##VIDEO ID:VArylyG73Ic## um before we begin we'd like to uh start with the Pledge of Allegiance being led by Lieutenant Randall Al to the flag United States of America stand na indivisible liy and justice for all thank you very much uh the following matters will come before to reveal License Commission today this is our regularly scheduled meeting the meeting is previously filed with the city clerk the first item on the agenda is approval of minutes of September 18th 2024 any I move to approve I beg your pardon subject approval of the minutes yes do do you want to make a motion to approve them I move to approve the minutes and I'll second that very good those minutes are approved thank you very much the uh next item on the agenda are applications submitted for consideration uh item number one Blessed Mother of the Morning Star parish and at St Mary's Church 670 Washington Avenue Ralph toico is the event manager uh this is an application for a one-day malt wine common Vic or an entertainment license to be exercised at St Mary's Church 670 Washington Avenue on Saturday October 26th 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. the event is a spaghetti dinner dance the expected attendance is 85 to 95 name an address for the record please sir hi good afternoon Rick freny 37 Madison Street thank you Mr freny can you just tell us briefly what you'd like to do with this license sure so this is a uh titled boo skety supper um it's for our parishioners um we like to get have some beer and wine we're making our own meatballs and spaghetti we have the it's represented by the holy name society the men's holy name society we're doing all the cooking and we're going to have some music there as well and we're just trying to raise money for the church very good um you've had these yes sir several over the years yes sir do any of my fellow Commissioners have any questions for Mr Fry no questions none very good we'll close the section of the hearing thank you sir thank you sir are there any uh proponents anybody like to speak on behalf of the spaghetti supper don't see or hear anybody we'll close that section is there anybody opposed anybody opposed to the Spaghetti suffer we don't see or hear anybody will close that section would you like to discuss this or do you want to make a motion I'd like to uh move to approve the application as written very good now was second that very good the application for the one-day malt wine common vular and entertainment license for St Mary's is approved thank you very much the license will be exercised uh in the lower Church Hall at 670 Washington Avenue on Saturday October 26 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. item number two City rever r Public Library 179 Beach Street Haley hon is the event manager this is an application for a one-day malt wine and entertainment license this license will be exercised at the Riva Public Library 179 Beach Street on Saturday October 26 2024 from 4 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. the event is a All Hallows Eve haunted house tour expected attendance is 750 to 100 your name and address for the record please can you just thank you Haley hon 78 he street thank you very much okay so your your respected attendance is 750 to a th000 people so last year they had a thousand okay very good thank you um and can you tell us briefly what you'd like to do with with this um with this license so it is a haunted house in the library and we are also asking for um a perment as well for um to have a bear Garden that will be seged off in the library grounds outside with wristbands checking IDs with bent water Brewery and um we're also Staffing along the streets towards the burial ground and they are going to be haunted the burial ground with guided tours inside like we've done I think this is going to be the fourth year that we've done this it started at the city hall the last prior years we're getting rid of that and we're just shifting it all to the library very good now the beer garden is the beer going to be self contained yes in the beer gard and they won't be traveling down no no no no no no you have to stay inside the boundaries that we're going to set up with DPW very good do any of my fellow Commissioners have any questions I'm good no questions why you moving in Halls of the library it got a little confusing and people were kind of traveling all throughout the street so it kind we felt like it was better to condense it the library has a lot of traction with the haunted house and then it's wicked close to the uh burial ground so we kind of just figured that we'd get rid to City Hall and bring it all over to the library and huh yeah spooky yeah I see it I see where you're going who do you plan who do you plan to serve the liquor to a lot of kids attend this event yeah it is and we just figured that kind of we had a lot of families and we had a lot of adults they kind of yeah they like just like Fall Festival dad can be outside or Mom yeah yeah moms need them too that's right kids that's right um but no I have no questions so sounds like it's a good event very good we'll close the section of the hearing any proponents anybody else like to speak on behalf of the um Public Library spooky event we don't see hear anybody close that section anybody opposed anybody opposed to the issuing of this license I don't see or hear anybody would you like to discuss this further or do you want to make a motion I can make a motion to approve and I would gladly second that motion very good the uh application for a one-day maltt wine and entertainment license for the city r r Public