##VIDEO ID:MF4-j8eWquY## you don't say that you're jinx us your jinxes it never works out every time we say that something blows up L if you had might thank God if you hadn't shown up we might have an empty house so thank they H there it is no just commenting that no one was here you t so are you liking it so far that's cool have to hear that she doing a great job check keep an eye on her so Colin is going to dress up as Grimace for Halloween and I've never been prouder was a great it was a great year there's a Mets reference in there um they had for some stupid thing over the summer Grimace like the character throughout the first pitch and from that point on the Mets went on this like crazy winning streak so it became like The Unofficial mascot and my 12-year-old son discovered he likes baseball this year and I'm like a DieHard Mets fan and so couldn't be prouder um and then yeah he's going to be Grimace for Halloween so it's like yeah like he gets it what's that yeah and it was like well since 2015 but it's like but it was just like an amazing season they started off kind of terrible and then they just like like were amazing for like the last two months yeah are we at 8:30 all good evening this is the Ridgewood Village Council public Workshop the date is October 23rd 2024 the time is 7:30 adequate notice of this meeting has been provided by a posting on the bulletin board in Village Hall by mail to the Ridgewood news the record and by submission to all persons entitled the same as provided by law of a schedule including the date and time of this meeting roll call council member pin here council member Reynolds absent council member W here council member Winograd here mayor vagianos here will you all please join us in a salute to our flag I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all and let's go right to public comment excuse me it's not on there's a green light there's a button at the base and the green light will go on you're good yay see and now I can you can hire me I can do Tech and remember you don't have to give your address just that you're a resident of excuse me you don't have to give your address don't do that anymore no we don't do that anymore just that you're a resident of Ridgewood okay so I'm Lori Weber and I am a 40 plus year resident of Ridgewood and I'm going to read last week our mayor purported an alarming decline in the state of our schools he quoted a students teacher ratio claiming it to be significantly higher and placing the blame on one person Board of Education member and Village Council candidate hunu quac what ensued since has been a series of targeted social media attacks on Miss quac Mr vagianos Cherry Picked that one statistic from the homepage of the school district website but the district does not post the historical data necessary to reach any conclusion the New Jersey Department of Education does had Mr vagianos checked there he would have found statistics that were all calculated by the same method going back several years and a much lower ratio for the present time given his prior work experience Mr vagianos is no stranger to the resources of the Department of Education and the proper vetting of information it took me a minute literally a minute to Google the information that he avoided keep in mind that when Mr vagianos denigrates our schools he is not just talking about one board member he is indicting the superintendent who actually runs our schools along with his administrative team and five board members and frankly our new superintendent is the best seen in a long time he's far more engaged with the community and Innovative than his predecessors the good health of our schools is Testament to that and when a resident asks him for the source of information he relies on he provides it Mr vaganos refused to identify the source of the data he used for his comparison when I asked him Mr Banos our mayor chose to throw our schools under the bus to fabricate a talking point to disparage a political opponent his Reckless manipulation of information has caused Strife in our community alarmed the parents of our school children stirred divisiveness and inspired some of his supporters to relentlessly troll Miss quac online with some of the worst vitriol I've seen in a ruid election this from someone who regularly lectures the community Community about civility he has no business holding others to a standard that he constantly violates Mr vaganos needs to stop talking about Civility and start being civil thank you thank you Lori good evening Ann loving Ridgewood New Jersey I have a question about the tables over there uh where the transparency binders are I spoke to Heather pardon me can can you lift that up just I can't hear everybody that well thank you okay I have a question about the table where the transparency binders are I spoke to hea about this uh the other day and she said she does not believe that there is a policy governing whether any sort of literature can be placed there an actual policy tonight for example I see a flyer there something to do with Ridgewood I know that sometimes when a new business comes to the mic to talk about their restaurant or whatever they may leave menus over there okay I would like to know if there is such policy because I placed some actual news articles there regarding um a pretty hot topic tap into who's here tonight and our mayor and uh the village manager immediately removed them so I want to know is there a policy or are things not allowed to go there and if there's not a policy i' would like to know why my flyers were removed thank you thank you an anyone else no I see someone on hybrid access um by the letters DPL um you're up you're on mute much better hi this is Denise uh uh rdwood New Jersey can you hear me okay uh we can hear you now Denise yep great okay I have um two topics I want to talk about today one is the please identify yourself for the record I did we we didn't hear you we just heard you say Denise yeah Ridgewood New Jersey y your last name Denise uh Pierce thank you no problem I'd love to get you off a speaker pH I'm not quite sure I'm going to do that okay um right two topics I'd like to talk about one is the uh tracking from The Guild the other one is leaf collection uh I know that in today's day and age everybody's Google's tracking Google's listening Google pushes stuff to you I think we all get that this is just the way of uh how people are living these days um and uh so tracking footage doesn't seem unrealistic I guess where I am concerned is that I'm I'm sure people from The Village Council are sitting on the guild meetings uh we have a lot of committees where we're trying to work together improve the central business district um and I fail to see how this hasn't come up all year and I think ethically if the conversation came up that there would be tracking that somebody should have brought it to the village and we should have been reviewing it in front of the residents and so I'd like to understand that that just get Miss and nobody thought that ethically it would be a good idea to tell residents um and I think that's where my concern is so I'd love to understand more about that and why we weren't brought into the uh conversation my second thing is about leaf collection so we all spend a lot of time in Ridgewood we care about our community we care about our Lawns um you know Landscaping uh that's that's the charm of the town uh we all spend a lot of time pushing the leaves out to the curbs and then what I'm already starting to see is we're not vacuuming the leaves but we're pushing the leaves into big piles and it's just leaving the uh streets a mess I mean it looks ugly we spend years you know keeping everything TIY and now the streets look a mess and then when it rains all those leaves get stuck in the drainage and then we get flooding so I don't know what happened to all the money we spent on the vacuum trucks um and why we're like pushing all these leaves uh down up and down all the streets but it really doesn't look good and we spent a lot of time just trying to keep the charm of the community so I would love to hear from the village manager about that thank you thank you Denise anyone else seeing no one I'm going to close public comment uh I'm going to take a moment and um address um Lor's comments I'm going to start with what we agree on which is that um uh superintendent schools uh in Ridgewood is Terri iic we are fortunate to have him he is a cut above and um I am so pleased that he is here he is a a wonderful working partner here's where we disagree I did not denigrate I did not indict I did not fabricate I did not recklessly manipulate I did not stir divisiveness I simply quoted on its face of which I had a screenshot the the uh Board of Education website that said said the student teacher ratio was 16 to1 that's all I did and um and when you asked me I didn't know at the time I didn't remember but you and I had a lengthy text message conversation and I sent you the screenshot so to say that I didn't identify it is just not accurate um so um I I relied upon reasonably so Lori I Lori Lori I don't make faces when you say things it's rude excuse me excuse me Public public comment is closed and I'm asking you you can do whatever you want but I don't make faces when you when you speak I sit and I listen yeah so so the point is I simply relied upon the board of education's website which is self-explanatory on its face and and that's it and I have no