##VIDEO ID:MO43O6I4Jdg## clean in new I'll go I was going to say it sounded like a place like in Cambridge you know you would go get breakfast yeah no people went all the time it's like okay we live all right welcome everyone to the November 19 2024 policies and procedures subcommittee meeting um The Time Is Now 3:15 if we could all stand to move the f I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands na indivisible with liberty and justice for we have a last minute addition to the agenda um Anthony if you want to let us know what that policy is that we'll be reviewing tonight we'll add it to the agenda and we'll um address it as policy number eight okay uh two of them one of them is it's a combination of a safety and a policy and I like to see any like administrator or faculty going from location to location if you give us advanced notice of you sign out where you're going uh email the superintendent as well as the principal the intent you know why you're going to this particular building because we we need to keep track of this because if someone gets into you know we have liability here if someone get into an accident on the way going we won't even know if that if that person doesn't sign out sign in and what school they're supposed to be going to all right so we'll let's let's make that number eight I'm just putting um um location of Staff employees at all times and we'll talk about that afterwards and then you said you had a second one number nine the other one I want to address dress code a little I mean with students a little and uh faculty and administration I mean okay I'm not sure where we can address how the teachers are but we could talk but the students W that's J IA J J IA right and I think the teachers might have it or faculty Administration might have a different handbook there is the faculty hu yeah right and maybe we can review that a little bit you know at at our next meeting all right so let's um I've made note of those additions let's just move right in so the purpose of this um subcommittee meeting was to um address the multiple updat that have been made to some of the title 9 policies that we have in our handbook we probably should have did this a few months ago um I apologize for that but we're doing it now um in front of you what you have is the recommended masc policies and these are the ones that we have been using for past years we've i i as far as I could tell I don't believe we've ever really deviated from the language that was suggested by the masc council um so if I may I will just go through each one of them I will point out to you the new language um which in some cases is just a matter of two words three words and then we can um at the end of this we can agree um that we will send this off to the to the full committee to approve these and then um I will make all the actual adjustments send them to you Dian and once we get the okay that I said we'll send to masc sure yeah that way we just knock it out done yeah and what we one thing that we talked about because I met with um Dr Garcia and Dr guchi um earlier about this was what they will do as part of their annual review of the handbook is just do another check to make sure anything in the student and caregiver guide that needs to be updated as a result of the policy update gets updated for next oh perfect school yeah perfect and you know what we can also do is um we can we can always put generic language which which um in the handbook that suggest that they reference that reference exactly that's what we said yeah rather than try to get word for word and that way we're constantly at least up to par with respect to the handbook yes yeah okay great all righty so the first one is AC it's the non-discrimination policy including harassment and retaliation the updated language is appears in the second paragraph sex stereotypes and sex characteristics that was previously missing from this um um this list of various uh categories if you will of discrimination uh let's see let me just make sure there's nothing else I believe that was it oh number five there was a s there was a a the word the was taken out before full human relations but we already had that removed oh actually no we didn't it's still in there okay so we're going to remove this word the that's it and then um I don't know if our copy has this but the copy from the association the second line just has a typo between members that is fre I saw that yep thank you I have a um I put a comma there instead of the period um Aisha do you have these changes all highlighted for Robin or or whatever I can send them to her yeah yeah the the masc actually highlighted the changes oh they did in a separate comment oh all right I was think I'm like I think I just have the original version we have the final version from the N okay all right okay so I will um I will highlight these for Robin but you'll you guys will just go ahead and make the change and then just send it to her to re-upload instead of her having to well and actually I think that what um if we if you're adopting the same language from masc you can just tell them the revia school committee has adopted AC ACR whatever and they have it and they have it so we don't need to do anything correct perfect okay and they take care of updating our online policy man they do okay it'll automatically link to okay that's perfect so the next one is ACR non-discrimination policy including harassment and retaliation um the changes appear again with the included language of sex