##VIDEO ID:BjuzqEY6zCI## e I'd like to call the uh meeting of the city Richfield Planning Commission to order um we will have the uh open form in just a moment but before we do that I will give the options for participating uh you may um of course provide comments before the meeting following the directions on the city web page or you can call into the open Forum by dialing 415 655 00001 that's 415 65500 1 access code 2632 769 6454 and the password is 1 two 3 4 uh that being said um we will now the agenda looks a little bit different we have um oh I see all right um the next thing on the agenda would be the approval of the minutes from the previous meeting if I could get a motion Commissioners there's a motion commissioner surma seconds the motion all right all in favor please say I I I opposed all right now is the time for the open form the open form is a time for residents to address uh the Planning Commission generally on items that are not already on uh the agenda as we do have a public hearing scheduled for later in the meeting so if you have something you would like to address the Planning Commission about uh please approach the podium did we receive any um planner Crosby do we receive any comments before the meeting today no nobody has called in and nobody has written in okay all right if there's no one uh to speak for the open form we'll just continue uh the next thing would be to approve the agenda for this meeting we need a motion commissioner Canal moves to approve the agenda commissioner charlon seconds all those in favor I opposed all right the first first thing on the agenda would be a public hearing to consider request for two variances from the lighting code requirements uh 71 Harriet Avenue South oh I am not looking at the updated agenda that's my fault there it is I see that now I'm sorry um all right the next thing on the agenda then is the local sales tax presentation thank you uh thank you for having us today my name is Carl Hiller I'm the Recreation services director good evening my name is Kate aderson I'm the communications manager here with the city referendum that's coming up this well currently uh on the current ballot for this November so um we the city is putting forward a proposal for a $80 million investment plan into the parks it covers three big projects Wood Lake Nature Center improvements at Veterans Park and the Richfield Community Center um and this is a a opportunity for us to invest into these facilities in order to make them uh great as for future Generations so the this plan didn't come out of nowhere it came from residents we did Outreach to find out what was important to Residents what facilities were important and then also looking at what facilities needed um needed work as well so from that the plan was developed we identified different funding sources and a local sales tax was identified as one of the best options for um meeting the funding needs and after getting approval from the legislature it's it's now going to be on the November ballot um so yeah we'll talk a little bit about the three projects um what the needs are there and then what the plan is for those projects and then we'll talk a little bit about how the sales tax works and um why it was proposed as opposed to a property tax or other funding methods as well so the first project we're we're looking um at U on the ballot is the Richfield Community Center the current Community Center was a library that was donated to the city um a long time ago and you can tell that when you walk in it very much feels like a library um so it's not really intended for Community Center uses but we make make do with it we have a large room upstairs couple of rooms downstairs as well as a kitchen it was uh built 63 years ago and um that shows U the foundation wasn't waterproofed so when it rains if if the water's not diverted far enough it comes in the foundation we've had it come into the um elevator lift room before and we've had to shut down the elevator lift room we have leaks in the roofs where we can't leave stuff on our desks because it it gets wet um there's also is there aren't spaces to meet the needs that we're hearing that the community wants for instance there's no gym space there's no walking Track space um we do the best we can with what we have but um from what we're hearing from people uh a a different building with different needs is is desired so so we're proposing a $45 million investment into a new community center this community center would have um space for gyms it would have a walking Track it would have modern Community spaces so that we could provide more of the programming that residents seem to be looking for um to Youth for youth in the community as well as families young kids and seniors um so that it can provide spaces for for everyone to come and enjoy at the community center the second project is Wood Lake Nature Center um the current Wood Lake Nature Center is a beautiful building but it also is showing its age it's over 50 years old um it's doesn't have it's not Ada accessible if you've been in the bathrooms they're quite small the entrance is barely wide enough for a wheelchair there and there are bumps to get in and um the there are mice and snakes that have come into the building too it's uh has a severe rodent problem and um the HVAC system is is showing its age as well we actually have three heaters in the building two of them were cannibalized to keep the third one going um so there uh um there are significant needs