##VIDEO ID:EAkil4Wtfgw## okay everyone everyone thank you for joining us for September 19th traffic commission will everyone please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance thank you all right let's start off tonight with our public hearings amend schedule 9 of title 10 resident parking streets 24-hour enforcement Council McKenna would like to have the remaining upper half of endot Av to have 24 hours 7 days a week permanent parking the lower half of OT has already been completed any would like to speak on the matter proponents uh J McKenna 8:30 winr Avenue um I'm up here because I've been been hearing from the residents uh for the last couple of years that they have they can't park in front of their houses because I don't know if you know indicard have but they we have this uh there's no cars uh there's no houses so people go up there and they stop and they e and they drink and they watch look at the water and uh it's inundating the quality of life of these residents residents come home they have groceries they can't park because people are there um the from 0 to 72 uh indicard a is uh permit parking and I would just like to make the rest of the street permit parking it's only one-sided parking so you can't park on the other side um and it is it's also a bus route so uh when people are parking on that side of the street where it's no parking and they're watching the waves or they're watching the seals or whatever they're watching um it's tough for the buses to get down too so um I just want to make it 247 and I do have people here um residents to speak if you will allow it of course thank you Mr chairman good evening Anthony zambuto 87 High Street I'm here to rise in in favor of uh Council McKenna's proposal um I've heard from lots of neighbors and I've been up there to check it out myself and I see what goes on and we know what goes on we're trying to be polite uh but uh this is really necessary and I hope you'll approve it thank you good afternoon I'm Mary Beth deazi grew up 237 endic cadav this is a prime location of concern um the we don't have off street parking and the area is very inviting for people to come loer um linger and it there's um it's difficult for the residents because we can't make calls until after midnight and we like to just go to sleep and enjoy the peace okay and have available parking thank you thank you very much there anyone else oh hi good evening my name is Jenny Colangelo I live at 261 inard in Beachmont and it's been quite a problem I grew up in the house and I've been back there for the past 25 years um I live exactly my door faces the park I live upstairs my nephew lives downstairs and um I'm carrying bundles and um there's nowhere to park people go to the beach they Park their car there and they take off with their beach chairs or you know down the beach um I've seen people Park their car and get on the bus I mean it's not fair for us and and I'm trying to look for a parking space and there's nowhere so it's been a problem we're taking pictures we're like detectives it's awful but we're doing everything we can and then the a lot of um the single family homes what they're doing is they're making them condex or condos now they're getting more people and then they invite their friends and their friends have cars and it's the summer they want to go to the beach and we're stuck you know they don't care I mean we have people that live all the way down the street at that apartment down there we have one across the street you know they invite their friends and it it just eats up our parking and it's not fair because we're homeowners you know and I I know they pay rent and I want to be fair to everybody but um I think that um along with making empty car to One Way straight because now we have Amazon going that way and the bus going that way and that is the worst thing cuz kids are coming down with their motorcycles and their bikes and I'm calling the r police for these little kids that are coming down on these scooters right in the middle of the street I don't I don't want to see anybody get killed in the street like that but that's it I'm I'm done thank you very much appreciate that Zach do you have a comment as well Zach babo director parking Dinger Broadway um I'm a proponent for this request as most of the Beachmont Community with about a handful of streets is already 24-hour residential this roadway being questioned today or being requested is 13 24-hour residential um similar to what we did in Beachmont community over the past few years uh most of the streets the beginning sections were 24-hour resident to eliminate trans oriented abuse but what happens is people realize I can park 300 ft further escape a ticket and still have the same luxury of walking to the train station and taking the train going to Boston um there's also been situations I've spoke with some of the residents here today over the course of the past 2 years we have been made aware there's been times where people visit their friends here leave their car on the roadway go to London for 10 days K sat there for 10 days we found out why um boatload of tickets was issued but the problem is this area the community can only get enforcement midnight to 6 um they do need some more relief from the current abuse is seeing thank you thank you Zach all right are there any anyone else any opponents seeing none thank you um is there any motion from the council either to approve or deny make a motion to approve Mr chairman motion to approve is there a second second second all those in favor I I all right motion has passed item number two councelor G soya requests to move the no parking signs located on bav from the even side number of the street to the odd side of the street do we have any anyone like to speak on that matter no opponents proponents nope do we have any comments from the council Zach babo director of parking I'm not a proponent or an opponent of this um but as it's kind of been a contentious issue over the past year or so I do remember uh engineer Nick rrom stating that when a side of a street is decided to be no parking there is some some thought behind that and it's usually due to the way the fir truck may enter that roadway this roadway the only way to enter it is either Mill Street or if the point of Pine's fire truck is going to be coming to this neighborhood they would be coming down Northshore Road taking a right onto this roadway if we reverse the no