##VIDEO ID:QQqDzuP9NcE## got that's good any word on the rest of your peeps right vce late that's crazy good evening everybody and welcome this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the asur park press the two over times and the Star Ledger and posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the municipal website op authorizes municipalities to conduct public meetings through use of streaming services and other online meeting platforms the Redbank council is meeting in person as well as providing an option for the public to participate via Zoom video meetings please note that the option to attend is being provided as a courtesy therefore if Zoom becomes unavailable during the meeting and it canot quickly be fixed Council will continue with the remainder of the meeting for those joining us via Zoom please raise your hand during designated times to be recognized for a comment whether you appearing in person or via Zoom you must provide your name to be recognized please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to of the United States of America to the repblic for which nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all have a roll call please La council member Bon Tas here council member Cassidy pres council member facy Blackwood here council member Forest pres council member janon pres Deputy Mayor Triano here mayor Portman I am here thank you well we have a um a bunch of presentations to do which is why I want to point out L Peter Paul our assembly woman was here and on time right but uh our our other assembly woman Margie donlin as well as our state senator Ving goal are on Route so um we're just going to move ahead with a little a bit of the other business and then as soon as they roll in we'll jump back to our to our presentations everyone right with that right good um so the first thing we have is uh public comment on agenda items only can I have a motion to open the floor for public comment on agenda items only I'm I second all in favor so if anyone has any comments on the existing agenda items only please feel free to step forward anyone online there Jim nobody with their hand raised no this is my other concern we're going to fly through these other agenda items too quickly and I'm going to just start to speak really slow oh he is okay oh good good good all right next one well maybe we'll all right we'll see how it goes um can I have a motion to close the floor for um public comments on agenda items only so moved I have a second second all right um can I have a motion to approve the um minutes from 88 2024 don't move I have a second second all in favor I I have a motion to approve the minutes the executive session minutes from 88 2024 so move I have a second second all in favor hi well I I did notice that one of our honores is here and we don't need um Ben and Margie for this one so we're gonna honor uh Mark wasch so um here we go there's a proclamation from the burough Red Bank recognizing Mark wasek whereas I'm going to have to say your name like 30 times in this aren't I all right V there you go vck see there we go whereas Mark vack of Mark vasj Mechanical Contractors has demonstrated exceptional expertise knowledge and commitment to the B of Red Bank for over four decades and whereas Mark Bak began his service to the burrow in the early 1980s installing repairing and replacing vital infrastructure such as hydrants water Ms Water and Sewer lines laterals and storm water mains for Road Improvement programs and whereas in 2003 the burough began bidding out contracts for all utility road work Mark bosek was awarded the first in every contract since a testament to his fairness outstanding reputation and quality of work and whereas on July 11th 2024 when a forc main break occurred in the transit lot Mark V and his crew responded with unpar paralled speed and efficiency working tirelessly to assess stage and repair the damage main ultimately preventing a potential environmental disaster and whereas Mark vac's dedication to the burrow extends Beyond his contractual obligations as evidenced by his decision to stay overnight in the transit lot to monitor the repair and ensure its successful completion now therefore I William Portman mayor of the buau of Red Bank on behalf of the council and citizenry to hereby Proclaim our deepest gratitude and admiration for Mark bosack a true hero for our community his unwavering commitment to the safety well-being and prosperity of our town is truly commendable and we are honored to affectionately recognize him as our very own Dirty Jobs King this is so much fun yes Look From The Bottom AE thank youit one more hold on one more I don't want block look at me look at me chins up all your chins big nice all right thank you nice to meet you in person your names on contracts very much I got down here all right thank you I got to talk to you but did they Co we paid the bill no no no they talk to you about Street yeah I just I just want working this guy I just want to say really quick yeah Mark is always working Mark Works in 28 municipalities 28 28 municipalities in Mammoth County um this was a this was a big job in Red Bank as far as an emergency operation um if if anybody knows Mark Mark has a big voice and you know when when Mark's on on the job site when I was about three blocks away and I could hear Mark's voice I was at ease