##VIDEO ID:UM7hlCxIah4## good evening everyone like to welcome you all to this um Conservation Commission meeting um at this time I anybody who would like to uh stand and do the Pledge of Allegiance pled alleg to the flag of the United States of America okay all right roll call uh Bernardo is here here um Wilson here Joe here uh Brian here and myself so we have five uh sitting members right now um at this time I'd like to review and approve the meeting minutes from our last meeting August 7th Mr chairman yes I I noticed it says I was not present I believe I was yes you were you make that change yes we will thank you thank you very much let the record show that Joseph Laval was here August 7th um 2024 at our last conservation meeting uh any other changes awesome I make a motion to uh approve the meeting minutes second second all in favor I hi excellent okay um so we have a little clerical business here to take care of uh with John shu's vacation uh or vacating the seat of chair we do need to elect a new chair of the Conservation Commission uh and at this time I will take nominations for chair of the Conservation Commission I'd like to nominate Nicholas rudol for chair of the Conservation Commission I second that okay um any others no all in favor hi hi hi okay um now that I am chair of the commit we do need to elect a vice chair of the commission and I will be taking um nominations for vice chair as well I'd like to nominate myself Brian aach for vice chair of the Conservation Commission second all in favor I I I okay excellent now that we have that out of the way uh thank you very much and I appreciate the opportunity to be uh chair of the commission as I'm sure Brian is um Vice chair of the commission as well thank you very much um next up we have a continuation notice of intent D file number 061 0822 the MW uh 28 rice Avenue uh portion uh Jason to the linnway how you doing you turn your mic on please sorry it's okay uh good evening everyone I'm Jennifer Doyle Breen from aeom um so we've been in front of you a few times for this project we're back tonight um because we still are awaiting the determination from the natural heritage and endangered species program unfortunately um they technically have until they have 30 days and because of some information they asked us for they have until September 19th so we don't have a decision from them yet so I don't think the uh commission can close the hearing but we did want to take this opportunity you know we've been we've made a a larger presentation about the project already we've had a site visit but last hearing we had three questions that came up from some members of the public so we wanted to take this opportunity to address those questions so I brought um a handout with us and I I oh yeah here we go uh here here are the slides we put together so this won't take long um I just have a few slides to run through so the three comments that were made last hearing were uh number one about the selected alternative of horizontal directional drilling underneath the sagus river and why we hadn't chosen to put the pipe on the general Edwards Bridge instead so I'll talk about that there was a question about lead levels detected near the project and then there was a question about whether the project would be including work on vegetated Sandy Dune um so first of all in terms of the Alternatives what you can see on the slide and or have in front of you um summarizes the Alternatives that were evaluated in the single environmental impact report that was reviewed by meepa and approved by meepa um there were four installation methods looked at which are listed here open trench across the river micro tunneling across the s sagus River uh removal and replacement on the bridge or horizontal Directional Drilling and we also looked at um eight routes that were in combination with those um approaches those methodologies of of putting in the replacement pipe so my next slide shows those but before we go there you know just in summary the micro tunneling and the open trench was dismissed from further consideration because it had those two options had higher cost longer duration and higher environmental impact um then there was the General Edwards Bridge um option which um we dismissed for reasons I'll go into in a little bit more detail and then we had uh routes through 2 through 7even that we looked at for HDD horizontal directional drilling of those rades um just to remind you we there were two that Rose to the top um routes three and seven and those had uh geotechnical investigations in detail conducted for them and then if you could go to the next slide please you'll see all the routes in color um and it's also on the next p uh the bottom slide of your handout so I maybe we're having technical difficulties but I'll just keep talking because you can see it on your handouts um so again option one was dismissed because that was either open cut or microt tunnel that's the red line on the figure um and that had higher costs longer duration and higher environmental impact because it was going to be open trench cutting across the river as one as a potential option um the general Edwards Bridge again as I mentioned that was dismissed due to concerns about schedule cost environmental impact and also the exposure of the pipe to Elements which would cause erosion oh there we go there's the figure and of the um root 7 and root three so um let's see root three is the green line and roote 7 is the orange