just checking on that all right um we can go right to Arcadia is that okay guys oh no we can't sorry we can AR's hands up oh sorry oh ARA go ahead mute she muted all I before I stepped off I just wanted to make sure because you're ahead of schedule that you're not going to jump to a hearing those have to be at the stated time so sounds like you guys were doing that y I think we advertised them for seven though um you advertise them for seven yeah they're advertised for seven oh okay because they're listed as nine on the agenda timing is everything he's here Chris just walking in the room yeah I always when we do hearings I always advertise them for seven and then they just go on the agenda where we think they'll fit in yeah but always they're advertised for seven it's in the notice in the packet too thank you okay okay all right so motion so we are good though according to you ready okay not yet he's going to read motion you doing all of them I can't okay yeah that be great right so the 9:00 hearing is the 2024 thing so so uh to the inhabitants of the town of Reading Please take notice that the select Bo of the town of reading will hold a public hearing on July 16th 20124 at 700 p.m. in the select board meeting room in town hall 16 low Street Runing mass or also available remotely on Zoom to act on proposed changes to the following traffic and parking regulations amendment number 20245 improve traffic and pedestrian safety at the intersection of Grove Street and Franklin Street with an official placement of an is olated stops on a Grove Street at the intersection with Franklin Street and amendment number 20246 article 12.1 to enact pursuant to article 5.3 parking on Grove Street shall be permitted on the northeastern prohibited prohibited what did I say permitted per permitted I like mad lips shall be prohibited on the northeasterly side of opposite 374 Grove Street to Stout Avenue along the Northerly side only a copy of the proposed documents regarding this topic will be in the select word p packet on the website at all interested parties are invited to attend the hearing in person or remotely via Zoom or may submit their comments in writing or by email to town manager c. Us by order of Matthew a cornellis town manager thank you okay thank you yep so these um two amendments came in um once again through real quick do we have any slides on these or do you need any SL uh yeah there were two uh photos just to okay you want me to bring up the maps that that'd be great please okay sorry could have visual yep so the first one here um the first amendment is for adding a stop sign uh going northbound on Franklin Street uh right now there's already two stop signs here uh going south on grow Street and on at the end of Franklin Street so now we'll be adding additional one on grow Street it just makes sense that there's been a few acents there um whether it's a contributing factor of people already stopping thinking it's a three-way stop um so perhaps they proceed without realizing that the Northbound doesn't have a stop sign so uh farest street is also s to this um just south on grow Street it's a three-way stop it just makes sense to have this as a as a three-way stop as well I agree any discussion we're we're doing the both hearings at once right at the same time yeah right we're discussing both okay good Melissa sorry oh no I just said I always thought it was odd that there wasn't stop sign there I just ask if there's anyone that wants to speak yeah see one person anyone in the audience that wants to address the public hearing um Caitlyn anyone on Zoom no one raising their hand nope all right motion to close the public hearing how we doing well he has two of them he has two of them all right yeah so okay so that was the first one so speak on the second as well so um the next is um in relation to uh grow street again this is uh further north uh with the new lot we just created lot five and the entrance to uh Stout out so there's with along where the red line is there is now a um wooden G rail uh because there's a walkway from the parking lot to stav uh so now there there's just no room for cars to park so since there's a parking lot anyways it just makes sense to have no parking along here so car sticking out into the road um and hopefully they'll they'll utilize to the parking um so the amendment would be for no parking on that side of the road there yep um will you be posting signs to that effect so that they know yes yeah yeah there already temporary um they on the orange uh orange barrels but we'll put actual um Street signment passes thank you y are you finding that the parking lot is becoming over uh no we haven't had any any calls or any complaints or anything now I just would hate I understand you it's hard to park there anyway with the guard rail or the fence but I would hate to push those cars to the stro a or those other side streets if there was overfill from the parking lot but if there isn't right yeah we haven't had anything um before uh I think last year uh it came before the board because we had an issue on uh Family Circle because par cars were on both sides so we all REM met made that um parking on on one side so hopefully this clears up anymore um issues that that we have comt on that you Chris thanks k um and thank you for including the images in the packet because it's it's much more helpful now that now we don't have to look at it so thank you for taking that feedback and account last time and going ahead with this Karen any uh comments or questions on either one I'm very familiar with these guard rails I've seen the temporary no parking signs and um yeah I'm surprised there wasn't a stop sign at thatway stop so no further comments thank you any any questions from already in the room on the Grove Street traffic traffic part seeing none anyone on Zoom Caitlyn for the Grove Street Amendment nope no okay ready move to close the hearing regarding safety amendments 20245 and 2024 D6 to the tra traffic and parking regulations second thank you any discussion Karen we can't see you but I'm assuming none corre all right I'll start with you please on the vote Karen I did oh sorry yes no we did a second Mark did a second Karen um yes amends Mark yes Melissa yes Chris yes Carlo yes thank you all right now we have thank you now we have um timing timing is everything you guys are great on time tonight close the hearing oh close the hearing that was that was a motion to close the sorry that was a motion to close close the hearing now motion two separate motions yes right yep right two separate motions to approve the Amendments s move to approve safety Amendment 20245 of the traffic and parking regulations as presented second thank you Mark any discussion see none Karen you are mute you muted yep I know we're changing the we're changing how we do things so thank you Kaitlyn for saving me I was unable to unmute I am a yes Mark yes Melissa yes Chris yes Carlo yes move to approve safety amendment 20246 of their traffic and parking regulations as presented second Mark second thank you any discussion see n karen no discussion thank you no we're voting so what are we voting on now getting a little confus the second traffic Amendment on Grove Street okay I vote yes thank you Mark yes Melissa yes Chris Carlo yes thank you all right okay we have some documents to sign thank you all right next item on the agenda discuss Arcadia AB AR street parking matter Vine Street Austin prep solution from pttf um so I think I touched upon this um with my update a couple or last month um this past school year we ran into the issue with students from Austin prep uh parking on Arcadia a uh I guess they have more students now driving than they have parking spaces their enrollment hasn't changed it's just now that there's more more kids take their own cars so kids started using uh Arcadia AV because there's no parking uh along the entrance at Willow Street so Arcadia they found was the the next best place but with the drop off and pickup at barrows uh we kind of ran into a traffic issue because cars were along both sides uh speaking with some of the residents down there U trying to come up with ideas they don't want to have any kind of regulations where they can't park their own cars on the street so um we met with um Austin prep last month trying to to come up with some ideas they are um maybe a few years away they they are gonna be adding um parking on their on their property it's just not going to be for this upcoming school year so one of the ideas that that came up is to utilize um a shuttle that they they would have their own shuttle it's not not the town shuttle or anything so they they'd have a shuttle and they were thinking of utilizing um the parking on Vine Street at the Depot right now it's it's not utilized it's in the traffic RS as falling under the Downtown parking uh restrictions with the um the hourly restri restrictions or the um all day employee parking but it's not utilized the there are 52 spaces um from uh on high High Street uh at wub Street um going going northbound on High Street and then beyond that there's an additional 42 uh where it's where it's outlined in red um so up up there there's 42 spaces that it's almost always always empty the 50 the 55 spaces um are almost always always empty as well um there some all day employees who will park along the first 55 spaces but nobody or or really do they ever use the the 42 um so we thought was just would just be an option to to bring to the board to to discuss if that would be um a potential use for for their um shuttle stop for maybe a few years until they they find a more permanent solution to get get the traffic off R can here so um obviously we'd have to have hearings and things before we we do anything like that um I was noticing today that right by the DPW um and it may be private land but there's that Hallmark