where's r next month I'm bringing you to an advantage good evening this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the aspr park press the two R times and the Star Ledger and posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the municipal website please rise for the alge Al to the flag of the United States of America for one nation under God indivisible with liberty and jce for all roll call please council member bonis council member Cassidy pres council member facy Blackwood here council member flest council member janon here Deputy Mayor Triano here Portman here pres thank you we have a couple of proclamations first one is for National Library week s are you here to accept oh L's here too good all right where as libraries offer the opportunities for everyone to connect with others learn new skills and pursue their passions no matter where they are on life's journey and whereas like liaries have long served as trusted institutions striving to ensure Equitable access to information and services for all members of the community regardless of race ethnicity Creed ability sexual orientation gender identity or socioeconomic status and whereas libraries adapt to the everchanging needs of their communities developing and expanding collections programs and services that are as diverse as the populations they serve and where as libraries are accessible and inclusive places that promote a sense of local connection advancing understanding Civic engagement and shared Community goals and whereas libraries play a pivotal role in Economic Development by providing resources and support for job Seekers entrepreneurs and small businesses thus contributing to local prosperity and growth and whereas libraries make choices that are good for the environment and make sense economically creating thriving communities for a better tomorrow and whereas libraries are treasured institutions that preserve our Collective Heritage and knowledge safeguarding both fiscal and digital resources for present and future generations and whereas libraries are an essential public good and fundamental institutions in Democratic societies working to excuse me working to improve Society protect the right to education and literacy and promote the free exchange of information and ideas for all and whereas libraries Librarians and Library workers are joining Library supporters and Advocates Across the Nation to celebrate National Library week and now therefore be it resolved that I William Portman mayor of the burough of Red Bank Proclaim National Library week April 7th to the 13th 2024 during this week I encourage all residents to visit their library and celebrate the adventures and opportunities they unlock for us every day Ready Set Library y I notic I got to come in for the seed bank we're getting ready to plant so just one of the many uh things are Library offer so so get like just balance that's Dr big here all right next we have a proclamation honoring the charitable Pharmacy of Redbank this will actually be presented to retes sha an event um next week at the Vogal where as every day in New Jersey people struggle to afford pharmaceutical drugs like insulin high blood pressure and Med high blood pressure medications and other simple yet vital medicines to care for chronic conditions and whereas the Sha family lost their younger sister to diabetes and heart complications in 2021 not wanting another family to experience what they had in April 2022 the r retes sha charitable Pharmacy was born and whereas it is the mission of the ratesa charitable Pharmacy to increase access to medications immunizations health education and Pharmacy services for uninsured and underserved patients to reduce clinical and social health inequities in our community and whereas an estimated 100,000 new jerseyans are now are living at or below 300% of the federal poverty line who cannot meet their vital pharmaceutical needs and whereas since its Inception the ratesa charitable Pharmacy continues to serve with the expressed purpose of improving Health outcome com among the vulnerable by reducing Health disparities and increasing medication access and whereas the rot charal Pharmacy celebrates their 2-year anniversary in April of 2024 by vowing to not only continue but to expand their Outreach to ensure that every person has access to critical prescriptions regardless of their ability to pay now therefore be it resolv that I William Portman mayor of the buau men congratulate the retes Sha charitable Pharmacy on their two-year anniversary and wish them continued success in their mission creating a healthier community and reducing Health disparities okay um moving right along we have a couple of presentations this evening uh the first one is from biotics uh regarding their asset mapping program so come on up and Tom this one over here that'd be great here yeah perfect that one right and mayor this is uh from the manager report that I gave last council meeting I've met with biotics I thought they gave us a great uh program overview of how they can help us out in the burrow as far as our capital and asset planning and I asked Tom to come tonight to present to the council before we make any decision tonight all right welcome thank you thank you so much oh perfect thank you much all right so thank you all for the time uh as Jim was mentioning we here at biotics are does asset M mapping uh but take a bit of a unique approach to the process using uh a smartphone camera so we're actually mounting this device to the windshield of any Municipal vehicle and you'll be able to drive your streets and with the image data that we're collecting uh going to be mapping the condition of your streets along with cataloging manual covers catch basins and Street signage but also giving you the ability to manually Lo other assets on this GIS so the goal with vitic is really to give you uh a an objective view as to the quality of your streets uh quickly and efficiently next slide please uh so as you'll see here on this slide uh what we start with is our mobile app again we're mounting the device to the windshield of the vehicle driving the streets beyond the setup process of just popping your phone into the mount uh driving the street and clicking go uh that's all that's needed to be done on the user end of things uh and then uh after that process occurs what we're going to have on our end is the ability to map everything in a proprietary G uh web system so you're going to be able to see uh an objective view of your streets um along with uh the the catalog of manhill covers catch basins and the street SS and their condition as well so that that is a process that instead of taking perhaps several months for an engineering firm often to do this sort of uh inventory you can do this in a matter of days uh just with image data and vehicles that are already roing your streets whether that is a uh a sanitation vehicle a street sweeper or could be uh the pickup duck truck of a DPW for and you'll see in this next slide here I think we may not be able to get it but um because it's pulled up on Google meet but uh the way that AI processing actually occurs is that processing occurs on our servers um if if we had this video here we we'd see a some boxes uh demonstrating exactly how the uh the algorithm itself Works we're identifying 15 different categories of pent distress on the surface of the roadway you'll see just in front of the vehicle here we're picking up everything from patching to Alligator cracking uh so you'll be able to also identify when a utility cuts into your road especially when it happens right after you've paved set Road uh we will be able to filter every single segment of roadway based on where those passes have occurred again automatically I'm sure some of you are familiar with the degradation curve of pavement the real goal with biotics is trying to bring uh red bank's uh Paving program to be more proactive uh when it comes to to the treatment of of your pavement and you'll see here uh as the curve slopes downward here uh gets more and more expensive to main pavement uh by proactively assessing your roadways on a regular basis and not just doing a one-time inspection being able to uh move some of that uh preventative maintenance further up there or saving the money and time also being able able to plan long-term uh pavement maintenance within the same system as where you've BR for it uh this pavement condition condition data so we we have a planning tool where you'll actually be able to work backwards using your Paving budget to say uh here is exactly what we can can allocate towards our Paving program in the coming year and the average cost per treatment given uh for a given segment so whether that is uh per ton or yard of crack seal or Paving um being able to work backwards and see exactly where you can get the best bang for your body when it comes to Ming those roads in addition to doing that long-term planning using the image data that we collect just mounting a smartphone to the uh dash of the vehicle we also are able to do uh date short-term day-to-day tasks as well so while we go out and about driving uh the vehicle and collecting that image data we mount a button you'll see over here on the left hand side of this slide uh which we term our smart button it uh pairs via Bluetooth with the smartphone and as the uh the user is driving the street they can actually hit that button and what we'll get by hitting that button is a pin on the map uh where which will be associated with the latitude and longitude and image where that was collected so for example if we if the driver saw saw a heing sidewalk or some tree branches down or perhaps uh leaves that had been left out on a day when they were supposed to be left out uh we'd be able to hit that button and you would see that pin on the map for followup so being able to do task management and the same system that we're doing long-term uh Capital planning as well that's really the vision with vitic is not only uh doing our long-term planning but also uh asset-based task management all on the same and you'll see here in this Slide the way that the uh asset detection will work we're actually able to not only catalog the street signs around the burrow using the same image data that we're collecting to get the uh road condition data we're also going to be cataloging those street signs and providing a condition assessment for those so if a street sign is stickered if it is significantly faded or um particularly important especially with the The increased use of maybe not autonomous vehicles but vehicles that are are identifying Street signage um we also can detect when uh street signs are obstructed so if during the summer if your tree program uh doing trimming to perhaps uh unblock stop signs that could be a potential risk to both pedestrians and and uh drivers and this last one or perhaps second to last one I wanted to touch on um while on foot we can create tasks but also log assets on the map here so everything from your park benches to uh to fire hydrants to uh playgrounds those can all be logged on the map for the burough uh to create tasks associated with them um this is really uh what are one aspect of the platform we've really been leaning into in recent months is um pioneering this process of again what we call Asset based task management and so with vitic you'll be able to not only have a record of where all of those assets are but also a record of all the maintenance done on those assets all the inspections done who did them when where and and also associate image data uh with those inspections or that units and finally this is one that I I want to touch on because I know that the occasionally will face some decent flooding um with biotics not only are we presenting you the objective data uh when it comes to the condition of the roadway um like a numerical score for every single segment and point around the map we're also providing you with that image data so this is not just a one-time recording of that image data having image data of your streets uh on an ongoing basis will provide the burrow with evidence God forbid if there is any sort of major storm event you have image documentation of every single Street and right of way around the gr so which would make um following up on that whether this is for a FEMA Grant or something like that um much smoother of a process and more process that's uh that's my uh presentation there but um broad Strokes really what we're trying to do is make it easier for DPW to uh operate on a day-to-day basis we've been working with Terren uh for a handful of months now actually just in a pilot phase and our real goal is to to work with you guys long term uh to to make his and and his staffs uh life easier and also make it easier for you guys to to have accountability to Citizens when it comes to the uh the paving of streets so when a citizen does call in about why my street was not PID this year versus another Citizen's Street having an objective score image documentation that sort of thing great thank you yeah you have a question so you hear me okay yes sir so I just want to know the the data what happens to the data you know is it there's I'm just thinking the Privacy things you're going to get a lot of pictures probably of things other than our streets or is it just the streets that you're getting uh I guess part of that would be you know see we hired you for a couple years what happens in three years if we decide not to renew what happens to that data um and um is this St it sounds like it's I wasn't quite clear it's going to be collected by our employees like uh you know you drive around Mr Gant is it gonna have a thing on his car or is it going to be your people kind of going around taking the images um let me see other there any questions I have here I guess if you could answer that yeah definitely thank you for the question so the data would be collected by uh Redbank employees um we would be providing the I believe the the agreement that I had provided includes the phones and the software licenses to record the data uh in terms of privacy when it comes to the data all of the once the data is recorded uh on the devices it is upload to uploaded to our servers via Wi-Fi um which is an automatic automated process as soon as the device Recon to Wi-Fi whether that's in DPW or here um at the burough Hall uh those images are not stored on the device um once those uh before those images go to disk on our servers we're actually scrubbing all faces from those images and uh license plates from those images so uh we're actually originally a a EU based company we're based in Germany