Sarah is not with us anymore because time commments so thank her for all of her efforts and for her time and so to with you and go to public com thank you here John com and of the sustain sustainability subgroup my it not a very good meeting was systems g g PPS then distribution and Convention system all usim is they system was B with distrib you should choose the that wearing FOC the next Mee it's very complicated circumstances like there was a lot of Headway made like we heard a lot but any excuse should make it clear will do better yeah it's just it was confusing to me and I know I I I looked I'm at the stage of MEP for dummies and that's what I want you're an engineer no I I wonder if um if Greg had any yes who was also there has a thought about no no I'm not gonna not like that he was right or wrong but do you also have any um tips I was in the same MVP for dummies class as John so um I was a little less confused but I I do think that what I what I think they're trying to accomplish is just to give a wide range of options by which we can either choose by Advantage from and or entertain I think some of the challenge with the the options that were offered is that you don't know enough about other aspects of it for instance bu geothermal would be great but can we fit it so there's a there's a question that can't be answered right now about that in terms of implementation I think they were talking correct my memory if I WR I didn't write it down they were talking about 70 B holes 800 ft deep each that's 56,000 ft that's 11 miles of boring under our sight that's from here to Boston um is that Realms of fantasy or is it I'm missing something very normal go ahead um Jenny yeah um I was just going to say John that's correct and and um I also would like to respond back I think that's um very useful feedback I think you're um there what I I see where you're talking about that there was a confusion and actually I think one of the things we learned in this process is we were trying to evaluate both plant options and room distribution options one of the things we learned with working and talking with a cost estimator is that at this level of detail without an actual layout and plan and and a more detailed design there's really no cost difference that they can discern between a chill beam and a displacement ventilation system so I think that we can actually simplify and just say look we can't really evaluate the room distribution options at this time the important thing is for us to get some direction on the plant system we can just focus on that question and that'll make the whole discussion much simpler I think so we'll be bringing Denny um we had a meeting with the geothermal uh consultant slash um contractor maybe that'll be to tell them about as TR to find out I'm sorry what can you tell them about that meeting yeah so we met with um brigh core they are a geothermal um they're both a contractor and a consultant um it was very informative uh kind of preliminary meeting where we talked about you know kind of our our questions about how they would approach um implementation on the site and they had a couple different options and ideas but some of this is contingent on um a lot of it it's everything a lot of different different things you know one approach might work if we have a construction manager um doing an early package and doing B holes underneath the building footprint that would be a good strategy that would um probably work better if we have a construction manager um so that they can coordinate and be responsible for you know all of the coordination between the the geothermal and and the other trades um another thing they talked about is that there's two types of um well drilling um one they call like a air something some kind of air Drilling and one was a you know the conventional water um drilling that generates a lot of um mud from the wells that then has to be processed and cleaned be um discharged to storm water um and the type of drilling will be determined when they do the test well so um I think what's great is that bright core is now engaged and is um doing some work for us and will really help us to understand better the viability and Logistics um of how um we can do the geothermal and what is reasonable on the site so as a point of clarity we see our goal as being not that you've instructed us only to do geothermal Wells but to know what we can we can do full geothermal system how can we make it work or you know what are the pros and cons of it half a geothermal system which would be a hybrid um right and that and how would we make that work and how logistically can that happen coming in early doing that kind of thing or I am completely open to no geothermal Wells if that's what you decide that's okay too and that would be probably an air source heat pump system or something like that um I think that that is what we're hearing for the most part um but we're you know we do have time to clarify and get this but it's very clear that our site and what it's able to accomplish in terms of space in terms of cost and in terms of logistical planning time uh is the real Crux tier and we have to figure that out way before we even we can't choose a system until we know we can do it so we kind of had to flip it and do it this way these people are real smart they do it all the time that's who we need as a as a uh and we'll have you meet with them at some point and I'll I'll add on to that too that in some of what what in what enters into some of the calculus relative to the geothermal is there's a tremendous amount of reimbursement associated with a certain size wellfield so if you can if you can cover half the half of the capacity 50% 50% of the capacity of the building with geothermal you get what's called a dual use credit from the IRA and that not only is for the cost of drilling the wells themselves but it's also all of the downstream connected mechanical equipment and infrastructure so there's a huge reward for for for