Health area there's a parking lot between that and the train tracks there with zero cars in it today I'm not even quite sure what it is I believe that's um that's that private um that private lot there I don't know if that's part of that might be 55 yeah I'm just wondering if it turns out that it's not being used right oh the the other um option that um Dr hickey actually brought up is they're um trying to discuss it's in Wilmington but it's just around the uh the corner off of West Street is uh that Grace Chapel yeah so they're going to see if they they can um uiz their L just because it's closer um but just kind of thrown ideas of what could solve the Arcadia issue without having to put in regulations right and that the neighborhood would prefer that uh to not not have regulations because we can't if we do Resident only again it could be any any reading resident so if you're a reading resident you're an Austin prep right but again those are that's the downtown regulations that we have have you been able to estimate how many cars extra cars been on Arcadia yeah uh it can be quite a lot 30 40 uh yeah okay and how would we stop people from parking an Arcadia that's the other thing is if it's a public way so maybe they can discuss with their students like we're providing you with the shuttle instead of parking where it's going to upset our neighbors maybe utilize the shell that we're going to provide for you but I mean again if it's a public way that and and the neighbors don't want any signage uh we've heard the the majority that we've heard from don't want to have their own parking um like taken taken away from them but if it's again I'm not on this task force but if it's a school day hours instead of a resident sticker no parking for six you know is that am I not right on that one or can't park in a spot from I think that's just opening more of a can of worms because now my neighborhood is gonna want it or somebody else's neighbor I only only I mean it's a public way you know I get it but this this is a seasonal problem it's a school you know school right it's not a Christmas break problem it's not a summer problem it's a you know right before after Labor Day to May uh early June what well I think it also then residents that live over there can't have friends or family visit them and they can't park there without like putting something in their car that's a pain again yeah the other thing is is I think that it's great to hear that Austin wants to work with us so yeah I think if they're willing to work the best we can do is try to give those kids the option they can be pretty forceful with the kids to tell them that they can't please don't park there right and we're going to give you a shuttle I think it's we're trying to make everyone happy and maybe a shortterm thing if they're going to um um increase parking thanks col um I know on Vine Street we took that up during the park Comm many or whatever India um these spots were converted over to fall within the downtown business parking section um to a lot more spots but it's a ghost town over there there's nobody parking in any of these spots you can you could see on the the map that the whole parking lot is empty yeah um so yeah for me I mean this makes sense and by the time that maybe work returns to normaly if it ever is going to uh Austin pre will have their own parking lot done so I mean we're not really doing anything we're just saying go ahead and and park over here and not anois some other residents so not costing us any money a couple thoughts one I think you would propose it all would propose it as a short-term only solution it's not we're not giving them the spots right correct yeah um the other question would be when is for them to work out but um for the residents and also for the students when the shuttle would be running so it's it's allowing it I'm sure that there are a couple in the morning and probably a couple in the afternoon just working that through not disrupting the neighbors and not not making it so that my option is gez I missed the shuttle I'm out parking there right yes so I think that that' be details that Austin would have to yeah Sports different time yeah just like any school has the late shuttle the sports shuttle whatever but yeah um I think the only sorry the only other question I have is is that plowed always does a town just automatically plow that anyway so it's a not even when no one's been using yes and the um I think it was two Winters ago we took that southernmost lot to make that um available for 24-hour parking for the the all night exception and we haven't run into any problems um down there so we have um we already used that lot haven't run into any problems um the rest of the lots are still always I mean even on a midweek relatively empty so we wouldn't see any any issue with these 42 spaces so the parking in Austin prep is first come first serve or upper classman of preference it's it's all assigned it's all assigned okay and we have an issue with so it starts with like I believe it's was the upper class starts with c yeah all right makes sense so and and now we just have more drivers than spots that's all yeah cars than spots a really question um with uh winter parking has that been filled because I know we had a lot of discussions with residents particularly in the downtown uh we haven't come into any issues with people calling up and saying it's full I don't know where to put my car um I haven't seen it uh it's been close to capacity dur during the winters but I haven't seen people um getting ticketed for parking like close to other other places because they they can't get a spot in that lot so I haven't seen any issues there great yeah I just want to make sure that we we kind of take care of the community right if if it turns out we need more but it sounds like at the moment we don't so I heard you about like 90 something spots are being underutilized roughly 40 something and 50 something I I heard you say that about 90s something spots being underutilized uh yes just on just on High Street and fine Street yeah okay I would just add to that that it's 90s something there but any point in during the day you can go down there and there's probably like 300 spots open well the winter is more the issue of the winter not you know not Karen yeah thank you um so I am in agreement on that um a solution that we work out with them needs to be shortterm so one question um might be you know are they talking about building AR garage I mean what are what what realistic options do they have or do they not have any yet and then I want to be clear on what are the parking regulations over here now is this wide open for anybody or are we is this one of those business permit paring areas so these 42 spaces are in the traffic regs already um as being subject to the downtown business uh business district employee parking restrictions um so they're already regulated that's why we we uh wanted to have this discussion with the board to see if this would be a an option of uh I don't know if we'd have to amend this for for the time being to allow the shuttle um or allow the the students to park there and then uh when we had our meeting uh with Dr hickey he said it's uh probably within their fiveyear plan um to add more parking I don't know if it's a parking garage or at least uh a lot where um the uh softball field um one of the softball fields that is used anymore but the problem um because yeah that's that's not like the next 12 months next 18 months that's a problem not unlike what the town has our own issues with um increasing density of Housing and folks needing place to park um overnight and during the winter when they have to get their cars off the streets they want to be very careful with any promises but um so am I are we if it's subject to the downtown regulations for employee parking are they needing to display their employee parking passes which people paid for is there a revenue issue regarding these spaces uh no these these spaces AR being used almost daily all all these spaces are empty so right to park there anyone yes any anybody can park there with the um the um employee passes during the day or the resident sticker but you have so just to be really clear because I know some of them are restricted to employee parking passes and people have to pay for those so I know nobody's parking there and I I have noticed that um so I just War the board to be clear um that I think what I'm hearing is normally the only nobody's parking here because the employees don't for whatever reason they're not even though they're strongly purged to and and I know we're selling parking passes so I mean I guess we just have to there's no fiveyear promises that this could potentially work but you know I understand we have capacity now and I would personally be happy to work with Austin prep want to make sure we're not missing out on Revenue opportunities um because for the benefit of their students and maybe their students would need to pay for parking passes you know if we feel like we're starting to be capacity constrained or just because that's what the intent of this parking area was you know after all that analysis and work done by the park Comm I for me I I think given the school year we I guess we need to maybe do it a semester at a time I I don't know it's just an idea not a whole school year just to see how it goes I mean I know December is not really winter for us you know it's January February March and so maybe I just I'll just take back what I said but um yeah I I I think uh the way it's been going is probably the way it's going to continue in the short term you know we've been out of hard Co for a while people are working from home and those lots are empty it's just a fact of life um so I'm willing to give it a shot I mean they're willing to you know have a shutle service that's going to you