Library all Hall Eve haunted house tour is approved the uh license will be exercised at R Public Library at 17 9 Beach Street on Saturday October 26th 2024 from 400 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. thank you very much good luck with your event item number three City Rivier House Wellness Center 321 charger Street Haley hon is the event manager this is another application for a one-day malt wine common vular and entertainment license this license will be exercised at the half Wellness Center 321 charger Street on Friday October 25th 2024 from 900 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. the event is a hauntfest Halloween party the expected attendance is 100 can you explain uh what you'd like to do with this license so it's basically would just be a costume party um we had High attendance with the member appreciation so this is kind of basically we figured that this would be kind of a fun event for our members we're not letting anyone we have we the gym allows uh younger kids to come to the gym but we're making this event 21 plus so anyone entering the door will be checking IDs you can't enter unless you're 21 is this only for gym members or can can no anyone can come but we do I mean I I would I wouldn't I would think that there wouldn't be too much traffic um especially with it being kind of everyone's Halloween party night the Friday before Halloween but we're going to have a DJ drinks and that's kind of It costume contest type of thing I think I'm going to come that's right that's what I like to hear I'm stop by going to wear a costume mhm you were the one to F yeah oh we have to wear costumes yeah it's needed you need to wear a costume what are you going to go in a judge Iron Man that's it good one I have an Iron Man costume from like 10 years ago I'm going try to squeeze into so Brent water is going to be doing the alcohol service at this event as well yes very good um okay well I don't have any further questions anybody else have any questions we will close the section of the hearing are there any proponents anybody else like to speak on behalf of the issuing of this license you don't see or hear anybody we'll close that section anybody opposed anybody opposed to the issuing of this license I don't see your hand anybody will'll close that section uh would you like to discuss this further or do you want to make a motion I'd like to move to approve the application that was so neat on the it was so neatly written did you write wow pip is amazing compared to my chicken scatch good job I would move to approve the application I'm going to second that very good the application for one-day malt wine common vular entertainment license is approved the city reveal license will be exercised at the H Wellness Center 321 charger Street on Friday October 25th 2024 from 9:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. the event is the hauntfest Halloween party good luck with your event luck item number four noria energy retail Inc DBA noria 345 Bennett highway 345 Bennett highway John senen is the manager I'm sorry if I mispronounced pronoun itre your button just hit the button in the middle there there you go thank you oh okay so we just purchased a business in the building so we are planning to added the coffee or Glade soaps and other stuffs now do you have the are you also run the place on Squire Road uh no that's a different that's not that's a different operation that's that's completely different company okay I mean it's the same norer or is the the squire the same Ora I think so no it say a different I remember we do have uh 100 uh close to0 stores throughout the five uh States from Road Island all right and U so you're going to have like the roller hot dog things roller hot dog soaps uh we're going to have our own coffee we have they had a coffee when we purchased a business but we don't have our license so we we took it down so we apply for the license very good do any of my fellow Commissioners have any uh additional questions I'm good neither do okay uh thank you very much sir we'll close this section of the hearing is there any proponents anybody like to speak on behalf of the issuing this license I don't see or hear anybody we'll close that section is there anybody opposed anybody opposed to the issuing of the common Vic license for Nora 345 bennon Highway we don't see anybody close that section would you like to discuss this or do you want to um I can make a motion to approve and i' second that motion very good the application is approved for a common vicous license to be exercised at 345 Bennett highway and that license will be uh requested hours on Sunday through Saturday 5:00 a.m. to 10 p.m. no seating yes sir thank you very much sir thank you for thanks a lot item number five 388 Broadway LLC DBA Val 388 Broadway Cecilia Maya is the manager this is an application for a change of hours and to amend the entertainment license the application for Valar to change chy operating hours to Sunday through Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 2: a.m. and to amend the entertainment to allow DJ on Sunday from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. current operating hours are Sunday through Saturday 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 a.m. the current entertainment allows DJ Saturday from 11:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. name and address for the record please ma'am Cecilia Maya at address 388 Broadway in Riv very good can you um tell us what you'd like to do with the expanded change of hours we would like to open earlier on Sundays we're