##VIDEO ID:KIWgfCenyTo## uh there we go good evening everyone thank you for being here for tonight T's Conservation Commission uh on December 4th 2024 uh for all those that wish to please stand to salute the flag to flag United States ofice thank you okay roll call uh um Brian is here here uh Amelia here Thomas here Bernardo here and Wilson is here uh Joseph lavali is not in attendance this evening or is not present at this time uh next up is review and approval of the last week's meeting minutes uh any changes or revisions no I'll make a motion to approve the minutes second second all in favor hi Excell hi awesome all right first up uh is a presentation or no it is a certificate of compliance D file number 061 0760 this is the Redgate um Capital Partners 22 Whitten AV uh or Gibson Point um so if you want wouldn't mind coming up this is for um for their close out for their 291 units you have the floor hi good evening my name is Katie Cruz I'm with Handcock Associates um representing Red Gate um Partners this evening um I'm here to request a certificate of compliance for the project at 22 W naav um I think it's actually one Gibson way now um the site work on the project is complete um some of you joined me for a site walk a couple of weeks ago thank you for doing that um the site is all stabilized um there's a few minor cosmetic um type things still going on mostly electrical related but um the the work is complete enough so that the state is stabilized and no longer needs erosion controls um and the and protects the adjacent Wetland resource areas okay um so yeah I got your followup from our uh site visit and thank you for giving us a timeline about the tree plantings that'll happen where that drop off is and um hopefully you can get a finished electrician in there soon sooner rather than later um do any of the Commissioners have any questions I'm a little concerned with the manot tri that I pointed out that's that's if it was before us was going there and the manot tries and the wetlands I'm a little concern what's going to happen after and I kind of brought that up so it's a lot of bottles and all of that TR is going to run into the Wetland so so to me that's a big concern yes um and I followed up with a developer on that concern um and they informed me that they um will be placing trash receptacles along the boardwalk um one will be near the restaurant um so adjacent to that Wetland area next to the park um and then the second one will be at the other end near the main entrance um and they have made an effort to kind of to clean up the trash that we observe when we were out there um and they'll continue to in the future during my visit it was kind of disturbing to me that it was monog glass and all of that when with the wind it's going to end up in and even I I can I pointed out the amount of tries that it was already in the wedland so if it's clean that's great but what I saw there it was bad shape yeah and stood and there's plan to keep that clean going forward um and we actually submitted our ongoing operation and maintenance plan which is a written document um that that includes that maintenance it did it definitely outlined a robust cleaning schedule for the perimeter of the property and also working in conjunction with Gibson park for the most part to uh the city of Rivier to keep it all that area clean but um thank you for providing that um any uh questions from the audience at this time or any opposition from the audience at this time any opposition from our commissioners of order of issuing this certificate of compliance okay seeing no opposition um I would call for a motion to approve the um certificate of compliance for 22 whav one Gibson way I can't remember I'll make a motion for the certificate of compliance second second all in favor I I I hi okay um thank you very much and um we'll see you next time next up is a presentation by the city reviewer uh the Howard Stein Hudson and Weston and Samson on the route 1A roundabout project uh this is a discussion on proposed improvements phasing and design Alternatives good evening uh Julie dearo Department of planning and Community Development um tonight we're just going to be presenting the project and the single um environmental impact report that was submitted on Monday to meepa um this is just for the infrastructure improvements so that would be the roundabout and that would also be the Gibson park access road so this filing that was submitted is only for those two parts of the project I am the project manager for that part of the project I'm here tonight with Devon HCK from Weston and Samson and she's going to walk you through the presentation um and we're not looking for a vote tonight we just wanted to present this material to you it's pretty long um not the presentation but the actual filing so we kind of summed it up in this this presentation here tonight thank you thanks Julie uh can we go to the next slide please also on the call who is joining us via Zoom is Peter from Howard Stein Hudson so he'll be uh taking over a portion of the presentation to a bit of that description next slide uh to reiterate what Julie said we're not looking for any kind of vote we're just looking to present this to you because this will be coming towards you uh hopefully around the new year uh so we want to start getting the commission familiarized continue the public involvement process and catch you up on our mea submission thus far next slide please for folks that may not be quite as aware uh this particular project is located on point of Hinds if we could go one more slide we can get a bit of a zoom in that shows kind of what existing conditions currently look like with the off-ramp located off Route 1A uh that then circles around and enters the Linway next slide please this particular project is broken down into two phases we have phase one outlined in red that compos the roundabout component of the proposed project we also have phase two which is the Gibson park access component of the project which is outlined in purple I will then turn it over to Peter and he's going to give you a rundown on the phasing and then we have some plan sheets to show you thanks Devon uh can everyone hear me okay yes okay thank you um so phase one as I've mentioned that is the roundabout comp component of this project 100% of that project is within the state RightWay and we've been coordinating very closely with mot because it's all on their property um to get their appropriate permits and go through their design process and environmental process to make sure we're meeting their standards as well as meas and everyone else in the area um we previously submitted a combined set of plans uh 7500 per set um we're considering that as 100% at this point and we resubmitted that earlier this week um phase one of this project again is just that roundabout infrastructure and uh that's within the state RightWay and a secondary component of this project is critical to the access to the development at 22 Wht Gibson point there is a driveway which is going to be established as emergency access only for this phase of work if you go on the second slide or the I'm sorry the next Slide the second phase this is Gibson park access that Deon mentioned um we're approaching a preliminary design we have those plans at a work feeling confident to 75% design complete we're waiting to file those officially until we get comments back on uh the content from Phase One by mot however the condition of those plans was submitted to meepa in this filing and your board will all be have access to that if you'd like to see those they're available um we did additional traffic studies on top of the functional design report that was included as part of phase one which is a standard Mass do traffic operational report this was a subsequent report that masat requested um that we run to determine what if any impacts would come from building the access to Gibson Park and tying it into the roundabout we did a a full analysis with new traffic counts and our report showed there would be no negative impacts to traffic volumes or safety in this area by connecting the roundabout to Gibson Park um the alignment that you'll see soon in the next slides is the concept alternative that's preferred by all um I'm sorry I'm still finishing up those last two bullets here whoever's doing the slides for me um and there are a couple of Concepts those Concepts we already know they're not viable so we're not pursuing them any longer at this point but we did go through an assessment of what was included in those concept in terms of you know planting areas and number of trees and and different environmental factors as well as geometry and safety from a traffic operational standpoint um the environmental requirements for this phase are significant and one of the reasons why this phase is lagging is because we are anticipating there may be uh article 97 it would be triggered by this action and so in case that is the what ends up we're we're planning on that we're counting on that being included um and if it ends up being the case then this will take a lot longer to advertise this phase of work however the construction duration for this phase is significantly shorter than phase one um phase one we think it's about a 2-year construction period and phase two we think it's about a two-month construction period so there's a good chance that we could uh get this advertised and constructed in line with the phase one project on the next slide so this is the the first portion of our 100% plans for the phase one roundabout and you can see this is the southern limit of the project this is where it ties into route 1A southbound our ramp B is a is a new on ramp that if you go to the next slide you can kind of see it extends from that roundabout which that is in the center of uh Gibson Park and then the 22 Wht development and then route 1A are the three kind of boundaries that this tyght roundabout fits within um a lot of design criteria went a lot of design went into this to meet these criteria we had significant um limitations for uh geometric limitations we couldn't move it horizontally very far in any direction because we did not want to construct any roadway facilities within the limits of Gibson Park um we had vertical constraints because of the tight window to merge upward ramp B onto Route 1 a southbound for limiting limiting limiting our ability to uh raise that ramp however the Gibson Park Drive that you see on the bottom part of this uh diagram is the underpass under route 1A and we also couldn't uh we couldn't raise that elevation because we didn't want to reduce the clearance for any trucks that might be using that gson Park Drive um many of you may know there's a subsequent uh large scale project that do is undergoing with the general General Edwards Bridge we've been in coordination with that project group and none of the work we're doing will impact will'll be impacted by their project we're going to make sure they can be concurrent um so that was another big consideration that led to this design option being selected and if you go to the next slide that ramp a that continues um it's essentially going to be the same uh slightly different but the same beginning point for ramp a which is the rout one a southbound off ramp and if you go backward one slide and you can just kind of Envision going down that ramp you'll see that roundabout is the new intersection that connects all these points and ties them to the Lin way and if you go forward a slide this is the intersection at the Linway um the area that's hatched out on the right there is the new fire station that is going to be built prior to I I know it's going to start construction I believe it's scheduled to complete construction um relatively quickly before you know possibly before we get out there definitely before we complete our work um we coordinated closely with DCR you can see at the bottom of this uh page it's it's tiny on this uh image but there is a RightWay