##VIDEO ID:bdRjzAWL_HE## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e the evening um I think that we are ready to start couple of minutes late and I apologize for that wasn't watching the time uh but we can uh start with our roll call Mr Donnie Miss quack miss m here Mr Mahmud here miss Brogan here please join me in a flag salute pledge of allegiance pursuant to the requirements of the open public meetings act advanced notice has been given into the Star Ledger the record and the clerk of the village of Ridgewood in addition notices were posted in the office of the board secretary and in all school buildings so um welcome everyone we've got some uh I think we'll start this meeting of our first meeting for the school year um with a wonderful recognition and that will be Dr Schwarz if you will I would love to at this time I would like to invite up our ashb award winner for 2024 Mrs Donna scattini check check there we go don it's so nice to be here with you thank you thank you so much for coming here thank you to everyone from BF who came out to support as well and from the districts so for those of you who are not aware I'll read a little bit about the award in a second but the Ashby award and the um and the tradition of Excellence award are key features of our annual convocation that we do when we meet our uh we bring our staff back at the end of the summer and the beginning of the school year really signifies the start of the school year and the and and uh and all that is all the good things that are to come um and it's really basically the last thing that we do it's a very celebratory event these are very prestigious Awards it was my honor to share this to to to be to be um delivering this award uh to Mrs ski but uh it was she was chosen among her colleagues and I'm going to read a little bit about that as I read uh the speech that we gave in front of uh in front of the uh all of our staff and faculty at the convocation so the ashp award was established in 1966 to honor former superintendent Lloyd Ashby and his wife Lois for their distinguished service to the community the recipient is selected from nominees submitted by staff members and is someone who in the opinion of her peers has carried on our District's long tradition of service and contribution this is the highest honor that Ridgewood Public Schools can bestow on a staff member this year any tenured professional Middle School staff member was eligible for nomination once CE again our Ashby Award nominees contributions to the district are significant and highly valued this year's Honore is referred to as a leader in the school a mentor to many teachers and is known for having a listening ear to all staff members and colleagues recognized as the epitome of what it means to be a colleague respecting everyone and connecting with all connecting with all staff within the school to ensure that all responsibilities and workings are fair to everyone involved always willing to accommodate assist and include other teachers in activities the recipient advocates for colleagues provides support for them and works collaboratively to enrich the students experience the recipient is known for always doing the right thing never cutting corners and fighting for what is right for others even if it is an unpopular opinion this Rings true in dealings with colleagues parents and students the recipient has a strong pulse on the school as a whole and makes sure to always make decisions with the whole community in mind during her 25 years of teaching in the district she has volunteered and developed initiatives to enhance the school and Community class lessons are highly enriching and engaged for students engaging for students who experience much growth in her classes especially during rollerblading and project Adventure she heavily contributes to mental health awareness day and runs the increasingly popular Turkey Trot so please join me in congratulating this year's ashp award winner physical education teacher at at Benjamin Franklin Middle School Donna catini so Mrs katini this is your moment um it is third this is my 34th year um here in Ridgewood um I I'll repeat a little bit of what I said that day um I grew up in Ridgewood and I had fantastic teachers and that what made me want to become a teacher and a coach um the teachers that were in physical education and health up at the high school they were phenomenal and they took care of me and I wanted to help other children and give back so that's what happened I I went for physical education and health and then I I was told by the supervisor go teach somewhere else first and I did I was in Saddlebrook and I was in Cresco for um two years and then a job opened here and wood and I started teaching here and bf in Ridgewood I it's been amazing they are my family they're all back a lot of my best friends now I'm working with them for so long and then some that are just coming in they're like my kids so um I really honored and I thank all of you and thank everybody in the district but I really enjoy and love what I do teaching has been pH phenomenal for me so thank you very much I appreciate everything thank you BF family for coming out e e e e all right and I have to apologize we uh we shorted Mrs scattini nine years of service so let the record show 34 years of service Dr Schwarz you just want to clarify what what was the confusion oh and I should clarify I'm sorry uh we have a I believe it's in a bylaw uh we have a specific rule that uh that when we're in the board is in election season that we cannot post pictures of of uh of board members I I'm not I don't recall off top of my head if it's candidates up for election or just board members in general so we're just going to play it safe um and that's why we we didn't have the full board up for the picture so they would all love to be there I think they're all nodding their heads and smiling they all wish they could be in the picture all wanted to get a picture with you but within 90 days we can't do that yeah so within 90 days of an election so all right all right and next we have our tradition of Excellence award and our recipient tonight I'll call up is Mr cowl Fuller all right so the tradition I'll read I'll read the uh tradition of Excellence award I was also able to give this award as well to Mr Fuller at our convocation as well so he was honored in front of what I think we had someone in the ballpark of 700 staff members or so p in the in the BF gym so uh and we all honored him and this is what we read the tradition of Excellence award has been part of the Ridgewood Community since 2014 this award allows us to recognize an exceptional support staff member which includes secretaries professionals custodians maintenance and Food Service Personnel this year's winner has been with the district for 16 years all right I'll just you know who he is so I'll just read his name Mr Fuller is not only excellent at the job but is also so meaningful to the school Community this per Mr Fuller has shown dedication to the children and staff for many years and is a real as a bright spot in the halls of the school the and the this particular award these are all direct quotes from people who have nominated Mr Fuller uh Mr Fuller is quick and responsive to whatever the day may bring his smile is given freely to everyone in the school and is often a welcome start to the day he is always positive in his day-to-day interactions and understands the importance of relationships co-workers are greeted with hey there teach and students are treated with respect during the school day uh Mr Fuller plays many roles from cleaning up the cafeteria and mysterious spills to moving furniture and helping teachers in any way possible all with a positive attitude Mr Fuller goes above and beyond truly cares for the staff and students and does it all with a positive blow I can attest to this so this year the tradition of Excellence award recipient is Benjamin Franklin Middle School custodian Mr Cowell Fuller Mr Fuller would you like to say a few words well all what I have to say to parents teachers and everyone I love BF in my 16 year I am in BF I don't miss home we have a relationship there all the kids all the teacher everyone we just have one love and one Community love there so we don't miss one another I tell the kids where every time you need anything are you running any problem just come to Mr I will be there for you yeah if anything at all just come to Mr P so we have a good relationship there and I'm going to continue with this relationship okay all right picture you guys can't e all the BF teachers yes that would be lovely such nice support oh okay everybody say BF thank you sure a great way to start the year right thanks appreciate it that's weird the purple glow yeah all right thank you so much um we're about to move to our student representative report but we just have we have a few new faces up here that I thought we'd introduce first of all we have with us uh we unfortunately as many of you know uh Dr um Mr Richard Freeman had been uh acting as our assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction and uh he did great service for us we were blessed to have him here with us um but unfortunately he was coming up on a time limit we can only have an inum for two years and he' been with the district for two years as of this September so he had an opportunity to go and become superintendent of Saddle River schools so as hard as it was to do so we wanted to give him our best wishes um and of course we we supported him in his transition but we were very lucky that we also had coming on staff to to fill a supervisory inim position um a very experienced educator and no stranger to Ridgewood um and uh after a conversation realizing that Mr fredman was going to have a chance to transition um we saw a great opportunity to invite Dr Matthew Murphy to join us as our inim director of curriculum and instruction Dr Murphy had been is a Ridgewood resident had two two daughters who graduated Ridgewood high school and um was also the superintendent of Ramsey public schools nearby for 10 years or so so I want to say welcome Dr Murphy and thank you so much for joining us we give him a warm welcome Dr Murphy do you want to say anything well thank you for the warm welcome and and truly it's an honor to serve the community that has given so much to my two daughters and our our family and um I look forward to assisting any way I can thank you Dr Murphy and to be clear Dr Murphy actually spent quite a time also before being superintended as a director of curriculum and instruction so he's very well suited to the role very strong in the areas of curcum in instruction so we're grateful to have him on board with us for a little while uh regarding the permanent position for those who are interested we are we have we have initiated a search we're actually uh beginning our screening of candidates and we expect that we'll have a permanent person in the role somewhere in the ballpark of January and we're really grateful to have uh have Dr Murphy hopefully until then right great and the next introduction that I have is a young man who is a student of ours who we're very grateful to be able to introduce to all of you and to welcome to the board and it is our student representative Mr Harrison Burns welcome Harrison so uh Harrison you want to give us just a little introduction of yourself so people know who you are and then you can get started with your student report whenever you're ready absolutely yeah so um parison um it's very nice to meet you all um I'm a senior now at bridgwood high school which is insane to think about trust me time flies um okay is this a little better yes better awesome um I went to GW middle school before that and Willard before that um I've lived in Bridgewood All My Life um I'm an athlete I play an instrument um and uh you know I I've love my time in rid I love my time at the high school and I'm looking forward to a a fun and productive final year um so I just want to say before I started thank you all so very much for this opportunity I'm very grateful to be here and be able to talk with you all um I think it's fantastic there is a student rep and that students do get a voice um and I just wanted to make that clear and make that known to you um so with that I will get into my report um first week of school so project interact welcome to the incoming freshman class at this year's freshman orientation at the high school uh they told the Freshman about the values of community service and the opportunities they will have to help others as students at rhs project interact spent the summer fundraising for various causes around Ridgewood and ran food drives at both the YMCA and Stop and Shop in town the group also helped out at the 29th annual car show last Friday um to improve the experience for visitors overall um this event featured music as well as trophies for the cars and a variety of categories um bridgid public schools had a successful first day of school on Tuesday the 3 uh at the high school numerous School changes were the buzz of the crowd uh including a Six-Day increase to allowed absences mandatory phone Cades meaning students can no longer have their phone during any class a new policy mandating substitutes for all freshman classes uh and the numerous Administration changes around the school uh also an exciting School topic were the new events for the club fair day uh in previous years the club Fair uh had food trucks uh after a half day of school but this year four new events subbed in for that morning of classes so there were no classes for the upper classman and the underclassman had just one class um and this uh these new changes created a full day of festivities that was really uh really fun and engaging for students uh to kind of Welcome them back welcome them back from the summer and get them ready for the school year uh these four events included a presentation for the freshmen and sophomores on the dangers of vaping from the Bergen County prosecutors a motivational keynote from local Legend coach stroker for juniors and seniors as well as both uh a game show event and an art event to be all the greats uh the art event featured renowned and award-winning artist Marco Santini who has collaborated with a variety of celebrities and been featured in magazines from Forbes to the New York Times to art news Santini came in to ask students to describe in just one word what they think the best characteristic of rwood high school is uh he plans to take these note cards and create a miral of them in the courtyard of the high school um afterwards the club Fair kicked off where the Juniors and seniors enjoyed their pick a variety of food trucks before they were enjoyed by the younger classes this gave upper classmen an enjoyable grace period uh to eat and prepare their tables uh to show off their clubs this year clubs were not assigned a location but rather could be placed Wherever by the club leaders so individuals in charge of multiple clubs could stay within a small representive this also brought a unique diversity to students walking the rounds eager to participate in the dozens of clubs rhs has to offer um next is sports uh fall Sports season is kicked off as I'm sure many of you are aware um at the high school uh numerous first games have happened already and even now we're looking at second and thirds um notably ridgwood High School football defeated Clifton in a blowout 35-0 game at pis on Friday the 30th of August um girls and boys soccer also both had their first game last Friday um players also had their first auditions of the school year this past Tuesday uh they're getting right back into the full swing of things uh with callback happening yesterday um and same thing with the all the AC capella groups they also had their their auditions yesterday with callbacks today so uh good luck to all those who auditioned um September is a busy month for ihhs Sen parents have a meeting tonight actually at rhs to talk about their Childs last year uh in the school system uh as well as the anticipated college application information uh senior students can also look out for scheduled visits to rhs from numerous College Representatives throughout the next few months uh and the Freshman parents will have their meeting two weeks later on the 26th and finally uh back to school night at bridgwood high school is coming up on Tuesday September 24th so some fun things look forward to uh so that's what I have for the first week of school thank you thank you Arison okay um we're gonna move to public comment but before we um open the comment period I just uh there's been a request that we revisit um whether um public commenting public people from the public commenting need to give their address um that's part of our bylaws that's a reg what what board in the past has put a number of rules on to public comment and it's in bylaw 01 67 