##VIDEO ID:mcHS164jW08## okay everyone welcome to November 21st traffic commission can you all please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance Pledge of Allegiance to the flag Amica to the Republic for which it stand one nation under God indivisible Li jice all right our whole commission is here so we have a we have a quorum I'd like to start off with our public hearings our first public hearing is amend schedule 8 of title 10 parking restrictions generally by adding no parking on both sides of the road 24 hours a day seven days a week like to speak on this um J McKenna Ward one counselor thank you uh chairman um so I but I talked to the res residents and they said it was very difficult to um I guess people are uh parking on both sides of the street and it's tough to get down there um but as I learned there is is um uh in the ordinance there is uh no parking from Beach Street to Hall Street and then there's oneid of parking from Hall Street to uh Riv Beach Parkway I think we should just do the whole street and the reason why I feel like that is because everybody has a driveway so let the people Park in their driveways so that's just my that's just my take on it and you can you guys can do what you want I'm sure Zach wants to speak um want to no Mr chairman Zach B director of parking thread Broadway thank you um before tonight's hearing I did hear a bit little discussion on what is it with Mill Street because we're looking at the ordinance it is listed one way no parking both sides entire length and then one-sided parking um only a fraction of the street my experience uh being in this world for 3 years um there are times where things have changed on the books things are added but not properly removed I don't know if that's a situation at the time I do know the public request tonight is to be put in front to make it parking on no parking both sides I think that's what is on the agenda I think that's what's up for discussion um I'm fine with either one one-sided parking no parking both sides I don't live there not sure what they're experiencing from I I do understand that once you remove parking completely from a roadway that does cause some hindrance and if people are losing driveway space it's going to force them on the roadway um now if we take away parking both sides it's going to force them onto another roadway we're going to take whatever problem is existing on Mill Street and put into somebody else um I don't envy the decision you guys have to make but I support either one that you do thank you Zach yeah if anyone want to come up speak the matter that's fine Oh Linda D Mill Street rier if you're um what is Northerly is nor is Northerly going from Beach to re Beach Parkway the opposite direction the opposite side so it's coming from the parkway to Beach Street yes so which side would that that be on if you're coming from the parkway to the beach Street which side are you saying parking should be on so it would be it on the right side it would be on the right side that's where the bend is That's So people are coming around that bend if they're parking there they're going to I think I think the other if you decide to do it I think the other side so that's the that's the problem we're having with the ruling on the books it act it says both from Mills to beach I'm sorry from Beach to River Beach Parkway yeah but I believe that has to be changed from to Hall Street which would be that curve right which would keep the parking off that curve off the curve yeah yeah so my recommendation would be to clean up the wording on that and just a little housekeeping item change R Beach Parkway to Hall Street both sides no parking and leave M Street easterly Hall Street to Riv Beach Parkway no parking any time I'm sorry no parking on the right side if you're going to the parkway so we have parking on one side have parking on one side and when would this take effect like when would they put signs up um as soon as we can get out there okay all right all right thanks Mr chairman just to piggy back off that yes you would need no parking both sides of the street from Beach Street to Hall yeah what's in consideration tonight what we do from Hall to the parkway yeah correct you is that it okay um Mr chairman commission question um so what's on the books now is no parking on either side for the full length of the street it's this two items on the book it says Mill Street B Beach Street to River Beach Parkway no parking anytime and then it also says easterly Hall Street to Rivera Beach Parkway no parking anytime okay thank you so the I believe it should just clean up that first Peak piece by making that first section where there it says both sides no parking any time should be from Beach Street to Hall Street would you guys agree okay yes the rest of it all the way down to the parkway okay southernly correct the right side going from Beach to the parkway the right side Beach to the parkway it says easterly Hall Street easterly so the hall Street's on the other side so you'd be so if you were driving from the parkway to beach it would be no parking on the your right side right so parking allowed on the left parking allowed on the left okay that's what it states in ordinance okay no that's that's how it has to be because right now I'm confused right but what I'm saying is parking should be should be allowed on the southernly the southbound side yes which is actually the west side of the street yes yes and parking is not allowed at all on the on the east side of the street for the entire length correct okay Mr chairman I'll make a motion to clean up the ordinance uh such that parking is uh restricted on both sides from Beach Street to Hall Street and parking is allowed on one side the west side of the street from Hall Street to Rivier Beach Parkway awesome is there a second I'll second that thank you motion is approved all right second public hearing amend schedule 8 of title 10 parking restriction generally by adding no parking on right hand side of the road Green Street Southern direction from River Beach Parkway the entire length thank you