##VIDEO ID:spZVA9Qqa30## e e TV is in the house andas excellent yes we have Andrew committee Albert you want to shall we move it until Albert can join yeah yeah no worries I we'll skip that do I have to do anything official to move that are we okay with Point order could table it do I have to yeah you could just table it all right um motion to table item three ad hoc commemoration establishment committee do I have a second second um guess we need to do a roll call vote um all those in favor say sure I'm in favor yes P yes Andrew yes I'm also in favor uh we are tbling the ad hoc commemoration establishment committee and next item on the agenda is the Toys for tot's collection request uh we just got a message from Toys for Tots today um and they we we all we've often had toys or tots um been here they um we normally would be putting it downstairs in the lobby area um and they're asking to begin the which just look to find the email from them they're looking to start it earlier than they normally do it would be starting well they would be picking it up the 9th of the 10th um and so of December of December I'm sorry of December um and so I'm assuming that they will be sending out boxes right after Thanksgiving it's year but it's actually actually no because it's usually right we always miss it meaning they we need to always request it at this meeting because it's usually the beginning of November yeah so she hasn't so she sent me the message just today about it but I don't have a start so my guess is it starts before our next meeting there's Albert here's Albert so um basically I'm just looking for approval to have it twice for to spin here so that we can collect um toys TOS for um the Marines who um run what's the difference between this year and any other year that they're asking early but they are actually asking it earlier um so what she's saying in this message is that all she says is that that they're hoping to distribute them earlier like December 9th or 10th so that is why they're asking distribute the toys the toys yes right I do I'm sorry what I what I what I recall is every year we put out the box because we forgot to ask for the Box the month before and then we have to put out the box and then ask the permission after the Box this time we're doing it ahead of time can I ask a procedural question for this and the for this and the next can we do a vote if it doesn't say vote on the agenda or we could vote and reaffirm later or or how does that you can vote you can vote it's not a policy it's just asking for permission just the permission right so we does that mean we have to vote for the permission confused I would I would vote for the permission because it's not a policy thing it's not like you have to introduce it and then say and vote for we can just do a straight vote we can just do a straight vote on it just foring this okay I move that we uh allow tce for t to here at the library second second it uh roll call vote sure yes yes Andrew yes I'm a yes uh Toys for Tots collection request is approved thanks right um shall we do the um Ace committee now yes seec Albert hello how you doing what's up good evening happy anniversary okay thank you one year oh one year yeah that's awesome I really thought this meeting was just for me in my birthday I my um my anniversary so is something else happening on the agenda not much it's good to see everywh um so I'm sorry should I jump in yes so I'm not sure how much you guys know about where things are with Ace um um it's the ad hoc committee to uh you know prate comminate Bill Russell um so the library has a design KN um and again I'm not gonna I don't probably think you guys need me to go through the whole charge today of the whole I'm hoping not but essentially um there's there's the applications are open already and um you know what we've been doing um so we there's a pre-at hoc committee and again we tried to name ourselves but it didn't work out is we've been meeting on a regular basis to really kind of talk through what things could be helpful with this process and one of the things we did was each one of us kind of took on a um uh a department that has a Desy and so for example I had to select board um someone had to trustees and go down the list and so the the call was really to share an update around where we are at the time we were still getting ready to have the application go live but then offer assistance around if if um if the Departments wanted a desinee uh that um um or want to help with identifying the Desy then we would help them with that um so we had some members that that said yes raise your hand I want to do it um and so and then we also want to engage certain departments to say maybe one of you could be that um that appoint yourselves um for example I you know I asked the select board members to one of them to actually be a Desy and they they and they declined that so what's on the table for you guys is is one of you um could could sign up it's a it's a a one-year commitment they're still forming the structure of it but essentially it's probably going to be like a like most committees like a a standing monthly meeting um it is going to be something from the ground up so it will be a lot of like folks sitting around the room trying to get to know exactly how to go about um operationalizing this group so there'll be some of that it's not again like other groups that have been around for a while you just kind of stepping in with an existing um work so I would say that would be a little extra work but I do think the good thing about this committee is that there's a group of folks like myself and some other folks that on the pre atoc committee that are you know willing to to to support in any way we can I'm also have a role of as as like an advisory role um my office does I have in the Desy as well but I'm also an advisor so so I think you have a lot of support if you want to choose to be on this um we're not going to just throw you to the Wolves but there'll be you know some some support there for you um so that's that's I'll just pause it again I I I know I'm a small piece on the agenda but I'm not sure if folks have questions that I could ask the answer for you um you know um yeah we're we're meeting as a pre-ad hoc group in in two weeks and so we're