##VIDEO ID:63cZ_ohEJds## for you can start not the options not there for what live on Facebook that was share to your page a minute you can abstain from because you weren't here but like ordinances and ordinances okay got it she was in she having problems with this in Instagram I could stream it to a different page so it's there start that yeah zo um we have zoom we don't have Facebook we do have zoom though you could post it to Facebook after people at home I guess can't ask any questions right no they can through Zoom live feed so we're good yeah anybody can log in good evening this meeting is being held in accordance with public laws of 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the Asbury Park Press the two over times and the Star Ledger and posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the municipal website opma authorizes municipalities to conduct public meetings through use of streaming services and other online meeting platforms the Red Bank Council is meeting in person as well as providing an option for the public to participate these Zoom video meetings please note that the option to attend is being provided as a courtesy therefore if Zoom becomes unavailable during the meeting and it cannot quickly be fixed Council will continue with the remainder of the meeting for those joining us via Zoom please raise your hand during designated times to be recognized for a comment whether you appearing in person or via Zoom you must provide your name to be recognized please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge Allegiance to the United States of America stands one nation under God indivisible jce call please council member Bona Tas here council member Cassidy council member facy Blackwood here council member Forest council member Janome here mayor Triano here mayor Portman I am here that's sir thank you we have a few proclamations tonight and the first one is for 180 turning lives around pink the town purple whereas October is recognized as domestic violence Awareness Month the time to raise awareness about domestic violence and the resources available to those impacted by it and whereas 180 turning lives around is the lead domestic violence and sexual assault agency in MTH County providing free and confidential counseling and Safe House services to individuals and families affected by domestic violence and whereas 180 turning lives around is asking the burrow Red Bank to join in their efforts to support Survivors by participating in their painted Town purple event and whereas painting the traffic lines purple on Broad Street and encouraging local businesses to participate in this event will help spread awareness and show support for survivors of domestic violence in our community now therefore I William Portman mayor of the burough gbank on behalf of the burough Council will hereby Proclaim our support for 180 turning lives around and their paint the town purple event we encourage all residents businesses and organizations to join us in painting Our Town purple throughout the month of October to show solidarity with survivors and raise awareness about domestic violence and We Have Allison loader from 180 turnning lives around here to accept this Proclamation same [Music] [Music] you great yes back on all right um next up we have a Proclamation for Fire Prevention Week whereas this Proclamation commemorates the Great Chicago Fire the tragic 1871 configration that killed more than 250 people left 100,000 homeless destroyed more than 17,400 structures and burn more than 2,000 acres whereas the bur of Red Bank is committed to ensuring the Safety and Security of all those living in and visiting our community and whereas fire is a serious Public Safety concern both local and nationally and homes are the locations where people are at greatest risk from fire and whereas Home Fires killed more than 2700 people in the United States in 2022 according to the National Fire Protection Association and fire departments in the United States responded to 360,000 Home Fires and whereas roughly three out of five fire deaths happening homes with either no smoke alarms or with no working smoke alarms working smoke alarms cut the risk of dying and reported virus almost in half smoke alarm s smoke well before you can alerting you to the danger in the event of a fire in which you may have as little as 2 minutes to escape safely and whereas Red Bank residents should install smoke alarms in every sleeping room outside each separate sleeping area and on every level of the home to meet the needs of all their family members including those with sensory or physical disabilities and whereas Red Bank residents should test smoke alarms at least once a month and have a practice home fire escape plan to improve their chances of surviving a fire and whereas red bank's First Responders are dedicated to reducing the occurrence of Home Fires and home fire injuries through prevention and protection education and whereas Red Banks residents are responsive to public education measures and are able to take personal steps to increase their safety from fire especially in their homes and whereas the 2024 Fire Prevention Week theme smoke alarms make them work for you serves to remind us of the importance of having working smoke alarms in the home therefore I will important mayor of the bur red night to hereby Proclaim October 6 through the 12th 2024 as Fire Prevention Week throughout this burrow I urge all the people of Red Bank to be aware of their surroundings look for available ways out in the event of a fire or other emergency respond when the smoke alarm sounds by exiting the building immediately and to support the many public saf safety activities and efforts of Red Banks fire and Emergency Services during Fire Prevention Week 2024 we were going to have Tommy W accept this but he's not here but we do have two active volunteer firefighters on the council so I'm going to ask deputy mayor council sir so I know he mentioned one period of time in October as