##VIDEO ID:QCyRdK2aJ6A## afterno this is a meeting for the subcommittee of the ways and means on this committee is myself John Kingston as chair Mr Fred seller and mron kaj were members I Believe Miss Aisha is on Zoom correct Aisha can you hear us yes I can thank you the uh flag I pledge Alle to the flag of the United stes of America and to the for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all I can't hear John now we got um okay on the agenda is the carry forward um and discuss that first does anybody need a copy I'll take one I read it I think I'm up on it but you one if I could just to be expedient you mind if I go through the list quickly not at all okay so lincol door loocks I don't think anyone has any questions about that um and if someone does correctly the school Improvement plan I understand the three pars at the um due to you know just not having enough classrooms and bodies and whatnot that's fine um and the nurse is obviously fine the only questions I had was could you explain the operations admin and exactly what their duties are um and and basically what I'm looking for is are they going to be with students not with students is is it a like more of a background or back office type role and that that's that was my question yeah it's kind of a hybrid and I did I not sniz the job description or did I I if you did I didn't see it all apologize for myself but I didn't see it but if you sent it I believe you I put it on the um on the email that had um this list of uh request but mostly what the person would be doing is taking over some of the administrative responsibilities around testing and data um so they would be overseeing all of the um access testing the mcast testing all of those pieces which now are happening between um the math the English the science and the uh access testing for all of the El students it's happening if you add it all together about five months out of 10 of the year and so when the principal is PED away from everything that's happening in the building in order to set up those schedules and identify which kids have different accommodations that they're able to use on the testing and put all that in place and line up the teachers that are going to do the testing and Prov provide coverage for the testing it gives the principles and the assistant principles very limited time to actually be in classrooms working on curriculum making sure there's rigor in the curriculum and working with teachers in PGT time and uh and having that time to be around to do the work of improving instruction and we know that that's one of the main things that we want to solve is making sure that we're focusing more on instruction and what's happening in the classroom and so this position would create the space for principles and assistant principles and this person would be like another assistant principal so the jobs would overlap a little bit so for instance right now the assistant principles deal with any kind of um disciplinary or especially Title 9 hearings and now this person when it's not a testing cycle would take the lead in that work so that the aps could stay focused on the classroom and the day-to-day and what's happening with the instruction but when this person is responsible for a testing cycle if they're in the middle of a you know the eighth grade math test the aps would still do that so their jobs will very much overlap it'll just create more time for the principal and the aps to spend with teachers with students in the classroom that's the idea of it my my issue was this I guess you have to give them I've given this some thought um I've gone back and forth um what's to keep an current assistant principal for applying for this job nothing at all they're welcome to it's an it's an equal pay would in the union well that was my concern because it doesn't seem I would say in the today's climate I don't think I'm talking out of school today's climate being forward- facing with students is is uh challenging and this job seems to be more back office type so for some they may prefer that my concern was if you know people are more maybe people after a little weary of things may want to apply for this and that's fine but what if it's paying the same as the forward- facing job they don't seem Equitable to well there's still going to be forward facing these people still are going to have a case load of teachers that they have to evaluate so they're going to be in the classrooms as well dayto day it's just what the what specific tasks they're focused on and taking the lead on they still going to be less time in front of kids they're going to be sitting more in front of a computer probably yeah probably a little bit more because they're going to be doing the e but even like the scheduling that we are the major scheduling outside of the testing that we're talking about uh happens throughout the spring anyway you know what I mean that's where we want to get the next year schedule set up and that usually takes about three or four months I just didn't know if this should have a different pay scale like less of a less of a assistant princi that was my thought and I'm not saying right it's just something I was thinking about because again it's not as forward facing I mean I think the challenges today is a forward facing job as far as well but the other thing that this person is going to be responsible for is tracking student attendance and communicating with families so it's still very much forward facing there is going