[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the elementary certains bringing forward good place to get are we all ready we're ready please join me for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for [Music] all CIA here Annette Barbara here Allan here Tracy Ellen here Stephanie here John here Doug here Al here the new jury open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provision of this act the Riverdale regional board of education has caused notice of this regular meeting to be publicized by having the date time and place sent to the record and the star lend newspapers the burough clerks and the burough libraries as well as posting School District principal offices faculty rooms and the board office according to New Jersey public La 2001 chapter 226 the smoking or use of any tobacco product is strictly prohibited anywhere in the public school buildings or anywhere in school grounds including but not limited to the parking lots grassy areas and athletic fields violators will be subject to a fine not or do you not want to no you can the mission of the Riverdale Regional School District is to provide a safe student centered environment in which each student is valued and respected to challenge each student to reach their potential to nurture every student's intellectual social physical and emotional growth to promote a healthy work ethic a passion for Learning and a respect for oneself and other to develop responsible citizens for our diverse community and an everchanging world to continue to involve our community in an active partnership to provide all students the opportunity to achieve and exceed the New Jersey J student learning standards thank you Tracy enen let's jump into public comments on agenda items only and I see we have nobody sitting out there so we'll just jump right into the presentation for tonight uh Trudy I'll have you introduce our Our Guest this is William swisser he's our auditor this is his first um time doing our audit everybody very Co so app that uh have two report tonight consideration it's not for us you have two reports for tonight for uh your consideration uh the bigger report that is your annual comprehensive financial report uh in here these are your financial statements uh we canile those financi statements from the records and Trudy's office uh you also have your notes to your financial statements and other cityi are schedules that the Department of Education requires us to have in the audit uh the main goal of our audit is to render opinion on those financial statements and in the front of the audit report is our audit opinion uh most districts receive either a modified opinion or an unmodified opinion a modified opinion would be if we had any issues with some of the numbers in there that we didn't think they were fairly stated we may have to have a modification of our opinion um happy report this past year we had no modifications at all so you have an unmodified opinion which is a clean opinion which the opinion every everybody's looking for uh you also have a single order opinion in in the act for uh that's a separate opinion where we have to review your federal state grants any District that spends more than $750,000 for federal or state funds has to have a specific audit for those uh once again we did our audit and had no findings and uh recommendations uh the second report you guys have for consideration is the ordance management report that's the small of the two reports that is a report that the New Jersey Department of Education requires us to put together uh they give us nine areas to concentrate look at uh things like your payroll your purchasing your application for state school aid uh re review those audit those and if we have any findings or recommendations they would be listed out in your in the AMR report um once again happy report there are no fundings and no recommendations uh so overall a clean AMR and a clean Acer so it's basically the best news you can get uh for your audit uh is there any specific questions anybody has I can answer for you see it continue Trudy thank you very much and you and your staff thank you we appreciate it we should keep absolutely I mean this is your first time here at riverdell so thank you very much as well U but as I had mentioned uh it's been this way for quite some time so we're not surprised at your report does anyone have any questions or anything go to Judy to contining the tradition yes thank you a lot of work you can only go down from here JY great thank you I guess that's it thank you very much you good night so we go right into a vote May I have a a motion to vote on the audit motion Stephanie with Allen who was first uh Stephanie made the motion and Allen was second we'll go right into the vote since nobody had any questions so Floria yes Allan yes John yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Doug yes Barber yes Stephanie yes Al yes okay we can hop right into our student member report Melissa uh this is our um Middle School report for the month of November on November 30th Miss ras' class participated with over 60 schools from around the world in an international cahoot about 4,000 students participated in a pop culture challenge with the goal to remind our students that it doesn't matter about race religion or anything else we are more alike than we are different we are united by pop culture there were two games being played simultaneously and we came in first second and third in the first game and also took first in the second game the following students placed first Teddy Schwan second Ryan Boss B third sandre teraso first Matt Brooks in the second game congratulations to the rdms November Hawks slightly recipients Alysia Adriano Zonar