4 and the time is 5:33 p.m. um Brian if you could stop the roll call please Sor was good uh Michael picardi here uh I don't think we have Stacy Rizzo I don't see her uh Susan here Dr Kelly here Carl Carl you got us I think you came came in twice I'll come back to Carl in a minute uh I don't believe Chris Bowen is here get my I I Know Carl is here because he's in his office I'll go check on him and Bowen is at the um student showcase sounds good uh Rich Fiske I don't think it's here D chair mop here Nick rrom here mayor Keith here Tom Sosi here uh John stamatopoulos I am here counil gandro here Don Martelli I am here and I don't think Josh Miranda is here Josh is also presenting at the student showcase we've got a lot going on tonight excellent um try Carl once more uh Carl can you hear us yep I'm here sorry about that I have to go from my phone no problem um let's see do we want to jump into it we have a little bit of housekeeping tonight um invoices and meeting minutes I think we maybe started off with the meeting minutes um let's see I can put them on the screen if anyone wants uh or has any questions but otherwise we have the draft minutes from May 1 uh up for approval motion to approve the May 1 meeting minutes second good um on the minutes Mike bardi yes sorry I'm trying to do two things at once uh Stacy Rizzo is not here Susan sorry for the delay everybody I am here hey Rich we're just doing meeting minutes right now okay thank you uh Susan you said yes yes and Stacy's logging in now too sounds good I'll come back to Stacy on Dr Kelly yes thank you Carl yes uh Chris Bowen is not here rich vuke on the meeting minutes yes uh Don cherella yes Nick rrom yes mayor Keef yes Tom scosi I'll abstain as I you got it uh John yes second H Council Cog Leandro yes uh don Martelli yes and Joshua is not here sounds good let me just put the invoice cover page on the screen for a sec here Brian if you can put me in as a yes also oh sorry for not coming back to you I will no sorry for being late no problem so on the screen um the summary of three invoices these are the last invoices for leftfield and kigle the 21,000 for left field completes um feasibility study services and the 25440 for kigi completes their services um we'll have one more um invoice from Perkins Eastman to square up on all the feasibility study work next month so second to last feasibility invoice for Perkins Eastman last for left field in kigle um any questions on invoices otherwise we'll look for motions Brian do you know the balance of the money that'll be left over after we approve this month and the next mon uh I hold on I could look that up yes think the bottom of their invoice said retain a balance zero the other document yeah they do um I'm just trying to look at there's there's money remaining beyond the um the contracts that if I just open up the right Excel here so uh Perkins Eastman has a balance to Bill of 259,000 and after that 259,000 there's 204,000 left uncommitted unspent in the $4.3 million budget so again left field and kigle build out to 100% um Perkin Eastman build out to 91% 259k remaining after that Bill gets paid next month we will finish the 4.3 million feasibility study with $24,275 left thank you for that information I think that money should go back to the schools once we finish this up that's good I just want to make sure is the invoice summary page still sharing that's what's on the screen yes thank you it's hard to keep track so can we make a motion on the whole total or separate separate so I'll make a motion for left field for um $21,000 I'll second that sounds good Mike bardi yes Stacy Rizzo yes Susan yes Dr Kelly yes thank you uh Carl yes Chris is absent uh rich yes Don yes Nick yes mayor Kei yes Tom yes John yes councilor car Leandro yes Don Martelli yes and Josh Miranda is absent two more motion to approve perkus Eastman um for Professional Services for April 1 through 30 2024 for 27,9 4350 second thank you Michael Yes Stacy yes Susan yes Dr Kelly yes Carl yes CH is absent Rich yes Don cherel yes Nick yes mayor Keith yes Tom yes John yes Council C Leandro yes and Don Martelli yes it's good Josh is still absent last one kigle yes uh okay John for the motion we have a second second thank you Michael Yes Stacy yes Susan yes Dr Kelly yes Carl yes Chris is absent Rich yes Dono yes Nick yes mayor Keith yes Tom yes John yes councilor Cog Leandro yes Don marelli yes excellent thank you let me just save that file okay so um moving along we've done invoices I wanted to do a really quick sort of schematic design um submission followup here do a quick little look at the schedule before we um we talk about the approval of the contract amendments to move the project forward so I just wanted to use this um high level graphic the msba always shows you've probably seen this before this was in a training course um that Lynn and I were in last week I figured I'd steal it but um the submission and approval of schematic design is known as module 4 and the basically the module five is called funding the project we're through with both of those paperwork for the project scope and budget is being executed sent back to the msba and really the last step before we go from module five funding the project to module six detailed design is amending the contracts for the uh three Consultants you have on board that then leads into construction close out post occupancy evaluation Etc um what was in the packet here is sort of a um a task by task summary of what we're going to be going through stuff highlighted in green is really the things that are priority now but I think it would be better for me to just share the graphic and if people have any questions we can go back to specific dates um so a little bit more user friendly what we're looking