parking side I'm not sure maybe the chief can speak on this but is he going to need that leftand side of the road cleared to make sure that apparatus can make that swing that right-handed turn from Northshore Road onto Gilbert a I know during this past discussion that was mentioned by Nick rrom and that was the reason why the side was decided there's a No Parking side so I'm not an opponent or a pro opponent I'm for whatever the track commission wishes this is just a point that I thought I'd bring up thank thank you so this has already switched sides twice so this would be the third time we're relocating this sign just so everyone's aware the north side is the odd side correct no that's incorrect the even side is the cell side I'm sorry okay turn if you turn off of Northshore Road you take a right then odd is on the right side that's want well it doesn't seem like anyone wants to speak on the matter do you guys have any comments table it until someone decides to show up oh is that okay let's table it until the counselor can um attend one of these meetings motion motion to table second thank you tabled okay item number three celor cogliandro would like to have two crosswalks placed at the intersection of kushav and Adam Street crosswalks will be placed on kushav on both sides of Adam Street this would allow for pedestrian while crossing well I'm sorry while school is in session yeah one of them is close to the drive my only concern is that this we do have a safe route to each School currently with 8 accessible ramps this will be putting two sidewalks I'm sorry two crosswalks where there are no ADA Compliant ramps that's my major you're concern with this it might lead to some confusion with students that need to use the correct way to to both Lincoln and um the other school there do we have anyone here to speak on this matter no Mr chairman just a point of information there is um crosswalk at both ends so uh people that are walking to uh the Lincoln they do have the ability to cross um closer to Broadway and the wh as well at the whan there is also a crosswalk at New Hall so they do have the ability to cross there as well um and then I would just also um Echo that adding two crosswalks here uh would then actually be not uh would be out of compliance because there it would not be uh ramp okay um thank you to get across all right um with that said is there any would you guys set of a motion on the floor Mr chairman um just in Li of the um comments that I just provided I'll make a motion to deny is there a second second okay motion is denied thank you item number four amend schedule five of title 10 oneway streets by adding the following linehurst location linehurst Direction West from Agatha to Route One North I did receive a call from Cappies that was unhappy with our current signage up there as well just to make sure everyone's aware good evening Anthony zambuto 87 High Street uh I'm here tonight uh representing God Ruster Soul uh Priscilla Nickerson who who championed this for the Neighbors up there uh the demilios they're away and they couldn't be here tonight and they're certainly in favor of this but uh she really went out of her way to help these people and somehow it got lost that it was past here and we corrected that at the last meeting and this is just the second part of it and so I'm here to speak in favor of it hopefully it will pass okay and I'll take I'll fight with cies if you want me to do you have any concerns with that the yard that they have down there with those large Vehicles I'm just the fact that it shouldn't be there the yach or what's what do I believe it's commercial use that's permanent they have vehicles otherwise those Vehicles would have to run through the actual neighborhood itself instead of being able to come off Route One into that lot that they currently use the tree company I believe this auto body shop and they store equipment there as well what's the other solution just keep the no um the do not enter at the top by Agatha but if we make it one way from Route One to um Agatha linehurst then those Vehicles won't be able to make it into that lot they'll have to go through the entire neighborhood itself do you agree okay this is a this is a situation I'm not quite familiar with I'm going to have to I'm going to have to educate Myself by going up there and uh doing it so perhaps we leave this on the table okay uh rather than deny it yeah if you if you drive out behind Cappies take that first right there's a a large construction yard they have there and they have t tons of equipment that comes in and out I'm just hesitant on directing that through the neigh I don't want I I I wouldn't want to go through the name let me let me familiarize myself with it I'd ask you to table it thank you Mr chairman uh another piece of that um there is some concern that if you um prohibit access there that um Vehicles will just go further up um to Robin Lane and come uh down Morris um so something to keep in mind that some of that traffic is going to be now heavier in that location okay thank you all right item four is tabled is this a separate item or is this item five item five amend schedule six of title 10 heavy commercial vehicles restricted streets by adding the following location so linehurst Road Agatha Morris Robins Road Bennett Street Direction both entire length restricting heavy commercial vehicles um do we have any want to speak on this matter any proponents any opponents just a point of clarification um there's a few streets in this area that already follow this restriction um it was a request of the mayor's office and what we did was just add the other streets seemed to be missing from this area lion Hur was the street in question that we wanted to try to make a do not enter for that way um those roadways that liur connected to did not have the heavy commercial restricted streets but breeden's Lane seem to have that where liur is going to run right into breeden's Lane so we didn't understand why breeden's Lane was on that list but the other streets were removed so this is it's kind of a they kind of go together four and five all right counselor Gina thank you afternoon gentlemen good afternoon putting information for you for far north Rivier in the truck traffic I believe only Liberty Avenue is the only Street listed under no commercial vehicles that went through a proper process back about 20 years ago okay in order to make the neighborhood no trucks we