##VIDEO ID:1fZBy4DORSI## good evening everyone thank you for joining us for the October 17th traffic commission please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance flagis okay just start us off Madam clerk would you mind doing a quick attendance it's okay everyone here is present that's fine um okay so we'll first tackle the two items we have tonight for public hearing the first item is amend schedule five of title 10 oneway streets by adding essic Street location essic Street Direction Northerly from Park AV to MAV are there any proponents or counselor good afternoon uh Commissioners Mr chairman um this is a proposal to make essic Street one way in a Northerly direction from parav to Mountain uh this last year we've had some success we made two other streets on the north side of Park Avenue uh oneway Hancock uh going up from pav to Mountain and Cambridge Street coming down it's been very successful uh this is just another street that the residents have um reached out to me um and I I think it's a it would be a great way to uh calm the traffic down on these streets and this is there was a traffic study done several years ago and this street is in compliance with what that traffic study uh indicated so if uh you could look on this favorably I'd appreciate it and I know there's one or two residents here that would like to get up and speak about it okay thank you is there any proponents for this amendment good evening everybody my name is Anthony DeMarco I live at 20 essic Street in Rivier I've been there for 30 years uh Essex Street has become a highway of Heaven for for for cars going both directions uh there's a school at the bottom of the street uh a preschool that traffic is just horrendous in the mornings dropping the kids off and then picking them up and then dropping them off and picking them up there two sessions there and try to get by forget about it I have pictures I've taken of Tru people going both ways and uh somebody's going to get hurt um also we were I was told years ago that essic street in order to make it we really wanted it to come down the street and have it one way coming off so you can't re get off parev just come down for Mount uh for Mountain a but I was told that the streets need to go up and down by our last ward counselor not Paul and so we we never had anything done about it he said he had brought it up but I don't know if he ever did or he didn't but that's the way ideally we'd like to have it made but at this point we need something done either up or down um you go to the top of essic Street you try to make a left or right there's a car park right on the corner a guy coming around the corner this way I've gotten into many arguments no one wants to give no one wants the budge my daughter got into a bad bad argument at with somebody up there recently who wouldn't back the his truck up she was trying to get up the street so we we need to we need to really do something about it and at night they fly off p app they come up I have videos if you want to see them I'd gladly show show them to you uh they just they just come like 90 miles on hour off PF I don't know how you can stop something like that but uh it's great it's it's got got crazy because you have you have the nursing home at the top of the street and then you have the the projects right beyond that so they use that as a come up take the uh right and a left and they go through the projects that way uh they just they just fly up they fly up the street and then you have the Cisco truck that delivers to the nursing home that likes to come up in down the street and attract a trailer which he misses the wi is by about 3 in that should also be a no truck uh I would say a no truck zone or Street um if you if he has to access the nursing home you should be doing it either through Broadway or through Mount NV uh because that's the way I I drove truck for many years and you shouldn't be driving in a residential area especially you know I know they got to get their deliveries and but that they shouldn't be using our street as a as a cutro um so I don't know if you want to take that into consideration for a no Truck Zone as well that be great but um ideally something has to get done and this is why I'm this is why I'm here okay thank you you're welcome thank you any other proponents any opponents no any comments from the council commission sorry is this Frank do I'm sorry Council Strang do you have a copy of this report that counselor spoke about it was basically an evaluation we did in house uh to determine U which which street should be one way and which directions all those streets should be one way because it AG they can't handle two-way traffic and parking Lanes so it just seems like this is going to be a domino effect it's going to be Street after Street after Street I think we should try to at one time I I suggest we do it all at once but the W council at the time wanted to handle it okay Street by street so I think Paul is just picking up yeah off so Mr chairman to your point um we at one point we were considering doing it all at once but it just doing Cambridge Street uh a few weeks ago it was a nightmare trying to get everybody trained if we did all the streets at once I feel like a de Derby probably as long as we're following the same guidelines that was set up by the traffic study yep so I I use this as an example if if you go down Prospect Street in Cambridge Mass similar to parav every street you cannot go up so if you have to get to your house and you ever live on a street you have to and that intersects with another city just like pav does so so pav pav goes up into Elm Street and Chelsea uh Prospect Street goes into Austin and Cambridge they made all those streets years ago you cannot go up the street you have to go around you have to go to the main intersections either at this end or this end to go around to come down the street works very well frustrating if you're trying to get to your house and but you have to go around the block but yeah once you get used to it uh it works there and that stopped a lot of accidents stopped a lot of racing and stuff like that okay i d i d I drove in that area for a long time so that's how I how I know it okay thank you all right is there any motions on the floor from the commit I make a motion approve motion approve is there a second second all right um mam cler can we do a quick roll call for the the council no okay that's fine all right um motion is approved so schedule amend schedule Title Five of tile 10 oneway streets by adding S6 Street norly Park AV to Mountain a approved second item requests to install a crosswalk on Sergeant street at the pause and play dog park which is located at 68 Sergeant street is there anyone to speak on behalf for that matter no I actually do recommend that we move forward with approving that it's something I think is necessary to go across that yeah I I looked at it out there and it it's um it would be a mid mid block cross crosswalk yeah so it's I think I think at the intersection of Griffin uh at first house in right off the intersection on S Street we could do it there otherwise there are other driveways in