good evening everyone this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the Asbury Park Press to River times and the Star Ledger and posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the municipal website please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance States andice we have a roll call please Laura council member bonus council member Cassidy present council member facy Blackwood here council member Florest here council member Janome here on Zoom Deputy Mayor Triano here and mayor Portman here um first up on our agenda is an auction for the lease of parking spaces um do we have to read through start the resolutions right yeah you should read the terms of the auction I'm going to read the terms of the auction mayor May what's it lunch break here do you want do the um we could do that too yeah actually let's let's do that real quick because I saw Glen is here and um we have a resolution um concerning lunch breaks so why don't we do that first and then you can roll out of here so let me scroll through and find that what's the number 2444 thank you suggestion 24 what here we go so um Council we are going to vote on a resolution authorizing an honorary Street renaming for a portion of South Bridge Avenue as norat toadd way whereas NORAD a lifelong humanitarian who travels across the globe in the 1940s with her husband James who was among the first black officers of the US foreign service Todd sees the relocations as a chance to serve local people in turmoil from helping to manage chalera outbreaks in Egypt to establishing Girl Scout Troops in Indonesia and Barbados to building a school for girls in Zambia and where asked after years of travel she was struck by the scope of hunger right here in her hometown Red Bank in across mammed County in 1983 she was part of a gathering of 34 friends and volunteers who committed to do everything possible to Aid people who struggle to put food on the table that year the fledgely organization opened in the basement of St Thomas Episcopal Church in redb to serve hot lunches and later in the celestial Lodge and we asked while waiting for the construction of their own home and by 1986 lunch break took up residents in a new community center at South Bridge streets intersection with dr's James Parker Boulevard where a brightly revamped and expanded charitable Center stands today and whereas normat spirit and Legacy linger along Southbridge Avenue the Red Bank Street that forms the corner where 40 years ago she established lunch break Todd's love of her neighbors and her indomitable will drove her to create this Citadel of Hope in her own neighborhood after a life of travel and service to people in troubled places around the world and now therefore be resolved by the mayor and burrow Council of the burough Red Bank M County New Jersey that the request of the lunch break Board of Trustees be honored and recognized by the honorary renaming of the portion of Southbridge Avenue between dos James Parker Boulevard and Newman Springs Road as Norma toddway in recognition of the dedication and contributions to the Red Bank Community can I have a motion to pass resolution number 24-44 I make such a motion can I have a second second roll call please council member Bona takas yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member Janome yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes here yeah so on behalf of the the Board of Trustees uh at lunch break and all of the staff and volunteers and all those that we serve I just want to say thank you so much we are this is a great honor I just spoke to her daughter who lives out of state and uh whenever the dedication is happening U they're going to fly in for this U momentous occasion um this not just represents what Mrs Todd was about but just the uh the whole Act of of serving others and really dedicating your entire life for that and Mrs Todd dedicated 20 5 years of her life where people were are normally retiring she started in her 60s and she continued right into her 80s so uh this is the and and what we have become today is because of her vision and and all of your support as well because each time we come to here to from the zoning board or whatever board we've always gotten support so God bless you all thank you for doing this this means a lot and we hope to have you at the dedication as well thank you very very much thank you thank you for about staying on top of thank you so much thank you so thank you thank you okay do we do we have anybody here who's going to be bidding on the auction okay making sure we have all right um what was the number that right here it is okay all right so we did this at the prior meeting um basically just to let everybody know uh the burrow owns a bunch of 11 11 parking spaces over um at the edge of the bureau Veno lot for lack of a a better you know location um the beino lot so if you're at beino the one closest to Allan I believe right um and so um by law we have to auction we have to auction these spots off somebody wanted to lease them um and I think gregy said that we have to have an auction for these public auction so statuto right is this the first public auction we've had in my first that I can remember all right um so we um approved this resolution at the last meeting um I'm going to conduct the auction uh the specifics are uh resolution authorizing an open public auction to be held on February 8th 2024 at 6:30 p.m. for the lease of 11 bur on parking spaces located between Morford place and Riverside Avenue for a period of 5 years with a minimum bid of $22,000 per year and with the Barrow reserving the right to reject all bids where the highest bid is not accepted so uh I guess we'll get started on the auction all right I always wanted to do that all right um so I want to call I guess you we'll call forward any perspective uh biders come on forward do we get in those little fans with the numbers on them no all right Price Right name and address too name and address yeah if you could just state state your name and address please yeah Devon ws and our business address is 45 Northbridge Avenue okay um any other people anyone else here for the auction sure yeah this publicize this yeah when was it um I think it was two weeks ago so there's a requirement under the statute that it must be advertised so in accordance with the statute mjsa 48 col 12-14 uh the B clerk cused to be aage at least once a week during two consecutive weeks with the last publication not earlier than seven days prior to tonight the intention of the burough to hold you foret open auction and the conditions thereof is set forth in the resolution so two weeks ago uh twice one one time each week but just for the last two weeks am I understanding this correctly yes in terms of legal advertisement yes and where was it advertised Asbury Park Press Asbury Park Press in Asbury nowhere else so nowhere within the vicinity here was it nobody was notified was also we passed a resolution two weeks ago here at the council meeting so it was it was on like our Bulletin board or whatever like on the website right yeah right now I I was just thinking that it probably should have been a little more publicized than just once a week for the people in the area as well to B on it I mean it's parking is uh pretty essential in Red Bank and I think there are a lot of other entities that might have been interested collectively and a single rather than just doing it on this one or twice you know tce in the Asbury Park Press posted on the burrow website talked about in the last council meeting I me that that's what the statute requires that's all the statute requires there's no other a public resolution and those advertisements prior to the actual auction and there's no way there can be continuance on this at all can we ask for a uh you intend to bid or it's a possibility okay uh well tonight's tonight if you'd like to bid and that's the only uh there's no way to get a um a temporary uh well what would the gentleman next to you show up ready to bid say if we did that right so that's the conundrum we have as the government you know um the people that might be interested I don't think had enough notice it's just uh I just want to go on record saying that I think that the Asbury Park Press and just the council meetings here for once a week probably wasn't enough under the circumstances that um parking is pretty valuable in this General vicinity especially since we have lots and lots of Apartments we have a lot of people that would really like to have been notified ahead of time and unfortunately I think that was ample notification but that's me I'm Linda Cohen doesn't mean anything but I do live in a building that has 150 Apartments uh and people do Scramble for parking frequently so if they were notified I think that basically we're in the vicinity it would have been something that you would have um been interested in maybe allowing a little more for the parking area which would have benefit it the city as well Linda can we just have your address for the record yes Linda thanks I'm here hey it's Kate so sorry 28 Riverside Avenue thank you I appreciate it thank you okay so I guess we are going to start the auction um opening bid is $22,000 for the 11 spots we have an opening bid anyone else bidding what is the opening B 22,000 right 22,000 going once 23,000 23,000 all right we have a a second bid for 23,000 um 4,000 24,000 25,000 25,000 we're at for 11 parking spots for that's annually for five years right right 30,000 we're at $30,000 for um 11 parking spots right all right 30,000 going once 30,000 going twice sold $30,000 Right congratulations I guess um some of them will be in so you we have you you have his name and address correct Laura okay we we will be in contact with you sir to we'll be in contact with you sir to sign the lease agreement and tender the okay and can you send that to email as well absolutely okay thank you all right thank you thank you s is it the email I already have on F for you that's the first auction I've ever seen at a council meeting a lot of council you got to come to the beach towns where they do the concessions a lot of fun the beach towns do that for the concessions they do live auctions okay next up we have uh public comments on agenda items only can I have a motion to open the floor for public comments so moves I have a second second all in favor okay just state your name and your address please in the microphone there Marte young uh 31 Seagull Lane and Loft I'm here to represent um and support the uh util the um the addendum to add in um Cutlery and um condiments into your plastic B bag band um Nancy Blackwood shared the current ordinance um The Way It Was Written and I support the making it simple uh to make it very easy for the transition um to have basically it's a skip the stuff um we are calling it skip the stuff uh which is a it allows restaurant and um to only give out Cutlery and condiments upon request it's a win-win for everybody but it's a very simple thing to add um restaurants should support it and the language should be simple so Nancy Blackwood has a simple language that she shared with me and it's should be an easy uh fix to the current ordinance may or may I speak yeah of course um Mara young is with clean water action and clean water action came to the EC with the skip the stuff ordinance and while Greg did work very hard on this ordinance it was actually we're asking something very very simple and I I believe I I sent the copy of the ordinance and once it was published and then you know you and I talked and we came up with uh the simple simple version that I shared with Council this afternoon so I thought instead of introducing the ordinance we would Workshop it if that's okay sure at your leisure sir okay I mean we'll do here yeah yeah okay why not not public what's that right now yeah no not the appropriate time in the agenda great okay thank you uh anyone else Cindy first then Barber good evening Cindy Burnham 71 Wallace Street um I'm here to ask some questions about 2024-25 uh the historic preservation so Christina I wanted to ask you uh what powers does the HPC have now that they didn't have before you're you're saying that you know you're giving power to the HPC and that seems to be the tagline so what powers does it have now that it didn't have before because I think you've made it less powerful but you're saying you're making it more powerful so I'd like to know what the new powers are yeah sure so I mean it's mostly about the um the legal basis for the powers of both permit review um and review of plans from other boards okay well it's it comes down to advisory with no power right or the power to turn down applications which Neptune Ocean Grove and Asbury Park have so you've said in your article in the tri city news that it's going to get some power and some regulatory teeth what does that mean some power and some regulatory teeth sound like something I guess I'm not quite sure what you're asking I'm asking what does that mean you quoted that in the city news that the HPC would have some power and Regulatory teeth what does that mean I would just reiterate it's using what's available to us in the municipal land you saw of New Jersey to empower this commission going forward in a way that it had not been before okay you you've also in the article it also talks about routine requests what do you know what I'm talking right I didn't write the Tri City article so read it and you said these things so you know what are the routine requests is ciding a routine request it's defined in the ordinance yeah so there's so can you tell me maintenance versus minor applications versus major applications okay so what is siding considered I believe that is a minor application as to so so they don't have to uh submit anything if they wanted to put siding on their house no there's a it's the the ordinance outlines a permit process for those minor applications we hopefully have streamlined the overall process by tearing it into different classes hopefully easier to understand for homeowners building owners uh when they do need to make an application for their histor that's always how it was if you ask Shauna people that wanted to put