for the building and another big thing is we uh have the school every class from K uh kindergarten through first grade comes out to the Nature Center three times a year and the current space really isn't big enough to accommodate a full class coming out um we use the the event space that we have in there as well as the um exhibit space and when we have three classes of first graders second graders third graders in there yelling running around if you've ever been there it's not really conducive for people to just spend time there and hang out and enjoy nature as well so it really we're trying to fit a lot of uses into a small space and the team does a really great job doing that but it really doesn't meet the needs of what the community is looking for out of the wood Lake Nature Center space so what we're looking at is investing $26 million into a new uh Nature Center building um the building would support uh an array of programming it would have more spaces for educational programming when school groups come out it would have exhibit spaces and display spaces that um that the public could come and use it would be a place where you could hang out and spend time um and enjoy with with Hands-On learning and um and it would be fully accessible so that um everyone was a enable able to is able to enjoy nature and connect with the um connect with Wood Lake we do have a couple of pictures so the Wood Lake Nature Center is in the planning stages so we do have a couple of pictures of what it may look like um with a new building the top left picture is what the multi-purpose space would look like it would be able to be divided into three classroom spaces and it would have beautiful views of the lake with a deck out in front um the bottom two are what the entrance would look like as you're coming from the street um the the Landscaping would come out closer to the street to make it more pedestrian friendly and then it would also draw you into the building where you could see through all the way to the lake and um enjoy those interactive exhibits and then the the third set of projects is uh Veterans Park um Veterans Park needs a significant amount of Investments and it's not really just one aspect of Veterans Park it's multiple aspects the pool liner is 63 years old it's the original pool liner for the pool Every Spring when we turn the water on we let the water fill up and we cross our fingers that it doesn't drain out um there are micro cracks in the pool liner and there's a pipe underneath that's slowly rusting away um the trail system is deteriorating significantly if you've walked on it you see all the roots and stuff come that are pushing the trail up the ice arena needs Ada improvements the band needs gutters and some irrigation and then the Pavilion roof is getting to the end of its life and needs to be replaced as well so we'd be replacing that with a metal roof that would last a 100 years um so there's it's a whole Suite of improvements that would make the make the park much much nicer to use for all residents so how are we going to pay for it financing this this plan right now the city is proposing three primary funding sources the first is what we're going to be talking to voters about the local sales tax which would generate $65 million in revenue and then we're combining that with 15 million from state and federal funding that's funding we secured in 2023 12 million from the state of Minnesota and 3 million from the federal government and those are both designated for Wood Lake Nature Center local sales tax was chosen as the best tool for this because it helps share you know share the cost with our uh non-residents who are in Richfield who are spending money here in our community we know that a lot of non-residents are coming in to use these amenities and facilities and so this is a way to ask them to help contribute towards these projects we've heard that our Target is the most one of the most busy in the state and so sales tax generated there will be coming from people outside of Richfield according to the University of Minnesota who did some analysis for us uh 55% of that sales tax revenue will actually come from non-residents so when we look back at that 8 million piece of the pie let's back one slide we're estimating that Richfield residents are going to be funding approximately one third of the total cost for all of this which is pretty exciting oh and I'd also just add that all the surrounding communities around Richfield have their own local sales tax and so unless you're shopping like Way South of the river or somewhere else uh you are contributing to projects in Bloomington or to projects any DIN projects in Minneapolis so we're kind of catching up with those neighboring communities so how would it work again residents we're estimating are going to contribute about onethird of the project cost uh if approved this will begin next April we'll start collecting those sales taxes and when we look at our Richfield residents we're estimating that their contributions will be just under $4 per month and $46.99 per year the local sales tax is not permanent it can last a maximum of 20 years or if we generate enough Revenue prior to that 20 year cut off it would end sooner the other interesting thing is that nothing can change right the state legislature gave us approval to ask our voters for these three specific projects and at these specific amounts and the city cannot uh alter course on any of those things without going back to voters and