have have to make a vote before the traffic commission mhm take the vote give it to the mayor's office after it's advertised out public he as we are doing right now we vote on it goes to the mayor's office the mayor turns around submits a request to mass theot along with an alternate truck room okay so we're requesting here basically is getting the trucks heavy trucks out of North River it's basically all Hills up there we have tractor trailer trucks from campy cutting in and out of there going to Route One if they're coming down Salem Street in North Riva from saus going up they'll go up grv Liberty and hit lion Hurst or Robert and go back down the route one and cut the other traffic out it is it is possible to do it if we give Mass howwi an adequate truck rout and tell them we want the trucks to go coming on CM street to pick up Route One at Route One on ramp not through the neighborhood okay if they're going opposite direction there's no reason want to go to sagus they can go up on Route One and make Route One your truck route okay thank you all right thank you councelor with that said are there any opponents to this motion hearing seeing none all right Mr chairman just a a question um what is the threshold uh for heavy commercial vehicles I do not know off the top of my head 3 ton 30,000 30,000 ton we can set it at 3 tons 30,000 tons it it depends on what the city wants if you try to keep out the the landscapers and small Vehicles three tons okay if it's heavy commercial vehicles it's your dump trucks your um box trucks then you're going 33,000 and up so we could put a sign up over there no commercial vehicles over 33,000 that's your class speed trucks your trailers they um track the trailers themselves up to8 80,000 so it's probably between you know you want to be at least 30,000 33,000 to keep out your commercial vehicle and allow your landscapers to go through your oil men to come through MH and everyone else the workers to go through compens what you guys said it that all right thank you very much counselor all right um would you guys like to put a motion either to approve or deny this we can tackle the situation with Mast thought yeah well we we should definitely uh look into this more and try to find out an actual put a limit on weight limit yeah you know those streets up there are very substandard so those larger trucks have to be uh eliminated from trust passing through those through the neighborhood so uh, I have no quarrel with putting a 30,000 pound limit okay all right is there a second second second passed with the authorization from Mast doot if they approve the same 30 the 30,000 limit so pass contingent on mass do approval all right item number five request to have traffic cing measures placed in front of the senior center located 25 win B measures requested include a speed table and or traffic light anyone here speak of this matter Commissioners Deb de Julio Deb thank you thank you I would like uh Lori if you would could you give a packet to each of the make sure the chief gets one um I am here on behalf of the seniors at the senior center I have 20 a packet of 20 letters here and that's just a few um and I'm going to read a couple but I know you're all aware of the danger Crossing winther Val in front of the senior center please read these letters please hear there please almost every one of the letters mentions how the senior escaped being hit by by a car more importantly how they feared being killed that day no one should be afraid to come to the senior center or across the street and I think you would all feel the same way if these were your parents um the first letter I just want to read is uh from Bob hin I wish he was here we do have a number of seniors here in the audience Bob wrote to Maya Keef who would think that crossing a street would be a life-altering experience will let me tell you a tale two weeks ago bright shiny morning I left the senior center to retrieve an article from my car parked in the city lot I paused checked for traffic and took my first step when out of nowhere a green four-door literally flying down with their valve came close to sending me to Woodland before my time before I could say a word the driver gave me the famous one finger salute and flew on to Broadway this has got to stop it could have been a young child chasing a friender ball please take the appropriate action and that was from Bob hanin I'm going to read another one that was you know this has been going on forever but this is September 8th this was a Sunday it wasn't even a day that we were at the senior center these seniors were going on a day trip and they were just going across the street to get on a bus on September 8th 2024 I was crossing with the Val I was in the crosswalk walking with my Walker to cross the street where the tour bus was parked all of a sudden I spoted a car flying down racing down with the valve I was in the middle of the crosswalk I'm blind in my right eye I could just catch a glimpse of this car my friend nah who was on the right side guiding me across the street I could see the tour guide cherl Toby walking towards me screaming for her to stop this this could have been a tragedy of three of us getting killed by this driver she stopped an inch away from the crosswalk one is a tragedy but imagine three of us too bad no one got her license plate Cheryl Toby the tour guide started to at the driver and the driver just drove off we need traffic lights on both sides of the crosswalk with the with the pole that has a stop button on it this area is residential win Val is not a highway not only for the safety of seniors but also children and just people it could have been anyone Crossing I thought I was going to die that day please don't wait for a tragedy to happen before something is done she could have killed three of us and it was just in a matter of a second we need something done right away um like I said I could go through all 20 of these and read them they're heartbreaking they're heart rendering um we we did see we have the crosswalk there they did put up flashing lights um which is great but it it doesn't make a difference it it just doesn't and and I don't know the solution I I would love to work with you for a solution but my seniors want a button to press to stop at least they will stop I thought maybe a a speed bump might slow them down I don't know I really don't know I I don't want to interfere with police or fire with speed