up siding had to get a permit correct but unfortunately the HPC as a whole did not have the legal standing to enforce as we saw in certain instances to enforce those approvals denials what do you consider stones in the front yard as opposed to grass is that another routine request or minor or major or what the ordinance it's they're they're defined the the classes are I'm sure you know the ordinance right because so is it in the ordinance I mean that's why I believe does fall under minor that's correct under what under minor applications if it's for so they would have to get a permit that's what you're telling me right correct yes okay because excuse me not not anyone but if they are in one of the historic district historic district exactly another designated site okay all right um does this does the HPC still have jurisdiction over the Washington Street and historic Street uh and the historic commercial downtown yep those two sites uh those districts excuse me are maintained okay okay um I wanted to ask too if you think this is right and I'm going to address this to you Mr Portman because I'm sure you put this person on but is it appropriate to put a a person to appoint a person to a commission when they've been in front of the commission before you decommissioned it to put siding on their house and now they're on the commission is that like right you don't understand oh there's somebody that lives in the historic district they came to the HP because they wanted to put siding on their house they never got the answer then you got you guys won you decommissioned and then you put him on the on the board on the commission and he still got an open application for his house there's there's nothing wrong with that um no can recuse himself from obviously his own application if you have a zoning permit you put a fence in town it doesn't forever preclude you from on the zoning board or no I understand that but this when you're talking his same thing he just said oh okay all right and then I wanted to know about resolution 24-4 this agricultural agriculture thing fund of grant you see it I think it's G introduction 20249 oh I'm sorry 09 Capital ordinance providing for site remediation on that's Sunset talking about the spotted Lantern fly Grant pardon me talking about the spotted Lantern fly Grant no I didn't even see that the spotted Lantern agriculture yeah that's the okay is that a is that a um 5050 Grant or is that no it's a grant up to $220,000 oh okay that's what I wondered probably to use to try and mitigate the spotted land right right right it's all good all right thank you thank you barar yes Barbara bis 135 Ranch Avenue um first of all thank you for starting the process to getting more crosswalks in town it's a definitely a good start um how are we moving forward on the ones from the county because as we as we spoke before mayor um they started by putting some outlines on the stream and never went any further so do we have any any clue as to when that's section no we'll have to we'll have to reach out to the county of barbar and and get a an updated timeline yeah well let we got a whole bunch of of emails by the way about crosswalks this week yeah because crosswalks in in in a walking town are necessary and we missing them all over town and of course having the state come in and and help out financially is step in the right direction and that the streets that are getting the The Crossings are perfect I mean they need it but they need to spread out throughout the entire town they need to be you need to start near the schools and work out and however because the kids most of the kids in this town Walk to school I mean the little ones get the bus but a lot most the middle school kids and the high school kids walk so we do need we do need those crosswalks yeah we got a bunch of emails about Riverside Avenue too that cross oh you know they used to call that dead man's crossing right um and S it hasn't changed um but that so the trickiest thing with the roads like um the the the thing we struggle with the most in Red Bank is some of them there's there's our roads there's County Road there's state roads and so it just makes it when it's a County Road or State Road it just makes it a little trickier to get the work done sometimes it's easier beg forgiveness than ask yes thank you thank you thought I was a lawyer yeah just just state your name and your address too yes Linda Linda Cohen 28 Riverside Avenue here we go again and um I can't hear you and I want to hear you just get close to the close to the mic as you can can you hear me now I can thank you so much 28 Riverside Avenue uh and I want to follow up on what Barbara had just said we are desperately in need of a crosswalk uh on Riverside it's like a racetrack every time we try to cross the street to go to a restaurant it's you're taking your life into your hands um so I just want to follow up with the Council on that it's very important for us I mean like I said we're 150 units there's a lot of people crossing all the time even if you want to go to the drugstore before you get hit in case you need some medication before um it is something that we really need to address um and I also would like to address a few other things if I may with Council this is for agenda are they on the agenda yes okay is that okay I mean this is a public comment for agenda items only there's another public comment at the end for any it and then I guess I have to wait right okay do that we'll see you again yeah lots of lots well well let's go Ahad well get Jimmy up and then I just want to say uh first because I know there's it seems like there's a couple of people are from Riverside that I'd be happy to engage the state we do have the resolution on tonight for certain crosswalks U which had to put up a certain monetary value of the the burough to commit to that um that being a crosswalk on 35 and again as I'm acclimating myself at the town I see that obviously it's a concern councilwoman facy Blackwood brought it to my attention yesterday as well so I'd be happy to engage them and see what their response is to that appreciate sure one sec guys we'll get here we just had Jimmy Mr dark oh Jimmy dark 48 West Jimmy Sun Avenue um the thing is um you said agenda items only so I looked at number uh oh letter G so I can talk about that yeah about the sunset that's about Sunset West Sunset at well I mean down foot the sunset about but you know this my thing is um when um what as I've been saying I think somebody should be here all the time for EPA to answer particular questions how safe this going to be is it gonna cause any problems I don't know but I said like once you dig I'm I'm a regular person but once you start digging won fumes start you know rising and you can't catch everything that rises once you dig and uh should everybody on that street in that area be notified about this if they do have a question and I mean everybody doesn't have a a smartphone a laptop or computer even the people don't you know newspapers told about this and I just you know get a very dangerous feeling about this because my thing is I look at what's going over in tent Falls and they complaining now on TV and the newspaper and I said once something gets started the damage is done so two things Jimmy one I think that's reasonable by the way if we're doing work there to let's make sure we get a letter out to the residents who would be directly affected um but the other side of it is that property has to be cleaned up like it just can't be left as it is it's probably leeching into the river now you know I understand that m point but my thing is going on three years of St you know going backwards and I say now to today still something should have been hand out long time ago to let people know what's about to be what's about to get started so this where you gonna be sitting there half asleep and then you said I can talk to people I can let them know what's going on even you can come to the council because the newspaper is the newspaper or the internet is not gonna tell you everything but I'm just saying it should be somebody this doing it right away why drag the feeld on waight you get Flyers you go put something in everybody's mailbox or notify these people so this way they will know something even I didn't know about it just like this you know some things I said let me ask this question because it should be somebody uh my thing is like how many people in this room live at the foot of West Sunset over in the area know about this I know about I tell my friends you know you better check this out because I don't want nothing to happen to nobody even um children adults elderly people and people have health problems and I think this is very serious thing to really look at I understand what you saying but I'm saying something should be that's put in the mailbox agreed I mean Jimmy what is gonna happen with this now and tonight we're putting the ordinance in place to authorize the funding to get going right because there but there's still a an array of investigative work that has to be done in a cleanup site like this so it's not like you know next week we're going with SH in the ground and we're going to start digging up the place and on top of that in part of the process we're going to be applying for grants for this through the state the hsrf grants which require a lot of public engagement so we we have plans in place to do that I know that it might not be clear by just the words on an ordinance right now but it is a funding mechanism reason the reason I'm bringing this up and I've been doing it for several SE a lot of time because I said it's been a long time and I said shouldn't continue on have happed a long time that anybody can print up something or let people know just don't come in there all sudden you just come there boom all of a sudden I never got nothing I ain't know nothing and this is the easiest thing of communication that's put in the mailbox letting them know because you wait another year or so and then you you know it goes two more years and that's why I'm saying it's been three years already I've been keeping the close watch on and I live I down I appreciate the suggestion for the for the reason I'm saying this to you I liveed down there for almost 33 years and I say I take it very seriously if you don't live somewhere you really don't know what's going on with somebody Liv what the feeling is and nobody really never reach out to people down that street because you ask people you know about no have you seen anything about no I don't have access to a computer uh laptop or a smartphone to get questions about this and it should be everybody's notified as and this would be a a safe thing to do this now but don't wait all of a sudden and all of sudden you got a racing car or some somebody doing 500 miles an hour running and just putting in their mailbox and you're gonna have time to really just check this thing out and I think it's it be more com uh uh compassionate that's to let somebody know because when you live somewhere 33 years and all of a sudden I say God you know it's always something you know don't catch you know you don't catch you know the stuff what's going on and I'm just saying it would be very nicely to just do it just to hand out a flyer and put in somebody's mailbox and then give him a question and that's that's all I've been asking for for over going back three years and still I always said the best thing to do if you care about somebody just let them know because you know you know you look everybody don't see about what's going on with in tinon Falls yeah newsp paper on in TV you see people complaining about fow oders and stuff and I said I don't want this to never happened to nobody nobody deserve to get something to inhale that they can't can't deal with but that's want thank you for this and I hope you would take this in consideration thank you yeah thank you Jimmy let's get one of the the Riverside folks in the back there of just state your name and your address sir sure to the microphone well Danza 28 Riverside Avenue I'm actually on the board there's are several other board members here as well as many other uh residents that crosswalk there is handicap access what we're talking about on the sidewalks already so uh there is a sign there for traffic for pedestrians but we need a light there for pedestrians and and uh what I want to bring to you guys is Ion understand this County but there's several hundred cars that come out of our garage The Atrium there's Atrium parking lot then there's uh exiting for ocean first so we have a lot of cars coming in and out and nobody ever seems to take that into consideration on the hazard of that so I just want to bring that up thank you and uh also on the agenda was the Veterans Park the American flag there doesn't light up I actually emailed the town about it I think our flag should be ruminated at night and that's it thank you very much does anyone else from that Riverside group or did he represent well we're good all right good um Bob your residents in your building are really lucky to have an Engaged board like you guys that show up so by the way my my aunt sorry lived in the ad's the first one right she lived there for a year before she started shacking up with her boyfriend and when I would go to visit her when I would go to visit her I know exactly what you're talking about it was like playing a game of Frogger trying to cross that street because you can't park there there's not visitor parking so you're you have everyone who's coming to that building if you're visiting has to you know park on the other side so yes and I live right up the street on R side so I I understood all right okay hi Bob hi hi k um Bob zerman executive director redbag River Center 46 English Plaza I'm here just to speak briefly about ordinance uh 20 24-3 the historic preservation commission ordinance um I just uh wanted to kind of state that um I we met myself and a couple board members met with s the mayor the deputy mayor council uh council member bonatakis and as well as Mr CID Mr Mr Gant um so I I first I wanted to thank you for hearing our concerns we had we had expressed some concerns which I won't get into tonight