##VIDEO ID:GOMPBwNo1jg## I don't know ask good to go yes sir evening everyone thank you for being here uh this last meeting of the year is being held in accordance with the public laws of 1975 chapter 231 an adequate notice this meeting has been provided by a notice sent to the asur park press the two of times and the Star Ledger is posted in the main lobby of the municipal building and on the municipal webite obma authorizes municipalities to conduct public meetings through use of streaming services and other online meeting platforms the red Bend council is meeting in person as well as providing an option for the public to participate via Zoom video meetings please note that the option to attend is being provided as a courtesy therefore if Zoom becomes unavailable during the meeting and it cannot quickly be fixed counil will continue with the remainder of the meeting for those joining us via Zoom please raise your hand during designated time to be recognized for a comment whether you are appearing in person or via Zoom you must provide your name to be recognized please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all roll call please council person ATT us council person Cassidy coun council person py Blackwood council person Forest pres council person janon present Deputy Mayor Triana here mayor Perman I am here um well I have good news and bad news the good news is we are uh honoring tonight a whole bunch of members of our red Knight Police Department the bad news is their Senators running a little bit late so we're just going to kind of bump you down to the agenda I don't know if you guys want to sit down you know grab a coffee we don't know when he's coming exactly hopefully in the next five or 10 minutes so um what I'm going to do is uh ask our um Animal Welfare committee chairperson Paul to come up and uh let everybody know what the Animal Welfare committee has right there in those boxes so cool oh you got Mary Beth with you too ni here if you could use the microphone please so everybody could hear you it's on it could you hear me now just get it real close got to sit close very very close there you go hi my name is Paul proo um and I'm the chairman of the animal welfare committee and this is Mary Beth uh she's from The Wallace Street philanthropies and um one of the things that we're really excited about today is to present uh to the police department and to the burrow two pet scanners um that hopefully will be used to find runaway dogs and cats and get them back to their homes and their owners quickly uh and we feel this is a real big deal uh not only because of that but hopefully it'll take NE unnecessary stress away from the animal and hopefully in the end uh it will prevent any kind of death that could occur uh as we know that sometimes does so with that I'd like to present these two scanners to the Chief uh where are you you have directions also that's important yeah and this is thank you very much I want to thank Mary Beth for really contributing uh to this uh as well as the committee uh as we raise funds because you know these things don't come cheap so uh we're excited about having this so thank you all much thank you so much we got to we got to post for the obligatory photos here the Press demands nothing less oh nice wasn't this for it great look at [Laughter] this ohed resents tee if if Betsy goes missing just before you call the police just check my house there's a there's a good chance right anal right yes no no Mary's a human Betsy's the M bet the yes just want to clarify what you're talking about yes yeah good point thank you good clarification it's nice to have people having your back that's good um we have a also a uh a presentation to the burough a check presentation from the mammoth boat club who I I don't have who is here to oh oh yeah there we go this is this all worked out right we met at a holiday party we won't tell people it was not in Red Bank that's not relevant and I why don't you guys come on up and introduce yourselves and uh just talk in the microphone that's all we ask we can pick it up good evening mayor C you can pick it up too however you I can assist okay may my name is Russell Goldman I'm the treasurer of Mammoth B club with me is Paul Luci who is past Commodore of Mammoth B club and as the council knows as a club founded in 1879 one of the oldest book clubs in the country we are nonprofit and we're exempt from property taxes but we we do feel we should make a contribution and we've done so for many years and we're pleased to present here as well don't get it the best job is a pass cond theand tight all your chin up big tee three Donuts thank you very much very much 48 hour deposit what's the update4 is two more minutes all right two more minutes and then are we G to move on without him or or should we just stall some more well then what we're going to do is roll into a public comment on agenda items only so I have a motion to open the floor for public comment on agenda items only the motion I have a second second all in favor all right anyone have any uh public comment there'll be other public comment sections this is just for agenda items if you have any questions or comments on the agenda now is the time yes 25 here Street um one [Music] resolution we're looking at all the details we're surprising how much a h stop sign costs uh we paid two stop signs for $275 um for this project I actually spoke to somebody that runs a dpu in another town they're thinking $90 for a poll 4 for a sign I didn't know why it's something we can do in house and save on