the bylaw also allows us to wave any of those rules and so tonight I would um ask the board to um if we are in agreement to wave that rule and send the policy back to the policy committee to review and then come back with a um a recommendation so um if there is agreement um on that tonight we will just go ahead and wave that and wait till hear back from the policy committee I think just to add I mean the rationale I think some of people brought up that this feels like too much information people are giving about too much personal information so that was the rational bance right so all will be um required um would be today and going forward until we um revisit and formally make that recommendation would be just the name and um town of residents yes the municipality municipality you no longer municipality you don't have to bring your street address and the policy committee's meeting next week I understand so we'll you'll be able to or oh 24 you'll be able to discuss it so thanks for that good evening uh my name is Barbara Regan chelmi um I was ready to say my street address but I I reside in New Jersey um I've been uh in Ridgewood living in Ridgewood with my husband Ron and my son jack chelmi uh for almost 15 years uh we uh joined uh the Ridgewood Community uh when my son enrolled in orchard Elementary uh when it was led by um principal uh lunam whose um uh love for her students was just infectious and it radiated throughout the school our son is on the autism spectrum uh and we've met uh annually with the district uh at indicate individual education plan meetings as required by law raising an autistic child is not without challenges and support from the board of education has been and is necessary from our very first IEP meeting it became apparent that open honest and respectful dialogue is essential between the school district and special needs parents who are the only voice for their disabled child over the years our dialogue with the district has steadily declined and I have met other special needs parents in our community who have experienced a similar decline some relationships between special needs parents and District have become so strained that parents have or nearly have filed lawsuits otherwise known as due process broken communication breeds mistrust which can lead to litigation if it doesn't have to be this way that is why I was very happy when Dr Schwarz accepted the superintendent position last year ushering in A Renewed openness to dialogue through monthly live streamed coffees and by meeting with cpeg parents including last June in June's meeting Dr Schwarz respectfully listened to the concerns of special needs parents and he stated that he wants to build trust with them by creating an open honest and respectful dialogue that is why we want to bring something to the board's attention and I'm guessing you're not aware of it my husband Ron and I have been singled out due to the fact that we are advocates for our child and we have been subjected to disparaging discriminatory and defamatory remarks by the board's representative attorney Alyssa Weinstein she has imped our integrity and reputations in public documents the actions of attorney Weinstein do not match the words of Dr Schwarz Bridgewood has a great reputation for excellence in education this necessarily includes educating children with disabilities we live in an inclusive community that is focused on families what prompted us to come here tonight is not only the distress we have suffered because of your representatives actions but because we do not believe that you as the board have knowledge about the treatment we've experienced in speaking with a few other Rond families impacted by special needs we have learned sadly that Miss Weinstein has disrespected some of them in a public forum as well I can't believe that a board made up of decent moral and intelligent people such as yourselves would ever condone punitive and retaliatory Behavior by its representative against special needs parents just because we are exercising our child's rights under the law we must fight harder for our children compared compared to those without disabilities given the everyday hurdles we face with our son we should not have an added layer of stress due to this board's representative who speaks for you due to the sensitive nature of our situation I will not be going into specifics here but I have it laid out in a letter which I have for you in superintendent Schwarz thank you did did you already send your letter or oh yeah hi it's been a long time since I've been here my name is Kathy Marshall I a resident of Ridgewood and I serve as the vice president of the Ridgewood Education Foundation Board of Trustees and I am here tonight just to remind everybody of RF and what we do very quickly we partner with the district's administrators and Educators our sole beneficiary is the Ridgewood public school system and students in grades K through 12 we've been in existence as a 5 1c3 since 1989 and originally did localized individual classroom and school grants and in 2013 expanded to do higher impact broader impact Grant giving including $250,000 to the initial Chromebook initiative allowing the high school to give Chromebooks to every student at once instead of phasing it in we tend to do things that enhance or expedite innovation in the district and we've given about $1 and A5 million dollars to the rid Public School System um over the years so that's a brief synopsis of who we are I have to say that since the pandemic we have not been asked for large grants or multi-year grants however we did do a four-year steam Grant prior to the pandemic allowing for maker space improvements a recording studio at the high school uh maker space initiatives at both middle schools and a lot of physics kits and things that were necessary to um enhance the steam curriculum and allow it to be rolled out more quickly so I am here to remind everybody about who who we are and hope that we can attract more requests for Grants we have a website Ridgewood EDF foundation.org and also I am here to put in a plug for our biannual fundraising event October Fest which we do every other year it's a huge event for us it's our major fundraiser the last one in 2022 raised almost $60,000 it's a fun night out dad's Night band plays it's held locally at the Women's Club of Ridgewood so we keep everything very local and it's going to be a great event with a live auction a mystery box raffle we have a vacation raffle underway for a trip to Napa that's already been rolled out so check your group spots and social media to participate in that and we hope to see many of you thank you to miss MC and Miss Brogan who have already signed up to attend and Miss Brogan for being a silver sponsor this year and we look forward to hopefully welcoming many of you to the event on October 5th thank you very much thank you um Susan Ruan I reside in Ridgewood um at last night's Village council meeting um I welcomed hearing that Council the council members um proclaiming um sorry reading a proclamation against bullying and suddening Rich of public schools and local religious organization taking incentives to address bullying I was hopeful that the Proclamation was more than words since one of my child was bullied in the Richwood public schools and I understand the devastation bullying causes and the pain of helping a child heal and redeem their self-esteem I thought R of public schools had turned a new Leaf after hearing the proclamation however I then heard someone was bullied at the fields committee that happened the day before it was rather discouraging to hear excuses um by the community leaders at the Village Council for not speaking up against the Buller it was also disheartening to hear that the district superintendent witnessed the bullying and also didn't speak up now I hear from Barbara that the attorneys are bullying parents and that's enough no more condoning The Bullying okay and I was going to ask how is Ridgewood Public Schools going to address bullying when Community leaders in town remain silent when it occurs they need to lead by example not just by words WR proclaimed in the proclamation thank you thank you Hi Megan beerley um live in Ridgewood I'm speaking as a parent and the thoughts I share tonight are my own from my personal experience my personal not on sorry for my personal experience and my personal connections with other parents in our community the concerns I share affect all of our students and their Educators not just the special ed Community I want to have time to explain and illustrate those connections in four minutes but welcome anyone here or listening in to contact me if you'd like to understand more in addition I just want to highlight my comments are not pointed at any one person um or role but rather to ensure awareness and consideration as we move forward as a district and a community to support our children and their teachers the experiences the chilum family have endured are not isolated or unique and have been repeated for years the approach to parent concerns and advocacy for appropriate education from The Ridgewood Public School District and their contracted legal representation has been in practice for quite some time prior to any of the current Administration and therefore unfortunately embedded and baked into the culture of our district and Community parents private legal counsel and Advocates as well as educational experts are well aware of the Ridgewood reputation and the approach the district takes and tactic tactics it employs to silence bully exhaust and defeat parents diminishing their voices and the access to appropriate education of their children I personally had a conversation a year ago where I shared concerns of this approach of the district and the parent experience in our community I was assured that if I what I shared was true it would not be aligned to how the current Administration will be leading the district however this assurance is not consistent with the actions of the administration and the board during the last year following that exchange I'm left to conclude the district perceived and determined this continued practice to be effective for the goals of the district as the contract with bush law was renewed despite District awareness and the current leadership being informed of the culture practice and experiences of Children and Families in our district so I invite you and our community to consider a few questions as administrator and board members I hope you'll reflect and consider the motivations that led you to pursue the SE pursue the seats you hold and evaluate if your actions and decisions align I want you to think about what you're measuring and how you're looking at how you evaluate your Effectiveness in light of who you're responsible to in this district four minutes does not offer the time needed for me to illustrate for those less familiar with special education Within in the public education system here in New Jersey and the impact of lack of appropriate instruction and services um and the impact that has on the entire student population District Educators and as a whole for the district and community so I'll leave you with this the cost of time resources and reputation to approach a children CH sorry to approach a child's needs and educational rights with denial defensiveness avoidance and delay most assuredly comes to add a greater cost to our taxpayers a greater cost than meeting a child's needs early and appropriately a greater cost than working collaboratively and genuinely with parents teachers administrators and service providers a greater cost than approaching conversations with integrity and a shared goal of supporting our students and their teachers with the knowledge tools and materials time and structure and administrative and staff support to ensure all children in this District have the ability to learn and make meaningful progress in their classrooms the pattern of practice shared this evening is not supportive to healthy development educ or their Educator's commitment to that mission so again I'm more than willing to share my time with anyone to answer questions discuss concerns or provide clarity as we continue to support all Ridgewood students and educators thank you hi good evening I haven't been here in quite a while my name is Ellie gr I also live in Ridgewood I'm here tonight on behalf of a friend of almost 40 years Ron chelmi Marie and I met Ron when he was 18 he and my older daughter became dear friends in college and Beyond Ron is now a well-regarded attorney Ron and Barbara came to Ridgewood because our daughter always talked about her great childhood and education here Ron and Bob have a son who's special and has always tried his best to grow one thing I have observed in my 68 years of attending meeting meetings parents who have a child with special needs will fight with everything they have to make sure their child gets a fair education and fair treatment it's an uphill battle and it should never be one against the other but only working towards a fair solution it's a NeverEnding Quest by the parent that their child get the education as equal as is possible in every way it's not easy for you as board members for the superintendent to give every parent what it wants for the child you have to balance the law the exceptions the budget you name it but what good is a community if every child no matter what exceptions does not get the best possible outcome but what parents want and in this case of Ry and bab is not to be denigrated by your attorney surely there is an understanding that the parents are in a way looking for every program available and will not stop until their child has every Advantage possible I don't know the rules and regulations but I do know Civility and patience should be the task at hand from my understanding Ron's reputation was imputed by your attorney and it reflects poorly on your board this is not the time for name calling by your attorney no matter what pressure surely there has to be a better way to resolve this I'm respectfully asking the board to take a look at the situation and not let this get out of hand at the very least try to find a way to be the best Advocate you can for Ron and Barb's unique son he deserves it thank you thank you I'm going to go to the remote now I've got um couple of hands Christina hi Christina Millian Ridgewood resident can you hear me we can okay wonderful I just wanted to start off by thanking all the teachers and staff and specifically thank you to the Haw Community um I felt like our back to school night this week was really welcoming and I just wanted to acknowledge everyone's efforts um my question is um in the spring of last year a bunch of parents advocated for posos filters to be in our school water fountains and in May 2024 the Boe um you know you guys graciously gave budget to that and implemented them and obviously we're you know so very thankful for prioritizing our kids health um but I pulled the fountain numbers at the schools and I just had a few questions that I'd like some clarity on so HW to my knowledge has five water fountains and three water bottle station supposedly um but ha only got two posos filters and I see some other elementary schools got you know three to four and so I was just wondering if we could potentially revisit this so at least um at the very minimum every water bottle Fountain station in all the schools um get these posos filters installed and certainly if I'm wrong about this that each water bottle station in all the schools has posos filters you know please correct me um but if not I'd like to request that each station gets a posos filter you know we've been told repeatedly that our posos filled water is not going to stop until 2026 that's two years away you know maybe more so if we could please just you know keep our kids healthy in Ridgewood uh I'd appreciate hearing from you all tonight thanks so much thank you uh we have another speaker um telephone number ending in 252 good evening this is Ann loving can you hear me yes I can good evening um thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak remotely thank you also for not requiring us to give our addresses I do live in Ridgewood I'm going to read a letter that I sent to the board today because I wanted to go on record here it goes I am so very distressed about the behavior of Mr Lynch who is a representative for Ridgewood lacrosse at the fields committee meeting on September 10 10th 2024 his nasty di tribe against Board of Education trustee huk qua was appalling even more appalling is the fact that no one took the initiative to push the mute button on this man's angry rant which included foul language this incident needs to be addressed not forgotten but addressed he not only threatened her but he also threatened every one who has stood up against artificial turf specifically he said quote stand