um again just trying to to make sure we're moving the process along a little bit so that's just like a a date that's not really important date you know per se just to know that we're we're still meeting as a preop we have help to work about our roles what our roles going to be any question um yeah I'm not sure what the next steps are for this for us um you cans you can discuss it this time and then vote on it next time so if you have someone that you'd like to nominate yeah I think just because we have few of us not a full group here and I think I'm I'm I mean I know that I am absolutely flat out with full-time school work and kids so I don't have the time and I'm not sure if anybody else in the call is willing to step up on the call of anybody Pat Andrew Sher if any of you are interested we can do that now otherwise I think we should discuss it and then um vote on it next time if that's that's my suggest it's definitely to vote next time we just have to it's definitely November agenda to vote on so understood and just just a question so do you have um the uh the kind of charge itself for the committee do you guys have you read that through I have not yes I think we've been presented or at least I've I've seen that with with the charge um I think it's very helpful that if we um you know if we're thinking of folks or if we're drawing a blank that there are places out out there that there are people who have raised their hand because I think it's an important committee but I also do think it's it's going to be a lift um so you have to have people who are absolutely committed um I would not personally put my hat in the ring um but I'd be open um you know I know we've we can I don't think we have a limit in terms of whether it's a library staff board or otherwise other than the fact that it has to be president I know that is you know the requirement that we discussed last time um I don't personally sitting here today have any nominations but I also agree that a further discussion with a full board uh would be helpful but with them having the benefit of U Albert's presentation and and the fact that the door is open for potential ideas I think that's helpful as well yeah I agree Pat again just two last points one is that so um again not that you don't have any reading to do I know you guys have but if but if you can um if the chars can go around so folks can kind of read it that would be really helpful um just to kind of know what the ask is and why we're asking it um so again that would be that would be helpful and I was listening to a school committee uh call last night looks like they didn't they didn't also get a chance to read the charge um so the meeting was kind of hard for them to have it's kind of like this one tonight where I think you know you kind of you you really want to make sure the committee moves but you're not quite sure exactly what it is so I would just say hey just you know it's it's a it's a kind of quick read um and um it gives you a little bit background and I would agree I mean you know I think the the idea is that uh behind it was that you would you know obviously start with yourselves and then if you couldn't which is totally fine everything everyone understands that maybe thinking about Library staff again I know it's probably an Amy thing um in terms of you know over staff but just really thinking about someone that represents the library um and again I think that's kind of the hope is that we have these different lenses that we can have and I agree if anyone raised their hand that's great but I think there was a reason why I think those groups were identified and if we can try to stay in that be great but again I know that's that's totally up to you guys totally up to you guys yeah and I do think the library is an important voice only because of the work the staff has done in the past related to this the the working they did with Netflix um you know they're great resources uh about the town and the library and uh it takes that commitment to preserving the town's history very seriously so I do think it's an important uh role okay so again I'm sorry yep I just say I'm just sending this I'm resending the charge to everybody tonight and just putting in the head of commemoration committee charge and then for for selection vote at the November trustee meeting yeah I think that's that's probably good again I'm around I'm a resource and so if you guys have any questions if you want to reach out uh to me again I know Amy has been in contact with one of our free at Hawk members that DAV D exactly he's great too so yeah so so you got have people around you that could help you with this and I'm glad again I'm glad that you guys are and I'm not surprised you're not taking it seriously because this is a very important step that R's taken and I think this committee um the repres who's on that committee is gonna have a lot to say with the to the breath of what we do with his with his life's work you know um so thanks again for the time um so appreciate you I think yeah and I think if you look at the charge um you'll get the sense of the type of person that you want that was mentioning someone who's it's both forward and and backwards looking um someone who's just interested in human right and civil rights and um as well as you know a basketball fan um so absolutely um but someone who's really I think um very interested in the topic in general most definitely and just I think for clarification there's Andrew Grimes Andrew Grimes is just on um Andrew were're just talking about the ad hoc committee assignment for next month to pick somebody and Albert's on call hello Andrew's in there somewhere okay so I just sent that I just sent that charge out and if you can give it a read oh I know I was going to say sorry that you can't talk about it amongst yourselves but you can each I'm going to get this I want to make sure I get this right you can't talk about it amongst yourselves you can absolutely Reach Out Albert and I or David this other person can absolutely speak to each one of you if you have questions um and then you can perhaps select one other trustee that you might want to you know I suppose actually I suppose if you were to reach out to the just chair and just say I am interested in this and leave it at