##VIDEO ID:RjzRhbhJe40## e e e [Music] yes I'm calling for order the regular meeting for school committee on October 15 it is 602 all who are able flag the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible andice for all can we please have a roll call Mr Stacy Bron Rizo present Mr Anthony cajano present Mr John Kingston here M Aisha Milbury Ellis present Miss Jaclyn monteroso Pres pres Mr Frederick sella present mayor Patrick keff the mayor will be absent tonight so we will go ahead with uh any recognitions M chair person and I'd like to um bring to the attention of the committee and the viewing audience of the passing of a longtime rever educator Stephen McDonald um Stephen taught special needs I guess at that time at the High school for many many years uh coached I believe soccer and the type of an educator that everyone has to be familiar with in their lifetime leaving an impression um Stephen had exhibited the I guess the intent of a of an educator is all-encompassing learning nurturing allaround good guy will be solely missed uh if we may have a moment of silence Madam Cher lady yes thank you any other recognitions being none we move on to the consent calendar can we have a motion motion to accept the consent calendar second roll call Mr Stacy Bron Rizo yes Mr Anthony cajano yes Mr John Kingston yes Mr Aisha Milbury Ellis yes Miss Jacqueline monteroso yes Mr fral yes motion passes moving on do we have a report from our student Representatives currently no uh okay thank you it's great to have you back up here and then uh any public comment signups no okay moving on to the superintendence report we'll kick it off to you Dr makoba thank you very much um first we have our uh Mass Association of school superintendents Awards um these Awards have been designed for academic Excellence they are given to high school students who have distinguished themselves in the pursuit of Excellence throughout their High School career um the criteria include their rank in class personal selection by the superintendent um and recommendations of the uh high school and City lab staff this year we have three um Award winners the first is era ISM era is currently the valedictorian of River High School her High School class of 2025 academically era is enrolled in 10 AP classes in dual enrollment courses she has expanded her academic rigor by being a student researcher and election analysis from Oberlin College as well she has completed a junior internship at the University of Southern California her activities show how she cares tremendously about the riv community they include but not limited to speech and debate Captain model un president girls tennis feminist empowerment movement student Senate chair and RPS Equity Advisory Board era has gained employment experience in the rier election department and MGH rever cares in addition era has earned several speech and debate Awards Harvard model Congress best delegate rhs poet laurate and AP scholar with distinction after rhs air to hopes to continue her education at a competitive 4-year [Applause] University we want to do one yes please our next um recognition goes to Dana fan Dana is currently the salutatorian of the riv High School class of 2025 she has enrolled in nine AP and dual enrollment courses throughout High School in addition she is currently enrolled in an organic chemistry independent study and a Writing Center Fellowship Dana's extracurricular activities include math team president feminist empowerment movement leader research assistant at nor Easterns learning in the brain lab she is also the co- captain of the tennis team and participates in the prism science club her community service experience includes 150 hours of volunteering at tough's Medical Center Dana has earned a national Spanish exam bronze medal and the president's volunteer bronze service medal after rhs Dana hopes to continue her education at a competitive fore University congratulations [Applause] she our final award recipient is Emily caneles Cruz it is with this um this write up is from Dr Mulligan it is with great pleasure that I nominate Emily caneles Cruz for this year's superintendent award we be when we began our journey as an innovation School 3 years ago Emily chose to transfer from Rivier High School to City lab she expressed the interest of doing High School differently as she begins her senior year she has accomplished so much she is ranked number two in her class taken and completed eight Early College courses and is currently participating in a biotech work experience at Biogen Community lab as to date Emily has surpassed her community service requirement and completed 60 hours working with the Beachmont Elementary School and its students Emily is always willing to lend a helping hand and advocate for herself and her classmates she is always willing to do her best and be her best Emily's post-secondary plans are to continue her College journey by attending a four-year college and eventually begin her career in nursing [Applause] everyone yes can we have all the award winners oh good no she will [Applause] great job for the parents okay next we have the curriculum um update from Garfield Middle School well as uh while Dr makoba pulls it up we'll give folks a minute if they if anyone's leaving and then whenever you're ready we can start if any of you going out to eat with been happy to come with you [Music] okay for good okay great first thank you for having me tonight uh my name is Thad King I'm the principal of the Garfield Middle School and I'd just like to take a few minutes to talk a little bit about our Core Curriculum and academic outcomes and trying to bring those two things together here over a few slides tonight and end with questions if you have any so so I just wanted to sort of you can hit next slide if you'd like uh a few on the agenda just some academic outcomes that we've already seen this year specifically mcast and I see on your agenda later tonight you're going to be discussing mcast so I won't belabor the point uh some GMS initiatives that tie to sort of our Core Curriculum and then just a very quick uh slide as well about some of the work we're beginning um around curriculum alignment at the Garfield so you know as it is overall academic outcomes typically the the overall gauge for you know sort of academic success typically by the state is our mcast scores and I should have added access scores as well but um we break that down into both proficiency and growth and I would say that overall I'm pretty pleased with our mcast scores and as I said I won't belabor those but um I think that in in terms of a focus area we have more work to do in ela than we have to do in math which is a little bit unique for me in a middle school where typically we see Ela scores are higher than math scores um but we have some work to do in ela um um are in both proficiency and growth um so we'll be putting forth a lot of effort to as you'll see in a couple of slides later what we're going to be doing to work towards that but I I focus in a school that we're in um you know we're not necessarily a school that has uh proficient levels across the board so I really take a look at growth scores and we really need to move those growth scores up in order to make um make progress relative to proficiency so Ela is the place that we'll really focus over the course of this year our SGP and math was really overall around almost an a 60 SGP which is a pretty good SGP um whereas uh for ELA we really we span almost 20 points across the grade level so we really need to tighten that up and we'll talk a little bit about how we're going to do that I should have mentioned access as well 37% of our students in Access our elll students um met their targets on the elll that's two years in a row so they didn't really move the numbers overall but there's consistency in that 37% of our students uh about 150 