bumps but um it they can't cross the street and it's within a second they are flying you know there's a stop site at the top of winter B right at Beach Street there's there's a light there but they come through that and they fly to Broadway and vice versa off of Bradway but there's more people to speak thank you for your time thank you get a line good evening Robert H 161 Fenley street I'm here to o speak in favor of traffic calming measures and um speed calming measures along winthrip Avenue back in February councelor McKenna and myself put a motion in for a digital speed raadar along winthrip Avenue you know based on the fact that at the top of the street you have a playground you also have the Immaculate Conception School you have the rec center a lot of young young parents are pushing strollers past that crosswalk you know they're crossing the street young kids are crossing the street um and in front of the senior center you have a lot of seniors walking from the municipal lot to get to the senior center and the following month I believe councelor SAA and councelor McKenna put another Motion in that I that I jumped on um 100% and it was also for a speed a digital speed Raider as well as possibly a speed hump Along on winr Avenue and you know like Debbie said I spent a lot of time the last three years at the senior center as the assistant director I've been outside and I've had to you know myself walk out in the middle of the street put my hand up so the seniors could cross along the crosswalk because someone was flying down the street and um you know it's definitely needed it's definitely a safety issue and I think anything that can be approved tonight whether it be speed humps digital speed Raiders would be great for our seniors trying to get to the senior center as well as families trying to get to the playgrounds and you know residence overall just trying AC cross the street thank you thank you counselor councilor J McKenna 8:30 winthrip Avenue thank you Mr chairman um this is my ward uh and it we could resolve two problems we all know that people are driving too fast okay and it's everywhere but we want to protect our seniors uh we did put um there was councilor H and uh councelor uh Gino SAA and myself we put in a couple of motions to keep the Senor safe um they have a flashing pedestrian light right now and they have a crosswalk which we put in but it's not working okay we need something that's going to resolve this problem if we put a speed table and I don't know I mean you can just this is just an idea of mine but if we could put a speed table maybe a 50 100 ft away from The Pedestrian light in a crosswalk uh further up to Broadway or wherever maybe both sides maybe that would give time for these seniors to have the time to cross I it is a long stretch I mean if you go from the parking lot where the senior center is all the way to the Central Parking Lot you there's win Bev goes in a uh win Bev in um sprak Street goes in a a triangle yeah so there's a long uh way to get to if you don't cross the street to uh winr bav and then go around to spra Street and you just walk across winre bav in spra Street that's a long stretch without any any kind of safety so we need to really come up with the plan and just like her letter said when she read the letter let's do it before someone gets hurt or killed so I don't know what you you guys are all experts we have an engineer here we've got Frank we've got the fire department we have you know um now the chief of uh the CPW so you put your heads together and let's see what we can come up with to make it safe for these seniors cuz they're all sitting here and they're all concerned all right thank you very much I can say off the bat the first thing we can do is I do have some of those speed radar signs that we can put up that tell the the miles per hour and tell you if you're speeding um I am hesitant on the speed table because we did look at the area and the it's a substantial undertaking to get the drainage to work properly with the Ste speed table in that area I'm sorry con would you like to speak as well you can finish um so I I believe the best route would be to start with that one of those speed signs coming um towards Broadway if you guys agree if not traffic to stop so they can see and I let's let everyone continue speaking and we can have a discussion after thank you Mr chairman members of the commission iron noeli 53d H Home Street uh down in shirle AV area but uh I'm a city councelor in W two but I go up to the senior center two three times a month you see all the folks there these are the people that are vulnerable the ones that are in front of you right now and signs don't do the job you know I I last year uh during the summer I asked for the digital sign machine the speed machine to go between um Immaculate and the senior center to try and slow the people down but uh what wasn't really mentioned is specific words I know we're talking speed tables and speed bumps maybe this is a good location for a raised crosswalk starting at the curb and going straight across it's similar to a a speed bump as you want to call it but at least they'll slow down while they're crossing the crossing the street and put up the proper signage and also um I don't know if you know on uh mlen Highway in East Boston right by where toll manufacturing used to be at Addison Street they have a push button from pedestrians across the highway I know somebody got injured there last actually killed there last year but if they want to cross they pushed a button and all these yellow flashing lights in both directions are telling the traffic somebody wants AC cross and to slow down and watch for them maybe that is something that we want to look at and I know we can do all solar we don't have to do uh any direct electricity so but something has to be done there it is terrible and we want to make sure that nobody gets hurt and everybody is safe thank you all right good evening again good evening asler so we know we've got a problem there I like your idea with Ira's idea I think we need to do both we need some sort of a a button system flashing lights so people are going actually stop it it wouldn't hurt to have a a speed sign that tells you you're speeding but we got to get somebody something to stop and I think the solution is that solar powered uh thing that is on the mlen highway that that's Hy of system I I think we could probably afford that and it