this see the friend of mine congratul we streaming yet when his alarm goes off you know it's 6:30 evening this meeting is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice this meeting has been provided by notice sent to the as Park Press the two times and the Star Ledger and posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the municipal website please your rise for the pledge of allegiance to of the United States of America and to the Republic which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all they're on now yours are down there are they blue or red they're white test no not that oh not that much the little ones oh the little ones it's white yeah I'm what can you shake that yeah keep following um yeah I don't know I'm just saying because people at home yeah the remot right there someone just reached out to let us know that they can see and hear us thank you roll please council member bonais here council member Cassidy pres council member facy Blackwood here council member Forest counc janon Deputy Mayor Triano mayor pman here for sir thank you we have a whole bunch of proclamations so here we go first up is for jazz appreciation month whereas jazz is an original American art form that affirms the noblest aspiration of our national character individual discipline perseverance and Innovation and whereas Jazz has produced some of America's leading creative artists ranks as one of America's greatest exports to the world and has inspired dancers choreographers poets novelists filmmakers classical composers and musicians and many other kinds of music and whereas this April marks the 125th anniv birth day of one of our 20th Century's greatest artists Edward Kennedy Duke Ellington and whereas Jazz has spoken eloquently for freedom from people in the United States and abroad and has become an international language that differences and brings people of all Races ages and backgrounds together and whereas Red Bank has a deep connection to Jazz as the birthplace of William count basy as the home of the two nonprofit organizations that honor jazz in programming and education the count basy theater and the Jazz arts project which curates and presents world class Jazz events such as the annual summer Jazz Cafe at the Two River theater and various music education programs for Area Youth and whereas the bur of Red Bank Al also offers events focusing on jazz music with two Park series curated and presented by Jazz arts project the annual Jazz and Park series and the count B 365 concerts held in Johnny Jazz Gata Park and whereas on April 30th Jazz arts project will hold redbanks International Jazz Day celebration as a participant in This Global event that was created by the United Nations educational scientific and cultural organization together with legendary jazz pianist and composer Herby Hancock in order to highlight jazz has and its diplomatic role of uniting people in all corners of the globe now therefore I will the important mayor of the bur of redm to hereby Proclaim April 2024 as Jazz appreciation month in the burough of Red Bank and urge our residents to become involved in a local Jazz Society enjoy the Arts and music programs offered in our burrow and to celebrate the month of April as Jazz appreciation month one down four to go next up it is um aaia Awareness Day whereas May 24th 2024 marks childhood araxia of speech day during which awareness will be raised throughout New Jersey about childhood praxia of speech an extremely challenging speech disorder that affects one in a thousand children and whereas childhood appr pracy of speech causes children to have significant difficulty learning to speak and is among the most severe speech deficits in children and whereas the act of learning to speak becomes SE Le to most children those with the pra require early appropriate and intensive speech therapy often for many years to learn to speak and whereas without appropriate speech therapy intervention children with a praxy will have diminished communication skills but are also placed at high risk for secondary impacts in Reading Writing spelling and other school related skills and whereas that's such primary and secondary impacts diminish future Independence and employment opportunities and challenge the ability to become productive contributing citizens if not resolved or improved and whereas public awareness about childhood of pracy of speech in New Jersey is essential for families of children with this neurological disorder and the professionals who support them to achieve the needed service for those learning to use their own voice and whereas our highest respect goes to these children as well as their families for their effort determination and resilience in the face of such obstacles now therefore I William Portman mayor of the B Red Bank Proclaim that may 14th 2024 is Axia awareness day and citizens of Red Bank are encouraged to work to increase awareness and understanding of childhood Axia speech next up is Public Safety telecommunicators Week whereas this week is the time to show our appreciation to recognize that our health safety and well-being are often dependent on the commitment and steadfast devotion of Public Safety telecommunicators because emergencies can occur at any time that require police fire Emergency Medical Service or other critical services and whereas when an emergency occurs The Prompt response of law enforcement firefighters and medical personnel is critical to the protection of life and preservation of property and whereas the safety of our police officers and firefighters is dependent upon the quality and accuracy of information obtained from citizens who telephone the Redbank 911 communications center and whereas Public Safety telecommunicators are the first and most critical contact our citizens have with Emergency Services these dedicated men and women are the First Responders and are more than Anonymous voices on the telephone line they are local police fire and medical professionals who use Public Safety telecomunications to quickly respond to emergency calls and whereas emergency responders rely on their knowledge and professionalism to make critical decisions obtain information and quickly dispatch needed Aid Public Safety telecommunicators are the single vital link for our police officers and firefighters by monitoring their activities By Radio providing them information and ensuring their safety and where asked Public Safety telecommunicators at the Redbank 911 Center have assisted with the apprehension of criminals suppression of buyers and treatment of patients the work of these seen First Responders as invaluable in emergency situations and each of these dedicated men and women deserves our heartfelt appreciation citizens Place their trust in these individuals not just this week but every day of the year and whereas each telecommunicator exhibits compassion understanding and professionalism during the performance of their job assisting those in need now therefore in recognition of all the men and women of 911 dispatch centers whose diligence and professionalism keep our citizens safe I William Portman mayor of the B of Redman to hereby Proclaim April 14th to the 20th 2024 is 911 Public Safety telecommunications week telecommunicator week dis here oh yeah come on we have more than one of these to share it guys sorry TR thank you than thanks guys hard be mayor sometimes all right next up a proclamation for Earth Day whereas all species play a unique role in the complex Web of Life and contribute to the ecosystem services on which all life on Earth depends and hence protecting our species is crucial to the survival of this planet and its inhabitants and whereas wild animal populations have declined on average by more than half and the Earth is facing an era of mass extinction and whereas the loss of species is for the most part a result of human activity including degradation of EOS ecosystems deforestation pollution and climate change and whereas many plants wild animals and pollinators live in urbanized Landscapes and cities there for thereby have a responsibility to examine the ecological impacts of expanding urban areas and how to protect biodiversity and whereas it is understood that sustainability will only be achieved by meeting the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations and whereas it is more important than ever to cooperate locally and internationally to defend the environmental progress that has been here to for gained and whereas it is essential to expand and diversify the Global Environmental movement to achieve maximum progress and whereas Earth a is an annual reminder of the constant need for environmental activism stewardship commitments and sustainability efforts now therefore I William Portman mayor of the burough of Redbank proclaimed that April 22nd 2024 is Earth Day and citizens of Red Bank are encouraged to celebrate and to increase awareness and promote the protection of our world e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e wa now you have Li yes now I do it's fixed persistent the question is U you well I just said administ said you have to do something to get this money but my oh I'm sorry my thing is um just beyond like you said beong and I'm use the term before I came to this town almost 34 years ago as hear about way back in the 70 my thing is why you want to bother something that don't need to B but it can't be like said you can dig and dig but you can't clean what what Sun I think is a dangerous situation and I mean for example I'm G give you that's like uh the daycare center that's been 10 times dug up and everything now the kids can't play and another second thing look look at right on second know not sign there stay out but my thing you can't like you can't guarantee nothing even these people whoever they are they up in the strug another state they talking all this good game and my thing is about money but my thing is you can't touch some even water I was told about even before I came what is polled not to go down there and playing it you can't fish you can't or something but my thing is why is you so much concentrated on the foot Sunset and you can take some of this money and fix up the bleaches over here there a lot of other things need to be fixed back and a lot of basically my thing is how many people live this in this room live down there at that place and my thing you can't these people can't fix something that's beyond unfixable they're not here to answer the question they don't want to be here because you know they going to get hit with the question and nobody should be bring just like um fall Landfield that's the worst mess I ever seen and then you know now talking about 20 Milli was 72 million to be fixed my thing is you should leave something alone before you touch something that you can't touch and you know my thing is uh I always use the ter nobody here is an engineer nobody here is a doctor scientists biologist is going to tell us you can't catch something what you can't see like covid-19 still goes on to the king and that that is manade but this thing you should just close it up and leave it alone before you do something and just like Second Baptist and down uh in the uh the social service building a free home they built it was it was something that found to happen L I bought a townhouse on Con for me and my son to have a nice place to live then she said I didn't know it wasam and lady said she start crying she said I'm have problem my son my grandchildren all generations G have problem and my thing is this is something you should just leave alone this is something man or woman cannot take care and these Engineers they sell you a cookie or lollipop and tell you anything you want to hear and my thing is you don't m nobody don't play with these people at skinny pigs you can't see with a negative eye what down I told somebody go back 100 years or more is in the ground leave it alone because once you touch it VAP come up and you can't see look at look t fall somebody said t fall all way down next we smell that stuff they don't it's not going to tell you not guaranteed just like for example I'm use you for example you live m one right okay now you get somebody