I need many now I remember [Music] how are you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e know we have five right good evening everyone good evening I want to start by apologizing for my voice um I'm not contagious but I I was it's allergy so I'm to right to mention that I don't usually sound like this but this meeting is being held in compliance with the open public meetings act and is open to the media and Public Notices were duly posted and the meeting was advertised in the Hun County Democrat and Courier News formal action may be taken me get a roll call please M depento here M fiori here Mr Los here m answer Mr Peach m borski m Ryan here M here here can we stand for the [Music] flag the United States of America to the for it stands one nation under God andice Dr har super report please thank you good evening everyone Welcome to our April 30 of Education meeting tonight we have several students to recognize for some extra ordinary accomplishments here in our community first I'd like to begin with the hunon county Librarians Association enthusiastic reader award the enthusiastic reader awards are designed to honor young readers in hun hunon County who show enthusiasm for reading and sharing books they read independently on a voluntary basis through school and public libraries and choose books appropriate for their interest level the criteria for selection also includes students who use books for a variety of purposes read independently on a volunteer basis use school and or public libraries and select books appropriate interest levels the following three students have exemplified these qualities of an enthusiastic reader these students have been invited to a special reception at the Hun County Library on May 22nd at this time I'd like to ask Mrs zardi to join me in welcoming these students to the podium [Applause] name so um I'll start with three Bridges unfortunately the enthusiastic reader is not able to attend today and that's Co Bren um the RMS enthusiastic reader um I have a little special place in my heartwork she did go to White House and as Dr D says you have to love white best and that's Catherine Al Smith you you had very specific lights when you were in White House you you you weren't a broad reader you you were a gracious reader but very specific so it sounds like you brought in out and for White House school we have um and for White House school is L um is she here Lana is one of the few kindergarteners who have a special challenge in the month of February where the goal is to read 1,000 minutes and um she was the only one in her class yes yeah and and one of I think only four in kindergarten and her sister may who's a year older um she also reads a thousand minutes so um every year so I am so proud to um that both of you these Awards thank you so much than this year students from hen Brook School participated in the New Jersey Destination Imagination state tournament Destination Imagination requires students to engage in research and presentation skills collaboration quick thinking teamwork creativity and communication skills these hardworking students play first and second overall and I'm going to ask Mrs Vance and Miss Mone to join me calling Mrs F Destination Imagination is a competition that involves several competitions and levels and tell us a littleit about the [Music] students so there are uh different types of competitions for Destination Imagination we participate in the Improv category so it's the students have to think on their F and they're presented at the beginning of the year with a challenge um and the challenge has all types of components that they have to incorporate into their improvisational performance in order to gain maximum points so part of this is research right teamwork um improv skills acting skills right working together to come up with a solution to the challenge and Miss money and I cannot say enough how proud We are because by no means is this an easy test this is a really um long process it takes a lot of grip and determination to do this type of work we think you know we see improv on TV and we think of as you know just thinking on there's a lot that goes into this and they really have to want to participate in this to do this to do this club and they brought it that day so we are so proud to say that our chains came in for the elementary student names starting with um the extravagant EXT six are six is a theme for us this year so the extravagant six Au jordano clair L sober and Si Torres and our six Musketeers Cala Finley Lia Greenberg syy green Alison Nina hard congratulations everyone the New Jersey School Board Association unsung hero award recognizes eth grade students who make an outstanding contributions to their schools and communities but are often overlooked by traditional student recognition programs this is what makes them unsung heroes selection criteria may include students have who have overcome difficult academic or personal challenges and model with citizenship or exhibit a spirit and quiet strength that inspires others this year the eighth grade teachers unanimously nominated this one individual for this award our RMS unson hero is Dominic if someone asked Dominic how he would describe himself he would say I'm just a chill dude who goes with the flow no matter what happens but in reality this his positive chill attitude that makes Dominic an unsung hero he faces every day with smile on his face and a positive attitude despite the significant obstacles he has had to overcome in his life since he was more Dominic has had to face many medical challenges these challenges have led him to consistently undergoing test visiting Specialists and even being hosti ased for extended periods this coupled with the recent pandemic led to Dominic missing a significant amount of school to keep himself healthy as the pandemic ended and Dominic ENT entered Middle School he faced having to move unexpectedly which was extremely hard on him Dominic didn't let the time away from his gears in school get him down he just kept Ching his medical needs are coupled with some learning challenges as well but Dominic doesn't let that stop him either he puts in his best effort in every class and is engaged in what he's learning he's inquisitive and wants to do well in school despite the