the way and if you go to further towards um yeah if you if you go towards um what's the name of this Richie Richie Road yeah you have the two ramps leading up to the uh route one coming coming off there so there's really no other location to put it yeah it seems like there's a nice spot for the opposite side we will have to install 8 compliant ramp but I think it's necessary to be completely honest so is there a motion from the council Mr chairman I I make a motion to approve um with the addition um of uh some type of a a a light or blinking um crosswalk sign or something to that effect because that Road's fairly wide and to get across um you know it's a long ways especially if you're walking a dog um and people drive pretty fast so AG needs to be um you know needs to be very obvious um that there's a crosswalk there okay all right is there a second second motion is approved okay um now I'd like to call up the head of Community Development Tom sworski to like to speak on behalf of to the commission regarding traffic calming policies internal policies I put you on the spot what are all these people here for people I don't know public hearings that's it set great good evening Commissioners Tom skroski chief of planning and Community Development I'm here tonight to talk about creating um sort of an internal policy a process for which we approve traffic calming um initiatives in the city this has been I know something that's been uh a large agenda item we see many such items on the agenda tonight for the traffic commission and the city council as well there have been increasingly more and more petitions looking to tra uh handle traffic calming strategies within various neighborhoods and this is really an effort ultimately to create um just a clear predictable process by which we do that um so the the packet um that was submitted to you is the full policy for the sake of all the folks here tonight I have some quick visuals just to run through an overview of what we're looking at um the objective of this is really to create a safe and slow streets for all Road users um benefits like reducing vehicle speed dangerous driving behavior improving safety for pedestrians reducing the need for police enforcement so if we design streets the right way we don't constantly need to fall into that trap of having to have more and more enforcement when um you know there isn't always the person power to handle it um enhancing the Street environment preserving neighborhood character increasing access for all modes of transportation and uh reducing cut through motor vehicle traffic like we just talked about on that last petition um so and then ultimately for us creating an efficient data informed standard-based strategy for implementing um these traffic calming policies so we're not just looking at one tool such as a speed hump but we're really looking at everything in our toolbox we're looking at Clear standards to follow and using data to really guide our decision-making um so the the policy is um organized into a few different categories they'll start with traffic caling standards um and it starts with the four key standards that are outlined by the Federal Highway Administration horizontal deflection vertical deflection Road diets and Route restrictions and then within each of them um the traffic calming policy just kind of outlines the various tools that are in our tool box within each of those so just to go over them briefly hor Al deflection is slowing speeds by creating a horizontal shift in the roadway um what we see up here on the screen is what's called a lateral shift you're basically requiring the motorist to shift um laterally and and so it's not just a straight away where they can pedal to the metal speed right through a street uh the second is vertical deflection I think that's the one we're most familiar with here in the city and we've got a picture of our favorite there the the speed hump um which I know we are getting a lot of petitions to look at speed humps uh but there's other methods of vertical deflection that basically require a driver to slow down because otherwise they'll be in the air um the third is Street width reduction uh Road diets a common one what we see here is a choker extension or or rather a corner extension and a bulb out um which is something similar to what we talked about uh on Harris Street with some of the work we did there a few months past and then finally root restrictions whether a closure uh a diagonal diverter medium barriers or even something like what we talked about today with the the one-way um transition So within each of those standards um all of the the tools in our toolbox if you will the traffic calming policy has a guide associated with each and every one of those that can give us some guidance both the traffic commission and other City officials to look at um you know what is the appropriate application for a particular traffic calming device um what are some design considerations what are are some impacts we need to think about there's always a section that looks at the emergency response issues that it might present so if we're looking at a traffic calming strategy on a road that is heavily utilized by emergency response Vehicles then we can think about which one is most appropriate given the context um and then looking at a cost in $27 so we're going to have to bump that number up a little bit adjusting for inflation but it gives us a good sense of what each of these strategies would cost us and then we created um a petition process U for um how we would go through these various petitions so essentially it would start with the city council and we'd have a formal petition that we create that would just kind of make it uniform across the board um and if the petition is not approved by the city council of course that's where it would end um and wouldn't go any further but if it were to proceed then it would go to our traffic working group uh for a review and uh the traffic working group has been newly formed this year here it includes members of the DPW um police fire um Zach from The Parking Department as well as my department and um folks that are really able to do some on the ground analysis of the various traffic caling petitions that are coming through um and that working group would then collect volume and speed data and score the projects according to uh various criteria if the project meets the minimum eligibility uh the traffic working group would then work on proposing a solution based off of the toolkit we just talked about based off of the standards within each of those Solutions um if the traffic working if if it does not meet the minimum requirements then uh it would stop there the petition would not proceed but we would look at things like enforcement measures or driver education or even things like crosswalks where appropriate um after a solution is proposed um we would look at is funding available for the project which is I think a key consideration that we'd like to be a little bit more systematic in how we think about it um if there's not funding available we would put a project like that on the capital needs budget for the