okay go ahead good evening the Red Bank historic preservation commission will hold a regular meeting on Wednesday April 17th 2024 at 7 p.m. at council chambers 9 mon Street Red Bank New Jersey adequate notice of this meeting has been posted at burough Hall filed with burough Clerk and provided to the asur park press and the two River Times the commission has maintained a policy of cut off hour of 8:30 p.m. hearings but if the public has more to say course support way to cut them off I see Ken coming okay make so we're gonna stand for the Pledge of Allegiance pledge allegiance to the flag the United States of America indivisible roll call please Al absent marjerie Cavalier present Liam collums Pres paulag present Karen is that how you say Doug Miller here Andy nor here present and Betsy Valera okay um before we uh accept a motion to accept the me minutes from the last meeting uh I just want to review a couple of Robert's Rules of Order In other words if you vote Yes um you should have been at the meeting uh if not you would just abstain and also uh if you make the motion then it is assumed that you are approving the motion if somebody seconds the motion they should still vote yay or nay okay so you all receive the minutes and in your email okay is there a motion to accept the minutes I motion that a second oh William second okay okay so now Mar I accept Marie okay Liam Collins hi yes and Karen you will abstain you are not here Doug Miller yes Andy nor yes okay thank you so the motion passes so now this is something that we added to the last uh agenda last time we met so rather than having the public comment after we've had action on various items we're asking them if there's anything on the agenda that they could see I hope everybody in the audience has gotten a copy of the agenda it was available on the website tra yes it's under your agenda and minutes I next oh okay Karen could you just pass it around if anybody like to see it so we know so they know what's on the agenda [Music] just it's long okay is there is does any of any member of the public want to come in without anything on the agenda uh go ahead identify yourself and give your street address Gard good evening everybody 71 Wallace Street um I just wanted to make a comment on the mind Works Review Committee report um who is who is on that on that shna do you know can you tell us tell us sure um Louis is on it and Liam and Paul there okay and and you say they go out for minor work when it's a minor renovation correct that is that is correct okay and and and I would like to know what goes on when they go out with their comments press press and where the work is being done done like you would said that that couldn't be Public public no the meeting isn't public so our committee the committee meeting of the minor work that is not public because it's a committee meeting okay just like any committee like there's subcommittees throughout can we come and listen to it those aren't open for public up something I mean I really think that people should know when somebody's doing work in in the historic district of course and that's why it's reported here at the meetings also yes thank you yeah and also that's why we added it to the agenda uh so from now on the public uh will see the minor Works Review Committee uh report uh before we we uh make any decisions is there any other member of the public that would like oh sorry is there any other member of the public that would like to comment on the agenda okay with that being said uh we're going to move on to the next item which is the minor Works Review Committee report and that will be given by okay so the minor Works committee met twice um to R two applications one was for 99-101 um Wallace Street and that was for the replacement of the slate roof um to asalt shingles um what the committee recommended was that the um applicant replace the roof with something that is more in in closer to the um style and representation of slate but not with slate um because they had already ripped off the roof um so that was their conclusion that they recommended that the applicant do that um the second application was 67 Wallace Street and that was for the replacement of um the porch roof right and that was that um due to I guess some damage to the roof um and the committee recommended that um what the applicant proposed to replace in kind um was acceptable I just have one question um under the ordinance it talks about emergency procedures uh and so I guess the second 67 Wallace was emergency work right so under the ordinance it says necessary to preserve the continued habit ability or stability of the building so is that done by is it to the site or is that done by testimony of the property owner that it was that's an emergency yes right it sounds like this was an emergency work because they submitted the application so they submitted an application was like an emergency if the construction code official goes out and sees that you know it's it's a badly damaged structure but I mean Paul submitted it as soon as he needed it to be repaired and the um minor Works committee met pretty uh quick they actually met the next day okay but when they talk about the emergency work in here I mean how is that different than like what what he did to go in like as soon as it happened and to try and get somebody in there how would it determine that I mean if someone sees immediately that they need them the work done and that you know by a professional is determined that it's emergency then we would meet sooner I mean I don't really see that as an issue because the minor work committee they they make themselves available I mean from the two times that we've met okay just yeah I'm I mean my feeling is um my feeling is if it's an emergency um that if the minor work committee can't get to it and if the if we were so inclined we could ask for documentation afterwards but if it's an emergency it's got to get done right away it can't be delayed for a week or 10 days in the situation at 67 W Street my tenant was telling me she had water coming in her bedroom so I brought two roofers in who told me that roof needed to be replaced I put the application in and placed the ports roof the same exact way it was done actually they pulled off five layers of roof so oh wow it was a little bit different okay any other comments or questions about that report okay that that doesn't need a motion to accept it's just a report so now we move on to Old business and the first item is acknowledgement of a new comprehensive list and so sha are you going to report on that rep since you did a majority of the work on it okay so I basically was using the list published as part of the report from 2009 and walked around town and gave an eyeball to everything that was listed there I then um determine just me and reading the ordinance if I thought that the building was still contributing to the um Integrity of the district or not and I base that on partially on the testimony from the Fair Haven uh commissioner that was at our meeting and other people that I talked to on previous commissions that uh it's basically what it looks like from the street so what somebody did inside is not part of the ordinance somebody added something to the back of the building not on the ordinance there was one one structure that was listed as a barn that I could not see without Crossing into private property so I can't tell you what it was in that case um so and then what I noted on each of these properties because I would like to clean up this list there are some structures that are are no longer there that are vacant now because they were demolished and there are some that according to the definition of non-contributing on page eight of the ordinance that I that I listed in other words standing on the sidewalk looking at the structure there's no way that it looks like something from the 19th century or has any Integrity that could contribute to the historic nature of somebody living there famous or something so so non-contributing buildings if people don't have the ordinance or not familiar a building site structure object that does not add to the historic architectural historic associations or archaeological values for which a property is significant a building can be not not contributing if it was not present during the period of significance or and this is what I relied on or if it was altered Disturbed or modified in a manner that eliminates its character defining features so uh I gave a copy of my report to Shauna and hopefully everyone will agree that when they do add this list there would be a notation if a particular address or structure is not contributing yeah um marjerie handr a lot of the stuff so it's just to clean it up um a little bit more and put it into one um one document spreadsheet I don't know if it's better to do it just in an Excel file or um to do it in in a PDF for everyone if they want to edit it themselves I I prefer PDF personally um I think for me it's easier I don't know if anybody else feels about that that's fine with me as well the PDF I can also do itess if it helps I could give um put it in Excel save it as a Google Sheets and also save it as a PDF so and everybody could have their children what they wanted I already have the list like as a Excel sheet so it was whether or not wanted me okay so the next item on Old business sorry can I interrupt for a second yes I was just wondering is uh is Joel Brody there from the mammoth boat club yes we have two Representatives here from the F Club okay because I I had uh asked some to give a brief presentation but I don't think it made it onto the agenda it did it's under new business so oh it is under okay sorry I didn't see it excuse me okay okay the next item under old business is Irving Place a letter to Residents okay so we are drafting a letter at um informing the residents that we will be doing a presentation on designating the individual properties um as a historic district um on Irving Place we as uh Michelle