##VIDEO ID:sXJUGpvklqg## e e e e e e you know what I love for was it the e uh the meeting will come to order uh before we begin we'd like to uh start with a pledge of allegiance if you all rise please allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to The Republic which stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you uh the following matters will come before the License Commission today this is our regularly scheduled meeting this meeting has been previously filed with the city clerk uh the first order of business is the approval of minutes of July 17th and August 1st 2024 I'd move to approve I will second that motion the minutes of those two meetings are approved the next items on the agenda are applications submitted for consideration item number one Multicultural marketing Inc Beachmont School Fields Tony Portillo is the event manager this is an application for a one-day W malt wine common vix and entertainment license this license is to be exercised at the field at the Beachmont school on Sunday September 15th 2024 from 12:00 p.m. to 7: p.m. the event is a celebration of El Salvador Independence Day the expected attendance is500 Ro the course of the day is there someone here from Multicultural marketing would you step up to the podium please sir and your name and address for the record uh Tony P 57 thank you if you could just speak into the microphone thank you okay can you just explain briefly what you'd like to do with this license okay I like to change start 11:00 if it's possible I guess I know 7:00 is the latest that we can go and I don't like to go later than 7 but I like to start early so I can have a little bit more time you can do it 11: so you want to start at 11:00 a.m. yeah and you want to run it until 700 p.m. yes 7 p.m. are there any other changes that you would like to make no can you explain briefly what it is you'll be doing so this is event that with um before I started in East Boston then I moved to the East Boston stadium and then I went to the City Hall Plaza for three years and then um the last three years before the pandemic I did a s downs but now i' like to do it at this field in beachon school um this is like promoting the Salvadorian culture um it's the independence it's on the 15 September 15 so it's right on Sunday um it's more like a family event families come you know to using the colors they we have typical food typical drinks and it's like a family event that you know they can come and enjoy the the culture very good thank you for that expl ation excuse me uh commissioner OS do you have any questions on this event I don't I had a chance to look over the application um actually I do uh your service of U malt wine and or liquor will that be um blocked off some in some way yes I think I put on the floor plan so this is kind of um an the house in Bush which is that um Bai Mich Ultra um is going to give me like a beer gard it's like a truck that uh you open and you know you got to drive from there so I only plan to serve be in one location and I think I put it on the floor plan there okay and I I have I see that you are going to be hitting out wristbands is that yeah I have a wristbands so um the plan is to sell the tickets so I going to have a tent right next to so I going to sell the tickets and then with that ticket are we're going to put a wristband of course have to be over 21 I own a bar never so the um the workers there the they've been working for me for at least seven years so they're going to come and serve so they all have a tip certification they have the bar um B tendance I'm license so I you know I think we're going to you know I've been selling um liquor for a long time and I always sell L responsible okay um now as far as the food service goost are you going to be cooking on the premises or how does that work yes I have some um Benders they can have a GRS there yes very good um no further questions no further questions all right um thank you very much sir we'll close this section of the hearing I will ask for any proponents is there anybody else that would like to speak on behalf of the Multicultural El Salvador Independence Day celebration we don't see or hear anybody we'll close that section is there anybody opposed is there anybody opposed to the issuing of this license don't see or hear anybody we'll close that section to discuss this further or do you want to no I don't think a further discussion necessary I'd move to approve the application for a one day m one entertainment and comp license very good I'll second that motion and license is approved thank you so much good luck the application for one- day malt wine common vix an entertainment license to be exercised at the fields at Beachmont school on Sunday September 15th 2024 from 11:00 a.m. to 7 p.m. this event is a celebration of el salador Independence Day and that license is approved that concludes the applications submitted for consideration the next item on the agenda are hearings the uh item number two listed is Noah auto body repair and Sales Inc 1095 Broadway Raymond Des samur is the manager this is a hearing to inquire into operation status of the licensed business this is a continuation from the April meeting is there someone here from Noah good afternoon members of the board my name is Attorney James nyman I was here when we last appeared uh back in May I believe yes thank you council desmore is here and John lent who also works with Mr desmore is here if necessary to provide thank you councelor if you wouldn't mind speaking into the microphone sorry about that that's okay um so what we're here for is that uh we had asked you to come back because there was an issue regarding the compliance of the sales hours of operation and things such as that so do you have a report for us on what's been happening with the business I do have an affidavit from Mr desmore along with some additional exhibits I also have testimony as to the number of cars from now as compared to before uh various uh other documents such as business cards I have receipt I have a banner I can ALS I can submit this all he has a sign that is supposed to be uh erected any day that I have the receipt for very good I have uh just if I can he has a posted uh business hours uh Monday through Sunday um as you can see Saturday is is presently closed and you might say why he uh primarily for religious reasons for Mr desamor um his testimony would be that he is he is open 30 hours a week which was one of the inquiries of the last time we were here