##VIDEO ID:9I2nGyz5dlw## e e e e e order the plant maintenance subcommittee meeting all surprises through flag pled Alle flag United States of America and to the for it stands Nation indivisible liberty and justice for all okay we call Stacy Bronson Rizzo here uh John Kingston here uh chair Mr salala uh any other other of school committee members present none uh first order of business is the discussion on renovating Lincoln School taught lot uh at this time if we could call Kyle to kind of I asked you earlier that you've seen what we're looking at and everything else some input from number one whether or not you feel your crew uh the maintenance crew could could help do something there and our EDD expertise that you may want to give to us uh I would say that my maintenance crew wouldn't be um tked enough to pour a rubber surface in that playground and install a play structure start they won't he you on the audio okay um I yeah what's it look like there you go okay to address um my crew being able to basically install a rubber surface and a playground structure I would say that they're not able to do that and they would have to go out to a licensed contractor who installs playgrounds uh any of the members any questions for Kyle so anytime working with um Priscilla Nicholson and El Baker doing playgrounds we work with the company um and they gave us the guidelines of what we had to do um and they were there to manage the whole thing where I think where this is just a tot lot and we're talking group um ages 2 to 5 we're not talking playground structures we're talking about things for the students to be able to do while they're out there for 20 minutes 15 minutes um and I know El had an idea for um a suggestion for a Tot Lot um I don't think it was anything large but um without her I really can't say what it is but we're talking 2year olds to 5year olds so we're not talking swings we're not talking slides we're talking you know maybe tables um picnic tables their size um kitchen sets that they love playing with um updating it so that they can go out and do something instead of picking up wood chips and throwing them Mr Kingston I spoke to albea three times about this um project um the bulk of the cost of the money it's approximately she approximated about 39,000 to do the rubber um I'm going to call it flooring lover surface I guess um and possibly adding one piece of equipment the the equipment that's there um she and I both felt that was okay and the teaching staff felt it was okay so there was room to possibly add one piece possibly but the bulk of this cost was to do the rubber um rubber surface and get rid of the mulsh that's kind of beat up and not doing a heck of a lot for anybody so that was the bulk of the cost but I did talk to L three times about this um project so she's aware of it and um and you know we had some discussion on it so um unfortunately she's not here but I just don't see any reason to hold it up as long as you know and she's she and Tom her boss have been very um helpful and very willing to help us so um the money's already in the budget I I don't see any reason why we can't move forward with whatever whatever L recommends because she knows Parx a lot better than I do thank you so you think that number one of importance is the basic Foundation whatever is there chip wood or whatever is there now so no matter what it's done the foundation has to be better I think I think one of the thing that's being overlooked is the fact that there's trees in this lot with some very large deep rooted roots that would probably need to be removed to put a rubber surface in that playground and that's one of the reasons we went with the wooden mulch at the time is to overcome that height of these these roots I think if we were going to put a rubber surface those trees would have to come out it would need to be derooted we would probably have to add proper drainage to that area and I do not feel as though that that playground structure that's there now is fine and I wouldn't recommend putting a $39,000 rubber surface around it because I've been advised by L that that thing is out of compliance as far as its age and that our maintenance team over the years have sanded it down repainted it cleaned it um fixed it modified it taken certain components off of it that have rusted or you know some people said just even in its normal state that it wasn't safe to the kids of that age to be being able to climb up to that height and then have a free fall down which it was actually designed to have but I think if we're going to invest the money in it we should invest in a new playground structure because it needs to be dug into the ground that one there is outdated it's old there's no Fountain of Youth for it and it's um if we're going to do it I think we really need to explore the cost of this project and if we don't have enough money in the budget we should find out where the money is going to come from before we move forward with any type of contracts or anything like that so you feel that current equipment our current foundation and everything else has to be redone there's no way of augmenting it and are peac mealing it just my opinion and that was the opinion that also came from from El Baker who is an expert in these parks and playgrounds and we're lucky to have her she has more experience than myself or anyone else in the city and what it takes to get the ball rolling how much it costs and what the um expectations are of us to do it right she she's been a godsent to all our parks in our city and I I think we should take her guidance and they don't use wood chips um 90% of the time anymore for that size those those wood chips that are in there are considered playground safe wood chips they are approved they're not anything that you know they would somebody would come in and say you can't have this or no I'm going by when they're starting to make them they they don't go backwards to wood chips they usually look at the rubber right um and the rubber surfaces they're only good for 10 years we look at our older schools we've replaced the one at the whing we're looking at our other tot Lots now they're in need of replacement already don't last 30 years would chips just get replaced here and there so it's it's you know it's a large investment I'm all forward if we have the money but I don't think the the amount of