up to the obstructionists I am going to make sure that my 20 years of connection in the town are known to the instruction wait excuse me I'm going to make sure that my 20 years of Connections in the town know who the obstruction is to progress are unquote well I am one who is regularly opposed artificial turf for Myriad reasons now I feel that my name is going to be on some sort of list by this man who is very hotheaded and I am completely unsettled please advise me what will be done about this matter thank you thank you and um me see Janet Riley you're on hi uh Janet Riley I'm also a resident of Bridgewood um I have a few different questions one um well I just wanted to thank Miss Millian for her question about the water filters that was question I had as well just um you know asking if we could get or make sure that each water fountain at each school has one of these filters that would be terrific um secondly uh I I was listening to the meeting the fields committee meeting on Monday and I had um I I heard the decision that was made to I guess move forward with um doing a feasibility study to focus primarily on redeveloping BF field um and I had a couple of questions or concerns about that um one specific to the mention of the turfing the field um you know there just in terms of the environmental and uh Health impacts that Turf has you know putting that down on a field next to so many children um it's you know concerning to me so I wanted to make sure that was being cons you know considered when the study is being done um I've never listened to feasibility committee meetings before but it seemed like most of the people on that committee were representing um you know Sports organizations like rbsa Maroons um Hoops uh something and so um I just want to make sure that the you know the concerns and the health and environmental impacts on children at the school was foremost in any kind of study being done um and then secondly there was also um a mention of not only redeveloping the interior of the field but also you know kind of blowing up the space and looking at redeveloping the the entire area of BF the field and potentially parts of the parking lot um and you know as someone who has children moving through BF over the next six years um I I also want to make sure front and center is the concern about access that kids have to outdoor space and clean and healthy outdoor space um so I had to question you know how long any kind of development project would take and whether it would you know require repurposing uh PE classes and stuff to to provide outdoor space for children because children at BF only receive 20 minutes of you know combined lunch recess each day they don't have recess periods um so they're really their physical education takes place during PE and um it's my understanding that they go out on the track every day and run you know laps around that track um so if it's going to be redeveloped either just the interior or you know the space more generally um please make sure that there's space outdoor space clean healthy outdoor space provided for children to get exercise um uh third I wanted to ask about sorry attachment C in the agenda um I just noticed that you know the list of elementary clubs was you know interesting um I just wanted to ask how money is a portioned you know for different clubs in the elementary schools um is there a certain amount that different schools it seems like there's you know very different numbers of clubs at different schools um receiving money from the Board of Education I'm not sure if I'm reading that correctly but uh I wanted to understand how like a school could potentially access more funds for clubs um because H doesn't it had the fewest clubs and I just wanted to understand how we could potentially request more if possible um and then finally listening to um the chilis and um Miss beely speak uh I just wanted to kind of voice support for them um you know I also sat through that June meeting last year of cpeg and was you know re heartened to hear superintendent schwarzes you know reassurances and oops okay sorry I can there's no clock when you call in so I can't tell how long I'm talking I apologize um but I do just quickly I do feel like the intention of the district and superintendent Schwarz is is genuine but I don't feel like the you know the forward- facing people working you know the law firm and everything uh working with parents is representing the district's intention um and there's been requests to kind of audit the special programs office and look more closely at what's happening in these interactions and I would ask you to please take that more seriously thank you sorry about that we're going to have to change that uh dramatic uh music so but that comes at four minutes but thank you Janet yeah our apologies about the music it it used to be a beep and they they changed it so it wouldn't be an annoying beep and that was the default setting it changed to so we're just going to turn it off before it gets there okay thank you our apologies if that seemed insensitive I'm sorry okay Kathy um you're on with the board hi can you guys hear me yes we can oh thank you I wasn't sure because um I wasn't sure what name is going to show up on the screen um thank you so much for taking my call um this is rather a followup with the one of your board uh education member Mr Danny our uh conversation from last Saturday um we um Kathy excuse me could you just give a your full name and where you live oh yeah your address just the municipality yeah so um sorry U my name is Kathy Lou I live in Ridgewood and uh I'm in the GW um um my son goes to GW School um oh yeah so there's recent a discussion regarding a change of uh uh uh teachers uh especially Math teachers at the GW um as far as we were there there are a group of parents who had a concern about the frequent changes math teacher at the GW um so we would like to um understand a little bit more about the uh the uh when district and the school superintendent decided on um which teacher goes to where and how the teacher uh assess assignment is allocated um uh that would be great because there were um there were discussion regarding um the teacher the especially the the double advanced math teacher uh changes in uh with three months between June of this summer to September and um we um first of all we are we don't have any issue with the current teacher assignment uh rather the process of the changing um decision how the process uh was conducted how the decision was made and Mr uh Danny was very nice uh we had the initial conversation with him uh we did have um a little bit understanding of the process however uh there's seem to be more followup needed so um we tried to follow up a couple of times and um there hasn't been any uh further discussion uh from the initial um discussion we had last week um a group of just wanted to know um what will be the next step for us to continue um to have this conversation going so we understood the process okay thank you um Dr schwar is of and will comment if he can at the end of uh our public comment uh otherwise um someone will get back to you yeah thank you I think we do so we're all done all yeah thank you um see uh Cynthia good evening can you hear me yes we can okay um I just oh my name is Cynthia oef and I'm a briwood resident thank you I wanted to just take a moment to um talk about the fields call Fields committee call and to just express my displeasure in um you know the the Quorum the behavior I'm hoping that the Field's policy can be updated to include some kind of language whereby um you know that kind of behavior is not allowed um and not acceptable and if it does continue by a member of the sports Community or anyone else because it is a public meeting um that it these people are um asked to either leave or step down um you know it was really unfortunate it made everybody uncomfortable um and so you know I wrote to Dr Schwarz um gave him you know just some of my thoughts around the meeting um and as somebody who's also very local about artificial turf and to be very careful about the use of artificial turf um I did notice that last night's council meeting um council person winegrad specifically said that this new BF development would include artificial turf and I'm hoping that there would be a consideration around other um options um because like the mom who spoke earlier um artificial turf is you know not a healthy option it's bad for the environment it doesn't get recycled it has pasas that can be um you know and it sheds microplastics I could go on and on which I won't but um I'm happy to talk about it at another time but this evening I really just wanted to address that Fields call because I think it really put everybody on edge um you know we we should be a civilized community and you know I'm really hoping we can move in that direction with some maybe some rules um around you know what kind of decorum um we should have at those meetings and that's all I really wanted to say thank you so much thank you there no more hands up for uh public comment uh remotely is there anyone else uh here who so I'll close public comment and thank you for that um and we'll go right to um Dr Schwarz if you have any responses and then your superintendent report yes thank you so much um so I just wanted to acknowledge I can't speak too much uh with with all the comments that were made but I certainly wanted to acknowledge people who took time out of their schedules to be with us here tonight um first of all uh of course we can't speak about matters of litigation but I just want to acknowledge those folks who came to speak regarding some regarding some concerns uh about programs um as I've said before we are engaging in um for for a really positive meeting I thought we had with respect to the uh special education parents Advisory Group that we had the end of the year last year uh we are going to be doing some audit work regarding um some of the concerns that folks have had to try to basically do something like a something like the state of the schools address that we do for all of our schools but to do that specifically with a look at special education Neil can we just cool this thing off a little bit I'm getting feedback try to speak away from it a little bit um so um but we I hear your concerns uh and I think the board heard your concerns as well and I appreciate you you coming to us directly regarding them um with respect to um I appreciate uh Miss Marshall for coming and speaking of regarding the Ed Foundation um specifically uh they're they're doing a lot of really great work for us uh they have an October Fest coming up which we're really grateful for the the funds that they raise um we had a variety of folks coming to speak about the fields committee meeting um I have been uh not attending the field committee meetings until uh later in the year last year and then until recently um as it became increasingly um I became increasingly aware of um the need for my presence at those meetings there seems to have been some contention and some confusion and frankly I've been a little bit confused regarding exactly um what the nature and the structure of the meeting is uh doing some leg work since the meeting on Tuesday especially we've kind of come to understand a little bit better that effectively it would appear that our Fields this field committee for those who are UNF familiar is uh a committee that is effectively established by a shared service agreement which has been authorized several times over but not not anytime recently and effectively it is a shared service agreement between the board and between the Village Council um the way it structures this this uh the the the way it structures in general uh brings some concerns to me particularly around who is responsible for managing the meeting and uh being that there are effectively District employees and Village employees in charge of running the meeting while meanwhile we have board members and Council people and all kinds of uh individuals uh from the public uh on the meeting it's not entirely clear who's a visitor to the meeting who is an active participant to the meeting and just my my experiences of running committees and and engaging with the public is that it really is important that there be Clarity around who's in charge and what the procedures are if things don't go well and I was uh I was disappointed for sure um at the the the the tone of some of the conversation um and I was grateful that uh our district employee who is charged with being uh the the chair of the group did it did it did did intercede um I would have liked to have interceded sooner there's no knock on that employee who did a who did a good job but uh I'm going to come to the next meeting and we're going to talk I already brought this up with Mr kasmar The Village manager um because and we both I don't want to speak for him but uh I came away from our conversation uh feeling like uh he was in agreement that we need to have very clear protocols regarding how those meetings are are conducted who's responsible for for for what and what we are going to do to ensure that we have healthy and positive discourse so uh I can say with certainty that one way or another the next meeting will begin with a um with a uh an assertion of what the decorum rules of decorum would be and what protocols will be if someone's not engaging in proper decorum um I I again there is a this share this outdated and expired shared service agreement which does set forth some of that but not very clearly so in the absence of an updated agreement um I'm going to work with like I said Mr kasmar to reach a point where and again board members please tell me if you feel this is this is inappropriate but what I would like to do is just work with Mr kasmar to just have an agreement about how we would like to run the meeting and then he and I can work together to ensure that the meeting has order until we really reestablish what that how that order will work yes so that's I don't mean to open discussion on that right now because I'm supposed to be responding to everybody's comments but maybe we can move that to a discussion item because I I want yeah is that okay all right um Mrs Millian had some questions I believe it Miss Millian I think I I got that right um Mrs Millian had some questions regarding the pep house water filters so our commitment was before we knew what the capacity of our existing filters were that we would at least have one treated we would we would we would strive to have at least one treated water source in every school so that kids and staff members could uh work could fill their fill water bottles from from some from a source that is treated for pepos uh we we weren't really sure what the capabilities would be of such treatment uh whether it would get it down to zero or what but we were we were very fortunate working with our Architects they were able excuse me they were able to find that many of our installed bottle filling stations actually can be retrofitted using a posos filter now they don't they're they're you know the part where it gives you a little green light says the filter is good or it's a red light if the filter is not good depending on what year those those filters were from It won't always read that correctly so we developed a sticker system where we track it but we also actually paid for additional testing to ensure that if we're going to be offering this treatment that there's some validity to the claim that the water is being treated we did find that the treated sources did actually and again the filters are fresh but the with the fresh filters uh the posos levels were un undetectable so that is great news for those filters but because it's a specific type of bottle filling station that can be retrofitted this way or or or currently fitted this way there's only so many of those in each school so I don't have I don't have a record right here to be able to confirm that it's two at haos but I know that it's um there is variability between the schools ultimately we'd like there to be such a treatment at all of our stations but um but it would be a significantly increased cost to actually start fully replacing these bottle filling stations um which will be in the thousands of dollars whereas right now these filters uh I think they're somewhere in the ballpark of $100 each which is very attainable so we will continue to move in this direction but I want to manage expectations that we did actually land beyond what we had strived for for and we will continue to strive for more stations but in the meantime there there are sites at every school where these where where this treated water can be accessed just to just to be clear a principal or teacher could Point uh the children to to those yeah I if I'm not mistaken all the schools have made it clear to the to the uh to the fac to the faculty and the students