next year to be completed um July 1 of the following year um if there is funding available my department would lead a design effort working with um DPW engineering and our on call um engineering firms that we have that work with the city to design a solution and present the solution to the traffic commission for an ultimate approval and if the traffic commission does not approve the project the petition stops there if they do it moves forward and gets implemented and it's um as simple as that um really what we are doing now but just formalizing it a bit more um and two elements of the process that I want to go into a bit more detail is how we actually score things according to the minimum criteria um and the prioritization criteria so with each and every project uh each and every petition that comes through the traffic working group would look at prevailing speeds Street width minimum traffic volume public support and whether there's an engineering solution available and these are sort of the base level minimum criteria that would need to be met for us to move forward with some form of a solution so is the 85th percentile speed exceeding 25 miles an hour that's sort of the engineering threshold for determining does speeding actually occur on this street um is the street width no wider them 40 ft if it's an extremely wide Street you can't do things like speed humps or vertical deflection you need to think about a larger solution and it's not appropriate for the tools we have in that toolbox um is there at least 800 vehicles per day so we want to make sure we're actually implementing improvements on uh streets that are widely utilized during the day to get more bang for our buck and and spreading out the impact we want at least 10 households to support a project um on that street um and then finally is the actually an engineering solution available uh to take care of this problem so provided it meets all those minimum eligibility criteria it would enter the queue for funding um if there were multiple projects that we were actually I won't go there quite yet if it doesn't meet the minimum eligibility criteria we' look at all these other strategies that I mentioned before so neighborhood signs restricted movement signs targeted police enforcement speed display units so the uh the radar signs um but if it does meet the minimum criteria and it moves into the funding queue what the traffic working group then will also look at is all else equal say we have only enough money for one project and three projects are coming through the pipeline at this time we would use a a scoring criteria to look at which ones are prioritized to the to the front of line so to speak um so if the 85th percentile exceeds 30 miles an hour another way of saying cars there are going very fast um it would get an extra point if the street is AJ into a school a public space a senior center affordable housing a building of worship basically a place where a lot of people congregate um this would be another case where we get another prioritization Point um is this school is the street adjacent to an upcoming Street reconstruction project so it's always cheaper to implement traffic calming on roads where things are already happening so that would move it up in the queue um and then has this neighborhood had similar traffic calming Solutions implemented in the last year we want to make sure we're equitably Distributing the funding for these projects across the board so that's the prioritization criteria we look at all El equal to help us determine what we're funding um and that's really it in a nutshell that's what the process would look like internally and and what I would ask of you tonight in terms of next steps I would ask for an approval of this internal process again it's not a a law or ordinance change or anything like that it's just how we'll handle these moving forward I would like to have sort of General buying from the group here and if approved them present the same to the city council just so we had a shared understanding of what the process was moving ahead and would release that petition form to the public so they'd have a clear process to move forward with submitting these petitions to the city um and then the traffic working group would begin to work through the petition backlog related to Traffic calming projects and I'll stop there and take any questions if you have them does anyone have any questions I saw this report I mean I I like it I think it's a great standard to set our traffic hming measures through from now on um I would I would recommend we vote on this now and set this in stone so our internal processes are clean cut and to the point yeah I'd like to make a motion that we we adopt these traffic coming policy uh they're in line with Federal Highway Administration guidelines so leading Us in the right direction in the future and making these kind of decision so awes make a motion we adop is there a second second all right all those in favor all those opposed I approved thank you of course thank you Mr chairman uh councelor Joan McKenna um is State Road did you put State Road in um as a um no parking on the left side of the right side you did okay um you didn't inform me no offense uh the second thing is um if you are going to do that I agree with it because you can't take that right lane um going to Broadway so I agree with it it's going to it definitely will hurt the stores across the street uh they have limited parking right now and uh when Mass do comes in they're going to eliminate a couple of those parking spaces so these stores won't have anything um any place to park okay I I just wanted to ask ask you if you you're going to do this uh will you put um uh you know um lines okay all right thanks all right no more questions thank you Tom appreciate it okay now on to the requests oh I'm sorry these are not actually requests these are public hearing okay so apparently these are also public hearings amend schedule 8 of title 10 restricted parking generally by adding no parking on right hand side of road on Mill Street Northerly from Beach Street entire length is there anyone here to speak on the councilor McKenna thank you Mr chairman um so uh we've been having a lot of problems with M Street first of all I want to say that waves all the apps um and I asked Lori if this could be um a public hearing so I brought a lot of people with me and she said it was fine because I had put this in before and she forgot it so I asked if this could be a public meeting um so uh what's happening with Mill Street is first of all uh the apps ways are taking uh all these people from uh Riv Beach Parkway and they're cutting through uh vinyl Street onto Mill Street um there's uh Mill Street is a mess uh it's been cut up um for a number of years I've asked for uh it to be paved I've asked for a speed bump uh I had lines there when um I first counselor but it's been torn up so much that they can't do it until it gets paved so what I'm asking for it's uh there's a lot of traffic coming off of Beach Street and coming off of uh Rivier Beach Parkway and uh people are parking on both sides of the street so I'm asking for