um about certain language especially when it comes to a couple of the definitions being overly broad which could result in unattended consequences that I don't think anyone uh in this room would would want um we consider ourselves preservationists too I mean we have a beautiful Historic downtown um and we'd hate to see bad things happen to it um so um my understanding is that uh you're you're likely going to pass that that ordinance tonight uh because you've been number of months now without an actual working ordinance so you're you're anxious to to have that uh proceed uh but we um you know after speaking with the mayor um our understanding is that there are going to be potentially opportunities for us after the ordinance has passed to take a closer look at that language with uh M Donado the HPC attorney and if there needs to be some tweaking uh to make sure that those unintended consequences don't occur that um that uh we will do that um in in due time so I I just wanted to say thank you for hearing us and for working with us on that so that to make sure that we get an ordinance that uh that is in alignment with your vision um which I believe is our vision too so that's it thank you Bob thanks Sue I saw your hand up thanks Su 25 Ceder Street um my first question is uh 202 24-3 um I compare this to other um uh ordinances like the planning board and the zoning board the one thing I see that lacking is a removal of a person off of it for example on the zoning board section c-2 there is um sorry d-f uh there's a notation saying removal of the board and how that works and also for the zoning board um 49-8 e removal of a board may ask for like a public hearing well first I don't agree that there's no continuity between all the different boards some board you can removed if you miss a certain amount of meetings but I didn't see any notation that um how a member would be removed of this newly formed or just is that something that I mean in general do you have General removal I think maybe I wrot this I didn't if you miss me like for example there's General application if you miss meetings can be resented by the appointing authority with the member without being excused by a majority of authorized members of such body fails to attend and participate for eight consecutive weeks which tracks the State Statute I mean there there are lack of Duties yeah I mean it's just weird because the zoning board and the plane board has specific I guess what would what would if if you on the zoning board would that ruling or process supersede what you just read the generic overlay or what yeah I mean if you're not showing up you can I mean it's generally well I'll be honest with you I've worked really hard to try to get people on the board I had to consider removing them yet and the only reason I bring it up is because you want to have people on the board that are not owed right you want people going to go on the board and and make the right decision I would hate for like one of them says that the you could arbitrarily come off just to be asked to be come off and the and Council agrees um there's some boards I just want to make sure if someone's on the board that they can buve their conscience and not feel like there's some kind of underlying way to get them off if they don't agree with the overall committee is my point I understand mean that's why they all take the oath at the beginning yeah well I mean it's Legally Legally bonding uh okay uh my next one would be the um24 d08 um how is that GNA be enforced because I still go to restaurants in town and I get straws now and I'm curious because and not paper straws actual plastic straws still so if this is a good idea what's the process for enforcement and who's responsible for it speak to that if you'd like go ahead yeah you did the original one yeah so was um the only person sitting up here when we passed the plastic band um once one year actually I think believe would State um what I'll say about ordinances like that or even for example noise ordinance that nature is often times and this is true of any municipality is that if people are not reporting the issues then the issues will persist um that is the reality of these types of ordinances um you put them in with the best nature with the best reasoning hoping that the influence and the progress will be great enough that it has the impact that it warrants so that you would want to have it see but in reality there is a Code Enforcement page on the burough website if you see something that you think is not following an ordinance and you believe that they should be um there is a place to anonymously report that um but it is the case in all municipalities that there are not C enforcement people running around from place to place and and having those conversations they do have other things to do and we respect that um but here in Red Bank we don't let that Hal progress and we don't let that halt us doing what we believe is in the best interest of the burrow and one of the things that we believe in is that reducing waste that then we are paying money to have process when you're not using half the stuff that they're giving you um we believe that that's strong policy it's good policy so that's that's the I know you are great at catching people who aren't following code in town so if you are at a restaurant you see something if they're not giving their straws By Request they're using a container that is not by ordinance um there is the code enforcement website and I would suggest you report it and when you say it's Anonymous is it Anonymous go in just would you would it be anonymous to the public if you overacted or just be anonymous it's you have the ability to give an anonymous complaint through the code enforcement website anybody has the ability to do that about any issue that they see great which we've told you at multiple meetings about things that you've seen on the street everything I keep saying that there's a way to anonymously report this I think it's a balance I think that the town puts a rle they should also enforce it too because I I didn't get hired to do the job um 24- 41 um about the lead testing I just had of curiosity um actually had a friend had this problem I know we're working from the west side over and you're extending the bond work's getting done my question is if a person lived on let's say John Street and their pip broke um and they have to get work done on the street and they have to get and when the work's getting done on the street they notice that it's a lead pipe does that Resident have to pay for the conversion to non-led pipe even though the town overall is paying for other people on the west side or is it um or if the pipe breaks would they have to pay for the work and then the piece related to the lead portion that you're replacing going to be paid for by the town so you're stating if something was to happen right now like emergency work and it might in the future once they start T pitting the east side it might get connected to the work that's already going to be happening if you're already if the r is everything supposed to be trained over in time well I think I think the way the the the loss the ordinance stands now is you are responsible for the line from the main to the curve and then from the curb to the house so if something happened on on my street on John Street like my my line burst I don't know five years ago and I know this was before but I was responsible to pay for the repair either way right but now that you're the town's paying for it on like my street there's people got their switched out yeah no I've had a bunch of people reach out and saying like hey I gotta I gotta do my line you know can I get a credit we just don't I went over this with place we don't have a there's not a mechanism right now for that so bad timing it's bad timing yeah if we can figure out a work around I'm all for it I mean we said we would pay for them we're just following the order if we can figure out a way to get funding for it to start covering those emergency ones um you're saying if the line is on the right now on the east side a pound if it's proved to be it's just not in the phase yet we're gonna go like for example so if it's proved to be galvanized or lead on a break in somebody's yard if there would be a credit given towards the resident if had to replace it right now right if they had place it now but let's say it's going to be in phase three and it didn't break you're going to cover the cost because bad timing we even had an elderly resident reach out to us whose water pressure is terrible probably because it's like a lead line that's gotten Corona re years and we just don't have a I think she's on Spring Street somewhere on the east side and we just didn't have we don't have if we again if we can look into this and see if we can have some kind of emergency fund to cover those because we we are going to be paying for them I would love I would love to see that happen because I've gotten a lot of those calls they don't care that I had to pay for mine on some cares yeah no that's that's my point it's unfortunately bad timing you're gonna pay for it the town's gonna pay for it if it it didn't break in the year but as of right now you'd have to pay for You' be it would be bad timing but I'm gonna have Jim look into it see if we can generate some kind of emergency fund that covers that I think they paid for when they did some work on um Bergen on uh East Bergen but that was part of a road program not not part of the lead pip but it was part of thead was Road program and we actually broke someone's pipe I think while the construction crew doing the work so like five um and just to reiterate to we're were talking about the the crosswalks and stuff it is bad and and for a lot of you guys who weren't here been remembers um um the old mayor Mena said he did in noena when he would leave his own office to to pull out of the street so it's been a problem for very long time when there was less traffic and um it's still an issue so hopefully it gets rectified because look at all the building that's going up there all the additional businesses um else oh and and also to follow up on the crosswalk another thing I've noticed is it's great to have the crosswalks but it's not good to have a crosswalk when there's a car parked on it or when you have a crosswalk and then you have X amount of feet to the curb to make that left or right turn and then there's a car blocking your vision so enforcement would be nice and also having some continuity with the yellow line I know they finally did my street so when I pull out of my at a Cedar Street I can see because they put a yellow line and now Vans aren't parking right up to that curb so again it's great to have a crosswalk but if you don't have the visual of it it's still dangerous so it comes back to enforcement which is really necessary I think thank you great thank you yes am hello my name is Amy Goldsmith I live at 16 Locust Avenue on the west side I'm also the state director for clean water action and I'm here both as a resident and as the state director of clean water action um just wanted to say that I'm I'm really pleased that the the um Red Bank is leading the way once again on Plastics and and and trash that we get out of our food um delivery and food you know systems we want to eat good food we don't want to be eating plastic and styrofoam and all those kinds of things so um I just want to say that what's really important is um to be able to reach both into the downtown area but also the work that um an Outreach that I think is planned for the west side you know up and down shrewbury Avenue lots and lots of restaurants you know a lot of takeout um that goes on there so it'll be really important to um have bilingual capacity to educate and inform uh you know that part of town so I'm really excited because I understand there's going to be some effort in that regard and also um the savings for the businesses is really quite substant stantial um uh thousands of dollars a year um just in all of those little packets and forks and things like that and I have spoken um to some uh restaurant owners who would would love to not give those things um out one of the challenges has been that you know the grub upbs and the Ubers and all that Uber Eats um what happens is that uh they have a check off but it's not a check off to get it it's a check off to not get it so I just wanted to let you know that we're working on that as well because the restaurants would like to not give that stuff away because it could save them um a lot of money on another point is that um my organization worked a lot around the state and in Newark on lead service lines and when Sue um brought it up I just want to point out that there um is a big issue that arose this week um new work did a phenomenal job in replacing all 23,000 lead service lines in less than three years and my organization helped in that effort um but they did just discover that one of I think one of the contractors started doing partial Replacements which actually is against state law you have to do a full replacement from the curve you know from the curb to the meter um in the house and so I just want to make sure that there's due diligence and maybe some Audits and some checks because now nework is having to go back and go through and make sure that um you know who has partial and who has full that's a lot of work and a lot of money and Newark is determined to go and get whoever did the wrong thing but um and I know that you know we have some contractors here I don't know if it's just one who's doing all the work but still we should just uh keep an eye on it because otherwise it's a big expense to the town or a big legal expense to try and go after the contractor for wrongdoing so I just want to I'm not saying that that the contractor is doing wrongdoing I just want you to just pay attention Okay that's all and as to your earlier Point um if anybody needs any ketchup packets just come to my house on John Street I have about 3,000 in the fridge I can't get rid of them thank you anyone else have any comments for agenda items only any online yeah so Dennis or Sullivan he what did you say