all right so we have the following exhibits this evening exhibit A1 will be the preliminary and final site plan exhibit A2 will be the architectural plans exhibit A3 will be the boundary and topographic survey exhibit A4 will be the traffic impact study exhibit A5 will be the storm water management report exhibit A6 will be the photo rendering packet exhibit A7 is the colorized site PL which is also known as exhibit a exhibit A8 will be the unoccupied space exhibit that'll be exhibit B uh ex exhibit A9 is the site triangle exhibit and exhibit A10 is the Turning template exhibit and then we have as far as board exhibits exhibit B1 will be the tnm review letter of July 3rd 2024 and exhibit B2 will be the Red Bank uh development checklist it's all yours thank you very much good evening Mr chairman members of the board my name is Ed Ken I'm here on behalf of the African American Opportunity Zone fund LLC um as uh you all know this is an application for 22 bedroom units and a four storage structure located at the corner of Oakland and V Avenue um the application includes also a 1295 foot coffee shop a th000 square ft of commercial space commercial retail space and then the second third and and fourth doors are the uh the residential units um there is no parking variance required there's no density variance required um so we try to do as much as possible to make it conforming as much as responsible uh to Municipal Oran so Mr McKenna am I correct that there is now only one variance which is the stepb back varant there are set back variance there's more than one there's more than one okay so we'll go over those as you are ready yeah we'll have that our okay um so what I'd like to do uh to open the testimony is to call on Michael Monroe he is the architect uh who has prepared the plans for you and Michael have been retained by the well let me swear I in Sor that's okay sir do you swear any testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth self to God thank you Mr Ben you testified before this board on many occasions yes is that correct if you'd like I know you have some new board members I want me to go through his qualifications if you do if you can do that briefly that's fine I am fine with Mr Monro testifying as an architect as he has testified here dozens of times over the years but for the newer members that would be great if he would do that did you give a thumbnail SK AR on University architect degree over 303 34 years licens in New York and New Jersey IA been before several hundred boards been before this board dozens and dozens of time P president president thank you so Mr you were retained by the property owner in this particular instance to design the structure that is subject of this application is that correct yes would you go through with theard the basic elements structure as well as describing the architectural features yes when we uh this project was before the Zoning Board of adjustment last year um we got some some feedback on the way the building looked and uh they asked us do a couple of things they thought it was a little bit too much density for the property they also wanted us that building was a donut shape so it was foursided with a courtyard in the middle and they asked us to break up some of the mass of the building make the back one of the building look as good as the front did generally just uh that was generally the synopsis of the comments so what we did is we came back that was a rental building this was about 20 minutes with three affordable units in the building and uh it's a lot less dense we have plenty of parking we have three level units above the parking level the parking level has 40 spaces inside seven or six on the outside um it's down to six um small coffee shop and a small commercial space um the the one variant was uh discussed was the streetcap we were asked to keep the streetcap kind of in line with with the existing buildings and we did do that that creates a variance we only about one foot setep back but one of the features of this project trying to put up the uh the 3D renderings we'll see if we can get it so a feature of this is we're trying to respect the twostory uh feeling of the adjacent buildings so we have a twostory colonade which is the first eight or 10 feet which is over to the public it's public space there's a coffee shop you can sit there it's nice sunny spot that's covered then the building steps back and we we did uh um we're trying to bring up what we did we have pictures we did a 3D renderings of the building and what that do creates a twostory look for the front and it steps back we have a green roof over 50% of the building instead of a basically instead of a court building we spoed out um the Oakland side to give less Mass on that street so it it's carved out it breaks up U the overall massing of the building we have a green roof on top we have a green roof on the second floor on that side which is the South sunny side of the building we have a green roof um the second floor or the third floor which overlooks the pain station um the uh that's basically synopsis of what we did for the building um open the Google that's the only thing you have yeah like to open up the first if I could said I thought it was two Mr Monro can you just clarify the number of affordable units the plans show two is it two or three Re affordables I only see two on the plans I just want to make sure we all clear what you're providing to the the units are on the second thank you 10% 20 20 or less the affordable Co units are on the second floor which is the first living level and uh they're right adjacent to the to the gym there's also some commentary in this building um the space that has the second floor roof area our lower lower Courtyard area there's a common area gym right there so those Co units are right next to that which is nice um and there's no one actually living on that second floor it's just the two flors above it in that Center space so what we did is um I can pass out one of these to the audience I'll pass out a copy to you also so these are all the pictures that are up there if you want to you can just pass that around but basically we took a 3 Google SketchUp model we put it right in Google Earth so what you see is exactly what's there if you open up Google Earth on your phone right now the only funny part about that is you can't erase existing buildings so if you look carefully you might see an old building sing out the new building but everything is is proportional to what is there we showed some different views we showed uh a top how it relat the whole train station and part of the overall concept you want to make it look like we had a building that fit in there's a lot of people there's thousands of people that go by the terain station every day and if you look in your in the engineering report it shows you the picture on page three of what everyone sees every day of that street looks semi abandon I thought it'd be nice we have a couple big buildings and towards the end we have one that shows all three we have the Anderson building in the corner simp was it was vac for 30 years probably got something in there that fixed up had a four FL Ed the back of that have the rail this picture here right here and by the way these these photos that are being shown are exit A6 so our building is I'm pointing right to the center here the train station is right here this is the building coming in two story and twostory this is the rail as it exists now and then Anderson buildings over here the rest of the buildings that exist on bridge you can see are twostory buildings they're probably going to change someday but I think it's nice to respond to the human scale and not have a four story facade kind like we have at the rail I think break it up two and twoce so the building was designed to look a little like a Red Bank building we have a lot of red brick in it um you see a lot of hisor Red Bank buildings we want to put a nice nice impression people come by a trade every day and see that building we think it fits in overall we we took the massing down on the corners of the building we took it down the front we took it down on the side street for o so um scr through those again that basically just gives you uh an idea of how we got to that spot how we made it smaller how it fit in more um and that's a that's a top view looking down shows you the size the rail the size of more building and the Anderson building the two buildings next to it Bridge Oakland Rail train station Anderson building twostory buildings existing so that that gives you a sense of of how it fits in we think it's appropriate massing and size meets all the zoning requirements basically we're not asking for too many units or we have plenty of parking we we're within the heights we're within all the requirements in the zone and um it's it's in the it's in the zone for this reason they want to encourage density it's right by the train station and we meet all the requirements of his own couple minor setback rances like we discussed otherwise we're fully compliant except for some