um and and in Germany and and the EU the gdpr is quite strict when it comes to data privacy so that that does the uh scrubbing of all personal identifying information from those images um and then in terms of uh again God forbid the relationship where to end down the line uh we would definitely provide uh an export of of the data uh for you guys to to work with um in addition to to reporting that would you purge it from your system oh um let me see the questions I have for you um Miss cous what the cost is the cost so the cost of the agreement our pricing is based on the central line mileage of the community uh the proposal that I provided to Jim is 14,000 um which I think it's about just under 14,500 uh annual Fe so that but that is including I I'm sorry I don't have it in my hands right now I believe two or three phones um an annual lease of those devices and unlimited inspections uh across the during that period now it did sounded like can also like one of our staff members could be walking around doing their job and could use one of these devices as well to document yes okay yeah so that's that's really the exactly it's it's the vision is to be able to do this on foot or on a vehicle passively or ambiently as someone from dvw is already driving to a job site not having to do a dedicated inspection of your streets thank of course thank you my question may question good question yeah thank you that was very thorough um I guess I could ask both of you since we're in a public meeting I'd rather ask it here than later uh what was the feedback you received from our department head Terrence I think has been very supportive of of the work we've been doing together uh I think he really likes what we're doing in terms of the automation side of things there are other uh asset management software in the space or and also other uh work order management softwares in the space but I think with the the differentiator that he liked that we're bringing to the table is the ability to automatically log assets for him rather than having to manually input those assets there will be some that can be manually inputed um but being able to just do this passively and then within a matter of days having that data there to a citizen um I I believe he he was a fan of and you don't have to disclose the the places or anything and we never have a problem being you know a first here but um do you have other places yes in the area anybody yeah I'm happy to disclose those so actually just yeah yeah of course uh we just launched with mapel Le wood today we're working with Morris Township Lakewood um Edison uh Ying those are a handful of Jersey towns that I know on the top of my head but they're I think Milburn recently so a few few others thank you of course thank you David so you mentioned thank you first of all for the presentation and then hit on my main question which is data privacy and you mentioned gdpr now do you so so your company your company applies a security a a data security standard consistent with the gdpr yes okay which is much higher than the us if if you're not familiar with it and is that contractual a contractual obligation that'll be in your contract that you will apply a security standard consistent with the gdpr I will double check in the contract for our US based um uh general terms and conditions I'm fairly certain all right I prefer that first of all and I understand that if that's something that can happen we can kind of work on I appreciate that you apply that much higher standard than what is obliged than what is uh typical in the United States so thank you yeah of course and and I'll mention to that all of the data that is um being processed on our um for our US based C is processed on us-based servers anyone else no I'll ask any of our residents that are here if they had any questions about the program while we have the expert here got a couple either one just come up and have a seat do the do the dance and davis3 River Road Red Bank uh my question is what's the length of the contract and when it renews what's the range of changes in cost and are there any add-ons that we don't know about thank you that's a great question uh I believe it's a 12-month agreement that we have um it is um I I don't have a range off the top of my head um but we as a very early client of ours um here in both New Jersey and in the states uh we do not want to take advantage of you guys um we want to work with you guys and what I'll mention also is that the feedback from you guys as an early uh us-based client uh will be invaluable for our long-term development uh this is in that 14 about $14,500 quote um that is our top top tier package when it comes to the software there is there are not additional add-ons um the only additional add-ons that I could foresee is if you wanted to lease additional devices from us to K additional thank you okay thank you hold on Alan Hill 64 Street um there's there's a number of questions also ask really contractual ons or ons it's what will it really mean for this town if you go to the NJ do website in fact you go to the USA website you get a definition of traffic and traffic isn't just cars and trucks and going say lorri but I want to say that that roam around our street traffic also consists of pedestrians bike whatever you know driving animals is also constitutes traffic what I want to know is in the first instance what benefit is this going to have for people just walking or cycling around the town how will that be [Music] realized for the question so in terms of pedestrian safety uh what what we can do um on The Pedestrian side of things is we will have images of of your the entire right of way so if there are um for example is an example of a heaving sidewalk from a tree route on a particular uh pathway we can definitely uh create a task for that to be followed up upon also all of the street signage around the road network will be uh identified so for example um increasing pedestrian safety uh by any sort of uh pedestrian crosswalk sign will be identified and and be made more uh apparent to motorists and I think it's important to differentiate too is that this being more of an asset management program of our streets our garbage cans our signage our uh parking meters our storm drains everything like that it kind of differs from the question that you asked um so what it means for the burrow I think is all about the financial planning of our capital management whereas your question is more of a study that would need to maybe be accomplished so there's a little bit of a difference there understand thank you more questions itic is actually a German EU company which is great I'm sure you'll recognize that to my knowledge the European Street scape differs vastly from the US Street game in in terms of construction in terms of the type of traffic traffic over there might not be as dense but it's certainly going to be a lot lighter and also we'll have a lot quite different Road regulations which vary from country to country as well what we going to have here when you come to Red Bank the streets are actually going to be under the realm of of three different authorities the municipality the county and the state now what benefit what benefit will we get being able to shall we say get those three authorities to pull together and do a decent job we've already got the problem over on um shury where we just waiting and waiting and waiting for the shury street skate planning even to finish told it might not be till the end of this year I don't know it's well you know it's striking me here and what you mean by asset management is probably saying well you know there's a box we can take here and it's not going to be our fault because you know and and we're not going to see any sort of real progress we not going to see I'd like to know how the data you collect would be useful in getting three authorities as I say to pull together to make the streets uh not just a better answer actually safer the people to use them yeah well I think what's important is that now we we have a program to back us one that's proven uh definitely in Europe and is expanding more in the United States to then go back to those two other agencies that you named the state in the county with actual data to so that we can advocate for our Red Bank residents so I think it's important that we have a little bit something more than just hearts and Minds behind what we want to get accomplished but some actual data to help us thank you name is25 Cedar Street um few things number one um you know this town overact a lot of things would the images be overacted easy for it to be done or is it something I know you guys want to put a fee on because it takes a lot of time to get certain videos um to public how is that I I think I would give that question to Jim but I would say that in order to get image data from the system it's quite easy if you need an um it's kind of cool seeing how this video works I mean I actually drive around the town we should give you one of for example we saiding the time all the cars off the street and I showed in the middle of the snowstorm any cars on the street interesting to see if anyone got tickets but on another note um you said one of these things are for obstacles if there's a branch in the middle of the street would be an issue what about cars and trucks that are parking in the middle of a v crosswalk if you're blocking the ples is it just shown there's an issue and then there's no enforcement is that how it works so Tom the way I understand it is it's not it's not like we're getting real time data if cars parked of the crosswalk go around again a second time no no what I'm trying to say is that when it's the data that needs to be analyzed so we're not getting it real time we're getting more task management things things that are you know have been outstanding a signage that's blocked or something that just needs to be taken care of something more you know time sensitive like that should as the foreman or or uh citizen is driving around should call that in this program needs to go back download to the Wi-Fi be analyzed by biotics scrub to the information then present it to the B this is for Capital planning financial planning this isn't time you know sensitive material that's coming backward said take the enforcement off the plate it would at least keep you guys information happen that for example lunch bre keep parking in the crosswalk intersection up right up to the corner yes you're not for at least you can realize it's just not me complaining all the time so that's an interesting question then so let's say even if it's not the same car will it be giving us information on vehicles repeat a fending in a in a in a particular location like parking at a yellow curb all the time there's always a car parking is that you would you would be able to jump back in time and get image documentation of it and and obviously if it was the same vehicle or just a vehicle there on a regular basis you could but it not something that in other words so you're saying you know as they as as your system processes the analy itics does it process something like you know data at a particular intersection there always seems to be it would only be for the P condition right so you would the goal is not law enforcement gotta I think I think um so we've never I've never seen anything in the burrow that has ever um and I appreciate this tonight I've never you know I didn't know what to expect from your presentation um we've never had anything in the burrow that cataloges the priorities of our streets like this ever you will get certain complaints you'll try to put those complaints in a priority order um your engineers maybe make some suggestions but every single year in the burough we budget a certain amount of money for our roads program and what this would do would give us that data of priority for this year priority for the next year priority for the year after that and as we all know in the municipality that's a lot of money um so this is really a management tool for things like the roads program program and for those Investments that we know we're going to be making and making sure that we have it organized properly I'm interested to see if we need that data Beyond a year and this seems like the type of program that you're paying for one one price but then it's what your employees really take out of it or their activity or their involvement or their buying um and I think you know if there is that priority of of doing that that that would really that would be really interesting to me to have because I have sat up here and before when there was a committee form of government I was not in those meetings and I would come and I would hear like oh this is why we're prioritizing the roads but I never saw any data as to why those roads were being prioritized whether they were on the east side whether they were on the West Side whether they were wherever they were um so to me that's what excited me the most about when you were talking was to be able to have that confidence as a representative that we were putting things in the right order so I hope that helps helps a little bit too that's where my that's where my head was at about it not traffic enforcement and I think that also this this is a this is a tool for this is as good of a tool as we make it you know the bur has a very big obligation in this and we realize that and that falls on me to make sure that our employees are doing what they're supposed to be doing to utilize this program to its fullest potential so that I can come back to the governing body to say this is why we need X Y and Z and then it can be obviously uh the messages delivered to the public but what's good about too the pricing of this is that we're able to share this over our three funds our general fund our water uh sewer fund and our parking utility because it's capturing things in all three categories so it's just not hitting the general fund and the tax levy I mean I know it's a new program that we're bringing on but we're able to toh spread that cost out a little bit better Co um one of the items you mentioned that it will track is stickers does it also track it the sticker tracking should also detect either graffiti or we have a category known as just dirty so whether it's what is on the sign but it's a poor condition sign but yes yeah we should be picking up all no it is good to have a mutal because there people complain or we send emails and complaint but to have actually facts to back up that complaint is important um and it does work I mean Apple cameras work really well I use it just I see a lot bad unfor this