line where it goes from do to DCR a lot of this work was this is within DCR property we coordinate with them very closely to make sure we're meeting all their requirements and one of the big features on this uh inter section is that we eliminated that slip lanane you can see that where Gibs Park Drive comes down it used to tie into the slip into the Lin way with a slip lane which was basically designed to retain speeds and allow vehicles to enter the Lin W pretty quickly um we've tightened that up and made it a much safer entry and kind of controlled traffic here a little bit to make it a safer interaction for pedestrians you can see on this plan too there's a shared use path that goes along Gibson Park Drive and will provide access to Park you know beneath the Route 1 a um which is a nice new entry point for for the city and on the next slide and that is the selected concept that's what's been going forward this is our preferred alternative for Gibson park access this is phase two and you can see here it shows how that roundabout is going to ultimately connect to Gibson Park and this is the one construction sheet that we have right now to show this um there's a lot of line work within G Park here that is the current existing condition um you can see that the Gibson park access goes through what looks like a tennis court that tenis court is going to be relocated as part of that Gibson Park Improvement project that's ongoing we've been in close coordination with that project team as well and we're um doing a good job of staying out of each other's way while also helping to facilitate each other's work this project will require an easement if you see on the right hand side of where this enters Gibson point and Gibson park there it is going through private property we've been in close contact with that developer and there will be a permanent easement uh issued to the city of rier so that that will not be through private property and the city will safely retain access into Gibson Park through this roundabout and on the next slide you'll start to see some of the other Alternatives that we considered um yeah so I kind of mentioned this uh I don't want to be prend in here forgive me this is it does create a lot of access the benefits of the roundabout are it creates this access it's minimal traffic impact um the shared use path is a nice new feature for multimodal accessibility and we showed you where that uh fire station is the response time for emergency vehicles to get to this side of Route 1A and the residence on the other side of Route 1A is really critical it reduces response time significantly to uh otherwise have to go into Lyn pull a U-turn and come back down on the highway um this R fire department has a brand new fire station and a brand new fire truck with a long 50-ft ladder we got their truck details to make sure we coordinated with them that their big fir truck could navigate through our roundabout and make that access uh safely on the next slide uh phase two so this is again um just continuing that access I know that as part of the gibs and Park impr Improvement project access to gbon park is uh planned to be closed off on the southern limit and this will be the way that people can access the park so it's a pretty critical uh feature um Devon if you want to go through the environmental impacts here thanks so much Peter so the three Wetland resource areas that would be impacted as part of this proposed project are barrier Beach which is the entirety of the point of pins Peninsula similarly Coastal Dune those two are going to overlap so any impact to one are going to have equal impacts to the other and then a good chunk of the areas within the 100-year flood plane in this area the 100-year flood plane is located at elevation 10 um which encompasses most of the peninsula if we could go to the next slide please this is the uh FEMA flood map to give you a general idea it has been uh tweaked on the plan set to match real world uh Contours but this is the map that FEMA provides just to give you an idea so everything in light blue would be within the 100e flood plane next slide if you'd please this map uh sorry it's a bit cluttered but it does outline where those Wetland resource areas are located again the entirety of the proposed project is both on barrier Beach and Coastal Dune those two overlap so you'll see that those impact numbers are the same we are located outside of the riverfront area um oh thank you so much uh but again we do anticipate uh impacts to the 100-year flood plane next slide if You' please this this is a summary of the environmental impacts we have it broken down into phase one phase two and cumulative um I'll just kind of read through the the total that we're expecting for the cumulative but happy to go through any of the others that you may be interested in so for land sub Coastal storm Flowage we are anticipating a total impact of 86390 square ft for barrier Beach and Coastal Dune we are looking at a cumulative 207 114 Square ft of impact um one thing that we had heard during our meepa EF submission um from some of the agencies including czm is they want to see benefits to the coastal Dune so something that has been incorporated as part of this e submission is just over 44,000 square fet of Dune plantings um and if we go to the next slide uh you can see some of these areas that have been highlighted where we're seeing Dune planting so where it used to be just kind of sparse grass um that was adjacent as part of the highway l layout we're now going to have adune plantings and if you go to the next slide we've taken those planting lists from some of the czm uh recommended lists um so that we can have something that is uh representative of what the area would look like if we didn't have quite so much development a little bit more of a natural Dune situation to provide some nice stability to those exposed areas where it's a little sparse at the moment and then uh we'll play ping pong and I'll turn it back to Peter so he can talk a bit about traffic considerations thanks Devin so yeah um as I mentioned the proposed roundabout is not going to increase traffic volumes on Route 1A um we've done significant traffic analysis and we used a background growth rate what was compare compounded annually um to account for any developments in the area we did uh coordinate with the obviously within the city of rier but also with the city of Lynn to talk about future developments um and there was there was not a significant increase in traffic flow anticipated on route 1A in a result of this new construction either phase one or phase two um and in terms of traffic control during construction and the impact of traveling public during construction um there's going to be nine total 8 hour work shifts meaning um those are going to be the shifts where people will have to be diverted via detour but those are going to be overnight and nonsequential so it'll be one night of a road closure they'll typically start and I know you know don't quote me other the times but they'll start around 8: to 10 p.m. close the road for 8 hours to minimal impact and try to do it uh off setting you know by at least a week or two in in between so that um the the traffic impact will be at a minimum uh impacted during construction the next slide so now I'm going to talk about some of the Alternatives that we considered but were not uh pursued further for construction and the first one is this three the two two offset three-way intersections and this was the most seriously considered alternative that we had out of either phase one or phase two um you can see that it's very similar to the roundabout alternative the main difference being that the roundabout alternative is a roundabout intersection whereas this is two offset three-way intersections um from a geometric standpoint this project uh fit in that area but um one of the reasons that this is not a viable project is that the onramp which I know it's tiny on this presentation but if you envision the southbound onramp ramp B in that previous roundabout Slide the grade required to climb that ramp is 8% which is a steep grade um and in order to make an 8% grade uh acceptable for uh merging traffic you need a a certain length of your taper because this road starts from a stop condition and within that geometry that that space isn't there as it is in the roundabout and the roundabout has sufficient room to make this work the two offsets rway intersection does not and so this is not a viable alternative we discussed this we analyzed it um provided a report discussed it with the city of R and the state uh math doot agreed that this is not a reasonable alternative therefore was eliminated from consideration and on the next slide I'll start to show some of the Alternatives that we went through I want to be clear on these um these are very preliminary Concepts that were showing for transparency these were not uh fully vetted these were not fully designed beyond the concept level because they were uh determined to be um invalid uh pretty early on this one you can see uh the the big blaws here are that it retains the driveway access to 22 Wht which do does not allow um it includes sending traffic up the on-ramp and doing two-way traffic on an off-ramp um and it includes taking more of Gibson park for an on-ramp and adding a new Northbound on-ramp on the other side and adding a new Northbound offramp on the other side which would be impacted ultimately by the um General Edwards Bridge which is going to go in that direction uh if that Highway shifts that's the way it's going to shift um so this is not viable and the next alternative again this this includes a stop condition on the highway and you can click to the next slide which is very similar includes a stop condition on the highway with that off ramp we don't want to put uh a stop controlled intersection in the middle of 1A this is pretty quickly eliminated as a consideration if you go to the next slide it's very similar to the first one we showed you although it shows rice a extending beneath 1A so all of the issues that exist with the concept A that we talked about are the same here and um it also includes uh significant excavation beneath route 1A which would be expensive and um would be right at the water table and some of our excavation uh areas and and introduce some new significant challenges from a design and cost perspective on the next slide um this was pretty similar to the existing uh layout and I know this is an alternative that um was favored uh to be a hopeful alternative by by a lot of people that this could be the selected concept um we we tried we pursued this with uh our design analysis we discussed it with mascot this was not um this was not an acceptable alternative for a few reasons one it does not provide emergency access uh into the building at that secondary entrance for Gibson point and secondly the intersection that's required there uh if you look at the offramp going on Route 1 a southbound is a very short offramp and that is not enough stopping distance might result in some queuing on the highway and then thirdly Mast doot is uh is not going to allow a condition where there is an intersection that ties into uh concentric onramp off-ramp situation there um it it cost a lot of challenges for uh merging speed if you're accelerating from that stop condition similar to what I talked about in the two offset three-way intersections that's a challenge for traffic uh traveling southbound here and it's not a condition that um allows for easy access uh it it would just create more congestion from that from that intersection so this was also not a viable alternative and we did not pursue the design beyond the concept level on the next slide I think Devon is going to go through some of the more designed process processes is that correct Devan yeah I can take it from here we're just about done we've got about two slides left but we just wanted to give thanks for your patience thanks Peter we just