problem with that and again anybody who wants the screenshot I have it interestingly shortly after that the website was changed from 16 to1 to 11 to1 so that's a big discrepancy don't know exactly what happened and I'm not going to speculate but it changed almost immediately afterwards that's it anybody else have any comments on anything anyone said mayor with regard to miss Loving's inquiry about the back table um I can't speak to whether or not there's a policy I honestly don't know I can tell you that during the last meeting uh staff alerted me to something other than a government document being placed on that table near the agenda um when I got up to greet the police officers after um the presentation portion I noticed it myself I took them and I gave them to the Village clerk um we can certainly formalize a policy that the council can either consider or depending on Matt's advice could be issued directly from me but in my opinion that is a this is a public meeting this is a government building uh that table back there should be for government documents because if someone comes in here and confuses it with something that was placed there by the public I think that could cause a very difficult problem for the Village um finally uh to Denise um again we've had this discussion about the Placer AI technology um I have spoken to the league of municipalities on two separate occasions since our last council meeting on this um one of the difficulties with this type of technology is that local municipalities really are handcuffed from being able to regulate this because even if the municipal Council were to or the Village Council was um prepared to introduce an ordinance to regulate it we would have no way to enforce it the police department does not have those capabilities the IT department does not have those capabilities so I would direct um Denise and any other concerned residents to talk to the guild um I've had some conversations with Tony myself I know he's fielded some questions and some inquiries some from some residents regarding this technology um but the other thing that I want to point out is the reason we know that it was used was because The Guild came here and reported it out to the council we have no idea what other businesses what other organizations what other residents could be using a similar technology in Ridgewood we have no idea the only reason we know is because they came and thought it was important to share that data not only with the council but with the public so I think I think that's important to point out um and finally to Denise uh with regard to um the leaf collection we are just in our our second week of leaf collection um we do both vacuum up the leaves that takes place uh on main roads especially that's where we try to focus uh the use of the vacuums and then we also the streets division also pushes um leaves into a certain location so that they can be picked up as well um that's a strategy that Mike Juna and his team down at streets have have used in the past I'll certainly discuss it with him tomorrow um but that is the strategy that we've we've been using here in the thank you anybody else all good let's move on manager report okay thank you mayor um first tonight I want to start by thanking access Ridgewood and the Ridgewood public library for their amazing work this La this past weekend during access week it was a very special time here in the village and something that the Ridgewood Community should be very proud of I also want to give a big thank you to the shade tree Commission on their successful adopt the sapling program uh which was held this past Saturday they had a great group of volunteers who met at Somerville school and helped to plant over 90 saplings on a beautiful day this week our engineering department submitted our recertification to the community rating system program this is a FEMA administered program which tracks flood mitigation efforts in municipalities and as we earn credit for each of those efforts it turn it in turn reduces residential flood insurance premiums for our residents I want to thank Chris and yovon and the staff up in engineering for being proactive on this work effort also this past week engineering oversaw the paving on Alban Court and Lyn Street and the fuel tank replacement project is progressing at the Public Works facility on Chestnut Street the tanks were installed yesterday and we're now working on all the connections that need to be done we're hopeful that this project will be wrapped up and concluded by mid to late November uh Chris ruthazer Nancy beos Matt and drula and myself we walked Haws field in preparation for the field Renovations there last week uh we also have some work to do with regard to tree removal tree replacement and the maintenance on some storm dreams that run along the field as well I also previously walked the field with Miss no one of the residents who came to express some um interest in that project here at a previous Village council meeting she was very helpful in sharing some of the concerns of the Neighbors which was in turn shared with staff today we had a meeting with the head of the count County engineering department regarding the West Glenn sidewalk project um Nancy dargas confirmed once again for us that the county will not permit the building of retaining walls in the right of way um I have that in writing I'm not going to read you the whole email um but it should be stated that as per state statute the county maintains West Glenn Avenue from face of curve curb to face of curb payment Edge to Pavement Edge and does not own install nor maintain sidewalks within the public RightWay any sidewalk constructed within the public right of way is to be ADA Compliant and any retaining wall constructed to build the sidewalks are required to be out of the public RightWay the county does not own install nor maintain retaining walls constructed for the installation of sidewalks and it goes on to talk about all parking uh parking regulation but then it says at the end any easements acquired should be to the village and not to the county in turn after that meeting today had a conversation with Matt Rogers we are going to meet with the impacted residents of West Glenn Avenue on November 12th at a community meeting downstairs in the community center uh we are in the process of drafting um sample easements so that the residents can be shared those documents in addition Matt has reached out to county council's office just to make sure that the village even though the easement will be with the village we want to make sure that the county is comfortable with the language that's in there in the interest of full transparency um and in the meantime we are still talking to the D about the sidewalks um on the adjacent side of the street so we're working through these issues we look forward to meeting with those nine or 10 residents to talk about how we're going to move forward with this project and finally on the communication front uh this mailer will be going out to every Ridgewood household soon uh this is the communication mailer that we talked about there'll be a QR code on there it says stay informed about all things Ridgewood uh residents will be able to scan and they'll be able to be directed to a page on the Village website which will allow them to sign up for weekly e newss messages the my Ridgewood app reverse 911 emergency notifications recycle coach water smart and the weekly e newsletter from the library so this will allow residents to sign up for all those notifications and we can continue continue to increase Communications here in the village uh just a few announcements Leaf season again began on October 14th schedules have been mailed out to every home and they're also posted on the Village website please remember that the dates that are placed for your area are the dates that the leaves should be placed curbside and soon after that our streets division will be out there to collect the leaves we'll have a trick-or-treating event this year at Village Hall on Thursday October 31st from 300 p.m. to 400 p.m. each village department uh will be open uh so that they can the parents can bring their children here to trick or treat and then they can head over to the Library Ridgewood water the stable and the fire department who will also be participating in the event the Ridgewood Elder dinner will take place on Sunday November 10th from 3: to 5:00 p.m. doors open at 2:30 at the old pamis Reformed Church registration registration is required through Community pass space is limited to 90 guests bus transportation is available please contact the village manager's office if you'd like to schedule Transportation Village Hall and all Village of Ridgewood offices will be closed on Monday November 11th in observance of Veterans Day there will also be no garbage or recycling pickup on that day also on Mon Monday November 11th at 11:00 a.m. American Legion Post 53 will be hosting a Veterans Day service at Memorial Park at Vana Square all are invited to attend to honor those who have served in the armed forces to protect our freedom Bergen County Utilities Authority will be holding a household hazardous waste collection day on Saturday November 16th from 9:00 a.m. to 300 p.m. at the Bergen County Utilities Authority Empire Boulevard in munaki uh residents are asked to stay in their vehicle and allow staff to retrieve any items that need to be disposed of and finally upcoming Village