that's been here I point out to me been here 100 years and they told me don't even don't even look down there it's unfixable people they I say today people all Society always want to try to fix something but when it's tore up then they run run for the hills nobody want when something it's already damaged when people get damaged bodies get nobody want to talk about something can't I have talked a lot of people over and still to this day now and I'm going tell you for example just like Hunts Point out there a neor ship yard in San Francisco tell me out there same thing they try to clean it up I'm sorry to cut you off we forgot to run the clock on it but we still have I want to talk about this you know I'm so sick and tired of hearing you hear from years and years if they say they just going to clean it and C it leave alone you cannot say you might make a recreation part but why would you want to make a recreation part on something that's un it's not safe I don't want to go down there and I'm not GNA go down I'm G tell my to go down there because it's been told to me a thousand times I'm not older than everybody s on his panel but you get somebody 100 years old come sit have a little conversation they said just close the gate to look at right nor and take that money these people and I'm gon say it very short these people want to give you money to do something to damage somebody's life and it's G to happen look all these old plac I mentioned to you the same thing keep happening even La brand people here I got vory problem L problem some people don't passed off passed away from this and I said you know you don't want to see sitting there with vtil I'm saying for they should have a bigger have a bigger open time period because I think a lot of things has been hi from people to know about this and I'm like I'm telling you when you go Reon I'm saying is this is most devastating thing I heard of you to gota cut you sorry just got keep everybody everybody in time right but what I'm saying Reon I didn't last time this thing was not working up here and I think that should be another thing they should put money into because I tried that I agree hour to get in here I couldn't even get here right but the last thing I want to say but I mean you need to bring these people it's like somebody hiding in the Clos putting out paperwork we're happy to do a public Pres I mean I mean wait and I'm saying this because I'm come back again keep coming this is something that I would I know Jimmy Jimmy gota cut you please I got bunch other people to to thank you mayor I just want to address a couple things because the uh you know the Burrow's been under this obligation since the 1980s we also have another deadline of May 20 of 2023 which is since passed uh to actually remediate the property the property requires a cap and enclosure of ferally yes right and state state I'm sorry State requires a cap enclosure of that landfill which is not capped en closed and we talk about the continued pollution that is happening from that site we need to remediate it undoubtedly the site needs to be remediated we talk about professionals health professionals we've hired several professionals going back to the 80s the 90s in 2007 there was a report in 2016 there was another Report with not much done you know when this when I was first came in first hired as manager this seemed like a pretty significant priority to me because not to mention that the burrow is being fined every single year it's coming out of taxpayer money you know the fines that we incur I believe it's $119,000 is the figure bingo bango so we can't just continue taking on fines and not rectifying a property that needs environmental remediation if there wants to be a discussion about what that property is then used for have the discussion but the funding needs to be put in place for remediation and we have that obligation thank you um public comment anyone else agenda items yes yes 23 C Street uh first one is ordinance 20245 hours minim 29 24 to Max 2924 but on February 1st you're hiring crossing guards at $304 so um next one would be 20245 um six it basically says there's a list of employees that we're going to pay who mileage um I didn't see a list of employees or what criteria makes eligible for that I don't know4 102 um can you detail the last two again please sure thanks and we won't we understand yes the first one was crossing guards right they listing it's saying it's $29.24 minimum and maximum but on your Facebook page February 1st because you're hiring cring guard at $304 so there's a disconnect 30 people not having the right Ordinance one what was is4 15 uh section six it's saying there's a list of employees that can use um I guess getting paid for the mileage I didn't see a list uh so what is who is on the list or what's the criteria to be on the list uh 24102 are you talking about that does it I'll be designated resolve that red bank established this health um so looks like the next paragraph you're talking about directors is this a feed position and what budget are they going to have and how's that going to affect the cost yeah um mayor can I speak to that okay in 24102 you were talking more questions wait until she resolution [Music] 241 per hour but there's a 4% increase for following years I just wonder why 4% infl right now is 3.5% are you expecting inflation to go up or that the interest standard 4% automatic race that's all start crossing guard pay okay um 24102 you were discussing about the task force it's just a task force of employees where they would meet to go over what is required um the social determinants of Health right no additional cost no there isn't any add no cost no several of us were trained I was one of the people trained and shaa and already employed here so they would not be extra people as far as the salary ordinance uh the salary ordinance is addressing the change that's indicated by the underlining but if there's a discrepancy with um pay is for the crossing guards which I don't believe there is I believe you're being paid as what's advertised being paid but it's not as was as was advertised right okay so you know you have within the audit in within the year to change a salary ordinance to reflect uh any changes in pay so we'll be sure to take that under advisement so are you saying you have the minimum maximum so I was told when I've asked other questions regarding the Sal that you would stay in that grouping now you're paying above the maximum so you're allow to above the maximum it's my understanding that the the um decision and the salary was discussed previously with the the previous police Administration and that that was set so we'll look at the discrepancy but as far as I know we're paying the crossing guards based on what was advertised you are you are pay I'm just saying that's good I'm glad that we're paying in corly I just you know want to the ordinance were reflected agre anything else mcf as far as the 4% increase that was the negotiated uh increase with mcf be due to the Professional Services for the project it's an ongoing um project and you know I see no problem with that increase I wish you all got 4% anyone else agenda items yes good evening excuse me good evening 64 Street it 20 Sor 204 and really side issue from the ual item itself but it says it's to be the new position of community engagement coordinator try and follow events cilly I don't the position position being discussed here correct and was how it sort of end up on an agenda by what there's on cost well into over $100,000 be a new item taxpayers we don't see any um TR I me I'm not surprised because has got a tendency to do this last time um it was to actually out settlement and instead of asking people what they money was shif I happen to think this particular here this particular was actually a good idea good idea it should have been the one that people from the time could have said should have come from that money all I'm concerned about is there's a lot of strange ways that that money is spent here and new jobs have here and how it's so I'd just like to know how how's this job end I've uh I actually recommended this creation of the position to the governing body I do that by way of our agenda setting meeting which then makes it onto the agenda uh for consideration uh this is a Rec recommendation from me I believe just like you said the community engagement coordinator is extremely vital in this community in particular um I think I've seen that over the last three four months but this is really a needed position to bridge a lot of gaps that we have and I think to do a much better job at communicating with the community I think that we can do that through applications and websites and social media but until you have that actual human element uh within your actual government I think it's you're you're missing out so this was my recommendation to the governing body that I wish for them to uh consider tonight there's no job description does that take there is yeah there is is posted but we're not advertised for the position yet um how do you how do you up the job description I created it anyone else have any questions or comments on agenda items no anyone online everybody with their hand raises no okay I have a motion to close the public comment on agenda items only make a motion have a second all in favor I um next up approval of our minutes and reports can I have a motion to approve the minutes from 328 2024 so moved have a second second all in favor I right next up public hearing and Adoption of 2024-25 restricted parking for handicapped persons can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so moved I have a second second all in favor I I anyone have any comments on this ordinance no sir okay I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only so move have a second second all in favor I can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2020 bo3 no moved I have a second second roll call please um mayor yeah there's some concerns with that ordinance um that were raised by the shade tree Commission yeah there are some still on the on 20243 oh sorry not 13 gooll sorry I moved ahead council member Von Tas yes council member Cassidy yes council member fa Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member J yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes pass n now what you saying um in ordinance 202 24-14 um which is under to amend chapter 655 trees the shade tree commission has some comments that I received this afternoon and I'm not sure how you wanted to proceed I did send the email as soon as I received it um and uh we have the vice chair of the shade tree commission here I don't know if he wants to add anything to it Bill there you go can't hear you online bill you get the back of the let's try good evening my name is Bill Brooks I Vice chair of the shade tree commission and address 77 Tower Hill Avenue Red Bank um I have not had a chance review comments representative council woman Blackwood because I came here right from work um hav read this one I have not read 665 in its entirety so I don't think at this point in time it's responsible for me to comment on the changes that are proposed to something that I have not read uh there are some things in here that I think should be um discussed further but as I said without looking at the the document in place now I don't want to comment on that I don't think it'll be interest of the municipality okay thank you uh so mayor I'd like to recommend that we make a motion to table this ordinance and reintroduce it at the next meeting everyone okay with that do we have any issues with I know that we have a deadline to get an ordinance enacted but we have any issues but it's okay if we table it um what I was going to say is um bill can I email you and we can get uh moris put together an email so we can meet between now and the next meeting to get it to make sure that next time it's all Cly okay Co Mr Canon uh the state just finished a three session webinar regarding their new proposed tree ordinances M the ms4 storm act and all municipalities in the state as you're aware are required to comply with that the date was the hard date was originally set for 1 May however it came