stereotypes sex characteristics um in this policy it appears under definitions on the first page in that paragraph defining discrimination and harassment um there is also um let's see if we scroll down a little bit this the last paragraph on the first page that starts with harassment may include okay and we continue on to the second page where it says harassment includes this is new language here um so they take out there's a entire paragraph that starts with Title Nine sexual harassment and it it relates back to a 2020 change that was made they removed that whole paragraph um if you need to see it I could show it to you here but it's just removal of language um and then the definition of retaliation that was updated as well and that's it and then who do we currently have under the people that have to be listed yeah so that's um something that I was going to ask about as well that it looks like this requires for us to put individuals or for positions yes and so the title 9 coordinator is Dr guchi um do you have Richie the the names that are identified for um Ada title six I know they're in the um oh they just made one name on him that is designated as this so if Dr kuchi is that person and also oversees those people we could just leave him well but like Dr does sexual harassment and civil rights Richie helps with that yeah so this is um doctor so part of the requirement the law requires that you identify these individuals so people know who to go to go so it gets a little sticky in that area we need to change individual to individuals yeah it's definitely one person um that help that was like he does all this the following individuals are designated and I will include if um Richie you can get me these individuals I'll just incorporate them into these this Blank Space okay so we have everybody's name and titled thank you right the next one is aca aca there's a there's quite a a lot of changes so um let me just see it starts the changes start once again with incorporating in the definition of um discrimination the sex stereotype sex characteristics um as you can see on your copy right there where it says sex stereotypes xtics marital status um familiar status pregnancy all the way down to the end of that paragraph that's all new um also the paragraph that precedes the um boxed out yeah that's new the entire paragraph is new it's been rewarded and the boxed out section is new and that's something that would have to be basically copy and paste into the handbook exactly yeah or a reference to it or reference to this policy in the handbook yeah um and then the final paragraph is also new the district sh prominantly include all elements of of um its notice that's new as well the old policy was um it was three very short paragraphs okay so this new one is pretty it's pretty um involved in comparison and that's it the next one if you don't mind me moving on is um ACA and this is the one that I believe Jen King worked with us on the handbook language to update that according to this policy yeah this is huge this is the nine pager yeah this is the whole policy has been reworked this is policy as it reads right now is new okay um I'm going to pull the old one AC a just so we can get an idea in case anyone wants to see it I see I noticed like AC a and ACR are not in the online handbook really yeah so I don't know if they're like new new this one ACR is completely new yeah everything with an R is new is new okay so then that's why this one wouldn't be in yeah but ACA I you're saying in the on in the actual manual itself yeah okay yeah there is an ACA version yep that's the old version that's the one that has like just three parag three paragraphs yep but the AC R this entire 10 page document is new okay so this is now going to be incorporated into our policy and that is the one um Jackie that um uh attorney Jen King presented to the school committee about the changes to the Title Nine policy law this is what exactly what she was talking about La toy we're always ahead of it yeah exactly ahead but a few behind um the next one is ACA B oh and this is another one that has a lot of changes to it so previously it read anti-harassment policy it is now the sexual and sex-based harassment and retaliation just to give you an idea this is the old one right here it's seven pages long and this is the new one I noticed at the bottom of this one it said it was amended by us that usually means need to say that we adopted it right or already existing is that we'll put them in I know what you're saying I think that we probably use these words yeah interchangeably yeah if it's just us updating it then we'll say amend once the whole committee votes on it correct and if it was brand new policy like the ours the ones with RS aded those would be adopted um so this policy the acab policy that this whole paragraph the title 9 and title 7 paragraphs are new um along with the 151b and the 151 C language that's also included in here um and finally there's a paragraph about sexual violence um that should be in here so strange hold on one second I just want to see something want see oh okay I see it all right yeah so this is there's a lot more language here included this will be interesting I wonder if there's actual case law to like explain what some of these things mean you know yeah hopefully we don't have to find out I think that are you talking about the piece on the bottom of like page one that leads into page two yeah yeah um the next one is acga ecga is a civil rights grievance procedure