challenges he has faced in his life Dominic continues persevere he's the first person to offer to help someone in need or to be a friend to others he doesn't expect or want any special attention or for people to feel bad for him he's a Sweet Soul with a heart of gold who spreads sunshine to all that are lucky enough to know him I'm forever thankful to have been part of his educational Journey for the last three years Dom I speak for all of your teachers and the staff at RNs when I say we are so proud of you your spirit and quiet strength Le us every day keep on CH [Applause] I want to thankes and our staff for coming tonight to recogniz these extraordinary students and most importantly to our students who are recognized tonight thank you for always being yourselves being inquisitive hard workers we really appreciate all of your best efforts in school it was the best time of year it a spring time and still light out so you have time to screen so I uh you can stay if you'd like everybody can stay we're going to continue our feel free to stay Thank you so much for coming before you go Dr Cersei or the board is there anything that you'd like to add to before our folks depart no I just want to congratulate all all the recipients tonight that was really great and that last award was particularly uh awesome so thank you for being here tonight thank you everyone for being here tonight we're going to move on our board meeting you're certainly welcome to stay um but understand [Music] thank you everyone thank you um at this time I want to review um our district goal progress for the 2324 school year um I I like to begin with a little bit of reflection uh in what we've accomplished over the course of the year um and I saw this Carnegie quote um about setting goals that command your thoughts liberates your energy inspires your hope um and I really love this quote because I really love the goal setting process in the beginning of the school year and over the summer and I also like the review process of looking at District goals uh because it's a time for anticipation in every new school year and it's also a time of reflection and the joy of being a school district administrator the joys of working in schools is that we get to start fresh every September which is really nice uh we can start with a fresh set of goals and we can start with other initi and I believe that we began the year with energy and spirit like this quote talks about but I also believe that we're going to end the year with energy and hope and spirit like the courot talks about as well um so some of the reflections from this year include um that our three strategic goals continue this year we've been Tethered to our strategic goals for four years now and we've gotten to the point where our goals are really being monitored maintain um that I'll talk about a little bit more at the end of the presentation but our goals of inquiry Partnerships and social awareness have become part of an ingrained fabric of our district which is really nice to see we set academic goals and we've shown the board in the public that over the past year we've seen some positive progress and some great growth for our students and I have a couple of slides that speak to that and preschool we've talked a lot about preschool uh it was a large ambitious uh tight timeline project uh but opening a midyear program was was really successful and we were able to place about a 100 students in preschool programs districtwide um many are going to be entering kindergarten um the fact that we're also going to continue to grow next year in our preschool program um is a reflection of the fact that this really this collaborative effort was really um I want to say inspiring and thoughtful um and one that we've worked really aggressively to achieve uh so just a reminder of our district goals uh we set a goal for academic achievement to focus on using data to bolster academic achievement that's measured specifically with ir um we also really take a close look at njsla assessments our preschool goal was to design an Implement a comprehensive preschool program to serve free of charge 105 Readington three and four year olds and we have a plan for the next three years years to expand preschool for four year olds and then our strategic goals are these uh for the past four years we've been focusing on creating an inquiry based framework for kids as you see through passion projects in grades three five and even enhanced now in grade eight uh where students are doing not only passion projects and Civics projects but also Service Learning uh social awareness where our Learners are going to feel connected valued and secure in digital and non-digital environments and there's a nod in this goal to our uh green and sustainability efforts and then Partnerships schools are the hug of our community I I truly believe that we engage students and parents employees uh we are probably one of the larger employers and ready to Township there are so many people that have invested interest in our schools and it's so important for us to establish and parnish those Partnerships with uh all of the stakeholders of our schools and these are three continued goals for the so let's start with academic achievement for some reason the fond is not coming through very well on some of these slides um I know it looked okay when I PDF it but I'm sorry about that is it good on the screen at least I did half of it good on the screen so first I want to point out that there's two slides of the slide one is the board goal connections because you know there's lots of goals every year in the district the board sets goals you set goals for yourself the district sets goals the administrators set goals employees or teachers set professional development goals what I want to point out here is that a board goal is connected to a district goal a district goal is connected to an administrator goal administrator goals are connected to teacher goals so when we talk about goals we I want to show here that that all of these connections are being made so that we are moving in the right direction each each one of our goals and we have Synergy behind our goals um so this one shows that the board and the District are in harmony working with both of these goals and it shows consistency in our