out in the course of these three webinars spanning roughly six hours um they understand you can't introduce an ordinance snap your fingers and have it particularly about trees well but you demonstrate that you are going through the process they will grant you reasonable extension past one uh May to continue the process and enacted so that it is correct for your municipality and they have stressed multiple times that you must tailor it your municipality and they give you great flexibility to do that I think it would be prent that we take advantage of it because if we do it and we get it adopted the discussions I've had with the case manager bth County who will be the case manager for Red Bank as she is where I'm working in Ocean um they indicated they'll give you a lot of flexibility to uh enact changes as long as you do not go less than their minimums and I don't I think we already already want to go over their minimums in many cases so I see no problem there uh if you were to table this as long as we let her know and we'd probably only be in like a week or two oh so of the model ordinances so to be clear there's multiple mod ordinances this is one of them this is the only one that you don't you're not required to adopt as presented they they intend that we amend it as as Mr Brook just said so the with respect to this one we need the other ones already in place we good everything else so this one's no problem if it gets adopted in May that's okay and they indicated to me that they would be pretty liberal with yeah granting of of n not six months but they'll certainly give you a month to six months yeah I already have an extension for Roso because they want they're deal caliber trees and all sorts of well good motion to table is perfectly fine okay so can I have a thank you Bill can I have a motion to table ordinance 20 so moved favor thanks for being so on it Nancy okay uh next up an introduction for 20245 amending the salary Bank to include the new position of community engagement coordinator uh can I have a motion to approve 2024 Dash that's the salary Ordinance one yeah Jim go ahead um so what you could do to uh Sue vom's point we could just since it's introduction we could just expand the range because I do know that that's uh below what they're currently paying so if you want to bump it up to thir that part that part of the range to say $31 or $31.50 we can do that now by by a motion can I motion to introduce what the amend M stated a motion to introduce the amendment stated to the specific mind the salary ordinance um pertaining to crossing guards and moving that salary range up to the current one that was offered second all in favor hi hi great and now but when is the um dates for those for adop for adoption adoption the 25th 25th um hearing an adop had motion so can I have a motion to introduce 2024 15 amending the salary ordinance of the B of red to include the new position of community engagement coordinator and the change in the crossing guard pay to reflect the current reality I made that motion to make that motion council member B tus yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member Janome yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes public hearing this ordinance April 25ths one more2 20246 was pulled we're still on another approval that shouldn't have been on the current list agenda be on I had old copy La it is 2496 that's the um budget introduction okay all right so um resolution 24-96 introduction of the 2024 Municipal budget uh can I have a motion to approve on introduction some mov second second scroll call please council member bonais yes council member Cassidy yes council member facy Blackwood yes council member flest yes council member janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes thank you there'll be a public hearing on this on May 9th and there's also a budget presentation here on Tuesday April 16th at 5:00 p.m all are invited um before we do the rest of the resolutions on the consent agenda is there anything that anyone sees they need to pulled out or can we uh do all the consent agenda everyone good can I have a motion to approve resolutions 2497 through 24-18 on the consent agenda I make such a motion all in favor I mean have a second second roll call please council member bonatakis yes council member Cassidy yes Council Facey Blackwood yes council member Forest yes council member Janome yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes mayor Portman yes pass sir thank you um all right I have a um motion to open the floor for public comment thanks Mo have a second second all in favor hi hi all right um remind everyone that you have 3 minutes to speak you can get up and speak once and please be respectful at everyone who is speaking here that the floor is open anyone have any comments or questions keep emailing me there's somebody on MYRY 115 Hardy Road Red Bank New Jersey and I'm the coordinator of the amesty international South Jersey chapter I'd like to reiterate our request for the this Council to pass a ceasefire resolution to stop the killings of civilians to give full humanitarian Aid to God over all the orders and to release the remaining hostages and I don't think it's any more than that and I don't see how that could be in any way controversial I want to tell you the story about one Palestinian man his name is basum t he's a father a husband and has three children and he lives in the village of Nabis Salah in the West Bank in rala it's it's 20 15 miles from Northwest of vermal his family 400 years ago his family came to naisa 400 years ago not 40 years ago we came to Red Bank 40 years ago and the village has experienced the Ottoman Empire and the British mandate and he was n years old witnessed his par his grandparents resist the illegal halamish settlement the soldiers came and there was a lot of guns fired and that child of nine remembers all that so they have always fought to defend their land the illegal settlement of halamish now takes off 80% of their land it's illegal they're selling houses in Anglewood and different parts of New Jersey from this illegal settlement he was arrested many time for resisting the take over his land and in 2013 he was severely tortured and left paralyzed and lost over 20 of his relatives including his sister who went to visit his 12 her 12-year-old son in prison and a soldier pushed her down the stairs and she broke her neck easy come easy go very disposed for people each Friday aam held peace vigils and also they chanted to have their lands back he invited Jews Christians and it got to be a very big and time for everybody the the EU designated him human rights Defender Amnesty International designated him a prisoner of conscience in September of 2015 he was invited on a peace tour of the US by human rights groups South Jersey amnesty group invited him to speak in Ocean City into the community and he stayed a few days there he's a very educated man can I finish the story please he's a very educated man he's a masters in science and a masters in international law on October 29th of last year his car was stoed he was dragged out and he was taken in by the idea Israeli Defense Force and nobody knew where he was no contact with his family nobody knew if he was dead or alive finally this week we found out that he's still alive but he's in prison what did he do what did he do he's now in administrative detention which is a place where there's no charge there's no jury there's no evidence there's no lawyer and his detention is renewed every six months so his detention again is going to be renewed in the middle of April and he's one of the over 7,700 Palestinians that have been put into prison since October 7th is he one of those who have had their hands cut because the the handcuffs have been too tight and the sput because of that is he wearing a diaper as these reports show that this is what's happening in prisons is he being fed through a straw is he being humiliated like many of them the Red Cross is not even allowed in to be no Journal is are loud what are we doing propping up such a in apartheid state it's it's like a concentration camp for [Music] Palestinians and over 40,000 people killed 44% of them women and children we're paying for it you say it's not a local issue of course it is a local issue we are paying tax money for this and I am appealing to you to do the right thing look at your conscience a lot of Jewish people do not see a need for this kind of humiliation and Massacre and starvation of people and um I'm really really appealing to you to pass this ceasefire resolution have some courage and take the lead and I thank you thank you mayor I know we need to you know be restful of everybody but if we don't stick to this clock then we're being disrespectful to everybody so we need to keep a standard thanks anyone else absolutely yes someone is cutting off one person and letting one person go what parents what their children be universe safe home good nutrition Peace of Mind education and health care when the child SI Palestinian parents strive same literacy of 15 to 24 year olds in 2016 Gaza and the West Bank is 99.4% despite living under conditions were schools and individuals could be disrupted by Israeli authorities anytime parents are very focused on children since October 7th the vast majority of schools have been destroyed in Palestine Gaza many of the children are starvation verying negative psychological effects on children due to grief stress separation noise and sickness UNICEF is extremely worried about the Damage Done these children with younger children some can develop lifelong cognitive disabilities malnutrition teenagers are likely to feel anger at the Injustice small children whose brains are still developing are particularly at risk from mental health cognitive damage 62,000 children are now out of school because of school instruction nearly half the guys of population is under 18 years of age there are 14,500 children have been murdered in six months which is 44% of the total Alan 17,000 children that have been work 200 children in Israel are in jail many are subject torture with their hands cuffed behind their backs and bl they were Irish Jewish Italian children there would be an AF you all have in a lifetime opportunity toide pressure president bid how many more res also all the hostages provide humanarian thank you Street my first question is I read that Marine Park um for the quote was going to be ready hopefully completed Midsummer so are going to start um having events at R Park um number two I want to thank the chief uh he put cles to EAS some of the pain at in front of lunch break ionically the cles are gone for a little bit but they came back again that turn is pretty funky During certain times of the day so I appreciate their t t on that um and number three uh I would like to thank the police that came out yesterday somebody literally drove and hit the pedestrian aing sign like think time is out and just went right for it so hopefully you guys having a budget like some signs they're really hanging together by them just follow on the the the um park for marine park is all the is all the bonding complete and What's the total budget for comping that Park just to answer your first question the first phase of marine park is what's being addressed uh that has gone out to bid uh just this past week advertisement for bid just this past week so we plan to have the bid opening on April 30th and anticipate to award the contract on May 9th and that is for the parking lot and creating the green space in that contract they'll also address our White Street parking lot easement issue that we have over here in on the White Street parking lot so current phase is ring the parking and Greening in the current parking area that's there so how many phases are in total two when is phase two done well we still have to work on that within our budget budget introduction so to answer your question as far as the funding in place uh the funding is currently not in place uh but we have it anticipated for this year's budget so out of a High Hope says that you hope that the park will be summer what he stated in the article the article States the first phase will be