to be some more of that kind of paperwork stuff that you're talking about but they're still fully engaged with families with kids in the classroom with teachers doing evaluations um helping families get connected to Services making sure the kids are in school every day working on that chronic absenteeism which is very much engaging with kids and families and the student support teams I mean I I think that's all I have to say I just I just thought I don't know I thought it was some of the special ed compliance pieces for testing I me compliance pieces for testing and Foundations I wasn't trying to suggest that there wasn't enough work to do I that by the stretch I just thought you know um when you compare I don't want to say an easier job I don't know how to say it it's a different type of job and it may suit someone very well but if if someone's still doing more of the assistant principal job and this this to me a lot of it more paperwork oriented I just thought the assistant principal was more on the front lines I don't know how to say I us yeah I didn't see see your hand I just I don't have no worries no worries I so I I think what I'm getting from you John is that uh he you know you're afraid that we're going to lose our assistant principles to these positions and then have you know that difficulty of trying to fill fill those positions is is that a concern is that I don't know if the jobs are equo so you're talking about the pay yeah I to me at least to St maybe maybe I think in my opinion and I'm not educated but just based on you know having a management degree and all that good stuff I just think this is like a it's a bob a teacher obviously but is it the same it's not I mean they may be performing the same dues as an assistant on a occasional basis but they're going to be doing a lot of other stuff that they're not I mean to me they're going to be in front of a computer a lot more than that assistant principle would be the current assistant principle excuse me well the good news is we are Educators no no I'm just the princip not I'm not against the position I'm not I didn't say I hav't said no I didn't voted yet I'm just trying to I just don't know if they to me they're not equal but if that's the will of the fine I just expressing my opinion which that's that's what I made a so if I'm wrong I'm wrong it's fine it's just expressing my opinion Mr s uh Diane um earlier on it was mentioned would they be Union would they be teachers would there be administrators um you're looking at a starting salary of $110,000 yeah this these would be administrators they'd be in the reier administrators Association um all right what's the current makeup of your middle school now for example the she be you have a principle and what else do you have two Assistant principes two assistants so you have three top what about the um wh same thing the Elementary uh yeah whan has the same so the larger elementaries have the same structure a principle with two assistant principles the smaller elementaries namely the PA reier and the beach wch only have one assistant well this is going to be just middle school so this that end right yeah I I think that what what's going on the last couple of weeks I think $400,000 can used elsewh I mean you've got administrative let them administer and I and I'm going to date myself and I was an assistant principal myself a principal for 805 kids so I know things have changed there's more demands there's more um want and everything I I just I think this is a luxury at this point for 4 [Music] 120,000 I mean we're looking for police we're looking for security people we looking for everything under the sun I I I just think at this time this is a luxury I know there's a need of you wouldn't be put it in there but I think that the last two weeks at the kind of open our eyes a little bit more as to what is going on and dealing with specifics to get us back on track because if we continue like this you could see a new high school going down the drain I mean the taxpayers I never received phone calls never but between the newspaper and the media getting handed with this I I know but I do want to point out that what you what was in the newspaper and in the media was a whole lot of lies you you you've contrand it you you Yan's work I'm not criticizing I'm talking the average public that does not get involved yeah the ones who are pay in the free yeah and we're creating free jobs at $110,000 I can I just so I think one of the ways to think about it is that you're taking pieces of each of their jobs that they have to do because they're all the three of them are responsible for the compliance pieces and the testing pieces and the pieces which like John said it seems like it's a in front of a computer thing but you're taking those pieces off of three people and putting the bulk of it on one so that those three people can go be out in the hallways in the classrooms evaluating teachers supporting students meeting not disruptions in the class yeah meeting with families and I think about when I did as a principal I was lucky to have veteran APS but that compliance piece took them back into their offices when I needed them out into the into the hallways and into the classrooms so I think it it another way of looking at it like I I hear what you're saying John but it's taking those pieces and putting it on one person and saying you take this so that we we can go in and you can go in when you're not doing the compliance pieces that we all need