good evening everyone welcome to the March 11th city council meeting please rise to salute the flag pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all rooll Call of the members councelor agenzio here here councelor janino here here councelor greo SAA here here councelor H here here councelor Haro is absent councelor Kelly here here councel McKenna here here councel noeli here here councelor sylvestri here here councelor zambo here here and council president cogliandro here here Quorum is present approval of the Journal of the regular meeting of February 26th so move accepted Madame clerk uh if I may everyone I'd like to take a uh moment of silence the city of Rivier lost an employee uh her name was Elizabeth Curtis she was a parking control officer um she was a again she worked for the school department I know she was a very close friend of uh Council mcken so please join me in a moment of silence calendar item number three motion presented by councelor Gino SAA that the city council award a certificate of commendation to officer pichy Cham and officer Keenan resik in recognition of their quick quick thinking actions to track down an individual involved in a financial scam aimed at senior citizens and return thousands of dollars in stolen money to a local [Applause] [Music] couple the certificate accomodation in acknowledgement of his exceptional diligence dedication and commitment to upholding the law and protecting the community by returning thousands of dollars lost in a financial scam to a r family through meticulous investigative techniques unwavering perseverance and teamw worth special recognition is hereby accorded to officer pich Chom rever police departments this certificate of commendation is presented by the city council of the city of Rivier Massachusetts on behalf of its citizens this 11th day of March in the year of Our Lord 2024 and of the independence of the United States of America the 247th thank you and this Commendation in acknowledgement of his exceptional diligence dedication and commitment to upholding the lot and protecting the community by returning thousands of dollars in a financial scam to a Rivia family through meticulous investigative techniques and wavering perseverance and teamwork special recognition is hereby accorded to officer Kenan resik the Riva Police Department the certificate of commendation is presented by the city council of the city of Rivier Massachusetts on behalf of its citizens this 11th day of March in the year of Our Lord 2024 and of the independence of the United States of America the 247th [Applause] officer it e can calendar item number four motion presented by council president KAG Leandro that the city council Awards certificates of commodation to the Middle School girls basketball team and their coach for winning this year's GBL Championship with an undefeated record of 12-0 e to my colleagues that are very concerned about my positioning for this um I would prefer to speak to you then stand next to you because this is your night and you know and and uh I I usually like to write something but I just found it so great that there was an article in the Riva Journal written by none other than your coach and I want to read that out loud today I want to read that for everyone headline is undefeated Rivier Middle School girls basketball wins GBL championship by Melissa Randall the Ria Middle School lady Pats came away with an impressive 28-7 win over Medford on Wednesday to become the GBL Champions the wi capped off an undefeated season in playoff run of 12 and0 in front of a packed crowd at the Susan banthony gymnasium including mayor Patrick Keefe the team jumped out to an early lead however the Medford girls came barreling back at one point Medford went ahead by a point however the lady Patriots would not be denied a victory or the championship trophy the team was led by co- captains Allison Ola and Rebecca Mado both eighth graders from Ry Marsh Academy and third-year players for the lady pths both girls will be attending Rivera high school next year along with Oliva and Mardo the team also included returners in eighth graders Valentina Cruz and Andrea Basta also seventh grader Addison alwick Cruz will also attend Rivera high school next year and Basta will be attending St Mary's and Lynn on a full scholarship as a gity scholar yeah three talented sixth graders join the team this year including Alana Trinidad from Remy Marsh and Sophia kareah Muriel and Marina Mariana Lopez Marin from Garfield pardon me guys I'm sorry I'm trying I'm old they will also be returning next year leaving the team with a solid foundation the lady Pats also have several newcomers rounding out the roster including firsttime players eighth graders Valerie herado Sharon Oliva Folgar and seventh graders Siobhan zeron and Isabella Guerrero also Yasmine commas the lady Pats were recognized at Halftime by the River High School lady Pats during their senior night on Thursday and played on a team scrim how did that go by the way oh don't just tell me good what you know what was the score you don't even they don't keep all right so you guys won we'll just go with that got it okay and they are coached by Melissa Mo Randall who was also the Middle School cross country coach and a third grade teacher at the Wayland school I I said she was the author feel free to step on up no I'm just kidding undefeated guys this seems to be a trend in our city we just had a team go what 20 and0 now we have another team