completed the end be completed I read the article myself yeah yeah first phase absolutely the expectation as yeah hello yes hi my name is yasi noil I'd like to urge the city council to pass the resolution on ceasefire in Palestine um and I would list like to read something because um my words aren't as probably influential or impactful as someone who's actually there um this is an article by mum um Abu khil he says I'm a doctor and Gaza I've never seen our biggest problem before published on February 15 2024 I'm a physician employed by the UN RW the UN agency responsible for Palestinian refugees I'm stationed in nerat refugee camp in the central area of the Gaza Strip and I manage a primary care Outpatient Clinic in one of the UN shelters I live near the shelter where I work my family was forced to leave our house three weeks ago to go to Rafa because the Israeli Army marked major neighborhoods inside Neri Camp as an active military zone so we're extremely fearful for our safety just one month ago I narrowly escaped death the was an air strike near the street where I travel every day to and from work if I was late home late home by 2 minutes I would have been blown to Pieces there is significant personal risk but because of the new situation Rafa Israel is planning to storm in my family has returned again from living in a tent there to our home in nerth we always are in constant fear for our safety in my clinic we see close to 150 patients every day we don't take any days off because the internally displaced people sheltered inside here have continuous medical needs we work all seven days a week the kind of medical problems we see are mainly because of uncleanliness of the bathroom shared by hundreds of people there are many sorts of infectious diseases inside the shelter including gastrointestinal diarrhea and respiratory disease and even infestation of lice we have never seen this before I've directly observed many cases of young women and children whose scalps are infested with lice but we don't have the medical supplies or treatment for them we don't have anti- shampoo or to treat them properly nor do we have the sufficient water supply for them to take baths to maintain their personal hygiene personal hygiene is very bad and control of infectious sources is getting worse largely because so many people from the inside and outside of the shelters are sharing bathrooms adding to this complexity we don't have the medicines that can cover the full course of the treatment for our patients for example instead of giving a patient full strip 10 tablets of anti- fever medication we just give them four tablets because we don't have enough undertreating these patients is a major problem patients aren't getting the same quality and standard of care as before the war we are working in an extremely challenging situation and I witness it every single day and so do other shelters because the primary care Outpatient Clinic is sponsored and run by the unrwa we get our medical supplies and medicines exclusively from them we don't have any International Partners or International response mechanisms that can get up us medications if we run out we don't have anything to give our patients we're entirely dependent on the unrwa and its ability to continue its operations in its shelter there is a cluster of un School shelters around us that house Primary Care out patient clinics like ours but we are all dependent on it too it's the only resource we depend on and it's a critical one I can't imagine any way our work could continue without it we rely on forign Aid if that's cut off we don't have to anything to feed or treat ourselves it may be shocking to read but the extreme limitation of medical resources mean we don't have excellent standard of infection control in our Clinic which is convert a converted classroom I depend on my personal items I have my own alcohol scrub and face mask it's not not well organized but it's the only thing we can handle we don't have our own sink it's inside the room because it's not designated to have one so the clinic doesn't have washing water I do my best to use the alcohol rub before and after seeing my patients um excuse me I'm sorry we had our three minute your time your time you couldn't hear in here but your time is okay thank you thank you anyone else even nice to see everybody um my name is D Harrison and I'm the rabbi at the synagogue at6 Avenue at 96 I'm here representing the our synagogue in here in red B and I been safely say area synagogues also by the Jewish Federation along with middle sex County to to um present on our behalf um our opposition to these we could all agree that the situation in Gaza is pretty bad it's a war war is not PR Mr Pell over here um I agree with him it's a tragedy and a travesty that the school are so are our at home they' displaced they'd be moved away because the IDF is trying to get those people the 30,000 plus armed terrorists of Hamas who came in stormed the Vault border and just committed the most horrific Slaughter any of us could ever imagine on October 7th we were down here down the block that faithful morning I showed up in synagogue there were two guys there and before me I I usually get there at the beginning and it was really bad they said oh there was aack attack in Israel unfortunately I me to Israel many times we're all too used to attacks ever since founding of our state 1948 the moment was founded in five or seven Arab countries all the surrounding Arab countries they attack the Jewish people gold of my ear put a very well she said if the Jews would put down their arms there would be no Israel the Arabs would put down the arms of Peace Jewish IDF every Gaza it's not pretty it's really bad we all agree on that there's you know shortage of food and obviously we all know that you know there was a misidentification on that food Convoy last week um schools are shuttered the reason what we have to examine and discuss and talk and I'm here to talk with anybody but the reason why is what we have to look at and you know while the Israelis are building shelters for their civilians Kamas has been spending the last 15 or 18 years using our taxpayer money building shelters for the Kamas gun underneath those schools inside the hospitals I don't think it's even disputed anymore these are horrific war crimes war crimes are different than regular crimes regular crimes we're all familiar with war is very bad during war to be a war crime it has to be really bad and to place your soldiers your RPGs your people trying to bomb all of these millions of Israeli innocent civilians to place inside schools inside little girls bedrooms inside hospitals is the most terrific thing and that's why the ID if is there that's why they need to finish it call for a ceasefire essentially means letting Kamas survive until the next go around next year in five years they say SAS says they will do October 7 again and again and again and again and if you're okay with that if you're okay letting come survive and and and do those October 7th attacks then you support a sar but that's why Israel the igf and I think most um most um thinking people um who care for everyone the loss of every life in the Torah we learn every single life is precious care about those thousand children you need in school then we have to get rid of thank you everyone a good evening thank you anyone else have comments hi my name is Lee I um I just want to say that as an American did you say where you live Le uh I live in Lambo New Jersey thank you my grandfather was a Greek American uh who lived my family grew up in Little Silver New Jersey he fought the second world war risk his life fighting Nazis there's no fragment of anti-Semitism in my blood half of my friends are Jewish uh I'm going to say this I I think that it's disgusting when we hear this kind of talk that is so one-sided that uh yes there were atrocities that were committed by Hamas on October 7th and if you believe in international humanitarian law these kinds of war crimes should be pursued in the international court of justice however if you are going to accuse Hamas of accused committing war crimes on October 7th I think we should also talk about the other side of the coin which is all of the war crimes that the Israeli state government has committed since October 7th and before October 7th starting from 1967 when the Israeli state government started settlements in the West Bank of Palestine and Gaza that have been verified over and over again are completely illegal and a violation of international human law I would like to look at proportionality rates of the deaths of innocent civilians of men innocent women and children so we have a a parent statistic of 1,200 innocent lives lost on October 7th since then the Israeli state government has murdered over 35,000 innocent civilians half of which are women and children so if you are going to say that we need to pursue condemning Hamas and attain Justice for these kinds of war crimes then why is no one talking about the 35,000 plus deaths of innocent civilians that have been killed since October 7th I will say I will not allow and and accept my tax dollars as an American citizen going into supporting the murder of little innocent babies it's disgusting if you're a parent you should be appalled and I am not an Israeli citizen I am an American citizen and I refuse to have my tax dollars going to a sadistic and satanic state government thank you you know I'm gonna say something that it crossed the line to where it wasn't any longer polite discourse and I'm G to ask and it has been for weeks and I just want to say we have to show respect to everybody period notop genocide and I I I I I have to call it out that that crossed the line we found the line if anyone's wondering where the line is we just experienced it so please don't cross the line has been so respectful so meaningful in this room for weeks thank you thank you DAV I pull the fire alarm no went out wrong door all right door alarm everyone J you want to go to yes hi all um my name is Francis B from Ocean County and I'm just joining in to demand um that the representatives of the Red Bank Council pass an immediate ceasefire resolution I am horrified by the atrocities and war crimes committed against the Palestinian people the only moral and reasonable action is to pass an immediate Ste fire resolution to put an end to this massacre this genocide and I believe that we crossed a line at genocide I agree that this is a local issue as it is our taxes that fund it that fund the senseless death of babies and civilians okay please please please consider the Staggering loss of life and please find your Humanity to pass this resolution it's really disturbing and devastating to me to witness a literal genocide unfold knowing that most of our elected officials are actively coign again I 13,000 children have died and that's on record I wonder what isn't on record um on average that is um 35 children a day 85 children a day 85 children a day are dying 85 children will die tomorrow 85 children will never get a chance to go to school again they will never pray with their families again so please find your Humanity to pass a ceasefire resolution to put an end to the senseless killing and the senseless war crimes that Israel is actively committing thank you so much for your time wait them to un SM are you there're unmuted they just unmuted so can you hear me hi yes I hear I'm so sorry about that okay you go you just state your name and where you're calling from yes I'm Sarah Marie and I'm from Ocean Township thank you thank you I'm going to keep this very simple and very short uh I think it's a shame that we're at the you know that we are where we are right now we're essentially begging for people to call for a ceasefire so that the murder uh the murders of innocent people will stop uh shame on us shame on anybody who's continued to stay silent shame on anyone who has the power to make a difference and make this world a better place that's really all I have to say I mean I'm truly out of words um so thank you for your time I would really appreciate any effort uh that could be made to create peace on Earth we need you we need your help so please