because I knew that we were in really good hands so I really appreciate all the work Mark's done having been administrator in seagert previously Mark Works in seagert in that Community as well and I was happy to see him there he's a friendly face and and he's been in this community a really long time so we are in really good hands thank you very much Mark I just wanted to point out also I don't normally wear sandals to a council meeting it's not because I lived in California for 15 years I had a little procedure on my toe today and I don't want to put shoes on just full disclosure we ran on a on a campaign of transparency and I just wanted to honor that um I see Margie Margie made it in we're two yeah right and um I'm just gonna maybe I'll jump around let's see what else we can cover while we're waiting for Vin how about we um how about we approve our resolutions okay does anyone have uh any reason any resolution you want to pull out or can we do them all on the consent agenda good um resolutions well just I took the ordinance my I guess we can we can do the ordinances relative we'll stay all right fair enough so first up is a public hearing and Adoption of 202 2436 the ordinance amending the salary ordinance of the burrow of Red Bank I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a second all in favor I does anyone have any comments on this ordinance anyone online right I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only no moved I have a second second all in favor I have a motion to adopt ordinance call please council member bonatakis yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes motion passes thank you I don't know if all of you enjoying this I'm sure Barbara is loving this right Barbara wait right you're in heaven right now right all right um next up is a public hearing and Adoption of 20243 77 the ordinance amending chapter 64 fire department to revise the annual eligibility requirements for the Burrow's length of Service Awards program for volunteer firefighters can I have a motion to open the public comment public hearing on this ordinance only so move I have a second I'll second all in favor I anyone have any comments on no just just record Cassidy and I abstained on that right yes I might as well explain we have two current active duty firefighters here who serve on Council so they abstain um for all ordinances concerning the fire department um no comments can I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only Mo I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 d37 so moved I have a second second roll call please council member bonatakis yes council member Cassidy abstain council member facy Blackwood yes council member flest yes council member Janome yes Deputy Mayor Tano mayor Portman yes um our next thank you Laura our next um ordinance 202 24-38 um we're going to I'm going to um ask to uh you have a couple options S I actually had had a chance to discuss it with council member Blackwood um but long story short the lead base paint ordinance spells out the basic uh requirements but there's actually more that a landlord can do to get a higher certification that's not spelled out specifically in there um and ncy had pointed out that if you were a landlord you wanted to go for the gold it's not necessarily obvious to you from the code which is a very misy point so we can either um conduct a public hearing and adopt this now and then add add that at the next meeting or we can table this and then revise it and bring it back and reintroduce it at the same time um it's really I don't really have recommendation either way there just there's just two procedural routes to be C with you canop this so we can add to and revise it again or we could um table this for now and reintroduce it at the next meeting and then do the public hearing again your pleasure well on the one hand it would be good to proceed with it because it will kill more time till Vin gets here but I'm thinking umre I have a second all in favor I I was just going to say something about that because there are two levels of certification one is lead free and one is lead safe lead safe is the one where you have to get certified every two years lead free involves more testing but it's a one and done and it wasn't very clear when I was coming through the O through the ordinance and a resident had made some rais some concerns to councelor Cassidy as well that's all it is thanks for uh your due diligence thank you okay uh we have our um resolutions senor congratulations oh hey B I've been living here madly waiting for you to get here yeah we're almost done with the agenda then um but let's go ahead let's jump to the everyone's been very patient here so um I'm gonna ask um our Senator gopal and our Assembly women Donal and Peter Paul to come up and Barbara Bennett can you um you want to join them in the front here yay [Music] this is great hello hi thank you sure we're very thrilled to be here thank you to the mayor and Council for inviting us to present this resolution and Proclamation for Barbara Bennett um an esteemed member of the Garden State who is really a Trailblazer and uh I I mean reading through your history is just I thinkk you from the bottom of my heart for for blazing the trail for so many women in politics um from where you started in the 1960s um and everything that you've done I'm just