students I think that qualify um but I think the good news there was as well I think this is one of the first years that we've had a student growth percentile in Access and our average for those students who qualified to have a growth percentile the average growth percentile on access was over 60th percentile so it's a pretty good number um that I'm pretty pleased with so just kind of wanted to throw that in the new piece that we have that we can sort of ongoing progress monitoring this year I'm very happy that we've picked up Renaissance as a district it's a really good progress moding tool has a lot of functionality we've already taken Renaissance if you will it's a um an Adaptive test that we can take in both Ela math and other subjects to just kind of find out where students are in the year and progress monitor so we can sort of gauge what we need to do to continue improving next slide please so a couple of initiatives um that we have and so the big Focus for me is really about capturing time on learning in the classroom and so one of the ways that we're going to look at that this year is um relative to PBIS so that's a positive behavior and incentive supports that I know a lot of folks have across the district it really felt like sort of probably and I wasn't here you know coming out of Co but it's not something that really really reestablished coming out of Co and so this is a year where we're really sort of trying to plan our routs around like let's get back to normal and so one of those pieces was PBIS and something that I noticed over the past year last year where I was new to the school is that um when the bells ring in the Garfield we still see a lot of students in the hallway uh Mr Kingston can probably attest to that being in the building quite a bit um and for me what that means is if you think about it in these terms a class is approximately 50 to 55 minutes if you lose 5 minutes of instructional time a day just based on transitions based on kids sort of just wanding into your class like over the course of the year that's 18 school days right that's 10% of a class that equals 18 school days so the approach here was to use PBIS to incentivize getting to class on time which we are seeing um some positive um progress on that and what that really is doing for me is getting back to that time on learning so that we can put students in front of teachers and then we can focus on the curriculum so we've had one incentive event at the beginning of the year just to sort of so St show students what they're going to get if they get to class on time and we'll be doing another event here our fall festival coming up I think November 1st again they'll earn their way in through getting to class on time so just sort of incentivizing that type of behavior um over the course of the school day and we're already seeing results I think um in the Halls on a daily basis uh I brought restorative justice here last year but just a quick reminder we brought that in last year and what you heard from the students when we came in last year was that students really felt like not only is that a social emotional peace and there's a restorative peace but I think that what you heard last year as well was that from that perspective that there's empathy among the students and so that they understand one another a little better in the classrooms and so on which really creates in my mind a safer emotional environment where students can take academic risks and you see that in classes like Ela where we still really have productive conversations in the classroom students are willing even at the eth grade level where you know a lot of times in 8th grade uh it can be a very silent room nobody volunteers and instead we have a lot of really productive conversation um across so I think that's a still positive piece and it really provides student voice um across the board uh and then lastly something that we'll begin working on as a building because we do need to have uh Buy in by the staff is we really need to take a look at our schedule um over the course this next year and I don't it's we need a more robust schedule that that allows us a more robust approach to intervention and mtss programming um and it's really no one's fault the schedule that we have but it's sort of the schedule that we have doesn't really allow for that type of flexibility and it's really coming from the place where I think at some point the Garfield was an Extended Learning school and so we had certain things in place there we come out of Co we had certain things there and so really it's a lot of little pieces that got left behind that gives us the schedule we have today and I'm not really sure that it f focuses on the student needs so we'll be creating a committee within the school to talk about what kind of schedule we would like and what the student needs are to actually drive our schedule um so we'll have a focus on interventions and those types of things next slide please and so then lastly really how are we going to how are we starting some of this work this year so um from my perspective and I've had good success in the past is um we really need to think about it's time to increase that classroom rigor again coming back to that Co this is the to sort of really plant our flag if you will um and get back to the basics and so if you think about our buildings across the district uh inclusive of the Garfield there's been so much turnover in terms of Faculty I think you know 50% of our building is in three years or fewer in our building so um if you think about that many of them are young faculty many of them are career Changers we need to come back and sort of I the word is is sort of not one that teachers love but sort of unpack the standards again so when I think about aligning our curriculum and think about our classroom rigger the very first thing we need to do is think about what is the intended curriculum and so I think of that as our standards and so taking those Desi standards and working with those during our pgts um and we need to make sure that those are aligned with the taught curriculum so meaning when we go in and observe our faculty are they teaching what those standards are and then lastly do the outcomes meet that so did the is the Learned curriculum tied all the way back to the intended curriculum so that comes back to that Renaissance and progress monitoring so if we can tighten all those things up by starting with the intended Curriculum by sort of unpacking standards making sure that the teachers know what the standards are inside and out that they can plan lessons and units in a better fashion then we should get to the point where we have you know a better learned curriculum and letter better outcomes on mcast is really is really the approach um so we'll be doing that we're starting this we're starting with Ela but at the end of the day you know all of our classes are about teaching literacy so there'll be a focus on literacy across the building not just Ela but as I opened with our mcast scores in Ela are a little bit suppressed over um math so we'll be focusing on taking those standards apart um focusing on those on those that have the lower scores um in an effort to see better outcomes in our classrooms so that's the type of work that we're doing at the Garfield as it stands today I should mention the other pieces there too math has the new curriculum this year a lerate of mathematics um which will help of course align as well um science has open sad which is a very big Endeavor that we're doing in all of our classrooms a lot of professional development around that social studies has all the new Civics we had the new mcast last year as well um and so then that kind of leaves Ela as an area to focus on um as we go forward that's all I have I'm happy to ask questions or comments Miss mber Alis thank you um Mr King you had mentioned the