which which of the which fountains those are now we're not we're not there's not um we're not under any order to not allow order to to disallow anyone from drinking water that's not treated but for the sake of those who might be interested we want to make sure they're aware of of where the treated water is um there was a a comment uh from uh from Mrs Lou and Mr Donnie reached out to me just to let me know that we just you just had a conversation with her quickly yeah so um um I just I met some parents from GW on Saturday they had some concerns about math program and um I Kathy I just want to clarify my process so what of parent concern concerns so when I talk to parents if they have concerns I listen to them and then at the next time whenever I can meet with Dr Schwarz at the curriculum meeting or like today I'm meeting with him so I'll between Saturday and now I so I'll be briefing him on that today and then um he will reach out to you or uh he will designate uh somebody to reach out to you on those my understanding was these are questions more to make sure that next year there is continuity with the teacher and you wanted to understand last year's process and there was no um immediate action needed for the current school year uh so that that's why the four days delay uh I didn't think was a big deal so I didn't like reach out to him or called him before that so I'm meeting with him after that Saturday meeting today so I'll breed him today and either he will reach out to you or he will designate somebody to reach out to you to close the loop on that yeah thank you very much and just and and also just for for uh just to be clear too please um there there are a lot of people with lots of questions and only a few of us so another alternative to is reaching out to the school uh we have really excellent supervisors and really great principles and if they need to bring us in to answer a question they can do that but um I for those who have been at the back to school nights I've been at one of the things I talk about is how clear the research is and the importance of having a very strong home and school connection uh I'm sure it's important at the district level too but the research supports the school and the parents so please feel free to contact the schools with those questions as well they're ready to answer them all so but we will definitely have someone reach back out to you Miss thank you um and then I guess I just acknowledged that there was in addition to the conversations about the field there are questions about uh what is being proposed we are looking at potentially developing BF our biggest problem right now is that we have uh tur fields in the flood plane and they're really subject to pretty serious disruption um and certainly you know they're they're I think with there there're some environmental concerns with many things that we do there's concerns with tur Fields there's concerns with asphalt there's concerns with all kinds of things um but I we but we're we are concerned generally about having our turf fields in the flood plane and so uh and it also takes them offline so I think it's we can all agree with that's that being a problem so we're exploring all of our options at BF uh something that hasn't been mentioned here is the fact that the BF track right now is the site of our track team so we also want to be very mindful of our track athletes we do not want to disrupt them we want to disrupt them as little as possible at all and uh and really any work that we do over there we we really want to be able to preserve uh all that is to offer there for the track athletes as well so right now we're just in some feasibility work we got our Architects out and we're understanding like what the what the realm of possibility is inside of that track um and and really with his minimal disruptions and his minimal investment what is what is theoretically possible that's just what we're trying to answer at this time anything can I jump in I think I I think I'm i t at least touched on everybody so I don't know if you want to like allow people to discuss or not which going I put that up but so I'd like to just yeah I want to go back to the um the commentary in the special ed uh concerns first of all thank you for coming I mean that's not an easy situation for you to be in and to come here and express that and and I feel for that um I assume we'll be working Dr Schwarz kind of offline uh on the situation here to just dig into it Dr Schwarz um so I assume we'll be working kind of offline with the parents that came for the special ed concerns yeah to the extent that we can um you know I'm not not I really I think we should it might be more appropriate actually to go to an executive session to have some of those conversations because there's a lot of confidentiality involved and it would be an exemption to the open public Mee and uh I I wonder if we think what I wonder if we should look into a creation of a committee an ad hoc committee to focus on special education uh we have we have that I mean we we have that Authority as a board to create adhoc committees we have committees for things that we find important right Communications facilities Finance um so I think it may not be a bad idea so that way we have an extra set of eyes what's going on so something for us to think about maybe we bring it up in the next meeting to vote on it uh but definitely want your recommendation if you think that's the right way to go well I I mean I would say here I do think that um given the level of conversation that we're at already I think uh and there are there are some specific student matters here I think it might be appropriate to do a to to move to an executive session just to quickly debrief them at the end of the meeting as as is needed and as is subject to exemption yes I think um what we could ask um it just to just to give us a little background information um in executive session at our um next meeting uh which is uh and and then we can go from there you know special education it as the parents have said uh you know there's there's so many rules and uh laws around that of course there's uh no room for disparaging comments um and then there is the IEPs that are developed by the teams and so it's it there's a lot of layers on this so why don't we get um have Dr Schwarz give us some information and then go from there can we go for exact today tonight after this meeting at least just to brief what the issue whatever we know so far just to clarify I mean that the why delay until September yeah just to clarify I think an a special ed committee is to discuss General right special education processes procedures I think it's a good idea not to discuss anything specific related because we can't right so that has to be in specific exec committee I think I think what what came to light tonight was we have a specific situation right which we need to discuss in executive session which we just simply can't because of privacy reasons right address it here um I know that you know as Dr schor said you know we've been working on an audit for special ed which uh which you know is something we're looking at and I think the appropriateness of a committee um will probably is something that should be considered in the context of that audit or as that audit continues um which we can discuss I think more broadly I think that might be the way to do it so but I agree yes well there has to be real parameters on on how how that committee is is formed right which is why I think we should do it probably in the context of the audit right so well well I have to I think we have to understand yeah I think we're on the same page yep thanks to uh to just close the loop on today then um are we decid what's the consensus is it that we are going to go to exec to address a specific matter putting aside the formation or non formation of the committee I'm suggesting at least not even if not to address at least to understand yes so if if the information is available that's what I don't whether it all the information is available I if I may yes yes I I I would I would support a recommendation to go executive session after this meeting just because there are some we could we could do some basic level setting yeah and then uh and then and just to be clear um check the we'll check the committee policy but as I recall in our in the committee bylaw pres the board president has the authority to appoint an ad hoc committee and I believe I can check that with attorneys but I believe that that's at any time so that could be done between Mee it's also a majority of board members yeah it's a majority either or but one so then so then may I may I suggest just unofficially then that we uh that we move to exe that that we uh consider moving to Executive session at the end of the meeting yes and then if there is any potential of a vote whether it be for an ad hoc committee maybe we'd want to preserve the ability to have a to to have action when the when the uh executive sessions expired just as something to consider yes uh we could certainly do that if we want otherwise um it depends on what the discussion is on the executive session right where we I I say to preserve the board's right I would not I don't anticipate bringing a recommendation to you now I'm not are we going into executive yes we are after the meeting okay just to have a to be able to have a candid conversation without violating anything and then we go from there correct right I just had to be clear thank you uh superintendent's report yes thank you so much much so uh just again um this has been a really uh Pleasant reopening of school a second year it's my second year in the district um I really have a good night everybody good night um I uh I have a uh my first year was a was just a wonderful year here in Ridgewood uh there was there were there were plenty of ups and downs and unexpected things that occurred um but uh I was really pleased I think when we I was I was happy to report out to the board on the things that we accomplished last year uh there's certainly some things that are carrying over to this year which we'll talk about with the district goals um but foundationally uh it was uh I was really grateful for the way the community really came together I felt very supported I want to thank you you as a board um for for being so supportive and um and I feel like we've done some good work and I think I think we're bearing fruit of that um but regardless of the work that we do um we have amazing teachers and principes in this district and uh you know we could be we could be screwing things up pretty horribly here and all of them would still be doing a great job in the classroom dayto day because that's the kind of people that they are so uh so so certainly their work is enhanced when we do very good work of course and over time of course good good governance is critical to the long-term health of the district but I bring it up because uh we just have such great teachers we have such great administrators um and it's we're all a work in progress so there's a lot of growth and development and and work that we do as a team but uh but we are blessed to be in Ridgewood for sure as am I so the schools have opened with a really positive and upbeat tone um I want to thank um uh all of our custodians who worked very hard this summer our schools everywhere you go this floor are gleaming uh the walls look bright and good uh it's the districts the insides of the buildings are in great shape I mentioned there is some issues outside of the building I've been working with our partners over at aramar and making sure that we're really clear that all of the things that are in our contract to be resolved are being resolved um so uh so there are some areas that that were somewhat deficient outside of our buildings and our fields but insides they're they're beautiful um I want to commend uh our business office we've been going through a lot of changes down there and we have uh some new F some folks new to positions and some folks new to the district um and we had a a relative we had a few folks uh who unfortunately experienced some hiccups with Transportation uh which was of course we never want to see that um but but for a few a few minor instances uh we did have a pretty smooth Transportation start as well um and I want to commend all of our crossing guards uh who the first first time that the kids are all walking to school can be quite a production um and they did they've done a really nice job so we're grateful for that uh we've already talked about the posos filters and some of the projects we have new sod going down at at BF um and uh and I've been having a blast going all the back to school nights we've done all the elementary schools unfortunately I'll miss the middle schools next week but I'll make a recording for them I have my own son's back to school night so I of course have to prioritize him um but we we'll make a nice message for everybody and speaking of messages if you attended any of our strategic planning sessions then you might have seen a recorded message that I provided uh welcoming everyone and thanking everyone for being at those sessions so community members if you haven't had a chance to attend one if you go on to the website you can see some different sessions that are available still and there's at least a survey that you can all participate in if you'd like to be a part of that our strategic planning efforts are really critical to our success and we're well on our way we want to hear from you um I mentioned the board our plans for district goals um we had a bit of an unexpected week with so many facilities demands I do have goals drafted I'd like you to look at them I follow the pattern of last year for starting point so I'm going to send them to you I don't think it's fair to have to try to discuss them right now but I will send them to you I'll give another read in the morning but I'll send them to you tomorrow so you have plenty of time and I'd like to hear your thoughts um if you want to you want to take them in a different direction as far as structure or if you think that they kind of pick up well where the last District goals left off and then lastly just a reminder to everybody to please attend the superintendent coffee you can just attend remotely you can pop an earbud in you don't have to have to look nice because even if you talk you wouldn't be on the screen it's just your just your name shows up um but it's really great when people come out to those because um as you can see at a board meeting there's only so much that we can so much dialogue we can engage in at a board meeting but the coffee is not an official meeting of the board so it's not um it's it's a it can be more free form and uh and we can just engage in some dialogue so please if you want to talk back and forth uh with any questions any topics programs whatever uh we we have as much of the administrative team as we can at the time so we'll try to get your questions answered on the spot we'd love to see and hear from you I think that's good for now thank you so much Mr Brogan thank you right we'll go into the um uh consent agenda um consent items regular and routine um and I move attendance at conference before we vote I I just had one question there was a comment about attachment C can you point me where that attachment C is and where are we voting for allocating money to oh I'm I'm sorry I missed that one yeah so but I don't I just want to confirm where are we voting for it is in it's on page 11 it's in the HR agenda and it's item 5e and attachment C and I can give a little context for that actually so thank Miss broen would you mind if I provide please do we don't that it was attached electronically to yes it's attached electronically so if you want to pull up here I can uh I can share it with you Mr D is it possible to put on the screen so uh we might be able to do that it is available electronically so anyone who's viewing the agenda electronically can click on the link but um the question was regarding is effectively there is not the exact same clubs at each elementary school so the question was regarding you know what what I'm I'm I'm par phasing I might get it wrong but effectively like to what extent does the board allocate funds and how do they make decisions about how many funds to allocate to the schools um it's a great question it's act but but that's actually not how it how it works it's really we actually don't have any limits on the schools and how much we'll allocate with respect to clubs the clubs are a function of the extent to which we have teachers who will operate those clubs so over the course of last year Mr fredman particularly uh did a lot of good work in working with the elementary principles to help standardize practice particularly around field trips and things like that but both field trips clubs all those things are contingent upon uh