town and hor stuff going on you know talk about sa streets cars parked in front of um sidewalks there's cars without registrations parked and sit my neighborhood now um hey I I'll do it for a price and I don't want to do jobs but just walk the dog around we'll see what car on our registrations thank you anyone else no okay oh yeah Riverside Avenue thing kind of on the technical side it's essentially um essentially a bur bur employee do with yourself program yes um releasing the phones they're driving around with videos whatnot his first question is does btics um uh do they map out the entire Red Bank Street and then when employees driving around can they differentiate between Spring Street and Front Street so we will be able to differentiate between streets and the map data is U comes from open street map good thank you anyone else no okay thank you very much for your presentation yeah thank you all so much thank you um CME is here yeah you want to this is the um should the intersection at Leon and River correct right there's a couple intersection there's a couple intersections that they're going to talk about tonight but this one because there's been some discussion in previous meetings about Leon and River I wanted see me to come tonight to talk about the Grant application that was put in at the end of 20 20 23 so the Grant application um again which I was brought up to speed on addressed some of the issues that I think that we are seeing at River and Leighton and a couple of the other intersections that we're going to talk about so I asked Mike for me to come in and just give us a brief overview of what we're asking for as far as funding goes for that areas those areas uh thank you good evening to uh mayor coun good evening to mayor council on the uh residents of Red Bank uh like Jim said I'm Michael Riser with seeing the associates and I'm here to give a presentation on the 2024 safe routes to school um Grant application that was submitted in November 2023 uh it's a federally funded Grant uh so will need to comply with all federal requirements if awarded similar to um The shrewbury Avenue tap Grant um but I believe with this one uh we wouldn't be seeking um design assistance for that so my office would be able to handle that and move it along much quicker than the shb a project uh so the timeline for award on this project um based on my research I saw that uh possible expectations in the summer of 2024 but in speaking with the grant writers Millennium strategies they noted that a 2021 application that was submitted they didn't hear back for 13 months so there isn't an exact uh date for that but uh know those are those are our estimates for now um so uh yeah as for the the scope of work uh we have just uh some concept plans kind of showing graphically what's uh what's going on so uh here it looks like we're going to start at the uh the hot ticket item uh River Street and Leighton Avenue so uh what was proposed at this intersection was uh bump outs on all four corners um so the purpose of a bump out what it does is it increases site distance for pedestrians as well as it shrinks the roadway down um to slow down vehicles um so I know there's a lot of concern about safety at this intersection and the idea of this grant um I believe would help that um it also includes uh there's some drainage structures at the existing curve line so those will have to be relocated um and then uh at this intersection we're proposing solar powered pedestrian beacons for the Laton Avenue traffic because this the stop control um movement so Lon Avenue if someone wanted to cross Lon Avenue and continue Down River Street they would hit the button and it would uh you know flash similar to uh the ones that are installed on East Front Street over by the hospital um so that is the uh that is the idea for this intersection you want to move on to the next one Jim can you go to the uh the Tilton one first I figured since since we're on River so uh also included um although this one does not uh uh have The Pedestrian beacons proposed we're proposing bump outs at River Street and Tilton Avenue again uh it's the safe routes to school Grant application so the idea here is safety for um the parents and the children going River Street School here um this one there would be fulls siiz bump outs except on Tilton Avenue the existing width of the roadway is uh is is smaller than that on River Street so that wouldn't be bumped out completely but we're maintaining um 12 foot Lanes in each Direction that's the 24 foot Dimension shown there uh which would be the minimum and help slow down that trael and we have a few inlets at uh at this intersection as well that would then have to just be relocated to the the new and then the uh the third intersection that's uh proposed with this plan application is uh Branch Avenue near South Street where the uh Red Bank Middle School is um the idea here is to provide new uh new Ada ramps as well as those solar powered pedestrian beacons here as I understand it's a high trafficed area and again safe routes to school is the idea here um so this would help children cross safely across Branch Avenue which is a high volume Road and you have just really uh make those routes to school safer um so uh with that I was going to move on uh just to the estimates for this uh the estimate for the whole project is around $316,000 and that's what uh we submitted for the grant we asked for the the whole amount so like I said we'll have to hear back on the the award for that but that was the uh the estimated cost um and then the timeline for construction uh we had a timeline submitted with the grant application that had the project within a year of award uh basically you know month one would be execution of the grant agreement um then for a few months we would do the design plans and review with the buau um from there prepare the bid documents advertise and uh hold the bid opening um award the project execute contracts with the contractor and then really construction of these three intersection shouldn't take more than a month and then um ultimately uh just closing out the Grant and final reporting to uh NJ do with that I'll ask if there's any questions from mayor council or the public and just real quick M I thought it was important too because this did create some discussion and I wanted to make sure that we were making data driven decisions uh with these projects and I know we talked with u CME at length about River and Leighton in particular I asked captain frezy he could um oh or messed up the live feet so if we could just deploy a traffic study at River and Lon in that area to see what our accounts were our traffic accounts were what our speed was so I know that Captain frzy um assigned the traffic safety unit to that that job good even um address M9 um so last week uh we put the traffic counter uh calculates the amount of cars and the speed of the cars at the intersection of river lady over the course of Monday Monday uh there were 16,7 one cars have went through that intersection believe it or not the average speed is 25 miles an hour there are there are areas where there are some vehicles that are going a little bit faster over speed limit but the average speed there is 25 C is that something you guys are going to follow up on through the next coming weeks to just make sure that intersections being monitored maybe for outlier vehicles that are speeding yeah it's the counter that we have gives you a general time that the vehicles go through there and uh we're going to set up some traffic enforcement details to try to leate or catch the Violator I don't you have anything to add there it's Darren mconnell he's in our traffic sa human regarding he has anything to add other questions I'm not sure with in general I me realistically are we what is the likelihood of us being awarded this scant any idea I I I honestly don't have much experience with the safe routes the school Grant um so I I would I would we get one in 2021 uh not positive I can check with M strategies but they had handled that one I believe okay I just want to clarify one thing just so that your words are quoted properly um when you say the average speed was 25 miles per hour how did you create that average you're not saying that you took really high speed really low speed and it averaged out to 25 milph you're saying the average car most of the cars were going 25 16,7 cars that went through the intersection they were either at 25 or below but there were additional cars that were over the speed there were some cars that were over the speed the highest was the highest count 41 miles hour yeah that was fast sucks fast right and that might have been a cop car it could have been that's what I explained to uh there was several cars in the range of about 36 to 40 mes hour and really no outliers um beond that okay so most people were really driving 25 miles an hour or lower or lowerer okay that's really interesting anyone else have any yeah we'll just also touch on accidents at that intersection yes just to give you a brief overview um in six years since 2018 there was a total of eight accidents that rection only four of them possibly could have been pred by having four-way stop there other ones involved Park Vehicles driver inter attention that sort of thing and of the four that would have been prevented only two of those had very minor increase I just can I ask you just to repeat right you get a little Clos can't hear you in the back so from 2018 to the present um there's total of eight accidents to that intersection at L and um there were total of three minor injuries only four of the total accidents could have been possibly prevented by a four-way stop other ones involveed Park vehicle Str driver attention that sort of thing and only two of the possible foral accidents very minor and additionally just something do pedestrian or bicy acci that intersection thank you and you you had a question oh it just um a lot of traffic going to the primary school and the way I don't think the counter determined Which Way um they were going it's just that the vehicle's going through that intersection okay we could position it on River Street West of lenue to determine exactly how many parts but you know I kind of estimated you know if you had 300 cars going down a day or 200 Cars a day twice a day that's an extra 400 it's probably a couple thousand a week are probably going to that school thank yes I have a question um if I recall correctly that particular intersection of river and Leighton um used to have a lot of flooding issues and as you're putting in these bump outs are you going to incorporate any kind of green infrastructure in there to help um reduce any flooding impacts that's not something we considered in the Grant application but uh if awarded I think that that's something that can definitely Beed um like I said we'll be um changing the location of the drainage structures due herb location and um both of the River Street intersections would be mil and paved um so When redoing the pavement we can ensure that you know all the pavement is slope towards those drainage structures and as well with that bump out we'll have um a lot more green space there um between the sidewalk and the new curve um that can be used I mean for plantings um to absb like that just uh not anything too tall to obstruct the view of the the drivers thank you thank you there's just one more thing I wanted to add according to the uh the manual for uniform traffic control devices um stop signs shouldn't be used to control on streets or intersections they recommend other different types of devices traffic to calm the traffic to prevent accidents or the speed thank you this is Nancy again I have another question um you did mention that um we would not hear about this grant for a little while uh are there any um modifications that such as using some kind of tactical urbanism temporary um ways of making that intersection a little bit safer I mean I defer to the police department on that on some of those those measures that we were talking about with the mutcd I do know that uh Lon Avenue currently does have speed humps throughout that that's one measure that I know of to limit the speed um but as for the intersection itself in terms of temporary measures um I I wouldn't see much that can be done other than um constant monitoring of the intersection you have anything to add I don't know I think the good news that comes out of this is hearing that most people are driving the speed limit there and that we have not experienced injuries to a cyclist or a pedestrian you know um we always want to improve our safe routes to school but I also don't want to get it twisted that this is some intersection that we have some major cause to be alarmist about here like you know we have to keep it balanced um so as much as I live on leaton Avenue by the way for anybody that doesn't know um I drive up and down it 20 times a day and my firehouse is also on it so I do this um so yeah I'm I'm hoping we get the grant but I'm also really I'm I'm really appreciative of the Insight that you've also paired with this about the reality of the situation so thank you Jim you had something I was just going to say that I think it was important that we started this conversation because it it definitely even brought more information to my attention as far as what Grant was applied for in 2023 the extent to which the grant was applied for the efforts that we're making to uh calm traffic in that area and also provide safe routes uh to schools for pedestrians um and coupled with the police department's um deployment of some traffic safety measures and just monitoring of that intersection I think it'll be important as we're waiting to see if we're awarded this grant so I appreciate both of you looking into this for us and to the residents that brought it to our attention yeah thank you P all right thank you thank you thank you ch okay for those of you who are joining us for the first time uh we have two public comments sections in our meetings uh the first one is public comments on agenda items only there will be a chance at the end of the meeting for uh open public comments but right now I'm asking if anyone has any public comments on agenda items only yeah I have yeah I have a motion to open the motion have a second second all in favor I excuse 64 streets got two or three questions mostly on the agenda one minut um I will um briefly to go back over the discussion that's just been had talking about um talking about safe roots to school you know every school every child deserves a safe route to school there's there's a saying amongst