one sided uh parking and I'm also asking for 24/7 um permit parking for um the residents there because they're having a hard time parking talkking okay hold on one second counselor so this is asking for just no parking on right hand side of the road the road is going to be paved just so you made aware yeah okay and I did ask for a speed bump um withrev um M Street in uh endv there's no parking on the right hand side of the two sides two side parking right now but will parking on one side of the road correct the issue you see here it would help people you know a maneuver um going in coming out um it would help um you know if cars were coming if there's two cars coming one's coming up one's coming down it would help uh maneuver the cars it wouldn't be a tight squeeze okay I haven't had a chance to look at this is anyone else it's a big it's a wide street but you really can't get down it because people are parking on two sides of the streets so um I have people I have um some residents that would like to speak to Okay um just one more I don't mind people speaking but I would like to have this put into the agenda as a public hearing so other people if they disagree with us can still speak on this it as well sure I I get it was this advertised no no it was not but what happened was the communication of um emails got mixed up so um okay that's fine I I do if anyone say they' like to speak on behalf of this that is fine but I would like to have this also be a public hearing for next meeting just so anyone else opponents proponents have the opportunity to speak on this hi my name is Linda Dy 24 mil Street I've lived there for 68 years um I have pictures of what it looks like with parking on both sides and it's gotten even worse because they moved the fire hydrant to the um to on the opposite side of M Street place so now um people are parking right at the corner of M Street and M Street Place which is prevent like it's really hard for people to get out of mil Street place then the lady I have a letter from the lady who lives at the top of the hill on the odd side of Mill Street and she's concerned because now you know cars are parking right there and her driveway goes down and she's concerned in her letter saying that um she's going to might slide down in the winter and she's just afraid that she can't back out because she can't can't see she's afraid she's going to go into the cars that are parking right there since they moved the fire hydrant and then with the parking on both Sid I mean people are driving down Mill Street like it's a a freeway but with the parking on both sides I live on the Ben so there's two or three blind driveways I'm on the opposite sides but when I back out I really have to look left look right look left look right but when you're starting to go from M Street place to um vinyl Street with the parking on both sides people are fly flying around the bend both ways so if they're coming from Beach Street they're literally driving in the middle of the street so if there's parking coming from the parkway coming um down to M Street and with the parking on both sides they're literally driving in the middle of the street so there's there's going to be an accident there they're going to have a head on um and then the plows when the winter they're not going to be able to clear M Street with the parking on both sides that's going to be a mess and some of the people have expressed concerns about getting um emergency vehicles down there um I have letters from three life long residents and I have some pictures so I don't know if you want those but um moving the fire hydrant really was not a good thing I mean they moved it because they wanted to put it where there was no parking cuz the beginning of Mill Street to the bend is no parking I'm just hoping that they'll do no parking all the way to Hall Street so you get the full Bend and then from Hall Street the rest of the way one side on the odd side so that people coming off the parkway will have to hug the side of the street and stay on the right side stay on the beer side of the B okay it's it's it's a disaster waiting to happen I mean I've had people before there was even so much parking literally hit the telephone pole then they I had the wall they demolished the wall and I had people know a mother and three kids in my driveway once and that was before all this parking um happened so this may be something we'll be able to correct with enforcement if they're parking that close to the fire hydrant or is the quter well they're not they moved the fire hydrant and because um they moved the fire hydrant they're right at the end of her of the driveway now they moved it from when you when you come out of Mill Street Place it used to be on the left side of Mill Street now they moved it on the right side I think it's in front of like um I think it's like 25 mil or 30 mil Street okay and because they moved it there now people are parking right at the corner we actually have people who park at the corner um they get out another car comes down the street picks them up and then they go to work so they're even staying there all day long and it's it's a mess okay thank you do you want these or no yeah we'll take those thank you appreciate it Mr babo hello Mr chairman members of the traffic commission thank you uh Zachary babo director of parking 281 Broadway um looking at the current ordinance on Mill Street it states that M Street from Beach Street to River Beach Parkway is currently listed no parking either side um it also States please let just there's also underneath that so Mill Street has a couple different entries in mun code well now code 360 the first one is as I stated the second one is Mill Street no parking from Beach Street to Hall Street which there are signs existing right now to stop that not beyond that so I think there would be need need to be amendment to this request where the request should be we're looking to amend the current ordinance of both sides by removing both and including Northern if we are going to be putting this on for uh public request I think think that amendment should be made just to be reflective of what the request is as the ordinance currently states there should be no parking along Mill Street right now um with that being said there is also another ordinance already in the books for M Street Place it states the um before I see I just want to be careful one of the sides is already listed as no parking Long Mill Street Place according to current ordinance I know this area has gone through massive work so it's possible signs have been taken down over the years but Mill Street place is no parking entire length Northerly side starting from Mill Street to the dead end of the street so I think kind of what the concerns of the residents I think the regulations do exist for the most part um if we want to enable one-sided parking as it's currently left like that I think the request should be amended to just be more app impo okay well let's give the council and everyone else an opportunity to actually go see what's going on in this location before we make a final decision but if you guys would like to move this