issue of tardiness um in the ha with the with the students getting to class on time I'm curious as to um how the expectations of the students is transmitted to them that's a great question so we have an advisory every morning um so it's a relatively planned advisory so we send out slides we have an advisory committee that creates slides and sort of things to discuss on a weekly basis so there's there's a piece in there that talks about the incentive plan in order you know to get students to class on time so it's reinforced weekly if not more um you'll also see uh Administration and teachers in the hallways reminding students to get on class in time Don't Be Tardy those types of things um at the open of the year we of course do student assemblies and and presented this at student assemblies at the beginning of the year okay thank you you're welcome Mr King then Mr King what what is the schedu like if you could what's your ideal schedule like what would you like to see it be I can't predict I can't predict what the committe is going to say okay I would love to see I'd love to see a stronger focus on sort of the literacy meaning Ela and and math you know sort of literacy and computation um you know I have experience in the past where we could have blocks where we have Ela Andor math that that integrates your intervention time and when I speak of intervention I'm not talking about students who need to be raised up I'm also talking of students that are above so thinking about how we can address that in a in a um Progressive Way within our classroom you know with what the construct of the day and of course with the buyin of the teachers do you think the rotating schedule causes a little confusion for the kids sometimes especially the sixth graders does for me um does for me too that's why I brought it up yeah I think those are the types of things we want to put on the table there's a lot of conversation about how that works what that looks like there's a lot of moving Parts I sort of feel like you know what's happened over time is that we have U something I was a former High School principal as well so we have something that's akin to a high school schedule with the numbers of electives and those types of things that we have in the rotations it's a really tough transition as you mentioned for sixth grade coming out of a very prescribed sort of scheduling so I think that we need to do a much better job in terms of helping students understand what middle school is and preparing them as they move through six seven and 8 to get to that high school schedule thank you very much you're welcome Mr kajan one question I wanted to ask on the mcast seeing the growth what are we doing as far as that goes to lift our SC yeah so that's a great question and so that's where I'm not a big believer in pushing mcast mcast mcast I believe in pushing standard standard standards and if we do the best job we can do every single day in teaching what is expected to be taught then m should take care of itself so that's the work that we'll be doing to address that growth um over the course of the Year thank you you're welcome anyone else I have a few questions myself Mr King so did this new PBIS system for the charness start this school year correct could you come back maybe in January or when you think it's a good midpoint to kind of compare to like the spring semester and see how it's helped change sure I'd be happy to cuz we are tracking in power school so and you know we'll also know from how many students earn their way into the incentive events as well so I'd be happy to come back great and then just more it might be too broad but can you talk a little bit about how your team ensures that teachers are holding high expectations for students academically and behaviorally in your specific building how we're holding teachers accountable for that yes I I think it's really from you know the presence from Administration in the classrooms I think we also use our pgts to talk about what those high expectations are um as well and just really for me it's about conversations with the adults and among the adults about what those high expectations are and what sort of defining what that looks like right so I think that we're in that spot where coming out of Co again and I hate to I hate to keep talking about Co I want it to end forever but you know we sort of had that time period where we needed everybody to feel good about themselves and one another and so we're kind of coming back to and saying let's remember what that work looked like beforehand those are the expectations we need to get back to as a start it doesn't mean it's an end point for me but it's a starting point to get back to where we were and my last question I think this is more for all our middle schools but for you to speak about your building specifically can you talk a little bit about how your staff is preparing students for high school just coming out of reviewing mcast for all of our middle schools I really want to see how do you feel students in your building are prepared to come and join one of our two high schools I I think the message for students often times is is really about the seriousness of mcass meaning I think often times students think about mcast and access if you will is it's for the adults and not for them and they don't understand and I I'll extend that to my own CH my personal children you know we had to have that conversation in my house um where it's really to help the students understand what that means for them um so those are the types of conversations that we're trying to have across the board that that would be more in our advisories and those types of classes to reinforce what that means and what that can do for them whether that's Abigail Adams scholarships you know those types of things what that means for college graduation what that means for high uh High School graduation College acceptance and so on so really trying to instill into them the seriousness of these things it's really not for us it's actually for them thank you so much you're welcome thank you so much for coming thank you for having me thank you so next up on the superintendent report is the our uh mcast presentation um and I will be talking a little bit about uh mcast and our accountability data so just to describe how schools districts and individual schools are rated there is an overall classification for the district and then each individual school is class classified um based on progress so this year uh Riv Public Schools was not was not requiring Assistance or intervention um as a district and the reason for that is that we demonstrated that we made moderate progress towards our targets um and those that is measured based on a crit cumulative Criterion reference Target which was 40% um two of our schools for the first time in a very long time were ident to identified to be requiring Assistance or intervention so the first rney Marsh Academy um was among the lowest 10 performing schools so of the 10 performing 10% performing middle schools across the state um and they also had two low student group performance um the white group and students with disabilities were under uh I believe they were at 5% City lab um was identified to be requiring a Assistance or intervention because of their test participation rate um and just to give you a little bit of uh the challenge for City lab is that they have a very small student population taking the test so one or two students over the course of two years um put them in it was 94% participation rate um in the math test and what they needed was a 95% participation rate so fixing their um identification is uh a an easy fix um and Dr Mulligan and uh Miss leod are on top of that already um just to also give you moderate progress um towards targets you had to have a Criterion reference percentage between 25 and 49% so we were well within the