doing the prime rib brunch at the moment and we're open at 11:30 in the morning for brunch we were hoping that we can open at 10:00 a.m. to be able to serve more customers to bring in more people at an earlier breakfast time that was the idea with that and also that we were hoping to do entertainment maybe either um DJ just some type of Atmosphere music I guess uh for our diners at that time and then the 2 a.m. license was so that we could do our DJ instead of 11 to bring in the DJ maybe at 10ish so that way we could end the music at one and close it too we we'd hate for our patrons to leave at 1:00 in the morning and go to other establishments that are open till 2:00 a.m. in the morning and so you you see the drawback there one that our customers are going somewhere else but not only that why don't they just finish the night at our place and then from 2: a.m. head home instead of going to other places no I understand completely um when you were open it to though we did have some issues regarding the security and some some noise complaints and fights and things like that have you taken any steps to try and mitigate some of that oh absolutely I mean as you've noticed that we haven't had that problem for I don't know how many years now but yes that was way in the past well since we turned it back right we have well once our entertainment our I'm sorry our um licens has changed to the 2 a.m. and that we can bring in the DJ a little earlier of course we're going to have the security there and we're going to make sure that our music um stays at a lower volume to prevent you know our neighbors or others complaining about the loud noise very good thank you very much do any of my fellow Commissioners have any questions um yes did you did you ever end up at I understand there was an issue with um if there was any emergency or or you know the fire department ever to come did you ever add a kill switch to you we do yes we did yes so that's all said it yes and it was inspected yes Co how about what security what measures are you taking do you have like people set for certain times we do uh we have well actually once this is approved we have a security company waiting for us to say okay they're coming in and they'll be in from 10:00 until 2:30 a.m. how come we not have a security now I mean open to one we we did we funny enough we did we had a group uh that came in and we I think we stopped having the security cuz we weren't busy enough to support them and us we stopped I want to say easily uh maybe late August early September but we did we had a security group that came in and so of course we' rehire Valar used to be pretty busy like at night we used to be yeah long ago yeah so are you seeing you starting to see an uptake now it's God is good every day yes slowly but surely we're starting to get a little busier yes that's any other questions I'm good very good thank you we're going to close this section of the hearing are there any proponents or there anybody that would like to speak on behalf of the change of hours and Amendment to the license good afternoon Commissioners Paul agenzio 245 Reservoir Avenue I'm the ward four counselor I represent the the area that Li's is in I personally know the owners uh they run an excellent establishment uh since I've been city counselor I haven't heard one complaint uh about the uh business I frequent it myself and I think the 2:00 is appropriate I know the business on the other corner is 2:00 so I'm fully in favor of this and I I think they'll do a good job at it thank you very much councel thank is there anybody else that would like to speak on behalf of the issue uing of this change of hours or Amendment to the entertainment license hi um Council Angela Gino SAA I'm in favor of of give granting them the 2 a license um they've paid their time you know for the mistakes that they made in the past but it's been an excellent establishment the food is fantastic and we should allow them to thrive instead of holding them back thank you thank you very much councel we appreciate your input uh are there any other proponents anybody else like to speak on behalf of the change of hours and Amendment to the entertainment license we don't see or hear anybody we'll close that section is there anybody opposed is there anybody opposed to the issuing of the change of ISS I don't see or hear anybody we'll close that section do you um want to discuss this or would you like to make a motion I mean you know I I I think that you know the councilors make a good point that they have um paid their dues as far as for the past transgressions and maybe they do deserve an opportunity to expand their business I don't know what your thoughts are on that but I agree I I I've been in there several times and I I personally haven't seen or heard any issues with thews I think that having the is going to help you know with the prior issues you had so I can make a motion to approve and I was second that motion very good the application for a change of hours and to amend the entertainment license is approved the application of 388 Broadway LLC DBA valaris to change the operating hours to Sunday through Saturday 10: a.m. to 2: a.m. and to amend the entertainment license to allow DJ on Sunday through Saturday 10: p.m. to 1:00 a.m. and that's it that license is approved good luck thank you very much item number six Lupita Rivier LLC DBA Lupita restaurant 111 Shirley Avenue araso Gua is the manager this is also an application for a change of hours the application for Lupita R for a change of operating hours to Sunday through Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 