to public meaning it makes sense because the roadway width is only 24 25 ft which if you're going to have it as a two-way street there should be no parking either side if you have it as a oneway yeah you can have a you have parking Lane on one side but with one one parking Lane and two travel Lanes it's it's very tight I can't believe they're parking on both sides now and getting getting through okay is there a motion from the count from the uh committee we can either move this to public hearing or try to figure out the actual ordinance I think we need to having a public hearing on because right now the way it's worded is no parcking on U LLY side Mr chairman um can I just ask a question of the parking director um can you just clarify you said that currently uh ordinance state that there's no parking on either side for the full length of Mill Street is that right from what I'm reading under schedule 8 parking restriction generally location Mill Street Direction both from starting from Beach Street ending at Riva Beach Parkway there is no parking any any time okay so to move to a public hearing we'd be adding parking on one side correct cuz right now there's technically not supposed to be parking on either side correct there's not supposed to be but there seems to be but on the books there isn't correct okay understood thank you it seems like everybody's parking now on the norly side so that seems to be the way to go have restricted parking no parking on the southernly side instead of uh having another public meeting can we just go with the ordinance that we have no parking on um from Beach Street to Hall Street and then I'll make a motion um we can have a public hearing for Hall Street to um R Beach Parkway is that all right or do you want to just keep it um if the ordinance stands I would rather keep it with the ordinance so okay all right Zach do you have some put on that real quick just from my experience especially recently with um Riverside I would recommend this go to public hearing to let the neighborhood know that they are going to have no parking on both sides if there's anyone that would be against that that would be their opportunity to speak my own recommendation thank you I have to agree with you I didn't know on sides anding on both sides I wish I knew all right we're going to we're going to move this to public hearing just so everyone can be informed of the actual ordinance that's on the um UN code yeah Street Mill Street yes correct all right I don't believe we have to vote on something like that since it's already an ordinance you guys agree okay now the other item again this is going to be a request uh amend schedule 8 of title 10 parking restriction generally by adding no parking on right hand side of the road location Green Street southernly from North I'm sorry River Beach Parkway entire length thank you Mr chairman um so I'm here to advocate for Green Street um I know this is a request but um right now the uh silic family Silka family uh they're putting a 30 unit uh apartment building on Green Street um the it's going to face um Lee Burbank highway but the other thing is that I want to protect the people that live in Green Street it's a a dead end and uh I want to protect the people that live there residents so I want to make sure that uh there's not a lot of parking down there um so I'm I'm looking for just uh no parking on one right hand side of the road as we're going down through Riv Beach Parkway because it is a dead end and 24hour um 247 that was in the email too but that was forgot it was uh not put in there so uh just to protect the residents that live there so they won't be inundated with traffic okay commission I know you guys didn't have much time to review this oh I'm sorry is there someone else would like to speak hi my name is sha mael I live at 18 Green Street and I would just like to add some comments from about the parking and just the whole situation is someone who lives there so first thing is yes the the road itself it has parking on both sides but it's really not wide enough for two lanes of traffic and two lanes of two sides of parking it just isn't and it often with two cars are passing you have to like stop and let the other person buy um it's it's an issue and then moving you know taking that and moving it to the curb cut where it hits the riv Rivier Beach Parkway that curb cut really isn't wide enough for a car to be entering and exiting at the same time and it gets super sketchy especially when um people from the high the the three lane major highway Parkway um are bombing down the road sorry are bombing down the road and they need to turn in Green Street if someone's pulling out basically they can't pull in and the person on the parkway has to like almost come to a complete stop and I'm telling you every time this happens I'll just like cross my figures and hope no one just runs into the back of me it happens all the time um and it's not just the parkway it's the people coming off of 1A they're used to flying down the highway they get off the offramp and then they want to fly again and green street is like literally 100 ft from where they get off of 1A so it's a really dangerous intersection between the Parkway and Green Street so there's that um and i' also like to add at certain times of the year um the you know the sun F sun rises on the ocean side and it's crazy when the sun is rising you can't see it's a total white out with just sun in your eyes so you it's a combination of the speed trying to come go go down Green Street and the sun is in your eyes it's really really dangerous so that's Green Street entering and exiting um and also this isn't necessarily Green Street but in that area in general it's kind of on a curve so people who are pulling in or specifically out of the Pratt Street streets they they can't see what's coming down the the the um the the parkway you know they look one second it's clean and then like literally Split Second this car's flying down the road in their face it's that's also super dangerous um sorry I just had a couple bullet points I just want to pull up um um yeah so this oh and also the people who are coming off of the parkway down Green Street um I guess in in talking about the guy was proposing about just different um ways to slow people down I I also like to propose a speed bump because people come off the parkway going 50 m hour and they turn down Green Street and if you don't live there I guess you don't care but they come flying down Green Street at 50 m an hour and there's kids who live who live on the street and they're outside par uh playing and stuff it's a residential neighborhood a residential street directly off of a major you know Street City Highway um so there's that um so that's really it it's not wide enough for two lanes and two parking so she's proposing one side parking that's great um as a resident there the exiting and entering of Green Street from the parkway is a real big issue um so yes I appreciate all your help thank you all thank you members of the commission you guys have any inut on um do we know what um terms of parking is on the books currently I do not know I do