Road designers from make roots to school would you let your child walk to school would you let your child cycle to school and if the answer is no despite any modifications you mayose if the answer is no you V so and I'm also conscious that um from my exp to being a teacher I was surrounded by a school zone the the the there was a 15 15 M hour um restriction around schools all the schools UK schools have a 15 M it's 15 M hour wasn't snatched out of the air it's a dramatic reduction in in injuries and a dramatic Improvement of the safety of the people particularly children who to school that that's the point want to make second I see it's on this one's on the agenda and that is um a budget for the fixing of the Spring Street whatever it is um I'm surprised that and tell you if I'm wrong that there is no contingency within the within the municipality a contingency budget for Fix You have to come to this meeting and put up another budget for um an incident that's taking place and let's be honest it's an incident that's happen a lot and said I'd like to know is there any contingency is there any insurance is every time a drain case in are we going to be waiting for a a council meeting to put another Budget on on it it seems very poor some years ago I asked the then uh burough administrator why there wasn't a survey sub Road Subterranean survey of the roads in um in Red Bank particularly because I could support a caving in Su as well as any app any clever app and he told me they wouldn't dare do that survey because the state of under the roads is very poor and this cost a lot to fix probably even the residents budget that they don't even want to face but as I said my first that was really regarding Solutions what I'll say about that is that we do have the mechanism for funding um by you know the execution of agreements needs to happen at a business meeting like this would I necessarily wait for that if there was a true emergent situation I think I have the statute to back me and of course I'll refer to attorney but I believe I have the statute to back me in making certain emergency appropriation decisions for the buau U in this case the council meeting lined up kind of perfectly with us securing a contractor and getting this approval done because the work is slated for tomorrow anyway and has a cause been established for this yeah it has um and we made sure that we we put that out via our Civic reach and and our Facebook pages but the the cause is actually from a storm drain lateral coming off of um help me out Wallace coming off of Wallace into the middle of Spring Street where the the manhole is there and the storm drain has collapsed and my third question no sorry really involves the bur administrator I was told last week there will not be an opportunity to ask the B administrator about his report because apparently the reports is Council Members which I accept that but I would like to know this the bur administrator now is responsible for the civilian oversight of the police Department if a a re taxpayer somebody sat in the audience like me has a question about Poli department where do we address that in the past supposedly it would be the public Sal de or something like that that varable but how do you do it how do you do it in open in open meeting because I and I think that the the way to handle that um as employees of the buau we report to the governing body U which is by way of my report tonight you'll see that in my manager report I defer some of my time to Captain frzy as a representative of the police department to report um I think that that's important but we're just as I've communicated in email with you we're always available for for followup I think there's a difference between giving you an email and actually asking a question at Council there's a big difference and and if sure absolutely and if you have a concern to the police department at Council or any other department of the buau I recommend you make those comments to me so that I can appropriately filter them down I'm going to ask a question about Police Department only de you can rest easy it's not going to be the question you think okay but I did notice this um I forget what you call the um list of that gets published on in the local media you know the list of charges arrests thank you very much yeah um I I can't help remember that that at least a month ago is is this on agenda item now well it's only reps okay about the bladder when would you like mayor when would you suggest how would you suggest I raise this I'm not sure are you talking about his his report from last meeting is that is the chief in the room you can answer this really quick no I'm not yeah I mean during the open comments you can ask any question you like yeah but this is for just agenda items thank you okay anyone else have any comments on agenda items yes good evening Cindy Burnham 71 Wall Street I just had a question on 24-h 87 shared services theca and animal controlled sharing yeah M County SPCA which I believe has been a practice of the burrow for a few years now okay but do we have animal control back no we're using Mammoth County sbca that's when we got rid of animal control and you weren't around right they got rid of animal control to go with thanks no problem yes only 2 Street start with left off at 2487 um reading it I noticed there was a notation about this is not this share service ises not include uh the TNR program is that the I know when I was on the animal control committee before I got pointed again um is the TNR program still in place yes it is as a matter of fact we had an incident behind the wide just this week and the M County um the DNR group went out there with car yes it's still in place um I also believe it was last spr um or may prior last spring uh when the contract was the last time um at at the time the old business administrator mentioned that there was a high cost um and I know I used to see the report of number of calls coming to town and the number of verses that cost of each month uh I don't know if the old business ministrator ever did any due diligence to justify and make a smart decision if the cost is worth it I mean I don't obviously you didn't do it but I don't know if you found any Legacy information or even knew that he said publicly at a meeting that he was not really thrilled on the price the services we're getting I'm not sure what conversations took place but I will uh as with all of our contracts review them at the end of the year to make sure that you know the services that we're getting are making sense financially versus emping a full-time employee or you know whatever other means that we can provide the services to the burrow but right now this is the uh the service that's largely used by municipalities in Mammoth County yeah L moved into it and with that being said there was and again being on the an Le committee dur Inception until this new from um we used to get a lot of feedback number one I didn't know if you spoke with the um anal committee currently about uh the people on the committee and me in the past in the committee we get a lot of feedback from people for example they didn't know this service even existed so like I noticed you had a great bolon for utilities maybe adding this would be good because we would get called hey my neighbor has a problem with ex Rodin or something we would say Hey you can call the police and they would research it I haven't really seen that many that much information we were conduits to our residents saying when this happens I had a fad on my lawn I had people with birds in their house um I feel like there's a little miscommunication residents that this is even an option so so um the leison and I go to the meetings the mammoth County U Mammoth SPCA came and talked to came came and talked to us um at length one night and as soon as we heard about this colony and we also have like three or four Halo people in our town that work with the cats um so it was when this came through from a resident that they saw a colony of Cs by the way um Paul who's now our chair he met with um our business manager too and we went over quite a few things with the Animal Welfare but within hours he got back to me that MTH canca was going out there to trap them and Neu to them other question on 2494 U regarding the I brought this up in the past a lot of quarters were black topped over with cement on the west side and I noticed here some pictures that that the new pipe or the new um construction that done with the the pipe changeovers they have been now replaced with cement so it looks great right you got a piece slab of cement what is the um time frame for the West Side to get the ugly black uh blacktop that's like a patch cement sidewalks replace so I'm sorry where are those photos from [Music] uh so uh the restoration for um concrete is actually there they'll be back on Monday and there'll be continue the effort probably two or three more days remaining for the concrete restoration Locus I know on SE there was some right there was some I'm going to say this is the caveat unless they have that there's still a leadline replacement that has to take place makes sense right that's I'm just curious because they've been out yeah they've been out there um this was done about two years ago I think right so they've been out there starting last week and they're continuing next week yeah for driving around what we do all anyone else bi lytics might hire you I only work two months a year anyone else on agenda items only comments anyone online going okay can you hear me okay mayor yes Craig Dolan 34 John Street Red Bank uh currently in New Orleans Louisiana and an airport so appreciate you taking my call uh one comment on the vital litics uh contract The Proposal in the agenda says a 36-month contract um I would propose as Mr Gant said it's only as good as we use it that we only do a 12-month contract with a a report at the end of 12 months on how we use the software and how it benefited the residents before an auto renewal for a few years process so that would be my first comment second prior to Mr gant's time period uh Spring Street was extensively repaired and replaced um I would like to have some assurance that the lateral that coming from Wallace Street was not impacted by that repair um when you connect a lateral to another lateral um as I know replacing my own water lines in the past but there's a lot of insurances and insurances required to ensure that I don't break things that of the town so I still am not confident that that repair on Spring Street was done appropriately that that lateral was not compromised coming out of the Wallace Street Zone um it would be nice to have some assurance that that area was not touched by either the tamping down of the pavement or the replacement of said lines so I'll give Mr Dan a break to do some research on that because he was knew and that was prior to his time and so far I've been very impressed with his leadership of the burrow so I have faith in and that they take care of that um and then the last comment there is some agenda item on the pickle ball quirks um this comment may not be directly addressed to the pickle ball court and the fees Etc but the wear and tear as I've reported to the uh parks and wreck committee and has been recognized by Oscar who does a wonderful job at parks and wreck um is really um not appropriate for courts that have barely six months of age on them um the lines are coming up there's extens visualization of the black top that was below the moon surface um and I really don't think that contractor should be paid if they haven't been paid yet for that final uh amount uh we're literally three months into using those courts and there's already significant wear and tear on those which is very disappointing um so um that's is my time appreciate it and uh see you back in Red Bank hopefully tomorrow thanks Mr D I just wanted to comment on the east side park uh repairs for the project we we have been holding the final payment on Eastside park for probably over two months now or so um I met with the contractor there I believe it was week and a half ago and we walked to court um I expressed a lot of the issues that I saw were on East Side Court um I believe that the major issue that we have there is the the ponding of the the uh rainwater that's going to be the the probably the biggest repair of e side is the one area in which we have rainwater ponding um we also did discuss the paint where it looks like some black top is coming through so they heard us I think that they have a plan to address that they're going to meet with the their subcontractor to go over that um but again it was made clear that the the payment was being held until the bu was satisfied with the work being done thank you appreciate that um I was hoping it wasn't the few pounds I put on and playing a few rounds of put the ball that weren't out the courts already so appreciate it be back anyone else have any comments for agenda items only yeah one more online let me guess I'm not sure it's a ag just state your name and address please hello yes if you can just say your name and address my name is AA gja and um I live in East Brunswick New Jersey from um for agenda items oh no sorry I'm I'm trying to talk to the for the Open Session public comment section sorry about that that's okay anyone else can I have a motion to close the public comment on agenda items only make s a motion Mr Mayor have a second second all in favor I okay uh slight correction on approval of the minutes Laura right this was we're approving the minutes for um March 14th not February 22nd okay sorry um can I have a motion to approve the minutes for March 14 2024 sure I'll make that move have second second all in favor I can I have a motion to approve the minutes for March 14th the executive session 2024 so moved I have a second I'll second all in favor I all right on to our ordinances first up uh public hearing and Adoption of ordinance 2024-25 Municipal budget appropriation limits and to EST a c bank can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so moves I have a second second all in favor I does anyone from the public have anything to say about this ordinance anyone online okay right I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only smov have a second second all in favor I can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 20 24-10 it's a moved I have a second second roll call please council member bonais yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes thank you next up is the public hearing and adoption for ordinance 20241 amending and supplementing section 478 Parks