fire prevention but I think this is an important opportunity to public that in October uh October 3rd rvfd is at Mammoth daycare October 4th rvfd is at Tower Hill October 7th we're at aelo learning First Baptist Church October 8th October 9th the United Methodist Church PR School October 10th Primary School October 11th the Middle School October 15th Little House 1 and two October 16th the charter school and October 18th St James so on top of volunteering and showing up to calls and and doing that in the month of October you also have all of your volunteers going and speaking with all children so anybody's watching this be prepared to have this followup conversations with your kids and reiterate everything that we do and we have a lot of fun actually cou times we've gotten to do it together we did the Girl Scouts last year we met last year with one of the school children and I knew you asked what do you do with this fire and one of the little girls she said I'd hide in my closet yeah which is the worst thing you can do uh I knew her parents we talked about it with all the kids and I went over to her house the next time I saw her Mr Cassidy if there's a fire I beat a tree in front of my house and that's what this is about because it's like those little little things they plant these SE conversations happening um but I give a lot of credit to the fire Marshall's office for all the work they do on this and the fire department it's important right Tommy right it it it to Tommy Tomy and Tommy's actually in class tonight so he's brushing up on all things fire prevention so okay we just have two more proclamations this one is for Hispanic Heritage Month pioneers of change shaping the future together whereas Hispanic Heritage Month serves as an opportunity to honor and celebrate the contributions of Hispanic and Latino Americans to our community our nation and globally and we're asked the theme for Hispanic Heritage Month 2024 is pioneers of change shaping the future together which emphasizes the significant impact that Hispanic and Latino Pioneers have made in shaping our society and working towards a brighter future for everyone and whereas the B of Red Bank boasts a lively Hispanic and Latino population that has played a fundamental role in enriching the cultural social and economic landscape of our town and where asked we acknowledge and pay tribute to the accomplishments leadership qualities and resilience of Hispanic and Latino individuals who have forged paths toward progress and constructive change within our community therefore I mayor Willian Portman on behalf of the barel council to hereby Proclaim September 15th through October 15th of 2024 as Hispanic Heritage Month in the burough of Redbank let us unite to honor the vibrant diversity along with cultural heritage shown by our Hispanic and Latino residents while embracing this year's theme pioneers of change shaping the future together as we strive for a more inclusive fair and peaceful future for all I believe we have uh Mar Selena Edith and Matteo are going to accept the current president of the rbr dreamers and Edith and Selena were both president and officers of rbr dreamers and uh have now moved on to college and jobs everything else and in true Community fashion they're watching baby Matteo I thought he is a future rbr dreamer yeah being groomed from a young age yes looking at you got you get a job the steer torture Department I have myot photography degree mayor he's like why are B guys have no hair I have all that hair okay one more this is a proclamation for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month whereas Childhood Cancer is the leading cause of death by disease in children and whereas one in 285 children in the United States will be diagnosed by their 20th birthday and 46 children per day or 16790 children per year are diagnosed with cancer in the US and whereas there are approximately 40,000 children on active treatment at any given time and whereas the average age of diagnosis is 6 years old compared to 66 years for adults cancer diagnosis and whereas 80% of Childhood cancer patients are diagnosed late and with metastic disease and whereas on average there's been a 6% increase in incidents per year since the mid 7s resulting in an overall Co incidence increase of 24% over the last 40 years and whereas 2third of Childhood cancer patients will have chronic health conditions as a result of their treatment toxicity with one quarter being classified as severe to life-threatening and whereas approximately 1 half of Childhood Cancer families rate the associated Financial toxicity due to out of pocket expenses as considerable to severe and whereas in the last 20 years only four new drugs have been approved by the FDA to specifically treat Childhood Cancer and whereas the National Cancer Institute recognizes the unique research needs of Childhood Cancer and the associated need for increased funding to carry this out and whereas hundreds of nonprofit organizations at the local and National level including the American Childhood Cancer organization are helping children with cancer and their families cope through educ ational emotional and financial support and whereas researchers and Health Care Professionals work diligently dedicating their expertise to treat and cure children with cancer and whereas too many children are affected by this deadly disease and more must be done to raise awareness and find a cure now therefore I William Portman mayor of the burough of Red Bank to hereby Proclaim September 2024 as Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in the burrow and commend the families friends professionals and communities who lend their strength to children fighting pediatric cancer in hopes that their courage and commitment will continue to move us towards new cures healthier outcomes and a brighter future for America's youth um we were going to have a presentation here um from Philip Dy who is going for his Eagle Scout but I forgot to tell Laura that it was