to do it's just another way of looking at it the way I would think about using personnel and but when these people were hired this they knew what their job was going to be the current ones sure so now you're having I mean and I don't know what the pay scale is this is up and on to start somebody at 110 because Mr Kingston made reference with a teach with another assistant principle able to apply so if you have a assistant principes High a year ago is that salary 110 already yeah so probably because has a up too hold on couple just just a couple things I want to ask you on the operational am so we're not going to be if we agree on this and the 42,000 goes away correct correct okay that's my suggestion no no I'm just saying that but what I'm asking you is I see exactly what you're saying and it gives help to the assistant principles and so on and we look at it and maybe take a double take on the salary itself well we would have to nego we could we could say that we don't want it to be in Raa position or we could try to negotiate with the Raa that it would be a a different create a new level or so right now the the assistant principles are level two administrators we don't have a level below that um I mean that's something that that we could look at doing I can tell you that typically they think of salary in terms of the number of days that they have to work so going below that would probably mean that they would want to have to work less days and I don't I don't know I don't know how that's just should go ahead um well well Dr MCO actually made a lot of the statements that I was going to make but um Friday you had mentioned the elementary school and so um Dr Kelly when I had heard the numbers there I'm wondering it sounds like we're going to need um you know these these positions in the elementary school as well I can only imagine that if even understanding that they're two different entities that if if the middle school is struggling um if we're just playing a numbers game then I imagine the elementary would too I guess my question is is there I get that there's plenty of work for this position but is there a possibility or any thought into like um having them work in both the elementary and middle schools or is that not possible so one of the one of the difference is is that the testing is so much more intensive at the middle school level than it is at the elementary um because at the middle school they're testing every single grade for mcast um where at the elementary they're only testing grades three four and five so it's it's not the same level of testing there's also not the same level of uh challenges around um Title Nine and issues like that that we see once the kids become adolescents so would every Elementary principal tell you they would love to have this position I guarantee you they would um I don't think it's a priority right now might it be might we go in that direction someday if we have more money if there's something that comes after s SOA and we have more money um I I wouldn't oppose it but I just think that where the real need is right now and where we're struggling to make sure that um we are seeing rigorous instruction in the classroom and that people are able to um be present and teach the kids how to behave and act and what the expectations are is at the middle school and the high school level okay and so this position was already created at the high school thank you all very much for that um the idea is to mimic that at the middle school level and it could be some shifting if we do create these to John's point there could be some shifting I I know like when I think of some of of our administrators some of them are really um data driven and they love diving into data and doing analysis and crunching numbers and looking at spreadsheets if we have an assistant principal who's like that they might want to go for this job and that's okay like our our key thing is to make sure we have the right people in the right seat on the bus okay um and and and we certainly can find other good assistant principles to to to backfill and some of that might even take some time right so before if if one of our cting assistant principles was going to say I want to go for this job we would say okay but first we have to find JW replacement before we're gonna actually move you into that job that that was G to be another question so that was my that was my follow-up question as well we're not going to put a sub in the class right correct yeah that was another concern I had by the time this gets going say eight weeks from now just say youve sat in front of the you know the same teacher for eight weeks now we're pulling that teacher out you're getting a hopefully not a subst and I just worry about we have trouble with hiring teachers now it's already school has already started our priority is absolutely the classroom you know okay if I could just finish finish my um no it's okay no you're the chair this is your subcommittee um you know my I just just want to offer my last thoughts are that I think that there's no doubt that these positions are essential especially um you know this is like a small piece of of the puzzle that we're working at right so we have these high expectations on administrators and those expectations are not going to be reduced in any way and so in order to help them achieve those expectations which you know obviously has a beneficial um you know effect on everyone who falls underneath them um I would I would just for what