had said we have to find our boundary though so we have to Define that uh I thought that we I thought that we did that we basically said Irving Place from Broad Street to Maple I wasn't sure if it was like Chang maybe but based on her presentation that was my fault any other comments or questions on the second agenda item I I guess with respect to the letter we're going to be sending that certified mail return receipt to the homeowners yes and can we see a copy of the letter before it goes out yeah I can send it out if you want to review it before the next meeting and then I'll send it out like at the June before the June meeting does that work for everyone okay so it would be on the agenda for public comment at the June meeting and you would present the historical significance of each of the 18 properties well it would just be a generic letter stating that we on the June meeting we're going to hold a presentation before the board for designation as the these properties to be included in a historic um District the June presentation would then be the significance of each of these buildings and whether or not they're contributing or not and and you would do that you would you would present the background of the 18 buildings if you want to do it you know with the I don't know that you have to re certify the three that are already designated I would do it just to be safe yeah all right so so may meeting meeting is a draft of the letter okay and June meeting is the actual present June meeting is the presentation and it's a what's the just so I can mistaken the boundary ising place from Broad Street to Broad Street 18 problems Don just a question about the letter will the um owners of the property be able to uh give any evidence to why their individual property should be designated is that I mean can they come to the public meeting to to say why they feel it should be that would be that's the reason why we're holding the presentation is so that they can attend the meeting that's why they're getting the notice before the June meeting so that they can prepare themselves to attend the commission meeting to speak on their Pro their property right I guess I'm asking if if maybe they have information about their own individual property that might help make the argument uh that we're not aware of or maybe they know some anecdotal stories about their property or would how would they be able to convey that to us they can either do it I can put it in a letter that if they want to speak to me before um if they have additional information to add Before we doation or they can do it at the meeting I think if you mentioned that in the in the letter that that would be helpful okay that they can either send an email to you with an attachment or or come to see you personally I don't know that you want that to happen get to your office wait until the wait until the June meeting okay great and the only other thing I would add was also should um I think we're jumping to a conclusion that all residents are going to want their property to be included in the historical district sure so we probably should put something in the letter that this is their opportunity to come and object yes they don't want their property in the historic district okay I'll add that to and there's already precedent for that as I said because three only three are currently listed by ordinance out of 18 out of 18 so I I don't know you know the but it was also interesting if you remember at the other meeting the one person did not know that they were in a designated in Historic Site until after they bought the house so okay so um item number three under all business speak for that uh I don't know if I have any coordinates in front of me no that's all no the the the actual vote and everything who V on thing they're with me okay yes so um resolution number 08- 65 that's a council resolution yes to put that on oh Council resolution 08165 uh was passed on August 11th 2008 and uh certified by the bur clerk at the time uh and was passed unan unanimously uh by five members of the council so but let me just say this that the list that I was was working with not everything on it was this ordinance which resolution sorry resolution which which prompted me to for sha to start a search for earlier ordinances that I suspect were passed based on my walking around element some of the sites had the year 2004 2005 next to it but uh we haven't we're still working on that so so at Le we're we're moving forward on that so any questions on on that okay so moving to new business and we have some presentations and the first one on the agenda is the m boat club presentation so we have to silence our microphone so they can be heard no than you could keep your microphones on those are operating separate I just sit here is that good yeah that's fine if you could just draw the mic really close to your face can you hear me now yeah I'm sure I'm on the hi thank you for having us I'm Andy Zangle and the vice commodor M Bo club we are uh here to ask for your support for our in for our Grant application to the new New Jersey historical trust um I don't know how many of you know a lot about Mama B Club so had to go through a little bit of the history a little bit of what our problem is and what we're planning to do that's kind of the way I set up the my talk here M and FK Club was established in 1879 by Dr Irwin field met resident of the of Red Bank he established a club because he couldn't race his Robbo in Princeton unless he belonged to a club 1878 they told him oh you can't race with us you're not in a club so he established a b Club along with 12 or so of the gentleman Mammoth and read Bank uh the club has been on the on that same property since about 1890 the first half of the clubhouse was built in 1890 number of other buildings are there in 1930 the building took the shape that it has today it's a shingle building it's one of the only shingle buildings on the waterfront maybe the boat the ice Bo Club next to us I think is the other example we try to maintain it in and in the taric fabric uh we have been a lot of racing anything we we we operate the boat club all year Bo Club is in the winter we race in the in the uh River as long as it's not freezing if it's freezing the ice boers get the river we'll put on dry suits and go out there and race you see might be able to see it many Sundays U I think we also uh in the past few years especially have been very open to public events we got a lot of meetings there Maritime Historical Society is there tonight Mammoth County Historical had a meeting there and we're participating in the M the day of Mammoth County Historical in try to do a lot uh the club is open to everyone we're not we're a private club you can't just walk in and and be there and be there but we we appreciate guests and we appreciate new members you run a junior sailing program a lot of the people in junior sailing are not members of the club and a lot of other programs in the club that we run our problem is that the foundation is old and it's falling apart the floor is not level if you drop something on the floor that's even remotely round goes to one corner of the building we've done some temporary repairs in 2020 21 had a had a uh engineering study done we got a price that was a little out of our range then it's still a very steep line for us to get this done the current estimate we got a couple of days ago is 2 and half million do in round numbers to get this it is a marine environment we're going to have to take the building and move it from one place to another and and put it back there's no other way to do that we're going to with the plan is to put the building back where it is in its historical kind repair the foundation Cent and do a minimal amount of raising for the building to keep the historic fabric of but raise it up a little bit so that we not we're flooded fairly often want to raise it above public so that we're not flooded 21 in is what we're raising it keeping the historic character the um theme and guidelines would have us raise the building by approximately 8 fet we're not doing that not being going to De uh in uh June I believe to try to get the uh get their approval for this plan we have an application for the New Jersey historical trust for $650,000 of matching funds and the rest of the money we're going to match that and raise and raise ourselves we intend to start construction in September and October of 25 we want to do the construction over the winter so it impacts the least number of Resident least number of members and and during that time the building will be up in the yard on ging I don't know what else it's a you know again we're trying to maintain the historical character the there will be some flood vents added to the building the foundation itself will be something called IL ilal piles they'll be driven into the ground be peers on them you w see them we're going to make sure that the first floor is now fully Ada accessible we have a ramp out there now is not Ada or code compliant to be perfectly honest because of the end of the ramp has a bunch of structural members columns that are in the way the architect has now taken them out the first FL will be ADA Compliant will have for a future use a foundation put in elevated to the second floor for any Heap access to second floor and we're also building the foundation in such a way so that if we need to raise the building further we don't have to put another foundation and or reinforce this one more important so we're trying to do that and what we would really like is a motion and accept I could report back to the commit to the New Jersey historical trust tomorrow when the grant is due that you support it there's a motion made and accepted to support our application to keep the building standing essentially well what I'm saying because again we have a we have a letter from the uh engineer who says if we don't do the work in within two years from now we're going to spend a lot of money on trying