going on the agenda so Philip's going to be here at the next the next council meeting to tell us about his Eagle scale plan but right now I'd like to make a motion to open the floor for public comment on agenda items only so moved I have a second all in favor okay so if anyone has any questions about items only on the agenda we'll have another chance at the end to discuss um anything that you want to talk about if you have anything on the agenda yeah we'll get to both you so either one yeah ask you to come on up and just speak right into the microphone just state your name and your address there you can have it you can see that right there have a seat get comfortable my name is Ron ASU I own some property in man drive and I'm curious about some of the details of the audence for public P pain testing um which question do you have a specific um how do we get somebody to come in and you know do an inspection so just recently the burrow uh identified a vendor that is going to carry out the DC requirements for the state with the new lead paint law um so that vendor is actually going to be reaching out just today I got a draft of the letter and the postcard that they're going to be sending out to rental properties throughout the burrow so there's going to be more notification coming out about how you can contact them schedule the inspection become compliant with the DCA law through the state uh prior to that can a local can a resident can a owner contact somebody to get one done in advance to possibly get some corrections needed if done necessary mediate some of it yeah you could I'm sure right now you could even reach out to our um code office Moren in our code office to make contact with that vendor that we currently have they might be able to get you scheduled ahead of time it's probably going to be a matter of they want to gather everybody first and start putting people on the schedule so but she might be able to guide you a little bit better yeah last question would be considering the number of poal rental properties are in the town um hundreds hundreds and hundreds if um and I think there a 30-day allowance to if you something is diagnosed with lead paint 30 days to fix or immediate and I'm guessing there's a limited number of people who are qualified or certified to remediate lead paint to yeah I don't know if the vendor the remediation they identifi it yeah the vendor does the actual testing through obviously the remediation is on the bonus of the landlord right exactly I I'm sorry I don't know what the question was 100 properties get diagnosed with lead pain okay they all have 30 days I'm guessing there's a certain number of of vendors contractors who are certified actually to do remediation of blad pain potentially yeah that thir day window seems kind of tight I'm just gu fast forward that's not up to our discretion here because it it's set by state the state La State I don't think they'll be I don't think when the guy shows up he's gonna identify 100 in a day like I imagine you'll have it be a little more a little more spaced out right little more staggered yeah yeah but I I appreciate you coming yeah the 30 days stable fair enough thank you I go a lot of state law yes sir good evening uh my name is Scott Carlin and I'm here as an applicant for the environmental commission uh Nancy encouraged me to come and introduce myself and share a few words about my background so I have a PhD in geography and I years with long Isen University where I recently retired and we my wife and I moved here to Red Bank last fall um I've attended a couple of those EC meetings and hoping to become a full parant with with your support I'm currently a coordinator on Long Island for a children's environmental health project that's sponsored by a Statewide coalition that goes by the AC nice Che it's a New York state funded um Coalition there centers throughout New York State led by pediatricians across the state the uh the whole project is being managed at a Mount Sinai Hospital and the P pediatricians on on that team in addition to that I am this fall uh doing some work at se Hall University I'm an adjunct there teaching in their school of diplomacy uh going back a little further in time I was on the sustainability committee for the town of Southampton which is kind accountable to the EC committee here andly co-chair that committee as well I could go on with more biod details but that that might be sufficient for thank you yeah thank you very much you sound like a a catch for Red Bank so thank you for volunteering thank you very much mayor may I I would also like to add that Scott has experience working with um complete and Equitable streets as well so I just want to throw that out there thank you great thank you thank you thank you Scott anyone else have any comments on agenda items only anyone online Jim no yes Ste um just a couple of questions about 24- 212 ceras is is there plan for those cameras to be monitored as in watched all the time that no there's the availability for it however the Dispatch Center will have the dispatchers will be obviously doing other duties so it's not not like we have a security officer that's going to be you know zooming in on the cameras and monitoring them 247 no it happen that that we decided to do this now well it's actually some of the even the funding sources um were identified over the last couple years um even in 2017 with Mammoth County Improvement Authority money um and that money has been available and not expended uh so I've I identified a couple of the different funding sources that were like for example White Street parking lot um had Capital money that was allocated and that we've already set aside as debt in the buau and recognized in previous budgets that called for cameras even in White Street parking lot as one example that they were not installed in that project um we know in our parking lots we have multiple incidences all the time and uh I know captain frzy could could back me up on that but you know we looked at this