um this there were minimal changes to this um the word the bolded title non-applicability of this procedure to Title Nine sexual discrimination um allegations used to be sexual harassment so they just removed the word harassment where it appeared throughout the policy and replaced it with discrimination um and that's it for this policy and who's our civil rights Court it's all that title preferen A Lot in this policy civil rights coordinator isn't that doc yeah so and um does this one right here require us to provide the name uh yes on P six thank you so much let me show we do that um oh right here I see it and then the L we just have to put I think the I address got it that one have to be updated all right not so bad and then the final policy um title n policy is acgb this one um again has a ton of extensive G changes to it um this is a very long policy as you could see it's like 16 Pages something like that 16 Pages uh it's been really reworked so um there are full paragraphs here that have been added on the first well first of all anywhere harassment the word harassment appeared that was removed and replaced with the word discrimination um this third paragraph on the first page is all new um the paragraph fourth paragraph down full paragraph down that starts with uh it would be reveal public schol has adopted creev procedures that's all new um underneath the scope that whole first paragraph has been reworked actually the next few paragraphs have all been reworked um and there's some discretionary language they've Incorporated the word allegations um repeatedly throughout here and then the essential requirements of Title 9 that appear on page two in bold and it goes through an alphabetical alphabetical listing those are all [Music] new um and other than that it's been the the rest of the policy that's changed has primarily been um the removal of that word harassment replac with discrimination um we go to page eight if anyone is is interested I will I will either send you highlight these for you or you know what I mean you you can get them online as well um but page eight number five that is completely new page eight number five is it okay no nope I don't hold on no it's definitely St or it should be consolidation of formal complaints it's page seven I apologize page seven number five oh okay that's all that whole paragraph is new um and number six you see how it says the district may consider it previously had said like consideration um of the use of the internal informal excuse me resolution process so this just some small changes and then under step three one through three are brand new Step eight is brand new under that step three step four is entirely brand new um and then the same step five through six it looks like they just Incorporated more detailed language probably consistent with um you know case law that had come down and changes in in uh legis ation that was passed so there's there's quite a lot of changes here we should probably all familiarize ourselves and um we should probably get this information out too yeah somehow the coordinator too because it's just so involved so there's so many Ms that can be had you know mean um but other than that I'm glad that this has pretty much been done for us and we don't have to hire Council to do these changes exactly just a note for us that um starting off page 1 includ some information we need to update yep and then at the bottom of page 15 K needs um information as well so you'll make these changes and then let um the association and Robin now yep I will make the changes tomorrow um and then and simultaneously I will um let the association know that we have adopted all of their these 1 through eight and all St policies so with that I'd like to make a motion to recommend to the full committee adopting the revised changes and the new policies that are agenda items one through seven second all in favor that was easy uh let's see okay so now the item number eight is um having some sort of mechanism for uh staff and employees when traveling um throughout the district yeah what what we could do is we could take the policy that we have for school committee members in our operating handbook so we don't have to create a whole new one and just change where it says committee members to All District employees yeah and that just requires advanced notice to the superintendent and to the relevant um principal if I remember correctly um but I think we would want to add additional language like requiring that they check in and check out even though it's known to do that yeah but really kind of confirm it a little bit more sometimes we get especially after school we get lacks and um as Mr cajano pointed out that could be a safety concern if there was something that happened in a building and we weren't aware of who was in the building um yeah know there's so many different um reasons as to why I mean for accountability purposes there's so many different things that could happen I mean yeah not necessarily you know with Mal intent but and if they're going for one for school to the other and they don't come you know then we know we're looking for them yeah exactly exactly no I think that's important and that's a that's a um good observation too it's it's smart for us as well from a liability standpoint because as an employer you always want to know where people are do you have an existing policy that this would come under that we could add to do you know or we can look at the um my suggestion is that we look at the