not Zach do you know do you have any information about that don't mean to put you on the spot here so I don't see anything on the books for green shirt at this time okay okay any motion from the commission oh I'm sorry Hi um my name is Amanda mordi I live at 18 Green Street as well um I just I agree with what my husband was saying but I just wanted to add that um I'm not I'm not sure that it makes a difference I know currently there's um permit required parking for overnight parking there corre um and I think that would be helpful but um I think part of this is there is a apartment well was an office building that's converted to an apartment building at the End of the Street um that is brought in pretty increased amount of traffic so to speak um which is fine but H as coun Mna mentioned there is in the process potentially trying to build a 30 unit apartment building on a single family home plot with no parking existing there and their proposal is to have eight parking spots for that 30 unit building at the head of Green Street there's a I would call it a parking lot half of it's owned by it looks like the state or the city but half of it is owned by the person building the thing um so that seems like it's going to create an an even more significant problem with that turning onto right we're talking because otherwise we're suggesting that the people who are going to live there are going to be I don't know getting out of their cars on the feeder for one a probably not right so they're going to be getting down Green Street as well and it used to be not as bad because you could go through the old Le trailer park and I think you will be able to once that development is happening right now it's all fenced off and so those roads there are closed off and again the same person who owns auto body shop has closed off he probably has the right to but like the the throughway that's between his two properties so it you know what I mean it's just like a a bottleneck that that happens so I mean the parking will be helpful maybe but like the even with the parking even if you only parked on one side two cars really can't easily go by even with just one side so I mean just wanted to put that out there too thank you very much okay commission you guys have any I make a motion we move this to a public hearing for the one side of parking okay I agree second all right all those in favor all those opposed move to public hearing EXC I don't believe they should have any off street parking for this building I was that even a they won't they're not supposed to anything over I think a so they won't be getting any pocket permits there might be visitors um so I just don't want that to happen I just want you know I want if it's um if it's just overnight then people if people are visiting they can come uh at after 6:00 7:00 and they can park in front of someone's house so I just want to make sure that these people have the the right sticker was this project approved already no but it's coming it's coming okay well let's let's stick with the one let's start with the one side parking and let's see if this development actually comes to fruition okay I don't want to enact something and just hoping for something to happen later down the road okay okay thank you okay move to public hearing okay next item amend schedule 9 of title 10 resident parking streets 24 4 Hour enforcement Council mcken would like to have Haden Street changed to 24 7 days a week permit parking thank you Mr chairman for the leeway um uh I just put this in because uh Victoria Street which is adjacent to Haden street is 247 and the reason why it's 247 is because and it's oneid of Parkin and the reason why it's 247 is because they have a um uh I I don't know a special needs uh facility that they house uh uh special need people um there and they didn't have enough parking plus people that are were on with Bev were parking there so where they had one-sided parking and a lot of people don't have driveways down there in the beginning um residents were having hard time so now what's happening is the Overflow is going on to Haden Street uh the people that don't have stickers 24-hour stickers and the mental health facility that's there uh they're parking on Haden street so um I got a couple of requests from residents that said that they can't even park in front and that's one side of parking also so I've I've so this is the reason why I put it in as uh 24 hour uh seven days a week um and I know Zach wants to talk Mr Bab so um but this is the reason why because they're getting the Overflow from Winter Bev from the mental health facility the nurses and everything that don't can't park there because they very limited with parking and they're not getting stickers and so um the residents having a hard time parking there thank you thank thank you Mr Baba Mr chairman so I just I'm handed on a map right now and it's just to show the resident parking restrictions in this neighborhood any red street that you see is midnight to 6 any Green Street you see is 24 hours there's only one in this area um I'm not a proponent or an opponent against this I just want to provide information to the commission so that way um you guys can make the decision you see fit um this had come up um about a year ago regarding Haden Street and I do understand the council's request I'm not getting the phone call she's getting I'm not getting the calls from the residents I don't live there so I'm not sure exactly what they're experiencing but just for my experience looking at this winter bath this section of winter bath between Elm Street and low Street it's a highly densed area one-sided parking mult multif family units three plus units in each building over there there um if we were to put Haden Street into a 24-hour Street this would stop all those residents from Winter bav to be able to use Haden Street as an outlet unfortunately that is their only Outlet right now with Victoria set up so yes I can see how Haden is taking on an abuse but if we were to restrict it where are the rest of these people going to park we're going to be pushing them further down the road Harrington low Street Elm Street is pretty dense as it they're not going to fit um so it this might help get rid of some cars that shouldn't be there during the day but I think it's just going to have other residents coming home looking for parking unable to find it taking the easiest Avenue which would be Haden running into a parking ticket and again um I don't live there I'm not sure what they're truly what's going on what they're experiencing and from my history here um Victoria Street it has a bus stop at the end of it which would allow somebody to Park on Victoria Street jump on that bus get to Beachmont train station and get into Boston um when this program was GE was designed it was geographically located to stop transi oriented abuse that was my impression on why Victoria Street was there I was not um employed by the city when it changed but that was just my impression I do understand the mental health facility that Council McKenna speaks on um that's right at the end it's on the no parking site there is no driveway there