going to read this because it it it gives us a sense of who you are and what you've done want to hear we want it read can I read it the I don't always read these whereas the Senate and the general assembly of the state of mey are pleased to recognize the honorable Barbara Bennett a highly esteemed member of her Garden State Community and to commend her remarkable Lifetime Achievement and benefit of her fellow citizens and where as widely renowned her determination and civic-mindedness Barbara Bennett launched her illustrious political career in the 1960s when she was elected to the council for the township of Willingboro where she went on to serve as mayor for two terms whereas her extensive record of inspired and effective leadership earned her earned for her the deepest respect of all who knew her exceptional accomplishments and 1977 the year I was born she in the New Jersey General Assembly becoming the first female to represent Burlington County in the state legislature a position she held until 1991 and whereas during her exemplary tenure Barbara Bennett broke a broke new ground for women as the first to speak as at the as at the municipal manager session the lead the municipalities and the first to chair the assembly Appropriations Committee let's go South Jersey legislative Coalition wow power woman amazing and there she secured additional claim as the first female Deputy speaker and whereas as a result of her extraordinary understanding of issues and needs and her uncommon degree of of public spirit this Barbara Bennett has inspired the participation and commitment of countless others and infus new jerseyans with a spirit of unity and commitment to succeed and whereas within all the Spheres of her life and work Barbara Bennett has established a model to emulate and a standard of which Excellence towards others might strive and whereas it is altogether proper and fitting for this legislature to acknowledge Barbara Bennett and to praise her as a person of strong character and boundless fortitude now there for be it resolved by the Senate and general assembly of the state of New Jersey that this legislature hereby LS Barber Bennet pays tribute to her Meritus Legacy of service leadership and dedication and extends success in all her Futures endeav be it further resolved that a duly authentic authenticated copy of this resolution signed by the Senate President the assem speaker and attested by the Senate secretary and the assembly clerk be transmitted to The Honorable barara Bennett congrat I un accustomed as I am to public speaking and it's been a long while since I've done it I want to say thank you to you and of course to you and to that nice lady um being here in the municipal building probably for the first time in 30 years and listening to the course of hearing resolutions and deciding what to vote on brings back really great memories for me um that was my first real entry into politics and um it probably gave me the ability and the experience and the knowledge to move on I spoke to some of the council people here earlier and I said the reason people run for office isn't to get the office office name after their the title after their names it's because they truly believe they can do something with the somebody and that's what public service is all about it's being able to do something with the somebody if you feel something is wrong that you can correct you suddenly have the ability to do it and I was reading one of the resolutions here about firefighters volunteer firefighters ERS and that was one of the important things I did during my tenure as a legislator one of the firemen from Riverside New Jersey had a heart attack on his way home from a fire and he could not collect his disability um I immediately put a piece of legislation in within two weeks he was able to collect his disability those are the kind of little things that you can do as a council person and as a legislator and we're you're so aware of what people's needs are because you're all over the place I mean you you're all over your District you talk to people from L walks of life and from all economic uh States and you know what the people in your District need and you go about it day after day after day I congratulate all of you I wish you all the best of luck how's Red Bank how's Red Bank in Red Bank how is it here in Red Bank Council Town bring back a lot of memories what did I say Willingboro see these folks as to bring back any memories do you miss being an elected official um that's a good question um but it was very hard work I mean I I remember having you know 18-hour days seven days a week good pay though right their resolution for a salary my salary the first term as a councilwoman was a a year I got ra when mayor 3,400 anyway people from The Atrium where I live are sit here have nice friends this the first time they ever knew what I did so thank you will for coming and that's my sonor I know this not Q Anda you guys have to stand so how you end up at the Atri and red I end up the r that willber huh that was the big drawer and I am so glad I did it was probably one of the wisest decisions of my life I love living in great bank I love being able to walk to the library to the theater to the drug store I mean this is a I'm a bronx girl we walked everywhere we have we walked and so this reminds me of living in the