initiatives so some actions completed we focused on using I ready and njsla testing data to design instruction um we also used specifically with the njsla those evidence statements that we talk about in Ed Tech which is drills down directly to um the standards and how our students deal on specific standards in the area of naal language arts and we used that data to really design enhance and address instructional needs throughout the district we do very well and very proud of the progress that our teachers and our students have made but you know that there's always room for growth and we're continually looking for that room for growth through the data we're enhancing programs to address diverse student needs primarily in two ways expansion of and enhancement of our English language learning program through our sheltered English instruction which is SEI um and special education intervention programs you'll you'll know as we talk throughout the rest of the spring into next year we're constantly looking to redesign our special education programs to best serve our students in District we have IND District autism programs behavioral disabilities programs um learning the language disabilities programs and all of these are designed to keep students as much as possible in District learning with their peers and we're constantly moving that needle to make sure we serve students in the best way we can we used srn funding uh this is our final year ofer in ARP funding but we used it to design intervention programs for students mainly through uh YMCA we redesigned schedules to follow the new rtea contract and maximize student instructional time and that's a real focus on academic achievement and all of our Q scores are above 80% which identifies our district as a high performing district and a high achievement District um some of our academic this is just a brief overview of our academic achievement data according to I and this is just a snapshot uh we don't we have not administered the final end of the year diagnostic for I so this is mid year there was a much more detailed report that was provided to uh the tech committee but suffice it to say here's our math data and this is progress toward annual typical growth we would expect halfway through the year a typical student to grow about 50% in that year any percent over 50% that the student or the district is growing suggest that we're closing achievement GS so a student that's growing 66% for example or the district growing 66% and that over the course of half the year means they're growing about twoth thirds of a year in half the year so we're making gains um in addition on the right hand side you'll see how uh green is good right so we'll see how we want to see those green bars grow as we administer this assessment throughout um throughout the year academic achievement in reading so progress toward annual typical growth again same logic um applies here we would expect a child to grow about 50% halfway through the year that's typical growth anything Beyond 50% means that our students are making gains beyond what is typical so 100% growth means that students have grown an entire school year in just half a scho school year in the area and these are district averages overall this is not every grade level all the time but this shows academic achievement for people uh so 100% is is really good um so that's some I snapshot of ir data a preschool again there's a connection to our board goals but our actions completed include um making application for the preschool program on the very aggressive timeline that you all learned about over the summer you know we got notified in July I think 8th and we have to complete the application by August 11th and have a plan for implementing a in year program we developed our plans for implementation using the mix delivery model the mixed delivery model in in order to service the most students in our first year we had to use not only in District facilities but also out of District facilities that are private providers we updated facilities to accommodate preschool so our IND District facilities we updated to accommodate preschool and we've helped our private providers um look at some potential updates there as well we did Implement a mid year opening for approximately 105 students um that went extremely well we provided transportation we developed Communications planning and parent info sessions concerning registration program uh the fall information session some of you may have attended was probably about 70 people in this room there's a ton of interest in preschool and we have another info session June 4 to talk about next year's program as well we also developed the ecac committee this is our early childhood advisory committee this is a group of parents private providers administrators uh and preschool teachers that help make decisions regarding the future preschool program uh so some substantial work in the area of preschool this year and our strategic goals um again connected to our board goals um there's been continued implementation of Interest inventories we continue to use that data conversation guide that many of you experienced back in our October Board of Ed meeting where we reviewed data and you even tracked some of the data on that conversation guide um that keeps data part of the discussion in all of our schools and all of our classrooms we enhanced third and fifth grade passion projects we developed an e eth grade Capstone project along with the Civics project we even expanded Civics projects this year uh to include some historic history projects um in United States history and there's a service learning opportunity that's happening for 8th grade um later on in May uh we've had a very uh successful therapy dollar program over in RMS as well that really attends to the needs of students as far as their social and emotional needs um and our solar installation we've been uh working consistently and I want to thank Jason for his work on know the solar installation we've been trying to um move forward with an installation which is not only great for the district and budget and finances but also great for environment which is Again part of our uh social awareness goal I just got one of the principal's newsletters that had a whole bunch of actions from Green week