really the STA The Faculty members themselves being willing to lead those activities and so depending on people's availabilities um we may and their interests we may have we for now we have different levels of clubs at each School Miss Murphy do you want to share about that yes also I will add this is not the only time we will be approving co-curricular clubs at any of the schools this happens over the course of a few meetings during the beginning of the year there has not always been someone identified yet to lead a club um so sometimes they're still working through that sometimes there's more than one person that wants to do something or they're trying to reorganize do something new this year so you'll see over the next probably two at least two agendas that there will be additional clubs approved for various schools and I don't know the specific case of in this case however um often times they'll send us stuff with like tbds so we don't approve clubs that have a TBD attached because we're not approving clubs we're approving people on the HR agenda so if that makes sense it might be fair to say that uh any parent having questions should should really go and and talk either with talk with their principles yeah so um this list you said it's it it can evolve meaning it can be added but is there a cutof point because of um scheduling and resources that is it kind of like the deadline for clubs that would happen in the fall is August so if this is the approved list what we be getting something similar in say you know December for the new year how does that work is it rolling the majority of the clubs will get approved sometime over the next month or so so you'll probably see a another large list at at the next um meeting on September 30th and then you'll see a few as you go sometimes there's changes sometimes something comes up starting later someone has a new idea so there's possible you may see occasionally sometimes they approved a certain amount of hours for a club in the beginning and then they'll say oh we're doing a lot more than we thought we were going to do so you'll see the club come back on again um so sometimes it's an evolving process but the majority of the clubs should be approved by mid October for the school year but just to clarify right I mean we are not setting any clubs at that level it's each school with their respective teacher sponsors they are the ones initiating running these clubs this comes back to the school yeah thank you and so I think the simplest answer is we're actually not approving clubs we're just approving the advisors right and there and there will be other advisers for other clubs but it Bears a question of like what is the level of equity of clubs in the schools which is a fine question there some limitations to to to what we can do about the the con the total Equity but that's something that we are certainly going to as we continue to look at um parity between the schools we can look at further okay so now we'll go to attendance at conferences I move attendance at conferences would someone like to second that second any discussion Mr Donnie yes Miss quack yes Miss M Mr Mahmud yes Miss Brogan yes we'll move to Administration would someone like to move that and the policies that are on second reading move Administration a second any questions okay vote Mr Donnie yes Miss quack yes and I would like to point out B2 um the appointment of the district anti-bullying coordinator and that is Miss Murphy yes uh m m yes Mr mmud yes Miss Brogan yes yes Mr Donnie yes Miss quack yes Miss M yes Mr Mahmud yes Miss Brogan yes and Human Resources um I'm move human resources and would like to welcome uh Dr s Dinger back to the district um as an interim administrator at Bridgewood High School I would someone like to second that um HR second are there any question to big thank you again for all your work team effort yes Mr are we good to vote yeah M Mr Donnie yes Miss quack yes Miss M yes Mr mmud yes Miss broken yes Finance someone like to move that Finance you second uh as we go through Finance we just like to um thank Willard homman School Association for their gift in kind donation of $3,355 and3 a gift in kind of a subscription for starel magazine for grades three and four at will Ard that I don't think is there are there any questions yeah I I just have some questions some clarification yes um I just want to be clear when I looked at the um contract for the uh what's it would number here we we are Finance is e so I'm looking at E5 which is the agreement with our Architects I just um having read the contract it talks about a general um feasibility a general assessment of all of our facilities which I agree with conceptually of course I think it's a good idea but I do want to emphasize that we have priority projects that need to be reviewed specifically uh I'm concerned about what the next hurricane or flood might do to our fields and we need to look at that I think and so I'd like to make sure that the um the assessment the feasibility study of BF which is a general thing um I would like to make sure that that is given priority I also want to make sure that we continue with the priority on the hbac at Ridge and Glenn uh that's been kind of you know percolating for some time uh and M going to go a little bit farther I think that there were some concerns about uh the rest of the hbac and some of the other buildings and so while we have a contract that talks about a general assessment of all of our facilities really down to to the nuts and bolts which I think is important and essential and in favor of that I want to make sure that we are prioritizing what needs to be done sooner rather than later so that we can make decisions in a timely manner and avoid any problems that may or may not occur so can you just speak to that yeah I'd be happy to thank you so much so to be clear uh in terms of timelines uh we did talk about this with the facilities committee and I was clear that I knew that time was going to be important so I did take the Liberty because we had discussed the the budget process and um and we had include we we put it in the budget we discussed it in the budget process um that and we of course we chose our Architects for architect of record that we were going to need to for future budgeting going to have a need to have a strong handle on our like what our priorities are we did a very informal thing with that with our administrators last year if some of you remember we had a spreadsheet but it was not not empirical it was done only by our principles and our administrators who are not experts in facilities but we needed some way to prioritize projects in that that year so but this is designed to really assess what all the needs are so that we can prioritize appropriately um I've said that I want this particular study done by January because we need it for budgeting purposes so they've already done they've already gone through this is already underway I I I I brought it to you because I wanted to be able to have a discussion and make sure that we're all clear on it the facilities uh committee did meet about it we actually had a pretty nice a substantive discussion and we agreed and Facilities committee members tell me if you if you need to elaborate but we agreed that the primary focus of this is in fact that prioritization so it's not to just make a laundry list of all the things that we can do it's to focus on like really in a tiered way and when I met with the Architects I went over this to be more clear with them that really we need like a three- tier priority we need like we need to know what needs to be done in the next year or two we need to know what needs to be done in five years we need to be know know what needs to be done in 10 years so that way we can really be budgeting appropriately as as we as we go into our next budget cycle not waiting till January to decide that looking at whether or not BF is a feasible place to attempt to mitigate the concerns of flooding at the high school not waiting until January for that we're looking at BF now no they they they've captured all the data on that so their their office is working on so it's it's proceeding in a par that I want to make sure that that is happening correct and and then and the feasibility work that's focusing on the high school and focusing on BF is is what they're Focus we actually did a chunk of that work yesterday we actually found we did find some documents that we began to work from we did some preliminary work there okay and now we're going to proceed with um the business office is uh we we will need some we will need to conduct full surveys because we don't have full surveys so the business office is getting a final quote on that and we'll be launching that so that that one's not holding the other up okay and same deal with the right two different things I just what I want to make sure and and our Bridge right right and I also want to make sure because we got to keep these Architects busy right so that they are still continuing to work on the HVAC so that we have a plan and we're going to be able to start in the summer to remedy the HVAC at Ridge and Glenn and by January we should know what the next priority is in addition to what we've already identified all every all three of those major initiatives which again are feasibility look at at Fields specifically particularly particularly the Footbridge particularly BF um and then also a comprehensive look at our our facilities as well as the the the the ventilation systems I've made it clear that all of those need to be resolved um that the first two the feasibility work and like the analysis needs to be resolved for January for budgeting purposes and so that we can be in an advantageous state to go out to bid we uh for the for the ventilation projects perfect I've they believe that they're going to get schematics back to us by the end of September fantastic for the facilities committee to review we can all look at together great and then we'll have a proposal from there if we're happy with where we are we can initiate and we could even be going out to bid as effective November December but one of the things that came up that's very interesting is that depending on the type of system that we put in we may end up putting in a system that actually would run parallel to the existing heating system which means it could actually be installed in a winter we wouldn't want we wouldn't be able to do it for this winter I don't think we would but uh but that would give us an interesting opportunity to bid in an off seon which could also reduce the price of the project so we're exploring all those options I just want to make sure things are proceeding expeditiously have we will have a we will have a direction for the board in the October November time frame but I shooting for October and uh with respect to HVAC and we'll have status updates for everything along the way each month with conclusions for the other Studies by January great thank you and I and I want to acknowledge it's a lot of work so I want to acknowledge Mr Donnie M Brogan you and uh the folks in facilities and the business office you've had a lot on your plate I know that and I I think the community knows that and I want to thank you personally and just tell you you guys are putting a lot of work in and thank you and and Mr M on that note I just wanted to clarify one comment that was made that yes I I listened to the fields committee meeting um so I just wanted to clarify there was some comment there about work not has not happened based on Franc the last feasibility committee meeting maybe I missed it but this much emphasis on BF I had not heard like as long as maybe just two weeks before earlier the all the emphasis was high school the foot Bridge the flooding around high school can we raise those fields or can we do something to mitigate that and most of the administrative work was around High School Fields uh or the studies around that with working with the Army Core of Engineers the county the there are multiple options that were being explored at the Village level and the the school level so all of this Focus that has happened concentrating on on BF that is to me it's it became in last two weeks so it's not that nobody has worked on that so wef just I want to be very clear I was not I was not making any comment or judgment on that I just want but there was a comment at yesterday's field committee meeting I just want things to move forward now if not yesterday how's that so that that was the BF has suddenly became a priority which was not there to me as of two weeks ago okay so we can revisit that because um it sounds uh there's some information that I'm not aware of I'm So it's yeah so we'll revisit the fields committee um in light of all that um but I had a question um in uh to follow up on the same matter actually so number one I I do want to acknowledge and make sure that I'm correct that initially we had budgeted over $100,000 this is the same scopo project in which case congratulations it's great and to get it under um that's uh that's really meaningful savings that can go back towards the projects that we identify um the second thing is this is separate from the feasibility correct the field feasibility so they are running in parallel um but I do want to give kudos to Administration that this when I as long as I've been on the board this kind of comprehensive look at our footprint has always always been quoted to us and has been budgeted for something in the $100,000 R um to see it come at 45,000 is great um I look forward to seeing the report um and then this and and to add to why this is so important to have is that during my tenure on the board we would have these very significant projects come and they would get priority and we need to get approv it like that meeting and we never had that road map of how they came to be and so it would and and so to be able to have finally a document that will help guide us it will be so valuable so I can't wait to see it thank you I guess we'll just we'll take a vote um I need a second yeah don't we no do we get a second Finance oh sorry I second yeah Mr Donnie yes Miss quack yes Miss M yes Mr Mahmud yes Miss Brogan yes we have no bills today uh I mean we I certainly have bills we don't have any bills to approve um and we have no uh resolutions or motions not included in consent agenda are there any board member announcements I have a report pag I don't know if that's under committee where to put that yeah well Lea's on committee can be yeah so board committee reports uh I think we've covered a lot of the uh facilities meeting uh in terms of what we've just uh approved and talked about so you all got the minutes is Mary do you want to do sure just super before you go super quick on facilities and the uh studies we're doing are The Architects looking at everything out of the box to mitigate U the flooding concerns for example I mean could we is it possible do we have the space to purchase property on the other side of the high school and flip the location of the field I just we obviously can't answer that here I just want to know are they looking at that those options well yeah so I I just just a general commentary about these feasibility studies because we've been playing around with this for quite some time um it's pretty clear to me that there's not any one person or body that specializes in the kind of project that we're dealing with right now in its totality so I think what we need to do as a community is we need to uh what I'm focusing our Architects on are where we think as a community we have our lowest hanging fruit right it doesn't mean that we're not looking at other things so for example like we're I'm not we we are still evaluating other properties we are still evaluating like the out even with the kit comprehens Ive study that does include outdoor areas it's not like we're not looking at that but what we've decided to do right now so that we can have something for the for the more moderate short term is look at potential projects that are pretty obviously staring in our faces so for example like BF is in just it's it's basically a field already so like so that's why we're looking there and the and the the foot Bridge has been identified by prior administrations and prior boards as a problem and now i' we've documented actually it log jamming becoming quite a mess on some on even some minor storms so but these are still not neither of these projects are going to be something that's done this year um and pro and possibly not for a little while so um like we don't have fun even if something came to fruition with bef we don't have funds just laying around immediately available for this so there have to be some sort of plan for funding too so we're looking at really like a more of a two-year time frame um for these types of projects and to be clear the foot bridge is not going to be