the labor I know it's I mean but it adds up I'm just noticing I hopefully other things aren't I don't seems overpriced um I appreciate the clerk getting to it uh if you make sure you changed you um is no longer Council Ballard on 24- 263 um I fixed that I said make sure it's on the record um thank thank you anyone else have any comments on agenda anyone online Jim second M nobody ra their hand raised no no okay um can I have a motion to close the floor for public comment make such a motion is can I have a second second all in favor I be done with this meeting get um going to just keep moving on for a few more minutes can I have a motion to approve the minutes from 1114 2024 so moved can I have a second second it all in favor I can I have a motion to improve the executive session minutes from 11:14 2024 moved I have a second second all in favor I and can I have a motion to approve the special meeting notes from 11:18 2024 so moves have a second all in favor all right um moving right along um we're discussing the adoption of 2024 d41 ordinance of the bur of Redbank County am mammo state of New Jersey amending chapter 361 fire prevention and protection of the bus revised General ordinances to increase the required inspection interval of non-life Hazard use uses can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only I'll make such a motion Mr I have a second second all in favor I does anyone have any comments on this ordinance only no anyone Al line Jim yes sir I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only make ex a motion can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 2024 d41 I second it I'll second yeah okay I'll make such a motion Mr Mayor uh can I have a you just second I'll second that motion as well mayor okay thank you then um roll call please council person V yes council person Forest yes counc person yes Deputy Mayor J yes mayor par yes thank you um next up is the adoption of 202 4-42 ordinance amending chapter 652 Towing to revise disabled vehicle storage requirements can I have a motion to open the public hearing on this ordinance only so move a second I'll second it all in favor I does anyone have any comments on the adoption of this ordinance no anyone online Jim can I have a motion to close the public hearing on this ordinance only second I'll second all I can I have a motion to adopt ordinance 202442 so moved can I have a second second roll call please Council yes counc Forest yes person janon yes mayor yes may yes oh yeah no no chatting in the hallway Ben no chatting in the hallway right look at all these other people that got here just fine well I guess Vin since you're here we will um let's do some presentations honoring members of The Red Knight Police Department I will turn things over to our um we have our assembly people Margie donin L and Peter pole as well as our state senator B goal here our chief Mike frezy and uh and all our excellent officers so tonight um we're honoring some amazing police officers who have done such uh incredible things that it away when we read about this I'm so grateful um for everything that you do so three groups um first group we're to honor the courageous and dedic ated service the following offers from the officers from the red B uh police department who who were involved in a recovered handgun incident specifically on April 29th these officers responded to an emergency at windmill Hot Dogs involving a Suspect with a stolen handgun dogs involving I'm sorry um they're Swift and their and collaborative actions prevented harm and ensured Justice exemplifying the highest standards of law enforcement to our officers thank you for your exemplary service and for your commitment to the safety of Red Bank citizens we have patrolman Jeff lowski on I need your help with pronation is it we also have the honor of recognizing Grace muli muli muli officer M Julie has led the department in DWI arrests for the past three years and is entering her fourth year of this of this exceptional achievement her diligence and skill were highlighted on June 3rd 2024 during a complex DUI investigation involving a crash ad M her commitment to Public Safety and attention to detail contined to make a signant impact on we're so grateful with a uh PL from the police department for outstanding efforts in combating DWI and leaving the department the past three years also just graduated from the Chiefs Association drug recation program so she'll be the third officer in our department that uh is actually I guess they consider an expert the drug recognition and she'll accompany actually Darren McConnell and Christ alari is the other officer that so thank you for this opportunity to I can't help but notice the proud look on your face when you're handing out so these are life saving pins we're proud to recognize the heroic actions of the following officers doing red back Police Department's National Night Out on August 6 2024 patrolman Gary Watson zlock beinged as a result of actions that took place when August 6 um wherein they performed life saving measures on someone who was joking so thank you all thank you the mayor for allowing us to be here beard wow thank you for to be here um it's really incredible we see so much really awful stuff that goes around and I wish everybody around in the entire State could see the incredible men and women that are representing Red Bank here each and every day putting their lives on line to protect all of us so when we go back to Trenton next week we're going to be reading and putting their names into official record so the