money that was allocated for this is enough based on what ell has told me so I mean we need to you know look at the funding before we look at anything else and we need to bring in some experts to say what is this going to once you start getting into the playground world there's guidelines right and you got to look at that entire space and make sure that we're bringing it up to a compliant playground if we're going to do the work so you're feeling I believe the sum of 68,000 has been approved anyone come up with the 65 65 so from what you just made reference there's a possibility that will not be adequate from what El told me is that that would not do the rubber surface and the play structure together that it may not be enough based on the actual prep work that it takes there's also that gate in the um entrance to it that we may once we get into this we have to start looking at the handicap compliance aspect of it and whether or not that that playground's actually on a hill that's on a hill if you can understand that one Hill goes this way and the other Hill goes this way and you got a ramp that is kind of tilted and it actually goes up the hill so to get that compliant you would have to do some sidewalk work there to get it a level you know entrance point and then you know if you look at the gate You' say why does it look like that and it's kind of inverted on two different ways but that's the only way to keep it so that a little kid can't sneak out between the gate because when you put a gate on a hill you have to make certain adjustments to make them close properly together all right uh through I think at the superintendent um it's been made reference that the the Tot Lot is part of the school and not part of the city so that the city will not be responsible for improving it um there's a signage now that says it's common for anyone's use so I think we have to establish number one if that if that is still in effect um I think Mr Kingston has made reference to um keeping it solely for the use of the small learning group so um I don't know if there's a legality that we would have to um through to the superintendent um sure um so all all buildings Lans and playgrounds Belong To The City there's no separation that some belong to the schools and some Belong To The City everything belongs to the city and it's within the city's purview actually to do any kind of plant maintenance or facilities work um that needs to happen in any of the buildings just like they do for the fire department the police department City Hall everybody else and of course we we as we can use our own funding um from the state to support those initiatives where we're legally able to do so um I'm a little bit worried that the cost of this playground renovation is is getting to a point that it could raise eyebrows that we're spending that amount of school department money um on a playground which should be um maintained and upkept by the city uh so I know there's always a little bit of tension there between uh the city and the school department but all all of these facilities belong to the city um I'm wondering with the $65,000 that's already been allocated let's say for this project um if we can't work with L to see if there's some grant funding that could support that 65 ,000 and if we could even have some of her Consultants come in and do a full study like kyl's saying remove the trees how much is that going to cost what about upgrading the sidewalk and the and the fence how much is that going to cost and get a more holistic picture of what it would cost and what it would take to upgrade this space on a more permanent level um and then seek some grant funding to support that in addition to the 65,000 that um Mr Kingston and the school have requested uh to go to the project yes so I was always told the Wayland taught lot for the kindergarten students the Abraham Lincoln taught lot and the McKinley Tot Lot were not for City use thank you you you are correct that the T lots that are attached to schools by State Statute we can deem um um not available to the public during school hours other um and we have to put up the appropriate signage to indicate that so so you're right that's a little bit of a Nuance um it doesn't mean that people can't use them after hours we try to restrict that we try to make sure there's plenty of other Park area in around the schools and in other parts of the city so that people don't feel the need to go to the tot lots and the primary reason for that is because the way we secure them best is if it's only as students and staff who are accessing them MH um so by state law we're allowed to restrict access during the school day in order to keep kids safe so that there aren't random people in the playgrounds um but so that's a very good point but that doesn't mean that they don't still Belong To The City they still City facilities right because the um signage presently is this playground is shared space for the enjoyment of the entire Community but I agree that my understanding it always been during school hours it's it's off limit no matter what it is basically all right um this res I am going to suggest that we table this until we can um give El Baker the information that she needs and if Kyle can work with her about the square footage and whatever she needs to go forward and also to see about grant funding also um because I really I I agree going over that 65 is really um could not be a good sign um we'll be doing all the um tot Lots over sooner rather than later if we keep going at this rate but they need something um and if El can come up with um ideas then we need to listen to her and hopefully we can meet with her again and come up with a date soon that meets her schedule is that in the form of a motion sure there's a motion for you all right motion made I'll second that the matter be referred to the city whatever her title is um just to have another meeting um with El Baker's input Baker the have in put K would you be willing to kind of go along with that I guess El did actually mention some other funding sources that she would look into that she wasn't sure she mentioned a couple of Grants and some other Pockets that she would look but she wasn't sure if there was money in them or things like that but she's all on board she said she'd be happy to help she's the um perfect person so I'm I'm all on board on that