go 12 and0 um it takes so much the longer you go through the season without a loss that pressure really stacks on and you start wondering if you can actually finish the season out undefeated but you guys you guys did it you went all the way to the end and my advice to you was always this once you're a champion you have to be a champion again and you are all capable so good luck to all of you I'm going to step around the ropes now and and make my colleagues a little more comfortable and I'm going to read the citation to you one moment please certificates of commendation in acknowledgement of your extraordinarily excuse me your extra extraordinary athletic achievement by going undefeated with a 12-0 record and winning the 2023 to 2024 Greater Boston League girls middle school basketball championship accomplished through perseverance teamwork and discipline special recognition is hereby accorded to Yas me commas Alana [Applause] Trinidad Isabella [Applause] Guerrero Andrea [Applause] Basta Addison elwick Sophia Korea [Applause] Muriel Allison [Applause] Oliva Mariana Lopez [Applause] Marin Sharon fuler Rebecca [Applause] marado Valerie herado Siobhan [Applause] zeron Valentina Cruz and Coach Melissa Moore [Applause] Randall congratulations everyone I'll stay right here e e e next up is the zoning subcommittee report chairman zambuto uh thank you Mr President uh as we know the uh zoning subcommittee met uh last week and uh on item 2482 um juel s 55 birkshire Street Swampscott Mass requesting a special permit from the Rivier city council to reconstruct and expand an existing non-conforming structure by raising the existing structure and constructing a five-story boutique hotel containing approximately 104 rooms and 32 parking spaces at at 185 Squire Road R Mass um this was voted out favorably from the subcommittee and I would ask for a roll call Vote with the Amendments that the clerk will adds the conditions I apologize did I say amendments commission okay I'm nobody's perfect are there any counselors that have any questions in regards to this since we've changed the rules not everyone's had an opportunity to speak so seeing and hearing none roll call shall the city council Grant the relief requested subject to the conditions of site plan review councelor agenzio yes yes councelor janino yes yes councelor Gino SAA yes yes councelor H yes yes councelor Haro is absent councelor Kelly no no councelor McKenna yes yes councelor noeli yes yes councilor sylvestri yes yes Council zambuto yes yes and council president president cogliandro yes yes the special permit has been granted Mr President rules hoping uh reconsideration does not come on suspension of rules all in favor all opposed so ordered suspension of rules granted move that the reconsideration not be considered on the reconsideration all in favor all opposed so voted back to normal regular order regular order of business next up is the legislative affairs subcommittee report chairman Areno thank you uh Mr President there were several items before us tonight uh we met at 5:00 the first item 24-17 an ordinance establishing a stabilization fund for drainage storm water and covet projects we looked upon this uh favorably with an amendment to reduce the amount from 20% to 10% that Amendment passed and if we could sent this out for a roll call and we look upon it favorably are there any other City councilors wishing to speak on this issue seeing and hearing none Madame clerk call the role as amended ordered on a second reading as amended all in favor all opposed I ordered on a third and final reading as amended I all in favor all opposed I roll call for engrossment and ordainment shall the city council approve an ordinance establishing a stabilization fund for drainage storm water and Culver projects as amended councelor Areno yes yes councelor janino yes yes councelor Gino SAA yes yes councelor H yes yes councelor Haro is absent councelor Kelly yes yes councelor McKenna yes councel noveli yes yes councelor sylvestri no no council zambo yes yes and council president C Leandro yes yes the ordinance has has been engrossed and ordained the second item before us 24- 057 we had some spirited debate on this and certain elements of this uh motion were looked favorably upon but we've decided to place this on file uh till we can work on this um a little bit more and and clear up some confusion uh counselor I think we're going to leave it in committee we don't excuse me leave it in committee thank you are there any other counselors wishing to speak on the matter seeing and hearing none this will be tabled until the next legislative affairs meeting next item was 24-58 a motion presented by councilor Zim budo uh the city council approved the special uh legislation and act relative to the filling of vacancies in the office off of mayor uh we discussed this and we've looked upon this favorably and I asked that a roll call uh be taken to look on this favorably I believe this was this was amended there was there was an amendment yes so we'll have to uh as amended on the motion roll call Madam clerk shall the city council approve an act relative to filling the vacancies in the office of Mayor of the city of reer as amended councel agenzio yes yes councel janino yes yes councelor Gino SAA yes yes councelor H yes yes councelor hero is absent councelor Kelly yes yes councelor McKenna yes yes councel noeli no no councilor sylvestri no no council zambuto yes yes and council president cogliandro yes