line of those two routes we chose um the orange line route seven uh it involves lesser distance of open cut on the barrier Beach system which includes point of pine so it has less environmental impact from that perspective and it also has less impact on the community because there's less open trench trench cutting on RAV and if you could go to the next slide this really this summarizes the reasons that um the option of putting the pipe on General Edwards Bridge was not preferred um first of all the timeline as we've discussed the bridge is scheduled to be replaced however the construction of the new bridge probably won't happen for 9 to 10 years so which is long you know beyond when the replacement pipe that for Section 56 is would come online so if we were to put it on the bridge we'd have to put a pipe on the drawbridge now and then put a new pipe on when they replaced the bridge so it's basically like paying for the same project twice um which is what the second bullet says there that cost is another reason we dismiss the alternative and then um environmental impact because the bridge is a drawbridge uh there has to be a section of the pipe that would go down and underneath the riverbed floor that would be we it could probably be done by jacking but it would involve a pipe um would involve some disturbance to the riverbed and having a pipe 15 feet below the surface which is much shallower than the HDD that we're looking at and also the bridge is within nhp estimated in priority habitat and it's also very close to the rumney marsh area environment of environmental concern so for all these reasons we it was deemed that the impact the environmental impact of putting the pipe on the bridge would be greater than the selected alternative of HDD under the river and again this was um summarized in the environmental impact reort report that was reviewed by mea by the Executive Office of Environmental Affairs and by D and by other agencies and all the comments that we received you know were in favor of the rout that was selected um and the final reason there is that you know one of the reasons that we have to replace the pipe is because when it was on the bridge it was subject to Environ open to the environmental fat um environment and um it was very corroded because of elements of nature so that would still be the case if we were to replace the pipe on the bridge and then uh yeah if you could go to the next slide this just illustrates um the Orange Line there in the center is the bridge the darker green area over to the left is the Romney Marsh AC EC so it's pretty close to the bridge and and then the yellow hatching that overlays the bridge is the priority and estimated habitat on the bridge so those are all the reasons that we felt um and the state EA agreed that putting the pipe on the general inwards Bridge was less preferred uh if you could go to the next slide please um so I I'll just I'll run through all of these and we'll then we can discuss anything that you'd like to come back to in terms of the uh there was a lead detect in the um groundwater in monitoring well 14 which is actually the Green Dot on the very bottom of the figure on the left of the slide so that detect was about 800 ft away from where uh there will be construction on RAV for the this proposed project uh there is also background lead present throughout the area that was found in uh monitoring Wells closer you know to where the project will occur um when the project is undergoing construction they we don't anticipate that there will be a sub significant amount of dewatering that will be needed for the trench there will be some the water that will be collected will be tested for lead levels and other um constituent levels and if needed if there are any exceedances it will be you know transported off site and handled in accordance with mCP and other regulations uh we don't anticipate that there would be any change in the conditions that are already out there in terms of the lead that that was detected and then if you could go to the next Slide the final issue that we wanted to address was just about um impact within Coastal Dune um okay so first of all just to uh make clear for it because it could be confusing the enti point of Pines Peninsula is mapped as barrier Beach this is just a screenshot from Mass mapper um so the entire Peninsula all the roads all the Lots everything is mapped as barrier Beach so um as barrier beach coastal Dune so the work for this project in the parking lot of the yacht club and on Rice AV will technically be in coastal Dune but we are not the project does not involve any work outside of pavement other than um there's I think a little bit in the right of way of route 1A where there's some grass area but we are not disturbing any like natively vegetated Coastal Dune next to the Sandy Beach area um and if you could just go to the last slide so again what I just said was in the April 2024 single environmental report there were no impacts to naturally vegetated Coastal Dune the only um impact is in paved areas within the overall mapped area of coastal Dune and barrier Beach um that was what was in our noi as well and you know again just to drive home the point no work will car on the undeveloped beach front or in the adjacent uh naturally vegetated Sandy Dunes so and that's all I had to present tonight happy to discuss anything else and just again to reiterate unfortunately I don't think the commission can close the hearing tonight