that there was no reply there's no discussion it's just passing on factual information you could let the chair know um if you were interested in this in this position and um again I'll I'll see I'll talk to some of the staff um not sure what the response will be but we have a few staff members that are residents that may be interested so I'll make sure to to bring that up as not oh and Linda snow doer is in this meeting and she'd be happy to speak with anyone who has questions about it she's on the pre- commmittee Comm pre commmittee committee as well yeah and you did share the same I'm sorry we got back in beginning SE we did that my my very very last thing I think is is if you know reading residents that you think would be great for this committee um I would encourage you to have them go and fill out the application again I told you it's live earlier we just want to have a really strong pool and so again just just really spread the word and you can just have them go right you know I think I'm not not sure what you have Amy in terms of the link to the to the to the town website where the the the um the Flyers up there um yeah we can see about it because we're talking about the so the application that's available is to apply to select board to be the select board's appointee I think if I think we could have something out there if the if the chair wants us to I could we could put something out there saying if interested parties could I see yeah of course of course to the to the library director for consideration um if that's something that you want to do you can you can do that if it's if you want to keep it inous you make it one of the trustees or a library staff number that's absolutely fine as well um chair hand the chair would like to recognize yes the chair recognizes thank you um I just also wanted to say that there potentially could be more applicants for the positions on the committee than the select board can appoint and so there might be people that are applying that would be willing to be your designate as well understood and if you wanted to talk to any of them they might be very happy to work with you as your desate how would we a find out who those people are or be get um in contact with them prior to the November vote very good question I don't actually know the the exact answer but Jane Wellman is the one that put up the registration link um so she would probably know those answers and I do think it's a very public process so just so un clear the select board version of this as an application that's yes and that's I think yes was kind of alluding to this which is the select board has taken the position that their representative is not a member of that it is like any other committee that they would like if you wanted to apply to be on the Town Forest committee or the finance committee I guess or whatever you apply to the fli board okay and this I think and you're welcome to interpret it differently I I think that when we got the charge or when I got the charge I assumed it was to be actually a representative voice from the actual Board of Trustees and second to that someone who works on the staff who is is in the library doing Library work and thinking about you know commemoration and history and moving forward and future but that was again that was my interpretation um I don't know that the school committee has decided one way or the other right they also it's it's up to the it's up to your it's up to you as a body to decide how to yep it is okay that makes sense thank you for cl also if you don't vote on this in November the world will not end it is meaning meaning if you come to an impass and you say you tried strategy and you're not happy with that strategy um it would it would be lovely if everything was wrapped up in November but um this would not be the only board that's that's um well I think it's important to find somebody that is interested in it because it has you know the amount of work necessary not the amount the importance of the work um the depth um it's it requires somebody who's going to have the time to do it um you don't want somebody that's going to join a [Music] not um excellent thank you Albert um all right so Jane Wiman was the person hope yeah I I I will say we've done it both ways with different committees um obviously the charter committee has Andrew Grimes on it as a trustee but we have other designes that are not either Library staff or on the board so I I have you know having you know a limited board here today I don't know how others feel if anyone's interested in putting um their hand up but I do like the idea of a hearing about these this group of people who are very interested and willing to raise their hand to volunteer to have that kind of open process um I think that's a possibility as well well but again I I again it'd be better to have the full board um so I'm gonna take off I see Linda hi Linda how are you I'm I'm gonna because Linda can answer any questions obviously way more than I can so I'm gonna take off um but it was good seeing everyone and um you know good luck with your process okay thank you very much sounds good congratulations again appreciate that thank thanks Albert Andrew can you hear us you got two Andrews ummes I'm sorry I'm staring at the picture can't you tell which one I'm looking at yep I can hear you guys okay yeah I just wanted to make sure you got connected thanks excellent okay um next item on the agenda is the lion scarecrow contest table request yes thank you thank you thanks um sorry was late that's all right um so just there's a proposed one date we did this last year so again loved they've been asking me about it every day similar to toys for talk we need to um we ask for permission it is a fundraising thing or a solicitation of sorts so the reading lions are during their fourth annual scarecrow contest the goal is to provide a fund seasonal activity that raises money for Charities supported by the vedding Lions um the donation is $15 for a kit and the the Lions would like to um come on Saturday October 9th and set up outside they have a tent and they would set up outside with the kits and they would collect money right I'm sorry did I say the 19th which is this weekend which is this weekend um and proceeds go directly to fund the