probably be a lot easier than putting an actual pedestrian stop but the answer is either that or a pedestrian stop button because it's just not safe and we've been lucky up to now that nobody's been killed over there so let's not tempt fate thank you understood thank you all right are there any yes is this pertaining to the senior center my name is Anthony cantino and I live at 240 suffk Avenue River now I see in Lynn this is not L it's something new on a crosswalk no soona a individual reaches the sidewalk where this crosswalk appears okay that there are flashing red lights red lights as soon as the individual stands as soon as he's prepared to walk across the street right on Western a they have flashing red lights up until that individual is safely across the street they they automatically go on on Western AB okay okay you know automobiles are here to stay in three or 4 years you're going to you're going to have auton autonomous automobiles that all you have to do is take your phone out and tell the car where to go and it goes there no driving okay now I I understand you can't make both sides happy okay but there is there is a a h there is a a way where in ly right on Western a you have flashing red lights when the individual steps right on the sidewalk and stands there and the cars stop period thank you very much thank you we agree on something members of the commission is there any motions well there's a number of traffic control devices that can be used we're going to have to select something accordingly we're to have to find the appr device Senior Center it really stops Vehicles when somebody's coming so motion to approve with the input making some type of agreement as to what actually gets put into this and I know this is expensive I get it I know I work for the city I'm with you guys I would be willing to go half of my budget out of my budget with the city to make this happen because it's that important to them awesome yeah we'll work together and get something sorted out uh what's what's wrong with the idea of putting at least for now using those portable speed pumps we have down at DPW this this portable speed hump or bump you have those right yeah there was the plan was to put them in a different location but on um come the portable ones the ones that we were talking about for crescent would you mind if those get put over there just for the time being until we can come up with a different solution how much are they no no no no this is something asking you do you know how much they are I believe it cost I think they were around 3,000 how about if I take it out of my CIT money and we can we can keep it at Crescent AV because those people want it at Crescent AV and then we'll I'll take out $6,000 of my CIT money because it's my ward and we'll give it to we'll give it to uh the senior citizens I was trying to I this is just like a temporary thing I I do want to move forward with the the signage and the the stop for the flashing light the for pedestrians so let's let's stay with that route then because these are these are measured for specific areas these were measured out for crescent a I don't know what the distance is between that actual road so it might be a little weird so let's just keep with our original Road okay all right motion to approve or deny we don't know what we're approving at this point we're we're approving a traffic control device some type of traffic control device screwed upon between the Department of Public Works and the senior center to be installed at that location by means of some type of automated system that will stop cars or make cars aware that a c a person is Crossing in the crosswalk yeah let's let's review because there are a number of them that one that's appropriate you want something specifically set in stone before we say yes okay so if if I might yeah so so approve whatever you decide on what type of device you're going to put on but we we are going to put a device is that's the bottom line just to approve a traffic control uh device at that location that that's you deem appropriate yeah great okay thank you second motion second all right can I just ask question yep the speed the speed table um do we have I know there are speed tables with cameras on them and they take if you're going if it says 25 miles hour and you're going 40 they take a picture of your license plate um is what would that would be not ex it's that's not legal in Massachusetts yet oh it's not okay all right thanks okay um soon maybe but not at this moment um so we had to have a second so that motion is approved to put measures traffic coming measures at the 25 wi of B location once agreed upon um is there a specific wording you like to have in there is that fair enough well let's cover ourselves and have a traffic control signal there for pedestrian Crossing C traffic control system for pedestrian Crossing okay perfect motion is [Applause] approved all right now we're back off to requests requests to install install a speed table and other traffic calming measures plac on both Proctor AV and one near the fire hydrant at 36 Elmwood AV is there anyone to speak on that matter is there anyone here for the speed table in or other traffic commic measures at Proctor in Elmwood AV I don't know exactly who it was Mr chairman yes um I make a motion to table until such time that um there was someone here to speak on this okay so that we can have some um background as to the request okay request is tabled item number two amend schedule five of title 10 oneway streets by adding S6 street northernly from Park AV to Mountain a counselor thank you Paul agenzio 245 Reservoir Avenue W for city counselor just to get back to that first request I didn't put that in so I don't know who requested it Lori I don't know it is my ward but I don't know who the number one yes that was from last one okay and it was it was um sent to public he question number one number one the request or the public hearing just who who submitted it the request for Proctor and Elwood um I think that Ashley said that to me okay so I can do some research on that and then if you do table it I I'll perfect okay and I can um as far as number two goes uh several uh residents from essic Street approach me we've had some success uh recently creating oneway streets off Pac Avenue uh Hancock Street one way going Northerly and Cambridge Street uh one way uh coming southernly um it's worked out well um there was a traffic