yes the special legislation has been [Music] approved the final uh matter before us 24- 093 we did place this on file a opinion was sought from city council excuse me uh city solicitor Paul capy and it pretty much cleared this up as far as how subcommittees are run and we've placed this on file uh based on Paul Cap's dis uh rendering of his decision place on file Communications calendar item number 10 communication from the mayor relative to the appointment of Viana katano katano to the Board of Health refer to appointments calendar item number 11 communication from the mayor relative to the appointment of Bernardo Suba to the Conservation Commission referred to appointments calendar calendar item number 12 communication from the mayor relative to the appointment of Dr Craig castanza to the planning board appointments calendar item number 13 communication from the city auditor requesting an appropriation from the cable access receipt Reserve fund for the purpose of paying rier TV's quarterly invoice good evening sir name and address for the record please good evening Richard viskey 281 Broadway City CFO um this is the quarterly uh payment that we get from the C companies that uh we have to vote to the receipt Reserve appropriation account for the Rea TV operations so um it's just a quarterly perfunctory appropriation let me know if you have any questions thank you any counselors roll call Madam cler call the rooll please shall the city council approve an appropriation from the cable access receipt Reserve Fund in the amount of $4,398 for for the purpose of paying rier TV's quarterly invoice councelor Areno yes yes councelor janino yes yes councelor Gino Saia yes yes councelor H yes yes councelor hero is absent councelor Kelly yes yes councelor McKenna yes yes councel noeli yes yes Council sylvestri yes yes Council zambuto yes yes and council president cogliandro yes yes the appropriation has been approved calendar item number 14 communication from the city auditor requesting an appropriation in the amount necessary to fund the unit a and Unit B memorandum of agreements covering the period of July 1 of 24 through June 30th of 25 good evening sir good evening Richard viske 281 Broadway City CFO City auditor um you have before you our memorandums of agreement that have been agreed upon between the city and the Union Local 22 which represents our management Union which is also known as Unit A and our ourly employees known as Unit B it is a one-year contract uh with the hope to uh do a deeper dive into a three-year contract down the road it's uh offers a 3% cost to living adjustment as well as uh for unit a there are some positions that are being added and removed I'm happy to answer any questions on on the agreement um it was pretty uh simplified just in order to um get a one-year deal and and talk more uh deeper about uh bigger issues as uh the mayor gets his feet on the room thank you thank you sir uh Council Zan buo thank you Mr President uh uh Mr CFO um normally we we have like threeyear contracts don't we yes you're you're correct there's there's a lot for the new mayor to uh okay I was just I was just curious as to why there was a oneye several unions that came before us to ask if we were willing to negotiate a one-year deal just to um take care of colas and and and there's a lot of language stuff that we're going to get into but um we thought this would be good just so we can have some real numbers going into okay I just I just thought it was odd but no no you're you're correct it's typically a threee de no that's fine thank you you're welcome councelor agenzio uh Mr VC could you please uh explain the 775 per per PE agreement could you explain what the PE agreement is certainly counselor uh the PEC the P agreement uh Public Employee committee is the organization that negotiates health insurance uh benefits with the administration uh it's typically made up of every um Union president as well as a representative of the retirement community and they um negotiate with the city on plan design uh co-pays uh contribution splits Etc we had um negotiated a deal uh two and a half years ago that basically left the health insurance plans unaffected with the agreement that on the last day of the contracts which is June 30th of this year um we will be changing contribution rates on the HMO plans from 80% City and 20% employee to 77.5 % City 22.5% employee that change comes along with that 75 uh raise on the base pay so um that will be uh in addition to the 3% that's negotiated so which makes it 3.75% in total thank you very much and speaking with a couple of the employees I I don't think a lot of people know their health care contribution is going up in in June uh maybe some little bit more uh information out to the employees this yeah we can certainly um uh remind them of that uh again we did negotiate with every Union president which um I imagine they pass it along but that was several years ago so I'm happy to work with HR to give everybody a reminder on those contribution splits okay and one other question um on the unit a that says the classification and compensation schedule has been modified with salary ranges that have been adjusted for the results of a salary survey so does that mean that certain members of unit a would get a larger than 3.75 due to a disparity with other cities and towns to their positions yeah that would be uh part of the budget process but there were several that um I believe three in particular that fell