know cost them gas and kids are not going to like it but I don't know how the school could force them to do it but that's the an issue we'll deal with you you know get follow-ups on see how it's going and and obviously Arcadia AB they'll be chiming in on to see how it's going right yeah we we still continue though that feedback I think it's a reasonable temporary solution that would be a year at a time a school calendar year at a time and you know I would support that thanks har um yeah I I think that if we start putting restrictions on it they're just going to park back at Arcadia for free and just call it a day we want to make it at least somewhat reasonable for them to be able to go somewhere that's not being utilized now to Karen's point we don't want to go in five years into the future so we just have to take it year by year and maybe after two years they now have a plan for a parking garage whatever they're going to do softball field scenario um and then we know that there's a change on the horizon but if we don't get that after a year or two then it just doesn't makees sense for us to continue to allow something to happen without recouping something from it perhaps at that time I don't know but I'm I'm for trying it for the year and seeing how it yeah it's a good solution for shortterm you okay Karen you okay with trying for a year yes I am we have to go through the proper steps but yeah right yeah this was just discussion yeah no no thank youy brain I I I you know I understand it it's it's challenging for anyone living to school um during you know either pick up and drop off like other issues we've had or just being there for hours on end and becoming sometimes a safety issue so I'm glad you guys have been on top of it thank you all right great thank you very much thank you thank you all right moving right along I saw Carl just walk in our next item on the agenda is Ice Arena update anual meeting and discuss potentially amending the lease good evening got here before the big thunderstorms are coming but it's still going to be 909 so it's not going to really help might take pass oh sure um good evening uh car McAn 33 w Field Street your representative on the Burbank Ice Arena um before we touch on any potential adjustments to or discussion if you don't mind I just want to go over an overview of the past year so that everyone up to speed um we just finished our 31st year down the Burbank Arena and um we're calculating the inine cost as well as direct payment to the town and um we're approaching $3.5 million over the 31 years as well as uh as you're well aware the buildings paid for what's interesting is Belmont is trying to essentially build what we have there and and it started off at 31 million and because of the construction cost and inflation all that stuff they're at 40 million and they're trying to figure out how they're doing it so and there you can look like you guys own an asset that's you got it for free um that's worth at least $30 million which um Kudos the Nelson um providing that for the town um in the past year we we've done a capital project one that was um you know a lot of questions where it was replacing the roof and uh at the time we had projected somewhere around 325 uh you know there were some people that thought whoa that was going to be much less because of at the time the town was doing uh the Parker roof which was multi-million dollars um we're happy to report that we were wrong it wasn't 325 that when we got the rebate it ended up being 284,000 so Ed had his projection and he was right on um as usual so um The Roof is completely paid for there's um 10year warranty on um on the labor and 20 years on the material so we're in good shape for the next 20 years uh the other question that came up which was a great question was solar panels you know how were we you know to take a look at that and uh we had looked at that years before with the previous general manager and it just didn't make Financial sense there wasn't a good return on our investment there was some new management that came in into um rmld and he wanted to take a look at it and and and we did but numbers are numbers and for us to put solar panels on the roof so a couple issues one was going to cost 125,000 and we'd only save about $5,000 a year so you know we're looking at a 25e return on investment doesn't make sense the other issue that we found out was that the contractor would not warrantee the roof if we put the solar panels on there because the weight of those um so no sense of spending 284,000 we don't have warranty on the roof for that the other thing that a lot of people that's happened throughout the country is when the panels get on there um the snow removal is very difficult because it's flat and you know depending on how wet the snow is and and we would we would have had gone out there well Ed and the staff would have to gone out there and you know work around the solar panels and potentially damage them you know it it just wasn't a good for $5,000 it wasn't worth it um from that aspect of um in terms of our pricing um I know which will come up later uh dilis um that was looking to maybe do a development down there uh we met with them as part of the group and their charge ing $425 to $440 an hour for ice um we charge reading height $270 um a non reading organization would pay $300 so our pricing is very very aggressive which is probably one of the reasons why we're constantly filled to capacity for our rate there so we're always giving back indirectly to the reading because typically I'd say 80 85% of the use are reading organizations usually it between the high School read youth hockey uh I know the north Shor Skating Club use it a lot they have a lot of read uh people involved in that um which is really a testament of what Nelson wanted he wanted to be a community uh rank probably the greatest thing that we did this year was the staff saved a life uh I know Chris Chris made a great video and Mark was there um very scary situation I believe it was in December one of our actual board members Jim list and had a heart attack and was down on the ice um and Jim Brown and Melissa Jim actually fortunately Jim's a very strong young Mitch how always say dragged Jim across the ice 60 feet put him there while Melissa was getting the defibrillator put it down put a defibrillator on it chocked him and did CPR for 10 minutes and if anyone's ever done CPR training you're exhausted after like two minutes I mean it it's it's an Ord deal uh the reading police and fire did a great job getting there and um you know Sav Jim's life and it's an Testament to Ed and his staff that every two years they get the training uh I mean let's be honest how many organizations do the training like that I mean I know down the field i u he's a defibrillator there and I never know of it as coaches we never had a training on that or anything like that um but every two years we have a certification so we had a great event for Jim he's doing great um the American Red Cross came out gave him an award uh the Bruins acknowledged them it was just such a great story and Ed always likes to have a little flare and everything he does and surprised uh Jim when he came in with uh fire department had like a little mini parade down the road with the zambonis you know it it was it was nice to um the other thing is from uh from publicity I mean as most of you guys know was um Fox Boston did the ZIP code um tour a couple weeks ago and they did a really nice bit on the ice ring and they actually said they were so impressed at the relationship the public private relationship they they've never heard of anything in New England they actually want to come back and actually do a bigger feature on the ring which you know edman staff obviously the board was very very excited for um I think the the last thing that I'd like to mention in this is something you guys can put in the back of your minds um but I'm side there's two things um One is because we've already paid for the roof uh we have about a quarter of a million dollars and what I passed out is all the capital projects Karen I'm sorry don't B SK at you I I I didn't realize you were I I didn't I got it tonight I didn't have a chance to email it uh to Matt to get it to you I apologize um we're at a quar of a million dollars because we spent $300,000 on the roof so this upcoming year we won't unfortunately be making a payment to the town because we're below the criteria for the reserve fund we're about $130,000 uh below that profitability from this year will be this time next year we'll be back where we're supposed to be um the nice thing about the way Nelson set this up was that for capital projects I mean we did we spent over $300,000 a couple years ago to put in a girls locker room so that we didn't have any tit line issues for the schools um as you can see we in what we passed out every month was laid out different capital projects that we've done um so we we'd like to be very proactive in getting that from there uh the last thing I want to touch on before we jump into something else is Nelson's wish originally and the town had a you know a verbal agreement and then was that once the reserve fund's there and every year whether it's 50 14,000 like we've gave this year um we would have is the money would go to recreational activities um and really to do certain things like replenish a playground you the little five 105,000 things that are outside really the capital budget um and um during 0708 when things were tough financially all the revenue just kind of got thrown into the general fund it would be great if uh the select board made the decision you know obviously with the recreation department that any profits every year would be earmarked for recreational activities I mean you guys are looking to do you know phase two phase three of the roach medal complex or even uh