Dennis Dennis suiv Dennis um if you're online you uh yeah there you go you can hear me okay yeah yes thanks um congratulations on how busy you guys have been this is quite a large agenda tonight but i' just like to talk about ordinance D just State your address too oh sorry 53 Wallace Street thank you which is in the Washington Street historic district um so I'd like to talk about that ordinance um just a general personal stance on it I indicated when it was brought up in the past that um that I feel that the whole concept of HBC would be would make more sense if it were almost townwide in a in an Old Town like Redbank the Legacy districts feel sowhat arbitrary to me and I feel that the intent of the HPC to retain um like a character of the town would be better achieved by expansion of the districts so I hope that the new uh committee will leverage their survey powers to include more of the town as time goes by otherwise it feels like it will be less effective and just punitive for a small subset of of residents essentially um but besides that I just wanted a couple of comments on the text of the the thing I'm not a lawyer but there's some um wording that could be misinterpreted I think uh specifically section six subsection e subsection one uh it's basically procedure when application for demolition or relocation is disapproved and it it it says if the planning board disapproves the application to demolish or relocate a historic resource the owner shall for a period of one year uh essentially make an effort to sell the property um that terminology especially with the word shell seems to prude the applicant from just changing their mind and um retaining the property and going about repairing it in in an appropriate way I presume that would be the intent of it and if not or if that is the intent perhaps a rewarding would be wise there so it's it you know it it can't be read as the applicant absolutely must sell it if if the demolition is declined I mean anytime a parent application is declined you just change your plans and move on you know so something for the board to consider or the lawyer to consider and within the same uh section e um subsections two and three are worded uh they seem to apply for to a situation where the application has been actually approved and not disapproved so they they probably should be in a separate um SE separate section so that's all just a nitpick picking comments that's it thank you appreciate it thank you anyone else have any comments agenda no no no agend we know we'll get to right okay can I have a motion to close the public comments on agenda items make such a motion I have a second second all in favor I I all right let's do some governing all right um uh we have um minutes and reports to approve from 125 2024 so can I have a motion to approve the minutes from 12524 I make such a motion I have a second second in favor roll call all in favor I all right thank you Laura hey Laura you were there Laura um okay next up is uh some ordinances first one is public hearing and Adoption of 2014-02 a bond ordinance for providing providing for curb and sidewalk improvements along Mammoth Street anding for the burrow of Red Bank in the county of MTH state of New Jersey appropriating $965,000 therefore including a $675,000 safe Street to Transit Grant from the state of New Jersey Department of Transportation and authorizing the issuance of a $250,000 bonds or notes of the burrow to finance part of the costs thereof can I have a motion to open public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a second I'll second it all in favor I does anyone have any comments on just this ordinance okay I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I'll it all in favor I I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024-25 202 b-03 ordinance amending chapter 9 boards committees and commissions and Chapter 490 Planning and Development regulations to enhance the historic preservation commission and to supplement the Burrow's regulations as to Historic districts and historic sites there's a note here that the tax bracket language has been removed from the ordinance yes as that was a suggestion that was the only suggestion from the planning board's review of this document thank you um I a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved have a second second all in favor I I anyone have any comments on this ordinance only okay I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a second all in favor I I have a motion motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-3 so moved I have a second second I'd like to make a comment yes uh this is theic Preservation just making sure right yeah I'm planning to vote Yes and I just wanted to say that I've had a lot of input from residents some of whom are in this room uh I know it's a burden to be in the historic district but uh it's been in Red Bank for some time I've had uh a lot I've spent a lot of time in the historic district and I do it's one of the nicest neighborhoods in town issues are complicated I think we have a night nice balance in this ordinance as mentioned earlier we can tweet certain aspects of it later this isn't necessarily you know everything will be exactly the way it is now forever I really am grateful to my Council colleagues for putting so much work in it particularly Christina on takus I have a little trouble with your last name sometimes um I think it actually was correct to pause this whole thing I don't think we were ready when we were first elected to just sort of lunge into this whole thing um so I'm glad that we were patient and did our homework and properly empowered the commission and we thoughtful in that process I'm also grateful for volunteers that have stepped up to be on the commission so um anyway I just wanted to make that comment Mr Mayor thank you very much mayor I'd also like to make a comment sure um first off I want to appla uh Council wakas for her work on this um there are people who sered municipalities for years before understanding how to build an ordinance how to work with an attorney the work that she did on this is unbelievable um we did hear the concerns from River Center and other people we're grateful from the time we took meeting with them um I think one of the reasons is we have to take this first step um and then there's going to be design guidelines in place and that's one of the reasons why this really did not function properly before um I know Christina had a lot of experience with the board as it used to exist um but once those design guidelines are in place it's going to be very clear what is expected and and there's going to be like Christina stated so eloquently earlier different processes for different levels of work um none of this was clear before um so I just can't thank you enough um for putting something so solid together of course reiterating again that anybody who wants to have a say in those guidelines and things please be present at historic preservation committee meetings have your say be a part of that design guideline process um and you know make your voices heard but we can't get to that point until we get past this point um so we can't you know stress that enough um so well done Christina yes yes well done okay can we have a I think we already got a second right yes so can we have a roll call please Council M bonis yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member flis yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes next up is public hearing and Adoption of 2024-25 designation of a portion of Emanual Court as a permanent Pedestrian Mall and designating a portion of Broad Street as a seasonal Pedestrian Mall can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance on make such a motion I have a second second all in favor anyone have any comments on this ordinance yes did you speak in the microphone can't hear you she wants to hear context of it l does seem to be a little active tonight I'm not normally like start coming every meeting I'm gonna tell you yes I have I have a few things to take up here in terms of the the public mall are we talking about on Broad Street here well there's two there's there's two here so one is um right on a manual Court when English Plaza was redone um on West R across from cigar club uh bards were put up as part of that project we can't actually drive down there now um and we never actually designated it by ordinance are we making it for some perod of time what's that are we making this permanent this is the Emanual Court not the broad okay two separate also the broadwalk is being put into that's what I'm asking forre I knew what you wanted it's not thank you it's but as far as the broadwalk goes all we're saying is that it's going to be seasonal just like it it always has been but when we pass as an ordinance we don't have to then pass a resolution every year to have the broad so it's going to be every year year it will be every year been every year for four years yeah every year uh I don't know that that's such a wonderful idea for everybody in the um in the business district myself being in the business district I don't see it as such a wonderful situation for Redbank and for our downtown businesses there are many businesses that are going out because of the broadwalk situation it's difficult to uh Park this isn't really what I was going to discuss tonight but since I'm here um I want to make my U my feelings known about this uh having been a business uh in Redbank for uh 25 years or more um I have a definite feeling about that I come in contact with people every day uh that come from out of the area and I noticed that there was a decrease in business in the area because of broadwalk and I don't know whether anybody has attempted to come from romson into uh Red Bank but you might be aware that Google has actually directed people around Redbank and in directing people around Redbank Red Bank is going to suffer and the businesses are going to hurt and not being able to get in and out of these businesses uh around Red Bank uh for that specified time frame becomes a major problem I don't know that it it has been beneficial uh I see an awful lot of businesses coming in and out of business and I don't know that takeout businesses uh people can't drive in they can't drive out sometimes business uh the traffic is backed up all the way into shuberry it's virtually impossible to get through certain areas of Redbank and if you leave Red Bank at um you know five o'clock or anywhere in that vicinity it can take you an extra 15 to 20 minutes to get through therefore people are not coming through Red Bank I think the this is something that really needs to be considered a lot further and I think that it should be discussed with the businesses in Red Bank that are affected by it I being one of them I mean i' I've watched this now for years and I think it's not such a great idea so before we just make it permanent maybe we should uh think about this a little bit longer and a little bit harder and what we want to do is if we want to chase people out of Red Bank we're doing a great job it seems to me that it's a a really uncomfortable situation for people that want to come into Red Bank and Shop when the roads are closed and we have a very few arteries that go in and out of Red Bank and it's becoming more and more difficult because we have more and more infrastructure that seems to be um being okay by Red Bank and um that that takes me to some of my other concerns um code enforcement I have noticed that we're going to have to wait on the other concerns but I just I just want to point out to you that um in the months that we've had the broadwalk yes those even those specific months our parking revenues have broken a record each year so people are clearly coming and um you know the concept behind it is in the summer months we're not a beach town we need to have a draw and it seems that the broadwalk has been effective in in that but I will tell you mayor there are many times and I think that you know having lived in Red Bank and work in Red Bank there are many times that I walk down the street Broad Street and it's hot as hell and nobody's sitting there on the pavement you know they're sitting at the beaches and maybe because we're enforcing the parking in the evening maybe people are coming in in the evening but during the day it's definitely hurtful to the businesses downtown I think we need to really consider all aspects of what's being done here Lind I can assure you all aspects have been considered of what's being done here I've been a part of this project since it started five years ago I was the one that actually proposed the broadwalk to the former administrator I have been on the ground with this legislatively from the beginning I go and I eat all around town I go to all the businesses I I love ey design I've send people to your business and I appreciate it I'm telling you overall this has been a success that actually put our town on the map it is helping our economy which helps our residents there have been resident polls done in the online chatter groups and things that nature where 90% of people are supportive of it I have met people who have moved to our town and chosen to raise their kids here because of visiting the broadwalk and feeling that sense of community okay project I'm telling you the upsides are great if you want me to get the word more out about your business tell people to keep visiting you that's what Bob's for I'm on the ground I will make sure that people understand where to get to your business but I have to tell you that we have we have studied this thing we have looked at this thing there have been traffic sties there's been everything imaginable there's been OEM coordination we have done it we have done it and it's GNA keep getting better and I have to tell you that it is here to stay well here to stay Kate I you know I can appreciate what you're saying I telling you from my personal experience with my customers coming in and out of my store which they do and I get people from many different areas besides Red Bank and I'm grateful for that because it's sustains me I'm there for many many years yes but the bottom line is that it does