at here is a design development phase that is going to run um what I call produ ction um a lot of meetings that we'll we'll talk a little bit about with groups of you a lot of meetings internally a lot of meetings internally to the design team uh package will go out to the estimators in uh December we will spend December January performing those estimates uh ultimately presenting a budget before we move into the following phase 60% CDs uh we have to submit each of these Milestones DD 60% cd90 to the msba um for their com but it's um it's more a review and comment from msba we're not necessarily waiting for permission for them to move along uh we've already got that permission the last piece of DD is we will use the DD set to bid um site enabling um which basically is just demo and abatement really just cleaning up what's there that will move us into the 60% CD phase which will run from February through June it'll have a similar process at the end of it where we uh perform estimates present the results submit it to msba for comments the 60% CD package is what's going to bid um the bones of the building the foundations concrete steel elevators waterproofing uh site work and any underground trade work Electrical Plumbing uh as you can see the first bid sets up a site mobilization to clean up the site in May of next year and and the second bid sets up commencement of actually building the building um one thing that's not shown here is permitting permitting is going to be continuous through all this and the anticipation is that by August 2025 we're through the meepa process and have enough permits in place to start actually building the building um demoing the site isn't necessarily tied to that that's why we can get into that a bit earlier but digging for foundations uh meet approvals needed so this August September range is when we plan to be uh closing out most of the permitting processes and beginning building the building that'll also overlap with the 90% construction document phase that will run from July through October and uh will be our last point where we run estimates at this point we've bid the site work we've bid the foundations we've bid the steel and we're estimating everything that's left we'll issue final CDs next November which sets up uh bidding the bulk of the building uh after the Bones from the envelope all the way down to finishes bidding that next summer and arriving at a guaranteed maximum price contract for the whole construction um with kigi end of next year the one other task that's shown in here is trade pre-qualification we'll talk about that as we get a little bit closer but um any of the filed sub trades that the state defines we go through a prequalification process and um narrow down the biders who are able to bid on the project so that's a topic for another day any um schedule or process questions or further detail this this schedule on the screen doesn't run out to completion this was really just proving when we need to start building foundations and start building steel as this does run out we're still on for a 2028 uh fall occupancy of the building I just wanted to pause and see if anybody had any schedule related questions Brian just go ahead go ahead um no I was just looking on the spreadsheet you have a tab for the simplified pamit timeline 2024 is that something that um is worth reviewing while we're at it here or is that something that a working progress that that that piece is actually a work in progress in this Excel I sort of took over this uh Excel to do this type of Graphics uh I I need to get an update from um uh from from the Consultants on the actual permitting timeline the the various stages of Permitting so if it's okay with you rich maybe that's something we put on the agenda for the next meeting as we detail run through the sequence of Permitting yeah that'd be great thank you sounds good let me just make a note and was that was it Don or John who also had a question it was me Brian sorry just uh I'm just curious if if any how many votes more are the council going to have to make and and when do you foresee those happening so the council um the council does not have to make any votes uh for the duration of the project at this point um that doesn't mean we're not going to be there um I think maybe the right flow for right now um counselor is that I think we really need probably a couple months I think maybe bonly or maybe even quarterly for for the DD stretch I'd like to get in front of them and update them during this DD stretch before we're updating them about the estimates out in January but at least for the next few months there's not going to be a ton to cover um so maybe we maybe we talk in the next month or so and plan on um when's the right time for the next Council update but we do not need votes from here on out fantastic thank you you're welcome any other schedule related questions I had one in particular around Communications to just the general public um and just you know folks that are inquiring about the process generally is there a thought process in terms of how and when and what that would look like as these particular schedule items um flow yeah Don I think that's going to Mo most of the um a lot of the public Outreach is going to be centered around permitting um rever and environmental justice Community it means we're going to have to do a bunch of public forums that's sort of tied to the meepa process in a way um we're gonna Splash a few um we're going to revisit work groups tonight one of them uh I'm suggesting is sort of a core group that's um related to permitting Outreach and sort of PR along those lines and I will warn you that I already put your name on that uh list so I not a problem great it might be um that probably goes