okay John we should be live if you want to start um good afternoon this is a meeting of the um plant and maintenance uh subcommittee um Mr Mata was the chair of this committee unfortunately he's passed and will not be present unfortunately um pres is myself John Kingston and Stacy Rizzo the other member of the committee also joining I believe was Anthony cajano and I didn't see anyone else if I missed someone I apologize as far as committee members go I know Mr D's here from left field and I don't know who else is presenting other than that if Brian wants to present that's fine with me well I'm GNA just run through um what I know I haven't heard back from CSS but I'm ready to go anyway sure thank you all right so um I'm gonna throw a few things quickly on the screen um just so everyone um understands a handful of months ago I think it was back in November um Dr Kelly Carl reached out to um myself to try to help get some um get a design team on board to get modular classrooms figured out um we did not succeed in getting an architect on board until March April mainly because um none of the Architects that were on the city on call list ended up interested in the project um one of them promised us a proposal for about a month five weeks proposal never came they eventually backed out um three three other firms were reached out to uh it took a while to get nose from them and uh towards the end of that process closer into January February um the last on call architect um when I say on call they already have a contract with the city and they can be engaged without a public procurement process advertising bids Etc um CSS Architects uh took this on namely because they have another modular classroom project going on up in havil so we were able to engage them um in February March I'm going to just quickly this should only take a few minutes and then we can move on to your um I'm just trying to share my screen here let me see so real quick the test sketches that um CSS has laid out in indicate that we could fit um eight classrooms behind the building on the um where the buses currently Park and currently they're laid out without bathrooms the idea is that there'd either be a hard connection um or an outdoor connection into the door at the end of the building um and this is more or less what we're designing to now as we one of the meetings we um did was with Don chamel and a few folks from um the city engineer in department and between talking to them and looking at the surveys that were done for this site um when we did the high school project there's a couple of critical utilities including a water main that run right under this so don chela's advice was that we' um before we sit these trailers down here um we would need to do some additional test borings to confirm the soil bearing capacity of both the existing pipes and the Earth that's underway those um those holes are going to get dug within the next week um but that was another something other than getting an architect on board who wanted to take the project took a little longer than we anticipated and um having to do these soil borings to figure out how to design this Foundation how to make it sit without rupturing a water M um is important so leading into schedule here I'm going to reshare because I just want to make sure I think the most disappointing thing um for most of you folks I know nobody's thrilled about this but um to get through this process we are currently working with CSS um in what we're calling pre-design and schematic design Services um they've already had a number of meetings in May and June with staff and with City engineering um they're now moving into a schematic design process to really lay out the foundations for the trailers after we get the results of those soil borings um it would take till about August um to get uh into a procurement track of actually going to bid these trailers we would get them bid in August September the real sort of kick here is that there's about a four to five month lead time um on any of that includes getting sub mitts back from a manufacturer having them make space for it in their production getting them built getting them shipped to site so long story short if we continue on the path we're on I don't believe these trailers are going to be occupiable until next June which means they're not a help for this this school year and they would really only be in place for the two years between um the new high school opening so I know this is a bit of a disappointment um to people there's a few things we might learn if we are to continue with this in the next month or so that maybe could Quicken this up um one is maybe Leasing used trailers instead of buying new ones um it would just come down to the right trailers of the right size available somewhere and can they be adapted to the foundation that we have to design for them to not disrupt those pipes but even if we were to improve this I think it gets improved to be ready a little earlier next spring it's not going to help for this fall um so I know that's not great news um but I'll stop talking right now and just see if people want to just rewind and um ask any other questions I do you're in charge so okay yeah it's a little difficult with the zoom um Brian I I'll be honest with you I originally thought in my mistake I guess I thought these were I thought at least some of these were going out by the calf doors so to speak um I don't know what to call it there's an area outside the calf that's kind of open I thought they were going I thought at least a couple of them were going there is that not the case any longer oh is that never the case um we we've always been focusing on the bus parking area and okay I if the area you're talking about is sort of behind the school and the between the school and the neighborhood is that that area is that you I think it would be possible to get stuff back there it would be tough getting a crane in there though um possible but I thinkig a crane it have to lift it over like East Mountain a crane would be positioned on East Mountain a and lift them over that's what I originally thought um because I know I know moving the buses is a problem for those folks because just the pocket lot you know as everyone knows the pocket lot just not big enough so that gets to be a problem too okay understood um if I may or yeah go ahead Anthony sorry okay thank thank you thank you Brian for your presentation I got some