Charities which include the reading base support which include the reading food pantry and the Scholarship Foundation among among others they provide their table the materials and um they as long as if it's raining they might come into the lobby but as long as they could be outside they they found that to work very well this it's supposed to be beautiful this week yeah and then people just driving by who were dropping books off would don't necess go in the building but we would see them so I think that was the the thing um and there um just last Andrew again so they um the doing rary Club Lions sorry Lions L Club um I kept saying um would be uh Judy uh Judy Holden Mor MAAC and desire so that's that's just making the request so it's this Saturday the this Saturday the 19th 19th so jumping beans at 10: yeah okay good long as there's some yes yes we actually talked about plan for it was last time I forgot who it was it was either MCO it was singers or something and it was just tons of people and they were just anyway okay so again this is something you covered can on I Mo that we uh approve the lioncap contest request do we have a second second um can we have a vote whether or not to approve roll call vote sure yes Andrew um I'll choose Gregory I approve sorry wrong Andrew it's like the Hollywood Squares uh Patty patan votes yes as well yes to the lovely thanks thanks um next item on the agenda is review of the holds pickup policy which I believe is in our pocket yes it's very short policy um it was adopted in 2003 and hasn't really been touched since um I actually remember when this one a big deal um so this started out as privacy for items on reserve interesting yeah and um as you know we go through the policies it's something we haven't really touched for a while just because it it works something wrong with it except for as we've been updating to make sure there's no sort of procedures it's really just basic policy and in the policy we went through this while we were talking about privacy issues and um C Jeff and scel looked at this Michelle looked at this and basically just decided to shorten up it essentially says why you cannot pick up things for someone in your household or for your friend unless you have been either have their library cards or they have been explicitly put you on their record as someone who can pick up for them and and um this is something that the you know needs to be very basic and very clear so that the lowest common denomination and staff member can just sit there talk it does um Michelle you can probably speak to your years op being in it is sometimes an issue it does it can be a little tense and sometimes we just have to get people the policy and they're not happy with the the answer um although more and more I feel like people are understanding that these are privacy issues and they tend to be when does the policy come into conflict people um is it a um user error thing where they just forget to add that person to their record it's more that they don't know that that yeah like my why can't I pick up my mom's books or why can't I pick my husband books or my kid books I have to have so when we sign up a child's card which needs parents permission anyway we tell them explicitly if you want to be able to things for your child and you will also be responsible for you know on that um then you have to have this in and then the child at any time can have that removed if they wanted to um and it was in large part actually in to protect to your friends yeah apart from uh children is that also conveyed to just an adult that comes in when they get the card yes yeah espe we talk we definely kind crou it in terms of family members or people in your household it could be like you know your your something in-law lives with you and no I can see massive privacy issues without no I and I and I think the revised language is even clearer I think it's very just straightforward and um you know it may be an issue for people once but it serves an important purpose and it's very easy to remedy um so so this is just really a clean it's no change in the technical policy but it is a clean yeah I think it's very short and clear I have I don't have any questions on it myself the only question I had is are you no longer holding the items at the circulation deaths for additional time or is that was that just the last sentence of the uh yes I see what I see that and I feel like that was something that we did a long that's what I I mean this policy has been updated in 21 units yeah right okay I I it's it's more of why you say that it's more of a question it has no bearing on the final I think that this version the new version is cleaner makes much more sense I have no questions I was just curious well I just pH to our our Bor Services team and they go they're very nice when sometimes if they you know if someone's missed their pickup date and it's still sort of in the bin but hasn't left the building they will dig through that bend and you know give you that extra time if you call them and say I can't get into today they they extend the time for the B so they're very generous in in cases where you're absolutely unable to come pick up your item for for various reasons so they they do a wonderful job and sometimes it's it's just good to have a nice little off yeah it's perfect s uh do we have a motion we no motion no motion we do the policy on Monday and then we vote on it that's the one thing we delay the voot because we want to get it a full 21 years so we want to really wait till [Music] December I'm gonna and we table it for another 21 I think it's one of the few policies that we have in change change recently just because it was like I said it wasn't broken but it it need to excellent um okay any other questions on that think so um next item on the agenda was the financial reports um nothing really to report we got an f25 which is really exciting um so everything is sort running as as it is um our budget is um just over quarter of the way through I guess a third of the way through um the FY 26 budget is underway and at the next meeting uh we will be that's on the sort of next agenda item under business for next time we're going to be presenting a level one budget um the level one draft budget is very draft um and it's um