it's worth I realize this is your subcommittee but I would be in in support of these positions that's it thank you have you work know what the requirements are going to be for the position we did I I'll res sent you all the job I mean is a m a mass Beyond is it in a specific they they need to be uh licensed administrators or licensable by the Department of Education as an administrator which is a standard for all administrative positions let me just see if I can find that email me send it to you all at the beginning that money better be spent last meeting we had there was a discussion on keeping nurses and I guess ranges from 150 a day to 500 a day um I correct me if I'm wrong I think that if someone can get $500 in Boston they're not going to come to r or if they're in Ral they're looking for the $0000 one so I I just made reference that I just at this point 400,000 be you know take a back to the draw board and cut the pie a little bit differently all right thank you on the same same topic the operation ad uh Does it include all middle schools or just all three middle schools that's why it's three positions and if like I said answer my question thank you okay um if it's our with the community I'd like to take a vote on the carry forward as is um uh Dr Kelly at least for me you've convinced me that um I like the idea um that someone that a current position could move over to that um because I agree with you if someone did want to if someone was if that was they were you know strong in um I think that would be great um um yeah so uh I'd like to take a vote on carry forward and next so um Z motion a motion to I apologize I make a motion to motion to to accept Dr Kelly's carry forward um list as as um outline and that includes dropping the three campus supervisor Middle School positions which I was saying I was suggesting if you did the administrative position then we wouldn't need the campus to your position I did have if I could I'm sorry I shouldn't have said yeah I forgot about that I apologize if I get back up I'm going to withdraw the I understand it was an increase so someone that what someone that St in translated SL security would get a bump yeah that was the idea of that and they and their work would include doing more work with families and students around the attendance piece only but the idea with the um operations administrator is that they would do that work in addition to the testing the idea was if we didn't do the administrative position we could at least have that to do the work on the chronic absenteeism so with those people still be doing security work I just have added Duty so a whole different job if we created these other three campus supervisor positions they would it would still be a security translator with more responsibility that included connecting with families but if we have the administrative position we don't really need that okay all right so again I'll make the motion I guess I apologize my fault um so uh the motion is to um to adopt or agree to accept the superintendent um wish list as we've called it except for the three campus supervisors at middle school because we're providing them with the full-time person the other thing I'd really like to so um second second a substitute motion please a motion made to accept the superintendent's recommendation with the um operations Administration Middle School deleted I yes so the original call orig yes yes um but I do want to stress that I hope I hope that if one of their assistant principles and I don't know anyone it's not my point I hope that if one of them wants this I hope they get it I think that you know because I think it will play to their strengths um potentially so I think that's I you made a great Point Dr Kelly you convince me because I wasn't Bing but I understand what you're saying um and it's I know it's probably not something we should discuss but I'd like to if if this position had to be eliminated going forward just human four or five years we don't have the money how does and I don't I don't have the I I did the Raa contract it's not in front of me how does that work it's very similar to the RTA there's a seniority Clause um so the these folks whether they're um the new what are we calling them operations administrators or an assistant principal they're equal in seniority so whoever had the most number of years in the district would that was my concern you've been assistant principal say 20 years I don't know anybody strong numbers assistant principal 20 years take this job but now you're first on the firing line because the job get cut and I'm not saying it's going to be it was just something I was thinking about because I don't want to see somebody get hurt right you know oh we ear in a new classification sorry guy sorry okay all right thank you okay the next item um the Lincoln Early Childhood playground um the Lincoln School I was going to ask you when I didn't get a chance um the Lincoln School is one of our oldest schools that that's a fact I'm I I'll be honest with you I don't know I know the Lincoln and the beach are the oldest I I know which is which to be honest with you but um The Early Childhood lot I've been by there a number of times um you invited us to the first week of school to go visit the schools and I went back there and looked at it um having spoke to a few parents that reached out to me about it as well um it needs some work so um I did a little investigating um El bake is kind of the playground Guru for reia so she