handbook okay the staff handbook I don't have it printed out I'm looking right now I mean I don't see anything that it AB if anything there's a Personnel policy gbgb called staff personal security and safety said GB GB yes oh I think this is more no that's not what just an apology yeah I'm looking at no but that one doesn't really that's the physical examination the title's misleading bgb policy adoption which one Anon b b g is in go B is in boy policy adoption and then oh just allowing us to adopt a new policy but that shows how we adopt policy so that's not yeah let's there might be something in here um I don't see any of our policies that this could fit under we could put it in the employee handbook but if we wanted to be a policy we would have to create our own which will then trigger our three read it's a new policy so this is read one that's going through it once we write it we'll review it that's read two and then it going to the full committee to discuss is read three the question is who wants to tackle writing it yeah and I don't mind doing it either Anthony if you want to take a first stab at it and send it to me y um we could do that and then is there any I mean do you have any do you foresee any issues with that no everybody has um and N ID and we have um scanners at every front desk so it should be fun I do it when I go school to school so sign I do myself I yeah either sign in or ID yet nobody nobody even told me about the IDS until yeah okay we can take care of that right respond okay so Mr kajo would take a first attempt at the and then we'll meet again to review it and uh we could just let the whole committee know during the report that this is coming what we call this this would have to be um we can chat GPT names for the policy yeah yeah uh I think it could just be something like staff building safety yeah something like that in security building I'll brainstorm something yeah okay um and the next one is J I ca j i c a h i j I think our dress code is fairly loose if I I will say the dress code that for students that we have in the handbook includes way more information than I'm seeing on our policy exactly right so we could just update our policy to match what we're telling students already in the handbook so you want to make it for all yeah because here it just says that it's up to the discretion of students and parents but I know we have more guidelines right and the hand in the handbook so we yeah and especially for the Elementary in the Middle School where we have dress codes yeah the elementary and the middle school I don't think we have any issues I think it's a matter of us updating our policy to match what we are already telling people in the handbook so then it can actually be enforced through a policy let's look at it and see if we all agree and if we want additional language I can read it to you if you want to have it oh you in the handbook no don't I have the handbook here okay it's from before we the same thing you have the handook right there Jackie I'm trying to find it it was in an email from Li where is it on the weite if you go into families oh what page is it on 48 let me ask you guys do you guys see a need to update this the handbook I feel like the handbook has been updated but it's another one of those things that at the high school level is particularly difficult to um enforce and I think that we again have to think about do we want to be suspending kids for what shirt they have on lack of shirt they have on um while we're we have so many other things that we're trying to tackle tack at the same time um well I think um so that's the practicality of of enforcement right but I think that a good start is having a good policy yeah so there's always that you can always lean on that yeah and I do you know what I mean I have the faculty handbook open right now it says staff dress should reflect the professional position of the employees and should be exemplary to the students uh with whom the professional employee works if an employee fails dress appropriately for their professional position they may be spoken to by the administration continual infractions may result in disciplinary action inappropriate attire includes but is not limited to clothing riling undergarments clothing with advertising for liquor tobacco or drugs uh any clothing containing suggestive or obscene words phrases or pictures for guidance regarding appropriate dress please refer to and then it links to the student handbook actually which I think is interesting uh or the guide for students and families that's actually a little bit more detailed than the than the student one I I like the language about because it identifies like I think we say offensive language right but that's kind of subjective right what's object there's offensive which is blatantly offensive but then there's offensive because let's just say somebody doesn't like a certain politician yeah right and that causes what's offensive to who who gets to decide who gets right exactly but I like the language in the teacher's handbook because it seems to specify drugs alcohol um and there's something else it's pretty it's pretty clear as to what would be yeah so we could defensive what after the section of elementary middle school then it goes into like the high school the city lab and then just bullet points of General agreements that's what we could add what the staff handbook has that are this one doesn't and I also think that in this handbook we should we have elementary and middle schools