I know Jim Sol Rec director goes down every day and Waters barrows field um just little you know little things that can easily get knocked off to really uh you know keep writing the way it is it's it's certainly in the recreation uh space I know you know a lot of pickle ball stuff I'm not saying money for that at all I'm saying to go into the recreation let the recreation committee decide you know things that they could whether it's sealing the tennis courts the basketball courts or the playgrounds for the kids whatever it is if you know it'd be great to honor um what Nelson's purpose of the rink was just a thought something that you guys go can consider because certainly financially we're in much better shape than we were in 0708 so um with that I open any questions um or we can just roll into the other topic of the discussion yeah I'll see if the board has any questions about what you just spoke about Chris thanks car uh and thanks Carl I guess my only one question because I know a lot of the other stuff that have who actually got the def fibulator in that building to begin with the rink purchased it how long ago was that like forever good question probably are probably like 10 years old kind of I I still in the field I it's been there like eight years or so so I'm assuming that's when they were um because they made it almost apologize the the verbiage but almost idiot proof in terms of you just read it strap it on and and the defibrillator actually will test if someone's in card arrested will shock them if he or she needs to be shocked he just won't just start shocking him for no reason but I would say it's get near a decade thereabouts and that's just off the top off the top my guess anyone else Ken any questions or comments um yes please um um so Carl thank you for the summary of the document you handed out I I look forward to get a covery of that and I was just wanted to ask um the substance of this lease is um got a few decades on it and I always worry about I'm very much aware of the Belmont ice trank and your your spot on that that is a huge investment for that community so I'm very aware of the need to um make sure that we're properly taking care of the rink we do have you know everything from the driveway to the the air conditioning systems that you that you use and yay the roof is taken care of so that's like that's a huge component having a new roof and not having to worry about that anymore and it's probably good for your two clients as well they don't have to worry about leaks anymore so I was wondering um has the boards talked about Capital needs in the upcoming years or did you pass that out and I haven't seen it yet um we always have Capital needs like for instance the front door um that and that's part of the in the package that there it's about roughly $19,000 on the front door though we had to make an adjustments there are no KnockOn wood major um and when I say major over $25,000 of um Capital needs coming um the chillers are working well um you obviously the roof the locker room the zambonis everything's working well so as of Janu uh June 16th 2024 everything's going well um I was down there today and it was nice and cold and people are enjoying it in this heat which was good so uh nothing that we have on our radar screen right now that we need to address one thing that the town is um grappling with is is the need to make sure all of our municipal buildings are um accessible not just ADA Compliant so one one of the questions I was wanting to ask and I was going to ask about the door I think for bringing that up is that door going to have the push button so that folks can get in there yeah and the other I've noticed is that when patrons come in to watch either a hockey game or um an ice show the folks that are using mail chairs are kind of in the aisle it's a very it was an old school design things have changed so so I'd love to hear what you guys are thinking along those lines yeah um a couple years ago maybe four or five years ago we actually had to recur the exteria um to make sure everything was 88 compliance um we did have a patron that felt they were a little too far away from the door uh which we understand 100% in the winter it's gold um down there and we actually made those adjustments and so now they're rate up uh rate almost pretty much where the flag pole is so that they're 10 15 feet from parking to the front door there um in terms of the push button thing um to the best of my knowledge I will confirm tomorrow and I'll get an email um to to Matt to confirm it is uh that's that's part of almost making everything ada8 compliant um so I'm gonna go on a limb and say I can almost guarantee it'll have a a button and if for some reason it doesn't I can guarantee it will have a button thanks appreciate it y I have nothing thanks yeah we you know we know just when we get the updates from our different departments how much they do throughout the year and you know you do the same to keep up the building in good condition and you have another 20 years remaining in the lease so uh well maybe a little less than that now but um you want to keep the building up and keep everybody happy so that seems good uh if there's no other questions relating to the upkeep of the building and you know what what ver Bank does for us I guess we can start a discussion a little bit about amending the lease and the reason I put this on the agenda because as a lot of us know there's been a lot of discussion out there in the public you Universe of um pickle ball um either on the uh somewhere at Simon's way in particular it's been mentioned more than once uh on the back parking lot of Burbank icearena which the reading ice the Burbank ice Authority controls so that the reason for it's on the agenda as discussion about amending the lease because we have to amend the lease um mutually to allow that and and then um I'm hopefully I'm not speaking out of term but there was an idea out there that was I heard um that potentially where that's the flattest and nicest piece of real estate over there that's not used that that potentially could be used for our uh Center for active living and then use the Z property for parking and pickle ball maybe I'm speaking out of turn but I heard that out there so I'm not saying that's part of this discussion but pickle ball as we've all agreed and it's been taken off the bur burst on master plan Recreation committee us swack pickle ball needs to go at Simon's way if it's going anywhere so there's all these balls in the air with uh two major projects going on in town and and and not to put pickle ball ahead of anything but they've raised a lot of money and they want to move this forward and um and initially U the ice arena board is is willing to work with us uh as a town uh to am potentially amend the lease so I I'll leave it at that uh for for whatever use you know is best suited for that rear space because uh as we know that space is not really used for parking for hockey that much it's just the big playoff games and um that that part of the season but the rest of the year they let anyone park there for soccer baseball people go for a walk or whatever so that's nice of them to let the whole town use that and they just um need that parking overflow parking for the big games so I I'll stop there and open it up to the board if you have any questions mark thanks Carl so um so yeah so there has been a little bit of discussion starting of some discussion about just thinking about Simon's way in general and whether the center for active living should go kind of on the zani property or eventually even to the area now that's the parking lot back going back and um so recal had a quick discussion about this the other day the permanent building committee um just kind of a a Teensy bit because it wasn't on the agenda um but the notion that depending on what we learn um about conditions in different locations specifically what is there a problem with the material that would have to be removed on the Z property um versus behind the arena and I think having that option is awesome um and I think that's an option in two directions what I mean by that is that one of the things being explored and the Z property is the potential that you could have the center for active living and six or potentially even more pickleball courts in that area um Andor if it were better to the center for active living behind the arena then the Z property would have some some more opportunity and we don't know the legal issues yet we don't know if there's any contamination anywhere yet but there's more work involved in remediating when you dig stuff out and replace the soil is compared to when you cover it the the issue the permanent building committee is going to play with I don't want to get too far into their business is um once you do once you explore you must fix you can't say we're going to get to that at some point that's not an option so um I I you know car I had a quick discussion about it and it sounded like the board of of buring might be amendable to something like that and I know that these other discussions are there so I think you know great I think that if we figure out what the best opportunity for the town is we're all doing our job if you don't mind me addressing it the board is we're open to anything you know we want to we understand what Nelson's Vision was and we want to obviously honor it um I think the only thing that the board didn't really feel comfortable with was um devillis uh when he talked about putting an ice rank I mean we're not going to bring a our competition right next to us because his is more designed for like the private hockey and he would just raid uh and that's happened that's the way newed sports are they would just raid the the breing hockey program and honestly Nelson would haunt us uh if anything happened to the black and red um we're