ball traffic up for miles and sometimes for a very long time not that it's from the broadwalk I'm sorry what that's not proven that it's from the broadwalk you cannot traffic on the broadwalk well if you can't get through the downtown it definitely I understand and I hear your concerns but like I said this has been I have been on the ground with this now for this is going to be the fifth season and I'm I'm telling you that this is a good thing it's backed by River Center they're on the ground they're taking the PO I know it's by Riverside cover of the mammoth County tourism guide Red Bank has never had such a thing that is boosting our economy that makes this place more affordable for our residents that makes it better for our businesses it helps the whole ecosystem I I we're here realistically you could you could have gone today down to Front Street at 5:00 and you can't get down Front Street and broadw walks wide open I mean that's just the nature of it is we're at a we're at a got too many cars going through too small of an area we're right unfortunately situated right on you which brings me to the next thing which I'll hold off hold off it's not a problem but I definitely wanted to address that and Kate I appreciate what you're saying but I am asking for the same understanding where it is really a traffic issue and sometimes the people that are would come into Red Bank or saying that they're not coming into Red Bank I hear that you might not hear that but I do because I get people from lots and lots of areas around okay thank you okay we'll get some glasses that I design everybody yes immediately anyone else have any um comments on this ordinance only his wife needs glass I think we'll be there no okay can I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only moved second can I all in favor I hi I have a motion to adopt ordinance number 20 24-4 so moves I'd like to make a comment Mr Mayor yeah sure second a second second many second go ahead man um so you and I have had conversations about this before and I listened again tonight and um I've talked to River Center and I've talked to other businesses that don't like it um so I'm going to just start with the businesses that don't like it um I'm really unhappy that they don't like it I wish I could say something to change your mind or and some of the others that have yelled at me it's mine it's not you're you're not by yourself bud I mean River Center did a survey when I was serving on their board and as I recall it was about seven in favor and about three against something like that which is you know majority in favor of having that um the broadwalk but you know that's still a lot of businesses that don't like it for whatever reason okay and that it means something to me I would much rather be less than that um I struggle and hear from residents with traffic myself um but you know it's closed now you there's no broadwalk right now and I get stuck in traffic now I mean it goes all the way down shb aenue it's been all the way from Food Town to downtown um you know there is a huge problem with just too much traffic in this little town um we're also surrounded by communities and we don't have any say over what they approve and what you know and they send traffic to us we send traffic to them and when I'm walking like tonight from my house at shrewbury Avenue I would say the majority of cars on truberry Avenue are probably just passing through Red Bank not going anywhere in Red Bank so um you know I've struggled with it um I will say personally and my family and my wife is here I think she'll agree with me if she doesn't she will come up and let me know uh I really think that that um has improved the quality of life at broadwalk it has made Red Bank more attractive I know that my town I mean my family I know people on my street that are downtown more than they used to be I mean there's not a lot downtown for me to spend money on I I have Financial incumbrances I would love to buy glasses in your store but um we go to quco and you know yeah creates a community downtown experience I'm there much more now than I used to be now I still go to the diner as opposed to most of restaurants on the broadwalk I do go to the diner Casas heard that haven't heard um but I love that it's nice to have that area it's nice not to hear the traffic you know I realize one of the things you know when I'm sitting there and there's activities and there's bands playing and there's hundreds and and there's sometimes thousands of people there on a Friday and Saturday night I don't remember that like on a typical Friday in the summer before the broadwalk I mean that thing draws a lot of people to our town and I think for you know I moved to a town because I wanted a healthy down town I wanted businesses like yours to walk to I want to be part of that and um so we have to kind of I think do that and I think that actually Red Bank was kind of a little bit of ghost town during the summer months and this is this is definitely made Red Bank rocking but that also does create other problems and I'm not naive about it it has needed some tweaking and the Administration has done some tweaking we may have to make more adjustments to it going forward I love the activities I think that um you know the more bands and various activities and things for people to do down there for everyone is a great thing whether it's Hopscotch so um yeah and it's it's powerful and I have many friends who are coming to Red Bank on a regular basis in large part because of that um so I will be voting yes and I do support it and um it is painful on some levels because I know some businesses that insist to me that it hurts them and maybe it does on some level and to some extent I do hear the traffic thing a lot but I do think the traffic is Bunch basically a red herring we have a traffic problem whether that broadwalk is open or not does it add a little bit maybe at times it does add some but um you know we're still going to get I don't know probably 100,000 cars passing through our town to day that's my comment Mr Mayor I probably was over the five minute limit I way over wasn't even close thanks Council man can I make a brief comment as well sure um you know just right off of Mechanic Street I've been as a member looking ladder I've had an up close and personal view of how this has evolved and last year was by far the best year I anticipate this year to be the best year I anticipate the year after that to be the best year and I just want to say to those who you know I I've known that there are some folks on Mechanic to have parking issues and we have some assurances we're going to do our best this year to bring in specials and to increase enforcement down Mechanic Street and around the broad walk and I um any hesitation I had was quickly allayed in my very kind and direct conversations with my Council colleagues and the administrator and uh it just has gotten better I mean and last year was by far the best and I expect this one to have succeed it so uh I'm here in support and I just wanted to reiterate that we've had those enforcement conversations and uh we have high hopes that we'll be able to track some in this year it's a hard Market out there for specials so I don't want to create an impossible task for the for you gy as well but uh you know we're doing our best as early as we can and thank you for that so a motion a second have a motion in a second yeah we already have that we just need to do council member bakas yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Floris yes council member janon yes she's here Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes happy got that one next up public hearing and Adoption of 20246 amending chapter 64 fire department to increase the Burrow's annual contribution and Implement annual inflation adjustments to its length of Service Awards program for volunteer firefighters and first aid Squad members can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only can I have a second I'll second it all in favor I myself and I abstain okay I also abstain recuse abstain does anyone have any comments on on this ordinance anyone on I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20246 second I'll make that motion I have a second second on the closing of the hearing what second public comment second on the closing of the hearing we got that all in favor hi good now a motion to adopt can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20246 I have a second second oh sorry thee Christina roll call please council member bonatakis yes council member Cassidy recused council member facy Blackwood yes council member Forest yes and I'm so grateful for our volunteers and all that you do and these these things that we do to help I think are appreci and necessary council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano recused mayor Portman yes next up public hearing and Adoption of so moved have a second second all in favor I anyone no right can I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a second second all in favor I I can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20247 so moved can I have a second second bab oh no you got a roll call it roll it council member Bonet Tas yes Council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes wonderful so Nancy this one we're gonna just we're gonna table this right now and workshop it in a little bit correct okay so we a motion to table yes yes ma' can I have a yeah motion to table 20248 and I'll second it all in favor I all right we're going to Workshop that was a little over ambitious um mayor can we talk about it now worksh we can we can have a discussion okay so can we can we save it just for discussion and action we'll do it a little bit and just we're just gonna because we have one more ordinance then the resolutions and then we'll justum jump to it we do oh yeah all right no problem all right I'm ready um next up is an introduction of 20249 capital ordinance providing for site remediation at Sunset Park in the burrow of Red Bank County of Mama state of New Jersey appropriating $217,100 to pay for the cost thereof which amount will be funded by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection hazardous discharge site remediation fund Grant received or expected to be received by the burrow once again Jimmy we're not nothing's happening here other than passing um an ordinance authorizing uh that money and we will get get letters in mailboxes ASAP you're welcome um can I have a motion to approve on introduction so moved have a second second roll call please council member Bonas yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Flores yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor trano yes mayor Portman yes uh in the resolutions other we already did the one for we did febrary oh yeah sorry we'll be a public hearing on that um on 20249 on February 22 thank you you poked me though it's a little unnecessary all right um we already approved 24-44 is there any other resolutions that need to be done separately or can we do them on the consent agenda anyone have any okay so then can I have a motion to approve resolutions 24-39 through 24-48 with the exception of 24-44 so moved can I have a second I second it roll call please council member Bona takas yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member flest yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes and mayor Portland yes okay discussion and action Nancy I'll turn it back over to you for the uh okay the amendment we were talking sure um regarding um ordinance 2028 to um 20248 thank you uh to work on the skip the stuff ordinance um Greg you did a really wonderful job but I think you were over lawyering yeah you were overw wording it yes so um I did send to you exactly what we were looking for and I'm going to read it so it gets into the record uh this would be an amendment to section napkins or extra containers to take out or to or delivery customers are prohibited unless requested by the C by the customer um I pulled this out of the New York ordinance these two other bullets I'm going to read it says online ordering and delivery apps must be set to a default of not providing these items unless the customer selects an option to request these items delivery and Courier Services may not provide these items unless such items items are requested by the customer and then there's a note to clarify that these restrictions do not apply to self-service stations inside a food service establishment so if you go to Surf Taco and you're going to take your stuff to go you can pick up whatever they have out there for you to pick up or any other restaurant that has that option um does anyone have any comments no seems super straightforward levelheaded you can still get the stuff if you request it so needed you can still get it which you know I think and it's going to reduce a ton of waste and the restaurants are not going to be spending money on things that we then spend the money out as the municipality right getting processed to the landfill so sounds good to me yeah I just wanted to thank the environmental commission you for excellent ordinance and I was very honored to NBC came and did that interview and gave us some attention again leading the way and uh clean clean water PCH appreciate it um I don't think there compli but I'm I'm on an Advisory Board there clean ocean action yeah you're okay just specifically General legislation okay right um I also would like to thank clean water action to coming Red Bank and you know we like to be like one of the first of things we're a little bit annoyed that Cranford did this from the get-go but we'll give him a pass and um yeah thank you for sharing the information and we do hope to make it happen I just so you know the environmental commission did meet Tuesday and they were looking to have this with an effective date of April 22nd as it is Earth Day so you know reducing waste on Earth Day would actually be a good look and they've created a flyer um that will be translated into you know English and Spanish and they have a campaign where they will be walking like we did for the plastic um plastic bag Bend they'll be walking Shrewsbury