waivers pictur next so we also generated I don't know we'll try to get our FL plans up there um we also generated we submitted 42 pictures of in addition to creating the model um it from here so I I have pictures that we can pass out but basically we have uh I'll hold up pictures and I'll pass them around we did this is actually a 3D model that was inserted in Google Earth but we actually had to draw the buildings around because you can't get down low in Google Earth but this gives you a real life view of all the approaches around the building there is some sensitivity about Shadows being cast other places but no Shadows get Shadows get cast from South not to North so the only there's only some minor Shadows on the parking lot the north side um and it's so also on some of these pictures and hopefully we'll get them up before the uh before this is over um different images of the different rooftop gardens all the planting material is shown um and that that's in the exhibit that you sent to the board we have that in our package yes have that okay we made four four copies um I don't think we have what he's holding up there Mr chairman I could be wrong but I don't think I don't think we have that one with the front rendering in our packet we have in section 11 looks like about a dozen photos um oh that one I think is in there I think it's image 38 okay um with a variety of views of the back of the property some common areas as well as the colonade in the front with people sitting a tables I assume in front of the coffee shop okay so that's all part of exhibit a A6 then I apologize go ahead I can uh I can put it pack it up I can pass some these around those are all the views I'll put a packet up these views you can while we're testifying you can take it take a look at all these we have yeah I have it on already so those really show the uh the actual feeling of the courtyard with the landsc we some contr down there we showed activity we showed that mountains and fire pits on the roof things like that there's a lot of landscaping but there's several things there there's no pickle wall courts or anything like that it's a lower attention of use there's a lot of vegetation a lot of private spaces up there it's not meant to be like a center activity Hub there's no super there pry amounts of activity it's all me to be quietly used Michael you do have a great amount of Green Space correct yeah we we're required to have any building over 5,000 square feat required to have variation 50% that's excluding grass areas to um we have all them all on the computer here I just don't know if we can get them up on this I don't want I I sent the email apparently go I don't know if I plug pass this pict try to forward it what email did you send them to send it to the right it should be no but I he forwarded to council room at Redbank we need them to put up on the monitor no no we have we have them in our packet and you you've provided a set to the company so that's to the public that's fine don't don't worry about it no don't worry about it just keep going so um the um some of the other things we're looking to respond to said um there's everything screened off there's a five there a 4 foot power around this whole building up top the mechanical units are screen no one's going to see any of that there's no mechanical equipment down low the park was all screen we last dra on the building um we did initial submission I'm going to let Jack point of VI we got another letter back from tnm we started coordinating all the plans for things like the parking layout sponded some issues about moving some barrier free spaces around we have a barrier fre outside barrier inside way the building is going to function ideally it was suggested it' be nice to be able to have a turnaround inside the building so you don't have a de end but there's there's two doors on this parment it's it's private parment just for people in the building and for employees spaces so and there's there used to be seven spaces out front now there's six because there's a handicap space now if we lost one which is fine we have more than enough um but no one's going to drive in this building that doesn't have an access code and know exactly where there's going so no one's gonna go in there looking for a space for me to make a drive around them I lose four or five spaces I think it's better to have the spaces like I say we have plenty of spaces under way more than we need under under the building for the tenants so we like to keep it that way um we're maintaining work um guests are not going to have access to park underneath the building that's all right so it's just tenants and employees and that's it okay and then so some other some other thoughts were you know we're there's two buildings that we're taking down there's some concern that we're losing affordable housing um but we have we're G have two units that are going to be um for sale that'll be affordable which actually you know generates some generational R for those two people instead of pay market rate all these there all market rate apartments around here so um I think it's a good thing to have those two minut in the building be very nice and uh like I said it's be available to purchase those home owners um and I think that's about it for the big picture of the building um wish I could put the other pictures up we have a slideshow here which is in a movie format um but we we try to be sensitive to Oakland there's a lot of discussion because we really we have no one living on bridge really right it's a train station on Oakland there's neighbors across there but we we have pushed back the majority of the of the building further away than the existing buildings and um there's some concern about the lower Courtyard looking towards open but we're we're going to screen that courtyard because we want privacy there also it's a nice South basing Courtyard right over the faring garage um are these going to be I don't know if you're the right witness but are these rentals or are they going to be owned these are for sale they're for sale be rental but these going be for sale and if so is it going to be a condominium yes are the spaces going to be assigned or the parking spaces assigned or are they first come first Ser they assigned spaces every unit will have an assigned space and then uh depending on how the home or Association wants to structure it have 10 additional spaces for unit owners that have two vehicles if they want to and they want to pay whatever the homeowner association designates would be appropriate to get a second spot they'll be able to do that so we have 30 spots available for the residents and we still have 16 spots available um for uh the employees of the coffee shop Commercial coffee shop commercial space so you think that as as indicated we have a surplus support not you don't see very often righted um you want to address the ref we're gonna do some questions about the refu area was big enough recycling it is the engineering yet but um uh it is adequate for recycling for General track pick up it's going to be two four yard dumpsters most likely recycling bins there will be a trash shoot not currently in the plan right now but the last building had one there will be a trash shoot going down we go to a small trash compactor someone will maintain trash because someone's got to do all the Association Management look after the parking the roofs the Landscaping so there'll be someone in charge of that that person will deal with that every day get it to the dumpsters and private call and pick up every day if needed if it's not other day so we did check for the private rer we we verified um that the units can be rolled out now we're happy with it so we have no issue with that right so the trash will be private pickup and that's going to be in the master Dean bylaws that it's private pick up correct that's correct okay and yeah trash and recycl right does anyone from the board have any questions for Mr Monroe or the testimony so far I have one question shoot just on the uh screening devices right you've got an elevated building over the parking I feel a little concerned about the durability of the screening devices of the the fence and the AR and the you know ubiquitous ARB you know would there be another strategy architecturally to um address that be something I ask you to consider yeah the um we can shoot for something better than Arbor lighting we can mix up the Landscaping stagger it with uh some holes and things like that which is makes for a better some of our parking goes beyond the base of the building because I'm I'm mostly point up against other parking lots so I can't drop the screen down right on top of it so when um but uh for the most part you know you would normally do that you could you could put something straight down we're going to put a a six foot fence and then we're going to landscape um we showed the height of the Landscaping I think it'll be adequate the idea is to that Landscaping grow up but I think you're right it doesn't want to just be a single row I think it's got to be