entire state knows about this incredible Police Department congratulations we do the lightsabers and then we'll do the first May I'm in I'm in when someone does Donuts [Music] yeah they are we need the non-life savings Ben benor this up big [Music] teeth St out doing great man what a good time back here stuff to do a lot of well it was Portman's job J about to do your award to jaman for the other ones that were thrown in there earlier yeah was some good ones this place glad I got to come back as if they haven't done enough by the way the PBA is in the middle of their toy drive so you can drop your toys off uh on this at the police station or on the fourth floor y um and also um we've coord ated with the labomba show over at the Vogal where detective zadlock is going to be giving a long public speech because he public speaking so much and hope we'll uh we'll get a few more toys from the the people there so nice work guys thank you very much coun for your support of uh the officers and the whole department I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart it means a lot to to not only me but I know I'm individual thank you for you guys guys you want to you don't got to stay for like the resolutions and stuff if you want to sure I know you're welcome to don't get me wrong thank you thank you need something good new friend the drug guy would come and talk about all the things discovered wrong in the last three months yeah where' you go I thought we I thought we had a new one we almost looked him be locked up he might be back you anything do the do the at home realize that the room is cleared out and we no one is interested us anymore send me picture okay we ready to get back to business yes sir all right right um anyone see anything on the res the resolutions that we need to do sear is it all can we do it on the consense agenda look fine to me mayor okay anyone else see anything they want to highlight no good okay then can I have a motion to approve resolution 24258 through 24272 on the consent agenda I'll make such a motion I have a second second roll call please council person Bonas yes council person Forest yes council person janon yes Deputy Mayor Triano yes may Department yes thank you um couple things by the way uh I know um councilwoman uh Nancy Facey Blackwood is not here tonight because she's receiving the distinguished Civic leadership award from the American Planning Association uh she's being recognized um for her commitment to sustainable and Community Driven planning Nancy is ferocious with this stuff we are incredibly proud of her it's a perfectly good reason to not be at a council meeting to be honored for the hard work that she does on behalf of uh residents of Red Bank so um I also was one other thing I should have mentioned it when all the police were here um so there's a dentist office inspo Dental which is a female founded dentist in Redbank uh and they're doing free dental care for all of our First Responders and police officers on December 14th so um I thought that was a pretty neat thing and a nice thing to do so um check them out inpo Dental I think they're on Maple um anyway I just wanted to mention that yeah they're on Maple Avenue so um couple of a special events we are approving uh Two River Theaters having their holiday event tomorrow uh Saturday the 14th from 3: to 6 at the two theater um we are going to approve two more record rides they were a big hit last year so there'll be one on Saturday May 10th 2025 and then Saturday September 6th 2025 that runs from 10:00 a.m to 5:00 P pm and I believe it's on Wallace Street again right mechanic oh Mechanic Street right on Mechanic thank you and then of course the uh Redbank Community block party is back uh Saturday August 9th 2025 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:30 and the r date is uh Saturday August 16th 2025 so please stop by um all of those events um let's open up the floor for public comment and I have a motion to open the public hearing uh Mo motion to open the floor for um public comment I'll make such a motion Mr may can I have a second second all in favor I hi all right anyone has anything to add now is the time anyone online there I see sorry Barber 135 I have a question I think it's probably for you Jim um in Marine Park um there are a lot of benches that have been paid for by citizens with that are in honor of a family members etc etc I my husband and I have one for my for my family we just wondering what within the par or what's what's the what is the plan for those that's a good question I don't think we've really gotten that granular yet um with that particular amenity I mean there's a number of benches that are going to be added to Marine Park but the existing ones um it really just hasn't come up in conversation okay but but I I'm glad you're putting that on my radar they charge a lot of money I feel like everybody would do the most respectful thing possible which would be to transfer the black to a new bench and and call it a day like we're not really you know I we would want to continue that yeah I mean that there were there were you know y money is not as important to me as remembering my parents same to us we would rather remember our residents than get weird about money let's be clear this council is pro bench Barbara there's gonna be a lot of seating areas and didn't I I I'm yeah my my dad was very active in the town Fire Chief and everything so we just like to I hope that people are more of course concerned about the plaque that's on the bench the actual bench sure yeah absolutely