wanted to give folks an idea of where we are in the process so to reiterate we have already gone through the meepa EF process we have then on Monday we submitted the eir uh that will go into the Environmental monitor on December 11th at that time uh it will be available to be downloaded off the E EA website by anyone who so wishes um there is also a copy that has been brought to the revier public library so there's a full copy that's available there for anyone that may want to look at it uh if we could go to the next slide please uh just some more contact information for folks that may want to look at the materials or may want to submit any comments or ask any questions we've got Julie's email add address as well as the website where this will be uploaded and posted uh December 11th when it goes live in the monitor um if you just search on the EA website for rout 1A it's the only thing that comes up uh in R so it should be pretty easy to find and we welcome and encourage all comments and we'd love to turn it over for any questions that uh you folks or the public might have I would just make one small suggestion for the future I I know you said there's a copy at the Rivier public Library I would highly recommend there being a copy for every single commissioner on this commission whenever you present um it just it was tough to see from here and it was tough to follow and so U did the copy of the actual seir at Ria Public Library the full report we can send you the link for the seir um after today's meeting so you have it it's a pretty large file um but we can we can send you a link for that and we will have this on on our project website uh under the Community Development page for anybody to look at but we can send this to you as well I also want to note because I want to just make sure um because this is an environmental justice area we have notified um I think at least different seven or eight different communities in that environmental justice population um there was mailers that went out to a Butters of the project living in a, Ft so we're not required to do that we it's 300 ft from a project area but we extended the limits um so residents living within that area received the notification of this filing um so we're doing everything we can to make sure that the residents of the Riverside and the point of Pines are fully aware about this notification and about this filing but we will send you the link um that was sent to meepa um on Monday and i' like to I'd like to also have this posted on the Conservation Commission website so that folks can view it at their Leisure same for our commissioner same for anybody just to make sure that everybody is aware I know that you know you're doing your due diligence mailing to other folks but it should be Mr chairman yes a point of information this is not a notice of intent tonight is it no no this is I believe one of our regulations is that they have to provide us with a copy of the plans before you come before Force I'm quite frankly and I have pretty good eyesight for my age I couldn't make out any of this stuff and I live down that area I go over this this area 10 times a day so you you are going to have to give us a whole set of plans on that I have two quick questions if you don't mind absolutely this won't affect The Jug Handle uh at the south end of veride this project that still stays intact you mean for milv or for the coming or the first exit right off of Route 1A right after you go over the general edge of bridge when you talk about the J handleing there's a Jug Handle on nshore road y going south past Rivers all the Riverside area that you can when you go down Northshore road yeah if you're going north you can there's a Jug Handle there it will not affect that Jug Handle okay and the second question this will this project will eliminate the entrance to Red Gate as you're coming south over General oods Bridge am I correct there the temporary right now there's a right angle turn you have to make the right there's a temporary entrance there right now that will be closed and the new entrance will go through ramp B and it will there there there's couple of roadways there so it would come off you would come off ramp B and you would go into the Gibson Point development so access and E would be correct y that that that is required I cannot speak to the actual line plans for that because we are we we have to because this is in within the states right away we have to submit a separate set of line plans for this project Redgate is required to set set um a set permit with them it to tie into um the state highway layout so they're but it will all interconnect once it is fully constructed and will this also connect to the ACT to the park as well from what I could it will so when you come off the roundabout this the way that the access road is going to be configured into the area and using an easement it will allow for full access either into Gibson point or into the park um and that access road will be the only way that um well pretty much that is going to be the main Access Road into Gibson park by vehicle um it you will not be able to go through milth any longer right now that's the only way you get can get it to Gibson Park you kind of go to Down milth The Jug Handle you loop around you kind of skirt your way through that um I think it's the paper Street and you you run into the parking lot but now that will no longer vehicle access will not be able to um access the park that way the parking area will be closed on that side you'll only be able to go through the Gibson park access road is it going to be a temporary like a uh gated closure or is it going to be a permanent closure with Curbing and everything on that other side are you doing this so for the I'm not quite sure how that's going to be because I think that they're going to need I think I'm pretty sure that the fire department or there's any any type of emergency that they're going to need to be able to access that area so it would probably be a removable ballards I you know if there's like a water rescue going on I don't I think that all bets are off they're going to do whatever they can do to get that engine as close as they can to whoever is you know God forbid having an a water rescue emergency so if if if it means that they the quickest way to do that is to go through MAV and go through the ballets that's the way it's going to be I would I would advise not curbing that off to have access over to that other point of the park and not for any other reason than for emergency purposes right and there so the only way that for um on the M Val side you'll be able to access the park if you're off if you're walking or if you're biking you'll be able to you obviously you'll be able to access the park that way yeah okay any other questions yes I just want to finish up on something from before so um two things one is making sure the next time you come before us that you have the pay papers for all of us just to make sure the other thing is something that I think and I'm piggybacking off something commissioner lavali said um I think if you had one slide that had points that we would recognize like the fire station or things along there where it would be kind of like if you're looking at a map and it shows like the Wendy's and the McDonald's and you can be like oh I know where that is you know I think if you did that where the roundabout is cuz it's it's tough to I mean I know the area pretty well even I was struggling a little bit you know he's lived here for what1 thousand years and you were looking at it and you didn't know exactly where it was so if you could just have key points like fire station and other stuff um I think that would help not just us but I think that would help other people that are interested yeah I think the the limit of the project is so large and wide and it's not like a a general Square on the map I mean it's you got ramps you have it's connecting on both sides of the highway you have the fire station um so it is very difficult to kind of show the full limits of the project on one sheet but we can definitely talk to our engineers at Howard Stein Hudson we have been asked to kind of show a current um like an overlay uh Draft plans where you see the current um existing conditions and then there's an overlay that shows you how the roundabout is actually going to fit within that old interchange yeah and it is difficult because you there's a lot of State Highway um lines there um we we can't do anything about them now I mean we that's that's the current condition so but we can we'll make note of it maybe something as extensive as this maybe we have to have something close up front large and in charge so we can actually all get a good understanding of what's Happening um I think it's definitely it's great we have this technology but sometimes it just shoots us all in the foot so I think the next time we actually make an official notice of intent we'll just have a couple poster boards for folks to see because we'll be on couple side so okay I'd really appreciate that y we do our best any other questions um so I'm going to take a guess and say that the fire station is going to be done before this project starts I would definitely coordinate with the fire department for their emergency vehicle access temporary access and and Air Lanes that they need yes so we are we are currently um the fire department is very much involved in um a lot of the discussions we have right now they they have their you know their is an emergency access plan currently in place um until this roundabout is permitted and constructed um but there will be like you said there there needs to be some additional emergency access um regardless anywhere in the park at any time or anywhere along msav at any time because I think I mean we all know if there is an emergency on the water you need to get to that person quickly and if you ever been on the Riverside the currents can be very very tough it if you don't know what you're doing you know you you you can get in trouble fast that's that's all important the the permanent condition is important I'm talking more of uh temporary road closures um Lanes making sure they're wide enough that kind of stuff so while this is going on the fire department is going to be active okay all right thank you okay any other questions no I think on the chat H there's nothing on the chat for the comments okay um thank you Julian and thank you um Devon and Peter as well for your presentation appreciate the information and we'll be on the lookout for um updated plans you know Commissioners we know where the meepa plans are so we can go and take a look at that at the re Public Library if we need to but um thank you thank you very much thank you thank you for your time and we'll see you in January thank you thank you February yeah February okay uh next up is a continuation notice of intent D file number 061 0818 uh this is 102 Summer Street the removal of an inground pool garage and replacement of a retention wall how you doing good how are you guys if you could yep good evening Ryan Rosine with Gard consultant here representative for the applicant um so it's been a while since we were last before you I think it was June um so a few things have changed since then just minor things um just real quick I do want to just mention that we did re notify and read advertise this project so all members of the commission can partake in this uh discussion so if you remember I'll give a quick overview of the project because I know there might be a new member or two um so the project is removing or demolishing existing detach garage shed and Landing um filling in an inground swimming pool and removing the concrete decking around the pool um in addition to that what we have to do is construct a new retaining wall um along where the existing garage is that's basically on the street and then down the property line um and there's a little bit of bat story on this I won't get into it but basically um previous