Mammoth Broad basically where the businesses are to educate the businesses um that these changes are and we're hoping with um our Bora borrow and the communication that they would send an eblast to Residents so that they're aware and um my junk drawer good thank you this passes better all right good um so that'll be on for vote next meeting we discuss production February Mr Mayor I need to take a three minut break okay we have a bunch of special events to did you oh yeah yeah yeah go ahead okay um just a quick question um because it was asked by one of um this question in the original ordinance was asked by one of one of our businesses but now it's going to be but the question was can the restaurant ask the customer if they want utensils that's that's the way the straw ordinance was um intended to be enforced by request request ask they could ask they can ask can ask it doesn't have to be initiated by the customer it could be initiated by okay so we could that phrase right Greg yeah to the um the end of the oh getting some push back okay you can come up to the microphone and and give tell us so if if that were to how about you come up at the were be implemented it would say unless requested by the customer CR ordinance actually has more uh better language for okay noting that the business can ask okay in that regard sure Amy has something to say let's get it all let's get it all out what are we doing we're boo Bob and me gon we're going to do a joint okay what was ity do yeah hopefully bule debated this will be good go ahead Amy well I think that what we need to be doing is we need to be training customers to ask if they really want something see the reason why the straw issue doesn't work as well as we would like is because imagine if you were a person who had been waiting tables for 20 years and your automatic reflex was to always give a straw we will continue to just like C of pull that straw out of your apron and keep giving it to you but if we train people who are the customers to actually have to ask for the straw then we could be training both the customer and the person who is serving so anytime somebody says oh do you want something the knee-jerk reaction is always going to be sure it's free or it comes with it rather than training people the customers to actually request it so I would really strongly urge us to have an ordinance that says the customer has to request and that we do our good work of educating so that people ask and you can even have signage yeah you know in a restaurant which you know we've done in Asbury and other places about you know do you really need a straw or do you ask for you know because some people come in to pick up their stuff so instead of putting it in automatically or automatically asking you could have small signage yeah but don't go out of your way to be asking people for stuff because then they will take it and it will cost the restaurants money and it will get stuck in our gutters and you know all that kind of stuff you can't recycle this stuff you know it's just it all it does is muck up the works you know so my so I understand that my my request would be now I know you're looking for an April 22nd start date it would be wonderful Earth day but my experience um my former experience in South Orange uh when I ran the downtown in South Orange and we passed a and the town passed a plastic bag B before they did right um was that we did several months worth of Outreach yes and communication so if if if you want to have it started April 22nd I would respectfully ask can enforcement can we wait a little while longer for enforcement of this so you'd want there to be a sunrise provision that would that would be helpful write a sunrise provision we did it last time yeah yeah absolutely that would that would be extremely helpful so that it gives not just uh the environmental committee time to educate the restaurants gives us time to assist you in that process but you can still do a kickoff you can still announce it you can your business is doing the right thing so that's all good yeah just don't make it too long don't make it a year you know just make it a couple of you know month through right nice work guys yeah provision you can put signage up wait wait wait what else so we make it effective 422 but with enforcement to start a couple months later that's that would be my request right okay just don't want to go too deep into the summer because that's when you know people are going to be using a lot of stuff Brad you know month about that okay maybe my yeah keep kicking it so if we have effective the April 22nd April 22nd how much more time do you need two months two months okay so effective April 22nd July one or whatever that it's the beginning of the July 1 give you eight more days would I okay that that would be very much appreciated okay thank you I just wanted to comment probably said this while I was in the room the uh one of the things I also like is I'm hoping it will reduce some of the litter we have downtown because that's also another crost for us yes and there was a lot you know just walking around downtown with you yeah a lot of this little catchup packages and all the rest of this stuff all over the place which cost us not only money to send to the landfill but a lot of Labor clean up around the town and it's hard right and not to mention getting in the drains and all the rest of it yeah yeah all right cool anyone else sounds like a plan all right look all right we got it Miss the hand just gonna shake hands a lot you you know you if you're happen to catch one that's great okay okay uh special events we have a bunch of them read through it and then we'll vote for approve um Mom with daycare Touch a Truck red B Middle School Saturday May 2 from 10: to 2 the Shrewsbury Avenue am Z Church s Kofa Soul Food Fest Saturday June 22nd from noon to 6: New Jersey friends of Clear Water Festival Saturday August 31st and Sunday September 1st let's hope it's a little cooler than it was last year uh Red Bank Public Library International Festival August 2024 parks and wck the spring egg hunt on 31724 with a rain day of 32424 count basy park parks and rag pride in the park 6824 with a rain date of 6924 I think that's at Riverside Gardens right and then the juneth celebration on 6164 uh can I have a motion to approve all these special events so mov can I have a second second all in favor all right Linda you're up You' been so patient kick us off public comments and questions can I have a motion to open the floor for public comments and questions I have a second I'll second that all in favor hi all right okay I just I just want to make sure nobody's gonna shoot at me here never never we love hearing your comment okay just again what you say about your name and your address I am Linda conen 28 Riverside Avenue Red Bank and um I have a few things that I would like to address the first thing I'm concerned about is the actual infrastructure that we have in Redbank um and I noticed that we have an amazing amount of building with a lot of units coming into town uh we have as a few people have mentioned uh tonight we have an unbelievable amount of traffic going in and out and we all agree on that and I'm concerned for the future in terms of how much infrastructure this nice little Old Town can take I love it here I've lived here for over 20 years I don't want to see it change but I know that it is going to develop and uh as it does develop I'm concerned about our ability to uh maintain a high level of um Quality in terms of how we live in terms of the actual um Quality of the infrastructure of the city in terms of the um you spoke about the pipes um that's one aspect of it the roads the arteries the ability to to get in and out uh in terms of the parking okay you I know we're we're busy with parking uh I just want the the council to be and I know this is more uh zoning and planning I mean I've been on planning I understand that um but it seems to me that there's an awful lot of uh infrastructure coming into town and I think that there needs to be a lot more attention paid to the other aspects of what this town can become with the crowding I mean we all love to have a nice walking town and I'm sure we need to have the revenue uh for the city desperately we need it uh and thus you know I think the downtown needs to Prevail um and I think all of those things are important but I just want to reiterate that it's an old town and it has a very old structure I mean we suffered desperately through having the downtown uh redone I think a couple times which I won't go into everybody knows that's a source spot here what it did to uh Broad Street and the downtown was really it was really difficult um that's one aspect um and I'll let that go because I just wanted to touch on it the other aspect is Code Enforcement that is very much of a concern to me um I called and I spoke to the chief in reference to um how clean we have our city and the more that I walk downtown and the more I realize I'm seeing a lot more graffiti in town we're talking about trash I'm seeing trash but I'm seeing also a lot of people that disrespect the downtown um and and then I'm seeing a lot of empty structures and one of of my questions to this council is that when we have these areas where um people are not um doing whatever it is that they're going to do what they've been approved to for um for the Planning and Zoning um how long are we expected to live in an area where there are gas stations uh that are empty and how long can we sit and look at these horrible um these horrible sites that are filthy and that maybe somebody wants to hang a billboard on and collect their money and kind of just rape our downtown I hate to put it like that but that's how I'm starting to feel there are many people coming into our downtown and they want to do what they want to do and then they carry themselves away from Red Bank Redbank is a beautiful little town we all love this it's a wonderful little quality City and as Kate said it definitely draws attention and people love it including me and that's why I live here and that's why I like my business here but there are things that I have noticed and I think that I want to bring to the attention of the council and I think these things need to be heated and they need to be understood that what are we going to do about the code enforcement what are we going to do about gas stations that stay for years when I was on the planning board and I don't even want to tell you how many years ago that was and I'm looking at the same structures and nothing's going on at what point do we say You must do something either you have to improve it I mean I don't know what the plan is but I think that we shouldn't leave things for 20 years or 10 years or however long we're leaving them and then somebody makes a deal uh and sticks a uh billboard up and uh really disrespects our town and some of these areas in our town are entrances to our town and they don't say the right thing about what Red Bank is so I just wanted to bring that up this has been bothering me and so this was my perfect opportunity I appreciate all of your Indulgence and I hope that you will consider um what I what I'm bringing to your attention as a serious concern for all of us we all want a quality of life here and that's why we're here and what I see happening is frightening to me so it's just a beginning and I just think that if we don't head it off now uh I think at some point we're going to be sorry so thank you very much thank you L good evening appreciate it my thank you for your patience too Linda hiina hiina good evening so I just have a question who name address okay my name is Georgina Shanley 115 Harding Road Red Bank and I want to ask um everybody who do they love more Linda or me you seem to be in love with Linda and I wonder I'll take a poll Who Do You Love More love you jce all right thank you welcome you're a politician yes no I just really like people I'm gonna be honest or else I wouldn't be doing this anymore all right so um I'm here to appeal to you once again to consider passing a resolution um to stop the bombing in Gaza and in Israel to release all of the hostages that are in dungeons under Gaza and to have allow full humanitarian Aid since um in New Jersey um in P County we had um Patterson H helon borrow and Prospect Park all passed resolutions calling for ceasefire this one and since and since we're we're all taxpayers and 92% of the weapons being used are made in the United States and so we do have a vested interest in a in Red Bank and since uh January 26 when the international court of justice called on Israel to stop bombing civilians we've had o over a thousand people killed many of them children um in the last 24 hours 130 people have been killed 120 injured and in RFA right now where you know it's the it's a link with Egypt there are 1.2 million people Sheltering there because there were forced there by Israel for safety and now they're being bombed I think we as human beings and as citizens of the world have to do something so if this resolution could be passed all it does is it goes to our Congressional leaders who represent us our Senate senators and to Biden to call for an end to the bombing release of hostages and full humanitarian Aid um since October 7th Israel has dropped 29,000 bombs devices 29,000 in Iraq for six years between 2004 and 2010 3,678 bombs versus 29,000 in a few months you know when is it going to end I mean the whole world we have all the humanitarian groups the human rights groups everybody is calling for a ceasefire and we if we're to wait like Miss blackw would said until Biden finalizes a ceasefire um God knows it could be a year it could be never because Netanyahu just said we're never going to have it until all of herass is gone so I really appeal to you to bring it up for a vote see how people will vote on it and see how the community would come together over it because it's the right thing to do Georgina again thank you for your your comments um I think I said everything last uh last meeting um yeah I I again I feel like I I address this um my opinion hasn't changed I thank you again for for coming here and and advocating so my only