Ben yosf Tyler hodj janiel ioni Jack Ley Colette molinski uh Emily Park and William Ruff these students were recommended by staff members for modeling the type of behavior we hope to see as examples of positive character we talk about at rdms way to go Hawks the Middle School winter concert will be held this Wednesday at 700 p.m. Mr Kennedy has been working very hard with the sth grade band the seventh grade chus the eighth grade band and the eighth grade chus as they prepare to Dazzle family members and help put everyone in the holiday spirit currently the middle school is offering two opportunities to help those in need during the holiday season the seventh grade and eighth grade coat drive is underway and will end mid January in addition the Spanish Honor Society is running a dry bean offering students and staff a chance to guess the amount of beans in a jar for a dollar or a donation of dried beans all proceeds will go to the Bergen County food Brigade NAA High School report Mr saso sports management classes took a trip to MetLife to participate in jet Sports business day this is a unique opportunity for students to learn from jet Jets staff staff members about what it's like working in the sports industry the Italian Honor Society visited ICN radio station in Norwood and went live on air in Italy this is a very cool opportunity for both students and teachers involved the senior class held a successful volleyball tournament organ fundraiser for the whole school it was a very fun way to get the whole school engaged and support the class 2024 the the rdhs drama club has a successful fall play of 12 Angry jurors congrats to Mr Wilson and all students involved winter sports star last week good luck to all students student athletes and coaches this season rdtv continued their great work with a popular series roaming riverdell with guest appearances by senior Andrew capano our new assistant our new student assistant counselor Mr Georgio and Junior Emily simino we had a very nice open house a few weeks ago thanks to all teacher clubs teachers administrators and coaches who came to show what the school has to offer therapy dogs visited the high school a few weeks ago will continue coming once a month for the rest of the school year the school newspaper rellan would released a release of fall and winter editions thank uh thanks to the students Miss B zuga for putting this together congrats to all the students who performed in Nutcracker this weekend in the auditorium this event is not sponsored by the school but there was many orell rived students performing we also hosted the north Jersey robox tournament on on Sunday in the gymnasium thank you to Dr hon for providing this experience to over 20 schools in the area thanks to the robotics team for uh great uh performance upcoming events good luck to all the students performing a Winter concert on the 21st break a leg the second annual haulk day is on the 22nd this is a cool day for the students to pick up their unique interest that teachers are hosting to make for a new learning experience and finally as many of you know the much anticipated referendum votes tomorrow I can talk on behalf of all student body who believe that these upgrades are very necessary to continue the positive learning environment at Riverdale right now and in the future we agree thank you okay my report uh tonight is just uh I just want to offer a thank you to everybody on the board uh Frank included this is an obvious ref uh the referendum uh that is finally going to vote tomorrow uh this has been a long process you know we as a board have had I I would say the last three years you know coming out of covid uh into a superintendent search and you know the referendum which was kind of started by Patrick you know and Frank and uh Dr albro here is going to bring it to the finish line for us um but there's a lot of behind the scenes work to get this done um and there kind of a sigh of relief I think we all have a very positive feeling I hope that everyone gets out there tomorrow and votes we can't tell you which way to vote but it's pretty obvious which way we want you to to vote um I think it will benefit the students of this dist District greatly uh so thank you to everybody you know around the table it's been a a lot of hard work and looking forward to tomorrow so thank you everybody thank you and pass it along to you Dr Al good evening everyone um just to uh dtail a little bit on what Jonah was talking about I happened to go go to The Nutcracker yesterday and and and he's correct in pointing out that it's not one of our Productions but we have several at least half a dozen students from riverdell participating uh and I was absolutely blown away it was not what I was expecting um I was expecting you know kind of a run-of-the Middle School production um this was beyond what I what I expected I was very happy that it brought my wife she was reluctant but very happy after she saw it um in fact she was still talking about it this morning and and she made a point to me said you have to find all those kids and congratulate them personally which I have been doing today and I will continue to do tomorrow when I find them all um so if you have not seen it in the past it it it's not our production but it represents our students in many ways and it's a great great piece of uh art and culture here in our district um Mr fuson brought up artificial intelligence at our last meeting so I wanted to talk to you a little bit about that if you notice the the gallery are here in the Hawks Cafe and throughout the library has changed for this month and the theme is actually AI influenced art and if you look at the uh pieces that you see here um they all have little pieces of