highlighted and that's an easy one right these kids all have uniforms I think we should have a section underneath that pertains um that it's clear that it pertains to the high school like we have for the middle school and elementary school I know we never did much with the high school and I know that that this would be a drastic change and what I'm saying is if we don't have to make if we can make the policy but we don't have to make it effective till say September and then we can go to big educational part of it to you know parents and everything and show them what direction we're going on do some work on this policy to make instead of just doing it overnight and saying this is how it is yeah and I think even the kids would appreciate that especially if we had like the student Senate participate um you know have have some kids engaged I pulled I pulled um yeah sorry find it now student handbook we'll see student handbook is page 48 yeah 48 to when these kids students have to go for a job and everything you know they got to with the prop tireon on professional level yeah now how about when before used to be religion now it's politics what does it say about be coming in and wearing anything and it's pretty um I is that a is that something we can say without being but you see what I mean um so I think that gets a little bit into the First Amendment um and Aisha probably knows better on that than any of us but if we talked about politics now you know before used to be religion now it's politics if we can keep it out out of this the school system itself um I don't think I think we can do whatever we want but I think we should be ready to have a a lawsuit against us right yeah and and honestly like I don't think that we've had any real issues okay to date so I don't know that I mean hope hopefully we're not going to but I don't think it would be disruptive for a kid to have on a a Harris wall t-shirt or or a trump Vance t-shirt or um whatever the case may be if it was inappropriate if there was if it was symbols of violence or anything like that or sex that then that would be different and it doesn't matter what the political affiliation is it's more whatever else it's depicting that we would have to be a little bit more judgmental of so this one if I if I may so this is ly student address code granted it is three pages long but but we're dealing with the same um body of students right and this is their approach to it I whether if you could send those to us so we can look at them and then when we come back together to review the new policy we can start to put together because overall what I do what I agree with is that our school committee policy not what's in the handbook is like two pair that means nothing so we need to update that and then that can just be a copy and paste into our handbook for next year then once we have a draft we can present it to the student Senate and they could bring it to their student body see what they think and then we could have this done in a couple of months okay yeah the reason what I like about that is just it gives it it you know kids like examples you know what it is examples exactly it leaves the ambiguity um you know it's less ambiguous as to what's that was so Lynn and Boston had good models they had good models and there was one that had if you look in that um packet there's one from Boston and they actually had like a flyer that they made I pulled those really quickly just to get an idea from like local places but there's probably more like you might want to pull Salems and see what they're doing oh like this one from ly yeah yeah and that's pretty cool because it like yeah if you still have those sa can you send them so I don't yeah yeah I'll just you want me to give you this copy back yeah I think I Richie's email in there too medications oh yeah that we were going to address but yeah okay um anyway um I hear what you're saying about tackling one problem at a time 41 at a time 41 exactly exactly or it doesn't at a time yeah um but I really but yeah no I agree it's something that we should look at and you know I like Jackie Strate strategy but I wonder if it wouldn't be worthwhile to even bring the students and an in sooner and let them help guide our thinking about it I think a lot of the kids are going to feel like this would be helpful to them if they the next meeting we have when we have a an idea of what we want to piece together kind of put into ours and then they could be part of conversation or could we do and or could we do um a poll and ask students like what they think is appropriate scho retire it would be good policymaking if we had that poll come out before so then when we meet we can review their result just a simp that question that's it yeah what would be in appropriate School attire I think the first question should be are you aware what the dress code policy is in the high school so um is that something your team could draft for us and then we can take a look at the question before it's get out okay okay anything else on this policy no so what I will do is um after the holiday touch face with all of you um on a good time that that we could meet again um or do you want to hold off until we can get this although it's going to be a couple of I think it's going to be more than two meetings yeah I was yeah I think it would be it would be good if we did the whole dress code thing you mean if we could plan to have that done by like um early spring so we can start telling the kids next year when you come