uh which was really cool so there's been a lot of work that we've done in the area of GRE and sustainability other projects and accomplishments so we set goals every year and then some things come up and uh these are important things that have come up that were uh really time intensive and important projects uh we did a successful HB principal search over the course of the uh winter into the spring uh there's an ongoing read to Middle School assistant principal search now that Dr Moss is moving over to hollbrook that should be wrapping up by the May board meeting we've engaged in communication strategic planning uh which was an ambitious project for this time of the year uh but board members community members parents employees have all been involved in giving feedback to our uh communications consultant to launch a plan for September uh and we've talked to finance about engaging in some capital and maintenance projects that were unanticipated uh but we believe are important for the maintenance of Safety and Security of our buildings and all of those U continue to be Ono so the big picture um just overall preliminary eye data shows tremendous academic growth this year like I mentioned anything over that 50% mid year growth shows closing of achievement gaps and shows that kids are making progress Beyond mid year preschool is a success we have plans to double our classrooms for next year we mov from Seven classrooms to 14 classrooms uh we have almost 200 students uh registered for preschool which is great uh and we through all of this and all of even the unanticipated goals we've remain a tether to our strategic plan um and I like thinking about how this just has become the fabric of our district that when we talk about iny and we talk about Partnerships and we talk about seal and social awareness that these is this is common forac District uh I want to thank you all and the District staff and the administration for a great year you achieving goals is not just a superintendent and board effort this is really a collaborative effort um and it cannot be done without everyone here and the audience and in our district really working together to achieve what we need to achieve on an anual bis so thank you all for a wonderful year and support even though it's only April that we still have two months left to go uh questions from the board about um gos progress uh on tonight's agenda as well I just want to point out that the final budget adoption is um appears uh on the agenda uh so we've talked from February March and until now about budget preparation um the last stage of the process was to submit our budget to the county office for review and get feedback from them without any changes or revisions Jason I'll just ask you to say a few words about how the review of the county went um and if there's any substantial changes in the budget which really yeah so the the county office just had minor changes for um boarding and presentation so um enrollment data things like that that are put on the user friendly budget there's no changes to the tax levy no changes to the budget um so the budget that you're seeing this evening is the same budget in essence that uh was presented in the March board meeting um so if you vote to pass this evening um the tax will be certified in a few week question just yeah I I know um the past few years you've gone past few years you've gone to uh contship committee to present the budget after it's finalized is that the plan again for this year um yeah I our plan is to email them to see if there's a meeting that we could go to where we present basically we'll be presenting to all of you back in March now that it's finalized presuming it passes tonight uh we can tell them that we've passed our budget we're ready to present should the tach committee want us to present there we have to coordinate some calendars because it's getting close to the end of the school but we will make that offer again great thank you staff appreciation week is next week for Readington Township it starts uh the week of May 6 the national teacher day um is celebrated on Tuesday May 7th uh this day recognizes our dedicated Educators across the country and especially here in rington next week we'll celebrate not only our teachers but all staff that work in the district and support our students and our community uh this year our teachers are recognized for making significant contributions to the teaching and learning process for rennington students they looked deep into Data to make instructional plans provided support and intervention for students in need and Design creative lessons to spark student Innovation and enhance passion projects for Student Exploration par professionals always find ways to support students with specialized instructional needs our poers for preschool and kindergarten work side by side with the classroom teacher to also deliver small group instruction for our youngest Learners they're always flexible and responsive to our student needs for child study team and school counselors know the social emotional academic needs of all and it goes hand in hand for our our students they develop plans to support the needs of all children some even do so with a therapy dog our Beloved School nurses and church students are healthy to attend school they also attend to the emergency medical needs of both staff and students our custodial and maintenance staff attend to the cleanliness and safety of our school buildings they are up really early in the morning on cold winter days for snow removal to ensure that schools can help them our technology staff come to Boe meetings to ensure our technology is working properly they ensure that we are protected from cyber threats and manage over a th000 Chromebooks for over 100 iPad and over 100 iPads for student use this Nelson Mandela quote is displayed in the superintendent conference room quote education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world to all of our staff who arm our students with knowledge to influence Pol positive change we thank you so we have a great week plan for them next week with the h say so thank you to all of our staff um and I just wanted to say a few words thank you there's also a resolution on the agenda too um under Personnel that recognizes our staff appreciation