if you would take that into consideration as an American I would appreciate that as a Palestinian I would appreciate that as someone who has children who are also Palestinian you know and living in a world where it seems like people look at us as less than it's really shameful uh and I am hopeful that there will be change and that this will end and that people will be able to live in dignity and with a fair chance at life thank you very much that's all I have to say here go ahead good evening H 64 the street I I'm going to come back on this this Dreadful topic I'm not going to even dwell on the absolute some might call it f of some people may call that dece shown by both sides both debly shown by both sides and it is truth I'm going to ignore all that but I'm stick on two things one is something like 40,000 people have died a large percentage of those more than half women and children I don't care if those children uh were Garin I don't care care if they were Israelis I just care that they children and what Absol I'm absolutely D it is that that counts for nothing on this Council you're hiding behind a shield of hypocracy you're hiding behind a mayor who used his offices to De cleare a total support for Israel on behalf of the town and yet you as a counsel I denying the community the right to come back even weedling about three minute speeches I mean really that's what you want to do shut people up I'm asking this Council to have a bit it's six months wasn't it that's just gone by I'm not even American but I'm totally ashamed of my own country's role which is in that area which has gone since at least 1870 and on on a number of occasions involv members of my family even my father so I got a bit of an idea what I'm talking it's clear that this Council wants nothing to do with it we know that the majority of Americans even are in favor of the ceas majority of Americans even even the New York Times believe that there has been awful misinformation on both sides all we want to do is show that this town don't just care about dreamers or people who who who flood your meeting on other days and get far more than three minutes to speak because it's in your interests not interested in that I'm interested in this town showing an out of his of humanity and you won't because you don't want toar the mayor mayor you you know you have got no right to sit there and deny the right the rest of this town to say their peace thank you thank you yes to you Davis River Road Red that Red Bank resolution I just wanted some of the situation URS after six months terrible situation um there's a publication I read today that says USA ID administrator cement of power you may remember a well-known liberal interventionist and the author American leaders failure to act in the place of genocide answered in the affirmative when asked whether famine is already occurring in Baza which is under a sophistic under a suffocating isra yes said power in Northern Gaza the rate of malnutrition prior to October 7th was almost zero and it is now one in three one in three kids during her opening statement at Wednesday's house Foreign Affairs Committee hearing power said that nearly the entire population of Gaza is living under the threat of famine and I I just want to say seeing children Starve is horrible seeing anybody Starve is horrible it's it's a it's a a very bad way to die especially when it's imposed this is not a natural dis then I wanted to give you a people Bernie Sanders who's always he's out there he said let's be clear this is the Monumental tragedy for the Palestinian people but from a moral perspective it is also a defining moment for Americans because the United States is directly complicit in the horrific war and that's why we need a a ceasefire it's our country who's doing it that's not Sanders that was my interjection said no the US military is not dropping 2,000 count bombs on civilian opment buildings but the United States is supplying those boms no the United States is not blocking the borders food water and medical supplies from getting to desperate people but we have supplied billions of dollars to the Netanyahu government which is doing just that history will judge what we do right now the senator continued history will judge whether we stand with starving children whether we uphold America's profess values or whether we continue to blindly Finance net Yahoo's War Machine and then there's a headline at certain we have never seen PTY like Israel's genocide in Gaza we urge Anyone who reads this to publicly oppose sending weapons to Israel as long as this onslaught continues and that's the hand out that we have which was published in Comm dreams common if anyone wants to go to the website you'll find that thank you thank you yes hello my name is McKenzie I live in7 I do just want to express my opinion I don't think that outrage that that gentleman prior felt is crossing the line genocide was crossing the line I think genocidal murder of over 40,000 civilians is crossing the line and that's actually an appropriate response if the cour is working to have that rage and to have that much emotion um speak from my own heart I have felt more and more untethered without gravity suspended in a haze of mourning rage and absurdity it is absurd and it's deluded that we move robotically through our routines sliff and fro in face like puppets insulating ourselves in our privilege this cusion of distance from genocide Terror famine displacement death just a random accident of birth and geography everything has felt Hollow and senseless and dissonant like the sky is gring itself against the earth the earth is trembling in objection a moment of fear hammering against our pathetic Hearts Black Friday our houses Trevor did you experience the second of panic a minute Israel has dropped 65,000 tons of explosives on the people of Gaza recently I have reached for my mother more frequently requiring her presence conversations possibility of a thin interval of time distracted shamefully from the aors the nightmares I know Israel is forcing upon Palestinians in Gaza unceasingly because they any dat our phones my mother and I share and how much we long for my grandmother who died two years ago we long for her stories of her Village and her mother country her tiny Grove of aots her Great Vines her Gardens her chickens but I cannot long her stories of a village a house that held generations and then turn my face when Palestinians homes that held and held for Generations are turned into Rubble entire families are raised from civil Registries where do all of those stories go those dreams I hope the inexpressible magnitude of this loss haunts you like it ha to me I cannot require my mother's presence her warmth her body's reminders that my body is real when I know that over 177,000 Palestinian children are orphaned unaccompanied or separated from their immediate relatives in the midst of such ineffable trauma how dare we cocoon ourselves when children are injured alone stuck hungry hunted sick wailing for their murdered mothers I want you to feel I want you to act I want you to prove that your hearts are working I want us all together here to pass a ceasefire resolution and that is just the smudging of a bare minimum if we do not expect this demand this of one another healthy beating Hearts responding appropriately to the extermination of human lives the lives of our Global Neighbors full and Rich and complex and loved like your own then what is the shape of our future and how do your own children fit in it if a regime can Ena such drama and Terror upon men women and children for 187 days and 75 years financed by you and me without being charged with atrocities and crimes thank you thank you hi my name is Andrea I live in Mammoth County I work in shop in Redbank I'm here on behalf of Jersey sh food not bombs and Jewish voice for peace we are here to encourage city council to pass a resolution for a permanent ceasefire in Palestine and for it to happen sooner than later I will try to appeal to you from the financial perspective did you know that in Red Bank $220,000 excuse me 22652 th000 is funding from Red bank's budget that is um put putting forth Israel's weapons that's an an amount of money that I personally was unex I did not expect to see that that was the amount um this is based off of the total estimated funds the US government sends to the Israeli military from taxpayers in this area in Redbank New Jersey through federal tax dollars um I'm going to I want to give you another specific on how this money could otherwise be used in Red Bank instead of $220,000 going to fund bomb bombing Palestinians in Red Bank this money could otherwise fund 26 households with public housing for a year this money in Red Bank could fund 76 children receiving receiving free or lowcost health care this money could otherwise fund two Elementary School teachers this money could otherwise fund 628 households with solar electricity produced for a year this money could otherwise fund five students with their loan debt canceled and lastly it could fund 191,0 71 95 respirator masks now I'll try to appeal to you from the Jewish perspective there are Jews in Red Bank Jews in Mammoth County Jews in New Jersey Jews all over the country Jews all over the world including Jews in Israel who have been calling for a ceasefire there are Holocaust excuse me and genocide survivors who are calling for a ceasefire as the grandchild of Holocaust Survivors myself it is my duty to speak out against genocide I grew up hearing the phrase never again but now we must say never again for anyone never again for any child and never again for any Soldier even that is sucked into this war machine if you were in Rafa or con yunes and your children were being indiscriminately bonded bombed inside of a hospital and starved what would you want politicians in New Jersey to do for you if you knew that those bombs being dropped were made here in America and that's Dr that's being bombed and dropped on your own family you have the opportunity now it is no more what would you do if you lived during American Catt slavery would you have been an abolitionist or what would you have done if you lived during the Holocaust would you have resisted the Nazis you have the time now please take a stand here in Red Bank and join the many cities and countries that have already called for a ceasefire in Gaza you have the opportunity to be on the right side of history and uphold the values of your constituents please support a permanent ceasefire now Jim Jim W the main thing I want to just say what I had discuss can it be information where people can get this information lot of things I have still have questions about can you say that time you be with people because I'm just saying term wherever they are you know you have these questions lot things y had just told me I never even heard of all years and I think it would be a fair thing because you just can't keep hide behind the curtain and then you just pushing things down say this got to be done this got to be done it should be open poliy where these uh uh whatever you want to call them and they sit there and say this got to be done this got to be done and lot of things but I'm going to say keep set a timet where it could be more time to talk about this and don't I me don't think keep have to drift away like another four or five months or a year from now and just like he said it could be future but I mean if you go to say you're not gonna do something they say it's only gonna be two things done and that's it thank you thank you Jim I'm sure we can set yeah just public information being sure there's going to be more Community engagement on this this issue at Sunset and more specifically in reference to your requests from a few meetings ago uh Sean has been Sean and our zoning and and Community Development Office has been advised to put together the letter to go out to the residents in that area but the thing I want nice and you know when you don't live somewhere it's very devast find out something here and then you still get it from somebody been 90 years 100 years and when you don't live something and you know something around don't have and it never worked out