carefully done it's got to be staggered it's got to be some different species so uh there were some comments about that I know that be dealt with um to be resubmitted to the approval with the board engineer Our intention is to to do a better job with that we showed some schematic Landscaping just as an example what we would want and we're putting our heads together with the landscape architect and uh we'll we'll make sure that screening is stable and it's not just going to be a single Road Tre over a snowstorm or something yeah I was driving more towards dropping the uh physical screen down but you're said you can't do that I I can't I can I can drop it down a little bit um we have we have uh just I can drop it down a little bit for sure um and that will help that do that take it down 8 ft above I said uh two things um with the parking I know it's exciting to have a surplus uh is there any chance to reduce that parking since we're across the street from train station um I think it was environmental commission that added that to their comment I think it was yeah it was just because there's there are a lot of parking lots that are underutilized in that area if there's any kind of shared parking agreement that you could look into we we'll look into it um we yeah I agree with you that the the future of parking is going to be less you know next 20 years I think we're going to use a lot less parking and there be some sharing geost things like that and shared partment spaces um we I think uh most of people using no one's going to drive here off for the most part was a cfee shop on every corner but I think a lot of those uses on the ground floor be metant for walk of convenience I think they'll be well used people that live nearby a lot of people that live nearby want to come a cup of coffee and sit in the sun in the morning so I'm not as worried about extra traffic coming from there um if it's deemed that we have you know that's something boards want we can eliminate some of the spaces on the outside and put that back to breed space or take out one of the spaces and put a tree there or something yeah just thinking because I don't unless it's changed but I don't think there was any bicycle parking we we'll addend a bicycle rack that's not a problem let take a look to that okay and are there e charging stations or charging stations okay as long as there's electric cars and then but also there's also storage inside the building people's bikes and things like that or other things they want take so the bike storage will be indoors we'll put one for guests people that want to drive their bike up and have a CP of coffee but there is Ample tenis Storage to keep multiple bikes inside the building on that ground Flor then come right out get right out so we'll have both we'll stipulate We'll add the outdoor do anyone from the public have any questions so far you're welcome to come up just steal that microphone from Mr McKenna please gonna swear you sir you swear a testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth self you God I do and just state your name for the record Anthony Sato Please spell your last name for the record s e t r o and your address 135-137 o street thank you go ahead that's not for um first off I want to applaud you guys really on work that you did you really definitely took into consideration I don't want to beat you guys up too hard Michael you did a really phenomenal job with the design um so I really do want to thank you guys for for listening um to that I just want to confirm a few things with you because obviously for us my family's owned the house across the street for 90 years so this changes the view considerably where we've been looking at the oldest oak tree on Oakland Street and two Victorian houses that's been the view for 100 plus years so I just want to make sure um what we're staring at next and I haven't seen a rendering of what that view would look like there's several in that packet being passed around there's a couple views from open showing through the doors to that building Scoops I'll find the picture in hand it to you yeah that's just the I have a bunch of them and I I just couldn't find that one that I have one of the pack I just want to make sure like the parking I know the parking entrance is on that side make sure we got that back and I just want to promise that we're not going to have rent call us 732 blah blah blah like it does at the rail over that door so that that's our view I know we're going to have clearance 8 Fe 10 I just want to make sure we're not staring at a phone number you know and a rent me sign because that's other parking garages too have that you know um I do want to talk a little bit about that courtyard second floor I do thank you uh whoever was mentioning about the concerns on that um that's the second third floors and thank you for removing the balconies because that was a concern of ours um a lot of the bedrooms okay yeah lot of the bedrooms thank you a lot of the bedrooms on Oakland Street are at that level so you're actually back cour yards on the back side that's more like where me of piz is now yeah we're kind of stuck behind there's there's two existing buildings that courtyard is kind of stuck behind there a little bit too so we want to screen that for their sake and also for our sake and there's a pretty narrow quarter left in that courtyard which you're looking at we are there windows in on that build buing back there like on that side I mean we're way across the street this isn't our building but the Builder back here there's there's windows that look towards our but I mean for these I know it's not your building but you are their windows on the back side of that building I I don't know I've never actually walked behind that building you're talking about the courtyard on the second floor which is facing the West the west and south elevations right Michael yes the question was does one of those exist buildings have Windows that face our property and we're set back 8 ft you know we have a building set back performing 8ot setback and then this is also better for those buildings because it Scoops out a lot of that potential so even if there's a bed I'm sure there's a few bedroom windows there on that side and Our intention is to uh we have the 8 foot for light openness and air and we're going to screen it so that they have privacy and we have privacy okay um J are there how many parking spots are being removed street parking there was seven we lost one a tnm review to bring a barrier free which is required the department I need a bar free band so there's six bases and if the board thinks that that's too many or someone wants to take one or two away and make it trees that's fine with us too I think he's asking about the on Street on Street yeah the on street that are currently on Oakland in front of the houses how many of those um we gained space back from where the houses are that we're taking down so the net I don't know the net loss maybe maybe our engineer can look at that give you that we pick up some and we lose some which is only a 24 foot wide opening which would be a space and a half so um it's probably only a loss of one space as mentioned we do have a traffic expert talking about all the parking in the area there's be a lot of testimony about that this is actually attention Well we'd like them to to be able to let us know that number when they come up it's I think it's one check okay good yeah it's just it's you know there are days where you drive to the house and you can't find parking on that street there's very little F So I'm mean one space You know here or there make um the other question I do have I and again applaud you guys for conforming to zoning and all that I just want to confirm is it conforming to the transit overlay Zone that we're currently in or is it conformed to the whatever VR the VR1 Z V1 V1 we are we are in a Transit over right so um I think the discussion about Transit Village came up on social media or something was discussion of it so yeah that's that's kind of what what I want to clarify because I do recall that when we were at zoning board last year um and Transit Village started I asked the question that if we get the transit Village status and because our property is currently in transit overlay Zone what happens to Transit overlay Zone and I was told that you can't we wouldn't really have both and so that if they got the transit Village then Transit overlay would go poof goodbye and so I just want to make sure like we're not putting the cart before the horse that we do this and we approve Transit Village when this isn't there and then we start this project in transit overlay and then we do Transit Village and you know it gets very confusing so I just want Clarity on I think a lot of a lot of areas a lot of talents are seeking that oh they can't come in and change your zoning I don't think so um you want me to CL sure okay I it sure no so um Transit Village if you're designated as a Transit Village um you do have to undo the zoning around the transit area the half mile so right