Mr chairman um right now Green Street is a dead end and we don't know what's going to happen with Le trailer park uh what's going to go in there if anything's going to go in there right now um there is a um 30 unit building supposedly going across the street on Green Street um and I'm just trying to protect the people that live across straight uh that these people if if this gets approved by the council uh that night um that we just protect the the people and um we did I did ask if this building does go up that the entrance is on Le Burbank highway it's not on Green Street this parking is going to be an issue so um so I'm just trying to protect the people thank you thank you can I just say that if it is passed the uh the tenants of that building would not be eligible for City parking stickers so there would be no on street parking allowed for tenants of the building okay thank you that's that was the other thing so if these people don't if we don't have 24/7 permit parking for the residents of Green Street then if these people that have um cars and they don't have stickers they'll be able to park on Green Street yeah I believe Frank just said that they will not be eligible for parking at all in this building it would if but it's right now it's overnight parking yeah from 11: to 6 I'm I believe so they could park from 6 to 11: if they want if without a sticker okay yeah so you to make it 24hour that's what I all right Mr chairman yeah uh just a question I'm not sure if there's an answer but um do we know uh what is on the books now for each side of Green Street in terms of uh parking or no parking I don't believe there's anything there's nothing on the books currently so parking is currently allowed on both sides correct okay and it's restricted just to overnight for residents is that right yes okay thank you green Street's too small honestly to have parking on both sides yeah all right anyone else like to speak on the matter is there any motion from the commission I suggest be you should probably a motion to approve yeah I make a motion to approve as as it's written to eliminate parking on the uh uh right hand side coming down from the parkway thank you is there a second second motion approved thank you let me finish this one um item number three for the public hearing amend schedule 8 of title 10 parking restrictions generally by adding Griswald Park 2hour parking during the hours of 8 a.m. and 11: p.m. Monday through Sunday except holidays and griswell park no overnight parking during the hours of 11:00 p.m. to 8: a.m. Monday through Sunday except holidays Zach thank you Mr chairman thank you uh Zachary babo director of parking uh there was just a little typo we did amend it um we at the request of the public hearing to be 3 hours um at the request of the uh director of pox and Rec to make sure there was um Avail Bill and Nick rrom to make sure that the people using the area for recreational use are not hindered by this new change um I'm a proponent for this um we have an ongoing concern um along the spag road side of this complex um not sure who's doing it but the other night we removed three unregistered vehicles from this lot that somebody in the neighborhood is using this lot to store vehicles um ultimately this change if approved by this commission is to try to maintain the structure of this lot we've had an ongoing concern you we had the co-ed Friday softball league having trouble to find parking the lot really C onto the street because whether it's the local building that has 42 units on the corner of this roadway or whether it's people seeking overnight parking to stash vehicles um currently with no type of structure in this it's currently hard to maintain unless it's an unregistered vehicle it was easier to pluck but people that are just leaving their vehicles out there for two days at a time they they're they're not allowing us to ticket them this would allow us to now clean us up a little bit I agree answer any questions from the commission awesome anyone else here to speak on this okay commission make a motion to approve but uh extend the uh restriction to three hours instead of two thank you is there a second second all right motion three is approved the last request I'm sorry the last public hearing is amend schedule 23 of title 10 towway zones off street parking areas by adding gisell Park toe Zone No Parking during the hours of 11:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Monday Sunday I'm sorry Monday through Sunday except holidays I'm assuming this is the second half of that yeah Mr chairman this goes hand in hand the first part allows us to time up any vehicle that may be used in this lot during the day hindering the use for the St Mary's Church or whether it's the city for the complex itself then anyone who decides to use his parking lot to store Vehicles overnight for their personal use will be towed this would allow us to remove those Vehicles awesome okay make a motion to approve as written second all right motion approved oh okay I didn't even see that amend schedule 11 of title 10 handicap person parking by adding five Florence a apartment one this place car is for the resent of 15 Centennial AV was that from Ralph did we see that at the last commission at the but that's a public hearing I believe it was a request at last meeting we moved it to a public hearing correct oh okay yes move to public hearing okay it was on the October okay is there anyone here for the 15 the handicap parking on five Florence a no okay can we table that item until someone's able to show up for that is there a motion table a motion to table Mr chairman thank you is there a second thank you item is tabled okay requests let's start with with request number three amend schedule 8 of title 10 parking restriction J by adding Wilson Street no parking this side easterly side even side entire length councelor thank you Mr chairman uh Jan McKenna Ward one counselor um I got a disturbing call um a week ago that um we had a resident that uh has a very severely handicapped uh child and the bus wouldn't go down Wilson Street because