Council meetings November 6th is a work session November 13th is a public meeting both start at 7:30 p.m. that concludes my report thank you Keith Evan great I'll be brief we've not had a lot happen I guess since the last meeting or at least I haven't um first I did want to thank the League of Women Voters for hosting the debate last Wednesday um obviously I don't think it's appropriate to comment um for me to comment on on the substance but I do think it's wholly appropriate to thank the League of Women Voters for hosting and putting that on every year also want to remind everyone regardless of who you want to vote for please make sure you show up on November 5th I know there are lots of options for how to vote but make sure you find one that work works for you um Library met last night um doing a lot of great work through the library um I was particularly impressed when we walked in at about 7 7:30 last night and the teen room was Act was absolutely packed with kids um they doing homework um socializing really everything that the library hoped to get when they did that work last year um Library looks great and really um need to thank everyone involved with that for making the library look the way it looks now uh Richard Arts Council met last week we're sponsoring an artist talk November 14th at 7 p.m. shantala Kini uh is an artist will be speaking um she does lots of graphic arts painting and portraits um from an Indian influence um if you go to the library website excuse me they have more information up but the Arts Council plann that and is hosting it and encourage all to attend great thanks EV sioban sure um I want to give a big thank you to the access committee for our first ever access week it was is wonderful and I want to thank Jamie Davis for an awesome sensory friendly dinner remind the community the next one is at the Pancake House which is going to be awesome as well um we also featured American sign language for the first time and I know I want to thank everybody in the council who showed up and signed I know that everybody now knows how to say hungry and um thank you so much to the Richard public library for making that happen for pullover properly where if you're neurod Divergent and you could experience higher rates of stress while being pulled over they were great and the police were excellent with blue envelope and Joanne vanand the fashion show um we are looking to even get bigger next year because it was five days and we need to fill we've decided we want to go full seven so thank you to everybody particularly everybody on this Council who showed up and supported that community and thank you to pretty much like the nicest hardest working committee ever um I also want to say thank you to sha Tre because um in order for us to get more trees in the right of way we had to think outside the box and Adam Brown and Nancy Brenan Hill really made it happen uh it wasn't as easy as this year uh we had a little bit of trouble finding the saplings but we got them we planted them we had literally dozens of kids involved in the planting of them uh we had again multiple council members and our town attorney planting them which shows serious commitment and I want to thank uh particularly miles Lou at the high school and Green Team kids and Henry rashan crew who showed up as well and then last night um Pam and I had a joint meeting between Parks and Recreation and the green committees because um there's a lot of overlap with our committees so this is an example where things that we do in park are also done with Pam's committee we did this last year with open space in parks and the enhancements to the parks website came from that so this year um it was a wonderful meeting I want to thank Rich Brooks and David rkin and everybody who was there but we're going to be following up together in a targeted approach on Meadows sample Meadows on public land Rain G Gardens and a specific type of grass seed that requires less watering so thank you to everybody stay tuned uh there's several Splinter groups that are going to be coming out of that and thank you Pam for having my Parks committee it was wonderful that's it thanks shobon Pam here's what I learned at access week um the signing uh it was a sign with me it was a story about The Very Hungry Caterpillar but here's the the sign that I learned if this is a cup that's how you say vote um so uh let's see October Fest was just glorious so I wanted to thank the Y for sponsoring that downtown um and the Harvest Festival was equally glorious downtown and that's thanks to the guild CBD met um off the top of my head again I remember what we discussed but it was an interesting meeting um and I do want to thank the League of Women Voters for hosting the candidates debate because it was um really substantive and and it was intellectually stimulating for everybody who is here uh let's see friends to friend friend service during access week was also really moving not just for me but for my family and uh I want to thank Dr R Reverend Dr Joanne Van Sant for organizing that um adapt a s sapling if you got a sapling in front of your house with the two sticks next to it um make sure to water them please especially now in the drought and that's all I have thanks Pam um and uh I'm going to reiterate so many of the things that you guys talked about and I'm going to do it quickly because this is why I just love this town access week the friends to friends service that Pam talked about the fashion show the talent show you had to see this one young man he was phenomenal he played like Liberace I mean he was just unbelievable he wasn't good he was amazing uh the fashion show these these kids were just so great to be with and the friends to friends service is always a wonderful thing the adopted sapling that I have to thank my friend Siobhan for who um foolishly made me something called a tree Captain um which was uh just so much fun um we had such a great time met so many great people the League of Women Voters debate thank you so much League of Women Voters it was as Pam said a truly substantive debate it was civil um I think everyone walked away better informed but the programs that we have excuse me pull over properly which look we've seen in in the national news problems where um someone who doesn't have um uh all of the facilities that that many people have um maybe autistic and they get pulled over and it becomes a problem this was teaching both kids with autism and other disabilities and police officers how to recognize and handle this situation and police officers came from several surrounding towns it was really a wonderful thing the sensory friendly dinner that my friend Jamie Davis hosts um because for those of you don't realize um families with autistic children and and other issues don't go out to dinner as I've come to learn because their kids can't go to a crowded noisy well-lit place um and which means that the parents can't go out because they have no one to leave their kids with um and Jamie Davis has organized this so that um restaurants in town will often open on a night when they are closed just for them um kudos to Jamie kudos to the families and kudos to the restaurant owners who do this simply to accommodate these people um but then here um Ridgewood um is so good we don't have one October Fest we have two we call the second one The Guild Harvest Fest they were completely different um wonderfully the same and so much fun Drew giant crowds um went to both of them can't tell which one I liked best um but I I will tell you I had a great time in Ridgewood the last couple of weeks it's been a lot of fun and with that we will move on so Keith all yours could I just mention could I just mention again about voting early voting does start this Saturday um October 29th goes through Sunday November 3rd um hours Monday through Saturday are 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and um Sunday it's 10: a.m. to 6: p.m. and you can go to any location that has early voting there's none in Ridgewood specifically but if you work closer to another early voting location please do so also the deadline to apply for mail and ballots they must be received the application must be received by the county no later than October 29th but if you still want to vote by mail and you can do so so I just want to remind everyone and obviously election day is November 5th polls are open uh 6:00 AM to 8:00 pm Heather when did you say early voting begins uh this Saturday and then it goes through the following Sunday thank you all good Keith thank you mayor and just before we get to the agenda I want to thank keather she worked today with Carol in my office uh there'll be a standalone email that goes out tomorrow I believe uh which will outline all of the announcements about voting where the early voting sites are it takes you through a video clip of the new machines so I think it'll be very informative so if you are on our email distribution list uh please take note that that'll be coming out tomorrow um under Ridgewood water mayor uh tonight we have consideration of resolution to cancel water Capital ordinances funds to be cancelled um from the capital Surplus in the amount of $623,500 operating side um of the budget I've also asked all the department heads to take a similar initiative to what water has done here and look at old ordinances and see what we can cancel before the end of the year so bab roon is spearheading that and I anticipate that