so again this is just sharing my experience my interaction with this neighborhood and and kind of the adverse effects that would happen with this change I'm supportive on any decision made by this commission just want to put the information in front of you so that way you could have it to digest and if you have any questions i' be happy to answer them thank you Mr buba appreciate that I don't say I have much opinion with this other than the fact that I am concerned that residents on with B that use this already might be a little disappointed when they can no longer Park on haen Street CU those are mostly single family homes if I'm not mistaken and I've hadn't to see in this big of a problem changing one Street in the neighborhood to 24 hours is not going to fix it you will have to address multiple so that way you can continue to alleviate parking ingestions for the rest of the people that have trouble getting home so I think if we were to do this I think the best way is to consider at least four or five of these streets in this neighborhood and you don't have to do the whole length you know you can do sections of vinyl you can do a small section of Taft include hatden in there section of winter bath as well and I think that would help really get the whole neighborhood um parking issues kind of straightened out I think if you do it to had and you're just going to create a hardship for one of the other residents on the other streets I would have to agree with you thank you you're right like take take your pick you inconvenience people on win or inconvenience them on hat so you might as well spread it out thank you for the leeway uh j m one1 c counselor um this is coming uh because once MCM Mack and field is done then they're going to be inundated because there's no parking and this was a problem back in the day where people that were using MC Mack and field were parking all along those uh streets so this is coming um whether you do it now or you do it in two years from now but it is coming because these people um you know if they're using a if the if this is going to be a multi- um facility um Athletic Facility then you're going to have people parking everywhere so um this is going to be a problem down the line you know uh and I mean if we're if we're starting to uh do you know uh do no parking on with rev uh then you know I mean we might as well start this now so thank you okay okay but just so everyone is aware I know that the development of the field is a concern of everyone in this area but it will the the proposed design does include some off street parking for that field that will help olivate some of this issue council members Mr chairman just a point of information um if so seems to me that the the facility on the corner um and possibly there's a a few also um businesses on winter Bev if we make the this uh 247 um permit parking then those people that that work there the the nurses and whatnot where do they go there's nowhere so it would seem like that facility then at some point would would you know would close or have serious problems so it's just something that I think we need to keep in mind um you know when we're talking about uh permitting uh 24/7 in you know in just generally in any part of the city I agree chairman um Nick rer makes a great Point um and this was What We R into at the beginning of the parking program which we realize so we have Healthcare blackards that are issued to healthcare workers in an area um as long as they submit the documentation submit their Med um medical uh ID showing they are employed their employer has sent us a letter we do have permits for those for any other occupational business that is operating in the area we do have business permits as another option for those um I do know some of the businesses have driveways but I'm sure there might be overflow onto the streets but we do have the option to accommodate those needs um should this change go forward absolutely thank you thank you all right committee members do we have any motion I Mr chairman I make a motion to table this so that we can look at it sort of you know I am b a bigger picture yeah I am concerned we do this on one street it's just going to do against the others we're pushing traffic onto another you know next meeting we're going to be talking about you know the next Treet and then the next one and so I think if we look at it you know kind of uh as a whole you know maybe we can figure something out that works or at least is equally inconvenient for everybody I believe we have to address the concerns about winter bath residents with the m the many multifamilies they have on winter bath that might create a huge issue with making these all it might eliminate their parking allog together I agree okay so i' make a motion to the table it until weekend okay motion table is there a second it five is tabled just to finish that up and if the commission wants some data I can definitely um spend some time heavily enforcing this area overnight as the restrictions are and if this comes back up I can provide that data on what we are getting out of there for issuance per night to see what kind of problem we're getting thank you Mr B okay next item item number five amend schedule 8 of title 10 parking restrictions generally by oh my apologies request to have new signage placed on Mill Street place since the old signs are currently worn out so it it that speaks for itself um uh and and I don't see two-sided parking on Mill um there's no signs on U both sides there's only um signs on the Northerly part of it and they're all worn so I just asked for new signs and I have to leave so uh Zach's going to talk about number um is it seven yes yeah it's number seven he's going to speak for me so I just wanted to do is this this is no parking signs we're talking about no this with rep he's going to talk I'm number four no parking signs question um new signs up there no okay that's not something we have to is that both sides we don't have to vote on that Mr chairman um any motions on this I would add them to the public request going up next month for M Street uh I think it's the same in line right we're replacing M Street Place signs and I would just have DPW staff hold off wait for the public request meeting next week make sure there's no additional push back before these signs go up that's fine thank you okay now item number five amend schedule 8 of title 10 parking restrictions generally by adding gillwell Park 2hour parking during the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. Monday through Sunday except holidays and then the second half to that is gillwell Park no overnight parking during the hours of 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. Monday through Sundays except holidays and this will be Griswald Park both Lots St Mary's way to 2hour parking okay so this is just the Lots we're speaking about okay correct and I I hope um the commission is able to understand what I drafted up so um Griswald complex is three baseball fields or two one baseball field two softball fields it's separated by two parking lots one on each side of it um both sides are kind of seeing abuse