open to anything all right swack whether it was right wrong we we were never invited to come in and have a conversation which is fine they were doing the do diligence Jenna she just got married I don't I don't know what her new last name wood wood so Jenna was great just before she got married I don't know how she did it doing all married stuff but I ended up speaking with that for over an hour and he gave her because Ed's been there since day one a lot of knowledge of what's gone on what's been there and she learned a ton um off of that Ed's a tremendous resource uh he knows where every salamander and pigeon and Hunters go through there I mean it's wild down there what you see what I would recommend is you guys have a couple members a couple members of the Ice Arena Authority and just get in a room and say you know this is our thoughts and see if we can work something out uh because I know uh you know there a lot of people that are anxious to have something happen down there we're happy with that our only wish or not wish but you know I want use the word demand is the fact that some of you guys have been there you know we're playing wurn or a tournament game it it's banged out down there um the Skating Club this year had a tremend event they ended up having to people came in from all over the country and they actually parked the north ring high and ran a shuttle because so many people were coming to it uh we can't give up parking spots and not have you know us not getting something back and you got to take 50 parking spots you got to find us 50 parking spots um really that's our only de not demand but like it's a it's a non-negotiable for us we can't affect the it's a demand yeah it makes sense makes sense L that was my question like what happens in those big games and also what about the spring Sports down there are we just going to get rid of all spring Sports down there baseball soccer no spring sports are on the left side they are but they use that parking yeah we're gonna set what we're going to do is we're actually set up a toll booth and use it to to pay for the usually it's about 50 parking spots in a bus because like freshman baseball's there it it's a non-issue for us even if the um pickle ball again we're just speaking the back end I think the pickle ball people didn't realize that guns are low um because I know some of them I mean when they have competitions down there they're like sound like cannons being shot so so like that dirt parking lot that's all part of the lease I'm trying to look at this all all the way to the woods all the way to the woods as part of the East and then the thought was I'm just trying to catch up here a little bit the thought was either pickle ball uh Center a building on that dirt area yeah right so then my question is is then I know this isn't really but like spring Sports on those fields what where are those people Park we it's fine we're they walk that's all walk yeah think of it as I apolog you have the rink here yep and then where they're looking to do pickle ball is the back end you have this big area okay that fits so spring Sports not the issue not an issue because it's more ice it's really just Wednesday and Saturday nights for the high school games because when youth hockey is using it in the winter or even the Skating Club parents will drop off their kids yeah go get a coffee and come back 45 minutes later and and pick them up is not a big thing but one of the other question to answer the beginning of your question was when there is a big game yeah um the the church across the street people will park because there always a police officer controlling the light and he just stops the traff let people walk over there that probably holds 30 40 parking spots easy so all right thank you Chris any questions no I I think I mean it makes sense we take 50 we give them 50 and if we have to pave over some dirt like Mark said then it's a lot cheaper than the alternative yeah so are there really pigeons over there think there's everything down there I mean one time I parked there I think there's a picture one time I parked there and I looked and some guy was coming out of the woods with a bow and arrow like where are we you know it's it's a hunting you can hunt down theree down there so yeah thank you um thank you Carl for for bringing up the NorthShore Skating Club um they have three big events um I don't know which one that's the first I've heard of an overflow but they are um 40 to 50% of the annual revenue you could give the a specific number I'm sure so um we need to be cognizant that it's not just the hockey rank and and and Melissa's point is out as well I hear from a lot of parents that they're down there um on Saturdays or or during the week so so I think what I heard is then there's organized High School spring Sports there are are um little kids spring Sports the actual clients of the Ice Arena have a lot ofal parking so so that is a sensitive spot sensitive topic down I would 100% agree yeah uh and one thing I know you it's there actually in the U you're right Northshore is a very important uh customer of ours client of ours um the the president of the NorthShore Skating Club actually wrote She addressed it to me uh but it's really to the to the whole Board of how wonderful the rink is and we have a really good productive working relationship in there that's in the packet that I gave you tonight to last page yeah we were given a letter I don't if you heard Carl we were given a letter Matt you I'll have a copy for thank you uh so however you guys want to proceed we're open to anything um except uh a hockey break against that obviously um so however you guys want to do it you know how to get a hold of me um I'll relay it to the board we haven't had any formal discussions that be my next question like we haven't taken a vote or anything like that a vote yeah the board is kind of like all right if it's not going to affect our operations and you know we rely on Ed saying hey we lose 50 we need 50 parking spots you know we're open to it um because we you know the this is designed for reading in the senior center or multigenerational Center Liv thank you whatever is it's for reading people so we wouldn't yeah that I I think the the the reason you know we're here is and there's a few people from the rppa here is to move a lot of things forward not just pickle ball but Center for active living make sure killum gets done and we follow the msba guidelines what other the schools need to be done in the future you know and this is a town asset that is probably a little bit underutilized as far as land goes 100% you know so let's figure out how to and now it's what five years now uh that we acquired uh many many acres over there and things take time unfortunately and covid happened but I think now is the right time and I'm glad you spoke to Mark about it uh so I didn't make that up and um because I heard it from not Mark um so I think we need to keep have ongoing discussions and whether it's a informal subcommittee um to to uh you know as we get further along with the and picking a site because you know Simon's way has not been officially chosen yet for the center for active living and who knows when that's coming hopefully this year um I hope um so I I think in between that and now we can say okay what's the most ideal situation is it a building with your approval and some parking obviously on that lot for for handicap and and a drop off area for the kids in the fields and all that stuff or on the sun land that we bought and pick a ball in the back and you know so the only thing I would say is being a county um whatever you do there if if you tied in to use Sports no offense to the older generation with the you Sports it's a win it's reading is not 80% of the kids in the high school play some type of sport I mean it and and they're dying for there's never enough Fields right uh there's never enough courts is always you know I just think if you do anything down there and you tie in the youth I think you're going to have a better buy buy in rate than if you just do a singular project that's just my two cense I could be completely wrong but that's just my two s yeah so Carl I think you stated very nicely um we want to maximize the opportunity for the community I love that the board is open to having discussions on different things we hear loud and clear a couple of things you said also not this and parking um that's exactly right what I would recommend I think the permanent building committee um basically led by the town right now is focused very much on on this what you know what is g to make sense potentially for active Living Center um proposal of the active Living Center may have a gymnasium as part of it another part of a Community Asset again you know active Living Center serving this the the 60 plus Community is the focus and more and that's that's our space if it turns out that that's the best site whether or not that's the best life active Living Center that's our space right there are only a few places left in this town right we need to figure out the best things to go there and we need to to address different parts of the community to get that done this is the right discussion I think having you folks um engage somehow in that discussion is an important part of it also and I think that's kind of what you're asking for also as part of this yeah as I said you we set up a joint thing to go through thoughts you can probably move very quickly because yeah no all good I think that the the PBC definitely has in mind um to say it this way recal has in mind to make a recommendation the PBC has in mind to explore the Alternatives and to be able to come back to the community with if not a recommendation then then concerns or other things um so that we can have the discussion and say okay this is the site that we propose and that's