and Recreation article 6 fees and charges can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only I'll make such a motion can I have a second second all in favor I anyone have any comments on this ordinance can I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only so move a second second all in favor I I can I have a motion to adopt ordinance so moved I have a second I second roll call please council member bonis yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member Jano yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes thank you public hearing adoption of 2024 D12 amending and supplementing supplementing section 68060 scheduled 26 restricted parking for handicapped persons I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a second second all in favor I anyone I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only I make such a motions have a second second all in favor I can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 202 24-12 so moved can I have a second second roll call please council member Bonas yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes pass thank you you have a note here oh so um when the agenda packet went out I didn't have the footage yet for the ordinance so if you just wanted to let them know what the exact footage was sir I pulled that one out highlighted um just to be clear um for this spot this is on Bridge Avenue on the west side west side of bridge Avenue beginning at a point 50 ft south of the intersection with M Street and extending 22 feet there from in a Southward Direction okay um introduction for ordinance 20243 amending and supplementing section 68060 schedule 26 restricted parking for handicapped persons um can I have a motion to approve on introduction so moved I have a second second roll call please council member Bona Takis yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor pman yes thank you there'll be a public hearing on this ordinance on April 11th um is there anything anyone sees that needs to be pulled out um of the resolutions and done separately or can we do them all over the consent agenda check take a Qui moment I'd be comfortable moving on M okay anyone we okay okay I have a motion to approve resolutions 2483 to 24- 95 on the consent agenda so moved have a second second roll call please council member bonatakis yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member flest yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes motion pass thank you we don't have any discussion or action items do we okay uh next up is um we're going to open the floor for public question and comments um we have a bunch of folks here so I'm going to give everyone um three minutes you can speak once I'm going to ask everyone to please be respectful and let's let everyone be heard regardless of whether or not you agree with them that's the foundation of our democracy so can I have a motion to open up the floor for public questions and comments a motion can I have a second second all in favor I real quickly I'd like to give um just as it gets busy if you live in Red Bank you have an issue I'm going to just give you a chance to come up and speak first so you know issues on um local business first we're going to try and take care of ready thank you may fieldx 2074 uh I just want to get back to the right quick the baring is that going to be U look into check into River Street in lately is it going to be because Nancy what I was going to speak on she took the word right out of my mouth when you do that intersection there it floods there so all that's going to have to be fixed because no sense putting something new up there you still going to have that flood because it's only going to wash that dirt right down in the drain system so all that's going to have to be dressed definitely I think that with the engineering and Survey work that would be done there make sure that they uh you know shoot the road and put the pitch towards the storm drains now uh I'm not I want to thank the Red Bank police for sit there monitor those intersections because we do have a problem uh when the cops are not there cars are really coming right out and looking and just like might well say it's a ill ill sign of put you know me but I think by them sitting there it's slowing a lot of it down but maybe y'all put something up there tempor really Riv Street and lat to this happen uh I'm looking out for the people on the corner there they concerned about a car running up in their yard this summer while they sitting out there I don't want that to happen and really a help with the kids crossing the street that also help with the crossing you know to do something there help I want to thank y'all counil nice job thank you thank you pry yeah Georgia you're certainly a resident right back as well second my name is Georgina shandley I live on Harding Road in Red Bank and I have been coming here since the end of January to request that the city council pass a resolution calling for the immediate and permanent ceasefire of all actions of the killing of of civilians and Gaza the release of hostages and of full humanitarian Aid be given to the people who are staring in Gaza they think it's nothing to do with us but it has everything to do with us both morally and also we're paying our taxes we're helping this genocide what happened on October 7th was a shocking Massacre of innocent people and The Taking of hostages what has happened since is an unfolding genocide un Security Council has called for an immediate ceasefire but Israel is above the law Israel does not have to follow international law uh the occupation according to Amnesty International the occupation of Gaza is the longest and most deadly military occupation in the world it has evolved into a Perpetual occupation flagrant violation of international law we are seeing the images of paper thin starving children every day in Gaza just like we saw images of children after the gates were open of Bon bson B all of that horror amounted to the UN passing the universal Declaration of Human Rights so so that a genocide like this would never happen again and that was on octob on December 10th 19 48 but right now it's not even worth the Papers written on because both the USA and Israel are not following it at all it was supposed to be never again and what we're seeing is the weaponized destruction of of all of these innocent civilians especially women and children no food is getting in no water is getting in only two of the seven passages are open on land to allow food and medicines to get through meanwhile trucks with tons of food and medicines and essential equipment for these people who are starving are being denied where is the humanity United States is is sending 68% of the weapons Germany 28% mind you even after what's been happening in the Second World War I appeal to you to please pass this resolution for the sake of humanity and your own souls and for all of the children who are dying unnecessarily and is preventable in Gaza are their lives less valuable than the lives of Israel it would appear so thank you for your comments um just real quick just is there anyone else here from Red Bank as well before we open up the floor yeah is true you you guys are both here here welcome please stepen F just get a little closer to the mic they hear you front row seage that's taking place guys have an opportunity to take courage in hand and do something are you passing this resolution a powerful message to our elected officials in congress senate president to end as a physician the site of the unnecessary suffering men women and children especially better on Tuesday of this week the Israeli military forged patients and Medical Teams from the Palestine red Cresent Hospital which is now out of service who saf there the Army is tightening the siege of alifa Hospital which it stormed once again with tanks and heavy gunfire March 18th many red patient displaced civilians staff were inside the complex time will the insanity only stop when there's not one Palestinian attend yah's crime of corruption she has been charged with fraud briary trust could only be prosecuted at throughout human history a dark aspect of mankind we are seeing that now as a Jewish man myself especially in change Sor unclear how or why originated the modern expression ey for an ey which makes the whole world blind and to justifying escalating viol today than you and davis3 River Road resolution for a ceasefire not yet supported by our federal government is a necessity to prevent further death and destruction the situation is dire the UN has judged that 31% of children in the north of Gaza have severe malnutrition they will not recover there's no ambiguity regarding Israel's use of starvation in Gaza and us support for Israel children in Gaza are dying every day from starvation deliberately imposed by Israel and the United States citizens of a democracy should not look away from what our government is doing I see the images of Gaza images of Cruelty Slaughter and starvation we have an obligation as Citizens to look at what our government is doing and convey a moral judgment we benefit from many blessings we are not a better people by slaughtering other peoples some say this is a divisive issue I find it impossible to believe that my neighbors support the slaughter of civilians and the starvation of children I think many of my neighbors are not looking at what is actually going on the lies told To Us by our government and by Israel are palpable and ridiculous the rest of the world sees the evidence even the Western countries are beginning to revise their positions the request for a Red Bank ceasefire in Gaza is an attempt to give voice to stop this horror the United States is supposed to stand on principle no moral person can support the atrocities being committed by Israel and our country against the Palestinians in Gaza every religion historically has committed atrocities against other human beings in the name of religion there is no moral reason to accept or forgive or support what Israel is doing we need to send a message to our federal government I request that the Red Bank Council consider the ceasefire resolution there is no time to waste the lives of thousands of children are on the line thank you this just stay Burber Bruce bber I live at the rail on Chesnut Street and I'm a member of Rabbi Harrison's congregation that's Shalom um and in that Ser I'd like to tell a joke told to me by Rabbi May solic the most intelligent Rabbi ministering currently in Manhattan and here's how the joke goes no nobody will like this joke but it is a good one why are New Yorkers depressed because the light at the end of the tunnel is New Jersey terrible joke told by one of the most intelligent rabbis in all of Manhattan if he can get that so wrong it's amazing that so many of our of our residents and neighbors and friends can get the Middle East wrong confusing light with darkness and unfortunately thank you thank you anyone else yeah um I'm John Schneider I live at 82 Winden place um in Red Bank um and I'd like to um implore you and advocate for um Red Bank to ceas fire resolution and I'd like to talk about why I think it's important um at the local level but first I'd like to just mention a statistic that really struck me um it's uh the Russ Us's invasion of Ukraine has entered its third year um and no doubt we'd all agree that it's an illegal uh cruel um crime um enacted by Vladimir Putin um that conflict has seen 545 children um killed in almost in over two years of war um since the uh attacks of October 7th which uh no doubt involved horrific atrocities by Hamas um Israeli attacks have killed um over 10,000 children um those are um documented um you can find lists of their names online um I think that as United States citizens um we have a responsibility um to acknowledge our culpability um in those deaths um this is from The Washington Post the US has quietly approved and delivered more than 100 separate foreign military sales to Israel since the Gaza War Began on October 7th um the United States has um on average sent Israel 3.8 billion um and that has no doubt increased um on the local Lev level I I don't need to tell public officials or any here that um there's a lot of red tape when it comes to moving money around um but as a kind of thought experiment um it is interesting to think about what could be done with that money um from the United States were not to go uh to killing 10,000 children um and in a barel like Red Bank um that money could be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars um to be used to support social services and people in need um so I'd like to just infl um you in an imaginative way to think about what might be possible without funding this thank you thank you anyone else this what I see in the world I'm ch and I feel personally by what is happening in Israel to Israelis to Palestinians as well I'm also a Red Bank resident and as I've said before I believe that your job as elected officials is to keep us safe to keep us warm to keep us garbage free to be able to have mobility and and a variety of other issues around quality of life I resent the implication that I am immoral that I support murder that I support the murder of children that's what I'm hearing from wor from the other side and I want to be on the record that I resent it I think it is not civil discourse it's univ it's unfair and facts are confused INF flated with opinion I want to make that clear to the council I want to make make it clear to people whom I believe are speaking in an uncivil way despite their passion and despite their compassion for AR don't talk to me that way I don't want to talk to you that way thank you Hill 64 McLoud Street don't know where to start really I'm going to sort of cast aside you know all these implications of information spread by Bad actors on both sides and also uh just say I do understand what the last speaker what's going on about you know I am somebody who in local media has been talk as anti-semitic I'm not even good to repeatedly and I'm sure you know and I'm going to tell you what an insult that is to me my family but that is not going to stop me speaking on behalf of Palestinians living in the Gaza it is not going to stop me so I'm going to start by uh not going through all all the stuff that we've already heard but I'm going to start with this number 40,000 40,000 is about the number dived by the United Nations and reputable agencies number ofes by that in Gaza at the moment 14,000 of those are children just put that in perspective that is that is more than the number of children killed in Conflict worldwide for the