because we're still waiting for the decision from nhsp so but we're happy to we wanted to address these three points that were brought up last time and entertain any other questions no we appreciate that thank you very much um and the type of construction that you'll be doing the horizontal directional drilling laying out that pipe in a straight line to test it as it goes in it the route that you chose just makes sense it's it really does make sense so once we get that determination back in September um we can get this all worked out in October and we'll hopefully be able to come to a finite decision and get you guys rolling excellent but uh thank you very much for addressing those issues and getting those that on the record but okay appreciate you guys coming great thanks for your time tonight appreciate it um one sec one question sorry go ahead sorry yeah hi you know what I don't see on this plan uh a after the pipe goes parallel with rice AV where does it tie into the the existing pipe it ties into the existing pipe on Route 1A so um actually under the road or um yeah under the tie-in under the road and in 1 y so there's an existing pipe in 1A you know again just to remind everybody there used to be a pipe that went down 1A in both linen re and it went over the general Edwards bridge but the portion on the bridge was removed a number of years ago because it was corroded so there's already pipe in 1A this new pipe on either side will just connect to the pipe would it be near that area where there's a very small island between the cut off for a point of Pines yes I think it is in that Island right uh that is correct inside inside that island is where the existing pipe is and so we're connecting at that Island there's no traffic impacts to 1A or the ramp there thank you y any other questions I just kind of just kind of curious so you choose number seven and when I look at the distance a little longer I just kind of curious about the details why not the yellow or the red which the distance is shorter and you choose the which is the the distance is longer right sure well if we we could maybe go back to that figure if we're able to get it up but if you're referring to um me just make sure I understand which ones you're referring to so the red I think was Route was route one right the alternative route one not the road route one so that one was um evaluated for microt tunneling or open cut and so uh htd was not an option there that red one right above the yellow one yeah that was option one so um you want it yeah okay just the just the distance for the orange seems like a longer and the impact could be higher and I'm kind of curious so certainly you're correct that the Orange is a longer distance than yellow but as Jen mentioned the yellow was only feasible to be constructed with micr tunneling uh microt tunneling involves sections of pipe lowered in and then jacked in a place it tends to be a bigger opening that has to be driven the shafts are much more expensive Ive uh to make that Crossing so there's a lot that goes into the constructibility and the economics uh horizontal Direction drill has to string out the pipe the entire length of the pipe behind the the uh alignment and then it gets pulled in basically in like two days so even though the pipe is longer and maybe the material itself might be a higher cost I think as you know like a lot of construction is the sequencing the time the the labor force so overall the yellow was a slightly less expensive option than the shorter distance of the excuse me the orange was a slightly less expensive option than the shorter distance of yellow and correct me if I'm wrong but it's also in the the N NH ESP area as well the yellow and red lines so that that would be another contributing factor why you would not want to ABS do that okay one more question M Mr chairman uh the work that's being done adjacent to the uh new fire station that has nothing to do with this right on Nara road now no that's not MW I don't think so do you know what I'm trying Gro MW um I I'm not sure what work you're referring to um but we where the new fire station is being built right now there's a new one there right they've been working on that road for the whole summer with metal plates and going into people's property adjacent to the uh sidewalk yeah that's not that's not us it's not no we don't have any work going on there might be utility work connecting the building electrical or okay yeah I might I'm not sure I'll have to yeah it may be that the whoever's building the the fire station or I know the city has some plans to do a roundabout over on the other side over there I don't know if there that's out of that but it's defin it's definitely not us anything else all right um so we'll continue this till the October meeting and thank you again okay thank you excellent all right uh next up on the agenda is um a notice of a tent D file number 061 0826 29 putam Road um this is for a repaving of a driveway and extending another driveway that is um in the same lot of the house um are the owners here for that how you doing he's it's the one want to do the project if you could um state your name my name is no um my company name is USA payment solution mhm and I'm the one who will do the work on his property okay um I did have a moment to review your plan and the extension for the driveway is on there uh but not the resurfacing of the secondary driveway and also on the plans was not included um a French drain