basically using 50% of the energy in the building being geothermal for conditioning if you can't meet that threshold because of logistics timing C whatever then there might not be a rational to do geothermal at all so that's some of the calculus that's also being reviewed with the with the Consultants geal reates to be competitive and inflation reduction Financial perspective yes yes from a first cust Financial perspective now you know we all must keep in mind that we don't know that those rebates are going to be there in five years we don't know we're going to be there in 30 years not necessarily well that's there was a there was language right Jenny that that it is it is there yeah they're in place until I believe 2032 um it would require an act of Congress to um to uh reverse that that's what I'm that's what I'm worried about right it's always possible but it's was it's harder to take once it's it's hard to get things it's easy to get things passed and given to people really hard to take them away that's been that's my political note for the day yeah is that once you start to try to take something away that people have they don't like it but as Mike keeps telling us those you have to spend the money first before you get the rebate right so you have to come out with the cash day one and they'll things is built and then you might get the rebate if it's still there keep John this is Mike Carol here I I would say if we were going down that path and we were seeking the rebates we would be in the program and whether we get them or not just depends on our performance not so much if the rebates are there because we we would know if the rebates are there before we move forward with it we would we would get signed into the program so I let me just wrap this up in a in a conceptual bow um we're learning what we need to learn for this specific specific project in sight we got started really early on it and I'm glad we did because it's complicated um we're attacking it from the money side Finance but also from the sustainable side and the energy side and the rebate side all at once and it's kind of M it feels a little muddy right now but I believe that once we I believe it'll settle and it'll become pretty clear if we keep doing the work and moving forward I just wouldn't be concerned about things we don't know could happen you know what I mean it's it's easy to worry about everything but let's just worry about the things we know about and I will say that having done a few of these projects with the geothermal Wells yeah that's a lot of geothermal Wells but no one will ever see them and uh that's what the nature of that energy source is it's how they work and it's getting it's getting pretty normal now um Pat using them on many projects um we're definitely seeing seeing them more and more I feel like there was a um back in the 2005 to 2010 everything had like a couple of geothermal LS um a DPW we built in Weston a school in Lexington then they kind of went away and now they're coming back more in a full full field like the school um that LBA is building in swamp Scott has the equivalent well field that you described it's about I think it's a 50 something percent system in the end now because it's hybrid yeah it's a bigger building and it's and it's four holes from here to Boston that's what it is it's um you know and it it fits on the site it takes up you wind up taking up every square inch of the site do you know with something but you've got parking or um generally speaking parking or ball fields over with with the neighbors close by and not very and they did not complain about they no they were they were um they were Jaded by all the blasting we did sorry to but no not not at all I I wouldn't see that I mean I mean and and I would say that project is is is equivalent to kill them I would say there more neighbors though because it's a big it a but more people like directly a buts they did um the drill holes weren't the drill holes weren't the the thing the the blasting was the thing yeah drill holes never created any real um controversy in that in that town they'll be you know but the I I don't I don't see the the drilling of the geothermal Wells as being particularly invasive to the neighbors as compared to everything else that we'll be doing erecting steel concrete trucks you know um trucks backing up with the alarms on at 6 a. the biggest thing I learned on that what is their name bright what is their name Jenny Bri what Bri cor Bri cor I was listening to the phone call that doesn't mean I understood at all but biggest thing that I got from it was if we can get in and drill Wells before we build a building like that summer say there's a summer um for utility and prep and all that kind of stuff if they can come in and drill a whole bunch of Wells like get two rigs in there or whatever it is over a three Monon period uh and drill them all then it won't overlap with anything else and so I'm not promising that that seemed like the most the cleanest approach so that it didn't have to overlap with other systems and all of that so I was they they seemed like many Subs like they could do anything great thank you John any anybody else have a um L on report if I could Carl a clarifying question on the on the wells so you mentioned 2032 um so do the are are we getting potentially rebates up to 2032 and if they don't renew it or something then we're not getting rebates beyond that because kum's going to be built by then right so why is there a notion that what's happening after do you see what I'm saying like well you're not really asking me Jenny um what is that's just that's just when the program expires in the legislation I think they just so I'm just saying that it's um as we complete our project by 2032 which we will um then we would be able to get the funding we have to um we have to fund the entire project through the msba process so we fund the entire project and then um get into some kind of um you know on the list for rebates right so