and I I I I think we you know we share all our spaces with the between the city there's always that gray area but at the end of the day they they do belong to the city and I don't know if this you know the city would be you know against putting some grant funding towards this project I'm I'm kind of assuming they would what I what I can do if it's okay with the committee is um email L and tell her about the conversation we had here today and see if between now and your November meeting if she could um see what she can pull together uh get some people out to look at it as she sees fit and then give an update to the committee at November sounds good I they're using it now I mean it's not in disr that not being the the Tot Lot is currently being used and there's no problems with its usage that's correct yeah okay I think that was Mr King's main concern was you know the availability the the service is a little rough in the I think maybe the gates could use a little work I guess there's some sharp edges or whatever that's what I was told the gate hardware itself is something could be I don't know what could be done to that and then um my concern is that this is a longer process so I don't know if um if well I guess we'll have to see how it falls out but I would um I I don't know if replacing the in the spring if this can't be done or it's going to take longer or take more money possibly looking into um replacing the wood chips maybe at least I had talked to Ella about rubber chips she had said that the rubber chips get very hot in the sun um so they try not to use those in certain areas only because it just gets too hot so cuz I said you know the wood's going to break down eventually and the rubber is kind of good or bad about rubber is it doesn't it's there forever um but um my concern is if this takes longer or it's out of our budget range that at least we look at at in the spring or early spring before the kids go back outside to um go back outside for the most part to uh at least maybe possibly stop Gap would be at least replacing the the wood chips with maybe alternative wood chips or whatever that seemed to be the biggest concern I'll ask her about that too that seemed to be the biggest concern was the the uh the surface thank you all right second order of business update on the state of the elevators of the G Field School in our last meeting there was some grave concern as to being repaired but not working could you update on what is going on please okay so at the Garfield School we have three passenger elevators and we have a uh chairlift that goes from the fourth floor to the fifth floor Loft um our elevators are maintained on a monthly basis somebody comes in maintains them goes through a checklist of things that's mandated by the state that they do every month they check they oil they do their entire check checklist during that checklist they find issues once a year State you know and they'll repair them they'll send me a proposal here's what we found during our routine monthly maintenance we get that proposal our hands are kind of tied there's not me going in there saying what do you mean that door roller shouldn't be replaced we have to go by what they say they so to speak they almost write their own ticket we take their recommendations we fix what they say need to be fixed we pay for it and they come and fix it throughout the course of the Year elevators have issues every we every elevator in our system has issues now and then they have fail safes that say if this door doesn't close right this elevator is not going to operate if this this thing feels too much weight this the elevator is not going anywhere those things happen in all the elevators throughout the city currently at the Garfield we've seen a little bit more Rush of problems lately and our equipment's getting older and our elevator company has told us listen you might need to start thinking about updating some of this equipment it's getting harder to fix it's getting harder to get parts for and it's it's um somewhat outdated and you need to start putting in some some thought into updating to a you know a more modern system it's from 1991 it's been meticulously maintained it's had certain upgrades during the year right now it's under a um the state came out and said that every elevator in the state has to change the way their fire department safety switch works it can't be a key anymore needs to be a button we we're under um in order to do that by the state and we're also have one elevator down right now that they had to take a certain component out send it out for refurbishing and have when it comes back which is expected to be back by they told me a week and a half as of the 15th so we're expecting it any day now so as far as being maintained I've been assure that these elevators are safe the ones that are working a fine they have their fail safes that are built into them that if they see anything that could cause concern they're going to shut themselves down that could be anything to a little Pebble in the door track that somebody kicked in on their way into the building that says this door is not closed right this elevator is not going to move unfortunately we try to make sure that that isn't the cause but after that we have to call an elevator technician in to come assess the problem they look at it they find out what's wrong if they can fix it on site that day they will if not they got to send me a work order I approve it they come back fix it and the elevator's back in service any member should to address the issue I know I've asked a few people there and they said they've had people there constantly um trying to fix and something had to go out to be reped so um you know I I know the work's being done it's not like it's just being neglected I also realized like my building 1984 that's the elevator if we look at City Hall how old is that eleva and oh and this one forget it um but again things need to be updated and do what we can when we need to um we just put in the new fire safety things in ourdoors so right that's it's what they want and you have to change and that's all we do they bring us recommendations we really don't have any leg to stand on then other than comply with them and and we do it um we've we got the Beachmont School elevator is much older than that we've updated that as throughout time still needs to be updated