it's definitely something for consideration thank you I just I know it's not anything that's going to happen in the next week or so but I wanted it out there hopefully will remind you everyone St the other thing the other thing I'm curious about is why In The Name Of Heaven so many street lights out of the world hav't I mean I know we have no control but so how do we G this is an this is an ongoing um I remember the first uh like early on when I was first elected Mayor Kate and I drove around all the streets and wrote a chart down of all the lights route and we sent him over to jcpnl and there was conversation for a while about them replacing all of our street lights with LEDs for free as a pilot program but that got lost in the shuffle somewhere um and it needs to be followed up on I think I did send an email a few months ago and then just didn't follow up again we had one across the street from us which is kind of what made me start looking at all the rest of them um and Steve called they came the next day changed it two days later it was out again I they usings like flickering a lot it's even fcker the one in front of my house flickers and goes off a lot that's very dark yeah it is is just not me benches street lights if I just may if there's a number on the that's what jcpnl wants and if any Resident is watching this and they have an issue with their street light and they want to be helpful they can send that into the burrow that number that's on the poll for the street light and then we can collect that data and then give it to our to our liaison at jcpnl you just down M Street and every other one and there are sections where there are like two or three of them the I've also just fired off an email to Chief frzy for the police department to on you know their night tours to take note of locations and poll numbers thank you and have a very nice holiday season to all of you than you you too anyone else have any comments yes 25 Cedar Street um this was given to me from a resident on Bank Street and wanted me to ask this question um there's been a unhitched trailer unmoved for months on Bank Street uh he heard it twice in the past three weeks he gave it a good week you know time he want bother anyone again um basically he ran into a park Authority and he said that they can't do anything about it that to report to the police um so he's just curious um why he reported and nothing happened but is it true that the parking authority can't give a ticket for unhitch trailer that only thece but anyone can issue a parking ticket but in terms of Towing I think they have to bring a regular officer on I'm pretty sure is in Bank Street so yeah I mean it's on the street oh it's not okay yeah um parking official get write a parking ticket yeah parking ticket as far as having the vehicle tow or everything we the police department um I'm curious exactly where but maybe we can just talk offline so the parking group and the cops can both give tickets for Trail parking tickets can be issued by both correct um it's really cool that everyone's going around cutting down the branches for the wires um around town on my street on Cedar they keep putting up the signs and I have a lot of Park cars in my street all day um number one I kind of would think should put the dates on and number two the people on my street just rip it down my street has had cars on it all week no one has followed his rule um but my street definitely has branches that needs to be cut um I've actually called and reported for the last couple years I'm glad to see that you're coming because it's in snow and so my concern is I haven't seen them today and I did speak to one of the employes who kept coming around again to you know stick these on trees and I told them um maybe they should get the dates on it and because and number two um they're just starting on ground see is ripped off and I'm just picking them up so hopefully with I guess we're do because they were on cath Street the other day see their street soon but like I said all week my street has been parked on it's never not not had cars on I mean I'll be honest I put my car in it but I'm home all day and I watch my cameras and I see com OB happy move but I just don't want to miss the opportunity to get the stre clean up I would just suggest again great thank you anyone online Jim anyone else here have a comment okay then can I have a motion to close the public comment May s a motion Mr Mayor can I have a second second all in favor I all right Christine way over there you got anything mostly mostly just to acknowledge uh the holiday season here is uh so special in Red Bank especially once our town is slit up um the downtown looks beautiful this season uh it's been wonderful to walk around and it just reminds me that we're a very special place this time of year and I just want to wish everyone a happy holiday whatever is you celebrate and a happy new year since this is the last meeting of the Year thank you um got a couple things from the recreation department Mr Mayor uh the recreation department would like to give a shout out to the Red Bank resident Joe hard and Mandy Hanigan for their assistance in restoring our holiday mailboxes I don't know if you saw the one couple of them they're beautiful we had it over at the celebration on um Johnny Jazz Park you saw that one the little house be done uh long overdue Renovations and the recreation department thanks you um also big thanks to all who contributed to the great Westside holiday tree lighting celebration uh School of Rock count B the center for