2: a.m. the current hours are Sunday through Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 12: a.m. with entertainment closing at 11:30 your name and address for the record please sir uh good afternoon uh members of the uh License Commission attorney Joe Fran C here with ar rosoa uh manager and uh proprietor of the Lupitas restaurant thank you thank you you very much and can you tell us what uh what you'd like to do here with this uh change of ours well thank you we were here in in July and um the commission and some neighbors had addressed some concerns about the establishment and about Shirley AV in general about uh uh loud music and light night late night activities uh the commission then reduced my client's hours back to uh from 2:00 a.m. to midnight um we left that day and we immediately uh started to address the concerns raised by the commission uh my client um is a small business owner family-owned uh he immediately went out and installed a second heavy door uh to the restaurant so now there's a door on the street from the sidewalk you walk in and there's another door that will help um lower any type of noise and Abate the noise issues uh We've also spoken with uh all the bartenders and all the staff we got any requests from uh police officers to lower the music uh they've been informed of that uh my client also went out and spent money uh getting the windows double panel uh he's here today and the reason uh they're seeking the reinstatement of the 2 a because it's a familyowned and operated business uh they service the community uh most of their uh patrons are hardworking citizens in in residents of Rivier this is not a stock Brokers bar where people come in after 5:00 for a drink they may come in after their shift at 9 10 11 12 me 1:00 okay so I think it's important for them to have that opportunity to keep the restaurant and bar open till that time they've made like I said substantial and expensive um amounts of uh uh repairs and improvements to the bar in order to make it um more palatable and better for the neighborhood and Mr Rivera is here so I'm sorry uh we did the double door and uh so you know to protect the sound when you open one door the other one Clos it so the sound stays inside and that prevents us from that any that comes out of the establishment I also expect to um Conan that that's his name right Sergeant Sergeant con with the detailers and um I I offer myself to uh put a security I mean not a detailer a police officer every weekend for the safety and secure of our neighbors Okay police officer he will stay there I believe till 3:00 I also offer one more hour to my security guard so he can hope the police officer who's attending them to uh get everybody out of the promises that means from the stop sign to the other stop sign so that technically from that stop sign to the B stop sign stays very clear and the neighbors will stay at peace now you remember when we were here last time the neighbors were complaining pretty pretty loudly about some of the things that were going on you understand that if if you were to get these hours back and this would have happened again that we' just be right back here rolling them back again uh we will try to prevent I don't want to be here as you can see like I don't I get I I don't like podiums I don't like you know this this for me is it's a little bit too much I my heart is like P right I understand like I said last time you know I was not too much into what was going on in my own business because I was going through my own personal stuff too I have a lot of health issues and you know I have two kids I'm a single dad and uh you know I I try to focus more on my kids than I did on the business but that's going to change now well thank you for that when you appreciate it um one thing that was brought to our attention is that the premises that was aled building permits were not ped were not pulled for that and so that is going to have to be addressed at some point we'll figure out cuz I talked to my contractor he actually told me to do that we didn't need to put the permits and I actually asked him but if anything we'll do what we have to do if we need to pay for the permits we'll pay for it right away I think any type of structural change right you got to pull perm yeah I think that do structural change so you have to okay um well do you want any questions for these gentlemen I I don't have a question I but I will say this um I went by lupas um I I parked across the street I hung out just to kind of observe what was going on and I must say um after our last meeting and you were here um I I was very impressed with how you guys immediately started abiding by what we put in place um the restaurant was promptly shutting down at its required hours I even watched uh people exiting um orderly there was no noise I in fact um I drove by I live right next to L Lupa so I was able to drive by several times on the weekend and you don't hear anything outside I mean nothing it's the the quiet mean I mean even when the place is active the street is is dead you don't hear anything so I'm very impressed with that my only concern um and I have I have no objection to putting the hours back is just that um I don't know if the neighbors were sufficiently notified of that and um um you know we'll address that when we when we when we make our motion my only concern is that um I feel like they should have an opportunity to be heard or I should ask you councel if there if there were any attempts to you guys to uh canvas your neighborhood to speak with some of your neighbors about some of the changes that