then finally uh local sales tax is exempt from those essential Goods so food clothing medicine baby products Etc would be exempt from this tax another requirement of the state of Minnesota was that we list each project separately on the ballot and so when voters are going to the polls this fall early voting began last Friday so you can go vote anytime now uh they're going to see the three questions uh listed on the front page of the ballot and they are listed individually the sales tax is not cumulative so it'll be 1 half% sales tax regardless if one two or three projects are approved so our voters their voices matter this is ultimately a really important Community decision that's being made by voters uh like I said if it passes the sales tax will go into effect next April and we'll be moving full steam ahead with Wood Lake Nature Center begin engagement work for the community center and Veterans Park will be you know starting to chip away at some of those really important projects if the rendum fails uh ultimately our Council will have to make some important decisions about how we're going to move forward with some of these projects Uh Wood Lake Nature Center again has 15 million in federal and state funding dedicated to it already and we would be um at risk of losing that funding if we didn't move forward with the projects so those would be Pro uh conversations that would happen soon after the election if it does fail we have an amazing website we're doing our best to really keep it up to date to update the FAQs put up extra resources as we get them and so people can visit our legacyar future.org for more information and we just encourage people to visit the website to talk to their neighbors about this and just try try and help get get voters the information they need uh before they get to the polls so with that we will be happy to take any questions thank you for the really um educational presentation I was at the League of Women Voters meeting this weekend where this was discussed and um the tours that the city is hosting to um kind of show residents the conditions of our facilities um or of particular interest of those attending I'm wondering if you know those dates of upcoming tours or where we could direct residents to that I think it was in the Ridgefield recap this past week but um do you have any information on those tours yeah um the next tour is at Wood Lake on the 24th um and I guess I would also add that on the 25th we're doing an open house for the building project for Wood Lake um so those are both good dates to to know um we also have on October 7th is a tour of the pool in the ice arena so that would be a good one to go on in October 1st we're having another tour of wood Lake um all those can be found on the recreation brochure but also um on the website as well thank you um the the three separate questions on the ballot is if if one passes and or two pass and one doesn't does that project get funding then is that how that works or is it all or nothing um it's very much uh you pick what you think is is the community should have um if one passes we'll do that project if two pass we'll do those two and if three pass we'll do those three but yeah each has to pass individually one more question that came up this week that I'm just thinking would be great to um discuss what if one passes but the other two don't or can you talk about if it Stacks if the 05% if all three pass would that be stacked or is it still a half a percentage Point regardless of how many pass correct the latter so it's one half One Singular half percent sales tax that we will use to fund the approved projects so if it's one one project is approved that sales tax will not likely go 20 years right it'll be a lot shorter because we'll we'll fund whatever project that is and then the sales tax would be done because that's what voters approved but it is it is confusing we did our best to try and um give clarifying language on the ballot we were limited in space but yes one tax I would just like to add one other thing we H will have a city-wide mailing going out so if residents are looking for more information uh it'll be landing in their mailboxes in the next few weeks thank you uh I I will say that like when I've spoken to some neighbors the thought of it being cumulative is really um it's really present because on the ballot itself too it lists like do do you want to increase by 0. five and then I do you know on the bottom it does say it's cumulative 05 but it is not um I know we you know you're limited by Statute and so forth but that's probably one of the bigger communication problems I think because people do think that it's going to stack and they're less likely to support that that's helpful feedback thank you thank you very much oh yeah you have one just uh one more thank you for coming here and explaining everything um a as a father of three young kids I'm visiting all three of these locations each week and uh they're they're tripping on the pavement around the trails at vets Park um there's not a whole lot to do at the community center except scream and yell and throw things and they love doing that I just uh I really look forward to having the chance to support all three of these options all right now we're ready for um our public hearing to consider request for two VAR variances of the lighting code requirements at 701 Harriet Avenue the Richfield High School parking lot is uh staff report thank you chair and Commissioners um Premier Lighting is um