it includes then I will present it to the select board on December 10th you have time at that November meeting to if you wish to discuss and make other recommendations like maybe you should ask for way more money Amy um or or something like that um in general there aren't AR aren't any changes but it it does clarify um you have a chance to ask questions before I present it to the board um the presentations in December to the select board are information only um because after um there's usually no money added or subtracted at that point um what happens then is it goes to the ch manager who gets the school budget and then the town manager balances the budget to present to the fincom in late February early March and that's when you're going to see any additions or changes um just recently the finance committee met and agreed on the amount of free cash that will be used for the FY 26 budget 5.8 million six in my head might know to check meeting notes for that but it essentially gave us the um General non-union staff increases so I have that to work with now so the staff increases are the staff increases for especially for non-union it's the same all around the board everybody gets the same this it'll be a step and a 1.25% col but um I am working with the town accountant to create specific lines for the office of equity and social justice and Albert will present those lines and working with him to the select board and to the finance committee actually as well um be able to speak to that this comes from a conversation um or not from a conversation it comes from having this position for the last two to three years and having it within the library is fine but it's hasn't really been its own division so it's been very difficult to parse out what monies are being spent um on Equity throughout the town now there's a training that Albert does and he brings it to the library staff whether it's his staff whether it's his time doing the trading or he's contracted with the subject matter experts present to us that's fine if I'm paying for that but if that same training is going out to the DPW or he's spending time working on uh an MVP Grant and needs to do additional hours or he has to do something there's an expense related to that um it seems we've been talking a lot about how we need to really itemize that that and make it clear that it's sort of coming out of the library budget but it's not the library budget when it's for things that aren't necessarily related to the library so you have a separate Department we have a separate division within within the library um like salary and and um expenses kind of thing yeah I mean the salary yes because actually if there was ever if we ever um just like we have the Public Services Andrea's department and we have Jamie's Department collection Services if if he were to ever hire someone like as a as a a part-time assistant then that that could be in that department in that Division and so um there's just expenses that we want to put towards that um including programming or Pro programming presentations and training he and I have talked about this we've looked at models from three or four different communities some bigger some smaller and um unfortunately it's going to be a really tight budget we'll present what we present and we'll see what we can have um what we can get um it's important for the community to understand the separation of Opp right I I think so and because now it's muddled and people may not like muddling okay who's getting what right and it you know also for for arguments purposes as well as for cooperation right so it just just I think it's just it's I think it makes the process a little more transparent especially since it's one of these positions that really kind of works across the town I I always liken it to the Coalition the reading Coalition which is under police department they have their own budget Erica presents it at any time you know you could lift that up and put it someplace else but it's it's her programs it's her things it's it's not it's not the police budget it is the police budget but it's very clear that this is to be used for this purpose and it is a acoss is across town and she does do community trainings and she does do community programs so there's some similarity there won be as big as her though so that's the that'll be a new a new Twist on the budget so it'll our expenses will go up a little bit not go up it will they will go up we're going to ask them for some specific money for Albert to implement some of the Strategic plan um activities that are come away from the um townwide assessment c um I just want to give you a quick update on the supplement of spending back in July um we went ahead with the commun contract so we have a new app um we have a new app I think I mention that later but um that project which also includes an eventual update to we our website it also is a a completely new run and event reservation software that was a big chunk of our supplemental spending and that came out of Le state aid um the second project is um I had mentioned something about local history was like preservation digitization and something else this was something we've been working on we have about 28,000 Pages digitized through the Boston Public Library that is on internet archives what does that mean exactly internet archives is an open source or open platform um no pay wall people from all over the world uploads books and things up to it and it's searchable um we it's not a bad product it's a massive product and it's for platform and we did notice that um for example students in the schools can't use internet archives because it's not monitored there's it it can't get through their school filtering software there might be things like internet archives that might not be appropriate for a b or sixth gr to look at so um so they can't go online and look at the yearbook can't go online and look at the Town reading reports and there were projects they were doing as school students were doing think most inid it wasn't Elementary it most middle school and high school so we ended up providing them with some download we we did a work but it seems silly that since we already have this archives our community archives with all of the chronicle thank you to the foundation