gave me some cost estimates so it and this is rough so I'm just trying of allocate some money towards that it would probably be about 55 between 55 and $65,000 in order to um what that would give us is a different surface currently there's um wood chips there um and also a lot of stones so kids when a kid falls on the stones uh kid falls on the wood chips they're supposed to kind of break the fall there's rocks on the be um and um possibly another piece of playground equipment there and also the gates that um close uh at the best and I was we were at Mr kaj at to school this morning and um the gate mechanism itself isn't the best at all I had trouble opening it and one of the kids I guess you know got a little Nick from the way just the way the apparatus works so she estimated um between 55 and 65,000 and that would include a consy so I would like to put that money in the budget um and let the powers to be do what they have to do um to make that happen hopefully that that preliminary work that paperwork could be done over the winter and possibly early spring that could be um turned around I just think um it's important for the kids um they need to space um and it it definitely needs some work I me just by going looking at it you can see it so I'd like to uh allocate that amount I would say 65,000 the maximum amount of money to um work on the um Lincoln Early Childhood playr um did she say anything John about if there might be another round of uh Kaboom grants that we could apply for she said she was very clear about that because we don't open that laot up to the public we couldn't do that and I really don't want to open it to the public I I don't see it I see it I don't want to be I I would I want to keep the Integrity of the play I did ask for that question yeah I did SM thing she said she didn't even let me ask it she said you know you're not going to get anything for this because it's you know you guys close it off and I don't I don't want to open it if someone I'm totally against that so um and one of our challenges with the playground at the Lincoln is that it's so isolated off the street like if you look at the playground at the uh Wayland school for example we can see exactly what's going on and so it's easy to have that open to the public the linkoln is a little bit unique in the way that footprint is and just to add the Lincoln does have a public playground update and it's very nice I looked at that as well Kaboom did that one right yeah yeah no they I did the years ago I did the project at the part beer I went to the par school when I was a kid I was there from 7: a.m. to 7:00 p.m. that day working um I was talking to about that today Baker so I I just want to thank El Baker for taking the time to talk to me and getting back to me very quickly um she was out a couple days this week and I really connected with this morning because that was her availability she got me this before the meeting and El has been tremendous to the school department with all the playground so we definitely overos no I'm saying publicly I told that so I'd like to allocate $65,000 to be used towards that playground um you know you folks can work out the details but uh what what else said that would kind of get me at this point is a uh rubber surface and then um possibly one or two pieces of um additional playground equipment she had put in she' also put in her her original projection was like 85,000 but she was buying another huge piece of equipment that was about 23,000 I don't really I I don't you know she it will fit and they can make it work but I I I wouldn't mind taking that out one or two smaller pieces plus the rubber would be fine for this the problem is and she made this very clear you could say okay we'll do the rubber now we'll add the pieces later it doesn't work that way they B the Rubber and the pieces have to be in place so you don't want them add something later one of the things want to get to is is the gate yes that's part of part of that Pro and the uh the rub around that metal was exposed yeah I talked to Al about that she said that there's a it was concerning to me there's a there's a metal pole that houses assign like you know basically talking about the park I talked to Hell about that she said we put those up all the time we' know had a problem I was just worried about a kid running into a metal pole in the middle of the playground there is a there's a there's a bench that kid Su set at right there um kind of blocking it so the kid doesn't run into it full course but but she said joh we never wrap those in anything you know not to be a concern so I'll take her no I I felt the same as you but anyway would include the gate um the only thing I would request I know this is going to take some time but maybe the gate could be done um forth with because they I mean they using the playground pu for another I would think another month I the gates are mess yeah they'll go out all winter as long as the weather is do yeah yeah and I don't expect this to be done in winter it's obviously G to be a springish project um the other thing just and it's not on the agenda but because we're at the Lincoln so I'm going to use the Lincoln word in the agenda um the principal spoke to Mr cajano and I and I know I've spoke to the principal at the beachon in the past as well about the court DS that they have at Lincoln I've been up to the court yard Lincoln a thousand times we talked about it a thousand times they Lincoln before the windows opened out so