except it's a little bit better I'm honored to have two first with me first woman doctor first open the gay woman both in New Jersey legislator and I talked to to my colleague Senator Singleton who represents William Barrow and the things he had to say about this incredible trp what she went through in the 1s and80s to allow so many women to come before who never ever thought about H they saw her name when she visited her their classrooms she's a true inspiration and so I appreciate the governing body for allowing us to be here and recognizing your incredible resident oh thank you you four three times four times yeah totally stand up big teeth chins up sorry you said you don't have anything on the council join us for before stage iuce you guys are tall today am tell me now your okay ready thank you guys thank you all that's a you have a place spr no 30 years you about six months ago one more to before January or after January after Janu you can you can stay up here Marie you can here to because we have another honory here a yeah we're going to be honoring um Sarah mazone Mammoth County Teacher of the Year want to say a couple of things um barara you are an inspiration I think to every Every Woman whether they're in politics or not so thank you for what um second I've never been entertained as much in oh yeah lot of love here my weekly occurance ize why um is standing up here due to her dedication to education caring of students and you know I co-authored New Jersey's anti-bullying Bill of Rights and I fully understand your passion and your desire to help um our students so if I may read good they have nothing on their a highly esteemed resident of the Garden State has secured distinction from the Jersey Department of Education which is not an easy thing to do as this stage 2024 2025 teacher of the year for M County and whereas the Senate and general assembly of the state of New Jersey are pleased to recognize Dr Sarah V Mone upon this felicious occasion and commend her considerable accomplishments as an outstanding educator within the Red Bank Regional School District which have earned her this prestigious Accolade and whereas a widely admired English teacher who joined Red Bank High School in 2010 oh I was born that year is an illustrious graduate of M University um and who published her first work Watchmen as literature a critical study of the graphic novel before furthering her education with a doctoral degree in educational leadership from Rowan University and and whereas this talented writer who strives to inspire her students through her high ideals and dedication has continued to pen additional books essays and papers and in doing so she has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to scholarship and life and whereas fully devoted to the success of her students Dr Sarah V maone creates new curriculum to ERS those in need of help and is always available to assist with college essays and letters of recommendation really important too and whereas The Leaders of Tomorrow are made each day each day in classrooms throughout New Jersey and the people of this state are indebted to remark remarkable Educators exemplified by Dr Sarah vone who utilizes her unique skills to ensure a bright future filled with hope and now therefore be it resolved by the Senate and general assembly of the state of New Jersey that this legislature hereby con graduates Dr Sarah V Mao contribute to her meritorious record of service and achievement and extends sincere best wishes for continued success in all days to come and be it further resolved that a duly authenticated copy of this resolution signed by the Senate President and the assembly speaker and tested by the Senate secretary and assembly CL be transmitted to Dr Sarah thank you here he comes you can't run in those sanders focus in on the special my heart um you know passion e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for me today but I did just want to say that I have been having such a great time attending films this week from at the IND Street Film Festival shorts full length it's been great and there's more over the weekend and everyone should go if you can thanks just a couple quick things I'd like to acknowledge uh the Elks for the First Responders night they put on they acknowledged uh captain crazy as the police uh officer of the year and uh two firefighters uh as well Bri Hartman and Alan Soden Jr Allen for his efforts and an attempt to save the life over at uh um Evergreen terrorist so I want to acknowledge that but also with the police they did such a great job with National Night Out yet again um it's so clear how much people look forward to that annually at this point um just since I'm here I saw the news about Bob Zuckerman uh is going to resign at the end of the year and I just want to thank Bob for his uh years leading River Center and for uh giving such advanced notice I think that's really important for the transition but I also just want to note we just have so much coming up in town we have a dog days I'm not going to steal your thunder but on the same day is another record ride I heard from Steve today uh porchfest is coming just I don't know it's a lot of energy that Elm Street block part is excellent I've been a couple times and um Hispanic heritage day on the 15th of September's coming up and then we have the Halloween parade