question is is this the normal process that the mayor is the gatekeeper of any of these introduction of resolu any anyone's welcome to to speak so any of the council elected representatives of the people can speak is it a heard mentality that one goes this way everybody goes that way I mean I I said it last time um microphone Ben Mike I'm here in my capacity elected to serve burrow and I have my own views as you know um I don't know that um doing this will help it'll be very divisive for the town it'll be probably devises of up here um I don't want to speak for anybody else um so I I wanted the violence not myself personally but I'm not up here personally I'm here as you know for all the people in Red Bank and um if we were to ever do something like this it would have to be a much more thorough process than just here tonight I don't want to encourage you necessarily to come every meeing but you can of course uh and I do listen to you and um you know I'm horrified by what's going on on many levels in in Israel and Gaza and and all those other places you mentioned and some that you didn't mention and I think was Union City also passed something I could be wrong I I saw that this much today but I do appreciate you coming up and I'm certainly listening to you and thank you for your time amazing well you can only deal with your conscience and I can only deal with my conscience and uh I'll definitely be back and maybe somebody will have a great insight into what's really going on and how would you like your children children to be without arms and legs or killed with nobody standing up for them I have nothing to gain personally from this I'm I'm not a politician I'm here because I'm a human being and I'm if I were in a position like you're in I would definitely Vote for This regardless of what the mayor or anybody else is saying it will bring the town together if it's voted upon and when it's voted upon and I thank you for your time thank you Georgina thank you Georgina yes Freddy evening mayor and C Bo PO Box 2074 uh mayor councilman just want to thank the uh Red Banks police for Saturday we had one of the brothers pass up at the lodge and the police uh came up and escorted the funeral service it was outstanding and we just want to say thank to the B Bank police the other thing I got he passed the ordinance for unhooked trailers did we or did we not we did well we still have some on L Street sitting there seemed like they just disrespecting y order yesterday two things happened to me I had an incident in tent Falls and uh car was parked on the wrong side of the road my granddaughter almost hit the car but good thing she didn't 10 fall cop came he said we give tickets when cars parked on the wrong side of the road that's what you're supposed to do we've been getting a lot of that here in Red Bank yeah we've been getting a lot in Red Bank cops riding by not giving tickets I ask him what about trucks say Freddy how long you been living in tall we have a ordinance no commercial vehicles parked on the streets tentfs have it see that's why you don't see no trailers people who got company trucks uh people who have a business they're not allowed to park them on the street R Bank have a ordinance going way back they should bring it back it's in there no commercial vehicles on the streets we're getting terrible with them around here parking on the streets it's outrageous yesterday I was coming down Lon Avenue bus was coming up late Avenue right there at River Street bus put his lights on sign came out I stopped kids was getting off the bus lady came from River Street right across between me and the bus I'm asking y'all counsilman well kid get hurt I have 100 signatures on the petition we need a four-way stop sign there they coming off at shb Avenue going straight down to the primary school and they're not stopping right there at River Street they're going straight across they had several accidents I'm asking y'all counsilman tonight next council meeting just to be clear before we stop you're asking for at River and Leon yep you're L and I have a petition I got 100 sors on it I'm asking coun the next Council me you need to put it on your J get it done a kid gonna get killed we I had some serious accidents there it's a school there and that's where they go back and forth we have to do something with these trailers unhooked Trail in the street is sitting there Greg what is the I mean we ticket them now right what is our next what's the next step then if the you just tell them can we are we able to I don't I mean I don't want to speak for the police department they obviously procedures for that right but um yeah the next step after ticketing is rep Defenders is all right so uh I'm just saying this trailer been there when this a was passed and and and and I mean whether it just keep giving him tickets or what what's what's that's what I was just trying to CL I guess we have to they tell we got to speak to the Chief and see yeah I've spoken to the chief recently about this and he's advised that they have been out ticketing through their Traffic Division so you know the next thing is obviously looking for compliance and things like that which it sounds like we're not getting compliance but um that would be the next step to seeing what we can do Beyond just ticketing I mean sometimes it's a it becomes a it's a little bit different than towing a car so we have to see what the mechanism is to tow a an actual unhitch trailer but they have been out ticketing but if you go back back look at the audence no commercial vehicles that's that's that's right there that's you know I guess y'all don't want to go back and look at the ordinance but it's there it's there you know I mean y'all got to do something I mean because you lag along lag along it's getting worser and worse and worse I um you know one of the things that we talked about even with the the unit trailers is um is trying to find a place in Red Bank where they can park those trailers and you know pay and get a permit and and get them off the road um which we have not had much luck with I'm still trying to get a hold of the uh Pastor from the church on River on River Street you know the one down as you're going down towards the school so you have a contact for me as well um that would be great um but yeah we we we always intended to do this in two steps the first steps was the unhitched trailer the next was some sort of commercial vehicle legislation um and it's what's that the commercial uh vehicle legislation is is a little more complicated yeah so it's just we're it's on our radar already it won't be done by the next meeting but well how can don't get me wrong how can you you know I hear what you're saying how can it be so complicated when you have a ordinance already was passed years ago commercial vehicles and TI Falls still have it from when Red Bank had it and they still enforcing the ordinance commercial vehicles I'm going to have to take a look I didn't I didn't think reason we were discussing is because we did not have a commercial vehicle we got we got i a mean to cut you off we have P actually bringing big trucks home that they working for a company they actually bringing them home and they parking them on the streets now here you is have a fire how in the world you're going to get the fire truck P the big truck down the streets Freddy I'm not denying that it's an issue I know it's an issue we got to we got to look we got to do something about it and I just hope y'all put their uh stop sign coun feting on theia so we can get that done before a child get hurt thank you FR going 25 Cedar Street sorry about that I was just rethinking that to what Freddy said I think there was a grant to address the issue at River and Leon for safe routs to school I kind of remember it being P late last year so it's just a matter of taking a look at that and see seeing what we can do yeah upate for meeting yeah we'll have an update next meeting sorry about that no problem um again it's dja Vu years and years we've been talking about this 15 years even longer about for I mean when I go and drive like an ocean Port you know you don't speed an ocean Port there's no if ends or butts about it you don't speed you stop every St you don't do anything they enforce it you come through here I mean I had pictures right in front of here there's a car parked wrong way and I went to an event at the library at evening no ticket and when I came back still no ticket right in front of the police station pared the wrong way I mean that's where the cops coming in out I mean I don't understand I think the cops do what they can do but if you're saying it's the um parking authority that does it well are they working at night when the um count bases opened having events I mean enforcement that that's the bottom line I mean if we all enforce the rules everyone should follow it and there's repercussions right you would have accountability and they will stop doing it and I you see like I mentioned earlier you have cars parked so you can't make left and right turn because you use visibility I've come down because my wife almost got hit a few times trying to go to work I mean enforcement it's simple I see the cop cars I watch it on my video CS I see them going up and down the street and I see them looking because on my street there's cars that do Park the wrong way and the cop just go I I've never really seen a car that said Park the parking authority cars or the on my street I look at my cameras every day I don't I didn't seen one with with that stripe on my I mean and the proof is in the pudding we talked about the um snow I know back in the day and other Council meetings we used to get some metrics how many tickets were giv out how many tickets were given out for cars during the snow store they said they enforced it so I would hope it's a big number um I just got my dog license done I was number 55 you're supposed to get it done by the end of February unless you get in a fine for being late is only $55 at this account really really where's the enforcement I mean I don't understand I mean it should a I know the animal welfare committee was talking for years trying to get it to be online so you can do it online submit your paperwork and get your license online so it's easy for a compliance but only 55 dog license Thursday were issued come on where's the enforcement who's who enfor is that we do dog um and then you have a lot of dogs and and I'll be honest with you my side there's poop everywhere who forces that I mean I got a video who do I give it to I got somebody pooping on my my lawn where's you used to go down control cfor right wait what are you saying if she has video of someone not cleaning up after their dog right again doesn't that go to code enforcement yes but I mean it comes back to enforcement if everyone just follows the rules but again this is De sh Vu I think many people in the audience here and you're not here have been this road talking about it um another thing I wanted to bring up was and I brought it up in the past and you know we're talking about these little initiatives about you know the not the Plastics and the food and everything um I think we need Lids garbage cans and recyclables it's amazing when I walk my dogs all the bottles that get because it's a bad windy day we're by the water there's windy days the the stuff that gets fall falling you pile it up too high I mean the plastic the plastic bottles all over the streets are ridiculous if I believe you're supposed to have a lid so you don't have that what's the point of taking the bottle putting in a recycle B hopefully gets picked up but then the wind gets blown and it's all over the flooran it's Contra intuitive because then just it's more trash on the ground I mean I think we should invest in I know some people have leaves that blow away trust me as I go buy a new can and already get the blue one what it's attached maybe when we have the yellow cans maybe there's another initiative we can give people lies who don't have lips or give them two chance because they're overflowed um but it's you know it's a good idea but I think we worry about the big picture and everything but let's help people just do the everyday stuff I think Lids on garbage cans and on um recyclable bins are important I even see people that don't even put their trash in a can they put in a plastic bag on the street there's a lot of um raccoons and cats and stuff and they're hungry and then I see them making a in the bag and then what happens again I thought the rule is you're supposed to put the garbage bags in a can I would think that's common sense so then the trash isn't on the floor we have more trash on the ground and it's a cycle so yes we have all these cool things you want to say great we did this and we're the first to do that let's just do every day stuff let's do common sense stuff I don't know why Common Sense enforce Common Sense put garbage in the can Common Sense let's enforce that you know a little Common Sense will go a along way where we're not bonding stuff or spending money or anything en Force thank you thank you any other comments anyone online no sir right can I have a motion to close the public comments have a second I'll second all in favor I okay um mayor and councel actually J why don't you give your you want to give your manager you want to do at the end okay all right so um C cross Council comments Christina you got anything you're looking at me sure um just one little thing um so I I don't know if I've expressed before but I'm a bit of a transportation and Mobility nerd so I just wanted to share with residents uh something I saw that's going on right now um Mammoth County in cooperation with the north Jersey Transportation Planning Authority is conducting Mammoth paths access for all it's a survey which seeks to identify and develop measures to mitigate barriers to equitable Mobility so that includes all residents of Mama County including lwi income minority elderly young and disabled groups I just wanted to encourage all Red Bank residents to participate if they can um there's a virtual meeting on February 12th that you can find online as well as ongoing input being taken uh it's bit. lonmouth