above what we thought was the average range of the comp communities which uh we used Chelsea Everett Salem Malden and medfit as our comp so we uh you may have recalled that we did get an appropriation to do salary surveys for all the unions and um the results of that was um completed and and and negotiated as part of the uh the settlement okay you said fell above does that mean they'll be reduced or fell I'm sorry I might have misspoke they fell below below my thank you and is that being done with the um that the clerks and the administrators and is that salary survey also happening for that some point the the unit B contract is a little more complicated because it it it ranges from uh nurses the clerks the park in to inspect this so we are in the process of doing that as well as police and fire and DPW thank you very much you welcome thank you counselor any other counselors wishing to speak councelor H Rich thanks for being here I just had a quick question regarding the salary survey what's the length of that how long does that take I know you said you have to do re fire police nurses how long does that typically take to have everyone in the city a survey completed for every single SLE City employee to make sure where where we're supposed to be I mean i' been I I've been working on it for uh probably a month now like each Union has its own challenges the police and fire in particular have um complicated collective bargaining so we did is we got um we requested um each Collective bargain agreement for those cities that I just indicated so we're reading through those because it's not just the salary we want to look at the total compensation whether it's stiens whether it's longevity education payments as well as um the the benefits themselves because uh like councilor jenu just said we are um in the end of our PEC agreement which is uh also another negotiation so we just want to make sure we're on power with everybody with regard to Health Plans um contribution splits uh what types of co-pays all that stuff we really want to try to have uh good current data for the fiscal year 2025 budget process but um to answer your question we hope to have everything complete so so that um it'll be part of the the budget presented to you in May great thank you thank you counselor councelor noeli thank you Mr President uh Mr VES uh on article number four article one recognitions you're removing some position titles is that correct we're removing the positions um in completely we've added positions and we removed them so basically part of this was a a bit of a cleanup of the list of positions covered in that barget unit and the class for water distribution position isn't there is that works with the MW yeah we have uh management people that have those uh those qualifications now so it's embedded in their job descriptions and there's nobody in line now that had that position that did they get promotions we have two people right now that have that um class 4 water distribution license so we don't need it in the union anymore it's part of the so they will moved into a management we're required to have a level uh um uh level four water licensed person we have two of them right now so that position is no longer needed because it's in a management position yes okay okay thank you you're welcome all right we're going to take uh two separate roll calls on this one for unit a and one for Unit B Madam clerk whenever you're ready thank you shall the city council approved the appropriation necessary to fund the unit a memorandum of agreement covering the period of July 1 of 24 through June 30th of 25 councelor agenzio yes yes councelor janino yes yes councelor greo SAA yes yes councelor H yes yes councelor hero is absent councelor Kelly yes yes councelor McKenna yes yes Council noeli yes yes Council sylvestri yes yes Council zambuto yes yes and council president cogliandro yes yes the appropriation has been approved and shall the city council approve the appro ration necessary to fund The Unit B memorandum of agreement covering the period of July 1 of 24 through June 30th of 25 councelor agenzio yes yes councelor janino yes yes councelor greo SAA yes yes councelor H yes yes councel Haro is absent councelor Kelly yes yes councelor McKenna yes yes councel noeli yes yes councelor sylvestri yes yes councelor zambuto yes yes and council president cogliandro yes yes the appropriation has been approved appr D next up is motions calendar item number 15 motion presented by Council noeli that the mayor request National Grid to increase the wattage from 25 led to 48 LED on poll number 2858 at one or Square in the interest of Public Safety Council noeli thank you Mr President this is self-explanatory thank you all in favor all opposed so ordered calendar item number 16 motion presented by councilors McKenna and Gino SAA that the mayor request the traffic commission to install traffic calming measures on winr Avenue at the senior center to include a speed hump and flashing speed sign near the crosswalk the existing crosswalk in small sign is not enough to DET deter speeding motorists this is a matter of public safety for the seniors utilizing the senior center councelor Gino so I just like to add um counselor has to this motion as well with us um the senior Crossing on winr B are in dangers danger of getting hit by a car um as it is heavily traveled there's a crosswalk and a small sign there but some cars are traveling way too fast um to get to and from Broadway