questions and for you and I've done research on this also because I was involved in the last projects with the vocational school so number one is we have 3.2 million at 3.6 but that's not counting if there's any change orders involved or anything correct correct I think that's a reasonable budget for the actual boxes themselves um the order of magnitude for sort of the box when I say the boxes I mean maybe not a connector to the building maybe not relocating water mains about $400,000 a classroom is plus or minus what these are going to run out to be which at eight classrooms is about 3.2 million is probably 100 $200,000 of site work to make sure we don't crush those pipes out there so uh I think you're in the ballpark what what the budget would cost now an analysis we hope to do in this coming month is to compare that to leasing these and it would still be a cost to set them up and have them dropped in a foundation but it could be um a different order of magnitude if you lease them okay right like I said I'll go into that because I got some figures anyways but before I get into that beside that separately whether we lease or build we're still going to have to have site surveys the geographical engineering and then whether we run water whether we run electric or Internet and so on that's all a separate cost entirely correct there would be we we in the next month if we're to proceed with this we'll be developing what we think a total project cost is including those items um and there's other items we need to talk about with the fire department for example will they mandate that this be sprinklered or not um we need to talk more about is it hard connected to the building or kids going outside to get to this all those could drive the cost to be a little right but that's all separate from the 3.2 to 3.6 million correct exactly yes okay what we did was we when we did it at the vul we did a cost comparison and we found it to be cheaper with leasing compared to uh building and I've talked to the person that we we had our th with our width and I even got a copy of the lease that we have and they basically said on the high side to lease them would be6 $7,000 a month per unit and per unit consists of two classrooms yep okay that's number one and we have to pay the insurance beside that on top of it probably runs around 65 to $100 uh a month also as far as for setup and dismantle it runs around around 70 75,000 and we only have to pay The Upfront cost for the setup and then when we remove them it's uh then we pay the other half and the longer the lease the cheaper the amount I didn't get into if we pay the whole year up front will it be now in the installation consists of delivery the Block Level seam wood skirting tie downs uh ramp installation we have a Foundation Engineering dismantling and so on and so forth so when I did when I base it on five years and I'm basing around figures of 4 million it's a 2 million compared to a 4 million and I asked for uh ballp Park they said four to five months and these people and I didn't even ask them if they have any available that's coming off their lease that we can do we could use and if that the case it would even be cheaper and I'm not just saying look at this particular one we could look at other ones that they might have a couple sitting around in one of ours we had one they we got one that was sitting around and we ended up paying 4250 a month you know wasn't brand new or anything so as far as I'm concerned I mean in the research I've done I think it's more cost effective that we lease instead of uh to build also two is just because we're tied into a lease for three or four years doesn't mean when it's over they're going to take it away they don't want it we you can keep it there as long as you want as long as you pay that that monthly inst installation so that's where I am and that's what I wanted to throw out to the committee thank you I guess my next question is regardless of the cost I mean where's the money coming from is the city going to have to bond it no we we said that we would take this from our budget and and Matt can speak more to that in a minute but I'll just add to um everything that Anthony just said um and you know I agree that leasing is better than building them I I never knew that we were thinking about actually constructing these back there um I think that the the lease would serve our purposes because when we actually move into the new building we will have ample space in the district inside the building um more so than to need these eight classrooms out in the back um but the other thing I want to emphasize is that we really do need space right now at the high school we need it for September and if there's a way that we can get four rooms out there instead of eight and if that reduces the concern about the weight load on top of the pipes and all of these other things or if we can look at maybe that's not the right place to put them maybe we need to push them further into the yard in front of the entrance to the auditorium instead of having them where the buses are like those are the kinds of things that I think we really should have been thinking about in March April and now we've lost all this time but if there's any way we can think about those things now and get moving that would be helpful because I really worry that you know if we're concerned about having capacity for three years until the new building opens losing a year of that if we manage to figure it out in one year maybe we just save all this money and don't even go down this path that's kind of what I'm thinking and what I was hoping the committee uh would talk about and I'll stop I know Stacy um still need I recognize Miss Rizo she hasn't spoken and I apologize for that I'm sorry the zoom's a little tough no I just going forward um like I put in your chat I would like to be um be respectful I am on the committee uh I did have a question and thank you Anthony for asking that question because at least I have an answer um and just a lot to learn a lot to take in but um yeah I have to agree with Diane it's something that we should have been talking about February March as far as pushing it out to the auditorium just help now well I'll say that we kind of looked at can you guys hear me yes sir we looked at a couple of areas and one of the major concerns is that a fir truck ambulance can get around this building 360 degrees there also the main water pipe