now you have a Transit overlay that is not allowed in the transit Village program so it would have to be a to zone so you go back to the zoning and change the code for this area so what happens for them if they get through this approval and it changes construction it wouldn't because what they're building is a mixed use development that's promoting walking um pedestrian connections to Transit uh retail so it's in line with Transit Village is what I'm trying to say gotcha transill gives you a couple extra things even if they're not in that zone if they're not in that Transit Village so they would be in Z because we're they're within the half mile of the red bike train station okay I guess I'm confused because it's not one of the properties that was outlined like when they outlined these are the properties yeah I think we're you're confusing um Transit Village in the Redevelopment area right so we are doing one before the latter before the former is um that we're applying for Transit Village they're just two separate things got you and in any event isn't it the case that should this project be approved under the existing zoning and that would be the zoning they would be constructing under yes if if the zoning were to change and they wanted to take advantage of that zoning they would have to make a reapplication that's correct that's correct but once they have their their approval from any board and they start construction they're locked in and good to go changing the zone is isn't going to undo anything for them right I just yeah I want to make sure I'm not looking at an empty lot for 10 years as well yeah that that that wouldn't be good can I ask a quick question sure um the at the last Council no two Council meetings ago they were talking about the fact that we we don't really fit into the transit overlay we don't really have a Transit overlay am I am I did I screw that up sometimes in it was that we don't currently have a trans Village we don't have that we but we don't have also don't have an overlays Z either we do have an over definitely have an over over okay because I thought they said that we did not because that that something had changed then it we had lost it we didn't reapply or something that's the transit Village okay we haven't apped anything else Anthony the only other question um is in regards to exterior garbage cans around the building there's currently a little bit of an issue on Bridge Avenue um and even on Chestnut that there's no garbage cans around the rail like the rail didn't put any extra ones out there's no additional public ones maybe that's a public isn't Clos so but is that public colonade in the front do you plan or or could the the Condominium Association put out a trash can at a sidewalk yeah that's what I'm saying yeah residents coming in and out they generate trash and not that they're the ones that throw it but I mean trash yeah that makes sense okay normally Happ we right so so yeah and that's what I think is probably what needs to be done is that needs to be a conversation that's terance of Public Works is very helpful so we would sit down with him and say what is it you want for example fire department wants a fire we get it agre to do it if the public Forks comes to us it says like two trash cans on bridge for going in but we we sit down with them and then go through that process so that's that's probably what's going to return okay oh the one last question um in regards to the utilities because they did recently in the last couple years have upgraded the utilities in that area does the street need to be ripped consider to do all this that's in the review letter it's DWI it gets replaced so respons okay that's it thank I don't know if the public have any questions for the applicants so far okay Mr McKenna you can grab your mic back and keep going okay if there no further questions of Mr Monroe I'd like to call Jack our engineer thank you swear in first or pass out I'll swear in first do you swear testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth self you God and just State your names by your last name for the record R and you are licensed engineer state of New Jersey corre yes I am thank you I don't need anything for Mr unless Mr do you want some qualifications would be nice okay sure so I don't recall I don't recall that you've ever testified before this board have you um I have for the planning board or the zoning board a while but I believe and I also previously probably sat there with the planning board prior yeah he actually was the planning board's engineer at one point here yeah it was more than 30 years ago no no really yes wow okay so my memory's not that good um okay well then give us a quick rundown qualifications and we'll keep going so um I graduated Florida Tech in 1999 I became a licensed professional engineer in New Jersey in 2004 I have been practicing engineering for 25 years I'm the president CEO of engine infrastructure Red Bank business here over in the Galleria I'm licensed in five states for engineering I've testified before this board and multiple boards I'm also licensed we're happy to accept you as an expert a few want for cause that's good enough for [Music] me um yes please if you would thank you very much it's okay Mr chairman I brought 11 by 17 love it the more paper the better wants to all one and pass run any left I'm gonna give to the audience right whatever's left I'm gonna for the AI all the same thing I think that's like sure oh no Mr chairman all these exhibits are already marked I don't need y should be my fault no your fault feel like the root Locker in here sorry about that I just wanted to make sure everybody had a copy Mr M would you please use the microphone yeah have to hold the mic close said sorry preliminary so you already saw the building that the AR basically we're at the corner bridge in Oakland As you will see um from the architect renderings there access from a garage there I'm going to talk through some of the comments in the letter so we can talk through how many spes I on that I go point the letter can address that but on open it's pretty much the garage access as well as the loading zone I'm GNA speak cly the engineering far to see what the building is then if you go to Bridge Avenue it's even though the setback to property line is which is really close to the existing nonconformity the architect has St off for the actual doors to the commercial uses start so that's why if you look at our plans and whenever I go to the exhibits you're going to be able to see that open area in the front which really a wide open Plaza um even though the building comes out you within a foot of the property so that's what's happening along Bridge Avenue in terms of the building most of the engineering is not really that exciting asart on this site because the building covered the majority of the site really our job was to fit parking under the building and I know that we're going to talk about the number of parking spes when we looked at the building and we looked at the transit overlay Zone we understood how many parking spaces were required by that was the month before I believe but when we thought about it in the reality how many people may park there what we did was we tried to maximize as many spaces as we been underneath so that property management could figure out if a unit needed one space or maybe certain spaces we get you know certain locations get up two spaces so we'll talk through all that how we lay out parking underneath building so really from overview really the site is mostly about best and land vular layout and I did hear comments about bikes facilities fores as well I was G to go through my point the letter because when it comes to the engineering it's really going to be a discussion on parking drainage lighting those things so g go by point if that's okay you you're welcome to go Point by point if you want to or if you willing comply with the engineer's letter and I know you someone sent back a response to all of that as long as that is all good with our engineer we're fine if there's anything that's not or that you want to discuss or that you were asked to discuss we're w we we're happy to hear that but you don't have to go Point by Point let me go to some of the comments that I feel require a little bit of testimony so that we can decide um so I'm going to skip then past section one which is Planning and Zoning because of the fact you're going to hear from the planner he'll be the last to testify so we'll Jackie do do you know just to clarify an earlier question the number of variances it's it's one variance right it is one varant the rest are waivers okay I just wanted to make sure that we're on the same page on that or you at that really we're talking about the setback from the public right way right now it's 5et which requirement existing is only 222 ft on Avenue and 19.7 ft on open um we're one foot on bri 23.3 on so we require a variance on bri Avenue it's an existing nonconformity we're not really making it that much better it was 22 we're making it a fo but the way that you're