there's a lot coming and it's a great time of year here thank thank you and um sure I'd like to acknowledge all the work and the effort that went into National Night Out kids had a great time um I thought that was great the environmental commission um has started the launch of their gas par leaf blower educational campaign and you know when you start with something like that you start right in the borrow and they had a meeting with uh the DPW uh dpu sorry director and you know just talked about the impacts uh that gas powered leaf blowers have on the Sha Tre side uh one of the I'm trying to get them more interest finding ways to increase the tree canopy that does not involve always planting in the planting strip um you know it might involve I think Fair Haven had an event where they had made a contest where kids wrote an essay why trees are important and then they essays were graded and the kids kids family who wrote the best essay there I think there were three of them got free trees from the borrow the borrow then identified where the tree should be planted planted it for them and then you know B's done um but you know in a town where we have um we're beginning to have climate change is happening it's real we're going to have a lot more heat island effect um the use of trees as a a way to mitigate the excess heat that's happening is critical um short of and then of course the next thing is transportation so segueing into that um on Harrison Avenue there's uh they're looking at can I say that Jim okay about Harrison Avenue okay um sorry just started okay Harrison Avenue um the borrow is looking at putting triing a bike lane on that street it's one of the streets that's being targeted uh as part of the road program and so the suggestion was hey that's a nice wide Street let's see if we could put in a bike line and B bike lane that we're putting in uh we have Easy Ride helping us um speaking of bike Lanes Easy Ride is also helping um the borrow with um the bike lane project for porchfest we're using the same map as last year which makes it easier but um their assistance to us has been invaluable and by doing these things which may not seem like much but you think on a day like porchfest like it was last year a lot of people were aware of that they drove their cars in parked it took their bikes off and they just rode porch to porch that made the road safer just for the you know for the day and for the event so um that is critical um regarding this ceasefire resolution there's something I would like to say um you know we do feel we are very concerned about what is happening internationally but personally um how I feel personally and then how I feel as a council person representing the town can be two different things and the impact of a resolution I just don't see that it would have significant impact which is part of the reason why we've always just been neutral on that because we can't get an agreement in town whether or not to pass resolution and then if you have to look at it on a broader scale you do have war wars are happening everywhere there are a lot of Innocence that are happening speaking of the Indie Street Festival and I realize this is the most I've said in a long time Indie Street Festival they had a documentary by a young girl named media media who is yazidi and um you know she was captured by ISIS terrible things happened and she's one of the survivors again a product of war and um I just don't know how legislatively where our scope is the borrow how we can make significant impact as that so that's where I stand thanks thank you Ben um I got on to the parks and recck I had the honor of attending our last day of camp which was a lot of fun I did not go down the water slide though all right but um very successful nice use of our facilities um wanted to also uh address the you know our come every meeting talking about Gaza and you know I think I've made this clear but I just want to say again some of you aren't always here and I I do respect the exercise of treat here and it's wonderful to have that I am now just we making for myself I I'm all for a ceas fire I'm not sure I'm all for the language and the things you've emailed me and I do look at them but I I hate for the um suffering and um I really wish we would find a path for peace everywhere and especially in Gaza Middle East Israel um now with that said you know I'm here as a councilman for the burrow of Red Bank and I I really and I I've actually spoken to many residents on this topic believe or not there's many more that don't come to the mean the overwhelming majority um I really don't feel I don't leave the word comfortable but I just don't want to role in this really as the burough Council it's not I want to focus on burough is um and um I'm very you know it's a little health issue for me personally because I feel that or I I want to cease fire I really don't believe in vience um but I I don't find it to be burrow business and um outside this room when I speak to the majority of residents that I've spoken to overwhelming including those who are upset with Israel and agree with your point of view don't want Red Bank to get involved and take an issue on this you may not believe me but I'm just telling you I do get around town I've spoken to a lot of issues on it but it isn't even about that I just as person up here supposed to