you really would want kids out there because the kid could literally run into a window yeah that was the thought at the time with the new windows which look F which phenomenal great they they look awesome um they open in this way so it wouldn't affect a kid my thought is to to Really and I told the principal and I talk B in the past not recently I think something if they get us through before the next budget cycle maybe something we could approve and maybe do over the summer yeah we can even work with PA now we have um Mike parent who is retired but we bring him in to do all of our tree stuff um I'm sure we could hire him to come in into some stuff and the other thing we can do is talk to JROTC and the high school guidance counselors about doing a service learning project um cleaning up and well it's it's I haven't looked at the one part I to the beach on to look at this this year but we're no we're at the Lincoln State it's neat and clean it's not a question of oh my God this is overgrown it's just they want to try to use the space and my thought is we all agree the schools are overcrowded and if we could create some kind of space out there for people to go in better weather you know that would help yeah so it's expensive I think if you don't sorry so I said to them look get get back to us in January February what you thoughts out we'll try to put some numbers together maybe try to incorporate into next year's budget it's not for today okay and they understood that at least the principal the thinking but I want to do the child one the the problem with the court D when it was open was beautiful and then it fell in disrepair Rocky try to keep it up Frank L it really was well you got classrooms on both sides of it so you got to be careful during the day the distractions and everything else perfect after school or something uh definitely underutilized and what helps with it that now Freddy is that they the building's air conditioned so they can shut the windows the old windows we have put a bookcase because Temple when the kids walk by open just like that Temple thing how many years we but anyway it's that's for future thought going back to the gate you have we the school department tra people the city has other works yeah in the inum see if they could you know we also have a an ongoing contract with kie fence for if there are any issues with fening in the district think that's something should be done yeah only because I mean the other stuff the other stuff can't be done right now by the time you get out goes out to bid and all that process I we all know how that works and the only the only other thing I want to mention this is okay because we've met our our regular budget meets our demand for nextal spending but anything that we're talking about right now with a playground or fence or whatever is not next school eligible right m yeah I mean we can slot that $65,000 we'd be putting it in a capital in okay so then one more for that miss is you still there I'm here you would talk do you want me to discuss um um I'll mention it okay I'll I so I I had I had requested that some monies be put aside um I gave an amount of 30,000 and you guys can tell me if that's crazy or if there's more that's needed but the thought was to have um money set aside so um you know I we we were talk I was talking to officer singer um briefly about you know brainstorming some types of things that we could do with respect to when we're um re when the kids are coming back to school these kids that are getting into trouble and um you know how we can reach them and one of the things that we came up with and it has not been flushed out or thought out it's an idea but I just want to make sure we have money for it is the idea to have this kind of real talk like get them in the room have some speakers come in speakers that were headed down that same path at that age um and maybe hopefully they can connect with them and um and maybe make it if it works and it's successful and we feel like this is good maybe it's something that we can make as part of the re-entry process you know as like something that they have to do to the even you know it's kind of like taking your medicine kind of thing but then you're happy you took it because you know maybe it's a life-changing thing I mean um and then the other part of it was you know if the school committee wants to have open forums where you know where parents can come and meet meet the school committee or students want to come directly and just meet the school committee I just know that those types of events that that there's charges that go along with that for like janitors and other things I don't know what that runs but I guess my my qu my request was just to have some money aside that so that if we came up with a great idea and we could put it into fruition the funds would be there for us to move on it perfect we can uh we can make that happen and we can just give it more of a um broad generic title that would cover all of those things I you just said so yes however we decide to use it so um it'll be covered motion to expense 30 thou motion to place aside $330,000 for uh community events to John before you before you make that motion can somebody speak to whether that amount would be would be sufficient to have a series of um sort of community events it sounds sufficient to me but I could also host on Spaghetti so yeah because I'm thinking that um usually when we have speakers come in it's like a a two to$ three thousand okay to