before us this evening on behalf of the Richfield Public Schools requesting deviation from the lighting code in order to install two new light poles in the parking lot between Richfield High School and Spartan Elementary the lighting section of the code limits parking lots to oh she well you can just put it on a regular web sorry the lighting section of the code limits parking lots to a maximum of four foot candles of brightness and the applicant is proposing a maximum of 4.7 The Zone uh zoning code further limits the uniformity ratio which is the difference between the highest and the lowest levels of light to 20 to1 and the applicant is requesting a uniformity ratio of 47 to1 the existing lighting onsite is non-conforming in many ways and the new lighting would not increase that non-conformity but would actually bring much of the parking lot into compliance with the minimum lighting requirement of 0.2 foot candles which is a safety standard staff finds the requests uh is reasonable given the existing conditions will not impact the health or Aesthetics of the community and will improv safety therefore we're recommending approval of both variances subject to uh conditions related to temperature of the light the fixture type and the areas to be illuminated thank you any questions for City staff is the applicant here yeah you'd like to if you just State your uh name for the record please and sign in on the sheet there uh my name is Greg Eric and Premier Lighting is who I represent uh you guys have any questions on it do you understand where this is coming from right now there's um a need for light in the parking lot and uh we did all we could to try to get uh to the code weren't quite able to get it but um I feel like we've come to a fair comp romise in between one thing that I had wondered about is uh you know anything that increases Urban light pollution is and concerning to me because the effect on birds in the night sky and so forth so when I saw that 4.0 to 4.7 foot candle lighting increase um that's not a significant increase is that right correct that's very minimal okay you wouldn't even notice it and um it all the fixtures we're going to do are dark sky compliance so uh everything's focused down on the ground versus up does anyone have any questions yes um you just said the the effect is minimal you wouldn't notice it is that would that extent to Residents in the neighborhood as well yeah I mean it there's no light in certain areas now uh but where there where the polls are going to be I don't IND there will be no um issue with the residence that I can see thank you if you don't mind in case there would be any questions we might ask you to come back up that's fine yeah thank you y okay um all right I'd like to open the public hearing if there's anyone who wishes to speak to this matter please approach the podium did we receive any comments beforehand chair and Commissioners there was um one resident that emailed me asking um for more information I sent her the um the photometric plans with a little synopsis and uh I never heard back from her I did follow up with the staff report when it was available on top of that and still didn't hear back that's it all right I would entertain a motion to close the public hearing commissioner surma so moves to close the public hearing commissioner Charlton seconds all those in favor please say I I I opposed all right discussion speak commissioner surma here I'm I'm okay with this uh with this situation seeing the the plans laid out uh in good detail with the simulations of the lighting I knowing that this property knowing that the lot in question is in the center of the school property makes me um more amenable to it there are a couple residences maybe three or four to the west across the street but seeing the way that the uh photometric plan is laid out I don't foresee a huge impact to those res residences so I I think uh I'm I'm comfortable with this situation I completely agree with commissioner sha I think that this looks good um and that being dark SK compliant is also a good step so I was concerned too about wild life impacts but I don't think there'll be much so all right we would need a motion to uh take the recommended staff action and the appropriate findings commissioner charlson moves to accept the findings commissioner surma seconds the motion all right we have a motion U made and seconded to um take this recommended staff action is there any discussion all right all those in favor please say I I I opposed thank you all right uh the next item on the agenda then is a back um is the public hearing to consider an ordinance Amendment establishing zoning regulations for cannabis businesses uh could we get the staff report please thank you chair and Commissioners um I'm GNA hold off on that for a second um I will actually I'll switch back sorry um still getting to know this Tech last year the state legislator legalized adult use cannabis established the office of cannabis management and laid the groundwork for what will be a highly regulated new industry local authorities have until the end of this year to establish local regulations governing cannabis businesses and the City of richfield's regulations will be adopted in two separate ordinances zoning regulations and registration regulations tonight we are considering the zoning regulations the proposed Zing ordinance generally divides 10 of the 13 new types of cannabis businesses into two main categories retail and non- Retail now I'm going to