thank you Dr I'm I'm done unless anybody has any other question thank you Dr a lot of great things happening for sure um we are now open to the public limited to action items on the agenda good evening hi for those of you on the board that don't know me I'm Christine KY I the current school counselor Middle School I'm here tonight to um just thank Dr Hart um I had a conversation with him today and I've asked to reconsider my transfer um and he has has let me know that he's willing to do that so I really do appreciate that I realize that I just wanted to say that I love being a middle school counselor um I certainly um don't want to leave Middle School learned to enjoy middle school but I will do my job wherever I'm asked to to do the job and I know I'll do it really well um I did want to clear out one thing um parents reached out to me thinking that I requested the transfer I would not request the transfer and leave students in their eighth grade year that's not my style so I just want to clear that up for the public that I would not choose to leave students going into their eighth grade year certainly um so I do want to thank you Dr Hart for considering that um I also wanted to say I really enjoyed working with Brad clle I'm sorry that he's moving on and um it's been a fantastic year so thank you for your time thank you anyone else there's somebody on the chat okay Cari yeah thank you Dr Hart For Your Precious words and a comment from Joe cagon Christine you are such a wonderful advocate for our RMS students that's all okay thank Youk you very much anyone else um sure Christine thank you for coming I appreciated our meeting today I I want to let the board know that when Christine and I talked today that uh I did explain that I was going to keep this resolution on the agenda it's still my recommendation for you tonight but I will follow up with Christine after tonight as well so my recommendation for the transfer is still on the agenda um and we did talk about this a little bit today as well I just want to make sure that clear that's the recommendation I don't want to I I'm not requesting a people through the agenda okay thank you um there was a correspondence and email from CS oh that was an exent and next we're going to um do the approval of the administrative reports can I get a motion to adopt 1.01 move that second par R call please M defto yes M fur yes M yes M mener yes M Peach yes M borski yes M Ryan Yes M wolf yes Dr yes passes um approval of the minutes motion to adopt 2.01 so move that second car roll call please M depinto yes M Fury yes Mr VES yes Mrs mener M speech Yes M by yes M Ryan Yes M yes yes U moving on to finance um a motion to adopt 3.01 to 3.14 so move that second uh we did not have a committee report this time um can we get a does anyone have any questions any questions about anything um can I get a roll call please M dto yes m f yes Mr loes yes M mener yes M Peach yes M borski yes M Ryan Yes M wolf yes yes moving on to education technology can I we got a motion to adopt 4.01 so move second car and we do have a committee report yes we do um the edtech committee met on April 19th the first item we discussed for the school building schedule revisions um for the K through3 buildings Dr doosa Dr Bengals and Dr Higgins presented the K through3 proposed schedule beginning in September the goal of the new schedule is uninterrupted math and Ela blocks while providing the contracted 300 minutes of teacher prep time per week with stakeholder engagement White House school and Three Bridges created a k through three scheduling committee the new schedule will have 50 minute blocks for specials uh grade levels will have specials at the same time for more consistency and in line with developmental needs computer class will become more of an integrated stem period lunch will be closer to the middle of the day with grade levels slightly overlapping in the cafeteria the new schedule also allows for more flexibility in the day for intervention uh Mr Charleston presented the RMS schedule the RMS scheduling team was made up of teachers and administrators parents and stakeholders were also asked to give input throughout the year's long process the scheduling team conducted site visits and solicited schedules from surrounding districts and County and within County um periods will be 42 minutes long with four academic periods in the morning and 4 in the afternoon there'll be one period in the middle of the day uh which is a 64 minute block for lunch recess and flex time built in uh 7:25 is the entrance Bell dismissal will be at 2:30 the schedule be will be on a 4-day rotation cycle one period drops each day allowing for students to have foure classes at different times of the day all core classes will be seen daily with math and Ela on a double single block rotation no academic um no more academic support block there will be eight onour slots two a day for each student with new oncore options introduced this schedule allows for more flexibility for intervention instruction and then lastly Mr Nigro um introduced the Hollen Brook School schedule which was changed in the beginning of this school year with input from various stakeholders and supervisors they have been on a six- day schedule which is working well there will not be significant changes to next year's schedule um but included is dedicated time for intervention and enrichment period at the end of the day uh next the committee um Miss pouch shared that the health and sexual health education letters will be going out to parents and Guardians on April 22nd was already went out those are for grades 245 678 parents and Guardians will have two weeks to fill out the opt out form if they do not want their child to attend these lessons uh Sexual Health instruction will begin miday then next Dr Hart presented a report with Miss pouch about Middle School school math particularly 8ighth grade instruction to see where improvements can be made to fully return to pre-co achievement levels using data shared by 100 and Central of current ninth grade Readington students Miss pouch and Dr Hart found that Readington students are performing similarly to the students of other districts on the PS exam additionally Readington students have a high success rate of passing freshman courses only six students