the back side more so as there is a big unit on Washington AV that does not get parking permits they have off street parking um and they are supposed to be staying on the lot what is going on is there are extra vehicles moving into those units and they were parking on spag NOA Road getting ticketed now they're moving into Griswald Park um this has really complicated the issue recently as parks and wck does a ton of events down there rybs um little uh softball in the city there's been times where the city shown up for events and there's already 10 cars there at 7 in the morning that are from that building the other building that's coming online that will use the same roadway as abuse as the one on the corner Sherman in Washington a they're eventually going to start doing the same thing um taking up the complex in St Mary's and makes it hard on a day of an event to get get some Vehicles out of there so we're noticing people were leaving their cars there some one car was dumped there we got it red tagged police was able to to it um fortunately thank you so this was in conjunction work with the Parks and Rec Department as they've been kind of running into some issues does the park and rec department also believe that two hours is sufficient for parking in those fields during events and softball games and whatnot so we did speak about that yes we considered moving it up to 3 hours we figured we'd put it in front of the traffic commissioner to he was satisfied with it but if there's an amendment to go to 3 four hours I would understand that change I might I think I might think that three hours should be just some of those games do last a long time I don't want to T people getting ticketed for watching their son's baseball game or the after hour games they have absolutely understand so I would recommend three hours be reasonable medium okay thank you Mr stringy let's amend that to be three hour parking and then we can continue with the no parking 11:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. is there anyone else like to speak of this matter I don't believe so Mr chairman I make a motion to send this to a public hearing um with the modification of uh the 3 hours as opposed to two hours uh as uh Mr stringy had mentioned agreed is there a second all is in favor all is opposed move to public hearing Mr chairman number six is in line number five um the way the ordinances are written I had to record them in both sections to be viable okay amend schedule 23 of title 10 to away zones off street parking okay so this is just an addition of making it acceptable to tow no parking during the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. is that correct that is correct okay thank you Mr chairman I make motion to send this also to a public hearing is there a second all those in favor all those opposed all right move to a public hearing next item in the agenda is amend schedule eight of title 10 parking restrictions generally by adding no parking along Northern side of State Road among Beachmont along Beachmont station fence Point 100 ft easterly of winther a following following time area parking spaces along State Road to point 600 ft easterly of winter bath no parking area would span approximately 500 ft along northeast side of state road now I'm do we have the ability to actually put something in favor on this on the books I don't believe we do Mr chairman I don't believe we do okay Mr chairman so um somewhere along the line resident parking signs went up along the fence of the MBTA of the Blue Line trade station so they've been there for years I've been a for I've been with the city for six years when I started in 2018 those signs were there um it's been years that allow parking has happened there as long as it was a residential sticker um now within the past six months MBTA came out they did some work to that Blue Line train station some of those signs had come down there was a request to me to ask for those signs to get back put up to make sure that we could enforce the area um looking at it I didn't believe that there should be parking over here anyways the breakdown Lane doesn't come out further enough um it's a two-way travel Road um the 100 fo Point 100 foot point that I referenced here is because if you stand on the corner of winther B and State Road there are two about two parking spaces that are about 30 minute they say 30 minutes parking and I think the intent it looks like a little Inlet and it was designed to allow people to pick people from the train station what I believe beyond that it shrinks and you run the parking Lane into a travel Lane um so it should have no been no parking I was just trying to get something on the books that would allow us to put up signs if this requires us to reach out to do and get approval from do first um I can definitely do that um thank you Zach I will bring this to the attention of the dot myself and see what they would like to do moving forward I don't believe we should make a ruling one way or the other on something like this awesome and then uh Council mcken just asked to add to this motion that if with the requested do can we look into painting arrows to show which lane is the direction of travel for instance if you're driving on State Road it's a two-lane road going towards East Boston the left lane is designed to turn on to Winter bab the right latest the D go straight she was she wanted me to ask if we could look into some atos to help that's I'll bring it to the attention of the do as well I got to have them Squire Road also has some issues with some painting they had they need to do some line straper our city we know we got the man for the job thank you thank you sir thank you very much okay um item number eight amend schedule six of title 10 handicap persons parking by adding five Florence a apartment one I believe there's some material that was handed out to to us associated with this am I wrong no oh okay is there anyone here to speak on behalf of this five Florence AV handicap parking permit no did Ralph send a an email okay um maybe we should just table this until we get the correct information that goes along with us is he recommending it I believe he was I I read the email I don't know exactly what was in the packet but he did send along some type of information with it I believe oh okay okay well let's just table this until we can get the correct information just make can I make a motion s to a public hearing and then we could oh that's fine okay second second all those in favor move to public hearing um the last item is request to install install speed tables and other traffic coming measures both on proct DAV near the fire hydrant at 36 Elm Street this was previously tabled and I don't believe there's anyone here to speak of this matter anyway again Mr chairman I make a motion to table list um to give us some time to um run it through the new guidelines okay um and you know uh vet those two locations okay is there a second second all those in favor all right item is tabled all right and that oh sorry Mr chairman yes motion to adjourn motion to adjourn is there a second second there meeting adjourned thank you all