we wouldn't lose those rebates and correct me if I'm wrong but um and then once the project is complete and we have met to their satisfaction you know put in the wells properly and all that stuff then we would be eligible to get the rebates that point yeah but my question is did they go in perpetuity and then we run the risk of losing them after 2032 or is it a onetime thing and then one time yes they expire 2032 but it's one time all right yeah inflation reduction act as a sunset it's G but it's it but but the the rebate is not paid out like over 10 or 20 years it's if you build if you build a heat pump system with geothermal once it's in operation if you meet the criteria and you apply you get the full monty of that value that that youve qualified for and then that's it okay it's not as if you're waiting 10 15 years I thought maybe it was residual year of a year no I I heard a politician the other day say drill baby drill sure you talking about just any anyone else if we're drilling for hot water it'd be amazing okay um we had um Kellum student introductions on our um agenda we were not going to have anything but quick update thank you to Lindsay principal fton is on the call is going to start to coordinate uh students to come to some of our ksbc meetings in the beginning just to talk about what their hopes are for the project what they want to see in the new school things that make their school special just to add make sure that our Focus stays on students and I know Lindsay put it out there to the kilm community there's already some students who are interested so just we expected to have a few tonight they couldn't make it due to some other things but just so you had the trickle you know trickle one of students who have next few meetings wanted you to know why and what we were trying to do too so thank you Lindsay for coordinating I'm sure everyone here will be happy to see some students oh yeah they just need to make it a priority like I don't know what else this is playoff games basb as much that's gonna be awesome for their public speaking skills and then moving on to designer updates make it away Jenny um so uh our have a presentation for tonight we have three um items so one is um we had shared the draft comments to mba's review comments um um and yeah we just ask if had any feedback on those any questions or comments I didn't have any Jenny some some of them a full disclosure what I read through I didn't see the uh the the comment my my uh got truncated so I didn't see all the comments that were on the side um is there a um is there a a deadline or a time that you need to have any kind of responses or any kind of clarifying stuff from us yes we need to submit it back to the msba on Thursday okay so tomorrow have any specific questions we'll ask right yeah I mean I guess I can go through kind of the um there were a few um kind of points and kind of review the the things that the msba asked about so um you know a big focus of this is kind of teasing out what is the msba going to fund and what cases are get they going to say are ineligible so they did provide some clarity that all of the rise pre spaces except for the classrooms every other Rise space is ineligible for msba funding we thought was the case but we were a little unclear about the special ed spaces dedicated to rise and they confirmed that those are ineligible for funding um we knew that the extra thousand feet in the gym would be ineligible for funding so they confirmed that there's two spaces um that are a little unclear they asked for clarification and asked a lot of questions about them but didn't say explicitly that it was ineligible so that's the um the stem classroom and the Adaptive PE so I think those are open to interpretation or further discussion with msba um there were several kind of small storage rooms that they said not exactly in eligible but they asked in the gross of the building which is kind of a s way for them to actually pay for them so that's good and then um it's kind of a small small amount of space but in the cafeteria 87 square feet of cafeteria space that we that is a result of we made the um the staff lunch room larger than the msba guidelines and we did not reduce students cafeteria by the same amount so we could reduce the Susan cafeteria but then the cafeteria would be smaller than the cafeteria you currently have and we think this the staff need a big enough lunchroom that's the same size that they currently have so um they may pay for that as well so that's that's kind of the summary high points from my perspective and Jenny you've gotten all the answers that you need from us yes we have yep I worked um with uh Tom and Olivia and um they looped in all of their um staff as needed um to to give feedback on the Ed program pieces I don't know Tom if you have any other things you want to comment about the Ed program no I thought I thought the feedback was pretty straightforward honestly and what we were surprised by was that a lot of the feedback was going into like content specific pieces like do you have Benchmark assess systems for in content areas other than Ela or math and we were kind of taken back and surprised why was the msba wondering about our you know assessment systems in other content areas so we feel like we were able to give all that information but we didn't necessarily see some of the connections between that and the building project so um we went through and we also had the support of Mike pero the educational consultant who helped us work through it all too so I think we feel like it was all pretty straightforward um so I don't think anything else to add so Jenny just long and short when you and you kind of went back and um you just did some of that accounting did most of that um I'm I'm I'm inferring from what you were saying there wasn't anything that was a big surprise it was just you know kind of couple things here and there um and that that's just based on the meeting that we the last couple meetings