range U demonstrating that we're making moderate progress as a district Dr MOBA would you mind um just explaining the like the 40% what you mean by like the percentages sure so what they do is they take two years worth of data um so in 2023 our uh Target percentage uh we were at 31% and that's weighted 40% of the total um number that you get the 40% this year we were uh at 46% um and that is worth 60% of the total cumulative Criterion um Target percentage so overall it's 2023 so 31% time 40 46 % time 60 and you get that 40% um Criterion referenced rating and I can tell you I'm going to talk about in the next slide what that actually measures okay so the measures that are included in determining our progress towards Improvement targets are things like achievement growth so SGP you heard um Mr King mention that progress towards attaining language proficiency chronic absenteeism High School complete comption for secondary high schools and advanced coursework for the high schools and I did make a note that these indicators are calculated for two groups the first is the all students group and then a cohort identified as our lowest performing students and those students are identified by um the department of Elementary and secondary education uh based on a couple of factors and they are provided to us and they use the mcast scores um that particular subgroup and they uh that's also included in our performance and one thing to note so you will see City lab does not have uh this type of data because they are so small and you will notice that um Beachmont did not have a lowest performing student group this year their number tipped to 19 and you needed 20 students to have that um lowest performing subgroup when we look at individual schools accountability ratings um each uh School uh has a overwhelming uh number of uh data points to look through but they are all given a a percentile this number is an indication of the school's overall performance relative to other schools that serve similar grades and is calculated as I just said using multiple years of data for all accountability indicators so you can see here some of our highlights um Beachmont was identified at 53% uh Paul Rivier 37% Garfield 35% Hill 31% and the whan at 29% um areas for growth so the Susan B our three middle schools the Susan B Anthony was at 133% GMS 18% and Romney Marsh Academy was at 7% uh the high school improved to 20% and the Lincoln um dropped down from 22% to 19% this year so if I was going to state that in uh Beachmont for example performed better than 53% of the elementary schools yeah the next chart um was created with the help of uh our curriculum team and what they did was take uh the districts that are typically compared to us um based on a number of uh demographic uh indicators um and we did add uh Fall River and peid just for reference so if you're going to take a look at these These are districts that are typically found in our Dart comparison um so to sort of frame how to look at uh this chart um the districts are listed on the left their enrollment um and then then the three percentages The Columns are low Inc percentage of lwi income students students with disabilities and percentage of El's so just to highlight where we are at where the row in Blue uh 65% of our students are identified as lowincome 17.9% are identified as students with disabilities and 34% of our students are L's and then if you look at the colored column uh we have two groups so the aggregate data for grades 3 through 8 and then the 10th grade scores so the first chunk um we also have the grades five and eight science scores and the high school science scores that grouping is the percentage of students meeting or exceeding the expectations on the mcast uh so there are four uh ratings you can be exceeding expectations meeting expectations partially meeting expectations and not meeting expectations um and for the purposes of this chart green um boxes are those that we we did better than so um our R uh achievement a percentage of meeting and exceeding expectations um was higher than the district if the box is uh red they did better than us um if the box is Orange um they were better than us by 1% uh one percentage point and then if they are yellow they were the same as us so just to orient you to grades 3 through 8 meeting our exceeding expectations you'll notice that we outperformed districts surrounding us like Chelsea and Everett Brockton um fall River Lynn uh and then you'll notice some of our other uh neighboring districts like Malden p and walam did a little bit better than us in grades 3 through eight for their percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations in both Ela and math grade 10 you'll notice there's a lot of green in the ELA column it's something that uh later on I'm going to identify as one of our highlights we outperformed with a percentage of students meeting or exceeding uh expectations all but Malden Malden um performed similarly to us and in math you can see that whole top half um we outperformed Chelsea Everett fall Rivier Brockton Barnstable um and other like districts we still have work to do but just to give give you sort of a reference point for uh the percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations you can see Fifth and eighth grade science um similar those group cities and towns on the top um we outperformed them um you'll notice we did a little bit better than Barnstable in science um another area to highlight High School science um the column is mostly green um we outperformed uh most districts except for our neighbor Malden and then relative to average growth so the student growth percentage is something that is uh rated over the course of several years so each student is you'll see um if they have been uh fourth grade is the earliest that you can see as uh grow student growth percentage um and just for reference typical growth is in the 40s um and typical high typical growth is in the 50s so we want to see um I would say we want to see the ' 50s 40s is good um and if you look at our growth um one of the highlights again our students in grade 10 in ela and math um and then you can see grades 3 through 8 um similar results uh we outperformed uh Chelsea similar to Everett um B River and other districts were similar on in those categories and overall what we find is this is a nice comparison to show sort of how we're doing compared to our Urban um similar Urban districts so on the next slide I'm going to talk about some of the positives that we gleaned from our overall performance um as I had mentioned grade 10 Ela and math uh there was a significant increase to uh in the percentage of students meeting an exceeding expectations in ela 10 um that percentage went from 41 to 48% so that was a nice uh jump for us um we were at 40% for meeting an exceeding expectations in grade 10 science grades four uh math was a highlight and grade five science we saw an increase in the percentage of students meeting an exceeding expectations um that was a 4% increase in math and a 6% increase in fifth grade science um several schools saw a reduction in chronic absenteeism and I it just to hearken back to some of our the presentations that you had heard last year um several of our schools focused on attendance focused on working with families and their uh family liais on uh making those calls and making those connections with families highlighting the importance of attendance in several of our schools including Paul Rivier and Susan B Anthony um exceeded their targets uh for chronic absenteeism so they may made a nice dent in their uh absentee rate and overall another highlight whan's accountability percentile increased from 20 to 29% um they exceeded their target uh in science achievement um which was a nice highlight some areas of focus moving forward um in math in particular the Dr Costa met with the um math