that feeds this school is running right through exactly where you're considering Rel locating that's why this kind of this whole idea came up in the beginning to put these modules back there we looked at it we looked at the utilities we looked at emergency vehicle access and it it didn't fit what would be acceptable to the fire department at the time they said you got to make sure we can get an ambulance around that building a fire truck around that building 360 if we start pushing those buildings back there we're not going to be able to do that uh if we got some type of waiver to get it done now we're building on top of uh the main waterline for the school which we've already had two or three breaks in over the last three years I anticipate more we know the age of the pipe we know the condition the breaks we're going to have to dig it up the last thing I want to be doing is tearing a building down to repair an underground pipe that's why we relocated to the bus Plaza it still has utilities under it but we've we figured out that the water pipe that's um be built on top of would be under the Breezeway if we did a Breezeway connecting the two buildings together so that's why we you know we didn't you know sit back and never consider outside the auditorium or behind the cafeteria those areas were considered and based on what we looked at on underground utilities and fight Department access we moved to the bus plaz can I just say also it it was probably 8 to 10 years ago maybe even more than that but I'm still young so I don't remember um there was an emergency back there by the auditorium and we did have a fire engine come um and they came by way of the back gymm and then realizing they weren't going to be able to make that corner they had to back up and then take their equipment off the truck and walk over so PA I didn't even think of it until you said that it is not really um emergency handicapped well we've had fire trucks back there all the way back I know that for sure had the utility trucks back there so you know I don't know if you could get a full ladder truck back there but you know definitely an ambulance and definitely you know the average our average fire truck and that was one of the initial concerns is to kind of poke around and saying can we do this here and you know it would it would have to take some forgiveness on you know that being able to circum circumnavigate the building the only other thought I had and it's probably way out of the box and maybe I'll get laughed at and that's fine um since what about making classrooms in pot of the Fieldhouse so you're saying take get build classrooms in the Fieldhouse on the end closest to the doors so to speak not the other end so we wouldn't disrupt the basketball court but that area as you first walk in say outside Mr Shay's office so to speak I just a thought because there's no other space it's either goes outside guess this either goes outside where the buses are and we lose a year or try to do something inside that's the only space that I could think of that could possibly be I don't know and I don't even know if that's possible but it's just a thought isn't there three to four fed classes held back there during the day at one time well we're not going to have a field house the new school so it's something you know something that's coming down the pipe the gym at the night the gym at the new the gym at the new school won't be a field house and they don't have track meets anymore at the high school they go to Reggie Lewis Center so having the track is it's nice but it's not I don't know it's just a thought and I'm just trying to because I I I agree with Diane's point you know if this doesn't happen for another year it's another year that we're you know in an overcrowded situation and if the high school's on track you know you're going to spend a few million dollars for two years two well potentially two years um I mean unless the leasing works out quicker I don't know um but it's a it's a tough tough problem um Brian daon do you think that you could look into what's out there leasable faster quicker yes and and talk to C is it CCS or css I I can'ts CSS um is there some time that we can capture back if we do fewer like if we do four instead of eight um can we be less concerned about the load on that area does that change the calculus at all yep um work all these ideas to do less yeah I I we'll revisit um we actually were going to line up talking to a number of Manufacturers about Le versus buy talk to them about what inventory they have um that's available um and we'll also I think going to sort of revisit maybe we just start designing um a foundation that would spread the load out as widely as it could be spread out which is the best we can do anyway so I think um I'm you know loud and clear the message is coming through uh I can work with CSS to see if the uh schedule I put on the screen is the only option or if there is a quicker option based on leasing or a smaller number or a different method of procurement um we can look into that and um maybe regroup within um I would say probably two weeks and review some of those options one more question sorry go ahead sty go ahead Stacy no in the meantime can you also send the um spreadsheet that you had yep so that we can look it over more we'll do yes thank you is this work that could be done in the winter Brian or it's like done if you're not done by November you're looking at April is that or am I tell me it it theoretically is work that could be done in the winter depending on the conditions um it's the if we have to dig into the ground and Brace utilities that would be stuff we'd want to get done before winter anyway um so it's really the earth work we wouldn't want to be doing in Winter conditions but theoretically delivering boxes setting boxes could happen in the winter as long as you know we're not socked in with snow really you know so it sounds like we're just unlucky because we don't have a better site and we're going to have to work with the one we have and it's it's it's not the easiest site again it's not the easiest site welcome to re um okay yeah the big biggest challenges on that existing site are all underground it's a um as Carl's detailed and the um Don chel said before it's just um it's pot lock digging any hole there you're not sure what you're going to get all fill all Urban fill Bri if we didn't if we didn't go forward what are we looking at I mean