where we talked about eligibility there there wasn't much change from what you've seen now correct perfect everything is in line or better than and on that question too Ed we were we read the feedback at first and we're like oh geez there's a ton here and then uh Jenny would actually share with us and Mike share with us this is a lot less than maybe there is in a lot of neighboring communities right now too so don't be over don't be overwhelmed or worried about the volume of feedback that that should be what we should expect perfect that's great that's good thank you is at first I would we good to take a step back y um okay so the other items were the votes so um do you want me do you want to set those up Carla or do you want me to set them up I think you have the language there I do so these so these next two votes that we're doing we're confirming the um the votes we took at the the last meeting that were more um guidance motions than actual votes because we didn't have it on the agenda so we just want to kind of set in stone what the will is of the committee um so so the first one is um about um prek the the full prek program being Under One Roof or are we going to continue with um multiple locations so um the will of the committee the last time with the informal vote was to have the the full prek program um as part of this process so [Music] um I'll read the motion and then we can have a discussion um and I'll me a second I vote to approve the full prek program as the preferred schematic design option second I should have somebody make that motion so I'll make the thank you so Nancy is the so moved and Ed is the SE um any discussion on that I think it's a great idea yeah confirmed yep great um so seeing none we'll go to the vote um John yes Kirk yes Ed yes Greg yes Pat yes Nancy yes Chris yes Sean yes and Carla yes perfect that one passes and then the next one was um to confirm the options um to confirm the options um evaluated and there there seems like there's a discrepancy which we'll get to later in the the guidance motion that we made before which may just be a typo we'll get to that when we get to that later on in the agenda so um so the motion is um vote to approve the following four design options to be evaluated by El VA moving forward the code update option A1 B1 and E2 so moved thank you second thank you um any discussion anybody have a question reminder yeah can we be reminded okay ready uh the code option is just taking exactly what's there bringing the whole thing up to code performa um nobody wants to do it but we we're doing it A1 is the scheme where we actually actually redid um half the building one story and then still built a two or a three stories building next to it took up too much of the site but we're supposed to do a we're required to do a a a renovation addition scheme so that's a one so two of those are proforma profor they're requ they're required analysis SBA that's right and we're doing it and and you're voting to accept us to move forward with those the other two were B1 and I can and so B1 is the three story very compact scheme the donut scheme where all the classrooms were at the bottom there wrapping around a central uh media center and it was um as you can tell from the scheme right now it has a revised site drop off plan um that we're working on um so that uh remember you were it was the worst site plan any of us had ever seen or drawn and now it's is much better it's much better but still we will still work on it but the idea is that so that's A1 and it's three stories and then um E2 is B1 you mean right that was B1 I apologize thank you very much and then B uh E2 e22 is something like this although we're working on it to get it to fit better on the site doing um giving it some massage um so that it has the same basic site plan but it has um gym part but it has more of a a little bit more of a wing and not the donut so everybody faces out to and actually think that that was a good idea to look at because as we develop it give it a chance I think it could be a really nice scheme um so we're looking at that as well those are the two that you're voting for or you gave us the guidance to move forward on all both three stories any discussion see none we'll move on to the vote John yes KT yes Ed yes Greg yes Pat yes Nancy yes Chris yes Sean yes Carla yes perfect and that motion passes thank you everyone okay now um moving on to on page 48 in the packet there is um a memo from me um this was a request at our last meeting by Nancy Ed and Pat on discussion of recent appointments to the committee um along with committee members in the formation um role of the chair and the role of the ksbc so I have attached four documents um to help inform this discussion and I'm just going to go through them quickly the first document um was created by um Tom wise who was the the chair of the so it starts on page 48 so the first document um was created by um Tom Weise who was the chair of the school committee in in June of 2022 and he has a pretty extensive document which um he put together and formulated the um Kellum School building committee with a lot of different aspects to be kept in mind so um the first one was Mass General law so we are governed by Mass General law um we are governed by the Massachusetts school building authority and their requirements they actually make a lot of suggestions um and then they allow each um each district to kind of formulate and fit within their requirements into that process um also um Tom had looked into this of having the reading um the general bylaws Incorporated and also um the the committee creation right with the bylaws and with the home Rule Charter so um he has identified the role of the building committee it's talked about the appointment committee um which is the appointment committee to the permanent building committee um which consists of three members it consists of the Town moderator the chair of the select board and the chair of the school committee so