to repair a foundation that's really not repairable right we we spent almost $100,000 two years ago to repair it such a surprise to us to how much money it was going to cost but and that was between a study and the construction and then the inspection of the construction that you all have that we had to have done you all aside from any issue was all us you know the the engineer specified something contractor did it the engineer inspector said yes he did it right so we'd like we'd like to do the foundation in a way that's going to last decades time couple of years that's what we're intending to do so I I just have a couple of questions and and a comment um so I I don't know a lot about your Club um how do you raise funds I mean is it just by membership well we raise funds in a couple ways it's membership dues we're now starting a 501c3 that many clubs have we have never had one we're going to raise that way we can raise money to assessments we the membership is really behind this and that's kind of I say surprising we don't like to spend a lot of money Club different varying levels of um I guess income and wealth in the club we proud ourselves in being a boat club a boat club not a yacht club uh and it's very much a sailor Sailors and rowers kind of a club Sailing and Rowing that's really that kind of a club and and as a big social component now but we're not um we're raising money through donations through assessments we know we have to do an assessment and we just increased the dues 10% this year to to pay for this as a just just to put into the capital fund so that's how we raise money okay and we also talked about I guess Willam and and I and sha were on conversation thread I hope you're you're in agreement that you had a very detailed letter written by the chair from 2023 and so what Shauna will supply to you is that for a motion tonight depending on how the vote goes you will share that we support the recommendation so and then send it to him via email tomorrow with the list of people who voted for and who was absent from the commission so they have that versus the letter from one person last year no no problem I can I can U the I need to leave by noon tomorrow with the grant to get it down to in time to threaten it has to be in threaten tomorrow afternoon um I just want to say if you don't know what the club is come on down on a Sunday we're happy to show test just any anyone's welcome I will anyone and and just just come on down or we can we can arrange um there are many social events and happy to have any of the any of the members of the commission at any of those events and the other thing is that if the commission would like to meet outside thing would like to meet in a historic building we're having okay um I just want to clarify for the commission that this isn't you're not voting on um the work that they're doing right it's just to vote to support them I just want to make that for the record you would have to come back here yes when you're you're ready to do the construction we understand that so Liam since you've been talking with the boat club would you like I'm inviting you to make the motion comor sorry I was just curious um that you mentioned that you wanted something that will last not just for a few years but a long time and yet being is saying it has to be higher you know climate change Etc and so that's one concern what if the PA would not give be permission you the well we have because the foundation is built so we can raise it up further we we could modify the plans and put it up another three F four feet if they they did that right now the historical trust has told us that we need to keep building with minimal raise in and and we have a couple of different the building survives Sandy because we open the doors on both sides FEMA was amazed I wasn't there but told the FEMA was amazed that our building was still standing at sanding you know the water came up to the street and above uh uh they were amazed but what we did is we opened both doors and and for security we put some 2x4s across them but the water basically ran in and out the way the building is built now we have a a sort of a pine floor an old style pine floor so it's not Pine which you think of today it's a good solid softwood Pine and that Pine has holes in it actually because we do get wet once a while going to try to raise it up so that doesn't happen very often and waterproof the stuff underneath with you know the right kind of lumber so the the building and there'll be flood vents in the design as well which is one of the National Park Service recommendations now the D or EPA state state we start we've been told to start there yes um they will see all of these plans and they they're coming up what date do they look at this they will look at the plans we have a pre- meeting with them we we have a pre- meeting with them in June or May 29th actually a premate with them in May and then we will put our formal application in after that preate we'll get some guidance as to how we go with I doubt it's going to be a permit by rule the easier way to go but and they will they will give us some guidance that they're feeling with it and the New Jersey historical trust will come to that meeting as well I comment was um I haven't seen the proposed letter I support everything that you've said so far I just haven't seen the letter that you want me to agree with I'd like to see that before I make before I agree to it that's my only uh my only comment okay unless it was email to me Sean was I don't think it was yeah all right yeah could you Paul could you just read it sure all right so this is a letter that is um written by uh Chris fabricant who was chair of the Red Bank hisor preservation committee last year stated April 17 2023 and it's addressed to the New Jersey historic trust Department of Community Affairs it's a two-page uh document dear members of the New Jersey historic trust I'm writing on behalf of the Red Bank historic preservation commission to support Mammoth Bo club and its 2023 Capital preservation Grant application peren level two for replacement of its deteriorating uh substructure the bo Club occupies a shingle style Victorian building that is located at the riverfront beside downtown Redbank the building is a key historic resource that is listed on National and state Registries as well as County and burough inventories it was erected in 1895 soon after Red Bank became established as a regional center for trade and commerce since then it has continuously served not only as a recreational boating facility but also as Gathering Place for social and educational events notably in recent times the boat club promotes environmentally friendly sporting activities aboard rowing and sailing vessels Red Bank is located some 25 miles from Manhattan at the navigable head of the navasink river during the mid 19th century when steamboats arrived on scene transportation between Red Bank and Manhattan became both economical and reliable and reciprocal trade flourished raw materials for example Lumber were shipped to Manhattan and finished goods for example clothing were carried back to redb bank as Traders and Merchants in Red Bank acquired wealth they directed some of it towards leisurely Pursuits within this context M Mammoth Bo Club was erected in 1895 William a Coyle served as president at the newly erected boat club he was well known as the founding partner of a successful dry goods store named Adam M Cole which was located on Broad Street in the heart of Red Banks commercial District at the boat club Mr Cole maintained his own watercraft a 42 foot steam powered yacht named glattus Mammoth Bo Club is located only a short distance from Red bank's designated commercial and residential historic districts and it makes sporting activities on the river and social Gatherings at the waterfront readily accessible it helps to make Red Bank a pedestrian friendly town where not only life's Necessities but also its Pleasures are located in close proximity to one another the same was true in 1895 when William Cole's residence business church and boat all were located within a 0.15 mile radius exclamation point separate from his tangible offerings Mammoth B Club is important to us because it draws our attention to the navasink river and to our history as it relates to the river at low tide one can see that the pile supporting the bat club were embedded within a distinctive reddish brown soil that inspired the name of our town the name that first appeared in an official document in 1736 from the third floor porch of the boat club looking Upstream one has a clear view of Oyster Point so named because it was the site of a large Mount of oyster shells erected by the lenpy people Len sorry on approach to the boat club looking at the immediate surroundings where red bank's Port was located during the Revolutionary War one is reminded that tension must have existed there because prominent citizens associated with the port for example Joseph price III were loyal to the Tory government and on at least one occasion carried out an act of violence against the Patriots Allen House Massacre observing the same surroundings at the boat club but now considering the port as it existed during the 19th century one can imagine the anticipation that must have accompanied the site of prelius Vanderbilt's steam powered balona when it first arrived in Red Bank in 1831 offering regular service to fton Street in lower Manhattan Mammoth boat club which for more than 125 years has been our link to the nasing river is imperiled by a deteriorating substructure which is failing in the harsh marine environment with Rising water levels and the potential for severe weather events there is some urgency to address the problem as indicated in the Grant application the B Club Endeavors to replace its foundation support system and thereby to preserve the historic building that so greatly enhances our quality of life the redback historic preservation commission fully supports