owners of the house net store and the previous owner of you know the lot where the house is um there is basically encroachment from this lot onto the neighbor's property um so we're rectifying that by building this new wall which is this dark gray um line here on the property line so the entire wall will be on the applicant's property and the neighbors and store will get back nine to 10 feet of of driveway basically it's going to be their driveway because that's their side right there um so the main thing that changed is the type of wall it's still well those large block walls it's just a different company that makes them the contractor that we have um prefers to use the stone system they're basically the same they're just slightly different um variation um also if you remember um somewhere right around here going all the way back was going to be a smaller Versa lock retaining wall sort of the standard retaining wall um but for ease of you know constructing it and for the look of it we're continuing this larger wall all the way back um but somewhere along here you know it's going of stepped down gradually and then somewhere along here it's just going to be about one block you know high so it's not going to be you know three or four feet all the way down the property line in addition to that we're putting a fence on top of the wall um for safety reasons especially along the street where there's about a 6 to 7t 7 8T drop you know if somebody was to fall off that um as well as down the entire property line for the Neighbors um to help them out the drainage um is greatly improved on the site obviously there's basically the whole thing is impervious right now um we're removing you know the buildings uh and all the concrete decking around the pool it's this whole area is now going to be lawn once the wall is built and then on the other side of the wall which is going to basically extend the neighbor's driveway is going to be crushed concrete so it's permeable it still allows water to infiltrate um but it will still allow them to use this extended part of driveway um and not be impervious which I know the commission had previously stated that they wouldn't want to see that um I guess I'll open up the questions now if you have any so because of the height of the retaining wall do you plan on putting any pressure relief along the wall like on the bottom or anything like that you know like likees yeah yes so um on here you can see it's it's hard to see but on plans there are um so there's a drain tile at the base of the wall at the very bottom and then from those drain tiles going towards the front 36 inches on Center are we holes that come out periodically down the entirety of the wall so that will be pre that's for the pressure release um of of the area behind it so those are on the plan and that's so my other question would be the all of that water that's running down that Hill is basically going to get funneled into that new little Hill into the yard and how are you going to mitigate any of the water that gets retained on that property you're talking about on the neighbor's property B on your property I'm just curious how you're going to mitigate that with being so close to the marsh area on the other side basically that water's going to flow off and Flow right into the marsh so you're saying I'm just a little confused I just wanted to clarification so you're saying from this area here coming down towards this way but also from the street that incline on the street coming up to the property is pretty steep coming off you're going to have a pretty tight runoff off fence isn't going to stop water just spilling over or whatever I'm just how are you going to mitigate water on the property is what I'm asking right so yeah so there are the we PS and then so basically to hold down the other side of the driveway on this side of the wall on the property line for the Neighbors is permeable um in addition to that this whole area in here is going to be lawn it's going to be permeable there shouldn't be I mean it would have to you'd have to have a massive rainstorm for water to spill over the wall and then come all the way flow across this entire lawn and then come into the marsh that's down over here do I yeah I mean I don't think any drainage is going to any water is going to come out of that wall because going to be like about 5T with the crush Stone behind so you never going to you know we're going to put the whle but you never saw water coming out of the the H ever because they going to be the block up it's 4 ft deep M that gets all F in cred on so like you know what I mean like no water first as the ends that question for the street like then maybe the sidewalk over there we're going to block the sidewalk so to run off from the street it's not going to go inside the driveway or whatever that's yeah I'm picturing the way that you the way that you the way that you said it there's a driveway cut there you're coming off that that steep incline and that's just going to funnel right into your property I'm just I'm concerned they got theci side to walk you know whatever goes now it's keeping going down the hill it's not going to it's not going to deriv towards the property no that's definitely you have a house right there I don't want your basement getting flooded and you're coming back in front of us cuz you need to dig French drains so you going to you going to be proactive in any way this what I'm curious street it's not going to go in you know I mean like I they run just straight down the way you know I my father is the you know like I said the other thing behind it it's going to be so much CR Stone like I said we're going to put the we all regardless but you're never going to say water you know filter through no way to well the other thing too is you're creating another incline that's going to encumber your neighbor the person on the back side of the property with a pretty old fence back there um yeah we saw that we looked the wall too we also look that wall is like a little small wall like it's only like 2 and 1/2 ft tall okay so we look at that you know we wanted to need to look at that it's put in really good shape to the bottom it's like concrete you know we like really Sol and then they did like two three rows to send the block on are you are you the applicant or the contractor yeah are you the applicant or the contractor contractor okay cuz I I do disagree with your assessment of that wall um no one makes a CMU retaining wall wall That's vertical without we Poes no no it was it's there for many years and then I understand but but right now it's it's only under compressive compression load it's just holding the deck when you remove the deck and back fill up against the yeah so we're so we're not removing we're not moving right up to the fence we're leaving like two to three feet of concrete I understand I understand but if you were to hire an engineer to design a retaining wall for that area they would not come back and say three or four rows of CMU topped with ancient concrete and that's going to hold the load I think that it would be irresponsible to approve this plan and leave that wall in place I read your email I think that saying it'll hold for the time being or for an indefinite amount of time is is not a responsible response well well right now um you know are you so you're concerned with the the pressure of all the dirt behind it you're turning a wall that's holding a compressive load the deck into a retaining wall no no no no what do you mean the the that the wall that abots the rear neighbor's property yeah is you don't even know what it is it could be uh footing down to frost it could just be a layer of stone you have no idea what it is you have no idea if the CMU is filled rebar reinforced tied back at all no no the bottom is concrete bottom the wall is concrete how deep is the concrete well I I need dig it down okay so my my point is that CMU wall was built and designed in 1975 to hold a compressive load of the deck you're taking the deck down you're leaving a a strip of two or 3 fet of concrete sure but now you're changing the purpose of the wall you're changing it to a retaining wall so the load is going out now not compressive load mhm it's not it's not designed to take a retaining load and it's not fair to put this on the neighbor or the next person who's going to be living in the property CU I did note that it is for sale and contingent on an offer so I don't know the exact plans and if this work is getting done or if it's being punted to the next owner it's not fair to approve that wall and say it's going to be fine it needs to be redesigned and looked at I mean if you guys wanted really small we big block is it it's only like a 15 20 ft long it's over the a I understand but cutting cutting the concrete and leaving that CMU wall in place is irresponsible you're you're basically destabilizing the property by taking out all of that concrete is to his point so what you're doing is you're creating more permeable surfaces water is going to be able to infiltrate infiltrate into that space thereby creating more pressure on what is not meant to be a retaining wall so you're putting pressure from just the water increased water surface area on that wall on the property so that not just the blocks that are coming down and the water pressure that can build up behind that even with you putting we pulls in there you're going to have a problem with that person's fence not having enough strength to hold back the tide essentially that's why I was asking about what are you going to do with water mitigation on the property because it's going to be an elevated pressure on that wall behind you well like I said if it's the case we can we can do block really too only like 2 and half tall wall right but on the other side of that coin you're you're putting undue pressure on that wall from all the things that you're doing on the property so it to Thomas's point it's it would be irresponsible to approve if we're going to directly impact somebody else or another parcel of land over in that area especially considering where it is yeah I think L what Luigi is saying is so if you guys are concerned with that existing wall what we can do is remove that wall and place these same blocks and build a new wall right there other words you guys are going have new walls everywhere you know so it would have the same we PS it it would be basically built for for that exact purpose of what you're consing concerned with yeah now this is the larger block they're fourt wide yeah I think that that's probably the only appropriate course yeah but that's the way you guys want we can do that I mean like I it's only a short wall it's really to take it's it's short and it's both lengthwise and height wise two RS it's actually two RS because the blocks 18 in tall so 18 36 going to bury half in the ground cuz the wall of the is probably 32 in yeah we looked at it it's it gets a little higher in some areas but it is the responsible thing to do because the home the home cells the next owner comes in think they have we do like I said we got everything really going to take a half a day that and um the pool so are we going to crack some holes in the pool so with there actual drainage so the whole yeah everything the bottom and the sides are all being ripped you adise that you were just infilling it okay yeah everything all of it's being ripped out it's not just being filled in all the sides and the bottom is going to be ripped out and then it's going to be that's even one at a time please no it's all right just one at a time we want to get the information out that's not even a just like with the line so yeah we take all the side walls out and and you got be all right and then you're going to be filling that in with clean fill gravel some Stone and some of the dirt we're going to dig for the wall I it's all all we're not going I'm I'm just considering how deep the pool is I'm just concerned what the pool proba is about three and