those members can change any given year so taking the roles that are um outlined or requested of the msba um he kind of fit everything in there this was run through legal this was run through um the school committee and we had a discussion at our one of our meetings as well the school committee um as per the permanent building committee they you guys need a um sponsoring agency so the school committee is the sponsoring Agency for this committee and this committee falls under there as an offshoot of the permanent building committee um so also listed in this letter is um are the potential positions that were filled and then to just add a little bit an extra twist um we have voting members and non- voting members so per our um bylaws the charter the home Rule Charter in order to be a voting member on a committee in town you have to be a resident so you have to live here so um this committee is built um with nine voting members who all live in town um and other members there's a lot of Staff members who are um quote unquote consultants and part of our team but um they do not live in town so it's a it's kind of a unique um Dynamic but the the the voting piece of it is us the nine members that that vote on and make decisions moving forward so in a nutshell that's that document it's so yeah that that document by the way was is excellent I mean that that that answers a lot of the questions I think that came up in public comment um and um you know specifically for me it was really helpful to be able to kind of clarify and really kind of get down to how we form U um as a committee um and then you know I think we all get on our side that the the goal of the committee is the project um and and the building but a lot of the questions I think we got in public comment um and a lot of that is you know what our role was in that and and this and I think you know one of the other documents clearly defines that we we we we as a committee don't have a r that it's we're we're a product of other boards and committees you know from from that perspective so I thought this was I thought everything that was in this packet Carla was exactly what I was looking for really kind of helped I think it um it help it kind of informs and you know answers a lot of the questions again that kind of came from public comment and so forth so you know um but this one was excellent I don't like to give Tom wise a lot of credit I'm sure there's a lot of other people that did that um but it was it it was it was really uh it was that was that was really helpful thanks that Tom thank you too yeah no he doesn't I can see him Grim the next document there's a difference between the setup of this committee and the senior center trying to think why why why are they so different so any can you throw some light on that um the um I bet Tom yeah the biggest you ask me the question but the the biggest difference is in in our bylaw the um the the the bylaw states that when a project is funded we had two temporary members but it also refers to if they're a state state requirements it gives the ability for for more um temporary members and in the msba has a very prescriptive okay requirement for members so the difference is the state involvement with right this bylaw recognizes there might be other entities that have uh rules regulations or requirements for membership of the building committees so that's that's what the bylaw recognizes in the case of msba have they have prescriptive membership requirements where the you know the center for active living doesn't so that's why you that's why you see the difference we're basically following Our Town bylaws and home Rule Charter for the um Senior Center Senior yes and so we so part of that is the five members of the permanent building committee plus the two temporary members that make up the um Senior Center yes but it's different with yeah I just wanted to clarify that um the next document that is in there is the actual document from the msba that actually um lists our committee the specific members um you know this the specific members and and what their roles are right so um and this document has to be updated within 20 days if there if there is a change to that document so um so we're doing one now yeah one was actually sent in and if we have any changes tonight we will revisit that yeah gotcha you know like you know things like Jane's title had to change and Matt's title had to change and um we have two new members so those things changed um we're going to be reorg tonight so that those will also be noted in here as well um the next document is a document from Town Council this Carla just on that on that last one just just so I can um um and I don't know who knows the answer to this question just kind of POS it out there so this this this letter um is from the town manager to what's what confirmation comes back like what comes back so so um so the town manager sends this off yeah and it goes to representative um at msba they ran by their attorneys and they confirm with us that it's been accepted so right now it's with their attorneys and we just got an email back saying it's what the attorneys will let you know perfect okay they have to actually confirm it and so if there is like a major change um they want an explanation gotcha gotcha and then and so then they they and then we just keep whatever their responses approved by MSC we keep that on file yes per and this actually is on our website okay perf updated when we get the new official updated document it goes on our website too and do we keep all copies on the website or just the most recent um I don't know we have one I probably I don't know we can decide yeah I would just I would just change it out yeah no yeah yeah I don't yeah I don't it doesn't matter I don't even know why I asked uh yeah you can store by date too so you could put 23 24 25 so people can just back no real downside right it's good to have a an accounting of it um the next document is a um is from Town Council this