in November or December you'll see some additional cancellations uh from authorized debt from the other departments in the village so I know we can't use bridgwood water money for anything under mided water but if we do find extra money left over from previous ordinances for Village expenses do we get to reappropriate those funds or what what happens with that I mean it it it it frees up you won't be spending those so if you want to if you want to reallocate those dollars that were previously authorized for other things there's a process to do that we talked about that at a a council meeting earlier this year we'll have to follow that process okay um I actually have a letter upstairs from bond counsil that outlines that specifically that I can share with the council if you decide that's the direction you want to go in certainly when we get to a point where we think we've gone through and we've cleaned it up we'd love to know how much money there is and see how we're going to treat it yeah y Evan I just want to I definitely want to see what's left over in the originally assigned bucket related to the original Bond when it comes back to us you two right yeah that's what I was getting at I want to see how much money we have right and obviously we won't be for example the the money that we're using to um pursue the fuel tank replacement at the Public Works facility you know that that sat idle for a while and another again a project that's sort of lingered we're now doing it so once that project is closed out and we're done with the Environmental we'll know how much is left in there and then we can look to to cancel out that so these these will be projects that are already completed but where we didn't expend all of the funds that were authorized for the project all right okay all right under uh budget tonight uh item C1 we have the recommendation of a ward Furnishing and delivering um the chemicals that are needed at the water pollution control facility we've received three bids uh for this the apparent low bidder is PVS Muni bulk Incorporated uh low bidder quote is $144,000 less than last year's quote questions about that great good okay heading in the right direction uh the next is a recommendation from Chris ruteshouser uh to enter into the Pake Valley sewage commission Cooperative pricing program uh for Award of storm system cleaning and CCTV inspection uh the village has been investigating conditions of storm sewer lines uh in the collection system in the area of Hope Street and Spring Street uh rapid pump Prov proved the attached quote under the uh pvsc Cooperative purchasing program uh to inspect the storm storm sewer system uh there's a contract number there and it's not to exceed $42,000 everybody good okay the next is the removal of abandoned underground fuel storage tanks at North Walnut Street this is the parking lot at the corner of Franklin uh Chris is making a recommendation of award for the hiring of a New Jersey license site remediation Services Prof professional um we took bids on this on October 16th contract has been previously awarded um and he is recommending that we use the HB Incorporated the amount not to exceed $ 77,78 5 I will note this is the same lsrp that had consulted with the Village Council mainly before my arrival on the Town garage um the lsrp handling that project is the prior owners lsrp but we've used this same consultant on that property so there'll be some Synergy there between what goes on a Town garage and what goes on a North Walnut Street with the food okay so um go ahead I just wanted to I wanted to jump in because this is a frequently Asked question and we have all the documents here for those who are watching at home this is the parcel of land that the village owns on the corner next to the town garage and we have our own situation there on land that we've already owned so we are taking steps to clean that up concurrent pretty much like not exactly lock step with the Town garage so this is an opportunity for the village to take and that land clean it up at the same point and then we can have a community conversation about what we want to do with that corner after we get the results there's quite a number of Tanks under that property yeah from when it was a gas station Village took it over at some point in the past became a parking lot but we we need to remediate what's underneath the ground I'm sure that Evan and I are both eager to see this happen we've been looking at this since 2015 uh my understanding is there were nine underground storage tanks two were taken out but the soil was not remediated and five are are gasoline tanks one is an oil tank and one is a waste oil tank and um this lsrp as I understand it will not only manage and plan this whole process and oversee it as it's happening but but will also recommend to us uh a contractor who can do the removal and who can and and um I don't know if it's the same contractor that would do remediation um but um I I think that's very helpful uh and they're going to Al the lsrp will also be doing this sampling right and what I didn't understand is whether this 77,000 that goes to the lsrp firm will include the lab fees or are should we anticipate lab fees at a later date I I think it depends on what we open up the ground and find okay um well we're going to be do we're going to be having lab Lab feeds in any event right yes um and uh let's see did I have other questions um the one thing I want to say is that depending on what and if they find under the ground the any remediation that needs to be done will need to be done by a certified contractor who's licensed to do that and then it'll be need to be taken to a place that's certified to take in that type of of film okay so my question is can we once we get a plan together for the removal can we apply for an EPA Grant um I don't know the answer to that but I can uh inquire with Millennium and see if there's something available I can also inquire with the lsrp once they're retained to see if there's any incentives yeah my recollection is that EPA has a yearly Grant uh opening for um um Brownfield or you know these kinds of gasoline station cleanups but it seems to come due due in the fall and we'll probably miss that so anyway for 2024 anyway so that's my suggestion let's let's keep a grant in mind understood anybody else okay the next item is renewal of a shared services agreement for TV inspection of the sanitary sewer lines this is an agreement that we've previously had with Northwest Bergen County Utilities Authority um they recently sent us corresponden letting us know that our agreement is set to expire on December 31st uh there's no increase to this it's $500 a day which is what it was previously um and Chris is making the recommend that we continue to utilize their services and we use these Services as we see fit right y absolutely good so so can I say one because it's Workshop sorry um at the fields committee the uh Board of Ed facilities manager said they just found a storm drain behind the scoreboard and they were telling us this can we reach out to the Board of Ed and see if they need any help with sending a camera down that because that ties back into spring what was the location again behind the scoreboard at at at the high school at the high school it's on their property there it's a very good thing it had been grown over and they were like you know when everyone was looking at the flooding the facilities cleaned it off and I said listen if you guys want to talk about sending a camera down I think this would be a good idea because that's where the camera from Hope Street came out the other way on like The Other Side by James Rose I'll reach out to Dr Schwarz and ask thank you and the last time we did that that inspection the robotic video in that um storm water system um I seem to recall there was a blockage around Addison Place okay and I wasn't sure if that's been cleared yeah I I know Peter um a few so in in Engineers been dealing with that um I haven't gotten a report lately um I know he but I I have seen there's been dialogue between him and the residents over there okay okay well good item five is the cancellation of property taxes for 120 Franklin Avenue now that the village has a a responsibility for Town garage and the second is author authorization for a refund on the same property um to cover back to uh the date that we took ownership of the property so the refunds for $2,362 182 all right okay um the next item under policy is a request to extend the dining Cals in the central business district to November 3rd 20124 uh we have a an email which I believe was provided to you folks uh earlier in the week uh from the president of the Chamber of Commerce and the owner of steel wheel asking to extend it uh just until Sunday so so this get the ex weekend right yeah yeah okay and it's been so warm right so what what I would recommend and Heather and I talked about this this afternoon if the council's inclined to allow this and have it removed um I've already spoke to Mike Juna um he can schedule to remove them either Sunday night or Monday night yeah um and then what we would do is on November 13th um we would do a confirming resolution that the dates were extended just to cover us for a liability standpoint um but if you give me the verbal tonight we'll let everybody know that they should stay in place through the 30d makes sense yeah okay all right I feel the same way let's go okay under operations um next