artificial intelligence in them so I defy you to find where the artificial intelligence begins and ends um because it's um quite intriguing to look at it and try to figure that out I certainly can't on on some of these some of them I could but some of them I could not so I want to commend Mr Zino's uh classes and her her students for putting that together I'm very happy to display it uh two to that end a number of our administrators attended today Mr Delora and our principles and um Dr Torres on behalf of language arts and social studies attended a seminar today an all day seminar on uh artificial intelligence instruction in the classroom how it can be utilized the pitfalls obviously of AI but also how to embrace it and to incorporate it into the curriculum so we're taking our first steps into uh welcoming it into our district so that it can be a useful tool for our students and the fact is our students are already using it uh in their own way and our teachers are already using it and starting to incorporate it so it's important that we get ahead of it as much as we can as all this is coming out if if you have you might have noticed through some professional organizations that there's a lot of information coming out on artificial intelligence we have a number of uh staff members being approved to go to texo in January and I would say two-thirds of it is about artificial intelligence and use this in the classroom um and ways to mitigate that um so I'm looking forward to the information they bring back I've asked Mr delore our assistant superintendent to start putting together a committee of Administrators teachers and students um to start talking about philosophical uh uses of AI in the classroom and to start to troubleshoot some things uh as we go along and figure out ways that we can provide professional development to our staff on how to use artificial intelligence in their classroom and for their students learning to the benefit of their students so it's an exciting time it's also a daunting task you know when when something new like this comes in but the the possibilities are are endless and regardless of what we do it's here and it's going to be here and it's going to continue to be here so it's important that we learn as much as we can about it so that'll be coming up and I hope to report more to you in the next couple of months and weeks and months on uh what we find as we move along and finally just to to Echo what our president has talked about it's been um much longer for you than it has been for me um the the referendum process uh but I'm very proud of of what the board has put forward to the public I think it's a responsible referendum that addresses a lot of needs and um I think the work that the board has done in putting this together and preparing it for the pre presentation to the public and the transparency with which they presented it to the public is to be commended and I do commend you for that um I hope that the voting public will see the value in the work that you've done and the benefit to our students we have a chance here to kind of change the direction of our district and our facilities certainly that do influence learning uh for the next 20 to 30 years with a simple vote tomorrow so hopefully everyone does come out and vote their conscience and and vote in an informed way and hopefully it goes our way and thank you all for your work on that Jim does any um District have a policy in place or no I have not seen I did reach out through my organization my Association to see if there are policies there no policies but there are some districts who have adopted philosophy on it so I'm starting to gather that information so that we can start develop our own I reached out to New Jersey school board to see if they've developed policy they have not yet um but I'm sure that's something that's going to be coming welcome okay committee reports I'll just run down the Committees and you can uh tell me what has happened if anything Doug budget and finance uh we have not that again okay facilities and security John meeting yet community relations and Tech Allan uh no okay uh curriculum Annette no report okay policy and governance Barbara nothing to report okay with the exception of the second reading tonight uh I believe right we have two uh policies okay good uh let's move into the consent agenda then may I have a motion please we'll make a motion Stephie Stephanie and Claudia okay I'll start because I just had a question or two on on a couple things here uh one is under 133 finance and District operation K uh be it resolved that the Riverdale Regional School District approves a withdrawal of $162,000 for M from the maintenance reserve for numerous repairs in the district any funds remaining at completion will be returned to the maintenance Reserve which has a current balance of 869 879 before withdrawal uh I would just like to know Trudy you know uh what is e marked for this $162,000 white whiteboards in both schools being replaced new lights in the TV studio HVAC repairs um the Y the remodeling of the Y and numerous pumps including boiler pumps okay was there any reserve left right now before this withdrawals 869 so subtract out the 162 you use the whole 162 is that okay and then at the end of the year if there's anything that's left that money has to go back to um maintenance Reserve okay um there were a couple of things there were a couple of um so what I'm looking for school trips on here uh and I know one board member uh you know wrote that one of the trips look kind of like a a vacation itinerary and I had a conversation with uh Dr Alro that uh and you read somewhere maybe you can explain I think we should have some kind of report post trip from students