switch Oops why is it down the retail only operations of various types of cannabis businesses would be allowed in the C2 which is General business mu mixed use Community mu mixed use Regional and PUD zoning districts subject to the oh that's why it was at the end it really just wants to be at the end of the PowerPoint subject to the following locational requirements along arterial streets only 500 ft from any school 250 ft from any residential treatment facility and 250 ft from attraction within a public park that is regularly used by Miners and finally 1,000 ft from each other the gray areas in this graphic are where retail Sal would not be allowed the parcels highlighted in blue are zoned for retail sales and are located outside of the gray buffer areas so these are where retail sales would be allowed and this is a separate map showing just the attractions within a public park regularly used by miners since this map does not ENC Encompass all public parks only certain attractions within within them it was recommended that we make a separate map so that it was easier for people to discern where these areas are located non retail businesses would be listed as a conditional use in the industrial zoning district and must be located entirely interior to a building it is worth noting that there are not currently any Parcels in the city that are zoned or guided industrial consequently it would take a comprehens a plan Amendment a rezoning and a conditional use permit to locate a non- retail cannabis business within the city of Richfield and then finally well not finally but next the The Three remaining types of can cannabis businesses that are not classified as either retail or non- retail are allowed as follows cannabis delivery business would be allowed as an accessory use only when subordinate to under common ownership of and collocated with a cannabis retail business a cannabis event organizer would be allowed as an office use only in the service office District the C1 neighborhood business district and all the same districts that also allow cannabis retail businesses um that were listed earlier and are shown here but would not have the same um locational restrictions as the retail businesses because they are not retail their office and then finally a cannabis transporter has not been included cannabis businesses cannot be specifically prohibited however if the use type such as outdoor agriculture is not allowed for any other industry then it need not be allowed for the Cannabis industry Richfield does not currently allow outdoor agriculture or any type of Transportation industry such as shipping facilities and the proposed ordinance has has been drafted accordingly and that that's it we can go back to to the thank you um also slightly different from the last um uh Workshop that we had on this I know that we were talking about allowing um uh uh event organizers as a home occupation but it looks like uh the Cannabis rules will be written such that no cannabis businesses will allowed to be hung home occupations so we have also drafted our code that way and if we find out otherwise in the future and we desire otherwise we can go back and amend it and then lastly there are some um elements in here that are related to breweries some minor modifications that made sense because technically low potency hemp edible drinks can also be breweries so we clarified that consistent with other related definitions Brewers produce product not manufacture it a brewery must include a tap room and a micro Distillery must include a cocktail room or brute Pub what this does um as we discussed in the workshops gives us that social element that we'd be looking for in the in the zoning districts in which these uses are allowed I don't think there was ever an intent where this would just be purely manufacturing and um this kind of goes back and corrects that um finally issues such as registration fees the maximum number of retail locations hours of operation and low potency hemp Edibles will be addressed by the registration ordinance Jennifer Anderson our support services manager is here this evening in case there are questions about those forthcoming regulations and I really appreciate her sitting through the rest of the um the rest of the meeting this evening in case you have any questions uh happy to answer them thanks actually uh I was going to ask what is the similarities between the restrictions on cannabis businesses and our and restrictions on say um bars that serve alcohol um in terms of like the buffer zones and so forth are they similar um I don't know the answer to that question um I don't know if we have buffers around um bars from schools okay already great good evening chair and Commissioners um our our liquor establishments um in the city have been um some of them are somewhat institutions to the city um and there are not buffers um that I'm aware of um around Liquor Stores um even tobacco retailers um so this is consistent I think with those two is there were there was there policy direction from the city council from others to treat the Cannabis dist the Cannabis businesses differently than alcohol or tobacco um yes yes that was the uh the legislature allows it up to a certain um extent and the um in the work sessions where the um issues were debated um it was uh kind of cons a general thought that uh it would not be um prudent to go to the full extent so these buffers are actually um smaller buffers than we could otherwise impose if we were interested