study done uh a few years ago that suggested all these streets be one way one way or another so this would just be continuing on uh in that vein and if we could move this to a public hearing uh there are several residents that will come up and speak Mr chair we looked at that area and it was recommended at the time that Essex Street be one of the streets to be uh one way in a Northerly direction to Mountain Avenue so this is in line with uh what was being proposed for the area and I they make a a motion to send it to public hearing okay is there a second second all right item number two as been moveed to a public hearing thank you thank you request number three to install speed tables and or other traffic calming measures placed in the vicinity of 74 Yan Street and 130 Pro Prospect AV thank you Mr chairman uh Paul agenzio W for city counselor I did receive requests from residents on both streets I sent an email to Mr rrom at some point uh if he could look into the maybe he has into the feasibility of of putting them there uh does it interrupt infrastructure or anything uh I would prefer the word speed hump I know speed tables they go curb to curb and disrupt uh the drainage speed humps come off the curbs a little bit and and don't have that effect on drainage uh I don't know if he's had a chance Mr rice you had a chance but if you haven't that's fine um Street this would be as you oneway Street as you approach Par Avenue uh where the Hill school is and 130 uh Prospect AV a lot of speeding happens there as people come down the hill at a at a aggressive rate of speed so if we could move that to a public hearing uh and some residents will come up and speak thank right any comments from the commission again I think we have to look at U evaluating a specific location for these uh y agreed and uh once that is undertaken we can uh to a public hearing would you like to do a proper speed study to see if this is an adequate location if there's actually speeding going on I expect that's the the proper process and protocol that we do that first okay all right so we'll add this to the list to have a proper speed study done to see if there's Act is if there's an ongoing speeding issue in this location thank you I'm I'm just curious who conducts the speed studies it's between traffic Julia has a hand in it she sent me a couple of L reports you put the Machine by the and and see what the speed is yes okay that that's fine I'm agreeable to that okay thank thank you okay request number four amend schedule 8 of title 10 parking restrictions generally by adding Beach Street Northerly Kim AV norer Road does anyone know what the actual request is there I can tell you that oh celor thank you I can it's writt it's written incorrectly okay right now at this location it's a flarity park at the corner of uh Beach Street in Nora Road a little park there there was a bus stop there yep the MBTA eliminated the bus stop okay so I want to allow parking between kimal AV and ner road on the North side so I'm not okay I'm not adding a restriction I'm lifting a restriction actually cuz right now it's a bus stop so there's no parking bus stop has definitely been it's been removed definitely been eliminated did they relocate it up further up Beach well they have one down by Bob's Auto Body by the parking lot and um they they telling people to use the one at nant okay now I did look after I asked Lori they I don't believe there is a parking restriction in that location at the moment so I don't think we would have to change anything on the as far as have stops on our ordinance yeah but the bus stop has been moved right yeah but it's still in the book says a bus stop being there so the bus stop okay has to be removed to allow P okay yeah so once the bus stop is removed from our the ordinance all okay all set doesn't sound like s like an issue no perfect so that's resolved public hearing on that right no no no no public heing so because I did that's just making a correction on the um as far as where the bus stops are located if it's removed then it should also be removed they did ask for some signage to put there that we had a little issue with on description of where it's going no parking hit a corner on either end of that but there's a fire hydrant the corner n uh n Road on Beach Street at nsha Road okay so that has to be 10 ft so I I had asked for signs to be put in for to allow keep them away from the corners so the fight Department can make the turns okay all right um if you don't mind about it okay so but there was an issue with it so we can talk about it well there should be no parking from corner it's 15 ft anyway regardless 20 sorry 20 yeah but we want to make sure there's sign there signs there so that people know because otherwise the parking office will tag them with a sign or not we want to let the people know what's going on all right I appreciate thank you thank you Zach B director of parking ther Broadway so this area of uh Beach Street um I'm a proponent of um I think it's already been amended when the bus stops when I think the MBT was here um as a requesting for a couple stop changes I'm pretty sure that went through a public hearing and was approved um so this should already have been amended if not then I would think just a change in what was requested tonight just to remove the bus stop language from that ordinance but to talk on the restrictions of this area up until Kimo AV our um W nant it's 24-hour residential so we would have to put up signs in place of where this bus stop was letting them know it's 24-hour residential parking and I'm not sure if there is still markings on the ground that were highlighting where the bus stop was to allow usually they paint big squares to show where the bus upop pulls in I can see if that's not removed or grounded out how that might be confusing um now putting this as a parking location so I would just ask that maybe we look into that and if we need to grind out some lines that were painted there prior by the M do that um in regards to the 20 ft of an intersection which is an mgl law allows us a tag no parking hit a corner um in our experience when there's no sign constru up up there to tell you where that 20ft Mark really is located um aals come in and in our pictures were violations we're not taking pictures with tape measures so we don't necessarily show that they are within that 20 foot Mark depending on they're photographed those could end up in dismissals