that are on the trip as to what kind of educational there is um an international trip there are guidelines that were published many years ago um I assumed that that was already happening I didn't realize that wasn't happening but it was my expectation it's in the guidelines that after an international trip goes out that they come and they present to the board so it was my intention to make that happen I wasn't aware that it wasn't happening so does anyone remember I looked at the policy for trips and um one I did know that that was sort of a you know a soft guideline it didn't see a policy that was specific to International trips this is in there's a uh it's there's a guide book that it was put together several years back um I can give you a copy of it um but in there it says that when the trip comes back they have to make a presentation to the board so that's more from the Internal Documentation but in looking at our policy actually under trips um one of the things I was was going to mention is I think we need to have a subsection um more related to International trips because our trips are very like the the way the policy reads you know if you're going to the zoo or if you're going abroad um other than to say you know like the time frame and the you know like bringing it forward through the system um there's not a lot of there's no differentiation really and and I think that um um I mean maybe people disagree but I think there's a lot more to consider um when putting together or or um uh excuse me approving an international trip so maybe policy can look at how to put in a paragraph or two more that's more specific towards International trips what we will do my suggestion to Barbara would be um the next time we have policy which probably going to be in January I would imagine we'll have some policies coming up we include our trip policy to include that subsection um and put some language out there for the board to consider okay but it's it's it's not too late to ask for some kind of uh report oh yeah no I from going approved or have been approved the Spanish trip that we did approve I mean I do remember some presentations over the years but not I don't think it was every trip it was it was my understanding it's supposed to be every trip and that's what I was exchange always came laor always came and you know made like a little crazy yeah before Co we used to get a presentation and each child would get up and you know say his or her part you can expect that again okay so I know I I was one of the board members I don't know maybe I was the only one that had a lot of questions um about the Ireland England trip was there any explanation as to why they like why they're doing it this year and not next year um no explanation to me no as to why they wanted to do it this year as I just find I I find it very hard like it's it's a very tight timeline for parents at Christmas time to now be looking at shelling out $4,000 for their child to go to Something in March it's not a lot of planning time for such a lengthy trip of planning since it's travel and tourism and I know like I I I I express my concerns with you and Al but I'm I'm just putting it out there because at first I honestly thought it was a typo that was my first question is this really for this year because it just did not seem we've never received anything within 3 months to approve for an international trip ever so do you think they're just waiting for approval and that they're kind of just circling the airport so to speak the 20 people that so well may have it on their radar I'm going to say this if there's 20 people that they've already spoken to that have committed to it that's wrong also because you know like and we have and we have excluded trips because of the behavior that has been put forth by faculty CU they did stuff like that cuz that's not the way you go about an international trip correct and you asked that question my answer to you was that that did not happen right it didn't happen so no that that's what I'm saying like I don't think anybody cirle the wagon for this one I hope not I truly do hope not but it just to me seems like 3 months is very very very short time do you need visas for either of these countries no no just pass no um I you know I also express the same concern over the time frame and the monetary from from the standpoint of of of really like an equity that if that if somebody were interested in doing it like we're kind of handicapping people um who who who don't have this kind of funds uh you know in time frame you're you know there there's not usually that nine months to a year that nine months is is has been pretty standard I mean a lot have been a year but to to be paying this off every month which would you know or or for a student to get a job to help pay you know or any of those kind of things I I it I I don't have an issue with the content of the trip I have an issue of the time frame um of this coming for this school year as opposed to next year maybe it's something I can look at I mean in that in that those guidelines for the international trip the internal guidelines that I mentioned before perhaps there can be something in there about that it needs to be planned nine months ahead of time and after that then you can't ask for it for this year um I'll take a look at that and and bring it back to the board and and give you some suggestions the other is tight but it's also I mean this is the the England Ireland is one of the most expensive trips I've ever seen on an agenda um we we we rarely go over $4,000 I mean the expensive ones tend to be 35 36 um and so you know partnering all of that and and and and of course yes it is somebody's it is a is a parental decision a family