Mammoth Bo club and its preservation efforts very truly yours that I would make a motion to a to support the uh recommen I would recommend the boat club and its efforts to y I think that's what we want to put forward the motion is that we uh we the commission Endor Chris fabber kant's letter from last year and um I I would like to uh make a new letter to endorse uh our words uh so that the mammoth boat club can provide that to their uh to the Grant application they're um submitting on Thursday so you would second the motion because yes I second the motion yes Paul just made the motion okay all right Paul marjerie Cavaliers yes Liam Collins hi Paul well I made the motion so um Karen snow snow Doug Miller yes Andy no yes so uh the next item under thank you very much time should I come on Sunday any well racing starts at 1 so the people are there at 12 they kind of kind of gets deserted around 1 to three but some people will be there okay any anytime and you know U just my email of the club is pretty easy viom ormb club.org I'll just stop by stop by it's fine and if the we we will certainly be back with our full set of plans with the order we need to do that sa first and all that and um talk to you about what we're doing in a lot more detail the plans were actually just released a day ago so I will um if you could shoot me an email because I don't think I have your email but um in the morning just shoot me an email so I can send back this letter to you s is in Sam e is in Edward B is is in boy a is in apple n is in Nancy K is in King s is in Sam at Redbank and j.org just so I can have this in time for you um. okay because we're submitting this not the same application but uh Grant application and ours is about oh thank you I appreciate and we thank you also for providing the B club's um National um designation so that we can include it as part of our application to um the history well good luck with yours yes you too yeah it's uh it'll be interesting to see in September thank youb nj.org it is yes okay thank you so now we move on to 21 Broad Street mind if we pick up is it right we need I figure that oh I'm sorry so I have two applications I I didn't hear which one you like to hear first let's go with the agenda on the agenda 21 is first okay um is there any way you would consider hearing 17 first just because our planning board appearance on 17 is earlier in time than 21 for some reason we didn't finish we'd have more time to come back to I I don't have a problem fine I am John Anderson Law Firm of f San philipo Mill Broad Street in red applicants attorney this is with regard to 17 Broad Street uh I'll be very brief in my remarks this is the former home of poo perie I tried to Rack my brain to say you know what was there before Coco pie Garmin he may have been there and M for a time and then I did a little poking around in the mandle Gabriel and book and elsewhere and I see that historically it was an art supply store for quite some time it was a store at least and then later location was established sometime in the 1880s if I'm not mistaken it's from Randy gillin book um this application pertains pretty much solely to the lower facade of first floor there's no plan renovation of the upper exteriors do are going to remain unchanged upstairs small all that going to remain unchanged a full placement of the lower first facade tell you that that facade is is not original I know that I looked up store like T Lea had a sort of a deco looking 50s style facade with a lot of plate glass and two with that's around that photo from Randy um here is another one of Randy's books that shows color us maybe that's the same picture yeah color yeah yeah so I have that one as well know this is the exact one from ry's book but this is from next yeah that's the one that I have predated as you can see it's uh historically that first floor facade has has differed greatly from what you see today as the former home Coco brief facade showing a lot of signs of where the architect tells me that the threshold to the doorway is scumbling I've observed personally peeling paint I think the Coco will be signed has been removed though you can see the silhouette of the former letters and so the applicant's plan would be to remove that lower facade have before you sheet A200 if you do it's left hand side of the page so it keeps some of the design elements in terms of the on the left hand side right hand second floor John excuse me are you talking about A200 oh yeah yes that's the next page and it has a side by side comparison what's there okay what's proposed difference to me would be the four of arched or rounded Windows of the area was proposed to be signable um we're not asking you to approve any signs tonight that presumably would be a separate application because those aren't finalized for presentation yet obviously there would be one to two signs eventually we've shown an approximate location as a hypothetical approximate size something subject are those are those names on the front as placeholders I think so yes just just to show approximately where the signage would be located approximately the size of the signage and the types of businesses that are in Vision there so it's it's proposed to have a small retail component on the right hand side and then the left hand side is sort of an L-shaped space that they would like to do a sort of a combination Happ restaurant with possible liquor service if they can get the for that is that is that what is meant in The Narrative of primary food use yeah yeah so you have to select between primary food or alcohol service depends on what threshold you have so if you're doing majority food as opposed to majority alcohol you would fall within the primary Food Service which is a permitted use in your ccd2 zone so that would be the the subject of our planning board application which is scheduled to May 8 we're looking to change the use from retail to a combination of retail and primary food and we need a parking variance from planning board but we you first because to the exterior Dev that's pretty much all I have one or two other things the architect asked me to mention he did say the color selections aren't final but he's aware that it would have to be from the historic palette and he reference the Williamsburg pette I know the pallette that you traditionally use from not necessarily rce those paints anymore think that either Sherwin Williams or Benjamin Moore now has a a representative pallet with equivalent colors under different names So the plan would use that he told me that between the planning board appears submissions to this board that you would get a chance at some point to yeah and and the ordinance is not as specific as to all all these ordinance lists on page 20 or 22 is in time or compatible exterior colors must be utilized I guess historically there was a specific reference to a brand and a subset of that brand like a particular pallet I know for my own buildings we tried to match it but said well that's it's not commercially available but this is the closest you can get within that historic and they have you know sort of a different name and a different Swatch but nearly identical the other thing he said was um since the thresholds crumbling he was um soliciting some feedback from the uh Committee of the commission as far as a material for the the ground floor and the recess doorway what you might like to see there if we're to remove that and replace the uh the walking surface um if it's acceptable when going back to the paint color um to the board if it's acceptable acceptable to the board what I've always recommended to applicants is to buy a paint like a paint palette that is from the same historic period um and as John mentioned that um Sherman Williams do does carry it based on the period of time so that will help instead of doing a specific brand but if it's just any paint brand that has um paint swatches from a certain period of time based on when the building was built or the style that it was built I think that would be more helpful to the applicant and one other thing I should clarify um the same owner owns 17 broad they also own 19 Broad which is it was uh catch last it was uh jewelry store Hamilton before that that is not part of this application not before the board pending to alter that building it's just below 17 okay so I guess noted in the minutes that under new B item three 17 not 17-9 yeah it's confusing because his LLC is 17-9 but this application solely pertains thank you I have a couple questions the um so we're you're basically you're you're splitting the um the storefront into into two businesses right two separate doorways um it is possible that to be shared restroom facilities because there's limited space so whatever they can do within the uh buming code to have a shared space within the interior of the building there may be connectivity but from the exterior they want to be able to access retail versus accessing you know restaurant space okay so we don't have any Authority with respect to the interior so I just want to focus on the exterior the it's hard for me to tell from the um from a from a-200 um where the two well well well where there is now one door at CoCo Pere where there's now going to be two full glass doors is that re are they both recessed back a series of feet uh I believe so I can tell you for for sure that the existing doorway is slightly all set to Center to the right doorways are going to be on you know John I didn't have a100 that would is that depicted on a 100 the setback of the doors uh yes they are shway essentially located with a SL back to the street okay so are are the door is there anything separating the two units or is it just going to be like two large glass doors um so if you're looking at a100 you're going to see like sort of a bold line down the center that's the partition wall separating the two units it's like almost absolute center of the building okay notice that the retail area is proposed to be shallower than the