a half fet deep no there that pool is definitely deeper than that 5et probably Max right but the other end is probably a 6 to 8 ft so even when you dig all that dirt out of there because we don't we're not really sure exactly how deep that pool is that could be a 12T deep pool who knows someone wanted to be a master diver at some point but we don't know no it's with some dirt it's like but yeah you're want to take the whole entirety of the concrete out so we we're not sure how big big of a hole you have so we just want to make sure we're prepared for that as well but it's not it's not at all it's that's a a line like I it's metal so it's it's a metal liner with with a G GH that's the cement one talking that's what I'm saying is it it's only metal around underneath it's already dirt now it's I mean you're going to leave the liner in there and not take the liner out so that's what I'm saying so you're you're going to my point is you're going to excavate that area that's already seemingly filled with dirt correct okay partially yes so so what I'm curious is you don't know how much it is so we're just we're kind of spitballing I just want to make sure it's filled appropriately with the layers that are on the property and it's retains its natural fill corre if you get my so the so the drainage happens appropriately in that so exactly if you fill it all up with uh with p gravel it's not going to really infiltrate effectively you know so we want to make sure it's filled up correctly y awesome uh any other questions I just want to confirm um so you're agreeing to what they have asked for and what they're suggesting I'll say to Thomas since you had the most is that what they're saying you would approve it if they changed it to yes so is the intent of this notice of intent to complete the work now prior to the sale of the property or is this getting passed on to the next owner I believe the current owner is going to be is doing it was doing is part is responsible for the work okay even if the property changes hands in the middle of it the current owner is the one responsible and he's going to fulfill that you know he's going to see it through to the end I mean this is you know luig just contractor he's going to do it all so to answer your question yes if there's a new retaining wall put and the other abuts property and we would definitely want to make sure that those plans are updated that we have unfiled so make sure you update the plans of what you're going to do as well I can get those to you probably early next week I can I'll email the engineer tomorrow morning okay I'll get those updated he can probably maybe even get him to meet tomorrow so sounds good so I would just ask the chair um are we able to approve with the caveat that they're going to make those changes yes I would would say um I don't want to continue this any further if Commissioners feel comfortable receiving plans on well I I guess that that leads to my question who so the current owner is going to complete this work but if we go out for a certificate of compliance in January February and the new owner is now there old owner's gone wash his hands of it and there is no retaining waller or there is work that's incomplete who is responsible for that who's going to do the work the person who names on the permit so the the person that's filing this permit is going to be responsible for completing that work or getting the certificate of compliance and that's fine even if the property changes hands I don't know yeah and real quick so like this this property tries was tried to be sold a couple years ago or something and they the property wasn't able to be sold because of the property line issue so this this basically the wall has to be completed before I think the sale will finally go through yeah they can't sell the property cuz they're encroaching on the neighbor's property this is going to be done certificate of compliance before the sale goes through that was that was my original question before you sign any paper you got to be all complete you're not going to happen as a real estate age I can tell you that they'll write into the contract that it has to be done beforehand so I understand and the property is a nightmare so I have a feeling the person was already oh yeah I I I wouldn't ADV as an agent I wouldn't advise any client to purchase that property without that being completely resolved so if they're saying that that's part of the contract I would absolutely probably guarantee no one in their right mind would agree to buy it without that being settled so just throwing that out there to the rest of the commission works for me good Joe yes sir uh are there any other agencies in the city that you received a permit from building department Etc we will have to get a go to the building department we have not done that yet you you haven't no Luigi have you submitted anything to the building department yet no no we want to wait for this first know we're not gonna get approved this is like the going you know what I mean so after tonight I made the thing all the structure plan the building department and then got the and then we're going to get a demolition permit for that yeah if we don't get you guys okay yes we get yeah I believe I believe the building inspector indicated to me that we would need to get a order conditions from you before he signed off on a demo permit in addition um we need a building permit for the wall That's taller than 4T I see why they wanted to have a you in front of us first because you're going to have to do de demolition in that area that makes a lot of sense but I'm still curious about how the property stuff will go but um any other questions from the Commissioners about this I I would just State again I feel confident of what they're saying if if they agree to the conditions that we've set forth um I would be shocked anyone agreeing to buy that property as is without that stipulation so um if you have the ability if to submit that as well with the with the contract showing that stipulation be great not making that any kind of a requirement but that would be nice if you could add that as well we can look into that thank you okay uh at this time I'd like to open up to members of the audience if they have any comments questions or concerns about this project hello I'm Jamie rehagen I live at 96 Summer Street our property is the one that's it's been encroached on um we have met with a contractor and we had some concerns initially about the wall and the type of wall but it seems like that's been resolved they also originally the first plan they were going to build the wall on our property which we did not want we don't want any part of this wall we want our full property back so they have moved it all to property the retting wall will be completely on their property it will be fenced appropriately for safety hazards our side is being backfilled I mean we would prefer like pavement so it would look the same but I understand that that's not an option but they are willing to do it with crush concrete because it will extend our driveway 10 ft um which we certainly as a condo association would appreciate since none of us when we moved in knew that this was even an issue that there you know that it was on the property line it was where it was there's also a concern that we had it looks like the um electricity for that pool and garage is tied to our property still there is a post outside of our property that goes underneath the driveway and attaches to the garage because it all used to be one property um so that needs to be taken care of it needs to be disconnected from our house and so you don't have I'm assuming you have a separate meter to get an electric bill to your house how does that so it's one we have three meters but the basement it looks like it's tied into the basement meter which is the owner's condo has her all their condo and the basement all into that one meter we don't have a separate meter right um but the electricity tied into that garage is running from our house I mean it's not actually on at this point but it has been for several years yeah I would be concerned about how many kilowatt hours they're using out there anyways um so that needs to be disconnected and I will definitely suggest you get in touch with National Grid and get that taken care of as soon as possible um so and that's something that Ryan had indicated that they would do excellent okay yeah anything else I also have some concerns like you did about the completion of this project before the sale I don't really think a sale should go through I was shocked it was even put back on the market because this has been ongoing for a year now that we've been in front of this committee several times before and I was surprised that it was even listed again before this work was even approved or taken care of so I do have some concerns regarding that not something that I can help you with okay um but the person that signs off on this permit or that applies for this permit is responsible for doing the work okay that I can assure you okay all of the other legal legal e involved with this I am not privy but they are definitely on the hook to do that okay so at the very least okay um any other questions no that's all I have excellent any other questions from anybody else in the audience excellent um hearing none if none of the other Commissioners have any um concerns questions or comments I'm going to close the hearing hearing none okay now here we go um with the addition of this new wall in the back and making sure that you have those plans provided to us no later than Monday next week I would be confident in approving this notice of intent now I would call for a second or a motion to approve this notice of intents I'll make a motion to approve the motion the uh say that one more time notice of int notice of intent sorry I blanked for a second approve condition this is not yeah that's why I was wondering it's order of conditions right you're asking for order condition make a motion to this is a this is their to close out their notice of intent here so so I'll make I'll make a motion for the notice of in 10 to approve this notti to approve this notion man this is one ERS of conditions that we set up with the with all of the conditions that we set up and attached to that um can I get a second second all in favor I I I I the eyes have it so we'll get this filed or you can file this now that we've approved it um and we will be sending out some orders of conditions for this as well and I'm sure the D is going to review and they will have their orders of conditions that they would like to impose upon this property as well um I wish you the best of luck it's not going to be an easy process but thank you for your time all right uh next up is a request for determination of applicability this is for the dep Department of Conservation and Recreation uh winther Parkway Street Light maintenance project evening Commissioners my name is Tom Kio and I'm environmental scientist for aeom uh here tonight on behalf of DCR um the figure I've chosen from the RDA is the erosion control plan I believe this one just told the story well um something nice and easy to refer to as you can see on the plan here the red line is the segment of the electric conduit that will be replaced if you could bring the mic down just a little bit so we can and bring it over to you there you go thank you does it sound fine all right just okay it's just echoing in my ear when I talk into it I didn't realize no it's all right I just want to make sure everybody can hear you at home all right so as you can see I'll start again we have the uh the red line here depicts the length of the subsurface utility that is to be replaced uh the reason behind this is that there are several street lights out along winr Parkway uh and it's creating Hazard for driving at nighttime um they are all in a row so it's creating a large dark area um on there um the work will occur in the sidewalk it won't expand