we're gonna I mean I know we'll survive and you'll work it out but how how how how tough is they going to get I guess uh it's tough already and Caitlyn can probably speak the best to this because she's been doing all of the schedule but we have already been talking about things like um giving up the school committee room so that that can be uh made into a classroom um and there are a couple of other spaces where we're thinking that we could uh move people out of offices to create more classroom move out of classrooms to cre into smaller spaces that have been used as often offices but if they're only working with a handful of kids at a time we could move them in there and then capture the logger space to use as a classroom but I'll let Caitlyn speak to it okay if if I may Brian yeah got a question for you uh the ones the person I was working with with the uh with our uh modulus basically told me it's a probably a 4mon span but to my understanding if we have the pre-designed service now that would give us an idea of how much the budget is yes you know and do we have the pre-designed services done yet we are in schematic design right now and by the end of July we'll um we're planning on having a full project estimate with lease versus buy information Etc so we are in that phase now right but you that's in the schematic design but the task one is the pre-design do you have the pre-design done already yes yep so what I'm saying is is we can basically go out for a bid with the pre-design we don't even have to get into the schematic design right now we don't have to wait well I think the challenge is we we we need to confirm if there's anything special in terms of a foundation because that might affect the box that sits on top of it there could if depending on what's under there and the recommendation of the civil engineers the people that are going to look at the test borings um that might Ripple into the boxes that sit on top of the foundation needing to be framed a certain way so I think we just need to get through the whole what is the foundation can these be on standard little peers if that's the case we're good once we get an answer on that Anthony then we don't want to worry about Foundation but there's a chance we might have to put these on like more like sleepers or something which which might impact how the box has to be built so we we just need a little more work this month to understand if any box will do or if it's going to have to be built to sit on a particular type of foundation so that's part of the site survey correct um it's really part of schematic design survey we've already got site survey we we know we know what's out there so we're going to build that's what I'm trying to understand we're building the design so we should know what type of box is needed already correct or no that th that's the work that we need to do in July that's what I'm calling schematic design pre-design conceptual layouts already done schematic design would tell us what kind of foundation right of total project budget lease versus buy schedule Etc right but I'm saying is the pre-design would give us an idea it could change but it could give us an idea of what the ballpark of the price is not the exact price so what I'm saying is we could stop that process now I'm just asking for Budget to I didn't ask for exact price that's all I'm trying to say Y and I could go like to these people I don't care who we use and I haven't even I had I gave them asked them for a ball pop and that's what they gave me 67,000 a month I didn't even get into it with uh if you any leases going out can we have them if you know if the the site can handle the uh the measurements so I mean I can reach it when I see Kyle whoever I'll pass that information on to them and then maybe we can start the process going because they said at least preliminary and then they said basically we can have it in four months what's the name what's the name of the company you're dealing with there uh they're based in front of me but it's Aries Aries hold on for a second where is it it's called Aries Aries Building Systems LLC in Windam New Hampshire I got the contact information I'll get it to your couch shortly okay can ask any available too like you did with a McKinley there is a defined procurement process for modulars that we just have to uh we can't just engage one company no I'm no I'm not saying that I'm just saying is is I'm not saying just budgeting we we can do it for everything I just it's just to get the ball rolling basically giving us idea of what it's going to be and we might turn around and say you know what it's you know we can't we have to build them it's just an idea of of a budgetary thing it's not uh excluding anybody and so on I get you does have to go off a bid thank you so can we go back to the question Diane ask Caitlyn um and then also out the respect for the um Brian is um the operational manager um if they can get the information Kaitlyn I'm sorry I said let's go back to you and I completely forgot you sories um yeah like Diane said it's tight we did run our the schedule build through Power School um and I've been playing with numbers and classrooms we can make it work we will need to get creative um in a couple ways I've been looking at what are our smallest classes where um we might be able to f in a space that was previously not a classroom space and yeah U sometimes trainings happen in the school committee room during the day though often during the that is a sort of great size for a 20 or so student class so if we can we are needing to think about every space in the building but we will make it work we're right we we fit this past year it's a little bit tighter but it can it can happen just a question on the budget and we're talking minimum $2 million possibly up to $4 million and maybe more and I I just question whether we're being responsible with that money at this cost for these units for the short time that we're going to have them I know as a facility standpoint that two3 million would go a long way on other areas of you know things that we need um that are going to last a lot longer for instance a roof on the Lincoln School that's going to be coming up it's not anything we can down the road anymore and that's going to I don't know how we're going to be funding that the last thing I want to do is spend $3 million $4 million on something that's going to last three years when we could be getting