as asset protection you know protection of the community just being able to get ahead of some of the incidences and help with investigations when they come up um so the funding sources are not being raised in this year's budget they're funding sources that already existed sure one other question will this technology be integrated with cameras that already exist for example the library yeah we we focused the library actually reached out to us as a request to provide for some more um surve Vance whether that's even in person or via this camera system so we're adding to that system with this and hopefully you know as other capital projects come online we can look at bringing other cameras offline replacing with the current technology um but we're trying to make this as comprehensive as possible right now uh so that we can have a more robust um protection of our public areas uh you know I probably with show a hands of how many people in here have cameras at their own home you know ring doorbell Nest you know that's something that's very common these days and you're right and and myself included I just think that it's uh it's important that we are able to provide this and assist when there's investigations that need to happen as well but I think people can rest assured that it's not a 247 monitoring as far as looking at our public spaces we have a lot a lot of other stuff to do ask question how long will it take um this implemented I'm hoping by the end of the year yeah thank you anyone else have any questions on agenda items only or comments no I I have a motion to close the public comment on agenda items only I'll make such a motion second second all in favor I okay um next up can I have a motion to approve approve the minutes from 9:12 20124 a motion a second second all in favor I I have a motion to approve the executive session minutes from 912 2024 no moved have second second all in favor I all right next up we have a public hearing and Adoption of 20243 ordinance adding new chapter for 419 lead based paint inspections to the bu's revised General ordinances to implement the inspection requirements of new state law regarding lead based paint and Residential Properties can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved have a second second all in favor I in case you forgot to ask any questions this is your shot now gave you another window no thank anyone else have any comments on this ordinance no one online all right I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a second second all in favor I I can I have a motion to adopt ordinance Portman yes motion pass thank you next up is a public hearing and adoption for 20243 amending chapter 64 fire department to revise the annual eligibility requirements for the Burrow's length of service award program for volunteer firefighters can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only I'll make such a motion now I have a second second all in favor I I anyone have any comments on this ordinance anyone online Jim no okay can I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only I make such a motion I have a second second all in favor a little underwhelming all right thank you um can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-39 make such a motion Mr Mayor I have a second second roll call please Laura council member Bonas yes council member Cassidy stain council member FY Blackwood yes council member Floris yes council member Jan yes Deputy Mayor mayor Portman yes motion pass thank you um guess Steve took off um I just want to for 204-210 um I just want to make a note here that the gentleman that was here Steve Carl originally was going to be appointed to the green team but he's actually going to be appointed um assuming we approve it as alternate one alternate number one on the EC um so I guess let's um let's just do 24- 210 um separately I have a motion to approve 24210 fors committee's appointments for EC and the green team with that change that I just mentioned who Moved have a second second and you got to roll call this right council member vonakis council member Cassidy yeah ju just briefly he just he's taking the place of my nextdoor neighbor Roy Meyer and Roy is just I can't Roy and janard is the best neighbors amen and I miss him and he's served this community uh in his he has lent his expertise his life was environmental issues and he gave uh willingly and and and just so broadly of his expert to this burough and he's going to be missed and I just wanted to put that on the record as well that we are losing someone we're getting someone obviously excellent but we're losing someone excellent and Roy will be missed as my next door neighbor as will Jane but uh yes my turn council member facy Blackwood I would also like to make a comment I want to thank Roy Meyer for his many years of service to the environmental commission and and he was also appointed to the naving river Commission um Roy is moving out of town so he can no longer service in that capacity um I admired his expertise he was retired to um and did a lot with insects so he's also on the mosquito commission too so he always gave us great advice on how to um get rid of the undesirable insects that are inside our house that are an environmentally friendly way as well as his knowledge and understanding of the going on at the DP I will personally miss him very much and um I also welcome Scott Carlin to our team he has a lot of experience in a different Arena but I think he would also be an asset so and my answer is yes council member Forest yes council member Jano yes Deputy Mayo yes mayor Portman yes okay can I have a motion to approve resolution 24-29 as well as 24-21 through 24-25 I'll make a second motion can I have a second roll call please council member bonatakis yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member flest yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Tio yes mayor Portman yes pass thank you um we we have to approve these uh special events but man Red Bank is popping a lot