for doing that why don't we put that all in one location so you can have the town reports the reading yearbooks and the three or four books that BPL has already um digitized for us we get that over into the same location we can leave a copy on internet archives but we provide our direct users with a single um location so that's a per page conversion and they they take it they do their own at um OCR and they do their own index and um that cost will be a little bit less than what I had anticipated but we're pretty excited that should be done actually by November so they're finalizing that so that was very exciting um it'll just be nice to have most of that in one and now will people access that where will that be is that still public right not pay W yeah no that's our free newspaper I call it the newspaper archive but with the ideaas we're trying to turn it into really a reading town of reading AR and putting you know if we have other books I've asked jelyn to consider having BPL do it but it's okay it's perfectly fine to have two digital copies up there first of all for redundancy it's free um so even if we continue to use BPL who does the service for free and then puts it up on internet archive for free we can still take that it's already been digitized and we can add it to our archives which is the advantage that one service that we've been using so it's I think it's exciting um there's probably other things that we might want to add um we're very quiet quiet month for gifts and I'm um I'm not um I don't have a problem with that and I suspect gifts in uh November December will not be directed directly to the library the friends are doing a huge mailing now and I know the foundation will be doing their annual Feld so I'm perfectly happy to have funds directed to those wonderful foundations wonderful organizations that support us so thank you does anybody have any further questions on the financial report if not we can move on to the next item on the agenda the director's report which is back at you yeah um so first there are a couple things that should not say August snapshot that should say the snapshot and that's what I get for copying from one month the other um and the other thing is if you um go down to with Statistics under reference questions and visitors those numbers um they they were that they were supposed to originally say not available because I didn't have them at the time but since that time I have gotten them and the numbers are we had 1,470 reference question and we had 13,172 visitors for the month of September 24 um not the numbers I know so what do you 21 31 for ref refence questions 2,131 for September yeah and four visitors 1497 which is what a yes so that was so I had corrected numbers here so um um I can send those to anybody offline dying to know those exact but um that was that was my error and I apologize for that kind has got to be some typo in um I won't go over all the collection programming Services except to say that um I already mentioned the app um on and um we're really excited about the rooted and reading Grant um it was I reported to it was called the dig in Grant originally we're now calling it rooted and reading we have this lovely um logo that we worked with our designer Martin sorer on and we're very excited put it on everything and in everything and um and he was great and provided us with chopped up versions and everything and um in case you didn't notice probably mention um this next month too but in case when you come in you will see a whole bunch of new um Garden plantings around the parking lot the there are two areas of focus in here uh one is the sample sensory garden and the sensory garden and I have information on that um on our website and on the writing website sensory Gardens are generally focus on the five senses and it would be peing so there's some grasses there and things we and we'll add some probably like a solar fountain in the summer and maybe a win time and then smell so there are things that smell there there's the sweet burn and um uh Thyme and oregano and things that touch so the lambier is there and that's very fuzzy to touch we did not do taste because we don't want anybody tasting anything there and then visual site in um will'll probably have more annuals but things that are pretty Bloons and things like that so those will be and um as there will be we will be adding signage there with either QR codes or links to information where people could learn more about about these types of things and resources and then the rest of the plantings that go along the parking lot and down the driveway are all about native plants that support bees and um birds and other colonies and um that includes there a list of plants they're all Native they all support we've already seen a lot of pollinators there um some of the some of the plants with seeds and berries will have lead suitable for the birds as well so we're very excited these are all planted now these are all planted now yeah and um I'm going to work on the plant list I have like a thousand pictures all the plants that we planted um we work with demitra Sakara demitra Sakara byra who is a former resident she actually now resides in but she has a lot of work here she her specialy touches oldach in touches oh yeah yes and so she's very well versed in the native plants and things like that um and we worked with a local contractor Daniel gagan gag Landscaping who's also a writing resident so we're very pleased to be able to work with vocals on that um and we're able to break that down through the Grant and um I'm actually thinking about um figuring out how we can contract with gag and escaping to do um both spring and B cleanups with with the mulching because the town does not do the mulch they used organic leaf mulch so they go to place I it's leaf mulch so they go places that shred up the leaves it's not like the bark mulch it actually rots and adds nutrients to the soil y so I know he does that and he might be able to do a clean up in the spring and quite yes so um but that's what we would really love to do and that's um the exter that's the extent of the external part of that uh Grant um getting all ramped up for the voter for for the election we had the town clerk here and um they were they had appreciated