##VIDEO ID:tv3qkVbUSCQ## [Applause] okay this is the September 24th uh planning board meeting and public hearing uh first part of business we'll have roll call Mr Abrams pres Mr castanza President m m Miss Hoffman present Mr River present M Simmons hurling present Mr tatopoulos I don't see him here absent Mr Sullivan present present okay so the first public hearing is a uh public hearing with respect to request to delete section 17082 and section 17.28% parking systems thank you for this section of the hearing are there any proponents to speak well since this came from uh the department of planning and Community Development uh I'll speak as a proponent okay so the mechanical parking system ordinance that we put in place uh a few years back has been tried and tested and everybody who said they were going to try to put a mechanical parking system in place uh realized ized that given soil conditions and other situations that it became very difficult to apply that in rever so what's happened is projects were approved based on providing mechanical parking systems to meet their parking requirement and when they've gone through construction and got close to the side of construction they realized they can't put them in so um what happens is they end up going before the zba getting a variance for parking so was kind of misleading to the to the neighborhood thinking they were going to have parking and now they they have to go before the zba so to to remove that so it doesn't happen anymore we the the plan is just to eliminate mechanical parking systems from our ordinance thank you I see no other proponents are there just not a question so do that become forbidden or it's not mentioned or vo yeah it's not it's not in the ordinance so it's if it's not specifically allowed it's prohibited prohibited yeah is it right here you don't have to go all the way down there is there a chair there we're growing board at one time we had nine members so we had all these Chas okay we can share the mic Mr topus is is pres no present quoted as present so that's that's basically it if there opponents I don't see any opponents speak to it either so you're closing the hearing yes yeah so we'll we John do you have questions on the mechanical sters I don't so put it to a vote is there a uh is there a motion make a motion motion by oh Mr Rivera there a second second sence okay I'll do a uh a roll call uh on the motion to uh to submit the city council uh a favorable recommendation to remove parking system from the city ordinance uh Mr rrams yes Mr C castanza yes Miss Hoffman yes Mr Rivera yes Mr Simmons hurling yes Mr stopulos yes Mr Sullivan yes okay uh the second public hearing is a public hearing with respect to zoning Amendment establishing definitions uses special permit District boundaries and regulations for marijuana establishments in the city of Rivier a point of privilege I just uh like to tell the board that I have to excuse myself from this from a possible conflict of interest so I'm going to uh I'm going to leave the chambers and I won't be commenting on any way on this matter okay we'll see you after the the hearing is finished thank you very are there any proponents to speak to this tonight again I will speak uh in favor of this ordinance as it was created by the city solicitor's office and in coordination with the mayor's office um so this this ordinance will uh provide little more leniency to uh marijuana facilities in the city of Rivier presently uh these facilities are only allowed in the teed district and um they're very under very strict special permit guidelines uh I believe the administration wants to make them a little bit more uh widely uh available within the city so allowing by special permit in the highway business district and certain parts of the general business district as well as the teed District so there'd be three districts now where special permits could be obtained for uh marijuana for retail or other medical um so the areas that they would be allowed by special permit include um have it here now the city solicitor office put this together so in the GB district and this is may be subject to change because it's still in discussion with the city council it's going to the zoning subcommittee meeting so some of these locations uh may be removed for instance in the GB District uh it would be allowed by special permit the GB District located on the southern side of Squire Road uh with the northern boundary of San Street and the southern boundary of Derby Road so this this is one area where it's under discussion to to remove it and not allow it because uh it conflicts with a residential area these these businesses on that side of Squire Road uh are butt with Residential Properties single family homes two family homes uh and there's always been a a conflict in uses over the years between commercial and residential and in that part of Squire Road so uh I think the uh the premise here is to eliminate that portion of the GB District but to allow it uh uh on the other side of Squire Road um in the GB District uh let's see between lanton Road and and uh 126 Squire Road so it's a pretty good Section lanton Road squ probably where the old zoos was in that area the other chb District located on the uh Southern located on the southern side let repeated twice here on the southern side of Squire Road with a northern boundary of patriot Parkway in the Southeastern boundary of uh