hand inand with what um Rich asked for and that it's since it's mostly tied to permitting maybe at next month's meeting we'll go as we go through the detailed permitting uh timeline we can spe talk specifically about when certain events can happen there's going to be handing out flyers Etc getting um getting the website sort of updated for a couple other items related to permitting so I think we'll package that with the discussion for next month is the 60k in advertising and the other document is that what that's related to is the public awareness um what what value were you referring to John as far as 60k line item in the the left field document for advertising I'm wondering if that's itemized yeah that's one of the that's an allowance in in that budget that um any of the allowances that aren't just basic Services we'll we'll look at this more in a minute we have design development CDs but that is an allowance in there um for sort of physical things Flyers printouts that we might need to support that process yes thank you and to to utilize that money would be a committee decision so the allowances would all be items that are built into the contract but we'd come back to the city with a plan and say hey we're going to do some poster board some handouts this is the cost this is the budget line we'll use awesome hey Brian do we have a up to-date uh website for this project the website is uh up to date what we are working on is a section related to the permitting hearings Joe and um we want we're going to create a new piece of the website related to the environmental justice Community hearings that's going to have a lot of info about what the meepa process is and public input but in short yes all the meetings go up um videos of the meetings go up um we will be getting the whole schematic design package hosted up there as well but we try to keep it up to date on a monthly basis but we also want to tailor a piece of it to help us through this permitting process and some of the public Outreach actually Brian I don't think it's been updated since January and I had reached out to Linda leapor about that um because even some of the things that are up there the links were broken and she said that um that you all had a new website vendor person that you were working with and that she was working with them to um get things fixed okay and I'm just I'm clicking in now to different documents and it looks like the links are fixed so that's good um but there are not meeting minutes or video these videos of the meetings or um presentations since January sounds good noted we will get that taken care of and even the the project timeline um is not updated either after January 2024 yep we'll do a I'll I'll go through every page on it we'll do an update this week let me get back to okay if there any other questions on schedule if not I think we're going to move into the uh contract amendments portion of this I don't see any hands so um queuing up the contract amendments um we're going to take a little diversion back into these into the focus groups I have a um a different docu that I want to put on the screen but um as I said before the three contracts that you have with Consultants left field Perkins Eastman can Sly run through the completion of feasibility study um which is now um we have to amend these contracts to extend the basic services and consig Le preconstruction all the values we're presenting align with the budgets that were presented to this group to the msba to the city council uh they're already all baked into the budget and upon approval of the contract amendments and a vote to move into DD um we will be into that um into that phase of the project so let me just before we run through these amendments I just thought it was a good time to revisit and of course I shut the file the working groups and um we went back through some of the older discussions about this and have some names and I just want to give everyone a chance before we really start scheduling these meetings in July to um speak up if they would like to be involved one second I'm getting different document on the screen so we have um the way the design the we had originally way back we sort of had an interior group and an exterior group um that sort of evolved um I think I think Stacy and Susan and Company uh Susan I meant you'd agree I think we'd like to just call that the design um working group the people that were previously involved with that Susan Dawn um actually I doubled up the chairel sorry Chris was not involved with that Don uh Rich guchi was involved Mike bardi christopher Bowen um and excuse me Brian uh Lena Marie Rockwood was also involved if I I will check spelling after and Diane Kelly and Diane Kelly and Brian I was on exterior no you weren't Stacy sorry okay excuse me no you weren't but you can't be what was I on um you were on sustainability and something else yeah I forgot was on that um were you on the floor with us at City Hall going through all the the the materials no but I had to hear it from you so good I don't think she was I don't think she was I was not would you like to be this time huh would you like to be part of why I'm doing this is as we start firing out when can we meet and figuring out the meetings I just want to know the right people to CC um so do you want to be on that list I would love to but you know what Brian if you need me somewhere RSE I can do that too I just want to be a team player yep because that's that's me I get it well I think we have six folks um listed from the committee here which is safely underneath the eight that might trigger a quorum so um I think this is a good group for now and this I'll just say the same thing as Stacy if I need to be somewhere else I can be somewhere else okay um