so usually throughout the uh Community when we do have corners we're trying to protect WE Post signs up to let them know transparently this is the final marking um in regards to fire uh fire hydrant markings I don't know if the city is interested in adding additional signs throughout the community as we do have a lot of signs especially in this side uh side of the city um something we kicked around and I'm not sure the feasibility behind but maybe paint some red lines on the curbing 10 ft each way that would really Mark out the area we're trying to protect and it would allow to be photographed in our photos of a violation just to show that they were infring on that Mark like I said when they're not marked with signs paints things of that nature we don't have tape measures a part of our photo so it allows people to kind of make excuses and uh make a mess with the appeals it's not as transparent that's the same payment markings we have on uh Pleasant Street with a hydrant theat next to our City Hall Parking Lot exactly yeah and it it it's good job everybody stays outside those lines when they park there okay I I have had some complaints with residents on like the this seems fine in this area but further down in the residential areas it is a larger span that people don't understand you're not supposed to park in Fr of than they currently do so just so you know there has been some push back on I presented marking off those lines before and it so we we talked about go over too well a couple years ago um before yourself um about using kind of the high school kid uh the summer interns and um that apply for their you know summer work through the DPW maybe utilizing them in the summer and we've we've highlighted 25 locations that we constantly have issues with enforcing and we know these fire hydrants are really always pretty much infrint upon um again ticket after ticket it it it's not always fixing the problem visuals help a lot of the time with these um we've made a difference you can see a difference right out here in City Hall um some of the areas in the east side of the community some of the condensed streets we do have to find a little wiggle room we understand the ordance is 10 ft but some of these roadways don't have that and you know it's it's very tough so we try to kick around painting them it's clearly there you can see it when you get out the car you get out on your driver's side you can see the mark on the ground okay well I have no issue with the 20 foot signs on the corners we'll start there and getting let me contact NBTA and see if there's any pre-existing lines on that block as if that's the case those need to be removed thank you thank you Zach do we have any motion from the um Council the committee sorry Mr chairman just to clarify where this area where the bus stop used to be Y where the request is to allow parking there to allow parking in the previous bus stop okay but not close to the hydrant not close to the curve corre to the corner that sort of thing yeah okay so I think I think we're actually what am I saying I think we're all set I don't think there's any motion or anything motion to send to a public hearing no we have to send public hearing right why the bus stop has already been removed was it already designated for parking we redesignated it for for if the if if we're just cleaning up the books and removing the the bus stop reming removing the ordinance I think the only thing that would have to go in front of it is the 24-hour resident parking is that right what you said Zach parking is allowed there it just wasn't because there was a bus stop that's my understanding okay yes if the bus stop is officially removed then parking would be back allowed in that spot you're right a 24hour okay all right amendment to add this area to the rest of the pre-existing parking restrictions on beach okay is there a mo to approve that motion to approve there a second second all right all those in favor approved okay request number five install a crosswalk on Sergeant street at the pause in dog play Park uh which is located at 68 Sergeant Street counselor good afternoon again Christiano W this counselor as far was the bus stop let's go back a step that was approved a couple years ago on the teers before us we have to go into the ordinance for bus stops by bus route and remove it off each route that stopped at the bus stop over there there's no specific orders for that one bus stop number it's the RO my roote number so every bus that went to that bus stop has it listed on it so we have to figure out what route that was who used it and remove them one by one for that okay as far as the um dog pack goes I guess this came before you last year or during Co or sometime my Council before me it was approved to put a crosswalk if but I understand and it hasn't been installed so I'm just wondering if we could put it back up again okay and uh with public C on next month all right well I have no issue with this motion to move to public hearing motion all right move to public hearing request number six request for traffic coming measures either through more signage or speed bumps for the following locations Lantern Road between SK Squire Road and rumney Road charger Street between Grover Street and Squire Road soury Street between Malden Street and Squire Road Derby Road between Squire Road and Grover Street Malden Street between Newman Street and Washington half councelor good afternoon again Christiano Council wood 6 good afternoon City's fortunate we have these wonderful speed signs gives us all kinds of data I have pages of data here but I was kind enough to summarize it all so we have a summary of lanton Road Cher soury and Derby telling me how many cars are you using it and for what I'm seeing here we have a volume problem according to the sumary we have an typical week any given week Lon Road she is 12,200 Cash random week Chad Street seeing 12,300 cash random week s gry Street random week 24,000 cash hold on do Road 11,000 on here 1100 as far as the speeding goes it's not showing speed to be the real problem here it's the volume of C so I'm looking for we had the survey done the the survey done the um study done a couple years ago last year nothing was done after it was completed so if nothing else I said I spoke to the residence over Lon Road Chad Street sigy Derby and even Augusta Street I'm looking for better signage in the area Lon Road has a problem one cing a oneway