going to hear from planner the way that we are addressing that really is even though the building comes to there on the upper floors that bottom floor you're really G to have so section one is really the Planning and Zoning we're have the planner testify of that and same thing one with signed um signage would really be the architect um and to have form the unoccupied open space we provided an exhibit for that that's exhibit B so just for the benefit of public I'm gonna switch the paint up there even though they all have a Cy which is also A8 is also a and we show that calculation unoccupied me one minut and by an exhibit mainly to show that we are over the SP requirement that that was 15% um that's made up of the landscape areas plus we're including that area underneath the definition um based on the definition and I think um put the definition in the letter but if you read the definition in the ordinance that area qualifies multi requirements those are all design labors and the that's already testified um section three gets into offsite improvements um which we mentioned we don't need to go Point by Point through it we agree to all of it um the one thing um parking meter locations will work with the parking facility where those should be located um on Bridge Under of the question came up about parking so I just wanted to talk about that for a second we are increasing I believe the number of parking spaces along bridge but on Oakland will'll be losing three spaces would there's already two driveways within that vicinity right on open where we're putting the the opening through the garage as well as the Lo Z so the remaining space leaves about room for about three parking spaces so we will be losing those three parking spaces that are on street but it's also possible that those spaces right now are being used by one of the delling Cent there but I right and so three spaces will be lost on open there is no leer parking but on bridge yes we work to relocate so I'm sorry you're losing three on OED and on on our Bridge you're gaining one is that what you said I believe we're gaining I can I can measure it to be exact so if you give me one minute so we're gaining one because there's an existing there's an existing driveway that we're eliminating so that would be the driveways actually give you the exact dimension of it be space conservative I say we're inreasing it by one okay section four um we have a traffic engineer here if we have exensive testimony on the number of bases um so I'm not going to go through that section unless you want me to that's fine you don't have to you don't have to go through it um but 4.2 I did want to discuss okay so 4.2 talks about ADA the fact that there is a parking area in front of the building that's outside of that garage that you technically would need another Ada space in the front as well for I concur so we will add that paring space but when we add it just so there's no confusion I didn't change it on these plant because these are the plans you had already looked at you will be losing one space from the so right now we show seven order to put in an ADA client space you'll lose one right further in this letter we're going to talk about there's a comment about length in the driveway when we get to that might end up losing more for right now 4.2 we lost okay excuse me which put us down from 47 to 46 I think you're at 46 you're going to 45 we would be at 47 coming down and 46 we're gonna continue to come down give me a second I have 40 under the building that you had and I have seven out fronts I count did the site plan beat tonight it was 46 but I didn't count the architect beat architecturals weren't the same as the site plan from the site plan I counted from the site plan it was 46 at that time make sure added that space on his plans so Jackie on the updated architectural plans shows 4 okay make I'm coun it's more than you need we don't have to AR about one space 4.3 we concur we'll correct that else here 4.6 4.6 bus about sa so initially what we thought what we thought the letter meant you mean a safety Island inside the garage I think it's I think the request is actually a safety Island outside of the garage before you get to the garage so if you are to look at exhibit a which exhibit A7 correct so there's a requirement in our ordinance have a safety Island from the curb line to 18 feet back I don't know if you remember this from the um we did it at the rail the Cannabis application recently they don't have safety Island they don't have safety Islands um so the ordinance requires basically an an island separating the sidewalk from the from the parking spaces um that should it should be 18 ft behind the parking spaces they obviously have a three foot or a two foot safety Island I think was that what was shown a two foot sa they're proposing a twoot safety Island instead was that a design waiver yes okay so basically 46 we were to put in a longer then I show you up here I can show you here basically if we were to come back 18 ft that's two parking Stones right so we would lose the front core and then with Ada we lose another so you'd only be left with two spaces we can do that or we can not but that's the item I did want to discuss what you know from an engineering standpoint we can do either the reason we thought it was better to leave some of the parking spaces out front is because the intention was to have the spaces underneath be designated possibly have some of them um either given an extra space to one of the residential units you could have some for guest parking I heard a guest parking comment it's going to be up to Property Management the best way to use those Extra Spaces um the employees be able to park under there but to open that up to the public but also have parking there may be ways to manage that but right now that's not what originally we were abiding originally this applicant envisioning a garage door there or a gate have that closed so really the public parking really be up in the front so that was why we tried to maximize it but we don't have to maximize because I do agree there is want to know what if that's something you want us to just work out with the engineer or that's something I from a legal perspective I would recommend that you keep the that you keep the downstair you keep the parking lot building only and that you don't want to start letting uh the public there it's going to become a mess I I agree with our attorney as far as access to the parking should be restricted whether it's garage door gate or whatever you do um I don't know that I have a serious opinion about the safety Island either way Jackie what do you think I I think a waiver would be fine um is there any chance to make this I know I'm very crunchy tonight is there any chance that we can make this like open space and have the garage door just for the inside of the like do we need those seven spots it's just a bunch of asphalt like because like is that what's going to be visible from the street it is what's going to be visible from the street um for open space you are going to have vehicles going in and out of there so on side I don't know it's the best location for open space we certainly could could do that right now we were thinking that's the only opportunity really for public parking for this if we were going to close off the garage okay or could it be for like the bike parking well I think we could certainly build in bike parking um that was there are also other Loc we might be able to bike parking um and as Mr Monroe testified the the residents will have space inside for their bikes and I think if you were coming to the commercial use or the coffee shop you'd probably want a bike rack on the northeast corner of the building somewhere or at least on the Northern side of the building right this seems like a long way away for a user of the space on on Bridge Avenue to put put their bike exra anyone else have an opinion on that all right let's keep going can I can I just in if you want to eliminate the spaces and make that that the curbed Island and make that green yeah you just have the driveway and then curved Islands on each side just because there's then like beautification for the neighbors right the trees and if that's how you you know that that's one way you keep the you keep the driveway yeah and on each side you have a grass and landscaped area Push the door back or the gate back right and then they could do that the gate is already recessed though the gate's currently going to be right where the building right the gate is already the 10 20 40 feet back into that driveway so right now we have the gate right so if you look at exhibit exhibit line right So currently I believe the architect was talking about putting door right where the door is now there is opportunity to move a gate further back we hadn't talked about doing that because then you're introducing the public underneath the building which I think as your attorney just mentioned raise other challenges so we were trying to keep the public outside of the garage so would the gate be in the red