of stuff happening South Street block party on the 21st Jersey Shore ghost tours West Sunset Avenue block party didn't the South Street one already happened Mr yes I was there oh did yes yeah that's right September 21st yes fun we're approving it after the it was a fun block party and the October 5th block party coincides with porchfest actually on West Sunset they're going to have bands there as well we have the Red Bank Exotic Car Club show coming up October 13th coffee Corral Fall Festival on the 19th and with a rain dat of the 20th South Street Halloween party did that happen yet no all right the 19 and street fairs next year so can I have a motion to are we don't need a motion approve we just tell all right anyone have any objections any of these amazing events no anybody want to be a stick in the okay can I um have a motion to open up the floor for public questions or comments I make such a motion Mr M I have a second second all in favor hi all right if you have any comments anyone the floor is yours on any topic you may be interested in yes just state your name and address please my name is G gray I'm a business owner in Red Bank I have a business you just get a little closer to the microphone it's not very sensitive close yes I know that's good yeah yeah I can hear you uh 43 West Front Street I have business there um I just want to put a complaint in to talk about what happened last week on the 17th of September with the uh Netflix loing none of us were told about it we lost this I was closed down day couldn't get anywhere near my business and not one of us in that building knew what was happening nobody in the other building on the other side of English Plaza knew what was happening happening either um R I feel like Red Bank made money on that made by Netflix to have that but all of your businesses lost money that doesn't seem fair could we maybe find a plan to not do it that way next time so I was I first of all I'm I'm sorry that happened that you didn't get uh advanced notice and that's definitely something that's our bed um but I was under the impression though that it was not closed down for the day the road it was okay there was a cop car at corner of Maple and no because when I I I kept going over to check it what they would do is they would shoot for 15 minutes at a time and then they would open up the road because I was able to go through in the afternoon what's that none of my clients could get through I couldn't get through uh it was it was a debacle that was just uncalled for it could have been prevented the excitement of it was very fun but none of us knew and none of us we we would have made arrangements perhaps you know thing is that you sign up for burrow our burrow alerts I know it was covered on Facebook I sent out a burrow alert on Sunday um we had this message board posted on West Front I'm telling you what we did uh the the filming the filming company went to every business on West Front Street um in some cases actually made some accommodations for any lost business to them um I understanding that even Ras which is right next door to the place the Mike's um Junior's he didn't even know and that's right next to what was being filmed and where she was throwing a brick with a a glass plated window um they didn't even know what was happening so it just feel like I think it's great I think it's awesome that you brought them in here and and wonderful on the one hand I also want to say that that is the main street where the um ambulances come down for Riv interview there was an ambulance coming down when I was trying to maneuver through all of this and they had to wait till they could the camera crew and whatever crew was doing at that point in time in order to get through that's not very thoughtful when it comes to an ambulance getting to the host didn't we yeah okay I hear you thank you but I will encourage you we do it better but I will encourage you to sign up for the uh the alerts because the notice did go out on Sunday but thank you for coming anyone else have any questions or comments no anyone online stre no sir no okay can I have a motion to close the public comment make s a motion Mr Mayor can I have a second second all in favor I I all right uh mayor and Council comments you want to start over there see me I'm happy to start uh could hear me yeah um I just want to thank uh both the historic preservation Commissioners as well as residents who came out to the meeting that they held last week um the commission decided on the advisement of their professionals to table a designation uh of Irving Place uh pending a a deeper review and Analysis of the historic uh resources in the buau in in a holistic fashion um and I usually wouldn't comment on land use board decisions because they are independent um of the governing body but I did just want to note that um it was a nice moment in these times to see the community come together and have kind of a reasoned uh debate dialogue about a local issue in this way uh the Irving Place residents also noted that talking about this had actually brought their their block together in a probably an unintended way but they met brand new neighbors Etc um during the course of this so uh you know as as an official I don't think there could be a better outcome than that particular one um so I wanted to thank the folks who came out thank you da you know I I just wanted to Rattle off a few of the things I've done this town has had so much happening I went to the 911 remembrance uh the street fair the Latin Heritage celebration the record Riot I saw common with my son over at the Bogle we had October Fest I went to to uh the lake house music opening which really killed it uh I went to burrow Employee Appreciation Day where I lost at cornhole to the manager uh I've done two drills with the fire department with had the townwide yard sale and I went on the whitewater rafting trip with the Boy Scout Troop 67 I don't know what else to say there's just so much happening in this town I'm so proud just