as far and as far as having cars to uh sell uh Mr lent between Mr lent and Mr Des Moors uh they have uh provided information or or stated that there is uh the business is open 30 hours a week uh minimum if not more they can be questioned I have a again I have pictures of cars that are actually on the lot now if you may recall uh compared to last time there were not really any cars on the lot yes and um I believe the board had wanted either Improvement or something showing that it that there's an attempt being made to actually run the business which I believe if I uh I can submit all the uh exhibits and the affidavits if you'd like and his affidavit I should say um there is a little uh commenting on his footage and neighbor which I don't think is relevant uh to to's proceeding if you see it in the affidavit I would just ask that uh that is not gerain to today's hearing um it was more in preparation if someone did show up uh his neighbor showed up to oppose in some way there he's trying to get along but the relationship is a work in progress yes well I it would appear that would be the case um well thank you councelor do you have any questions for U Mr DS Mo are the counselor here no I don't it seems like they've done uh a lot of what we asked and it's moving certainly moving in the right direction I've driven by the property a few times I knowe that there there certainly was an increase in the amount of vehicles have and did you comment on how many were actually sold over the last three months or so uh so I saw like two but selling cars in this area is not easy because selling cars you know next to my neighbor is not easy because she's selling cars also and then way she got the car uh cost cost her very cheap then uh it's not you know uh she's like uh the competition is not I mean compo I understand so sales have started I wouldn't say they're at a Brisk I don't want to misrepresent they're at a Brisk Pace he he has sold some cards okay he's getting signage he's got cards he has a he has a website also and I can provide if you want anything I can provide how has things been with your neighbor say it again please how have things been with your neighbor action it's not easy but the relationship Still Still issues uh no because when I go to my uh to my business I just go you know I use I use my uh my premises and then and I don't go any anywhere else and then to avoid frustration to avoid problems then if we meet with each other I said we said hi I think there is still some uh uh in I have pictures where they're still on his side of the property so I I guess there are Kinks that still need to be worked out for lack of a better term or maybe from legal basis so I don't want to misrepresent that everything is rosy with the neighbors but Mr desmore just wants to run his business move forward and sell cars yeah no I I appreciate that and I understand you know the neighbor isue was totally separate from what we're discussing here we just wanted to ensure that he was complying with the class 2 Motor Vehicle sales license which had those requirements in it yes and now I mean I'm satisfied that he has met those requirements right I don't know how you feel about it so I mean at this point I think I would just end this matter okay thank you and uh say that uh good luck selling cars it seems like you're in the car business you have you know all the necessary tools all you need now is customers yes thank you so much okay so good luck with that thank you very much for your time do you have anything else you'd like to no you're very good very good well thank you very much gentlemen we appreciate your time um not as a joke but he wants me to give you a business card oh yeah I'll take it I'll take it you never know yeah you never know I hope you do very well man I'll take it you come on in Council thanks a lot thank you very much thank you hey you never know never know you may go your car won't start you may need be in the market before you know it um item number three four Partners Inc DBA antonus at the beach 492 Rivier Beach Boulevard Rodrigo and julo is listed as the manager this is a hearing into violations including unauthorized transfer of ownership lack of approved license manager your name and address for the record please sir hi um Fernando Lisa um Mr Lissa you know why we're here yes sir um we' receive correspondence from your attorney indicating that you are uh in the process or you've completed most of the items needed to be done there was only one item that needed to be completed yes which was the department of uh unemployment uhhuh and he submitted a form from your payroll company indicating that they were in the process of applying for that where are we with that process okay this is the letter that I got um I used to have a um uh payroll company before so when I tried to get it myself so I'm not AR to do it so I had to create everything with a new company that I have this is everything here that I did it so this is the pro the the same process but also I noticed because I just got there this back in 2021 we got it that was when we started transfer so that's why I don't understand because I have it but anyway everything about unemployment is here also all the uh liability about um the pay of the insurance is here and they were they was asking before about the um uh certific good standing so this is the one that is like a a payment agreement with the D so basically everything was can I see some of those papers yeah well do hold on I think we have this that's go you take this back same yeah this is in 2021 though well but right but this is when you started the transfer the issue is that you need an updated right right I have I have that um so I see that you you submitted the request for it in on August 20th right yeah gu well yesterday yeah I guess I guess my right so yeah so that's it's stale yeah he he has paper he showed the confirmation that he did it yesterday I think I think the main issue I think one of the main issues that we have is that for so I can note that you you certainly made your request I guess the issue that I have um Mr Fernando is that um we we've been at this since since uh 2021 maybe 2020 yeah and here we are you know it's things aren't still complete with you and it seems like there's like this Mad Dash to get your paperwork or get your house in order once once you hear from the License Commission it really shouldn't be like that I think the last thing we told you when you were here last time was just just get it