coaches and they are they took a deep dive into the data one of the areas that they noticed across um grade levels was the constructed response question so that is something that they will be focusing on um moving forward fifth grade math is an area where we need to see some improvement um so that is another uh grade level in addition to middle and high school um and as uh Mr King mentioned we do have the new curriculum implementation at both the middle school and high school level so we anticipate we will see um some improvement moving forward in ela uh writing is an area of focus Dr Co um Dr Porter and uh Miss suus met with the uh literacy coaches and went over their data um in overall writing um sort of came to the top of the list of areas where we want to focus um which makes sense given we have had over the last few years the implementation at the elementary school of a new curriculum um and now we feel like it is time to take a a stronger um presence of writing in the classroom um we will in plan to continue efforts to address chronic absenteeism uh the new structure at the high school and the potential new structure at the middle school with the um new um operations uh assistant should help with that in addition to the continued work of the family liaison at all levels um connecting with families um and then we will continue to focus on our L's and students with disabilities as two groups um that continue uh to require differentiation continue to require um tiered support and it's something that um we are well aware of and the directors are uh focusing on to support student achievement moving forward in that area some of the next steps in particular um there will be a deese site visit at Ru Marsh Academy this Thursday um deese engaged central office and Principal Bob um in a conference call regarding next steps which include a required site visit um on Thursday the Desi team will conduct walk through observations of classes as well as student and teacher focus groups in addition RMA is eligible for a $50,000 targeted assistance grant that is intended to help rney build and strengthen District supports to address the most pressing priority for improvement um and I will say that this is something they uh Principal Bob has in mind sort of some of the areas but it she's going to uh take the feedback from desie and take the feedback from her team and the deeper dive that they have done in the data to determine what areas they are going to focus on moving forward with that Grant um City lab will focus on student participation during testing and I had as I had mentioned it was a one or two student um swing there um all school-based administrators and instructional coaches are taking a deeper dive into their data um many have already met the Paul Rivier for example has already um presented their uh School Improvement plan to the governing board and has made recommendations and taken their feedback um and all of our schools are doing that with their individual data school-based teams and curriculum directors will meet with each teacher to discuss individual results um and we're going to start with the Middle School level and just to remind you of some of the steps that we have undertaken that are already in progress this summer several teams uh K12 met to align work on curriculum alignment lesson in Union development and uh honors tasks uh we have adopted uh illustrative math at the middle school level and we are in year one of implementation so teachers are getting professional development and implementing this curriculum um for the first time this year at the high school they will be implementing Reve reveal math um at the middle school level We are continuing with uh The Gleam Grant so it has ended at the middle school and we're in year two at rhs um we will continue uh with Ignite one:1 literacy tutoring um and we are currently uh students at grades 1 and two are selected in being participating in this tutoring desie has offered us additional spots at grade three and that is uh will be forthcoming students will be identified based on um The Benchmark literacy assessment that they have at the beginning of the year we are in year two implementing opsed curriculum at the middle school level so we are implementing four of the six units um this is year one of the sped redesign where uh last year they had looked to change and reorganize our small group uh classes in that restructuring so we are in year one of that implementation and there is a mtss um focus K12 um we have the administrators uh as well as teacher leaders have received professional development um that is through Great Schools partnership that is going to be pushed out through PGT meetings director meetings um supporting students who are not making those gains at that tier one core instructional level in the classroom so these are some things that are already in place that we are doing to Target students um and improve student individual student achievement thank you for all of that Dr MOBA uh I'll open it up U Miss mury Ellis um Dr MOBA so I mean these numbers are are clearly depressing um but my question is I have I have a couple of questions my first question is is how did RMA fear last year in comparison to this year yeah I they were not 7% I think yeah 13 at the 13th percentile um one thing to note about the Ry Marsh Academy they do have our largest population of um students with special needs compared to the other two um they were the only um school where that hosted the small learning group program um historically over the last three years this is changing with the restructuring that has happened this year um and also uh rney Marsh has had has historically not had English Learners and this is the third year I believe it could be the fourth um having English learner students at Romney Marsh so this is probably the first time where 2-year cohort data can be used um so and they did not improve there are some highlights um there's you know when we look at what the data tells us uh in math Ela and science um there are some areas where our students did well uh there are also some areas across middle schools where we need to invest efforts um into uh making sure that we're exposing kids to grade level um expectations all of our students in what we're doing when we're not exposing them to grade level expectations is short changing them so um across all middle schools that's but last year's um mcast scores when they received the 133% that included the fact that they had the the greater uh they had elll students correct and it included um the other students with disabili that you've made as well right so do we have do we have an idea I mean because those things haven't changed from last year to this year so do we have any ideas to I mean that's a pretty as as much as it could go the opposite direction and we're giving praise and you know when it's a positive and we've increased to go down that much is so significant I mean it's it's almost like non-existent one one other um area to note uh is that rney has experienced significant teacher turnover um which is uh every year we're starting new right we're losing a little bit of expertise we're losing um familiarity with our students um so it is something that teacher stability does impact um student achievement but it is something that Principal Bob is aware of and it is something that she has emphasized over the last two years improving the culture um and supporting new teachers so that we didn't have as much turnover um last year she implemented uh additional sessions for new teachers to come with their mentors and spend time with the administration talking about some of the new teacher things um in an effort to support those uh new teachers so that we hopefully can retain them but I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I was going to ask yep uh anyone [Applause] else okay I think oh