the yards Red Bank primary and Charter Schools Men's Choir of the Atlantic lunch break and St James Parish and last last chance to sign up for the holiday decorating contest top three homes have receive a prize judging will be done Monday December 16th at 5 to 7 p.m. um so those are the things from the Department of recreation and also I just this our last meeting of the year and um I was thinking what I want to talk about last meeting of the year um certainly pleasure and honor being a councilman up here I think the you know I think about all the issues that we wrestle with and there's quite a lot and New Year I would really like to take a close look at affordable housing and I know we were doing some things on it um I'm not quite sure what to do I guess I'm you know just bringing this up as a councilman it's something I'd like to have on our agenda maybe the manager you look at seeing what some other towns are doing I know we've been doing some things um you know it's an ongoing issue that we I'm sure we're all hearing about about um and uh and I guess that's it um thank Happy New Year to everyone and looking forward to the next year thank you Ben Laura I I probably should have said this when the Animal Welfare committee was here but besides um the donation to the police department they had a very successful Raby clinic this weekend Saturday um we gave they gave we had a Emily Christensen Dr Emily Christensen from little silver Animal Hospital came and she did 81 vaccines to cats and dogs so and it went very well and was very well received and so that was just a big thing that we did and we also had our meeting the other day and talked about um that and things we could do better for the next time the uh SPCA came to that meeting and updated us on their activities with us and we are going to have another dog and cat food drive that we're working on and setting up our calendar for next year with yappi hours which we're hoping to have more of and um dog days again and then the library so the library even though it's the end of the year they're still doing a lot of good stuff over there um tonight they're having board games and pizza Bagels routines uh there's ESL classes that are open to the pl public they're going on tonight um tomorrow they have dance fitness and then uh the river read reading series will be on December 14th and like all my colleagues I want to wish everyone a happy holiday and a healthy New Year and thanks yay thank you mayor uh there's a lot of holiday events this weekend uh the T Thomas Fortune Cultural Center uh is doing a Makers Market there uh T River theater is also having events the holiday trolley free parking through the rest of the month um I just wanted to take a note to highlight and she's in the room um audreana Medina Gomez uh the new community engagement coordinator um it has been a complete breath of fresh air to see not only the Instagram the Facebook and the Civic alert system and the signage uh to be fully utilized in the burough and to see all Communication in English and Spanish and when I'm on the ground uh it's it's being noticed it's being appreciated uh and people are saying I didn't realize so much was going on in this town uh but now that it's all in one place uh it's definitely noticeable uh one of the events that she's helped coordinate and put together is going to be coming up uh Wednesday December 18th at 2 pm uh here in our parking lot at 90 M Street uh it will be the official presentation of the William count basy Mammoth Street mural uh and it's a great opportunity to meet the artist and ask you know any questions about his process and the work um and everybody who was involved in coordinating and making that project happen will be there uh including stew of Mammoth beats uh because of his generosity uh as the building owner uh that mural was able to come to fruition so it'll be wonderful to have everybody together but uh thank you so much your ad to the burrow has already been completely noticeable as we end the year we should definitely recognize that to thank you I have to say that the rabies clinic a lot of people said that they saw it in Spanish and everywhere and that was really a why they showed up thank you again yep um I want to just take a moment and thank uh Bob Zuckerman who was the um River Center chair for the last few years who is retiring um Bob missed he was fun to work with he did a a really nice job got some great new things off the ground just thinking of the October Fest as one of them so hopefully we'll still see you Bob you will be missed um I also just wanted to mention that and I don't have all of the details of what happened but I knew there was a Red Bank resident who was a taxi driver named Anthony Hill who lost his life and they're having a benefit for him and his family uh at the Elks Lodge on December 2st from 5 to 10 bunch of great local bands are playing um little Silver Creek Band brand Tess re guns for higher and of course Goldie the sers so um if you want to help a local family out head on over to the AL Lodge on December 21st from 5: to 10: um yeah that's it year is winding down it was a a good one a busy one um you know and I am just going to mention this because I've been getting emails about it and it's it's been in the news um the Drone situation in New Jersey I'm basically just telling you what everyone's saying I'm just going to say a lot more succinctly we have no idea what the drones are um I had a mayor's briefing today which told me nothing other than we're all waiting for the feds to do something so I