changed math courses in high school this year with four moving up moving up levels and two moving down to ensure that the growth trajectory is sustained in the area of math particularly in Middle School the district has implemented several notable action steps these include Personnel adjustments professional development a schedule change and exploring new resources the new RMS schedule will provide students with more time for math from approximately 25 minutes a week to between 301 to 344 minutes weekly based on a rotating schedule the increase in instruction time will allow for small group personalized instruction the district is currently using Big Ideas curriculum which is what 100 Central also uses however with the new math standards the district and Central are looking at other resources such as Ed gems to potentially pilot a unit for 2425 the district is also working on identifying resources and teaching strategies for multilingual Learners and last Mr bsky gave us a quarterly Tech update um the of the uh current projects and initiatives upcoming initiatives which include a network switch refresh these are all things that are very uh very Tech specific um a network switch refresh RMS uh the front office Renovations and all the tech needs around that the RMS cafetorium performances sound system White House school computer lab uh preschool room Renovations as needed for things such as whiteboards um and a move of the district website over to final site for 2425 Additionally the district will continue to update video camera server and software for greater storage capacity and faster video retrieval and lastly the districted a New Jersey cyber security grant for cyber security enhancements we scheduled our next meeting for May 20th thank you Mr FY does anyone have any questions a comment actually I was wondering if um the Personnel committee can review 5.23 at the next meeting at their next committee meeting no about edtech we're ontech no no that's okay not a problem it's Tech is kind of short I um sorry not a problem at all does anyone have any questions regarding IT Tech two questions one there was reference for the key through three to the change in blocks for specials um are there any changes to math and Ela is what would the instruction time be uh the instruction time is going to be relatively similar um the nice thing about the schedule is um with some consistent blocks for schedu uh for specials we'll have a consistent 60 Minute block for Math and 110 minutes total for language arts in the K3 buildings that 10 minutes is hard to sustain fully throughout the day without interruption so at most it could be divided into two blocks of like 55 minutes and 55 minutes or some other combination but it's a total of 110 minutes daily thank you you're welcome any other questions thank you we get a roll call please M dep Pinto yes M Fury yes Mr Lopes yes M mener yes Mr Beach yes M borski yes M Ryan Yes m w yes yes U moving on to personnel we got a motion to adopt 5.01 to 5.25 so move Jennifer second Carol we have a committee report yes we do uh the Personnel committee met on April 24th um we reviewed Personnel matters Staffing updates for the RMS assistant principal search as well as Staffing updates for the 2023 2024 school year and 2024 2025 school year non-tenured staff staff commendations non-aligned staff salaries and items on the agenda are new staff hires transfers and renewals for 2024 to 2025 our next meeting is scheduled for May 2 at 8:45 a.m thank you m any questions or comments R person I'll restate if the Personnel committee can go back and review 5.23 5.23 um all right so now how does that happen do I just get to decide or is this a vote that we take I don't honestly know that's what I'm asking what's the is it to table to pull it off the agenda you have to make a motion to pull it off the agenda okay so so then someone need to make a motion to pull that off the agenda I just have a quick question about it if we vote Yes to 5.23 tonight does that still allow you to your conversation you have today and make changes if they are needed yeah the transfers can be made at any time so even if it happens today and it passes today I can still go back and follow up with any conversation yep is there is there a motion on the table so I'll make a motion to remove 5.23 from the agenda tonight is there a second I'll second okay uh roll call please is that the next step we just ask move is yet to remove it is yes correct if you vote Yes you'll be removing it if if it's a no vote that means it would stay on tonight and we're voting only on this specific and we'll go back to right this is just on 5.23 M dto sorry what will delay this do though like as far as moving so we will not be able any any open position that these transfers leave will not be open to post until the next board meeting so the reason like we can't isolate like you would have to no I don't think so you would have to make a motion to amend the resolution but Tech you could amend the resolution itself it's kind of like if you you could amend a bill list to remove one bill you could do that so you could amend the resolution rather than making a motion second to remove the entire resolution but currently that motion second has already been pushed forward to no matter what occurs we'd have to vote on the current motion second okay so Dr Hart which position would remain open you're saying we couldn't post from position right so there's transfers of of individuals into positions that are vacant now when we transfer individuals then it's going to open another vacancy do you call what I mean like so can you can you address which ones would be vacant like one be vacant five be vacant like how many are be six would be vacant it would impact delay six to open positions the reason why we put it on this agenda was in case you haven't heard there's a there's a retention recruitment issue that we're trying to work on with with teachers so we really want to post and fill positions before we get too deep into the spring so putting the transfers on now and there there may be more coming as other positions might be vacated putting them on now allows us to for um any positions that will now be vacant because of a stamp transfer so for example certain individuals are may be moving from clerical