into the street it's going to be a very narrow trench and a shallow trench to put in um it's probably going to take about a day to do that's given that you have a nice easy mobilization you get their first thing in the morning um and you work all day cuz it's uh it's a relatively simple project in that that regard um as you can see on the figure there's really nowhere to stockpile material or stage equipment or anything like that so they will be in and out in a day if they you know the project doesn't kick off till noon and they on a Monday and they have to come back on a Tuesday everything's going to be moved um to a DCR property down the street there's going to be nothing stored out there um they're only going to excavate the amount of trench that they think they can get done in a single day to put in EMT are you talk I'm just I'm curious where it's going to start um it's kind of is it just the red line there just that red line there it's a yeah it's a small little section uh they found out that that's the faulty part of the line so they're going to replace it gotcha um it is immediately adjacent to that seaw wall so there's no way um you know any material when they excavate the trench they're going to bring stuff up and stockpile it in one area cuz it's going right back in the trench at the end of the day except for the um bituminous debris that's going to be live loaded into a truck transported offsite for OD disposal no binus is going to be going back in the hole um so it'll be the material that's excavated from the hole and then clean sand will go in to uh fill up any gaps from that material um like I said the work's all going to take place in about a day um there'll be nothing stockpiled overnight we do the only the threat of erosion um has a very simple solution to it just don't work in the rain and where Project's only going to take one day they don't plan to work um in the rain but just in case um we are going to put in the S sacks in the catch basins that are immediately adjacent um we have what probably a 5 and a half or six foot high wall separating the site from the ocean so there's no threat of uh sediment getting down into the ocean and then have some repairs to do at the bases of the street lights themselves which won't you won't have to excavate or do much with that no no we won't it's um it's in the buffer zone um and it is partially within land subject to Coastal storm Flowage but because of the seaw wall it's uh designated and add an area with reduced threat of flooding so so instead of Excavating and putting it on the street you can't have a like a dump truck or something like that you can load it into that can actually drive away especially seeing is how you're going to be taking they'll be live loading if they have to stop you know put anything there because the sidewalk is only this big they don't want to go out into the street that just creates a whole other um list of Hazards you just don't want to deal with yeah so they're looking to live load um you know and keep traffic moving throughout the throughout the process and like I said it's really it's a day for the excavation in the back fill um then they'll be out doing the uh the street light repairs there um the lamp post repairs and I'm not sure that could be you know they might get two done in a day or One A Day yeah it is pretty dark going through that little stretch over there I I agree um any questions from the commiss MR chairman excuse me hi yes sir uh will this block either one of the travel Lanes of car access uh it will partially block one but there'll be traffic that'll be allowed to pass yeah I I assume there'll be a police detail there there will yes yeah because that's kind of a bad it's a very busy it's a very busy roadway um you've got the seaw wall coming up too that will reduce your visibility as you're trying to take a turn so there will be um adequate traffic thank you I uh I live one street over from that so oh you do um I use that road all the time you'll get to windr and um it you are it needs it badly I wonder how soon will that be completed uh the very day they can okay right it's a if it's not raining the day they're authorized to go work they're going out to work okay great I'm because I'll drive down there and I'll be like just randomly look at it and you just think in your head like hey this is really dark here why is that so it's good to have this meeting and know why thank you any other questions just to make sure it doesn't get done on on a Thursday or Friday just in case you run into problems so that way for um for the erosion control so maybe like a month Monday or Thursday yeah just in case you run into problem so I don't want doesn't extend until the weekend and probably people won't be on the weekend yeah if there are issues when they come up and they start digging they can immediately just backfill that trench right away and Compact and be fine with it and just walk away it will not interfere with traffic on the roadway or anything like that it's only going to be about that wide okay so they'll be able to leave the silt sacks in for quite you know a length of time before they have to take those out and clean them okay that's thank you any other questions are you requesting a negative determination yes we are M okay uh any questions from the audience about this nope um I mean you are Excavating but you because of the retaining wall it is not going to impact and you'll be live loading so you won't really have dirt on the ground and you'll have plenty of erosion controls I I would be fairly comfortable calling for a negative determination of applicability uh to the wetlands protection act um so I would call for a motion for that I'll make a negative motion of negative second there we go yeah all in favor of a negative determination I I I I thank you very much thank you for your time I appreciate it appreciate it all right uh next up is a notice of tent D file number 061 0831 um this is 12 per lav uh proposed permeable retaining wall around the yard uh to protect their protect their home basement and uh surrounding areas uh we were out here previously for a uh notice of violation which turned into this um they are not here are do we have another representative they are here they're on Zoom okay so I just I'm going to unmute them okay okay okay H yeah sorry so we don't really have an effective way to communicate with them at this time um wow can we turn that off so what I'm going to recommend is that we have them come in and make a small presentation about this I would feel more comfortable if they were here to actually answer questions um excuse me I'm very sorry are they on your computer see but is the volume on on your computer the microphone he's right if you mute your computer if you unmute them but you mute your computer no it's because of this microphone but you're right you have a break point it's because of that yeah yeah for [Applause] [Music] um and okay I think it's working now I don't hear any feedback I just know what yeah okay I understand that um Lena you are you able to ask them if they could come in with someone that could translate is I we went to the site we did and I would just feel comfortable if they were here representing themselves and and not have to go through this where was this plan um we we all had an email to us um so this is the plan on the screen they've revised their plan to include the sale that they're proposing in the back of the yard and they changed the the Brick in the front to permeable papers show yeah to permeable papers and then the yellow I can't remember that I believe that is going to be open that is going to be um grass or some sort of planting bed and the wall that's in the back Joe is all going to be permeable retaining wall not really sure how they're going to do that but that's what some of my questions would be and then in the back they'll have some sort of French drain for water retention on the property sorry let me make sure I open up the hearing for this anyways um I'm not really sure how we want to proceed with this do other Commissioners feel comfortable with this format or would you rather have them in front of us to understand what is happening I know that we're not all bilingual and able to understand what they're saying and I want to be considerate to those that are not I would I would just say that you know obviously I'm having trouble with the audio issue is number one but then um I'm not bilingual so that's part of the issue as well so um I think if they did come before us did have somebody that was able to um translate on their behalf whether it's through the city of river or through themselves um I think that would be beneficial for them and that way we'd be able to properly communicate questions that we have and then also if they had you know handouts for us and being able to answer those questions in real time it would be beneficial for everybody that would be my opinion yep any any other thoughts from any of the other Commissioners I got the gist of it but uh I can't really see what their plan inails and I wasn't present at the site visit so okay don't don't forget that when they come before us with a notice of intent there's a plan included correct that's what we have to be looking at and and we once we approve that plan they can't they can't alter that plan unless they come before us again and like I said right now I I don't know what I'm what I'm looking at that I could approve if I wanted to they have they have submitted their plans and they've submitted their revised plans that I've sent to you all to look at we do have bilingual speakers present I personally don't know the questions to the answers either so I don't feel comfortable translating like in real time like it would be helpful to speak with them in person and understand what their proposed changes are um maybe that's something that maybe Wilson or Bernardo can do at the next meeting is kind of helped support with the interpretation and having a dialogue with them before the meeting so we're that you're prepared thanks Lorena yes uh I can do it we can facilitate that thank you that that would be great and so what we'll do is we will continue this until the February meeting and then we can get a better understanding of what we're what is we're up against here at this point um so yes so you have until February to be uh come before us and we will get a notification out um to you about that so we'll continue this one here um so next up is a notice of intent D file number 061 832 uh this is 193 rice have this is a demolition of an existing deck and construction of an addition awesome thank you Cody oh thank you I appre if you want to hand that to them I oh that's good if you could turn the mic on please thank you sir good evening Mr chairman and members of the board my name is Michelle ashar I was ashar engineering and surveying and I'm representing my client Mr Cod gner um he's in the process him and his wife to uh um Pro propose an addition on their existing dwelling just going to open the hearing first sorry apologize about that Michelle okay please continue yeah proposing an addition uh on their existing dwelling they expecting their twins coming very soon in January and uh the purpose of the addition is just becoming a nursery it's a one uh one story addition next to the uh existing dwelling attached to the existing dwelling and uh straightforward the way I uh did it you know we uh protected the area around with uh uh Sil fence and uh um um watles um the uh and the uh the property falls within the flood plane in zone AE that's 10 FT elevation mhm and the uh first floor uh is at an elevation 12.1 ft which is 2.1 foot above the uh flood Baseline um the uh in regard to your suggestion you know the uh the this the addition will be elevated on uh uh Pier uh and um my colleague George will address it better because he is the one who uh according to your suggestion you know of submitting a plan mhm conceptual uh Foundation plan so it will be on