cheap either so uh so there's just a lot so so we're getting the ball rolling on those things because in the medium and longer term those are those are things that that that that have more potential for for for possible use in so far as but I think what we need to do as a community is we need to not and if I've been complicit in this I apologize because I've been looking to to to Architects and experts to give us Solutions but even as we work with the Army Core of Engineers they don't come out and be like oh you should just do X Y and Z you know like no one has an immediate solution for for us and the people it's very clear to me the people who know this problem the best are the people who live in Ridgewood and the people who watch these floods happen including the people whose homes get flooded um they a wealth of information so I think what we've been doing is collecting a lot of information I think we need to really crowd we we need to help come up with as many ideas as possible and then our Architects and engineers and our and we have we're bringing in an environmental consulting firm as well they can really tell us the kinds of things that are in the real realm of possibility because the big hamstring is is is the Environmental Protections so so so as much as it's we we we when we come up with the kinds of solutions and workarounds or whatever you want to call it to try to solve these problems um I think that it's up to us to be as creative as we can with the solutions and then go to our engineers and say is this possible can we make and our and our environmental Consultants to say is this possible um but in my experience you know Engineers tend to think like in a very concrete sort of way it's a funny pun but um and and our environmental people they they kind of understand the rules and they know how to what what when they get enforced and when they don't get enforced and our attorneys can help us with that too but I think when it comes down to Solutions um I think the more we can come up with as a community the better off we are and I think we actually have a lot of pretty good ones on the table right now and I think rather than thinking of like the one Bullseye solution that one Dart throw that's going to nail it I don't think it's going to be it either I think a layered solution approach is probably also going to be best approach moving forward as well so I've heard everything from turn turn uh turn Stevens into a uh catch Basin and move a field somewhere else to um let's plant grasses all along the side and maybe that'll help um we're looking into field covers so that way at least the silt doesn't settle on the field like and these are things that have just kind of just emerged as we've kind of faced the challenges that we have so that was a much bigger answer than the question you asked but I hope that was was that helpful at all yeah I mean just before whenever we get the final report and recommendation before I vote on anything I'm going to want us make sure the Architects did you look at all the possible ideas and which what were they like what were the all the options you explored why are one two three four and not good and why is number five the right one so I am gonna expect that of them that's why we hire an architect right that's why we pay yeah and and my point is that that there's only an outside group coming in is only going to come up with so many creative ideas because it's hard to there's just a lot to learn Ridgewood so I would say let's all be a part of helping populate that list and they can go down the checklist uh the I have it done Village has done work on the stream uh bed and clearing that I I think uh that may have helped a little bit these last storms um we'll see and um so I think there's a you know that continued request to have that continued request to have um The Village be proactive on that and I understand that uh we were successful in getting some of our drains unclogged around the around the field so uh that's a positive but um certainly want to work on all of that um Muhammad yeah um oh that reminds me that I forgot to ask um I'm really concerned about the insurance deductible and I was just wondering if there's any update because I I want to what the deductible is for a flood and what's going on with that yeah we'll have an update for our next round of committees so facilities and finance we'll bring that too great okay thank you okay uh cpeg hats here okay so um cpeg is up and running through the year they're doing a lot lot of good things um most of the back to school nights have happened at the elementary level but for anyone who's interested there will be a cpeg rep at every back to school night meet and greet that is something that the special programs is doing this year so be on the lookout for that if you're interested in meeting your local cpeg Rec rep um their first event will be a virtual parent coffee chat um on September 18th and I did not write the uh I did not write the time down so I apologize uh I'll get that and I'll put that out um on September 24th there will be a cpeg activities Fair which will be in this room at the Ed Center at 9:30 in the morning and uh be on the lookout for weekly e newss coming soon and if you have any questions about any of the events Ridgewood cag.org will have all the information great thank you um are are there some flyers on that uh Mary do you know if if oh okay Christine okay and of course our wonderful Christine corus will have it all on uh E news thank you okay great um I don't think any of the other committees met right um I'll have an update on the fields committee um I want my uh comments I would like my comments on the record please uh so I'm going to start with a comment and I'll give you the update on the fields uh committee so uh as mentioned and we did approve a district anti-bullying coordinator thank you Miss Murphy uh October is National bullying prevention month um it's a time to raise awareness about the effects of bullying and encourage people to take action to prevent it so sometimes uh discussions do get heated but professional constructive dialogue and collaboration get results I can speak louder so in light of not just the fields meeting but throughout all interactions my consideration is for the entire Village as an entity and we are we are all working together so in that effort tone and respect for each other go a long way in working together so um the fields meeting this time was not the first of the of the first Tuesday of the month it was uh on Tuesday September 10th at 8:00 a.m. it is hybrid it is public it is recorded everyone knows it uh the there were two flash points and the flasho that people are referring to occurred in the hour 25 minute Mark and upwards the discussion agenda is published it we uh have representatives from different sports organizations we have a village council rep and I'm the Board of Ed rep um the agenda covered uh updates on Master Library uh the fact that uh Village Council has uh hired uh someone I think part-time to work on it uh we do have a public commenting period because it is uh a a meeting a publicized meeting so the update on that uh on that meeting includes uh the new projects that Village Council has undertaken including um vets field permanent lighting there the structured hle Park Etc um where it became a little bit uh robust had to do with the frustra that some people felt uh was about fields and I would like to remind everybody that the fields committee is not the turf committee the fields committee is for maintenance scheduling of activities we are not we as an entity are not organized to Advocate or focus on one material we're focused on fields as a as an entity as a space so where we were talking about was about the feasibility study there was mention of of a meeting that uh as I reminded um some of the participants I was not aware of that meeting uh and I can't speak to what was discussed there so there seems to be some carryover that occurred at the fields meeting some interaction so the focus was on BF and um it had to do with with what solutions could be provided so that there would be no loss of practice time and all the curricular efforts for the sports organizations around town and as the athletic director pointed out that when there is flooding it's not localized and specific to Ridgewood other entities are also experiencing the same flooding event maybe in a different degree so when a flooding events for comes for us we necessarily can't reach out to other districts as much as we could because they are also experiencing um having to go through mediation like I said not not maybe to the same scale that we feel given the sheer amount of involvement and the volume of physical activity that takes place in our Fields but there are when in the past there have been certain districts that have been able to accommodate us to help us while we remediate um so we did talk about uh alternative Solutions um that included perhaps having these arrangements and uh the athletic director did mention that the attempts have been made uh there's a cost Associated but in terms of of when that happens the coaches and the um Administration they can pivot and so instead of doing something maybe on the field you do more conditioning weight trading you do something uh uh you know it's it's not completely a a loss of of practi practice certainly it does not equate I mean I'm I'm uh I'm not a coach so I can't speak to um the loss but it it's it's there's there's some um consideration to make sure that the athletes still are able to maintain their uh Proficiency in the activity um so that's where we um uh brief touched upon before we started talking in a more um let's say enthusiastic manner about about BF uh and when it comes to BF I understand that the there's uh different interests but there is also the interest of people who are not at the meeting but they are still users they're still residents they also need to have a voice in that process and I urge everyone at the fields committee or wherever you are that be considerate of the entire community that if they don't agree with you it doesn't mean that I'm right or you're wrong or whatever it's simply a different Viewpoint and to understand and respect where it comes from we all trying to do the same thing we all trying to come to a a solution so that's my uh update on that and I will say that the way um we ended the meeting is that the feasibility study when it comes to Fields will focus on BF it will be quite comprehensive um there are few people on the record at the meeting who have uh conveyed that funding because I'm always concerned about funding um that when it comes to funding let's be creative that there are wealthy people in the community that could be convinced to donate and the levels we're talking about are significant they are six they are six seven figures or more so if you get a phone call from Dr Schwarz or anything on this matter be open-minded about it because um these Solutions have to be achievable they have to be fundable um and uh we are kind of you know I I think Dr shw give more updates on that but funding is also a factor I'm you know that is something that we need to consider as well uh our next meeting will be um on Tuesday October 1st at 800 a.m. also hybrid thank you okay uh discussion items uh District goals you're going to um get that to us and that will be on our September 30th meeting uh did you want to continue the discussion on Election Day yes I did thank you so much for that reminder there so um we had been discussing um at our last meeting we had a discussion about um an interest expressed to us through the clerk The Village clerk to consider closing for election day um since that conversation um I did have a conversation received written notification from Chief Lions just making us aware that he is in fact at this point receiving intelligence of uh the potential for for disruptions at election events um not just to be clear no indication of uh violence or anything like that but just that that the police are being given guidance uh at at the national level Across the Nation um anticipating that there will be increased activity in and around poll po sites um again not not not violent activities necessarily or anything like that it's more just um a lot of a lot of concerns about public demonstration pull watching things like that um so uh running our elections in our schools is challenging enough but this sounds like a like there's a there's a high probability of higher probability that there could be some disruptions or some circumstances that could be a little more uh challenging um in light of that um I did did reach out and notifi the board members um and all of you and um and I do I I've I met with the calendaring committee as I said I would our last meeting um and what we identified was that if we did decide to um if we did decide to cancel classes that day um we had a couple of different options but what the committee's recommendation was that if we did go that route um we would use one of our emergency days uh we have not been using all three of our emergency days at least not in re just immediately recent history so um that would be a way of not um having to change any professional development we wouldn't have to add a school day anywhere where it would be inconvenient for anyone else obviously that would we'd only have two days of school that week which would be you know is not ideal but um but I think that would give us the least amount of disruption so effectively uh so that's the direction that I'm leaning in at this point so what I would say is we have we as a board uh have two options um the calendar already has a provision which grants me uh the ability to use the emergency days without impacting the calendar up to three um so uh I would uh so one option is that I could just declare that that's an emergency day and later we can update the calendar when we get through all of our emergency days around like the May April Time March April time frame um alternatively if we wanted to we could just approve a revision to the calendar that only shows two emergency days and and Tuesday as a closed day of school so I I don't have I don't see an advantage one way or the other so um so if you're just reading body language if you're all comfortable with it I would I'd be happy to uh to just to just make that decision I think the sooner we inform the parents the better so they if they have to plan anything so I think if everybody's in agreement it's then it's just your decision anyway for the Emergency day so you can announce that and if you want to memorialize that the calendar we can do it the next meeting yeah I say go with the second option just do it now but what happens with um uh alphabest will there well you know will that for for working parents I mean you need to have to be to be clear with the way that our emergency days work everything is canceled that includes Glenn school and ID itdc and includes alphab best the district would be closed if that's how those emergency days are designed because alphabet is in those elementary schools so if if we are closing Elementary School okay so that's so so of course our facilities team would still be here as they they contractually there there to be here on emergency days so we would have people toand this to to to be here for the schools to help the pole workers access the buildings to be here in the case of like U like some sort of like a fire alarm or anything like that um and to help with basic operations but but the rest of the district would be closed and the the benefit of doing that with as emergency day or snow day instead of just cing that a holiday I think all the Paras and there were some uh staff members that last year we have authorized that they would get paid on the emergency days or snow days right right yeah okay perfect I I think it sounds like a really good plan it looks like everybody's in agreement um you know whatever however your wording is um you know emergency closing day sounds like it's dire uh but those are just what we used what are now called snow days you know we now call them snow days used to call them snow days so um in your letter just or however you're going to notify uh parents I think it just important to um understand that that we have closed uh for a presidential election in the past one other time and um this is really an abundance of of caution and safety and in consideration of of all of our children and staff so yeah I think that last time also was at the presidential election and the these ADV advisories came from County just like this time so it was four years ago so maybe calendar committee should consider every four years if it's a presidential election that has more uh Focus maybe I don't know we can bring that recommendation to them thank you yeah but I I just just do say let's let the parents know sooner I