was put together from Town Council and school committee Council um and it takes it it takes us through um the process um that the select board went through um and it states that the process was done properly um there's there's a little um basically what happens is when we have a change for example recently um the permanent building committee um you guys have members up every year whose terms are up this year it was it was Pat and um and Greg um so they were re reup so to speak um you know there's a change on the select board side there was a change on the school committee side so that gets put forth from the school committee to the appointment committee and then the appointment committee votes on it there's a little different caveat with this board hadn't the select board hadn't made their selection yet so um there's a document that shows um the select board's vote on it and then there's another do document that shows the um the agenda or the meeting minutes from the uh permanent building committee appointment committee and when the school committee put forth their um new members and you were one of those members as well from fincom um there was they delineated that the um the in addition to the Le the um person represent the person voted by the select board so there's a little different kind of nuance with with that piece of it so um that is that document and then the final document was um very long doc 50 page document or so it is from the Massachusetts Association of school committees masc and it is the role of the chair now that is the role of a school committee chair but that was that I use as my like Guiding Light for this committee um even though it it's not fully applicable because of because this committee is so unique but um things that I just jotted down from that document um the chair presides over meetings um has attention to detail lead leadership skills interpersonal skills communication skills knowledge of the legal obligations of the board that this is a public board um this board is very unique where we're bringing towns and school sides together um and the the chair sets the tone for the meeting and has um effective hopefully and efficient meetings so I I included that document just because that question was kind of asked as well yeah thanks for the clarity on that when I when I read it I'm like this seems like it wasn't quite but I'm glad that you you kind of clarified you know kind of the reasons for for including it I don't think there's a document out there for uh you know for a school building uh committee chair but that's uh I think that's uh that that was helpful so and then I I just wrote a a a a short statement um just reiterating that this committee is unique um it has members on Comm the voting members are on the Comm sta MERS from scho rlo manager and the superintendent it has consult fac inv so I think that um this is unque of the most unique committees in town navigating it isn't always easy um we have school building committee has the mainard it's made up voting members and non voting members we have an XLT an executive leadership team um and three working groups right um we we did that because we as a committee um could not meet twice a week so we have those groups working and then reporting back to this group for for votes um a lot of work happens outside of these meetings and there's a there are a lot of interactions outside of these meetings um I appreciate that this committee isn't this committee isn't always aware of every single thing that happens um I can tell you for me personally um there are many weeks where I put in 20 to 25 plus hours on this project I make up my time at night and on weekends to accomplish my professional job that I actually get paid for uh I can tell you that I put in more hours worrying about and have had many sleepless nights concerned with how to proceed with many issues with this committee um I'm fortunate because I have a superintendent a town manager and a consultant whom I trust and respect to help me work through these issues so that was kind of the the end of my presentation I don't know if this is like I just want to jump in on because I uh speaking like this item quickly and also just hearing some of the public comments want to share a couple things just because I obviously get to work closely with the bill the kspc chair a little bit more closely behind the scenes I joted down a couple thoughts that um I want to share that on behalf of like myself and the other leaders in our administrative team that are most heavily involved in the project Joe Huggins Lindsay Fulton uh Derek Pinto we all um like stand behind Carla and her leadership throughout this process ensuring that we're on time and under budget in the process we've all worked countless hours with Carla at all different phases of the project including the OPM selection process the architect selection process the educational visioning process our communication working group our school visit processes and our ongoing XL te meetings uh so she's been at the core of all of these different processes and honestly her her leadership's been integral and moving us forward this project forward together um she's poured an incredible amount of time and she just shared into the project and quite honestly I'm I'm sure we would not be in such a positive place without her leadership in this project um and I know that some of this work's visible to the community but since I know much of it's not I thought you know it was important for me just to to share that perspective because I'm close with you behind the scenes of so much of this um and I know Joe Lindy and Derek thought it was important to making clear how much we all appreciated your leadership uh and the impact you're making on the project and i' just like to emphasize too I think that all of Carla's decisions through her work and her role have centered around like what's best for the project and state laser focused on that uh has navigated really challenging