I do go ahead will this will the scores be given to the public so that folks know so mcast scores went home today in backpacks um so our elementary and middle school uh students and I believe a high school everybody was told to get them out today um and get them home so fam should expect them and should look for them and should reach out uh to their uh school buildings if they did not receive their students Outcast scores um and if I may I know that we are we're doing a deeper dive into the data um I would like for the school committee to be presented with whatever report comes out of that breaking down those numbers so we have a better understanding of of our our uh deficiencies which seem to be everywhere for the most part yeah and I think overall you you will see this in their school Improvement plans which they're going to be presenting to you because they're basically using that data to say what do they need to work on and how are they going to do it how are they structuring their PGT time what professional development are they giving how are they spending their time what are they focusing on um so that is an integral part of their school Improvement plans um which they are going to uh present to you um the directors uh I I have their packets of data um I'm certainly willing to share that information if you want to see sort of the different trends that happened across grade levels um and I'm happy to sit down with you or the directors can sit down with us yeah no I would definitely be interested in in whatever data that comes out of our analysis of these most recent scores yeah all of it yep um if you could just make note of that that' be great thank you thank you and you know I was going to add I think some of the positives I see it's great to see that as a district we moved in our progress towards our goals and you know a goal is always to have our schools at the 30th percentile or above anything below truly does like start to sound an alarm for me so to see that rhs moved up I think maybe that speaks to that restructuring that we did and I think we all have the alarms loud when it comes to our middle schools and so my biggest concern is are we really preparing our students for high school when that 6th to eth grade segment is what looks like it's struggling so you know unless you know the committee opposes what I would like is to have specifically for the RMA uh updates every other month on how things are looking and having data presented so like for example if everyone's okay with this the next one would be in December which is when the trimester exams come up so if we could see like the comparison from 7th and 8th graders since sixth graders are new we wouldn't have data on them I think just seeing data points that are outside of mcow on how the principal and her team are tracking this because we as a committee I feel need to be more on top if we have a school that's in the single digit so I just you know wanted to bring that up see if the committee is okay with requesting those updates and then I think I had another question oh and then I said we'll get the district we'll get the school Improvement plans but it sounds like specifically for RMA things will go a little deeper especially after we get that Dusty report and I know sometimes Dusty reports can take a few months to receive uh but I would like for the committee to have a full write up of what RMA and you know the principal are specifically doing to help address because we need to really be on top of this as a committee and we're hoping to support and see change thank you is that it for the superintendent's report yes okay you thank you uh so we have no hearings we'll move on from that into the reports of subcommittees the first is Safety and Security subcommittee Mr kajo thank you madam chair uh this is either our second or third Safety and Security subcommittee meeting we reviewed what happened at the prior meeting and uh two initiatives we put in which basically is zero tolerance and we added a fourth SRO and uh so far it seems like it's been everything has been going well we also talked about we voted on which we need to vote on as a committee a real talk where we will be bringing in uh professional speakers um to speak to the students also uh the money's already been appropriated uh we just like I said have to vote on it as a committee and the last thing we talked about is the committee approved is we were going to have a consultant coming in uh first they'll go through our protocols and then they'll make a presentation to us at the next safety meeting which will probably be probably in this probably around two to 3 weeks hoping we can get that done and that ends my report and could I have a motion for uh to approve uh Real Talk yep okay um so now we'll enter into the discussion was made by Mr sella second by Miss mury Ellis um Miss Bronson R did you have a comment I have a question not on real Okay so okay on the matter of so these first off may could we consider some other names to I don't know real talk sounds like the scare straight program that or like dare I don't know we'll think about that later but my question is we already appropriated the funds for this so is it basically are we just kind of giving the the committee will agree to it the school kind of also the liberty of choosing how to use like maybe it's not always speakers they bring in like maybe like it's like are we setting a certain thing of what we want them to do with this funds like is it always bringing in speakers or is it like student engagement think might be other initiatives okay yeah exactly so then we're just approving the use of the funds again for this specifically the funds have been approved we just need to vote on it as a committee vote on whether we committee accepts it the real talk initiative yes but the funds are not solely for that the funds that have been approved is for that and other like student engagement initiatives type of Engagement yes okay great I just wanted to clarify okay any other questions specifically on that motion then can we have a roll call please Mr Stacy Bron Rizo yes Mr Anthony cajano yes Mr John Kingston yes Mrs Aisha Milbury Alis yes Miss jacn monteroso yes Mr Frederick salala yes motion passes and then miss bronz and ril your question yes my question is in regards to um the group that they want to bring in to do an audit um I don't know if I heard it correctly but it was someone that you had known no to no it's someone that's been introduced to our school I haven't met them but our school is looking at it we haven't voted on it as a committee but they just coming in and just looking at it I know this has to go off a bid if we do approve it I don't know what the money is involved or anything like that who our school look for this company no I our school I personally asked for the committee to have someone come in oh but I I thought was someone that you had known or someone that was introduced to you no it was it's it's someone at that the V is they're coming in on a grant and they're going to be uh looking over a school have I have I met with them or anything like that no the only only thing I've talked to them about is are they willing to come in and look at our school so I personally would like to see a few companies come in and put a bid in and I'm not even sure if it needs to be done at City Hall at City Hall um normally it's three bids the lowest bid um but I just would like to make sure we're doing it the right way absolutely to to my understanding it was going through City Hall as a bid but I could be absolutely wrong they're just coming in just to give us an idea of what it is I don't even think they're going to be talking about price they're just talking about what we need possibly and what we don't need as far as mostly on we be a high school and if they decide to get the bid if they get the bid then we go