be doing the business of red L I think that it would our getting involved would do far more harm than and I don't think as Nancy said I agree with her analysis I don't think President Biden is going to pick up our resolution and change his mind on the policies uh even if we got involved um you know I'm all fine with you coming here and probably you know go ahead and Lobby congressman palone and our other Federal Representatives but I want to focus on and then I ran for office here telling people the 2,000 doors that we all knocked on that I'd be focusing on primarily Red Bank issues will I dabble outside of Red Bank issues from time to time maybe and then we have on certain things although not on international issues that I'm aware of yet I just wanted to comment because you come here and I respect that and know give you an answer I've said this before and I do apologies to my council members who hear me say this at every other meeting um let's see any other uh issues I have I wanted to also say that uh indirectly I've been having trouble getting my emails and anyone who's watching this meeting has sent me an email and I haven't been responsive um I been bombarded with I don't know a few thousand emails on the topic of Gaza in my burough account from All Points of View by the way uh so I'm having a hard time combing through and reading my emails and I'm going to go through and obviously write some sort of filter or some way of getting through it because uh I do this on a part-time basis and I've got about 3,000 emails in my mailbox on the issue of Gaza um let's see um let's see oh and I wanted to say one thing I I continue to get lots of comments and concerns this Donal Gaza about Red Bank and I want to thank the residents friends and otherwise for constantly you know I ran for office I knew I had get a lot of complaints and my expectations were getting complaints have been wildly filled so every week I'm writing at least a few things to our manager and some of my Council colleagues I'm even a little behind on it thanks to my email problems but I I am honored uh to always hear these comments we are open the council High's office hours on Wednesday morning at the senior center and we've even had some Goa discussion at the senior center as I've called uh and I know the mayor has his own office hours and I think the library does one as needed we have Laura Wednesday on Wednesdays by appointment by appointment but Nancy and I are almost always there at 10: to noon on at the senior center on Wednesdays and uh it is an honor to always here every point of view there thank you Mr Mayor and that concludes my remarks thank you Ben Laur the library had a meeting tonight exactly at the same time as this but I guess it's over because Steve's here now right see um I did have a director's report though from the library the elevator coming along um they switched over to a new software package which um they're getting used to um they've been uh having different things that you can take the library and they have added a push chair to that um September is national uh sign up for a library card they had their summer reading wrapup which was very well attended they're having Spanish language driver ed class coming up bridge is coming back in September the bridge lessons and the townwide yard sale is going to be on September 21st and also this Friday we had Dr Coley come to talk about breast cancer awareness at the library and it was very very well attended I wish there was more people but it was good for the first time and um I thought it was a great Mar Wellness project so it's done by one of our started by one of our dreamers which was very good ofart um do days as Dave mentioned is going to be September 7th the rain date is September 8th it will be in Riverside Park this time um and we've been getting a lot of great sponsorships for it so um hopefully we'll have good weather that day have a good turnout at that also and that's it for me thank you Deputy Mayor thank you mayor I just first wanted to comment and say you know i' I've been serving town for about six years and I can't tell you how refreshing and amazing it is just to have such an involved governing body and how much all of us are involved in a lot of the same efforts and things uh so I try to when I comment last not do any of you know we could we we're all so involved that it's just so refreshing and wonderful and one of the compliments I always get is the that everybody here has had boots on the ground and that everybody is getting so much done so I'm just I'm full of gratitude to serve with all of you um as the leaz onto River Center I also want to wish Bob well but once again uh the head of River Center he will be here through the end of the year uh and I'm also grateful for his professionalism and his ability to understand that we need all of that time to transition uh to leave them in good hands uh I also serve on the board of the IND Street Film Festival uh The Advisory Board uh if anybody's wishing to go I can't stress it enough uh please use the code RB local for 20% off they've been putting that around the town for everybody in the area so it's code RB local online um I don't know if anybody covered uh Hispanic Heritage Month event is Sunday September 15th from 300 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in Riverside Gardens Park um