you made to to get a sentiment of how they feel well well thank you and um after the hearing in July uh uh I was outside and there was a a family and I was speaking with them I offer them I gave him my card I said anything comes up you talk to Mr rera you can call me email me um again he wants to be a good neighbor and he's been uh dealing with the community leaders the city council in the area trying to get this thing done and again we spoke last time about there are other license holders on the street okay and there are people in there and it's it's a very you you live there it's a very mixed diverse community and it's residential it's commercial uh I'm old enough to remember when Beach sales was on uh on Shirley have I go way back I grew up in with so uh it's a community like I said it's always been very diverse and um we're here my clients going nowhere he owns Lupita Bakery also the family owns the bakery which is right there and that that's people going in late hours getting their uh getting their baked goods so if anybody has any issues they know where to find us and if there's any we we welcome anybody that wants to come in talk to either my client or the staff again they've been uh told that um you know to to accommodate and be good neighbors to the area okay well thank you very much for that uh there was one one incident that occurred what last last Wednesday did you have the the police come to the establishment last Wednesday h no I think it had nothing to do with with with us if there something that happen with somebody outside to say l because he happened like right in front of it and uh but I think that guy was already intoxicated but we don't know from where he came from okay yeah but the police did showed up I was there at the bakery when they did showed up and everything so very good do you have any uh any other questions I don't I'm satisfied with the representation do you have any uh questions I don't have questions I just feel some sort of concern with the neighbors um during the time that I've been a commissioner I've never seen so many neighbors come and complain about a particular restaurant so I just feel that if we like move forward and say you know go back to 2: a.m. and then but I do see that you have taken you know the measures you needed to to make changes and I'm pretty sure you know how it is now you don't want this to happen again I don't and we're all here you know to support businesses and stuff this is too much for me this is parano again my recollection back in July there was a lot of frustration about the whole Street and about noise and people coming in and out and they they conceded that it wasn't all you know coming out of Lupita those other license holders there so uh but again I I'm glad you brought that out um Madam U commissioner because this is something I spoke with my client about he realizes the cost involved in these issues uh he's made the Capital Improvements to the uh the area and again like I said it Services the the working members of the community to for you know a late beer or taco late at night all right well thank you very much gentlemen we'll close this section of the hearing are there any proponents anybody else like to speak on behalf of uh the change of hours request by Lupita uh we don't see or hear anybody who close that section or is anybody opposed anybody opposed to the issuing uh of the change of hours request don't see or hear anybody close that section um do you want to discuss this further or what would you like to do with the you want to make a motion I would move to approve the application for the change of hours as written I'm going to second that very good the uh application for the change of hours for lupers is approved the uh the application will be exercised at lupas at 111 Shirley Avenue the operating hours will be changed to Sunday through Saturday 11:00 a.m. to 2 a.m. and the entertainment will be actually going until 1:00 is that okay very good that's a done deal thank you very much gentlemen we appreciate you working with us and good luck with that good luck yeah definitely good luck uh the next item on the agenda are hearings item number seven RK and E cor DBA BK's Bar and Grill 264 Ocean Avenue Marilyn Sims is the manager this is a hearing into unauthorized transfer of ownership lack of approved license manager this is a continuation from the August meeting um and I guess we're going to have a status hearing as to where we are with this yes M uh Mr chairman thank you James seeta um five Fremont Street and U winthrip on behalf of BK's and Bob Kelly is here today uh we were before the commission a couple of months ago and uh just to remind um I bring the the commission up to date just a little more fully um this whole issue arose um as a result of uh the death of uh Kelly uh Bob's mother and Robert Kelly his father who were the uh officers directors and stockholders of the company and then the subsequent um retirement of Marilyn Sims who was the manager of record although Bob spent an inordinate amount of time there um working um he did not immediately apply to become manager so uh as the commission pointed out correctly um it was sort of a uh Ship Without A Rudder it was running straight however but there was no manager looking further into it Maggie pointed out to us that um there had um been the necessity to change the officers and directors and to transfer the stock the management part I think is a little a little easier um because it's not complicated by the death of the uh the two principles um both of which um needed to have their Estates probated so to bring