being able to be here for National voter registration day and um didn't register people they did register some people and then a lot of people just wanted to check their status yeah register V that kind of thing so um and it's just good FaceTime just kind of like you know we go to the we go to something with our wring book bike that people don't always check things out but it's really good FaceTime so I think it was really nice for the Town Clerk and the staff to to who are lovely lovely staff and can I just say I think we have a really professionally involved on Town Park's office sing that on the public television really appreciate the work that they do and it's yeah it's hard work not an easy job not an easy job so I really appreciate them and it's nice to get them um and um the last thing was that I wanted to mention is we had Coalition here um doing Naran training was open to the public but we had several staff members come to the Naran Administration training the session covered um the history of of Naran and and opioids and it was it was very informative and interesting as well as they went over the actual Administration and everyone who left at was given a little bottle it's a two dose um we have spoken as a a leadership team and every year we do one one of our staff meetings F through on around emergencies and do fire draw we go through emergency processes and I think this year we're also going to add in Ouran Administration training the training itself doesn't take that long and we'll probably also do a review of our AED devices so we try to do some we try to do that every other year years just of the safety safety things so um you know we will probably have it at the at the um s desk and people will be trained to use it if they wish to use it they will have it there to use it's not required um but um it's not the happiest thing to have to decide to do but I think it's thing to do is a life yeah um we have two High School Pages which is you know we're really excited one of them is senior we have another Junior so uh Julia um will be working children's room team and indigo Wasing on the ground floor and Beijing the ground floor and as you mentioned we have our anniversary one year um just a super call out to Susan Bard who been has been here 31 years um she and Don pord are at the same time so I think Don's universary was last month couple months ago so we have few we few old with goodies but as you can see it's it's we have some middle middling people and some new people so I'm curious that your 21 year anniversary coincides cleanly with the holds pickup policy yes it does just wonder congratulations you should have seen me like when that policy came through because they would have been discussing it in October or November and they implemented it and you were there and I just remember thinking like what why is such a big deal little did I know little did I know I think I was on the bo yeah I think that was was my off with my mother so anyway so we have some wonderful anniversar um actually right now going on right now is the upgrade to the technology in the confence community rooms and we're using Foundation funds for that it's a hefty investment I just a side note that Equipment Technology equipment has been there inate for eight years and if you think about the world in terms of Technology 8 years is a really long time and it actually has held up quite well and through the pandemic and through the zoom you know Evolution and Revolution and so now having um both our inperson meetings and our hybrid meetings will be much um we'll be able to do more better video conferencing both for for a full for full hybrid system so that'll be that'll be really nice and we're very excited to do and purchase of our RFID inventory tool have to remember next month I don't have to tell you anything because all this has happened in the first two weeks October um we got our inventory on that was our supplemental funding staff equipment and it's this really cool pool that we just wave it in front of a books all our books have rsid tags and we'll tell you what was there and then you look at what supposed to be there and you can yeah it's not perfect you can't walk around and just look for you know you can't just walk around looking for Harry Potter but um it it does help with shelf reading it helps with inventory finding out what's missing what's usually you can find things that are misfiled yeah so is that going to make it easier for people who misfile things on you yeah yeah yeah you can kind of do it and um we did we did what w field has the same equipment and they we went there and they came here and they did visits and demos and they made sure it's something that they um prod Ed it's probably the first big investment to any RFID technology that we've done since we do the whole thing I'm always amazed at the people who can't put things back with I see people put you know a magazine that begins with D um o over you know by Saturday evening post like really my son my two-year-old son he's real good but you know B the children stff I don't get it from adults when they're when they put it in the wrong place it's just although what that tells us that somebody's reading the magazine that starts with t that's true also shows that they don't know where D is in the AL I know no I don't know what it means but it just seems really unfortunate that people don't B things back it isn't that hard job security man yeah job security so so that's basically what's been happening in September and a little bit into October um those two months are sort of blend I you know feels like the meeting's very late this month um maybe it is the holiday um and we're open Sundays so now we're open Sundays we've had our first few Sundays and we'll be stff on our Sunday usage actually haven't heard anything yeah I was here the first busy it was busy this Sunday be sleeping and I used to just sit out there because Wi-Fi yeah and I went up here was like where where people oh there's no parking parking no um but we generally have some you know good good turn on and we're excited about that else something uh we went on a tour um of so someone donated a 3D printer to us and um and over um Library they have the same 3D printer so we went we tore their maker