do like a one hour or an hour and a half whatever we want to do um so we could even have a series of them that wouldn't Encompass the whole 30,000 and then if we got tight on money we do budget every year some overtime for custodians so we and you know because we can't predict exactly what the year is going to bring but so we have some money there if we needed it to pay for the custodians to um keep the building open for those events um so I think 30,000 is is a good number okay thank you thank you thank you John if you could put that forward that'd be wonderful so motion is to put $30,000 aside for Community uh forums community events to help reach out to parents to provide for speakers possibly food and and custodial expenses uh second the motion to not to exceed $30,000 you can't just keep making motions to spend money without a cap on it 30,000 should back okay withw um you need to get a second nice country second how's that motion the no why wait why why why are we capping we're talking about these issues that are plaguing the schools and that are plaguing our community and there's obviously work that needs to be done in order to reach these kids kids and the parents and to put our it's going to cost money to put um these things into into action like if it's $35,000 I don't want to be in prohibited from being able to do good work because because um we don't want to spend more than $30,000 that's crazy this is a Time for Action yeah let me give a a little update on where we are so when we eliminate the three campus supervisor that's the 42,000 that leaves our carrying forward number at 173 and then John what was the number that you gave for the plround uh 65 65 okay so that still leaves us so if we take that 65 off and the the let's call it 30 right now that Aisha is talking about um we still have 78,000 and carry forward that the committee could decide in November that they want to spend on you know five ,000 more on the community events or um or the whole 70,000 on some other thing that might come up between now and then agreed so there'll still be that pocket of money sitting there um if it's needed so okay motion substitute withraw um roll call on motion to put 30 $30,000 aside for our community forums um to pay for custodial overtime possibly speakers or whatever was needed to engage the community on of events going on in the city during the next year second second yes you have something else I have thank you did you guys vote the Lincoln play I don't think you actually we don't do that um motion to motion to um set aside $65,000 up to $65,000 to make um say repairs to improve the linoln Early Childhood playground um basically including a a new rubber flooring I don't know flooring is the right word but a new rubber surface and possibly another piece of playground equipment and and to forth with replace replace I would say replace I don't think they're repairable but I'm not a fit person uh replace the gates at the playground sooner sooner the rest of the project can be wait till the spring in my humble opinion so the motion is to come with the 65,000 to uh improve the Lincoln Early Childhood PR yes yes yes sorry got carried away okay you oh yeah I don't want uh I've been going through my notes and on everything and I noticed this contract year being involved in negotiations it's been uh we've been very generous and uh one thing bring good you on to a school committees I get to come he BS and you know down with that see in the next three four years we're going to have some problems you know about everything but one thing we lift out is is and I think it touch it briefly before about it uh some of the people that I on the negotiated te you know it's a good one and I made class comparisons to what we cap of you know and uh I sry I saw Matt I don't think he's C you mean nonunion employees right employees and you know we've done a lot for the union employees but we haven't really done a little bit better for the non and what I'm looking for is about for those those positions and when I look at I compared dou uh Goodwin's uh salary to what we have we have two people may less money with doing not even and uh Matt my experience with Matt I mean we were there for the uh that time with the book club and we you know was the is oh yeah oh the security person the security right I mean the guy never left his PO challenges everybody and we have people up at the boat that does the same thing when they come in and uh they may I'm not going to go into how much they may make and what I'm looking for is like some sort of bum I'm not sure how many of those people we not we have a lot and what typically this school committee does is after they vote to approve ask me raises they then take a vote to extend those raises to all non-union employees that's how we right but a lot of some of those contracts have Perks perks and these people don't really get any and if we have to compare What doug mix you know I don't think it's appropriate has to be talking about individual people okay I follow that the non union people I think they with me about but I don't know what all the know people all of our security people all of our technology people all of our um student support Specialists all of our parent leasons there are about I'd say 150 would you say would you guess yes and other missous positions fall under non it's probably comp probably I'll sit down with you as far as we can go over position IW come back thank you I do have a question thanks everybody