done you know we we certainly don't want to breathe down your neck and but it seems like the only time that things actually get moving is when we send you a letter well I understand that and and to be honest I'm really frustrated because I'm hiding lawyers and lawyers to do this and they never done like this guy is's not here right now now and when I get everything he said you you pay this I pay that so I'm almost say so everything you need so now I I got I do it myself so I had to call the company say how can I do this how can I get this one so she went three hours with me through everything to do myself because I call get what you need so about the the payment agreement that that was the first thing that was asking for the good standing I say I cannot get it because I to get that one I need to pay in full the taxes but I have payment agre minute I show the letter so I'm fine then about the other one I say the reason why I don't get the other company before because they asking for 10K just to do my job because because Antonio is Big so I can't afford to pay that so I I've been doing the pay myself now I had know one just to get this done so the company say okay we're going to help you so I pay them I mean I don't have to pay that much like the other one so she help me go through everything to get out your eyes that way I can get access I never I never never did that before so that was another company who used to do it so when I called them to get this one said okay you got to pay us another $1,000 to get this one because you got to go back with us so she said no you don't have to do this let's go to help you and you do it so now you are there so you got you pin you got everything you get access you ask for that certificate they're going to give it to you because you all said so you pay taxes you pay the insurance so you good so I never done that before I I was thinking that if I pay to somebody to do everything Loy they're going to take care so again when that was surprised myself when that was the letter why why again I had my daughter I had my my girlfriend as a manager so we could everything is is is okay but I was surpris like you say when you call me it's like why why you guys calling me about this I thought and I call him said like why is not everything clear he said well you didn't get the papers yes I did I gave it to you so well I mean I I would you know um like like like he said we've been here for a while um I mean I is what's the approval process when are they telling you you're going to have this 28 hours so probably by tomorrow they had I had the respon from them which is the letter from the Dua the confirmation mhm that you sent the request what you want to do you want to give another 30 days to get this stuff together see get it together I think it's appropriate what's going on who's the manager do did you ever well right now is is my girlfriend that she's been acting as a man she's a she's a bar manager in the manager right but is she on the paperwork at all she is she's not yeah so she that's why she never will approve because because they need distance I see yeah you see so that's part of the problem is that we we have a manager of record who hasn't been around for a couple years no longer in part of the business yeah and so that that's a problem major issue well I got to tell something well with Mr Angulo actually he's been kind of involved because I told him what's going on I never cuz he's a friend of mine say you know literally you still on the on things like Fernando anything you need let me know actually I was talking to him right now so anything you need let me know uh you need to sign something you want to do everything again so we're going to do it he's really right there so he just want to be involved too much on on he has his own business but technically he's still with me as a portion of uh he's still like 5% ownership um who's Rodrigo yeah he's in on the corporation well I mean I'd be inclined to continue this for 30 days um how do you feel about that I'm okay with that see what see what progress he makes then but I'll be honest with you um it I'm not sure how much consideration you'll get at the next hearing if if a lot of this isn't complete by but to be honest I'm I'm okay with I mean I'm going to take care of this myself because I don't think the purpose to pay somebody to do nothing like I spent over $5,000 already with something that was supposed to be done like this I had so many friend they do by themselves so I don't think that Happ with the city whatever I'm clear and everything so I can just fill out the application and then how's business go ahead I was to say how's business how business slow slow you guys look like you've been pretty busy well I they're doing a lot of stuff there I me know the the function they help me a lot and now we have music we have artist stuff like that but daytime I mean this summer that's bad okay so now here's what you need to avoid with 30 days out we're going to have we're going to have another meeting in 30 days okay don't wait until 25 days have gone by before you deal with this and you come back again and say look I just did this a couple days ago take care of this get it's done I will take care of myself like I say I'm I can just Chase in uh lawyers to to do my job so I will take care of myself all right well let's we'll continue this for 30 days thank you okay so come back at our next meeting and um we'll we'll hopefully we'll be able to wrap it up thank you all right thank you thank you thank you see you in 30 days item number four PK and E Corp DBA BK's Bar and Grill 264 Ocean Avenue Marilyn Sims is the manager this is a hearing at the violation including unauthorized transfer of ownership lack of approved license manager chairman coun James simple letteri Fremont Street went on behalf of BK and Bob Kelly the assistant manager is with me as well Mr Kelly how are you good if you want me uh I just just to bring you up to dat Mr chairman and um commissioner uh there are several things going on here as I think the commission may be well aware um Bob been the assistant manager forever he's acting now as the assistant manager he's made application to be the manager uh I believe all of those that paperwork is in order if not I'm sure Maggie's going to let me know um the other thing that's going on has to do with Reformation of the uh Corporation and getting the stock transferred as you know uh both Mr and Mrs Kelly uh passed away way and uh this is there is not