space and we we are going to practice using staff's going to practice using the 3D printer uh and then they have other equipment that we also have that we just don't put out for people to use so we're kind of thinking about how we want to do that so they have a sewing machine uh and they just have it out on a table with um stuff to sew and so we're trying to think about how we can use the equipment uh and not take up too much staff time or use the staff that we already have so this is something that we're working on so do you do people on staff need to know how to use sewing machines on a very basic level or would it be easier to loan them out we have them to loan out too so we have yes know that they're available yes so they definitely do that so we have two that people um can borrow and they're different brands and then we have one that um we can use in the studio okay yeah because I just think that um sewing machines are inherently dangerous no I'm I'm I'm not exactly yeah I mean so you would want to make sure that they aren't in a place where kids could get out oh for sure for sure this would be in the studio yeah yeah yeah and maybe locked up or something so the people couldn't just FID around with it yeah so it is all something that we're thinking about like where are we going to put the 3D printer where would we put the sewing machine are we going to have somebody in this Studio where was where they would be um at all times are we going to have office hours so it's all something that we have to think about with the three with the 3D printer be something where people have to bring their own material to make something out of the 3D printer no we would Supply it and from what I understand you really do want to be the people who do Supply it some of them have um uh chemical offsets but the ones that um the supplies that we have are um plant-based and it's same thing that they have at Memorial Hall libraries don't need um sep um spent this is definitely like in progress so this is brand new it's it's definitely like a longer term project and I guess I'm thinking about it now like probably don't remember but about two years ago we started talking about opening up the patio that's part of the rooted and reading group right I mean r and reading project it's taking us to we have the we have the rules we did all the con conerns we still haven't opened up because we'll get there in the spring so this is the sort of the same thing yeah it could be that we'll be investigating um like Booth like the hush Booth but only bigger for because you can it be locked and signed out there could be a myriad of ways that this could could could could go out um it could be that we don't do anything at all but we're just in that I think it was just exciting to see the potential for and and other other towns that are you know obviously someone else taking the risk factor they probably to sign something liability thing and training thing but I think Staffing is one of the biggest issues that have come across with any of our new projects because it's always like well who's gonna who's keep an eye on the kids on the batt who's going to keep an eye on the person who a going machine who's gonna offer help will people be able to make anything they want on this so that came up um so can someone make a gun no so they have they have a policy um an Andover where you can't make something like a gun um a weapon um what sounded to me is that a weapon it would take so it takes so long yeah so you would so they would limit the amount of time that you would have so it have to be something under three hours three hours and the staff which you can hit really yeah so the staff um sees I think what it is it they look at what they're approve the job you look at you look at the model of what they want to build and you say okay you can build that is that kind of how do they charge for material I don't know I under three hours yeah yeah but print under three hours is probably going to be you know 15 cents worth of filament oh okay all right so yeah it was just it was really exciting um I mean we just we have all this stuff we' just been sitting there and it's a good something to prep for I think also it kind of lends itself to again to the point of if you're serious 3D printer you're going you're either on your own or you're going to go to a industrial facility and have something created this is going to be learning well it's it's not an industrial yeah and so um you know Recreation yeah you know like Little D characters that seems mck M there we go customiz so um but I think it's it does add to the I mean I believe there are 3D printers already at the high school you know I think things that we can do to you know supplement what the learning that's going on um people who don't go to the high school or homeschoolers there's an audience of Learners neighbors that we can definitely to so the other was and that's all I have excellent thank you very much anybody have any questions further questions about the is no then we can move on to the ever poopular approval of September's meeting minutes does anybody have any questions comments changes none none for me okay hearing none do we have a motion to accept I move to accept the uh minutes as presented wait a second second call V Sher yes correct yes Andrew G I approve all the Andrew so much Andrew approve I approve as well um approval of the September 9th 2024 meeting minutes 5 I move on to the next agenda or next agenda item which is future agenda item and we' talked about the pisal year 26 budget we also have the ace yes and then the vote for the policy yeah oh the vote for the policy yes exactly you're welcome to add other I do not have any anyone have anything else to add excellent okay uh with no further business do we have a motion toour move to adjourn second second second vote Yes at yes one of Andrews yes Andrew Grimes is he yes all2 thank you all thanks I hope I hope no one spilled anything in the room no nothing to spill because nobody brings anything any it's funny I did bring like a soda water thing thinking we're forgetting that we're in this room even though it's C and I'm just like oh my God he's never hope beautiful but he but he never put on exactly I almost did too and I was like e e e e e e e e e e e