restaurant space the restaurant space continues back in an l-shape the retail is just I don't know it's not dimensioned here but uh it's only 460 square feet overall of retail whereas the primary Foods 400 okay so there's a there's there's a partition that separates the two doorways that then becomes flush with the with the facade is that right um there may be a slight separation between the two doorways to allow for that partition wall but it's not large they're pretty much centered and and set next to each other what's the corner what's the the framing for the the facade with the doors and the windows are is that like an anodized metal frame that you're doing or there are very few notes as far as the material for the doorways um notes for the the rounded glass windows they call a mold spandrel glass store Front for the the lower area and it does mention that the U the pilasters at the edges of the building to the left and the right as well as the sort of the corness separating the and second FL would be replaced in an color selected from your historic color so Shauna just being asked on the kind of on the first page on the not the first page but to sign off not sign off so much as um provide any recommendations or comments on um the design or the style that's what really you're as um you're being asked for um and for the planning board or zoning board to take into consideration their um approval so can I ask the framing of the front will remain like the the decorative molding around the front will say on the left hand side right hand side above it appears that on sheet Clos to Remy this part we reconstructed largely in kind right okay and it seems like the arcs that they're using kind of complement the ones that are the historical building patrias like they had that work to the front looking for harmony that's Newport Capital which is a taller buildings as AR yeah so it's not totally foreign like the one we were talking about before the meeting the 2009 so what do we need to do well I had a will the will The Arches uh above the windows be glass or is that uh wood framing solid wood or is that glass windows for you but it should be Windows he is uh he's labeling it as a mold spandrel glass so I believe they're windows so you're basic we're basically going on the from where cocoi currently has its sign right Coco pie Red Bank we're going to change that to Windows um with the mold glass is that the plan that's pretty accurate I think they're going to reduce the signable area and reclaim some of that space for Windows well with respect to the floor um you know I don't know if if we were better off uh carrying the um pavers up or if it would be some type of stone you know blue stone or something that would go into it I'm really not sure which way to go on that but um you're talking about the entrances well there's like a forer it's like a double down the four basically the doorway is going to expand be twice the size that's what's currently there so and what's currently there is is what um I would be just venturing a gas maybe it's dimensioned on the the existing looks like looks like concrete well anything would be preferable to just concrete you know I mean you could even have tile with a with not that much larger than what you presently have um because right now you have a double door and this is proposed to be two single doors all be a with the separation between them but it is larger yeah and then it looks like there's it's concrete currently I'm looking at it from the Google Street View but I'm not sure it's either Google or some type of cement looking tile but it looks like it could be definitely improved I think it was described to me as some type of SM yeah maybe the architect firm could come back with some recommendations once they looked around similar age buildings and come back with some ideas about what they would use yeah I mean that certainly they're going to have to finalize it in advance of May 8th because they're going to present it to the planning board that night but if there was something that youed felt strongly about that you wanted to recommend to the planning board or recommend to the applicant recommended papers or blue St St FL this also ceramic tile that's been used around to go around town that's a traditional way of dealing with those surface you could clean with rain WEA right and they could even incorporate the the number of the of the location on the tile is sort of the prevailing maybe I like you know because remember you have all that red brick in front of it so if there was something that went along with pain steene that may be a good way to go okay so what do we have to do now other than the recommendation for the concrete slab um to be either uh papers blue stones or ceramic tiles um are there any other recommendations that you'd like to get for the application just the paint color and and the recommendation for the paint color is to just to Historic palette that you that you suggested by by like 19th century and then I would also suggest um you know within the foyer currently you do have offer oh no it can all be on I fixed it oh okay sorry I was getting very fresh with you with your button I was just going to say currently within the four year there is some distinctive characteristics with moldings there's some chair uh some moldings and that I can see from this so I would suggest if you would I I can't tell from the corner continue into the foyer so it maintains the characteristics of the of the building so what was that the what I'm calling a entryway into the the entry way where you're gonna that makes sense I'm thinking of Jack's music for instance they have the recess entryway and the molding that they have on the front continues and takes a 90 degree turn into there yes so the molding should the exterior and the and then the other thing that I noticed too that currently that looks nice I don't know how historical it is but there is seems to be like a transom window also that it's not a full glass door from floor to the ceiling there is a transom there is that depicted on your um drawings as well it's hard to tell talking about this yeah it does appear that there's like Sid lights or or transoms adj right but the windows on either side is that what you're referring to no um I could show you I we could describe it into the record but uh the the current doorway has a double door um the double door runs from the ground up to about one or about 18 inches to the uh to the ceiling for lack of a better word and there seems to be a transom for the last 18 inches you yes I see what you're saying about the current conditions and are you talking about the windows proposed to the left and right having the transom no I'm talking about the new doors that you're going to install is there going to be a transm on the new doors not 100% the arched Windows is the the transom I don't I don't know that I see a um like a rectangular transom above either door well I would suggest if if that could be um somehow maintained a trans the way it currently looks I I do think that brings a distinctive character historical characteristic of of of the building um as compared to um glass that goes from the uh floor of the entryway to the ceiling of the entry and John if you want to see the photo that I'm looking at just so we're clear that we're talking about the same thing I have it on my computer I my iPad so I can just okay up in here up in good so all right so I think we're ready to move on to 21 want to make a motion for for this Broad Street not 19 okay do I have a motion um Paul did you make a motion made a motion was there a motion there wasn't a motion oh there wasn't yeah yeah a motion oh all right somebody make a motion okay so the I'll make a motion to um um well would I give my my suggestions first I mean I I would make a motion to approve um the application subject to the recommendations that we've laid out uh one which was uh um the transom to try to maintain or to maintain the transom to the of the entry doorways above the entry doorways to carry the historical characteristics from the facade into the foyer and to um the floor the floor of the foyer the floor of the foyer to be um something is Al correct based on architectural recommendations pile St blue stone or papers I was there anything else can you and the facade to be in the historical colors in the facade y I have that I a suggestion would be to have the number of the building on the paper coat on the tile that's one of them if they go with tile to number the building TI it in okay I have that down too okay so second I need a second I'll second right marjerie yes uh Liam Collins hi Paul Kagel yes umen calls call there you go ah yes Doug Miller yes Andy nor yes okay thank you roll right into 21 Don Anderson Los sanppo and mill on behalf of the applicant flip my board around here again this is a c200 from the alternate different plans different applicant c200 shows a photo of the existing facade of the building and it shows a uh a rendering of what's being proposed uh this this building is uh something that has to go to your Zoning Board of adjustment as opposed to your planning board because there's a small floor area ratio varant tempting to do a guess a rooftop deck in the rear and they're adding a small little elevator well be visible from the street and for that reason Max zoning instead of planning the proposal is to take what's a vacancy for decade or more drawn space ideally with the ability to serve alcohol as well contingent upon being as far as the exterior improvements are concerned once again they're going to paint the building they two would uh definitely agree in advance that whatever they do would be in a historic color palette like we discussed on the prior application as you can see right now from the photo and if You observe the building recently it's a sort of a terracotta exterior it is you know peeling it's in need of repair so they would repair it and paint it in historic color to be determined