so they can't stop in time for a stop sign seniors would have wouldn't have the agility to get out out of the way fast enough for speeding cars um if a speeding car was approaching so I feel that a flashing elderly Crossing warning sign can help to slow down the traffic in front of the Senior Center thank you thank you counselor councelor mcken thank you um most of the seniors when they attend um the Suarez there and um hello gentlemen guys old guys you discriminating against us we are we we're talking about seniors so it's that's the truth but um when uh the seniors have events in um the Rosetti Center uh they normally use the parking lot the central parking lot and they cross the streets so we do need to protect them and I I think this is a great motion thank you thank you counselor counselor H first I'd like to thank my fellow counselors for including me in this motion um this is the second consecu second meeting in a row that we've talked about the winr AV area and specifically the senior center and um it's a tricky area we talked about spra Street people coming around it's kind of like a blind Corner one end has the senior center one crosswalk one tiny sign that says seniors elderly Crossing or senior Crossing and the other end of the street is sunny Meers Park in the Immaculate Conception Church so this is definitely an area that I'm concerned about safety wise and I'd love to see something done along that stretch thank you thank you counselor councelor Zam budo thank you Mr President this is a great motion um I'm not always in favor of speed bumps uh this is one time I am in favor of it um and whatever we can do to make that area safer and it it is a challenge because it's got a lot of competing uh things going on there so um a great motion I support it wholeheartedly thank you thank you councelor councelor no vasilki thank you Mr President Mr President uh I want to agree with everybody that spoke on this and just so everybody is aware that last fall I put a motion in based on complaints from the senior CI Senior Center and several senior citizens to put a flashing speed sign as fast as people were going but then I noticed there's already one closer to Winter B coming down this way so uh you know this would just be an addition you know to anything else we put up to protect our seniors they they need whatever they can get thank you thank you counselor counselor janino I think this is a great motion also I also I also feel it's a perfect location to try to put in a rais crosswalk rather than a speed bump and we could also put in the um solar crosswalk signs we don't have any in in the city yet but it's a good location to try to start doing it and see if it works out any other counselors councelor Kelly uh I actually I love this motion but I actually love um councilor janino's idea about a raised crosswalk um any measures that we can put into place to um help and Aid the safety of our seniors I think need to be acted on immediately I think this is another prime example as to why I would love to see a new Senior Center AL together um in a new location thank you thank you counselor any other counselors all in favor all opposed so Ed calendar item number 17 motion presented by council president cogliandro that the city council hold a meeting and executive session with the mayor and city solicitor pursuant to Mass General laws chapter 3A section 21 A3 for the purpose of discussing the ongoing imminent domain litigation relative to the Wonderland site permission to speak from the chair yes thank you nothing malicious about this motion uh except the fact that we cannot discuss this other than inside of an executive session uh and I just want everybody to know that the this is filed so that we can have every single bit of information we can possibly have when it comes time to bonding over half a billion dollars and that's what this is all about um any other councilors Council zamb buo thank you Mr President this is a great motion uh it's going to be a challenge to vote this Bond under all the circumstances but without knowing what it's going to cost in the end I certainly can't vote for it so I appreciate this motion and I'm looking forward to the uh executive session thank you any of the counselors councelor Kelly I just like to say I think this is a terrific motion I'm glad that you brought the motion um full support of it um and I think the sooner the better the more information that we can get the sooner that we can get the information the better our decision- making process will be when it comes time to bond the high school thank you thank you counselor and I just want to State uh I did speak to Mayor Keefe in regards to this um and he was supportive of it and you know this is just about having a team effort and again as much information as we can possibly get before we have to take that vote uh with that said this is going to be referred to a committee of the whole the date is uh to be determined calendar item number 18 motion presented by council president C Leandro that the mayor requests it and human resources to repair or purchase a new employee ID badge printer it is imperative that certain employees elected officials and board commission members have a valid employee ID for proper identification at site visits it's about time we get to something serious um there are many counselors and there are also members of the Conservation Commission and other boards and committees that either don't have have a an ID or their