decision to do it but I also you know have trouble putting forth something that I I think really is limiting families from doing it yeah I mean not for nothing I mean do we have a minimum that we I know that would be within their contract with right so within the contract it depended on how many chaperons they take or how many students they have and everything so I think right now I think you need to start out with I would assume 10 I would assume 10 but but that also depends on the it depends on the CH like yeah so like that that you know like that definitely plays into it but I don't know I just thought it was a hefty price tag and for somebody who has gone to those countries before I think that's a hefty price tag I will not lie that's a hefty price tag question on the request for approval it's dated October 16th but we're just seeing that now what why why is that that's when they probably when they started writing the proposal but I didn't have it until a week ago so that's what I made it to that's mistake yeah and that's part of it like sometimes there's a back and forth so that's not that's probably not that unusual that it goes through the system it was will be tight from October to you know as well the the other trip is tight too I'm trying diminish but it's it's um it's three months add it like you have and it's a different cost and it's a different housing and it's and it is uh they are actually engaged in a a learning consorti so it's a you know it's a different appeal as well um uh to the type of of you know I mean you may not even get you you may be a child that says yes I want to go ahead and I do this and your parents may say yes to it but you may not get your passport in time if you don't have a passport then why you know what I mean like there's like there's a lot of factors that I think were misstepped and your point I'm just looking at the actual parameters first of all when and if somebody could fill me in when this goes for approval is there anticipated student involvement already is this like there's the buzz already do they know that there's trips in the plans but there there's been no signups there's no signups there's no okay no and I'm just just looking just as far as application they did follow and maybe something we need to look down the future it says here at least 2 months in advance it is at least it fell within the umbrella that we you ask them to comply with I'm not I'm not discounting what you're saying as not being valid but then I think it's if we have these concerns it's something we have to maybe approach as far as readdressing policy the policy definitely needs to be concerned um the two months is really like for a day well the two months too she's saying requests for approval of out of state or overnight field tra trips this is more than out of state this is out of country right right it's not to New York but to her but it isn't her fault this was all she had to work with this was the the this was the parameter she was given well the um I'm not saying you don't have valid concerns at all I'm just saying we need to address the because she did follow the paperwork and I would agree well but one of the people involved has planned an international trip before so it it's not that there is nobody involved in the process that doesn't know what what is uh anticipated in the process um as well well we can we can leave the trip and see how it unfolds I mean we just vote as we want to vote well right know we'll leave it on the agenda and if you choose to I'm not saying take it off the AG agenda but I mean yeah but I'm just I don't ping questions and concerns did not seem like think be addressed and I plan to do that um that's all the questions I had on consent does anyone else have any other issues that they want to discuss on consent agenda before we go to vote TR okay so I'm abstaining from 9A for the October 30th meeting because I was not present and for 11a for the England to Ireland trip I'm going to say no and for everything else I'm going to say yes no no uh huh everything else you're going to say yes oh yes okay I didn't hear the yes I was I was looking at you waiting saying everything else I'm just going to okay we havep I was like come on already abstain from 9A and no for 11a okay we have that thank you Alan yes John yes to everything I'm going to abstain from the uh trip as well England trip abstain 11 a or 11 and B John uh 11 A B B so it's abstaining yes okay Annette yes Tracy Allen yes Doug yes Barbara yes Stephanie um um my I need to abstain from the I mean I can I say Didia but I need to abstain also from the October 30th um meeting 9A 9A thank you 9A October 30th I can I can acest or say yes or whatever you want me to do on November 13th um and um 11a I'm voting no 11a voting no just a not b just a not b and I'm saying yes to everything else thank you I'm saying yes okay just seemed easier at this point it wasn't going to change anything okay we have a couple of votes here outside of consent um the first vote is under 12 miscellaneous it's B it is recommended by the superintendent that the board approve the second reading of the following policies the 4,000 series 41 51.1 with an asterik uh personal illness and injury health and hardship certified staff and then 42 51.1 with an aster personal illness and injury health and hardship non-certified staff under 6000 series 61422 asri English as a second language by lingual programs does anyone in the public have any comments on either of these policies everybody on the board I have a question about the English as a second language policy did we fix the verbage in there as opposed to there's nothing to fix what I was told was that the program is ESL it continues to be ESL but we