street they coming down steeple contining straight down a square road now look at the at the do at the signs straight down the speed limit signs they non-existent if we can even Post 25 signs up there couple signs on the street and go from theway as far as Sni Augustus Derby even asy Avenue I'd like to have to look into it a little deeper and see if anything we can do as far as speed tables chag Street speed tables i' like to see what happens first over the winter time with the ones we currently have and how it affects the plowing and what have you before we go jump into putting them on all the side stre but let's consider it would do you have that old report that was done the the study maybe the the May has his office downstairs okay that that was done back in um this is 24 2022 the fall of 2022 okay uh summertime into the fall and they they they change the streets around but there is a study that they did do there were some requests that were made some recommendations they made some of them are off the wall they wanted to offset the pocket on the streets and put curban out and what have you mhm but I believe this other Avenue so if we get together on it and discuss it we could probably figure out which just move the traffic around okay even go start a truck route you know next month request the truck rout for over there but through the truck route I requested no trucks on Shader soury all the side streets put the route down truck route we all the street to Broadway to 107 down at Ram 60 squ Road trust going westbound Washington anv Lyon square route 60 back up r one again okay so we give him a truck route we give them our plan on doing it and at least we do some of it if not all trucks heavy trucks all right um would you would you have any objection to maybe allowing the commission to look into that report and in the meantime this this is a request for public heing okay and look into it come back next month again get some recommendations on it and then whatever you have from there put it to the her and then okay and one more thing as far as the um crosswalk signage the company we bought these speed signs off of The Flash ones they also have the crosswalk signage the solar power ones they're already a vendor for the city and it's a matter of calling for price on it to get an idea what's available I know there's different sizes they have available before I retired I looked into the crosswalks prices have gone up since then on the signage in the crosswalks but to give you an idea what we looking at to get the just to get them and they get a price on installing them in the area so what we talking about for next thing all right okay the all right well um definitely look into the crossbox signs I'll get that name from you the company from you so we can move forward with that for the senior center but um doc what's that dog pack all right um any motion from the commission what would you guys like to do with this it's a it's a large area to just I think we should look at that report and maybe we can come up with some type of we need something some type of idea how to move forward with this I don't know what we would be sending to public hearing exactly right now I you could look at any one of these streets and they they're warranted for a speed bump you know this given the amount of traffic and road especially chaja Street and S Street I agree with the counselor that they should we should post the speed limits and a minimum on most I'm not looking for regulation change I'm not looking to change title 10 we're looking to add safety measures to it so as far as the public hearing that would be for if the neighbors want to speak come up and speak about it they would they would know listen in October or in November whever the meeting is open to the residents for their ideas all right okay that that could be as easy as you know slow children's signs or the speed tables uh putting in more speed limit signs and what have you you know no regulation signs this thing commission what do you guys think so you you're requesting that neighbors neighborhood comes up to the traffic commission and gives recommendations say recommendations rather we can get together if you want figure it out that's if not put a public he for the residents come up here to decide what they want to do with their neighborhood in their streets yeah individually coun would you mind if we the two of us work together and see if we can figure something out that works for this neighborhood that would work okay all right let's let's let's do that thank you we we'll we'll table it for the time being and if we can come to some type of agreement before the next hearing we can squash the whole thing this could take more than one month could two or three months to figure this out not an overnight fix understood been going off you know 30 40 years now understood thank you all right so motion to table this matter until we can come to some type of agreement no further business I make a motion to a Juran sure hello hello my name is Christine Robertson I reside at 187 charger Street MH good evening Commissioners and thank you for listening for many months I have come before this commission regarding different traffic issues regarding charger Street in the surrounding streets of w 6 we are inundated with traffic daily with every TP size shape of vehicle on the road trucks buses delivery trucks 18 wheelers tow trucks construction equipment and whatever Rolls by on 20 or four wheels as stated many times before we are one of the threeways to Northgate Shopping Center as well as the commercial of charger Street there are two no truck signs posted one at the corner of Malden Street in charger and then again on the corner of rney Road in charger there is total disregard for these signs and it's getting worse by the day I have stood before this commission multiple times to ask for help with enforcement of these signs as well as to help with the speeding on charg Street the traffic is never ending and we need help please please approve the request and make it a priority for a speed table to be placed on Chara Street between Grover Street and Squire Road perhaps close to the intersection to help slow the speeding Vehicles trying to beat the signal light of the Squire Road intersection thank you for listening and for your consideration it's appreciated thank you all right now I make a motion to adjourn is there a second second meeting adjourned for