what's got to go through to the town for approval hearing you loud and clear let's let's serve this community beautifully 60 plus and Beyond right we we just want it months not years like it has been ideally I know we're mov in that direction I'm not saying that's gonna happen but we we you know yeah I'm new to the pickle ball world only a couple years in and uh you know other than Karen uh I really didn't know Eileen Joe and you know 20 other people so it's a great community and um I think they've been kind of pushed aside a little bit unfortunately with the p master plan so I I think that the if I could the 60 plus Community um seems also very engaged with pickle ball yes yes very very um and so I mean I I hear that but my my point being that as we're thinking about different aspects and where it fits there's a strong strong constituency so people thought it was just for young people that would be a mistake likewise if they thought it was just for 60 plus people that would be a mistake so yeah no great where we good stuff no again just put in the back of your mind and whe you're during budget times you can put in there it'd be really great that if we could earmark the the profits from the rank to Recreation to recreational activities really I think instead of you know just going into a general fund people could sit there and say Hey you know we reserve as tennis chords we fix the playground at what whatever it is it's just you know it's just nicer to say so but that's your call no thank you that's why you guys get paid the big Bock appreciate it exactly we good you well good thank just and just for the record your viewership is very high because I was at home I'm like oh 9:45 and at like 8:45 I had like seven people text me saying they're ahead of schedule get up there that's good good all good things that's good all right all right moving right along you happy Melissa oh real quick sure so do you want me to come up sure Karen Janowski aelia 30 aelia Circle I have a question it's kind of left hanging what you're going to do in terms of renegotiating the lease and I know that that vote wasn't happening tonight but do you have a plan for what you're going to do next based on what Carl presented as of this moment no tonight was to open up the discussion because uh because it sounds as though it could be either pickle ball um the recap you know the center for active living both whatever so I'm just wondering if you have a if there is a plan or you just I think a on a future agenda we'll we'll discuss it because you know we we we need to in my opinion and I I think it's a matter of there's so many things as you know being on Council of Aging and and everything else going on that there's a lot of things moving right in a Direction but if the at leaste is open to possibilities I'm just wondering if that can be if it's open-ended yeah and that's why we had Carl in here tonight to to make sure that to make sure that a viable option because he could have said to us tonight pound sand and he didn't so we just wanted to know that they're willing to work with us and we heard yes and maybe a Next Step would be uh you know in in the short term would be you know not a bad idea from K is set up a working group or subcommittee what you want to call it between a couple members of their board uh one or two members of our board and just say hey you know as these other projects are moving forward you know you know we our PPA has has this much this amount of dedicated dollars that we can gladly contribute to this project into the town for pickle ball and you know it's taking a long time to get here but I think we're moving in the right direction thank you I just wanted to just yeah just see what the next steps were and I do really appreciate this conversation and I speak as an individual I'm not a member of the rppa sorry so I just want to make that clear too I'm speaking as an individual thank you thank you thank thanks all right next we have in our packet is our policies and code of ethics that I'm sure we all memorize and we need to discuss uh you know ethics and protocols is the big one for me um obviously we have a lot of policies how the board has run and what our roles are as chair Vice chair and secretary and you know all that stuff that you know we should have read when we got elected initially but it's nice to go over it uh probably should do it yearly and I open for anyone to start the conversation just a question um what did you have in mind for tonight I I noticed for example that you know it had 15 minutes um allocated would what we hoping to well I I I think it's just you know have it in front of us and bring up things that I guess we've talked about over the past several months on how we can better uh adhere to these and you know be more civil and be more discourse and and you know agree to disagree uh the right way obviously we're going to have conflict every now and then that's kind of normal but I I I think it's do we add things to this do we I don't think we take anything away but do we add you know now we're we're a zoom economy you know are we are we okay as a board for for being on Zoom just to be on Zoom or is it V vacation only and if we're sick but we're functionable you know is that should be a policy should it be um how often we're late how often we miss meetings how I mean there's no repercussions but I I think as a board uh we've talked about these things not directly but H how do we do a better job of being respectful of all of our times you know when we're together there's a lot of work we do when we're not together but when we're together we should be focused direct and our attention should be to the meeting so I'm open to adding things to this um so that's part of it so I think I think getting to the to the core of it this my opinion is really how do we work together effectively for the town how do we work together as a group into to your point being respectful of of of our time being respectful of one another figuring out how what are the rules that we want to use to guide us because I think without having rules it could it can be free-for-all and we don't have have respectful discussions necessarily and I think I used the phrase you know how do you have a discussion without being disgusting is a piece of it it's how how are we going to organize ourselves to do it so I think that this act this document actually you know that four or five four or five of us have signed is a good basis it may be that we want to add things to your point I think it's there but I think we need to police ourselves we need to make sure that we we do what we say we're going to do in terms of how this is is going to happen so that we can have discussions and we won't always agree and and probably that's a really good thing we probably get a lot of better decisions out of that but how we have those discussions um devolved this past year and I think we need to come back to that core of working together respecting one another making sure that we we have these guide posts that we're going to use to get stuff done and do the business of the town and and frankly you know look there are five of us here for a reason how are we going to work together how are we going to express ourselves how are we going to get to decisions that are for the benefit of the Town how do we get all that done I think a lot of great stuff is here and again maybe related to to some other things we can we can add it into your point of making sure we're respecting one another respecting one another another's time things like that spot on let's make sure they're here I also don't think this should be kind of Let's Make a list of of everything we can think of let's make it the core issues of how will we work how will we get stuff done how will we work with staff how will we work with each other I think that's the core and that's going to let us go forward and and not you know get into a situation we saw a couple of notes that came in from folks people look to us and it's here number two we lead by example at all times to build trust I think that's exactly right we are the the leaders of the community in a lot of ways it's on us to to demonstrate that and demonstrate the expectations of ourselves and of others I don't disagree and a big thing for me as an individual and once I became elected is it's a big thing for me uh and it's been overlooked a lot is being on time being on time shows respect being early shows respect getting in our chairs getting our computers ready and that just snowballs into so many other things for me easily added no right so that's what I mean so it's that that's a small thing but it's a big thing maybe not for everybody but for me being on time being present is a big one and I don't want to go into the past because we don't need to but I think for me that is very important but but on on the flip side how do we manage that you know if someone's continually late if someone's continually for the most part we don't miss meetings you know for all of us you know it's it's very extenda circumstances when we miss meeting so to me that's not an issue for this current board but uh be being late is is a big one and I think I make it a Point myself even before I was a chair to be at least 10 minutes early um and get my computer set up you know make sure everything's working log on and I'm ready and then we can chitchat and we can talk to Bob and how's the weather and and we start our meeting on time instead of waiting for people because they're late so that is a big always has always been a big one for me um so I I'll stop there and let anyone else talk yeah Chris thanks k um I guess just to piggyback that off that for myself I'm the biggest procrastinator you wouldn't know that I wait till the last minute for everything I have a bid du today I'm working on it the day before I don't know what it is about