we're gonna have a lot more detail to go through as far as mechanical electrical Plumbing design which all relates to sustainability um Carl's involved with a lot of these um sorry Carl but um I'm interested to see if anybody else um is interested in joining from from a me and sustainability perspective or if few folks have ideas of people I could go bother to see if they're interested because this does not have to be restricted to this commit be good oh we both talking sorry who's I was thinking uh Juan jamelo isn't he like the chair of the sustainability committe councelor J um councelor Juan Jello if he wants to join I'm sure he would he's expressed interest um before so he can definitely thought he would be great yep um Brian can you also ask Mr Bowen to identify a student from the student Senate to be on that group good and I have a feeling to some degree um these aren't the only people that are going to be involved we'll probably keep the team of you know Don and Nick Cher Don um and Chris cherella and Nick appraised of these meetings um some of it does relate to a lot of their Citywide works but um this is more diving into the building necessarily than site utilities which we have a separate group for okay we've also we can revisit these at any time I'm just going to keep moving um site design campus use and Athletics um Carl Michael HOSA from um pox and wck Frank Shay the athletic director um of the people that have been involved so far can you add um Sant major calendar to that from the JC calendar you said Y and then uh Michael hose's last name starts with an H thank you Brian how does this differ from the city planning category um that's sort of a i i the city planning I should put it in here I I considered those items um uh commuter rail stop and some of the discussion about um National Grid potentially wanting some substation space down there um in addition anything about um connection to Wonderland um pedestrian connections Etc so in a way I think it was internal to the site as a little island is what the site campus and Athletics group was and sort of how the site relates to any City Master planning and projects is probably the difference and there can certainly be overlap Tom yeah I think I might be interested in both yep right are these elective committees are you you signing right so these are just to be clear these are not subcommittees these um these are working groups and they um they're really just groups of people that um we need to burn a bunch of time with to discuss items that'll come back to this committee so none of these are um are posted subcommittees they really just we treat one person as the point person and we we do not trigger a COR ourselves to be on them at this point if we're willing to yeah yeah if you want on any of them let us know oh could could I join the side campus in athletics please yep thank you sounds good site utilities I think we've got the right team here um between these four guys I don't think anybody really knows more about um how the city in this bu buildings and infrastructure work we've already started meeting um with these we had a few virtual meetings we met down at the DPW last week so these will continue this is much more cut and dry um sort of what's underground how does it work than um how do kids use the site Etc the site utility group so the city planning as I said is really where the project dovetails with any Master planning um Tom um mayor Keef has already said that his chief of staff Claudia Korea um would like to be a point person for some of these items um this other group is sort of loosely calling meepa pering Outreach and coordination you could sort of consider this PR I even um I'm going to just website PR media so this was the group that um we think could most help and I have R it listed here because some of these are going to be public forum um where we coordinate with the school to have translators and uh multiple YouTube streams Etc so um we had Claudia on there Rich guchi has been involved with these Dawn this is uh one that i' i' ask for um your participation in sure no problem and Brian just to be a little more specific can you remove rhit and make it Paul Amato and um John Lind who is our uh new community coordinator can you was lind's l y n l y n DS good and last this one's going to vary uh a bit but um technology is technology is going to range from City infrastructure fiber planning which we are planning on having to get fiber over to this site um so that's really a um an rhs IT Carl item but this then starts bleeding into Building Systems that also then relate to security and First Responders so by the time we really get deep into talking building security we want to keep that a pretty tight group um but for in the meantime we think this is a combination of principal Bowen Carl and the IT department to really hone in on what we need for technology um when we start speaking of student facing te technology will obviously be working with teachers and administration but um this really is about systems in the building so the right uh to clarify on the r hsit this should be Jonathan Ferrara um Steve staff and spelling again um it's just stf um and then we probably want one of the SRO but I think that um maybe the mayor and I can talk to the Chief and find out if he wants it to be an SRO or if there's somebody else from the police department who um he would prefer to have uh working on this group from a security perspective there is uh one of the SRO is a sergeant but they do have a captain who oversees them so I don't know I think we should talk to the Chief and find out where he feels the right um pieces there we recommend um any fire Personnel or yes ultimately if if you folks want to do that Outreach that's uh perfectly