you know the water collection site on on the pl so the as it stands the plans are incomplete okay um you think she has the uh I no I looked at I I saw the the plan so that it doesn't mention the resurfacing of the secondary driveway and it doesn't reference anything about putting something in there for water storage so the second one is just replacing the existing one and then we're going to put like a drain uh like a a drywall with the 3/4 in stone like yep like 12 in Deep by uh 4 ft wide yep but it's it's not on the plan and you're doing can we can we just do it now really quick I think she has the uh no we have to we have to get a submitted plan something that you can present that when you're presenting it so we're going to have to continue this until you have a more complete plan unfortunately so you can't begin work just yet um but I would like to see the plans that you're going to be what you're going to be doing for the drain get the volume surface area all of the things that you need to for the secondary driveway as well as what you're doing for the primary driveway that you're replacing as well do you don't have any water storage set up for the impermeable surfaces that you're going to be putting into the existing driveway see do do you see what I mean yeah okay just just making sure so um what I recommend is getting a more complete plan together that you can present to us so that we can ask questions accordingly with okay for the rest of the Commissioners um but as stands I can't accept what you've submitted just yet okay you're close not yet okay um so we we will have to we've opened the the hearing um myself and Lena were there for the um for the site visit at this time I'd like to ask any of the other Commissioners if you have any questions about the work that's being done on this parcel I I would just second what the chair said um having visited the property um you really do need to have a full plan of what you're going to be doing in that other driveway area just so that we're able to all look at it and see it and then when it's approved when you do the work we have something that we're able to then look at and reference and say hey we approved this and then we hold you accountable based upon that plan so if you verbally said something to us now wouldn't wouldn't matter we just we need to just have it down we approve it and then it's on you to complete what you approved that you said you were going to do okay and when will be the next hearing you say uh I don't know the exact date but it is the first Wednesday in October that we will be meeting again so this will be another a month from now essentially okay so by that time we have everything ready yeah no absolutely you can email the plans to the Conservation Commission and we can take a look if we need another site visit for any of the other Commissioners we could schedule that but we definitely need a full and complete plan on file with your submission to make this right okay sounds good sounds good thank you very much for your time okay uh next up is a notice of intent D file number 061 8258 Avalon Street uh Avon Street excuse me apologize for that umon I did I did I I said Avon I don't know why I'm flashing back it wasn't me this time I know I know you did it while we were on site but uh no let's good evening congratulations Mr chairman and Mr Vice chairman and everybody else how are you let me just uh open open the hearing here for this and uh take it away sir okay uh for the record Pete blazel from Williams and spages project engineer and with me is uh Mr Russo from ad Avon LLC anything I can't answer he can answer um so uh thanks uh for hearing us again tonight uh this is D file number 061 10825 um EP just issued a number I believe yesterday the day before uh no technical comments uh were made uh the commission uh I believe several of members were here with Lena and and the chairman on uh August 24th for a site visit uh just to recap uh this is a a 3900 ft lot uh it lies partially in land subject to Coastal storm Flowage so there aren't any performance standards that go along with that um the soils here uh as described are uh poor um the groundwater is only down about 2 feet um not very good uh permeable soil so you know that's one of the questions we always ask is can we do anything with storm water as far as recharge that type of thing and unfortunately we can't do it here it's just not uh suitable for it um what's pretty proposed is to take down the existing two family seven-bedroom um structure and replace it with a fivestory uh 12 unit um building uh there will be parking underneath um it's going to be a slab on grade um the mechanical room and the living space will all be elevated up above the uh 100-year flood elevation that was mapped out U by FMA um there's going to be a new sewer and water connection uh we met with uh site plan riew yesterday and they they issued us an approval letter with some conditions so that was our first thought before coming here um we have a couple of small things that we looked at um just as far as like where we could do any type of drainage that type of thing but as it is right now and we we mentioned to DP PW director it's a because it's mostly about half impervious now we're going to increase the impervious area a little bit but we're it's such a small lot there's only a negligible increase um in in the rate of runoff but all of the runoff ends up in the same place it gets captured by uh catch Basin at the end of