last four years and that's since October the 7th and you know we're s of talk as if everything started on October 7th it didn't it started a long long time AG I'm not going to go back the falling of the walls Jericho or anything like that but I am going to go back to 1946 to 1950 but my father was actually in British forces in Palestine he still Palestine then [Music] and I I can tell you stories told me yeah there was evil on both sides and you know and and not just uh Palestinians or or Israelis but also our own governments tyly the British government which actually carved up Israel 19 to 17 when it was stuck to get a majority in the houses of parli the only way it could get it was by making a called the bation so what I very quickly want to say in my certain records live I know I know quite a lot of people on this de here I remember when they were progressives I remember when they even radicals I remember when those people fought for people like dreamers immigrants for the [Music] homeless and now this asking you you I'm not asking anyone asking you to reject the mayor's advice which [Music] will [Music] please thank you yes um my name is McKenzie I am I live in LT thisit 07738 um I just want to first um offer a reminder that there are many many many City cities and towns that are passing ceas resolutions Wayne Township for example just very recently passed it seire resolution that means we can do it here in South Jersey as well when I was last here I spoke about children when I was here last Amy International an international organization for Human Rights was attacked for investigating and Reporting on Israel's violations of international law and crimes against humanity in February Christopher loer Secretary General of Doctors Without Borders an international medical humanitarian organization reported Israel Israeli forces have attacked our convoys detained our staff bulldo are Vehicles bombed anded hospitals and now for a second time one of our staff shelters has been hit this pattern of attacks is either intentional or indicative of Reckless incompetence furthermore Christopher lacker stated that Israel has waged a war without rules on the entire population of the Baza strip that the laws and principles we collectively depend on to enable humanitarian systems are now eroded to the point of becoming meaningless how dangerous is that Caan Russell executive director of Unicef United Nations agency responsible for providing humanitarian and developmental Aid to Children worldwide has stated famine is imminent children are dying of dehydration and malnutrition the UN Security Council resolution has demanded SE ceasefire the world has over and over and over again for the past 173 days demanded an immediate total and permanent ceasefire now returning to that word intentionality intent Deputy knesset speaker n vuri wrote on X Twitter that the common goal of the Israelis is erasing the Gaza Strip from the face of the Earth Israeli Heritage Minister amakai alahu suggested that there are no uninvolved civilians so 13,000 children are not uninvolved civilians and suggested that Israel drop a nuclear bomb on Gaza lawyer Tempa stated for South Africa that this is the language of systemic humanization that genocide utterances are embodi with State policy I am not here to convince you that Israel is committing a genocide we know that Israel is committing a genocide and we are all complicit over 30,000 and that is a conservative number people have been killed by the Israeli government and Military more than 13,000 children we are complicit because our tax dollars are financing this genocide when I was here last City Council Members you suggested that it is not within the realm of this Municipal council's responsibility to accept C resolution proposals because glal matters do not belong in spaces of local governance I am here because I could not more emphatically disagree with you Washington Post just released a poll today that found the majority of Americans disapprove of Israel's war on Gaza we do not want our taxpayer dollars fing Israel's genocide of Palestinian people thank you my name is Lisa carass I represent Jewish Federation in the heart of New Jersey studing all Jews in Middle SE of M counties regardless of their politics or ideology on Israel or anything else I'm here to say that we mourn the loss of every innocent light and we on a peace M has vowed to repeat attacks like its October 7th Massacre again and again until Israel is no longer that is the opposite of a permanent ceasefire in fact putting the so-called permanent ceasefire in place at this time when Hamas still represents the Palestinians in Gaza is contrary to what tamas leadership itself has promised the world repeat needed attacks until Israel is gone from the river to the Sea a so-called permanent ceasefire at this time would allow Hamas to regroup replenish weapons and continue its reign of terror not least of all against its own people let us remember Hamas locates locates its military operations and equipment in residential areas hospitals schools refugee camps un facilities this guarantees maximum civilian casualties Hamas refused to allow residents OFA to take shelter from fighting in its Terror tunnels let us remember Hamas has not only misappropriated millions of dollars in international Aid to build the teror infrastructure instead of help people build themselves theas has also taken food from the mouths of its own people when Aid has been delivered in this very War the Jewish Community affirms the suffering of all innocent people including Palestinians at the hands of it's very real and tragic the M must beable weting to allow more Aid to enter Gaza at the discretion of the involved policies humanitarian ceas by are common in modern day conflicts to ease the St non- combatant how can we conceive of a permanent end to this fighting when Hamas has announced very plainly it will attack Israel again it seeks the destruction of Israel on behalf of the Jewish Community we want nothing more than a permanent ENT War May there be permanent peace when all Israeli hostages are returned including those killed in captivity together with the unconditional surrender and dismantling of Hamas and to end on a personal note seeing so many of my neighbors here who are activating for the good of humankind is beyond hardening given what is true about Hamas I ask you is this really the organization you trust to care for the people you care for thank you anyone online I'm sorry we had a couple more hands yes ma'am hi my name name is Jessica defino I'm not a Red Bank resident I live in Toms River but I have been coming to Red Bank with my family for 30 years now my boyfriend lives in Red Bank and her every week I'm asking you to pass the ceasefire resolution that's been proposed for work I write about the beauty industry even on occasion mentioned Red Banks many Bea establishments in my writing the flow dry bar the Waxing Salon the spas and on weekends when the outdoor Market is set up the being so immersed in the space there one image videos have surfaced of ibf soldiers looting Palestinian homes they hold up lingerie that belonged to women who are forced out at best or killed at worst they laugh and smile for the camera the idea of soldiers sometimes bring the spoils back home to their lives one of these wives posted a picture to social media of a plastic bag overflowing with makeup ey shadow eyeliner blush Foundation lipstick she called The Presence gifts from Gaza it brought to mind a scene from The Zone of interest to recent film about the Holocaust and the 's commandant Rudolph Foss and his family who live next door to the concentration camp in the film Rudolph's wife applies red lipstick that belonged to a Jewish woman she looks in the mirror and smacks her lips she later asks her husband to bring her back more goodies from the Jewish women now living and soon dying in the camps the movie asks us to consider the mundanity that masks the terror around us the bag of makeup from Gaza is not a pro movie and it is not mundane it is not defense it is de humanization reducing a person to a product trophy it is the obliteration of the Palestinian people stealing not only their lives but the tools they use to CFT and care for and Adorn those lives killing not only their bodies but the spirit and and all the things that touched those bodies like lipstick that once pressed against the mouth that breathed and ate and spoke and kissed and prayed and screamed this is genocide it is eraser it is Delight in eraser it is sick it is a loss of humanity is it a loss of soul and to force American citizens who overwhelmingly support the ceasefire resolution that's been proposed to be complicit in the Palestinian genocide is to force another kind of Soul loss we cannot allow this to become mundane we have to hold on to our souls and hold up the humanity of the Palestinian people and stand against genocide my tax is from this crisis and so I have a moral responsibility to ask you as elected officials representing citizens who want a permanent ceasefire to do everything you possibly can to stop financing Israel's inhumane occupation of Palestine and vote on the SE resolution that's been proposed thank you thank you street I'm not speaking on behalf scho but i' would like to thank everybody who came down to support the ice cream Wars uh you have to March 30th so please come out so we again um we keep them really appreciate it uh with that being said I'm curious about um think it's a or or may not or resolution six not here it's in our rule book on our policies on the website 68030 trucks over 40 tons I'm curious at how that's enforced because I see a lot of trucks driving around over 4 tons and also 67510 wrecked unusable unrecognizable cars on Street how is that enforced um this I actually have two my distribute no registrations uh also I have I really actually got to commit Red Bank for their policy Jersey AG is foolish to redact confidential information where anyone can just take it off of adobe I know you guys have a great policy ready react it and then print it and then scan in again so that's that's really good that um confid information is not seen um about the flee SPS I'm just curious because it seems It's really about a few people stealing things and graffiti there was never really a followup and I think I asked in the past how many tickets were actually issued during the snow um weather issues when we have all the cars on the street I mean I watch it I have cameras on a couple streets that I see and I don't believe anyone complained about tickets I'm wondering is it just I'm really forun be honest with you you take a car off and then you're just following the rules and then people Park in the spot don't get in trouble then you got you don't have a shov spot again kind of just frustrating why follow the rul um those are my questions I got a minute left I guess I'll start backwards um you know as far as the ticketing goes of the vehicles on the streets I know that's been a longstanding issue in red back that I was quickly acclimated to um but it's a matter of asking the residents by way of ordinance to back us up to comply with the ordinance to get the the vehicles off the street so we can ply the roads um I know Captain frzy has answered some of these questions even from me before as to the enforcement of that and it is really dependent on a number of different things number one how quickly we get the messaging out because the forecast changed even with the last uh winter storm that we had forecasts were not as accurate as we would have liked um number two the issue of giving people an opportunity to actually Park their vehicles somewhere that's already cleared or not you know we also have to address our Municipal lots and we try and hit those first so that people can move their vehicles to those Municipal Lots um so it is dependent on a number of different things how how m answer your question how many citations were issued I don't know that answer um I mean I I would say yeah off the top of my head I'm not sure um I don't know if it matters so much but we uh you know we look for compliance our officers went around I know to number the streets on their um megaphones uh trying to get compliance so that we could you know clear the roads curb to curb that's our goal are we going to be 100% of that goal absolutely not and anybody that's critical of that is not being truthful with themselves either so I think also it comes down to the amount of snow you get you touched on a little bit I think if they fall for you know six to eight inches of snow it's plowable snow and if you only end up with two inches burs plow two inches right they're not plowing watch you know what they need to hammer a resident with tickets you know if we have 8 in of a snow and a blizzard coming and the timing's right and we put the messaging out yeah we're going to be out there at forcing but like the captain said if we have two inches of snow and people can get their cars back to their spots we're going to use some judgment in those situations so it's really not black and white questions T trucks the 40 ton trucks they at uh there's one on Lon I got Pi rout I have to double check I don't know the they parked or driving well I have a picture of it here if you want to give me a second but before I forget um I would love for you to PA when these things are happening but why am I doing other people's jobs who's responsible you're not you're being a concerned citizen I mean and and enforcment relies on reporting well I mean here every other day there's cars over the OWN line at lunch break call that in because an hour later they're gone so call it in just call it in I get aiss on the tiet but this is just driving around this is literally just me driving get lunch driving because my daughter likes to go for it drives around but I mean this is what people see I don't know why no one else sees it absolutely parking violation call it in parking authority please pleasee okay yeah see hand in the back hello Council my name is Thomas I'm from Middletown GRE up connected to Red Community sports events I even had my job right here at the D house my current job is in mechanical engineering for the last six months I've not been able to focus on my work I wonder how anyone is able to focus on their day-to-day tasks over the last six months as the heighten genocide has been carried out in Israel by Israel with our us tax dollars and to the benefit of this nation's military industry here today to encourage the C the recently issued proposal for bar in G self-defense has been the cry echoed by those who