item is to approve the flood plan management plan um annual report for National flood insurance Community rating system as I said we submitted the paperwork earlier this week uh however the plan needs to be confirmed by the governing body everybody good good next item is can I just one typo just one no I'll make it two um let me add one I suggest that the pages be P numbered and if you go to page one two three at the top the second bullet uh refers to um are are you counting the cover pages three I'm not counting the cover page Okay no Okay so uh the second bullet says Additionally the Ridgewood wildscape Association has partnered with several religious organizations and the Ridgewood environmental advisory committee also known as the Green Team um it's now known as green Ridgewood Green Team being a sub uh subcommittee of green Ridgewood so you want Ridgewood environmental advisory committee to change or you want Green Team to change Green Team yeah why not just say um green Ridgewood instead of uh Ridgewood environmental committee and so you would also take out the par parenthetical that's my typo okay send to you in the morning I'm guessing everybody's good with that yes okay the next is a memorandum from our director of Health with regard to Childhood lead exposure prevention project uh this is a shared services agreement that we work with Bergen County Health Services to obtain a grant New Jersey Department of Health uh the county provides lead poisoning services to all 70 towns in Bergen County the agreements valid for 12 months and this will run from 7124 to 63025 there's no cost to The Village on this next is a memorandum of understanding also with the Bergen County Health Department uh which receives grant money to be the lead agency in offering services to local Health departments there's no fee for these services but it's required under the public health practice standards uh this covers Comprehensive Cancer control plan the New Jersey cancer education and early detection program the tuberculosis control and public health emergency preparedness program again no cost next item is to declare 436 e Saddle River Road as an abandoned property um call your attention to the third paragraph of the proposed resolution uh which talks about this property having been vacant for at least 6 months the lawn has not been mowed property has not been cared for since the spring and it's created a health and rodent concern for the property and the adjacent neighbors property owner is delinquent in their payment of property taxes for over one year and the efforts to contact the property owners have been feudal to date uh so I can let Matt speak more to this if there's questions to the council but Our intention is to hire a contractor um so that we have a specific invoice relative to the cleanup and then we would subsequently place a lean on the property so can I this is actually a whole house that's just vacant and and rning away and I so it's an LLC any other information about who the actual owners are we we've we've done we've made every effort through code enforcement and through the tax office to try to contact the property owners uh to no avail uh there's a trailer on the property has two flat tires there is the grass is you know waste High um and the Neighbors in the area have been consistently contacting us and code enforcement has been on this the health department was out there this week uh there are bait traps on the property which indicates that well there's no evidence of of rodents today there there were at one point because that's what necessitated the anecdotally do the neighbors know who lived there I'm just worried it's an old person who passed away or there's a family that doesn't know that the property is vacant I mean I have no problem moving ahead I'm just I I can tell you that John's very and code enforcement is very prudent about trying to uh investigate and try to find people and we've had a meet we had a meeting about this last week and it's to no avail and I think Evan raises a good point is there any reason reasonable prospect that the owner may be inside and has passed away I I the police department have been involved in these discussions so I don't think the um the property has changed hands recently and there is an LLC that is the owner owner of the property I think I think it was John our code enforcement officer that had contacted the um responsible party for the LLC through the through through the state no avail and and got contact with them but they said they've sold the LLC since then right so it's a it's a Chase or it's a hide-and seek game but in any event we think that we've got other issues to um to deal with from the standpoint of health and safety in that area and once we declare this property to be an abandoned property under our ordinance and Stat and it follows the state statute we think we'll get some action on it if we go back to the last known address of the owner and that's the way we we got to attack him got the problem is we can't go on the property and do any type of Maintenance effort without your authorization and I can tell you that the neighbors are getting impatient understandably so so I have no issue moving ahead it's the right thing to do just as long as when we do take possession and physically go in the property there's anything that gives us an idea of who the actual owners are keep in mind we won't we won't take possession of the property we're just looking for your authorization to go on the property do the necessary maintenance that's required and then we'll place a lean on the property if we go if we go through a number of tax cycles and the lean is still there you know at some point I guess theoretically that the The Village could take over that property but you know there could be another lean holder there there's a lot of different scenarios that could take place there yeah and the next steps pretty much after this and if we don't get any reaction from them there are legal um Avenues of approach with Superior Court that can get us in there to take take take possession and eventually if we had to and do something something like that take title take care but you know we're I'm not suggesting that's the way we go because I think that's um necessary hopefully there's going to be response from somebody who owns the property right so this is just to go on the property clean it up Safeguard it put a lean on the property of the value of the services the Declaration the Declaration and this early work starts the process that gives us the right to notify them that it's now an abandoned property and um I just I'll prepare the letter to go to them that has to be sent out by certified regular mail notify them about what what we are able to do Under the statute and our ordinance which is pretty much take the property so I mean that's that's a process that would take some time but it um it's not a not an owner friendly type situation when you're declared an abandoned and I I will tell you throughout this process I've learned that this is a rarity in Ridgewood which we're blessed for but in in other municipalities this is somewhat routine so you know hopefully this will draw the owner out I mean they do have back taxes and hopefully if it's a payer chase this expedites that as well and the rightful owner it's just a mistake right I mean maybe it's a large LLC so I mean I right now the priority is getting on the property and getting it cleaning it up so people can live next door let's go and then the last two are uh Declaration of surplus property um one is with the Parks and Recreation Department which has a 50 um 550 gallon storage tank and trailer that is unequipped and is is uh prepared for auction and the other is the Declaration of uh Surplus property of expired bulletproof vests uh there is no open market opportunity for this uh so with the council's approval these will be destroyed and witnessed uh by The Ridgewood Police Department good and that concludes my portion of the agenda mayor the sh tree one thanks Keith and let's go back to public comment I'm still Lori Weber and I'm still uh living in Ridgewood and um Mr vaganos uh the look on my face wasn't me making faces at you it was the sheer frustration of listening to you say things that were not exactly true or twisting the meaning of my comment uh for starts when I I asked you for the data that you used to compare the statistics that you saw on the Rood Public Schools website I asked you where that was from I wanted to know if it was from the same Source because I don't see any of that historic information on the website and I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt that you had done this properly because every place that you go for statistics has their they have their own software so you have to take statistics that are from the same place to compare them cherry picking out what turned out to be an error on the public information officer's part not only highlighted in that error in a way that puts her employment in Jeopardy does attack the person responsible for her who is the superintendent of schools and I think that you you're work experience clearly shows that you are well educated enough to know how to vet information and you didn't do that you took a statistic that turned out to be wrong and you ran with it but you didn't compare it to something from from the same Source you didn't take a minute to check it before you threw the school's system