a roof that's going to last 25 to 30 years so I really need make sure that we're being responsible here with this money I I know the overcrowding is a real issue and not to be overlooked but it's something we've been dealing with for a long time something I I know it may get little worse but we really need to be you know sure that this is money well spent and not money that we're going to look down the road later and say to ourselves we spent all that money on those things and it got us three years so if it's you know if it's worth it that's fine but I think we need to think about it we all I think we all agree on that Carl and I think that's the most critical point um so I I I would ask Brian and d and again if you can get us the fastest cheapest most viable option that we have so that the school committee can make an informed decision on whether or not they should even proceed with this project um I think that would be helpful and I can tell you that they have a meeting scheduled for July 16th that's two weeks from today um I don't know if you're able to get all of that uh information by then um um or if you if you want to see if we could meet later than that but I think by the end of the month the committee has to decide proceed or stop Diane I believe you moved the meeting to the 23rd oh did we excellent I was gonna say because the 16th didn't work for me thank you Stacy I was gonna mention that myself all right can I ask a question Mr MSE sure um I I apologize if this is um duplicative you know haven't been asked before but um in our preliminary conversations and Anthony um Mr cajano had been essentially leading the charge on this having had some experience in these things and and given that the figures that were initially presented weren't edged in stone but there were Far Cry from $4 million so hearing that number is is extremely concerning I have to say that I'm in complete agreement with with Carl I thought that our next steps were that we were going to get some ideas on how much it was going to cost to lease these I didn't realize that we were engag in um left field um and maybe that's what we have to do um but we I my thought was keep the cost down um get the information and then determine whether we have to have to we could proceed um I apologize for being late and maybe I've missed all of that preliminary discussion that that was had um but I hope that we're not engaging and this is no offense to you um Mr dayon whatsoever it's completely from a monetary standpoint that I made statements um that we were engaging left field to do um work that maybe we could we could perform as far as you know or or requests for bids is that something that Matt could have done yep and I I think the important thing is that CSS the architect uh Miss Alis is on board because there they are going to have to get a permit for this they are going to have to confirm the foundation's right we left field are um are along for the ride on this this is um this is pro bono uh from Left Field we're we don't have a ton of work to do other than planning this you have the architect on board and over the next few weeks in advance of that meeting later this month um we will pull together a lease versus buy we will talk to a number of Manufacturers to see what inventory they have and uh plan to come back to that meeting with a little more accurate summary um so this committee can decide if it's an actionable plan or not for all the reasons you folks all and Carl mentioned okay just to add a little more clarity on that um we we engaged leftfield to take on this particular project because Carl and his team who would be the ones who would do it it wouldn't be Matt I mean Matt could do the final contracts and all that kind of stuff but in terms of writing out the specs and the bids and all of that Carl is so busy doing um the project at the beachon school the HVAC program at the Garfield School the windows and doors at the Lincoln it was going to be a bridge too far to add this to it and under you know the work that leftfield is doing with us for the new high school build we looked at this as kind of an extension of that and they very graciously volunteered to uh kind of spearhead this piece of it but um I do think that Aisha your summary was spot on that what we need now is to understand what the actual cost is so that the committee can make an informed decision to col point on whether or not this is a direction that we want to go in thank you just I'm sorry I should just add to that we we when we hit these projects like this anything over 1.5 million requires an OPM and an architect um okay and and and we were right on that fence with original budget so we said you know what with Brian saying he's going to do it as you know when we start this it's part of the high school right we were talking about possibly putting the building on this site we we we gained great um experience from when we did the Hill School using the OPM from the Hill School to add on to the McKinley because the the Streamline was um simple with you know they already back and forth with City Hall with getting their procurement and things like that they're engaged in the site work so it made sense to to bring them on the one thing I'll say is if we continue on with the schematic design and keeping this CSS architect on board we will have something that can go out to bid regardless of whether we do it now or another time so I think that you know not you're not putting the brakes on too hard now and scrapping any work that's going to give us a product that says maybe next year we go out to bid or maybe as we explore this leasing we get into two or three companies who we can provide this spec with to I'm sorry and say hey here's what we have we've done all the work what's your price I think we're you know we're we'll be far down that road and my my biggest concern is time I see a lot of money being spent and not getting the value out of the money even though it's needed for a short period of time and I I just think that if we move forward we have a spec we can shop we don't have to because if we go out to bid we're going to get some ridiculous High numbers we're going to be faced with that and now we're sitting on a dilemma saying it's too high I think we just want to get to a certain point on this project and look at the numbers before we go out to bid because the last thing you want to do is go out to bid waste a lot of people's time