uh perer you know flush to the ground and then the columns coming up elevated uh so the first floor will be above the flood Baseline okay uh basically that's it and you mentioned the last time you know that uh definitely it needs uh an infiltration system it's such a small addition you know 566 can we ask the board to be waved because there is not much room in the back to uh to uh to propose an infiltration system or we can do it you know in a like a box Crush Stone uh 2 ft deep uh if that's acceptable by the board that accumulate at least one inch of runoff uh that's according to state regulations well it's not on your plans at at this time so anyhow so I'm going to open it up to questions for the Commissioners first if you have any questions about the plan and what Cody is applying for uh in this notice of intent did you change the materials of the pilings that you're going to be using to wood in that area the uh my colleague George is on Zoom sure uh if you would mind George atal yeah yeah hi good evening this is George atella uh I'm the engineer who designed the uh foundation for the addition mhm um we designed the enforced concrete pier with a big footing I believe that was the request by the commission I believe uh so it can it can be either um a Timber footing deep footing or a shallow reinforc concrete uh Bigfoot footing so we were on site George what was expressed to us was that you would have Sono tubes with um stainless steel piling and we had some concern with that and so you're saying that it's going to be a peer um just the just because of the way that it's I'm just confused why you're calling it a pier is it because it's a one floor one elevated pilings is that I'm just trying to make sense of it sorry if yeah it's a son well it's a 12 in diameter son tube I mean if they use son tube reinforced with a big footing at the bottom okay I'm just trying to make heads or tails of what you saying right now um okay so what I was concerned about is that you're creating a canopy with this first floor and basically eliminating the direct line into the ground and I was just curious if you're going to design any type of infiltration system was the question that I asked on site and I'd be curious to know where that might be on the plans or if you decided to Omit that this question to me sorry or to you George yeah I'm sorry I wasn't present during that meeting but the you mentioned the infiltration system design so what I'm asking is because you're creating a canopy by putting on a first floor addition you're adding more Roofing how do you intend to manage your storm water runoff are you putting gutters that go down into the ground you're eliminating opportunity for water to infiltrate on the property right now as you have it it is a deck that as soon as it hits the deck it runs off and goes right into the ground the way you have it now you're going to have an impermeable surface covering like a canopy over your property so how how would you be mitigating the stuff that's never going to see water ever again from the sky yeah typically uh I mean if I'm doing the design for the infiltration system I would design infiltration system underground like a sort a cultch system or and then connect the gutters to it and the volume of the system would be 1 in rain that's what I would do for the addition correct so I would want to see the calculation for the surface area that you're creating that's going to be impermeable and how much 1 in Rain runoff is going to need to be collected on the property that's what I'm looking for and that is not on the plants correct yes excellent we we will uh so that is that's my first concern We'll add it does anybody else have any go ahead so maybe to clarify because in the it says there proposed infiltration system mhm but that's where the area is going to be oh okay you know okay oh just okay yeah I mean something it doesn't need to be a culty CeX concrete chamber or anything like that it could just be an ads pipe with holes in it surrounded by rafy paper it should be pretty simple to infiltrate one in one in storm not the world or the way uh the way I mean I I don't want to step on my friend George to we're not looking for something complex that's what I'm saying nothing complex that's that's what we're getting at here could be like a box in the ground you know filled with crushed stone it could be a dryw you know just a concrete structure with an open bottom it it's a bunch of different options and they're all pretty cheap yeah CET concrete you could also put a 55 gallon drum in the ground if it's has enough volume to retain a a 1 in ring one in R off of that so I would be more comfortable approving this notice of intent if we had some more of a definitive plan about how you're going to mitigate that we'll uh we'll submit the plan uh when do by next week if I mean we can work on that George over the weekend uh uh yes okay so my question to the other commissioner is do we want to approve this notice of intent without those on the plans so are we able to do it with conditions I would want to have a complete plan okay before we approve something and put it on the books like that so name the date and I will submit the plan so you I want to ask so how do other Commissioners feel about doing a tentative approval or would we rather have official plans on the books with and I don't want to hold you up with any of this I I know what you've got coming down the pipe yeah I think the intent is they're going to do the right thing and okay I just I want to make sure that you are comfortable approving this notice of intent considering the situation that is surrounding it thank you for the backstory um but I just want to make sure that everyone else is comfortable approving these with some sort of storm water management very simple very simple adding it into it um I would be curious other Commissioners thoughts on that I would I would believe these honest looking guys would do what they say they're going to do um and it'd be one thing I think if the commission was asking you to rewrite the entire plan and it's like a $100,000 difference and I think that but this being something that is simple and I think it makes a lot of sense from having a you know having that be your home you probably want to do it correctly than have any chance of there being issued so um I don't think it would make sense for you to not do it basically will contain the water I mean it's that's why I computed that uh area you know it's 2 ft depth of crush stone 2 in crush Stone and the uh the down spout you know will lead into it and it will be uh uh you know according to Industry standard 40% out of the volume you know will be retained within that uh it's like square shape whole 2 feet deep so I know we have to we're going to end up putting this to a motion and to a vote to all Commissioners no I just want to make sure that we're we're clear it's kind of not complete but we'll get that and we'll have that by Monday next week by Monday George okay you're getting filmed so trust me no kid well he's listen he's on a beach see I'm jealous look at that look at that that' be great right now wish um so yes um so if there aren't any other comments questions or concerns from any of the audience or the Commissioners um I would I'm going to close the hearing out last call excellent all right um so at this time I would like to put forth a motion or ask for a motion to approve this notice of intent I would make a motion to approve this notice of intent that's second second all in favor I I I excellent thank you very much are we on the lookout for Monday for those plans and uh send it to me send it actually send it to the r Conservation Commission the general email and that'll get to us okay um and we'll get this filed for you thank you very much thank you very much appreciate it thank you thank you all thank you George my future kids thank you too thank you Cody uh next up is a request for determination of applicability uh rever Mass uh to owner LLC this is for the three furong Drive proposed clearance and cleanup of property um and this this is with the fence you you'll be putting up a fence at this point okay sorry yeah I'll take oh he's so I had an opportunity to walk this property down um it's basically an empty lot with a culvert and has a rusted shut uh valve on it I'll uh like Chris I'll let you introduce and take it away hello commission uh my name is Chris roller SAR properties representing the applicant Riv ma 2 owner LLC the property in discussion today is three furong Drive um more commonly known as you know the FedEx facility um just north of our Trident legistic Center development um we are here today requesting a negative determination for our RDA that we filed to do uh vegetation clearance and construction of an 8ft fence um to better secure this wooded portion of the site so if you're driving down for a long drive and you're going towards Target it's on that Eastern end of the property there the FedEx building is on your on your to the West on your left and then this is kind of that wooded portion um with some wagged or some flagged Wetlands um the wetlands as they stand today are are quite Disturbed um so we're hoping to install a fence to secure the site um the fence will be constructed outside of the wetlands but within the buffer zone um and then the fence will tie in on the western edge to the existing fence we have securing the FedEx parking lot and then to the South to our Trident Logistics Center development um so you know fairly Disturbed area minimal impacts and the fence and the vegetation clearance will help prevent uh future disturbance of this area thank you um any questions from the from Commissioners do you know uh what the status of the homeless encampment is there is it active the the homeless encampment is um active yes and we were working to um remediate and solve that problem in the right way you're not just going to fence them in no okay any other questions okay any questions from the audience okay um seeing that how this is it it is within the flood plane uh the 100e flood plane and it also has a few Wetlands isolated wetlands in it um just because the land has just been unattended for so long um and that rusted shut uh valve on the culbert it definitely shows signs of no no use let's just put it that way um and seeing is how you will just be putting up a fence you're not really disturbing anything mm M um my only my only thing is just being sensitive to the people that have clearly been occupying that space for a very long time that would be my only request um in this but um seeing that this will have a very low impact I would call for a motion for a negative determination of applicability I'll make a motion for a negative uh determination of applicability second second all in favor I I I I okay thank you very much Chris thank you have a nice night you as well excellent uh next up is uh certificate of compliance D file number 061 0805 uh for the Mullen Highway um development company LLC uh 130 wasburn AV is there a representative here for that are they on the there we go can you all hear me little say speak again I'm sorry can you hear me can you hear me all right yes that's better okay thank you um good evening members of the commission uh my name is Jeff Murphy I'm a civil engineer with BS and Tom um Inc uh here on behalf of the applicant um to request the certificate of compliance for the um Washburn burm uh flood resiliency burm located um adjacent to the 130 Washburn AV property um we submitted our request for certificate of compliance um with a along with a stamped asilt plan um I believe last Tuesday um a site walk was conducted to to review the completed um project um I don't know if you'd like me to share any of that information or any updates um the agent might be able to provide uh please I would appreciate that do you have any pictures of yes I can do a screen share if that's all right I can pull up some photos of the site um can everybody see the plan up on the