under the bus and if you had taken literally less than a minute and just Googled last statistic you would have found over and over and over again conflicting information and that's what I had trouble with we did not have a lengthy conversation we had a conversation a texting conversation that was cut short when I asked you to identify that Source you may not believe me but I don't like to come up here and make a fool out of myself and accuse somebody of something that they didn't do so I gave you the opportunity to answer me and you chose to cut our conversation short and say no that you would not so that's what happened there and I do think that what you did was egregious in terms of how you characterized our schools some of us take that very seriously and we have a brand new superintendent I think he's only been there maybe just slightly over a year now and he's working hard and doing a great job and what you did did denigrate him certainly trying to tag a a that one little piece of information without checking it and tag it to one board member was just disingenuous thank you thanks Lori good evening again An Loving Ridgewood um back to this subject of whether uh of what can be placed on tables in Village Hall um I went downstairs and I saw that there is quite a diverse number of flyers and bulletins down there for example veterans diversion resources edti uh entities directory dos and don'ts about artificial intelligence stop corruption in New Jersey from politicians and various other people and who to call RS musica Farmers Market stop the spread of germs various things from FEMA parents who host the most lose the most a magazine entitled hocus so um I understand that this is a government building but is there is there a system for allowing brochures and if the next time a person comes in with a new restaurant or business wants to put brochures over there do they have to be approved by the clerk's office or the manager's office cuz I sure would hate to think that if front page article on the on the Star Ledger and in New Jersey monitor that put our current mayor in a bad light was removed specifically for that reason because it sure seems like it because there is a wide array of things all of which seem very valuable and I think a news article about a current elected official is very valid thank you thanks an uh good evening mayor and Council boy a loving Ridgewood uh there was quite a bit of discussion tonight about the intersection of Franklin Avenue and North Walnut Street in terms of uh the remediation plan remediation and what's going to happen there um perhaps this is not something for Council discussion and that is why it wasn't discussed tonight but my concern is what is going to happen to the parking that is taking place there now while all this work is going on the holiday shopping season is approaching uh the corner lot the very corner lot there is used heavily by employees that's employee parking in that lot and if you go down a little bit further behind where the Town garage is uh those spaces are open to use by anyone with the exception of the spaces that they reserved for I guess the bank there uh not sure what bank it is but they have a number of those spaces are private spaces there are also spaces on North Walnut Street itself right across from what used to be the Getty station I can't even think what that station is now but there are a number of parking spaces in the area that will probably be inaccessible as a result of this construction taking place and again unfortunately the construction will be scheduled to take place at a time when the holiday shopping season is beginning perhaps the manager has a plan for this and has Mr Ruda has worked out a plan for where all these people are going to park particularly the employees um to the best of my recollection there are always spaces in the garage perhaps some of the people can be moved up there but again I didn't hear any discussion tonight amongst the council members about what is going to be done to accommodate the people who are going to be displaced for as yet an undetermined amount of time while this is taking place and I just hope that there is a plan in place to do it thank you very much thank you Boyd Cynthia O'Keefe Ridgewood resident um first I want to thank Keith for getting back to me I had written in about the um the Q&A and following up on questions that some residents and me included had on the contaminated soil so I appreciate that you got back to me and obviously um yeah we're we're awaiting details of when you know that can be scheduled obviously ly it has to follow all the testing that you know is being done which makes sense um we were just a little worried because you know we thought maybe there was a remediation plan underway so you know as long as you know things are being done in the methodical the right way um slowly so that the residents feel a level of comfort about you know huge amounts of soil being moved that's we've already like lived through all the dumping legal and illegal so now it would be a good time to kind of like really make sure that we're taking the right steps so that there there aren't any Airborne contaminants and also uh it may makes sense to have the groundwater tested as well um but my question was more about the the house that is abandoned I do believe someone lived there and died and I didn't have the best uh ability to hear all of you talking so if you know I'm repeating something um that you've already said I apologize but um I just I would like to better understand how how Ridgewood handles like taxes that aren't being paid and when like what is the process basically so if someone doesn't pay their taxes for x amount of time does when does Ridgewood then get in touch with the owner whether it's you know somebody living or not living to find out like hey what's going on you know that would be great to just educate me and maybe some other people that don't understand the process you know obviously the tax collector goes like at some point a phone call is warranted right um and and then um my assumption based on what I thought I knew was a house would then go into tax lean I don't know if that happens first before it gets abandoned or not so thank you thanks Cynthia thanks Cynthia yeah anybody else and let's go to our hybrid access Denise you're up hi Denise Lima Bridgewood New Jersey um I forget is the uh is this a three minute or is this a five minute session three minutes three minutes okay great thank you um the Town garage remediation I I think I heard this but I just want to make sure that we might be doing the remediation at the same time as the Town garage but that we will be build you we're using different companies and being built separately for those costs not to be intermingled with the town garage I think that's what you said um just validating that uh Keith talking about the leaves make sense that the vacuum machine is on the major roads I just think maybe then on the side streets there's smaller piles like I know we're only only two weeks into it but both Northern Parkway and Sterling they they plowed or tried to plow the entire length so you know the leaves just get draged from the whole street in the middle of the street the whole length of the street and by the time the guy piles it there's really no leaves left because they're in the street you know screwn all across so I wish I took a picture but there's there's definitely got to be a better way um and I want to go back to the tracking with the guild and I really uh I just want to make sure I'm hearing this correctly we have a monthly CBD DAC meeting which Pam chairs and attends we have somebody from the guild that is on those calls it's either Trish Manzo or now Nina jery through the last year because I think Tony said this has been going on for a year there's clearly Guild topics so are we saying for the entire year nobody from The Guild none of the business uh owners knew anything that Tony was doing with tracking and he was working rogely quietly never told told anybody at any of those meetings or any of the other get togethers that we've had in events with the guild and Siobhan you've been on certain things with Tony as well until all of a sudden just last month when he decided to come and tell us hey this is what happened like I really I'm not asking about monitoring and but but we have to somebody had to have known I I just I failed to see with all of the great interactions with the CBD PA you know you're you're there right everybody's there nobody knew about it and Tony worked on his own he didn't get the board of directors of the guild to review it I mean nothing so I just I'm just kind of asking again understanding really how this came about and if it didn't come in those meetings then there's something broken and then the process needs to be fixed within the C within the CAC meetings um and again if we had known about it I think resident should have been known about it we should have been informed uh I don't know about opt in opt out but as a courtesy ethically I I think we should have been notified thank you thanks Denise Susan you're up um hello Susan Ruan um I live in rwood um I'm want to start by thanking everyone for Access um Richwood it's we attend my son and I Ted the pull over properly and can you hear me yes we can okay my son and I attended to pull over properly and it was um it was very encouraging to see officers from other towns there to um observe and