from there so we're interviewing them no just having a presentation and then it would have to go off a bid and would we offer that same um other groups the same type of presentation to give to us as far as I know the city would offer it out to everybody they'll post it so just not that one group correct okay so thank you Miss Bron that was my question so my clarification is are we already getting your free consultation or going through the public bidding process before that happens no they're going to we just have them I have them come in they have to look at our protocols and just give us a presentation on you know everybody's having ideas of what what to do and we're not professionals so figure we have someone outside come in and then from there if we decide to do it as a committee approve it then it would go through the the city process so it is kind of like um a free analysis exactly and that's why it's not going to public bidding because there's no vote yet or cost Associated okay so then after that is done and it's given to the subcommittee you'll come to us and kind of see committee it comes here and then whatever uh how the city handles it they handle it from there that's the bidding process would we also look at safe schools through desie I mean that is what they're about um more open anything but wouldn't we go there first to see what was what would be offered to us we can do that this is just this has no strings attached this is just a free look at to what we need in our school and then right we can look we can we can go to Desi we can we can go anywhere we want this is just like I said to see exactly what we need and maybe we don't need I mean everybody's talking about uh medallions and and uh all different types of security yeah I'm I'm just always lar of things like that because I know year um a few years back we had a particular group that came in for solar panels and it they were trying to sell it to us that and we we definitely could use solar panels but it was this group being able to do their presentation and it was not looked upon very favorably um because everyone said well that's because you knew some of the people and that's I try to make sure no we're all on the up and up here yep no nobody's mad anybody okay thank you any other questions for the chair of the subcommittee okay thank you Mr kajian we'll now move to health and special education Miss bronen Rizzo um first I'm going to start off with the district Wellness committee um we do have a committee that was required through um each district is required since 2010 um through Mass legislation um our committee is made up of teachers School staff students and Community such as massive motion um also MGH school-based Health Center um and mass call so some of the things that we brought up and they try to report out once a year when we first start we meet five times a year um and this committee includes having specific goals whether it's on nutrition physical activity seal and us as a district decided to um add mental health and drugs um for this year we're going to be reviewing our policy again which is required every 3 years and we're also looking at wellness events for the spring such as the yellow Tula project which is a great um mental health event um to get it's not just an athletic event it's not just for it's for all students and for the whole Community um but it's one of the events we spoke of we will be having um Mas car will be coming in um and they'll present their yrbs to us I've asked them to present to us and that's the youth risk behavior survey that they do every year and hopefully they can be be here by next month um they said they probably could be um on a second note as far as the special education last month I had reported out that we would be having a subcommittee meeting um the woman that was coming in was doing it on IEPs um and unfortunately one week prior she had lost her husband and that got detracted and um so miss humus is having one tonight currently in the learning Commons but they will be having two more IEP on the new IEPs to help um a lot of our families navigate through it because it's not easy um also next Thursday October 23rd from 3: to 5: the CAC will be hosting a coffee and conser con conser conservation no conversation I can't even speak nothing new and that's going to be atanda and it's to discuss ways that they can support each other and I am asking for the subcommittee if they could come and so we can listen to different things that our parents and caregivers um speak about um to see how we can support CPAC also um we wouldn't be voting anything we need to just listen with our our ears and be careful of open me in law but I think it would be great to have extra ears there to listen also Wednesday October 30th they'll be doing a recruitment for CPAC leadership unfortunately CPAC lately um like everything else after Co no one wants to get involved anymore and everyone wants to stay home in their pajamas um but they need help um there's a one it's one woman show and she does everything that she possibly can so they'll be doing recruitments they're hoping to meet um October 30th 6:00 to 7: and that will be in the reval Lear in Commons um and they're also trying to plan a winter event and every year CPAC has had wonderful winter events whether it's been a um CPAC walk artism walk um uh Christmas they do a really nice winter Wonderland they used to have ice cream socials so hopefully we can get them back to where they were before Co so if anyone's interested coming um maybe figure out how we can help them that'd be really appreciated um and thank you that's all I have for today question next Thursday what time next Thursday is 3 to 5 and that's at laas sienda on Rivier Street M Bron and rzo do they have like a Facebook page or like well can you keep us updated on these events they have a Facebook page okay thank you and then miss moral you have a comment um not on this actually I just wanted to make sure we didn't forget to um I'm looking for acceptance of the minutes of the 9424 policy and procedures subcommittee um motion to accept the minutes from last month's policy and procedure subcommittee meeting that was presented last month and to approve the for this month second thank you can we have a roll call Mr Stacy Bron Rizo yes Mr Anthony cajano yes Mr John Kingston yes Mrs Aisha milber Alis yes Miss Jacqueline monteroso yes Mr Frederick sella yes motion passes next uh we have a motion to approve the afsc M 993 and 93a contracts do we have a motion do we have a second great any discussion okay roll call Mr Stacy brono Rizo yes Mr Anthony kajan yes Mr John Kingston yes Mr Aisha Milbury Alis yes Mr Jaclyn monteroso yes Mr Frederick s now yes motion passes any other motions okay any unfinished business Mr Kingston last month we discussed the Lincoln Tot Lot unfortunately a plant and maintenance meeting wasn't scheduled I would ask the um subcommittee chairman Mr salala to please schedule the meeting as soon as possible I'm concerned that while while we've in my opinion we've already lost a month on this my concern is going through the procurement process getting a vendor getting someone out there to do the work uh the long as this gets delayed it it Mak hurt the project in the spring when the work would actually probably be done because it probably wouldn't be done during the winter but I would like to get this started as soon as possible thank you thank you uh Mr person um through me to the committee I apologize I try to schedule a meeting for this week forgetting Monday was a holiday so I ran into that um upon exploration at the Tot Lot um I notice signage that makes reference that the lot is open to the public so I think we're going to have to clarify whether it is School uh property and or city property before we go any further I do agree with Mr Kingston that uh time is of the essence but