fine I was gonna um sort of reach out to the the Chiefs and just H you know ask them who are the right people oh no if you want to take care of it have at it yeah no that's fine yeah we they they know what we're doing we've met with them before so but I wanted to just reintroduce it to them so we'll we'll take care of that as terms of who are the right um officers and um and fire uh firefighters and EMS folks but I do think is there room in that W group yeah I'd like to be involved with the security aspect as well Brian does it make sense to have somebody from the city Mis Department involved as well I think it will remind me what MI yes is manager of informational systems okay um I I just Jonathan Ferrara does oversee the the tech and the fiber for the city Network okay yep I can check with him if he thinks there's any other entity that's needed for that but he seems to kind of know everything about that stuff okay one more one more thing one more thing to consider Brian is um as these meetings continue to happen if there will be any anything coming out of these meetings that will be public facing or needs to be communicated or messaged or there will be just some community relations component to it maybe having a dotted line to that community relations PR group just in case if there's a need for Content development things of that nature yep I I agree Don so and I anything these groups are doing is going to report back to this group but I think we we can route them through the um we can we can route them through these uh Outreach meetings as well so sounds good I heard I just Loosely heard that Don Martelli would be doing free PR I mean since I've met all you folks in the city council and the folks in the school that's all I do is get free PR advice I'm good at it all right accept I was just gonna say Don martelli's been giving the school department free PR advice for years I secretly love it I secretly love it love fixing other people's problems excellent okay so we wanted to just get that these we're going to start scheduling these for for June they will run through the design development phase in probably a bit longer um but at least we wanted to get the names now so we know who to start scheduling meetings with that sort of lead excuse me Brian can you send us a list of all the Committees with the members on when you have it completed yep we'll do I want to and actually I do want to make one other request that before we consider it a complete list that we ask Mr Bowen to see if there's a staff member and a student who would like to sit on each of the Committees I don't know that there will be for all of these different groups but I'm sure there's a lot of teachers who would be interested in working on the interior and exterior design team and um you know a few of the others the site campus and athl I know some of our uh coaches or p PE teachers would love to be a part of that um and just so that we can make sure that we H we have those voices at the table absolutely I'm going to clean this up and even just add emails and stuff so it's easy for us to schedule and I will send it through um I will send it through those couple of folks at the school to say before we sort of call this official um and print the PDF out of it do we want to add any of those folks and excuse me one question um will you be scheduling the meetings are you going to going to um pick a point person for each group to be the scheduler and the organizer for each separate group as you did before I I think it's going to vary by group I think I think the Design Group will probably function a lot like it was before Susan um but I think for most of these the first one um some combination of myself and Perkins Eastman will put them together together and at that first meeting we'll probably talk about frequency and you know when we want to meet again Etc so um ball ball in the project team's Court to get these all scheduled for now perfect thank you one quick question Brian is there any kind of um finance committee that's gonna be put together on this that that'll be fine with me we've certainly done that um seen that on other projects if um and we certainly could do it here rich I just think I might be a little cumbersome to go through all the finances with the entire group every time so if there's um certainly happy to uh participate in any kind of Finance um group that um we put together yeah I think that's a that's a good idea and having a few years I mean you and I and a few other people are going to spend a lot of time with that but um if folks are interested in really getting deep in the budget this is going to be a you know few hundred line budget as we get moving um if that's something you're interested in let us know I will list it here though I would um I would recommend reaching out to councelor sylvestri he's the chair of ways and means for the council I will talk to him thank you for that suggestion we might be in four years at Council organization by the time we talk about this but good Rec recommendation okay any other working group questions before we move into the contract amendments uh if not and these amendments get pretty um complex um but just going through them each these are the these amendments carry the Professional Services through completion of the project um for left field in Perkins Eastman it's straight through the end and SBA closeout audit Etc uh kigi is still just preconstruction uh we're not awarding any site demo yet any foundations concrete building those will all be awarded by Future contract amendments after we've bid them approved the budgets Etc so p uh PE and left field these get you right through the end of the project they contain uh basic Services which will bill out as percentages of completion