mean very very few people watch yeah well I'm some I'm sure someone will put it on social media and it'll fly around very fast it's already done um yeah I think the the um emphasis that this is a one time and not necessarily an ongoing thing yeah yeah I think is to manage uh people's expectations yeah and uh and I think and most importantly uh I think to your point Mr ber I think your point you're making is just just uh word wording it clearly so that way there's not some belief or fear that something could happen I don't want people to be afraid to go to the polls there's no reason to believe there's any kind of violence or anything like that there just may be people who choose to as they go to the poll station be clear about what their political positions are potentially I'm making inference based on limited information yeah all you need to do is just explain that we use the term emergency day for an unanticipated closing and so you know we're just utilizing it that way but it's technity that's what you do that's technicality that which where is that holiday coming from the email can just say that the school will be closed on that day it doesn't have right well but we're we're identifying it as an emergency day because that's how we have to to address the calendar but all you really need to all the parents really need and staff really need to know is we're closed on what is it November 4th yeah we we we'll reference the emergency day so people understand that there's not going to be another day res and that when they're looking at the calendar to think about their Memorial Day Break they'll know how many days they'll have that yes exactly and we can include that in the messaging too that as a result of this decision right please know that school will now be held on Thursday I believe it's Thursday yeah may may what sounds good great all right well thank you for that thank you for the extra information because that was helpful I think for all of us to make that decision appreciate Chief Lions also just very was very quick to be clear in his communication and also clear just quick to put it in writing in a professional way which I appreciate the time taken for that yeah that made it easier for all of us um other business are we going to circle back on what was referenced the the emergence of uh for me as surprize an emergence of BF as being the ultimate solution that came with a lot of momentum and a lot of ition around it to my meeting at fields and it was referencing a meeting that I guess you were part of I I'm not sure who was part of that and it carried over into into my meeting um so I I don't know the Genesis of of BF I was really taken a um but I'm I'm happy to hear that there seems to be some momentum behind it um but again I I I uh the lack of information maybe also could have played into it for me in terms of my my response and the maybe the lack of enthusiasm that was perceived but for sure I it's just simply because I had heard of it and I didn't realize I had been that much thought around it but you could talk about it because I have no idea how suddenly BF became the ultimate the only the exclusive solution that we should look at that's the way it was posited and as a Turf also not even it was just BF move the track if you need to maybe buy a portion of Village of a Valley Hospital if you need to and turf in the middle so those kind of Dynamics were what what came to the table at that meeting in a very comprehensive very uh uh profoundly not very wellth thought out um requests so I I I I would like some understanding of how that evolved if you can speak to it if anyone had heard about it because yes yeah we have had two meetings with a a group uh some who are on the fields committee um uh Dr Schwarz uh Mr Donnie and myself um one was last spring I think it was in April and we began a discussion because they have uh raised some funds and they wanted to do a uh evaluation of the fields a and the bridge okay so it was about it really was it it was an offshoot of the flooding concerns about that we met again in late August and there was as you heard at your Fields meeting because I did have a chance to listen to it great frustration we heard the frustration too about the uh sort of the lag in time from when they first brought their thoughts to us to August so from April to August and it was it was I'd say um robust and there was a lot of concerns expressed at that meeting um at that meeting um as we looked at um as we talked we didn't look at anything as we as we talked about the fields it became uh of interest to study BF and see what the possibilities are so it was really just we don't have any information we we don't know how drainage would work we don't know uh track impact of track nothing it was just a discussion about our a priority would be to evaluate thef and not not to evaluate the other fields but to prioritize BF and also the bridge and that was how we left it so I think that frustration continued on into Fields may I offer something else to that too so so I think this important for everybody to kind of understand there's a longer backstory to it that that's I think that's all quite accurate but back when the fields flooded the first time uh there was obviously a lot of concern around what happened and how that could happen and how it could make it stop from happening but also then when they flooded again over the winter and actually twice they flooded a second time before we even clean it up um a group of community members came together interested in trying to spearhead and FastTrack some general solution towards uh toward toward this so that was and I was invited to be a part of it um and and it was basically the idea was let's get together some money and like let's brainstorm ideas let's just make it happen sort of an approach um you know kind of the Ridgewood way like we're going to throw ourselves at this and fix it um so uh uh we were talking about everything from like raising the you know raising the field and putting a parking garage under it to you know can we put up walls and so concurrent with that um The Village invoked the Army Corps of Engineers um and we found our new Architects and uh and they raised about I think they raised somewhere in the ballpark $220,000 to fund feasibility studies and to do other things so work was done by these people in this group pull together a pretty decent amount of money and there was definitively an expectation that we were going to take some level of action um there were a couple major setbacks on on the administration side that's why I want to say this for the record here too because I think there's some there's some connecting of dots that don't go to that don't go together so on the administration side you know we had changes in our business office that slowed us down we really couldn't we we had to wait for our new architect to come on I didn't have confidence in our prior architect so there so there was a there was a delay there's a lag there and then on top of that when we were about ready to start uh when we got a quote from our our um our architect we realized that we were going to have to fund uh land surveys because we couldn't find any land surveys our land our actual storage room here actually recently I went to go visit myself because I couldn't believe that we couldn't get these materials out and it's just kept in the most halfhazard way and it's been it's dilapidated and it's unsafe for people so we actually remediating that is a whole separate issue when when I realized that we didn't have the land surveys and that if we were to do this comprehensive view of every single site that we had including sites that really held promise that really we were going to up spending a lot more money than we needed to way more than the $20,000 plus I didn't feel like they raised that $20,000 to pay for land surveys which are things that we should just have as as a as a as a district and a board concurrent with that we had a few issues at the end of the year and I don't if I think and I I remembered this as we were talking we had a follow-up meeting with that group that was scheduled for something in like the June or July time frame and I was having a conflict with that night on top of the fact on top of the fact that I really didn't have anything to report out because really all I had was setbacks so we decided so I reached out and I said listen we're going to cancel the meeting I'm sorry people are going to be frustrated and I think that's really when the frustration started because there was an expectation that we would have gotten to that point to be able to do something In fairness to the people who' be frustrated they raised funds they were their hopes were up and then on top of that um you know they don't know about the internal struggles that we were having here as an Administration so we so once we got a handle on things we scheduled a meeting when people were actually available and it wasn't until August so that was just a few weeks ago right and we went we went there and I it was and I was cat effectively I went with a mind of Trum really I called the meeting wanting to catch everybody up as to where we were um in that space in time uh people had formed some opinions and some concerns and some fears that were that uh were pretty much clear at the meeting and I called out at the meeting too because I think it was and I also tried to make very clear exactly what I just shared that there were these administrative delays but there were there was a clear perception by some folks that and I referenced it at our meeting that certain individuals potentially board members might be like trying to block this and that's not that's that that's that's not the sequence of events um so I tried to say that in such a way that I wasn't like uh I wasn't trying to like wasn't trying to be too confrontational with anybody but I was trying to be very clear that like there were there were we've had struggles on this on the administration side and the schools so um so I think that people were connecting dots that these all these delays that we've had were a function of something else going on like some board processes or like well that I'm going to committee and like I can't get something through committee or something like that um uh so I've tried to be pretty clear about that regardless of whether how angry people were or weren't and regardless of how smooth those meetings could have gone or not gone we we would we'd be landing here right now but in the spirit of that of that frustration something else that came out was there was this perception that well we're trying to study all these fields which to be clear I recommended that we study all of these sites that uh that in the process of studying everything we weren't going to really going to get anything done now one thing that I did agree with at the feasibility meeting that we had with again this group that F that raised These funds is a point was made that you know realistically speaking how many sites actually are going to produce much viability for use again I'm not an architect but looking at the but I did sit with our Architects and we did some we did some work on satellite view and it was pretty clear that the most promising sites were really for in terms of like actual fields that could have multiple use other than just like a small practice field would be the Somerville field and the BF field summer Ville being that it's an elementary school uh some folks said that there's not a parking I I can't weigh in on that right now but there was I I spoke to the group I said listen I'm hearing from the group that there's a general consensus that you'd like to fund and you'd like to see see movement toward uh looking at BF and looking at the foot Bridge as first goto things and I think M I think I think Mr Donnie brought up that we were talking about other things as well so I'm trying to thread the needle with conversation not to upset anybody because the reality is that we can look at multiple things at once without slowing things down but to be clear the the BF look Somerville also but but we can do BF and we can do the Footbridge first uh are places that are just the most promising places for us to look for possible development um and by by development I do mean looking at natural Turf but I also do mean looking at artificial turf part of the challenge is that um there is uh there's just a lot of headache that goes along with uh with the with the natural Turf which maybe could be overcome but right now I don't I can't can't say with certainty it can so we're having our our Architects look first and foremost at those couple of places based on that that input that feedback so I I can't I I don't I have not had com other than Carolyn Holt who really helped organize all of that and I talked to regularly because the Federated anyway I I haven't had conversations with any these other folks so I don't know how they got to point A to point B but in but given that this that it's got already got this level of public concern um that is how I've experienced the whole situation and I think it's just I honestly think most it's an it's really all of it is an unfort all this all of The Strife is an unfortunate byproduct of dysfunction that we've been working through with our business operations here and then really significantly working through we got like a whole new team so that's great and also uh a poorly articulated and I don't I'm not again I'm not pointing I'm not calling anyone out but a really poorly articulated uh or field committee and a really an out ofd unupdated field policy which which really is not clear about who has authority to make decisions about fields or at least makes distributes that authority to so many different individuals that it becomes very confused as to who actually bears that responsibility so that's that's my that's my take on yeah I I just want to add there that you mentioned that U you're taking the the administrator uh approach uh but between that April meeting or March meeting and August 28th meeting during that time the expectation was progress on the Alternatives in case of what happens with flood and focus was on high school and you did have several Solutions and a lot of work done on that part the focus is shifted on August 28th to BF but if any work was even if more work was done done were to be done during that time April to August that would be on high school right that that the now the BF was not requested as the focus until August 28th so the work was done on high school high school we Dr Schwarz has multiple options there of U putting the Nets around there putting the more grass around there put how to prevent silt is what causes problem not water so after we have a flood it's the sil that sits on the ground on the uh Turf that we have to pay money to clean it right so there were solutions that were proposed and being worked on for Sil prevention in this coming season and alternative sites were looked at that okay if we have high school Fields not available that what are these neighboring towns who can give us the sites how much funding will be be needed so all of that focus and the foot bridge and meeting with the Army G of Engineers so there was work done on the high school which was the expected Focus uh or anticipated Focus from that study in April yeah and I I would just I I would I think that's accurate and I don't I don't I think the B the BF the BF Focus emerged as a function of the August meeting and and it was and it was just something that something I was kind of coming to on my own also but it was something that other people were coming to as well and it was just a it was a point of conversation that we could get people to agree on because it was the conversation was going all over the the place so that was really kind of how it came out of that conversation but I will say you know there were certain assertions being made at the meeting that nothing's being done you know sometimes people are speaking and they're trying to convey some factual information and other times people are speaking and they're just trying to convey emotion and I was taking some of the specifics of nothing being done more as a as more of a of an emotional statement of a of a sense of that um because there was an expectation and we were pretty far off of what that expectation was so to be clear uh for years be there has anybody who's been on fields for a long time or uh part of the uh turfing at the high school and the building of the track the inside of that track has been uh a constant maybe this is where we should look you know um and so it it wasn't surprising to hear the focus come back on to being F because um and we've just we've just put Turf on it we'll see how that goes interestingly I thought um at that August meeting with the builtup frustration too we had just had some rainstorms and um they were uh the