wish this genocide to be carried out and by those too powerly to well month after month week after week we've all witnessed the atrocities flash by our news screens I could go through and describe some of these atrocities but there's no way we could do that in three minutes instead I'll just say the highest estimates of Civilian death count in Gaza are that 40,000 plus number and 92% of those are civilians the lowest numbers uh of that 40,000 people um lowest estimate is that that is 62% civilian death these attacks have been carried out on Palestinian mosks churches hospitals ambulances universities neighborhoods bakeries and refugee camps it's blat it's blatantly clear that Israel is no longer acting self-defense now why is there a defiant effort to call Israel's attack nothing but self-defense there's a provision for the US state department called the ladyy law that prohibits the US government from sending weapons to foreign forces committing violations of push to call this nothing more but than self-defense is the federal government keeping itself clean but given that the US funds Israel with three billion three billion dollar a year and increased that number last year to 14 billion we pay for the weapons used on these attests we have a state in the efforts for ceas firing if the federal government will not fight for a substantial ceasefire and act when a weapons are used to commit human rights violations it is up to you to correct the record and stand for peace and Humanity please support the proposal for immediate lasting ceasefire G today thank you else here in the room before we go to zoom good yeah go ahead hello yes hi okay um I've been coming the past couple of times um I couldn't make it out there in person tonight my name is Gabriel green there you go thank you can you hear me now yeah I just wanted you to sayate your name and address but you started um yeah it's Gabriella green I'm from Howell I've spoken with you guys multiple times now I've told you the facts I told you how over $200,000 yearly goes to Israel just from Red Bank and I truly don't understand how stopping a genocide is a controversial is issue if you aren't moved by your heads maybe I can convince your hearts instead un agencies along with multiple human rights organizations have well documented Israel's decades long history of raping sodomizing brutally beating and Muti mutilating genitalia as a form of human torture The Siege they're currently doing on alifa Hospital they've arrested majority of the healthc care workers in there and had traumatized a pregnant woman so horribly in front of her family that she died afterwards I was in tears after just reading a tiny blur of this of this message imagine how these people are feeling every single day every single minute of of every single day in this horrible atrocity I have an excert that the human concern international corporation from Canada found they met with a Palestinian woman who was evacuated from Gaza to turkey with her niece because she is the only Guardian that her niece has left the woman lost her entire family after an iof air strike hit her house she had to watch her three children die under the house that they built years of memories in she watched as her daughter's feet were obliterate off of her body as she screamed and begged her mother to help her her daughter crawled to her with no legs full of blood begging her mother for help her daughter bled out to death in front of her her other children screamed under the rubble until the screams faded to silence she says every time she closes her eyes she hears her children scream it is absolutely heartbreaking to witness any of this online and to be calling our politicians day after day to be hearing nothing back from them other than empty platitudes I've been trying to meet with my politician he's nowhere to be seen we're calling every single day for a ceasefire so we're coming to you to please stand for the people do what's right don't let the politicians act like they they are above us and and don't care for the people be better than them and do what we're asking what we've been imploring what we've been begging as we all hold a moral stance on this as our tax dollars we're spending every single year are going to fund this horrible horrible genocide and that is all that you can call it thank you thank you yes hello there you go we can hear you okay hi um my name is Dr AA ganja I live in East Brunswick New Jersey um do come to I have been to Bank many many times I I grew up here in this area um and I love the Jersey Shore so um I want to just say thank you to everybody who spoken before me um especially the last speaker for just speaking with their heart um for the voiceless in Palestine right now um and for the few that have not spoken up for them uh we are waiting for you to do that and to join us in doing that um this is a call to all of humanity I believe this is a test for all of us whether we can see right and wrong very clearly um there were you know this is not the only genocide that's ever happened in the world this is or in history there's been genocides from all of time and I'm sure all of them were muddled by the people com committing the genocide to make it seem complicated or to give um justifications for it but we know we have to see very clearly what is right and wrong here um as a physician I'm appalled um at any War let alone genocide which is the crime of all crimes um and we have to speak out against this um I myself have done medical missions all around the world I've worked with refugees I worked with refugee camps I worked in natural disaster zones all around the world um including in the Middle East I have not gone to Gaza yet I signed up to go to Gaza um for a medical Mission and I'm being told by the teams that I signed up for that it's extremely dangerous um and I've never been told that for any Mission I've ever gone on because of course they want to encourage us to go um but they're being very blunt with us this time they're saying you know you need to get your your your your your matters in order you need to get your will in order all of these type of things um you need to have somebody to take care of your kin um if you decide to go this is unacceptable um we I want to go there to help people as I've helped people all over the world um doesn't matter what their religion race ethnicity is when people need help that's what doctors do that's what all healthcare workers do um we need to go in there safely and the only way that can happen is with an immediate permanent ceasefire so the US in the in has just you know abstained on the resolution that passed 140 in the UN Security Council for um for a nonpermanent ceasefire lasting for two weeks for the rest of the month of Ramadan the fasting month of Ramadan which is going to be ending in two weeks that's unacceptable um we need an permanent end to this we do not get to feed with one hand and bomb with the other we do not get to resume bombing which terrorizes people all over again um there is no point of any type of pause in this type of situation we need an immediate end to this and then we need to allow Palestinians to rebuild their lives safely and we need to then work on coming up with a solution a peaceful solution and that could take months if not longer so they don't have the time right now for that all of that process to happen so we need an immediate permanent ceasefire and I'm imploring every single person um in this town Council and I've done it in my town of East Brunswick as well we've been trying for months to get a ceasefire resolution passed here um I'm imploring everybody who has any power to do anything to help stop this genocide to please do so thank you so much for for listening to us tonight thank you hello my name is Andrea LaVine I'd be happy to give you my address afterwards I live in Mammoth County and I work and Shop in Redbank asalam alaikum and RAM Ramadan Kim to our Muslim neighbors I'm here on behalf of Jersey Shore food not bombs and Jewish voice for peace we are here to encourage city council to pass a resolution for a permanent ceasefire in Palestine and for it to happen sooner than later I personally want to just recommend that people learn the history of Hamas because I heard quite a bit of disinformation tonight from a previous speaker I really recommend John Oliver has a great episode on his show called Last Week Tonight please please educate yourselves um so if you city council if you were in Rafa or you were in conun and your children were being indiscriminately bombed inside of a hospital and starved what would you want the politicians in New Jersey to do for you and your children what would you do knowing that the bombs that being were being dropped were made here in America and if you could do something here that it would bring lasting peace and Justice to your own family and your own Community you have an opportunity right now it's no more like what would you do if you lived during American slavery would you have been an abolitionist or what would you have done if you lived during the Holocaust would you have resisted the Nazis please take a stand here in Red Bank and join the many cities and countries that are calling for a ceasefire in Gaza please be on the right side of history and uphold your values you have an opportunity to support a permanent ceasefire now Israeli Holocaust and genocide scholar and Professor R seagull called this a quote textbook case of genocide democracy now reported on that on October 16th please look up the information we are almost six months into this and we are still trying to convince people of this fact as the grandchild of Holocaust Survivors myself it is my duty to speak out against genocide I grew up repeating never again never again but now we must say never again for anyone never again for any child never again for any Soldier that's being sucked into this war machine every single member of my grandfather's family including his first wife and children were exterminated in Poland tragically the same thing goes for my grandmother her first husband and the rest of her relatives and communities were exterminated in Poland I am anti-war and anti-occupation and support the end of the occupation of Palestine it is out of not in spite of my own Heritage and being a descendant of Holocaust and genocide survivors that I refuse to allow their tragedy and the sheer Horrors they survived in Poland to be weaponized against the Palestinian people Palestinians are human beings with families who deserve to have dignity they deserve to celebrate Ramadan they deserve to pray right now they deserve to have food to even break their fast during this holy month of Ramadan not to be systematically starved it is heinous that politicians agencies synagogues Jewish groups Jewish individuals continue to use the experience of my family to justify the actual known war crimes that's happening right now ethnic cleansing happening right now acts of genocide happening right now all in the name of allegedly Protec ing Jewish people we must not be influenced influenced by these people and their agendas please please take a stand and in support of humanity and of Palestine thank you thank you anyone else here like to speak okay can I have a motion to close to public comment motion a second I'll second favor I okay um mayor and Council comments up next I just want to start off by letting you know two things we've been replacing all the uh lead lines in uh the burrow starting on the West Side uh it's an expensive project we have a 50% forgiveness from the ibank I believe but I also just found out that um I don't know when we're getting the money but uh in the newest federal budget um Congressman palone um got us another just about a million dollars for this project which is uh great and helpful and much appreciated um I also want to say that the uh um I always forget the name of it right the uh the quality Institute in New Jersey uh has labeled Red Bank as a 2023 healthy Town up and coming very excited about that we have a bunch of um events planned as well as we will be at um events that are happening held by others um I know we're trying to do a uh biking with the mayor Event in May um and we're trying to work with the library right now to do a financial literacy event so um lots of lots of events coming up in 2024 for the May's Wellness campaign Christina anything sure uh I just wanted to say thank you to all of our speakers for coming out tonight we we do appreciate you doing so um uh also just the presentations earlier this evening uh actually reminded me that Jim I think we're past 90 days officially with you and I just wanted to thank you for all of your efforts to increase Communications not only with the council but also with the residents we saw a lot of that um evening and I think it's it's much appreciated by all of us thank you yeah I'd also like to thank everyone for their continued comments and dialogue um thank you regarding uh a couple things with the fire department I want to acknowledge I failed last meeting the $50,000 Grant from the American Rescue uh firefighters uh grant that was received by the buau to help with uh PPE personal protective equipment for our firefighters I don't want to compliment the uh Red Bank fire department on the job they did in making a very good stop in Red Rock at 5:00 am. this morning um for the fire there at the bar um I want to acknowledge Kathy Oregan is being honored April 30th by the Jazz arts project and if Kathy's listening I know I've been promising probably for eight months that I'm going to have you over to spin some records with me and I just got a few more so um soon I want to congratulate the library and I just want to talk talk a moment I'm a very proud father at the moment my son got accepted to High-Tech high and overwhelmingly proud of him but he lived at that library and with those Librarians and they knew him and they were practically an extension of our family and that academic success while we had a great grounding in our home and particular with my wife who's a teacher um the red B Public Library played a very big role um in his incredible academic success and I can't be any more appreciative of that institution and any prouder of my son at this very moment so um it's just a nice convergence and I'd like to just note it's a very holy time of year and I'd like to just wish those who celebrated perum I hope you had a a a a a a a meaningful time with uh family and Community those celebrating Ramadan I hope that it is the the holy time of year that that that that that you need and at the moment um we're on Monday Thursday