##VIDEO ID:cr6_5MLv7Q0## e e e e e e e 702 sorry about that guys so let's get started um so we're going to start with case number 24-14 19 Winter Street Z appeals hold the public heing in the select board meeting room at Town Hall 16 Street Reading Massachusetts on Tuesday October 1st 2024 at 7.m on application of Clifford Windsor puring to Mass General Law chapter 48 section 9 for special PR under reading zoning bylaws sections 4.5 5.0 5.3.2 and 5.4.7 as me may be determined by the zoning board seconder the second floor of an existing accessory structure in apartment dwelling unit on the property located at 19 Winter Street sors map 23 lot 82 in writing Massachusetts unless folks uh so yeah I'm good you're good you sure okay thank you though um unless there's an objection I'll dispense with the reading of the butters list except to say that the butters were notified as were the following the select board town clerk Police Department fire department building department Conservation Commission Health Department assessor's office engineering Division cpdc and members and Associate members of the board of appeals as well as the planning boards of Wakefield lynfield North rening stonom wurn and wit the testimony given before this board is taken under oath so if you think you may want to speak please stand and raise your right hand is someone gonna present on this case yeah okay um want to stand up for me sure yeah hi um I'm this is my dad okay nice to meet you guys let's just swear real quick um so I swear that the testimony given me by me before this board be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth and the response is just I do I do great um yeah so if either of you want to just give us kind of an overview of the case and what you guys want to do and what you looking for yeah so um it's a garage that been there since I think 1994 and there's uh a second floor that's just kind of storage right now and um we've been thinking about doing it over for like 10 plus years now um so so what we want to do is just make um pretty much into like a rentable space to um like maximize the we have like the space for it so why not do it you know but when I originally built the structure they told me there's no way you could have an apartment up there so it just Bas basically became a a space where my kids did things projects whatever and it's been vacant basically other than a bunch of stuff up there but it wasn't used for really any anything it's just bare walls studs so we want to do something with it now great sounds good um yes anyone on the board have any questions for them I have a few go for it uh I think I read in here somewhere that person who would be residing in that apartment would be the owner no the owner that's what it said in here oh no no my daughter is going to be the one residing there eventually I I would like to rent it eventually but then down the line it I'd probably move out because you know move on with my life but and then we rent it to another you know so you're the owner of the property and you're going to continue to live in the main residence okay okay I took a ride by and I noticed that you got the house in the front and the garage is set way back and you got a pool in between the two properties it looks like okay now I noticed that you had a set of stairs coming out of that garage area from the top down on at the on the pool side yeah are those stairs going to stay there or those stairs going to move no they will stay there they're going to stay in the exact same place yeah cuz I was trouble figuring that out I I had trouble figuring that out when I looked at your little drawing I wasn't quite sure where those stairs were going to be yeah I can show I can show you but they're going to stay where they are correct yeah okay all right that's one of the thing uh I assume you're using the garages for cars now no I I just Tinker in there in the garages yeah okay the spiral the spiral stairway you're talking about does that exist at this time no so you're going to be putting that in yes okay so the two accesses to that apartment are going to be the spiral staircase and the outside so there stairs the existing staircase and then if you look in the drawing there's a back door that we're putting in I we I redid the whole drawing once I learned that we needed a second egis so the back side there's going to be um a a little area like a a small deck and then a second form that we have to put in because we need a second form of eress so on the back side of the garage there'll be another set of stairs just thr way out the back okay that's what I saw on the drawing what's that that's what the drawing showed yes the first one didn't because I didn't know that but then I resubmitted yeah okay now I noticed on one side of the drawing and I can't tell what it is but it's it's on the side over here way on this side where there's a door and then there's nothing in here what is in there there's nothing right now nothing right now no we we were going to put like a kitchen over there but there's nothing right now oh there's nothing up there that's um nailed on or screwed in or or anything it's just studs I never did anything with it plywood floor the ceiling is just joice you know it's yeah so I just put that as like a I'm we're going to put the kitchen there you has pictures of it if you want to see it yeah would you like to see the yeah yeah so you can scroll this is like the whole album um so this is inside that's the door that you saw coming up right and then this is the like wind like this area right here so nothing's there it's all storage right now so sorry it's a little messy um where is this this is um this wall where we're going to put in Windows or was nothing right now okay this is the back window um area where we're going to put we're going to replace this cuz this window is like not great anymore we're just going to replace it with um a sliding door and then the deck out there okay um and then this is this wall where we're just going to put like