the road and then gets discharged through an easement that goes behind Mr Russo's other property over the Bay Road that we did for the city of Rivier about three or four years ago um so with that um any questions you can fathom like I said if there was any questions you had I know Mr lavali was there and Brian was there the other day and as you can see it's small a lot but it's it's a it's a fairly straightforward process and slab on grade is you know you can't really do much with the surface area that you have uh and you already have a pretty robust storm water management system for that you'll hook into and be able to alleviate some of the runoff to the to the neighbors so I where I'm fairly confident that you're not going to impact your neighbors um adjacent but if any other Commissioners have questions uh at this time please hi uh the uh the first level is going to be parking I they're going there will be openings yes for yep it's going to be flood prooof construction so there there will be openings for free free flow of any storm surge thank you you're welcome sir okay anything else okay um so because there weren't any technical comments kick back and because we I I mean from what I saw it's it's very straightforward and um if there are no other questions from the public anybody on Zoom or anything no okay uh at this time I would like to call for a motion to to approve the notice of intent I'll make a motion to approve the noi second all in favor hi hi hi um okay um close the hearing before we did that anyways uh thank you very much for your time good luck with your project we'll uh we'll be on the lookout for uh you know our later on down the road for you know all of the um follow-up inspections things of that nature and we'll definitely keep you keep us posted when things are wrapping up if you have any delays please let us know thank you thank you very much okay next up um next up was an RDA for Irving Oil terminals uh this was to check and excavate for their um for inspections for their spill uh preventions controls and counter measures and unfortunately they are going to be resubmitting for the October meeting so we are going to put this out uh for the October meeting um anyhow next up is uh notice of intent uh review inspection D file number 061 0717 uh Hugo rudo 265 rice AV uh and this was a deviation from the order of conditions plan and what actually got built so you could Mr chairman uh thank you uh I first of all I have a u several handouts if I could I don't remember who exactly was at the site visit but yes absolutely hand notes are always good youo thank you uh full Marena your and Johnn what yeah John yeah that's right yeah yeah that's right I forgot he was there it's it's only right down the street so the reason we're here is uh obviously uh we put the dry wells in the driveway and uh I apologize first of all for my um overstep in the proper uh procedures uh uh that we were supposed to follow which I didn't and I apologize for that uh in any case U I'd like to quickly go through this brief handout uh you see there what we did is we installed five dry Wells uh 1 2 3 four and five uh basically to catch uh any rain water from that portion of the roof coming down on that side uh there was only one budding um neighbor that's the one to the Northeast uh that's 261 rice AV uh and U really there there are no other abutters that this U would affect uh the distances the wells um you know they're basically shown in the photos on page two uh what we did is we basically dug down uh we put gravel in and we put four of these floww well uh dry Wells each one can take 50 gallons of water uh we put perforated pipe in between and uh we put the downspouts three downspouts from the roof coming down to uh drop into the uh barrels underneath the barrels and all around the barrels you'll see that there is gravel and also where the put all the barrels are connected to each other there's also gravel uh under and around the pipe to collect any of the uh any of the ground water uh those are the six photos that you see there one of the items I wanted to point out is the uh the last photo that you see there uh what we did at my cost is that we dug the foundation of the neighbor 261 rice and we waterproofed their entire Foundation which ab buts our property uh it's not something that we had to do uh we did it as a courtesy to make sure that no water got into their basement because I used to live there and I know exactly there are three dry wells in in the basement that collect water and pump it out and uh I know what that's like so I did not want any water going on to My Neighbor Next Door yeah we're on good terms and I wanted to keep it that way you absolutely so we we basically went all the way down to the footing uh we put this drip edge right up against it and waterproof the entire side of the foundation next door the barrel on the next uh page the flow well it's a 50 gallon uh Barrel there's five of them which collect approximately 250 gallons of water which is estimated what's coming down from the roof on an average day uh continuing on uh you'll see the pavers that we're going to be installing you have a combination of 3/4 Stone and then on top of the 3/4 Stone we have 3/8 P stone that goes on top of that and then pavers sand and pavers go on top of that the p is a techco block uh permeable p the uh spacing on it is designed in such a way that water will flow through the joints in the p and in order to for the P to survive