different difficult situations and parts of the processes that have come up thoughtfully and collaboratively um and I and and the group I just described fully you know support Carl and have the utmost confidence that her leadership will bring us forward uh the project forward the success so I just I didn't know if that was the appropriate time but given that was on the agenda and also given that I had heard some of the comments before and just thought it was important that the ksbc members heard a little bit about behind the scenes what our perspective was uh and the others that I represent on that comment thank you J um any other discussion questions I I just want to add I I think car you're doing phenomenal job I really do I'm so appreciative of all the work that's been do in here I do want to just express some disappointment in having a group of people from the outside come in and really pull us a task on something that I don't know that I know John didn't know anything about it that a lot of us didn't know any anything about and it's the perception that is so critical here and it and it's that perception of using in my words a very dysfunctional select board to do the bidding of something that they may want or whoever may want it just wasn't appropriate to bring into this community I think that this committee has to be above all of that noise out there and we have to stay laser focused on what we're doing so I appreciate what you're doing I I hope that we when everybody else appreciates it as well and votes you to continue as chair I have no doubt that I will um but I do want us to be very cognizant of what our look is out there and you know right now we have a very dis dysfunctional select board there's just no way to say it so I don't want them to come here I really tell thank you yeah I just want to um sort of tack on to what Nancy said I think Carl I think you've done a fantastic job um I can't say enough about about the work you've done I also can't say enough about the passion that Karen brought to the role I think you've both done a fantastic job um and Nancy some that are best um we don't want to be we we don't want to be part of the political drama that a dysfunctional select Bo um has going on if they want to rotate their their representative through here whoever it is I'm just going to show up every day do the best I can to work with whoever they put in that seat um and I think it's time to move on I think I we it's time to this has taken up more than enough of our time already and I think we should move on yep I you no the only thing that I'd add to that is that um you know again I agree exactly with what Pat n he just said um and I think it's good for us to have this discussion in the in the context of now we have a better knowledge on our side with you know any if we get reached as you know kind of in a in a public setting or in a private setting you know where these decisions and and um and and processes take place and again what our resp roles and responsibilities are I think again I um that that some of that the devil that's in the details there I think is important for us to be able to have that discussion to be able to understand again it hasn't been an issue because we've been all laser focused on the project and so and that's and and and that's a you know kind of a um a good byproduct of of how well you know kind of we've been working together on you know from from that perspective but you know things like this happen um and hopefully it's a onetime event um and you but even but whether it is or it isn't um yeah at least I think we're better served coming out on the back end out of it and and we should be better served in case there's you know kind of anything that kind of comes out from the public but I think the perception piece of it is to nany's point is spoton you know we're we're right at a at a point where you know we need to be um you know putting our best foot forward so and and and we we have again great news we're on we're on time we're on budget um um we're making great progress um it's really an exciting time so um I'm I'm hopeful that that's the the message that gets out to everybody in the community thank you Chris thanks Carla um for me I'm just here to listen uh to learn and put the best project forward for Kelling so the select word is the select word I'm here um and that's pretty much it I'm just going to ask some questions like I assume all of you do and just you know whatever was going to be built before is the same thing that's going to be built now doesn't matter that I'm here or somebody else thank you anybody else online okay thank you everybody um so um so this was um so Mike suggested this one um as we kind of do even though it's not under our purview um to sometimes vote on things it's a a vote of acknowledgement of new appointees on the committee so uh so we have two new voting members so the motion that I've written is vote to acknowledge um Chris Haley um and his position for the MS his position that is designated through the msba is the local chief executive officer design and Shawn Brandt as a a school Committee Member designate on the kilum school building committee so moved second thank you nice any discussion seeing none we'll take a vote John yes Kirk yes Ed yes Greg yes P yes Nancy yes Chris yes Sean yes and Carla yes and the motion passes thank you everyone okay and now we will um we have a motion to approve the July 8th meeting minutes just a point of clarification we need a a vice chair is that going to be Chris that is nope that is next okay that we're going to do reor next okay great after we do just want to make sure yeah c um do we have a a vote to approve the July 8th 2024 meeting minutes did you say oh oh so we need a so moved so moved first and then we're going to and then adjust okay so moved thank you and a second thank you and um just discussion I do have I didn't want you to thank you thank you that's good I put you close um so I when I was