screen yes okay so this is the um the Asel plan of the berm um and I have some photos that shows the completed burm so this is looking South um at the end of Washburn a um and then this is the the resiliency BM wall um itself it got a few different photos showing the different views this is Facing East towards the um MBTA um Blue Line right away uh which is at that easterly end of the wall this is another photo kind of showing where the the burm wall kind of wraps into the existing adjacent grade by the T um this is just a few shots of the adjacent um T right of way and then this is kind of looking back West towards the the suff down site here in the background and then the wetlands to the side here and this is the um backyard of the 13 Washburn um residence so everything is grown in and established and then all of the um various um components of the wall and the associated drainage outfall um have been been completed as well there's a manhole structure here and then a head wall here that that Daylights to the weapons so is there any specific questions that the commission has no I don't have any questions at this time I was out there I've been out there a couple times now but I've seen that retaining wall and it is definitely in within spec of what you provided to us and what you provided earlier um at this time I'd like to open up to any of the other commissioners if you have any questions about this retaining wall um yes Mr chairman um when was the start date that you did this work and the completion date please so I believe the uh preconstruction meeting was held on March 28th 2024 so it started I think in April of 20124 um and the wall was completed I want to say late summer um maybe like July or so I don't have a specific date but I think it was completed kind of in that time frame we were out there I can't remember when our site visit was but it was pretty much complete we were you were just waiting for the grass to establish itself the stone was already there and the entire wall was already constructed at that time so that was pretty much complet it out in July when we were out there and the other question I had was did you have to cut down any significant uh trees in that area it seemed like there was I I I I recall walking through some of that area and it seemed like there was some secondary vegetation there um I think that there in in order to build the wall itself um my recollection is that there were a few trees kind of along the The Fringe between the the wetlands and the um the wall itself I could probably find a few photos from the preconstruction meeting but I think the majority of it was just you know there was a lot of frag mtis and other vegetation the herbaceous vegetation and then there were a couple trees that they needed to take down to be able to physically construct the wall um let's see has the resident at 131 been satisfied with what has been I think it's property is it some of it is yeah yeah there were a couple trees over there was there any thought to uh reestablishing some vegetation in that area to use as a further yeah let's say just to the the right of the cement that I'm looking at in that area is there any thought of uh doing some planting there I mean I think the area just basically re vegetated naturally um um you know the area where the they did some offg grading for the wall here kind of just the Wetland area just kind of took over um and grew up right along the base of the wall I don't believe you had a plan for replanting in the area included correct that was it was all just uh excavation to put in the retaining wall and the you know the grass on the top and the stone and whatnot I don't think there was a plan for replanting anything submitted I don't think there in your original notice of intent there wasn't any there was never any proposed plantings that's correct yeah okay um any other questions no okay um at this time I would um call for a motion to approve uh this certificate of compliance for this retaining wall at 130 Washburn app I make a motion for the certificate of compliance second all in favor I I I thank you very much okay last but certainly not least uh D file number is 061 0717 uh Hugo zudo 265 rice AV uh construction of a single family dwelling good evening Mr chairman Phil members um I've been planning for this day since October 16th uh 2016 very glad you share it with me Mr Val you're the only one left that voted on this original water conditions I think we've been through four chairman since then so it' be nice to have this wrapped up um so thank you um we were out on November 23rd uh to do another um site visit uh we submitted a a plan um showing um all the asilt features that have been uh occurring on the site since the since the summer uh we had another site visit at that point uh we also submitted a letter just uh stating that the plan is in sub substantial compliance uh with a few uh minor differences noted some of which I think the commission's already aware of U that drywalls were put in and um some additional stone walkways were put in and I think you could see that um also um Mr rosuto I've come to find out is kind of a perfectionist he didn't like the front walk look so he removed and replaced the concrete walk um there's a few other little punch item things that he was working on I think you probably saw when we were there the cobblestones uh still needed to be put in that type of thing nothing nothing fancy the lawn is vegetated uh you could probably see we were there in a rainy day there's no runoff leaving the site uh certainly for that no um everything's stable uh the fences are in neighbors are happy um Mr rzo is happy he's been able to move in so um that being said um yeah we're here we just want to make sure we get this uh try to make sure we have everything addressed tonight uh I know you're not meeting um in January the permit expires uh January 31st 2025 so we'd like to not have to extend that any further so um if you have any questions um that I can't answer Mr rosuto is here to answer them but please I'm far away uh I will open it up to the Commissioners who may have any questions just a curious uh observation I made one of the times daily that I go by by the property there were uh Stones they would looked almost like eggs uh I and I they were there one day and then they were gone and I'm just wondering where they ended up going Stones rounded they were very round stones in the area oh like River Rocks you're talking about on the sidewalk you saw them yes okay uh those we uh put them basically we filled in the neighbors uh wall and on the other side just for better drainage okay it was it was basically an inch and a half washed PE Stone that's what it was yeah thank you put it all around the edge that's on the yeah you could see it on the right side right under the fence there um any other questions no I mean you've definitely gone above and beyond as far as water retention goes uh your neighbors are definitely not going to be encumbered by any water as far as I'm concerned um I didn't know if you had a plan of putting on a gutter system on the house that connects into your uh storm water do you have plans on the horizon or have you not secured a contractor yet how's how did that go because I did notice as it was raining that day the water was running right off onto your house and it was destabilizing your stuff but the water was draining through the driveway correct it was it was draining through the driveway for sure I mean there's no mistaken that that's going to be pretty that's that's robust but M on your on the left side of your house I I just noticed and your um your [Music] bed I'm sorry your the the the gravel bed and um Mulch on the left side on the side yeah that was that was definitely getting inundated by some water falling off your roof but yeah we do have plans to put uh gutters up there uh we got about uh 280 ft of gutters and uh 14 down spouts coming the uh delay basically uh as with all contractors time material the the gutters are basically going to be the same color as the roof and I'm getting the excuse that it's taking longer to try to match the color uh but u in any case my it's my hope that uh uh before the winter here uh sets in we're able to get those gutters up and the down spouts yeah because I don't want the water coming off the roof and HD in the uh driveway that's a very expensive driveway the last thing I want is uh any uh water hitting it uncontrolled I could definitely see it was going to it might cause a little bit of a problem that's my only concern with that other than that I'm fully aware of that yeah that's as long as you're aware of it and it's going to be rectified soon I would feel comfortable issuing a certificate of compliance I'm I'd be curious to know the commissioner's thoughts on that as well I mean from seeing the property and how beautiful the place is and what it will be when completed and especially with the fact you've done so much work to make sure that it doesn't encumber your neighbors I mean I would feel comfortable uh moving forward but that's just my opinion yeah I was I was concerned about the neighbor because I actually owned that property 261 right next door uh before I sold it to my my neighbors and uh I know what it's like getting water in the basement and I wanted to make sure that we mitigated that as much as possible so u in one of the photos that I gave you at the meeting that we had about the uh the dry wells in the in the driveway uh it showed us we dug the entire wall of the neighbors foundation and we waterproofed it we sealed it we waterproofed and we put this membrane so that any water that hits the wall is able to dribble down and away from the house so um that was one of my main concerns and we did want to try to mitigate that as much as possible y sounds good um any opposition from anyone in the audience nothing you don't want to you don't want to get up no okay um well I think it it is definitely um not an isore it is a very beautiful home and it it thank you for doing what you did around your property to mitigate the storm water retention and uh I I definitely wish you the best of luck getting those materials and installed before the winter really sets on us thank you um but I would call um to approve this uh certificate of compliance um for this project I'll make a motion to approve the certificate of compliance uh just one so the final plan will have the guts yes in it in it correct yes thank you I'll make another motion to approve the uh certificate of compliance second second second all in favor I I excellent thank you so much for your time thank you thank you appreciate it thank you everybody all right um thank you very much so last uh for a few things here we had uh 55 Sagamore this was a notice of potential violation issued um we'll definitely be following up with that we did have some site visits on the 23rd uh which everyone was here um and what is it uh and then we had a couple on the 26th of November as well uh one 130 Washburn nav and then the three F alarm Drive um at this time I would like to just say to our conservation agent here thank you so much for all of your work and dedication here um she will be moving on to another opportunity um and it was an absolute pleasure working with you thank you you're very welcome I'll second that do we have a motion certainly do certainly do but um any anything else from any of the other Commissioners I would just want to confirm there's no meeting in January just for posterity reasons of people that are watching this there there is no meeting in January and uh we'll be continuing in February so the site visits um we wouldn't have any until the end of January booked correct correct okay all right thank you yeah we'll work on that we'll get that uh finalized before the next meeting and we'll have that all buttoned up uh but at this time I'd like to call for a motion to adjourn MO motion to go to sleep I mean motion to adjourn second second second all in favor I thank you