ID is expired we need to rectify that especially for the people who do site visits like ourselves in the concom they need to have valid credentials so that uh people are not skeptical when someone shows up around their property uh so the sooner we can get that fixed the better councelor Gino SAA I completely agree with this one I was sworn in this is the first thing I asked for Ashley actually the city clerk came with me to human resources to see if we could get an ID and they this is when we realized they didn't have one a machine working so thank you for putting this in any other counselors all in favor all opposed so oted calendar item number 19 motion presented by councelor McKenna that the city council submit a letter of opposition to mot relative to the Bennington street bike lane reconfiguration project the Bennington Street project will eliminate one lane of traffic in each Direction negatively impacting the residents of Beachmont by narrowing the emergency evacuation route out of the neighborhood in nearby winr Mass counc zambuto is recused from discussion on this matter councelor McKenna thank you um can Andrew put the pitches on please um so uh this is Bennington Street uh this was last month uh this is in front of the Beachmont school so as you can see Bennington street is flooded um there's four lanes of Bennington Street and um the uh Lane towards the um apartment buildings were passable but not really so this is the emergency route uh for the evacuation route uh for Beachmont some residents in uh Winthrop and for ocean a um so this is this is um when we thought of storms occurring every 100 years they're occurring every month now and it seems like it's they're occurring in Beachmont and they're occurring in some parts of uh other parts of the city uh we have Mass DOT that wants to Li eliminate lanes for an a an Emergency an evacuation uh way to get out and it's just ridiculous because um we can't do it we just can't do it this is um went through Parkway yesterday this happened yesterday and um this is went for Parkway because they shut down short Beach so they were going up to Crescent Dev Crescent Dev was this is the line to go up to Crescent AV from from Winford Parkway all the way down to Beachmont Square so this is they shut um the part of sh Beach down because they had flooding down in with um at the end of uh a shot Beach forth ramp in winth so they shut down the beach so this is Crescent Dev I mean this is and these people were trying to get out of beachmore to go to Winthrop and they couldn't they were going down dead end streets not realizing that it was water it was the MH and they were had turning around it was a nightmare um and I just want to I I want to show you that if we do this it's going to be a big problem and do Mass do can come in and do a study but the people that live here know what we go through every single day and they don't know and if this occurs we're going to have a disaster because people are going to be stuck in their houses they're not going to be able to get home they're not going to be able to leave uh so I'm asking the city council if they would back me and stand tall and I know there's a couple of other legislators that are against this and oppose the re configuration of Bennington street because they have no idea and we we call them they don't answer the phone we ask them to come up they don't come so uh it's just this is terrible this is terrible so as you can see by the pictures and I just want to say um that uh the DPW bill guaso in um in um John Maniscalco from the water department really stepped up to the plate they came down they put cones so people couldn't go down the dead end streets I directed traffic for a whole uh hour and a half and they were so they were they thought I was going to get hurt so they gave me a a DPW vest it was unbelievable but uh and I just I want to um thank Chris CH charamela too for coming down today and putting sandbags along um down on b b is um Street have uh people lost their cars yesterday it was ridiculous but they they put it they put uh 5 foot uh sandbags down to stop the water from coming in so it it's just ridiculous um what's going on and I I thank you for this because I'm all upset I get all upset every time I talk about this so um thank you very much thank you coun councelor H thank you Mr President I definitely understand councelor McKenna's concerns especially when you're talking about taking away a lane or even part of a lane when there's flooding like that it's going to be tough for people to get in and out to navigate the area I was curious I know councelor McKenna said we can't really get in touch with Mast do regarding this regarding the bike lane proposal is there there a way we could talk to them and maybe limit what they what they plan on taking with the the bike path and you know just to make it safer for people riding the bikes and pedestrians could we meet with them and maybe explain to them our stance and try and work with them a little bit could I have speak thank you I I think we asked them to come up a about uh maybe two months ago they never replied they never uh and the other thing is we was supposed to have a they had a community meeting in um East Boston but they never came to Beachmont to have a community meeting so I mean they're they're nonresponsive uh they want they want us they want to change everything but they don't come and tell the people that they're going to do it they just do it and right now