they were afraid they were going to hit the cars because they're parked on two sides of the cars on two sides of the street excuse me so the bus is not picking her up um so I would like to just and and if you have to get an apparatus down there and you have to take a right down there and take it get an apparatus if people are parking on two sides of the street you're not going to get an apparatus down there so I was just wondering if we could just do uh no parking on one side and it would probably be the um the right hand side because when you take a right um the those big uh apparatuses have to clear that uh corner so I would know if it was easterly or um I think it was be the the right hand side okay he we have the master right here Mr chairman um so a letter of request came to us from a concerned resident um Sun utilizes the rette public schools utilizes the public transportation system and the school bus have been trouble making in down Wilson uh the resident child is of special needs unfortunately and it they been made been forced to walk to the corner of um Beach and Wilson looking at the area similar to what we did with with Mill Street made the easly side no parking uh currently the road to aner Wilson which is escaping my name is currently no parking one side which is the easterly this is just being consistent with the neighborhood with the other two streets that already exist um and just trying to clean it up and make sure that we do have bigger vehicles that can fit um working with this commission over the years understanding the way Nick rrom thinks um you know I I assume that if the fir truck were to visit this roadway they'd be leaving from Central fire taking a right down Broadway left onto Beach right onto um Wilson Street I might be wrong in my assumption I leave it to the experts for that but that's the way I viewed it so that's the way we deemed that we would take away the easterly side of parking okay all right I I tend to agree we we all easterly side does that make sense motion to move to a public hearing second second all right item number three is move to a public hearing all right back to request number one item number one request to amend schedule nine resident parking streets 24hour Enforcement 24 sorry 24-hour enforcement for dashwood Street even side entire length is there anyone here to speak on dashwood feel free to come up thank you just hit the um hello um so we run a soccer club that we uh utilize the park that's on there and we have permit to be there and uh we also are located behind the Rivier high on the turf six times out of the week and uh on that Park we there two times out of the week and um there's like no signs there's a sign for Resident um parking but there's no timer on it and we've been getting hammered with tickets over there when we um when we're over there coaching the um the kids for practices and um I I called the parking and I guess they said it's only after 12 so we shouldn't be getting tickets before that okay I got see what it says on the book it should be after Zach would you mind stepping up and uh no worries thank you um so a couple different things just some historical information uh when John pow was a ward counselor of this area um DCR had put parking meters on the beach in 2020 coming out of Co um a knee-jerk reaction was a lot of people avoiding a paid for space on the beach SE parking Long Oak Island Street and the offsetting streets of Ary York Erton and dashwood um at that time Council apoll requested all the neighborhood streets to be 24-hour resident parking except for dashwood due to the playground itself um yes this gentleman unfortunately got a couple tickets one of my newer guys went over there said oh this whole area is 24 hours kind of didn't look at one of the the newer signs over there we address the tickets um but yes the idea is that Dash would escape the 24-hour change due to the frequency of the use of the park the issuance of permits by our rec department for people renting this playground for recreational use uh speaking with Michael HOSA the director of uh pox and wreck he was an opponent against this and he would be present if this made it to a public hearing okay so I am an opponent against this I think you'll hinder um the use of the park I think you'll make it hotter and I'm I believe speaking with the DPW Department there's ideas of redesigning this infrastructure over here to make it more conducive to park goers and not affect the residential areas thank you Zach yeah I tend to agree I think that's kind of a new jerk reaction just to throw 24hour parking over there that would kind of stop the ability of residents to use this park that don't live on dashwood itself um I would like to look into trying to create a bump out over near that Park to create a little bit more paral like head in parking so we can utilize this park even more than it's being used now Mr chairman is there anyone here um that is a proponent I just would like to hear the their concerns as to where this um request originated are there any proponents for this at all no okay I guess not well uh on the books now then it says it it's it's only 24-hour parking on one side is that correct no dashwood street is overnight residential parking due to the playground every street in this area is 24hour besides this one y I agree I agree motion to deny motion to deny is there a second second motion is denied okay amend schedule 11 of title 10 handicap person parking by adding 202 I'm sorry 203 Constitution a is there anything to go along with this no he didn't send me anything no okay well I assume we could move this just to a public hearing so anyone is there anyone here for 203 Constitution have no okay um we can go one or two ways we either table or move it to a public hearing yeah a motion to move it to a public hearing okay is there a second second move to public hearing thank you okay all right and oh and we already hit number three all right thank you very much that completes this tonight's traffic Commission is there a motion to adjourn so moved meeting adjourned thank you e e