but over the years we just take their recommendations and you know if they get to the point where they said this elevator needs to be condemned I don't think we're anywhere near that they're all they're doing is just keeping us in rooll with the times and saying eventually this is going to need to be upgraded and here's what it's going to cost right we're still waiting on those costs but you know I don't think we're at you know any type of situation where anyone needs to Panic or send out any type of message that those things aren't safe and that people aren't going to be okay on them because I know that in the Years Gone by we've had billing elevator companies been always on that so that there's a permanent type um installment it's not will call you the the city goes out Citywide for an elevator contract that lasts for 3 years every 3 years it gets rebid we don't get a choice on what company we have we have to go with the low bidder unless we have some real issue with the company that we had prior and we said we're not using them again so every 3 years we get almost a new company if not every six they figure out how much they're paying they bid lower and then they they get the they get the contract so part of the issue is that we finally get a guy who's been working on these elevators for six years who knows all the insides and outs and then here comes a new company and sometimes they have some figuring out to do on our older systems and what technicians work on what elevators and things like that so like I said that we don't just choose an elevator contract out of the sky it's contracted through the city they're give them to us we pay our portion in the schools all the fire stations and housing and all that pay their portion of it and I basically managed the contract on the school side of the of that contract thank you anything further John um a parent this started with a parent um a parent told me that at one point and maybe it was only a day or two I don't have all the data um that they're all down one day all three I don't have a date for you I got an email it said my kid goes to the school the elevator's down blah blah blah blah blah none of them are working blah blah blah that's that's what's kind of started the kind of started the process going okay so I think we really need to focus on what where we get our information and that we ask questions about information like that because that not at no point in time were all three elevators ever down okay and I I don't see a point where like if that would someone would to say something like that I think it should be related to me before or somebody like because that's important if they were and some some told you that then I think that a phone call or an email or something would be warranted to at least notify me of that so that I would know about that and then I can at least respond and say no they're not or maybe they are I don't know about it I believe I was there one day and I'm I'll record it next time I'm there um I was there one day and um I know they would I I'm I'm 90% sure they were two down for sure two and three are two different things no I'm saying the day I was there I just happened to be there and I saw the signs in front of the doors the two doors that they weren't working right and that was it was in the morning the calf lady said to me we had to carry everything down because one of the elevators won't go all the way to the garage I guess no I think that's what the calf lady said to me I was just walking through and I said good morning and she says not really and I said why what's the matter and she said we had to carry everything down today and I you know I said oh I'm sorry what's up and she said oh you know two of the elevators are down and the other one doesn't go the other one doesn't go to the basement I guess or it doesn't go somewhere and she so some some of the elevators are designed to not have basement access for security reasons no I understand but she just said I had we had to carry everything down but sometimes those things get conflated and people think that means that there's no way to get down or um sometimes when they're doing elevator repairs they might have to turn off the elevator beside it in order to access different panels and electrical and things like that but that would be a very temporary short-term thing and it might be inconvenient enough that um we have to use the steers more than we would like for a short period of time um but that wouldn't be for a long long period I didn't say they were unsafe I never said they weren't maintained I know we have a contract I get all that I just you know I the parent told me and I was like okay and again as far as checking information I think a couple of days later I happened to be at the school and I saw that two were down for sure I mean I was there I saw the yellow signs that said you know temporary close or whatever the heck the sign says so okay John one other thing that would help is if when a parent reaches out to you for something like that if you direct them back to the principal cuz the principal's going to know immediately uh what's happening and be able to help that parent because I didn't see anybody I I it was a quick thing I was just I'll be honest I was dropping a donation off and I just dropped it and saw the cafeteria worker and that's how it started I didn't see any admins at the time to be honest with you right but I'm saying I'm saying when the parent reached out to you to say that all three were down cuz I mean there could be some time that all three are down and if the parent called the principal the principal could say we've we've worked with this we've had the fire department here anybody who has any disability has been brought down to the first floor this is what we're doing in the alternative and here's when we expect something to be fixed but that often assuages all of the escalated fear that happens when things are just posted on you know social media or even at a at a school committee meeting or it goes out um over the Airways and people don't necessarily know really what's going on my concern was I was aware of the age of the building and you know things do break down and have to be replaced so I thought you know having a discussion about it and if something that you know something we need to look at is a future cost that it should be