me that's just the way that I am except when it comes to this I'm always on time and I'm always here I I don't know why it's different from me but that's just personally how it is for me in this instance if my whole life could be like that it'd be phenomenal uh but it's it's organized chaos in the background um so I mean I do have some thoughts on all the other items and to Mark's point it's 15 minutes topic that we could be here for like four days doing this but I think that some stuff does have to get added I think if some stuff is added it may prevent other items that might have been up for debate previously now it's it's in here you know what I mean uh we can we can reference it going forward um as of I've taken things away I don't think so maybe there's some himself herself that have to get changed some language but other than that I mean I think for the most part um all the people that have come before me sitting up here uh contributed to this and for the most part it's working we just have to fine-tune it and to Mark's point we have to police ourselves it's nothing will change if there's no penalty for violating the code of conduct in here absolutely nothing so I can just start screaming and yelling and do whatever I want and it's just like two years 11 months whatever the scenario is like that's not acceptable um so yeah I mean it it's it's a on us and I I hope that with what Carlos said at the beginning of this meeting we can just put a period and move on add some stuff into here fine-tune it not um not really have it pertain to individuals it's just what we all want we all want to be here we all want to be on time here so let's do it that's all it's not fixating on someone we want to be respectful we all do I want to be respectful too it might not seem like that to some people but I do I don't want to have these Beyond disagreements with other people we can disagree cordially I understand that we just have to Circle back to serving reading like Mark had mentioned and just I mean I don't want to say that we can scrap all these policies and it's very simple the first one number one on the list is don't be an a-hole and scrap everything else like if you can't adhere to number one then what's the point of all the rest um and you know I'm not going to say that I'm not guilty of violating a lot of stuff in here I would think that everybody is um and I will not disagree that my language or ways we communicate Etc could be improved upon uh it's it's not a learning experience you know you know at this time I been here for three years mark four five whatever 20 in general whatever like we just have to do better and I think if we can add stuff in here just refine it refine a couple items here and there you know and just work together I guess Whata I agree respect we all have to respect each other we can all do a better job with that and I think that if we think before we speak and know that even if we're disagreeing on something but you can respectfully disagree on something that's what we need to do we were voted in by the residents and no one wants to see what happened last week again chairman I don't disagree with anything that has been sent here on this topic tonight all right well I I think a good segue for us as a board um because you know we're doing well on time and we love spending so much time together that our next agenda item once I get to it is uh discuss board retreat so I think that would be a great time to um ahead of the retreat bring our items that we want to add or tweak refine pick a word and we can incorporate that um and make the document uh hopefully a little bit better uh nothing wrong with it now but I I think we all learn as we go and um I I think that' be a great time to uh to do that so on the on the next topic discuss board retreat um we can wait till 10:30 if you want but we can do it now okay um is do we do it on a weekend do we do on a weekday doing a week night I am kind of you know I am we're all in in summer mode I I I guess but I guess I I'll leave it up to the board on yeah can I just ask I'm sorry um what's the difference between a board retreat and a board select board meeting because I know our Retreat still has to be public um so what's the we we we just don't do it here no we go to Kimble farms and we get ice cream and we play volleyball and we did have ice cream I requested a half gallon I learn requested a pint I learned my lesson what was I that's whatever so basically a board retreat is more it's a public meeting right it's the same yeah but um typically uh we'll do it in the morning or we have done it in the morning more casual set more casual setting um Jane loves to buy a stuff that's my favorite thing we get fed either breakfast or lunch but we don't get fed anything here and um it's supposed to be more relaxed there's only one agenda item you know would be maybe two you know discuss um code of ethics and SB policies we're not doing hearings we're not doing liquor license is we not doing anything it's it's more focused and Mark usually wear sandals and U I change tonight so it's more more supposed to be more casual um could that spot on and I think that um there's not public comment I mean it's meant to be as as reflective a session for us as possible yeah while still being a public meeting it it is not televised it is not done in in a location like that um in the past people have not Outsiders I don't think have come typically of not typically yeah I mean it it we're really trying to have time for ourselves to talk stuff through and and as Carla said it's really it's one you know if you have two things here that's it it's nothing else is appended we're here just to have that discussion and talk about this yeah c can I just a couple of thoughts popped into my head so I wrote them down really quickly which is a better habit um it would be great if we could homework you always do homework right yeah yeah um I think two things that I wrote down one is is be very self-reflective and kind of self focused and bring an I will plan yeah I will to to make things work better I will so it's less focused on I I don't like or so and so or whatever no you shoulds no you shoulds you should it's I will all right yeah it's really what what are we going to do to make this I will we will I I will and we will that's great yeah absolutely yeah listen but I think it's it's the element of of kind of what each of us is gonna bring to make to make us work well again yeah I I I think again you know uh Mark and then Karen and I and then Chris and then Melissa that's the seniority whether you like or not and Mark and Karen have volunteered the most in this town and that has a lot of weight so I think even though we've all been elected at different times we've all been elected by residents like Melissa said so it's you know the last one we had you know went off the rails and I don't want to repeat that again and and I think we're in a different place right now that shouldn't happen but I I think yes I I I think we need to do some work ahead of it right Chris right ahead of it right that's directed towards you now that we know now that we know the night before is fine but and then Jane usually helps uh a little bit with us um ahead of it and I think we just have to be you know going back to the word of respect as far as picking a date is what works for all of us you know I am I am I am away I'd like to do this by the end of the summer I'll put that out there uh I am gone I think I sent it to them today I'm gone from the I'm only looking at my phone for the ca seven to the 18th or something I am gone for a good amount of time unfortunately so for me we should probably all start writing this down I am gone in August I am gone the seventh so I'm G to make some initials here I am gone the seventh through I'm just GNA call it the 19th I might be back the 18th I'm going through 7th to 19th any other said vacations on the books for anybody I don't but any time that we'd have to pick would have to be after drop off Stuff Etc so anything after 9ish depending on how far away we're talking okay but I can pretty much make any day time work d k I'll go listen I'll go listen next the uh structured time off that you're not available at all no I think I can except August 23rd it's my birthday 8:23 okay make that's a Friday okay Mark otherwise I'm going the first two weeks in August so so you're back when just so you're back before me 19 all right so okay oh you're back the 19 first wait I got are you available I'm just thr that out there you when are you counting the first two weeks this week with end of July or the First full two weeks of August just so I know so there's a bunch of In-N-Out time in terms of what's going on so you want to just call it through the 19th okay gonna be in and out but through 8:19 Karen how about you your schedule for July and August um you know I'm having some concerns about this I appreciate things that were said tonight and um I do ab absolutely remember our Last Retreat thank you Carlo you described it adequately I I I am very busy this summer I I cannot commit to another Retreat unless unless I see more of the commitments or respect that was shown this evening I I am not comfortable I am not comfortable going into another retreat at this point I'm sorry okay so if we pick the date you would just say no or you would think about it should we involve you in the date selection is what I'm asking I would I would say that it needs to be after Labor Day I am am really busy from now through Labor Day when is Labor Day the second Labor Day is the second of a September y i I think September gets even busier for me um but I'm not opposed to it but I I I I'd like to I'm just speaking for myself I'd like to get it done in the summer but doesn't have to be obviously yeah okay no I was gonna say I think that it should happen soon rather than