also to take it to them it's also very encouraging to have students there um some for the first time just getting their feet wet on how to um what to expect when being pulled over um I also um I know I'm going to be a broken record right now but I would like to follow up with the Army Corps of Engineers I know um Keith had mentioned last time that he was meeting with various people and I was just hoping to know what's happening now with that um as for the abandoned property I think I also I mean it was a little stunning to hear about the the property on East sdle River Road I think again um just to get some more clar clarity what's happening um to that property and if there is a road and problem I mean unfortunately we live right beside the river um you know close to that property so we would like to know too just for ourselves so we can be on the lookout for that um and I think that should be just something that should be shared with the residents that are in a close proximity to that property um and then finally this is something I'm just going to Pig you back off the knes um yes I do not like the track AI I'm not going to even talk about that but it's the leaves I think that if this is something that it's just an FYI my son my daughter went to Haws and H Stevens is one big long road and I don't know why they decide to do it but like when they do leaf collections they also do it when parents are dropping off their kids or picking up their kids and and parents then have to weave in and out of those big piles not knowing the oncoming traffic so if it's an FYI if they can do it without doing pick up and drop off that'll be great especially down Stevens all right thank you thank you Susan Jacqueline you're up Jacqueline Bridgewood um your last name jaine hone thank you at the recent debate our mayor spoke passionately and was appalled by bullying um and that made me that made me um very uncomfortable because I was a victim of the m mayor hiding and censoring comments and now we know through actual documents showing that this is taking place which is a form of bullying taxpayers and citizens hiding comments censoring and then there was an entire community that begged and pleaded with the council sending a petition to please test the shedler property and we were ignored completely which is also a form of bullying and come to find out only because the community insisted and had to seek help outside of the village of Ridgewood did we come to find out that 42 million pounds of soil were brought into the shedler park community and now it sits there for years for months an entire Community exposed to contamination with dangerous health and environmental impacts I understand that now and only now that the DP has stepped in and forced the hand that the Village Council and the village of Ridgewood decided that something had to be done but the one thing that I've never seen or heard of or from is an actual apology from the mayor for his bullying for his hiding and censoring comments for dismissing the hundreds of petitions that came in that were signed asking for studies and for the countless emails that went in from concerned residents asking to please look into what's happening at shedler or the fact that these residents had to go outside of their Community to get help to just get the council to do what is their fiduciary obligation so I really consider that statement about during the debate about bullying almost insulting and it was really upsetting and if at the very least and apology is owed from the village of Ridgewood especially our mayor to the residents of shedler for ignoring them and from the mayor specifically for hiding and censoring our comments pertaining to the same shedler property thank you thank you Jacqueline seeing no one else I'm going to close public comment does anyone have any responses for anything yeah I I'd like to respond to the last comment um I have the utmost respect for for Jacqueline and the folks that are advoca ating for a different course of action than we've elected to take at shedler but I think phrasing the you know environmental issues as a grave danger and a health threat is completely contrary to what everything we've been told in terms of how serious the nature of the of the situation is we've moved quickly um to stop any building we've moved quickly to do remediation and do testing and you know we've never been told that there is some health danger to the residents or the people surrounding the property and stting that public in order to I think G political support for a different view than we have taken um it's not appropriate and it's not fair to the residents who live around that neighborhood um moreover saying that we've ignored and bullied the folks who Advocate again for a different position that we've taken at shedler other than the budget there is no issue that I think we spent more time on than shedler we've heard from both sides we have taken uh as much testimony as you can possibly take on any one topic We Just Disagree having a good faith disagreement with somebody is not bullying that's doing our job um democracy is messy we're not always going to agree but making accusations of bullying and and ignoring people only serves to make it so that when somebody does actually bully somebody it against it gets dismissed um it's the boy that cried wolf and I really still have and remain have the most respect for the folks on the other side of this issue but I think using accusations like that is reckless and simply not fair or appropriate anyone else yes I'll apologize I'm sorry you feel that you've been bullied or that your comments have been censored but I've sat here in every council meeting with the mayor and I did not perceive any bullying or censoring on the contrary the mayor and the council have listened to objections we've taken action based on your objections we have not ignored you and um I I am offended myself that you that you would accuse my colleague of doing these things which I simply have not perceived as real and as for uh the Placer AI project that uh that the guild has and presented to the public here uh yes it came before the central business district advis committee they reported on it and um the CBD does not control what the guild does I don't see any ethical violation I did not perceive it then I do not perceive an ethical violation today that's all I have to say I I too want to say something in terms of an apology I'm sorry that the conversation about shedler seems so antagonistic and stuck and a large part of when and I were running was to disclose what's actually happening with the property and when I was an active Citizen and Paul and Pam were sitting up here um two plans were submitted to shipo in complete and total darkness complete and total outside the neighbors outside of plain light outside of open space that purchased the property and when Evan and I came on here we knew it was going to be a rough project because there's a difference as to what should be done with the land but we've disclosed everything and we've paid for it the D to me is not you know an oversight big brother they're our partners we now have to make a joint decision with the D and shippo we I want to work with them everything that they write me or this Council or our manager our lawyer we work with them and I feel so terrible that despite public clamoring and let's be clear I was part of the public clamoring nobody knew the soil was dirty nobody even knew it came from six sites we all share that frustration and we I feel sorry for Ridgewood that we're so stuck in this past conversation because right now everybody up here I didn't pull them wants to clean that soil we want to do it responsibly we want to remediate it and we've paid for it and we're going to do that and we're going to do it together we're also going to partner with the D and shipo so some of this just seems like an unnecessary um argument about tactics and the harsh reality is we're all on the same page outside of the size of the field and the turf there's really very little to discuss for us that's it those are the two points whether you want the field to be full- sided in Varsity or you want it to be grass and or turf everything else everybody agrees and we've moved the funding to do it we're going to get the information from Matrix and we're going to make a collective decision in conjunctions with the neighbors and the community and we're going to remediate that land and unlike the past we're going to do it out here in front in front of everybody so I feel sorry for Ridgewood because this conversation is not progressing and that's where I feel and I also want to say um I fully support the guild and the Chamber in any step they take to maintain vibrancy they are Partners as well and I'm sorry that people have feelings about what they did with place or AI suggest you go to them but to Tony and Joan and Pam CBC you're talking about neighbors that spend countless hours tons of money to make our town better and if you felt it was a misstep with the guild you should go there but to discredit Pam's whole committee that's done nothing but work so hard to make our downtown better that's not really fair um I didn't know about Placer AI with Guild until they came here this is how we disclosed it again people may not like it but at least you're knowing about it it before we got here things weren't always put out in front I'm going to jump in excuse me slight sore throat