discussed yeah John if you had information that all three elevators down I don't even know if the still functionally if if if I found out that all three elevators were down I would dispatch the fire department to that building and have them on standby until that elevator or at least one of them was put back in service and if it happened within a found out that all three elevators were down that elevator company I guarantee would be there within an hour and probably back up have it back up and running within an hour but if all three were down then I would and I was notified of it I would dispatch the fire department to be on standby in the building okay so what we can all agree upon is this was definitely an inconvenience especially maybe for the cafeteria workers um but it is being intended to and hopefully like P said um a week and a half October 15th by 1st and November there should be at least two there there's there's two there's two now and there was one that went down and like I said they are routine problems elevator problems and elevator shutting themselves down and not uncommon throughout the district the city the state the world it happens and they do it for a reason they see something they self diagnose themselves and they say I'm not going anywhere and that's what we deal with we never get like a broken elevator that says you know I can't run anymore it says I'm not going anywhere until this problem is addressed so but John you're 100% right that these things are getting old and we do need to look into the future that was my concern it wasn't a question of it wasn't a question of someone wasn't doing their job or things were being neglected I hope that that's not even I never even used those words my concern was is this something that's going to I'll be honest bite Us in the butt next year because hey they're getting old and the guys the guys that come and fix it say we can't fix it anymore that was my concern based on the age of the building I mean you know that's that's a legitimate concern and that is something that's why I'm bringing it up I never said anyone wasn't doing their job that you weren't doing yours or the elevator people were terrible I'm not going there it's just the building's getting old and unfortunately when things get older they they tend to break down more often and you come to a point where you know you can't you only so many can't replace so many parts right no you're you're 100% spot on on that and that concern is accepted thank you thank I think just in closing on that that that just so that viewing public the elevators are not in use constantly by all students there there's restrictions as to medical and everything else so that those are being addressed uh on that end of it all right uh third item we're trying to figure why it's on ask K thank you thank you K thank you sorry uh Mr sell can I make one suggestion before we move on yes um Kyle do you think that we could ask um the elevator consultant if they could uh maybe give us an idea of what they think an a a length a timeline of life I guess you'd say for these elevators is if they have some kind of an estimate and that way the city the school committee can stop planning hopefully they're going to say it's 15 years from now but we should stop thinking about that now anyway right right I I have already asked for that information based on the last um conversation we had about it and they're going to do that it doesn't happen that quick they don't just throw a number out there you know they're going to research every part that we would need they I met with them on Tuesday last Tuesday I met with them they went over everything that an upgrade would entail for each elevator unfortunately you can't just do one that was one of my ideas is if we could spend some money but they all work in conjunction with each other and I was told that if we're going to do one we have to do them all and that you know it will be a costly thing but I I don't know if we're there yet and if we do get to that point it's going to be something that has to be done with some emergency funding but at this point the company's not telling me where at that point they're always quick to say here's where you're at with your elevator and they give us a look ahead if they were going to come to me and say this thing's not going to last a year they would tell me and the state inspector would tell me as well so you know between the elevator company and the state inspections we get a pretty good line on what we're looking at down the road so it is a legitimate concern it's not it's not going to last forever the building was built in 1991 that's when the elevators were put in there is some upgrades need to be done but that's just going to be some some expense the city's going to have to bear the burden of at one point in time thank you um number three scheduled date to discuss transportation for students we don't know why that's on this here but I know that there was a guesstimate that um was presented to the school committee to add roots and the cost was in the Millions so that didn't go too far but there are Charlie cards on the MBTA half price but it still would be anywhere between $30 and $40 a month per person just to use the MBTA city of Boston fortunately has a deal uh with the MBTA that um everyone can ADV take advantage of it so um I don't know what the committee would like to do regarding this um rever it back to whichever committee it would be or just make it moot I mean I I unless I'm speaking out of turn um it was addressed there was a amount of monies the cost to add and the budget just cannot absorb it yes I just um I didn't know if Matt had a number I I'm not really sure what Jackie was asking for with the dollar amount if it was just for high school students I'm really not sure of the whole thing sorry I didn't mean to put you on the spot I just had to pull up the PDF sorry uh basically I was asked instead of abiding by the current distance rule what if we cut that distance down to one mile so no student at any grade level who lives more than one mile is having to find their own way to their school and the Baseline cost to do that we'd have to be adding buses at the elementary and the high school levels and at this year's rates we're going back out to bid for regular Transportation this winter it would be a $3.3 million additional cost to the