part right right that's four spaces back you would all of these other spaces would be green all your public parking unless you has to just keep an ADA space out there but You' only have one I I like the idea of removing those spaces and doing something more interesting with that it doesn't encourage people to cross from side to side inside there from a pedestrian standpoint I would put picnic tables on both sides but some beautification wouldn't be a bad idea so you would prefer to see so would you prefer to have us increase the throat length to the four spaces plus an ADA space really only leave spes out there Ada space plus one or you thinking Ada space only just so we know sub Direction I'm okay with the 88 plus one anyone else has an opinion speak up so there just so I'm clear because I have to write this resolution there's only going to be uh there wor seven spaces outside you're reducing it to two that's what I'm hearing one in one yes where will are supposedly for guests or um visitors to whatever however you want or visitors or guest I think that if you eliminated those the only option would you have for visitors they have to use parking surrounding the building for B Property Management with the extra eight spaces underneath could potentially have to figure out a way to allow entry for a guest of a resident but I can't really speak to that because there's no property manager right now but we would have to work that out if we left the S we would have more Op with the number of units in the building um this is not an awful lot of visitor or parking anyway so um aside from in the morning they can park across the street yeah right up to after 11 o'clock right after 11 o' you can park free in the train station if there are spaces um so um there's so few anyway it just seems we we could it could go either way I mean it it really doesn't look like a big deal one way or the other so Mr chairman can we just get a consensus from the board whether you actually want to keep the spaces to ensure there's enough parking spaces or do you want to eliminate the spaces because I'm hearing both views I think eliminate do we still have to keep the Ada though we have to have the one Ada so we have to have a driveway you have to have two Ada okay right well you have enough Ada and R the building I think you only need Ada if you're going to provide public parking technically if you have a parking lot then you have you're eliminating all the public parking I don't think you it I would agree I would agree with that you have no parking then you don't have to have an ADA space okay I mean is that what the board wants to do eliminate all public parking outside of the building what we're using the term public parking really not it's private parking parking yes parking a yeah I'm okay with eliminating it I agree yeah I think if there's make it look nice yeah and it's neighborly to those two buildings sorry here if you have your microphone oh if you have 26 to 50 parking spaces you need two Ada spaces you have that underneath yeah you do have that already underneath the building so you don't need right all right so so there's only going to be then 46 parking spaces at the end of the day if I'm understanding the breakdown now right I'm sorry I'm sorry because you had 40 underneath so there'll be 39 because you're eliminating you eliminated one of them I think we still have 40 you still have 40 underneath okay there's a chance we got to play around 18 oh go one next to the one St next to the stairs that's wi it's not 8 compant the way that it's drawn we can fit in 12 feet um an eight and a four but it won't quite be eight five so I think there's a chance that we could move it around but you're probably right there's a chance we'll be down to 39 we got to try to fit that extra 88 all right so you're going to have at least 39 spaces with two two of which will be adaa right and one of those will be in EV space that's the 12 footer you're talking about right correct one of the one of the Adas will be in EV okay make ready yes and you and I read somewhere you'll have three make ready you'll have three complete at the time of Co right yes okay all right let's keep going oh I'm sorry so one make ready and there'll be three total three total installed at the time of Co the rest will be make ready there's more than three Mar correct how many EVS did eight I'm sure it's in your letter right three of which will be up and running I okay thank you to make ready so shouldn't we uh explain what's going to be in place of the um parking spaces I would think so yeah I I I guess I I would like at some point for the applicant to submit a plan to the engineer of what they're going to do with that space if there's an approval that that would be a condition of the approval Green Space and trees I think there is there a sight line issue I do have a question on that point if we're turning this into a green space there is a mature tree right there I believe is it at that spot no I think it's in the center driveway is ah and in terms of planting there would be a sight line issue know so we'd have to keep things low it was Mar as A9 to keep any I guess you could go taller back towards the building yes yeah really in this section that I would discuss just so that c 4.8 we already need so that that loing Z turning to show loading phone right now 13 by7 i' actually like to make it 12 by 27 and the reason is I confer um the engineers comment that that side walk should be wider I want to make that sidewalk 5T wide um for multiple reasons rsis was cited definitely good reason but also just usability it really needs to be 5et wide it's going right through a door to a stairwell um I want to just make sure that it's wide enough for people to walk down I think it's a little narrow so that would take a foot out of that loading zone and make it 12 by 27 um we provided turning templates that's A10 to show you that in this site um we're assing a delivery check we probably back in that way um and a ref to come in straight we ran the larger single unit is Su su4 bigger than any probably to see your play 30 truck 230 um it's like an Amazon vehicle or Del X um and your typical so um both of those would be able to add in a 12 foot loading zon think about streets streets don't even have always have lanes that are 12et wide so I do think it's adequate but I didn't want to not bring that up um because that is still not your stand so it would be I'm okay with the wi any else have any comments or questions about that and that also addresses 4.11 else the drainage under the building is that something that you're okay with us working with the engineer crew yes the what part of drainage inside the building and everything else I think traffic we're going to have the traffic engineer briefly please else as for the two Tre that we're losing we don't have any room driveway so we would be proposing to pay that fee um however between the green roof and now this new landscape area lo you can that's great otherwise we're happy to take your money irrigation is proposed light fixtures will be Jackie can you just go back to 8.9 please mechanical equipment that there are G to be none on the ground FL to the AR else we and Department comments so unless there's any other comments but I know I went through that quickly but and there were some tree recommendations from the shade tree commission you're fine with those okay good good thank you do anyone from the board have any questions for our engineer I have a question I'm just focused here um because I think the increasing the pedestrian circulation here is is ideal um I'm looking at the southeast Corner um if you could just help me describe because I don't think it's all measured out here it looks to me like the open walkway Plaza um if you were walking through it that ends essentially in the body of the building to the South that then extends out in the easterly Direction with its kind of gallery Bel balony I know there's a very narrow column supporting that so just I want to understand what is the width of the sidewalk there I think people can walk under that balcony but I'm not going to assume they want to because I think it's pretty narrow like a for a stroller or what have you so for the remaining sidewalk that I think would kind of curve you around a tree if I'm reading this correctly can you say how wide that is I see what you're saying where where're inches down where we have a tree I think we could also move that tree in order to widen it a little bit I that pitch down a little bit yeah just wondering what the actual width would be if you know two people can walk a breast there you know it looks like it's four to five feet but I think it should be wider so we'll just push that tree and make sure there's adequate L to get around that anyone from the public have any questions for the engineer up grab that microphone please have a seat to your right and I'm just gonna swear you yeah do you swear testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth nothing about the truth help you got do and just state your name for