like when I thought about all the things I've done over the last three weeks as a member of this community um and we have a lot coming up and I'll let others uh comment and talk about those but just since we have a moment we are entering uh the high holiday of rashash Shana and to those residents and friends that are celebrating uh I hope that you have a a a a respectful and reasoned reflection with your uh family this uh this holiday season yes uh the EC and uh sh Tre commission have no reports for this meeting um and like David said I've been attending a lot of events this town is popping and I'm looking forward to porchfest uh where um also in addition to having all the bands for the music and art we're also going to be putting in bike lanes and we've been working with um njtpa um as well as easy ride to get that done as a note um our esteemed mayor gave a lovely presentation to um Easy Ride of all the hard work that Red Bank has been doing in order to advocate for uh pedestrian and and bicyclist particularly teaching children how to ride safely teaching them how to ride the summer um doing the work that police does uh twice a year giving out the helmets and the lights as well as um easy ride going into schools teaching safe routes to school so um that's about all I have you thank you Ben uh as on to our parks and wck we just met here this week we just this week parks and W and October 20th is going to be our 76th Halloween parade I believe um I think the details were emailed to everybody about that um also the was mentioned earlier the Hispanic heritage festival the first annual we had Red Bank I I was amazed to hear that 900 people attended it was apparently hugely successful I unfortunately was not able to attend but we had quite a discussion about our next one for next year and an exciting about that um also we need more Santa callers if anybody's got a good ho ho ho voice please feel free to call our Recreation Department we need uh there's some program where we call uh during the week families I I did it actually for one family myself um they give you a bell you know hi this is Santa calling was kind of fun actually um and December 6 is a tree light so those are my highlights from Parks and this week um I did want to comment on the netfli comment that I don't remember your name um I remember reading our policy on Films now it may have changed I haven't spoken to the manager obviously about any of this but I would hope that Netflix would canvas a neighborhood anywhere whether it's residential or business and you know we're going to be filming here next week or whatever I mean I'm not and I seem to remember something like because this actually came out this question came to me one point I did look up the ordinance and I thought it did say that not Netflix per se but anytime there was filming that there was some sort of notification requirement so something we have to look into obviously uh and sometimes you know people Miss notices I have I mean I don't know what happened maybe I would think they would send you a letter you know or something or knock on your door um so and then a last thing comment on um C's comment earlier around uh the cameras I really L spending money on these cameras even if it's grant money and we have funding for it um but having been leaz on the parks and W I'm just watching our bill list and hearing reports I'm just appalled at the amount of vandalism that has occurred uh at our Parks everything from solar panels just you know somebody decides they want to destroy our solar power light picture by throwing stones at it to I actually witnessed you know some um incidents that I'd rather not regurgitate here I called the police at the time um that is an unfortunate necess unfortunately necessary it's not just preventative either you know it's if the police have to do an investigation and figure out who keeps damaging the bathrooms you know so it goes in at the time it happens and some of the bills for this are incredibly expensive fix so um you know I just it's just terrible we have to do this anyway that's my report Mr Mayor thank you Laura welcome report from Animal Welfare and the library um Animal Welfare I did report last time we had dog days and we're still collecting and figuring out how much money we made and as I mentioned the last time that they were going to help with a resident who collected money to buy uh scanners for dog tags and for the police to be able to scan dogs that are lost so that was a good cost um and we met with um some of the members met with Jim this week thanks Jim for following up so thank you for that Library lots of stuff here um they're having Spanish language driver's ed um it's back in the library up and active since the 16th um Hispanic heritage month um I actually sold their table they did great stuff there they were painting faces and making cotton candy at the library and it was a very popular table um back to school nights uh SAR is gonna our librarian is going to be going to all of those and R Bank always beautiful annual photo contest is still going on which if you may see it up on Facebook and in the library there's some great pictures and last year I went to their Awards it's a fireman that won the award for the best fire photograph yeah he Wasing yes great photographer um so there's all programming that's returning for kids 10 and up uh lots of stuff going on for them Campfire story time that was in the summer is going to continue into the fall Wednesdays at 6:30 um the ghost of navn their ghostly Tales of Red Bank community on Tuesday October 2 2nd um walking tours will resume on October 19th and November 2nd um September 21st they had one and the townwide yard sale which went went on and the library um does get some registration from that it was the same day as the South Street party that I did go to and a lot of people from South Street said that they sold a lot of things like toys and things that they were trying to move and it was really they said it was very successful