later but we can hear what Jan is Jane uh if I Mr chairman we staff can work with you guys if you want to send us your availability and then we can send out some you know potential dates to all the members and see if that is you know an interative approach we can take it offline yeah I don't want to you spend all night on this but I I think it'd be good to have some kind of it seems like after the N if we're not going to do it in July which is only a few weeks left we have the second ha second half of August y um for for four of us and if Karen wants to join us she can if she has conflicts that that's you know that's up to her but I I think um again speaking for myself if if the board wants to do it in September I think that'll be more challenging um Mark's back to work I'm not speaking for Mark but Mark's back to work he's not now so good um I'm just throwing that out there um and back to school in September so um for for for two of our members so and myself my daughter so with sports and everything so I we can take it offline but I am I am pulling for the the second half of August if I had a pick a time and I think we'll work on that did you have an idea of where you might want to do it so the locations and availability Lake can't be L that's right near my house I like that I just got back from you it was great uh very expensive at the library last time didn't you I I think it has to not be in reading this time around is if I public meeting we might have to we have to look at we'll have to look not sure the school committee meet they've had Retreats at Beverly open to the I would love an outdoor setting that would be awesome if we could that'd be so much more relaxing and yeah you know close by obviously where was the ice do that you might want to wait till it's not 97 de it's not going to be that late August it's not where did you guys have ice cream it was at home was at home was we had a CO Retreat we had a CO yeah did we had ice cream delivered to them it was it was ring the bell and run from the delivery yeah oh D on Ditch with your ice cream it was my son who did that I love yeah all right that was very nice I'm going to ask on a half gallon this time so screwed up for all of us or each well she asked and I said a pint whatever your favorite was yeah I grew up an Ever right around the corner for Richie slush man we have a ice cream truck show up to where we go cooking while we could have Jordan's Furniture who knows pick one of the pick one of the living room sets at Jordan's Furniture cook folks would be interested cook folks I'm interested in seeing mark on the Jelly Bean World thing getting up there you know around I think they one at Jordan's Furniture to one time didn't they didn't they have 10 years ago or something before my time I don't know they did have something there all right we'll work on that trapes school oh okay all right they did have that some members of my family have done that others have not I can offer pickle ball lessons but I guess that's a sour topic for certain people but um all right so we'll work on that with Jane and uh we'll do a doodle poll or something I guess yes for the uh after the 19th so after the 19th it gives us uh just going by weekends it gives us two weekends well that last weekend's Labor Day weekend so forget that so that kind of gives us the 20th through the 29th if if you want to make everyone wants to have a long weekend uh for Labor Day which Mr chairman did you want to do a week like a Saturday or a Friday or even what I heard from the board that we're pretty open it could be like an early yeah it could be early evening late evening it could be a morning get some of their work things done and then yeah yeah this is not going to be it's not going to be a 10 hour day right yeah just because I know the family time is important in the summer time and people want to Max yeah yeah so sometimes during the week might be better to free up that weekend time right could be that's why I gave my turn M anything as long as I can get drop off done in the morning I can arrange anything after the fact up up like 9 after 9:00 you said well no it it varies between the Y and yeah sure it's manageable it's all Man Mark has a pool Mark's house you know I'm not I'm okay the prey retre public though so cornhole all right accessible future agenda items um if I could so Town Forest would like to I wrote that down okay and then and uh recal for the August meeting August 20th is it should I'm going to it now it should still be on there hopefully it's not on there should be on there up it's on there yeah it's on there that's on there and I think um I have uh yeah so this shouldn't change much um yeah I'll be away prior to this meeting but I will you know meet with Matt over Zoom but other than the trails I I don't um foresee adding anything as of now obviously it's a month away um but um you know we're we're making doing pretty well tonight given our agenda was large so I don't really want to add anything unless it's absolutely necessary and um I don't see the town farest um that's the agenda a big a big deal and um recal update shouldn't be that long as well and I think our longest um our longest discussion could be the trash and um and and moving our election the two potential longest so you want the Town Forest on the 20th yeah please right Mark is that like is that help you help them I mean help them sorry not help so I mean we closed the warrant on September 17th so yeah okay that's fine that's fine y I'm okay with that and and I think yeah anyone else have anything no we got the kiosk update that was going to be one of mine yeah's another one on there if it's implemented hopefully do anything just thinking out loud for a second do you think that the PA committee would have anything or not yet to we as far as I can remember we we had a we had a we're in the middle of rescheduling our next meeting we didn't do this maybe not yet not yet I I I think I think uh I'm sure that that last meeting I think even though it started later than ours I peaked in and I wasn't mentally prepared to go into that meeting but um that was still ongoing and that was 9:30 so I have to get caught up on that and we should be having another hopefully July meeting I don't know for CPA yeah yeah we haven't settled on a date yet no and I was in the same select board meeting as you and that one went a little bit past our meeting not much anyway yeah I think a CP update CPA update will be coming yeah Karen do you have anything uh future agenda wise no I'm looking at the agenda and the items that I had Min are on there thank you okay um that's that we have a set of minutes I don't know if anyone got changes to Caitlyn Advance or they have some minor changes um to add now I noticed Kathy Zeke is spelled with a K instead of a c under public comment okay it is a c right Mark then okay is I thought it's a c oh for Kathy sorry I'm on the on the on the back of z Oh yes Zeke with a Q yeah um I believe it's I think it's a probably actually the board received some mail from yeah I was I was looking I was looking too yeah all right why would l in that anyone else have any uh it's a c C yes z a t h y z e e k okay that's a typo so does anyone have any anything else just a quick question um one of the things that I thought might be helpful since we talked about it is we talked about um percent changes and then of course we all talk about the dollar figure specifically but there's no connection directly so for example you we started out with four and three and a half I believe that we came back we did didn't land at four and three and a and three but it'd be great to show what it was and then the specifics of the the dollars we we did talk about that or Melissa brought it up or something yeah yeah I think it just be helpful for people to read to look at and say so so what did you do you know 11:15 doesn't tell me what you did yeah can we Caitlyn is that a big lift do you know what mark means yeah I'll have to go back and look I don't remember right I'm not saying now um I think right before the motion is when we agreed on what the numbers were going to be yeah okay yeah we didn't have it predetermined correct and I think that just will make it really clear for people read it yeah okay is that all you that's it that's it Karen saw your hand up yes thank you my um liaison report um it references the sustainability working group and but we're missing a noun or something um e sentence let's see um it it should read you know I attended kilum leadership meetings comma um yeah I don't I don't know what that is um um just I don't know that's I don't know what the sustainability comment was I I did report tonight that the sustainability working group met so that wasn't it um so probably just leave it at that okay oh and how about we add in the MSB issue on the recent submission um and comments on a centralized pekk the expecting or or they are expecting answers back from the MS they're expecting feedback from the msba yeah that's good um on the recent submission including justification for centralized [Applause] PRK it's been a big part of the conversation from the beginning submission the preit conversation oh no I know I I I was just saying these are minutes of like was that said in the meeting these are not supposed to be virtual um quotes these are supposed to be summary so this is a summary anything else Karen anything else oh no that's it thank you no good good I'm good all right motion please move to approve the meeting minutes from June 4 2024 as amended second second any discussion seeing none Karen sorry having unmute problems we're approving the minutes yes um approve the minutes as amended Mark yes Melissa yes Chris yes Carlo yes 5 a motion motion toj second Mark second oh I tooll call uh Karen yes Mark yes Melissa yes Chris yes Carlo yes we are adjourned at 10:08 thank you