and people don't passed on and have all kind of health problems this really it's not a good situation seeing somebody walk around like that and have in their mind but I appreciate it very much but some people don't live which is why I wanted to provide you with that information because maybe you never heard it before but I around for a long time and I want to make sure they work if you like said you g give somebody a good give a good don't give something have tour and that you can't you can't fix the tour P lot them tell me I I'm open up to know and if I can't know it I still have people in my family go back to you know here from the 1800s so basically you know that's like they came here and I'm still some just don't make no sense something there thanks thank you also oh Jimmy I would just recommend I think the public Outreach is going to be very important but uh in the meantime I recommend to you or to anyone who's interested to read through the most recent uh master plan from 2023 the sunset area was covered as a small area plan very in depth the group that did that uncovered a lot of information and it goes through the entire timeline if you want to understand more about what G you know I just want say y'all somebody give you words it's only be two things done if it can't understand but two things should be done but then you know one group then then you still going on say hey you know what I'm going to do and think about this and I don't want to be in a in a health hazard problem and anybody else go through this and I said you can't see something with the negative ey I just want to say I appreciate it very much I'm cut the time anyone else who has yes sir I somebody coming in online hold off for a second Sarah can just Sarah can hang on one second go ahead sorry hi Sarah if you don't mind just hanging on one second for us okay got it thank you my name is Thomas St I'm from Middletown ioke to you last month to urge you palestin so I spoke to you there are countless and Indescribable atrocities carried out by Israel Palestinian people with weapons provided by the United States March 18th and April 1st thef rated Siege burn down the Ala Hospital the largest medical facility in G for comparison our Riverview Medical has 476 beds ala has 700 and is now burn to the ground there there still removing bodies from the rubble and the number of Deans is unknown still but another account from two surgeons who wrote an article that was just passed out to you as surgeons we've never seen cruelty like Genet go they write and I'll paraphrase some of it due to time as human as humanitarian trauma surgeons we have seen incredible suffering together we have worked on more than 40 surgical missions including 911 vrina the Boston Marathon the earthquake and War Ukraine at 57 years of experience we had learned that there was no greater pain as a humanitarian Sur than being unable to provide needed care to a patient that was before coming to gossip now we know being unable properly treat a child who will slowly die but also alone because she is the only surviving member of an entire extended family we have not had the heart to tell these children how their families died burnt until they resembled hot dogs more than human beings shed to bees such they can only be buried in Mass grades or simply ined in their former apartment building that's mly of Asia or seus if you do not see this as a political issue please recognize it as a humanitarian humanitarian crisis which we have never before seen if the federal government will not fight for a substantial ceasefire and act when its weapons made by us are used to commit human rights violations it is up to you direct your record and stand we support the proposal for immediate lasting firing today thank you um hi can you hear me yes hi uh my name is Sarah F and I'm calling from homeown New Jersey um I'm County um so I'd like to um also um be part of the call for asking for um the Council of Redbank New Jersey uh to call for a immediate ceasefire um in guaza um I'm asking you to join the New Jersey cities which have already passed the ceasefire resolutions which is Patterson Prospect Park hden Union City North Bergen just to name a few um I believe someone before me had actually already given a financial aspect um the financial aspect behind the situation that's going on and how our money is being directly funding how our money is directly funding uh the war crimes that's committed by the Israeli government I'd like to provide um a historical aspect so as a social studies and an Ela teacher I get asked all the time how did we let the Holocaust happen um this many years ago and the answer is that it's exactly because of what's happening right now A lot of people are turning this into a two-sided issue they're turning a genocide of not just Palestinians but Palestinian Muslims Palestinian Christians Palestinian Christians are already a um a dying group that lives in Stein so um these people are no longer going to exist there's only a couple families that were left and they're continuing to be genocided so I always have to explain to my students that this is exactly what happens right when a lot of people know about what's happening but no one wants to make a difference and no one wants to call on a ceasefire this is exactly what happens and we cannot let history to repeat itself as an educator I've had Palestinian students come up to me crying and were telling me that yeah they could not really sleep at night they are having a hard time being able to get their work done because they have lost complete access to their amilies back in Gazza so they literally do not have access their parents their family in Gazza don't have access to Internet to Wi-Fi so their families are literally being bombed and they have no idea what's happening because we have no way of reaching the people there people there are being starved there are videos that are showing up online of uh Palestinians being starved you can literally see like the bones that are like coming out of their skin they're being starved they're being dehydrated all by the Israel regime um I'm seeing countless people from uh countless Jewish people Jewish Americans Muslim Americans coming on to this meeting and other meetings um asking for a ceasefire because this isn't something that only affects one group of people this is um a worldwide this is a human humanitarian this is a human rights issue um as a resident of Mammoth County New Jersey I take I take a lot of pride in being from this um County uh which is why I would like to urge Redbank the count uh the township of Redbank to be one of the leaders um in this ceasefire resolution movement uh be the leaders for the rest of mammed County a lot of these towns are looking at you guys as an example so I really urge for you guys to make the first step thank you so much and I yielded my time thank you anyone else here have a yes Berber I live at the rail just street down the block um I'd like to start with a reframe from a 19 71 Broadway musical song music musical was called to live another summer and it was written about Israel's Six Day War Victory goes like this we're sorry we want it we must have overdone it we know quite well that a Jew has his place a Jew who is a winner is a disgrace oh please World excuse us we're asking for forgiveness we're awfully sorry we're sorry won the war listening to some of our neighbors you would never know that a ceasefire would leave a renowned Terror organization in charge of Gaza Hamas has pledged the destruction of Israel and to repeat October 7th Massacre until their G goal is accomplished a ceasefire without returning Israel's 130 hostages really what country would do that the only way to peace in the Middle East is to defeat Hamas and other Jihadi organizations 80% of Americans currently support Israel and its conflict with Hamas I suspect the same is true for thank thank you yes hi my name is Gabriella green I'm from Howell um so last week we spoke I told you just one story uh that someone experienced and sitting in front of you all today you all have an opportunity to do something you will have a slight amount of power in this country to urge local officials um country officials the president I mean you have the power to urge them to do the right thing I mean it's nothing two side of issue you're either Pro genocide or Pro Humanity at this point over 40,000 people are dead every single day um when she was saying 83 children are dead every 10 minutes A Child inv DOA dies what time is it now 819 so since 6:30 about what over I'm not good at math I think around 10 12 children have died since we've been speaking um I just don't understand you have a semblance of hour so why would you not want to advocate for the right thing it's not like we're asking you for some controversial thing I mean people shouldn't be arguing about people dying is about people dying being wrong because it is wrong no matter what I me nobody's denying that what happened on October 7th wasn't wrong because everybody I think everybody in the world is admitting that that was wrong that shouldn't be something that happened but now what we're arguing about is that something that's I think 33% worse than what happened on October 7th is is wrong but apparently that's controversial I mean 40,000 people dying is not controversial it's wrong I just I don't understand where the argument is coming from I mean calling for a ceas fire is just one small step in the right direction the resolution Georgina proposed is advocating for the release of all hostages so I don't understand how calling for a ceasefire would be leaving those hostages behind we've seen that during this this fight the igf soldiers have killed multiple hostages that were trying to be released so if anything a ceas fire would sure more hostages are safe and more hostages will be returned to their homes other than being killed by their being friendly fire whatever they're claiming it to be I mean they're saying Hamas is using children as human Shields so why why is it acceptable then to kill those children who are being used as Shields instead of trying to negotiate our Wars like adults what what did violence always just become the the immediate answer I mean if we're going based on revenge based on Justice when will The Killing ever end it won't because there will always be somebody who's been robbed by what's been happening what's going to happen what will happen what had happen there would just be no end to any killing so I think a c fire itself is is the step in the right direction and that's what we're actually for today it shouldn't be a controversial issue and it is a red bank issue because people in Red Bank are affected by what's been happening they're affected by knowing that they're unwilling L pay for what's happening so it is a r issue thank you anyone here J online we have yes okay hello hi hi uh you can call me Alana TOA lipon and I'm from Lenape hoking living in so-call Belmar and I'm here to urge the Red Bank City Council to pass an immediate ceasefire resolution and I would like to First acknowledge that I am speaking on Stolen lape land unfortunately genocidal land stealing Imperial birds of a feather tend to flock together this is the second city council meeting I've attended and in both I've noticed people voicing distress at the abject neglect of infrastructure in citizenry at the hands of its so-called government people are being throttled by inflation Rising rents and increasing taxes meanwhile the American public people like me people like the listener have sent the illegal Zionist entity occupying Palestine $260 billion in our own money since the 1960s money we could use to clean the water and our parks to house the unhoused feed the unfed buy teacher school supplies fix our roads and plenty of other social programs $200,000 comes from Red Bank alone plenty of cash to Aid in bolstering public good instead we send that money Halfway Around the World to blow it up along with 40,000 uh men with women and children sorry I lost my spot whose M crime was being born on the wrong side of an apartheid wall I am assuming everyone here already knows what they believe to be right so I am just