refer to the students in the program as English language Learners yeah that was brought up probably I asked it again too because I was like what I was like it was very confusing El twice and ESL twice three or four people brought that up so uh Dr Al did confirm that it is correct yeah so may I have a motion on these policies please Barbara and then Doug and Trudy when you're ready Claudia yes Alan yes John yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Doug yes barar yes Stephanie yes yes I have a second vote here uh under 13 finance and District operation letter H the Superintendent at the request of the board secretary recommends that the board accept line item transfers and the adjustments as listed in the financial report for the month's ending for the month's ending November 2023 in addition approval of transfer greater than 10% from account number 11221 do I always read this Aller stuff I don't think so accounts as you okay a lot item transfers may I have a motion please I'm Mo okay I'll second Stephanie okay um Trudy please Doug did you second Stephanie I have Stephanie down here sorry okay okay Claudia yes Alan yes John yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Doug yes Barbara yes Stephanie yeah Al yes okay uh may I have a motion to move executive uh items from the executive session and I'll read them off over to the regular agenda please motion I'll make a motion I'll have Stephanie with the motion and Doug with a second let me re we're moving the entire agenda over uh Trudy just so you know entire agenda we'll do this uh you you can include it if you want yeah let's include the addendum uh should I read it or is it let me read that after I uh cover the items that were on the executive okay uh let me find my way here excuse me one second okay the school calendar six day payout staff additional hours staff translator hours staff medical leave of absence additional work schedules staff retirement appointment of a volunteer coach leave replacement approval and there was an addendum uh is recommended by the superintendent the board resend the appointment of the following coaches for the 23 24 school year and there's an assistant uh indoor track coach Steven I FR and strength and conditioning coach winter is DJ nyus okay may I have well could I just ask you to the retirements typically we those separate when there could you just read carried over oh that's right I'm sorry it is recommended by the superintendent that the board accept with regret the resignation due to retirement of the administrative assistant Deborah hook did I pronounce that properly effect of June 30th 2024 and there's a second uh retirement it is recommended by the superintendent that the board accept with regret the resignation due to retirement of executive secretary to the superintendent uh Liz elfring effective July 31st 2024 we thank them both for their service to the riveral Regional School District and especially uh livz in Dr Al's office absolutely um I guess we're ready for a vote Trudy correct CIA yes and I wish both ladies there retirement a wonderful retirement they deserve it Alan yes John yes Annette yes Tracy Ellen yes Doug yes Barbara yes Stephanie yes Al yes this brings us to new business old Business board discussion we can lump them all together and have at it if anyone has anything to say new business old business we'll uh we can include the referendum and do a clean sweep here anyone have anything to say about the referendum could somebody call me in the morning so I could remember to vote you won't keep going I keep going I'm like wait I have to vote in the morning morning thinking about my day the polls open at 6:00 a.m. I will not be there at 6 a.m. and they close at 8 so we have all day and everybody out there and uh the River Edge and ell Community has all day to go vote and please please do it all everybody you know normal voting normal polling location yes been a few yes your usual polling location should be on your sample ballot it is on the sample ballot and so is ballot was um we needed it should have should have had an interet the sample if you read the sample ballot you don't like it makes no sense I agree I will I our question our question Yeah well yeah yeah yeah it it's yeah it's unfortunate that the board doesn't control that that's the county that gives it to us that's the way they word it and that's the way we're requireed but usually usually like when there's like other that's a like a public Bond right the public Bond there's like the interpretation we needed the interpret but I was at Cherry Hill Friday morning and that you were at Roosevelt Friday morning and I think we we both um uh got the sense that there are a lot of really well-informed people and that a lot of people you know were were then chatting with other people who were like huh and they be like oh you need to you know there were there are a lot of people that have been accessing the information that's been provided to them and going on the website and looking at the literature and and all of that and so that's really nice that people are engaging in finding out what's what's happening and um while I'm not on social media I do know that there's been conversations on social media and there are a lot of there are a lot of lay people and non board people and non-district uh Personnel who are out there um interpreting for other people who may be misinterpreting information what the correct information is um so that's been really nice to see that um that's a good sign to to see that the the community is really engaging and and hopefully that will lead to positive results for the community um tomorrow I on Friday when Ops let out I was handing out uh the trifold and uh a lot of