paths so you can Google njtpa M pass it's really cool there's a map when you get to comment on specific thoughts uh so I do hope that we'll see some input from riing thank you Mr KY hey couple brief things and I see Mr donu in the audience I caught your uh video from the uh fire department that CH chill being brought over I just want to acknowledge just the continued efforts of our broad Red Bank Community to always support other community members and TJ Moss over at Vincent feathers donated uh helped uh the little girl from the Spring Street Fire uh adopt a new chinchilla and it's remarkable in this sense in that TJ just lost his father as well so it comes right on the heels of a tremendous family loss and he uh supporting a Community member uh still and it just makes me just I don't know there's there always so much good around us to look to and uh and I saw with Mr Moss's actions on behalf of it and the continued efforts of various members of the fire department to support those community members and our local media for highlighting those kinds of stories and I just appreciate it and this is my early regrets that I will not be attending next meeting as I have my final pet into the law school luk Court competition I will regionals um where I will be speaking about the ills of uh snap uh removal under uh 1441 B2 Mr uh Mr canet so uh least favorite part of law school so good luck this is year three and I'm starting to wonder why I went for three years but you know as the only three-year member of the team I'm actually kind of tickle that I get one last shot and one last butt at the Apple but I'm appreciative of everyone's understanding that I graduate soon and that's the end so gonna take my one lash crack awesome good luck good luck thank you oh um well as mentioned earlier the EC is looking to have their annual um green Fair partnering with the middle school as we've done in the past uh they're reaching out to the vendors and getting activities and everything geared up and this year they agreed that they were going to have the event on actual Earth day which is Monday uh the 22nd of April between 5 and 7 um we talked about the skip to Stu ordinance that came from the EC so they had recommendations and you know thank you all for allowing us to have that Workshop here uh the other thing the EC is looking to do is there is a borrow own small piece of property at the westernmost end of West Westside Avenue and um in the past the EC has been given permission and they would like to put a pollinator Garden there and um Mr manager I did send you an email with what the EC has request so when you get a chance take a look see um sha Tre would like to report that seedlings were coming this year I don't have the exact date off the top of my head as to when they'll be picked up but um expect to hear an announcement if you're interested in planting a tree on your property so so um hopefully they'll go for native trees uh because you know with our um with our environment we want to keep our plants and trees as local as possible so that's all I have thank you hey laori you got anything uh yeah don't okay yeah um the Animal Welfare met just the other night um we had they had one question I know we're going to be doing some on Marine Park I didn't know the timeline on that maybe we don't know but we had scheduled dog days for September 7th and they were wondering if we should move at atam marine park if it's going to be being work being done so I'm not quite sure about that um the other thing is we talked about chemicals um on lawns that would hurt animals um thanks to Jim our business manager for giving us some local towns that had adopted these ordinance and the other day Animal Welfare was meeting at the same time as environmental and I know Paulo and Paul our chair U met together so I think that we're both working on that together um and I think that's it for me thank you thank you councilman first um as L is on to the um parts and R we have some dates uh juneth is going to be Sunday June 16th we have a spring egg hunt on March 17th pride in the park June 8th 12m Riverside Gardens Park so anyway those are a few dates that we've had we just also had a meeting like a week and a half ago the parks and rec committee um I wanted to also acknowledge our uh friend John Clancy I did attend his service yesterday he was a resident I believe of is that Leonard Street yeah Leonard Street was and he had some health problems in the last year and he was a in brick brick um rehab for a while and he's he's recently passed away um his obituary and whatnot is on Facebook and anybody's interested in they contact me and I'll get you information about his family um also mentioned he was a uh Army veteran I saw some decorations there at the service yesterday um I also wanted to respond actually to Freddy Bon's comment about River Street and the intersection with Leighton and that I you know the neighborhood obviously and I've gone down that street many times and there are times where it's you know it's a dangerous intersection of course because it is goes right down to the primary school um so you usually have crossing guards there for us during school hours and thank heavens for that um but I kind of agree with his observations there um you know I'm not sure maybe it's my imagination I haven't done video evidence of this maybe Brian will at some point but it seems to me the streets are just generally busier than they've been before I know more people coming through Red Bank or cutting through or maybe it's the GPS giving people shortcuts I don't know what it is um but you know um there a lot of intense traffic kind of going quickly through and um you know it is a concern anyway I think that concludes my report thank you very much Mr Mayor thank you deputy mayor by the way I really like your auction thank you thank you mayor uh I have a report um I'm the leaz on to the community Equity engagement committee um so one we just wanted to put it out there again um Red Bank was rewarded in a grant for the purchase of an accessible push chair to be used in the Red Bank classic 5K um so that will be an accessibility feature to be included in the race this year uh that application for the grant was submitted by the community Equity engagement committee and the parks and recck department so thank you for their work on that uh if you are not following Along on Facebook to the community Equity engagement committee uh you are truly missing out on some wonderful human stories of the people who make the fabric of our town um in December uh businesses that get back to the community were featured and these will be continued throughout the year so if you are a business and you're doing something special um if you're doing something that benefits the community please reach out to the community Equity engagement committee um so that you can be given you know your flowers uh for doing something right um and during February uh which is Black History Month uh residents of Red Bank are being featured um throughout the entire month um there's already some fantastic stories there um it really is just so important so much of us spend so much time online um it's great when we can connect in person but um I urge everybody to go and and take um a look at those stor stories it's definitely covering the community engagement part of uh this committee so thank you um the committee is also going to meet again with the Red Bank classic team to find ways to increase the number of um ways that they can help um just diversify and help anybody um participating in that and that's the report there um trying to think if I have anything else NOP we covered broadwalk that's good um yeah support your local businesses thanks just want to remind everybody again that I have open Office hours I've been getting great um attendance they've been pretty much full and it's you know I've been I've been roping uh the manager in to sitting in on office hours because he's right across the hall um he's too polite to say no um but that's been great actually because then you know residents you you feel really heard you feel heard by the person who legisl and you also feel heard by the person who is doing the gr work so um that's been great and I'm excited to attend I think it's opening weekend of the Scarlet Letter at to River theater tomorrow taking my wife on a surprise date night so don't tell her if you see her tomorrow um you we have a local a local dinner and then head over to the theater so uh that's all I got thanks yes man on your report I I feel a little left out Nancy and I go to the senior center for office hours and I think Mr Grant should probably drop by there too we all go we yeah when you have a chance we're gonna ask Mr Grant and Mr gance to stop the off the floor is yours thank you sir I'm sorry Mr G before you go I just want to say that we enjoy seeing um our clerk who stops by the senior center to visit with the seniors and she brings her therapy dog Smalls I keep wanting to call them Biggie Smalls um so it's nice to you know give him a pet when you see him he's a great pup so I did have my senior Senor visit scheduled for this week but I had to cancel on them due to a meeting out at Mammoth County so I did reschedule with uh our director jacn so we gonna get the full experience soon so we've been conducting interviews for the human resource manager physici already and I truly hope to make that decision in the in the near future um as I've reported on in the past the work on Mechanic streets begun and will continue next week the crew will be saw cutting the roadway and preparing the road for the upgraded water meain um and we've also authorized The Design Services the survey services and bidding services for the MTH Street Improvement project which includes sidewalk stamped concrete and curb work and repairs that we've been talking about for a couple meetings now the survey Crews were actually out uh this past week so that work is is starting as far as the Le service line replacement program phase one just to give a couple uh dates and and I've already started to prepare a a social media post for this just to get it out there a little bit more what to expect what's to come I know that there's obviously a couple people listening here and online but just for the greater masses um so we're expecting the estimated completion of phas one by June of this year which is actually two months ahead of schedule and the the contract completion date was advertised as the end of August uh so we are running ahead of schedule on that and then the following is scheduled for phase one so we've already replaced 350 lead service lines we've done a thousand test pits uh the month of February we'll see 20 more lead service line Replacements and then March through June will be the restoration process and I know that gained a little bit of traction on social media recently so that's why I want to make sure that we're communicating what the restoration will look like um obviously the asphalt sidewalks that were put down is temporary and we're going to go back out there and the contractor will be replacing those sidewalks and the cutouts of asphalt with actual concrete um but it's best to pour concrete when we have a little bit warmer weather so that'll be through March through June that'll include uh the patching of the sidewalks top seed top soil seed and straw and mulch of all the test Pit locations and then going into phase two we already in January put the bond ordinance in place um which you may recall in February through April so the end of this month through the end of April we're going to do design permitting and coordination with the njde because they have to be uh brought in on this process as well so there is a little bit of um bureaucracy that has to happen there with the njd to make sure we get through that process um effectively and then in may we we plan to take bids in for phase two which will be the east side like we talked about today and finishing up part of the West Side uh so through May and June the contractor will commence construction we plan to do about 2700 test pits to identify the service line material um 125 to 150 lead service line Replacements that fell within phase one will be completed in that phase two as well and um the test pits that we conduct in phase two will inform us what sort of lead Sur replacing we're going to have on the east side of town and um in the next week or so I'll be meeting with our CFO to discuss our capital projects our engineer to talk about the plan for our road program and the superintendent schools to discuss our partnership and and have a meet and greet uh with each other and just to highlight on the community Equity um committee Community Equity engagement committee thank you uh this month they actually I think just yesterday they highlighted Terren y our D dpu director and I think there's going to be another post on Terrence tomorrow as well so it's great to see him getting the recognition that he so deserves and uh wish everyone a great Super Bowl weekend oh yeah um sorry um Jim may I ask uh about Mechanic Street when you have the plans have they been shared with the SHA tree committee yet because they're very interested to know you know like where the trees are going to go if any certainly okay I will uh definitely pass that along to our engineer appreciate that I think we have do we have executive session we do okay so can I have a motion to adjourn to Executive session make such a motion mayor I have a second second all in favor I all right thank you all for being here we're taking five minutes then going into executive session thank you the executive session topics that we will discuss the letter two one is litigation State versus poku uh which is an Appel division matter as well as poku versus Redbank which is a tax appeal um we'll also be discussing a contractual matter uh involving the property at 110 Leonard Street this executive session will take about 20 minutes and no action will be taken when we return to regular session thank you got a lot done today great meeting guys thank you we're still how you about you let go sorry I am so sorry about my email messages last CLE said I'm not