the rain location is the middle school so thank you to the Red Bank B public schools for providing a rain location uh and I believe everything else that I'm connected to was either covered by our awesome team or Jim going to cover so that's the end of my report thank you thank you um have we're going to be wrapping it up so you do have time to get over to Two River theater the short Indie Street um short program starts at 8 o' over there and I think there's an Afterparty at Triumph but I will be long asleep at that point um there as everyone's naming all the events happening in Red Bank there's just so many that we didn't even you just run out of time there's always something happening here yes the lunch break picnic happened last weekend the dr's James Parker block party happened last weekend I was at the the breast cancer awareness event that we were at the celebration for the 120th birthday of count basy yesterday for all of us so it's uh it's a great town it's vibrant very proud to be serving as the mayor here um and I just had a moment of panic that I was not available on the 7th to go to dog days but I checked the calendar and I good to go so um that's all I got thanks mayor I just wanted to uh give a couple updates that really marine park if you've gone down there recently you've seen a lot of activity at the parking lot area uh right now they're focusing their efforts on the curbing around the islands um within the the parking lot so that's moving along quickly now uh so I'm hoping to see that finish up soon move over to the White Street lot to um fix that easement issue there in the parking lot and then head back over to the Green Space uh in Marine Park uh also along the lines of marine park next week we have a subcommittee meeting uh with the the subcommittee of the council along with um our Engineers to discuss phase two Marine Park and all that's going to be included in that phase so we're happy to kick that off uh as well um our dpu subcommittee met today along with our Architects and Engineers Neta Architects and colar Engineering to go through the dpu site we were on site with them walking the entire site with Terren our dpu director to just basically do A needs assessment there um so that project is also kicking off as well and we have the professionals working uh on that too uh our camera project we've met with um OSI company through a co-op so we can ensure better pricing best pricing uh for the burrow to do a comprehensive um camera project throughout the burrow focusing on a lot of our public spaces bur Hall our other facilities the library spaces that lack uh a lot of security um so that we can you know have access to that keep an eye on those areas as far as asset protection um I was able to go out on a a tour of the the navyn with um greine unit 641 which is our Red Bank fire department with Deputy Mayor Triano who also serves as second Lieutenant um in her fire company so it was a great honor to be out with those guys they invited me out you know it's it's like I can go to dpu and tour those facilities and look at all everything we have there but you don't really think about that and they're like hey come check this out come check out the service area that we actually cover from basically here in Marine Park all the way down to our limits at the bridge which bridge is it be way out to Bron yeah and then all the way back up River so these guys cover a vast area of uh water and it was great to be out there with them but what I was so impressed with was to hear that the equipment on that boat that unit and the boat itself was all rehabed was acquired all through donations by those guys a lot of them put their own work into that uh many hours on that boat they they told me that the boat was acquired from the state it was parked in the woods overgrown uh a ton of work had to be put into rehab that boat unit that's out there and and has been deployed in many different situations so they do a great job with what they're given and it was definitely an honor to be with them um I've also asked our Engineers CME to look at the library staircase uh the library staircase has been in some disrepair has been has been brought to my attention for quite some time um so I've asked them to provide me with a cost estimate to see what the feasibility of that is um so just another another project that we're chipping away at and uh you know we're happy to do it so question for you because I feel like I should know this is it officially the dpu or the DPW dpu which which is normally DPW and many other municipalities but they tricked me on this one so I've gotten used to saying dpu as well all right um can I have a motion to adjourn to Executive sessions make such a motion Mr Mayor I have a second second all in favor we have five minute break yeah our meeting is adjourned but we have an executive session Greg will tell you what it's about so the meeting will journ through executive session to discuss Personnel matters uh specifically a pending employee Dison proceeding as well as employee performance reviews for any public employees listening uh at the moment we are not discussing anyone's particular Employment Review just the process that we're going to put in place uh going forward in general uh this executive session will last about 20 minutes U and we will not take any action there here thank you