in doing so so they Minal in order to um provide um that kind of um protection to vulnerable populations but still trying to maximize the amount of land that would be available for these retailers within our community I I recall during uh the work session I think this summer we talked about the uh legally permissible limits of the number of these businesses that could be within the city uh I assume that's going to be addressed in the reg in the regulation ordinance could you talk about what what that number would be for Richfield what we understand because I remember during the uh work session uh it was uncertain at that time what that number would be based on exactly what the definition of Rich Field's population is great question um I think through conversations with Council um and based on our population um I believe the council settled on three retail establishments across the city um with an option down the road to discuss um and consider a municipal owned dispensary um I think the the feeling is to not be the first to jump in on that um I know that there are some other cities that are considering that and I think we're interested in in seeing how that goes um but initially three retail dispensaries would be um allotted if the council at any time wanted to readdress that um State Statute gives them that right to increase that number um we can any other questions otherwise we can open the all right uh we will open the public hearing were there any uh comments received before today um chair and Commissioners um I had approximately three people call with general questions um quite a while ago it was more during the time frame of the work sessions and I took their name and phone number and contact information and I did email out the staff Report with the draft ordinance once it was ready and I have not heard back from any of them if there is anyone here uh who wishes to speak at the public hearing all right I would take a motion to close the public hearing commissioner whoie motions to close the public hearing commissioner Canal second right any discussion all those in favor please say I I opposed the public hearing is closed commissioner conversations discussion um I think that this um reflects kind of the work session conversation that we had um I so I had anticipated when I got the staff report that it was going to be complicated and I would have to spend extra time with it but I thought that the report was very straightforward so kudos to you guys for taking a complicated issue and making it straightforward um I think it reflects the conversation we have I um so I don't have any concerns and I will support it I do think that it is a conservative approach and I um think that you know it's new so maybe that makes sense but I do hope that as we get more experience that we take a look at this again um to make sure that we're best serving the needs of our community um but at this time I think that I'm comfortable with supporting this as is commissioner chair excuse me uh likewise um I I just looking at the maps here and looking at the the conservative buffers it appears that there's plenty of commercial space available for the number that we're potentially going to see in in Richfield so I I feel fine with with what's before us chair um I agree with commissioner s it is definitely a more conservative approach I I don't know if I have I kind of waffle on whether or not that that conservative approach is is appropriate or not my my bigger issue is the is the difference in the um the rules for alcohol and cannabis um to me at minimum they should be equally seen and to have no buffers around alcohol use where we do have buffers around cannabis kind of demonizes the substance solely because it's more recently legal despite um a lot of studies showing it being a safer substance overall and so I think that's my biggest issue is with just with that is just over um if we're looking at it from a a purely you know safety issue or if we're looking at it from just a it's new and scary issue I'm happy to see that we are going with the more conservative buffer sizes um to um to Commission these comment about available space it is a lot of of green Parcels but I think in the reality it's not it's it's a smaller footprint and just the uh the logistical issues and actually you know establishing businesses and many of those is is very difficult whether they're already occupied or you know those buildings are suited to be built out I think is is actually quite a bit of a challenge um so I don't think we have quite as many spaces as we'd like to think but we only need to find rooms for three and I'm sure we have plenty of entrepreneurs flying for that so chair um I agree with and I I I was also thinking about that the buffer like why would we treat it differently than alcohol but I I think also if I remember correctly from our work session is that even if we did reduce the footprints of the buffers that we'd only gain just a couple parcels and so I think that you know trying to change anything here is really going to not do a whole lot but I do I do agree with your sentiment I just don't think think that there's much we can do to change it um even if we were to drop the buffers you only gain a couple Parcels yeah I I remember I recall during the work sessions this summer we had talked about a full buffer and a half buffer and correct me if I'm wrong this was the half buffer option we went with right and I do recall yeah I do recall the full buffer I think was 