people were like yeah yeah I know I know and uh you know one woman threatened me she goes you better make sure it passes I said that's that's not up to me I said get your friends out there but uh yeah people do know about it and and I'll tell you if they don't know about it they have to be living in a cave because I don't know what more we could have done to uh it's on the electronic billboard it's you know we have banners up I mean sign so do do we have the I know we do have the well I know you can have the ability let's put it that way but have I'd be interested when this is all over just to like look at the website for the referendum and see how much traffic it actually I was just thinking got like to just look at the statistics because because I think it's actually would be useful if we were able to drive that much traffic to see then how how we would look at either social media or our Communications with the community to drive them to you know whether it's the website or other things we do if that if it if it was successful in some way I see we can find out it's not 100% accurate because you know one person could go back five times you know like YouTube it's like watching the same video over and over again just well see I'd have to I'd have to go to my son who does this for a living but I know there's things with cookies and you can track people and know like exactly like where they went from our side to another side I don't know our cookies I don't need cookies I just publicly want to say there are certain members of the board and I guess all of being relatively new I was I was a worker B but I felt very confident when people ask questions that I was well informed to share the information um it the people who financially put this together and I was there um we all asked really wellth thought out questions um being able to tell tell others how you know fiscally responsible we were and there were always answers that you either provided as a district from the sup's office the fact that we constantly updated the FAQs on the website there were so much proactive things um that that so many of you did on the board that it was easy to um you know being proud to to be a part of something that's so important and yet so well organized and thoughtfully developed and pushed and and I know some of you were really tireless and in getting the message out and yeah I would hand out flyer but others of you were really driving us to you know and I don't want to leave anyone out but I I think some of you really were were out there pushing and and really organized I think Allan and and and Al and Dr Al brro I don't want to leave anybody out but I just felt like I learned a lot so uh it was easy to sell to those parents because I had the information that um I was a part of but it was driven by some smart finance and people have done things in the past and um I'm looking forward to a a positive outcome tomorrow we have a Wonder ful community and and they were very positive we always got positive feedbacks or really thoughtful questions and to be able to have answers to thoughtful questions there's a concept that I think we all should you know be proud of so Melissa you either of you folks 18 no I know Mr Pepe called down a last like 20 minutes of the school day today he called down most of the sen I talk I talk them and and we got good questions from them too our seniors some really good question questions um the last thing I do want to add is uh after tomorrow uh I know I have quite a few signs out if we would just all kind of collect the signs and you know put them in your trunk yeah don't be like there politicians and they sit out there for months on end uh just clean up any signs uh that you put out I mean if they're on someone's property I'm sure they'll take care of them I was out at night under the cover of Darkness leaving signs in in places that I was a little questionable about uh the towns or at least orell was very nice to leave them where where I put a lot of the signs so I will be collecting as many signs well just the darkness was enough I think but uh that's 5 o' yeah well after dinner had dinner sign but let's clean up after after Tuesday if we have signs out uh so P the elementary schools especially when they would have to do their budgets they would always put notice on their signs when it passed they would put balloons up to like just indicate to people like a thank you and to let them know that it has elect it would be really great if we had an electronic sign but we don't so I'm just saying always finds a way to get that in I know she loves whenever she can that and Humanities yes and maybe the beehives no the bees are mine bees and Humanities are mine she she give you an electronic side if you gave be yeah I would we can have a chat offline but um if there's a way that maybe you know like especially where you have the um the banners stick like cuz a lot of people a lot of people are curious and a lot of people will get information from social media but then there are some people that just really don't do social media or they do it once a day but they're still kind of curious so it would just be like C heads and we can just stick one on top of that the yay or the Nay you know right yeah but it would be nice if we could just give some indicators to where we place certain things yeah yeah and like a follow-up email or something that just says what time do the something yeah exactly 6 a f may I have oh no wait public comments do we have any did I do that do we have any public comments anybody behind the cameras have anything to say no we smile so that's good may have a motion to adjourn make that motion Claudia second second Allan all in favor I okay we have time 8:45