there another parcel called you know parcel 17 on Squire Road I wish I had a map to show you but uh basically Patriot Parkway the vicinity where there's a used car uh sales there in that area I think that's one other area that's going to be under discussion by the city council whether to leave it in or out uh then within the GB District located on nsha road with a northern boundary of Jackson Street and a southern boundary of uh parel 3 one two and three on Shaman street so um it's jackon street is um so it's quite a strip between shamut Street and Jackson on the this is on the southern side again I wish I had the map to show you but it was uh it's and and this this portion of the district would span from rier Street with the western boundary of Temple Street in an eastern boundary of 570 rier Street shall be excluded from retail marijuana retail so they specifically site this section within that boundary area to be to be excluded from uh from marijuana retail use so between Temple and 570 street rier street con rier Street in close to the intersection of Route 60 heading East towards the beach uh bring do you want to bring up a map PD me do you want to bring up a map you said you have internet yeah yeah would that be easier uh no I wish I I wish the solicit office gave me a a a breakdown a map so I could pass it out to everybody it's hard to yeah hard to speak to a map so um let's let me just keep going here and then the other GB District would be would be allowed in by special permit is on Shirley Avenue Beach Street in norshore road with a West western boundary of VFW Parkway and a northern boundary of 1350 norer Road an eastern boundary of Ocean Avenue and a southern boundary of ehon street so it's it's um it's basically the block between along Shirley Avenue and Beach Street from uh ner road to the parkway to VFW Parkway if you can envion that yeah cuz both shirle Avenue be Street those strips are are commercial Zone General business if I may as as as I went through these and I was trying to Map Quest them all myself to see what's what's where my only comment on all this is if you look up 1350 noo Road it's basically um the Train the parking lot of the train station um yeah and it's directly across street from where we're going to build a new high school so that was my only challenge I don't know if they could um zoning that you know speculated x000 ft or so many so many yards from um from schools I mean again this this is all just a very uh draft of these locations and they're again they're up for discussion by the city council so if the planning board you know wants to make you know recommendations that uh uh they be further reviewed yeah I just in the in the meeting last night this came up none of the councils seemed I shouldn't say that it didn't appear they were aware of what was up and what wasn't they couldn't really articulate with the addresses or areas but um comment did come up in the meeting last night about there being restrictions regards to churches School whatever so if we can make comment on that when it's time if that's not appropriate I'll go and right now part of the special permit criteria is can't be within 400 ft of a church or school or public park um cool was there a map presented of these areas last night either no I just put these exact addresses on this document in the map and I'm looking at the front door of the new high school so all right isn't that I'm sorry Frank isn't that um location close to Garfield as well no basically one station yeah okay train station yeah so let let's we'll go on to the next which is the highway business districts which are more uh Highway business is more um uh suited towards you know highways R 1A Route 60 in in the city so uh the highway business district located on the southern side of Squire Road with a western boundary of pel 32 block passel 32 435 A2 on Squire Road I I don't know where that pel is a southern boundary of pel 32 535 A4 on Squire Road and E boundary of the North East Expressway so uh my my guess is that's in the area of um norshore shopping center if it absts Expressway on that side um the other HP District located on the southern side Northern side of square road with a Northwestern boundary of Copeland Circle and an eastern boundary of B Brown Circle so that basically runs the whole Northern side of Squire Road from brown circle to uh Copeland circle and a highway business located on the Northern side of American Legion Highway with a western boundary of brown circle a northern boundary of Naples Road and an eastern boundary of parcel 1 and two on American Legion Highway in the southern boundary of Beach Road so that Northern the northern side of U of American Legion Highway from brown circle uh where you have the Hotel you have uh you have a tanning salon there you have a couple of Automotive uses there it's more of like a a business district that's not near any residential um let's see in in another Highway business district located on the Northwestern side of ner road with a southern boundary of Vera Street in north eastern boundary of pel 3B on Northshore Road so that is Vera Street that's next that's that's basically the site of the um um used to be rental tool if you guys remember on on ner Road it's now cranes are being stored there it's a it's a crane storage area so it just be uh specific to that site also the highway business district on the Northern side of VFW Parkway