Aid to special ed Aid that's going to me mean a clerical Aid opening but that person is in that position now so we wouldn't post for that until it's BAC it after we vote on this can we just make another motion to put everyone else back on you're just saying we have to vote on motion what is it you'd like me to do just tell me tell me what what you want me to do do you want me to I'll have I have a question before you go on 5.23 as it stands now yeah is your recommendation as superintendent having vetted these decisions through the ad how it's written today through theist team is still your recommendation I just want to clarify I would not change that no that is my recommendation thank you all things being considered even after a meeting today where I said this is the recommendation this is how it's going to go on the agenda I I explain that I'm not pulling it but I will go back and revisit conversations thank you y so can I my motion or I can do that to make this easier I I just want to follow the process I you know of course yeah motion if it's an okay thing to do then I'm fine with that I'm fine with that if that's an okay thing to do okay I mean I would like to just remove the school counselors for RMS and HBS to for further discussion and I'll second that was that a new MO motion is that is that amend amend is that an okay thing to do yeah no that's fine um so the it's basically um Mrs Ryan is making a motion to remove school counselors from resolution 5.23 only leave the remainder on there um and Mr L second that so it's just a re Rage of the resolution so if you vote Yes you're voting to remove the school counselor's only from that resolution if you say no the resolution stays as is and then when you vote on the whole of personnel um you'd be voting on that resolution as it currently stands so yes is removing school counselors no keeps it as is okay can I ask a question then um so we have an open position in school counselors so that affects the hiring timeline for the open position does it not if we or could you still potentially hire I'm just thinking so that that would be then on our May agenda would be to approve is that I don't know why that would affect an open position it would clearly affect ter can't hire for position if it's not open yet right well it wouldn't be open because they're transferring RMS and HBS are slopping counselors and then there's still an additional open counselor position at ours yeah so it shouldn't affect that open position I would just want clarification that it doesn't yeah yes I I promise I will have all conversations I promised to have in my meeting regardless of how this goes I will keep my word since we're commentating prior to the vote I just want to add that I think this would cause an unnecessary Interruption to the recommendation from Dr Hart and certainly a delay in in in moving forward in the district okay we ready for a roll call unless anyone else has a comment roll call please I have a comment oh yeah sure I just like to say we don't want to disrupt I don't want to disrupt Dr heart's hard work I just don't want to see these kids lose their counselor they don't have to well I I appreciate that on ly and as as an educator no one wants to see any counsel shift but sometimes decisions have to be made and things happen in terms of whether they lose a counselor this year or next year somebody else has to go into another position sometimes it happens and and you know we we um hopefully trust Dr Hart and whoever else he he confers with including the Personnel committee to have those conversations and make the best decision for the district so um but I do appreciate what you're saying yes anyone else we get a roll call please m dento m Fury no Mr Los I second yes M venser no Mr PE yes M bori no M Ryan Yes this wolf no Dr C no motion does not pass for agenda stay as it currently reads so can I get a motion then to adopt 5.01 to 5.25 move second roll call please unless there's any other comments conversation just a comment on 5.25 staff appreciation just a heartfelt thank you to everybody that works in the Readington School District just want a comment thank you roll call please M vento yes m f uh abstained from 5.22 and yes everything else Mr Lo yes Mrs mener yes Mr Beach yes M borski yes m r um yes everything 523 yes uh yes motion passes okay moving on to communication uh can I get a motion to adopt 6.01 to 6.3 and um we did not have a committee report I believe exactly no committee report this time have any questions yeah or comments regarding I forget I don't have front we're going back on some of them right those aren't the ones listed are the ones that um in other words we're going to revisit some of these at the next meeting I don't recall pulling any from the agenda they all passed this for the first for first for first read so now this is the second read but to your question Randy I have Strauss smma coming to talk about some of the revisions that were made to your questions so they're going to come and address your questions I I was under the impression that we were moving them forward because they passed a first read and then we weren't going go backwards yeah know I was asking about that I asked the code of ethics one though yeah can you look at that one again yeah I have I'm gonna have them talk with us about it um STX may talk with us about it I don't have an answer yet but I have them scheduled to come the second reading does it mean it's it's pass no it's second read and adop it's adopt a second read is adoption oh okay so what then how can we look at the code of ethics I thought it was just a question I didn't think that we were pulling it from the agenda it it's that's my impression I I was going to give you your answer to your question I was not I was not under the impression that we were pulling it off the agenda holding is that the one where we had to do the the wording if we were going to remove that one sentence I held all of those policies I didn't even put them I didn't even put them on for first read I held all of them for next time yeah are you okay well I don't know I'd like to take another look at 3211 I had a question about it you can answer the question but it's too late if it's was your question to actually make a change than you're saying well yeah okay yeah