transportation program um heavy around high school students very few of who are transported and uh a number of elementary school kids as well as a point of information on the Charlie cards it's only for middle school and high school not Elementary right so that you know eliminates on that end of it so um to put it to restate it's just not feasible at this time so if I can just add with the Charlie cards if we did do uh Charlie C so we already have the middle schoolers no problem if they're further than a mile we transport them already um but with the if we did Charlie cards just for the high school kids it would be about a million dollars a little bit more and that would be if every kid wanted one every month for the whole year if the committee wanted to look at only doing the 10 months that we're in school or only making it eligible to certain kids like if you're an athlete who needs to get from here to the Beachmont um for tennis practice or softball practice at St Mary's or whatever the case may be the kids who are going to Northshore for dual enrollment or early college um you know there's things that we could look at if you wanted to put a little bit of money into um expanding we could do something like that any other members hi I thinking I I believe that might be a good idea to look into that um I was I was thinking about the Chalie cods as well of the 30 I thought it was $30 a month I could be wrong um but I thought even if we did some kind of pilot to see how it worked I don't I I don't mean to say anything wrong about the tea but I don't know if the tea buses are running on time and I don't know how many kids would benefit from a tea bus I don't know if it would drop them I don't know if it would work you know for all the neighborhoods that we carry um I'm not sure um I'm not sure it work for every student I guess what I'm trying to say the buses don't go everywhere um you know certain parts of the city you'd probably have to walk quite a bit just to get to a bus stop um and then where you know where does that particular Bus drop you off so I don't know how much closer it actually get you um but I'd be willing to try it if I mean we could you know spend a certain amount of money uh you know a small amount of money just to try it and then get some feedback from the students I my concern with this with the especially with the high school is um you know on a cold rainy day or a cold snowy day someone wakes up and they got to walk maybe a mile a mile and a half to school um I know in my day my dad would make me go my mom would too but I don't know that everybody um you know wants to do that and I don't know how much I could really fault a parent if it's a little more than a mile if that kid had to walk more than a mile to school on a snowy day that school wasn't called off I don't know how much I could fault the parent for not sending the kid to school based on that circumstance so I'd like to look into it um you know three million is too much a million is a little better um but if we did a pilot program ask kids who actually wanted it and you know then we kind of maybe track their usage if that's possible and offer them offer him that opportunity and then the other thought I thought I had with that part of that was you know if the if the students not um not coming to school and we give them the card maybe that's something you know that we have to look at you know well we gave you a card and you're still not coming to school so maybe that would be a you know a way of um doing the pilot I think there needs to be some structure for that um I don't I think we can give everybody one I I think it would just get get too expensive and I don't know how many they'd be used thank you I I look at areas around that can get here by MBTA um so North Rivier would have to be a two bus um Beach M you'd have to walk far to get the bus and then it won't drop you off right here so it's only a small probably more time on the bus and traffic than anything um and then if we're talking hitchborn Charle that whole area there isn't a bus or it's not worth waiting they'd rather they get there faster when they walk I will say there are districts um putting things out there for attendance rewards for coming to school um some I don't like there's one that's offering to give parents um a night overnight at Mohan son with $250 um those are things that I see as um student achievement but I'm grateful I'm not there because I'd be very unhappy it maybe some way we can look at um an incentive but also I have to keep in mind um I know another District that had um did Charlie cards and um the kids were selling them they got them free and they were selling them and you know you want to believe in your students but if it came to using your Charlie card and maybe getting your family some laundry services or some groceries you're going to have to do what you have to do I think Rivier is very liberal in their uh busing as was mentioned all middle school kids due to the fact there three of them uh in the Dark Ages the only one was the beachon bus would come right up the high school was right um where the M churches now um I mean whatever the pleasure of the committee I mean it it can't hurt to look into it the superintendent apparently has already some information I looked at some information I I was amazed at how many different plans that there are I mean it's it's it just goes on and on this exemption that and this and that and the whole thing um so what's the pleasure then I I even look at places like in Everett um no bu B back in the Prehistoric Age when I went to school we never had busing they still don't have busing for elementary high school middle so um Benfield too yeah a lot of communities don't so we think um but maybe um not to put more on the superintendence plate but maybe um there could be some ideas that you might come up with incentives or um like what other people had said um people that work a lot of our students what it's good for too is they can go to work after they leave school so so it's the pleasure of the committee to proceed with exploratory yeah exploratory second okay what and what I'll do is I'll take it to um uh Mr Bowen and um Miss uh J Mulligan and see if with their student groups we can come up with an idea for how to Pilot any other bus before the Comm motion to Second so audit thank you everyone for attending