so [Music] um see oh they switched over their software to the Vega program and there's been some mixed things from the residents on that seems looking at me I'm laughing as well OFW when it changes around I guess but anyhow that's it for the library thank you Kate no it's just been busy all the events everybody else mentioned you know pluging along fire prevention month I think I mentioned all the dates earlier have conversations with your kids and thanks to all the people that are volunteering at all of these events or else we wouldn't be able to have them we're just a really really special place that people care about a lot so it's great thank you uh next Saturday por Fest here in Red Bank get your bikes out we'll have weather if the weather's cooperating last year we got uh it rained the day before and we couldn't do we couldn't complete all the bike LAN but there's a full loop of B Lanes all the way around town we also have um Oscar from par has agreed to put the uh the parks van into place as a shuttle because sometimes the the acts are far from each other so there'll just be a steady uh shuttle Loop running around town if people want to jump from the East side to the west side that's an easy way to do it we've also added art this year to porch Fest so we're going to have artists displaying art at a bunch of different porches throughout town so this uh this should be a good one and if it rains we have the rain date the next day so um yeah over 100 acts on 26 or 27 different porches as well as some areas in the middle of town I know Oscar scheduled some jazz and Johnny Jazz Park and lake house is doing some so yeah we'll have uh plenty of good music yeah clear clear your schedule for for October 5th that'll be a good one that's all I got Jim you got a manager report yes sir I wanted to let everybody know I attended the icma conference uh this past week uh from Saturday until Tuesday in Pittsburg this year it's the international City Managers Association conference and it's 4500 of me in one place um from 20 different countries so it was it's terrible a lot of B guys no it was a great opportunity to uh the last time I had attended was in Nashville a couple years ago but it's a great opportunity to interact and network and meet you know people that are kind of dealing with the same things and different ways and and how we can do things better and what they're doing that's really good and some things that I look at I'm like yeah that's not something for us um but I I attended a number of different classes on Just for example on on the importance of public art um on how to get Federal funding for Brownfield sites like our Sunset Avenue area on Workforce housing transforming Parks and Rec Department which was a a case study on Newtown Abbey in the United Kingdom um developing a healthy City work culture crossing the generational divide was a great presentation on understanding how your teams perform when we're do you know we have Baby Boomers and Millennials and gen xers all working together and how does that how do we all interact with each other when we all have different needs and we all see things through a different lens um organizational assessment tools and how artificial intelligence is transforming local government and basically he was in heaven you know yeah I was in local go so but it was a it was just a really great opportunity to uh do this I was very appreciative obviously for the opportunity I think it's really important to keep that you know so I'm not just constantly thinking about here but I'm looking out at what other people are doing and how they're doing it well so that was uh that was partially my week and my weekend in Pittsburgh um one thing we're looking at is a lighting overview right now I I'm not sure if I I I might have discussed that we were looking at this at the last meeting but we did get some response back about lighting in Burl Hall particularly um with using some programs through jcpnl and some rebates um they came back and and showed us how replacement of all of our Lighting in Burl Hall to LED would say how it would save on about $7,000 a year on our Energy bill and it would only cost us about $320 320 to do the entire project so I've actually asked them to now take a little bit more of a a holistic look at the library and our other uh public you know spaces that we we use this so um just to see how that would be beneficial for the tech because I'm curious what you know all the burrow buildings would cost at that at that rate because if we can save that amount of money but only have to expend U that little amount of money using those rebate products I think it's it's really a good thing sustainable Jersey points for that we're g get some points um and as far as the dpu project I've been reporting on that over the last couple weeks um we met internally not with the ad hoc committee but just internally just yesterday just to talk about program spaces with um our actual dpu guys so it was important for them to have a discussion with the Architects and engineers to discuss how where things are you know needed in dpu on site uh so they wanted to The Architects and Engineers wanted to talk to them directly to see you know what do you actually need you know what what is a mechanic how many bays does a mechanic need to work in given the equipment that we have so they're starting to build out that program so we have a better idea of the actual footprint of dpu and what's needed there um and then we'll bring the committee back together to go over what they they produced out of that meeting um I did want to mention that broad walk is the last day of broadwalk is September 30th so that's coming up very quickly um with an October 1 opening where we'll we'll drop the the ballards however there is we've been waiting to do this uh there's a little bit of tree work that has to be done on Broad Street so we're going to drop the ballards allow our tree trucks to come in quickly in the morning uh do some trimming and pruning and