back this is what it's going to be right and then we hit the ground running in August instead of trying to implement something halfway through the year and not only next year when you come back but we can also hit the eighth graders right coming in y and then next time we meet I'll have a draft of the profession development Poli so we all talked about I'm almost done with that so that we can review that together as well we don't need another meeting for that okay all right that sounds good is there anything else no business nothing okay second all in favor hi good night everyone thank you we'll see you in 45 minutes for security --------- ##VIDEO ID:2VOwx8N_SrE## good evening this is today's date November 19th uh on the Safety Committee uh for a sort of business pledge to the flag and Pledge Allegiance Pledge aliance to the flag flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all call uh we only have one thing on the agenda hello Mr and that's it we're looking at a district safety audit and probably about probably about a month ago we had a uh security company come in and uh and Rich Luchi here as well as Kelly and we they basically walked through the building and they gave us some ideas and for us to put a RFQ together for a request for a qu quote one of the things was looking at us as a security assessment uh looking at Safety and Security plans as well as our training plans if I can I'll have Diane speak on him more yeah sure so um one of the things that we did and it was great I do have to say that um the folks who came in were from an organization called guidepost and um one of the co-owners is a local revier resident so he was interested in helping us after he saw some of the media about um our issues at the high school ear earlier in the school year um and they were very affable very generous with their time didn't seem to me like they were trying to get anything out of it they may or may not uh bid it but they were able to give us some samples of requests for quotes that quotes that other school districts had used um and I gave those to Matt Cruz um who put together this draft um RFQ that Anthony just shared with all of you um and one of the things that I that that I was suggesting is you know I feel like the revier schools especially under the guidance of Dr guchi has worked very well with the revier police department the rier fire department to build out our existing safety plans and one thing that I think would be beneficial is instead of putting in the quote that we want somebody to create plans for us because somebody might read that and interpret it that we have nothing existing um and instead if we say that we want them to review our existing plans and identify any gaps in them and make suggested improvements then maybe the school committee will get a better like I think of that first scenario somebody might say oh I'm going to tell them I need $40,000 to get a whole plan done whereas if we're saying we have plan we want you to look at them find the gaps and help us close them maybe that's 10 grand so I'd rather put the quote out that way um and have some economy of scale there yeah I think you've got a good idea thank you um yeah and other than so there's a few different areas that would change as a result of that uh the one other thing that I was looking at was they there is a suggestion that there be a team and uh they call it this is in number one on the first page establish multi-disciplinary consisting of school administrators teachers staff clinicians counselors nurses building and grounds manager technology director and any any other appropriate I thought maybe we want to think a little bit more specifically about revier in our context and who we would want to be on that on that group and uh whether we want to have one group to oversee the whole project for the district or do we want to have a building level team at each one of the schools um so I just thought the committee might want to consider that a little bit like they they didn't put here SRO but obviously we would want our SRO to sit on this team for each of the schools that they supervise um yeah I like the idea of having one team and then disseminating that information each school is a little different so maybe I don't know that's a good it's a good thought only because each school's a little different yeah and well one thing I was thinking we could do is have like that Core group that is maybe the sro's and Carl and I don't know if the sub committee wants to be part of it or how you want the school committee involvement to be so they could be the core group and then when you go to each school we include the building principles the head custodian uh the technology person who's in charge of technology in that building and you know what I mean like so there's the there's the core team but then each building has a unique group of people that might attach on to it yeah that sounds good one more thing too is I don't think our school system really ever had a security audit and uh just think it's very important I mean they talked about a lot of things position of cameras trying to evaluate you know threats you know training and so on so they had a lot of nice ideas and I think we could uh really use that and uh like I said I found it very enjoyable and they were very very helpful even the positions of cameras to make you know to maximize you know the range and they can see the entire room they were just you know calling out everything and uh they were impressive but like