a stability it needs to have a permeable surface underneath and that's one of the things that we um you know were adamant about to make sure that that surface underneath was able to absorb the water uh what you see there is uh on the installation guide basically this is from techco block the installation of the uh of the block uh the uh the specs on the joint width is on the next page mhm and then the final product is at the top this is what is called a smart sand it's a polymer sand and the specs are there and uh basically what that does it fills the joints however that is a permeable sand to allow the water to permeate down I just did not want water coming down from the roof going onto the driveway and then washing against the the side because if it rains heavy the last thing I wanted is any water to go next door so we definitely don't need an impact to your neighbors and then they're coming down here complaining that you've got runoff coming from your property yeah that makes that makes sense so that's basically my intent there there was no Mal intent on my part by any by any means I just uh wanted to keep all of the water that comes off the roof onto my side of the property as much as I possibly could from what I observed while we were on the site visit what you have done has made an improvement to the property as as well as to the adjacent properties you you're able to capture 250 gallons of water and store it on your property which I think is an improvement for sure why didn't you do it the first time just kidding so anyways um I don't feel as though or and from my professional experience I don't think this is a major deviation from your order of conditions uh it is adding more water storage to the property which is always a good thing especially in the area that you do live in and I'd like to hear some of the other commissioner thoughts about this I mean I think you should be commended for what you've done um obviously it's one of those things where after the fact you know you wish you did it beforehand but um you've been above you know what I think we could even expect from someone realizing mistake and and fixing it and correcting it so um thank you for what you've done and if I was your neighbor I'd be pleased thank you especially with the waterproofing that you did to their Foundation anyone else good um any opposition to what or any opposition to this deviation from our commissioners any obviously nobody in the audience would be in opposition as well um so at this time I would call for a motion that this is not a substantial enough deviation for us to reissue a notice of intent I'll make a motion that this is not a uh major deviation and that we should give an noi second all in favor I I hi okay thank you very much um I appreciate you coming down thanks everybody yeah not a problem and um we'll just make sure that we add this to our plan as as a I I would appreciate that just so we could have it on record what was done uh if there was any question later on down the road so we can everything is all out in the open but thank you very much for coming Hugo I do apprciate it uh next up is a request for extension D file number 061 0760 this is the Redgate Capital Partners uh 22 whitv and this is the apartment building uh with the ongoing construction um over near Gibson Park do we so we don't have a representative here or do we joining okay EXC excellent so I'll give them a moment to join in remotely hello can you hear me okay yes I can great so I am Katie Cruz civil engineer with Hancock Associates and I'm here tonight with Elizabeth beo from Redgate um who is the developer and applicant and um Jim Callahan from Callahan construction um so I I know we reviewed during our s sidewalk um that we are requesting a oneyear extension um for the order of conditions for this um residential multif family residential project um in the point of Hines neighborhood um the construction is nearly complete but not quite done yet um so we'd like to request a little bit more time to get that completed um the storm water system is installed um and we'd be happy to answer any questions you might have um I don't have any questions at this time I as we walked down the site I could definitely see that there was a fair bit of things that still need to be done it was kind of a a bummer to learn that the city wasn't going to be connecting into your property just yet but um I don't see any reason why we can't give you guys an extension if any of the other Commissioners have any uh input or have any questions about this nope um hearing none um I would like to call for a motion for a request for a one-year extension to this project or to this um noce 71 I make a motion for one-year extension for this project second second all in favor hi hi hi thank you very much we appreciate your time and uh good luck with the rest of your project so we did have some site visits on uh the 24th 22 whitv 265 RAV 8 Avon Street not Avalon streets 23 putam Road and 40 Lee Burbank Highway um they all definitely prove to be very fruitful and I do appreciate all those that were in attendance for these site visits um we have some open discussion anything anybody wants to bring up as far as any of the ongoing projects or any of these things that were presented tonight okay all right um that's pretty much it so I I just want to thank you all for coming and and I will call for a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second second all in favor I thank you