um I am told it is likely to remain uh either a white or an off-white something in that nature um looked in the Randy gillin book and at least as far back as 1946 it appeared to be you know white or offwhite so that's kind of a continuation it's been there for quite a while now um the main thrust of the work is replacing an existing glass first floor storefront with a new glass storefront somewhat of a Time replacement if you will um and then the third floor window window are proposed to be altered uh if you look closely at the photograph of the existing conditions what you'll notice is um it sort of has smaller like residential style Windows almost if you if you see it you can tell that historically somebody altered what once was a larger opening and they sort of reduced the size of the opening and put these residential windows in um I'll pass around a photo or you guys have the book up there as a 1946 there's a photo in the gabrin book July 4th parade and indeed the the ribbon window that you see on the second floor that continues sorry what page are you looking at in which volume the first volume it is volume one it is page 25 uh photo on the lower right hand corner I have a print out I will Circle the photo and I'll pass it around yeah this is really harder to see because it's um it's not a direct view of the building but there oh oh yeah yeah this so also another photo which is pretty ugly that you won't have it's from the 80s but it it shows it a little bit more clearly right but we want it to be less ugly than 1946 so so what you see um this building although you would think it dates to the 1800s or early 1900s to the best of my ability is I looked at the gillin boat used to be maybe a wood frame twostory building instead of a three-story building and it even had a peaked roof so there's photos from 1906 and to that effect uh I am told that this building is a little bit of a later build don't know if that's because somebody removed the wood structure or maybe it suffered a damage of some sort but this one as opposed to its neighbors doesn't have the same vintage and as best I can tell the ribbon when window Maybe original feature of the building dating back some time and it was a ribbon window both on the second floor and third We Believe by removing these smaller residential windows and mirroring the look of the ribbon window below we're actually bringing it back in time and bringing it back to what was constructed there the only other um detail that they're proposing is uh three they call them metal canopies of the first second and third floor Windows um although they're a design element I'm told they have some functionality as well they're intented to block some of the Sun from entering the building so sort of an environmental feature to regulate temperature in the interior of the building avoid the excessive use of air conditioning uh they are metal they are supported by stanion I'm told they only picture there looks like in the photograph that you provide it we don't have it marked do we need to mark it no we don't okay there's no it's me I mean you are but I don't know if it becomes part of the record or not which are the two photos the the act two photo from the 80s yeah so is that the the det there looks like there was some detail on the second and third third floor on the Windows right is it stripping there's some type of detail there do we know if that's is historic or what at some point it came down on the second floor and then on the third floor they somebody installed what appears to be some form of residential uh third floor um yeah I noticed exactly what you're talking about Mr cagno and you know not that I'm a design professional by any means but one thing that occurred to me is you have a lot of detail work going on with the Terracotta with that rais three-dimensional look you have the diamonds with the squares set within them very ornate pattern and to me there was some sense that you that was a nice contrast to have the plain glass to uh not detract from what I thought was kind of the highlight of the building the Terracotta facade and that raise detail work um I just didn't if it got too busy if you had similar metal striping all throughout the the windows and would it detractor take away from that nice pretty pretty unique parotta fac so uh I just like to read something from Red Bank Green I I don't know the exact date but it's basically if you're familiar they routinely offer something where have I seen this and when the building was pictured they got the following response um last week's image showed the architectural top of the Daris building now home of Augusto antiques uh Charlie Daris a longtime red Banker who moved to Akin South Carolina six years ago tells where have a seen this that that his grandfather's brother Newton damus built it sometime in the late 1800s supposedly it was the first fireproof building built in Red Bank which makes it significant not just you know we we rule not just architecturally but also if if it represents something of significance so the fact that it was the first fireproof building I think is noteworthy um the structure went up after a blaze that consumed most of all of that side of Broad Street between front and mechanic streets the brother said local historian Randy Gabriel and tells red B Green the structure was built in 1931 though he hasn't included the building in any of his handful of photo history books about Red Bank but derus has owned so many properties that tracing the threads is daunting he said Jack Anderson the owner of Jack's Music shop also says it was erected in the 1890s hearing he's mistaken I think that the guy that's got it right is Randy yeah 1931 yeah on page 18 of ry's book the same one that you had if you were to look in that same location you're going to see a twostory wood frame nonf fireproof building that I think probably bit the dust and was replaced Circa the 20s or 30s by what you see now right so so my my only comment um and it's clear that awnings were historically correct in the 1800s um would fabric we have an example of corrugated metal on Broad Street um I'm happy that the awnings will not interfere with the detail on the building uh the one thing I would object to is on your elevation of Broad Street when it points to the the decoration at the top it says existing letters to be painted or obscured and my meaning of obscured is make them to seem to become clear or invisible I would be totally against that um on the record my um my only comment um and I agree with you on that is you know the window that you currently have and that you're proposing there are no other windows on the street that um you know look like this and lack the detail that this um suggests you know even if you look across the street at um the Newport Capital uh group they've got kind of the metal um I don't I don't know what the name of it is but it resembles um what's depicted in your photograph that you had and we didn't mark as an exhibit but it shows previously what it looked like it's like a these squares almost or at least a portion of the window the Newport Capital group has um has it and then uh you know in fact every building on Broad Street has some form of detail to the windows and we're talking about um changing these windows to uh now have a building with two long windows with zero details in either one of them so to me I would prefer to see some detail within the glass um that's just my opinion like even if you go to the liquor store at the end of West um West front and Broad they also have kind of a combination of um you know little squares and a long glass but it's indisputable that every single window on Broad Street on these buildings have some form of detail except now for this building so I would prefer to see some form of detail on those windows as just my my my opinion I think it is historical I think it does um bring out historical characteristics of Broad Street um I don't know if that's been talked about John with your client or has he had a plan certainly if that's the recommend I can discuss it um I don't know how he'll feel about it but I obviously I'm Duty bound to relay what it is decide have the has your client looked into I guess Windows from that age of when the building was built candidly I was not part of the design process because maybe that would kind of help the commission if it was something of not to re recreate but to I guess give a nod towards um that that building's age or or whatever um it could be if he doesn't want to you know make it look exactly like that since they've already ripped out the originals well you have the you have the picture which gives you something to follow in terms of doing like a Mion which is the word you're looking for Mion and muttons that's Mion and muttons that's the interior framings window pain stuff me my only concern is that not that you know again not a little bit busy I'm looking at that photo and I don't know if it's because of all the signage or the two facades think it's more more the signage signage that makes it look busy in here struck me a little prison like I don't know well there obviously there were if it's from the 20s or something they were metal they were metal Fram they were probably ear early pillow windows actually they made a lot of those were done like that metal and that those windows could have been put in after it was in the 1930s yes exactly they were probably part ofation yeah you know John I think a good example too you have the Robinson LH house has what we're discussing patricius has what we're discussing we just go up and down Broad Street um with the picture that you presented and look at some of the other buildings and I think it's still uh predominant in a lot of these buildings so that was my that's my recommendation I don't know how the rest of the board feels about that but I agree with you and I think you could do like some kind of like it's an application to the window not necessarily has to be not true divided light