I said it's something we can go on and then we can put it out for bid yeah and the one other thing I thought maybe we would want to talk about adding um we are going to have safety Consultants from our OPM and those teams on the new high school but I thought we could include that in here to have these Security Professionals be a second pair of eyes on those security plans and tell us if everything looks good or if they already perceive anything missing as a part of as a part of thing absolutely yeah that's that's Forward Thinking very good years ago Dr D and I went to went to middle high school to look at their um school and um what they have which I hope is part of the new high school um they have a process now we we have our setup you have to put your license up to the picture I get all that stuff and that's fine but if you go to Winter Middle High School you're standing outside you go up to a window like almost like a banker Type window bulletproof glass or whatnot you slide your license underneath they prepare um a picture ID for you so you're not in the building yet so if you if you and I don't want to say threat you know no one I don't want to over make it bigger than it is but they've already assessed you and say vetted you before you've gone in the building o is more show your license State your business and they do let you in because that's what they need to do so there's been some process outside but there's still to me that sense of you know you still in the building is designed that way so so when you enter the new high school you'll come in through a set of doors the office is on your right you'll do exactly what John said which is that present your identification your reason for being there and you have no access to the building yet right and like you said that safety blast it's bulletproof all of that is in place um and in some cases the person would come in in other cases they would still have to stay out there there until the person they're meeting with comes and greets them and brings them in but it does have that the new one has that yeah the new school they won't even be able to get into the school they'll have it'll be plexiglass doors that's how win is that's what I that was my question similar to not theast vocational yeah well John going along with it's it's almost an isolation Booth well you just have into the build bulletproof and everything and the door's not the door's not released until but they had the of the individual and everything on the badge the other thing um I've been spending a lot of time in Lyn um it's really scary um they have a a system with your phone where you put your phone in and then they're kind of tracking you like the other day I forgot to sign out on my phone and I literally got a text saying have you left the building um it's been a while so you sign in you put your phone number in there uh it there must be some kind of database because it does ask It'll ask is this John Kingston say and then it spits out a it spits out a temporary ID with your picture on it because you have to you have to take a picture if you stand in front of this thing it literally takes your pictures well that's one of I'm sure this is no no I just want to explain how it work but L has it so you know someone has it close by it takes your you it ask to take a picture so it takes a picture of you a current one so it's not I mean some like my license is probably I don't know I don't know how many years old it is but it's not like great picture so it takes a curent picture of you and then um you get a message on your phone and what the message asks you to do is when you leave the building to go back on your phone it's like an app type of thing it's a text message excuse me and then you Tech you you you clock out but it you know it's recording it's it's you know you're it knows you're in the building because it's well I'm sure all of those options these any companies that I'm for will be my thought was comes up I think it's a good system and I don't know how expensive it is used for it might be something we could use at existing school but there might be something else too out there is what I'm saying professional would probably be aware of all of the you know the range of it's just a good talking about safety in other places also if we could all start wearing our badges um just to be fair to the people that work here I wear it I'll be honest I wear it if I go to a school during the day but I there's no children on the school at this point supposed to be one all the time okay all right Anthony if I may ask the question on you mentioned television monitors and everything else apparently whatever we have currently are up till now has been totally inadequate there were episodes where they they they calleded upon us the episode out in the back couple years ago with the police department so that that's interesting to be able to they're going to look at everything to make sure that we can maximize our Camas well if we need new cameras so that would be part of the audit this is good stuff thank you Anthony so glad you brought this brought this forward this is good stuff can I have a motion to approve this with the adjustments that I suggest I have all the notes favor approve a [Music] recommendation y does this go to your's go to the committee no no he'll put it out between 10 and 100 I'll inform City Hall but I'll get no I was just wonder what the process was that's can have vot on it y yes yes yes approv make motion to Second all in favor