today and and Good Friday tomorrow and I hope those who celebrate Easter have a have a have a blessed Easter ahead thank you oh okay uh first and foremost I do want to thank everyone who came to speak and to raise your voice I I appreciate it and you're know you are you are being heard it's going into the record so that's very clear um moving on to local issues um the environmental commission um has created flyers for E skip the stuff ordinance which would ban the delivery of plastic utensils for takeout as well as for delivery orders um they've created beautiful flyers I also want to thank Captain frzy for allowing us to use the volunteer translator program um they turned that around in record time uh the Environmental Mission and green team will be going out along the businesses of shrewbury Avenue mmit Street and um broad yes uh to share that information and as well as using the Bor resources that we have to make sure everyone is aware of that change the uh B goes into effect on the 22nd of April but enforcement won't start until the 1st of July um the environmental commission also asked me to remind you that their annual green fair that they have in conjunction with the middle school is going to be held on Monday the 22nd of April from 5 to 7 uh they will have the kids doing their science experiments we will have the tpin project there trash show as well as other um vendors or projects that um bring things that are sustainable so you know please stop by if you're in the area um and also the environmental Commission is continuing on the sustainable Jersey actions and I'm sorry to keep bothering our administrator with these these actions but there are things that we are doing already in Red Bank to make us more Su sustainable so it's important to get that documented and um by having our sustainable um Jersey silver certification and we might even go for gold uh gold standard as well is um will enable us to be more um it would help us put us in a better position to receive additional grants and funding um I'd like to wish everyone um to uh during this time of a lot of religious celebrations Ramadan PM as well as Easter to um have a peaceful holiday thank you um we had a Parks and Rec uh had a Parks and Recreation meeting this Tuesday um I wanted to remind everyone that we have the annual Jun celebration the fourth one coming up on um day here will the 16th of June um also pride in the park is June 8th at Riverside Gardens Park um so looking forward to that um our our um I say we have a new member on Parks and W tonight that was approved so wonderful I also wearing my hat as liaison to our schools I just want to say proud I am that the mayor attended the last Board of Education meeting as well as woman Christina caucus and um you know we're in fully engaged in working with our state representation uh Senator goal and um Dolan and Peter Paul to U make sure that burrow schools get the funding they deserve and uh we have a nice note I think you all have it from our superintendent I do want to thank everyone for coming out tonight um very powerful to listen to it um I've kind of said what I've said before so I don't need to repeat my point of view on all this um but it is very informative and um I disturb it I think I covered all my things Mr Mayor um the library um finally got the cabinets for their aeds uh we picked them up and brought them over to the library so now that the construction's kind of winding down hopefully the elevator's going in quickly um we're going to have a formal ceremony it's either going to be on May 1st or May 8th to thank hackensac midi and Riverview Hospital for the donation of three aeds and cabinets um so they're at the library um they also the library has asked me to reach out to some people in the Health Community they want to do CPR classes in both English and Spanish I did um contact Chris Ren he's the director of all of the BNA now not just bnac CJ and he shot it out to his education committees um if that doesn't work out we'll go to the American Heart Association and see if we can get some help there I think that'd be a great project for the library speaking at the library tonight they do great things um the Animal Welfare which we've talked a little bit about tonight they've changed their meeting so now it'll be the second Tuesday of the month because we had somebody in the um fire department that was missing some of his training so um we didn't have our meeting on that yet uh Nancy and I were able to uh go out to Freehold um in 2026 United States is going to be 250 years old so um the county is doing a lot of um activities around that they have a big truck that they were going to bring to different areas um we they're going to have some sort of monument in the Red Bank area I don't know what that means but um they had a lot of things planned right Nancy that a lot of things on the agenda so be watching out for that um see what else I oh this Saturday the 31st is I know we had parks and wreck had their spring egg hunt but there's going to be one in downtown this Saturday from I think it's from 11 to 3 I think or 1130 I got it here sorry it's uh Saturday March 1 to 3 and it will be with the local businesses we'll be doing it um actually my husband and I will be volunteering in the first ship there along with Kathy hon who tonight um so you know tell your they'll be prizes and Hunt um starting at the te I te parking lot right exactly thank you I want to thank everyone who came out and talked um I know it's hard on everyone um but I appreciate that you contined to come all the time um I really appreciated what the doctor brought up about medical missions many of you know I've been on Med medical missions not to that part of the world but to Haiti and the Dominican Republic right now we can't go to Haiti because it's dangerous there to so I I feel the pain of people in the healthc care professions that feel overwhelmed by with this um it is a time of a lot of religious celebrations I wish everybody peace thank you amen beautiful comments from our entire governing body tonight um have a report from the community Equity engagement committee um to those that you followed along we had a successful Black History Month uh social media campaign highlighting and celebrating uh people within the burrow sharing stories sharing family stories sharing what they want to be remembered in history um was kind of like a humans of Red Bank um with you know a focus and uh it gained 100 100 new followers for Community Equity engagement so I would say that's higher engagement um and it was featured in Brent banker and lunch break's Weekly Newsletter so we thank them for um shining a light on the efforts of this committee I look forward to more human stories um as they fit into the times of the calendar year that we highlight and celebrate our diversity um one of the connections that the uh Community Equity engagement committee um has made uh with the Housing Authority which councilman Cassidy is leison to I'm leison Community Equity engagement committee um is facilitating uh meetings uh with Mammoth Arts um and the library and the Housing Authority um so we're connecting basically all the resources in town which is wonderful it's just really a testament to a functioning governing body um Everybody working across the aisle like this uh so the first two events are scheduled at the Housing Authority April 4th for Youth and April 11th for seniors both programs will be at 2:30 um this will sort of be like a pilot to see where they should go from there these events are free to the Housing Authority through grants provided to mommoth Arts so I love that it's wonderful um once again the Downtown Easter egg hunt is this Saturday um thank you to the community Equity engagement committee um for recruiting volunteers to help with setup and breakdown of the event uh once again this community engagement committee will be working with the Red Bank classic organizers and parks and wre to increase um accessibility for Mobility challenge participants and volunteers uh to assist um or to be able to participate um sorry C councilman Cassidy and I were up at five o'clock in the morning at the fire at Red Rock um red roock I stopped by there by the way I saw Paul they already had serf Pro everybody there he's trying to open up by tomorrow bingo bango so get out there and support Red Rock if you can um because that's an unexpected thing to happen yeah it's end of my report thanks all right thank you report yes sir I I spoke briefly about it before with the Spring Street update but just to uh reiterate that the cruise will be out there tomorrow beginning at 7:30 a.m. I expect most of the repair to take place tomorrow tomorrow and basically have the road mostly buttoned up by the end of the day interviews were conducted uh in the last week and a half for our mechanic Foreman at the TPU garage which was a vacancy left with the retirement of Rich Hardy and an offer was made to a qualified candidate this afternoon uh so I'm happy to have leadership put back in place um in that area of dpu as far as the budget goes we discussed at the previous meeting the U budget cycle and the schedule for that we have an ad hoc meeting slated for April 9th and final to finalize the introduction for the April 11th meeting and then a budget presentation at 5:00 pm on Tuesday April 17th with uh potential adoption at the following council meeting and I'd like to defer some of time in my repor if that's okay with you to Captain frzy just to give a police department update thank you 9 M Street don't move way I just want to thank the mayor council as well as uh for manager Jim G for for all the support you give to me as well as the department I know the officers and myself are greatly appreciated um really just want to give an update on my transition uh into the lead position here in the department um as well as how the Department's moving forward and some other initiatives that we we have planned uh overall my my transition has been I don't want to say smooth but you know it's up and down like anything else um trying to promote positivity in the ranks and amongst the officers which fairly adhesive to um you know few few weeks ago we did a number of uh promotions for supervisory ranks as well as um well as for Command Staff levels to to assist me and to get the Department back in shape um everybody seems to be doing a great job with their new positions as well as their duties um there's a few things I want to touch on um kind of like an end of the year report for 2023 we ended with 18,825 calls for service so far this year uh in 2024 we are currently at 4,162 pretty much on Pace for uh for you know the previous year currently crime rate is relatively low not would always a good sign we have investigated 161 accidents so far this year three of which uh were pedestrian related now it goes to enforcement I want to touch on enforcement a little bit it is very hard difficult at times and um we are almost at full staff we have a new police officer we have another special that's going to work in our Traffic Safety area or traffic safety unit to address some of these issues that uh you know we can't get to and I'm going to try my best to appease everyone and make uh and and make the tough decisions to whether we enforce or not I'm going to move on to our kanine um for those that don't know are are K9 they're they're both going to be retired at the end of the month uh the retirement ceremony scheduled for Friday April 12th at 10:30 p.m. here at 9M Street and for those that don't know the reason it was a difficult decision but the Attorney General's office a few years ago changed the policy on uh really changed the canine policy on really the limitation of when we can use between that and injunction with that you know our dogs are also trained in detecting marijuana with the legalization of marijuana made um their jobs a little bit more difficult than I felt as well as Chief McConnell felt um be better off probably just retiring the dogs you know before opening the burrow up to some type of litigation on it was a tough decision we love the dogs you know we're not closing the unit forever you know we may just look until other avenues um moving on we're in the process of doing some background investigations on several uh SLO officers SLO one officers that we have controlled broadwalk area um really good candidates um once once we get through the back manager so we can hire them and get them out there you know they they'll also help um with parking offenses downtown minor uh motor vehicle violations but it should that should work out pretty well so um we're in the process of putting together uh an information session for which is geared towards seniors but it's more towards like scams and thefts that these people are committing either online or by phone but uh we we thought that it's important to get information out to uh our seniors and to Residents so we're trying to put together a program that we can um maybe promote during the day at the senior center to advise and inform the seniors of different types of SCS that we see here in Red Bank we have quite a few as well as um you know we're seeing them across the county and state as well um and depending on how that goes I would like to have a uh a similar information session in the evening hours either here at bur hall or Senior Center or school or something like that um you know things are well we're moving on I'm pretty positive I have a question um what will be the retirement gifts for the [Laughter] canines I was looking at the pictures of you scuttled by Hunter looks like you know maybe we could be friends but yeah yeah he was oh yeah yeah he was tough so he's faking me with that those kind eyes right all right they're both tough dogs yeah all right funny have a quick story that when they first came I grew up having a dog and I had dogs when my my younger or my older son was a you know small child so I wasn't scared of them but you know you you see these dogs in the hallway laying on a mat you know with the rest of the department hanging out doing reports and um you know you first see him and you kind of walk up to them like so they smell it like all right good dog you know but uh then you see some of the work they do it's pretty amazing how how well trained they are and how smart they are and uh like I said the unit you know we'll have to talk about uh something down you know near future possibly getting another dog my chihuahua terrier mix addition to the force thank you do we have second session okay uh I have a motion to adjourn so moved you be me to it all in favor I right thank you all