wish I had some more information for you um but I don't so um hopefully we'll find out soon uh what those drones are about um yeah that's about it hope everyone has a wonderful holiday oh I do know we have the um I think it's on the 30th yonic the manur lighting um we'll be doing that we just did the tree lighting obviously over in uh um Johnny Jazz Park so I think that's about it have a good holiday and and Jim I'll turn it over you for your manager report thank you mayor I just wanted to obviously thank the police officers for their tremendous work um clearly it's advisable not to drive drunk through Red Bank because uh a Red Bank Labowski that's right um also the Marine the new Marine Park parking lot was just recently opened um although we're still working through some temporary power uh condition conditions there we are in constant contact with jcpnl to get on their their list of permanency with the the power so that we can get the electric vehicle charging stations up and running everything else is up and running although the lighting is on temporary power it's still operational and safe um but with the holiday season and some additional road work that we have going on in town I wanted to make sure that parking lot was available for for people visiting Red Bank and um moving around red bag uh we have been um Bonnie myself and Sher gamina our HR manager have conducted a Full Slate of clerk interviews uh we interviewed eight applicants all qualified with the requisite certifications for clerk I was very happy with the response to our uh job posting I think it's a testament to people wanting to work in the B of right bank it's and all the applicants basically say the same sentiment that it's an exciting place to be because there's a lot of good stuff going on here and people are following it um in the municipal world uh I'm going to discuss that tonight with the governing body as to next steps uh through those eight applicant we believe that we've narrowed it down to two that we would like to the council to consider uh so we'll discuss next steps with that and hopefully uh early on in the New Year we will have a clerk up here with us and Bonnie can uh focus on her Deputy role which I'm sure she's looking forward to um and uh that we can put that office at a full compliment um also the buau did submit to the state the best practices inventory it's an annual report that's filled out by every municipality in the state of New Jersey the New Jersey best practices inventory is a tool that's designed to evaluate and encourage adoption of sound Management in municipal ities it focuses on a number of different areas I'm not going to bore you with the whole report but it is part of the submission that it's presented and talked about that the presentation to the state was made um it's the key purposes are to promote good governance evaluate Municipal operations to make sure that we're in line with what is expected through the DCA uh we it's tied to state aid eligibility you have to get a certain score to be elig for State age which we absolutely surpassed the requirement for that uh it's it encourages self assessment right we go through these different competencies to make sure that we are assessing ourselves uh it Fosters accountability and transparency by this document that every municipality is uh focusing on so we're all on a on a even uh playing field and it encourages Innovation there's certain parts of the checklist and the best practice inventory that aren't necessarily scored but they're encouraged through the state that the town is focusing on so I just wanted to cover what those areas were um there's again the best practices inventory is made up of unscored sections uh Court competencies um best practices uh so some of the unscored sections focus on affordable housing and then it goes into scored sections of affordable housing um our Broadband access our cor competencies in budgeting so these are scored sections uh capital projects cyber security the uh environment ethics there's a large session on poor competencies of Ethics Financial Administration lead remediation and then there's a number of sections of unscored lead remediation um sections because that's been up and coming the Le remediation laws that are in place and just this year we instituted the uh the lead inspections in rental properties um by passage of policy by this governing body uh personnel management procurement shared services special improvement district transparency and Redevelopment and utilities this best practice inventory is available online on our website again it's been submitted to the state and um our between myself and the CFO the CFO is the one that's charged with submitting this report uh we work together to make sure that all the SE were reviewed and scored appropriately but like I said I'm happy to report that we reliefs and Bounds uh over what is required to be eligible for state aid that's my report May excellent thank you Jim and I have made motion to adjourn to Executive session I'll make such a motion Mr Mayor a second second all in favor can we take a five minute break there five minute break and Greg do your little your announcement yeah this time we'll Jour to Executive session we will take no action following executive session we will have a discussion regarding the clerk's position that was previously mentioned in the manages report and the executive session will take approximately 20 minutes thank you well done attorney all right thank you guys and uh we'll see you around town the next few weeks I'm sure