and effort and then say yep you were right it's the same amount of money that you told us it was going to be and we don't want to pay that so I think we just got to kind of trust Brian that I think that leasing option was always on our table um it's nothing new when they say they're going to build them that not them coming here they build them off site and still bring them on a truck it's just if they don't have them to give to us that's how you got to get them so we do have we're going to explore that lease no matter what and that would be the best case scenario if somebody says I already have them up in L you know when these new schools turn turn over and they open their doors these things become you know available so you kind of all of a sudden you can kind of with you put your feelers out there and say lel's going to be getting rid of their in June ston him's going to be getting rid rid of theirs in April and next thing you know you get a little game plan on who's going to be releasing them and get a little contract going so we have work to do but I I don't want to put all our eggs in one basket go out to bid and and find out that yeah it's the same price that we we thought it was going to be so I think we need to trust Brian and Trust the architect and what they're doing is is real work and you know we need to we need to trust them one thing I just want to clarify if we end up leasing we we don't need an OPM because it's under 1.5 million so we don't have to incur all that extra cost correct well we don't have any costs for our OPM part of the high school project so that so that so that's a freebie is what you're saying y for it's part of the high school project part of the high school project okay we're paying we're pay okay okay and I just had one follow-up question um maybe Carl O'Brien if you could just explain to me you were talking about the foundational um you you wanted to get um verification as to the foundation and what um bases can be used is that in respect to the actual ground yeah yes and what's what's underneath the ground yeah there utilities you have any of those any of that work done um when we were contemplating the the new high school being in that spot already yes we're using the survey from the high school and there was some underground info there's a few holes we want to dig in the coming week closer to the building so we did do some digging and some testing out there uh but the advice of the architect and um Don cherella was to get one or two borings a little closer to the building than we did for the high school but we're we're utilizing everything we can for the high school and I will say that um the architect CSS they have a contract a five task contract task two is this next month I think we run them through task two that results and here's the here are the real options and the real budgets and the real schedules um and if we want to if if the committee doesn't want to proceed with it we stop them at task two if we're going to lease maybe their task three and four becomes different so I think it's getting them through this July task we'll get you folks the answers you need and then if we need them moving forward City he can continue to pay them if at that point we realize there's no project we can stop if there's a different lease scenario where we don't need as many services from them we can modify their contract so okay i' I'd say let's get through the July schematic design phase here and that could be a stopping point it could be the story changes a little and we go down the lease Avenue or it could mean we ask them to complete bid documents and we actually go bid this out um but I think we have to cover that all in July thank you that was helpful yeah what's up Ken I'm going to suggest that we let um Brian and do they work and come back with what task two is and also the and we can meet within two weeks prior to the next meeting how's that sound to you do you think Brian Brian when do you think that you'll have information um real if I'm not mistaken I think the drilling crew is I just saw an email I think they're actually digging this week um Brian they they dug on Monday so they came they came and we cleared the plaza and they they did some test BS on Monday okay so that means we should have that data back by the middle of next week Dr Kelly and within a week of that we're going to have foundations laid out and run a test fit so I run a test estimate so I I think what was the date you were planning on meeting the 20 23rd 23rd 23rd would be a fine Target for CSS and us to come back here with the information that you're looking for great John does that sound good to you John Kingston sounds good to me I just had one question I know it's a little off topic so hopefully it'll be a lot well sorry John before we get off topic do you want me to schedule a subcommittee for four o'clock on the 23rd before the committee of the whole um I will not be there so I would like to do that before the meeting so we really get the information so that we can make a recommendation or not make a recommendation at that meeting any chance Brian will be done the 22nd I don't know how else to do it yeah I I'd like to talk with CSS but um and I will hunt them down today apologies they're not here but um we can get a lot done in the next couple of weeks so anytime that week should be all right this is for Brian Deacon is the Fieldhouse idea that poor of an idea I'd honestly have to go down and and and look at it um I just I'm I'm not so familiar with exactly what you're talking about but um I'd have to go down there with Carl and look at it and just see what's going on in that area okay just I mean one of the ideas if we start talking about putting classrooms in there and with ceilings and separating it from the gym you're going to need a new HVAC system separate from the gym HVAC system um you're going to I just see as you know anything's possible but at what cost and I see it as a you know a major disruption to number one do it very costly and probably not the most um efficient use of space if we want to start looking at other spaces in the building that we may be able to car a classroom out here or there my team and you know all all our guys and girls are more than willing to make things like that happen we've done it in the past we've carved out little areas maybe something to look at as we get down the road but I don't think the gym would be the best uh area