the the commission up to dat um Mr chairman and uh Commissioners what's happened since then and in fact in since my filing of the status report um all of the filings that were outstanding and I think there were five years of filings with the Secretary of State they've all been filed the fees have been paid the corporation has been reinstated um Rob Robert Kelly is now the president and the director um I've sent those over to Maggie by uh by email um I brought some a hard copies uh for the commission if any of the Commissioners would want to see them it's a little stack of things we print out from the Secretary of State's office so locally regarding Secretary of State and the condition of the corporation I think we're pretty much squared away to that extent leaving then us to look at what's going on with the two Estates um Mrs Kelly's Estate is pretty much wrapped up attorney turo was hired to take over for the attorney who had retired had been handling the Estates and the corporation um Bob Kelly senior um passed away in Florida so there's a little bit of a a little bit of a difference an intermediate step that needs to be taken before the assets of one estate going to the ass to the other estate and then having a license to be transferred to Bob though that to me it's not my area of expertise would seem team since he's the sole Heir he is going to be the the sole shareholder so what we're waiting for essentially is just administrative and judicial admin the administration of justice and some logistical things to happen uh and we appear to be in line for that I'm wondering if if though and megie would know better than I would um if at this point it might might it be ripe to send the change of Manager application onto abcc but I'll let the commission uh and I couldn't figure that out whether they should all go uh as one package or should the change of manager uh go forward so the abcc knows that it's not being unmanaged although you know functionally it is um officially on the books of the abcc they have a blank name in the spot for manager so I that one might actually be above my pay grade so I'd leave it to the commission's interpretation of that but uh that that's what we have to uh to report today and we expect that in the ordinary course of the sluggish um you know probate docket um this may be wrapped up pretty soon because um there's really not much to do just sort of sign off I think we're waiting for one more piece of paper from U from Florida and that's it so well coun how much time would you think would be a reasonable period of time to let this run out a little bit and see where we are you know I think if we're talking about a sentencing hearing I might be able to give you a really good answer to that but u a closing up of an estate um God I don't think I've ever done one um I think we had 60 days from the last time no more than 60 days and if it's right prior to that we get some closure from Attorney turco's office and a sign off from the Probate Court ahead of time and we're in um and we were in time to make the next meeting perhaps we can pop that on the agenda if it's not too long do you have any uh questions for uh deing who's the current manager at the moment on onsite manager sorry who's the current on-site manager myself that's all no questions for me I know that takes probate takes so very good well um I guess what what what I would suggest is that we give this 60 days and see what uh see what it looks like at that point and hopefully um you know you guys will have it resolved and you'll be all set um I'm a little concerned about the manager aspect of it um but like you say counselor I don't know what's the best course of action uh with that um I guess we will just leave it as it is for now and um let it run to 60 days and then see where we are then m if um if they get through the probate process um what if anything would they have to do in front of the commission we just follow just to make an application for a manager um would be my guess that would be the only thing that would be yes right so that that would have to be filed before the commission I I think we may have filed for a change of man um and okay so we'll re we'll refile Maggie's my mentor so whatever she tells me to do that's what I'm going to do so I think we all operate on that premise how humble all right so uh that's what we're going to do we're going to go with the 60 days and um you guys will work out the paperwork with Maggie as far as the applications go yes and and if it happens uh sooner and we we get notice uh we'll shoot it in if you want to see us ahead of time that's fine um we we're ready to go very good well thank you very much gentlemen good luck thank you thank you sir ma'am uh that concludes the U hearing section of today's agenda the next items are Communications I have a notification from the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission of an approval of a change of Officer director for Unos restaurants LLC DBA Uno Chicago Grill a notification from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission of approval of a transfer of an all alcohol Package Store license and pledge of license for Sheree mono har Corp DBA deart a notification from the Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission of a return of no action of an application for a change of officers directors for the reveal lodge number 1171 of the benevolent protective order of elks of USA Inc and that concludes today's agenda I would make a motion that we adjourn today's meeting until November 20th I second that motion very good today's meeting is adjourned