and that kind of thing but just application of that mutton frame or mullon look and and the paint and the you know the painting of the outside I I think does everyone agree that D D should be should be clear yeah what was that yeah that should be preserved D the damus D that it should not be obscured as as suggested on their plans what happened with the Eiser building I I don't remember where ww war used to be where Restoration Hardware is that used to say Eisner building above it does it still say that no no it doesn't you know but even next door catch 19 that your owner owns right is it catch 19 is this is your CLI C who the the prior application owns that one not this guy oh I said okay but but he also has preserved the lllo hall is what it used to be and he's preserved it and it it's a nice feature but I think it's okay that the building was built and I I trust Randy no nothing it's your Dad tried to call but but the fact that in 1930s the style had changed from the 19th century and you know the reason why I think it's historic is is was noted it's clear that it's Art Deco representation yes art art deco yeah so if if that's the way they go and and if you're talking about the entry way I mean that would clearly to me be tile if there's some kind of Entry Way on it's hard for me to see you know the use of tile black and white tile and that kind of thing kind of play that up they reping and and real quick to clarify the comment by my father in the 1890s I think he may have been under the impression that the building was occupied by a school world stes I don't know if that ended up being true or not but it was uh sort of the predecessor of his store and his father's store and it dates to the 1890s so he may have been trying to convey the impression that the occupant had been there since the 1890s as opposed to the building okay obviously that didn't come through from the Red Bank Green article I read that one as as well before we begin I have a question um the second floor that is there now is like seven windows that are together uh like seven panes like without metal detailing that's what's there now I haven't can't see it from here but that appears to be accurate it seems to be multiple PES you want to replicate that up on the third floor as well however many you have on the second should match on the second floor is going to stay as is that you're not you're not changing that out they were not proposing to right and John can you just talk a little more about the awnings I mean are we talking about the awnings that you know it's hard to tell from your drawing it's like a generic architectural kind of yeah drawing that I can't really tell what it's going to look like or what we're approving are we talking about a CH or we talking about something else uh he the architect described it as 24 in in depth so it's not going to project you know tremendously far into the sidewalk um I can read the the note on it but I think it was supposed to be metal not sure if it's um going to be like LED kind of translucent characteristic to it or not or it's solid I got the impression that it may um have some some ability to to see through it if you were looking directly up like it's not a solid metal but I'm not 100% sure I don't know what to think about that um I think I'm for the awnings I don't know I wish I had a picture of what we're approving a clear picture of what we were approving to be put on there um you know whether it's metal or Fabric or both I just don't know what I'm looking at when I look at that photograph I understand the idea 100% but I just um don't know exactly uh I would like to see a picture I don't know if that could be submitted to us you have to go to the planning board when joh um this one I have to go to the zoning board on uh May 16th which is one day after your next meeting after next meeting I could get it to the board it's it'll be fine make a recommendation if John provides me with the details of it yeah did you would you want to see a sample of the material that would be an ideal situation um but like I said is it are would we be approving what the applicant is proposing itself I'm sorry it's a recommendation so what you would all be agreeing to is the same recommendation for the um land use Force take into consideration okay so I don't know if there's other awnings in the town that he could reference or well something on another rer building that he could reference for this I I went when I heard we were going to do this and took a serious look and you know it's with the exception of the Char building which is you know to the bottom doesn't talk to the top in that building you know totally different most of the awnings are either black black or striped and material and metal with the exception of one awning for the down broad still has the corrugated metal on the top of the building do you U Madam chair do you know which building you're referencing that has the cor uh sorry yeah um no I could I could you know get it to you but but you know as as another option but it's on the it's on the west side Front Street side of Front Street yeah it's on the west side of Front Street in like the second block I think but yeah yeah yes not talking about like it a it's a red building it's 190 Street no it's yeah okay maybe even side Abad was proposed down window I think it's in it's a detail um yeah it's it's on there it's you know it's not too far down is it Beyond White Street they don't no I'm sorry but it's it's on the upper level it's on the upper level so they have they have dealt with the awnings differently uh so it's a possibility but again food for thought something they could think about I mean it's you know certainly tonight if you had a specific color suggestion if you said we'll do them in black I mean I don't know again because it's a if if we agree that it's a 1930s building that gives them a little bit more leeway to to look a little different than the lllo building next to it you can almost see the progression of architectural Styles so say I as much as I love the l l Hall and it it's very resemblant of a couple of my family's buildings I think it's sort of a nice ju to position the two differentiated Styles if I had to pick two buildings in a row on Broad Street in terms of ones that I think are just kind of just a nice pairing those always stood out to me as really nice hold on do you know why they don't have the awning on the street level stops and Go full length in the front that's a good question um that occurred to me rather see it continue I don't know if there's a specific rationale seems like you'd have more you know uniformity if it matched the other two above it yeah I don't have a a concrete answer to it but it caught my eye as well so how do we move this now um okay you've been taking notes I have been okay so the recommendations that we have so far um is for um the windows to have some form of the details moons or mutons I believe m t Okay um on the third second and third floor um and Marjorie gave us a suggestion but it should match some of the style the awnings um well the window should match this the style of other buildings on Broad Street um have that same kind of look um and then we should preserve the damis um at the top and not uh obscure it and then for the awnings to be we need more details on the awnings and you'll provide that to us by um the next meeting so that the board will have a final um decision at the May meeting so that would be old business yes so that would be old business that would be so we'll just be discussing them on at that meeting or do you want to see the window design um at that meeting also yeah it' be nice to see something propos okay so an update so this would just be an update based on the recommendations here what was the final decision yeah and then what do we um what's the the consensus with respect to the partial awning on the first floor and the full awnings on the second and third floor um you know if I knew why he decided not to continue it uh you know I would like to know what that reason is otherwise I don't see a reason to stop at word it is but I don't want to say I don't recommend what you've um what you're showing us here I just want to know why it is that he did that when it seems to me that to keep it consistent would make more sense sorry I'm looking at my phone it's just because I I try to text the architect these things but he's uh he's wrapped up okay well you have time you have time to come back in May sorry can I I I'm a little bit confused about the recommendation for the windows so we're saying that uh that they should include some detail but you're saying they should be in the style of other buildings in Red Bank or it's two different things isn't it I mean the the detail that Paul was talking about was more in line with like a art deco um Style versus I think what margorie was saying to make it more like the other upper story buildings of the other uh adjacent buildings actually actually I was saying that if it's true to the building which is more Art Deco then I think they have a little bit more flexibility than some of the other buildings so so they don't have protruding caps on the windows for example um and as as shown in the schematics they're not obscuring the the decoration Above So to my mind it could be streamlined and since we're not making formal recommendation on this tonight that it gives the architecture some time to rethink some of these ideas you know so we're not moving on this tonight we're not making have to yeah I think I think the uh the detailed uh windows that that Paul was describing the AR deas saw probably was the um original windows from the 1931 design I don't know if the building did pre-exist before that um after the fire in 1878 but the style of this building is definitely Art Deco so probably dating at least the facade from the 1930s so that kind of black window framing I think really does fit with the art deco style um so that would that would be my recommendation that