the record and just spell the last name g and your address please 211 street thank you go ahead um I just have a question I I don't I live right on block 40 and I don't know where all this parking Cirus parking you guys are talking about is because now that s is left their lot is full there's always cars in front of my house all day long and even in the the um train station I that's pretty much full most of the time I don't understand all this Surplus somebody could explain that to me please there parking I was the train station line and that's on the other side of the tracks so people have to go all the way around directly across Bridge Avenue that small lot before the tracks it's not empty all the time might not be empty all the time it's empty all the time I go to pick up food at mupas that's for sure or Bridge Avenue I park on Bridge Avenue so that's just my personal view of the situation is that there is a fair amount of parking in that area when or or or if it's available when someone always wants it I don't know that's always an issue with parking but I personally never have trouble finding parking there when I I I visit that area that's just that's my personal observation okay the filicino is now there and that's adding more parking you know but it's just there was no parking in that area but I see if it's easy enough for you to get in out then that's my error but I don't see this it just sounded like this incredible amount of surplus parking and I don't I don't agree with that anyone else from the public have any questions come on up sir sorry I just have to you got do it in this order do you s your testimony you're about to give is the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth St you God did now State your Name Is by your last name Ys okay and your address 38 Washington Street thank you um I don't have any testimony I just want to support what that woman was thinking I don't know why anybody would think that this that this development should rely on public parking there is no public parking if any of you have ever been to rev Jersey but there isn't public parking so I just came from neita and there was parking there now but why wouldn't the developer be responsible for providing public par visitors at that building so that's just the way I feel about it just supporting person who just spoke there there's there's very little and I feel that developers should be responsible for providing their own visitors thank you thank you CH good to see you can I uh make a comment I guess ask your question on this just Transit parking that we've just sort of suggested me turn into a green space surely at some point in the future it be determine that the building needs to parking they could could they not come back and apply to us they surely could too um they that so that it could be designed in the manner that it would be uh contingent space however one might want to design that um and be there I I would just suggest that you not rely upon my experience I would not rely upon the by a property owner a Condominium Association at that to come in and say hey we want to put in and spend and assess the entire Community to put in extra spaces and take our Green Space I would not suggest you make your decision based upon that that's just my experience I represent a lot of cond associations too not they're not usually open to doing that type of thing what if you I think the far more um intelligent way to go if that is what the thinking is is that you that you um what do they call it a green green green green block or what's the space what's the term grass pavers no no no no no uh what is it Bank Green Bank thank you so so that you Green Bank the spaces this is what the board wants to do and then if their Town decides at some point that they need these Extra Spaces they can come in and they can add them and I think that would be the better way to handle it than rather just throwing it at the applicant and saying or or the or the association saying hey leave it up to them to come in and ask did we not do that on the uh applicant over in the uh former site we did well yeah that's exactly what we did is it yeah y yep so but I need to know if that's what the board wants to do and whether the applicant's okay with that keep in mind as I'm reading this the the parking requirement for the building which includes the retail food service and Commercial is 33 spaces right so what we've just discussed by making that green space is if the management of the building decides to restrict access to the parking to just residents then there there isn't any retail parking so that's what we need to consider if we want to bank it or we want to put it back to way the plan has been submitted so there is a place for someone who's using the commercial space or the coffe coffee shop to park on site but so I think we need to change the N that parking is not a given right just because you want to park in front of the coffee shop doesn't mean that you're automatically you get that space and so do we want this new development right across from a train station and I know New Jersey Transit service is not the best at times but we'll get there but like do we want to be promoting hey everyone gets a space and guess what your spouse does too and then the guest that is you know maybe coming to you is going to be ble to drive up there as well because this is supposed to be promoting walking and like biking and access to Transit not hey can I get in my car so we can all complain about the traffic in Red Bank and then quickly park outside of the building that I want to go to you know what I mean you're 100% right so I like I understand there's the perception of having a parking problem but there really isn't if we all have the ability to like walk a block or two we'll be able to see some excess parking I agree with you I mean I've lived here for more than 30 years I used to live in Ru Towers there was no guest parking in that building people who wanted to come and look at the river for my unit had to find a place to park usually around the corner on island place and for all of us who live here and ever leave our house to go to anywhere in Red Bank we always find a parking place if it's not directly in front of Oriental Empire last night where I was picking up dinner then I have to walk across English Plaza if I find a space in there and I think that's a fact of life that you park where you can so but this is a decision for the board about how you'd like to handle this and I guess there's three ways to do it we Green Bank these spaces we leave the plan as it is or we remove them and make it Green Space so Megan we'll start with you what are your thoughts on on those three options and if there's an option I'm not thinking of please somebody say something well I'm not really sure what green Bank what's the difference between green Banking and well I guess the Green Space they would put so so so green banking it would be green space but if the town ever decided that they're lacking in parking they could force the property owner to put in the spaces because they're on the plan already okay so I would go with the beautification route option one beautification with the island REM remove this REM remove the spaces from the plan have no green banking option to add them back later but to beautify the space we'll call that option one blue option one Wilson uh door number two back okay option one option one I like option one but I I have some thoughts about not having enough parking spaces but I walk all over Red Bank and so I guess everybody else can too vote for option option one karmic make good for the tree that's coming down the oldest oak tree on Oakland yeah that's what we would like beauy hey what's [Music] next last chance for the public to ask any questions of the engineer thank you very much and I apologize for not remembering that you were here forly traffic have clear suggestion that keep it very yeah I would not Mr McKenna this is a it's an approved use so traffic is not as important to this type of application but Skip testim it's up to you it's your it's it's your application if you don't want anything on the record from the traffic engineer I'm not going to twist your arm to do it after hearing what our attorney has to say about it and as I've said before I've never my life heard a traffic engineer testify against their own application never never once have they ever said yeah this is a problem right we do have the traffic we have the we have his traffic report in the record and we can rely upon that report yes quite frankly what he talk you don't mind like call do you swear any testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth help you God yes I just state your name for spelling your last name for the record c c h r s CH phone is c f n e testifying as a licensed professional planner I been testifying set for about 28 years in sty I've been qualified mostly in Red Bank zoning Board of adjustment but certainly the planning board um a time or two my offices are currently located at 125 Half Mile Road s 200 but I'm