for that we do have some some other spaces with some big areas that maybe we start looking at looking into thank you maybe kle and um Kaitlyn Chris Diane can start looking at some of those spaces in case you know even we can carve out three classrooms um something's better than nothing um if we have to move special ed to another school I mean it stinks but if you guys could maybe work on that that would be great and you know we're more than willing to give up the school committee room yes my my question was about the Lincoln roof I mean since it's kind of related to we're talking about cost I thought the city had to pay for any Capital Improvements on the buildings they can afford it right they'd have to vote to bond it so the question is you know and I think they're always these days looking at our bank account for some reason but if we have $3 million that we're saying hey we have this and we want to put it towards a good use that may be something that they start saying well why are you building modules when you have this money and you could be paying for a roof the question's out there are they supposed to pay for it yes can they pay for it is another question they have to vote to bond it and I I thought I thought I I'll be frank I thought they were when I say supposed to because you know they're their basically they're their buildings so H Dan it's back back to you whether it was the modulus or the roof well basically s our money is that what we're saying yeah well we had a and I'll let Matt speak to this go ahead Matt so for Clarity on the funding leasing modular units for a certain number of years is a net School spending eligible expense so this committee has already committed $600,000 in next year's budget for that net School spending eligible expense that number came from uh a $2.4 million estimate that was given in the winter and that's what we had to work on four years 2.4 so that's why you voted 600 into the 5,000 Series so the funding to that degree the 600 has already been made available by this committee to to have a happen if that's in the best interest of everything that everyone has spoken about Capital Improvements capital projects you would not put in your budget because they wouldn't be net School spending eligible and the city would have to bond or otherwise fund something like uh a Lincoln roof project The Only Exception in the most recent years has been this Esser funding that has been able to contribute to some capital projects that were related to the nature of those funds so that's the background on the different pockets of money and how they intersect with the modular lease over the course of three or four years and what I would say about the Lincoln roof is that we did uh typically when we're doing any kind of a capital project we apply through msba to do the work so that the city can get reimbursed um usually we're reimbursed at around 7 75% when all said and done because of the nuances of what they will pay for and what they won't Etc but that's what makes any kind of capital Improvement job manageable for the city we did submit an application for the Lincoln roof two cycles ago um and at the time msba was tight and they said you know normally we'll accept roofs that are 30 years old but because we have so many requests we're not even going to consider the ones that are under 35 years old so we got kicked out of the msba process because that Lincoln roof call cor was it 32 years I think I think it was 25 we waited till it got to 25 because the the it had to be at least 25 years old to be considered and that's when they moved the gold B to 30 so we were at 26 we applied and they finally we finally waited to get to that 25 years old applied and that's when they said no it moved from 25 to 30 so now now we're at like 28 so the do we wait but the the the roof over the last couple of winters with the was more of a the Deep freezing that we experienced has created some cracks and some deficiencies in it that are unseen so you can't see them you can't go up and Patch them the water's just finding its way through places and coming into the building and places where if you went above it there's no you know typical roof repair you can do so you know this this roof being saturated the way it is and those deep freezes has calleda some caused some serious issues over the last two years that we did not even have when we were applying for this roof so it's gotten worse and I know we're all going to be seeing roof complaints and you know the water coming into the building we're going to have brand new windows we got a really good decent boiler system we just added the air conditioning we invested a lot of money into this building there's still more to be done but a roof on this building would really secure this thing for sustainability moving forward for the for the next at least 10 15 years just be clear oh I'm sorry just to be clear I'm not against the roof and i' I'd say do it tomorrow if you know if that was my if that if that was possible I just was just curious um you know how it was going to be paid for and and that that type of thing and I didn't want to you know I I was just concerned about you know money that we we put out that as you said we don't have down the road so I don't have any problem with doing the roof I don't have any problem with trying to make the make it better I was just I thought it I thought it had to go the way I thought it had to be done by them not that I'm asking them to do it and I realize if we have the money let's do it I'm not trying to hold anything up so I don't want any Mis deception then I just I thought they had to do it because it's their building that was my thought so I'm fine if they have to approve it you're right about that piece of it John um and where we are right now financially with the city is that they've made this huge investment and commitment to the new high school right and so we're trying to balance that a little bit would we be able to use our own school funding um theoretically yes if the city said that we could because like you said it's their building and they're the ones who have to tell us to do the roof right right but to Matt's point that won't count toward net School spending and that means that if we miss if we spend too much money outside of the rules we get into trouble both that's my point that's my point 100% not against the roof I I know the it was leaking into the gym I get it even have