500 feet and we also had talked about that and a one mile uh separation requirement between businesses and when we looked at the map together during that meeting we all said oh gosh there's hardly anywhere in the city that any business could possibly go if we did all of that so I appreciate that this reflects what was uh discussed during that meeting where it's like well we we all kind of agreed that okay we're going to go with some sort of buffer but also we need to make sure that we have a good number of commercial Parcels in this city available so that it's actually possible for this to happen because if we if we go too restrictive I mean we could we could you know get into legal trouble if there's hardly anything that could ever any place that could ever possibly host a business of this type so I I appreciate the work and the and the um responsiveness to the feedback we gave during those work sessions with the city council to uh consider it and I think this is a a reasonably considered ordinance and I'll I'll support it yeah I I wanted to thank you too for the I agree with commissioner sha that the the uh packet the agenda item it was very um well written and clear um I guess I you know I I don't quite see the difference we already have uh the tobacco business on 66 by the flower shop whatever that is by blomington and they sell Edibles and they sell tobacco but they wouldn't be able to sell cannabis and I don't like I don't really see a huge distinction between selling El Edibles and tobacco and then also having cannabis so I think that perhaps I mean this is a new a new thing so maybe caution is warranted but I do I I mean I do think that that's kind of a strange distinction to make since it's whether the THC is in a gummy from hemp or whether it's in the flower from um you know the cannabis plant it doesn't doesn't seem like a huge difference but I like I said I appreciate all the the compromise and the work that went into drafting this ordinance we would need um if there's no further questions or discussion we would need a motion commissioner St I recommend approval of an ordinance Amendment establishing zoning regulations for cannabis businesses commissioner surma seconds any discussion all those in favor please say I I I opposed and I abstain all right the next item on the agenda is it's Le on reports um Community Services advisory commission oh is she not here that's a okay um the city council the uh City Council in its past couple meetings has had quite a lot of business um from approving um uh collective bargaining Union agreements with a couple different um unions um to uh going over they had a work session going over the uh Community survey results um and talking about the concerns that uh residents had and the response rate um and so forth and doing some digging into some analysis of that um they announ uh they passed a resolution recognizing Hispanic Heritage Month um they went over the C the city audit um process and findings um and then related more to our work uh uh Planning and Zoning uh fees uh schedules were amended and adopted so that is some of the things going on at the city council uh Housing and Redevelopment Authority the H met at their last meeting they approved the um five-year public housing plan um and it included kind of some highlights of the affordable housing um achievements that have been made um in the last five years which is exciting to hear about all the progress we're making there um sorry uh School board nor report chair all right Transportation Commission yes the Transportation Commission uh me to discuss uh several uh pedestrian safety improvements uh ongoing safety Improvement projects regarding safe routes to school uh initiatives uh this was around 70th this was focused on Project area around 70th Street between Elliot and 12th Avenues near the stem school and they also um heard a report from the city about the city's application for uh connecting communities grant funding uh to help with uh improved uh pedestrian access particularly around uh our elementary and middle schools Chamber of Commerce we met about a week before pennfest that was a large portion of the conversation and it seems like it went well all right and sustainability commission uh the city has a new solid way specialist Zach McCarthy so that was talked about um and working on the trash walk which will be uh cleaning up the parks following Halloween activities so um still no date but working on it all right um planner Crosby planner V do you have reports for us um thank you chair and Commissioners on September 10th the city council approved bricks Moore's request for condition use permit and planned unit development Amendment um at the former Rainbow Food site to re uh tenant it with uh lomma Bonita grocery store um and uh I will also say that as of right now we do not have any land use items for um for the October agenda we don't officially cancel it until the public notice period is passed so um I can't say for sure that it's going to be cancelled but just uh keep your eye out for a possible cancellation uh email uh potentially forthcoming ask one followup on the LMA Bonita have we heard whether poey has been responsive to any requests um no it's been pretty quiet okay I I think they're working on it hopefully around 6:15 is that right yep that's correct um other than that I would entertain a motion to adjourn commissioner who motions we adjourn commissioner can seconds all those in favor please say I I opposed stand adjourned