excited to say I'm closing about two weeks on 52 Reckless place so I will finally have a legitimate excited about that for us PC um and my licenses are car and B thank you and welcome thank you uh this is a substantially conforming application I apologize for whispering to Canada variances the beginning we need only one variance that was me with used him so I apologize that Mr Lex is only one variant that others are design identifi Christine can you P likeone closer please sure so the only VAR that we're seeking is from this train station overlay St back retirement to a RightWay of 5 feet where we're proposing one foot along Bridge Avenue you heard testimony describing the building from both Mr Monroe as well as M that that's really the second story where we come all the way out and our audit FL will be an over the common area so it's certainly not going to have any substantial judment or negative impacts um I think this is a substantially conforming application when you look at the stated purpose of the train stational District it reads the purpose of the train stational district is to encourage and mix retail commercial uses at the street level with increased residential density on Floors above street level to create a mixed residential and Commercial neighborhood that relies predominantly on public transportation as the primary needs of travel and general applications under the overlay standards are intended to and it goes on to LT a bunch of things they're intended to but this application does not the least it which is to cre affordable housing opportunities so I I think we are substantially compant stat look at and C2 criteria here um the existing conditions on the property also maintain a non-conforming setback and as you also Le the goal of the applicant was to sort of be in line with existing conditions in the area we did try to be more sensitive along Oakland the building is certainly conforming there which is I would say is much more residential in character of course than Bridge so I do think the board can grant C1 in the absence of any C1 hardship criteria under the C2 criteria advancing purpose e of the language law which talks about establishing appropriate population densities the population density appropriate here and parking requirements which I know is important to our community here in Red Bank but also criteria G we talked about sufficient stations for a variety of uses and certainly criteria I a desirable visual environment through creative development techniques and good Civic design I think that this is an excellent example of Civic design Mr Monroe and our team have tried to take into account um the context stive design of this CH train station but also residential homes and businesses so there's a lot that has to go into the planning of that to make sure that you are course taking advantage of transation rate um we heard that this is essentially going to be a trans Village um nrow from transit oriented development and smart growth those desires to create a li can give you better color on that than I probably can but that's my understanding of transit or development and what we want to accomplish as plan right we want to be able to at least minimize on a bar so statutorily we certainly need our burden approv under in my opinion both C1 and C2 criteria the test for this or any other applicant it's not that there be no detri just the benefits of the GR variant would outweigh and detriment here I see no detriment we are you know creating three curve appeal the massing of the structure is such that the setback will not have any detrimental impact because it is open on the ground level and we are absolutely in conformance with the stated purpose of the the overlay Zone as well as the master to thought and be granted no any questions does anyone from the board have any questions for Miss Kone I have one question the uh the uh setback on the front is one foot from the front of the peers of the Portico right correct right what's the what's the distance from there to the uh uh Building Law proper about 8 feet so the main portion of your building will be approximately 8 feet further back from the existing building where mupas is now correct essentially correct all right thank you anyone else on the board have any questions this is a more of an architectural question but how wide are those peers and what just that Curiosity and what's the distance of that walkway Yeah we actually made them wider the 3D model 3D model we like a little more square and we also added some plers there so um there's a there's there's room to pass by there at the narrowest it's about 5et and it goes out to De or 9 ft at the edge and we also have ears on the building but there's places to sit so walk by um but there's a space more basic question why do you have that at all appears you know I mean it's a big interference with people walking through couldn't it be can delever or something like that well it actually defines the space I think a lot of urban planing creates a space it also the building line is set back it's only the roof above that comes out that's a green roof area I think it has more character with the columns because it it finds that space we can can leave it out but I kind of like the feeling of it feels more like something see like in Barcelona or something like that or some old city where I actually kind def space they're far enough apart me around them so but if a couple people are walking down there they're not going to be comfortable walking through it right because it's too narrow to walk side by side people are sitting in there they also want to feel protected so I think I think people would be able to walk walk past that um I agree with Mr Monroe I think it creates a nicer more inviting space it has some defined parameters to it and there will be a sidewalk between that and the street yeah so there's a there's a sidewalk beyond that up to the curb it's not covered by anything that that's in the public right way so people don't have to walk under this colonade to Traverse the site they can easily do it on the sidewalk how wide is that 10 feet 10 feet from 10 feet from the front of the pier to okay but I agree with you if I can make a little bit wider which I will we made the columns bigger I'll add a little more space to it I can we haven't done the working drawings the building I think it's a good comment and we'll look to widen that up a little bit but I do think you'll appreciate the there so you can make same I'll push the building back little more space okay so it's better all around thank you do anyone from the public have any questions for the planner okay thank you does anyone from the public have any comments this is the comment phase of life you have any comments regarding the application you'd like to share with the board Mr yish come on up Mr your you're already under yes yes please is this the for to add about what I read was possible tax abatements other I can answer that no it's not because this board doesn't have any control over that that that would be a council question thank you no problem anyone know some the public have any comments on the application they'd like to make seeing none I make a motion to close the public portion of the hearing there a second second all in favor I any abstain okay you want to Su up with anything Mr M yes first like thank theor I I think it's important to have that dialogue listen to people questions and ideas all too often to come and I think in this instance see a real sense of compromise and I mean that in the positive sense everybody's working together to get to where we ended up here at the end of the day so with that both I would ask that the board approve the application um as it stands now and again I want to thank you for your uh cooperation and consideration of the application I think it's going to be a great right plus to that area I went to open Street School when I was in kindergarten years ago r on open Street Building I think it would be a real shot in the arm to that area and I think also encourage the Redevelopment of the area between there and um Anderson Brothers Pro so I think it all have a very positive long-term effect on not just the proper itself but on the area that being said does anyone want to make a motion move we approve on your mic please and move we approve lose making motion to approve the application as discussed is there a second second second jald yesr bakis yeso someone who spent a great deal of time growing up on this block as a kid my grandfather had his plumbing store there I had relatives on Oakland I think in one of the houses that's coming down and grandparents on shrewbury Avenue I vote Yes yes robis yes Messi yes wion B yes Hernandez yes and Brian fan yes and for let the record show I voted yes despite my daughter's insistence nothing take me lupas away from her um will be my first phone call when I get in the oh my go thank you thank you thank you all else motion to adjourn all in favor thank you again everyone I know I know well that's still gonna that's that's nopember 11th right