they have like a uh they they're saying it's a for the construction they have uh they narrowed it down to one lane and they're but it's a test but they're saying it's because of the construction but it's a test to see if the people can handle it and the people can handle it so thank you thank you counselor uh counselor Gino sa I completely agree with councelor McKenna I have the same issue with mass doot as well trying to get a hold of them trying to get them to do anything is there any way we can get them to be held reli I mean responsible can can can they be accountable to respond to us I mean we are sitting counselors I mean we represent the area that we're in permission to speak from the chair thank you everyone's being real nice right now mot comes into our city does tests they give us data they they have come before this Council before I think it was last year maybe the year before that once but ultimately they're going to do whatever they want we could tell them every single thing that we have said here tonight we could tell them that we are not happy you don't live here what are we fixing I believe it was former councelor Visconti that asked what are we fixing okay there's a difference between moving forward into the future and being dragged there and that's sometimes what it feels like we as a community especially as a council should have some sort of a say well we're the ones that represent this community not them and when they come in here and they try to make changes to streets that are state roads that go straight through our community without a real proper understanding of the way that our City Works it's just unacceptable to me so I'm in support of the letter I'm not optimistic that it's going to do anything I don't know what else we can do councelor Kelly I I'm in full support of the motion I'm in full support of the letter I think maybe something that we can do to give the letter um to hopefully give it a little bit more of an impact is maybe a petition um signed by the residents in the community or in the neighborhood um stating their opposition to this as well um maybe that would help thank you thank you counselor good evening sir name and address of the record please Mr President at Terell 7 Street R Mass I would like to remind the council that it does have subpoena power if massot does not show up you can subpoena them it's rarely used by the council but you do have that power thank you any other counselors or members of the audience wishing to speak what is the will of the council all right well the on the floor is to send a letter United as a council to Mast in regards to the Bennington Street issue uh all in favor all opposed so ordered thank [Music] you calendar item number 20 motion presented by council president cogliandro that the mayor requests the chief of police to direct officers to issue parking violations on days in which the parking department does not have any parking control officers on duty permission to speak from the chair please thank you um I filed this motion I don't believe we have the parking department on duty on Sundays correct me if I'm wrong so I want to amend this I don't want to have the police department patrolling around for parking violations what I would like to do is change this that if a resident calls in to the non-emergency line in regards to a car parked illegally or any any sort of parking issue that it then be put on their to-do list for the day to go by uh and check the car to see if there is a violation um it seems like a lot of this happens uh on Sundays when there's no parking enforcement councelor Gino sa I'm thrilled that you put in this motion especially on a Sunday because Ward five is 247 most of most of part of um Ward five no parking and people tend to take advantage of that on a Sunday knowing that there is no parking clerk on duty so thank you so much for putting in this motion I'm wholeheartedly in agreement any other councilors wishing to speak on the motion as amended all in favor all opposed so ordered calendar item number 21 motion presented by councelor Gino SAA that the mayor requests the traffic commission to approve the installation of a flashing crosswalk sign at 308 Rivier Street in the interest of Public Safety councilor Gino sa okay there's a crosswalk at 308 uh Rivier Street in front of theenda restaurant but it's simply not enough um Rivier Street's a highly traveled area and cars are coming in and out of that parking lot that's across the street from the hasienda and um people are also trying to park on that side where the convenience store is so what's happening is people are trying to cross where that crosswalk is and cars are coming out in and out of their parking lot and cars are flying down Rivier street because that's just what they do and they don't stop for the pedestrians um it's in the best interest of Public Safety that a flashing cross walk light um will hopefully stop the traffic when they press the button and allow pedestrians to cross um safely so that's what I'm asking for thank you thank you counselor any other counselors counselor sylvestri I not sure but would this possibly have to go through traffic to see if that we can put a it should be going through traffic absolutely um that's it's in the motion that it's going to go to traffic any other counselors all in favor all opposed so Ed there's no further business thank you all for your attendance this evening everybody have a great night meeting is adjourned e for