um I really thought that Evans said this best we've spent so much time on shedler um we spent more time on that I think than the budget um we've done as Siobhan said everything out in the open um before we got here it wasn't done like that it just wasn't um the the contaminated soil was before any of these four Council people here and the fifth actually um were sitting on the council uh we are all on the same page about cleaning the property completely on the same page and as Siobhan points out the only thing we disagree on is the type of field that's going to go there and that's what it is it's a disagreement to attempt to characterize the disagreement about the size of of a field as bullying is a stretch that's pretty hard to follow um uh we don't Bully from here there are hundreds of hours of of video I urge everyone to go look at all of them and tell me that there's been any bullying here we have a disagreement that's all we have and we respect as as Evan said those people who disagree with us because that's the way democracy works and so with that I'm going to close this do you have any responses just just one response I'll be quick um to Cynthia's questions about the east east Saddle River Road property um it may be that somebody passed away who lived there but the tax assessor's office has the ownership um all properties within the village and that's what we're using to try and track down the owner with the property the other side of it is is that if somebody doesn't pay their taxes like a lot of things in law it's a process and U it's a tax sale process and it'll take me about 20 minutes to talk to you I'm not going to do it tonight but if you want to call and discuss it it's one of the more boring things you can get involved in but I can explain it to you so youd like to do that mayor just a few things um first with with regard to miss hone I I can't speak to what occurred here before I arrived um but I can tell you that I have taken every meeting every phone call every email every text with every resident of the shedler property since I arrived here on July 10th of 2023 and so much so that on July 27th of that month at the request of the residents I went out there and we met at the end of of Kingsbridge Lane and there were probably 30 or 35 residents out there in the street with us and we talked about the bridge and we talked about the paving on West Saddle River Road both of those are done or in progress and we went over to shedler and we walked the property and every single email and I can tell you if you add it up in my email box all the emails I've gotten since I've been here I bet you the top issue just like the top issue for the council discussing it has been something to do with shedler and when we were notified by the DP that there were issues with the soil that they wanted us to further investigate investigate we immediately took action we immediately went out and sent out proposals to find an environmental company that was reputable that the Village Council and that the residents around the shedler neighborhood could have confidence in the work that they would do and I have to tell you we've had nothing but a positive experience professional experience with the folks from Matrix and quite frankly in other municipalities I would be very reluctant about allowing residents to talk directly to employees of one of our professional service providers but in this case because there quite frankly is a lack of trust and whether that exists because soil was brought there in 2019 or whether it's because you don't trust the people that sit up here today I can't answer that but there's a lack of trust that's been developed over time and I think it's important that people can get answers directly from Professionals in the field like Chris pesi who's our lsrp on this project and you have had access to them so to say that anyone's been ignored again I can't tell you what happened before I got here but I can tell you that we I have not as the village manager in this town ignored anybody on any issue and certainly not when it comes to shedler with that being said um to Susan the Army Corps of Engineers I had a zoom meeting with them two weeks 10 days ago uh we are waiting for the next round of congressional funding to be approved in order to determine which programming spot we're going to enter into so I'm hopeful by the end of the year once Congress gets back in session after the election we'll have some better perspective on that Denise with all due respect and you know I think we've developed a a good working relationship and I I try to be responsive to you but I do take exception with how you misrepresented what I said after the first public session I I said none of those things about the guild I I didn't say they were working covertly or under the cover of Darkness or hiding anything I I I said that the first time we learned about Placer AI conducting any type of um study for the guild was when Tony came here not last month but when Tony came back here in July and he reported it out to the council what was going on with that technology that the guild was utilizing so I do take exception to you putting words in my mouth and I say that with respect uh also with regard to the town garage um the comments from Denise the two projects are completely separate the Town garage all of the environmental the raising of the building all will be conducted on by the prior owner and their professional staff the Walnut Street uh North Walnut Street and Franklin parking lot that is exclusively a village proc progress um project the only thing that I was trying to illustrate is that the Consulting lsrp who worked the council and worked with Matt and our special legal councel on the condemnation proceedings with the Town garage is the same lsrp who's going to work on North Walmart it's just the same professionals working on behalf of the village in both situations um with regard to the tax sale Cynthia I I I like Matt could bore you to death but if you Google New Jersey tax sale there's a bulleted answer under Google it'll tell you exactly what what the process is um to Mr loving uh we do in fact have a plan Heather and I sat in a meeting uh earlier this week with Bob bruny uh Bob is in the process of identifying all the people who currently have permits for the North North Walnut lot um likely although not confirmed uh that they will be relocated uh to parking spaces in the garage uh they will have ample notice before this project starts and we will try to handicap how long it will be uh in duration although again as Pam said earlier the environmental on this is going to be a little bit more complex so we don't know how long those people will be displaced but we will ensure that they have ample notice and that they H are assigned a parking space uh especially in light of the fact that that's our employees um to miss loving again I will stand by the fact that that table out there is for information that supports this meeting um I would have removed anything that was placed there um especially in light of you know understanding its political season I wouldn't have cared which candidate it was for or against whether it even had to do with a candidate I know it was a newspaper article um but I have to tell you with all respect and I've you know we've you've been up at that Podium many a time since I've arrived here I I honestly believe that if something was placed in the back of that room on that table that you opposed that you would be at that Podium criticizing us for not having it removed and allowing it to be there um I I I think that that would be the position you would take depending on what material had been placed on that table um and that's all I have there can I say say something that I forgot to say sure okay when I see something on the official website of a government entity like the school district I think it is fair to accept as official what's on that website I don't see anything nefarious in quoting something from the school district website and to require a person based on his education uh to go behind that figure I I think is really asking too much of people and with all due respect we've had people come to the podium and question information on the Village website and call it into question because there is a Reliance from the public that the information that's published on the Village website is accurate and complete I I just want to say one thing I if we need to have a policy we can get one but none of the Flyers listed in detail are in this room they're down in the atrium so I know that people are going to because people are watching at home and sometimes it's different uh the question is that they were next to governmen issued binders that you know it appears that the government may have placed them so the the detail I know that we give out a lot of information in the atrium but not in this room and listen we will certainly look at a policy both for downstairs and up here um I can tell you that I have been I other places that I've worked um it required the signature of the administrator for any documentation to be placed on any of the tables um had it be for a nonprofit a community organization something of the like um you know we can we Heather and I could certainly sit down and and talk to Matt and have a conversation about having some sort of policy in place for the new year anybody else let's call it a night motion to adjourn so moved second all in favor I I I