uh um gentlemen that are you know representing different sports um says it's we're saying how frustrating it is with our grass fields that in the rain we're we're closing our grass fields because you're they're going to be very damaged and it's muddy uh and so there was a lot going into that frustration I felt that we heard that so on that point Dr schz can we get some numbers at how many times and how many days they cross Fields were closed this year because of the rain yeah we can get that information but but but to but but to just to be clear I think Point Sheila was making is and maybe maybe weren't but there was just a circumstance where it was happened to right before these meetings have a cancellation I think it's why I top so so was it was it once or twice that the cancellation happened that or or is it very frequent so that's why some numbers would help there right because I'm just reflecting upon what they were saying right um just to give some context also in terms of um a figure that was uh provided ided by um uh the The Village manager is that uh a school maybe two years ago um it it's a 60 by 120 field in the middle of a track and the turf to do that was 974 th000 so these are not you know small figures here uh I would like to see that number for grassp personally so uh it's not just money it's it's it's so it's safety it's not it's not just a financial consideration if you really do have to understand Fields committee recording but the money we spent at stadium in the Stevens in 2008 was more than that yeah so we so I don't know if no no no sorry yes so my my only point was that we recently just retured without changing the drainage and underlying foundation and we spent 570 something so when you have to restart then you have to do the drainage Foundation everything so I don't know the exact numbers so we'll have to find out I I just feel like I need to just say this which is that at this is first of all this is a much bigger conversation right because at the moment we are we are simply trying to figure out if there is a potential short-term medium-term long-term solution if the have right so put that aside and then when we get what a potential solution is we have very very long detailed conversation that we need to have funding is important environmental concerns are important health and safety is important but we have an obligation to the students and of our schools and we can't take action that eviscerates our athletic programs or our Band program and so all of that has to come into a long I'm sure very enthusiastic and robust discussion that we will all have probably over sever days but I really think it's important to acknowledge that there is no one overriding thing except for our obligation to the students which you can then Define in a very very broad way right but I felt that needed to be said as we to kind of set the stage as we we so thank you for that chance continue this discussion definitely I'm G to open up now for um comments from the public if you had not um been here in the beginning of the meeting we have waved for right now the requirement to give your address so just your name and the your town that you live in um and the policy committee will be uh looking at um amending or not um our bylaw on this so for right now we've waved that is there anybody who'd like to speak Speak oh start here are are you just listening okay um then I'll go to the the remote and um I see uh speaker for 25 uh 252 that Kathy again you're on with good evening this is Ann loving again can you hear me yes yes I can thank you uh again for giving me the opportunity to speak and thank you also for not requiring that we give our addresses I am so floored by what I heard in this discussion first of all apparently trustee qua did not know anything about the BF plan and the superintendent knew all about it the superintendent should have stepped in at the fields meeting right then and there and defused all the frustration that Mr Lynch was feeling by explaining to hju quack well he should have told her beforehand I I just can't believe that that happened secondly the fact that that man was frustrated is no excuse for bullying and for threatening comments it's just no excuse and the discussion earlier in your meeting this evening where nobody took responsibility for the threat that was made not only to miss qua but to all of us who have spoken out against Turf nobody's talking about that you're simply talking about you know how you're going to collaborate and decide who's the chair and whatever let me ask you something if there's a bullying incident going on it doesn't matter who's in charge anyone and everyone should step in and stop it no excuses this is ridiculous another thing I have to say and I'm all out of order on this because I too am frustrated the comment that grass causes a lot of headaches is unbelievably shortsighted turf AstroTurf causes a lot of long-term disease a temporary headache from grass is one thing long-term disease is another this is the Board of Education you should be educated enough to know that AST Turf is not safe NE Never Should this be put down again on another field in our town never it shouldn't be discussed and it definitely shouldn't happen Miss mcau just said something about having an obligation to the students your number one obligation to the students is not whether they can play a sport not whether they can have a marching band practice the number one operation is safety and astro turf is not safe I don't know how many articles and studies need to be sent to you all before you know that to be true so that's my frustration and in my frustration I have not made any threats to anybody I've just expressed my frustration and um again I am hoping that there are repercussions taken against the man who said he has a list of people of which I am on who he's going to inform his colleagues about thank you thank you Cynthia you're on with the board hi good evening Cynthia o'keef Ridgewood resident um I just wanted to take an opportunity to piggy back um on something M loving just said um and it's a comment that um Mary McCall just made about the responsibility to our children um you know we live in a great Community but when we ask ourselves what is the price of human health and the impact to our environment um when our a community is so proud to Showcase a spectacular looking shiny plastic field um and we have field Envy because you know they these guys talk about Glenrock and the big you know turf fields that other towns have that's all this is we have 37 total fields in the village of Ridgewood that's a common comination of B of Ed and the village of Ridgewood 37 now many of the sports people who you know coach these teams want artificial turf for extended playability but it's very shortsighted because artificial turf is a microplastic product it has pest we're trying to get pest out of Ridgewood water but yet we're putting it into our community it affects groundwater it's a fossil fuel product it's not even about the crumb rubber anymore it's a forever chemical there is no such product on the market today the past vendors if they are saying it's a past free product they are lying to you so there are many many um doctors and scientists coming out with studies every single day about the negative effects not only Orthopedic but inhalation and um Turf Burns it also heats up creates heat islands and it's it heats up to almost 180 degrees it has to be cooled down with water so when we say oh look we're saving all this water guess what you're not so it's environmentally irresponsible it cannot be recycled they are burning it dumping it in landfills and burning it so when we ask what's the price of the the cost to us it's our human health it's our children um there are many parents who come up to me because I've been in vocal opponent through Turf and they say they're afraid to step up and talk because of Retribution from the sports organizations you might think that's outrageous but it's absolutely true these parents are afraid to to speak up and they're they're also not educated and doing their own due diligence um on you know the the forever chemicals and the P that are in the turf turf also sheds microplastics I'm going to try to keep this to you know to my time limit but um it it sheds almost 500 pounds of microplastics per year it contributes to climate change as I mentioned before creates heat Islands hot temperatures where you're having children have heat strokes and all kinds of other you know issues where they're passing out on the field I think just on the graduation um ceremony at the high school somebody passed out or you know it was very hot they're sitting on artificial turf um I I don't know what more to say I think we have to have you know you want to talk about a holistic solution and get information that are going to protect our children that our most precious resource in our community um then we need to get smart um if I can be of any help I will be more than happy to coordinate some kind of logistics um I think it's really disappointing that you know it seems like there was this miscommunication and maybe um you know the information was not disseminated correctly about these feasibility studies and Benjamin Franklin and and you know what's planned for that but I think we have to get smart as a community and stop catering to the whims of people who are who don't get they're not looking at the health concerns you know I I'm I've done plenty of research and the whole reason I started doing the research was because we have private Wells over here next to the shandler property and we hear is we're going to put Turf on that property and so I had to do the due diligence myself and educate myself um and I if this is an important subject if you could go wrap it up at the for we're we eliminated that terrible music that so yes yes I'm wrapping it up so so so to summarize I just want to say I I am more than happy to you know be of assistance I can provide you with a ton of information and resources to contact maybe we do a you know some kind of a session where you invite parents because I think people need to be educated and if we truly care about our children we will not be choosing artificial turf that's all I have to say thank you so much for your time thank you uh Christina Christina million Ridgewood um I just wanted to go back sorry to the water fountains topic um if you know I'm not speaking on behalf of anyone but myself but I would imagine if the for example the Haw Community parents were to hear that you know we can't upgrade certain fountains with posos filters due to a cost uh restriction that you know parents would consider you know donations uh you know potentially this is a topic we could um run by Dad's night and ask them for their opinion but but the point is that the community I feel pretty confident would raise the money to upgrade the fountain so that our kids are drinking clean water which seems like a pretty just basic necessity so hearing that upgrading all the fountains would be expensive is something that I do feel like the parents and the community could help tackle I don't want you to feel like it has to come off a budget line um I don't know what the next steps of that are or who to talk to about that but serious that I will take I will help with this and so I don't know what the guidelines or rules are for something like this but if I could connect with someone and talk to someone about the total costs I will uh you know uh figure out ways to connect with people to help potentially raise those funds um and then just the second thing is just to you know kindly remind you that Columbia University in April of 2024 issued the resilient Ridgewood report maybe no one on this team read it but on page 18 it has a few recommendations about your current turf fields in these flood planes but it also contains information about some dangers associated with Turf so I would just gently remind you maybe you should look at that report it was sponsored by Green Ridgewood and it's pretty awesome and then also you know reminding you that medical professionals have written in such as Mount Si um obviously they wrote to the Village of Ridgewood but I know that that letter was forwarded to you if you feel more comfortable with an individual letter from Dr Sarah Evans I know the doctors in our community can reach out to her again um but I just want to remind you that in all of these conversations with all of these amazing people you're you know um speaking with just to remember the medical and you know scientific community and some of these decisions because we hear a lot about data driving decisions and here's a great example of where we can walk it and talk it thank Youk you okay seeing no more hands raised um I will move to go into executive session I have a I have a comment if I may um uh the first thing is uh just reminded me because um the rigid Education Foundation you know we haven't asked them for any grants so maybe this not opportunity for the filtering stations that with October Fest with whatever funds they generate this could be where would we would really perhaps be an appropriate use of uh of RF donations so that's number one um number two uh would be um to just close the loop um I'm I'm going to speak for myself not speaking uh for the board in any capacity I yes uh you know bullying really is a serious matter uh I I have thick skin I can certainly stand for myself but it is the fact that I shouldn't have to and I think that is what's troubling um we all uh whatever biases you have whatever frustrations you have there is no place to where you curse where you intimidate people and you completely disregard viewpoints that don't align with yours and I want to emphasize that I'm not stepping down from that committee I'm not I'm going to be there and I urge everyone at that committee to understand my viewpoint it is not to be dismissed you can't yell at me out of it I do do do my work and I expect and hope that you extend the same courtesy to me that I extend to each one of you so um on that point uh hu Mary I think you were on the Ed foundation so how does the uh request the the Ed Foundation oh okay so how does the grant process work so if we want to request if if Dr Schwarz is okay with that and if later on if you want to request that grant for water funs how would that work well I haven't been on the board for a while um but they have a Grant application process and um you would just fill out the application uh generally I'm not speaking for the Ed Foundation my understanding was it was less about um facility improvements like this I'm not saying they wouldn't consider it and more about like Innovative educational initiatives so I'm not sure that this necessarily aligns specific with their mission but there is never never hurts to ask and and so you would just need to do the the Grant application and then they bring it to their committee and they vote on it and they'll let you know so I I don't know um who on the administration if there is interest in doing it would would submit it but yeah I think we have to have an evaluation of how many it always had to be yeah like signed off by whoever so yeah so just a just a a rough cut on that Ed foundations typically focus on like like I educationally driven initiatives and they have a specific Charter for that for that purpose um this is this would fit really nicely especially since it's School related in an HSA initiative so I would I would recommend reaching out to an HSA to see if that's something that they want to fund you know it's at Haw they have they also have Dad's night too so I I don't want to I don't want to commit anybody to things from the central office administration we made a commitment we get at least one we've done more than that so my next bite at this apple would be in the next budget cycle and I'd also want to hear feedback as to like how what while they're used and and just what can we chip away at um but it so so I have a and when I whenever I see a pathway to be able to chip away at something I usually don't ask people to help because I feel like that's something we should do as a district but again if if hsas want to jump start that for the sake of their kits particular school I think that would be a great place for them to go so I would advise uh Mrs Millian I think it was to reach out to her local HSA okay I will um make a motion to go into executive session I hereby move that the board go into executive session pursuant to njsa 10 poll and 4-12 to discuss matters pertaining uh to pupil Personnel the minutes of this closed session will be released when the need for confidential confidentiality no longer exists and action may be taken afterwards um and may I have a second second can all in favor hi we'll be back on September 30th as our next Fort meeting thank you very much and that's on a Monday be back on Mondays for