I mean it was a question about it was questioning okay I want to hear what they had to say about it and if they pass it it's kind of M not a huge deal that's that's the impression I was under I'm sorry if I misunderstood because they all passed for first read I just move forward with them I held all of the other ones and I certainly will address the question I just didn't know that it meant that we weren't going to pass the policy but it's up to the board if we want to hold it did you want to do a motion um I will say same logic applies I can I can always go back and I can always go we can always go back and change things in so even if we pass it if there's something we want to change in the future I appreciate it that's so we'll go ahead all right thank you anyone else have any other questions regarding okay can we get a roll call please m p yes m f yes M yes M mener yes Mr Peach yes M borski yes M Ryan Yes m w yes yes okay moving on to unfinished business the board's self- evaluation I know that okaye all right well I know the email went out and I do appreciate the people who um took the time and you know you could spend a lot of time on or not a lot whatever um thank you for doing the deadline actually was today um I do believe most people finished it um and if you didn't that's okay you know it's fine the next step is to go it's going to be sent to is it when yeah and then we're going to get the results collectively and then we'll go over that and um I'm not sure when we going over the um so I'll say first the deadline is just self-imposed so if you didn't finish it it's still open um it was just a self-imposed deadline so you weren't doing the board self- evaluation superintendent evaluation at the same time because they're both cumbersome I guess um so if anybody needs additional time it's open I mean the portal is open I believe you can still go in there I can just let Gwen know that there might be some more responses happening just give me the guidance like before the end of the week in the next 48 hours and I'll just keep it open for the next 48 hours and her do have any other responses if anybody wants more time and you can always email me okay um and then this will go um on the agenda for our July Retreat and the information will be used to talk about goals for next yeares any questions about all right thank you again for the time you put into filling that out appreciate it um we are now open to new business from the board uh so the May 14th board meeting uh is going to be a lot of fun that's the board meeting where we recognize our retirees and our educators of the year it's going to be just a tiny bit different this year because it's a little bit of a larger group um both right educators of the years and retirees so starting at 6:15 which is a new time it's a little earlier Holland Brook School uh cafeteria uh we'll have a cake like we always have but we're also having machos do some like appetizers and refreshments for everybody and we also have students playing and Performing uh some Life music for us as well so little 45 minutes of a reception down in henbrook cafeteria I'll need five board m members to come with me back here to open the board meeting and then we're going to go back to the cafeteria for speeches and then we'll come back here for the board meeting so we're keeping everything in the Holland Brook School cafeteria because it's a larger crowd but we just want to open the board meeting here at 7 o'clock and then head back down um down to the cafeteria and then we'll come we'll finish the board meeting in this room last year I recall uh it being pretty packed in here and that was I want to say like 11 or 12 honores this year it's like 17 so I just thought it'd be better to keep everything down on the colber cafeteria and this room is better for our technology setup and Acoustics for the board meeting so we just didn't want to move a whole meeting unnecessarily so that's the plan 6:15 col Brook cafeteria 7 will open the meeting and then superintendent report will Mark the agenda will happen um at cafeteria it'll be fun great thank you any questions about anything all right we now open to the public for anything on or off the agenda hi Christine Frey um school counselor um I want to thank you all for like really considering what I had to say this this evening I forgot to mention earlier uh one of the things that school counselors have to do is Forge close relationships of students it's a huge part of our job and making those connections help them takes time and I you know have certainly put in the time to do that with this current cohort um I'm concerned about a change for them they really have stated that I don't want them to feel abandoned by their counselor so I just want to reassure them that I'm not abandoning them in any way I hope the parents share that I know they're not listening to board me meetings but I hope parents can reassure them that that's not what's happening here but the relationship any counselor will tell you the relationship between counselor and client or counselor and student is really critical to the um I enjoy doing that I love working with kids I think that's obvious to anybody that knows me right um so I do thank you all for that and I just wanted to thank you thank you Mrs fre I have to say from I know from personal experience you are a fantastic counselor and um I was really happy that my son had the privilege of working with you um I know that you will serve the students well honestly r wherever you go and certainly be beneficial thank you does anyone else have any other comments open to the public okay um we now move to exec executive session can I get a motion to adopt the following resolution uh we resolve to adjourn to Executive session in accordance with the Sunshine Law to discuss a legal matter ahead and superintendent evaluation and training for approximately 30 minutes at which which time the board expects to return to public session where action will be not will not be taken the matters discussed will be made public if and when the circumstances requiring confidentiality no longer exist however it is not presently known when such circumstances will exist um move roll call please MTO yes M Yori yes Mr loses yes M mener yes Mr Peach yes M bori yes m yes V yeah yes [Music]