I believe there's a dead tree two that they have to remove that is has been deemed um you know not viable at this point I actually want to turn it over to Captain frzy just to give us a you know as I promised um several times to give a police department update and answer any questions from the governing body hello hello how are you good good to see everyone I'll be short and sweet no that's good I just want to thank everyone for their support as always of me and the entire department um it's much appreciated um you know we're continuing to move the department in a positive way morale is high the work environment is very uh proactive and very very good um to be in makes me happy when I come to work um just a few I'm going to touch on a few stats and a couple uh couple things that we're doing um our stats this year Cults for service so far are 13,400 this number here is going to be blow your mind motor vehicle accidents that we've investigated 55 so far this year thankfully most their parking lot not big issues um little fender bender but every time I look at that number so far it just astonishing um we've given out uh moving violations 2127 were issued that doesn't that's a moving violation not you know your normal seat belt or anything like that U we over 3200 traffic stops we've issued over 10,221 parking tickets big problem we have 32 DWI arrests and we've issued 139 bur ordinances uh crime rate thankfully always makes me happy it's uh it hasn't risen at all I think we've G A PL to at even kill um as everybody knows I'm sure they know our bike Patrol uh began back on August 26 um our areas of responsibility have been primarily the Shrewsbury Avenue uh business district as well as downtown broadwalk uh we hit all the burough Parks um we try to get into the neighborhoods as much as we can as well as the train station it hasn't been every day hasn't been too consistent I had a couple guys out an injury um everyone is back now thankfully so I'm going to try to extend this program to um as far as in as far as I can until October um hopefully you know these guys have jackets and and pants and stuff not too cold um I'm going to touch on uh yesterday we did a presentation at the senior center was very well recepted it was um regarding a senior fraud and local scams that we're seeing you know it was probably about 25 uh of our seniors that live in town um you know we handed out pamphlets we did a a PowerPoint presentation um gave them information on uh you know how to protect themselves what to do in the event they become a victim a fraud and we had received a lot of questions about the scams that uh we were talking about it was very very good very well interactive uh conversation with them two more things uh obviously back to school um I just want to give a shout out to our DPW and our traffic safety unit they worked hand inand um brightening up our crosswalks yellow curves to help keep our kids safe while they walk to and from school um you know they they worked hard the last few weeks before school to get that so a big shout out to those guys and I also want to address the first time that I can remember in my in my entire career that we have a full compliment of Crossing Ys and we don't have to have police officers covering them taking them off the road so uh they advertised early we're able to get good quality people in here so we are at full strength with them and obviously with the end of broadwalk our our s1's for coming to an end for them our summer uh our summer help they did a tremendous job just want to give them a shout out as well uh you know keeping our Parks Clean safe and the community safe as well that's it thank you Captain sir how are we U I didn't hear a separate breakdown on enforcement around cross you know pedestrian Crossways I've seen enforcement being done lucky see when went bossing how how is that part that's what I hear about the most yeah sure Pro you know people D here when cring down here somebody wasn't so everybody's distracted everybody's in a hurry it's just uh it's got enforce I think uh we did do two uh pedestrian decoys one on shrewbury Avenue and one on uh Mel Avenue across from the YMCA werly there um very well recepted by the uh drivers some you know not very few complaints um but most people realize that they're in the wrong and they accept their ticket and come to court it is a problem I think uh we just through a grant that we had I just had signs made up that we're be putting around town to uh help you know to inform drivers like hey put your cell phone down pay attention crosswalk ahead stuff like that but yeah Contin forward enforcement is Decay I think education I just wanted to give you and your officers a compliment um I spent a lot of time down when they were filming and um the people that were here with the film crew said that we have the kindest police officers that they've met anywhere that they filmed um and it was just a wonderful thing to hear yeah so it's really nice when people visit the town and you know they don't know you guys and they don't have that Bas line that that's their experience with you so yeah so to you know get more because Captain freezy is always smiling so that right yes did you get that picture Scott to touch based on the whole closure on Maple 11 it wasn't closed all day it was closed intermittently throughout the day yeah there were some times that were extended period of times that were in inconvenience I'm sure at times you know doing business she's ging you a compliment thank you yes so thank you Captain thank you Captain all right um I have a motion to adjourn to exec section I have a second all in favor I great your little take five minutes yes the six session will concern two topics first is the potential acquisition of Public public funds and the second is a Personnel matter regarding an employee disciplinary complaint the executive session will last about 30 minutes and we will not take any action we'll simply aurn the meeting after thank you thank you all for coming