a gym there at some point I know that happened and you know it's not a good situation and it's not healthy and all that so no problem doing it I just didn't know if we you know you know down the road we get a slap because hey you shouldn't have done that that type of thing yeah it's one of the things that we should consider as we think about this project um and just to Matt's point and to your point John if we decide that we don't want to do this and that we do want to do a roof on the lincol then we need to think about how do we pay for that and do we pay for of the city and all of those questions get answered at that time I'm a little discouraged about the Portables just to express my opinion I I think the cost is really high and I I really I appreciate Kyle's words I'm glad he said it because I was thinking similar thoughts if it's going to cost that much for for a short term and if you know if if Caitlyn and and and Chris can make it work which I'm sure they will maybe it's you know I I hate to blow money that's you know that's going to go that's not that might be helpful for a few years but then it's going to be gone because it's just to me um you know it's it's it's a tough nut to uh you know it's it's just unfortunate we we just don't have a lot of luck sometimes you know trying to make that foundation work if that's a problem it's going to cost us a lot of money or potentially cost us a lot of money and I don't know if the Portables are you know gonna going to work for us so I obviously wait for the answers to come but you know if we're going to spend $3 million I don't know if that's a great way to spend $3 million so thank you is there a time SP Stacy and John is there a time on Monday the 22nd that you want me to ask Robin to post the meeting I was trying to work around Stacy I'll be honest with you um later in the day that we can discuss this and come back and give reasonable um you know whether I mean we're going to make the recommendations or not make the recommendations so I I want to make sure there's time to talk and be comfortable with what we're going to um put forth so I would go around um Ryan and Kyle the ones that bring it back this homework I don't think an hour before a school committee meeting is enough time for us to discuss it no I think we switched to Monday the 22nd the day before right right that was a thought yes I mean I'm not around but for that I can make time so what time is good for you on Monday the 22nd I'm gonna go around you people because I'm still GNA have to I'll still be away so um are you sure is that the week you're away also um what is it the 29th no 22nd um no the 22nd I have a board meeting at 4 but other than that I'm I'm I'm free I'll just be getting ready for a trial and I'm asking Aisha because I thought she wasn't going to be the 23rd me then no no no I'll be there okay it was the April meeting that I missed oh April yeah April or March I don't remember but yeah no I'm good no I thought there was an upcoming meeting that you both were gonna miss I recall this at the last at our last yeah it was gonna be the Tuesday because Diane um and the staff are going to their conference so we pushed it back a week is that July or augustan I'm sorry that's July that's July so so we're supposed to meet the 16th but we're going to meet the 23rd okay I'm F but I thought you and Aisha couldn't make that day Aisha and I'm away okay but if you're going to do it on Monday at least we have extra time to check second guess myself me then let me see July 2 you both expressed that you couldn't make the 23rd that's what I remember clearly right but I can attend via Zoom I just don't want I apologize I thought thought it was for June 23rd June 23rd I was away okay so July 23rd you'll be around all right that's fine for the school Comm meeting John as a subcommittee yes ma'am I was opposed at the 4 pm prior to your meeting on the 23rd I understand so Dian suggest the in case we have extra questions that we need to bring forth to the school committee as a whole like is morning or afternoon because we're gonna need Brian there it's up up to you folks right that's why I would like a time from you know Diane Brian and the necessary people to be there and I will work around that time John can you put out a time who's the chair of the subcomittee we I don't know nine o'clock I don't know can we do one o'clock I have morning meetings that day already scheduled okay one o' sure I I have the the Lincoln school project at 1:00 on that day if Diane Kyle Brian get together figure out a couple of times at work for them and then John and I can go around it as long as it's Zoom okay I left I left Chris B and the principal out sorry Chris all right I'll work with them to find a time and then put it on the zoom and send it to everybody okay all right thank you thanks every motion to adjourn can I acknowledge um Mr sella who's going to be the Committee Member elect um and I I'm sorry is he uh I believe so so you're on mute fredd next man up I think they have to ask me for us if he can come back I'm here welcome back Fred welcome back FR thank you thank you BR are you actually going to be a Committee Member if they get around to it I'm assuming it okay yeah I think the next step is that the mayor has to arrange a swearing in or the or Ashley Mel Melnick has to we did like same like we did from Miss mon Roo similar circumstance yes yeah after hearing what I'm hearing it would be nice to have another member with you it would be what I said from what I have heard it would be nice to have a full membership on issues that are coming up with you know millions of dollars worth of expenditures absolutely and I don't know I don't know what the protocol is if um Mr snella would uh replace um uh Mr Mattia God Rest his soul on um subcommittees in the same position or I think that's something probably the school committee needs needs to figure out too yeah um and as far as when we met with Miss monteroso that's because it was less than six months left of the term um so I don't know what the ordinance or city council um States as far as someone that is a year and a half it might just be automatically the next member um but we'll find out yeah yeah so learn learn Zoom learn your computer because I re Tire it only took me 40 minutes to get in on this one oh Jee good for you okay so that I made a motion toour yeah resign return second second okay have a good fourth guys thank you