writing the motion for us for today I looked back and realized um it didn't seem quite right because we don't have a e3 option it should just be E2 okay so so um is your your thing you wrote for me still good yeah okay so um Lee wrote it as um fur so if we could modify the U meeting minutes to say there was um Nancy had made a guidance motion for the designer to further explore options B1 and E3 to which there's no E3 um both three stories with a new E2 site scheme and full prek which was seconded by Ed um the motion should read um further explore new school options B1 and E2 with a full prek enrollment both will utilize the E2 site design y so it seems like may have just been atten do we need to modify that motion to accept the meeting minutes with that as amended yes as amended so moved perfect any further discussion no see none um take a vote John yes k yes I don't think that as typed as what you actually meant to say so I might want to double I see she was right oh I I can I can give it I can send it to you Jackie so I have further explore new school options B1 and E2 with a full prek enrollment period both will utilize the E2 site design she's yep she's got it she's awesome I I can't believe she does it yeah she's amazing y Jackie you're amazing y perfect that's what's theid okay so back to the um to the vote John yes Kirk yes Ed yes GRE yes Pat yes Nancy yes Chris yes Sean yes and Carla yes okay thank you everyone so now we uh future agenda agenda items um and next meeting dates the next meeting will be on um August 5th at 700 p.m. we're going to vote on our selected option which will be exciting big day yep big day um any other future agenda items Carl just add to the following day August 6 we just s out a letter today if anyone's available to come on the tour Oxbridge high it's to a lunchtime visit uh August 6 1 p.m. if you can make it that'll be great uh if you can't we'll take a ton of pict try to take some videos to the tours of the superintendent and the principal they're going to walk us through all their like new Innovative spaces particularly the engineering lab because we see that's probably the most relevant like uh um kind of piece for us right now too so anyone who can make it we'd love to have you yeah I I said August 6th at 1 p.m. I can't can't if you can't make it we can think about someone bringing like a video camera and trying to get some like photage put together yeah that would be awesome I'm really bummed I can't make it I'm going to be out of tun that might be something good for us to have on the website the website too so let us all right we'll think creatively around how we could do that too get some videos sorry around their availability oh no 100% no no yeah as soon as I saw the I'm like oh my gosh I never planned stuff that far audience or something any other future agenda items not yeah um good Jenny yeah Carla just um we will also uh give an update on ability did she say sustainability more formally yeah I didn't hear sustainability sustainability and um mechanical systems okay great okay um now we've gone to um we're going to reorg um and so we'll reorg for the chair position and the vice chair position and um we will turn it over to Jane oh yeah nice power move um all right so at this time I will take nominations for the chair of the K School build I nominate Carla Miss ARL for chair your one nomination is there second second second by Ed motion made by second are there any other nominations for chair hearing none we will conduct a vote a roll call vote for the chair of the killing School building the only nomination is Colin Naro I'll do a roll call vote Chris Haley yes right yes Ed yes Pat yes Nancy yes John yes's on Kirk and Kirk Kirk yes Sean Brant yesan vote for Carla Naro for chair does Carla get to vote Carla you can vote too I was gonna ask you last and I forgot the end thank you she says no too late too late she's in it could have been a win both ways exactly um so I shouldn't I didn't ask you if you would accept the nomination what a fool I am um okay okay so now we will I will accept nominations for vice chair I nominate Pat second any other nominations no seeing none we won't Pat ask Pat if he accepts just have a choice don't I'm happy I'm happy to serve as Vice chair with your thank you if I got the votes for fire I don't know be tough John yes Kirk yes Ed yes Greg yes Pat yes Nancy yes Chris yes Sean I'd like to hear his Thum speech first Carla yes great vot passes thanks bat thank you okay um and that that's it right Madam chair yes pointing and Communications working um yeah but you know what we should ask that if people have um any um desires to be on different groups or anything like that are you happy where you're at or I'm happy where sustainability I'd like to be added to the sustainability group I'm not on if that's okay if it's already got too many people I want I want cooking oh I know that's right we have to make sure it doesn't have a one two three four no that's fine then no that's fine we can't have five that's right four are that's right Karen's no longer on yeah that would be great yeah that's great um and um so we have just um for Sean and Chris we have a Communications Group that meets every other um Thursday we we not we're no longer doing the education um Planning Group um but if either of you would like to jump on that committee you're welcome to as well and communication is just you and I suffer right plenty of space right I I do talk a lot I do talk a lot of the meeting so I don't know you know there's not a lot of oxygen left so if you are feel free to say something if not you can let us know later too can I follow I'll follow the offline that's okay sure okay perfect this is just a chair appointment right we don't have to V exactly yeah as long as we perfect as long as we don't have a quum we're good motion motion to adjourn second no discussion uh John yes yes Ed yes Greg yes Pat yes Nancy yes Chris yes Sean very disappoint Carla thanks everyone for e e