a storage um a big like closets and stuff and then in the middle of the room would be this the staircase that's just another view and then I have the outside of the house too if you want I've seen that I've seen that do you guys want to see these want to see I see so that's like the back area where this um the sliding door would go M um is that is that up above or the ground floor that's um second before so um I'll show you let me see this is the yeah the the stairs that come out that's the window this is where like the kitchen would be um this is the side that we put the windows in on just cuz there's little light in there so we just want like Windows um what side is this this is the other side and that's the door okay so that be from here from this direction so this would all be like closets and then the bathroom would have to go over here Waters that's the sliding door back here we're just going to replace that and then this wall is um this one yeah and that's the front door again you said you were putting in new windows yeah how close so how close are those to a property line or any adjacent structures yeah so this is the driveway so that there's a whole bunch this is all our property over here this is the um side that's um I have the you can see the I have like the property line if you want to see it oh we have them okay here or something sorry yeah lot2 yeah here yeah so okay um this side is the side that the deck the stairs would go on um and then the window would be the side that the driveway is on but we have like a bunch of um space on the side there's plenty of space for a staircase but we're not putting any windows in on that side just on the other [Music] side let me I only I only have one other question yeah they're all on um I think I uploaded them all did you okay I think so check on I can look right now they're all on the building Perman oh did you up I don't know if they're on the do you need them to um I can email them to pull them from the buildingart if I can't then I'll let you okay cool yeah just let me know when do you plan to put the kitchen in there I'm a little hard of hearing I'm sorry when do you plan on putting the kitchen kitchen in when we do everything all the work yeah because accessory apartment by definition is supposed to have a kitchen a bathroom and a and a bedroom right yep yeah yeah I mean they'll need a full building you know perent review and everything else it'll be a whole you know fire rated balls and whatnot so that'll all go through the perating process okay I have no other questions yeah we have to empty it all out which is going to be a whole project and then yeah so are you putting in a fire suppression system fire suppression system you mean like a sprinkler I don't know I just see mechanical fire suppression listed under estimated costs I was just curious yeah no I didn't know that was um probably talked to the building inspector no you probably don't need know that was something that would be probably not no it's not well there are a lot of codes you have to meet right yeah they would need a spr smoke smoke arms and all that stuff all that stuff all that I think my only question was I think you partially answered so the kitchen is on the first floor kind of where those things are and the bedroom's on the second floor correct yeah um yeah okay my double check check that um Chris Frank anything any others from the board no all right sounds good um all right thank you is anyone from the public who has any comments on this one ask when are you planning to like we said we have to clean it out first so um first we have to do the windows too so maybe when did you ask when we plan to start yeah yeah as soon as we get the before hopefully yeah we put off for a long time so yeah this is my next door she just want yeah so I have no more questions thank you yeah great um that's probably it for public comment then um all right does someone want to make a motion for this I will make a motion to approve I just need the information and I would make a motion to approve the special permit uh move to Grand petitioners um Clifford Windsor and Lisa Jay Windsor uh a special permit under Section that uh 5.4.7 accessory apartments and 5 4.72 uh 7.2 restrictions of the zoning bylaws on the uh lot located at 19 Winter Street uh this special permit would be subject to the following conditions the petitioner shall submit to the building inspector a certified plot plan of the proposed construction and proposed Foundation plans if necessary prior to the issuance of a found permit for the work uh the petitioner's final construction plans for the new structure shall be submitted to the building inspector along with the as built Foundation plans prior to the issuance of a building permit if necessary and as built plans showing the completed construction shall be submitted to the building inspector immediately after the work is completed and prior to the issy issuance of an occupancy permits okay any on a second a second right all in favor I all right anyos no all right you guys are all said cool congratulations yeah will the decision and then once we and cool thank you guys good luck thank you project yeah awesome thanks guys yeah have a good night yeah sure right I think the other thing on agenda is just the minutes from last time uh did anyone have any notes on that one I had some um fixes for I think names I'm assuming uh because there were some like doubles of um Patrick's last name when I think you were missing Andrews than IAT thing I saw um and I had that turned well I had the applicant from the last submit she looked at the draft minutes and she gave me the butters name for 17 which is Alison ocar Bloom it's OC c k r I think isn't it she has it written here as OC oh okay um I'll double check um open what I'm probably all right uh make a motion to approve all right second all right all in favor great um is there anything else you have for us Amanda or [Music] Bret let's do a Jour Second Great clean sweet thanks guys thank you he's PE CL