for each phase we're in and they include allowances the allowances are just budget lines that don't have anything attached to them yet as we find items that go against those budgets you will be approving those and sort of an alart uh means they're already built into our contract but as Don pointed out earlier there's a 60,000 uh John sorry 60,000 line to support um production for advertising permitting Outreach um that's built into the left field contract but to use any of those allowances we come back back to you for permission so what we're really doing here is approving the overall contract values um and the basic Services we're looking to do three motions for the three and then finally at the bottom a motion to authorize left field Perkins Eastman and kigle to proceed into the design development phase and at that point we're off and running with a real project before you vote on that just to make it clear even though we have a bond authorization we do not have any dollars um allocated through Bond sales or short-term notes so um if we can keep any of these bills until July 1 that's going to avoid us having a deficit in fiscal year 2024 yep we we will the June bills will not show up till July anyway Rich so understood perfect thank you yep Rich we brought that up on the um the last call just uh oh just just to make sure you know yep no no I was on it I'm just telling everybody for the benefit for everybody well that's right you were on it there you go is there any questions or details you're interested in about these these contract amendments I guess an obvious question does has the City attorney reviewed the contract Amendment prior to us voting on it um okay yep in the MSB these are all standard msba contracts too there's really not much leeway um in editing the contracts all all these contracts for the most part come from msba and um they don't even like it when you change a word I'm good boiler plate if it makes sense sir thank you excuse me all right I'm gonna make a motion to approve the contract Amendment for leftfield in the amount uh sorry contract amendment number six in the amount of 13, 28,6 second that was Stacy let me just get this I'm GNA have to split my screen for a second here sorry uh on the motion Michael picardi Yes Stacy yes Susan yes Dr Kelly yes I don't know why that one come over Carl yes uh Chris is not here Rich yeah uh Don chela yes Nick rrom yes mayor Keef yes uh Tom yes John John stamatopoulos do we got him yes yes Council C Leandro yes Don Martelli Don you still here I'm just seeing if we've lost on Don last call yes yep Last Call on the motion thank you and Josh is not here so let me just again try to get my zoom next motion Perkins Eastman contract Amendment Three totaling 37 I'm gonna make a motion that um we approve the Perkins Eastman contract amendment number three in the amount of 37,9 46,51 second Michael picardi yes Stacy Rizzo yes Susan yes Dr Kelly yes uh Carl yes Chris is absent Rich yes Don cherel yes Nick yes mayor Keef yes Tom yes John John statos I didn't hear you yes thank you councilor CL Leandro yes and Don Martelli Yes sounds good two to go kigle I'll make the motion to um approve the conly contract amendment number two uh in a total of 51300 000 for preconstruction services second Good Michael Yes Stacy yes Susan yes Dr Kelly yes Carl yes Chris bone is absent Rich yes Don cherel yes Nick yes mayor Keef yes Tom yes John soplos yes uh Council C Leandro yes and Don Martelli yes excellent one more motion seeking a motion to authorize left field Perkins Eastman and kigle to proceed into schematic design I'm sorry design development didn't want to go backwards there motion to accept second second second sounds good Michael Yes Stacy yes Susan yes Dr Kelly yes Carl yes Chris is absent Rich yes Don cherel yes Nick yes thank you mayor Keef yes Tom yes John yes Council cogliandro yes Don Martelli yes excellent and brings us to public comment I'm going to look for hands but name and address for the record if there are any public comments going once going twice any new business or other business from the committee Brian in the um in the Amendments I know they were crafted in 23 but um they still say acting mayor we just want to update that I correct that never noticed it I didn't either I will fix that you were never acting sir you you were always full fle Brian just one other um piece to share we did have a conversation with the school committee um last Tuesday about um their past practice of approving all of the bills and whether or not that was necessary since uh from this point going forward the funding is actually City money as opposed to school department funding and they agreed um that it did not make sense for the school committee to have to vote on um those things so I know there was a question about um being able to expedite um bill payment as we go forward and so being able to cut that Loop out of the middle of the process um should help with that timeliness it's excellent we appreciate those um those discussions and just uh to Echo Diane's comments it was the school committee was very much in favor of that they they don't want to have to create more red tape then is not necessary formerly in past practices I think it was more of a an attention grabber and and and felt like there was an involvement and you know and this was you know back in the day I think there was just C certain uh people wanted to be more involved which is nothing we don't shame them for that but I think the current school committee was like let the city council approve the bills s good great yep excellent if there are no other items we would entertain a motion to adjourn motion thank second third it's a good motion a third that's it thanks folks bye everybody thank you for