here to tell you what is pragmatic we should be using our money to combat anthropos so we can all have a future instead of destroying the future of Palestinians just for being born into an open air concentration camp at ceas fire is less than the bare minimum War steals lives and we would all be better off without it I hope you'll stand on the right side of History hist that by the way did not start on October 7th if that does not interest you I'll add that war is too expensive to the other Jews in this meeting you do not speak for me the IDF isn't even good at Warfare nor honorable let alone moral I don't want to send them a portion of my paycheck every week for them to spend it on Pampers and the American public has every right to stop funding them the West's blood debt for allowing the Holocaust to occur cannot be paid in Palestinian blood that does not even make logical sense if that land is Holy like all land is how dare you drop bombs upon it and its people ceasefire yesterday from The River To The Sea Palestine will be free and so will Turtle Island thank you for your time Salam Shalom AO thank not sure if this individual already spoke well you can ask them if you don't want all right it's just listed as a was that I'm not sure they're on have you on Zoom have you have you had a chance to speak already hello hey a did you did you get to speak already no I didn't get to speak oh okay go ahead you're okay thank you so much uh my name is AA ganja I live in East Brunswick in Middle sex County um this is my second meeting that I'm attending um and I'm definitely in support of the immediate permanent ceasefire resolution um for Palestine and this is um the speaker before me said it just so eloquently it's it it needed to be done yesterday um I guess my question is why has a a we uh is it two weeks now have elapsed between meetings and you guys have not taken taken any action um to stop the killings that are going on daily in Palestine and the horror that we're seeing and now Israel has bombed um in bombed the Iranian consulate in Syria and so that also like puts us all at risk the entire world at risk of a more regional conflict um and again us having to possibly sacrifice our our sons and daughters in war in Warfare over there um my partner is in the Navy right now and was supposed to come back from deployment and has to now ship is being turned around to go back there to possibly to fight Iran um I'm really I'm just appalled at at um the lack of accountability that the people before me in the town council meeting are taking um you're not using your position of power you're not representing your citizens right now your constituents and that's what the US Constitution holds you um to do so I I do hold all of you in contempt I hold everybody that's in a position to do the right thing right now in contempt of their um of the Constitution and of your of your position and I think that you all should be removed if you're not going to represent the people um so I'm just really really disappointed and I don't want another two weeks to elapse without any action on your part so I need you all to really listen to what your constituency is saying I'm not one of your constituents but I'm looking to a Red Bank as well to pass this and I'm putting pressure on we're putting pressure on our own towns as well um this is of utmost importance this is a humanitarian crisis um it's really not political and it's not religious um there are those aspects but this is at the end of the day just a human catastrophe really that the world has never seen before um so I just I mean everybody else gave really amazing reasons for why we needed a ceasefire and I think the other side gave absolutely lackluster reasons because there really are no good reasons um I think it's like a it must be a real great privilege to start off your speech with a song or with a joke um we don't have I don't have that privilege to do that uh I think there was a joke that was passed two weeks ago I don't know if it was the same gentleman but I find it very offensive um given the gravity of this situation so anyway um you you've heard um all the reasons Al Al shifa Hospital bombing um incineration basically um amongst other things atrocities that have happened in the last two weeks I guess you guys just need to really come answer to us why are you not doing this um I would really like to know the reason why you're not taking action why you're not listening to us um why you're not using your power for good I think we really deserve an answer for that and I would like to hear from the Council next and the next meeting an answer to that question um and then we can make decisions as we need to as um citizens who vote in November thank you so much thank you else have any comments or questions no can I have a motion to close the public comment have a second second all in favor hi great May Council com start thank you mayor uh I just wanted to use my this evening take a moment to um remember and honor uh Michael Lexi who one of all serving any board attorney last week um Michael was uh very sharp very funny very kind man um he also is the person who taught me that the best pizza in the world is from pis in Patterson New Jersey um and he and rich I know my life in many ways and many others uh and I just wanted to take a moment to remember him he's a legend totally a legend like planning board meetings will not be the same I like the Sun but it's not the same um mayor and I met with Lisa Richardson today I think they'll start hearing some updates uh they did accept bids for those to start um making those plans and assessing the financial any physical needs of the spaces and um there is some progress there and we had an opportunity the mayor and I to pop in at the art session that was sponsored by uh mamath Arts I want to again uh acknowledge that Community organization who's going to be expanding over at the basy starting next week um it was very nice uh he's not here but in case anyone's wondering you know Redbank has a sneaky Jazz history but did you know Steve hect used to jam with Herby Hancock he used to play drones with Herby when he was in college um so Jazz appreciation month but really I want to reflect a little bit on Mike lexin Michael Mike Mr lexin and Mr lexin um six years I was on planning and and and one of the funny things is I always considered him to be a sneaky kind man and he could be very very direct um but he always he was a mentor to me before I wanted to go into the law and he was one of the first people who I whispered in the ear of by the way I'm going law school he uh was exceptionally proud of me when I won the book in property and exceptionally disappointed when I told him I had no interest in being a land use attorney um he was generous with his time with me he gave it to me before meetings after meetings on the phone and I guess one of those few regrets I'm going to have is that we had a plan when after I graduated to go up to py and Patterson and have pizza to celebrate and uh there's a handful of folks I'm going to genuinely Miss at that graduation party Mr lexin is one of them he was a he was a good man he was a very good attorney um and uh yeah he's I don't really know what else to say about him except that he's he's G to be he's just he's just missed it's just like an instant feeling as soon as I heard that he was in hospice that I knew he wasn't going to be with us and you know it doesn't feel quite right but that's life and um the sons are in my thoughts and prayers they lost their mother a year ago and they lost their father just now and uh it's a great family and I'm glad that uh that we still have a Lex team with the planning board um the Shay tree commission uh received their application for their designation as Tree City USA uh they are working very hard to keep the shade trees that we do have around town in good shape and add wherever they can uh from the envirment Al commission I would like to report that uh on April 20th there's going to be a partnership with the Redbank Regional dreamers club for community cleanup starting at the Johnny Jazz um uh park across from coffee Corral and on the 22nd of April on the actual Earth Day there will be a green fair at the Red Bank Middle School and um with the middle schoolers so the middle schoolers will do their part and we bring the tables with different kinds of groups that are environmentally related so it's a wonderful educational event and of course there's entertainment as well and on the 27th uh the environmental commission is looking to start to do the cleanup on the end of West Westside Avenue which is a garden uh the goal is to make that into a naturally um a pollinator Garden to start aesh they're looking to do that I'd like to remind everybody else that Council hours continue on Wednesdays from 10: to 12: at the senior center feel free to drop in any time there are also evening um Council hours but that's by appointment only and that would be on Wednesdays uh the Red Bank YouTube page is up and running you can watch videos of the planning zoning um historical preservation committee and of course Council meetings it's posted there the following day and it's called the YouTube channel is at Bor of Redbank and um with resolution that was introduced today for health and all policies well one of the purposes of that is to look at issues uh the impacts of health and the environment as well um and you know they came up about uh the issue happening over at the end of Sunset Avenue that area that's in need of remediation and so you know that's that's why we have that resolution so we can you know take a broader look at its impacts so that's all I have mayor okay he all right so I got three things today I got the is your mic on I don't know how is it now yep good so I'm actually GNA respond to some of the comments today I'll do that last um I wanted to talk about oversized trucks a little bit and I wanted to um give an update on the uh parks and red so I'll start with the oversized trucks I would just like to request that at some point when we're all set up and I'd like to talk about large trucks on the streets and parking in Red Bank Mr and if you'd be kind enough to put that there and maybe do a report I have had interactions with Jim and the administrated team on the topic I've had my own observations uh emails direct conversations and texts on the topic and that's something election that came up so um I'd like to to talk about that the other day I saw a large ay tree truck parked somewhere on a residential street and it seemed very out of place to me um okay two uh update as the leaz on to the from Parks and W um we're going to be starting Zumba lessons at the senior center on Tuesdays from 6:30 to 7:30 that's a new thing um I think that's good use of the center um open Play picket ball has had an amazing start um Tuesdays between 9: and 11: pmm bring your own paddles am right I guess would be so um actually you'll have to teach me how to play Mr Mayor I've only I've only right in your neighborhood I'm not even sure I know the rules I'm a tennis gu um we have free pickle ball Planet coming up on May 9th go to our website for all the details on that uh prior in the Parks coming up on June 8th um let's see fourth annimal Jun celebration Sunday June 16th from 1: to 5:00 p.m. uh Johnny Jazz summer camp programs are filling up fast so sign up I believe they're also hiring for some of these programs you know anybody's looking for a job um and lastly um I'll come in because you've all spent so much time here tonight and um I've been an activist most of my life most environmental issues I grew up in a household who was very anti-war now so I do I do hear and I'm affected by much of the things that are happening in the world not just what you've said here tonight you know why don't I make a motion why don't we take a vote and I thought um I'm not making a motion because um you know when I campaign for counsil andic and I knocked on a lot of doors I would guess 2000 but I could be wrong I didn't engage with residents generally on international issues I think maybe once or twice maybe somebody thought I was running for congress but I really didn't so you say you know