rather than try to change it to anything um to to fit in with the other architecture the adjacent buildings I think the stick to the the 1930s style yeah what I was suggesting was what was proposed or what was shown in the exhibit that was handed to us and what I was saying so we're clear John I think you understand what I was saying there's what you showed me in the photograph and then there's other buildings on Broad Street that replicate this kind of look where it may not be from top of the window to the bottom of the window but there was a portion of well in the photograph the entire Windows got the design but then there are other buildings like buildings across the street or adjacent that do have partial of the metal design of the windows so that's all I was suggesting some form of Might yeah well like for example um you know when you look at right across the street the hot Maven I don't know if that's still there that I'm looking at a Google photo from 2019 you have the windows down on West Front Street at the former liquor store that's now Sally boys you have the Newport Capital group building has it um you can go up and down the Ale House has it you know um like I said every window in town has some detail to it just about I would say 90% of it that's all I was referencing but I think we should be working off with if this is the early earliest photograph that we have um seems to make sense to work we got a hold on this right I'll keep it I'll keep it for the record so we have it okay all right so see you in May all right all right you thank you thank you for your time and thank you for being involved in the process thank you for having us okay so uh the next two items should be short so I apologize we're about 10 minutes past 8:30 but I think the next two items are pretty quick um so for writing guidelines I'll give you a brief update on that so um as um the boot Club they were submitting an application to the um historic trust New Jersey historic trust the um burrow is working with our grant writers to submit an application um a grant and Grant application um to the historic trust for um two things and for the historic uh architectural survey of the entire F and also for um design guidelines um it includes we would have to part of the submission we have to prove you know how historic the burrow is um all of that information was kind of submitted also um a draft RFP had to be provided to them for the consultant um which I put together um should we be awarded I will provide the RFP before we issue it out to the commission um so that you guys can see exactly what um I laid out for the scopal board and then we can make changes as we go um if you wanted more details the scope work to be more detailed before we post it um but I just had to come come up with a draft for for our submission um we're not beholding to it but they just needed an RFP because we don't have a consult already selected um also what else was submitted we had to provide a historic proof that we had um historic sites so m b Club was nice enough to provide their nomin their National um nomination form that's signed off from the uh State not the state but the the National Historic um preservation um that they were awarded and designated on a national list um so they were nice enough to provide that what are there it was a lot of things about narrative and just the history of Red Bank um but mostly we're applying for core funding for a consultant to do the design guidelines in addition to an overall historic um architectural um survey a more accurate one and it'll be updated and it'll be more updated um so I believe we will find out um the submission is tomorrow and they have submitted the first half today the electronic um copy today iess the second half is for tomorrow also um so we will find out if we are awarded the funds um I did put it down for 60,000 so I hope um with a matching amount of uh 15,000 from on a Burrows end because we have to do 25% um matching amount so the Burrow's matching amount is uh 15,000 and um we're we're bonding I'm not bonding but um we're applying for the remaining amount um we should know something I I think the grant ryer said by um September so hopefully we get it fingers cross um I'm not sure how many other um organizations or municipalities are going after the grant but I think this would be a great opportunity for us um and then if you know we're successful um we can apply next year for another Grant which I for the same Grant again even though we're awarded for this but I think next year the plan is to apply for the grant to do um to update the historic preservation element that's what I kind of Envision and have in mind to do but first our main focus is to get the design guidelines done and do an architectural survey and then do do an update on the historic preservation element okay thank you um so the this item is it's just kind of a roll call to see if everyone has completed the financial disclosure statement which is due the end of April so you want to just can can you just kind of say Karen I start I talked to the L today or or and it didn't quite go through I did everything on my end and so it should be tomorrow that I I did not do anything about it at all whatsoever I don't I have to look at but you promise you will I will but I don't know what what it actually is it's oh so it just um seems uh to make sure that there's no like conflict in your finances um once you sit on one of these boards right um we have I mean even myself as a the director um uh department heads we all have to do it a financial disclosure just to say that we're not miss not telling us your income or no it's just saying that there you're not inv investing and things like that you're not again and you probably if you've never done this before will have to get an i i ID number yes from the clerk yes so if you're if you're having any issu it's very simple that's not I'll just take a look I just didn't want to um disclose Financial that kind of certain so I um I did want you did a few months ago like so I have to do it again year we have to do it so I get it done by the dead so if we don't do it you do get fined um so if you don't do it past the timeline the deadline you have you we do get fine well no the individual person gets fine I forgot how much to F is so50 million moting it's do at the end of the month okay Andy I have done it will I have done it Liam yes I completed mine okay so we just have to reach out and so um and finally it's not on the agenda but is anyone interested in going to the June I was gonna say affordable housing conference no this is the historic preservation conference it's June fth and anybody she said you're interested um please let me know so I can everyone's registration together it's in Jersey City okay so last thing on the agenda is that's it public comment all right public comment yeah we there were supposed to be another public comment sorry [Music] Street you spoke for example the one that got Ted to the next meeting I would be able to comment it because it be considered old business but you right I'm sorry no it was supposed to there was supposed to be another in the past in the first couple of times that we met as a group there was public comment at the end but then we realized that as I said in the beginning you needed two opportunities for public comment one on agenda items and one if there was anything else so in the future our our format for the agenda will include two opportunities for public comment U my second question was you spoke about and I guess maybe could have did it earlier but I didn't realize it was part of your what you're exactly going over with the earing situation so I just want to know if which I did live in arur so I know a lot of people that we've been talking about this um if I wanted to do something that would probably not will not meet the criter of making a historical district if I get it in before the deadline that's okay so if I wanted to change my windows it's not mean the historical requirement that's proposed if you live at a place where it is not a designated site you still need a burning building permit for certain things but you don't have to come before this commission right saying I which I get that but I'm saying I'm on Arthur though and you're in the process of thinking it by get in before the we're not doing there it'sing the change is that possible no you wouldn't be reviewed by this commission as to be reviewed by this commission you have to be designated by ordinance so if you were not included if Council didn't vote on an ordinance to include your property until that that time is done then this Commit This commission will not review will you will not be obligated to come for this commission for any change to your property exterior and then on the flip side she said processing if I for some reason I'm not in compliance whatever you guys pass is there a fine or something that I have to be compliant or you're just taking my house as at face value even though not making your new criterias well based on what the attorney said um this is a we commission so we can they can only recommend um you know the other to to take that if you if you have to go before a board um but it's it's more so recommend recommendations okay so but it's I just want to put that it's also good to speak neighborly um I know a lot all the residents in Red Bank care about their properties um and one of friendly with their neighbors and you know to do right so I I think it would be I think this is a strong incentive just for um neighbors to work together and and try their best to keep in in keeping the town as beautiful as it is um to to listen to the commission and to take the recommendation because that only add its Valu to to your house and to your property he is there a motion toour motion to a Jour thank you thank you tomorrow for tomorrow yes we are see you tomorrow the one it's only the one I can't do nothing more it's gonna be quick it should be it's very basic yeah