a license to transfer that stock yet out of the probate court that is an asset of Mrs Kelly's U estate um so we are trying to get get that done uh I I don't handle that stuff but um I'm monitoring that uh we did make application for um change of offices or directors although we did uh also uh I think it was appropriate at the time to make an application for the transfer of ownership of stockh or shareholders and since Mr Kelly is the S is the sole Heir we put his name down as the um he he would be um the successor owner of the corporation he's the would be the only shareholder he is currently an officer he's the secretary of the corporation so it's not as if it's out um drifting by itself so there's some stuff going on here that is a little bit beyond our control not the least of which it's probate court and I think I can handle more expeditiously this situation with the um Secretary of State and getting the filings up to date and the uh officers and directors which he is going to be the sole officer take us long CC three don't know don't know uh Bob I think Bob has a has a story to tell as well he has a narrative but um we were here before I think it was July or August and we began the paperwork and we got stopped short by the secretary estate because those P that paperwork was not in order um that I think is pretty much squared away now um there's some accounting stuff that needs to be filed and so forth uh in order to finalize the uh receipt of a certificate of good standing but actually the person who's been running it forever is still running it um and we just need to get all the stock in his name get him appointed officially as the manager and I'll have to deal with the bureaucracy at the Secretary of State separately I guess I see that we were here on July 19th of 20123 and at that time uh there were assurances made that um there would the applications filed to amend these situations that that's right I actually I actually paid the fee and got it already we didn't have the proper um paperwork to submit to the state so we were they Slamm the gate on us on that one um it was all signed up and so forth I probably should have filed for the applica the application to change the manager at very least because I think from a local perspective that's key uh from the corporation thing that's that's a Boston situation we had to deal with but boob's had a number of things go on since then and uh not the least of which was the death of the accountant and the person who was file making all the filings so um not for the lack of trying um maybe a little bit of distraction uh along the way however so Bob would like to address the commission so at this uh okay Mr Kelly go ahead uh Robert Kelly uh 79 Johnson I have winth um I just wanted to address the uh board and tell you that this past year and a half it's been almost two a year and a half since my mom passed and trying to get everything with probe court and um her her will and everything in order I know it's been it's just been a little overwhelming for me dealing with um everything I've been dealing with with her stuff aside from the business just personal things with my brothers and my sister and I've I have obviously dropped the ball a bit here and I I really want to apologize to the board for this going on so long like Jim said some of the things are out of our control some of the things I know I probably could have pushed a little harder and gotten done and I do want to apologize ol to the board for that and not having things done in uh a little quicker time okay um well what can we expect going forward would it make sense uh for me to file a status report either in 30 or 60 days and let you know what's going on that way the commission is kept up to date and if I um if you need us to come in we'll be happy to come in or if uh it looks like it's uh it's ripe to be um set for a public hearing for the change of manager made would request that as well I think that's that might be the more streamlined process so in the timeline that may be teed up to happen quicker so maybe we can uh keep in touch with Maggie and see if we can we can get that done at least while we deal with the office and directors in the stock transfer yeah well the idea counselor would be to keep this kind of ball rolling here so that we don't kind of get stagnant again and let this fall off the table so whatever you would propose um we would definitely take that under advisement what's your feeling I'm thinking that we we I say we we put this on for 60 days at least it's it's on a timeline and let us know within 30 days give us the status report see where you are with it it's I think that makes sense it's all it's all just getting it done you know I think it it also redirects the focus when there's something up on the when there's a pin on the calendar I I agree with you right I say we put it on for a 60-day review and see where it is only because this has been outstanding for 3 years and um I'll be honest with you I think the the consequences of the way you're operating I would hate to in this climate I you know over you know I'm not sure how well you guys did this summer if you guys did well at all but I would hate to have to propose uh you know some type of consequence if you guys essentially operating you know um unlawfully to a degree without having the proper paperwork in so let's do this let's just put it on for 60 days and let your council do what he does best very good attorney well known so I'm sure he'll work his work his magic and get us a report within 30 days you guys are all right councelor so that that's I guess where we'll leave this hearing we'll expect a status report on where we are in thir 30 days and then we'll put this back on the calendar for 60 days that that sounds very reasonable thank you thank you any more time just let Maggie know obviously I sure well thank you commissioner I mean no no I okay thank you very much gentlemen thank you good luck to you uh that concludes the hearings for today the next item on the Comm uh uh on the agenda are Communications a notification from the Massachusetts Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission acknowledging receipt of local licensing Authority approval of outdoor seating for two brothers Hospitality LLC DBA Mur Tavern and that concludes today's agenda um I would make a motion that we adjourn until next month 18 18 which will be September 18th and I would second that motion that motion is approved this meeting is adjourned thank you very