Ben you of all people we happen to your conscience you know and I would not say never maybe there'll be a point where I'm up here and I'm want to support taking a position on an international issue of such magnitude um but I I really feel uncomfortable as a representative of Red Bank everyone synagogue my neighbors you my family um taking position on this Insanity that is happening in the Middle East um you know I don't know who said the quote was it truth is like the first caly of War one of the big you know what you know when I hear even tonight you know I go to hamas's website yesterday I was prompted to just go that and sounds pretty awful like let's just get rid of Israel and who cares what happens to the people I mean I'm oversimplifying it but it wasn't wasn't like let's learn to live together um you know those the attacks on Israel and throwing grenades in the bomb shelters and apparently raping Israelis and now dropping bombs and killing tens of thousands of people innocent people but Hamas is apparently deao government there I would love peace to start I would love the hostages to be turned over um this whole thing is just a hideous destruction and do I think that Netanyahu is mismanaging these Affairs I absolutely do probably doing exactly what Hamas wanted overreacting hurting Israel probably in the long run for sure so you that's what I think but you know I'm Ben that's me Ben Forest individual in my opinion I'm not an expert on International Affairs and I really don't feel comfortable out as a Red Bank councilman to say I'm want to take a position for everyone on this for the town there's a lot of issues a lot of stuff that's not dealt with small small and big and I'm not comfortable really at this point I'm listening and maybe I'll change my mind going forward and I appreciate your activism and coming here and exercising your freedom of speech trying to convince us and I'm honored that all of you are here to share with us and I am listening and I'm I listen to when you text and you fall and one last piece of this and this is not a popularity contest if I felt comfortable bringing up a resolution I bring up for a vote be Portman has told me no that's a be Portman hasn't told me not to do that um you know the overwhelming majority of residents that I've spoken to and there's been a lot on this topic not in this room now but there's been a lot all over town it says stay out don't take your position on this it's not even close like 95% and the few that want to take a position most of those don't live in red you know come up to me outside of the context of this room but it's not a popular context if I felt like comfortable taking anational position for my fellow Red Bank residents I might take it up but I'm not there yet so that's my comment there thank you Mr Man thank you hi um I wanted to talk about a few things I was going to bring up something from the Animal Welfare committee but we'll do that next time since we're running so late tonight um the library I'm L on to the library I was really honored to go to their volunteer appreciation reception um it was an excellent um event and the the great part of it besides meeting all the volunteers and meeting the volunteer of the year who happens to own the frame shop but press from um bins and Feathers uh was the photo contest winners um if get a chance well actually they're not in the library anymore because they had them framed and they announced who the winners were and they were beautiful photos of Red Bank so it was really a nice event um on April 6th also at the library on May 1st at 6:30 pm on the first floor of the library um there will be a reception we're calling an AED donation event as you know hack andac in Riverside Rivers um review Hospital gave the library three aeds and also three cabinets so they're going to be hosting the library will be hosting event to thank them on May 1st at 6:30 um there'll be light reception uh light Refreshments um I can't go but I'm urging the council and the rest the gym to go to that um because that was a really nice donation from uh River moving on to Animal Welfare um we talked we actually voted on a lot this week at Animal Welfare meeting we voted on the mission statement and the goals um we also talked a lot about dog days which will not be a marine par because September 7th it will not be ready for us so um we have saved Riverside Park where we're looking at other venues for that um the Trap and neuter that was brought up last week at so um we have put two cats behind the Y um we have lots of traps set up but what we found out by having there there a camera back there is that we're wondering why we haven't trapped more if somebody's letting them out of the Trap so um we're GNA have to yeah I guess they probably don't understand why they're being trapped and you know so we'll have to put up some sort of sign or find out who's doing it and educating them so we can NE to them because you know then the colony will get really big right owner of three cats I know that so um anyhow the thing that I was going to talk about tonight but I will table it to the next meeting is um we also voted on the keeping of backyard Chi chickens um which we do have um s7310 um but it says that the chickens have to be 40t from the house or where people are living um we'd like to make that a shorter distance but we'll work we'll work that out together um at the next meeting when we have more time um but I did tell them that would bring it to this meeting um thank you Nancy for bringing up the social determinance of health and at the West Park Sunset Avenue Park I think that's really important and I do want to thank everyone who came out tonight too I feel like Ben we are listening just don't think we're not listening we are listening um but I feel the same way as here that I did not run on international issues thank you no report uh just can we make sure we put the Animal Welfare thing on for discussion and action next meeting okay thanks um yeah a couple things David said Lisa Richards um we're never going to meet our fair share housing obligation just by having you know to do some extensive Renovations or just full rebuilds of portions of our um Housing Authority properties um and maybe even double you know the the number of affordable housing units we have so think that would be that' be a great thing um May 18th we're as far as the mayor's Wellness campaign we're going to have have a biking with the May event details to follow but hopefully I'll get to ride around town with whoever wants to join me um and a bunch of other Mar's well this events coming up um I'm excited for Dave Dave Cassie help put the record ride event together Happ what's the date on that May 11 but don't gotta thank River Center Jack music for saying yes Fred zituni for saying yes and Kate AR leaon it was it's it's a really good example of how when someone has an idea it's very quick when people get together I mean that turned around in two weeks and I think it's going to bring in about a thousand people and onto Mechanic Street and the hook and ladder is supporting it and I think it's just another interesting nice way for us to support downtown and it's the first week thank yeah yeah yeah I'm excited for that to I'm GNA have my I'm GNA have my I'm going to be doing come hang out with me at the Hook and Ladder I'm going to have my turntable set up I'm going to have 30 Choice pieces of vinyl for my collection and good conversation okay very nice um I had something I'm sorry just B up May 11th I forgot to mention that the Animal Welfare committee the whole month of May will be collecting dog and cat food again once again for lunch break um they were very appreciative of all the dog and cat food that we collected last time so on May 11 at the opening of bralk we will have a table there um come down with your dogs too but bring us some cat cat and dog food because what I hear from lunch break is they have lots of dog food but hardly any cat thanks sorry that's all right um last thing I wanted to say was you know we we voted in Red Bank to change our form of government um and the new form of government really places a lot of control of the day-to-day operations in the hands of a manager so it was very important to get a good manager and uh so far I want to Comm commend you Jim for the job you're doing there's a lot to tackle in this little town and uh you're checking it off item by item so uh appreciate the job doing and you want to give your manager report after that I better not say no report right now tomorrow the 12 at 10:30 in the morning we are gonna be having our uh K9 retirement ceremony out in the front parking lot we invite the public to join us as well stop by stand on the sidewalk um it should be quick but we will be out there we've gone out to bid we discussed this a little bit earlier for marine park and I just wanted to restate in the report and the White Street easement parking lot and green space improvements the bid opening will take place on April 30th by our engineers and our anticipated contractor award will be on May 9th so that we could start that project the mammoth Street streetscape design is underway by the burough engineer and we plan to submit to NJ do for approval and solicit feedback also from River Center at the end of April and early May that NJ do process unfortunately takes a little bit of time but we'll be we'll be moving through the process as expeditiously as we can the as most of you know by now the Spring Street sinkhole repair is complete uh unfortunately there was a larger scope of work there that was discovered once the area was excavated um and it's customary to review the trenches after a 90-day waiting period for the settlement of the pavement so we'll be doing that watching that after 90 days uh and as uh councilman far said we are having internal discussions myself captain frzy and um traffic safety with regard to commercial vehicles particularly those that exceed 10,000 pounds uh being parked overnight on burrow roads um concern of mine is pavement preservation and sight line safety on the roadways with uh the larger Vehicles so aside from unhitched trailers which we are enforcing we will be looking at ordinance review and collaboration with police leadership on commercial vehicles as well and seeing if there's an opportunity for recommendations there for policy development um in the coming week we will be holding an operational meeting with regard to broadwalk to discuss safety uh traffic pedestrian movement and emergency planning amongst our uh internal and external um resources uh Public Safety DPW myself uh Administration uh support code there's going to be a lot of people at this meeting just so we can discuss all aspects of Broad Street and I want to thank the mayor and Council for your support on the development of the position of the community engagement coordinator I think it's a great position that's going to cover a lot of ground with the expectations that I have for that position um as far as uh you know event planning um increasing Community involvement enhancing our communication building relationships with all sides of of the the um bur of Red Bank having tailored programs to to certain groups understanding our community's needs and interests just enhancing civic participation uh those are all very important things for our government our transparency um and I expect this individual to also be very involved with delivering the message of the buau so that it's getting out there effectively uh to everybody and strengthening our relationships with the community so I appreciate the support on that hopefully the public hearing goes well on that uh and I think we'll uh we'll definitely be better for it thank you sir thank you session no you do we do very briefly okay okay um motion to adjourn to Executive session a motion Mr May second second favor hi we take a break five minutes we're just taking a five minute break the meeting is over but we have to say we have to discuss uh and gr no so for the public benefit topic of our executive session is potential litigation the garden at Red Bank uh the discussion will last about 10 minutes and we will not take any action when we emerge EX