with a northern boundary budding by the pd2 district and IP districts a western boundary of parel 1B on Everett Street in southern boundary of a Parkway splitting into Beach Street so this this is does seem to be ajacent to the uh one old Wan dog track site on that side uh of VFW Parkway up to uh Bell Circle where the shopping center is and three in all teed districts it would be allowed by special permit now the te districts that exist in the city are just basically along Lee Burbank Highway mostly industrial uh there's a te District in Bel Circle there in the in the back again no residential near there a Parx other than the fact on on the VFW Parkway there will be eventually a new high school going going up so they they would have to be with can't be within 500 or 400 ft whatever the requirement will be um let's see what else we have here marijuana establishment uh excluding marijuana retail in independent testing laboratory will be allowed by special permit granted by the city council in the HB districts uh and te District Ted districts only uh independent Testing Laboratories for marijuana is an allowable use by special permit Grant by the city council in Highway business district and the teed districts described above any Highway business or general business location not described here in shall not be in allowable zone for marijuana retail marijuana establishment or independent testing laboratory used by special permit so so any other area mentioned that GB a highway business here that not mentioned that's Highway business on GB would not be uh eligible for a special permit and no recreational marijuana retail facility shall be within it's 1,000 ft of another presently existing a permitted marijuana establishment so that's basically the scope of it uh in also included in here is a number of definitions of each marijuana uh type of facility so um that's it and like I said these area and these locations are uh have to be looked at in Greater detail and evaluated and uh it'll be discussed opening with the city council at the zoning subcommittee thank you a um are there is anybody else here to speak on this toight any other proponents no any opponents I have a question uh Frank how many are they trying U to build excuse me how many of then how many if it goes forward how many places or how many Marana U establishment will be yeah uh how many businesses are within these areas I I I I don't have a number off the top of my head that would be eligible for special permits uh again without the without the map and again it's up for discussion so I really can't answer that question at this point in time do you know how many dispensaries are there now in the city there are none okay not one no no the reason this is in front of us is there was an exclusive one issued and the man has never come forward to open a facility and he's in a situation now where he's in a legal battle and his assets are frozen he doesn't have the capacity to even do that so the city has taking this action to now expand that license should allow us to get some type of tax revenue I thought I I thought that that had opened but it didn't no never never opened there was a proposed uh growing facility and uh recreational medical facility uh retail facility associated with that on Railroad a and um yeah it seems to be as Mr Tampa said kind of in limbo right now Frank related to the question about the number is there any kind of restriction in there around the density as far as you're allowed to have X number within a certain amount of feet of each other within a certain yeah 1,000 ft 1000 ft yeah Frank one of item I saw is um any it's no residential homes or homes with tenant occupany are eligible does that include um apartment buildings with retail on the first level yes yes yeah correct so uh if there's a motion in favor of this uh it would have to be subject to uh uh further discussion and evaluation of the districts that would be eligible for special permits and then the city council will work that out with the city council zing subcommittee and again um any planning board member is welcome to go to the zoning subcommittee by the city council since you have uh a role in all this it's in with your recommendation to further discuss it with the city counc Council okay so is there a motion to approve it subject to uh F further analysis and evaluation of eligible sites by to be uh allow by special permit yes Mrs derling early Simmons earlyy that's a nice one a combination of sim and hling if only I thought of that a few years ago yeah do we have a second a second all right let took a stanza so the motion would be um to favorably recommend to the city council subject to further evaluation of eligible locations uh to be determined by the zoning subcommittee uh Mr Abrams has removed himself Mr castanza yes M Hoffman yes Mr Rivera yes M Simmons earling yes Mr stamatopoulos yes and Mr Sullivan yes okay that'll go to the city council as a favorable recommendation subject to those conditions um now we can move into our regular meeting um first order business approval of the previous meeting minutes yes all in favor yes and the recommendations have already been voted on uh regarding mechanical parking systems and uh marijuana establishments um in boundaries so that is it there is no further business before the board um and if there's a motion to adjourn We Will We Will adjourn the meeting motion to adjourn e