also um the lot was not locked which I was informed that it was so these are things that we're going to have to work out along with the um actual work I seem to think that the director of plant maintenance has a full work crew and for the objects that are on site I don't think it's going to require too much work but again I do not have any idea so um with my committee's uh subcommittee's approval I'll meet with the director of plant maintenance and run it by him he may tell me no my work staff can't do it um but I think one way or the other is it's going to get done yes thank you Miss bronzen Rizo so I I just it was late today I'm not sure what time but I did send Mr Kingston and Mr sella an email um requesting a meeting sooner rather than later I know we're all busy but um you know if we can get start started on it I also sent information on um playground requirements and also Tot Lot requirements and what type of um slides or you know equipment that they can have in a Tot Lot um also I think although Mr senson is very important on this I think we also need to include um Miss Surman the principal from Lincoln School and also miss tupus Brianna tupus um seeing that she's Early Childhood so we can get their input also um because they're the ones that are an expert in building and the children and what the children's needs are I'm in accord with that again Monday I was going planning on meeting with the two uh individuals no school but again we'll work on that this week to have a meeting thank you if you have time look over some interesting information I know um I had helped um build with our beautiful Priscilla Nickerson and also with El Baker six playgrounds in the city and um it's not as easy as we all think and it's very um organized um so it's not just let's throw um a play school slide and swing in there there's guidelines so if we get the PE the right people involved thank you madam chairman thank you and then Mr SEL when you sched that meeting if you can also add to the agenda the looking into busting options for the high school if you remember uh we're trying to see if there's more cost effective ways that we can reduce how many students are walking home just for the high school well and I think that's what we um my motion my referral was to start with the high school yes because that's the largest we have over a thousand students from the high school loan I I thought that the uh uh accountant would gave us figures of what it would cost to reduce it so my request was to see if we could see other ways I had asked it for it to go to ways and means but I was told it had to go to plant and maintenance first so whether it's giving maybe like the bus passes or just maybe we don't reduce it all the way to a mile but just research on what can be done and I I can send you some of the ideas that the student Senate shared with us last fall they already done the research for us on some things would you forward to me exact specifically what you're looking for okay thank you so much can I also State something when nor includ in elementary students and they're the ones that really can't walk to school where High School can get on a bus anywhere in the city I mean I'd like to see everyone take a bus but I I think our younger students yeah I mean the point is to figure it out so if the subcommittee can work on it then we can continue the conversation correct we'll look at both okay so the next is discussion uh so the M Massachusetts Association of school committee is having its annual conference next month and we need to pick a delegate and an alternate delegate so I just wanted to open it up to see who is planning on going so then we can see if we have a delegate that will be present so is anyone going I am there I have been the Delegate for 10 years I do have a meeting at the same time as that so I will will not be the delegate is anyone else planning on going and then uh Miss Bron and rzo can you explain a little bit more like what the delegate role is since you have a little bit of experience in that you all received handbooks of what the resolutions were um and normally prior to going to the conference you want to make sure you're voting the way the school Comm your school committee wants so if they're not in full um if they don't want a certain resolution that delegate's going to vote no and whoever wants it will vote Yes and then it will be added up and decided what resolutions go through and what doesn't go through so the most important part for the delegate is just when it comes to voting for The resolutions M so if someone can't stay for the full conference but they'll be presentent for that like is that that's that's absolutely we have a lot of people that will do that okay do you know what day the it will be on a Friday the Friday I think it's in the book on the front page I believe okay uh is anyone going okay I think I could go if it's just for that Friday instead of the full time so we do have a delegate present so I will say I you know every piece of the conference is important I think it's more important because I don't even think this committee reads what the resolutions are and maybe not this specific one but they know in the past but if people I think it's more important that someone looks at the conference and sees a couple of workshops that have value to take and bring back is more important okay um if no one else can go I I can look at my work schedule and see if I can go to the conference so we have some representation there and then maybe we can just schedule a quick emergency meeting to vote if I'm the delegate and then everyone can vote if they want my to vote on the resolution so I'll look at my work schedule and get back to everyone before the conference on that okay any other new business yes Mr Kingston is part of Mr sonala subcommittee meeting on plant and equipment I would like to discuss the elevators at the gothfield school my understanding is they're not all currently working um and that it could be a potential large bill for the district or the city thank you um just a minute Mr Kingston I thought that that was addressed yes I think Dr MOBA just answered that I there they were uh as of today they're currently not all working okay thank you okay so you need a motion to refer that to subcommittee do we have a make the motion yes motion to add the elevators at the gothfield school to the plant and maintenance subcommittee meeting second discussion Miss yes can we just have um Dr MOBA bring it up to Kyle Fenson to give us an answer right away rather than um wait for a meeting to be planned um because that would be very important um and I believe Mr King said today too that they were working but if something's down we need to have it fixed it's I don't believe it's a question of you know someone didn't fix it or call someone it's just getting to the because of the age of the building and the age of the elevators it's getting hotter and hotter to find parts and it's coming to a you know maybe end of life cycle type of thing I think that's more of the issue at this point it's not a question someone didn't make a phone call to get a tech out there it's just question of the Tex are running out of you know running out of fixes thank you so what we can do is Dr MOBA can ask and get us an answer via email if they're working and then still refer it to the subcommittee for further exploration of long-term sustainability so with that can we have a roll call on the motion Mr Dr Garcia yes yes Mr Stacy brono do you call me Mis I said Mis I think you say Mis every time yes I'm fixing Mr Anthony sorry you always do it great that's because of you my fault again yes all right Mr John Kingston yes Mrs Aisha Milbury Ellis yes Miss jacn monteroso yes Mr Frederick SEL yes okay motion passes can we have we have no executive session can we have a motion to adjourn second second all in favor we returned